#for context. i rested (not even slept i was barely unconscious) for about two hours last night
the-kipsabian · 1 year
where is that one post about gif making being such an embarrassing hobby cause yeah mood
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The Arrangement pt4
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“I think we’re lost.”  “We’re not lost..” “If you give me ‘we’re misguided ‘ as a response one more time, I’m going to ‘misguide’ my foot up your arse.” You said. Aragorn pondered for a moment, debating on if he wanted to mess with you and tell you that again. “...Alright, fine, We’re lost.” He said. “Great. Give me a moment to get us back on track then.” you said, sitting down. 
Your ability to “hear and listen” to nature was stronger now. Arwen pointed that out to Aragorn the last time he found himself in Rivendell. When asked “What do you mean by stronger?” Arwen explained that when elves “listen” to nature, it is quiet and barely audible, usually requiring some form of silence to really hear. Most elves hear whispers. You, for some reason as of late, were hearing full voices. Something was making your connection to nature stronger, amplifying it. Aragorn had no idea what it was though, and that alone confused him. 
The answer was being kept from him. Two years had gone by now, since the two started traveling. One year had gone by since you came to the realization that you were in love with the man. You made a choice, one that would probably worry Aragorn if he knew. You gave up your immortality. Why this was amplifying your ability to speak to nature and listen, was odd. When elves die, they can be reborn, it’s what makes them immortal. However since you made the decision to sever such a connection, if you died, you would rejoin the earth, thus making your connection to the earth stronger. Elrond and Arwen both heavily discouraged you from your decision to do this but there was no stopping you. 
“We need to go east.” you said, getting up and walking. “Alright.” He nodded, waiting for you to take the lead. You guided him and you to the roads, finally making your way to Bree. You walked through the woods, closing your eyes and just listening. Aragorn noticed you seemed at peace, the sun shining on your beautiful skin. You were more quiet as of late. It was odd to have this sudden lack of silence during your travels. When it first started occurring, Aragorn thought he did something to make you upset. When he asked why you were so quiet, you simply told him “I have a lot on my mind. Listening to nature helps with the overthinking.” And just continued in silence. You seemed to get lost in thought more and more lately. 
It didn’t take long to make it to the Prancing Pony, a place where both of you had been so many times that the inn keeper kept a room with two beds on standby. You walked in, Barliman looking up. “Elfie!” He said excitedly. A nickname given to you by the inn keeper. At first it annoyed you, now it’s more of a endearing nickname. “Evening, Barli.” you said with a smile. Aragorn smiled at you. “The room’s already prepared.” He said to Aragorn. “Thank you.” He nodded. You handed Barliman two rabbits that you had caught and he nodded as a thank you, handing you shillings. You handed them to Aragorn seeing as you didn't find use of them, who took them with a small smile 
Aragorn and you walked into your room, you sitting by the window and fiddling with your necklace, the silver emblem having that glow. It was the only sign on you that you were royalty seeing as you never wore your circlet outside of Rivendell. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Aragorn asked, sitting across from you. You looked at him and then out the window. “Something is going on.” you said. “What do you mean?” He asked. “I keep hearing... Orcs. The trees keep talking of Orcs.” You said looking at him. “Orcs are never a good sign.” Aragorn said. “Something is happening. I don’t know what it is but there is something happening.” You said. Aragorn noticed your worried eyes. “Y/n... Do you wish to return home now? We could make it back in the morning if we leave now.” Aragorn asked. You shook your head. “No... You need your rest, I’m sure I’m just overthinking this.” you said softly. He noticed the hidden anxieties behind your eyes but nodded slowly. “Alright.” He said.
You weren’t over thinking this. It was around two in the morning when the trees kicked into full swing of trying to alert you. 
Attack. Brothers. Danger. Rivendell.
You shifted in your sleep, immediately waking Aragorn. You were so still when you slept, the room was usually silent. This was unusual for you to be moving, even slightly. He watched you, seeing your sleeping figure, still after a little bit. 
Brothers. Danger. Attack. Rivendell.
Again, those words, but a different order. What did it mean? Nature was trying to alert you, but you didn't know why. The message became clearer as you listened.
Your brothers are in danger. Attack near Rivendell. 
You bolted up with a gasp, Aragorn leaning up. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” He asked. “The orcs are on a route to Rivendell-- my brothers are in danger.” you said, a panicked look falling over you. He got up, sliding his boots on. “We will make it.” He assured. You nodded, grabbing your pack. You ran down the stairs, Aragorn running with you as you sprinted to your horses. 
You were terrified as you rode, not saying a word outside of prayer, praying to any divine being that your family was safe. You rode through the woods, listening to the trees for context.
Arwen was trying to communicate. “Nimeár- mime seler ni'm símen. “ You whispered, your voice traveling through the leaves as you rode. Aragorn rode next to you, watching your eyes. You would close them, clearly communing with nature as you rode. You rode quickly, trying to find one of your brothers on the outskirts of Rivendell. “ Which otorno? Where na- so?” You whispered. The direction of the breeze changed and you immediately got off your horse, sprinting in the direction. Aragorn followed, you finding no sign of your brothers. “Fucking hell-- where are they?” you said, panic rising in your voice. “HALT!” A voice yelled. “Who are-- Aragorn?” Elladan stopped. You let out a relieved sigh. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “Orcs are coming, where is Elrohir?” You asked. “Here!” Elrohir said, making you turn. “We made it.” you said relieved. “We need to alert father of a potential attack.” Elrohir said. “I’m not letting you go on your own.” you said. “We can’t leave the outside unguarded, what do you suggest we do?” Elladan asked. “Aragorn stay with Elladan--" "Aragorn?" Elladan asked, recognition of the name and face suddenly hitting both of your brothers. "I’ll go with Elrohir.” You said, disregarding their amazement to the man. “Y/n--” You looked at Aragorn with a pleading look. “Stay safe.” He said. 
You ran through the woods, sprinting next to your brother. “Have a good time on your trip?” Elrohir asked as you ran. “I always do.” you muttered. You looked behind you and frowned. “They’re here!” you said. An arrow whizzed past your head. “They’re dividing and conquering.”  Elrohir noticed as small groups seemed to split up. You ran through the gates, booking it to the library. “We’re under attack.” You said. Elrond put his book down and Arwen looked up. “What?” He asked. 
He will fall.
Your head turned. “Get the soldiers. NOW!” you said before running. Elrohir rallied the soldiers as they all charged, you running as fast as you could back to Elladan and Aragorn. You fought your way through orcs to see Aragorn and Elladan fighting off the creatures. Aragorn looked over, you cutting someone down next to him. “The soldiers are doing their jobs, we should try to make it back to the city.” Elladan yelled as he cut down a orc. You nodded, trying to guide the group to safety.
An arrow whizzed through the air, hitting Aragorn in the chest, along with another hitting his leg. sound drowning out. “ARAGORN!” you screamed with a terrified look. You ran to him, blocking any attacks as he fell. You removed the arrows, looking him in the eyes. He seemed to struggle to even form words in the moment. "I-I--" he coughed. "I-I'm sorry." He muttered, his vision getting hazy. He seemed almost delirious in his words. “We need to get him home Y/n, there’s nothing we can do here!” Elladan said, you whistling loudly and Elrohir rode over. “What happened?” He asked, Elladan lifting Aragorn slightly. “It- it was-- it was an arrow, it hit him-- It’s bad Elrohir.” you said. Elrohir dismounted the horse. “Take him, we will fight here.” Elrohir said. “But--” “Go!” He said. You pulled Aragorn up, him leaning against you. 
His consciousness was fading too quickly, you riding at full speed. You rode through the  square, Aragorn muttering incoherently “Stay with me Aragorn...” you whispered as you reached the medical wing. Medics rushed and Arwen ran over. “What happened?” she asked. You seemed to be in a state of shock, shaking as the medics took him, running with him on a transportable cot. She frowned, looking at the blood on your cloak and then watching medics run all over the place. “The-the men need me-- I-I should--” “Y/n, they will be fine without you.” She said softly, putting a soothing hand on your shoulder. “His face... I can’t stop thinking of his face when he was shot.” you whispered. “Y/n...” “He looked like he had seen death.” you said softly. Arwen sat you down on a bench, kneeling in front of you. “I can’t lose him Arwen-- not when he doesn’t know..” You whimpered. “Know what dear?” she asked. “That I...” you put your face in your hands and Arwen wrapped her arms around you. "What-what I've done... What I've sacrificed..." You muttered in your hands, tears falling. "What I feel." You whimpered. Arwen pulled you to her, resting her head on yours as you sobbed.
Hours went by as the soldiers returned. There was a clear victor as your brothers both found you asleep on the bench, your cloak as a blanket with your head resting on Arwen’s lap. “How is he?” Elladan asked. “It doesn’t look good.” She whispered. “He’s been unconscious for a while, they’re not sure he’ll make it through the night.” She explained. Elrohir caressed your head, closing his eyes. “She will kill herself thinking about this...” He muttered. Arwen knew that those words could be more literal now that you gave up your immortality. She and Elrond were the only ones who knew. You were exhausted when you came with Aragorn which was already a horrible sign. Elves do not feel exhaustion. If we’re being honest, they don’t need sleep and usually use it as a tool for foresight. It was most likely that your brothers assumed you were seeking answers through sleep. Arwen knew better though. You were already hurting from a broken heart.
“How are the soldiers?” Elrond asked, walking over. “They’re fine. A few injured, none dead thanks to her warning...” Elrohir assured. “And Aragorn?” He asked Arwen. She looked at you and then Elrond. “It... Does not look good.” she said. “How long has she been like this?” Elrond asked. “Two hours.” she admitted. Elrond hated seeing you in this pain, seeing you heartbroken. “...Fenrald!” He called. An elven man ran over. “Yes sire?” He asked. “Send for Legolas.” Elrond said. The man nodded, running off. “Why Legolas?” Elladan asked. “She needs her friend.” Elrond said softly, looking at your tear stained sleeping face.
More hours passed, Legolas arriving. He found you still asleep on the bench. Arwen had left you there, knowing damn well you wouldn’t move from the closest available location to Aragorn. Legolas kneeled, tapping you gently. Your eyes slowly opened and you leaned up. “Legolas?” You asked. “Your father said you needed me.” He said. You hugged his neck and something just... It broke you. Legolas held you close, rubbing your back in a soothing manner. “I-I failed him Legolas-- If he dies I--” “Y/n, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Legolas said. “I-If I hadn’t been so persistent to-to come back, he would be fine” You whimpered. “and how many soldiers would’ve died had you not come back to warn them?” He asked. You nodded sadly, understanding he was right. “I still failed him.” you said. “No, you didn’t--” “My one job when I am with him is to keep him safe, I failed him.” You said. Legolas knew there was no fighting you on this.
“Have you eaten?” He asked. You shook your head. “Drank anything?” He asked. Again, you shook your head. “How much of a struggle are you going to put up if I move you?” Legolas asked. “A very large one.” you replied, wiping your eyes. Legolas sighed but nodded. “I’ll get us some food.” He said, walking away. You got up, noticing the open door. You walked through, seeing him. He was unconscious, his face so peaceful, his breaths barely audible. You pulled up a chair next to his bed, holding his hand. It was calloused, very rough but you didn’t mind. In fact you found comfort with it. 
“ Please Aragorn. Termáre- as me, termáre- coile. (Please Aragorn... Stay with me, stay alive)” You whispered. “ Ni pole-'t lose tye. Vamme sí.(I cannot lost you. Not now.)” You sobbed. 
Please. Stay with me.
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hearteyesemergency · 4 years
The Day In Which Buck Receives Nothing But Pictures From The Diaz Boy’s
Request: I know the prompt 153 ("stop sending me weird pictures") means something else. But I couldn't help but think Chris stole Eddie's phone and it's sending Buck all types of weird pictures. Maybe ones that were already on his phone, maybe his taking new pics himself. Eddie doesn't know, and thinks he lost his phone or something. Buck doesn't know either and this is actually Eddie who sends him the pics.
A/N: When I tell you I damn near screamed at Chris texting Buck from Eddie’s phone without his knowledge... this was the best request ever, thank you so much! I really hope you enjoy this. It didn’t get long enough when I just did Chris sending photos, so I added a little segment at the end of Eddie sending photos too, a little nsfw. And also a few point of view changes in this one as well.
Summary: Eddie thinks he’s lost his phone, Buck has been receiving really weird photo’s from him all day. Something doesn’t add up, and there’s one cheeky little human to blame for it. Later, Buck decides he’s going to send his own interesting photo’s to Eddie, and Eddie might just send them back.
Warnings: Mild sexual themes.
Buck pulled his arm out of the warmth of his covers, and reached over to where his phone had buzzed three times against the side table. He groaned as the cool air hit his bare skin, and quickly retracted it, phone in tow.
He frowned when the screen lit up again. A little picture box was joined to the text notification, but he couldn’t quite make out what it was. He took notice of the contact being Eddie before he unlocked the phone and took a closer look.
The first picture was of a seatbelt, the next a blurry picture out of a car window, another almost too blurry to make out, but Buck was sure it was of shoes. He figured maybe Eddie hadn’t noticed his phone was unlocked, and he had accidentally texted him a few times.
When no more notifications came through, he figured Eddie had realised and locked his phone, and Buck decided to try his best and go back to sleep. He still had a couple of hours before Maddie’s check up that he insisted on accompanying her to. Buck hadn’t slept much since he‘d been back at work, so he thought he best take this opportunity to catch up.
A few hours went by before Buck got another text message. This picture was of a rack full of school bags, and the man frowned. It was unlike Eddie to have his phone out on a job, but that was the furthest thing from his mind. All Buck could think was god he hoped that no children were in danger wherever Eddie was. The worst jobs were always the ones with kids.
The next message he received a half hour later while in a consult with Maddie, and he couldn’t help but smile. A hand printed in paint on a piece of paper, drawn around like a flower. Buck wasn’t too sure what game Eddie was playing with him today, but he had to admit, he kind of liked it. In a way, it made Buck feel like he was right there with him. And if there was anything in the world Buck hated, it was being away from work, and being away from Eddie.
As the day went on, Buck got more and more photo’s. One of a sandwich, one of a middle aged woman he’d never met before. There was a play ground, a library, a basketball court. He decided not to ask his best friend about it now, he’d call him when Eddie’s shift would be over, in the meantime, he thought he’d send him a teasing text.
He hoped Eddie would read the lightheartedness, but just to be sure, he added an emoji.
