#for example raph x casey and april x donnie
scribbledpage · 1 year
you're part of a fictional series the tmnt2k12 turtles watch
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this boy here is a space heroes fan (a super fan), and he's very open about it, so it would be no surprise that he'd be open to being a fan of your show.
he would binge watch the episodes that have you in it, or a you-centric episode constantly or whenever he's feeling down or demotivated.
no matter if it's an action series or a slice-of life series, you inspire him to become a better leader and example to his brothers.
you know that random feeling of motivation when you watch a study vlog or anything inspiring? he'd get that random burst of motivation to train while watching some episodes (in secret, of course).
his brothers, mainly raph, tease him for liking your show and talk about how childish it is(when in reality, they think its a decent series to watch).
no doubt this boy secretly makes 'x reader' fanfiction.
even if you're a side character or comdic relief, he still enjoys the scenes you're in and hyper analyze your traits and makes headcannons.
he'd sometimes use the episodes where there'd be mental health awareness as a guide to look out for signs in his brothers and friends so he can make sure they're okay ♡
he'll rant about your charcater the moment he hears anything related to you(or his headcannons), for example: your favorite colour, a word/phrase you use often, the style of clothing you wear etc.
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he is obsessed with your character.
considering with how obsessed he got with april (within seasons 1-3, i think), he'd have a chart or a notebook dedicated to you.
like, he'd have one whole notebook or chart listing the things you like, dislike, in between, headcannons, things the fandom agrees with, your style, etc.
he can't go about his day without thinking what you would do with him if you were real.
he loves your sass, jokes, and character development in the series (even if most watchers dont see the development at all).
this guy will drop everything at a second he sees merch of your character or a new season release.
he definitely thinks you're underrated in your own show and relates to some of the episodes a bit.
he definitely stayed up late to binge watch episodes instead of working on projects that can help them defeat the kraang.
if you can speak languages other than english, he'd go out of his way to learn said language because of you.
if you dont speak other languages, then he would try out (and love) your hobbies that he found boring at first.
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casey had introduced your show to him and he'd rather die than admit that he liked it.
he'd secretly quote some of your underrated lines, and no one would notice (to his relief).
like leo, he'd get random bursts of motivation watching the episodes you're in.
he actually watches the whole series instead of skipping to the part you're in.
he enjoys the plot and your character, and he'd get giddy whenever he sees your character merch or your show's poster if he's patrolling.
he develops some of your habits yet no one pointed it out, until casey.
casey knew raph liked the show, and he'd never stopped teasing raph about it, occasionally ending up with bruises.
thankfully, casey keeps quiet about it.
he doesn't do things all out like donnie but enjoys your character.
his anger issues actually decrease when watching your show
he reacts very heavily to some of the plots like some arguments you had in the show, a betrayal by your trusted ones, you falling in love
like he'll want to scream at each of them(in a good and bad way)
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this man is obsessed.
any reference from your show, he's ranting to the first person he sees (leo is often a victim of this).
he doodles ur character on whatever space he can find. walls, tables, donnie's papers, receipts from april. that's right, he's doodling u
he daydreams. literally.
he'll create little fantasies (no nsfw stuff tho, that's gross) like what it'll be like when ur here in the real world or when u try his homemade pizza for the first time.
like raph, he is bound to squeal or grin whenever there are funny scenes
i feel like he's the type to go crazy whenever a single thought of u or ur show comes to his mind. he's on another level of hyper fixated
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turtlesaus · 1 year
Baby Michealangelo- TurtleDuck AU
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(Most of the design choices were inspired form Pinterest, IDK who drew them cause literally noone cited their sources x-x)
Last Turtle! Later its other characters~~;
Michealangelo Hamato
Nicknames: Mikey, Mike, Angelo Race/Species: Turtle Mutant/Yokai Age: XXX (Changes though time) Height: XXX (Same as age) Gender/Pronouns: He/Them/It Job: Close Range Fighting/ Support/ Artist
Bubbly and artistis, yet with a very thin patience, Mikey is the most chaotic of all of them, with his ADHD making him a walking classic ADHD example and clumsy central.
He got to grow up with Raph and heavily rely on his brothers, but quickly master his weapon and ninpo because he hyperfixated on them one day, and got it down pat somehow.
Considered the 'artisti one', he is the one you go to when you need something mapped out, because, despite a poor attention span, he has the memory of an elephant.
He is not allowed in the kitchen without supervision, as last time he got sidetracked while cooking, lef the room, andnearly burnt down the kitchen.
Mikey's power is like a funhouse miracle set. His abilities are all based somewhat on energy and elements, but it seems kinda random from afar. His abilities include;
Fire generation: Mikey wields a Kusari-Fundō with a laughing weight and a chain that can extend nigh-infinitely. With its extensive reach, he can burn, grapple, and cut opponents/objects. On top of using his Kusari-Fundō, he can also create small flames with his hands, though he is susceptible to larger flames.
Weight rejection: Anything within his Kusari-Fundō’s grip instantly becomes 80 percent lighter, allowing Mikey to manipulate opponents/objects of a normally colossal weight with ease.
Portals: Kind of. Mikey’s Portals are only for one thing, dimensions, and it's extremely harmful to him. He can open dimensions to other times, universes, and realms, like the prison dimension. He has been banned from doing it unless absolutely necessary.
Mikey grew up almost never seing his actual adoptice father, only his brother. He was the one who noramlized the family calling Leo 'Mama'.
With his new sibling he bonded slowly, not understanding how they thought at first, and it a took a minute for him to warm up to them. Afterwards however, he could almost never be seperated from them.
He loves Draxum (AS A PARENT BACK OFF TCEST DNI!!) so much he could probably combust.
Family Dynamics
Mikey & Leo
Mikey had the hyperactive side of ADHD, and has trouble sitting still to do anything, eg cooking; he is very fast and haphazard, and usually it turns out good, but it usually can never be created again because he guestimates his measurements. Leo patiently teaches him things, even if he forgets the smaller details, and helps him focus of things he's passionate about.
Mikey & Donnie
PB&J Duo, get together well. Mikey will bring Don ideas, Don builds them either with him or later when he has free time. Half of the cool tech ideas came from Mikey's notebook. Donnie loves to coddle and love on him.
Mikey & Raph
Mikey and Raph alone together usually leads to absoloute chaos. One is flusted easily, the other is a complete ADHD attention span presentation. They love each other, and cuddle at the drop of a beat, but don't leave them alone with a lot of energy.
Mikey & Casey
Casey constantly dotes on him becasuse he's the youngest, and has bought him doughnuts on multiple occasions. Mikey would die for him, and so would casey.
Mikey & April
Like Raph, Mikey and his sister act like a mother duck and her child. He follows her around, like Raph, and she will make sure that he gets attetion and keeps an eye on him so he doesn't do something stupid.
(More to come)
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spicy-apple-pie · 2 years
Capril (aka lesbians lol)
Listen up peeps, I see so much Sunita x April content. But where is my Cassandra x April content??? Like it’s so cute, and don’t get me wrong, so is Sunita x April (sapphics have to stick together), but I just need more them. So here’s some headcanons
They both were crushing hard on each other before they got together, but Cass never experienced romantic attraction like this before. So she’s so confused, and she’s angry that she’s confused. So she ends up acting really weird around April.
They are both so chaotic in the best ways. They’ll be fighting an enemy and Cass will pull this cool move and April would just scream “THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!”
April is more comfortable with PDA. They’ll be watching a movie with the turtles and she’ll just curl up into Cass’s arms. Cass would be really tense and nervous in the beginning. As she gets more comfortable, she becomes a cuddle fiend. (This goes for the turtles too btw. She’s always hanging off of Raph)
Again, in the beginning of the relationship, Cass is very nervous that she’ll mess up and then April will hate her. So she relies on the turtles too heavily. April will text her like “good morning 😊😊” and then Cass will send a screenshot to Donnie freaking out about what she would say.
For example
Cass: *sends screen shot* what do i say?
Donnie: idk, just say good morning back
Cass: okay but should I say like gm or would she think that I don’t care enough to write out the whole thing
Donnie: does it matter?
