#for some reason i adore daphne
r-vera · 4 months
Trust me
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Summary- Benedict has been acting weird because of an incident involving one of his muses (she attempted to sa him). Reader tried to gently coax him out of his ‘bubble’ though it was no use until she tried to touch him, earning her a jolt.
Rating- Mature (16+)
Paring- Benedict Bridgerton x female!reader
Warnings- Angst, talks of se***l assault, fluff, slight language, established relationship, happy ending (hopefully that’s all)
Words- 1,841
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“Daph, may I ask you something?” you quipped quite unexpectedly. Both you and Daphne were basking in this season’s summer heat from inside Clyvedon Castle’s drawing room, enjoying a rather nice cup of tea. Daphne had decided her time being a Duchess was well-earned for now and was in desperate need of her family’s boastful laughs and silly jests—not to mention their hectic dinners—to indulge her once again. You were especially excited for her visit, not only because you had a chance to see Daph’s little bundle of joy, but because you and she were very close, even before the Duke himself. Childhood friends. You remember all those years ago when you tried to encourage her relationship with the Duke, supporting him over the charming but ‘bland’ prince. She reciprocated her feelings, knowing your deep affection for her big brother, Benedict, and desperately tried to get both of you to admit your stubborn feelings for each other. Her efforts successfully paid off, resulting in the love-bird couple getting married two weeks after their confessions.
It was almost the reason you set up a little date with your friend. Your relationship with Benedict had somehow…shifted? You didn’t want to jump to conclusions before talking with your husband; you knew he preferred some space at times, especially if an idea popped into his creative brain and he wanted to sketch or paint it out before the thought could disappear as soon as it came. But this time…this time felt off. Your first hint was waking up to a cold and empty bed, though you passed it off as a little accident from him staying up late painting (it’s usually when he feels most creative), but then those cold mornings became continuous. You felt it was best to leave it as it was, for now—not exactly avoiding the situation but analyzing it for a deeper reasoning. In the afternoon, when the family mostly had time to take a break from important activities, you would greet your husband with a simple “Hello love” or “Have a wonderful evening, Ben,” but it only resulted in brief nods and odd grunts he never let out before. It was a breaking point when he stayed out the whole evening, never coming back until early morning, only making eye contact with you for the first time at breakfast. You never wanted to jump to conclusions with him, but there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that whatever was troubling him could not be good and would only be revealed if you gently guided him to confess.
“Of course, dear sister,” she said with adoration. “What has been on your mind?” You played with the embroidery on your dress, encouraging yourself to say what had been on your mind for the past week.
“Has Benedict been acting a bit…strange around me?” You could tell your husband had no problems with his family; in fact, you noticed he’d been engaging with them more than he used to. It only added more slight hurt and suspicion to your heart, knowing the problem was most likely you. Your friend only added more salt to the wound when a poorly concealed look of guilt was etched onto her face. Shaking your head, you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to pour from your burning eyes. So it is you. You’re the reason he’s been acting this way; you're the reason he can’t so much as look you in the eye with adoration and instead, uncomfortablene-
“Now, now, I didn’t say I know the reason why he has been acting this way…just that I have noticed,” she said, placing a gloved hand on top of your fidgeting bare ones.
“Have I done something wrong, Daph? Did I disrespect him in any way? Could it be the time I accidentally took the last blueberry tart that one day? I swear I didn’t know that was the last of them!” You remembered his frustration when he found out who ate his favorite dessert that only came seasonally, but he told you it was perfectly fine, blaming himself for not getting to them fast enough. Daphne only smiled at your silly accusation; this was a serious matter, of course, but it was nice to see you deeply care for her brother and his feelings, even going as far as to think of the tiniest times something conflicting had happened between you two.
“It couldn’t possibly be because of something so little and, dare I say, pointless,” Daphne moved closer to you, grabbing both of your hands in the process. “Tell me, when was the last time he acted normal towards you?” You tried to recall, surfing past a week of old memories until focusing on a time when he told you quite happily about a new art project that consisted of a new muse he met at one of the diversified functions he (now rarely) went to. You knew where Benedict’s heart lay and had no problem with who he used for his artistic designs whatsoever, so using another woman for his professional acts never triggered you.
“Well, he was boasting to me about finding a new muse for some artwork before going to bed, and then after his first encounter with the woman, that was when he started to act strange.” Daphne hummed, understanding your words carefully.
“Now, I don’t want to worry you, but maybe his actions have something to do with this muse.” You tried to ignore the deep pang of nervousness within your chest. No. Ben is never the type of person to commit such a vile act.
“I won’t jump to conclusions, but somehow I need to talk with him.” Your dear friend only nodded in agreement.
“It is all you can do, sister. Benedict can have some trouble confessing things that do not relate to others, but with a gentle push, he’ll pour everything he’s tried to conceal out like a waterfall, so don’t try to drown.” She teased with a slight squeeze of your hands, trying to lighten the dark conversation.
.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.
It was now late evening. Most Bridgertons had called it a night, preparing for the next activities that awaited them the next day; meanwhile, you awaited your husband in your shared chambers, sitting on the foot of the bed in your cream nightgown, one of Ben’s favorites. Your husband awkwardly met with you after another time at the bar with Anthony. He stood in front of the entryway, tugging on the collar of his suit as if a hand was wrapped around his throat, stubbornly staying there. You immediately arose from your position, too nervous to say anything that would get him to abruptly leave like other times.
“Ben…” you whispered softly, unintentionally reaching out a delicate hand in the hope he’d grab it and hug you like he never had before and all would be well, but instead, you received a firm nod and a fast-paced walk toward the water closet. “Benedict!” you demanded more firmly, grabbing his hand in the process, but he instantly removed it from your grasp like it was the hottest thing in the world. Benedict stumbled back, wide-eyed with unstable breaths, heart pounding from the touch. You stood where you were, not knowing what to do. Never had he purposely removed your touch; never so quickly and with a face of horror. “What have I done?” you mumbled more to yourself.
Benedict hesitantly said your name but was quickly cut off by your pained voice. “What did you do that day in your art room with that…woman?” you cautiously crept closer to your husband, too afraid he would jerk away once again. Benedict looked as if he was on the verge of vomiting, cringing when you mentioned ‘woman.’
“N-Nothing, love.” Love. The kind and adoring word felt forced and bland coming from him. It only made you inwardly cry once more.
“Benedict, you must tell me. Whatever it is; I won’t get mad. I swear it.” It was like a wave of guilt, hurt, and resentment came crashing out of a dam he tried so desperately to hold back. His eyes were now red and irritated with tears threatening to spill. It was as if his knees had a mind of their own and felt the need to give out, and before he came crashing down, you were there to hold him and gently place yourselves on the carpeted ground. You cradled him, caressed him, gently whispered comforting nothings in his ear—anything and everything to ensure he was alright and safe.
“I-I never meant to hurt you, angel,” he croaked out through his sobs. You shook your head, almost on the verge of tears yourself.
“You can never truly hurt me, Ben; who did this to you? Was it the woman? What did she do?” you questioned wholeheartedly. Benedict cleared his throat while lifting his head to meet your eyes, your slight nod encouraging him to release the burden that had been locked up within his soul for the past week.
“She…She touched me.”
“Touched you?” you repeated, knowing exactly what he implied. You couldn’t bear the culpability to engross your body. You selfishly thought, though very little, that whatever was going on between him and the muse was…intimate, but in true reality, your husband had been assaulted. Your hold on Ben tightened, silently apologizing to his heart over and over again.
“I tried to tell her to stop…I tried to yell, scream, shout ‘stop,’ but every time the word formed in my mouth, it…it melted. I was scared, only thinking about how you would feel if I,” he paused, “if I told you what she tried to do to me. My mother knocked on the door before anything further happened, and I never felt more grateful in my entire life.” You speechlessly cradled your hands on either side of his face, connecting your heads as one.