‘Stop sending me weird pictures 😏’
Eddie had damn near turned his locker upside down looking for his phone. He knew he had taken it in the car with them this morning when he left home, but he hadn’t been able to find it since.
Maybe he had left it at his Abuela’s, he thought, but it was so unlike him to go anywhere without it. What if Chris needed him? Eddie pushed the thought that brought panic with it down, and slammed his locker closed. Maybe one of the other 118 firefighters had accidentally picked it up.
He ascended the stairs up to the dining area three at a time. His hands had started to sweat a little, and he was panicky. He certainly couldn’t afford a new phone, and he couldn’t go without one in case his son needed him. He had to find it.
“Has anyone seen my phone anywhere?”
“No, why?” Hen asked,
“Did you lose it?” Cap assumed,
“I can’t find it anywhere, maybe it’s under the seat of my truck-“
Eddie was cut off by the sound of the alarm, and forgot about his cell completely as he and the team raced to put on their gear. He’d have to check underneath the seats later.
By the evening, Eddie still couldn’t find where his phone had gone. When he had picked up Chris, all safe and sound, he tried to retrace all of their morning steps, but with no luck. He didn’t want to be lectured, so he had tried to do so as subtly as possible.
He hoped that Buck would be home, and that he was okay with visitors, because they were coming over whether he liked it or not. Chris needed some Buck time today, and honestly, so did Eddie. Eddie made a mental note to memorise Buck’s number later, in case there was ever a next time. In the meantime, he hoped Buck would have an old phone he could borrow.
The smile on Buck’s face when he opened the door to them put Eddie a little at ease. Chris flew right into his arms, and Eddie may as well have done the same right afterward. Buck seemed a little taken back, though hugged Eddie anyway, comfort still breaking through the confusion. Buck was warm, and Eddie really didn’t want to let go.
“Hey, guys! Wasn’t expecting you,”
“Sorry,” Eddie apologised as he pulled out of Buck’s arms, “just thought it’d be nice to spend some time with our Buck,”
“Always... Did you not go to work today?” Buck asked,
“Of course I did. Why?”
“You were sending me pictures all day,”
“No, I wasn’t, I can’t even find my phone- Wait, pictures of what? What if someone stole it?”
Eddie was back in the man’s personal space as Buck fished his phone out, and scrolled right back up to the first photo before he let Eddie have a close look. He scrolled quickly, and then slowly, before he paused, head shot in the direction of his son.
“Chris, did you take my phone today?”
“Why?” Eddie demanded, “I’ve been looking for it all day, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh, sorry, Dad. I didn’t know,”
“Wait, then why were you sending me pictures all day?” Buck wondered, as they made their way over to Chris,
“You said one day you wanted to take me to school, but you never had time because you were always at work with Dad. So I thought I would show you.”
Buck’s heart melted out on the floor beneath him. This kid had the biggest heart in the world. Though Eddie had started to lightly scold Christopher again, telling him that next time he should just let Eddie know that’s what he’s doing, Buck pulled him into a tight hug.
He heard Eddie sigh behind them, and knew that he had let all his anger go surrounding the situation. Buck hugged the little boy a little tighter before he picked him up, and sandwiched him between himself and Eddie. Chris laughed, and Eddie hugged back, trapping his son between their bodies.
The rest of the night went by much like that. Lots of laughing, nonstop smiles, piled together on the couch with video games and funny YouTube videos. Buck was on cloud nine, these were the nights that he lived for, and he hated the late hours when he had to say goodbye.
Buck’s phone buzzed a few minutes after the Diaz boys left, and he smiled when he noticed a text from Eddie’s number. He opened it to find a selfie the two boys had just taken pulling crazy faces. He laughed, and before he had really thought about his words, sent back a text.
‘I love it. Awesome selfie, miss you guys already. Drive safe, I love you’
With the little woosh sound of a sent text message, Buck’s stomach sank. Fuck, not only had he just used the word love in the context of Chis and Eddie, but he’d done so twice. He hoped Eddie wouldn’t notice, or if he did, that he wouldn’t bring it up.
He panicked for a few minutes before his phone buzzed again. He took a deep breath to calm himself, then unlocked it with only one eye open. He was met with another selfie, this one darker than the other. It looked like Eddie was stopped at a red light, both boys eyes toward the camera, blowing Buck a kiss.
He chuckled, and the tension melted out of his shoulders.
‘We love you too, Buck’
He may have hugged his phone to his chest after that and smiled like an idiot for an hour, but if you asked him, he’d deny it.
Eddie put Chris right to bed when they arrived home, and promised that he would ask Bobby if he and Buck could have a morning off to take Buck and show him around Chris’ school. Probably not the best thing to promise an over-excitable kid right before bedtime, but Eddie got through it, and eventually managed to relax him into unconsciousness.
He couldn’t help but look back on the day now and laugh. It wasn’t funny at the time, but honestly his son had a heart of gold- Eddie wondered where he got it from, it was far too big for one person. All Eddie wanted to do was protect him, and he was so grateful that Buck had taken Christopher’s attachment to him so well and seriously.
At the thought of Buck, he retrieved his phone off the kitchen bench, and thought for five minutes before he even had the start of a text message to Buck. He typed and backspaced nearly thirty times before he just left it at ‘hey.’
He was nervous as he waited for a reply. He wasn’t sure why, probably because he had absolutely no reason to speak to Buck, yet here he was, fishing for a conversation.
‘Buck: Hey... No weird photo’s this time? 😉’
‘None. Promise’
‘Buck: Too bad’
Eddie’s stomach did a flip. What did that mean? What was he supposed to send to Buck, was there some kind of game between them now that he had missed? He twiddled his thumbs above the screen as he thought, did he have a photo he could send? What did Buck expect?
Eddie was drawn out of his brain when a photo popped up on his screen, and he enlarged it instantly. It was of Buck, a selfie, he was half sprawled across the couch, shirt pulled half way up, abs on full display. He had pulled a face, but Eddie wasn’t focused on that in the least.
This was a very specific photo. He could’ve just sent a stupid face, a remake of a photo Eddie and Chris sent earlier, but no. Buck had gone to the effort of getting half his body in the shot, and it wasn’t a coincidence.
Eddie wasn’t sure how he was supposed to reply, with another photo he assumed, but what if they weren’t thinking on the same wavelength. What if he took Buck’s selfie way out of context?
After a few minutes of contemplation, Eddie decided to just go for it, and take a shirtless photo in the bathroom mirror. At least if he’s read the situation wrong, he could brush it off as a joke, like he was just proving his abs were better than Buck’s- and they definitely were.
He stripped his shirt off as he made his way into the bathroom. He focused way too hard on the pose and the lighting, but eventually he forced himself to hit send before he obsessed over it any longer. It was Buck, not a model recruitment agency.
Eddie threw his phone across the bed as he kicked out of his jeans and tossed them aside with his shirt. He stretched, trying to dissolve some of the tension he felt in his shoulders. He couldn’t check his messages fast enough when his phone buzzed, near tripping over his own feet as he searched for it.
He opened the text up and flushed red. Buck was shirtless now too, off the couch and in bed, his sweatpants far too low on his hips, showing off enough skin to make Eddie’s cheeks burn. If they were any lower Eddie would’ve seen his- the thought sent a shiver through him. Now he had to find a way to one up Buck.
He wasn’t sure he was ready to go all in with this, but he didn’t have anywhere else to go photo-wise before he wasn’t wearing any clothing at all. Eddie settled in the end on a video, from collarbones to the waist band on his jocks, sat slightly higher than Buck’s had been. He really tried to catch the definition of his muscles in the low light. He had noticed Buck seemed to be very intrigued by those when they worked out.
Eddie had gotten far more into whatever this was than he had expected. He found himself waiting uncomfortably for whatever Buck would send next. When his Snapchat notification came through instead of a text, Eddie was pretty sure what he was about to be met with. Yet still, when he opened the video he felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs, and a pit of fire started in his stomach.
Buck didn’t know how to start a conversation with Eddie as they stood in the kitchen area together. After last night, he wasn’t sure what they were, or how into it Eddie was. The only thing he was really sure of was that Horny Buck didn’t deserve rights. He put present Buck in a very uncomfortable position, and he wasn’t good with awkward.
“So... we should maybe talk about last night,” Buck suggested,
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded, “yeah, I guess we should,”
“It was nice, right?”
“Not sure they’re the words I’d use,” Eddie admitted,
“What words would you use?”
Eddie blushed.
Buck wasn’t sure if that settled the panic in his stomach, or set it off. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up, maybe it was just a one time thing for Eddie. Just a spur of the moment, go along with the game Buck started because he didn’t want to be rude, thing.
“We didn’t really think about the consequences of this last night, did we?”
Buck shook his head, “no, we didn’t,”
“Yet now that’s all I can think about... well... not all, but...”
Buck finally looked to Eddie at his side. Did that mean? No, maybe, who knew anymore, he just needed Eddie to say something.
“Alright then I’ll talk, but if this gets weird, it’s all on you,” Eddie pointed an accusatory finger at Buck, “what we did last night... I really liked it,”
Buck let go of the breath he’d held, and slipped into a smile, “yeah... yeah, me too,”
“And I wouldn’t be mad if it happened again,” Eddie admitted,
“Me either... or you know, like... in person,” Buck toed at the ground.
The air between them was silent for a moment, and then he felt Eddie take a step closer, hip pressed to hip. Buck dared a look up, and was instantly met with Eddie’s eyes on his. The air was thick between them now, and Buck wasn’t too sure what to do with it. He knew what the old Buck would do, but he wouldn’t risk ruining whatever this was.
Eddie stepped into him, bodies briefly pressed together as Eddie placed a light kiss on Buck’s lips and then backed off.
“Really? That’s it?” Buck looked at him,
“We’re at work, what else do you want me to do?”
“You really wanna know?”
“Buck,” Eddie scolded, “later.”
Eddie started to walk away after that, and Buck called out to him. Later, what did that mean? What was this now? Buck would have to wait an agonising few hours before he could find out, but he sure wasn’t disappointed when he did.
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit Part Two
A/N: Here we go my dudes! I set myself a goal to get this out and posted by the 4th of July, so 2 days later isn’t too bad! Australia is amazing and I’m having a blast, but I’m still sorry this took a little long to get out to y’all! I might make a few more in this series, but as of right now this is the end of Forbidden Fruit! Thanks so much for reading and loving it, remember to reblog and comment, they genuinely make my whole day when I read them! Disclaimer: I do not own Lady Chatterly’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence Word Count: 7.2k  Pairing: 1998!Brian May x Younger Reader Summary: The 4th of July has come to Windlesham, and Y/N is ready and fed up with Brian’s teasing. Willing to risk it all, the two mismatched lovers spend the day making their own fireworks while trying to avoid being caught. Warnings: Infidelity, Age Gap, 18+, Unsafe Use of Kitchen Furniture, Don’t Fuck Beside Food Plz, Definite FDA Violations
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Brian had never seen as sight more beautiful that the one in front of him when he walked out of the patio door the next morning. Y/N was sat in the porch swing, a red sundress covering the body he’d spent the whole night dreaming of. Her hair was still a little damp from the shower he’d heard her take a few hours earlier.   She was like him in that respect, last one to bed and first one to wake.   The older man didn’t know if it was a normal occurrence, Y/N staying up until  4am, only to wake at 6:30, but he hoped that it wasn’t. Not because he was concerned for her health, which he was, but for much more selfish and indulgent reason.   He hoped, desperately; almost pathetically, that Y/N had been kept awake with thoughts of him, just like he had been kept awake by thoughts of her.   But not even in his wildest, most realistic dreams from the night before did the young woman look this beautiful.   The sun hadn’t bene up for very long, only an hour tops, but the orange light was directly behind Y/N, casting her in an ethereal, seemingly heavenly light.   Her arm was bent at the elbow, clenched fist supporting her head which was buried in a book. Her legs were also bent up beside her in the swing, tucked nicely under the fabric of her sundress.   She just looked comfortable, relaxed.
Brian stood in the doorway, simply watching, no, admiring, the young woman in front of him. She looked so innocent, so much her age, no evidence of the actions from the night before present on her. If anyone outside of Brian had seen Y/N that morning, they’d just think that she was a beautiful, relaxed young woman...not the sexual temptress and goddess that Brian knew her to be.   Y/N could feel Brian’s eyes on her, had been able to feel them since he had come out of the damn house and onto the patio. She didn’t want him to know that she knew he was watching her, she wanted to see how long it was going to take him to make a move. Brushing a damp strand of hair from her shoulder, Y/N sighs a little, adjusting herself so her legs are flat out in the swing, her dress riding up until it’s barely covering her thighs.   She smiles a little into her hand when she hears Brian’s little intake of breath followed by the patio creaking a little under his feet as he makes his way to her. Only when he is standing directly in front of her does she tear her eyes away from her book, wide smile in her face as she takes in his appearance.   He was dressed very similarly to how he’d looked the night before, black athletic shorts paired with a tank top of the same color.
“Good morning Mr. May, how did you sleep?” She knew exactly how he’d slept, she could hear him tossing and turning all night, much like she had. God, she just couldn’t get the image of him jerking off, his face buried in her panties, out of her head. Even if she couldn’t see it happening, she knew exactly what had happened when he’d come back down to the pool 20 minutes after she had left him, hair wet, dressed in pajama pants and a Bart Simpson t-shirt that looked vaguely familiar. The two hadn’t said another word to one another the rest of the night, Y/N electing to spend some time with Louisa and Emily, Brian locking himself in his studio, neither one wanting to risk a fumble in front of Anita or the kids. Brian laughs, moving her legs onto his lap as he takes the seat beside her, hazel eyes warm and gentle. “Morning love, would’ve slept better if you were beside me.” He leans over, pressing a kiss to her neck, his dark curls tickling the delicate skin.
Y/N almost drops her book at his actions, shock coursing through her body, mingling with excitement and arousal, creating a cocktail of moisture in between her legs.   Sucking in a deep shuddering breath, just trying to steady herself, Y/N laughs gently, moving her head backwards to lay against the back of the swing, giving Brian permission to continue his ministrations. “Then why didn’t you come crawl into bed with me?” She knows its cheeky, a little bratty, and its just what Brian needed to hear based on the sigh he releases against her neck, arm moving to rest behind her, pulling her closer to him.
Picking up his head just a little, he brushes a bit of hair from her shoulder, smiling at the book in her hands.