Cass: and what’s her stance on emojis. Should I use the same ones as her or would she think I’m just copying her
Donnie: I don’t think she’ll care
It was a daily occurrence until Cass texted April back instead of Donnie. The message read “DONNIE HELP ME I KNOW THAT I TOLD YOU I WOULDNT BOTHER YOU ABOUT THIS ANYMORE BUT PLEASE I DON’T WANT HER TO HATE MEEEEEE!!!” April is like “hold up”
The turtles, splinter, and Sunita (and later Casey Jr) had their own group chat before they got together called “dumb lesbians group therapy” where they would talk about stupid stuff April and Cass would do. Like April tripping and falling on her face while walking past Cass training.
Splinter doesn’t contribute much, he just wants to spill the hot tea
And then he gossips with Baron.
When they get together where they post Cass and April being cute. Sunita takes the most pictures because she’s with them at school all day. Donnie and Leo always act disgusted. “Gross cooties” “right in front of my salad?”. Mikey and Raph are really supportive of them and don’t have the heart to make fun of them like Donnie and Leo do.
When Cass has a bad day, she doesn’t even have to say anything to April. Cass just walks up to April and puts her head on the her shoulder. April asks “rough day?” Cassandra groans into her shoulder. “Do you want to cuddle?” “…..yes >:(“
When April is having a bad day, she much rather do something, like go out for pizza or just play some video games. Just quality time with her girlfriend. Cass feels like this isn’t enough and seeks vengeance on those who wronged April.
As they get older and marriage comes up, they almost brake up fighting over who gets Sunita as a bridesmaid.
It’s just one of those stupid fights where you don’t even know why you’re fighting. It’s stops when Donnie asks “when did you guys even get engaged?”
They were never engaged. They weren’t planning a wedding. They were both stressed about one thing or another and they blew up at each other. They communicated with each other and came back stronger.
Casey Jr is really confused when he finds out his mom has a crush on commander O’Neil. They never got together in his reality, there was no time for romance.
But looking back, they were extremely close. He could definitely see a reality where April is his step mom.
The turtles teases all three of them by singing “Stacy’s Mom” at the top of their lungs, replacing Stacy with Casey.
There they be. My babies. I will be back. I will feed Rise Capril nation.
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goodlucktai · 2 years
for what it’s worth, it was worth all the while
rise of the tmnt pairing: raph & everyone, raph & casey word count: 2153 title borrowed from good riddance by green day post-movie
read on ao3 
Leo’s arms squeeze tight around them for three seconds, four—and then they fall loose. He slumps forward and would have hit the ground if Donnie and Mikey didn’t scramble to support his sudden deadweight.
They push him back upright, and then ease him into a careful lean against Raph’s cracked plastron. Raph wraps sore hands carefully around Leo’s slim shoulders, hyper-aware of every cut and bruise on his little brother’s battered body.
Leo’s head lolls as if he’s asleep, or—as if he’s asleep.
The giddy relief of an extremely close victory drains away in favor of fear. All three of them are shaking with the leftover dregs of adrenaline.
“What’s wrong with him?” Mikey asks shrilly. He’s clutching Leo’s arm like he doesn’t trust Leo to remain solid if he lets go.
“You want that list alphabetically or in descending order of how much each issue complicates my life?” Donnie replies shortly, lowering the lenses of his goggles over his eyes.
If it were anyone else, Raph and Mikey both would have snapped at the inappropriately irreverent tone—but it’s Donatello. They know how he wears his worry. Whatever he’s picking up with his scan, it’s causing his lips to thin, and lines to tighten around his eyes.
He’s an engineer, not a medic—Leo fills that uncredited role—but Donnie is Leo’s usual extra set of hands in the infirmary, so he picked up a thing or two. Raph can tell, from the careful, deliberate way he touches his twin’s neck and feels around the base of his skull, that Donnie is mentally rehearsing everything he knows about head trauma and spinal injuries.
“It should be safe to move him,” he finally says, sitting back on his heels. Absolutely none of that worry, poorly moonlighting as dispassion, has left his eyes. “I want him back home in the medbay immediately. Like, a week ago immediately. But,” he adds, uncomfortable being the voice of comfort and doing his best with it regardless, “he’ll be okay.”
It’s like Raph’s shell was too tight right up until that moment, crushing his lungs and restricting his air. And now he can breathe again.
“Of course he will,” he chokes out.
“It’s not a medbay if it’s not on a spaceship,” Mikey replies absently, doing a decent job of sounding like he’s not on the verge of hysterics as he helps tuck Leo safely into the crook of Raph’s arm. “You normally just call it the spa.”
“Ninety-nine percent of the time we only use that room for mud masks and manicures. So sue me.”
“Alright,” Raph butts in, not unkindly, “we can argue about it later. I’m sure Leo will have some key points to add. Donnie, the tank is out of commission for the time being—do you have any other ride you could call for us? If not, we might need to, uh—borrow one.”
He can’t even bring himself to feel guilty about it. He would do a lot worse than steal a car for his family, even if it sets a bad example. Donnie’s frown deepens as he taps on his holo-gauntlet, which Raph takes as a sign that he doesn’t actually have a secret fleet of vehicles he can summon from now that most of his tech has been soundly smashed by the Krang.
“Way ahead of you, mister,” a voice chimes in from the comms, and as one, the turtles glance at the glowing emblem on Raph’s forearm.
“April?” Mikey’s voice shoots upwards gladly. “Hey! You’re okay!”
“Of course I am, what’s a little city-wide alien invasion? I went to public school. And you boys need to update me pronto! Splints and I have been losing our minds over here! We got Leo back?”
“Yeah, we got him,” Raph affirms. He holds Leo a little tighter. They very nearly almost didn’t get him. “You can thank Mikey for that.”
Their sister makes a choked noise, what was clearly a sob before she strangled it into submission. “Angelo, you’re getting one helluva hug from me the second I see you. Brace yourself, baby.”
“Consider me braced,” Mikey says. His smile is shaky, but he manages to keep it.
“We just picked up Future Boy, and we’re on our way to you now. Give us two shakes—maybe three. Traffic’s kind of not great.”
“Ten-four, Apricot,” Donnie says, and then the comm goes silent, and the three of them just sort of look at each other.
With help on the way, and nothing to do but wait, there’s time for the hurts they’ve been too busy for to finally settle in.
Raph can barely keep his right eye open, it burns so much. His left shoulder is a solid ache. Mikey’s hands are still shaking, and Raph thinks maybe it has less to do with adrenaline than he thought, and more to do with that golden portal he tore open out of sheer stubborn, inexhaustible love. And Donnie is sitting in that tense, stiff way he only does when his battle shell is hurting more than it’s helping, his mouth set in a firm line that Raph knows means he’s gone nonverbal for the time being.
Still… still.
They’re alive to feel it all, the pain and relief and fear and love. They’re together. The sun is setting, brilliant and golden in the sky, and their proud, unconquered city shines beneath it.
And Leo’s breaths are warm puffs against Raph’s shoulder. His plastron rises and falls evenly with each one. The whole right side of his face is puffy and swollen, and there’s a crack in his shell that Raph is worried about, but he’s alive. He’s sleeping, and he’s safe, and by the end of the day he’ll be home.
Raph shifts him up a bit, ignoring the sharp look Donnie shoots at him for it; just enough that he can plant his cheek carefully on the top of Leo’s head. Mikey scoots closer, sandwiching himself between his two eldest brothers. He lifts one of Donnie’s arms and drapes it around himself snugly. Don sighs through his nose, but leans in instead of away.
They won, and they won without losing anything they couldn’t come back from.
The raucous, manic beeping of a car horn draws Raph’s attention to the unfamiliar cargo van galloping towards them at what is very much not the speed limit. It brakes with an angry screech and a long stretch of tire marks scrubbed into the asphalt lot, and April, Splinter and Casey pile out like a squad of Navy Seals, leaving doors hanging wide-open behind them.
It’s all chaos for the next handful of minutes, everyone talking over each other, lots of “are you okay?”s and “I’m okay, are you—”s. Splinter takes one look at Leo’s poor battered face and orders everyone back into the car.
They have to fold the middle row of seats down for Raph to fit comfortably. Donnie slips away to the driver’s seat, jittery and overstimulated. It’ll make him feel better to do something with purpose. Mikey’s starting to cry in earnest, now that they’re surrounded by family and he feels safe enough to cry, and April bundles him up in a hug that looks like it might last a couple days.
