#for liberty and glory
nordleuchten · 2 months
Do you have any favorite books about Lafayette or recommendations for someone wanting to learn more about him but isn't ready to jump into primary sources?
Dear Anon,
thank you for the Ask. I get questions like these quite often and if you go through my posts, you can find different recommendations for different people/questions/topics/ levels of depth/etc. Since you do not seem to look for some incredible detailed analyses of some niche aspects of La Fayette’s live, we will focus on the more general books.
Here I can recommend Hero of two Worlds by Mike Duncan and Lafayette by Harlow Giles Unger. They are both good and comprehensive overviews about La Fayette’s life from cradle to grave. Unger has a few more information and Duncan gives better sources and is more neutral, if you were to ask me, but both books are good starting points.
Then there also the books written by Louis Gottschalk – he was and likely still is *the* authority on La Fayette. He published a multi-volume work detailing his life as well as numerous papers and books about smaller, more specific aspects. He was also one of the driving forces behind the publication of La Fayette’s letters and papers.
If you are looking for books that are still rather general and broad, but with a bit more focus on a special episode of La Fayette’s live/ a special topic, I can recommend For Liberty and Glory by James R. Gaines (one of my personal favourites), a book about La Fayette’s and Washington’s relationship, and their different approaches to Revolution. I can also recommend The Marquis – Lafayette Reconsidered by Laura Auricchio for new perspectives.
Lastly, even if you say that you are not quite ready to jump into primary sources, let put in a good word for primary sources. They can easily look a bit intimidating and overwhelming, especially when you are still looking for the best way to access and handle them – but they are also so much fun. I found La Fayette an interesting character when I started reading about him but in the end my enthusiasm was lackluster, he was one of many dead people I was reading about – taking a deep dive into more primary sources made a difference for me.
Anyway, I hope some of these books work well for you and happy reading! I hope you have/had a wonderful day!
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brownsugar4hersoul · 2 months
“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape? . . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!” | J.R.R. Tolkien |
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tricornonthecob · 2 months
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No but why did I make them such cuties
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flagoftheusa · 11 months
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Statue of Liberty
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Pinup Girl Heather waving Old Glory on Liberty Foundation's B-17 "Liberty Belle"
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Lyla, Booker, Tenebris, Sorsley, and Exharme Concept Art
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Concept/reference art for Lyla, Booker, Tenebris, Sorsley, and Exharme. Translation notes and text id beneath the cut.
Translation notes:
Gonna be real haha, I kinda gave up on the note that's pointing to the sash. The handwriting style is a little disjointed/vague, and I wasn't able to tell what exactly the characters were. But there seemed to be some reference to "inner" there, so I made reference to that.
The comment about Booker being an assassin might have been something more like "Booker plays the role of an assassin" or "Booker acts the part of an assassin" (with the implication that he's not literally an assassin).
Tenebris's name in Japanese is phonetically "Enigma." His name is probably the one that changed the most in the Japanese -> English localization.
Text id:
[id: The first image is of the full first page. It has portraits of Lyla, Booker, and Tenebris. There is another caption with an English translation of the caption on the first page. The first part reads, "I feel like Tenebris is the correct way to dress the Saints (lol). Everybody else dresses up too much. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)". The second part reads, "I was in charge of finishing Lyla. She is a wonderful character with many subtle gold elements. I like the fact that she's holding the blade of the dagger, which seems to show her mad-scientist-esque personality. (Rina Yoshiura)". The next image is of the full version of the second page, with several WIP drawings of Lyla, Exharme, Sorsley, and Booker. The next two images are English translations. The page is titled "C5House_Mad_Scientist." There is an image of Lyla walking toward the viewer, with some bowing men behind her. These men are labeled "Homunculi". Next to an image of Exharme and Sorsley, there is a diagram of their hooded capes and the purple sash they both wear. The same drawing is repeated below it, but with slightly different designs; Sorsley has a turban and Exharme has shorter, lighter brown hair. There are also beta designs of Lyla and Booker next to them. Lyla is labeled "Shaman", Booker is labeled "C1 House Subordinate", Sorsley is labeled "C1 House Head", and Exharme is labeled "C2 House Head." At the end of the page there is are some illustrator's notes. The first reads, "Since Booker turns out to be an assassin, we had him wear black gloves to give the impression of a professional killer. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" The second reads, "Is this the rough draft for Lyla and the Hyzante characters? I thought Lyla was very nice from the first draft, and I think she ended up being a good character in terms of the story. (Yasuaki Arai)". /end id]
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my-magical-oc-s · 3 months
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glorious-imagines · 3 months
i finally played & finished the phantom liberty dlc...
i am not ok.
pretty sure that is that worst ending.
all my chooms are either gone or hate me.
Vik, my beloved 🥺 look what they did to you! 😭
Misty forever being an angel of salvation 😭😭
And don't even get me started on Johnny 😭😭🤮🤮
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nordleuchten · 2 years
The friendship of Washington and Lafayette seems in many ways about as unlikely as the French-American one, almost a joke: What does a Virginia frontiersman and grade-school dropout have in common with a rich French aristocrat who learned to ride with three future kings? Or, what do you call a bumptious optimist whose best friend is a moody loner? Lafayette threw his arms around people and kissed them on both cheeks. Alexander Hamilton once offered to buy Gouverneur Morris dinner if he would clap Washington on the shoulder and say how great it was to see him again.
James R. Gains, For Liberty and Glory, W. W. Norten & Company, New York, London, 2007, p. 11.
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darrinjoakley · 1 year
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Poor Americana
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dieversa · 2 years
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I cannot fully imagine life under occupation. And life under occupation by russia... It is beyond imagination how people felt during those long months of occupation, how they fought for their freedom.
One can hardly imagine the entire scale of heroism of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the efforts of all the people involved in making our Victory come closer.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
Слава Україні! Героям Слава! Слава ЗСУ!
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hyacinth--girl · 5 months
Wait actually a downside of watching on tv too was that the sun was still setting for the first 15 mins so every time the camera panned to the west you just got 100% Glare
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flagoftheusa · 11 months
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Boston Tea Party
"Americans go overboard for the 4th” ~ Non-Americans
"I’m sorry but the last time I checked the only thing going overboard was tea." ~ The Sons of Liberty included John Adams, John Hancock, James Otis, Josiah Quincy, Paul Revere, and Dr. Joseph Warren.
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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"God, our Country and Liberty" by Currier & Ives
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Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape?…If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!
J.R.R. Tolkien
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
FULL EPISODE: Cheat! - A Gaming Poo-Poo Platter
Time for video game rules to get a sock in the jaw before they run outta town!
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