“Read to me, if you don’t mind”
Brian’s words are as soft and gentle as his eyes, making Y/N blush harder than she had the night before. There was just something so intimate about the way he was sitting with her, arm loose around her shoulder, head nearly leaning against her’s. She couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his eagerness, her heart fluttering like the hummingbird that had been keeping her company all morning.
“Are you sure? You might find this kind of book a little boring.” She’s teasing, knowing that the paragraph she was about to start reading was anything but boring.
His laugh mingles perfectly with the calls of a morning bird, making Y/N’s blush deepen as he places a delicate kiss to her shoulder blade, voice warm and teasing when he speaks. “If I’m not mistaken, this little book was banned for obscenity and indecency for 30 years darling…” His lips are suddenly less sweet, harder, needier… “So I sincerely doubt that this is going to be a boring read..”
He smirks into her neck, his own heart beating like a bat in a birdcage “Besides… if it means I get to hear your voice, I could listen to you read a phone book Y/N.” The way he says her name, barely a whisper, more of a plea to hear her voice than anything else. She blushes hard under his gaze and the feel of his lips on her skin, stammering a bit as she begins to read.
“His body was urgent against her, and she didn’t have the heart anymore to fight…” Her voice hitches in her throat, Brian’s teeth had decided to make an appearance as she started to read. “She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up…” Brian’s hand inched its way from her knee upwards, grazing the delicate skin of her inner thigh.
“B-Brian, what are you…” Y/N trails off, voice breathless, eyes glassy with arousal. It’s not like she didn’t want this, god did she want it, but they were on his back porch, and his wife and kids, including her goddamn best friend, could just waltz out at any fucking moment… and she was pretty positive that seeing his father with his hands up his best friend’s skirt wouldn’t have the most positive impact on Jimmy. Brian chuckles into her neck, his calloused fingers dangerously close to her naked core… fuck, she really should’ve worn panties.
“I’m going to make you regret what you did last night baby girl… making me cum twice in less than 10 minutes.. giving me your soiled panties to sniff like a dirty fucking slut…” His voice is so calm, steady, and had it not been for the context of his words, Y/N would’ve thought that he was just asking what she wanted for breakfast.
“If you stop reading one more time, I’m not going to let you cum honey.. got it?” For a threat, it was whispered awfully soft and kind, but Y/N understood perfectly and just nodded her head, chest heaving, legs spreading involuntarily.
Her voice is shaky as she continues to read. “She had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes…” Brian’s fingers are extremely close to her dripping core now, gently running along the crease of her inner thigh. It takes everything in her body, every single ounce of self-control and restraint in her body to keep her from ceasing her reading.
“He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her.” Brian moans at the words that Y/N was reading, how soft and weak her voice was. Fuck, she was the epitome of an angel, a creature sent to earth to bring good will to man, and based on the way his cock was training against his shorts, begging to be touched by the soft skin of Y/N’s hands.
“Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity.” Y/N squeezes her eyes shut right when Brian’s fingers finally slip inside of her sopping wet cunt, the noise obscene and completely out of place against the soft morning glow that was cast against the two. She keeps reading though, the threat of Brian not letting her cum prevalent and weighing heavily in the back of her mind.
“This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit and she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone.” Brian can’t help but let out a hard moan against Y/N’s neck, sucking the area behind her ear as hard as he possibly could, almost as hard as her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. She felt like heaven on a Saturday morning, tight, wet, insanely hot, and unlike anything he’d ever experienced in his 51 years of living. Her legs were completely spread wide, cunt on display for the whole world to see if they so pleased. Brian had to resist the insatiable urge to drop to his knees in front of the swing and suck the juices that were running down his hand straight from the source… but he knew he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t risk Anita or any of the kids running downstairs and seeing him eating Y/N’s young right pussy.. no, he had to be smart, disciplined..
“Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea anenome under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make fulfillment for her.” Much like Lady Chatterly herself, Y/N was close, so desperately close to cumming around Brian’s fingers, her walls clenching him like a vice, desperate to be pushed over the precipice. Yet, she never stopped reading, even when Brian’s fingers sped up, free hand moving to grope her breast through her dress, and his teeth began to nip at her jugular, she persisted.
“She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling til it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, til she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cri-” She clenched tight around his fingers, book falling to the ground as her arms reached over involuntarily, wrapping themselves tight around Brian’s shoulders, mouth wide no noise escaping her throat despite the obvious throws of pleasure she was experiencing. She knew it was cliche, to say that she saw stars, that she felt her entire body constrict into itself… but she did, his fingers were still inside of her, pressing hard into her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure. Brian’s lips halted their harsh assault on the young woman’s neck, instead opting to place gentle kisses to the area, not wanting to overstimulate her too much. He couldn’t remove his fingers from inside of her if he wanted to, her muscles still clenching him tight as her upper body went limp, her head dropping to his chest, mouth open and heaving heavy sighs against his exposed armpit.
“B-Brian.. I..” Before she could even get a word in, the sound of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen caused the two lovers to spring apart, Brian’s fingers slipping from Y/N’s cunt so fast it made her head spin. By the grace of whatever deity was looking down on them, Y/N somehow managed to fix her skirt, grab the book, and look semi presentable by the time the door opened and Emily darted out, wide smile on her face.
“Dad! Y/N! Anita wants to know what you want for breakfast.” They both breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Emily, because had it been any other member of the May family, the flushed faces, heaving chests, and general disheveled appearance of Y/N and Brian would’ve given them away. Brian just smiles, hiding his glistening hand behind Y/N’s shoulders.
“Whatever she’s making would be lovely honey, just go tell her to make sure to cut Y/N up some of that cantaloupe we bought yesterday!” Emily giggles and nods, running back inside to yell her father’s words at his girlfriend. Y/N lets out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in as soon as the door closes, dropping her book back against the patio as Brian lets out a loud rumbling laugh. She jolts at the sound before joining him, completely dumbfounded that what had just happened actually happened..
“Mr. May, I swear to god, we’re going to get caught if you’re not careful…” Her eyes are wide, full of mischief and excitement.. she loved this, the whole forbidden nature of their relationship, or whatever they could call it. The risk that they were taking was a big one, and the fear of getting caught was only making her want it more. Brian just laughs, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips, hands moving to cup her cheeks. He winces a little when he realizes that his fingers are still wet with her cum, frantically pulling them away from her to try and wipe them on his shorts. “Shit, I’m sorry love, you probably don’t want that o-”
His words are cut short when Y/N reaches forward with lightning quick reflexes and grabs his wrist, pulling his soiled fingers into her mouth where she licks every single drop of herself from him, eyes never leaving his. Brian almost cums right there, watching this beautiful young woman do something that he hadn’t seen done in 30 years. He lets out a little whimper, making the young woman smile when she grazes her teeth over the long digits as she moves to stand, her free hand reaching into Brian’s shorts, squeezing his cock before turning her back and walking towards the patio door, pausing for a second to send him a teasing wink.
“Be a good boy today Mr. May…”
Breakfast passes relatively without incident, save for Y/N purposefully dropping a grape down her sundress, her eyes never leaving Brian’s as she pulled it from her bra, popping it into her mouth, allowing her fingers to run over her bottom lip as she pulled them from her mouth.   Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat, cock standing straight up in his shorts, the mesh fabric not exactly helping to keep his issue inconspicuous.   It isn’t long after she takes the final bite of her cantalope that Y/N stands from her seat, smile on her face as she darts her eyes between every member of the family before landing firmly on Brian’s, mischief playing in them as she spots his crossed legs, a feeling of pride blossoming in her chest. “I’m going to go ahead and get the grill started if that’s okay Mr. May, wanna make sure that its nice and hot by the time we decide to lay everything down.” Her tone is light and polite, and to everyone else at the table might’ve seen like the innocent declaration of a young woman who just wanted to help out.   However, Brian knew exactly what she wanted, could see the unspoken request in her eyes as she played with the delicate rings on her fingers. He was about to offer to come and help her, to make the excuse that he just didn’t want her to get burnt, until Emily shot out of her seat, latching herself to the older girl’s side, begging her to show her how to light the grill properly. Y//N tried to hide the disappointment on her face at the interruption, but she just slaps on a smile and wraps her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. “Just promise you won’t stand too close to the fire okay? We don’t need you losing any eyebrows before school starts back.” Emily laughs and nods enthusiastically, pulling Y/N towards the door, not even giving her an opportunity to look back at Brian.   The sight is one that makes him smile and laugh a little, Y/N was as kind and giving as she was h gorgeous, always giving his youngest daughter as much attention as she did his oldest. Jimmy laughed at the two, popping a strawberry in his mouth as he turned to his dad, eyebrows furrowing at the fond look on his face. He had noticed the way his best friend and dad interacted the afternoon before, the way his dad’s hands just couldn’t seem to leave Y’N’s waist after he pulled her from the pool, how they lingered on her back during dinner, how her eyes never left his during breakfast... hell, he would’ve been a complete dumbass if he hadn’t noticed the bright red flushed cheeks that adorned their faces when they returned from the patio that morning. The oldest May child knew that something wasn’t right, that something was going on between Brian and Y/N, but he trusted his best friend and his father, trusted them not to do something TOO scandalous.   He wasn’t a naive idiot, he knew how his dad was, he knew about his proclivities, about his lifestyle. However, he also knew that Y/N wasn’t some lovestruck groupie. His best friend was smart, had a good head on her shoulders, and wouldn’t do anything that would potentially hurt herself or her friends and family. So, Jimmy keeps his mouth shut, munching on his breakfast as his dad clears his throat and pushes himself from the table.   “I’m gonna go write up some emails before we start cooking.” Meanwhile, outside, Y/N and Emily were having the time of their lives lighting the grill. Anita, Louisa and Jimmy had joined them a few minutes after they’d first exited the house.   Emily was currently brandishing the starter fluid, soaking the charcoal while Y/N laughed and held the matches tight to her chest. “Alright pyro, keep that up and we’re gonna blow the hot dogs into the stratosphere. The five of them stay outside for a bit longer, Y/N getting more and more restless with every second that passes. After a while, the young woman stands and announces that she’s going to head inside and start working on the ice cream, adamantly refusing any help, citing that it is a “secret family recipe”.   The three May kids and Anita laugh at her antics, and wave her off, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief as she heads into the house. Making a bee line for the freezer, Y/N removes the bag of ice, cream, and milk before lying it all on the counter, dragging the machine she’d brought with her from York onto the counter beside the ingredients. Plugging in the machine, she pours all of the necessary items into the mixing cylinder, emptying the ice bag into the bucket before furrowing her brows, trying to find the rock salt that Jimmy had brought with them. Upstairs, Brian was actually genuinely trying to type up emails, however, his brain just wouldn’t allow him a moments peace, constantly showing him images of Y/N’s lust wracked body, writhing underneath him as he pounds into her tight young pussy, the noises obscene... He pushes his glasses off of his face, rubbing his hands over his eyes as he sighs.   Just as he was about to say “fuck it” and pull out his already half hard cock, he hears a commotion in the kitchen and smiles.   If lady luck was on his side, it would be Y/N standing in there, red sundress straps teasingly falling off of her shoulders. Pushing himself from his chair, he heads out of his office, which was conveniently located a few doors down from the kitchen, and rests his shoulder against the doorframe, cock hardening at the sight in front of him. Y/N was bent over looking in the cabinet beside oven, a noise of triumph falling from her lips as she spots the rock salt container, reaching forward to take it. Brian seizes his opportunity, moving forward before he can stop himself, arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her up into a standing position, his cock rubbing into her ass.   The young woman lets out a small gasp of shock before it dissolves into one of pleasure when she realizes what was going on. “Mr. May, I-” She doesn’t even get to finish her sentence before his lips are on her neck, cock thrusting hard against her ass.   “No love, no talking, not after that little show at breakfast this morning.” His voice is low, dangerous, and teasing.   “Dropping grapes in your top, licking your spoon...made me get a fucking hard on right there at the table.” She lets out a breathy chuckle, proud of herself for having such an impact on him, but Brian didn’t find it funny at all. Moving his hand upwards, he grasps her throat tight, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to get her attention. “You think that’s funny do you love? Think its funny that you almost made me cum in my pants in front of Anita and the kids? God, you’re such a dirty little slut Y/N, and I’m gonna fuck you so  hard today...gonna make you regret your little cheekiness..” Giving his hips one last thrust against her ass, Brian places a gentle kiss to her neck and unravels himself from her, just in time for Jimmy to come barreling through the door asking for the shrimp and veggie burgers. The grilling of the food took no time at all, with Anita, Louisa, Emily and Y/N staying inside the whole time fixing greek salad, potato salad, baked beans, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and so much more. Before long, everyone is sat at the table, bellies full, plates empty, wide smiles on their faces. Y/N and Jimmy were joking around about one of the archaeology professors and trying to convince Louisa to go to York so they can get a better flat.   This goes on for a good hour and a half before Brian gets tired of waiting and decides to move things along a little bit. Smirking, he slides off his flip flop and moves his foot under the table to rub against Y/N’s calf, causing her to choke a little on her Rekorderlig. Jimmy claps her on the back a few times, laughing out something about her having one too many.   Y/N just laughs lightly, eyes meeting Brian’s in a kind of challenge which only causes his smirk to deepen and hands to grip the sides of his chair a little hard.   Darting his eyes from Y/N’s to the kitchen window, he smiles widely when she nods and stands.  “Ice cream should be done by now.” Her voice was light, not at all betraying the anxiety inside her as she stood up, hands brushing off the crumbs from her sundress. “Oh, I’ll give you a hand l-“ Anita didn’t even get the words out of her mouth before Brian had risen from his chair, a small smile on his face as he made his way over to Anita, pressing his hands into her shoulders gently, keeping her in her seat.  “You’ve helped make every single thing on this table today, let me give Y/N a hand.” The younger woman had to physically stop herself from moaning out loud, bringing her thumb to her mouth and biting down just enough to cause her enough pain to keep her body from reacting outwardly to the way her internal organs were physically dissolving into a mushy mess.   