#Oh right on chapter 100 right? or at least in the movie right?
Yor and Anya could both be of Royal Ancestry in Ostania. (Long Post Again, Sorry!)
It has a little connection to the first theory I’ve post about Yor being a subject of Project Apple. You can read it here.
Just some take I have on this scene on Chapter 4 (Because it always makes me wonder)
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Notice how the three of them immediately caught Henderson’s attention just by walking? Like they haven’t done anything remarkable yet Henry said he could sense some elegance in them. It was only them that he pointed out. I can’t help but think about the reason why Henderson said this.
My take is that the three of them used to be part of elite and prestigious families.
Loid’s family in the West, in Luwen, seems to be well off judging by the way they dress, their home, and his father’s job seems to be important too.
But if it wasn’t the case, Loid can still be elegant because he strived to be perfect in everything he does. He was trained how to act elegantly in order to blend in with other people. But I stick by my theory that he came from a rich family from the West.
But being elegant wasn’t taught to Anya and Yor. It’s like for both of them, they had that tinge of elegance in their blood.
Then come through this theory about Anya being a part of monarch/royalty. If that theory is true then that must be the reason why Henderson saw something with Anya.
Then how about Yor? She also came from a prominent family. I’m going to make a wild guess that she’s also a monarch. A hidden monarch like my theory with Anya. 
I would like to consider her back story to be the same as Sleeping Beauty or Little Briar Rose since it is evident that this fairytale inspired most of Yor’s characters (The needle like weapon, her surname, the roses). So what if the royal family were the first ones that have these abilities? The first experiments, after the monarchy was taken down, are the remaining members of the monarch family.
But her parents took them and hid them faraway where no harm would ever come to them, just like how the fairies kept Aurora hidden in the forest, keeping the fact that she’s a princess/royal. But at the end of the day, despite them keeping her away from the spindle, the needle (being used because of her ability) she still ended up taking the bait in the end after they died (Like how Aurora still ended up getting pricked by spindle despite all her parents’/kingdom’s parents  effort to protect her).
Yor has been under a curse since then, like asleep and paralyzed, devoid of emotions. But then, came the prince who saved her life and made living worth it for her again (If she never married Loid, I really think she would just accept death in that cruise arc battle he had with that Katana guy).
Ah! just think if Loid’s real name has something with Philip, the same as Briar Rose/Aurora’s Prince’s name in the Disney movie! What if it’s also a surname like Yor BRIAR. Loid could be James (From 007 James Bond) and Philip, James Philip! Just imagine, it would be genius right? Loid’s name could be anything though, but I would totally flip it was that, just the parallel and the complement of his real name to Yor!
Anyway moving on….
If Yor is also a monarch like Anya then does that mean that she’s blood related to Anya? That is what I don’t have a theory about. Maybe if I have the time, I’ll reread the manga from the start again and find some details that can help me elaborate this theory or debunk it.
These are all speculations of mine that I wanted to share. Thoughts that I can’t help but think of regarding what could be Yor’s backstory because we know nothing besides her parents both died when they were kids and that was all.
I know these might be far-fetched and don't make sense and the story can’t be that complicated but hey, the possibility of these being canon is not zero.
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Task Force 141 + Alejandro Headcanons
How they sleep, snore and general sleep habits
To begin with, he is a light sleeper. If you get up at any point during the night he will immediately wake up.
There are days that he will immediately fall asleep (usually after missions when he is too tired to even take his gear off) or will suffer from insomnia
During these nights he doesn’t want to wake you up
You get up anyways, either sitting with him in silence or talking
Most of the times you fall asleep on his shoulder and he gently picks you up, moving you to the bed. He holds you close and tries to convince himself to sleep
Although he might not admit it, he loves it when you read to him before going to bed +Bonus points if you run a hand through his hair
When he is tired he will snore otherwise he is very quiet. Even when he snores he does so softly
He hasn’t any night routine but he loves watching you getting ready to go to bed. He just adores you
Huge Cuddler
He just loves it when you lie with him and he wraps his arms around you
He is actually a heavy sleeper
Which sometimes is annoying because he doesn’t hear his alarm. You do
He usually falls asleep during movies
He snores but not very loud
However one time you punched him with your pillow because he wouldn’t stop and it was annoying
I am 100% sure this mf sleeps either without a shirt (which is not that bad) or wears a shirt with the scottish flag
During winter he can’t sleep if there aren’t at least three blankets and suring summer he can’t sleep if the window is closed
He doesn’t have a particular night routine but he will gladly join you if you ask him
This soft mf wants to hold you all the time
Also he moves during the night. Like a lot
One time he had taken over all the bed and you accidentaly fell off
Doesn’t snore
You have fallen asleep on the couch many times so you always keep a soft blanket there just in case
I don’t know why but I feel like he can’t sleep at summer with the windows wide open
He can easily fall asleep anywhere so you better keep an eye on him
He has a night routine and loves it when you stand next to him in the bathroom mirror doing yours while he is doing his
This man can’t sleep if you’re not close to him
His favourite sleep position is you resting your head against his chest or wrapping his arms around you
He is also a light sleeper and worries when he doesn’t feel you next to him (if you manage to get out of his grip)
We all know he snores
Especially when he’s tired or during summer he snores like a fucking chainsaw. He doesn’t admit it, though.
After a long day you will both lie on the couch too tired to move
You always wake up the next day half off the couch but it doesn’t matter
Due to his duties and the paperwork he often stays up till late which leads to you trying to convince him to come to bed
Which usually leads to you falling asleep on his lap and him bringing you to bed.
Like Ghost he loves it when you read to him. It’s not unsual for you to lie on the bed in each other’s arms reading together or taking turns to read each chapter
He also has no sleep routine but always watches you if you have one
This man is like an octopus. With his arms around you and legs tangled togehter, good luck getting out of bed.
On cold nights he is like a blanket but in summer... oh dear. It doesn’t matter how hot it is he will sleep with his body pressed against yours
And he is always warm
He does snore but not very loud
After a long day he will jump on the bed, gear and shoes on
He loves it when you run a hand through his hair
If you can’t sleep he will hum a soft melody (I don’t know why but I believe that he has a good voice)
He will either sleep very late at night or very early. There’s no between.
Like Price you will find yourselves many times asleep on the couch
This mf has a ten step night routine and will do it with you right before bed. He also loves watching you getting ready to go to bed.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 7 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Stranger
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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The Narrator is a doofus (derogatory) and Ultra Princess (whose name I can't recall--- did she even give one?) lightly chastised me when I tried to sit in the woods forever to have a tantrum over it. >:(
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I can't truly express this to all you folks watching at home, but the parallax / scrolling effect that has been ever-present throughout the game is entirely cattywampus in this cabin.
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One day, mirror... *clenches fist* one day...
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I left the blade behind again. I probably should take it with me one of these days. That doesn't really matter right now, though, because I'm too unsettled by the combination of my fear of heights and these stairs lacking any form of guardrails.
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This brick joke is slowly growing on me. Used to hate it and use it as a means of fueling my distrust of the Narrator, but now it's a little comforting whenever I see it. I need to write a fanfic of this game once I'm done and use it in some kind of funny way.
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Oh dear. It's an arbitrary choice that will likely have a significant impact on how this run goes... Split the difference, I guess? We'll take the center staircase.
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This 100% symbolizes the various Princesses, doesn't it? Oh goodie! I'll wait to trigger the dialogue advancing so I can examine it and---
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Okay the contrarian is growing on me. "Wow, what an utterly indescribable and fundamentally unsettling, eldritch experience. Time to be a rascally rogue once more!"
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(Lego Movie Robot Background Character Voice) Her face is so generic it matches every other face in our database!
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*deep, deep sigh* CONTRARIAN.
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Okay I succumbed to the shoulder devil that is the Contrarian and...
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... Those shouldn't be highlighted all at once. Sad that there's such a glaring issue in a published game. I'll select the option to leave her in the basement and OH SHOOT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY.
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Welp. At least we can match, right?
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Contrarian pls I need a joke save me
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Phenomenal voice acting here! I hate it.
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Dangit, I wanted to see if I could even help her! You have horrible timing, Ultra Princess.
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Alright besties, time to check on how the glow-up's coming along!!!!!!!!! :DDDD
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I think we might need to switch up our skincare routine.
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Absolutely fascinating dialogue option that is giving me emotions and I need to sit and ponder all of it for a bit.
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I finally asked the Narrator if there's some sort of reward I'll receive for slaying the princess--- he answered in the affirmative. Is the reward just a continued existence? Riches? Power? Immortality?
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Okay yeah no I pressed him on the subject and he's totally pulling this out of his rear. There's no reward.
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This time I'm going to manage to free her--- or try as best I can, at least. Hopefully without any dismemberment this time.
(Continuing this in the next post!)
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jezebelgoldstone · 4 months
i managed to hold out for like a whole day and a half but i am officially like halfway through the magnus protocol
okay so i KNEW that johnny sims and alexander j newal voiced people in this series but like. when """"g. g."""" (no it's not gigi are you kidding) and fucking jerry showed up i literally oh my gods. i didn't start crying but if i were the sort to cry that would've done it. really seriously truly. oh my gods. oh my GODS. i cannot. i am emotionally compromised.
also. as a sidenote. i've seen so many posts speculating about whether or not norris and.... gha i forget the other one's name. i keep wanting to call him chuck. CHESTER that's it fucking chester. anyway! i keep seeing all these joke posts about being trapped with the love of your life and the worst boss it's possible to have in a window's 95 computer, and speculation about whether this is on purpose or if it's just johnny sims doing his usual thing and being slightly claustrophobic when it comes to things like characters and his actual friends, but like, guys.
come on.
if i hadn't read a thing on magnus protocol before i started listening there would be absolutely no question in my mind that it's jon and martin and probably jonah. (not elias, mind, which is why his voice is different. JONAH.) it's so... anything i write about it is going to make it sound like i'm pushing too hard which is going to make it seem less likely, but. i literally don't understand how in the show this is supposed to be taken any other way.
like okay listen. a little while ago i started writing this fanfic where the love interest is in disguise, right? but like, not in disguise from the READER. i always try to have the main pairing on screen together in the very first scene of any fic; by the end of the first chapter at the absolute latest, and in this one the identity reveal isn't going to be until like at least halfway through the story. but i wanted people to keep reading, and i didn't want people to worry that i was going to end up pairing the mc with an oc, so i did nothing to hide the love interest's identity from the reader. like, EVERYTHING about him is exactly like in the movie. his looks, his speech patterns, his mannerisms. when the mc asks for his name (after they've been talking for a long while already) the love interest is clearly lying and gives a fake name. i tagged the fic with hidden identity and identity reveal and all this kind of thing. it was. it was not hidden at all. and yet! there are still a few comments where people are speculating about whether or not the love interest is actually the love interest. i mean it makes sense; it is possible that i could've fucked up writing so bad that i may have accidentally made it seem like this rando oc was the love interest when he isn't, so if that was the case no one wanted to either make me feel bad or look silly when the actual love interest showed up. so like i get it? but also. i was 100% NOT expecting there to be any question AT ALL regarding the identity of the love interest.
and i gotta say. i feel like if johnny sims has read any of the posts speculating about chester and norris's identity, he probably feels exactly the same way.
also it's not windows 95! it's the business-focused precursor to window's 95, and that's worse.
