#for some reason i feel like i worded that as an L+ ratio post
ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
everything about asmodeus makes sense when you remember that none of the misfit class had a concept of friendship until iruma came along. it also makes lied referring to iruma as his “little brother” much sweeter, bc family’s the one connection demons have that they can really depend on to last a lifetime, for better or worse but poor azz literally swore fealty to iruma & then iruma was like “actually have you heard of this special word that means i value you & want you by my side all the time so we can hang out & have fun & also no one has ever been this special to me before so you (and clara) are first.” like would that not also impact you a little bit
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
looked up my url on tumblr for the first time in a while bc I felt like it nd like. aside from the constant misgendering it's deeply funny how many people just straight up lie? about what I believe and say? like just as a sampling platter:
"genderkoolaid is a lesbophobe and thinks all lesbians are terfs!!" no I do not! I made one post talking about how I, a nonbinary lesbian (who has identified as a lesbian for the majority of my life), feel extremely alienated from the community because of terfs and exclusionary behavior. Some people also feel that I am a lesbophobe because I support bi lesbians and male lesbians, which like. L + ratio + imagine thinking that exclusionism towards people just trying to identify in a way that brings them comfort is at all helpful for queer liberation.
"genderkoolaid thinks that feminism caused misandry and it makes misogyny worse!!" no I do not! I am actively pro-feminist and think that feminism is a necessary to deal with how the patriarchy harms men. I don't know how much clearer I can be on this, it's literally one of the first things in my bio.
"genderkoolaid thinks trans women are the enemy!!" no I do not! I love trans women and try to support them as much as possible. There are plenty of trans women & transfems who follow me and support the discussion of transandrophobia- and while obviously other trans women & transfems have different opinions, I'd hope that fact is enough to show that I am not filled with loathing for trans women. I don't hate women of any identity! I am women!
also shout out to the one person who said that I worded things in a way that made them sound reasonable, but in reality are not- if so, please argue with them! I can't promise I'll respond but I do try to take people's good faith arguments seriously and see if they change my mind. I word things how I do because I try to use both logic and universal compassion in constructing my points. It's just deeply funny to me to see someone saying BE WARNED this person makes their points SOUND reasonable but it's a ruse!!!
it's just like. so many of the things people say are either completely untrue, or such a bad faith interpretation of things I believe that paints them in the cruelest light possible. Like DO I hate lesbians and trans women and think feminism is the cause of cis men's problems? Is that every something I have said or implied, or do people who dislike anti-transandrophobia activism try to paint those activists in the worst light possible to make it easier to disagree with them? Because I'll admit, it's much easier to dislike a raging lesbophobic transmisognistic anti-feminist's beliefs than it is to dislike someone who's beliefs come from compassion and logic. I have much more respect for people who disagree with the idea of transandrophobia (even if I strongly disagree with them) without turning transmasc activists into strawmen so they can make a good callout post.
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olet-lucernam · 1 year
progress update : A Hollow Promise, CH6
current word count: 10,147 estimated percentage completion: 30%
progress notes: ahhh i hit 10K!!! i finally finished that scene that was giving me trouble in tying off (it'll probably get some editing/polishing up later because i'm like that but hey the Stuff is There to edit now) and moved onto the next scene, which i'm about halfway through
honestly i feel like that completion percentage might be s l i g h t l y optimistic though? i can think of at least t w e l v e more plot beats that i absolutely have to hit before the end of the chapter, and we've hit about... four. so far. (look to be honest it's closer to- fifteen?? that i need to get through?) but i already split this damn chapter in half once already , so i really don't want to slice it up again
in my defence i am covering three years worth of events in one big timeskip montage, and hitting major plot points from three phase 2 mcu films, plus part of one of the tv spinoffs (im2, s1 of aos, t:tdw, and ca:tws), and extra bulk of my own. and literally all of it is going to be Important in one way or another so there's not much i can cut down on. the only option would be to divide it up again and i don't really wanna
but. readability. updating at a reasonable time. hrgfhj.
