#for now she slumbers
daisyswift3 · 4 months
Cardiac Arrest, CPR, and the Reticent Volcano 🌋🎁
So yesterday I made a very interesting discovery while watching the TTPD (track) lyric vid that led to me having several epiphanies at once. If you watch the vid, you'll notice that for the most part the lyrics are in all caps save for a few lines. Of these lines, one in particular, “like a tattooed Golden Retriever,” caught my attention bc it has 2 capital letters--G and R--that you wouldn't have been able to see if the line was in all caps like the ones just before it. What makes it more interesting is that golden retriever is not a proper noun like a name or title so it shouldn't be capitalized according to English grammar rules.
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This led me to search for the TTPD album booklet scans to see if this was also capitalized in the booklet and to see what other words were capitalized. Then after looking at the booklet it hit me--CPR(G)!!! Charlie Puth Retriever Golden. Everyone agreed these lyrics sounded a little odd compared to the rest of her lyrics and the shout out to Charlie Puth seemed kind of random. But now it makes complete sense why she wrote those lyrics. She was trying to draw attention to the capital letters CPR(G) that are repeated throughout the album. In this post I explained that Taylor mentions CPR in So Long, London bc they're all related to each other, they're a family. C=Cassandra=Taylor; P=Peter=her 2nd kid; R=Robin=her 1st kid; G=Gold/Golden=Karlie. If you look at the TTPD tracklist, Cassandra, Peter, and Robin are in the same order as CPR.
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Taylor wanted to acknowledge her family in some way on this album and so she represented them w these 4 letters which are likely a stand-in for the Swift-Kloss family crest since I don't believe that showed up on this album. This is the key to deciphering several of the anon messages and understanding why some things are lowercase while other things are capitalized. For example, all of the volcano 🌋anon messages and the last 2 messages from (PR)esent anon 🎁 are lowercase with the exception of the words "Gold" and "Goodbye." This connects these messages to TTPD (track). "Gold" is highlighted like "volcano" to indicate that Miss Gold Rush is going to be a part of the atomic bomb Taylor is getting ready to drop. And the "Goodbye" being capitalized indicates that Karlie is indeed the "neighbor" in this message and in Fortnight as well as "the woman who sits by the window" in Peter that turns out the light/lamp. She is the one who keeps a lit jack-o-lantern 🎃 on the front porch while awaiting Taylor's return home from exile. These things single-handedly prove that 🌋 and present 🎁 anon are indeed legit bc how would a troll have been able to predict these things when The Anthology tracks were surprise dropped at 2am and weren't revealed w the standard edition tracks on Feb 5, and why would a troll even bother w such subtle details?? Plus no lyrics had leaked yet at the time these messages were sent so the only logical answer is that they must've either been sent by Taylor or someone close to her.
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Side note: When I first wrote that post analyzing the present 🎁 anon messages, I had thought that the song Robin, and maybe Peter as well, was the gift/present to us kaylors that present 🎁 anon told us to look out for since P's and R's are repeated in the messages. However, I have since figured out that actually the poetry book For now, she slumbers was likely the gift since present 🎁 anon's messages mention the title of the book "for now, she slumbers" and "reticent volcano" which is the author's name as an anagram (see this post). Plus the March 4 message directly quotes the first poem in For now, she slumbers called "Two" ✌️ (If you want to read all the poems in order see this post). I explain in this post that the reason why this poem is the first one in the book is bc it's the key to understanding all the ones that follow and to understanding TTPD. The 2 ✌️ is probably the most important motif in TTPD bc it symbolizes the 2 different versions of Taylor and 2 opposing narratives abt her life that exist. Taylor Swift the brand vs Taylor Swift the person; the boy-crazy maneater that only writes songs abt her ex-boyfriends vs the tortured closeted queer poet that is forced to hide her truth behind metaphors and red herrings. Going back to the CPR of it all, I still believe my initial analysis of the present 🎁 anon messages was correct for the most part since the "reticent volcano" is likely a tell-all memoir that will explain the whole messy story and how and why she kept her family (CPRG) a secret. The purpose of the 🎁 and 🌋 anon messages was to guide us to both the poetry book and to CPR(G) which both foreshadow what her memoir--that she's hinted at w The Manuscript and The Story of Us--is going to be abt.
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Now continuing on w the theory, as I mentioned previously, we have Cassandra=Taylor, Peter=her 2nd kid, and Robin=her 1st kid. And if you look at the pg in the booklet w The Manuscript, you'll see that there is a capital G in "Good Samaritan" which completes the CPRG set and is also the only capital G that shows up in this song.