“Don’t ever be afraid to come to me when you need help, my heart,” you soothed. “I’m sorry for trying to touch you, and I respect it if you would like more space. I’ll find a guest chamber tonight if I have to,” you said before releasing your hold from Benedict, though he grabbed one of your hands and rested it on top of his.
“There's no need. I think I’m alright now, a little jittery but okay. I need you by my side more than ever now.”
“And I’ll be there every step, Ben.” Your smile slowly turned down at the thought of that imbecile of a woman. “I will kill her even if the whole ton watches. Fuck society, fuck Whistledown,” you seethed. Benedict breathed out a chuckle at your antics.
“Though I would have loved to see that, it’s already dealt with.” You ‘awed’ in partial defeat, making your husband laugh more.
“I love you, Benedict. Never forget that,” you demanded sincerely with every nerve and fiber in your body.
“I love you. Never forget it either.”
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Authors note: Hey guys! This is my very first complete oneshot and I’m pretty proud of it. It might have some flaws in there but hopefully, I can learn about them and get better. Please tell me if there are any errors or actions that don’t align with the character's personalities and I’ll fix them as soon as possible! Thank you!
Ps, I don’t really know Benedict’s feelings when sad/hurt since he’s kind of a genuine, playful, and overall comfort character in the show so hopefully I got that down but like I said please let me know if anything’s wrong with the short story!!
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dairymistress05 · 4 months
Colin as a character has been my favourite since Season 1 for so many reasons, but it was recently brought to my attention that he takes the emotions and opinions of women seriously, which is such a contrast to the other men on the show.
I can’t remember who the creator on TikTok was that I first heard this mentioned but it has been a bit of a lightbulb since. This is a long one so bear with me but I have some thoughts…
Example: Season 1 The Duel…
Anthony has decided, and honestly it’s rather infuriating how he treats Daphne and refuses to listen to her. Sends her to bed like a child. Then Benedict is with him and he just seems to implicitly follow and support him.
When Colin is informed he is shown to be bringing a rather inebriated Violet home, which is sweet in and of itself but also, his adorable humour is also a brief highlight “Good God, did someone die?” Which I loved.
But then, He LISTENS to Daphne. This is what I hadn’t ruminated on until recently, because quite frankly it’s so true to his character and something that I guess I had just come to expect of Colin.
Yes, he tries to dissuade her and He begins with the expected lines about dishonour and leaving the men to their matters, but when she speaks He Listens. He pays attention, he does not disregard her and it’s precisely because he listens that she is able to go and speak with the Duke.
Why is this significant? Well because his interaction with the Daphne in the scene in Anthony’s study feels genuine. Colin does not treat her “lesser” or ignore her. This is important and is in direct contrast to a scene Daphne has with Anthony.
Earlier in the season there is an exchange where Anthony says he would have acted differently if Daphne had told him about Berbrooke. She calls him out on his dismissal of her feelings “because” she is a woman and doesn’t believe that he would have believed her, and honestly I agree. However, I would suspect that No One would say the same of Colin. In every interaction with the women in his life, he seems to truly listen and to care about their thoughts and opinions.
Now before anyone comes at me in defence of Anthony, (Yes I know, it was the time period) and I also say, this is not about Anthony but about how even in the smallest of details the show and writers have seemed set Colin apart.
He listens to his sisters/mother and not in a patronising or dismissive way, not in an obligatory way either. He even has what could be seen as an inappropriate friendship with Pen, which for whatever reason, has gone unnoticed or ignored throughout the years.
So when it comes to spending time with her in Season 3, enjoying her company and truly connecting with her I would venture to say that the relationships he has with his mother/sisters might be a big factor in why he didn’t know how to/couldn’t contextualise his feelings.
He has had emotional relationships with women and values them highly so this is not seen as something separate in his mind
Until. The. Kiss.
Because that is the ONE thing that can differentiate his relationship with Pen from ALL other female relationships. No wonder he fell so hard,those feelings were always there, it just wasn’t until that physical intimacy that it all made sense.
Lastly I think it is all of this, Colin’s emotional intelligence, that makes his “persona” at the beginning of Season 3 seem so out of place. When Penelope (his arguably most cherished female relationship) didn’t reply to his letters he seemed to completely lose himself.
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
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A redraw of the timeline of Apollo's life I made half a year ago! Sadly for some reason CSP decided to completely delete poor Post-First Punishment Apollo (the fifth one), but luckily I took a picture of it before hand so y'all can see it, even if it's lower quality ;-;. If you want the story behind these designs I dumped like 2000 words about it in my og post, which you can see here!
Some quick addendums I forgot to put in last time + fun design details:
Apollo replaces Helios as the god of the sun after the Trojan War, around 900 B.C.E-ish.
Baby Apollo has horns now! This is a trait he inherited from his titan side and then quickly lost during his battle with Python. It's a nod to his first domain being shepherding as well.
Just to clarify, post-first punishment Apollo goes before post-Daphne Apollo, it's just I couldn't place them in the right order bc csp sucks
The symbol I used on Main Apollo's fabric is called a delphic epsilon! It was used as a symbol for Apollo's temple at Delphi in Ancient Greece and represented a worshiper's initiation into light.
The blue-ish silver ribbon Fall of Greece Apollo has belonged to Artemis. As I stated in my first post, Apollo spends a large amount of time away from Olympus between the fall of greece and his time in Rome, so he kept the ribbon to have something of his sister's in the meantime.
Also for Fall of Greece Apollo, his cloak is fading for two reasons. One, he's spending a lot more time performing his duties as the god of burials, making his role as one of the first bridges between the living and dead much more prominent. The underworld is pulling at him just as much as it is pulling at the casulties of Greece. Two, Apollo is not spending time on Olympus, nor is he actively speaking with any of his worshipers. This is causing belief in him to diminish, so this is the closest he has ever gotten to fading. I swear I will write a whole thing about the period at some point I have so many ideas.
The sheep 2nd punishment Apollo has is a Chios sheep! They are actually native to Greece, and also adorable I love them.
I think that's all for now, I hope you guys like the art!!!
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mythsandheather · 9 months
What I hate the most about LO is that Rachel is making the romance between actual gods backward. Aphrodite and Hephaestus were a couple but Aphrodite found him repulsing so she cheated on him with Ares. Even after that cheating on Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite were the only sane couple in Greek myths. Apollo had his fair share of lovers (if you exclude Daphne) with him being in love with BOTH male and female and how does Rachel do justice to his character? By making him a R*****
The saga of Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus is often terribly misunderstood and LO is no exception, except that she weaponises it in her narrative and portrays it arguably at its worst.
The original story of these three is often stripped down to the bare basics along the lines of either “star-crossed lovers and ugly loser dude who got in their way” or “bad slutty woman cheats on poor helpless (but still ugly loser) dude with angry frat bro” and it’s wild. It’s a story, at least how I see it, about love, pain and compromise for what you need for yourself.
Hephaestus is hurt, angry and traumatised by his parents abuse of him, specifically Hera, and so he traps her in his specially made throne. He has a point to make and for the first time in his life, he will not be ignored.
Aphrodite is offered as the prize for freeing Hera, without her consent, and so is also hurt, worried and angry, especially when Hephaestus wins her hand. She is handed off to a man she barely knows, let alone loves, and can’t do anything about it
Ares is both not strong to free his mother, nor able to keep the woman he adores from being handed off to someone else — his own brother, no less, and has to just sit and watch. He is humiliated, he is hurt, he is angry.