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vampirecatprince · 3 months
I am having absolute terminal Ghost brainrot right now because I'm sitting here remembering that the Chapters initially started at the behest of Loma Vista and that Tobias was not necessarily 100% on board with them at first but now he's made a movie with these characters and there's been this plot line that's been going on for years
Because, if I look at the albums and the Chapters themselves, I can definitely tell that this whole thing, at the very least, began be more cohesive as a plotline around 2020, specifically because Spitalfields references the Mexico City concert, as well as a little bit of a tone shift in the Chapters after that.
And now, all these characters have tragic backstories and a universe they live in and he's telling full on narratives at this point with full-blown character arcs and part of me is sitting here wondering just how early some of these ideas might have been floating around, how many ideas were him looking at the songs he had written and going oh wait I can use that idea, and how much of this he actually long term planned?
I'm actually really curious at what point he looked at the silly dumb characters he had made and went wait a fucking minute, I can do something with this
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nonbinaryeddiekaspbrak · 10 months
here's a revamped version of my rec post - each fic will link to it's corresponding ao3 page, a summary in my words, small notes/review, and a disclaimer for more mature ratings if needed.
(* = new entry, last updated: Dec 3rd, 2023, still going through recent bookmarks)
(ps. let me know if you want your mention to be removed!)
and a stain on my shirt - venom crossover, vv good, also a fix-it, venom finds another eddie to latch onto, a lot of humor, reddie get together, venom saves eddie
awake my soul - pretty angsty, keep an eye on those trigger warnings, this was pretty good, i rlly couldn’t take any breaks with this one, richie and eddie get jumped but in the process of putting away the ones responsible for the hate crime richie finds that he’ll have to come out sooner than he’s ready for, added bonus of art!!, happy ending, has fan reactions and news coverage as things are slowly revealed
come over here and overwhelm me - nsfw, a VERY GOOD rec, SO tender, the fluff is so well written, richie is having a bad day nd eddie comes to the rescue being so hfwjaklhj!!!, this fic said bottom richie rights nd it opened my eyes
don’t break character - HE/THEY RICHIE RIGHTS, richie finds that maybe his journey of identity isn’t over when he hears the word “nonbinary”, very!!!!, fjkdkslahfkl, just him having he/they pronouns is so exciting and flappy hands-worthy
I killed a clown. ama! - it chapter 2 except it’s through the lens of social media from posts by richie eddie myra and background fans, very very entertaining, canon compliant until eddie’s death it’s actually a fix-it, fair amount of angst??
it’s not real - WATCH THE TRIGGER WARNINGS, a lot of angst, very intense, eddie has an amazing richie impression, almost like they share the same braincell, eddie is also vv caring and will drag any faceless internet account down with him, could def make it in celebrity PR according to richie’s manager steve, richie comes out but he gets a horrible reaction and then finds himself in the middle of a clusterfuck of things that unfortunately couldn’t stay in the past, bill apparently also gets cancelled a lot and he cannot cook, he’s also the only other loser in here, a black mirror au, AGAIN WATCH THE TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE
oh, wouldn’t it be nice? - nsfw, some angst, eddie finds richie’s obituary that he got from adrien (the park scene in chap 2; at least i think it was adrien), SUPER SWEET OMG, i had to stop a few times from the sheer amount of emotion this gave me
parental interference - in 1989 some parents are coming to their senses when it comes to a certain clown, i love went he’s an awesome dad, T rating, i suggest a peek at the trigger warnings/tags just in case, canon-typical triggers, again i really love wentworth tozier in this fic he’s a 10/10 dad
predicament bondage - nsfw, richie is 100% a sweetheart, eddie is fjdsljfkslf i love this version of him, richie is cast as a dom in a movie so he decides to get information from a professional which is eddie but he finds that working with eddie might bring his heart into the mix, a lot of internalized homophobia so watch out, ur honor i love eddie here
puppets and plants - the way this was written? *muah* my number two rec, some angst, the intimacy of u nd the guy set up across from u at the farmer’s market, amazing stanpat dynamic, trans eddie and ben!, pride parade!!
the king is gone - absolutely AMAZING time travel fix-it, fairly long, some angst, some fluff, not at all a boring read
the lockbox - pushing an M rating? maybe a T?, asexual eddie finding out that he’s ace and everything that comes with realizing u aren’t straight, honestly made my ace heart so happy, bit of angst
work friends and emergency contacts - outsider pov, eddie makes a work friend, fix-it w both eddie and stan living, eddie gets a divorce pre-itch2, damon just wants the best for richie and eddie, reddie getting together, richie visits eddie at work
bottle it up until it overflows - ohhhh boy, i absolutely love the vecna possessing mike trope and this fic definitely lives up to high standards, rated mature, bad parent ted wheeler and internalized homophobia, basically mike gets vecna'd is the entire plot - @ghoulsanderson
i feel like i know you (but we never met) - post season 4 of stranger things, ambiguous / open ending, teen rating, oh boy this made me emotional!, without spoilers i have to say this is such an angsty fic and i love it, this fic is written beautifully, the party all forget will because of vecna suppressing their memories, spoilers: mike puts everything together to figure out who the "missing person" is - @andiwriteordie
something's made your eyes go cold - TW SUICIDE ATTEMPTS, rated mature, mike is chronically suicidal, very very angsty but relatable (sadly), oneshot - @defendingtammythompson
when everything was fiction, future and prediction - two words: time travel, mike is confronted by his younger self and figures out a few things, very much hurt/comfort, rated teen
9-1-1 TV
*all the time in the world - i literally know nothing about the dsmp but the way this was written is so beautiful, i love angst and buddie but also buck angst gets me the most, evan buckley used to be someone called karl jacobs but eddie doesn't know that and thinks buck is a war veteran, he's not entirely wrong but also don't make me fact check that beyond reading this, this fic makes me feel super autistic in a way i can't explain, time travel and secret identities are just so my jam dude, bonus chris moment that made me squeal bc chris eddie and buck are so family material - @official-impravidus
*my palms and fingers still reek of gasoline - such a good crossover, the characterization is very very good, i definitely need to read it again, a pjo au that has a twist, demigod buck and eddie are special to me now, having buck be on that side is an interesting choice and i like it, buck's mom being aphrodite makes so much sense - @trashyinfernomusic
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runecel · 8 months
Dear @jigen-papa
I Runecel/Celerine/ @lossinicognito (I know save the applause, I have 3 identities and a secret 4th if I should ever reveal that one haha!) am your giftee for the @dcmk-exchange ! Now I know what you are thinking.
Apologies for my random disappearance, I wasn’t sure how to reply to you in rythmatic format but I genuinely adored how you played along and I loved your poem it was so good!?
And to that I say!
This was supposed to originally be a multi chapter fic however! I didn't want to go beyond the deadline and may never know when the second chapter is completed so I at least wanted to make something for you before I go into the deep end haha.
Here is the ao3 version of the fanfic: https://archive.org/works/5321279
And I hope ya have an amazing day now without further a due!
Sonoko’s Confrontation With Love
The first time a conversation about phones and Shinichi was brought up resulting in the incarceration of one idiotic teenage detective occurred on a bright, and sunny day of which Sonoko was internally screaming in her thoughts. To say that Shinichi’s umpteeth attempt to disappear in the night like a tuxedo mask would ever be what caused Sonoko’s life to become so stressful would be the understatement of the century. That incident was the cherry on top of an amazing ice cream at best and a footnote on the most awful (but irresistible) trial exam book at worst, no. What made Sonoko’s life so stressful, in her opinion, would just be Shinichi’s entire existence.
"Sonoko, stop being so dramatic,” is probably what her best friend would say. Well, Ran, the most beautiful being to ever god damn exist on this planet. Have you ever stopped to consider that this is KUDO SHINICHI THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?
“I know you don’t mean it.” Yes, Ran, she 100% means it, and it’s going to stay that way if Ran doesn’t shut up about the next murder case Shinichi finds himself in because the last murder case already was in Tropical Land and he solved it within an hour.
“It was 3 hours, Sonoko.” 3 HOUR HER BUT! At the end of the day, she knows he can finish quicker because THIS IS KUDO SHINICHI THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Hhe could easily solve that case if he wanted to, and he has a very amazing reason to do so as well! What gives him the right to leave such a beautiful lady like Ran towards her lonesomeness anyway? Anyone with eyes could snatch that beautiful angel away, taking her to high-budget cinema movie date and make out under the moonlight as Ran talks about how she successfully whooped another person in the ass. Heck, Sonoko could easily do it as well if she wanted two!
"Sonoko.” She bets it would be Sxhinichi’s as well! Imagine him coming back; ah, he would probably do one of those overly basic apologies that you would see in those romantic comedies that’s supposed to make the situation lighten up.
What will lighten up is his vision when Sonoko decided to beat the ever-loving daylight out of him.
“Sonoko” Then again, it’s much better if Ran was the one to do it with Sonoko at her side, punch him right in the gut as they both stare down at Shinichi’s rotting body before leaving him there.
Ran would hold her hand as they both could only gaze at the horizon, unsure of what their new-found freedom would hold but smiling, knowing it would be better.
‘Rotten husband he is’ Sonoko thinks towards herself as she places herself amongst a poorly cushioned couch, he does nothing but torment the two. He would have been dead if Ran hadn’t want to marry him, and oh god; she’d probably go easy on him and then say something amongst the lines of.
‘Just don’t do it again,’ she would say to that bastard . It was probably best if Sonoko was the one to beat him up, teach him a lesson.
“Sonoko!” The imagining of Ran’s voice, an angelic choir with a acidic tinge reminiscent of those badass scenes in movies where the hot main character is holding a cool sword of which Sonoko would swoon for their rescue.
Yeah no Ran’s doing the beating. How could Sonoko not allow it with a voice like that? Heck, her presence is so strong that Sonoko might as well look like a fool by responding to her when she’s not even here.
“Yes Ran-chan?~” Sonoko's cheekish response becomes further more evident as she manoeuvres herself to be able to see behind her in expectation to see no one to respond to her.
“Don’t Ran-chan me!” Only to see the angel herself placing her hands on her hips with eyes ablaze as if she just witnessed a war crime. Sonoko would gladly be the one under that gaze under certain circumstances but sadly, today wasn’t one of them.