They’re halfway across the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, under the indigo blanket of twilight, when Raph realizes Casey has been very quiet.
As a matter of fact, he hasn’t heard Casey say a word since the kid was crying on the comms, begging Leo not to go away.
He glances over his shoulder at the back row of seats. Casey is sitting on April’s other side, hunched forward, arms wrapped around himself as if he’s staving off the cold. His eyes are glassy and freshly traumatized and Raph realizes he’s let something pretty important slip.
“Hey,” Raph says, his heart hurting for him. “Casey.” When Casey startles at the sudden address, and his gaze darts up to meet Raph’s, the snapping turtle offers his hand. “It’s okay. Here.”
His hand is huge, and he knows that his size can be intimidating for people who don’t know him. He’s half-expecting Casey to hesitate to take it. But the boy lurches forward off his seat at the invitation, like there’s a string knotted around his breastbone, tying him to this little ragtag family of mutants and misfits. He puts his hand in Raph’s without missing a beat.
Raph works off Casey’s heavy glove and then guides his scarred, five-fingered hand to Leo’s arm.
“If Leo was your sensei, I’m guessing he taught you how to take a pulse,” Raph says lightly. Sure enough, Casey’s fingers curl, the first two pressing against the palmar side of Leo’s wrist in the automatic, unflinching manner of a field medic. The proof of life beats there, steady and solid. “See? He’s alive. And he’s gonna stay that way. You don’t have to be scared.”
Casey blinks, and it dislodges a couple tears from his eyes, but he nods. He’s staring down at their hands on Leo’s arm, an odd expression on his face.
Belatedly, Raph realizes he’s still holding Casey’s hand, and he lifts his own away quickly.
“Sorry,” he starts, but Casey is already shaking his head rapidly.
His voice breaks the pocket of stillness they’ve been sitting in; Mikey lifts his head off of April’s shoulder to fix them with a watery, curious look. Donnie’s eyes dart to the rearview mirror, narrowed in suspicion, like he’s just looking for an excuse to ground one of them for getting rowdy. The driver’s seat always gives him an inflated sense of authority.
Immediately, Casey looks mortified. “I mean—uh, nevermind.”
This is a much better expression on him than that grief-stricken one had been; so Raph raises an eye ridge in a silent go on.
“Um—well, I just remembered—you used to hold my hand when I was little,” Casey mumbles, very fixedly not meeting anyone’s eyes. “I always wanted to run after sensei and you were worried I’d get hurt. Then you weren’t around anymore and I had to learn to be careful on my own.” He shrugs, smiling crookedly at some bittersweet memory from his displaced past in an unwritten future. “I really missed you.”
The world he came from is gone and won’t ever come back, and for all that that’s a really, really good thing, it’s also kind of sad.
Master Leonardo doesn’t exist anymore, not as Casey knew him. But Casey still looks at Leo the same way Mikey does, like Leo could hang the moon in the sky if it ever occurred to him to try.
The people that Casey loved were real. They raised him, and risked everything to save him—to send him back to a better, brighter place. And he carried their hope and determination with him every step of the way here. Now he can put all of that down, but that just leaves him with nothing but his empty hands.
Raphael has cried a lot today already, but this just about sends him over the edge all over again.
“No need to miss us anymore,” he says firmly. “We may not be the people you knew before, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re family.”
“Seconded!” Mikey chirps immediately.
“Thirded and fourthed, as I am Nardo’s legally-appointed proxy,” Donnie adds from the driver’s seat, the first thing he’s said in over an hour.
“Aw, it’s unanimous,” April declares. “You went through hell with us, Jones, and you came out the other side swinging. That makes it official.”
“We’ll get you a Hamato clan T-shirt,” Splinter says irreverently, his paw resting on Leo’s forehead, thumb stroking absent circles against the sleeping slider’s bruised temple.
“It won’t be what you left behind,” Mikey tells him, sounding better for having gotten his tears out of his system, and, as always, light-years ahead of the rest of them in the arena of emotional maturity. “We can’t be your teachers. But we’d love a chance to be your siblings instead.”
Casey looks bowled over by them, and uncertain, and desperately wanting. Raph bumps their shoulders together, trying to nudge him over disbelief into acceptance.
“What, you think I can’t wrangle another little brother? Please. If I can handle the twins, I can handle anyone.”
“Pardon?” Donnie interjects. “You’re throwing me under this bus? Me, the most low-maintenance member of this entire family?”
“You’ve never been low-maintenance a day in your life,” April says with feeling. Mikey snorts, then starts laughing at the offended expression Donnie aims at them in the mirror.
Casey laughs, too. It sounds like it was surprised out of him. It feels like a victory as big as that whole thing with the Krang was.
Raphael is looking forward to this new future they made. He’s glad they’re going to see it together.
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baby-turtlefan · 3 years
2003 Donnie x reader
Ok so I can see Donnie form the 2003 liking precious and semi-precious mineral because of the crystal from the series. Like he did some research on them because of those “magic” crystal and got really into it. So here is a story.
Donnie pov:
I was working on some machine that would make communication easier between us and our human friend. Some sort of watch that could send out to 3 different signals: the first being the emergence button for when they get attack, the second being for when they were coming over (so we would know when a certain someone would show up) and the last one was for communicating directly to us, although it was a one ways transmitter. I finish the first one and was almost done with the second when they came in the lair.
- Hi guys!
- Hi y/n! said Mikey from the coach.
- How is everything going Mikey?
- Pretty good. Thanks again for the movie, there awesome!
- You’re welcome, I’m glad you like them.
they turn to face me and I froze. there eyes… they are so beautiful. Such a beautiful blue with some gold spot around the pupil. It was almost hypnotising. They smile at me and I didn’t hear what they said, but I am pretty sure it was “hi Donnie” so I respond:
- Hi y/n how are you?
- I am doing fine thanks for asking. What are you working on?
they got closer to the table and so I explain to them what it was.
- I am working on a watch that you, April and Casey could wear and be use to communicate with us.
- Like a phone but on your wrist?
- Not really. It would be able to do 3 different things: call for help when you press on that button, signal us that you are coming with that one and the last is similar to a phone but only one way so if you would be kidnap for example, we would be able to hear everything in your end and they couldn’t hear us in return. Even if we are screaming at the top of our lung. And that speaker is where we will hear you from. It will probably be installed on one of the pylons of the main room of the lair so everyone could hear it.
- That’s awesome!
My heart skips a beat. I know it is kind of stupid but I really love it when they compliment my work.
- I am almost done with the second one. Do you want the first one?
- Sure thanks! They said while putting the watch on.
- How was your day at work?
- Oh well…
We talk for about 20 minutes when I got lost in there eye again. They were all I could see or more accurately all I could pay attention. I could see their mouth moving and their expression change, but my attention was drawn to their eyes, there beautiful blue eyes, there lapis-lazuli eyes. There expression change suddenly, they look surprise. Oh no don’t tell me…
- Lapis-lazuli? Isn’t that some kind of rock? Is my story reminded you of a rock?
- Hum... well no it wasn’t your story… it’s… your eyes.
- My eyes?
- Yes, your eyes remind me of lapis-lazuli. It some kind of semi-precious blue rock. Your eyes remind me of them. Such a beautiful blue with just a little bit of gold.
- Thanks, you Donnie.
There face turn red, oh no am I embarrassing them!? Although not gonna lie, they look cute when they are like that. I giggled nervously.
- Aw!
We both turn to look at Mikey and Raphael who both had a smirk. Now we are both embarrass.
- Go get a room lovebird. Said Raphael.
- What no! what are you talking about!
- You are made to be together, added Mikey.
Suddenly they started laughing, its kind of hurt.
- Your just jealous because Donnie gave me a compliment and not you.
Now everyone was shock!
- Eh no! said Raph
- Or is it because your eyes aren’t the color of a semi-precious mineral.
- What no!
They started laughing again, but this time, I join them. Raph looked so confuse and almost flustered. Mikey just had a big smile on his face and was trying not to laugh too. Raph ended up leaving the room. I looked at y/n and they smile back.
- Thanks, you again for the compliment. I have to go now, see you guys tomorrow.