The retelling I like the most is from Stephen Fry’s Mythos, where Aphrodite and Ares are already engaged when the throne incident happens, Zeus assuring them that surely since Ares is the strongest, he’ll be the one to free Hera. Even Zeus is humanised. Aphrodite’s hand being offered is him making a rash decision to motivate the other gods out of his desperation to free his wife.
When Hephaestus arrives and frees Hera, it’s not what anyone expected and Hephaestus makes it very clear that he’s not doing this to get the girl, so much as to make it clear he’s a force to be reckoned with.
He had Aphrodite seperate shortly after their marriage and she goes on her way with Ares while Hephaestus goes about his work, now with the respect he wanted for his craftsmanship. Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus are all on relatively amicable terms as later stories unfold too, especially compared to the fighting of the other gods.
In some versions, Dionysus intervenes and convinces Hephaestus with some alcohol both to free Hera and not to pursue Aphrodite, and Hephaestus agrees.
Now, you might be looking at all this and thinking “wow, what a nuanced tale and what a mature way everyone ended up handling it! Everyone here is flawed yet you like and relate to all of them! Surely this would make a great adaptation for a ‘feminist retelling’!” You’d be wrong.
Ares is a douchey dudebro who is obsessed with Persephone cuz reasons and exists to say every oversexualised, gross, objectifying thought Rachel herself has while drooling over her self insert but can’t make Hades say cuz he’s supposed to be a gentleman.
Aphrodite is a petty caricature of influencers and Kim Kardashian and her hyper sexualised nature is a bad thing and entirely her own fault when something bad happens to her. She’s also purple. I will never not be mad about Aphrodite not being pink.
She and Ares break up because -insert slut-shaming, not like the other girls logic to defend Persephone- here and she marries Hephaestus.
Hephaestus is set dressing, at best. Every cool attribute he has is stolen and given to Hades and instead of being ugly due to injury or physical deformity and this being a source of how mistreated he is, he’s just…black-coded and with prosthetic legs. If that made you slightly uncomfortable, it should.
Speaking of minorities being taken, chewed up and spat out by Lore Olympus, that brings us to Apollo. Poor, poor Apollo. One of the most beloved and influential of the Theoi, literally unrecognisable and reduced to being the self-insert’s r*pist because, you guessed it, reasons.
Let me add to all the people saying it, because it needs to be repeated; APOLLO DID NOT ASSAULT PERSEPHONE IN THE MYTHS OR ANYWHERE EXCEPT LORE OLYMPUS.
I know it’s probably not intended to be homophobic how Apollo is treated in LO, but fuck it, that’s how it smells to me, so that’s what I call it.
Every character, every relationship, every story serves to boost the Rachel x Mads fapfic Persephone and Hades love story and it’s nasty. How the fuck are you gonna call yourself a folklorist and do this?
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
Sketch of a Crack Fic called : Dearest Gentle Family (written with @ckerouac )
Eloise and Colin have a sign up sheet for Penelope time
Eloise: It is clearly 3 o'clock, it is my Pen time.
Colin: But she is my wife.
Eloise: And your point is...? Do you have your name down in the 3 o'clock slot *holds up paper* you do not. Pen, we are going. Good day, brother.
4pm -
Colin: It is 4pm, and my name is clearly on the sign up sheet.
Eloise: Go away, we're discussing the new Jane Austen.
Colin: *takes off shirt*
Pen: Sorry Eloise, wife duties.
Eloise: Brother, you clearly are the worst.
Eloise *comes crashing through the door* - oh, ew, why are the two of you always in some state of undress.
Colin: If you didn't barge in unannounced and uncalled for you wouldn't witness things that aren't for your eyes.
Eloise: It is 5pm.
Colin: We haven't even finished....
Pen: Actually, I have finished.
Eloise: I don't know whether I should be amused or alarmed. At any rate, it is my turn and Jane Austen awaits.
Colin should intrude on Jane Austen time. Eloise said with a grin that he should leave unless he has something to contribute to the conversation but JOKE’S ON YOU he’s read the book and ready to discuss themes
Eloise: You read it?? You actually READ IT???!? *bickering continues and intensifies* *meanwhile, Penelope slips away and enjoys a nice hot bath and some peace and quiet*
Because they are both grown ass adults but also ✨siblings✨ Violet should get pulled in with each insisting that she make the other ‘see reason’ and she’s all ‘oh… no, not going to do that’
With Pen leaving notes of ‘dearest gentle family members - pull yourselves together’
They both have to appeal to Violet :
Eloise: It's a matter of principle, really, mother. Don't you believe that women should band together and support each other in their own endeavors? We should be able to join together and live our lives without always bowing to the needs of the opposite sex.
Colin: She. Is. Still. /My/. Wife.
Eloise: Spoken like a true man...
And you know Anthony and Benedict get involved
Anthony is team Colin - of course he should be able to adore his wife whenever she may need adoring. Benedict is team Eloise - fuck the rules and go have fun
The Featherington sisters would ask if they could join the book club and Eloise agrees vocally as she’s trying to one-up Colin only to regret this decision almost immediately
Portia and Violet are just at a loss what to do...
And the other siblings - Daphne is totally team Colin, Hyacinth team Eloise, Francesca stays out of it but plays intentionally dramatic music in the background. Poor little Gregory just wants everyone to be happy.
And of course, Pen LOVES all of it
the end is totally the Dearest Gentle Family moment
The end has to be Pen spending time with Lady Danbury (with maybe Simon and Kate commiserating)
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hacash · 8 months
reason why frasier is such an underrated show: whenever niles tries something to stop daphne from dating another man (and his flare-ups of jealousy are never done as much as corresponding nice guys on friends or himym) it's not played off as cute or acceptable or something that's justified because he's 'the nice guy who was in love with her all along'. in fact, in most of the examples I can think of, after getting some sense slapped into him niles always ends up supporting daphne in her romantic relationships because he knows it's the right thing to do.
and even though niles is the archetypal 'dogged nice guy' trope, the show makes him actively examine the flawed lens he's regarded daphne through all these years, before he actually gets the girl (at least, in a sexual sense). it's not a case of 'nice guy gets rewarded because he's nice and was a stalker with a crush', it's a case of niles only being able to be in a full and healthy relationship with daphne once he's sorted through those years of longing and come to see her as a fully fledged human being, not just an object of adoration.
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
I know it's already november but i've been so behind and off tumblr BUTTT what do you think our little mafia!stucky trio went as for halloween 🤭🤭🤭 i think there was def some public costumes and some just to wear at home
Sorry, it's taken me a few days to answer this! I absolutely loved trying to think of answers for this, as there were so many options I could have gone with! Thank you for sending this ♥
“Please come out of the toilet; I promise the others won’t laugh. You’ll look great!” you shout through the thick bathroom door, cheeks aching from the amount you’re smiling.
A snicker echoes across the room, and you glare pointedly at the man adjusting his green shirt, hardy attempting to hold back his laugh. You were trying, which was difficult, considering you hadn’t even seen  Bucky’s costume yet. Still, even the imagination of it was enough to have you wanting to collapse to the floor and laugh until your belly hurt.
“I don’t believe you, Doll. If I come out and hear one laugh, I’m not going to this stupid Halloween party”. You try not to roll your eyes at Bucky’s dramatics, but if you were in his situation, you’d refuse to leave the house. In fact, you were shocked he had even said yes to the outfit in the first place.
Turning towards the others in the room, you pointed your finger and demanded, “No laughing at Bucky. I really want to go tonight and win this prize for best dressed, and we can’t go without Bucky, so keep yourselves contained!”
“I can hear you smiling, Mama. You’re just as bad as them”, Bucky muttered, leaning onto the other side of the door. You smack your hand over your mouth, hiding the grin and try to compose yourself.
“Please just come out; we’re going to be late!” you say, stepping away from the door and picking up your tiny orange purse that matched the shade of your wig. Approaching Steve, who had remained by the door, you straightened his scarf, which also matched the shade of your wig, as he casually leaned against the door frame, admiring your outfit.
