#for less than overwatch 2 skin
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For less than an Overwatch 2 skin you can currently buy Disco Elysium - The Final Cut for $10.00 USD. (Til Dec, 12th 2022)
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veilody · 17 days
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Shhhh super relaxed sketch with Karlach and my Azúcar
My brain is obsessed with them right now aaaa— even made up 2 cute shipnames for em
1. Faerie Fire
2. Caramel
Faerie Fire is a far more obvious one since Azúcar is a Faerie bond Warlock and Karlach… Self explanatory. Also just love that it’s a move you can make.
Caramel is less obvious since it’s a little about me and the campaign I have in BG3. Azúcar started out as character inspired by the Mercy (Overwatch) Skin „Sugar Plum Fairy“ as I play with 2 people in my campaign that I used to play with OW (in the good old days) and we all were support mains (or flex) but the sugar plum fairy was my personal trademark when I chose Mercy. And the jokes were amazing. I was our „Zückerli“ which is a cutified version of the german word for „Sugar“ and uh— Azúcar is „Sugar“ in spanish (unless I swap things in my mind again) and if you heat sugar you get Caramel.
That was a whole lot of information nobody asked for gngfs
Anyways, I am happy that Azúcar became a lot more special than just being a nostalgic and fun memoir of past times with a game I don’t play anymore. She’s become rather precious to me and I really really love Githyankis thanks to her. They’re so much fun to play.
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Yakuza Hime Shimada Brothers x Fem Reader
This fic was entirely inspired by the little fox spirit we saw in the Overwatch 2 trailer, I hope it came off as coherent enough but I apologise if it rambles a bit all over the place, I’m experiencing withdrawals from my anxiety meds right now ~Bambi
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It wasn’t an ideal situation you’d found yourself in, even if you were in the very place you’d spent months planning and saving to visit just for a couple weeks. Japan.
You were hoping so badly your partner would take the opportunity to finally propose to you, to show some inkling they so much as appreciated you. But instead you found yourself moving your belongings to a separate hotel after he abandoned you at a bar only to turn back up drunk and with two girls ready to replace you…
It was heartbreaking to say the least, after everything you two had been through, after how hard you tried to please him. You never thought he’d cheat. You contemplated simply cutting your trip short and returning home, but that costed money, money you didn’t have. So instead you decided to stay and pray you could avoid your now ex on the flight home.
You tried not to let the thought of him weigh too heavy on your mind as you browsed the shelves of the convenience store for the cheapest but most filling food, but you couldn’t help but curse his name under your breath as you were forced to pick the less than ideal option as usual, you were always sacrificing your wants because of him.
After gathering your items and praying they’d be enough to sustain you for the evening you quietly headed to the counter and smiled as the omnic employee waved you over. “こんばんは” he said with a slight blink to his mechanical eyes.
You knew enough Japanese to register he said good evening, but your short notice duolingo practice did little to remind you of how to reply in turn, “Erm.. hi?” You mumbled out.
“English detected. No need to panic I’m programmed with several dialects thankfully.” He said as he began scanning your items. It was quite common to see omnic workers in the service industry now, they were certainly a lot more efficient when it came to the tourism industry at least. While many people were still distrusting of them due to the omnic crisis, you hoped that through small day to day interactions with the public they’d gradually be accepted by all. Metal or skin, nobody deserved to live in fear like they did.
“O-oh no no, I just forgot how to reply I’m sorry, I’m a little tired.” You sighed. He tilted his head and glanced out the doors, “I feel that, I forgot to charge before work, it is awfully late as well.” He said as he handed you your bag and gestured to the tray specific for card and cash.
“Yeah, I think I’d better hit the hay when I get back to the hotel.” You said as you counted out your total in loose change and placed it in the tray half expecting him to look at you with annoyance, or pity perhaps. But instead he simply took it and placed it in the till before bowing politely without a hint of judgment, “thank you for your patronage. Have a good evening.” He said with an almost friendly blink to his eyes. “Th-thank you, you as well.” You said with a smile before hurrying out into the night.
Kanezaka seemed so different after dark, what was so bright and lively during the day now felt melancholic and oddly, dangerous. The streets were quiet minus the occasional hum of traffic or mild chatter coming from the many bars lining the main road, and the alleyways you were so eager to venture in under the safety of sunlight to explore seemed so cold and sinister, even with the unbearably hot summer atmosphere.
The neon signs that peppered every other shop front from the cat cafe to the surprisingly packed rikimaru ramen seemed to wave about in the humid night air and had it not of been for the storm clouds brewing overhead their light certainly would have been enough to block out the stars. Not that you were looking at any of that, no, your eyes were immediately drawn to the castle atop the hill that overlooked the city and the village of hanamura surrounding it.
You’d been wanting to visit it ever since you’d heard you’d be spending your holiday here, it and it’s temple were famous for their scenic gardens and the fact that it was the only place in Japan that seemed to have Sakura blossoming all year round made it a must see on your tourist list. But now you could barely afford food never mind the entry fee, and under the shadow of a moonless night, it looked far from welcoming.
You sighed staring up at it, you’d been looking so forward to coming here, and now all you wanted was to go home and try to forget the memories that you were certain would forever sour this place for you.
The word registered in your mind and yet you didn’t hear it, not a human saying it at least, no, you heard, a yelp? A bark? Before you had a chance to question it further you felt a firm tug yank your bag from your hand and your dinner with it, “HEY!” You shouted spinning around expecting to see a person making a break for it with your food, but instead you saw…
A fox.
A glowing, almost transparent, blue fox.
It stood there staring at you as you stared back, your bag hanging from its mouth as it looked off down the street before looking back at you.
The voice came again as it whined and huffed looking back down the road. “You want me to help you?” You asked, seemingly completely okay with the fact there was a magical fox in front of you. Maybe it was the stress, maybe you’d finally snapped, or maybe this was real, you weren’t sure anymore and right now you didn’t care, it had your food and if helping it got it back then you’d gladly do as it asked.
The fox didn’t give you a moment to fully comprehend what you were seeing anyway, nodded its head and suddenly dashed off down the road taking your dinner with it. It took your brain a moment to catch up with your body and you quickly took chase after it not wanting to lose it or the little food you could afford, “H-HEY WAIT!!” You shouted trying to keep up.
The fox dashed around buildings and through narrow alleyways seemingly only slowing down to make sure you were still following it, your lungs burned and your tired legs ached trying to keep up, you were considering just giving up and going hungry instead, logic began to overtake your brain once more, this couldn’t be real, you’d definitely snapped, but that thought was thrown out the window as you quickly rounded a corner catching the glint of an ethereal tail as it disappeared yet again.
Your feet skidded to a stop as you prepared to turn down another alleyway expecting to see the fox at the other end waiting for you, only to then feel your heart drop into your empty stomach at the sight that greeted you instead.