- Oh really! You didn’t even past some time with me today! Said Mikey while frowning.
- I promise I’ll pass some time with you tomorrow. I really have to go now.
- Alright… bye y/n!
- Bye y/n
They said goodbye to everyone and then leave the lair. I am sure it is because of what I said that they left early today.
A few hours later…
I was finish with the second watch when I heard y/n voice coming from the little speaker.
- Hello Donnie, I hope any of your brother is around… ok so I like you too… sorry I didn’t say it earlier. Sweet dream!
I am so glad that my brother were all in there room, because I am 100% sure I am as red as Raph mask right now. Y/n is returning my filling and I really couldn’t be happier. I should try to get them something for tomorrow. maybe I could make them a neckless with that peace of lapis-lazuli I found the other day…
I hope you enjoyed that little story. It was pretty fun to write it. I didn’t had a lot of time or energy lately to write because of my work and the pandemic. I hope it turn out ok.
Have a nice day everyone and please stay safe!
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divine-motion · 4 years
my rewrite of tmnt 2012 is turning more into “my fan iteration within the story of 2012 which i change a bit to suit my self-indulgence” (which it pretty much was from the start but hey) so i’m just gonna write down some General Stuff abt it like arcs and stuff
Tang Shen is alive but did get sliced by Shredder like when she dies in canon, so she has scars and Shredder believes her to be dead. Tang Shen also believes that Yoshi went and disappeared on her when he went to buy those turtles so, you know, rough couple of years for her w/ regards to thinking her infant daughter is dead, moving away from japan w/ her husband, and then her husband mutates into a rat and doesn’t tell her abt it. now she works as a robotics engineer at Stockman labs and while she’s still depressed she’s getting better, she likes her work, and she’s working on a certain nanobot project which is going good
(Nano is in this version but they instead are in an arcade cabinet that the turtles then bring to the Lair so that Nano has a family and they get to play with the turtles often. Happy end for Nano!)
Raph is the one who first meets Shen and Shen starts signing the adoption papers for the turtles
Splinter is pretty much the same as in 2012 but like, he gets confronted abt his shit instead of just being Flawless Wise Mentor, mainly by Michelangelo and then Shen when she meets him again. think he’s still gonna die but only once instead of. what. three times?
the turtles have known April for about three years since they went to the surface in secret and met a curious human girl. April quickly decided she has four brothers now and they agreed whole-heartedly
April’s parents are both alive btw and very good parents, though since “the Kraang want to kidnap April” isn’t a thing here they are both unaware of her mutant friends
April isn’t trained as a kunoichi and instead relies on her telepathic powers, which would grow at the same rate as the turtles become better fighters. i have a whole list of her powers and their limits - for example, tinfoil hats do work to keep your head protected from telepathy, much to everyone’s surprise. a metal pot also works, or a metal helmet. Shredder is unknowingly immune to it with his helmet always being on...
the brain worms serve a slightly bigger role, but they are instead creatures from Dimension X, a weak, telepathic parasite that crawls into people’s brains and controls them to keep the worm safe while it feeds on the person. they are what Kraang Prime mutated himself with to create the Kraang hivemind. they are also called “mind maggots” in Dimension X, “brain worms” is just what Stockman and Donnie started calling them when first discovered. removing a brain worm from a person without using telepathic powers can result in the person’s death or severe brain damage
also the Kraang are a more literal hivemind. if one of them sees you, they all see you. the turtles have to use all their ninja stealth to deal with them, and it’s always a risk because the Kraang can easily overwhelm them with how many of them there are
Kraang Prime is probably gonna be offed at the end of the “season 1 finale”, probably by Leatherhead. he deserves it. offing Prime also frees the Kraang hivemind from his control and the Utrom have their autonomy back. either that, or they manage to release the hivemind from his control another way, and it leaves Prime like weak and useless somehow. maybe by plucking off those weird crystals on his head, i dunno, still thinking abt it
oh Leatherhead! Leatherhead is a doctor for mutants, being a bit of a mix between his 2003 and 2012 self. he wants to help other mutants since he knows they’re victims of the Kraang too, however indirectly, and that they can’t exactly get medical help. mutants do have greater regenerative properties, but that’s only going to help you so far, and your bones might grow back wrong quicker. so, Leatherhead spent his years of freedom studying medicine and mutant biology, using stuff he stole from the Kraang during his first escape.
it would be a lot more focused on helping mutants in general. like, there would still be mutant villains that would be fought when needed, but Mikey and Donnie would put their feet down and try to offer the mutants help in settling into their new life. the turtles would also not be disgusted with mutants like they are in 2012 like jeez, dumbdotcomm really put it into words
anyways the Kraang would cease being a threat after “season 1″ and the truce Karai suggests between Foot and Hamato does happen. Splinter hates it and doesn’t trust it at all
Baxter Stockman has his own lab which is pretty successful, and he is an incredibly smart and eccentric guy with a bubbly personality - until you threaten him or talk down to him, at which point he shows himself to be calculating and ruthless, still with a smile on his face. he doesn’t pick up on sarcasm very well, though, and if you ask him to explain something, he will happily do so in great detail, whether you’re friend or foe. also, he doesn’t get mutated into a fly, and he doesn’t get turned into just a brain, either. he’s just a funky regular human guy
Timothy becomes The Badger in this version. he’s also treated better by the turtles, especially Mikey who takes it upon himself to train Timothy, partially bc Mikey wants to be a superhero but knows he can’t show his face. in fact, Timothy was inspired by Mikey specifically as he saw Mikey trying to be a costumed superhero at one point. when Timothy mutates, he becomes a human mutant like Hun and Ravenwood from IDW, so he can become like an actual superhero with powers
more female characters. like just in general more girls please. i beg of you.
Angel is Casey’s older sister who’s off at college as a STEM student, and she is also Nobody here bc i absolutely love that for her, IDW was galaxy brained when they did that. Alopex is her partner here too same as in IDW, and they jokingly call themselves “Batteries, the Double-A Crime Fighting Duo”. Angel is very much against Casey being a vigilante despite being one herself, but she’s an adult so it’s different, obviously
the turtles ask Alopex to be their teacher, too, especially since Raph notices that she fights using anger in a controlled way, and she is a bit surprised and slightly awkward about it but she accepts. Alopex is an arctic fox instead of a red fox here btw, though she has a summer coat most of the time and only gets white fur during winter.
April would also have an arc where she strives to understand her mutant side and powers better, so she would venture into Dimension X alone to find the Utrom, and learns about their society before and after Kraang. Rook and Queen (named Quin here bc Bishop isn’t a Utrom in this version, and Utrom don’t have a concept of queens and kings) would have bigger roles, as they would help April out with her powers and figuring out what being part Utrom/Kraang means for her identity.
Rook is also an alchemist/scientist who created mutagen in the first place, and Kraang was her assistant. this isn’t super important to April’s arc but i just thought it’d throw it out there
the brain worms/mind maggots would result in a City Fall arc i’ve decided. but it would be the only time mind control/brainwashing becomes a plot point in this series bc i think 2012 really overused that trope. like it was there with Splinter and the Rat King, with the parasite wasp mutant episode, and then again with the brain worms but like, several times over.
this also means that Karai doesn’t get the brain worms pumped into her brain. remember that scene where she’s hooked up to the machine and Shredder’s like “damn that shit sucks i’m sorry Hamato Yoshi’s doing this to you”?? that scene was pretty fucked up. anyways Karai has like. agency in her own arc this time
in the City Fall arc Splinter would die and at the end Karai kills Shredder, and Leo and Karai as new leaders of the clans would be like “alright this stupid fucking ancestral cycle of vengeance” ends here
Northampton time after that because it would be a Lot
after that i think it would be space arc time? it would start with the turtles being separated across dimensions and planets a bit like when SAINW happened, but without SAINW. like, Donnie would get to Neutrino (elves with crazy hair version), Leo would get to Usagi’s dimension, etc. etc.
also in case it wasn’t obvious Tang Shen will play a big role as the turtles’ Better parent and she’d have her own stuff to work through, like meeting her daughter she thought was dead and finding out her boss, Stockman, is evil, that her husband got turned into a rat, and that her new kids get into all kinds of dangerous trouble constantly
anyways that’s um. already quite the wall of text so i’ll shut up now ‘til i have more art to post, digital art this time so you can like. actually see what things look like.