if i do split it- eh. i think i'll style it as though ch5+ch6 are a split chapter, and ch7+ch8 are a second split chapter (instead of ch5+ch6+ch7 being three parts of one chapter, if that makes sense). if this one gets too bloated, i think i can afford to do it that way? thematically and plot-wise, it should work and slot together neatly enough. so this chapter (ch6) would likely cut off around about the end of t:tdw or just before ca:tws, with ch7 picking up in the aftermath, and ch8 continuing the transition into the main plot. (that would give me about- eight or nine plot points to hit in ch6? which is closer to the completion percentage ratio, assuming each plot point takes up about the same wordcount/time to complete)
on the note of "why are my chapters so fUCKING LONG"- i think i am going to start posting the fic on tumblr, starting sunday
except bc of differences between ao3 and tumblr formatting, i will split the chapters up into smaller tumblr posts, so tumblr doesn't lag while ppl are scrolling through my verbose nonsense.
hence- if i have finished sections of a chapter that is overall unfinished, those polished sections might get posted early to tumblr. whereas ao3 will only get updated once i have the whole thing done. (conversely, tho, ao3 will have the full thing up ahead of tumblr, until the release schedule here catches up)
is only a possibility for now. have not decided. am too tired to decide so this is getting tossed on the bb-queue to roast overnight (i'll regret the dumb pun in the morning) and i'm getting some sleep. night
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet||Nanami Kento
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A/N: A lil sumn sumn for the Nanami stans, yall have impeccable taste. I was gonna release an NSFW alphabet, but since this one was requested, I’ll post this first. Featuring a bit of rambling (srry I’ve got Nanami brainrot ig + I was tired writing some parts) as well as Gojo and Mahito slander!! 
Ft. a gender neutral reader
Word Count: 2888
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
First thing is, he’s not big on PDA, while he does give affection liberally, especially when it’s through his actions, Nanami prefers to keep his gestures of love private. In private however, he shows his affection in a myriad of ways. One of his favorites being helping you with your hair, the act not only makes him feel closer to you but it also allows for him to take care of you, one of his favorite things to do.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nanami is definitely the best friend that is reliable. Sure he’s reliable as a friend, the two of you likely became friends initially due to this, but what makes you his best friend is returning that same energy. It’s draining to always be the one holding everything together, just once, Nanami would like to have a shoulder to lean on. Once you become that for him, it won’t be long before the two of you become best friends.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles with Nanami are so warm and safe regardless of if you’re the little spoon or not. His cuddles are also littered with kisses because when he’s tired, he gets a lot more open with his affection. He doesn’t usually talk when he cuddles but if he has a nightmare and you wake up to sooth him, the sound of your voice alone sets him at ease. 
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nanami definitely wants to settle down. It’s canon that he’s only working so that he can make enough to retire early. If you’re the breadwinner, or even if he somehow makes enough to retire, he’s going into full house husband mode and no one can tell him otherwise. If it were up to him, he’d do all the cooking, cleaning, and home upkeep while you go out and work. But alas, life is cruel, and as such, he still enjoys cooking and cleaning but the chores are split between you two. Cooking however, is usually a team project, either the both of you make a meal and clean it together afterwards or one cooks and the other does the dishes, either way, it’s perfect for the two of you.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nanami is at his core, a very mathematical and precise person. His cursed technique is literally a ratio, because of that, he prefers to breakup with people as cleanly as possible. His breakups tend to sound like they’re following a script because of how to the point he is. When breaking up with you, he just bluntly states that he doesn’t see your relationship as beneficial going forward. Literally the most neutral way to break up with someone, how you’d choose to take it though is up to you.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Nanami is the type of person to just elope or have a small ceremony between the two of you. He doesn’t care much for the paperwork or ceremonial side of it, and he is definitely the type of person who just says “You know we’re getting married someday right?”. From that point forward (if you’re ok with it) he’d basically introduce you as his spouse, when questioned though, he just goes “Ah, we’re not married yet.” He’s not shy about commitment though, his dream life is just living in the countryside with his spouse and maybe some animals, he’s a simple man. Not to say that he’s not going to officially propose though, because he will once he finds something good enough to propose with, it’s just that the two of you are “married” before actually being married.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Nanami is a gentle soul deep down. He cares about those he loves very deeply and would throw his life on the line to protect them. Emotionally, Nanami is always extremely respectful of your feelings. Even things as simple as ranting feel safe, almost like his very presence is cradling you. He’s also very open with you in return, despite his usual deadpan tone, he never hesitates to tell you of his thoughts and feelings once you both trust each other. Physically, Nanami is also extremely gentle. He loves to lavish you in soft touches and kisses. His most common spots for kisses are your nose and forehead. 