“Right, I’m coming out there. I don’t want to hear a single noise out of anyone; otherwise, you’re fired”, Bucky jokingly threatened as he opened the bathroom door and stepped out to a flood of laughter. In your fairness, you did try to hide the laughs, but looking at the little dog collar around his neck, you were beside yourself with laughter, doubling over and holding onto Steve so you didn’t collapse to the floor. “I hate you all”, he drawled, crossing his arms so the fluffy material of his Scooby-Doo outside stretched to its limits.
“I don’t know, boss, I think you make an excellent dog, especially the tail brings out the blue of your eyes., Natasha sarcastically reasoned with him as she grabbed his tail, but Bucky was swifter to grip her wrist and pushed her away.
“You’re the first to be fired, Romanoff”, he grumbled, adjusting the hood of the onesie with Scooby-Doo’s face on.
You move away from Steve, your heels clicking along the floor as you move, which captures the attention of the grumpy man before you as he admires your Daphne costume. “I’m sorry for laughing! You just look so cute and adorable! We’re definitely going to win the competition!”
You were surprised he had even agreed to it anyway, but you’d promised a separate costume awaiting his and Steve’s return from the party, which you knew would compensate for his embarrassment. Looking around the room, everyone was dressed to perfection. Steve as Fred was the obvious choice, and you loved nothing more than seeing Steve in a tight-fitting jumper, and his little scarf was adorable.
Natasha had initially argued with you, stating she wanted to be Daphne, but you quickly reminded her that in most versions of Scooby-Doo, Fred and Daphne were a couple, so it was only fair that you got to be Daphne. Anyway, Natasha didn’t even have to wear a wig to be Velma, so this choice was easiest. Then came the argument over who was going to be Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.
Bucky initially tried to pull rank over Sam, insisting that there would be many other gangs, dangerous people and high-powered individuals at the party so they couldn’t see him in such an embarrassing costume. You reasoned with him that Sam was the obvious pick for Shaggy, with his wit and sarcasm and that Bucky was still a menacing Second leader for the Rogers mafia, no matter what he wore. Additionally, the promise of a special costume in return had Bucky reluctantly agreeing to be Scooby and Sam, therefore, could be Shaggy.
“I promise this will all be worth it”, you whisper to Bucky, flicking the gold jewel on his dog collar and necklace.
“It better be, Doll”, he smiled finally, staring at your lips before clapping his hands, “Right, everyone gets into the Mystery Machine”.
“You know Buck, you look kinda adorable with a dog collar around your neck”, Steve jokes, attempting to reach for the necklace like you had, but Bucky ducked out of the outstretched hand and then shoved lightly into Steve’s chest.
“You can’t say much - Cute scarf, by the way”. Even though Bucky had been attempting to tease Steve, this only had both men smiling, wrapping arms around each other, and walking towards the exit.
Later that night, you were stuck between multiple costumes for them, having seen at least six different options in the shop that you knew would drive Steve and Bucky mad, so in the end, you wrote all the possibilities down and let them randomly pick which one they’d prefer. The choices ranged from cheerleader, sexy nurse and fairy. They were all stereotypical sexy costumes, but they were all ideas you knew would drive the two men crazy.
Steve reached into the pot first and then Bucky, reading their own pieces of paper and grinning devilishly.
“So? Which would you both prefer?”, you asked, standing before them, having removed the Dampne heels and hair.
Steve shifted his position from where he sat at the end of the bed with Bucky, already feeling his desire swelling between his legs. “Mine says Red Riding Hood. Oh baby girl, you know I would love to be your big bad wolf and chase you through the woods”.
You tried to ignore the pulse that bloomed in your core as you looked to Bucky with a raised eyebrow, waiting for him to talk. “Mine is Professor and Student”.
Stepping closer to Bucky, you plucked the piece of paper from his hand and then the same with Steves. “We can do one tonight and another tomorrow. Here’s the thing with the one you picked, Bucky. I’d like it if I were your professor and you were both my naughty students; how does that sound?”
Bucky’s mouth dropped open like he would say something, but no words came out, so he silently nodded. “Good! I’ll go and get changed, and both of you just wait here”.
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againkari · 3 months
obey me brothers as winx club characters ('cause i can and i will)
lucifer: he gives me strong aisha/leila vibes. in the s1 he didn't like mc much and saw them as a threat to his family. this REALLY remind me of aisha attutide towards nabu in s3. also they both very independent and might seem too cold at first glance but actually they care deeply about their dear ones and would trade the world for them. i also think that lucifer as much as aisha (but for other reasons) might be afraid of loneliness, he is family man after all. they wouldn't be friends but would have respect for each other. though aisha might think that luvifer is still an asshole
mammon: look me in the eyes and say that he isn't bloom. they are both impulsive and have this main character vibe. fear of being not enough/either too much for their family/friends. i adore and love mammon and bloom the most from both fandoms so maybe i just simply biased. oh and i want to remind that they are both secret NERDS (bloom's obsession with fairies before she became the one and mammon is canonicaly harry potter huge fan). they DEFINITELY would be friends, i can see bloom befriend my sweet boy and them both ending in some life dangerous adventure.
levi: that's pretty expected but yeah, tecna. people often don't understand them because they may seem to close off or distant. others aslo might underestimate them or find them weird because of their hobbies. they wouldn't become friends because levi would be too shy/scared to approach tecna and she on other side wouldn't see the reason for communication. though if she learns about these games (where brothers and mc always end up trapped in) she would be really interested and would try to start a converstaion.
satan: that's a hard one... but i guess he is something in between musa and bloom. trust issues and parents issues (for satan, i mean obviously lucifer and for musa it's both her parents). in the first 3 seasons musa was a punk/tomboy type and it have something common with satan's rebellious type of behavior towards lucifer. also satan would clearly be impressed by her singing skills, talent and fact that this girl can play any musical instrument. but there also bloom's rage that have nothing in comparison with any other's of winx club and, again, parents issues (though, for another reason). and i think satan also have main character vibe
asmo: yes i know it quite obvious but stella. like, absolutely. they are both fashion icons and celebrities. they definitely would be friends and would gossip about EVERYTHING. asmo and stella would like each other's sense of fashion and would go shopping together. they also deep insecure and afraid/believe that peolple see only their beauty. they both have this suss behavior and funny coments towards people they don't like.
beel: oh he is so flora coded, for real. they are both sweethearts who just don't like to be loud or mean towards other people. they othen fill the role of mediator in heated arguments. but they can stand they ground when there is a need for this, especially if this is about something or someone they care about. they are teddy bear of man and a flower girl but they can and will destroy you if you try to hurt their family or friends (or talk bad about food or plants... that's also an option)
belphie: he is brat. there is no brats in winx club. im sorry that's not my fault. still love him though
barbatos is a griselda and diavolo is faragonda, the dynamic is the same.
simeon is daphne. sweet and caring mentor
luke is mirta!! i would kill for them
solomon is griffin (shady ones)
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seraphtrevs · 11 days
Since I’m a huge fan of your writing, I’m curious: who are some your favorite writers and what are some of your favorite books or short stories??
Oh man, I've done so much reading over my life that it's hard to narrow down. Like I'm for sure going to leave people out.