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brightlotusmoon · 5 years
I headcanon 2018!Raph and Donnie as autistic. Donnie is specific about textures - silk/leather/metal are good, sticky/squishy are VERY bad - sleeps with a weighted blanket half the time, and paces/infodumps when he's excited. Raph stims by chewing on things/flapping/knitting, can be bad at verbalizing when he's worked up/can't focus but is VERY good at picking up on minor physical things (his SI is wrestling/fighting and he knows all the techniques extremely well because of this).
Awesome, awesome!
You know, at this point I headcanon all the Ninja Turtles from each incarnation as autistic. It started out to prove my theory of ADHD for all Mikeys, then autism for all Mikeys to prove that Donnie was not the only one nor a stereotype. Now, years later, it is all four, as they loop around the Oroborous Infinity Knot Spectrum of Autistic Wiring.
Remember, the TMNT represents being unique, marginalized, fighting for community. They began as a direct parody of superhero comics in the Frank Miller era. There's a reason they are so similar to the X-Men, the Avengers. Their backstory spoofs Daredevil, remember? Splinter. The Foot. Crashing through windows. Healing on the couch. Raphael is like Wolverine, Michelangelo is like Spider-Man, Donatello is like Iron Man, Leonardo is his own amalgam of noble hero types. Remember that nobody was leader in the beginning. Remember that they were asexual. Remember that Casey was created as a response to fans wanting April to hook up. Remember the story Sons Of The Silent Age that spoke of their place in the world, the story The Path that proved Mikey was truly unique in his neurodivergence and ability to go beyond the warrior as an artist.
We can headcanon these guys as autistic because they're one of the ultimate examples of our representation. The way terms have changed as history is uncovered: Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator and diagnosed kids to kill them, thus I am relieved we have merged Asperger Syndrome into Autism, Simon Baron-Cohen assumed we had no theory of mind and set back our social acceptance growth, the founders of ABA and Autism Speaks believed we are subhuman. The Ninja Turtles are my coping mechanism and my way of fighting back.
The Ninja Turtles are all Autistic.
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sugarspooks15 · 5 years
From the Heavens
Part 4
1.): X
2.): X
3.): X
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The four were eating and talking when a soft knock can be heard from the window.
“That's probably the guys.” April says as she sits down her food and stands up. The brunette carefully navigates to the window making sure she doesn't step on any of the food or the two angels wings. After successfully getting to the window without stepping on anything or anyone she pulls back the curtains to reveal the four mutant turtles waiting on the other side.
“Hey guys.” April greets as she opens the window and steps aside so that the guys could enter.
“Hey Angelcakes.” Mikey greets April with a smile.
“I don't even want to know what an angelcake is.” Raziel says nonchalantly as she continues to eat. The four turtles turn and look at the black haired angel with wide eyes.
“You're staring you know.” Raz says looking up at the four.
“Hey April. What is this?” Charmeine asks pointing at one of the many containers of food.
“That's spaghetti.” April replies after looking at the food in the container earning a slight nod from the blue eyed angel.
“Who and what?” Leo asks not being able to completely form a sentence.
“They're angels.” April replies looking at the blue clad leader.
“That's..” Donnie starts only to get cut off by Raziel.
“Scientifically impossible tell me about it.” Raz says looking at the purple clad turtle. Donnie looks at her with wide eyes.
“So God's real?” Mikey asks curiously.
“Yep.” Raziel replies simply.
“Cool.” Mikey says with a large smile on his face.
“I'm Charmeine by the way and that's Raziel.” Char introduces herself and Raz.
“It's nice to meet you.” Leo says giving a small bow.
“We know your names, but if you still want to introduce yourselves you can.” Raziel says looking at the blue clad turtle with a bored expression.
“Could you not be rude Raz?” Char asks glaring at the black haired female.
“No.” Raz replies curtly looking at the blue eyed female. Raziel looks at the glass of water that sat in front of her before snapping her fingers and having it change into a glass of wine.
“Nah that's too classy.” she says before swiping her finger to the left changing the drink. She does this a few times before settling on a glass of sweet tea.
“Really Raziel?” Charmeine asks annoyed.
“Yes. Unlike you I can't just sit here and drink water.” Raz snaps back at the other angel.
“Amazing.” Donnie whispers under his breath after seeing what Raziel had done.
“Why are you here exactly?” Leo asks as he and his brothers sit down on the floor. Leo sat beside Raziel careful not to touch her wings.
“A mission.” Raz replies simply earning an eye roll from Charmeine.
“We are here to aid you in stopping one of the worlds most feared beings.” Charmeine explains.
“Help us. We don't need help.” Raph scoffs finally deciding to speak.
“Someone's cocky. Also by the way you have no idea how strong this dude is. Like planet destroying bad ass strong.” Raziel says causing everyone to look at her wide eyed except for Charmeine who just rolled her eyes.
“Oh my bad I forgot angels don't curse according to you.” Raziel sasses.
“You said planet destroying strong?” Donnie asks snapping out of his slight shock.
“Yep. Took all of us archangels to lock him up last time and now somehow he has managed to get out.” Raz says suddenly becoming very serious.
“If you guys can do it then why not do it again?” Raph asks.
“Because that clearly didn't work or last last time, so God sent us down here to teach you four a few tricks to help you and us finally destroy him.” the black haired angel says looking at the red masked turtle.
“Those are some of the seven virtues of Bushido.” Leo says noticing the symbols on the two angels.
“Out of all of that that I just said you're worried about the tattoos?” Raziel asks looking at the blue masked turtle beside her weirdly.
“No. It's just that they caught my attention.” Leo says making eye contact with the angel.
“Ok. Well yes they are some of the seven virtues.” Raz says slowly.
“You said something about you teaching us some tricks. What kind of tricks?” Mikey asks pulling Raziel's attention away from Leo.
“Yea. It actually has something to do with the seven virtues.” Raz says surprisingly soft.
“We each have our own little tricks we can do.” Char adds. Raz sits straight and stretches her back and wings. She allows her wings to unfold basically putting them on display. She pops her neck and rolls her shoulders before folding her wings back in.
“Why are your wings black?” Donnie asks curiously.
“Because that's how they are.” Raz sasses.
“Raz. Each angel's wings represent some part of them. My wings for example are white and blue. White is symbolic for harmony to me and the blue is symbolic for wisdom and peace. Raziel's wings are black and red. The red is for the pain in which she endured during her time on Earth, and black is for mystery and power which she refuses to tell me why.” Charmeine explains earning a hard glare from the black haired angel.
“I hate you.” Raziel sneers at the white winged angel.
“Hate is a strong word Raziel.” Char says calmly.
“Then I really, really, really, really dislike you.” Raz says her glare never faltering.
“Wait so you were human before you became an angel?” Casey asks looking at Charmeine.
“Yes. Certain humans or beings when they die they get chosen to become angels. No one knows how he chooses who becomes an angel.” Char answers.
“Wow so I could become an angel when I die?” Mikey asks excitedly.
“Sure.” Raziel replies looking at the orange masked terrapin.
“That's awesome!” the youngest turtle yelled excitedly. Raziel gave him a really look while Charmeine gave him a soft and kind smile.
“So you were just sent down here to convince us to help you defeat this great terror.” Raph asks with his normal aggravated tone.
“Yes and no. It's never that simple when it comes to God and his plans.” Char answers looking at the red masked terrapin.
“So you just expect us to help you?” Raph asks again.
“No we know you'll help us.” Raziel says cockily looking into his golden green eyes. The brute glared back at her, but she never faltered in her gaze.
“You find yourself intimidating don't you?” the black haired angel asked with a slight tilt of her head. Raph gave her a grunt in response causing the angel to smirk at him. The red clad brute's glare only became more intense by her smirk. Raziel let out a huffed laugh before licking her dark red lips and winking at him.
“Stop antagonizing him Raz.” Charmeine scolded the green eyed angel.
“I'm just having a little fun. You party pooper.” Raziel responds turning her attention to the blue eyed female.
“I'm not a party pooper.” Char says attempting to defend herself.
“Yes you are.” Raziel sasses back causing Charmeine to roll her eyes and give a huff.