Instead, she smiles, an innocent wide eyed look overtaking her face as she gazed over at Brian, her hands clasped in front of her. “Oh, Mr. May, you don’t have to...”   Brian just smiles at her, walking around the table, standing beside her before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re our guest, and you’ve lugged a 30 pound contraption from York to Surrey, just to make us ice cream Y/N. The least I can do is help you scoop it out into bowls.” He hopes it’s not obvious to the others, the way his eyes are burning with lust, the way his adam’s apple is bobbing up and down as he attempts to swallow back the moan threatening to escape at the bead of sweat running down the valley of her breasts. And while it might not be obvious to the rest of the May family, Y/N was all too familiar with the look that Brian was giving her. It was a look which caused heat to pool between her legs and wetness to coat her inner thighs, one that made her let out a shaky chuckle before heading towards the door, wanting to get away from Anita and the kids before she pushed him to the ground and rode him in front of them. Brian caught on to her not so subtle signal, and immediately followed after, holding the door open for the young woman, hand lingering on the lock for a split second before he decides not to go for it... he would just have to be careful.   Y/N immediately goes over to the ice cream machine, her bottom lip pulled tightly into her mouth, teeth digging into the plump skin. She was trying desperately to not smile or moan out in anticipation, only wanting Brian to come over and fuck her like her life depended on it. She was trying to distract herself, not wanting to seem too overly eager, like he had been. Y/N wanted Brian to come to HER to show HER how badly he wanted her, and she didn’t have to wait long. As soon as she pulled out a bowl from the cabinet, Brian’s hands were on her hips, pulling her hard against his chest, his cock digging into her backside. It was so much like what had happened a few hours earlier, but now... now the two were going to fuck and be fucked, come hell or high water. Neither one of them had enough self restraint and care to even think about what would happen if someone walked in on them, the scandal that would ensue. They only cared about one thing, and one thing alone. Brian’s cock, sliding hard and fast into Y/N’s hot cunt.   “M-Mr. May! P-please, I need your cock.. Please..” She didn’t usually beg, didn’t class herself as someone who would EVER beg, however, in this moment, the man she’d been lusting over for years standing behind her, cock hard and throbbing against her backside while his entire family sat a mere 10 feet away behind a door...she was willing to get on her goddamn hands and knees and kiss his feet if that’s what it took. Brian lets out a whimper in response to Y/N’s begging, and the way her ass was grinding into him. He’d wanted this since he’d pulled her out of the pool the day before, wanted to have her in his arms like this, completely at his mercy. Bending his head just slightly, Brian latches his lips to her neck, biting, kissing, sucking, doing absolutely anything he can to leave marks and claim her as his. Because that’s what he wanted, he wanted this young, gorgeous, intelligent, incredible young woman to be his and his alone.   Consequences be damned, he’d never felt so much unbridled desire to be with someone before in his life, and he was going to do whatever it takes to make sure Y/N stayed with him.   “We don’t have a lot of time, certainly not enough time for me to do all the things I want to you..” He trails off, his heart leaping a little when she leans back and rests her head on his shoulder, her own lips moving to the delicate skin of his neck.   “B-but I need to fuck you Y/N. I need to feel your right cunt pulsing around my cock. Fuck honey, I need this like I need fucking air, and I want to make you f-feel so good.” His words go straight to Y/N’s cunt, causing her to let out a little moan against his neck. “Then fuck me Brian, fill me up with your cum baby, wanna feel it filling me up.” She had never allowed a man to cum inside of her before, but at this point she didn’t fucking care.   “Fuck honey, you can’t tell me things like that...” Bringing his shaky hands to the hem of her dress, Brian pushes it up around her waist, groaning loudly when he sees her bare ass. “No panties? Did you plan this honey? Did you fantasize about me bending you over against this counter,” To drive in his words, he presses her against the countertop, pushing her face into the cool marble. “Pushing my cock inside your tight young cunt while my children and partner sit outside and eat the food that we made especially for you..” While talking, he’s pushing down his pants, just far enough so that he can get his cock out and fuck her properly. Y/N’s hands are tightly gripping the corner of the counter, her eyes trained on the window in front of her. She could see the entire patio, the way Anita was silently eating her salad while Jimmy and Louisa threw pieces of hot dog bun at Emily.   “B-Brian, they’re gonna s-see us.” Her voice wasn’t scared or timid, but breathy and full of anticipation.   She wanted them to see, or at least she wanted to be able to see THEM while Brian pounded into her relentlessly. The older man just chuckles, leaning over to place a kiss on her exposed shoulder blades. “Let them see love... let them see how fucking hard I am for you Y/N.” He grips the base of his cock, slapping it hard on her exposed entrance causing both of them to groan at the feeling. “I haven’t been able to get this hard, this many times, in 5 years darling... and it’s all because of you.” He pulls her ass hard against him, groaning almost pathetically when she grinds into him eagerly, a gentle moan falling from her red bitten lips. “Please Mr. May... need t-to feel you inside of me now..” She isn’t embarrassed at how needy and wanton she sounds, loving the way her words and moans cause his cock to twitch against her. “You’re so fucking needy for me honey, so desperate for my cock.” Through gritted teeth he speaks and slowly guides himself into her hot and wet center, causing her to gasp as she feels the delicious stretch of his cock inside of her for the first, and certainly not last, time.   His calloused fingertips are hard as they dig into her hips, giving him the leverage he needs so that he can thrust into her as hard and fast as they both needed She grasps hold of the windowsill, having decided that the countertop just wasn’t giving her the necessary grounding that she needed to keep up with his hips.   “M-Mr. M-May, you feel so fucking good inside of me! Goddamnit, stretching me so good..” His arms come up, wrapping around her waist as he pulls her upwards until her back is firmly pressed against his chest.   He can barely think straight, his cock sliding in and out of her so fast that he’s glad the ice cream maker is still going, because the sounds from their skin slapping against one another hard and fast... it would draw attention. “God, you’re bloody perfect angel... s-such a tight, b-beautiful pussy!” He moans, his pace beginning to hasten, his breath hot on her ear, his teeth nibbling gently on the lobe. Loosening one of his hand’s hold on Y/N’s waist, he lets it fall toward her pussy, his fingertips finding her clit immediately.   He doesn’t waste a single second of time, his orgasm is already approaching, and he refuses to cum first.   Y/N whimpers as he plays with her with one hand, the other coming up to hold her by the throat, just keeping her pressed to his chest, not wanting her to fall against the counter. His hold is gentle but firm against her throat, and she tilts her chin enough for her to place her head into the crook of his neck, but it isn’t there for long.   Brian moves his hand up a bit more, grasping her chin gently, forcing her to look out of the window at his family. “You like knowing that I’m fucking you in my kitchen while my family sits outside? Look at them Y/N.. look at how happy and excited they are out there, waiting for their ice cream...” She whimpers, head trying desperately to fall back against his shoulder, but Brian won’t let that happen. “But here we are, my cock buried deep in your weeping little cunt, completely ignoring them.. god Y/N I would leave my partner if 12 years for you, to have this cunt in my life for the rest of time..” His words shock him a little, but he means them. He and Anita had been having some issues for quite some time, and this, whatever it was with his son’s best friend, just solidified the fact that his romantic relationship with her was over. Y/N is also a little shocked at his words, but the pleasure building inside her belly knocks the words she was going to say right out of her head.   Instead, she rather pathetically whimpers out, “I’m almost there! B-Brian.. Please!” Her hips are moving hard, rolling to meet his own impatient thrusts.   His fingers moving faster against her clit as she jerks her head from his grasp, turning around quickly and wrapping a leg around his waist, propping the other on the counter top. She knows she’s going to be sore as all fuck in the morning, but the way the angle changes sends her into an earth shattering orgasm.   Brian’s eyes widen at her movements, and the way her hips never leave his, how his cock unsheathes from inside her cunt. Whimpering himself, he tightens his grasp on her waist, pulling her as close as he can against him as he pounds into her.   “Cum for me Y/N, p-please honey, I wanna feel you l-let go against me..” His teeth are gently nipping at her ear as she breathlessly moans out his name, mouth falling open when he latches his lips against hers, tongue slipping in uninvited but not unwelcome. “Go on love, let go... please!”   His voice is desperate against her lips, weak and pathetic. He’s so close, so painfully close to painting her walls with his cum, his fingers moving against her clit at the same breakneck speed as his hips slamming into her. She doesn’t need any other encouragement, her breath hitching in her throat as she sobs out a moan that sounds vaguely like Brian’s name, shuttering against him as he whimpers into her mouth. Feeling her clenching down like a vice on his cock, feeling the tears of pleasure run down her face, it sends Brian over the edge into the most intense and blinding orgasm he’s had in decades. His cock throbs and spurts wave after wave of white hot cum into her waiting cunt. His thrusts start to slow just slightly as the both of them ride out the high that washes over them like a goddamn cold bucket of water, his hand moving from her clit to join his other one grasping her hips. He groans and she moans into his hair as she tries catch her breath, but with his cock still moving in and out of her sensitive cunt it’s almost impossible. “B-Bri.. c-can you s-“ Before she can even get the words out, he’s slid out of her quivering cunt, causing her to let out a gasp of shock at the sudden emptiness she feels, and the abruptness at which he’s just left her. “Wh-“ She furrows her brows, but upon hearing the patio door open, her eyes widen and she hastily throws her sundress over her lap, moving to stand beside the ice cream maker, bowl in her hand as she looks over into the mixer, back turned to whoever has just entered. “Now what’s taking the two of you so long? You’ve got three very sugar deprived children outside waiting!” Anita’s voice is light and full of amusement, and Y/N sucks in a shaky breath before letting out a little laugh, not daring to turn around as she speaks. “Oh! It just needed a few more minutes to get nice and thick. Should be ready any second now!” Brian has propped himself up on the counter beside Y/N and the ice cream maker, elbows propped up against his knees in an attempt to disguise the still half hard cock he had just managed to get  back into his shorts when Anita had opened the door. God, he was eternally grateful for looking out the window when he did. “You go on back out and we’ll take care of the sweets doll.” His tone is light and not at all betraying the actions he’d just been involved in not even 30 seconds earlier. Anita smiles at them and nods her head, heading back out the door, telling Emily, Jimmy and Louisa that it would just be a couple more minutes. The sound of the door closing causes Y/N and Brian to both let out loud sighs of relief, the two lover’s eyes meeting for a second before they dissolve into a fit of laughter. Brian hops off the counter, wrapping his arms around the younger woman, his head resting against her shoulder as she threads her hands through his hair. Y/N couldn’t believe that she’d just done that... that she had fucked Brian May, her best friend’s father, against the counter in his goddamn kitchen while his partner and children ate basically in the next room. “Jesus fuck Brian, that was too close for comfort.” Her words are a bit shaky, the gravity of the situation crashing down on her. She didn’t want to ruin a family, and she certainly didn’t want to lose Jimmy, but... whatever she was feeling for Brian was more than just lust, and she knew that. Plus, what he had said to her about leaving Anita.. that was probably just heat of the moment words, but she couldn’t help but think otherwise.. Brian laughs lightly, sitting up just enough to look into her eyes.   “We’ll just have to be more careful next time then won’t we..” He brushes his hand through her hair, eyes gentle, a small smile on his face when he sees the shock on her face. “N-next time?” Her brows furrow, butterflies erupting in her stomach at the possibility that he wanted the same thing she did... to keep this going for as long as possible. Leaning down, Brian places a deep and finalizing kiss to Y/N’s lips, his hands cupping her cheeks, her’s moving up to hold his gently.   The kiss said more than he ever could, that he wanted this, wanted her, it confirmed to Y/N that she was getting into something bigger than herself, and that she was about to enter into a world of insanity and secrecy. She couldn’t wait.   Brian pulls away from her just a little, smiling as he rakes his eyes over her figure, taking in a shuttering breath when he sees the white liquid that he’d squirted into her a few moments earlier, running down her leg. Dropping to his knees without a second thought while Y/N begins to scoop the ice cream into bowls, Brian licks a stripe from her calf up to her cunt, sucking up every single drop of his cum that had managed to escape her pussy. Y/N is completely unprepared for the sudden feeling of his mouth against her sensitive cunt, moaning lightly as he cleans her.   Placing a delicate kiss to her clit, he pulls  away after he was certain that she was as clean as she could possibly be, aka clean enough that she wouldn’t drip in front of the kids or Anita.   Brian drops a kiss to her nose before turning to the ice cream bowls on the counter, taking a bite of the creamy frozen vanilla treat, moaning at the taste, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s lust blown ones.   Smirking, he takes 4 of the bowls from the counter, leaning in to drop a kiss to her lips before moving to whisper in her ear.
 “You’re sweeter.”    
Tags: @meddows-taylors @doubledeaky @toomuchlove-willkillyou @rogerina-deacon @leah-halliwell92 @goodoldfashioned-rogerboy @brianmayoucease @rogertaylors-lipgloss @mariekuuuuuh @unofficialbillnye @stephydearestxo @danamaleksworld @dereones98 @glasgowkisschelseasmile @awkwardangelshezza @bellamy1998 @psychosupernatural @warren-lauren @womanwithahotdogstand @oujiacallme @simonedk @ellywritesfics @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @sam-mercurry-sixx @toomuchtellyneck @asgardianvamp21  @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @amore-libre @marvelstuck @softboydeacon @a-queen-on-her-throne @horrorsinwonderland @roger-bang-the-drum @frannyxc @mrsmazzellotaylor @reedusteinrambles @drowseoftaylor
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gottanerdout · 5 years
Based on this post.
GA, 1790 words
Summary:  An attempt to make Crowley comfortable while in his snake form goes embarrassingly awry.
(AO3 link)
After the dust settled and their relationship inevitably shifted into more, the idea of moving in together had been a bit of a given for Aziraphale and Crowley. Months and months after settling down, Aziraphale had long since gotten used to the quirks of sharing a home with the demon, chief of which was what he termed his snake periods. Crowley had desperately attempted to hide the fact he needed some time to recharge himself in a form closer to his demonic nature at first, making excuses as to why he would suddenly disappear a few days every so often. It took finding the then-serpent hidden away in their backyard sleeping instead of ‘out on a trip’ for the angel to finally understand what was happening and realize, distressingly, that Crowley had been keeping it quiet out of fear of how he’d react to it. The shame he seemed to associate with it broke his heart to see and Aziraphale wouldn't stand for it.
From that moment on, he never passed up the opportunity to normalize it. The first month after finding out, Aziraphale spent a good amount of time dotting their cottage with spots intended to be comfortable areas for him to hide or sun himself, depending on his moods. When Crowley finally started to opt to being around him more openly while he was a serpent, he never rebuffed him being nearby, no matter what he was doing at the time. He would even occasionally find the demon had turned sometime in his sleep and their usual tangle of arms and legs were replaced by his lithe, long body wrapped protectively around him and even that he barely batted an eye at. After all, the choice to stay in bed and run his fingers gently along his scales was always an easy one, especially with how contented Crowley seemed to be when he did it. Hiding it away became a distant memory soon enough, which was exactly what Aziraphale wanted to happen.