Three figures marked the scene before you, one on the ground coughing and wincing in pain, a young man with a shock of green hair and a very nice albeit now damp and stained outfit. And then the other two, tall and imposing, thuggish in stature, looming over him as they kicked him mercilessly over and over again making him spit up blood and bile with every impact… They hadn’t noticed you.
You’d always imagined being left frozen in fear in a situation like this, helplessly standing on the sidelines watching as the events unfolded before you. But an unexpected anger bubbled to the surface, maybe it was your hunger, your ex, or the sheer outrage and anger that it was two on one and they didn’t even have the guts to fight fair. You searched about with fury in your eyes for something, anything you could possibly use to level the playing field and in the darkness of the alleyway, you found it.
Your hands found the pipe before your gaze did, it’s cold surface grazed against your finger tips and as if on instinct you took hold of it and reared back to throw, and suddenly the alley was no longer dark. Backlit by a brilliant blue light you hurled forward with the skill of a professional baseball player and as the metal rod left your grasp you watched as the fox spirit leapt after it, it’s form twisting into an explosion of flames as it engulfed your makeshift projectile with its very being turning itself into a flying torrent of fire accompanied by an enchanting howl.
The thugs didn’t get a chance to react, by the time they turned to see what was coming for them it was too late. You watched in awe and horror as it made impact, how it burned their hair and flesh, how they threw themselves to the ground joining the young man they’d so gladly inflicted the same pain upon moments ago, and how their pained screams echoed through the now dim alleyway once more as they clawed at their burning clothes desperately trying to put themselves out.
You were so distracted by their flailing you almost didn’t notice the figure laying next to their thrashing body’s trying to claw his way towards you, to his saviour, not until you heard his soft and understandably raspy voice calling to you with pained urgency as he reached for you with a very broken and trembling hand, “たすけて!” He cried out. “I-I’m sorry I-I don’t I can’t understand you I- I- I daijoubu desu ka?-” you blurted out immediately feeling like an idiot for doing so, of course he wasn’t okay, but in the moment it was all you could think of to bring him any type of comfort as you hurried forward to help him up.
“N-no I’m h-hurt please help me!” He suddenly rasped out in perfect English. You felt a wave of relief wash over you that at the very least you could communicate with him in such a stressful circumstance, even still that relief was quickly replaced with extreme concern as you helped him to his feet and his weight left you staggering back against a wall only to end up pinned by his body as he tried to find his feet, “immnns-sor-rry” he slurred slightly as blood gushed from his forehead, he clearly had a concussion and getting up so fast certainly didn’t help his state any further.
“I-it’s okay hold on I need to-” you paused feeling your pockets for a tissue, a handkerchief, anything to help stop the bleeding, but as you came up short you did the only thing you could think of in the moment and swiftly removed your shirt pressing it to his head, “okay I need you to hold that there and- hold on what are you doi-” you stammered only to be cut off as he sluggishly removed his jacket whimpering in pain as he did so before placing it around your shoulders, “you- you didn’t have to- I’ll be-” he said as he slumped forward again almost smacking his face against the brick wall he’d unintentionally wedged you between.
“I really did youre going to bleed to death if I didn’t put someth-” you said only to be cut off by voices at the end of the alleyway, people seemingly asking if you needed help you first assumed, completely forgetting you were now shirtless, covered in a bloody jacket, next to the now charred and still wailing thugs you’d unintentionally set on fire, and trying to hold up the man they’d been viciously beating, “We’re here please help!” You called out as you moved to help the man towards the voices only for him to suddenly usher you back in the opposite direction.
“H-hey what are you doing?!” You mumbled glancing back as he pushed you further, still leaning on you for support, “move, b-before th-they get us both,” he gurgled before spitting a mouthful of blood onto the pavement. “Get us-” you felt your face pale as you managed to get a decent enough look at the figures running into the alleyway. Dressed just like the two men you’d managed to dispatch of, but so many more of them.
Without a moments further hesitation you used whatever strength you could muster to help him out of the alleyway and into the open street, “where do we g-” you paused seeing a glint of an ethereal blue tail across the street disappearing off behind a building, “there!” You said pointing in the direction before helping him move to which he gladly followed with seemingly blind faith that you had any clue where you were going, the same blind faith you were surely putting into a magical canid you weren’t even sure was real.
Across streets, around corners, through alleys and over train tracks, soon the voices behind you gave way to silence. The only other life you encountered came from the occasional animal, a drunken passer by too hammered to care about your predicament, or the spiritual entity you’d been tailing. You had no clue where you were and yet your new friend seemed to change his gait as you moved further out of the city and up the hill, despite the limp of a broken foot and the evident dizziness he was experiencing, he walking with purpose. And as the more modern buildings gave way to more traditional architecture, it soon became clear where we’re headed.
“You? Live in hanamura?” You asked finally breaking the somewhat uncomfortable silence that had fallen after your harrowing escape. “Mm…” he merely mumbled in response, now seemingly just focused on moving forward and holding himself upright with your help. “D-do you have a phone? We can call someone to help you- if I know where to go I can take you there.” You said glancing up at him. He simply shook his head making your his blood soaked shirt leak a little down his face with the movement. “No need…” he said looking ahead as the castle came into view, and outside it, a very handsome and well dressed man speaking with several others, a search party? You wondered.
“Anija!!” Your new friend called out and let go of you to wave, only for him to lose his balance and fall, hard. Autopilot engaged again, you didn’t even give yourself time to brace for impact, one moment you were standing, the next you were laying under him after cushioning his fall, his head resting on your chest, saved from another concussion but only leaving you more of a mess than he’d already done.
You didn’t get a chance to fully comprehend what had happened before you were surrounded, gentle hands reaching down and pulling the young man from you, and the handsome stranger you now assumed was his older brother, helping you to your feet. “Thank you, I- what happened? I’m so terribly sorry you’ve found yourself in this situation young lady, please forgive my brother for any of his foolishness that lead to this-” he stammered out as he looked you up and down before glancing at his brother and now back at you, “she saved me, the hashimoto clan, they- jumped me, she saved me from them…” the young man mumbled, “You saved?… you saved Genji?… from the hashimoto clan?! And you came out unscathed?!” The older gentleman said in amazement? Shock? You couldn’t really be sure.
“I? I didn’t know who they were, I followed a f-” you paused, unsure if you should mention the possible hallucination that lead you there, “the sound, I followed the sound and saw two men kicking him, and I think I hit a gas leak because I threw a pipe and there was a spark and then they were on fire. I- I helped him get away and now we’re here and I- ” you paused removing his jacket and offering it to him. “I used my shirt to try and stop the bleeding but he gave me his jacket so, here,” you said handing it to him.