“And this is why we are never put together on any type of mission.” Char mumbles under her breath, but Raz still hears her.
“That's very true so why did they put us together this time after thousands of years?” Raz asks looking at Charmeine curious. It was true though. Raziel and Charmeine had never been paired together for any form of work after the cupid incident where they got into an argument and messed up the pairing so two other angels had to fix their mistake. They got chewed out for that and were never placed together every again up until now.
“I don't know. It's very strange now that I think about it now.” Char says looking at Raz curiously.
“Exactly.” Raz says looking back at Char.
“Wait so you guys have never worked together?” Casey asks concerned.
“No we have worked together. It just didn't end well.” Raz says cringing at the thought of the incident.
“What happened?” April asks this time curiously.
“We agreed to never speak of it again.” Charmeine says looking at her lap. April makes an o shape with her mouth realizing how bad the incident was.
“Yea.” Raz says looking at the brunette with wide eyes.
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mutantimagines · 7 years
Chaos and Ninja’s (Leo x Reader)
hints of violence and gang related activity! small but still, you’ve been warned! possibly there will be a part to if this is popular enough :) 
The music screamed throughout the club as she sat at the bar, rum and coke in hand. Cherry red lips staining the glass as she bared her teeth at a man across the bar who’d become a little to handsy with one of the girls.  A Snap of her fingers sent two men on his side, grabbing his arms and leading him out to the back alley. The strobe lights illustrated her sharp looks in the multi color, manicured nails tapping along the side of the glass, shoulders rolled back and thick inky tattoo’s of barbed wire and roses crawling down her arms and seeping onto her back. Head tilting back as she shot the last of the drink she sauntered across the floor idly dragging her hands along the stage. High heels clicking along the tiled floor and up the spiral staircase two men opened the door as she entered the softly lit room.
Dark hardwood covered the floors, only to be interrupted by a long table with a small group sitting on either side. She took the head of the table as tall glass of wine was poured, the others at the table accepted the offering of liquor as the bottle came around. A clear of her throat silenced the room as heads turned,
“You know why we’re all here, New york has fallen out of the hands of the foot and the so called Shredder. The rival gangs have played make believe for to long and have wiped themselves out quite successfully. Without much of me having to lift my finger, Unfortunately this means the purple dragons and smaller gangs have overrun the streets. Not much to do about them though, not to worry...Though there is one obstacle in our way isn’t there? The ninja’s of new york”
A news paper was tossed across the table, headlines splayed “THE NINJAS STRIKE GOLD” following a major jewellery store robbery foiled by for large and mysterious figures. She stood from her seat and towards the man at the end of the table, grasping his shoulder she leaned down,
“Yet you have something for me don’t you Dante?”
“Yes, of course Miss Y/n. Never do i fail to surprise. I’ve brought you quite the treat this time around. I’ve caught the little snitch that runs with the ninjas’
“The reporter?” “April ‘O’ Neil herself, Bring her in boys”
The dark haired heroine was dragged in kicking and cursing at the men that held her back, a chuckle from the female was what silenced the reporter in her tracks. Her eyes widened as she realized who stood before her, A wave of the woman's hand let the guards set April down to a seat. Yet not before she voiced yet again,
“Dante you’re ever faithful to my cause of chaos and order yet this makes your final punishment at least a little less...Slow. I’ve kept tabs on your dealings with the dragons, no men of mine will be caught dipping sticky fingers into their mess. Take him to the docks, Let this be an example to the lot of you rats. I’m in charge, that's why i’m running this town! Let your disobedience be your downfall.”
The man tried to dash and make an escape but the guards were to quick, catching him by his arms he was removed from the room screaming and cursing her name, begging for mercy, to be spared for his sins. The others sat frozen for mere seconds as they made a scurried dash for the door to avoid yet more of her wrath. Leaving April ‘o’ neil to battle the angered woman on her own,
“You’re the devil of new york…The leader of Chaos and Angels”
“Seems you’ve heard of me, caught my calling card in my younger days have you?”
“Why am i here, your gang has been dormant for months. I haven’t reported on you in ages”
“You see Ms.O'neil i mean you no harm, Unfortunately i’ve seemed to hit a dead end in my search for these Ninja’s you seem so fond of. Care to tell me what you know? For an exchange of course”
“...An Exchange? I know well enough that your deals always become one sided”
“Well for once it seems i’m relying on you for this...Dante’s men are quite messy you see, you’ve probably already hit an emergency GPS signal on your phone to contact the ninja’s in crisis. Pity, i’m not looking for a fire fight this time would be like taking candy from a baby. There’s no danger for them here, i’m looking for a quick chat this time around. Call them, tell them that the doors on the fire escape is open, no need to break it down”
Lifting a knife from her back pocket the slashed the ties that held April’s hands behind her back. April made a note of her surroundings before slipping her shell cell out and clicking ‘speaker’ on the screen, Donnie’s voice soon filled the silent room.
“April?! April is that you? Are you harmed? We’re on our way!”
“Donnie, i’m at the warehouses in the old part of town. Club 41, top floor. The door on the fire escape is open.”
“...That’s the headquarters for Chaos and Angels”
“You’ve got that right young man, now listen carefully. I mean your friend no harm. You see Ms. O’neil has been quite helpful to me, but of course if you try anything against me or my club i think she’ll take a swim”
Leo shouted into the phone as Donatello cranked the Shellraiser a hard left and sent the ninja’s flying down the road and to the van’s wall.
“Leave her alone! If its us you want then its us you’ll get. Leave her out of this”
A laughter crackled out of the woman's throat as she smirked at nothing in particular, selecting ‘end call’ she turned to the reporter who suddenly bit her lip and pulled a notepad out of her pocket. A raise of an eyebrow from the gang leader as April motioned for her to take a seat, Not missing a chance to interview new york's most lethal lady.
“All you reporters are the same, life or death you’ve got  to get the story”
“It's our job isn’t it? To inform the public, you’ve got to be the quietest gang in the city. No one sees you coming”
“I like to keep my operations a secret, i’ve had the limelight. Not a fan of it”
“Limelight? You didn’t always work in the gang?”
“Just a hobby i seemed to pick up a few years back, this city is dirty yet the people flock to it in millions. Just trying to keep the heathens in the docks to keep some safe i suppose”
Scrawling as quickly as she could april was interrupted by the door slamming open behind her, the turtles pouring in and yanking her behind them. Casey rolled from a gap between Raphael and Leonardo, letting out a battle cry before he was met with a quick jab to the neck from a hand to the pressure point. The woman stepped over casey’s sleeping form and took the lot in. Lifting a hand to her lips, studying the sight in front of her, kissing her teeth she took a step back.
“...f*cking mutants”
Leonardo took a stance forwards, laying his katana’s on the table as a symbol of peace, she nodded and removed a pistol from her back waistband and two small throwing knives from her person. She gestured to the seat next to her head of the table, The turtles followed suit and took seats as April leaned a still slumbering Casey against the wall before taking her seat, with a thick sigh and a swirl and sip of her wine the woman spoke.
“My name is y/n, i’m the head of Chaos and Angels. I’d like to take back the new york underworld yet i’ve got one obstacle in my way”
“The names Leonardo, and your obstacle would be us i suppose?”
“Seems you’ve got it right, instead of taking you out i believe teaming up would strengthen both our ranks. You get the beautiful glory of saving new york but leave us the scum, tsk tsk. I do enjoy messing with some baddies once in a while you see and you’ve taken all my sources”
“That's a hero’s job Dudette! All in a day’s work, the names michelangelo by the way but you can call me yours”
“mhm..So Leonardo let's make a deal. I want to clean the streets as much as you do but lets play off each others skills here”
“Seems like you want to work together, share the glory?”
“Pff, My glory days are over. You can keep the spotlight babe. I want the scumbags to mess with, make sure they stay off the streets. Work side by side ya feel me?”