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And to tie it all together, if you look at the summary poem/epilogue at the very end, Taylor mentions cardiac arrest. This happens when someone's heart suddenly stops functioning and can be reversed by CPR! "I stopped CPR after all it's no use, the spirit was gone we would never come to." And this connects to You're Losing Me (From the Vault) which is abt the fans not seeing the real her or paying attention to her repeated queer signaling -> "I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore for you, 'cause you're losing me." Taylor has given up trying to get her fans to listen to her (CPR) and has accepted that she may lose a lot of them when she reveals everything (CPRG). She is warning them that they are abt to lose the Taylor that they know, the old Taylor, bc she is going to have to kill her public persona and brand in order to be reborn as the new version of herself and move onto the next chapter of her life.
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And to add even more evidence to this theory, CPR is often performed on drowning victims, and where does drowning show up in TTPD? Oh it shows up in The Bolter which just so happens to be sandwiched in between Cassandra, Peter, and Robin! -> "By all accounts, she almost drowned when she was 6 in frigid water...And she liked the way it tastes, taming a bear, making him care, watching him jump then pulling him under...as she was leaving, it felt like breathing/freedom" // "When I was drowning that's when I could finally breathe." Drowning also shows up in Guilty as Sin which I've determined probably represents the acceptance stage of grief so the drowning metaphor checks out (see this post) -> "Drowning in the Blue Nile, he sent me 'Downtown Lights.'" (Also check out this amazing video which explains the Blue Nile and religious connections). This connects to the 8th 🎃 message where Taylor chooses to jump into shark infested waters and sacrifice her image and brand so that her lover doesn't have to. So putting all these pieces together, this means that by giving up on trying to revive her relationship w her fans or to maintain her image (CPR) and by putting her family and her happiness first (CPRG), Taylor will finally be able to be truly free. She is going to let Taylor Swift the brand drown so that she can finally breathe. This connects to The Black Dog where she compares the red herrings/bearding/lavender haze/smokescreen to an old habit like smoking that she's trying to quit -> "6 weeks of breathing clean air, I still miss the smoke."
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Now w all this context in mind, it makes more sense why Taylor has been emphasizing capital and lowercase letters and the number 4 recently. The hidden word hunt on Apple Music, thanK you aIMee, imgonnagetyouback, her retweets from 4/21/23-4/24/23 which happened in groups of 4, putting 4 letter words in all caps, etc. And now it's clear that "I keep these longings locked in lowercase inside a vault" is most likely referring to her explosive tell-all memoir, the reticent volcano, she's going to publish since 🌋 anon's messages were all in lowercase. "Restful, reticent, restraint" = locked inside a vault. Rep tv and the folklore and evermore vault tracks may also be included in this since these albums are in lowercase as well.
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In conclusion, I think it is safe to say now that all of these anons are probably legit. In my opinion, all of these connections provide concrete evidence that these anons do foreshadow things and have ties to Taylor.
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Post TTPD verdict on this book
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Not sure if anyone has already made any comments on the poems in this book since Tortured Poets release, but as I now own it, I’m going to. I’ve said before that I doubt that AI could generate such a consistent overarching narrative and having seen those same themes all throughout TTPD songs, I would tentatively say that this book is legit in the same way the 🎃 messages are. Someone has insider knowledge. In honour of @daisyswift3’s long post on how the messages relate to TTPD songs, here is how the poems connect to both of them:
Several poems about two people racing towards a common goal - FOTS/The Albatross/ The Alchemy
Narrative of not being able to survive without the other person - TTPD/Down Bad/BDILH/Guilty as Sin
Discourse on who is to blame for the narrator’s suffering (this is a big theme in both the poems and TTPD songs!) - big accusations in many of the songs MBOBHFT/WAOLOM/loml/TSMWEL/thank you Aimee/Cassandra but also admissions of own fault: The Prophecy/Peter/The Bolter/TTPD (Taylor also mentioned this in her release post)
Religious imagery- almost every TTPD song but most strongly BDILH/Guilty as Sin/So Long London
Caged animal imagery - FOTS/WAOLOM/Cassandra
Mentions of living in a circus/performance/some staged reality - Fortnight/Florida/WAOLOM/ICDIWABH/ I Hate it Here/ The Manuscript
Mentions of mental illness/ drug and alcohol consumption- too many to mention… you’ve heard the songs
So, there you have it. I think these poems follow very much the same themes we see throughout TTPD songs, minus the lost childhood theme, which I couldn’t find in the poems.