He stood there for a moment, his eyes scanning the dirt and blood stained fabric before looking at the lump of now ruined material that was your shirt, before finally looking back at you, “Well I’m afraid I can’t in good conscience let you leave here in such a state as you are, especially after you saved my brother from almost certain death.” He said as he tucked the jacket under his arm before clapping his hands summoning several of the people who’d been standing idle to his side, “prepare a bath and a room for our guest at once. Do whatever you must to ensure her comfort.” He said sternly and with a power to his tone that matched his strong exterior.
“Yes master Shimada!” They declared before quickly surrounding you and ushering you inside past the man you now assumed was called Genji as he was taken to a separate room. “W-wait a minute hold on a second! What’s happening??” You squealed as the maids practically carried you off.
“Master Hanzo owes you a great debt!” One of the servants chimed as they removed your shoes, “you saved master genjis life! His only family!” Another said as they stripped off the rest of your clothes ushering you into the bathroom of the guest suite, “h-hold on nobody owes me anything!” You stammered out as they almost lifted you into the tub before proceeding to scrub every part of you they could get their hands on. “On the contrary the shimada clan owe you more than you could imagine. The very minimum they owe you is a new shirt at the very least!” One mused as she washed the blood from your hair. “I-I’d just be happy with dinner for the night…” you mumbled realising you never did get your shopping back from the fox.
“Oh of course! I’ll go inform the chefs at once!” Another maid said as she set a fluffy robe down beside the tub before hurrying to the door, “oh and what was your name madam?? So we know how to address you during your stay” She asked with a slight tilt to her head, “y/n, I-I’m y/n, b-but really you don’t have t-” you tried to protest their fussing further only for her to nod and disappear out the door before the other maids continued to swarm you with their attention.
You sighed lounging back into your bed for the evening, it felt heavenly, so soft you could just imagine you were melting into a cloud. Your stomach was full, you were clean, and despite the events of the evening and the trouble that had lead you up to this moment your eyes grew heavy with sleep.
You blinked once, then twice, and slowly you swapped the darkness of the room, for the darkness of your closed eyelids, letting rest creep ever closer, only to then be startled back to consciousness by the rustling of plastic and the pitter pattering of paws… you didn’t need to open your eyes to know the fox had returned you your dinner… at least tomorrow nights meal would be assured, one way or another.
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quirkwizard · 4 days
Now that we have 10 mythic skins in Overwatch, I was wondering if a list could be compiled for Quirks that could cover each one. Cyberdemon Genji, Zeus Junker Queen, Amaterasu Kiriko, Galactic Emperor Sigma, Adventurer Knight Tracer, Null Sector Wargod Ana, Onryō Hanzo, Grand Beast Orisa, Ancient Caller Moira, and Vengeance Mercy. I'm looking for Quirks tying to the appearances of the mythic skins more than to the abilities of the characters.
If this works, do you have any ideas for an Avatar quirk? Like the ability to just manipulate the 4 elements similar to the Avatar?
Have you got any ideas for a quirk based on the INTJ personality?
Helloo! I was wondering if you could write a quirk for my OC she has a temperature quirk so whatever she touches she can raise and lower the temperature of but I can think of any drawbacks
How would you revise Projection Sorcery to work as a quirk?
Any Quirks for the characters of Jumanji? I'm thinking either peak physical form or fearlessness for Smolder, cartography or geometry sight for Shelly, either pocket dimension or omnilingualism for Mouse, idk for Ruby or Seaplane, a good lock picking Quirk for Ming, wings for Cyclone, idk for Nigel or Van Pelt (though VP should have an eviler version of Anivoice probably), and some sort of rage empowerment Quirk for Jurgen
Would it be possible to ask for Quirks for each of the 13 main characters in Camp Camp? Max, Neil, Nikki, David, Gwen, Nurf, Nerris, Harrison, Ered, Space Kid, Preston, Dolph, and Quartermaster.
Zenyatta Quirk Idea: Harmony & Discord. The user has two metallic orbs that they can apply to themself or others. One increases a person's healing ability greatly, letting them recover from attacks within less than a minute. The other, however, decreases a person's healing ability, making them much more susceptible to being hurt. The drawback is that only one of each exists and if one is active, so too must the other be. If the user wants to heal someone, someone else has to be weakened.
Heyy!! Could i please get a few dependent quirk ideas??? Thank youu!!!
Any chance of a Quirk based on the Look-Away-Inator? It's from the PnF episode Split Personality, and I figured that was more doable as a Quirk than the Molecular Separator.
So that Denki and Shoto marriage is perfect for Virgil, I'm sure you've made a teleportation Quirk that works for Ed, and for Tye you literally made the Tokoyami and Takeyama QM his name, but what about for Asami? This is the Runaways from Season 2 of Young Justice fyi.
I wanna hear about a quirk based on crayon eating
Any quirks based on Jin's side effect from World Trigger? since Foresight exists I think this is a possibility. One I'm kinda thinking about is a quirk that just foresees how you die with little to no context.
Could you help me out with this quirk idea please! My idea is a cloning quirk based on fission. The clones bodies would kind of split off from the user. Each of the clones are capable of independent thought, feeling and action, although they have a mental link, and if one gets hurt, they all feel it. I’d say the clones have half the durability as the user and they can only create 35.
It’s either I go with that idea or have the user create only one clone that has half the durability, and that clone can do the same thing. The clones would have their own autonomy and they would share a mental link.
Idk which idea I should go with, so could you help me decide which I should go for, and if you have any suggestions for the one you pick I’m willing to improve!
Could you make a quirk based on thestrals?
Can you make a quirk based on Unrepair from undead unluck !?!?! Thank you
hello! would you have any ideas for a drawback of a quirk user that can spawn limbs on any surface? the user can use them (and see through them if they were an eye, for example) but they can only be spawned if the user is nearby. i imagine that one of the drawbacks could be that they can feel pain from those limbs, but i can't think of anything else. thank you for all the quirk stuff you do! your brain is very big :D
Dragon and either dark shadow or black whip
Could you do Voyance and Hardening. No idea how this will work but I’m sure you’ll come up with something.
Not sure if you did this before but...Copy X Clones?
Gyrate and Springlike Limbs
Meatball + Incite ?
Black and Storage QM?
Storage and Water Creation?
Decay and Larceny, Twin Impact, or Muscle Augmentation?
What do you think about a qm between decay and electrification?
meatball and stress, fat absorption and somnambulist, or Blood curdle and Whitelime
QM between Incite and Anthropomorph?
Hi, Could you make a quirk marriage between Love and Cloud ✨Thanks✨
Glamour + Voice?
It just occurred to me! a quick marriage between Vibration and muscle gain or overhaul, thank you very much!
If you decide to do quirk marriages again could you do glamour and comic?
Solid Air x Dark Shadow QM?
I would like to remind people that I am not taking any kind of requests right now. That means no Quirk Reviews, no Original Quirks, and no Quirk Marriages. So if you see your ask here or sent me anything like that in the past month or so, I will not be covering it and it is currently removed from the ask box.