“I see what you’re asking”
“Then let's make a deal”
Leo took a look at his brothers,the purple dragons had definitely had grown in ranks and made it hard to keep up. Taking her offer would definitely benefit them but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t turn on them twice as badly. What exactly was her motive though, staying in the shadows and letting the city believe the gang was murderous when she claimed that they actually benefited the city. Rubbing his chin he sighed,
“Terms and conditions, No tracking is to be made. Contact only by a burner phone. We keep out of eachothers business unless it concerns NYC or the return of the foot/Shredder. My family is first, you harm anyone of my brothers and i’ll have your head”
She leaned back and clicked her tongue, the sweet wine turned sour in her mouth as she tossed the cup behind her. Smashing against the cream walls and staining it red. She stood and laid a hand on Leonardo’s shoulder, Staring the oldest turtle in the eye and she lifted her lip to show her teeth. Her signature act of dominance.
“I make the rules here babe, this is my grounds. We’ll go on burner phones, no tracking must be mutual. I get wind that you’ve messed with my gang and our activity and i’ll have your shells mounted on my walls like the game you are. I don’t play nice but i’m certainly fair, after all i see to owe you a debt specifically”
“You owe me  a debt…?”
“Dude…” (Mikey)
“Shit” (Raph)
“You see Da Vinci, i’ve got spies all over this town. Eyes and ears watching for me. ‘Cept my sister seems to think just cause i’m here she can do whatever she wants. I normally come to her rescue myself but i was out of town on business a couple months back. She got herself caught up with the purple dragons who outnumbered her by 12. The name Cecilia ring any bells?”
“About your height with heels, white blonde, blue eyes?”
“That's Cece, my little sister. You saved her life and she’s been on my case”
Leonardo finally got that moment of understanding, Her eyes seem to confirm her trust in Leo as her clasped her hand and shook it. Confirming their deal, he motioned his brothers to follow him out, he looked up one more time at the young woman and noticed how enchanting she was. The air of mystery around her seemed to fade, She was y/n, a new yorker since she was born. The city ran in her bloodstream, all she wanted was to create a better place in the darkest time. Leonardo believed this was the moment he’d realised what the term “love at first sight” meant, She raised her head and crossed the room to the large turtle that stood in her doorway. Lifting a hand to his right side of his face and pressed a slow kiss to his lips. It Left him stunned as he grasped her hips and pulled her against him, She pulled away after a second and look him in the eye. “You’ve just made a deal with the devil Leonardo”
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petlover18-blog1 · 6 years
20 Crazy Details About The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Bodies
New Post has been published on https://www.petlovers.shovelnews.com/20-crazy-details-about-the-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-bodies/
20 Crazy Details About The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Bodies
by David I Sandhu
– on Aug 17, 2018
in Lists
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been a staple of pop culture for over three decades. With 6 movies, 6 TV shows, 6 comic series, over 50 video games, and 2 concert tours to date, the Turtles have been extremely successful and still remain popular to this day.
The history of the Turtles started back in 1984, when Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird where brainstorming while eating pizza and watching television. They came up with a crazy idea of bipedal turtles that were masters of the martial arts.
Taking inspiration from Frank Miller, Eastman and Laird self-published a one-off issue parodying, Daredevil, The New Mutants, Cerberus, and Ronin. Little did they realize that they’re off the cuff creation would go on to become the most significant cultural phenomenon to ever involve turtles.
They began to publish a monthly comic with Mirage Comics, but would eventually move to Image Comics, Archie Comics, and IDW Publishing.
The Archie version of the Turtles would go on to inspire the Turtle‘s first cartoon, which became a major hit in the ’80s and ’90s. This led to 3 movies, as well as a concert and a horrifying Christmas special that has been forgotten by most fans.
With so many different creators taking the time to work on the Turtles, there have been many interpretations. Their history, personalities, and abilities have changed countless times.
However, somethings never changed: Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines (that’s a fact, Jack), Raphael is cool but crude (gimme a break), Michelangelo is a party dude (Party).
With that said, here are the 20 Crazy Details About The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Bodies.
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20 The Ooze That Created Them May Have Blinded Daredevil
The history of the Turtles has changed over time, and thus the infamous ooze that transformed them into warriors and gave them their powers has also been updated a number of times.
In its original incarnation, the mutagen ooze was created by a benevolent race of aliens known as the Utroms.
In other versions, it was a man-made creation that was developed by various organizations. While occasionally it was purposefully made, other times it was created by accident and was never intended to be used on living creatures.
In any case, the green ooze, in some form or another, came in contact with four baby turtles and transformed them into the mean, green fighting machines.
Taking inspiration from Frank Miller’s Daredevil run, Eastman has alluded to the idea that the ooze that created the Turtles is the same substance that blinded Matt Murdock, the Daredevil.
19 Their Shells are bulletproof
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Some versions of the Turtles have small slim shells that minimize their cumbersome nature, while other versions see the Turtles with shells that are huge and bulky.
In the 2014 Michael Bay produced movie, their shells are perhaps the largest we have seen.
While size of their shells is integral to their new design, they also serve a particular purpose: they are bulletproof.
In the movie, Turtles’ shells are nuch denser and harder than normal shells.
Since they weren’t aware of how tough their shells were, at first the Turtles believed that a shot fired at their backs would end their lives. However, they soon learned, along with their assailants, that their shells were strong enough to withstand even bullets.
18 Leonardo Can Heal Himself And Others
Leonardo was always the most mature Turtle. He took Splinter’s lessons and knowledge more seriously and internalized them in away that the others could not or would not.
Splinter recognized this and saw him as a leader of the group. Because of this, he decided to teach Leo how to heal himself and others through the spiritual powers of Ninjutsu.
This is perhaps the closest thing to a superpower that any of the Turtles possess.
Leo is able to heal himself and others from physical injuries, diseases, and even poison.
While battling the estranged daughter of Splinter, Karai, Leo was poisoned with incurable venom. However, through the power of Ninjutsu, Leo was able to instantly cure himself of her poison and defeat her.
17 Raphael And Donatello Were Once Vampires
In the 2012 series, the gang came across many different challenges. One of the most interesting villains that they faced was Dracula.
In fact, they face off against most of the Universal Monsters. Werewolves, mummies and Frankenstein’s monster all take on the Turtles as Dracula attempts to conquer New York City.
In the course of bringing order to the Big Apple, Donnie and Raph are biten and become vampires.
This brings on a new transformation, as the two Turtles grow fangs and have a thirst for blood.
This is perhaps another example of how the Turtles are perhaps more human than they are turtle, since normal turtles do not have teeth. The Ninja Turtles already had teeth and then grew vampire fangs.
16 They Can Duck Into Their Shells
Turtles have the unique ability of hiding in their shell. Because they walk on all four legsand have a large shell, their skeletal structure is different from most animals.
Their spine runs along the top of the shell, which allows them to have a very long neck that can retract into the body. Their body is set up to support its weight differently than bipedal beings.
The Ninja Turtles have displayed this same ability, demonstrating that they must have a similar skeletal structure.
However, this would make it difficult for them to move, as the weight of their body, at least while standing upright, would not be supported by a curved spine.
This would suggest that they have a far more complex skeletal structure than a human or turtle.
15 Donatello Became Cyborg When His Body Was Destroyed
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In the Image Comic series, Donatello went through some significant changes. After a battle against cyborgs, Donnie was shot and dropped out of a helicopter.
With his body significantly damaged, Donnie’s body merged with one of the cyborgs.
Because of this, there was a risk that Donnie could losing his mind and its control to the CPU in his brain.
After this, there were some changes to his personality, as he became more aggressive. There are several instances in which he has dispatched his enemies without feeling any remorse.
This has also made Donnie one of the more powerful of the Turtles, as he now had permanent armor and blasters that he could use.
14 They are Connected To The Spiritual Plane
On several occasions, the Turtles have had to mediate and connect to the spiritual plane. Whether this was to communicate with Splinter or to face their inner demons, the Turtles have always been able to tap into the other realm.
With the help of Splinter, these rambunctious teens have been able to create a strong connection to the other side.
This i has come in handy when they need guidance but were unable to reach their mentor.
When Splinter was missing, the Turtles stayed at a cabin with April O’Neil and Casey Jones. While there, Leonardo suggested that they mediate for several days in the forest to connect with Splinter and find him.
Thankfully, they were able to successfully connect with him. He then sent them on separate journeys to conquer their own personal challenges and face spiritual enemies.
The Turtles succeed and became stronger both in body and in mind because of this.
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13 They May Be Warm Blooded
While this is more a fan theory, there is a lot of evidence to back it up. If the Turtles were still cold blooded, they would behave differently than what we have seen.