For fiction: some of my favorite authors are the Bronte sisters (slight preference for Charlotte - Jane Eyre was one of my first loves and hugely shaped me as a reader and a writer), Daphne du Maurier (favorite of her books - Rebecca), Sarah Waters (can't decide between Fingersmith and The Paying Guests), Angela Carter (The Bloody Chamber), Susanna Clarke (Jonathon Strange and Mr Norell), Toni Morrison (Beloved), Robin Hobb (the Farseer trilogy and Fitz's further adventures, but I've heard good things about the Liveship Trader books!), Terry Pratchett (the Tiffany Aching books are particular favorites), and Anne Rice (well, depending on the book tbh, she's not very consistent lol - the first three Vampire Chronicle books are my favs from her), with special shout-outs to Robin McKinley (Beauty), Avi (The True Confession of Charlotte Doyle), LM Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables), Frank L Baum (I have read every single Oz book - there are a ton of them!) and Madeleine L'Engle (A Wrinkle in Time), who were my favs when I was a kid (along with the Babysitter's Club book lol - but they're mostly ghostwritten so I'm not sure who to credit!)
Right now, I'm re-reading (for the millionth time) The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, which is a collection of fairy tale retellings - but that feels like a really inadequate way to describe it. It's very visceral, primal, and poetic. My favorite story from the collection is "The Bloody Chamber," which is a Bluebeard retelling. Bluebeard is one of my favorite fairy tales, but it understandably doesn't get a lot of adaptation. (I'm very curious what Disney's Bluebeard would look like lmao)
I'm also listening to the audiobook of The Vampire Lestat, which is the reason that Anne Rice is on that list. She really lost me with her later books, but listening to TVL reminded me that actually, she can be very good! She really excels at evocative descriptions and conveying emotion - she's very shameless, in a good way. A woman who always writes with her entire pussy, whatever else you might say about her.
But I actually read more nonfiction than fiction. I'm a big fan of memoirs - not celebrity memoirs (although Jennette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died was probably my favorite book I've read this year), but memoirs that are more about someone grappling with the human experience - like, sometimes the author has been through something horrible and they've done a lot of mediation on what they've been through, or sometimes the author is just a very astute and entertaining observer of their own (and other people's) ridiculousness. Some of my favorites are Mary Karr, Caroline Knapp, David Sedaris, Cheryl Strayed, Jeanette Walls, Tara Westover, and Allie Brosh.
If I had to pick one to recommend - all of David Sedaris's books are extremely funny. He writes humorous personal essays, so I guess his books aren't really memoirs exactly (google says he's a humorist), but he usually writes about himself so I'm lumping him in this category lol. Me Talk Pretty One Day is a good place to start with his stuff - you will cry laughing.
I also love pop science and pop history - Mary Roach is a super approachable science writer with a quirky sense of humor. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers is so funny and candid - she asks every question you've ever had about dead bodies and then some. I also love Bill Bryson - another very accessible and funny writer - I really loved his A Short History of Nearly Everything, which covers exactly what it says. I ADORE Oliver Sacks - he was a neurologist who wrote so movingly about what it means to be human through the experiences of his patients - The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat reads more like a book of short stories, and I weep like a baby every time I read it (I actually started tearing up thinking of a few cases.) (Btw he's also written beautiful memoirs but I like his science writing best so I'm putting him here. Bill Bryson has written memoir too.) Carl Sagan is also approachable and humane - This Demon Haunted World is my favorite of his. Andrew Solomon's The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression is required reading for anyone who's dealt with mental illness, although it's difficult and painful at times (his Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity is also really good, but also difficult and painful - but worth it!)Diane Ackerman's A Natural History of the Senses has gorgeous prose and is a great book for artists and writers imo - it gets you thinking deeply about how we interact with the world.
For history, I am obsessed with this book called "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow - it will completely upend everything you think you know about the history of homo sapians. Mike Duncan got his start podcasting - his series Revolutions is about major world revolutions and is essentially like listening to an audiobook, so it's not a surprise his books are pretty fun too. Sarah Vowell has some really fun books about quirky historical topics - her Assassination Vacation is great (she goes on a roadtrip to visit locations in America where famous assassinations took place).
And here are a few other miscellaneous non-fiction writers I enjoy - Sebastian Junger (just finished his In My Time of Dying about his near death experience - super thought-provoking - but it was A Perfect Storm that made me love him), Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), Jon Krakauer (Into the Wild), Jon Ronson (The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry)
This was a fun question to think about! I hadn't realized I had such a strong preference for female writers until I actually listed all my favs out, which is an interesting thing to know about myself, so thanks for asking!
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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Because of REASONS, I remembered my Scooby-Doo character designs from a few years ago. I decided to touch-up the picture a bit and fix a few things. So, here they are again! If I were to totally make my own “dream version” of Scooby-Doo, this isn’t exactly the “style” I’d prefer them in (something a little closer to the classic), this is just a cute and simple style I use when I want to get an idea for basic body-types, hair, and outfits. As for the story, I’d toss together all my favorite things from every previous version, but the basic plot would go like this; the kids all originally met when they were very little, trick-or-treating on Halloween, and solving the mystery of some mean older kids who were stealing candy. During middle school, they wound up moving away from each other for various reasons... but all reunited in high school! They had a fairly normal time, solving mundane mysteries and such. After graduation, they decide to take a road trip together, and THAT is when they truly become Mystery Inc. A mixture of the old-school plots, some new adventures, and yes- sometimes the spooky things ARE real! I’d honestly aim for it to be PG-13, it doesn’t need to be turbo-edgey and grim-dark, but they can say swears. There would one F-bomb in the whole show, and Freddy gets to say it~
(some character notes below)
I drew Velma first because I’ve always wanted to update her outfit as sort of a sleeveless sweater-dress kind of thing. I gave her red shorts instead of a skirt, and I think it somehow made her look more sporty but still cute. Some orange high-tops sort of bring it together. I wanted her hair to have something like a flapper-girl style, and I kept classic style square glasses because she works them (and still can’t see without them). Velma is easily the most adorable. She’s still the “smart one”, but she doesn’t know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING; history, science and chemistry, literature, and math are what she excels at. She also has a near photographic memory, and although she understands a lot about technology (in terms of software/programming/coding), she isn’t too great with machines. Some background for her; Velma is mixed Japanese/Mexican and Jewish. She’s also trans and a lesbian~
I knew I wanted Daphne to look really fashionable, but also in something simple and comfortable. I gave her a purple halter top/skirt with a leg-cut on one side, and loose lavender jeans. She almost never has pants in her main outfit, but I think it gives her a fun nostalgic look of the 60s and 70s. I moved her green scarf up to her hair, and gave her matching green earrings. I like the idea that because she’s a little clumsy (Danger-Prone-Daphne) she’s taken lots of athletic lessons to try and make up for it; she’s done ballet, gymnastics, Karate, boxing, archery, played different sports like soccer/basketball/baseball/tennis, swimming lessons, and equestrian classes. Basically, when she’s in “alert-mode”, she could probably handle just about anything… but when she’s not paying attention she tends to trip (though, she’s kinda of backwards-lucky by stumbling into clues this way). Daphne can speak several languages fluently, she’s got perfect pitch, is super sensitive to textures so she can recognize any material, and has a gift for being very charming and intuitive. Some background for her; her dad is Iranian, and her mom is Scottish. She’s also bi~