The idea of getting silk sheets had been born of knowing what Crowley’s preference in sleeping attire was. Surely, he surmised, if he enjoyed the feel of silk against his skin, the same could be said against his scales. It would be a nice surprise, he decided, and knew he'd have to wait for the right moment to spring it. Biding his time, the angel’s chance finally came a month or so after the idea had crossed his mind. He’d been sitting in the reading room engrossed in one of his books when he suddenly felt the familiar sensation of the demon slithering up his pant leg. It didn’t take him long before he had coiled himself up in his lap, a sensation that wasn’t much different than having a weighted blanket placed on him. It was pleasant, just like all the quiet moments he had with him were.
“Taking a nap, dear?” he guessed, not looking up from the page. He did lift the book a bit so the sunshine that was coming out of the window near them bathed him in warmth a bit more, though.
“Yesss,” Crowley hissed out, the sound coming out like a contented sigh.
“Alright. Sleep well,” he replied, reaching down to gently scratch under his chin. He smiled when he felt his forked tongue tickle his wrist as he did.
Moving him wasn’t an immediate thing. Instead, Aziraphale waited until the sun had long moved on from the window he was sitting in front of, only then putting the book aside. He looked down at the serpent fondly before snapping his fingers - a miracle to change the sheets was more than a little frivolous, but he barely gave it a second thought as he gathered Crowley into his arms.
The one thing he’d certainly learned about Crowley – as a snake and in his more human form as well – was when he slept deeply, nothing short of another apocalypse could wake him (if that). There was no reaction at all to being jostled about, even when he went so far as to loop him a bit around his shoulders for easier transportation. Walking through the cottage with his carefully carried bundle, he eventually made it into the bedroom a few minutes later. Unsurprisingly, their bed now sported inviting silk sheets, black as the ones Crowley considered his favorite pair. It took another few minutes to properly unwind him from his body - he’d started to unconsciously cling to him in the new position he’d had him in already – but he finally was able to set him down on a sunny spot in the middle of the bed.
It didn’t take long for Crowley to curl up again in his sleep, and after being sure he was alright, the angel left him to rest. The afternoon passed by lazily afterward, the day eventually easing into a pleasant dusk. Aziraphale was sitting at their kitchen table, sipping the tea he’d just made for himself and deciding what he’d like to eat for dinner.
He was snapped out of his thoughts abruptly by an unexpected source.
“Azzziraphale!” came a strained cry from their bedroom, the sound edged with something too close to panic. Clattering the teacup he’d been holding to its plate, he didn’t even think before he was rushing toward the noise, heart leaping into his throat. He burst into the room, half expecting him to be under attack, and instead found something altogether different.
In all the planning he’d made to surprise him, he hadn’t considered the fact they, by design, were slick to the point of slippery. Had he thought about it, he may have realized the surface likely wasn’t one a snake could easily move on. Instead, it took him seeing Crowley desperately attempting to get off the bed and not finding any way to propel himself forward for it to dawn on him that a mistake had been made.
“What isss thisss?” the demon demanded, looking as irritated and frazzled as he’d ever seen a snake before.
The angel would insist later that he tried valiantly not to react to the sight. There was no stopping it when it happened, however, the laughter that immediately bubbled out of him so forceful he ended up bent over with them. By the time he pulled himself together long enough to take the situation seriously, he was breathless with tears in the corner of his eyes. Crowley had given up by then and was curled on the sheets, looking absolutely miserable.
“Oh dear, darling, I’m so sorry -“ he attempted out, words undermined by the fact he still hadn’t gotten himself quite under control as he approached the bed. The serpent glared daggers at him when he tried to reach out, and while he knew he wouldn’t snap at him, Aziraphale did treat it as him not consenting to being touched and withdrew his hand. “Please, let me help you.”
“Go away,” came a grumpy, sharp reply, Crowley's head now partially hidden by a coil of his own body. He knew the serpent well enough that he would stubbornly wait until he was human-shaped again before asking for help after the fit Aziraphale just had, and the guilt that came after that realization dried up his laughter far faster than anything else could.
“You must understand, I was simply trying to surprise you with something nice. I hadn’t even considered it might be difficult for you to move on,” he explained himself, hoping context would soothe his frayed pride. It did not. Shoulders slumping a little, he added, a little more quietly, “I shouldn’t have laughed. That was cruel of me.”
Aziraphale climbed onto the bed then, offering his arms out in a motion to show he was willing and able to help him. Crowley didn’t look interested in taking it at all.
“It’sss not funny,” he muttered, crossly.
“You’re right. Won’t happen again, I promise,” he agreed, contrite. He watched the serpent size him up and though still looking rightfully unamused, he seemed to relax his stance a bit. Aziraphale didn’t quite make a move to lift him yet. “May I?”
The demon considered the offer, eyes narrowed into slits. After a long moment, he finally let out a glum, “Yesss.”
It wasn’t much work gathering him up again. He put him on the ground carefully right after, having a feeling he didn’t much want to be held longer than he had to be. Sure enough, without a word, the snake slithered out of the room, disappearing into the house and Aziraphale let him leave, deciding to give him the space he clearly wanted. He did, however, take the offending sheet off the bed and replaced it with one of their usual ones, not wanting it to be an issue for him any longer. Discarding it to the side, he continued to leave Crowley be, knowing he was hiding somewhere and would come out when he wanted to. Despite not being tired in the least, he opted to go to bed alone for once a few hours later, hoping it’d tempt him to come out.
It took a little while, but the temptation proved successful. Not long after he started dozing, he woke up to the sensation of something flicking against his cheek. Opening his eyes, he found two yellow eyes staring back, glinting a little in the moonlight that was illuminating their room.
“There you are,” the angel realized, looking at him with a hopeful expression. “Am I to assume I’m forgiven?”
Crowley said nothing, though he did butt his large head against his forehead affectionately, then lowered it to rest on his chest. It was as close to a yes as he was going to get.
Aziraphale was nothing if not persistent. The next morning, instead of throwing the offending sheets out and never speaking of what happened again, he instead realized he had perhaps gone about it all in the wrong way. There was, after all, more than enough of the sheet to create bedding for one of his baskets. It didn't take long for him to complete the project once he set out to do it, replacing a far inferior sheet he had had in it beforehand. Not making a big deal of it, he left it out for Crowley to try – or not – at his leisure, then went about his business for the day. It was only a few hours later that he happened past it and found the serpent curled up in it and soundly passed out, soaking in the noonday sun.
He watched him sleep for a moment, a smile growing on his face at the sight of it, then quietly continued onward into the next room.
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damienthepious · 4 years
nearly late, hghgjfgh
thorns that burst from my skull in the night (chapter 5)
[ch 1] [ch 2] [ch 3] [ch 4] [ao3]
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, The Keep, Sir Damien, Rilla
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Canon Compliant, Prophetic Dreams, Alternate Universe, canon typical Arum ignoring feelings, (very mild suicidal ideation or at least. canon typical arum being reckless with his own life), Canon Retelling, (sortaaaaa)
Summary: Arum has always seen glimpses of the future in his dreams. This gift is sometimes useful, but more often than not it leaves him with more questions than answers. The dreams of the flowers are particularly unhelpful.
Chapter Summary: Arum will not be attending his third duel.
Chapter Notes: sorry this is almost late. havin a weird brain time over here. hope this is anything? i love you. please love and appreciate and kiss a lizard.
The grubs that went unused are not in their container when he returns home, after the duel.
He stops listening to the Keep's gentle berating in the middle of a thought as he realizes the vanishwood box is silent, the pulsing heartbeat stopped, and when he passes his hand in front of the side it confirms his grim suspicion. He goes to undo the lid, snarls to himself when he finds it already askew, and when he opens it fully to check again it confirms what he already knows.
They are nowhere within the Keep. They are not even within the swamp, so far as the Keep can sense. They could not possibly have gotten that far on their own since last Arum saw them, which means-
He hisses through his teeth at his own carelessness. Tired, distracted enough to leave the lid ajar- the sort of mistake a clumsy hatchling would make, and with so valuable and dangerous an experiment. Were he not so busy he would find a hole in which to bury himself.
Arum imagines the creatures clinging to his clothing, or stowing away in the traps he brought with him to the jungle outside the Citadel, slipping away into the night. The raw empathetic power of that many of the grubs could eviscerate the local life-
More importantly, if the grubs scattered that close to the Citadel, they might create something of a fuss, and Arum cannot possibly afford for his creations to be sniffed out and investigated by the humans. The Senate would never forgive their pet project being compromised in such a way.
Arum unclenches his hand, pulling his claws from the wood, and he hisses again as his shoulders sag.
No sleep, no rest, no settling his mind- he will need to return to the more human-infested parts of the Wilds, to reclaim his property. The Keep chides again, tries to discourage, and he is so tired but he cannot afford to leave this matter unsettled. The grubs are too dangerous, their implications too delicate to fall into human hands.
He closes his eyes for a moment (what's right in front of), steels himself, and summons the way back. The sprinkling of swamp dirt he left near the Citadel will still serve, for the time being.
He finds the swath of destruction, eventually, after a frustrating and lengthy search. He would have needed to come back to dismantle the rest of the traps that Sir Damien did not trigger in their duel eventually, anyway, he thinks grimly. No sense letting good tools rot without reason. But nowhere amongst his carefully laid machinations does he find the grubs. He does not find them, no trace of them, until hours later when he follows the scent of ash, until the sickly but dissipating clouds of pink in the air lead him to the remnants of battle.
So. He was not quick enough to find the grubs before they found something else.
Settled bursts of spores, he finds, and charred earth, and eventually, the hollowed, burnt-out shell of fungi, enormous and still shivering the air with residual magic, though it is no longer alive.
He had been expecting human corpses, in all honesty.
Arum inspects the burnt rot, and he finds more evidence of flame around the base. Charred grubs cluster quiet beneath what is left of the stem, dry and lifeless, but-
Arum scrapes a claw through the ash. It is still just slightly warm- he must not have missed the excitement by terribly long. He eyes the remnants, critical, his head tilting sideways.
This was not all of his grubs. They were not all destroyed. Which is far more worrying than the alternative.
It is not difficult, to track the scent of human and horse back through the jungle, to follow the clumsy, careless steps back out of the trees. By scent he surmises that the second human and the horse have departed- he will need to investigate that if he does not find the grubs here, in this quaint little structure.
He spies her through the window, first, noting the sheathed knife she has already removed, hung by the bed, and-
Hm. She looks nearly as exhausted as Arum feels.
(I'm- sorry)
Not that it matters.
(morning, little human)
She stops speaking into the little device of metal and gears in her hand after a moment or two, tucks the vial onto a shelf, and turns for the bed. As she pulls her sheets back, Arum shatters the window.
It's easy enough to slither low, to disorient, to pluck the knife away and glower at the human over his remaining, reclaimed grub as his claws clink against the vial, and he does not let himself think about the way the dreams have begun to hover again.
He has not slept properly in so very long. That fact and the unfortunate echo of Sir Damien are the only reasons he can see the dancing of petals at the edge of his vision, can hear the vague whisper of song.
She puts up an admirable struggle, but she is only one unarmed human. Unarmed and exhausted, and he eases her to the floor when he knocks her unconscious. He shakes his head, then, trying to clear it, trying to silence the noise.
So. He has his experiment safely back in hand. Now, he must discover whether she has already informed the rest of her swarm about the creature and its capabilities.
He listens to the little human’s fascinating device, listens to her chatter about her apparent "experiments" with so much enthusiasm that it is almost catching. He toys with the machine until he has a sense of how to work it, and then he sets it to what he thinks must be the most recent entry.
He chose the wrong end of the spool, however. From the sound of her enthusiasm, from context, he imagines that the entry he has found must be the first, not the last. Unlikely to be helpful, for his purposes. He brushes his thumb across the controls, a frown curling his lips, and then the human's voice on the device introduces herself.
When he hears the word, he nearly drops the device entirely. All of his hands scramble in the effort of keeping it from shattering on the floor, and two claws just barely manage to catch it by the corner. He pulls the thing to his face again. He presses the button to go back. He listens again. He listens a third time, only to be certain.
(the honeysuckle blooms first, but the amaryllis come just as wild in their time)
Her name is Amaryllis.
He throws over her entire little hut, looking for evidence of deceit, looking for proof, finding the hidden cache beneath the floorboards and scrabbling through journals (coded; though he recognizes her sketches and he understands the half-written formulae), and he finds that this little creature has quite the heretical bent, for a human. Heretical, and botanical.
(a hatchling curled safe in the soft, fragrant bell)
Well. Finally this dream provides him something useful. An herbalist interfering with his work, just at the moment her particular skills could be of the most use to him. Just when his Keep is-
(wilting song)
He can feel it in his own body. The creeping blight has not begun to wither his own scales, not yet, but the reverberation of what ails the Keep is within him all the same. A feeling of terrifying stiffness, a vague disquiet that makes his fingers shake, and day by day it worsens.
It worsens, and a doctor has just fallen into his lap.
It is not as if he could have let her go regardless. She knows too much of his work, she cannot be allowed to relay the information to the knights, to their queen. According to her device, this human has not had time to tell anyone about his work, and she does not yet understand it. But that does not mean that the information she does have would not be far too dangerous to allow to leak, and she has seen him now, besides. No. He cannot simply let her free, now.
So. He may as well see if he can glean any use from her. No sense in wasting talent, human or otherwise, when it presents itself to him.
If the dreams help him save his Keep, he thinks, he will never again begrudge them a shattered night of sleep.
He tucks the recorder into his satchel, alongside the grub, and he reaches down-
(please, off your feet)
He pauses, blinks, shakes his head, and then lifts Amaryllis into his arms.
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sserpente · 6 years
In a heartbeat (Chapter 8)
A/N: I’m baaaaack! *Mel voice* And I brought you, as promised, a new chapter! Enjoy reading! ♥
Find all chapters on my masterlist!
The next day was all but a haste. You had barely slept on your pathetic excuse for a bed, restlessly turning from side to side in the hopes of finding a relatively comfortable position but no matter how hard you tried, sleep would not come. Too stirred up were your bloody emotions and confusing feelings for the God of Mischief, who had spent the rest of the night with Valkyrie, riddling out a diabolic plan.