“I told you we shouldn’t have come, you were just recovering from illness!” Ran harshly protested leaning towards Sonoko's forehead to determine her current temperature.
Foreheads touching, Sonoko couldn’t help but stare with awe at the concerned look she was given by Ran whose deep lilac eyes could only stare at her with worry. Placing her hand amongst Ran’s silken hair, she give her head a few pets before flinging herself back onto the couch
“I’m fine Ran!” Sonoko exclaimed, dragging Ran down with her as Ran is placed by her side, head nestling on her shoulder in an attempt to look at something of which barely interests Sonoko.
It was probably the diary of which Sonoko was writing in with her internal Shinichi rants and her growing progress of becoming not sick.It was true that Sonoko was recovering but that doesn’t mean that Sonoko was unable to not stay at her house to fully recover. Wait, she's not at her house. . where is she?
Reclining alongside the couch she quickly paces herself up once more to scan the area of which with dread, she realised was not her room nor her couch. The wooden bench is decorated strongly amongst the grovery of nature surrounding her as she finds herself amidst a small crowd of people bustling around what seems to be a mall.
Shops were aligned quaintly organised as a staircase can be spotted signalling the entrance towards the cinema. Remembering the diary note she had entered, she quickly backtracked her memories towards her previous conversation with Ran about changing towards a different movie due to the movie (of which Sonoko had desperately wanted to watch) sharing too many themes with her disappeared beloved.
“So that’s why I was thinking about your husband,” Sonoko's dull groan filled the air, having finished her daily imaginary rant about Shinichi as she looked once more towards the movie selection on her pamphlet.
They had recently decided to go on a movie date due to the brat’s group of friends wanting to watch that new Kamen Yaiba they kept yapping about. Whilst the kids themselves tend to be left alone without surveillance, the group’s recent expedition resulted in a hostage situation and well. . .
A concerned parent will do what a concern does, resulting in the wife of Shinichi taking charge and declaring that she will be the one to take care of the kids in the meantime.
“Not my husband,” Ran countered, having now taken the pamphlet completely away from Sonoko to point at one of the movies that caught her interest.
“Stupid husband, I don’t feel like watching that one” Sonoko grumbled as she kicked her feet amongst the concrete floor before continuing her thought process.
It honestly would make sense why Sonoko had thought she was in the confinement of her luxurious room. Normally those imaginary rants are within the compounds of her room, feels safer there where she can ignore those thoughts of someone reading her thoughts and betraying Shinichi’s status amongst the media. She might hate the man but that doesn’t mean she wants to ruin his damned life, he already does enough of that.
‘How about this one? ' Sonoko pointed, notioning towards another romance movie of which she also wanted to watch but would have preferred to watch it at home.
“Is it possible if we pick something else?” Ran commented, eyeing on the watch on her wrist with great interest of which intrigued the confused Sonoko. “Preferably something under 2 hours”
‘Why’s that?” Sonoko queried, placing her slender arm amongst Ran’s broad shoulders in an attempt to see if there was anything else the queen herself couldn’t see.
“The movie is too long and if I don’t make it on time I won’t be able to strangle the person you just wanted to kill” Ran pointed, booping the shocked Sonoko on the nose as the confused female can only reboot.
“I said that out loud?”
“You don’t say stuff out loud?”
“RAN!” Sonoko puffed out, dragging out one of Ran’s hands as she quickly met Sonoko's forehead resulting in the two girls' foreheads to once more be touching.
“Just teasing,” Like the sun on a summer’s day, there was something truly intoxicating about Ran’s mischievous grin, the way just like her voice it is unexpected of when she will attack and thus Sonoko had a tendency to forget how cheeky Ran could be.
It would be like standing outside for too long, only to find out how immensely damaged you got from the sun resulting in the person going to the hospital and now they have skin cancer. . . ok that was a bit much.
Sonoko noted as she finally noticed the way Ran’s finger slowly pointed towards one of the movie suggestions.
To say Sonoko was unimpressed would be the opposite of an overstatement.
It was a movie adaption of both of her childhood’s friends' favourite tv series with both the mystery to appeal towards Shinichi and poetry to charm Ran. Sonoko could only nod along with disappointment, the poetry was nice but the audience wouldn’t hold a candle to the romance movie Sonoko had suggested. Goodbye potential love interests and hot men she could have sawn through watching the movie.
Hello nightmares of Shinichi staring like the shinigami himself, forcing Sonoko to listen more about his obsession with Sherlock. Don’t get Sonoko wrong, she two has raved towards Shinichi about her favourite obsessions (specifically romance) but to get that compared to a crime scene from one of his favourite books was not always a pleasant experience.
“Why can’t you just message him? I’m sure he can bother to read messages” Sonoko argued, sliding among a line of people waiting to buy a movie ticket.
“Well Sonoko, let me just grab my phone” Ran proclaimed, mimicking the movement of grabbing a phone out of her pocketed dress to only appear empty handed. “If memory serves me correctly I had lost my phone at an aquarium of which I told you about”
“You did?” Was now the best time for Sonoko’s memories to flunk on her now? Sonoko had specifically asked if she could be the one to gift her a phone with Ran responding it was Shinichi’s punishment. Like he’ll find a good phone for her.
“Also. . .” Ran stops in the middle of her explanation, face dreary in what Sonoko could only assume was another excuse for Shinichi making a dumb move.
“He hasn’t been calling me through his phone number” Ran ushered out, hands fiddling with her skirt as she silently looks down before continuing “ I don’t think he can even use it”
To say Sonoko didn’t know this information was a shock, she did and totally didn’t assume that Shinichi was blocking her for the 100th time whilst not recognising the fact she was the one to block him first resulting in an apology for her end.
“I’m sorry what?” Sonoko stuttered, thoughts completely emptied from this revelation of which she responded by turning towards Ran amidst the line of people that really wanted to watch a movie.
“It’s because of the-”
“Case! Case! I know, it’s always about cases with that man,” Sonoko angrily expressed, when was it not about a case in Shinichi’s eyes?
The cashier could only stare at them in complete tiredness when Sonoko had boldly asked two tickets before dragging Ran by the arm to a seated area inside the other side of the cinema lobby.
The cinema lobby itself luckily had a restaurant section for people like Sonoko and Ran to earth and wait for the perfect opportunity to head inside the cinema viewing when the timing is right. The movie wouldn’t start in a couple of minutes which gives more time for Sonoko to converse with Ran about the idiot at hand.
“One day he’s going to get himself into trouble and I’m not even sure if we can be there to help” silence can only be pursued as Sonoko couldn’t help but bite her tongue on what she just suggested.
“I had a dream about him” Ran stuttered out, barely containing her stress for those who know her as her quivering hands imply.
“Oh honey,” Sonoko expressed in sympathy like she had done so every time similar moments were to occur like today.
The truth was he had, very much so. Sonoko would have nightmares and at some point she questions whether those stories were fake or real due to how much trouble that murder magnet finds himself in. It was so simple when they were younger, when Shinichi wasn’t purely trusted by the police and thus wasn’t sent out on cases.
It would be a couple of minutes until the ad roll comes into play.
“Don’t worry about it Ran! He’ll be fine!” Sonoko assured, placing her hand towards Ran’s quivering one in reassurance.
“Are we even sure? He can’t even use his phone!”
“He probably lost it!”
“He doesn’t normally take cases this long Sono-” Ran cuts herself off in a mid-stutter as though she was contemplating on the next words she was about to say. - “He’s our age, why is he taking cases like this?”
“Because we befriended a murder magnet,” Sonoko sighed having one more relayed what she had always said towards the downturned Ran in need.
How can’t he see how amazing she is, truely. The girl’s stressing out about him and where is he? Probably nowhere for all they could know. He could really use someone to tell him- wait a minute.
“When’s the phone call?” Sonoko queried, body stiffened in anticipation upon what Ran could say in desperate hope.
“8:15pm” A whisper of a response from Ran was all Sonoko needed, eyes concentrated on the motivation. Sonoko could only speak from what she could gather from her chest.
It might not have been the best of speeches, but Sonoko could not just stand there as she watches her best friend shrivel up like this as if some random boy isn’t ruining her life..
Honestly it might have been the best speech Sonoko has performed since her poetry recital.
“We are going to watch that movie!”
“Sonoko-” A finger placed amongst her lips was all Ran needed before Sonoko could continue her amazing speech.
“-Hush darling, I’m speaking.” Sonoko notions towards the trouble Ran as her breathing slowly shortens enough for Sonoko to continue talking
“We are going to have fun,” Sonoko declares, standing proudly as her first part of her speech was completed. Poking at her best friend as she continues along. “WE are going to receive a call by that murder magnet at 8:15pm of which you will hear my yells of torment on how he could leave such a beautiful maid alone”
“- of which I will declare my love to you and we shall get married at sunset!” Sonoko finished with a flick of her wrist to allow Ran to softly rest on the palm of her hands.
“I’m not that beautiful,” Ran splutters, giving Sonoko an annoyed grin as though Ran has insulted her first hand.
Someone please remind Sonoko to reprimand Shinichi for not calling Ran cute, cause clearly Sonoko’s displays of admiration are not getting through Ran’s thick skull but then again. Neither did their upper classmate’s recreation of Shinichi’s speech give any hints so what does Ran know about density?
“No complaints from you, have you seen how the brat looks at you?” No seriously has Ran ever seen how the brat looked at Ran?
“He’s just a kid Sonoko!” Ran counters, somewhat disgruntled by the suggestion but from the tone of her relaxed voice to how rested she appears. Sonoko could honestly just take it as a win.
“Yeah, if you say a teenager possessing a brat is a brat then maybe I will believe you.” His mind could be much older at times, Sonoko noted, reminiscing the times of which one could see Conan at his most vulnerable.
Heck it was just recently when Sonoko noticed the way Conan looked at Ran when the two groups departed that afternoon. The face of sulken defeat as he quickly covers it in hopes of something good happening in the future. Sonoko should know, she bears that face on a daily basis.
“Sonoko!” The choir of laughter erupts from the pair as if a damn finally crashing amongst its weight.
Ran’s laugh was special, Ran herself was special and whilst Sonoko’s appearance is weak and someone who is unable to protect her. Sonoko does know one thing.
“Now what are we going to do Ran-chan?” Sonoko
“Have fun?”
“Have fun!” Sonoko confirmed, squishing the cheeks much to Ran’s dismay as she drags the poor girl into the cinema booth.
At the end of the day, Sonoko was there for support whether it be enabling or wingman in dating. Just like the day of which the first met underneath the sakura blossoms Sonoko associates with Ran, Sonoko will be there for Ran no matter what.
The movie was. . . fine. Deductions were never her interest and flowery poetry that was not about romance was definitely something that did not intrigued Sonoko. If given the opportunity to stay at home or to be at the cinema to waste money on a boring movie then Sonoko would pick the former.