I always wanted to give Fred a blue jacket. I just think it suits him. He’s also got light-blue jeans, and a white long-sleeve shirt (with a red collar to replace the ascot haha). He’s got a little bit of a farm-boy vibe (hence the belt and work boots). He’s all about cars and other machines, a real  Mr. Fix-It, and he loves taking stuff apart to see how it works. As a result he’s pretty good at his other hobby besides mechanics… TRAPS. Fred also practices being an escape artist, so if he ever gets caught he’ll be able to get out of almost anything. Although he’s certainly not “stupid”, he has a tendency to be a bit oblivious and a little too headstrong. He’s got a heart if gold though, and everybody who knows him would agree that he’s endlessly kind. Some background for him; Fred’s parents went missing around when he younger, and so he’s had a few different foster families. He doesn’t get reunited with his folks until much later (learning more about his family, he finds out he’s mixed Italian/Norwegian). He’s also bi~
Shaggy doesn’t need much changing (if I altered too much, he just wouldn’t look like Shaggy anymore). I have him a white long-sleeved shirt under his classic green one, changed his brown pants into cargoes (all loose fitting, Shaggy likes it baggy), and gave him some black sneakers. He’s naturally still got long hair and a scruffy chin (plus some sideburns). Even though he’s a well known scardey-cat, Shaggy has a deep love for horror movies and fictional spooky stuff doesn’t seem to bother him. His various fears and phobias have actually made him a safety expert; not only does he usually carry a back-pack with a fully stocked first aid kit, he knows how rescue somebody who is drowning, all the safety procedures for different vehicles/aircraft, CPR, and survival tactics (he actually knows more medical facts than Velma). Despite being so thin and lanky, he is almost always eating, sometimes thinking with his stomach rather than his head. He’s always happy to share though, and he even cooks great meals for his friends (mindful of allergies and what-not). Some background for him; he’s Canadian First Nations and Jewish on his mother’s side. He’s also trans, bi and ace~
Scooby was maybe the most difficult to draw… he’s so iconic, and I wasn’t sure how to draw him in this style but still make him look like Scooby. I’m not sure if I succeeded, but I think the result isn’t too bad. Shaggy found Scoob as a pup, and they have been best friends ever since. Like Shaggy, Scooby loves to eat and hates to be afraid, but he’s only a coward when something threatens him; if a monster or villain is going to hurt one of his friends, Scooby always comes to their defense. People forget that he’s actually a very big strong dog because he’s usually so gentle and silly. Scoob knows all sorts of trick from the typical “sit/roll-over/shake” to more impressive stunts. Although he loves attention and praise, the best way to get him to do anything is to bribe him with a Scooby Snack! He’s a very smart animal, and the fact that he can communicate when he smells or hears something suspicious that people might miss is a real asset for solving mysteries. Like any good dog, Scooby is loyal and lovable~
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nakianshuri · 5 months
Penelope is a flawed character and it annoys me how the fans refuse to accept it and only see her as some kind of victim who has been done wrong. Yes Penelope has been bullied by her family and Cressida, and ignored by the society for not being what they consider "attractive" but she like you said is a manipulative character who used this invisibility to collect private conversation and then spread them for the whole ton to see and judge. She has ruined reputations of people who trusted her ( Marina, Eloise) judged people who did nothing wrong to her ( calling Daphne unmarriageable first season) and used her power to destroy others to protect herself ( ruining a seamstress reputations so that madame delacroix won't expose her secret). Season 3 should have Penelope face the consequences of her actions and own up to the mess she had done through her words, but they most likely wouldn't do anything like this. Also how the heck is Colin going to react when he finds out that she is the one who ruined both his sister reputation and his engagement? Like they better not have him be cool with it, he despised Lady Whistledown during the second season.
I agree. Penelope is a flawed character, like all the other Bridgerton characters. I love flawed characters. I adore barely reformed mean girls. I just need them to admit their flaws. My complaint isn't so much that Penelope's done wrong but that she hasn't admitted that some of her choices were bad.
Personally, I would just like to see some self-reflection from Penelope about her role as LW and the impact that has had on people closest to her.
I also want to see Pen realize that lying to Eloise was a betrayal of trust because that to me is the real issue between them. I don't think Eloise resented Penelope for being LW as some believe. By season 2, Eloise isn't that impressed by the LW gossip and has moved on to more explicitly political writing by Wollstonecraft, whose writing Pen calls "haughty." LW isn't giving Eloise what she needs emotionally, intellectually, so I'm not convinced she's envious. She wants LW to do more with her talents, but otherwise s2 was about Eloise discovering more stimulating thoughts outside of gossip.
It's that Eloise has been nothing but an opened book to Penelope and was actively searching for LW and trying at one time to protect her. And all the while, Pen was playing in her face. I want to see Pen feel some remorse for that. I don't know what other consequences I could reasonably expect her to deal with this season, but at the very least, I'd like her to reflect on her own privilege as a writer and what she's done with it and the impact of the secrets she's kept about herself vs those she's revealed about everyone else.
ETA: I don't know how they'll whitewash the Marina thing. Colin mentioned in s2 his regrets about how he treated her and how LW exposed her so brutally. I don't know how he'll reconcile those feelings with his relationship to Pen. I think they'll have to have him get over it, and it most likely won't be satisfying in any way because the person she really needs to apologize to for that is Marina. And even if she were to reappear, which I doubt, she'd probably tell Pen that it needed to happen and it's all in the past. So I have to reconcile with the fact that part of the storyline will just remain unfinished for me.
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Hi!! Can I please request a romantic matchup for Mystery Incorporated, OUAT, and Star Wars? (sorry if that's a lot!)
I'm pretty average when it comes to things like height and weight, I have curly honey brown hair and brown eyes. I have so many freckles and I wear glasses cause I'm super blind.
My sense of style is all over the place when it comes to everything. My room is an eclectic mess of old car parts, huge bookshelves stuffed to the brim with books, antiques that I've collected, random paintings I've done, and I think the rest of my style is very similar. I find a way to make a cute outfit out of anything.
I'm asexual and biromantic. I love artsy things like cosplaying, crafting, and painting, and I love to sing and dance. I'm extroverted but still quite shy. I love music, recently I've been into kpop. I'm really sensitive when it comes to tv, I cry over every movie.
I am a very caring person, although I have a tendency to like being babied, as I am the youngest of my friends. I am also really clingy and I have a lot of love to give. One of my favorite ways to show love is acts of service, I love helping bandage people up if they are hurt, or cooking them a meal. I'm also big on pda and physical touch.
I think that's all I got! anyways thank you so much!!
Hi! Thank you for requesting a matchup, and don't worry, the amount is fine! :) I hope you enjoy! <333333
Mystery Incorporated;
Shaggy Rogers:
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🥪 You met Shaggy when you called them for help, there was a ghost of some kind in your closet, now you didn't mean to make the like the Ghostbusters, but you had no idea who else to call; and you did not regret it after you saw him... Shaggy
🥪 You were a bit shy when you first spoke to him... And his dog... But you quickly warmed up to him, finding that he loves to eat and boogie down; you loved to dance too, so that's one thing you had in common!
🥪 After the ghost, who had actually been your grandmother pulling a prank, got caught, Shaggy asked you out and you said yes; Shaggy then got your number and later that weekend took you out to a nice fast food place and then you both went walking around a park before he heard an ice cream truck, (sadly though, his dog, Scooby, was being a third wheel)
🥪 Though, you both really liked each other, and it got to the point that Shaggy went on dates without Scooby, and you both had a really great time each time; and soon enough Fred, Velma, and Daphne were begging you both to stop kissing when you joined them for a ghost hunt
🥪 Shaggy thinks you're like totally awesome dude :) He's like totally in love with you too (He'd make you so many sandwiches)
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🎩 You met Jefferson when you were living in storybrooke, now he couldn't stay inside that mansion he lived in forever, so when he had to go out for food and literally ran into you, he was glad that he did; love at first sight?