For instance, in numerous settings, we have seen condensed warm air exhaled from the Turtles. This only occurs with warm blooded animals because their internal heat source a lot warmer than the outside temperature.
If they were cold blooded, then their body temperature wouldn’t be much higher than their surroundings.
They use blankets instead of heating beds, they shiver, and they sweat. Sweat can only be formed by warm blooded mammals, which would mean that the turtles physiology is far more complex than we thought.
12 Leonardo Lost A Hand
During the 3rd volume of the comics, TMNT was bought by Image Comics. This 3rd volume is no longer considered canon, however, as it deviated from the previous stories and made significant changes to the main characters.
One of these changes involved Leonardo losing his left hand during a fight with King Komodo, a mutated Komodo dragon.
Although the Turtles have incredible healing abilities, they are incapable of growing new limbs.
However, even with the loss of his hand,and the immense pain he was in, Leonardo was not significantly deterred in battle, demonstrating his high pain tolerance.
For a time, Leo had a prosthetic hand that was given to him by Donatello, but ultimately he decided to stop using it.
Instead, he prefers to use a steal cap with a retractable blade.
11 They Are Red-eared Sliders
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Before the ooze created the most famous green, pizza-eating ninjas, they were just pet turtles.
To be more specific, they were Red-eared Sliders. While the origin of the Turtles has changed a lot over the last few decades, this is one of the only elements that has remained the same in all incarnations of the Ninja Turtles.
Red-eared Sliders are the most popular pet turtles in the U.S., so it would make sense that the Turtles are the same breed, since they were originally pets.
After the’ 90s cartoon, the demand for pet turtles grew.
However, as the popularity of the show diminished, many of the pet turtles where abandoned by their former owners.
In London, many of these pets were left at London Park and, over the years, have grown to be the size of a dinner plate. This caused a major issue since these turtles began to harm the local ducks.
10 They Are Extremely Fast
Turtles are always depicted as being slow creatures. Though most owners of Red-eared Sliders know that theses clunky little reptiles can actually move pretty quickly.
However, the Turtles did not just grow large and maintain their natural abilities when the ooze transformed them – their abilities were enhanced.
This means that the Turtles now became much faster than normal turtles.
For bipedal creatures, they are incredibly fast and agile. This proves helpful in battle and when they must race to get the last slice of pizza.
It is even more impressive when you consider how heavy their shells must be.
They are fast enough to dodge lasers and catch up with moving cars, and thus they certainly dismantle the stereotype of being slow-moving creatures.
Plus, they can dance like no other.
9 They’ve Used Mutastones to transform and become more powerful
In perhaps the strangest iteration of the Turtles, Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend was a short-lived Japanese cartoon that featured the Turtles with new powers.
After being summoned by the spirit of light, Kris Mu, they were given special crystals called Mutastones.
 These stones allowed each Turtle to transform into a super Power Ranger-like fighter for three minutes.
They were taller, sleeker, and supposedly more powerful.
However, if they needed more power, they could activate Saint Mutation. This, like a Megazord, combines all four Turtles in to one super turtle called Saint Mutant, a silver and blue like turtle with metallic wings.
The show only lasted for two episodes but they certainly offer Turtle fans a lot of new content. It is the most unique interpretation in the entire Turtle canon.
8 They’ve Turned Into Mutant Beasts
The idea of further mutation has been teased here and there. We have seen little iterations, but it was the classic ’80s/’90s show that tried to explore the second and final stage of the Turtles’ mutation.
While fighting Lord Dregg, an alien overlord created for the cartoon, the Turtles begin to experience a change in their mutation.
At random, they begin turn into giant, beast-like turtles with lighter skin and pointy claws. In fact, they actually resemble the behemoth in Michael Bay’s Ninja Turtles movie.
Their mind remains the same but they become far stronger and clumsier than their normal form.
With Splinter’s help, they are able to tame their inner mutation and bury it away after a few episodes.
7 They Are Masters Of Stealth
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To be a ninja, one needs to be able to blend into their surroundings and become as stealthy as possible.
This has to be difficult for giant green turtles adorned with bright colored bandanas. However, somehow the Turtles can become virtually invisible in ways that would seem impossible.
In The Secret of the Ooze, Raph helps Kato join the Foot Clan at an open try-out in broad daylight. One of the challenges is to remove as many bells as he can in 10 seconds from a mannequin without making any sounds, shrouded in smoke.
While this seems like a difficult task, as soon as the smoke is covering them, Raph is able to sneak into the room, remove every singe bell, deliver it to Kato, and sneak back out.
6 They Can Play The Guitar
In the ’90s, the Ninja Turtles were doing a lot of crazy things. Vanilla Ice showed us that they could dance and the 1994 Christmas Special showed us that they could sing reggae inspired Christmas songs.
However, the craziest thing to come out of the ’90s was the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour, where jean vest-wearing Ninja Turtles sang songs and shredded their guitars for audiences around the country.
Complete with a power ballad sung by a wise and contemplative Splinter, the Turtles rocked the stage.
However, perhaps the strangest part was that the Turtles where able to play guitar at all.
Guitar chords are played with three to four fingers, but the Turtles only have three fingers on each hand.
5 They’re Resistant To Cold
When turtles get cold, their metabolism slows down. Reptiles do not have the ability to regulate their body heat, so their body’s temperature matches the environment that they’re in.
When in freezing temperatures, turtles will slow down and hibernate until it warms up. Turtles can even freeze if they’re in frozen water and thaw out later.
However, the Ninja Turtles have been shown to wear clothing to keep them warm.
When it’s cold, they’re able to run around and fight. None of that is indicative of how a turtle should behave in cooler temperatures.
The mutation has allowed the Turtles to regulate body heat and withstand the cold to prevent them from hibernating.
4 They’re Extremely Agile 
The Turtles have a lot of layers, and what stands out to most are their different and distinctive personalities.
However, every single one of them has been practicing and mastering a skill set in the martial arts since they could walk.
The Turtles are highly skilled individuals and are thus masters in their field.
Consequently, their bodies are toned and conditioned well beyond the abilities of an average man or turtle.
Despite their awkward-looking appearance, the Turtles are quite agile and acrobatic, which allows them to be as effective and as mobile as possible in their battles.
3 Half Of Raphael’s Face Was Blown Off
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When Archie Comics took over TMNT in the ’80s, readers got a glimpse into Raph’s future, as they soon noticed that his left eye was missing.
During a time traveling adventure, the Turtles discover that future Raph lost his eye during a fight with Shredder, Verminator X, and Armaggon.
However, it is later revealed that in every possible future, Raph ends up losing his eye.
In the Image Comics run, Raph unfortunately had an even worse fate. While messing with a defeated cyborg, half of Raph’s face was blown off.
For a time, he wore Casey Jones’ mask to cover his disfigurement. However, he later settled on wearing an eye patch.    
2 They Can Reproduce
After all the mutations that the Turtles have gone through, it seems most logical that they should not be able to reproduce, as the ooze probably made them infertile.
We’ve also never seen a direct offspring of any of the Turtles.
However, towards the end of TMNT’s Mirage Comics run, Michelangelo becomes romantically involved with Seri, a Styracondon princess.
The Styracodons are Dinosaur-like alien species from the plant Nurgostu.
After their relationship became more intimate, Seri presented Michelangelo with some eggs, claiming that they are their children.
The fate of the eggs and Seri and Michelangelo’s relationship has not been resolved yet, as volume 4 of the series has not been written.
However, if it is revealed that the eggs do hatch and that the children survive, then this will be the first example of the Turtles having any offspring.
1 They Eat A Lot Of Food
It always seems like the Turtles are eating. They are constantly awaiting their next pizza order and munching on various snacks.
On average, a Red-eared Slider can go up to 3 days without food. They do not need a lot of food to survive, but their lives are predominately slow and not very active.
A clear difference between other Red-eared Sliders and the Turtles is that the Turtles are extremely active.
If they are not fighting Shredder or Krang, they are practicing their Ninjutsu.
Considering their size, lifestyle, and the fact that they are teenagers, they require a lot of food to provide them with enough energy to fight.
Can you think of any other interesting facts about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles‘ bodies? Sound off in the comments!
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