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Depending on your clumsiness, this may topple you, but Nanami likes to lean into you when giving hugs. His shoulders decompress ad he unconsciously just sinks into you without warning. Now if you’re prepared/ stable enough, you might stumble a little but overall you’ll be fine. If you’re clumsy or not expecting it... let’s hope that there’s something soft behind you because Nanami’s going down with you.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
Nanami is very slow to say that he loves you. It’s not that he’s oblivious or doesn’t realize he loves you, once he realizes, he just accepts that as a fact. It’s simply that he gets wrapped up in his own head, worrying about if you love him too, if he’s being too forward, etc. If you confess first, he’ll have a much easier time admitting it (although he may not immediately respond with ‘I love you too’), but if you leave it up to him...you’ll be waiting a while.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Pretty much all of Nanami’s jealousy comes from the beginning of your relationship when he was a lot more insecure about the place he had in your life. When he would get jealous, he’d just kind of stew in it. It was obvious though that he was jealous and pouting at you and whoever was making him jealous. Later on in your relationship though, he doesn’t get jealous, try as you might. He knows that he’s your partner (a fact that the both of you have affirmed thousands of times) and that no one will come between the two of you. 
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nanami’s kisses are like melting butter, they’re so smooth and gradually they just get more intense until he pulls away and you’re left dizzy. He’s so firm with his kisses too, he always has to be touching you in some way. Whether it be holding your face or resting his hand against the small of your back, Nanami’s kisses may leave you weak in the knees, but he’ll catch you if you fall.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Nanami’s really good with children but in the dad way where you’ll come back and see him and the child both sitting on the couch watching TV. Not to say that he’s lazy with kids but he tends to just let the kid do whatever. If the kid wants Nanami to wear a tutu and do the chicken dance, why not? If the kid wants Nanami to list off animal facts while Nanami listens, sure. Hell, even if the kid just wants to use him as a tablet holder, he’s cool with that. He’s good with kids because he just lets them be kids.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Nanami depend on what the both of you have scheduled for the day. In Nanami’s perfect world, he’d spend the day relaxing with you at home, however, he understands that realistically the both of you have obligations. If it’s a work day for both of you, he’s made a small breakfast and something to drink. If it’s his day off, he spends a little more time laying in bed with you, enjoying the time before you have to leave. If the both of you have the day off, he spends a lot more time on breakfast (not including the extra time he’ll spend in bed with you), plating and serving you before himself and then listening to you talk about your day as he eats.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Contrary to popular belief, Nanami prefers to come home at a reasonable time and spend his nights with you. Honestly, he’d prefer to just live the house husband lifestyle, but hey, rent in Tokyo is expensive so he doesn’t mind if both of you are working. But because of the fact that he’s working, when he comes home, he sticks to a routine. Said routine consists of either cooking dinner together or ordering takeout, watching tv, and ending the night with cuddling. He’s a simple man, even if you don’t stick to the routine, as long as he gets to hold you when it comes time to sleep, he’s good.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It really depends; if you’re a jujutsu sorcerer or even just aware of the supernatural, you’d already either know or have a general idea of his abilities/the world he comes from. If you’re a non-jujutsu sorcerer however, Nanami gets kind of nervous because he doesn’t want you to think he’s crazy. Ideally, if you’re a non-sorcerer, he’d never tell you about that aspect of himself. It’s not like he doesn’t think you should know or even that he’s ashamed; it’s just that’s a chapter of his life that, unless relevant, he doesn’t think is important to know about. To him, it’s just a job, and he’d prefer if you thought of it that way too. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Nanami is very patient. Not to say that he doesn’t get angry or upset, or even that he’s slow to feel these emotions, it’s just that he knows when’s the best time to express certain feelings. Even if he’s upset with you, he’s unlikely to lash out in an argument, preferring to cool down and then come back to talk it out in a constructive manner.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Nanami is the most attentive boyfriend one could ever ask for. He remembers every small detail about you like it’s his full time job. He rarely gets the chance to show you all the little details he remembers about you, so he tends to do so in subtle (and practical) ways. For example, when shopping for furniture like dinnerware, he tends to get sets in colors that are either your favorite or that you picture in your “ideal” kitchen. However, when it comes to remembering details, nothing tops morning pre-work Nanami. He knows your morning routine like the back of his hand and he’ll have the coffee (or tea if coffee isn’t your thing) brewing before you can even wonder what’s for breakfast
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One night, Nanami came home from work dead tired. It was a shitty day overall, filled with deadlines that were suddenly moved up with no warning. As a result, he ended up coming home later than he wanted to, the thought of you waiting for him when he got home carrying him through the last round of paperwork. Everything was dark, and he’d assumed you went to bed. Imagine his surprise when he comes across a bath that you prepared for him with foam, flower petals, fragrances, all the works (it was still somewhat warm so you must’ve done this on his way back). All alongside a note that said ‘If you’re reading this, I’m probably asleep. But you’ve been working hard, take a break and enjoy yourself, Love you Ken.’ After a long day, your note put the warmest smile onto his face. He still keeps the note tucked away neatly in a box with other memories of your relationship.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Aside from the obvious, because of course Nanami would want you to be safe from curses, he’s protective of you in terms of privacy. Sure, being private about his relationship with you means less curses that would know to use you as a weakness against him, but more importantly, Gojo. It’s not that he doesn’t trust the man, it’s just Gojo knows too much about him that could 1) embarrass him or 2) make you uncomfortable (Gojo’s personality isn’t for everyone.) If you already know/ know about Gojo however, any Gojo warding that you do will be greatly appreciated. If you manage to distract the sorcerer enough for Nanami to slip away, he’s forever grateful. Sure, Gojo gets pouty about Nanami’s avoidance but in his opinion, anyone who knew what he looked like in highschool needs to never speak with him again.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
If it wasn’t clear from the moment you started dating this man, Nanami doesn’t half ass relationships. The amount of effort he puts into spending time with you/ getting gifts for you ties back to his attentiveness mentioned earlier. Don’t even get him started on daily tasks because he loves doing small things for you to make your day easier. Even if your day is hard, he hopes that his small actions bring a smile to your face regardless. 
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
Nothing he’s the perfect man jkjk. In all seriousness though, Nanami has a tendency to come off as a “mother knows best type”. It’s never intentional and it usually comes from him just trying to help you, but at the end of the day, he has a bad habit of taking over different tasks/speaking over you. Sometimes it’s nice, like at restaurants, he’ll already know your order. Other times it’s overbearing, for example, if you buy something irresponsible, here comes captain Nanami to remind you about the importance of economic spending habits and if your purchase was really “necessary”. Like, love you but can you leave me alone.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s very concerned with his looks. Nanami believes in a standard of appearance that he has to uphold, as such, although his general outfit/styling choices may seem simple, he’s extremely meticulous when it comes to his looks. He’s not the type for anything flashy but best believe he’s not wearing a three piece suit and $400 watch without being impeccably groomed and styled beforehand.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, Nanami doesn’t feel incomplete without you. He understands that the both of you are adults who had lives prior to this relationship. Not only does he enjoy his alone time, he’s also used to being without you for extended periods of time due to his job. All in all, Nanami is a firm believer in the phrase “hate to see them go, but I love to watch them leave.”