But it was for Ran, Sonoko reminded herself, resting upon the chair as she reclined herself upon Ran’s shoulder. A faint cherry blossom smell could be noticed by Sonoko, a reminder of Ran’s as Sonoko slowly feels the sleep of her eyes settle more.
The movie was halfway over when she had noticed a small child enter the cinema booth unnoticed by most watching including Ran, too focused on the movie to bother noticing people entering and leaving. The child, reminiscent of another child Sonoko knew, quickly looked both ways before pocketing the glasses of which he was not using.
The child places himself on the chair with the dignity of someone about to die as Sonoko notices the pure paranoia emanating from the child as he once more scans the area of which no danger was present. Had Sonoko been awake a bit more she would have recognised the child whom she kept in prolonged contact with someone not of the brat but a childhood friend.
Their eyes glanced at each other but Sonoko was too tired to stay awake, too tired to notice when she had left the cinema or the conversation of which she held with Shinichi via phone, Sonoko’s phone no less. Not noticing the promises or unhinged way of how he talked but what she did notice however. Was the faint echo of her voice being heard when she goes outside of the cinema to notice the same brat with a bowtie clutched onto his hands speaking in the same manner of which Shinichi was speaking.
Sonoko knows her feelings, she knows how to see others such as the brat’s despair written across his face similar to that of a certain detective keeping face or a martial champion trying to focus on others before herself. She knows Shinichi’s feelings, the man of which Ran was talking to shared the same love of which Sonoko shared towards Ran, one day they will talk alone about these feelings but today was not today
Leaving the area and resting with Ran amongst their bed was comfortable as finally, sleep finally takes over Sonoko.
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hepatosaurus · 9 months
2023 AO3 Wrapped!
I had a lot of fun tracking my fic reading in 2022, so... I did it again in 2023! Still fun, still both completely unsurprising and a little illuminating at the same time. I definitely read less fic this past year—only 77 across 12 fandoms, compared to last year's 110—but that's OK. Life happens, and I'm very aware that I'm never going to be a person who reads a million words per month (or 100 books a year). Stats-wise, I can't guarantee that these numbers are completely accurate, but they feel right and that's what counts.
Word Count
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971,646 words! Numbers fluctuated throughout the year with one real dead zone (lol @ June - I was busy! sibling got married! played a lot of Zelda!), and I kind of petered out by the end of the year. On the plus side, my brain can handle reading actual books again, which was fun. On the minus side: less fic. Oh well. (Also: May's number isn't entirely accurate, but I had to put rubicon's final word count somewhere. No, I haven't finished reading the complete edited fic yet, but that's when the last chapter draft hit my inbox, soooo there.) Most fics were on the shorter side, unsurprisingly (average length was ~12k); I think rubicon was the only one over 100k. I did read more 50–100k fic compared to last year though, which was nice.
(Putting the rest behind a cut. Obligatory warning that this is mostly about Fire Emblem, but what else is new?)
Top Fandoms
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My FE3H reading took a HUGE hit this year, falling from 87.3% to... 83.1%. Ouch, how will my faves recover. Really though, this was yet another reminder that although I certainly watched and loved a lot of new movies and tv shows, read new books, played new video games (ok, it was mostly BOTW/TOTK), all things that could conceivably lead me to check out greener pastures, I am still in an extremely monofandom phase in terms of actual fic reading/fandom participation (four years now!). And honestly, I'm fine with that! I'm having fun, blorbos are still my blorbos, there's still a ton of fic I haven't read yet (new and old), and I'm in a nice/quiet/drama-free corner of fandom. Besides, the average fandom lifespan is too short these days anyway. I'm doing my part to break the cycle. :P
I do wish I had the brain space to read a little more widely, though. I was so close to going on a zelink bender after I finished BOTW, but life got busy and it just... didn't happen. Maybe in 2024. Severance and fandom juggernaut SoftBank Next 30-Year Vision tried their best—two fics each! impressive, lol—but the heart wants what it wants, and what it wants is anime chess pieces kissing (and/or killing) each other.
Top Authors
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56 individual authors, with the top spot going to...desmodus! which does not surprise me tbh; they write such good fic. Looking at these particular results was an interesting reminder that I'm really not someone who methodically/voraciously reads through an author's entire back catalogue, at least not currently. Like, besides the named authors, there were four more with two fics each and the rest had only one each. Next time, I'm almost tempted to see if I can factor in word count to get a better idea of how much time I really spent reading each author, especially since I might (hypothetically) read multiple forgettable 1–5k fics by Author A, and then a single memorable/meaty 95k fic by Author B that sticks with me for years. Is Author A really more of a "top" author? Not really. That's more work on my part though, so we'll see what happens. (All of this waffling could be solved by making an actual rec list for once, but shhhhh.)
Top Pairings
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Surprising absolutely no one, I'm still in sylvix hell. Congrats to None for jumping a couple spots in the rankings, though! A solid showing. I need to get better at tracking platonic relationships, but to be fair, those tags are underutilized on AO3 to begin with (or not used consistently), and I typically—but not always—stick with the main tags chosen by the author.
Also, please note that the ship in sixth place was entirely thanks to alphabetical sorting (it was a six-way tie), but I'm keeping it as is because it makes me laugh/implies some sort of character growth on my part that may or may not exist.
Top Characters
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Lol. In my defense(?), Sylvain did drop almost three whole points this year; he couldn't even hit 60%! What kind of blorbo...?! Jokes aside, it's an entirely expected list. My Blue Lions/Golden Deer bias persists, but I'm not sure what determined when I logged "Blue Lions Students" vs. their actual names—probably half laziness, half just following what the author picked. I did love seeing Ask A Manager's Allison Green chilling at the bottom of this list with Bakugo, though. I'm sure she'll be fine. (And god knows Mr. King Explosion Murder and the rest of my top 20 could stand to follow her advice.)
(Also: apologies to Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, as I see his illustrious surname was cut off accidentally. Forgive me.)
Ratings, Categories, etc.
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Also pretty unsurprising! I considered cutting my NSFW tracker at the beginning of last year since it's a little redundant, but that never happened. It might come in handy one day, especially if I'm looking through my spreadsheet for individualized recs. I was surprised that the Multi category was so low, but that could be due to inconsistencies in how people tag their fic? And/or how I logged them. Sometimes it means poly, but sometimes it just means that there are multiple kinds of ships in a fic. Either way, it's something to consider for 2024's tracker. Consistency! Let's strive for it! ✨
Tags & Tropes
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Also about what I expected, though I was honestly shocked to see Established Relationship ranking so high? And Friends to Lovers so low? What is going ON here. (The former is probably partially due to mikey desmodus's excellent married sylvix fics.) Sorry to Horse Feelings, though; I made a dedicated tag on my google form and everything, but there was only the one fic in the end :(
Etc: Commenting, Rereading, Reccing, and Bookmarks
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Commenting: My only real fic-reading "goal" in 2023 was to get my commenting percentage up to at least 50% and...I did that! Just barely, but 51.9% is 51.9%. Obsessive media tracking works!
Rereads: As expected, and pretty in line with last year (with a tiny increase). I'm just not a big rereader in general, though I did do a fair bit of rereading WIPs to prepare for new chapters. (Not sure how I classified those, come to think of it...)
Bookmarks: Also pretty similar to last year (with a tiny decrease).
Reccing: Now this DID surprise me. That "Yes" percentage seems almost absurdly high, jumping from 46.4% to 61%, and my "No"s dropped a ton too (22.7% to 5.2%). Either I got nicer or I just read better fic. :P Leaning towards the former, but probably a bit of both tbh. My one DNF was a longfic WIP that didn't spark joy and was becoming a hateread, which is rare for me - byeeeee.
By now my tracking form has become part of my fic-reading routine (read - track - comment/etc), and I can't see that changing any time soon. Obviously not everyone wants to (or should!) engage with fic this way, and I can definitely see how it might suck the joy out of reading for some people, but for me, it's been a good mental exercise and a really helpful commenting aid. Also, it's just fun. I like thinking critically about media! I like having a place to record my silly little thoughts about the silly little fanfics I read! All in all, I highly recommend doing something similar if you, like me, get a rush from making lists and compiling data, and if you like complimenting people but sometimes need that extra push to actually tell them and post a comment.
Goals-wise... I don't really do those lol. Probably to continue commenting and maybe try to read more widely, but honestly I'm probably not going to change my habits intentionally. Besides, looking at what I've read so far, yes, it's already half Fire Emblem, but also half gen and half F/F with nary a Sylvain in sight*! We got History Boys, we got Haikyuu filk, we got Ingrid and a MILF! Who knows what's around the corner?
(*This is quite literally only because I haven't logged rubicon yet. Don't worry, he's coming.)
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imrandymeeks · 3 months
Oh whoa just saw your other socials, you’re reading Echo!! Sorry you’re having a seemingly middling experience with it lol (I will admit that heights/mountain climbing/deep crevices are deep fears of Mine so that might have coloured how terrifying I personally thought the Maudit scenes were when I read it it) but you at least seem to be having a somewhat entertaining time with it, which I still consider at least a semi-win. Super interested to see what your thoughts are (if any) when you’re done!
I'm mostly having a fun, confusing experience!
Like, one chapter is just kinda silly to me, when we go ALL IN on dreading the Alps outside Geneva as if they're actual Mountains of Madness, and not, you know, of Yodeling. Then I cringe at the protagonist ruminating on trust funds fucking up the youths of today. And then yet another chapter brings this sorta self-contained, perfectly executed, thematically interesting detour into the backstory about fires, overgrown roads, and sexual awakenings. And that one is genuinely great. The book is a bit of a rollercoaster is what I'm trying to say, but I'm kinda along for this ride so far.
And the thing is, I kinda understand what the author is getting at, I'm just not sure if he achieves it. Which is to say, he's allegedly playing with gothic tropes of yore (see chapter titles), while actually trying to write a contemporary A24 horror movie in prose form. And that doesn't always work out. Like, say, all those mountains? I can easily imagine a long establishing shot of just that, set maybe to an ominous drone from Mica Levi, and that may very well fill me with dread. I just don't think the written words on paper do that.
To illustrate, there's a, from what I gather, way less high-minded horror movie coming soon which does exactly that with ominous peaks looming over Hunter Schafer:
And I think it does the trick! The peaks are peaking, the contrast between Modernist Ordnung and untamed nature around it is chilling, and it's kind of a well-worn visual trope in movies, but to try and write the same atmosphere on paper may lead one to some unforeseen purple prose. Or simply a not very effective chapter. What looks great doesn't always read great, and vice versa, just ask Stephen King.
Something about Echo's pace seems way more indebted to current film trends than horror classics. (And I'm not even sure those long shots and excruciating silences work 100% of the time in movies.) Like, I read it and I don't imagine Lovecraft or Jackson's worlds, I see a festival indie horror shot on Arri Alexa in 2018. The prologue is giving exactly that, for one. And something about that doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I want a book, not a detailed movie synopsis. Even if it's a good movie. I dunno.