If you do not see your ask here, I do not have it and I apologize for the inconvenience on that part. You will have to send it again when I open the ask box. Otherwise, I would suggest you take your ask and write it down somewhere so you can send it when the ask box is open. It will still take some time before it is open and I ask for and appreciate your patience during this time.
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the-happy-hotel · 11 months
I think probably the most saddening part of all this Overwatch 2 business is that it used to be a genuinely good game. When it was simply "Overwatch" it was a welcome new twist on the team shooter. I adored it and yeah some characters were busted but that was part of the charm. They all felt deep and compelling and best of all, fun. You could tell there was genuinely love put into it. Tracer was the first openly gay character I saw and I felt very seen by her. Now it stinks of corporate sanitization. The characters skill sets are optimized and balanced to the point where they err on the side of the characters too weak a lot which really takes a lot of the fun out of playing any of them, the 5v5 and faster respawns and larger health bars to make games more "streamlined" but it again just ends up being un-fun, and of course, the skins that come to the store exactly once before disappearing forever, and of course the awful battle pass with loot that ALSO disappears forever once the season is over.... yeah. It breaks my heart to see what was once a genuinely enjoyable experience become a FOMO-fueled, loveless, un-fun cash grab that respects neither its players nor their time, all thanks to ActivisionBlizzard being a company that cares about nothing but it's bottom line, and would rather a great game die than be perfect and less profitable.
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meibaestars · 8 months
There's been a massive amount of OW hate (most of which is just a ton of angry people who won't let go of the whole PvE issue and stuff Blizzard at this point has no control over at this point in time), but it's OW Dev Appreciation Day so I wanna talk abt my favorite things about the Overwatch franchise and my feelings about most everything (I kindly ask for no hate or saying why the company/game/devs suck)
The devs have been working on Overwatch since 2016, and I genuinely have never loved a game and it's characters more. They were all their own character with awesome kits, great personalities, fantastic skins, and more. The game modes are smart and well thought-out, and balances are constantly being made to adjust the characters and make them fun for all. The devs are constantly trying new things with the characters to make them as fun as possible. They're also constantly working on lore, relationships, voice lines, maps, game modes, skins, characters, and a ton more. They've been doing this for close to a decade, and even when they took a break on making new content for the game, it was to develop Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 in its own right is my favorite game ever and I doubt I can find anything to top it. There's so much crammed into the game that at least once a week I find a feature or interaction I didn't know about even since launch. Im playing with people who are having as much fun as me and making cute little friendships. And don't even get me STARTED on PvE. I was kicking my feet screaming and laughing (and annoying the shit out of my brother bc I was so excited) as I played through the missions. Every little bit of it was so fun and, personally, 100% worth the 15 dollars. I mean, we got 3, THREE, missions with 4 difficulties, multiple heroes, and a shit ton of voice lines to discover for less than the price of some of the skins. Knowing Blizzard, that's amazing. There's a ton of stuff to discover in all of them. They distribute it pretty evenly throughout all the characters too, so none are getting completely neglected and all of them have unique lore.
All that being said.
Is Overwatch 2 a flawed game? Oh yeah. Is Blizzard a very flawed company? Oh yeah. Some of the prices and bundles are definitely ridiculous in price. There's a lot of issues, especially within the company and being greedy for money and harrassment. It's not like Overwatch 1.
But isn't that kinda the point?
It's a whole new game. If they wanted to keep it as Overwatch 1 they would of. Comparing the two, obviously Overwatch 1 comes out on top. But that's why it's pointless to hold Overwatch 2 to those standards, you literally can't. But in its own right, in its own category, Overwatch 2 really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. To a new player or someone somewhat easy to satisfy (like me), it's crazy addicting and fun.
I could say so much more, but it's bound to start a debate and I don't have the energy to write it all down. But personally, I love the game. I hate what angry, immature people are doing to it just bc they didn't get what they expected (like seriously, at least be grateful you got SOME kind of PvE), especially all the steam reviews about the nsfw artists doing more than the devs. They're literally trying to make money just like Blizzard. They're trying to achieve the same means: get money by making something others can have fun with.
In the grand scheme of things, the flaws are manageable and sort of overexaggerated. I have a blast playing the game and so do so many people other than the people spamming negative reviews on Steam (Seriously, you're taking time out of your day to do that?).
So, a big thanks to Overwatch Devs. Overwatch 2 in its own right is super fun and enjoyable, and even if it's expensive people can have fun with or without spending money. Thanks for actually giving us PvE and new systems to make the game unique. Thanks for the content to come and the content we have.
My hat's off to the devs who work hard and want to make this the best game it can be. There's flaws, but they're handling all the recent events and hate very well, and working on their ability to the best of their ability. That's not something everyone can do so easily.
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mythawolf · 10 months
We should get a series of Overwatch open-world game.
I haven't been playing Overwatch very long, and I'm not that good but I do have fun (most of the time) and I love the lore. Recently, Blizzard announced it would add story missions. Sadly however, they won't be adding a proper story mode. So, here's my proposal: We should get open-world Overwatch games akin to the Arkham Series, Breath of the wild, Spider-man (PS4 series), and you probably get the idea.
My idea is that either each game stars one Overwatch member or there are different squads per game series of which you can change character like in Gotham Knights.
If I were to go with the single character a game route, I would pick the one and only:
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Yep. I'd probably have her skin as her Overwatch 2 skin except with a dark/chocolate brown jacket. I'd start the story with the slipstream incident (and maybe go into sone PTSD from this). The story of the first game would then go to her training, and then Stuff happens, which takes place over a few months as Tracer fights. The gameplay would either be something like Star Wars Outlaws, or like Arkham Batman/PS4 Spider-man with Outlaws shooting mechanics. Something like that. Might be ideal to Nerf Tracer's Pulse Pistols to be less Machine Laser Pistols and more Ordinary Laser Pistols.
D.va's game will be more dogfight-based and would most likely be the same, and focus on her and the mech pilots and joining Overwatch.
You can guess what Genji and Hanzo's game(s) will be about.
Please tell me what you think. Keep in mind this is only a basic Idea I came up with in less than half an hour (and I was making it up as I went along).
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scoutpologist · 5 months
like okay. first of all i have to say that nostalgia is a brutal beast but i am right about this - new overwatch character design fucking sucks sometimes and i can show it very simply with one hero.