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has a few exes, all of them relationships that consisted primarily of sex or they were long-term relationships that didn’t go anywhere. After a while, he just kinda threw himself into work, so you’re his first relationship in quite some time. His past partners don’t really factor into your relationship aside from general lessons that he would’ve learned anyway such as; compromise, the value of alone time, showing appreciation for one’s partner.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
In general, he hates Mahito There aren’t many qualities in a partner that Nanami dislikes that aren’t already expected in a relationship (ex. boundaries, healthy communication, etc.). Overall, he just wants someone that understands when to give him space and when to give him affection, find that balance, and you’re golden. In general though, Nanami’s not really the type to have a specific standard that he looks for in a partner, he does have a tendency to seek out calmer people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Not necessarily a habit (although he did this a lot more before the two of you started dating) but Nanami is used to all-nighters, no surprise there. An unintended consequence of that is that once he goes to sleep, he’s going down for at least a day. When he knocks out, it’s the type of sleep that leaves you dazed and wondering if you time-traveled after waking up. When he finally does wake up, please bring this man food and water, he needs it.
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mirjam-writes · 3 years
My Good Omens fics 2021
This is basically all of my Good Omens fics (except the one I posted yesterday), because I posted the first one to this fandom in May 2021. Here’s some stats and thoughts about them. Every fic has also its own Tumblr post, if you feel like reblogging one of them 💗 I wrote six stories in eight months, with 58 672 words, got 4 879 hits, 72 comment threads and 824 kudos.  I’m a bit of a nobody as a writer, so when I say “this one got a lot of kudos”, I mean something like 200, which I know is the amount the well known writers get in the first day, but it’s a lot for me and makes me happy. If you ever want to talk about any of my fics, please do! I’d be super taken and delighted of any asks, pms or tweets about my writing, and I’m also giving you a blanket permission to draw any art of my stories! And don’t worry about your skills. Believe me, I’d be happy with stick figures! If you like my story enough to draw, I’ll probably cry.
So here goes my fic list of 2021!
Most kudos: Truth Or Dare (E, 6523 words)
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The fic’s own Tumblr post.  My first attempt at smut since forever! Aziraphale and Crowley play (sort of) truth or dare to learn more about each other after the canceled Armageddon. I had several minor headcanons and ideas in my head that were not enough for a full story. When I decided to try smut writing, I decided to use them as the truths for the game! 
This was posted in september, but got more kudos in a week than my previous works had got in several months. I was amazed, I’m definitely insecure about my smut writing skills, so this was a huge confidence boost. This is also a part of the Top Crowley collection, because my Aziraphale wanted it that way ;) 
Best Kudos/Hits ratio: I Say A Little Prayer (For You) (G, 1976 words)
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The fic’s own Tumblr post. Aziraphale prays in secret, Crowley finds out and they talk about their feelings about it and about their relationship with God. The shortest and fluffiest piece I have written so far. I wrote this in two days from the idea to posting, which never happens to me. I’m the kind of writer who brews an idea for months before writing a single line. And then this happened. 
It’s fun that my most liked fics are an E rated smut piece, and this G rated fluffy thing where they don’t even kiss! Actually, while it is not explicitly stated in the story, in my head, in this universe, Aziraphale and Crowley are in an asexual relationship, Crowley is aromantic(ish) and they care for each other deeply. If you like this one, you might also like Be My Forever (G, 2924 words) which was my first fic on 2022. It could be part of the same universe as this one and is just as fluffy and soft. 