Your heart ached upon seeing them together, exchanging their skills, knowledge and experience. What was that? Jealousy? That was impossible. Loki was a god and you were but a “mere” mortal, unimportant, like you had phrased it yourself. How would he ever even look at you twice? How would you ever want him to look at you twice?
Last night… you had shared something. No, you had shared something every night, if only by sleeping next to each other and accepting each other’s presence regardless of your origins and actions. Mute agreement and understanding bonded the two of you, even if neither Loki nor you wanted to admit that but of course, your stupid heart had to make yet another awful decision to shatter to pieces even further. First, Susan’s death, then, your involuntary farewell to your home planet and now, feelings for Loki.
Were they feelings? Real feelings? Were you honestly developing a crush on this man?
It was like you summoned him like a demon when suddenly, he entered the remnants of the plane… topless. You hadn’t seen him all morning, most likely he had gone back to the Grandmaster’s quarters to not raise any suspicion and now, nothing more than black and tight leather pants and boots covered his well-defined body, making your mouth water in an instant.
Unwillingly, your eyes roamed over his form, taking in every detail for… for what? Were you honestly committed enough to remember this marvellous view? Oh but you were… Loki was… the term handsome didn’t even come close. He really did live up to his smug “I-am-a-god” attitude. He had all right to claim to be one with these not prominent but clearly visible muscles, the rather pale and flawless skin and the raven hair falling over his shoulders to create a breath-taking contrast.
You swallowed, forcing yourself to tear your gaze away and focusing on the back of your hand instead. You had unconsciously started to scratch it again last night before going to bed, all the while begrudgingly watching Valkyrie and Loki talking for what felt like hours on end and now, your reddened and irritated skin was burning from the pressure of your nails. Well, it was the least of your problems now, including your growing liking for Loki. Your sprained arm had turned out not to be sprained at all too, after all, the pain forgotten and gone soon after your not so graceful landing on Loki.
The God of Mischief chuckled, not bothering to hide his amused smirk as he walked further into the provisory shelter and used his seidr to magically wrap clothes around his body. Green silk with ridiculous yellow accents hid his chest then, causing you to blink and turn your attention to his eyes. His damn blue eyes… bad idea.
He had noticed your staring but still, he said nothing when he mused a teasing “Good morning” before waving his hand. The green shimmering light never ceased to impress you, especially for this time, a tray of fruits and fresh bread appeared before you on the battered leather seat. It looked a lot more appealing and edible like what you had had for dinner two nights before, the smell luring you to take a bite and ravish the taste. Breakfast. Normal breakfast… oh heaven.
“The Grandmaster sends his best wishes to my ‘pet’. He is still very determined to persuade you to teach his slaves how to properly pleasure a man with their mouth.” He explained.
Pleasure a man… how could something so dirty (and disgusting in the context) sound so sensual and… sexy out of his mouth? The way his thin lips had moved to form them made you imagine how his mouth would pleasure you.
Oh fucking shit, what was happening to you?
You growled to express your dismay and scare the thoughts away, rolling your eyes insolently. “Well, at least he gave me some proper food. Thank you.”
Loki nodded. For just a split second, his expression turned somewhat… gentle, soft even as he watched you dig into the fruits and bread almost… caringly but then, as quickly as you had assumed to have spotted it, it was gone again, replaced by sternness and curious… irksome interest for who entered the cave next.
Valkyrie yawned, a half empty glass bottle in her hands as she stalked past him and came to a halt in the middle of the vast space, arms akimbo and, as usual, completely ignoring your presence. Had she sensed yet that you hated her with a passion? She must have. You were painstakingly trying to be obvious. Not having her talk to you was, actually, a blessing.
You desperately wanted to ask him what they had been talking about last night. Hell, you wanted to know if there was something else between them as well, even if it would humiliate you. Loki was a smart man, he would instantly know you were into him.
The thought made you drop the grape you were about to eat, your mouth agape with utter shock. You were into him. You were not into him, for Fuck’s sake.
“We’re gonna get ourselves killed,” she started, her voice a little slurry already. You rolled your eyes once more. Oh, drunk this early already? How ladylike. “Thor’s crazy if he thinks we’ll be able to destroy the core of a planet just like that. Even if we do it for the sake of stopping Ragnarok.” Snapping her fingers to emphasise her words, she cocked her head to mutely ask him to join her outside. Her eyes flickered over to you for a brief moment. The message was clear. She didn’t want you to hear whatever they were about to discuss—that, or she wanted to talk about you. This time, it was probably the latter.
You barely resisted the urge to throw a warm bread roll at her. No. This bread roll was more valuable than this stupid drunk woman. Were you being childish? Maybe; but right now, you didn’t care.
“You will stay exactly where you are while we are gone, yes?” Loki suddenly spoke. Taken aback, you set down the bread roll and crossed your arms defiantly.
“What else am I supposed to do?”
“There is a range of things I could imagine.” He replied with a smirk, winking at you as he did. Your heart skipped a beat. Fuck you, god damn it! There was no space in your body to feel things such as lust, desire and romance. You had lost one of your best friends, you were stranded on a different planet… the only thing you should focus on was how to survive and instead, your breathing sped up as if you had run a marathon as soon as Loki gifted you with his presence. You were outraged by yourself and yet, you wouldn’t have it any other way… letting the grief consume you like you had before accidentally seeking out Loki at Doctor Strange’s house a few days ago was the far less pleasing option.
“I will make sure to keep an eye on you and conceal you from the scrappers.”
His words stole yet another heartbeat from you. Why would he care?
“Magic, little minx.”
Your whole body filled with warmth at the thought of it. I will make sure to keep an eye on you. Thor had not proposed that, he had not offered that. Swallowing thickly, you bit your lower lip, facing your food once more as if that banana would provide you with answers to all of the crazy questions racing through your mind.
What am I feeling? Why is Loki being so thoughtful? Why am I jealous of Valkyrie? What the fuck is wrong with me?!
Loki smirked again before leaving the cave without a word of good bye, replacing his presence with confusion and fear. Your anxiety of this planet seemed to have ceased, especially because he was with you—sure, you were still afraid the scrappers would catch you and sell you to the Grandmaster but strangely, the thought of Loki eased and got you worked up at the very same time.
You needed to tell him to be careful, even if it was unnecessary but something inside you wanted him to know you cared and were grateful for his actions the days before—except of course, for the pleasure slave part. You could still kick him in his royal balls for that one.
Smiling to yourself sweetly and lost in thought, you got up on your feet, abandoning your breakfast to step out into the more or less fresh Sakaarian air—and froze in mid-action when your lips parted to call him back.
You saw Valkyrie before you saw him, her mouth pressed tightly against Loki’s. Both her hands were clutching at his robes as she pushed him against the battered corpus of the plane wreck. You were desperately hoping that the silent moan that escaped his lips was from surprise and anger and not pleasure when you stumbled back, bolting to where you came from.
A/N: I know, I’m evil. Sorry. Not sorry. Sorry.
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ghoulsandsunflowers · 6 years
Raindrop Prelude - Chapter 6
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12988278/chapters/32333424
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 ___________________________________
If you had asked Hide before whether he liked silence, he would have probably considered the question for a few minutes before concluding that no, he didn't. Silence to him was, in most cases, a reminder that there was noone there to fill it.
An empty thing.
The notion that a silence could be "full" was something that only occurred to Hide as he sank into the back of his couch, leaning his weight on a warm body besides him. Hide's blanket had been spread over Kaneki and he, cocooning them both.
Kaneki was asleep.
After having spent the past day or two unconscious, Hide was more than happy to stay awake now, however drowsily, as Kaneki got what looked like some much needed shut-eye.
Perhaps to call it complete silence would be a bit of an exaggeration. From his place on Kaneki's shoulder, Hide could hear puffs of air as Kaneki snored lightly. If he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear the quietest ruffle of sheets as Kaneki's chest moved with every breath. It would be a lie to say Hide could hear any heartbeat - he'd have to place his ear on Kaneki's chest, and as nice as that sounded, he was in no place to wake the poor guy up.
It was enough that he was so close to Kaneki right now - he knew, logically, that he should probably still be keeping his distance to avoid contamination, but damn was this comfy.
Hide turned his head on Kaneki's shoulder to look up at his face.
It was frankly mesmerising how peaceful he looked when he slept. Hide knew that when he was asleep, his mouth would hang open and he probably drooled plenty. Not to mention he'd fall asleep in a perfectly normal position only to wake up, like, hanging upside down or on the floor or something.
Hide prayed that Kaneki wouldn't mind Hide appreciating his face as he slept.
He brought up one hand to run a thumb over his cheek. They had what seemed to be a permanent blush, a light dusting of rose as if he had kissed by a fairy or something equally dumb.
He drew his hand up further to feel Kaneki's hair. It was soft to the touch, if a little ruffled for having been asleep for the best part of two hours.
Kaneki let out a small groan and shifted, and Hide retracted his hand quickly. Shit, had he woken Kaneki up? Abort, abor-
Kaneki sighed in his sleep and brought his arm around Hide, pulling him closer.
Hide allowed himself the tiniest of smirks. He supposed this would be okay.
"I'm not watching that."
"But Kaneki! You're the one who suggested we watch a movie!"
"I stand by that, but I also refuse to believe that 'Shark Tale' is the only movie you own."
"Yeah okay that was a lie. I just really want you to see Shark Tale. But if you're so desperate to have a shitty time, I've got Netflix. And that gives us an infinite variety of terrible horror movies I can guarantee neither of us will enjoy."
"Wow, aren't I spoilt for choice. It's almost as if zero of the options you have given me are appealing."
Hide couldn't hide his grin at that.
"You're only saying that because you're still drowsy with sleep. Poor baby, rest your sweet head whilst papa Hide puts on Shark Tale."
"Hide, if you mention Shark Tale one more time I'm throwing Bradley out the window."
"Hey now! No need for that! If you're going to threaten our children at least have the decency to remember all their names first."
Kaneki failed to force down a smile as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Humour me."
Hide sat up and rubbed his hands together.
"Oh yeah, here we go."
Hide pointed to a couple of potted succulents perching in front of the sofa he and Kaneki were on.
"That's, Ringo, the one next to him is George."
"Like the musici-"
"Yes, like the musicians, well spotted. Over there - no, on the coffee table, the flower to the far left is Macbeth, next to him is Francis Xavier and then there's Rachmaninoff but we just call him Rach."
Kaneki gave an appreciative hum as he studied the small plants atop the coffee table.
"I'm sensing a historical theme. I didn't know you had such an intellectual side to you, Hide."
"Oh no, you were right, I absolutely don't. It just so happens Francis Xavier is a super cool name and perfect for an aloe."
Kaneki laughed and nodded before gesturing towards a window sill on the far left of the wall where four small cacti sat in a row.
"How about those ones then? I'm hoping for more Shakespeare."
"Ah wonderful, prepare to be disappointed. Those are Stanley, Eric, Kyle and Kenneth. Then to the next window along, where you'll find the flowers you so kindly re-potted for me, we have Bret, Reigen, Paul, Kuzuryu and Kaito. And how could I forget good ol' Bradley," Hide concluded, gesturing proudly towards the ever present anthurium set besides his TV. "Want me to introduce you to everyone in the kitchen?"
"It's funny, that would've actually made more sense without the context," Kaneki mused. "And you've already thrown too many names at me for now. I think I need some time to process."
He held the sides of his head and scrunched up his nose.
It took Hide an embarrassing amount of willpower to not lean forward and give his nose the tiniest of boops. Instead he settled with laughing and lowering his head back onto Kaneki's shoulder, who responded in turn by resting his head atop Hide's.
"Well alright then. We can revise the names another time." Hide let out a breath that could have been a laugh or a sigh. "You've done enough for me."
Kaneki hummed from the back of his throat. "I don't think I ever could."
"Pfft. As if." Hide countered. He sat up slightly to face Kaneki with his eyebrows raised. "I would most likely be dead if you hadn't come to take care of me. If it wasn't enough that you missed work, you had to spend two days lugging after my sick ass and even had the grace to clean up the danger zone."
"The danger zone."
"Yeah, the living room had kind of become a toxic wastebin for the habits of Disaster Hide." Hide leant back into the sofa so he didn't have to look Kaneki in the eye.
When he continued, he could barely raise his voice above a murmur.
“I’m sorry you had to see that side of me.”
Kaneki was looking forward but his eyes were concentrated on nothing. Hide figured he’d let him think.
It was at least another couple of minutes before Kaneki took a breath and began to speak.
“I think one mistake we make when we evaluate people is that we see them as if they’re, like, squares.”
Hide couldn’t say he understood. He just kept silent and allowed Kaneki to take the time he needed to continue.
“We just imagine that people have completely different sides to them. Like, the side of the square that faces everybody is one Hide. And the side that drinks on it’s own and smokes to, to fill something, that’s another Hide.”
Kaneki looked down at his hands.
“I don’t know if you think that’s what you are, Hide. A basic shape with different sides. As if the different sides to you are bad, or not who you really are, or not who you want to be.”
Kaneki turned his head slowly to look at Hide in the eye. Hide couldn’t seem to find it in him to breathe as he did the same.
“But…” Kaneki continued, “I don’t really see any of you as a different side to Hide. You’re more like a circle than a square. That is to say, um…” Kaneki cleared his throat. “Whenever I see you sad, or happy, or when you’re having to force politeness to rude customers, or when you cry during sad movies…” Kaneki looked away again, his eyes unfocusing. As he did, Hide noticed him slide his hand into Hide’s under the duvet.
Hide grasped it like a lifeline.
“Whenever you make me laugh so hard I cry, or you tell me you feel lonely… I don’t… I don’t see them as different sides to you. They’re all just Hide.”
“Just Hide,” Hide whispered.
Kaneki squeezed his hand.
“Please… please don’t hide, or, or reject yourself just because you think there are bad sides to you, Hide.” Kaneki’s voice was just a whisper now. A little croaky. He sniffed.
“If… if you can’t love just Hide then I will.” Kaneki’s breath caught in his throat. “I’ll love just Hide and all of Hide until you do too, and then after that.”
The hand Hide was holding was shaking. Hide couldn’t think of what to do but hold it ever tighter.
He knew his eyes must be wide. He could feel his mouth hanging open. He tried to force words out but only managed a choked whisper.
Hide barely had time to notice Kaneki’s reddened face scrunch up and tears roll down his cheeks before he used the hand not holding Hide’s to bring the duvet to his face, as if to hide behind it.