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so like. what the fuck. did they do to him. cassidy baby what did they DO to you
the previous design had so so so much character. i mean look at that. he looks ROUGH. he looks like he's seen some shit. he doesn't look DIRTY by any means, but he looks real. every part of his character design evokes a cowboy, which is what he's SUPPOSED to evoke! they took the archetype and they put it into every little inch of his design and by god are they not sorry about it.
his shawl is iconic in how ripped it is - it is something old and loved and impractical, and he still carries it with him. the gold tones add warmth and are clearly a fashion statement, with the addition of his stupid (/affectionate) belt. his singular kneepad is a funny nod to the fact he rolls forward in game on one knee. he's loudly and proudly a very stereotypical cowboy and his design takes joy in that!!! he takes joy in that!!!!
his figure as well looks more bulky and built on actual core strength rather than the "8-pack but still super skinny" type shit you see so often.
the second one.... just fucking destroys all that made the first design charming. his weird little pants turned into pieces of well-crafted armor. they cut his hair and pointed his beard - the entire silhouette of his head changed to something much more angular and sharp. his warm, desaturated colors that implied a level of warmth and sunbleach are all saturated and In Your Face.
they gave him fake armor abs (and took away the funny blue nipple things that were the subject of many a joke). his boots look less like something he's been wearing for years and more like something built for combat. in trying to make him sexier and more appealing, they completely removed what made him appealing in the first place.
to be clear, i don't blame the design team for this. i know any blizzard employee has to fight like hell to do anything good. and some designs DEFINITELY did improve with overwatch 2. symmetra's redesign is fantastic, for example!!! it feels so much more like her!!! mercy's new skin is also fantastic, adding an air of maturity to her. but idk what the hell the direction was with this, but whoever ordered this fucked it up, and the old design is infinitely better.
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benjamincarmine · 1 year
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hi pookies!!!! idk if y’all know, but i stream on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/jaesko_  and i recently got my first sponsorship with Mech Arena!
 click the pic above (or here) to use my link, support me, and get some awesome in game rewards! ♡ 
i’ll add a read more with more info to not assault ur dash, but if you want to try a fun, free to play mobile/pc game and put an end to the e-begging, keep reading!! if not, no worries! maybe go check out the twitch and drop a follow for ur boy ♥ ** mobile users, pls keep reading bc theres a glitch w my link and the app store!! more info below ♡ 
mech arena is a super fun lil mobile game ive actually enjoyed playing recently thats fast paced, entertaining, and not infuriating to try to progress in like most of them. ive actually returned to play more than once, not even on stream, unlike every other mobile game ive ever tried that remains taking up space on my phone. **its also available on pc with a super small download and rly low spec requirements!
the games are really quick and fun to play when ur looking for something to do! the first time i played i didn’t even stream it (literally one of my sponsorship requirements) bc i actually had fun and played for a WHILE. you gain credits super quick, they have multiple events and challenges going at once so in just a few games you can be rich and make some super OP mechs.
you get 500 (FIVE HUNDRED!!!!!) free in game coins that usually cost real human money, 70k credits, and a legendary skin, as well as get to support me and my stream when you use my link!
all you have to do is finish the tutorial for the pack, but to unlock PVP (for it to count for my sponsorship!) you have to get to Division 9! you start at division 10, the games are super fast (5 min time limits!) and it only took me 2 or 3 games to get there, so the whole thing should take less than 20 min.
*****mobile players!!** to get the pack (and again, for it to count for me :3), for some reason you have to download the app and don’t open it!! go back and click my link again, and it will automatically open the mech arena page on the app store (again). launch it through there and proceed!! i haven’t seen any issues on pc***
if you want to support ya boy, try out a fun game, and get some pretty cool in game rewards, click the pic and try it out!_ (or use my link here)._
if it’s not rly your thing, thank you for reading! maybe take a look at my twitch and drop a follow if you want! I try to stream daily if not every other day, all sorts of games! Overwatch, R6S, Hunt: Showdown, Sims 4, Apex, DBD, etc, and sometimes GRWM/just chatting if you wanna stop by and say hi! ♥
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Alright, let's do this. Personal Overwatch 2 review, one week later:
Back in 2016, when OW did a last beta weekend where they sent a bunch of codes to people who signed up for them before release, I finally got to try it for the first time, and I remember playing and jumping around and thinking to myself "this is the most fun I've had with a videogame in my life."
This feeling gradually faded over time and I feel like this is a sentiment that applies to many others. Even before every piece of bullshit news people heard about Activision Blizzard and that tainting the game, people were already done and actively hateful of the game. The sense of wonder and discovery was lost. You become more and more aware of mistakes you and your teammates do. Lack of updates and incentives to play. Anything new that drops feels like it makes the game Less fun with more and more CC and barriers.
I was kinda done. I didn't hate the game like many others, but it wasn't fun, so I just kinda stopped playing.
OW2 does feel like they did everything possible to revert every fuckup that brought up this feeling in terms of gameplay. Remove CC. Remove barriers. Rework things to deal event more damage and do cool things. Remove a tank and a player, less room for error and less unfun mechanics to worry about. Now for the first time in years I feel like something similar to how it was in 2016, when I just get to have fun and do stuff instead of being denied from playing. I get to rush in and start knifing people with Junker Queen like a crazy person and it's fucking great. This is very good.
Everything I have to say about OW2 gameplay and its maps is generally positive. Push is weird and maybe they can find ways to tune it more (maybe spawns getting closer or something?) but I don't hate it. I miss 2CP maps but it's mostly just visually, so maybe they can get reworked into a viable gamemode later, but that's just my personal hope for the future.
All in all, it's fun.
Now off to the main issues.
I have so many concerns about its progression and monetization systems. To say they're not good would be an understatement. It's not just stupidly greedy, but also just stupid in general as there's no incentive to keep playing and that's the main issue here. I have zero interest in anything in the season pass with the exception of maybe the Genji Mythic skin, but even then I'm not a Genji player so whatever. Let's say I want to buy (yet another) Mercy skin, and I either have to bust out 20$ OR grind the game for like... 10 months? Assuming I get every weekly challenge, which I'm most likely not going to do as I am sitting on one uncompleted challenge on reset day, so yeah no. The problem here is that the solution of "well just buy it" doesn't work because people fundamentally can't buy everything. Like, people are broke. People gotta eat. Some players might be like 12 years old and they don't have money. I live in a country with 1º a broken economy and 2º a +75% international purchase tax. Like this level of greed doesn't work here because it's assuming everyone has the ability to buy things, when in reality this is very much not the case, and grinding for 10 months to get One skin is unrealistic because I'm just going to Stop playing your game that is giving me nothing rather than continue playing forever for one goddamn Mercy skin.
This is just badly designed and it's going to fail. No doubts here.
Is the idea for a season pass and a shop inherently bad? Not really, no. Most games offer you free money on the season pass path, meaning that you could theoretically pay 10$ and continue to make that money on each pass forever and get all rewards with just 10$ once. Other games do offer periodic challenges that will just give you free stuff as an incentive to come back and keep playing, and in this case, maybe get coins to buy a skin for your main instead of an arbitrary reward that means nothing to you.