🎩 Being the little devious boy he is, he apologises and insists that you come with him to him home where he could get you some tea; you decided, 'why the hell not' and went with him, feeling an odd sense of trust and peace with him
🎩 One thing led to another, and you moved in three months later, Jefferson was the sweetest gentleman, always making sure you are alright and feel loved; you absolutely adore him, half the reason why you began dating him, he's gorgeous, and you love to repay his kindness, love, and generosity with little acts of service
🎩 Somehow along in what seemed like a fairytale, you helped Jefferson get his daughter back, and he would be forever grateful for your help; you became a cute, little family - you loved cooking up food to go off into the woods and have picnics with them
🎩 Jefferson totally believes that it was love at first sight, and you feel the same, with every lingering glance, cuddles in large beds, and going out of sweet dates, you both were head over heels; you'd do anything for each other
Star Wars;
Han Solo:
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🔫 You met Han when you went with your Uncle Ben and new friend Luke to make a deal with the man and his Wookie friend; you three needed to get out off the planet and your Uncle Ben made a deal with Han
🔫 You on the other-hand, should have been listening to the conversation, but all you could see was Han; oh boy, oh boy
🔫 Han was sort of thinking the same, well, he thought you were mighty attractive, he loved the way you smiled, and the way your eyes shimmered when something interesting peaked your interests
🔫 You didn't start dating/courting until after the end of Darth Vader, dancing about in celebration, Han took his moment to pull you into a shared dance where you then shared your first kiss under the many stars
🔫 Han can't get over you, and misses you when you're gone, even if you are in another part of the ship, like yourself, he always wants your touch, either holding your hand, your hand on his arm, sitting shoulder to shoulder... In short, he's whipped; you felt the same, needing him always near you, and you always found it endearing when you'd come back into the cockpit and turn Han's pout into a grin
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dr-lizortecho · 4 months
I would love to hear what you perceive as the main similarities and differences between Elena Gilbert and Daphne Bridgerton! I love that we both adore both of those women no matter how hated they are by many fans ;)
Oh! Okay- so I love this ask, and seriously such a cool connection you made here.
So you mentioned loving mbti so I’m gonna cognitive function this, lol
Basically imma jump into their types really quickly, cause we are looking at an INFP and an ESFJ who- truly honestly cognitively have a strange overlap. So Elena (INFP) uses Fi-Ne-Si-Te and Daphne (ESFJ) uses Fe-Si-Ne-Ti. Which really makes their similarities and differences in approach and understanding of the world evident. Because they share Si-Ne which values tradition and seeing/embracing possibility.
This grounds them both in traditional values and the ability to see and understand multiple perspectives. All while their differences can be observed through their separate approaches to emotional and logical reasonings. Elena uses Fi-Te which is characterized by individual taste and understanding of morality as well as reconstructive logic that attempts to understand systems by dismantling and understanding the individual parts. While Daphne uses Fe-Ti which is characterized by understanding morality and emotional connection through some perceived understanding outside of self, and a logical framework that is interconnected with all the known data. Basically Elena approached emotionally complex and morally challenging situations through a lense of how she feels and a logical framework that aims to understand situations as their own individual system. And Daphne approaches the emotional and moral dilemmas through a lense of societal beliefs and reactions to moral questions (and more importantly the emotional atmosphere of her loved ones and how that impacts her own feelings on the issues), essentially Fe approaches moralistic questions through an innate understanding outside of self. While her logical framework tries to understand situations through their interconnectedness to all other instances and information structures learned.
All of this being said, Daphne and Elena are similar in what they want and desire out of life. They both value traditional family structures- wanting marriage and children. Furthermore, they are both soft spoken and gentle. Aiming to understand others through the Ne- always seeking the best in everyone else, because their intent is always good, so they assume the same of everyone else (even after being burned). They also both have tendencies to get trapped in their own heads and struggle to express their wants and desires. They’re also both depicted as easily self sacrificial in the face of protecting their loved ones.
Their differences really lie in their approach to handling stressful situations. Where Elena relies on her own gut instincts and ability to deconstruct other people’s motivations, Daphne relies on her interconnectedness to other people and bending social rules/cues to her advantage.
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abovethemists · 5 months
I’m sorry, I just think it’s hilarious when anyone in the Bridgerton fandom dogpiles on one specific character as being “problematic” especially ones who haven’t really been in the show yet because, my brothers in Christ, every one of them is problematic.
The books were written in the early 2000s and it shows. Most of the men have daddy trauma that “excuses” their bad behavior. Simon lies to Daphne and uses her naïveté to his advantage. Anthony threatens Kate on their wedding night in the book that she can’t deny him his marital rights. Benedict won’t take no for an answer when Sophie refuses to be his mistress and is an all around dick about it. Colin is angry and jealous that Penelope is more successful than he is and he gets real uncomfortably rough with her a few times. Phillip wants Eloise to parent his kids so he doesn’t have to and is also kind of a dick. I don’t remember enough about the last three books but I’m sure there was problematic stuff in them as well. All the characters think about choking each other a lot for some reason. These characters are flawed and get better! That’s part of the fantasy!
The thing is, the show is better in a lot of ways. They left out a lot of the shitty things Anthony did (though getting all the way to the altar with Edwina was a new kind of hell). There’s every reason to believe they’ll do better with Benedict, Colin, Phillip etc.
This was mostly prompted by seeing so much hate for Phillip specifically when all he’s done in show so far is step up and take care of his brother’s kids. I get that Eloise in show is very different from her book counterpart and people think show!Eloise and Phillip would never gel. I agree. They wouldn’t. Which is why show!Phillip is a different character as well. I see so much more grace for all the other dudes and I want to say give show!Phillip a chance. He might be adorable.
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popculturebuffet · 14 days
Next up for Warner Bros Animation, favorite character from the second wave of the shows they produced for Cartoon Network from 2008-13, exclusively producing for Cartoon Network at that time due to Kids WB ending in 2008 from increasing competition with kids' cable channels making Saturday morning blocks on broadcast networks obsolete at that point: Batman the Brave and the Bold, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, MAD (may need to do favorite sketch instead of favorite character for that one since it's a sketch show with various one offs), Young Justice, The Looney Tunes Show, ThunderCats 2011, Green Lantern the Animated Series, Teen Titans Go (aka the show that Cartoon Network really loved to air alongside Gumball from 2015-20), and Beware the Batman?
This is a goood block and i'm happy to say i've seen all of it.
Batman Brave and the Bold: Aquaman. John DiMaggio and the writers took silver age aquaman and made him intresting and fun, a bombastic kindly man who may be in his own little world, but genuinely loves his family, batman and being a hero. He became probably the most recurring hero for good reason as every episode with him is a treat. It's also thanks to him we got this
Why this isn't a full on spinoff I don't know.
The show itself is one of my favorite dc shows. I've reviewed this one a few times at this point and given how much Kev loves it too, I defintely will again. I love a good bit of silver age nonsense, and Brave and the Bold embraces that tone, while not just focusing on the silver age as the series embraces dc as a whole: Heroes like the jason rusch firestorm (mixed with ronnie raymond... literally), jamie reyes and ted kord blue beetles, guy gardner green lantern, and even big swings like kamandi or haunted tank got included. Every bit of dc's long history up to this point was touched on in some way and it's clear the writers loved every inch of this universe while still bringing something new to it. While ther'es plenty of great bat content as Deidrich Bader is easily one of the best batmen, Brave and the Bold is at it's core about celebrating the dc universe in intresting ways, and it was a shame to see it go.
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorpeated: Fred. It's fred again. This time because it's the best fred, our trap hyperfixatd awkward prince. Taking Fred's weirdness and ramping it up and yet making him a sympathetic wholly likeable kid living
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Though Sheriff Stone is a close second. The show itself is an awesome reboot of scooby doo, nicely updating with horrifying monsters and a nicely goofy sense of humor, blending both sides of scooby that have always been there together perfectly while adding a compelling mystery and eventual elder god story into the mix. The show admitely did have a rough start as whlie all the comeplling stuff was there including the gang's parents actually being present and the gang's day to day lives being a part of it for a change, now settled in a home base of crystal cove (the second time the series left the team to one location and not the last), it got bogged down by a love triangle between velma, shaggy and scooby
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Yeah look I don't thinkt hey INTENDED for it to come off that way, they intended for it to be a platonic love triangle.. but tha'ts not how it comes off especially when Velma keeps ranting about dog issues after everything falls apart, yet still comes off like a horribly abusive monster who tried to change shaggy and didn't understand that maybe his dog, HER FRIEND was also important.