“I… I couldn’t not love you, Hide,” Kaneki choked into the duvet. “I-if you don’t want me to then I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You can try to forget, if you’d like, but if anyone deserves to know that they’re loved…”
Kaneki hiccupped and buried his face further into the bedsheet. shuddering with suppressed sobs.
Hide felt as if his heart had stopped. As if time itself had been put on hold for the weeping soul beside him, clasping his hand as if it were the last time he ever could.
Hide tried once, twice, to respond.
No words came.
Hide took a steady breath and looked ahead as Kaneki had.
If he could not formulate a response, Hide could say something else. He could start from the beginning.
“I’ve never loved someone before.” He began. He didn’t know where to focus his eyes. He couldn’t seem to zone out, so he eventually settled on Bradley on the far side of the room.
“I’m not even sure I even love my own mother. I thought I did. Maybe I really do. I always presumed I did because I was supposed to.”
Hide noticed that Kaneki’s breathing had calmed a little. His face was still hidden, but he didn’t object when Hide shuffled ever closer to him.
“I don’t think I know quite what love is. I don’t know if I ever really have been loved before.”
Now Hide looked down at his one hand resting above the bedsheet.
“But I know some things.” Deep breath. “I know that you are my favourite person. I know that being with you feels like home, and that I would do anything if only to hear you laugh. I know that I want to come back to you every day for the rest if my life, and, and hold onto you as close as I can. And if you’d let me, I’d never ever let go.”
Hide looked down to where Kaneki was hunched over, now perfectly still.
“And now I’m saying it out loud, I think that’s what love is.”
Oh so slowly, Kaneki lifted his head to face Hide with a look of utter disbelief. His cheeks were red and tearstained, his eyes watery and bloodshot.
Hide didn’t know if he’d ever seen someone so beautiful.
Later on, Hide would reflect on how barely he registered moving towards Kaneki, or how Kaneki moved in unison with him. He wouldn’t remember whether they threw their arms around each other first, or whether it was their lips that met. But he would never forget the bliss of Kaneki’s lips against his for the first time, or how his fists scrunched up the back of Hide’s shirt in a tight embrace. Kaneki’s lips were soft, if a little chapped. Lips almost sweet, but let’s be real, since when do lips actually taste of anything.
Perhaps most memorable of all was when they separated, and rested their foreheads against each other. Hide looked as deep as he could into Kaneki’s eyes, committing every detail to memory.
Kaneki smiled, wide, and spoke in a low voice.
“God, you are such a dumbass.”
Then they laughed. It started out as a mutual giggle, then grew until Kaneki was howling and wiping tears from his eyes, and Hide was burying his face in Kaneki’s sweater and shaking with laughter.
They calmed down eventually, unlikely as that seems.
As Kaneki leant back on the couch, Hide leant his ear on his chest.
He could hear Kaneki’s shuddering breaths as his laughter calmed, the shuffling of the bedsheets over the both of them. And when he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear Kaneki’s heartbeat.
Hide didn’t really need to hear anything else.
The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was his hand, still entangled with Kaneki’s, gentle but firm.
Kaneki was warm.
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JungkookXReader Cop/Detective AU Part 2
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Part 1
“Woo-hoo!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms in the air in celebration. “We did it!”
Taehyung, your fellow detective smiled, as you and Jungkook walked into the precinct. The man trailing behind you was grinning as well, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“I'm assuming you caught the murderer?” Tae asked, noting your happiness.
You nodded aggressively, pulling your chair next to the detective to tell him all about it.
“It was great! Jungkook ran into the building, asking me to stay in the car.”
“Ordering you to stay in the car.” Jungkook interrupted, wrapping his arms around the top of your armchair, leaning on it.
Rolling your eyes, you continued. “Anyways, I was sitting in the car when I saw the criminal run out followed by Jungkook so I opened the car door, but not entirely, so when the guy was just close enough I pushed the door open with as much force as possible and BAM!” you exclaimed, punching your fist into your palm for emphasis, “He smashed into the door and was on the ground, unconscious”
“Then I chased her and caught her in a choke-hold for punishment because, you. Should. Follow. Orders.” Jungkook said in annoyance, poking the back of your head with every word.
Taehyung laughed at the two of you bickering. “You’re one to talk Kookie,” he said with a smirk, “out of all 7 of us you were the one who broke almost every rule. Seems like the two of you are meant for each other.”
Jungkook walked into the precinct with a sigh. He wasn't looking forward to this day. He and his detective were stuck up over a particular case. One of the most gruesome ones he's worked on. Generally the detectives work on the murder cases while the cops did the arrests. But this one was such a nerve wrecker that all 3 detectives working together weren't able to solve it. He knew it was taking a toll on his partner. Being one of the youngest and the newest member, she still felt an obligation to prove herself even though she gained everyone's respect long ago.
He was early today. No one was around except for himself. The rays of early sunlight lit the room as he walked through the hallway,towards the office.
He suddenly stopped in his tracks. A shuffling noise could be heard within their workplace. No one would be here this early. Jungkook quietly tiptoed, his back against the wall as he slowly moved across the hall and peeked his head over the corner.
“Jungkook I know you're there. Come out.”
Eyes wide, a bit startled, Jungkook straightened himself and walked out to see his partner standing in front of a white board, a hand on her chin.
He looked at the board she was staring at. It was filled with pictures of the several victims and the suspects. Couple of red strings were used to connect one picture to the other. The rest of the board was filled with newspaper cuttings and remarks written in red marker. It looked like your typical ‘Detective TV show’ tactic.
He looked back to the woman standing next to him and asked, “What time did you come here? Usually no one comes to work earlier than I do.”
“Oh, I never left.” She replied, walking to her desk and grabbing the cup of coffee that was on it. Jungkook noted that there were three other cups there as well.
Jungkook looked at her, wide eyed. “You…Didn't go home yesterday?”
She nodded, draining the coffee in a few gulps and throwing the paper cup in the trash, only to grab one of the other cups that were sitting on her desk.
Jungkook immediately walked up to her and grabbed her chin.
Her face scrunched up and she tried to pry away his hand but he already saw what he needed to see. The dark circles under her eyes were prominent. Not to mention her appearance. The long sleeves of her white shirt were pushed up to her elbows, the fabric tucked out of her black pants and her feet were…
“Are you barefoot?” Jungkook asked in disbelief.
She managed to escape from his grip as she frowned. “Yeah. I forgot where I kept them. I feel bad. Hope they're not lonely.” she mumbled.
“Did you sleep yesterday?”
“No?” Jungkook raised his voice, wrapping his arms around his chest, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh no, it's Ok!” She said, noting his expression, “I haven't slept for the past three days!”
Jungkook's eyes widened. His expression went from shock to anger quickly but she didn't seem to realize as she had suddenly grabbed her bag and started ruffling through it.
“How did you manage to stay up for three days?” He asked, trying to suppress his anger.
Putting down her cup, she pulled out a bottle of coke from her bag and opened it.
She looked at him with a smirk. “Coffee and coke!” She said, pouring the caffeinated drink into the coffee. Jungkook stared slack jawed as she stirred the mixture with her finger while she walked back to the board. He felt disgusted as he watched her take a sip of that liquid.
His eyes fell on the trash bag as he saw more coffee cups and coke bottles than he could count.
His resolve snapped.
“That's it! Get over here.” he ordered. Jungkook stormed up to her, grabbing the cup from her hand and throwing it in the trash, the liquid splashing everywhere.
“Hey!” She exclaimed. But before she could complain, Jungkook grabbed her by the back of her shirt collar and started dragging her to the break room. He was going to make her sleep on the couch and was willing to knock her out if that's what it takes.
“Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Let me go! You can't treat me like some kind of do-”
She stopped mid sentence. Her eyes widened as she struggled even more, pulling his hand in the opposite direction.
“Jungkook! Jungkook! Wait! I figured something out!”
“I don't care.” He retorted harshly, “You can work on it after you sleep.”
Rather than fight against him she decided to work towards him. She launched forward and hugged him across the waist, her knees folded under her slightly as she clung onto him.
She looked at him with the puppy eyes she knew were his weakness.
“Kookie please! I promise you I'll rest after I look at this!”
“...No.” he said, continuing to drag her.
“Aish! I didn't want to do this but-” she quickly grabbed him across the waist and started to tickle him.
Jungkook's body seized up as he tried not to laugh,but his grip on the detective loosened. Taking her chance, she broke out of his grip and ran back to the board.
“Hey! Get back here!” He yelled running after her.
She reached the board and screamed, “The dog!”
Jungkook stopped in his tracks, confused. “...The dog?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “The victim had three dogs. We only saw two of them, the one in the house and the corpse of the other buried in the backyard. But we haven't seen the third one. We know for a fact that there is a third dog because the victim wrote about him in her diary. But, based on the fact that no one in that whole entire family mentioned it, its probable that the dog has been missing for a long time. So, first a dog goes missing, then the youngest baby of the family and now a family member gets murdered. If we find out what happened to the dog, maybe we can figure out some kind of pattern the kidnapper followed.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “OK great, we'll look into the dog, now come on, you need to sleep.”
“What?No!” she protested.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, “You promised me.”
She threw her hands up, “You're can’t take me away now! Especially since I might have found something crucial! Come on, help me figure this out.”
Jungkook didn't even bother with words. He just quickly went up to her, bent down and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and started walking easily towards the break room. He tried not to laugh at the high pitch scream that came from her.
“Hey! Jungkook! Put me down!” She said, wiggling in his grip.
“ A deals a deal. Just stop struggling and listen to me.”
“You asked for it buddy!”
Her arms went down and pulled his shirt up, exposing his back. She once again started to tickle him but on his bare skin.
Jungkook squirmed, fumbling as he almost fell to the ground. He quickly regained his balance and snarled,
“You brat, I almost dropped you!” he said, annoyed. Without thinking about it, Jungkook drew his hand back and placed a firm smack on her butt.
An adorable squeak was heard from the girl on his shoulders.
“Y-you!” she cried out. Jungkook turned his head and smiled at how red her cheeks had gotten (he ignored the death glare she was sending him).
“Keep being persistent and you’ll get another.” he stated frankly.
 Her cheeks grew even more red as she ended up staying quiet, slumping in defeat until he finally reached the break room and dumped her on the couch.
The moment of the episode that made me want to write this fan-fiction in the first place. I may or may not have spent hours looking at that gif.
I imagined the precinct to resemble the one from Castle which had hallways and elevators. Also, the ‘case’ shes talking about doesn't make sense in this context but I do have something in mind. Maybe one day i’ll actually write it like a murder mystery story. 
Part 3 will be here soon. Please feel free to send suggestions of what you want to read happen between the two, i’ll be happy to write it.
Gifs are not mine.
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
Spilled Coffee [Whumptober 2019 - Day 10: Unconscious]
Summary: Anzu's evening gets turned upside down when someone familiar passes out right in front of her.
Fandom: Ensemble Stars (coffeeshop/college AU) Relationships: platonic Anzu & Mao friendship, implied pre-rel Anzu/Hokuto
Wordcount: 1,374 words
Content Warnings: None.
Notes: Finally catching up on my lateness with an Enstars fic! It's a missing scene from my only other Enstars fic at the moment, Nurse Café. It's a Hokuto-centric HokuAn sickfic in case you've *somehow* not heard of it while lurking around their tag lol (and it's like 4-chapter-long, albeit said chapters are short). I'm afraid I did write this story with the idea that the reader would have read Nurse Café first, or at least its first chapter, as it provides the context and implied conversations taking place here between Anzu and Hokuto. Anyway. I'm not sure of how much I've actually filled the "Unconscious" prompt, but do I ever properly fulfill a prompt, especially for challenges like this? Technically someone's unconscious here, so that has to make up for it, right? Riiiight? Also how do you write Mao? I feel like I've gotten him very, very wrong in this story lol. It's my first time actually writing him, though, so there's that I guess. woops.
Event hosted by @whumptober2019
AO3 version available here.
It had been a normal evening shift at the coffeeshop. The regulars had bought their usual drink, some new faces discovered the shop, some people changed from their habits, others continued discovering the other drinks they had never dipped a tongue into. Things were calm, almost soothingly so, making for a comfortable after-class shift where she had managed to squeeze in some college work too. Reading a book between clients was a way to both earn some precious money and advance in her school business.
Alas, Anzu hadn’t gotten to closing the shop yet when things drastically changed.
 The atmosphere until then had been of a cosy coffeeshop right before closure. The radio played softly the latest hit songs in the background, all chairs were empty and having been cleaned, her workmate had left already because his shift was ending before hers. Anzu had always appreciated this specific mood the shop could slip into once the sun was setting down, cleaning her counter before closing for the night. She had ten minutes left before shutting the lights off, a time that seemed very short compared to the rest of the day…
…and yet that had left the time for an unusual client to come in.
 The bells ringing surprised her out of her cleaning affairs, making her rise her head to the doorway, only for her to notice the client was already right in front of her face. Her eyes then directly met with a long-time friend, perhaps someone that was just a bit more than that: second-year literature major Hokuto, whom she could swear she had never seen even looking through her shop’s windows. It was odd for someone like him, who usually prided himself in his stricter living style compared to their friend group (Subaru being his favourite person to tease), taught to him by his grandmother, to step into her shop at such an hour of the night, at almost eleven o’clock.
The state his face was in didn’t ring any better bell. She had almost not been able to recognize him: a low and raspy voice, fluttering eyelids, glassy eyes with deep dark bags under them, swaying on his feet and words half-making sense. Clearly, this man needs a good night of sleep; and yet he orders an espresso of all things. If not having seem him for almost two weeks wasn’t rising enough red flags, then seeing him this obviously sleep-deprived could only have made her worry even further.
 Still, here, Anzu wasn’t Hokuto’s friend: she was an employee, a seller, a barista. She served him his cup, let him sit wherever he wanted, got his money. The full price wasn’t there: in fact, there was a chunk of the cost that he’d have usually noticed was missing. Still, she decided to brush it aside: it was the end of the day and some leftover coffee, it wasn’t a big deal, she’d pay the rest herself with some tip money. She could at least do that for him.
As she finished cleaning the counter, she noticed eleven was very near. Closing hour was coming next and she absolutely had to lock the door, prompting her to walk up to and inform him of the situation. He barely lifted his head from the hand barely holding it up. Concern and curiosity mixed together and, unable to help herself, Anzu put a careful hand on his forehead. He didn’t flinch, nearly didn’t blink, almost relishing in her palm; it felt like putting her hand on a stove that hadn’t fully gone cold yet.