And this takes me to the thing to watch out for and potential fixes: The Halloween event is coming soon in about two weeks, and that's the opportunity to show exactly what a special event will be like in OW2. Let's say that they give you a bunch of temporary challenges that give you coins and you can get up to like 1000 (being generous here) for just playing during this time. This guarantees you being hooked for a while, getting enough currency to get the season pass (which guarantees even further engagement if you do take it), or you can choose to get something for the specific character you like, which for me is another incentive to keep playing because now my character looks cool and pretty and fuck yes let's do this.
There's not even an argument of "well they want to take your money here so of course they do this" because THIS DOESN'T WORK LONG TERM. People are just going to LEAVE and you make NO MONEY if people DON'T PLAY YOUR GAME. And you can be cynical about it and say that this is planned and they'll make it good once they got that initial cash-in on release, and you might be right. But honestly I care about this game, like, Living. Because I was there for Heroes of the Storm, and I know exactly how Blizzard can just fucking give up on a game that they themselves ruined.
Things, as they are right now, are bad. And if they continue this way (which I'm honestly thinking THEY WON'T because it's such a badly designed system it's baffling) the game will just die.
This is a terrible first impression.
PvE was promised years ago to be the main focus of Overwatch 2. So, where did that go?
Honestly, following the OWL community like I have for years showed me that Overwatch has a weird divide in terms of how people enjoy this franchise. You can almost split fans into two groups; the people who are here for a really fun game, and the people who are here for the characters and the world. And there's no right or wrong way to enjoy the game either, whichever does it for you is completely valid.
The problem starts with OW1 here. It is a mainly PvP competitive game, with just a few PvE modes for fun during certain time windows. But because the way the game is shown and advertised, it makes sense that it would give people the promise of way more content regarding its world and characters than they're given. But this also means that if you do try to branch off into more worldbuilding you will take resources away from the PvP players' content. This is the problem the game immediately faced, where instead of committing to one thing, they tried to sort of do both, and failed at both. There wasn't enough content for either.
Also, OW1 wasn't planned to be maintained as a live-service game. This means that every update, character, map, and fun events we got were more of a bonus rather than planned content in order to keep the game alive. The dev team mainly approached OW1 as a "we're going to take 6 years to develop this banger of a game and then release it and be done with it" which means that there weren't many plans to keep it alive from the get-go. You already bought the game, now begone. This is why we really just got the same events every year with just a couple of fancy new skins and that's it.
OW2 is trying to change that. Going F2P is essentially a promise that they will maintain this game with new content, but now we have to see what that new content is and how fast it comes at us.
So back to the main question, where's the PvE? Okay, here's a better question for you. How do you think the already established PvP playerbase would feel if OW2 comes out and it's exactly the same EXCEPT that now you have co-op story modes and that's it? That would change nothing for them, and I'd say that they are the main audience that continues to play.
The priority here is to finally commit to get new content to keep the PvP players happy. And they know a lot of people care about the lore, but realistically focusing on that first probably wouldn't be the best idea. It makes complete sense that PvP reworks come in first, and I think they did a great job as I said earlier because the game now just feels so much more fun. But PvE is just going to be delayed until whenever they can finish it because PvP is a priority and that's just the reality here.
Also, the game is just not a complete product. There's not enough content to call it a complete product. You can argue so many things were better in OW1 and I would be inclined to agree. If you ask me, the only reason why "Overwatch 2" is a thing is because they needed to push out an announcement out the door to stop people from badmouthing Blizzard. And maybe the call to make OW2 was already made the moment OW1 came out and the big suits saw dollar signs everywhere given how well the game did initially, but I think announcing the game when they did only made things so much worse long-term, because now we're in a weird "Overwatch 1.5" state while they're advertising this as something completely new and different when it's not.
I will say finally giving the PvP players this giant overhaul to make the game much more enjoyable is definitely a good thing and you can even say this was done in good faith by the new team if the alternative was waiting in limbo for an extra year which sounds terrible, but I don't know if this was the right call from every other perspective.
Closing thoughts are, I'm having mixed feelings on the game. I like the game, I have fun with the game, I feel so conflicted regarding everything else besides gameplay, and I'm facepalming at some of the decisions made here and I'm awaiting for them to realize how stupid they are and change them.
We'll see how this game develops. But as of now, I'm just going to play it, have some fun by myself or with a friend, and probably stop in like a week or two as I move onto something else as the game is not doing much to keep me in.
Please let me know how you feel about the game! I'd love to hear from other OW fans too.
Take care, and have fun y'all.
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For the price of an Overwatch 2 skin you could buy The Orange Box by Valve for $19.99 USD.
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purplekoop · 1 year
I still owe myself to get out a full Overwatch figure ramble but I just realized that the "Carbon Fiber" 4-pack of the Ultimates (hasbro) line isn't just the Carbon Fiber skins.
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The set contains Genji, Zarya, Pharah, and D.va. Zarya's default skin was a solo box before, but Genji and Pharah's default looks are exclusively available in 2-packs with Hanzo and Mercy, respectively. D.va, depressingly, is only available in this 4-pack, meaning there's no Ultimates figure of her normal skin (though she does have the Figma if you insist on accuracy at a higher cost)
What I just realized though after 4 months of having these figures is that uh... They're not all the "Carbon Fiber" skins for these heroes.
Obviously we all know Carbon Fiber Genji, it's probably the most iconic Epic skin in the game. simple, effective, very cool gamer look.
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Probably the single best recolor they could've gone with for any figure in the whole line.
Then there's Pharah, who got the less iconic but still nice Carbon Fiber skin.
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This one's interesting, as this skin actually is one of the most recent designs that got an Ultimates figure. It came out in the Anniversary 2019 event, and this figure set came out in September 2019, meaning it was less than half a year from in-game to figure for this one! Part of me wonders if they made this relatively basic skin just so they could round out this 4-pack.
Okay now here's the part where I'm just stupid: the other two skins technically aren't "Carbon Fiber" skins despite being in the Carbon Fiber 4 pack.
Zarya's skin is officially titled "Midnight", which the box outright says. I'm just dumb.
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It was one of her original base game two Epic skins too, so it's been around for a while.
Then there's D.va, which is what initially got me down this sudden spiral. The skin in this figure set is Midnight, another from Anniversary 2019 just like the Pharah skin.
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But the thing is... D.va also has a skin called Carbon Fiber.
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It's a pretty popular one too, been in the game since 1's launch, and it looks strikingly different from the Midnight skin, so uh. Yeah I'm just dumb I think.
While on this subject, I think I should go over the rest of this Carbon Fiber and Midnight saga, since there's a lot of skins with that name.
Orisa's Carbon Fiber is actually a Legendary skin, with its striking feature being the apparently floating limbs. It's one of her initial defaults, and its counterpart is "Protector" (the one with a genji face in the torso).