(I'm bullshitting my way through this answer, I don't know if you can tell.)
Or, look, maybe I simply don't love so called elevated horror and its glacial pace. (Mountaineering puns not intended.) But I'm at least curious about this whole thing, and the fire chapter is Good Actually (and cinematic in a great way), so on we read.
Thanks for the recommendation!
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stillwill76 · 5 months
Cool Bleach Stuff That I’ve Found Working at Vintage Stock
Alright, so I’ve been working at Vintage Stock for about five months now and from time to time we’ll get in some pretty neat stuff, whether it’s from corporate or a customer selling us stuff. Today, I’d like to highlight some of the Bleach stuff that we’ve gotten in. It ranges from really cool to funny to strange. Here we go!
First up:
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This sick Hollow Ichigo mask. Bought this in from a customer. Cost $4.99. Immediately bought it for myself. It’s made of plastic so it’s not super high quality but it’s still pretty sick. Of course, like a week or two later, corporate sent us this:
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I’m not 100% what material this one was made from but it was much higher quality. Cost $29.99. A customer bought it within a few days. I’m not too upset losing out on this one since I already have the other one for much cheaper. On to other things!
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For context, I’m saying “Oh no”, because I know I’m going to buy this later. I actually didn’t though. I bought this one instead.
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It was worth it. 😊 Anyway, at Vintage Stock we sell all manner of collectibles, DVDs, video games, and more. This includes figures, of course. So when we got this one in:
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I knew I needed her immediately. I actually didn’t have any Bleach figures yet so this was pretty nice. We also had figures of Ichigo when he gets his new Zangetsu and Uryu in his Sternritter uniform but those got bought pretty quickly. We also have a couple of pre-owned figures. And, man. Are they funny.
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I don’t know what’s funnier. Renji getting Mike Wazowskied twice or Byakuya costing ten dollars more. Anywho:
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Obilgatory Funko photo. I don’t like Funko Pops. The only ones I own are gifts, aside from a Baby Groot one my wife and I bought after the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie came out. However, this one is kinda neat. Especially since it glows in the dark. Is it worth $59.99? Absolutely not. At least for me. Last thing on this list is DVDs. We actually bought in several box sets this evening.
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Pretty standard stuff. We also already have Bleach DVDs in stock but they’re a bit… different.
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Notice how it says, “Chapter 325-366,” the final episodes of the first anime, but the art is everyone in their season one looks. Also notice the art on the DVD on the right.
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That, my friends, is fanart. We have bootleg Bleach boxsets for sale. 😂🤣 This was what inspired me to make this post in the first place but I wanted to wait until we got more stuff in. Here’s hoping I get more neat Bleach stuff in my store.
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msookyspooky · 6 months
OH MY GOD SPOOKY ‼️‼️‼️‼️ thAT CHAPTER 13?????????? A MASTERPIECE!!!!
The "my girl" partmhjnjjhahhahahhuhuhaha I SWEAR i was brushing my teeth while reading and when my EYES SAW THOSE WORDS I JUST STOPPED??????? i stopped there with toothbrush all over my mouth for a good minutE TRYING TO COMPREGED TAHT!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHHGGGGGG
I have no words to explain how much i loved loved loved that chapter!!!! i have been craving for that reveal since i started reading when you were still posting the part set 1 movie and IT DID!!! NOT!!!!! DISAPOUNT!!!!!! IM SO FUCKING EXITED FOR THE REST OF THE STORY LMAOOO 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Yn, in my opinion at least 👀, def had the chance to play dumb, act as if she didnt knew, act as if they were forcing her to do whatever accusation dewey trew at her. but she didnt‼️‼️‼️‼️ and im just freakibg outtttttt she cares so much that AGAIN she put herswlf in front of Billy. After all the pain that doung that all those years ago brought to her, she did that and didnt even think about it. even after stu literally shot someone in the chest she cares so fucking much that the death of that person donest affect how she feels about him anymore (judy didnt actually dieee but yn doesnt know itt( they didnt need to get try to get jill before she hurt yn, they couldve literally just ran away from the hospital. But the choose to stay‼️‼️‼️ for stu i wont eve.n elaborate because my. Girl. My. Ficking. Girl. Was enough for me lmaooo‼️‼️‼️but billy didnt need to say athing! In fact, it would be better for him if he didnt bc he knew dewey woukd recognize him the second the spotlight was on him. But.he did. He defended yn the second he could. He defended her even if he knew no one would listen to him.
Im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 anywaysssss hahaha i love your writing a normal amount............
Alsooo you wrote jill so so well that i wanted to go inside my phone and strangle her myself lmaoo
Oh YN definitely cares and so do they there's just so much turmoil and difference in morals that it's a rough road but Billy and Stu saving her (To "kill her god knows when" yeah right 😒🙄) And her deciding to follow that moral compass and save Billy before her own ass because it was the 'right thing to do' (mm hmm 🤨😒) is just another layer they didn't know this situation could have!
Fr YN could have played dumb but I ain't gonna lie when I came out of anesthesia I slept SO HARD it was insane I was fucking out of it and barely formed thoughts so I can't imagine some bitch waking me up a few hours after my surgery trying to strangle me THEN trying to make coherent thoughts to justify why Billy is there 😣
And I think as the author writing it (And the girl reading it lol) like...YN is fucking tired.
I mean, her best friend and honestly only true friend died and she found his corpse and has that weighing on her conscience that it's her fault they seperated. Gale was never her friend 100% fake af and YN lowkey knows it. Karla is a friend by being Ray's wife but not on the level her and Randy are.
And other than Dewey; Billy and Stu is all she's got. In one night, she was truly stabbed for the first time not counting her arm or hand. Good and only Friend is dead. She's being framed AGAIN over fame she never wanted to begin with.
Dewey, as much as she loves him platonically, has changed because of that badge and being married to Gale and in Woodsboro (I noticed it from 3 to 4 with Dew to Sid and was shocked tbh) and has done nothing but make YN not trust him with her safety this entire installment.
Stu pointed it out in TT. That he was there no matter what, toxic or not. He knew the worst and best of YN and stayed there for his own selfishness but still for her as well. When Randy and Dewey only knew what YN revealed but she was living a double life that they UNDERSTANDABLY would be hurt and enraged over but Billy and Stu have been known and don't care
ISTG it's why I fuck with enemies to lovers sm bc your enemy sees your worst side, weakest side, you see there's and yet you still fall in love?
I think Billy has never seen these sides of YN and when he did in TT he was in a shit place in his life and still bitter over what she did in Set Up and Sequels Suck.
But Stu? He was in her life from Windsor to Hollywood on and off and got over her betrayal before Billy so it's easier for him.
And I hc Stu as fucking nuts to be blunt. Flys off the handle, impulsive, delusional, arrogant, has little value in peoples lives, doesn't discriminate with killing, sadist, possibly even a bit of a high functioning individual with a form of ASPD or just good old narcissism where he doesn't love like a normal person does so he forced himself into YN's life as a form of control but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for her he just cares for his own self preservation first and always will. While I hc Billy as an introverted guy with fucked up morals and possible hallucinations like his daughter Sam / he's more likely to snap than most people same with his Mom Nancy. But I think he feels love and emotions the same as anyone else he just has trust issues and cynical af.
It's why after so long...I mean, aside from money, Billy got what he wanted. YN is alone, isolated, depressed, anxiety, PTSD, no friends, everyone she cares for is dead or hates her, getting attacked by conspiracy theorists that claim she helped them. And I think he's realizing slowly but surely that maybe her suffering for trying to turn him in while saving him isn't what he wanted after all.
Thank you for the review and listening to me rant I just love these in detailed ones because sometimes you guys see things about the characters I don't even!!♡♡♡
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periwinckles · 1 year
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WHY THE BOOKS ARE ALWAYS BETTER, AKA why writers should consider carefully before selling rights to their stories (AKA how Jason Rothenberg ruined the 100)
Sometimes I think about this, not particularly related to my beloved the 100, but to all fandoms that I love in general (The Hunger Games, the 100, Harry Potter, etc).
Why is the book always better?
Even those adaptations that do a good job are lukewarm at best when compared to the original masterpiece. Our favorite characters get washed out (Ginny Weasley, oh my soul 😭), blotted out altogether (Madge Undersee, looking at you!), killed off too soon (Wells Jaha, my sweet boy). WHY DO SCREENWRITERS MESS WITH THE STORY??
Bottom line, screenwriters are not the original writers. Which means they don't love these characters like the original writer does. So every decision they make (whether or not to include a scene, whether this or that character should make an appearance, etc) are made purely from the perspective of making a good movie/tv show that sells. Yes, they may still have that driving force of telling a good story, but ultimately they want the show to make money.
The writer makes his choices based on storytelling. If he includes a scene, or a character, or whatever, it is always because of storytelling. If he kills off a character it is because of storytelling not because he has a hidden agenda, a personal vendetta or is a plain jerk to his own fans.
Now on to The 100 controversy.
Kass Morgan wrote the books. The rights for the story to be adapted to a tv show were sold before the first book was even published. They had access to the first book manuscript, to base the storyline, but that was it. After that, the show was being produced at the same rate as the books, and they were free to take the plot wherever they wanted.
Jason Rothenberg was the show runner for The 100, and he did an amazing job on the first two seasons. Remarkably good, even though I missed some characters that didn't make the cut. But his storytelling was actually better than the first book and that is unheard of. It came to a point were the books became obscured by the tv show, and no one cared for the original plot. Halfway through it, he became insane. He started making decisions purely based off on shock value, or following trends for popular tv shows, with no regards whatsoever to the characters or whether or not that was fitting to their personal arc. He killed off at least three characters that I can think of, just because he had a peeve with the actors.
He became annoyed with the fandom because they were excited about a romantic relationship between the two leads of his show. A ship that was canon in the books, from book 1. A SHIP HE TOLD US WAS ENDGAME, because it was CANON. He specifically said it would be a slow burn, for us to take comfort reading the books and to wait because he would be making it worthwhile. Think of it like this: it's like you select a fanfic from AO3 that's tagged with your favorite OTP. You start reading it and it's good, there's a lot of hints to the romance building up, you're excited about how the story is going. 10 chapters of the story and nothing happens. 20 chapters, still nothing. 50 chapters and still nothing. The fandom became impatient with his back and forth with the two characters. He became annoyed that the fandom wanted him to do what happened in the book. So then he starts saying things like"What are you talking about? These characters have been platonic from the start! You're delusional!" (when we have screenshots form the actually scripts for their scenes and there's notes saying things like "A looks lovingly at B", or "B is jealous of A kissing that other person"). Then he goes on and sinks that ship. Irremediably. Unexplainably. Out of spite for the fans, for shipping and for the actors for supporting the ship.