Most Underrated: Sparrow On A Christmas Morning (E, 10645 words)
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The fics own Tumblr post. This is canon compliant regency era Ineffable Wives fic, written for a gift exchange. It became very important to me for personal reasons, but I also like it as a story. I like how I managed to make the scenes flow, and how I managed to pack so much emotion and pining into this little thing.
Why I chose this as the most underrated? Well, it’s one of my personal favourites, and also all the five comments this piece has got so far are excited and gushing. However, this has a lot less kudos than my other works, and the kudos/hits ratio is also very low. I’m not sure if it’s because of the gender of the characters or the length or premise of the fic, but I feel this story deserves a bit more love than the stats indicate ❤
My Longest Piece: Whatever Floats Your Goat (T, 22633 words)
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Fics own Tumblr post. My take on how the Heaven and Hell would have dealt with the birth of Christ, and how the Bible stories about angel visits could have gone if Gabriel had no idea how humans work. Also, my attempt on humor. Gabriel messes things up, Aziraphale cleans up after him and Crawly is a confused spectator to all of the above. I had so much fun writing this, and I ended up reading way too much Bible in the process.. Okay, this actually has the least amount of kudos of all of my fics, but I sort of expected that, because it is under Aziraphale & Crowley friendship tag (they were not in any other kind of relationship back then), it’s too long to just “try it out”, and I guess bible stories are a bit of a niche. There’s not that many hits either, so I guess people just haven’t found it or been interested enough to click on it. But it’s my first multi chaptered work and I liked writing it. Also, bad goat puns.
First Fic to GO Fandom: The Angel of Justice (G, 9598 words)
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The fic’s own Tumblr post. This is the one that inspired me to write again. The Almighty demotes Gabriel without an explanation, and it falls to Michael to figure out why. The investigation takes Michael to Earth to find out what happened when the Armageddon was cancelled, and what kind of relationship a certain angel and a demon really have. 
I was delighted of the idea how Aziraphale and Crowley did so much but had so little impact on cancelling the Armageddon! I also wanted to do a character study on Michael, and try my hand at their outsider pov reaction to the husbands. 
Whatever Floats Your Goat belongs to this universe as well, and The Angel of Justice has a sequel, Brother Mine (T, 7300 words), that digs deeper into the relationship between Michael and Gabriel, and the trauma of the Fall they all share. It has a kind of redemption for Gabriel, which I know isn’t everyone’s jam, but I don’t want to write characters who are simply villains. I’m especially happy about the emotional punches I managed to write on the arguments between the angelic siblings. 
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asstronauts · 4 years
Alphabet Soup
rating: t word count: 1.7k pairing: jemily summary: perhaps love is in the little moments more than the grand gestures. 26 times (among many) that JJ and Emily fall a little bit more in love with each other in the everyday, smaller moments.
read on ao3, if you’d prefer
A - alphabet soup
JJ bought cans of alphabet soup for the boys when Michael first began to read, but Emily quickly found it much more entertaining to spell out words like "boob" or "ass" or "sex?" punctuated with a poorly modified capital P in place of a question mark. JJ had to shut it down when Michael asked what a "tit" was, and Emily panicked and mumbled something about birds.
B - bedtime
They would often unwind by reading before bedtime, and JJ found that Emily read through many foreign literature books. The nights she would fall asleep to Emily stroking her hair and reading aloud in words she didn't understand were the nights she felt most rested.
C - constellations
It was clear that Emily didn't actually know any constellations besides the Big Dipper and Orion. But when she laid on the grass with Henry and Michael, she made up stories in the stars about great heroes and the adventures they went on, and the boys fell in love with the night sky.
D - driving
JJ insisted on driving everywhere without the help of smartphone maps, which had gotten them lost on several occasions. Somehow it felt alright, when she had one hand on the wheel and one hand on Emily's leg, the windows were down, and her hair was streaming in the wind and reflecting the setting sun. Somehow it felt alright to be lost with her.