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Zenyatta's funky-faced Carbon Fiber comes from a unique place in Overwatch content history: the January 2018 Blizzard World content drop, which added a bunch of new cosmetics into the base year-round loot pool in addition to the new map. As such, Zen appears to have 3 "default" Epic skins.
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Brigitte's is another Epic skin of her default two. This one has some extra details though (as was the case with most post-launch heroes), namely with some extra cybernetic-looking details on her face.
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Here's Doomfist's Carbon Fiber, also from Anniversary 2019. Oddly enough, his seems to have some extra paint details. He never had an Ultimates figure, so maybe my theory about the simpler recolors being made explicitly for the figures is onto something?
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Echo's is one of her two default Epics she's had since her release. Funny enough, this is the one that actually looks the most like actual Carbon Fiber.
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And then finally is Sigma's Carbon Fiber skin, which was one of the weekly challenge rewards from Anniversary 2020. I'd say it reminds me of bees if he didn't just get a full-on beekeeper skin.
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Oh, and Reaper technically also has a Rare skin called "Midnight", but it's one of the basic recolors and very clearly not meant to be part of the same theme as the Zarya and D.va skins.
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Yeah this is how quickly I go on a spiral over fancy palette swaps in a video game and its adjacent merch.
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mister-christmas · 2 years
So apparently the grind in Overwatch 2 is insane. It would take 5 years to unlock a legendary skin without paying.
For comparison I did some math. In Dead by Daylight an ultra rare cosmetic set for one character costs 29 700 Iridescent Shards which you get from increasing your player level. It works out to about 8 decent matches per 300 Iri Shards. At an average of 10 minutes a match it would take me 132 hours of playtime to earn. Even if I only played one hour per day it would take less than a 10th the time to unlock an untra rare set in DBD than in OW2. Also you can use 9000 Iri Shards to unlock new characters, which works out to about 40 hours of play time.
TL; DR an ultra rare skin in DBD takes about 132 hours to unlock for free while a legendary skin in OW2 takes 5 years
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I’m honestly not sure whether linking the video would be better, or not because fuck that guy, I don’t want to give him views, even to make a point.
Your Overwatch posted a video just a few hours ago, and it has by far his most egregious takes yet. The guy has been on a high rise freefall ever since the monetization schemes for Overwatch 2 were announced prior to release, but this video of his really took the fucking cake, I gotta say.
He literally cut in a clip from Seagull’s stream where he points out that an in-game keychain charm costs more than its real world equivalent. Let that fucking sink in. A real keychain costs less than a digital one. And this clown had the gall to go on and defend it.
He goes on to say, and this is a direct fucking quote:
“I’m personally kind of tired of talking about this when there’s such a good game in front of us to play, and to some degree, if I can’t convince you that these skins in the Overwatch Battlepass are far higher quality, more imaginative, more creative, more transformative...I think players sometimes forget that’s almost like designing an entirely separate character.”
Never mind the quality of the skins since, for the sake of fairness, that’s up to the individual (personally, I think the only good skins in the BP are the D’Va and Pharah ones), but his argument here is that because he believes these skins are ‘better’ than the skins we used to get in OW1, that makes them worth a premium.
Regarding the premium skins you can buy from the store he said, and this is a paraphrase: “Since we’ve already learned most people don’t even play 3 different heroes a majority of the time, why would you buy a premium skin for a hero you don’t even play?”
This is, of course, completely disregarding the most basic fact that this is a hero shooter where one of the quintessential elements of gameplay is having to swap heroes to effectively counter the enemy team. Granted, sure, you could get away without doing that, assuming you’re a decent enough player, but we don’t live in Wonderland where everyone is Grandmaster. We live in the real world where sometimes you have to pick an off hero you might not like, or might not typically play, all for the sake of winning. Just because you’re usually playing ~3 specific heroes doesn’t mean you’re not playing any of the other heroes ever.
All of that was of course so he could ‘defend’ Blizzard charging AAA video game prices, we’re talking ~$60-70 per-skin, because in his mind, you’re only buying the skins for the heroes you like, so that gives Blizzard the justification to fleece you for all you’re worth for those few skins you purchase.
He also just blatantly lied, or is willfully ignorant when he argued that lowering the prices in the shop wouldn’t encourage more people to buy them, when that’s so completely and provably false. Look at just about any mobile game ever and you will immediately see just how wrong that is. It’s infinitely easier to convince people to buy 4-6 skins at $10-15 per-skin than it is to convince them to buy a single skin for $60. This man’s ignorance knows no bounds.
And all of this was in the segment of his video where he’s literally discussing a survey that was sent out by Blizzard regarding monetization because even they are noticing that people really find their monetization scheme to be complete and utter bullshit. And none of this even touches his horrifically bad takes on the actual meta itself.
This is just further proof that people give, not only YouTubers, but ‘pro-players’ far too much credibility when it comes to discussing the design of the game. These people shouldn’t be the voices of the people playing these games because 9/10 they are completely detached from the playerbase they claim to represent, case-in-point this utter clown. Games shouldn’t be designed around the sub-1% of the playerbase.
It’s truly bewildering to me that games are designed around pro-players when the entire concept of being a professional player of a video game is that you are someone who is actually good at the game and not someone who the game was built to be good for. Instead, games should be focused on making it fun for the vast majority of players, and the people who are paid to get good at the game should, you know, actually get good at the game instead of having their every need catered to.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Overwatch 2’s Only Halloween Event Skin Comes From Not Playing
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We are now in the midst of the Overwatch 2 Halloween event, which honours the spookiest season of the year with a spooky overlay and even a new game mode—a follow-up to Junkenstein's Revenge. Though the FPS game has gone free-to-play, this year's Overwatch 2 Halloween event is different, and many players aren't at all happy with the new rollout of earnable skins and cosmetics. In case you didn’t know, the Overwatch 2 Halloween event is running from October 25 to November 9, and it adds the co-op mission Junkenstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride. You can earn name cards, weapon charms, battle pass XP, and more, but players are frustrated at Blizzard for removing one specific earnable reward: character skins. That said, you can watch any streamer under the Overwatch 2 Twitch category for four hours and get the Werewolf Winston Legendary skin, but there are still no earnable in-game rewards pertaining to skins during the event. It appears that this change has everything to do with the Overwatch 2 free-to-play model, as Blizzard also mentions that limited edition skin bundles will be available in the shop during the event. “We’re expanding on the story of Junkenstein’s Revenge through Wrath of the Bride and adding spooky new skins and bundles to the Overwatch Shop.” This change has caused quite the furore from players, as a post outlining that there are no skin rewards in the Overwatch 2 Halloween event has gained almost 24,000 upvotes on Reddit in less than a day. “Event skins were the only thing keeping me playing over the last couple years,” laments SnooDoodles8088. “I never missed a single one and it almost felt like an obligation to maintain my streak after a while.” This change to event skins is emblematic of a larger Overwatch 2 problem for most players, this being that skins feel too expensive, and that Blizzard has completely changed how players can earn them, which is basically no longer through play itself. “You get more skins for not playing the game,” adds The_Owl_Bard, which feels like an incredibly apt statement that highlights the overall state of the Overwatch 2 Halloween event, and the multiplayer game’s monetisation model. At this point I think it’s fair to say that Blizzard won’t be changing its money making ways for Overwatch 2, as it aligns with the new free-to-play model that’s been adopted. That said, fans are still going to bring up their disappointment, and rightly so. If you’re playing Overwatch 2 and need some quick help, we’ve got your back with a series of guides. We have an Overwatch 2 tier list of all the best heroes to pick for your role, alongside some Overwatch 2 best settings for your PC playing. Read the full article
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sulettaofficial · 1 year
Unsolicited (un-Sulett-ited???) opinions on Gundam Evolution
The game is more fun than Overwatch, imo, despite being an Overwatch clone. That's almost 100% because I have zero emotional connection or investment in Overwatch, meanwhile my (poorly constructed) Char's Zaku II and RX-78-2 Gunplas cheer me on while I play GE.