She didn’t like it in the slightest.
 What followed was a confusing mess. As if he had regained back the energy he missed, Hokuto jerked away and gulped his cup in a couple swallows, most likely parching his throat in burning coffee, before trying to get up, giving her nonsensical mumbles. Despite the signs she had noticed that kept piling up, she got astonished to see his body pitch forward, his eyes rolling in the back of his skull, without a word more comprehensible than a grunt. Her arms almost failed catching him in his fall, nearly sending him crashing onto the floor; instead, she managed to put him softly to the ground, using her lap as a pillow for his head before she had taken off her apron to do so.
Okay, now that she had an unconscious friend and a shop to close on her hands, what was she supposed to do? She couldn’t leave either of them like that, so she ran to get her phone from her purse, until she spotted something, or rather someone, interesting in the corner of her eye through the main window: Mao, a common friend of them. Anzu immediately began waving her arms in his direction, trying to get his attention.
 To her relief, her friend immediately got the signal, running to her shop with a smile until it disappeared from his face as soon as he realized what was happening.
“W-wait…” He told her, face twisting in disbelief. “Is that really…?”
“Yeah…” She quickly replied before kneeling back.
“Quick question: how did you end up with a knocked-out Hokuto in your shop?”
“I… don’t really know. He stumbled here and ordered an espresso, but when I went to tell him I needed to close the shop, he got to his feet and fainted right here and there. All I know is that he looks severely sleep-deprived and that he’s running hot.”
Mao peered from above, crouching next to her, putting his own hand to make sure.
“Ah, yeah, I confirm, he’s burning up,” he shook his hand almost as soon as he had put it on their friend’s forehead. “He’s wasted for sure. How the hell did that even happen… I wouldn’t be surprised if that was me, but Hokuto? That’s a whole other puzzle!”
 Anzu didn’t take her eyes off the unconscious boy in front of her, instead mechanically brushing his bangs from his forehead. Her fingers were wet from the gesture, but her brain was blanking out from how weird the situation was and how worried she was getting.
“Should we call an ambulance?” She eventually mused out loud.
“Honestly? I’d have if it wasn’t Hokuto we’re talking about. If we do, his parents will know about it, and his grandma too, and he’ll scold us for having indirectly told his parents…” A nervous giggle. “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ask me, Hokuto is the kind of person who doesn’t like suddenly waking up in the hospital with four people looking over him.”
She hummed as a reply.
“Still, I wouldn’t let him alone in his place either. If he’s passed out right here and there, he probably can’t even stand properly, so taking care of himself is out of the question until he’s slept for something like three days. How the hell did that happen…”
“Then, let’s bring him to my place.”
 Mao froze for a solid thirty seconds.
“Don’t you usually bring Ritsu to your place whenever he falls asleep in public?”
“I do, but we’re childhood friends, that’s not the same thing!” His face suddenly brightened up. “Heh, if you see it that way, I suppose it’s not too bad. I’d even say Hokuto would like waking up at your place!”
“What do you mean by that?” Her face felt a bit warmer, weird.
“Ah, nothing,” his smile was kind of going against that statement. “Let’s bring this guy to your flat then. Help me get him on my back so you can close the shop.”
“Got it,” she said as she rose to her feet, doing as she was tasked to do, and recovering both her apron and the keys inside its pocket.
 A couple minutes later, Anzu had left the shop in its optimal closing state: all clean, lights switched off, door locked behind her. Once that was said and done, glancing at both of her friends, she let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Mao.”
“You’re welcome! Now, that was nothing, let’s get him home, shall we?”
Glancing one last time at the unconscious Hokuto propped on Mao’s back, she nodded.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
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I’m going to start journaling here on my ole tumblr account. For anyone who still follows me, if this isn’t your thing, you’re welcome to go. I just need to find a new way to release some thoughts and energy on a regular basis. Who knows how often I’ll even get around to it. Ideally daily would be great, but considering how scatter-brained I really am, it’s unlikely. This’ll be a kinda stream of consciousness type thing, where I don’t go back and edit it, I just post what I’ve written.
So I guess I’ll start with what makes me want to do this in the first place; I don’t know how to deal with my own emotions or thoughts, and I feel like venting about it to no one on the internet might make me feel better. I went out with Wyatt tonight, and it all just stressed me out. To set the background, and so I’ll remember with context later; today was a chill day at work, I got to go in when I wanted for just education, so I slept in and grabbed Starbucks on my way in. Nothing particularly special happened, except for some sweet gossip that I love to hate; Jerenda is moving from her manager position to be a CCU nurse. I imagine that’s a pay cut, and I’m surprised Debbie is letting her go, but she must really be suffering like the rest of us were (and some still are). I asked Cassie to get with her old contacts in CCU and give me updates on how she does, more specifically if she fails, so I can report back to all my old buddies on the floor. She deserves every ounce of shit she gets up there. The rest of my work day was generally uneventful, but I ended up coming home to a paper towel confettied mess, because Wyatt hadn’t put the boys up this morning like he usually does. Not a huge deal, but I can’t find the damn broom, so I’m going to leave it for him to see and clean up, though it does stress me out every time I go out there. If I just ignore it, it doesn’t exist, right? Wyatt came home after with his car back out of the shop, he had some thing done to soften the ride and raise the suspension or whatever, but they ended up somehow fucking it up and lowering the damn thing even more. Now you can’t even fit a finger in the wheel well. I’ll admit that the ride was smoother, however even the slightest bumps sounded like the entire undercarriage of the car drug on the ground. So we rode out to the Habitat for Humanity food truck fest at the baseball stadium to meet Dad for some dinner. I got a giant redneck cup full of sweet tea, and Wyatt had a couple beers. He had Mahi tacos from Wrighteous Eats, I had a macaroni and pulled pork grilled cheese from Who Cut the Grilled Cheese? All in all, pretty good stuff. Dad wasn’t hungry, and Wyatt wanted to get to his buddy John’s car meet, so we left around 7. Now, I used to take a lot of issue with his driving style, because he tends to speed and take turns and corners too quickly for my liking, but since he put new tires on and stiffened the suspension in the Accord, it gripped a lot better and I felt I could trust it more. Well, it’s been raining for the last two days, so it’s damn wet outside, and I don’t care how much grip your tires have, if you go too fast on a turn, you’re putting not only us in danger, but other people as well. He flew down 110 at about 70, driving past a wreck with an overturned truck and a few state troopers. I felt it would’ve been smarter not to speed past the troopers, but whatever. We get to 29 and he has to do a fly by for the boys, so he hauls ass at like 70 down the 45 zone to get some good muffler noises, then does a U-turn and comes up to the shop. As soon as we get out of the car (whose door I’ve just locked), he and Rylan jump into a souped up Civic and go for a ride. I barely got an “I’ll be right back, love you babe!” before he hopped in and they took off in the little red fart can. 5 minutes go by and I’m getting antsy, standing in a mechanic’s parking lot with a bunch of strangers in the dark, waiting for my doofus boyfriend to get back. I text him and tell him, “I am not interested in hanging out here alone with strangers.” He replied with “I’ll be back in a sec, they needed me to buy beer.” Okay, fine. He’s gone almost another ten minutes, and needless to say, I hadn’t arrived in the greatest mood as it was. They get back, and I’m audibly irritated with him, and he asks if I’m mad at him for going, and I say that I kinda am for just immediately taking off and leaving me alone with strangers for 15 minutes. He tells me to “calm down”, which we all know how well that works out. He says “whatever dude”, my favorite pet peeve phrase out of his mouth, and walks off to put the beer away. He then goes to talk to this kid who’s bought himself a piece of shit Accord and proceeds to give him the old coilovers off his car that he’d had replaced today. The kid (19) is super excited, and proceeds to gush about his Accord to Wyatt, who’s just thrilled to have someone with the same car as him. Wyatt takes him for a ride in his car to show it off, and I stay behind because I have no interest in being complicit in his going 80 down Hwy 29. Two different groups of guys were making shitty remarks about Wyatt’s car, and though I couldn’t make out specific sentences, I could hear the snickering about how slow he was. They made fun of him. All I could think of was that I hoped no one knew I was his girlfriend. I didn’t want to be made fun of too, nor did I want to make anyone stop talking about it. I wanted to hear their unfiltered and unbiased opinions. Those opinions were not nice. Then they got back and Wyatt asked if he could go for a ride in the kid’s car, and though I gave him a dirty look, I wanted him to just do it and get it over with. He saw my face and told the kid “maybe another day” but I whispered “he has the mental maturity of a 4 year old, just go with him and make his fuckin day.” They left, the kid’s muffler dragging against the ground the whole way. Once again, all I could think of was “please for the love of God no one acknowledge that I know half of the brain power in that vehicle.” They made endless fun of that shit bucket car, even after they came back. Wyatt did get a semi-backhanded compliment from Rylan about his car from the ordeal, “This car is a piece of shit. Accords are not all pieces of shit, because your car isn’t a piece of shit, but this car is.” That made Wyatt happy, which is all I ask for. Now, note that this entire time we’ve been here, and I mean since we rolled up into the parking lot, I’ve had to pee. I’m on my period, so I’m already bloated, and I just finished about a quart of sweet tea and a giant grilled cheese and tots, so I’m busting at the seams here. He asks if I want him to take me home so I can pee, but I don’t necessarily want to abandon him and leave, I just want to go somewhere relatively clean, not the mechanic’s bathroom in the shop that I’ve just seen three kids running in and out of and playing in. No thanks. But eventually I just give in and let him take me home, and here we are. Writing to you, the void. It’s nice to just sit here on my computer, on the couch, in my own home, in the dark and the quiet, with three relatively calm dogs at my sides. Cali popped up out of a box and scared the shit out of Shep, so I’ve had something to laugh at.
I need to try and study a bit for the HESI and then sign up to take it next week so I can get my dumbass into school. I don’t really know what I want anymore. I want to help people, and I think I want to do it via emergency medicine, but I honestly don’t know if I’m equipped to handle that. Sure, I love the blood and guts in videos and shit, but what about in real life? I haven’t had a chance to see a real surgery yet, and with the way that I’ve handled things in the past, I’m nervous I’ll be too weak for it. Plus, going back to 3 12s every week and working those long and miserable hours on my feet with a bunch of grouchy ass patients. I really like the whole unconscious patients thing, they haven’t got much room to talk back. The other thing I’m worried about with nursing is being able to even get through school. Sure, if Glenn can get through it, I imagine I can too. But how do I learn all those medications? The abnormal heart rhythms? The various symptoms and variations of diseases and their processes? In just four semesters? How do I manage all that in such a limited time? I’ve never been particularly good in school, and I’m lazy as all hell, with my “if you don’t know it by now, there’s no point in studying any more” bullshit mentality. I know I shouldn’t be like that with schooling that determines my career, but I can’t help myself but not give a shit. It’s been almost a week since registration for the summer opened up and I still haven’t signed up for a class. I don’t know how I’ll be paying for it either, with the lack of Florida prepaid left over at this point. I’ve only got 37 hours left, but thankfully only need 42 hours for this AA. Beyond that, I’m shit outta luck. 
I’m just not feeling the motivation for anything. I don’t know if it’s that I don’t feel motivation any more, or that I never felt it to begin with. I wasn’t motivated in middle school or high school, and certainly not the first time around in college classes. But I just don’t feel motivation to do things that I enjoy. It reminds me a lot of when I would come straight home from school and just sink into the couch to watch Netflix until late at night, without bothering to do much homework or any studying, much less any self care. I don’t have the motivation to shower every day, I don’t remember to brush my teeth every morning if I don’t go to work like normal, I never wear makeup and usually don’t brush my hair. I never eat breakfast or enjoy my coffee or wake up at the first alarm without snoozing. I don’t play videogames anymore, and I don’t have much interest in plants anymore. I don’t keep up with my part of house work and yet still get frustrated with Wyatt when he doesn’t do his part. I neglect my old passions and belongings. I don’t try. I don’t really care, even. I just feel so empty sometimes. I feel like I have a hole in my stomach, like I’ve tried to fill a void with hobbies and interests and food and friends, and nothing ever seems to work, or at least not for long. I’m not really depressed right now, but maybe it’s just that it’s grown into something different. Maybe this constant emptiness is my new form of deep sadness. I don’t cry a lot anymore, and I haven’t been suicidal in a couple months. Even when I have been sad lately, I’ve thought about the idea of suicide taking away the pain, but it just doesn’t feel like the right solution anymore.  I guess that’s a good thing, not wanting to die, even if I don’t really feel like I am living. I’m just so upset about everything all the time. I’m worried I’m too handsy and mean with the dogs. It breaks my heart every time I raise my hand to Lillie and she cowers, and I know that I’m the one who’s done that to her. I don’t beat her, but I’ve used my hands to train, and I know it’s wrong. I guess that makes me one of the bad guys. I hate myself for it, because I can’t control myself in the moment, I just see this blind rage and I lash out at the object of my anger, and then afterwards realize I was wrong in handling it the way I did. Do I even deserve these dogs? Sheppy paces out of boredom, and I’m worried Lillie will end up doing the same. They’re just so high energy, and I’m so not, I can’t motivate myself to take care of them the way I know they deserve. I hate myself sometimes. This is one of those moments where I wish I could just die, but I know I don’t want to. I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I think I’ll schedule another appointment with Dr. Kim and talk it out with her. I really need help with Wyatt most of all. I’m worried about him, and I’m worried about the way I treat him. He absolutely deserves better than I’m giving him, but I couldn’t stand to lose him. He really is my whole world, but like with Lillie, when he aggravates me, I just lose all sense of right and wrong and just go with an aggressive and hateful base instinct of doing what I want. I’m trying to be better, but I feel like since I’ve stopped therapy, I’ve slid back some. I haven’t been so kind, patient, and forgiving. He deserves that much from me, when I know he does the same for me.
Anyway, at this point, I’m just rambling thoughts of things that have come to mind lately, and I think this is sufficient for the first journal post. If you’re a follower and you’ve made it this far, I’m so sorry for you, it was not worth it bud. But for me when I come back and read this later, be more forgiving to him. He didn’t mean it that way, he didn’t intend to make you feel like that, he didn’t mean to upset or bother you. Sometimes he’s just oblivious, and he still can’t read your mind. Give him the patience he deserves, and the love and support and acceptance he needs. Give more of yourself to him, don’t be selfish, share a little.
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