While I do think the books aren't as good as the first two seasons of the show, I still prefer them to the whole tv show. Because its clear Kass cared for her characters and the story she was telling.
Spoilers ahead.
He actually makes Clarke kill Bellamy. Her soulmate. Her best friend. Her co leader. Like he wasn't happy with keeping them "platonic". No, let's just kill one of the characters so we can stop his whole shipping nonsense. Oh better yet, let's have the girl kill the boy.
And then he actually has the nerve to say that was the only possible solution because said actor asked for a bit of downtime, because said actors are married in real life and HAD A MISCARRIAGE WHILE FILMING HIS TV SHOW.
Still hate you Jason Rothenberg.
All the writers of the world: don't sell your story without reading the fine lines.
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artikgato · 1 year
Well, it was raining yesterday, so I didn't go out for the jogwalk. I did today, though! It took me until like 10:30 but I did do it!
I was also up until nearly 1am last night...reading a fanfic. A Slayers fanfic. A 60+ chapter Slayers fanfic, currently unfinished, in the year of our lord twenty twenty-three. I have no excuses. I make it a policy to almost never read unfinished fanfics, for one. I also knew exactly what I was getting into when I saw the chapter count and just shrugged and went YOLO I guess?
Okay, so it all started with Anime Weekend Atlanta announced, less than a month out from their con by the way, a whole slew of new guest announcements. The schedule is out now and it's less than two weeks to the con so I think they're done doing that now, but I digress. They announced Veronica Taylor as a guest. Well, years ago I already had the honor of meeting her and getting her to sign my VHS copy of Pokémon The First movie, so I don't necessarily need her autograph on any more Pokémon stuff. But of course she's in plenty of other things, including Slayers, which is one of my absolute favorite media franchises, period. So naturally I have to get her to sign for Amelia! And Lisa Ortiz, the voice of Lina, will be a guest at a convention I'm going to in March, so I can get her to sign, too! Fantastic!
And then, because I haven't really thought about Slayers in a long time, my brain went I should cosplay from Slayers again. I've been wanting to for a while. I cosplayed Filia (from TRY) waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, maybe I could remake her? (I do still want to do that, FYI, talk about obscure characters though am I right?) Or despite being so tall, I've always liked Lina's character design, she'd be great. I can probably pull that off before Khromakon in March, but absolutely not before AWA. But do you know who I could pull off before AWA?
Yeah, so I actually cosplayed Xelloss all the way back in high school. I never wore him to a convention, and it was a very bad cosplay. Technically, my first cosplay. (Technically, because my actual first cosplay was a very, very very bad closet cosplay of emperor Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi the year prior, my junior year of high school. Our high school banned Halloween costumes but a gaggle of my stupid friends and I decided to see if we could get away with just wearing regular clothes but clearly being in cosplay. So I was Hotohori, a friend braided her hair and was Duo Maxwell, etc. etc.)
Anyway, my aunt made the cloak for me, and I still have it all these years later. The rest of the cosplay would be easy, because of how skilled I am now. I can 100% do this cosplay in time for AWA, and it'll be fun! He's a pretty recognizable character from a classic anime, so while I'm sure The Kids won't recognize me, I'll get at least a few people excited to find someone else that remembers Slayers. And hey, I already cosplayed one evil purple-haired anime prettyboy this year (Okada Izou) so why not two?
So anyway, I made a deal with myself. I would go to no more than three thrift stores after work one day and see if I could find a yellow turtleneck. If I could, I would proceed with the costume. If I didn't, oh well, it's not like I don't have a closet full of cosplays to wear. And wouldn't you know it, I found the turtleneck at the third Goodwill. So I ordered a wig, and now I just need to do a few minor alterations and possibly make the staff.
And so, with Xelloss Metallium now fully on my brain, I remembered that, oh yeah, Xelloss/Filia was one of the OTPs for me back in the day. One of the very first ships I got really, really invested in. And I wondered if, in the fifteen or so years since the least time I probably looked, any good new Xel/Fil fics had been written. I mean, the last time I was really invested in the ship, Evolution-R and Revolution hadn't even come out yet! A03 didn't exist yet! What was the harm of taking just a little, tiny peak at A03, right?
And that's how I ended up binge reading a 60+ Slayers fanfiction, in the year of our Lord Of Nightmares 2023. I'm not even done reading, but I've got shit to do today!
Time: 21:41 Weather: 63, sunny Humidity: 60% Song of the Day: Ghost, Mystery Skulls
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Part III)
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Chapter Three: American Gothic
We're gonna start this one by breaking into my idea for my movie, set to introduce a new Superman to a DC Cinematic Universe of my making. James Gunn, who's currently writing his Superman film, has been saying pretty ardently that this won't be an origin movie. And that's wise, in my opinion. We've had two Superman origin films, so why have a third in the docket. I think some of that should apply to the other members of the Trinity (Batman and Wonder Woman), but let's not get to far ahead of ourselves. In fact, I'll just say this: the origin story extent within the Trinity is gonna be on a three-part spectrum. Batman won't get any origin story stuff at all, Wonder Woman will get a LOT of origin story stuff (because I'll be changing some things significantly, compared to the Jenkins film), and Superman...well, he's in the middle. But OK, enough preamble; here's how this is kicking off.
Our film is going to take place mostly in Metropolis, from the jump. Because of that, there won't be much or any of the Kent Farm outside of brief scenes. In fact, the first time we see our Kents will be when they come to visit Clark in his Metropolis apartment. He'll have gotten a fairly new apartment, due to an improved status and salary at the Daily Planet, and that'll be an excuse for the Kents to visit their son (whom they're constantly worried about). I'll talk about what happens to the Kents over the course of this theoretical film as we go along, but just know for now that we'll be seeing them interact with Clark for the first time in Metropolis, not Smallville.
Since we're meeting the Kents now, let's talk about them right quick, one at a time, starting with...
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Jonathan Kent: Farmer Until (Inevitable) Death
The Kents go WAY back to the Civil War, and are some of the first settlers of Kansas, according pervious DC Comics lore. Having settled the Smallville farm at least 100 years ago, they're the very definition of the American farmer. Because of this, Jonathan Kent is a dedicated farm-man, and has all the trappings of such. A traditionalist in some ways, and progressive in others, Jonathan believes in truth, justice, and the American way whole-heartedly, and his moral compass is a major influence on Clark's moral compass as an adult. It's pretty safe to say that ever Jonathan Kent is a hero to his adopted son, and I understand why. He was a good and loving father, who only wanted the best for his son, while also being aware that his son was meant for greater things.
But that said...Jonathan's characterization has danced around those points pretty considerably. In my opinion, the core tenets of Jonathan Kent are as follows:
He will do anything for his wife. Jonathan and Martha are one of the most loving and enduring couples in comic books, and their relationship is what Clark (and most other people) see as the ideal middle-aged/elderly couple. Jonathan takes his wedding vows as seriously as his life, and his love for his wife is still deeper than the ocean depths. It's sweet.
He will do anything for his son. Jonathan would be proud of Clark no matter what he did, but the fact that his son is a successful reporter and Superman makes him the proudest father that's ever lived. Only the fear of ruining his son's and Martha's life prevents him from shouting his son's secret from the mountaintops, just so the universe can love his son as much as he does. Oh, and one more thing: Clark is his son. Period.
His moral compass is as lawful good as you can get. You know how I said Clark would and should be aware that morality is in greyscale? Yeah, Jonathan believes in black-and-white, right vs. wrong, full stop. His moral compass is as monochromatic as it gets. Maybe that's him being old-fashioned; maybe it's him being isolated from larger populations...who knows? But to Jonathan Kent, right is right, and wrong is wrong. Period.
He has pretty severe heart problems. ...You'll see.
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While I'd love to go into Jonathan's interesting comic book history, I'll save it for myself. However, if you're curious, my favorite Jonathan Kent story takes place mostly in Adventures of Superman #500 (1993), which happens in the fallout of The Death of Superman story, as well as being the first issue of the Reign of the Supermen story. It's also one of the few comics I physically own, and I treasure the SHIT out of it for various reasons. Anyway, check it out if you're curious! However, the first time you Jonathan in that issue, it hints as a recurring theme of his...and I'll get to that.
OK, so, Jonathan Kent adaptations real quick! Technically, Jonathan first appeared in Superman: The Movie, played by Golden Age superstar Glenn Ford. While he wasn't in the film for very long, the main thing he's remembered for is giving Clark advice about his role on Earth...and then dying of a massive heart attack immediately after that. This prompts a young Clark, eventually, into becoming the hero his dad dreamed he could be.
After this version of the character, DC rebooted its continuity in Crisis on Infinite Earths, bringing the Kents back to life in the universe's present day. Oh, uh...did I forget to mention that the Kents are fucking dead in the original comics? Yeah, we only met them in Superboy comics, which is...another story entirely. Anyway, after this, the Kent also appeared in media again. They were in Superboy and Lois and Clark, but the most famous incarnation of Jonathan Kent came in Smallville.
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John Schneider's Jonathan Kent, to me and many, is THE Jonathan Kent. Still the family-oriented farmer, this Jonathan Kent comes with a few less years, a grudge against the Luthor family, and a massive anger issue. Still the supportive father, and still proud of Clark no matter what, he was a little more soap-opera-y than most versions, since...well, that's what Smallville was, to be honest. Financial issues, marital problems, etc. But still, he was a great father and a good man. So dedicated to his family was he, that he went to save his son from himself while Clark was being taken over by a supplanted Kryptonian version of himself (fucking...FUCKING DO NOT ASK), and made a deal with Jor-El in the process. This deal granted him power equivalent to Clark, because Smallville doesn't make sense. And in the process...it gave him heart problems. Time travel forward to episode 100 of the series and...yeah, Jonathan dies of a heart attack.
Seeing the pattern? Well, we haven't gotten to the dumbest example.
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...Fuck you Man of Steel. This stupid-ass movies ruins Jonathan Kent. Played by a piece of cardboard given sentience by the Blue Fairy by accident, AKA Kevin Costner, This version of Jonathan wants to protect his son by sheltering him until the time is juuuuuuuust right for him to come out, like a fucking souffle. A Souperflee, if you goddamn will. Because of this, there is a point in this film when, while talking to his young son, he argues that maybe, just maybe, Clark should've let a SCHOOLBUS FULL OF CHILDREN DROWN, just to keep his secret. Yeah, Jonathan would NEVER suggest that. Absolutely not. And then, to top it all off, the man stops his son from saving him from a FUCKING TORNADO, and dies in a manner so unintentionally funny, it has a Know Your Meme page about it. #stopmyinvincibleson.
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Well. In summary, Jonathan Kent is a farming man with strong morals and an intense devotion to family. And he always dies, or at the very least, almost dies. More of that later. For now, that's basically the summary. Now, let's talk about Mom.