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setthishouseablaze · 4 months
Annie R'lve Cocott
Before I saw that this little mystery was already solved I spent some time on anagrams of the authors name and they all kind of fit.
contrivance tole
coercive talon tn
intolerance to cv
revelation cont' (has a spare c)
tectonic an' lover
reticent volcano (the og answer solution)
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There was a beautiful era in the 90s/early 00s of fun, female lead teen movies that just hit different, were like this golden age of girls just being girls and celebrating that feeling, and no matter how Hollywood tries they will never replicate it.
I'm talking "She's the Man," "Bend it Like Beckham" "Princess Dairies" "St. Trinian's" "What a Girl Wants" "Clueless" "Uptown Girls" "John Tucker Must Die" "DEBS".....obviously there's probably a few I missed but you get the idea. Maybe the stakes weren't as high as saving the entire world, but they were important to the characters and had friendships and silliness and the goal was almost never to get the guy and you just don't get to see that anymore. Also almost all of them had banging soundtracks.
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Yor and Anya could both be of Royal Ancestry in Ostania. (Long Post Again, Sorry!)
It has a little connection to the first theory I’ve post about Yor being a subject of Project Apple. You can read it here.
Just some take I have on this scene on Chapter 4 (Because it always makes me wonder)
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Notice how the three of them immediately caught Henderson’s attention just by walking? Like they haven’t done anything remarkable yet Henry said he could sense some elegance in them. It was only them that he pointed out. I can’t help but think about the reason why Henderson said this.
My take is that the three of them used to be part of elite and prestigious families.
Loid’s family in the West, in Luwen, seems to be well off judging by the way they dress, their home, and his father’s job seems to be important too.
But if it wasn’t the case, Loid can still be elegant because he strived to be perfect in everything he does. He was trained how to act elegantly in order to blend in with other people. But I stick by my theory that he came from a rich family from the West.
But being elegant wasn’t taught to Anya and Yor. It’s like for both of them, they had that tinge of elegance in their blood.
Then come through this theory about Anya being a part of monarch/royalty. If that theory is true then that must be the reason why Henderson saw something with Anya.
Then how about Yor? She also came from a prominent family. I’m going to make a wild guess that she’s also a monarch. A hidden monarch like my theory with Anya. 
I would like to consider her back story to be the same as Sleeping Beauty or Little Briar Rose since it is evident that this fairytale inspired most of Yor’s characters (The needle like weapon, her surname, the roses). So what if the royal family were the first ones that have these abilities? The first experiments, after the monarchy was taken down, are the remaining members of the monarch family.
But her parents took them and hid them faraway where no harm would ever come to them, just like how the fairies kept Aurora hidden in the forest, keeping the fact that she’s a princess/royal. But at the end of the day, despite them keeping her away from the spindle, the needle (being used because of her ability) she still ended up taking the bait in the end after they died (Like how Aurora still ended up getting pricked by spindle despite all her parents’/kingdom’s parents  effort to protect her).
Yor has been under a curse since then, like asleep and paralyzed, devoid of emotions. But then, came the prince who saved her life and made living worth it for her again (If she never married Loid, I really think she would just accept death in that cruise arc battle he had with that Katana guy).
Ah! just think if Loid’s real name has something with Philip, the same as Briar Rose/Aurora’s Prince’s name in the Disney movie! What if it’s also a surname like Yor BRIAR. Loid could be James (From 007 James Bond) and Philip, James Philip! Just imagine, it would be genius right? Loid’s name could be anything though, but I would totally flip it was that, just the parallel and the complement of his real name to Yor!
Anyway moving on….
If Yor is also a monarch like Anya then does that mean that she’s blood related to Anya? That is what I don’t have a theory about. Maybe if I have the time, I’ll reread the manga from the start again and find some details that can help me elaborate this theory or debunk it.
These are all speculations of mine that I wanted to share. Thoughts that I can’t help but think of regarding what could be Yor’s backstory because we know nothing besides her parents both died when they were kids and that was all.
I know these might be far-fetched and don't make sense and the story can’t be that complicated but hey, the possibility of these being canon is not zero.