The Fred and Daphne thing is also mildly grating but thankfully is more nuanced ( as Fred , being heavily autisim coded (I say this as someone with autisim myself), simply misses daphne's cues and their adorable later and their breakup, while mildly contrived, does make sense at least as does their ineveitble reconceliation.
While the show does start rough, no question it quickly sheds the relationship drama for good character work, some of the best monsters of the week franchise wise and a comeplling mystery. It's got it's rough edges but man is this show good. Plus it's got tia carrere and gary cole in major roles and Marche LaMarche doing his best vincent price as vincent van ghoul. You.. really can't beat it and it's still a high water mark for the series.
MAD: I dont' really have a faviorite sketch as I only mildly remember this one. It wasn't bad though and I liked it's style, doing diffrent kinds of animatoin ala the magazine itself, which I read as a tween and teen and loved.
Young Justice: Wally. I love his evolution from mild fuckboy with a heart of gold to responsible boyfriend and hope he one day returns from the speed force. The show itself is decent. While I like the less family feel of the team after season 1, I do like the idea of the team (their rough version of the titans) being a strike force against a shadowy cabal of villians, the twists and turns and like Brave and the Bold being a celebration of the dcu, being essentially Greg Weissman's version of an ultimate universe. I didn't watch most of the revivial seasons, only watching the first half of season 3 but they were decent though I do feel the time jumps hurt the series a bit: the first worked fairly well but each successive one means we get less time with the characters as naturally years on each time their going to be in some diffrent place int heir lives. It works well enough to not wreck the show. The myth arc also is a bit too slow. Still it's hard to deny young justice is awesomea nd deserves a comic to wrap it all up at some point.
The Looney Tunes Show: Daffy... that.. should be pretty obvious given one of my most used reaction images
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Daffy in this series is truly unhinged and a nice combination of his screwball earlier self and his later deadpan attention whore egotist self: he has the need for attention, massive ego and bitterness, mixed with the lack of selfawarness and over the top antics for what i consider to be the perfect daffy, being able to both deliver great dialouge and unhinged insnatiy. The man drives around in a parade float and was a wizard. The series as a whole is great, but Daffy is the standout and one of the main reasons it's as funny as it was.
So yeah the series is great and was badly unerapprciated, hated for not being the usual screwball looney tunes and instead being a sitcom about a pansexual rabbit and his bi diaster live in husband he's in an open relationship with as he tries to keep the latter from burning their lives down. And.. it works. Bugs and Daffy are tweaked slightly to fit but they still feel like my boys: Bugs is less sarcastic and can be more passive sure, but his trickster antics, not reallysomething he can DO in subrbia, are traded in for a dry sarcasm, while I went into daffy already. THe result is comedy gold as everyone is remagined a bit to fit this new environment. The only one really changed is lola and while I do like the original , I like this more fleshed out version whose no less attractive, but fits in better. Granted the stalking bit dosen't work well but it's quickly dropped and only really cued up for We are in Love. It's still not GREAT but they do tone it down and recognzied maybe stalking isn't funny just because it's a woman on a man. Overall one of the best eras of looney tunes and it's sad they felt they had to walk it back.
Thundercats 2011: Not bad, don't remember it that well.
Green Lantern: The Animated Series: Aya: I have a soft spot for robots (or ai's in this case) learning to be more human. As for the show itself it's pretty good. Not the best thing i've seen and having the anti montior be big bad of season 2 just felt.. weird. While he is related to the green lanterns for his role in the sinsestro corps war he still feels a bit TOO big of a threat to just plop into one heroes show with no other heroes showing up. Still a solid show with good animation.
Teen Titans Go: Robin who orginally irtated me for being nothing like his teen titans counterpart.. then entertains me because he's such a dick. He also got a decent arc in the movie. The show itself.. is eh. I've watched it a few times. I originally hated it but that was more for the fact they orginally did not make it clear that no, this isn't the same continuity and then made pot shots at the old show because fans of something entirely didn't.. didn't like this. Versus brave and the bold who took shots at fans.. who didn't want a lighter and softer batman that was clearly in it's own continuity. With time i've cooled on it, and don't hat eit.. but I don't really like it either. It's just kinda there. I appricate them bringing back freakazoid, freakazoid, and their weird creative swings and the movie is okay, but I just can't get into it. The characters just aren't that funny and while not aimed at me, i'm well aware (though with a nice amount of dc cameos), it still could be funnier and it's telling my niece and nephew kinda just.. forgot about it with time. It has some strengths but just not enough to make me check out mroe than I have.
Beware the Batman: Magpie because I like the rework. As for the show itself I didn't get to see enough to really judge it, as we dropped out of cable around this time. I should go back if it's anywhere to watch. That said what I saw was decent.. nothing amazing, but nothing terrible. It's the second series to try following an earlier batman. Now the third overall. And it does try to have it's own identity using more obscure rogues and katana as a main character, both novel ideas (and apparently also building up to the outsiders as a whole).. but frankly I feel if they wanted to go the outsdiers direction it woudl've made more sense to just do batman and the outsiders, as while a batman team up show just happened batman having his own full team that isn't the batfamily but is under him so far hasn't been done in animation. It felt like it wanted to be btas but also didn't want to be btas, something the other two young batman shows i've seen don't have: The Batman goes for a more action oriented show over the mood and atmosphere of btas while Caped Crusader goes for scummier crooks, leans harder into the 40s having a similar vibe (from similar creators) but it's own stuff btas , the batman and bwtb couldn't do. It's not a horrible show, but it's one that feels misguided, trying hard ot be diffrent than the previous three shows, without actually being all that diffrent. The only thing it had was focusing on more obscure foes, and even that novelty didn't quite pan out.
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
How about wind waker?
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Wind waker is such a fun and charming game with a unique style to it! I think this game balances linear gameplay and open world relatively well! At least for me, I didn’t have too many issues with the overworld. But yeah, the different islands are SO much fun to explore, the music is incredible, and Link is such a fun Link! Just like skord Link, he’s full of personality and it makes him enjoyable to watch! The gameplay is very fun and the characters are so amazing. I love Aryll so much, I love Tetra and the pirate crew, I love the sages, I love the grandma, I love daphnes, and yeah, the characters are amazing. And this Link is such an awesome Link, cuz he sorta earns his right to be called a hero, which is super cool! And the helmaroc battle was so epic cuz that battle was personal! And then Ganondorf is such a cool character in this game. Very interesting and complex, and overall an evil dude.
I also adore how much it connects to the games before it. It knows where it is on the timeline and it doesn’t shy away from it, which i appreciate as a timeline follower (yes fight me on that). They took the time to show that the Rito were once zora with the Sage of earth, they took a unique route with the Kokiri by turning them into Koroks, and then showing the Kokiri Sage of wind. They talked about the legends. Idk it’s just a wonderful game, the gameplay, the story, all of that
Unfortunately it is a rushed game, which is depressing to think about. This game could’ve had so much more to it but it was rushed where we couldn’t explore Hyrule below the ocean, we had to search for Triforce pieces which is a bit annoying. And of course, my biggest complaint, is Zelda. I hate seeing Tetra turn to Zelda. The idea of her being the princess is cool, don’t get me wrong. But the way they went about it gets under my skin. Once again reducing her to a helpless princess and white washing her for some reason? Look I don’t like to talk about white washing much but this was just bad on Nintendo’s part. Her personality changes so much to me that I just, struggle to see them being the same you know? Tetra deserves better. But I did like how she helps you fight Ganondorf, it’s super cool.
Overall, a wonderful game
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