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Martha Kent: More Than a Farmer's Wife
Ever since Crisis on Infinite Earths, Martha Kent has been a part of Clark's life in the past and present. Like Jonathan, she loves her son and her husband endlessly. However, where Jonathan's morality is unbent by the world around her, Martha is traditionally a bit more practical. She's the grounding presence and the heart of the Kent household, as well as pretty much being the traditional stay-at-home mother character. Her core character traits, to me, are as follows:
Martha is a caring mother and wife. 'Nuff said.
...Shit. That actually might be it.
Yeah, unfortunately, Martha both does and doesn't get a lot of attention in the comics. I guess I could just say that Martha is compassionate and caring, for anybody who needs her help. She's taken in most people positively affiliated with the Superman mythos, especially Superboy (Conner Kent) and Krypto the Superdog, for starters. Other than that, though, you can play around with Martha a bit. And that's what the various adaptations have done with her.
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Unfortunately, even though Martha's appeared in Superman: The Movie (played by Phyllis Thaxter), and Lois and Clark (played by K Callan), Martha hadn't had a lot of import in the mythos, outside of usually being the person who made Clark's iconic Superman suit. But then, Smallville came along with Annette O'Toole in the role, and this made the character WAY more dynamic. Now from high society Metropolis originally, she became a college-educated working mom, who started the series by managing the financial details of the farm. By the time the series ended, a widowed Martha Kent had been a United States Senator, a leading member of the covert-ops government agency Checkmate, and had remarried Perry White! Martha Kent is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated characters Smallville ever produced. And even though she was able to do ALL of those things, she never dipped into Mary Sue territory. She was just always...honestly, she was just always a good mom.
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And honestly, so is MAARTHAAAA...sorry, Diane Lane as the character in the Snyderverse films. Infamous in name specifically, Martha "WHYDIDYOUSAYTHATNAME" Kent remained on the farm, and is an independent woman who loves her son, while recognizing his importance. Not entirely my Martha Kent, but definitely not a bad version of the character. Better than Jonathan, anyway.
With all of that said, Martha is sort-of an open book as these characters go. My version will be the caring mom who grounds Jonathan and Clark in reality, while allowing and inspiring them to reach for the stars. Also, she'll be involved in town matters, taking the politics angle from Smallville a bit more proactively.
And now, with THAT said...
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My Jonathan and Martha Kent
As I said before, in my theoretical film, the Kents won't interact physically with Clark until they get to Metropolis. We'll see the farm itself, possibly while Clark and the Kents are on the phone with each other, talking about their upcoming visit, but the Kents will visit Clark in his new apartment, both alive and well. They'll also serve as a part of Clark's personal journey of discovery in this film, because they represent his earthly origins. See, we'll find out early on that while Clark does know a bit about Krypton and his origins, he's almost entirely in the dark about much of his past. There's no Fortress of Solitude, no communication from the dead, not even the names of his parents. So, a visit from the only parents he knows is welcomed.
But then, while the Kents are in Metropolis, the main villains of the piece strike. These villains, whose names will remain unsaid until later posts, have a weapon that SUperman has never seen before: Kryptonite. And yes, I know that Kryptonite has its own over-usage, but we'll get to that later. But Kryptonite, in this case, is meant to be a symbol of a piece of home that Clark doesn't know about or understand. Somebody else understands it, and has armed out villains with it. After a big climactic fight, Clark's going to be in recovery, cared for by his parents. While in recovery, Martha will give Clark an early homecoming present. They'd found it in his old room recently, and had forgotten about it. Said item is a crystal-laden necklace, which was the only thing he had on him as an infant in the ship. And when the now-adult and injured Clark makes contact with it, the device activates and creates an electronic pulse that rattles the apartment and shuts down all electronics. And detecting a comatose Clark, it also beams a message into his own mind.
And with that...it's time to talk about Krypton. Hoo boy.
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Index: Superman
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 29 - Old Messages, pt. 7. Episode 3.
Congo: Silently closed and locked the door, turning around slowly, observing Andy sitting on the bed Thank you… this means everything to me. Everything.
Andy: Nodded softly I know…. and I know because it means the same to me he smiled lovingly come over here… Please… he padded the bed next to him
Congo: Smiled warmly, then a cheeky grin appeared on his face, and he sprinted to the bed, jumping into the bed with a loud happy laughter, wrapping his arms around Andy showering him with kisses all over his face, neck, chest and shoulders
Andy: He laughed loud and happily Oh god! It tickles! it tickles! He squirmed under Congo, laughing more and more, till happy tears started falling down his face
Congo: He stopped very sudden, planting a tender kiss on Andy's lips Thank you… for everything…
Andy: Smiled lovingly I love you.. don't thank me… I'm yours for free…
Congo: Smiled bright as few tears starts forming in his eyes You are the best thing I ever came across… Thank you for stumbling into my bar that night. He smiled warmly It was the best thing you ever did… except accepting my ring…and falling in love with me too… He sniffled his nose as a tear ran down his cheek I wish we had a tv right now, so we could lay and cuddle and watch movies together…. old black and white ones… making love whenever we felt like, eating fresh berries and fruits, drinking champagne and cuddling naked for hours… He sighed softly
Andy: Sighed even softer We can… just another time… I have to go on vacation with A within the next week or so, if the plans stick… but after that… before I go back to the looney bin… we could go away for a weekend? Just you and me…
Congo: Frowned softly Sweety… we can't get away with that. He looked a bit sad in his eyes It's alright, we can dream… dreams are still free sighed softly
Andy: He shook his head firmly No! Stop that! We will go when I say we will go! He chuckled softly Your dad knows about us, and there's no way I can contain this happiness within me, unless I get someone to share it with, when I can't share it with you. My mom isn't happy about A these days, truth to be told, she lost a lot of faith in him… her and my dad always loved you like a son…. and overall, even if they generally like A, and is very thankful to him, and somewhat pleased about me becoming immortal, so I can't commit suicide, I'm pretty sure they would rather see me happily embraced by you, living as a mortal, with no intention of killing myself. I will tell them, and they will keep the secret safe. I trust them 100% he smiled softly and when they know, I can pull off, you and me, and our parents, going on a small weekend trip together… we can go far away where no one knows us, and in general stay close to our hotel. Or maybe you can finally take me to that secret house of yours you never show anyone, and no one knows anything about?
Congo: Smiled softly Yes… I could do that… that might be about time. And there's room enough for all of us. I actually do have 3 guest rooms there… it would be perfect. We could walk through the woods, down to the beach, make love in the sea… He somewhat got stars in his eyes as he smiled Roast food over a fire… stay up looking at the stars… it would be perfect.
Andy: Nodded softly See, we have options, we just need to spot them.
Congo: Smiled softly Yes, I see, it just all seems a little impossible… since we have to sneak around like this… but as long as I just know you are mine, at least in this universe, it will be worth it all. I'll give everything for you just falling in love with me. I never imagined that would be possible… and now you are laying here, and has even said yes to my proposal… Andy… my life is as close to complete as it can be…
Andy: Smiled softly You don't need to give me anything. At least in this universe, I gave you my heart for free…
Congo: He rolled over on his back, and hid his face in his hands, as Andy could hear a vague sobbing sound start
Andy: He quickly turned to his side Congo? Are you okay? As he didn't answer, Andy gently crawled on top of him, grabbing Congo's wrists and tried to remove Congo's hands from his face Congo, please! Please look at me and tell me what is wrong?
Congo: He dried his eyes and looked at Andy with still teary eyes I just wish… you know… I don't wanna hurt Marius, I love him too… I just wish I could have you for myself, that I didn't need to share you, and you didn't need to share me. He sniffled his nose I'm sorry, I don't wanna ruin this perfect evening. Please just hug me a bit? Okay?
Andy: Nodded softly Of course I will hug you. He wrapped his arms tight around Congo, placing one hand on his back, softly digging his fingers into Congo's skin, and another one on the back of Congo's head, gently pressing him against his own collar bone, softly caressing Congo's hair I love you… and if there's any way out of all of this, down the line, I'll gladly sacrifice my immortality to be with you… but we need time to pull this through, if we do anything rash, it can have very fatal outcome… I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. I mean it! I would rather live for eternity without you then, just knowing you lived a long and rich life, even if it was without me. I'm not gonna let him take you away.
Congo: He nodded softly, sobbing silently I don't wanna lose you! Ever! I always feared how empty I would be without you. I hated when you were gone for several months on tour, cause I never knew if you were safe or laying half dead in a ditch somewhere. Please don't ever disappear again. I beg you! He wrapped his arms tight around Andy and squeezed him as if he was afraid Andy would disappear any second
Andy: He hushed Congo a few times, softly rocking his head as you would do with a small child I'm not ever gonna do those things again to you, I promise. And I'll make sure I either am to reach at my phone or my Facebook, if I once in a while should take off fast. Well, unless we go to the B family place, but then I'll make sure to send you a letter if I can't get to tell you before I leave, okay? I won't leave you behind guessing any longer, and I'm so sorry I ever did. I do understand if you can't trust me, or if the trust takes time to buil…
Congo: Interrupted Andy I trust you… He grabbed Andy's cheeks, pressing his lips hard against Andy's, slowly opening his mouth to slide his tongue into Andy's mouth, kissing him greedy and hungry, moaning softly as tears still slowly ran down his cheeks, letting a hand travel down Andy's body, locking itself around Andy's dick, softly caressing the warm skin, as he whispered I want you, inside me.
Andy: He stopped kissing Congo and lifted an eyebrow as he looked at him a bit questioning Now?
Congo: Sighed out some hot air as he whispered Yes… please…. I want to feel the pain… rough.. I want it to feel like my first time too…
❌Short sex scene START - readers must be 18+❌ ❌ (To skip sex scene, scroll till next marking) ❌
Andy: He felt himself getting instantly hard by Congo's words, grunting as he bit down hard on his own lip, lowering himself a bit to once again connect with Congo's lips, licking and biting them playfully, as he with a finger started teasing Congo's hole
Congo: Gasped as he felt Andy's finger, moaning his words out Please just do it… I need you inside me right now… just be gentle…
Andy: *Nodded softly and blushed again, all of a sudden feeling nervous all over. He licked his hand and rubbed the saliva on his dick, then gently pushed it against Congo's hole, slowly adding more and more pressure, until he slowly slipped inside.