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ruvviks · 3 months
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Following the chilling conclusion of All That's Left's first season, Mac and Layla and their friends find themselves scattered across a divided Los Angeles a year after their successful return to town. Matrix Corp has taken control— "With humanity's best interest in mind"— but with our protagonists' knowledge of Opportunity's destruction and Houston's unexpected fall, they know better than to trust the corporation and its near military-sized security force. Closed district gates separate them from one another and a new threat lurks just outside the city's walls— but resistance is on the rise, and it is only a matter of time before truth comes out. [SEASON ONE HERE]
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#all that's left#edit:misc#nuclearedits#OK HIII here is season two :D i hope you guys like ittt the playlist is very funky just like the one for season one heehee#reblogs encouraged btw!! i love reading your guys' thoughts on stuff like this especially my original stories :^)#the opening theme is so good it works so well. very similar to the first season opening with wouldn't it be nice#wide shot of los angeles from the sky with the closed districts and one district in ruins because they let ghouls in a year back#with the song playing in the background as the camera pans over to show how bad the situation is after like#a little text intro that explains what happened in season one and how they made it back to los angeles safely for their happy ending#but. well. now there's this! and then the title shows in the screen and the song continues playing while you get like#a sequence of random shots from what life inside town is like now that matrix corp has taken control. are you seeing my vision#anyway i have a lot to say about the whole playlist again like with the other one but i won't do that here right now#this season would be fun because it jumps around more between different guys whereas in season one it was all one group#now you get a lot more interesting perspectives and there's additions to the cast and gabriella gets her own storyline#because she's stuck in some neighborhood outside the city walls with like. HUNDREDS of ghouls in slumber#and there's no way for her to get out of there safely. but she's going to try anyway#obviously this is never gonna be an actual tv show but i wish it was. i really wish it was i have so many visuals for it in mind
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dylanconrique · 1 year
lucy waking up from a nightmare about her DOD and being comforted by tim is so detrimental to me. i need it more than the oxygen that fills my lungs.
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hdmiports · 30 days
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@circusjuney’s dti cas game !
slumber party / black hair / stockings / necklace / bracelet
will definitely be doing this more, i’m so obsessed with dti currently
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lilacxquartz · 5 days
in a way i’m kind of scared of jjk ending for the reason that it’s been such a long hyperfixation for me that i don’t want it to end just for that alone
like, i dunno though. usually when i go through anime phases, it’s very rare for me to focus on more than one character. even with aot, it was like, i’m making it through for levi, haha…
but you know how it is for jjk, which is… yeah. so maybe the delusions can last a while longer, hopefully.
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dreampearls · 2 years
I think fischl and collei are socute like you have fischl who's trying sooo hard to be a weirdgirl to compensate for thr fact that she's incredibly normal versus collei who is fighting every day of her life to appear Normal. I think them meeting would do collei some good
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daisyswift3 · 5 months
For now, she slumbers
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All 21 poems from "For now, she slumbers" in the correct order:
The Very First Time.
The Bolter.
The Circus.
Free Fall.
The Worker Bee.
Peeping Tom.
The Frozen Queen.
Fly Not. Speak Not. Fight Not.
I Cannot Count Anymore.
Waxing Gibbous.
The Brew.
The Blame Game.
The Albatross.
Holiday House.
Age Twenty-Nine, the Sixteenth time.
Human, Human, Human.
For now, she slumbers.
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golden--doodler · 8 months
Geneuary Day Three: Slumber Party/Jealousy
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This piece was definitely inspired by the episode Slumber Party (I knew I just had to take inspiration from there, it was too perfect) and how Louise got a Slumber Party which Gene enjoyed a whole lot more than she did (Linda had to tell him to give someone else a turn during the fashion show) so he's a bit jealous about that.
[Image ID]: The image is a half-body drawing of Gene from Bob's Burgers. He is wearing a yellow jacket with a purple pocket. He has an upset face with his mouth open and is saying "Why does Louise get to have a slumber party?" and then the text says "Later… Bob and Linda got him a cute outfit so he would stop being jealous". Another half-body drawing is shown of him in an alternate outfit. His back is facing the viewer and he is wearing orange overalls with yellow straps and has a pink flower in his hair. He has a huge smile on his face, contrasting his upset expression in the main drawing.
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bytebun · 2 years
I feel like the boyfriend going through the horrors. Wrung out and left to dry. Put in the oven until golden brown. Shaken and stirred
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sleep-nurse · 7 months
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A girlie and her uniform variants👍
OH MY GOD Y....YOU DREW THEM ALL.......????????🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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invinciblerodent · 9 months
okay i was teetering on the cusp of the DA:I chasm but i'm back now
apparently.... vampire sex. was what i needed. to step back from the beckoning abyss
gale baby you're so real for this, you were so right that time in the swamp, dick really DO be that good sometimes that it makes you wanna live
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kaerinio · 3 months
me, three minutes into catching up on iwt.v: vampire!dany . . . who was turned by drogo . . .
also, super unrelated, but i have this craving for an au where dany has been slumbering for a long, long, long time, and has been awakened. through magic.
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