Playable Heroes/Mobile Suits
The small pool of Mobile Suits is frustrating (let me play a Qubeley!) but I feel like that's actually a good thing for the game There's less to learn and less to counter, meaning that you can probably become decent at a few mobile suits and become a viable player in pretty much every match. On top of that, it makes it easier on the developers when it comes to making ~ unique ~ effects. If you have five suits where their main gimmick is funnels (because who doesn't love funnels?) then it just becomes a game where everyone uses funnels and they might as well as change the name to "Funnel Evolution." Granted, I do want to play as a Qubeley >://
Customization/Battle Pass
The customization options feel really barebones. I'm hoping they add more interesting designs, skins, charms, etc. I don't have a lot of money right now, so I couldn't purchase the ~ Battle Pass ~ even if I wanted to, but I don't even want to purchase the battle pass. All the rewards are just. Meh? Halo Infinite has better battle pass rewards if I'm being honest. If Bandai is trying to pull in a new group of fans with a F2P shooter, they really need to add something to the game for the Fortnite players who are used to absolutely zany skins and the Halo Infinite players who are used to having a ~ super custom and personalized ~ SPARTAN-IV. Sazabi white lines? Sazabi black lines? Stop this. The most interesting skin is for the Nu Gundam - at level 60 - which is "Active Resonance". Nu Gundam with neon green lines. It looks nice but like. Okay? At level 51 you unlock Methuss "Sky Blue Lines" which is just the Methuss with...sky blue lines painted on it. Nu Gundam is an MS that you have to pay money for, about $10 USD. Over the course of the 60 levels of the battle pass you earn 990 EVO coins, which is the in game paid currency. Conveniently, 990 coins is the price of a MS. So you get to the final level, unlock the Nu Gundam skin, and assuming you haven't spent your coins on anything else, then you buy Nu Gundam. Otherwise, you'll unlock a skin for a MS that you don't even have. On top of that, since this is a hero based game, you're unlocking a skin for an MS that you might not even want to play. If you're a Barbatos/Exia main, I don't see you ever wanting to get Nu Gundam. If the final skin was for a free MS, I wouldn't have any complaints. Also you get an animated "stamp" - GE's version of "Sprays" - at Level 51 of a Psycommu but it's called "Psycho-Frame Light" and it's a 3D "T" spinning with green light around it. And I'm pretty sure the Psycommu in CCA was a bit more stylized than just being a gray version of the Teen Titans Tower. (I would check, but even the wiki doesn't have an image of the Psycommu, so maybe I'm wrong. And I don't feel like booting up my copy of CCA.)
There's also loot boxes that you open via tickets, which you can earn from the (paid/premium) battle pass. You can earn skins and other cosmetics from them. That's fine. I don't like loot boxes but between the minimal options and the fact that it doesn't feel like it's super monetized makes me feel like it's more acceptable compared to other loot boxes. Granted, I wish that there weren't loot boxes, but since I don't really care about the content it's like "Eh? Whatever?" At the same time though, that's more of a criticism of the less-than-stellar (in my opinion) skins/cosmetics. So actually no, loot boxes bad. Get them out of the game >:///
Also, the lack of in-character voice lines is insane. Why do you just have generic voice lines across all your suits rather than having some Char impersonator read an iconic "I came here to laugh at you." for the Sazabi? Where is the Setsuna-adjacent "I AM Gundam." line when you activate TRANS-AM? Who made this decision to not have any voice acting? Was it you, corporate?
Absolutely not a fan of the art style nor sense of scale. In terms of scale, rather than feeling like I'm fighting giant mechas in a city, I feel like I'm fighting normal sized people - wearing power armor - in a toy city. MechAssault did a better job with scale (imo) and that game came out in like 2001. As for the art style, it just makes everything look like toys. I'm guessing they're trying to go for a CGI Anime look(???) but it doesn't look great. Between the toy aesthetic and sense of scale, I feel like I'm playing as the self insert of my 12 year old self with Gundam action figures in a game of ~ pretend ~ with my friend.
Thing I'm disappointed about >:///
The fact that it's an Overwatch clone is...disappointing. When my girlfriend told me (like months ago) there was a new Gundam game coming out I was so jazzed because I was hoping it was going to be a big(ger) budget game or at least something unique/interesting. Instead it's just...Overwatch. I understand it from a business strategy point of view but like c'mon. Where's my Gundam RPG where I go on missions with my pilot that I spent hours in Character Creation on and meticulously chose my skills and perks??? Or at least give me a PvP Online Only FPS that's not Overwatch.
Overall though, it's actually pretty fun. If you don't like Overwatch's gameplay then you'll obviously not like this. Some of the controls feel a touch off, but that's nitpicking and it's 100% tolerable. If you like multiplayer games then I'd say it's worth checking out. I've been playing exclusively Casual matches (though I plan to play Ranked when I unlock it) and I don't feel like I'm getting stomped by other players (of course some matches are better than others), so it's generally just been good matches. It boots you out of the lobby at the end of each match (at least I'm pretty sure it does. I always leave of my own accord, but there's a timer next to the leave button and I am assuming that means it either auto-queues you for another match w/o the people you just played with or it boots you to the main menu automatically. But I could be completely wrong). I mention this because I have been told this is a sign that a game is using SBMM, so if you don't like games that have universal SBMM that might be a turn off for you. Personally, I don't mind it in Halo Infinite, and if I'm right about GE I don't mind it here either.
"Neva, why are you talking about this game now? It came out in September!"
My PC is broken so I had to wait for it to come out on Xbox ;___; Pls be nice to me, a console pleb ;___;
Also when you open a loot box, RX-78 like fucking. Airdrops it to you, and it's just the most funny (in a good way) and endearing thing. It's like he's like "Hello, I brought this for you." and then the box dramatically opens.
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