Congo: He hissed softly as Andy entered him, feeling a burning sensation, and for a few seconds, he dug his fingers into Andy's butt cheeks, making Andy unable to move, as Congo took a few slow breaths, then he kissed Andy's lips softly and moans out a soft 'go on'
Andy: Smiled lovingly and slowly started moving inside Congo, in soft spinning 8's Tell me if I'm too rough, please, I don't wanna hurt you more than necessary… He leaned down, kissing Congo's neck and throat, showering it with butterfly kisses
Congo: Moaned softly and shivered from the feeling of Andy inside him, letting his hands rest on Andy's butt cheeks, once in a while giving them a soft squeeze This is good, I can handle it, don't worry he moaned softly oh that's good, keep going moaned softly
Andy: He kept his soft 8's but kissed further up Congo's neck, reaching his earlobe, nibbling and licking it, pulling it gently with his teeth
Congo: Moaned deeply as Andy nibbled his earlobe, once again digging his fingers into Andy's butt cheeks, breathing out hot air and spoke with a husky hoarse voice More… give me more…
Andy: Smiled cheekily and picked up speed, moaning deeply God I love being inside you… it feels so wonderful… you are so incredible warm and tight…. oh god! he moaned deeply, then returned to biting and licking Congo, this time moving down his neck again, stopping at his nipples, which he licked and bit gently, making Congo moan rapidly and arching his back, only making Andy even more turned on Damn Congo… you are beyond sexy… you don't even get how sexy you are!!… I just wanna live inside you!!! He moans deeply and arches his back a bit, getting a bit rougher in his movements
Congo: Moaned loudly as Andy arched his back Ohhh yeah!! Please don't stop!! He moaned in an almost whimpering way, and grabbed his own dick, stroking it firmly at the same rhythm as Andy I need to cum… please don't hold back moaned deeply
Andy: Bit his lips hard and raised himself above Congo, pounding himself in and out of Congo, making sure to get all the way in with each pound, feeling sweat run down his back, and watched few drops land on Congo's chest
Congo: Arched his head backwards and moaned in a loud whimpering sound, crying the words out, almost sounding like a wolf howling God yes, fuck meeeeeeeeeeee!!
Andy: He moaned loudly by Congo's words, putting maximum pressure behind his pounding
Congo: Screamed in a tear filled moan Burn me! Leave a burn mark on my chest! Burn me!!!
Andy: Shook his head I'm not allowed to use the power… please moaned hoarse
Congo: Looked at Andy with tears streaming down his cheeks I need you to mark me… please… I beg you… sobs and moans at the same time, letting his head fall back again on the pillow, as he pics up speed of jerking himself off
Andy: Looked at Congo's tears, Congo's dick, Congo's lips, Congo's hopeful eyes, his own dick pounding in and out of Congo, moaning loudly as he placed his thumb on Congo's right chest peck, and squeezed it against his skin, watching Congo bite his teeth together and groan loudly as his skin started sizzling. He whimpered loudly and Andy removed his thumb quickly, just in time to see Congo squirt his cum up on his chest, landing almost on the bright red burn mark
Congo: Started sobbing loudly, wrapping his arms tight around Andy I'm sorry, I'm sorry… I can't stop again…
Andy: He stopped moving and wrapped his arms tight around Congo Please just let it all out…
Congo: Sobbed on loudly for about 5 minutes, then slowly started kissing Andy passionately again I'm okay… if I didn't kill your mood, I would like us to continue…
Andy: Grunted softly My boner kinda left about 5 minutes ago… I'm sorry… but… if you give me a little time to pull myself together? chuckled softly as he got up on his knees
Congo: Dried his eyes with the back of his hand and got up as well, kissing Andy passionately, and then in a split second, he turned around, pressing his upper body against the wall, an arches his back a bit, letting a finger slide inside himself, moaning softly I miss you in here… please come back…
Andy: Moaned loudly by the sound and sight of Congo Oh god!!! He bit his lips hard and shook his head I never knew you would be this fucking naughty!! He grunted and moaned again as he felt himself getting hard, so he crawled fast towards Congo and grabbed his hips roughly, forcing himself back inside Congo with a loud roar
Congo: Let out another wolf-ish howl and pressed his palms against the wooden walls, digging his fingers into the old wood Yes! Fuck me hard! Make me sore! Moaned loudly
Andy: Regained his strength from before, and pounded Congo with all his power, biting into Congo's shoulder as he feels his dick buzz and tickle
Congo: Roared out loudly, pressing his ass tight against Andy, grinding it in circles as to suck Andy deeper inside I fucking love your perfect dick! moaned out loud make me cum!
Andy: Grabbed on to Congo's dick with both hands, milking it as if there were no tomorrow, licking running sweat of Congo's shoulders and back, sighing steaming air out on Congo's skin I fucking love your dick too! It was made for me! Tell me!
Congo: Gasped out the words It was made for you moaned long and loud
Andy: Sighed satisfied as he heard the words, arcing his back and thrust himself against Congo, feeling his own legs starting to shake Cum with me..
Congo: Nodded and moaned as he leaned his forehead against the wall, biting his lips hard as his body twitched I'm ready…
Andy: Moaned 3 small moans then roars loudly as he delivers one last big thrust, leaning his forehead against Congo's back as he cums hard inside Congo
Congo: As he feels Andy's final thrust, he lets out a long whimpering moan, watching his own cum drip down on the bed sheets, twitching in his whole body, making his legs feel weak as if they were to cave in any second
❌Short sex scene END - Readers must be 18+❌ ❌ (Congrats, you successfully skipped sex)❌
Andy: Breathed heavily against Congo's back, planting a few messy kisses on his wet skin
Congo: He sighed out a lot of air, digging his fingers further into the wooden wall, as a desperate attempt of staying on his knees, but they caved in, and he sunk down into the bed, leaving him chuckling warmly, half laying, half sitting
Andy: He chuckles hoarse Are you okay big guy? chuckled a bit uncertain
Congo: Chuckled hoarse and nodded softly I'm perfect… you were perfect… I can't remember when I last felt this satisfied he chuckled warmly
Andy: Chuckles shyly and blushed lightly thank you… you were perfect too… even if you forced me to put a permanent scar on you… he looked a bit concerned at Congo and tilted his head are you alright?
Congo: Nods softly and smiles relaxed yes, I'm good, I'm good… thirsty though…
Andy: Smiled caring I'll get us some water, just stay there. He crawled to the other side of the bed where the bag was, grabbing a bottle of water, handing it to Congo after opening it Here you go my love..
Congo: Smiled bright I like when you call me that. *He drank about half of the bottle, then handed it back to Andy who quickly finished the other half, dumping the empty bottle on the floor. *He grabbed Andy's waist and pulled him closer, at the same time sliding a bit further down in the bed, so he's able to lay down, spooning Andy, softly stroking his hair, and planting few feather kisses on the back of Andy's neck* You are perfect…. absolutely perfect… thank you for the scar… now I always have a bit of you with me… sorry I had to ask you of that, but I needed it…
Andy: Sighed softly It's alright, just don't ask me to do it again. If it gets figured out, I'll be in some serious trouble, and here I don't only mean A… I'll have to answer to a lot of people here, and taking my powers away would be the mild part of the punishment. I am under no circumstance allowed to use them against a mortal… not even if they ask for it. He grabbed Congo's free hand and placed it on his chest, caressing the back of it softly But how can I say no, to the guy who never asked me anything, not even for my love… always just waiting around patiently… He lifted Congo's hand towards his mouth and plants a soft kiss on it before returning it to his chest Would you mind if we just lay like this for a little while? I know dawn can't be far away, but I just can't get myself to leave yet…
Congo: Nodded softly and planted a gentle loving kiss on Andy's shoulder Of course sweetheart… I don't want you to leave anyway… let's just relax here and gain a bit of energy before we get dressed… I love laying so close to you, feeling your heartbeat, hearing your sweet voice…
Andy: Turned slightly Oh yeah… heartbeat! He smiled bright and planted a palm on Congo's chest, smiling happily as he closed his eyes There we have you… He moaned softly It's perfect… He opened his eyes again, softly kissing Congo's lips, then turned around again, pressing himself tighter against Congo, so in that way his back lies against Congo's chest, smiling as he now can feel Congo's heartbeat against his back I love your heartbeat, and your warmth… this is heaven.
Congo: Moaned softly I know… I'm right here with you… I'm right here with you my angel.
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12, 30, 46 & 49 for writer asks uwu
Thank you, Dim! 😊
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Let's see...I'm usually very open to tropes so I'm sure there's not many. The few that I dislike I'm still not touching with a 12-ft pole. 😆But I guess I've been playing with more angst/no comfort stuff that 100% didn't used to be my thing. And like YEARS ago I didn't care for m!preg/baby fics, and now we've got the Cursed!AU...so I'm sure anything is possible and I may end up having some of those grow on me too.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
So I've written several pairings this year that are "outside my comfort zone" just because I had never done them before. But one that definitely stuck out was the fic I just wrote for THAUC: Secrets in the Blue Mountain Apartment and it's because I was writing primarily from Dis and Vili's POV...and seeing as they don't appear in canon books or movies, it was like writing two OCs that everyone has their own HCs for. 😅 So that was tough, but I would definitely like to use more of them in my future writings now that I've at least laid some "groundwork" for myself.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
Oh, computer. 100%. When I was in college, I used to keep a "writing notebook" that I would pull out during class, but yeah. Only at my most desperate do I write on my phone.
For one thing, I type faster on a keyboard than what I can text on my phone. For another, I have all my shortcuts memorized for "bold" "italics" etc., so that just takes time typing. And then writing on a phone is so deceiving to me word count wise. Luckily, I carry my laptop around with me everywhere, but I definitely do my best writing when I'm comfy at home.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Currently, I am trying to finish up this next chapter of The Twelve Transformations of Bilbo Baggins so I can update on Saturday. 👀 Here's a small-ish excerpt. 🤣
Bilbo quickly retraced his steps, pretending to sleep as he felt Balin gently scoop him up in his arms. His heart felt like it was thundering away in his chest though. Would Thorin really leave him behind if they couldn’t find a cure? It wasn’t like he was going to be a child forever, but then again, what if the next transformation was worse? Thorin wasn’t going to risk the quest all for Bilbo’s sake.
“Thorin,” Balin’s soft voice broke through Bilbo’s worries. “Am I interpreting these proceedings correctly? You and Master Baggins…?”
Bilbo nearly broke his cover right there. What about him and Thorin? There was a long pause before Thorin answered, but it sounded half-hearted even to Bilbo.
“The wizard knows not what he insinuates. My view of the hobbit is strictly professional.”
Professional?! No wonder more people didn’t do business with dwarves if that’s how they behave in a professional atmosphere. Still it was nice to know that Thorin didn’t hate him. He just didn’t see the need to cultivate an acquaintanceship with Bilbo. That was fine. He could be okay with that. His chin trembled slightly, but he blamed it solely on his guilt of eavesdropping.
“You’re a poor liar, lad. You always have been, but I can understand not wanting to consider such things now. However, you’re a fool if you think holding him at arm’s length will make this quest easier.”
“I will handle it how I see fit.” Thorin growled. “In any case, nothing can come from him being the way he is, so I will hear no more on the subject.”
Ask me some fic questions!
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