E - errands
For whatever reason, JJ made running any errand seem like immense fun. Buying groceries, getting gas, even sending a letter felt like an adventure when she was there. They'd only gotten kicked out of one grocery store — when JJ had knocked over an entire display stand of candy bars after running and jumping onto a shopping cart. They didn't regret anything.
F - forehead kiss
JJ wasn't that much shorter than Emily, but when the brunette pressed her lips to her girlfriend's forehead, JJ would feel the need to bury her face in Emily's neck to hide her blushing cheeks.
G - graveyard
On that day, JJ just needed space. So Emily took her to the flower shop the day before and drove her to the cemetery that morning and left her alone until she was ready. In the evening, they didn't speak, just laid with one another on the couch until JJ fell asleep in her arms.
H - horror movie
It was a cheap jump scare, but it made JJ scream out and grab Emily's arm, prompting the older woman to laugh at her. JJ responded with a playful slap, and Emily had to kiss her to reaffirm her love. They didn't finish the movie.
I - ice cream
On a day off, Emily took the boys to get ice cream, and when they came home raving about how Emily had managed to stack five ice cream scoops on top of a single cone, JJ knew she was with the right woman.
J - jaw
Emily's knees grew weak whenever JJ kissed up her jaw and whispered in her ear. Her girlfriend caught on and loved messing with her, working her up into a complete frenzy, then saying the most unsexy thing she could think of. Emily hated it, but she also couldn’t help but to collapse into a fit of giggles when JJ planted kisses all up the side of her face and whispered something like "corned beef" in a seductive voice.
K - kitchen
JJ would use every kitchen utensil as a musical instrument during any spare moment in cooking — while the food was cooking, while the water boiled, while the oven was preheating. She would sing into a wooden spoon and shove it into Emily's face to finish the lyric, and the two would dance in each others' arms all throughout the kitchen.
L - letters
When Emily spent her time in Paris and London, she and JJ wrote each other scores of letters the times they weren't together. They'd both filled up an entire box of papers and knickknacks until they were reunited. Even after, JJ would sometimes write a letter addressed to Emily, drop it into the mailbox and tell Emily to check the mail, for no reason except to make her smile.
M - mugs
JJ had an entire cupboard dedicated to mugs for her tea, which Emily could never understand because she only seemed to ever use two of them: one being a lumpy mug Henry had made in a pottery store and the other being a Valentine’s Day gift from Emily with lovely ceramic boobs protruding from the mug’s body.
N - notes
Emily bought a massive pack of post-its and began leaving notes for JJ around work, bringing a smile to her face every time she found a little colorful message. Some were encouraging — you can do it, you light up my world, you're amazing. Some were cheesy — i love you, je t’aime, when you see this blow me a kiss. And some were...questionable — JJ had to hide the extremely accurate (and well-annotated!) drawing of her naked body before Hotch saw.
O - omelette
Most of the time, Emily couldn't cook without the risk of burning the house down, but for some reason, she made the most scrumptious omelette. Despite not knowing how to cook scrambled or fried or boiled eggs, Emily's omelettes were always perfectly cooked, with an impeccable ratio of egg to filling. JJ tried everything she could to make them the same way, but the boys always preferred Emily's omelettes on Sunday mornings. JJ wondered if it was something she learned during her time in Paris.
P - plants
Before JJ, Emily had never been very good at taking care of plants. They seemed to die with little to no warning. But JJ had taught her well, making little plant calendars and teaching her signs to watch out for, and one morning, JJ caught her talking to one of the plants. As she listened more carefully, she heard that Emily was talking to each plant in a different language — according to the plant’s country of origin.
Q - quiet
The moments after the boys were put to bed were some of the only moments of quiet JJ and Emily got alone during the day. No matter how busy or tired they were, they always intentionally took a few moments to just quietly be with one another, curled up in the other's arms, lying in the other's lap, or simply sitting side by side.
R - rain
They'd gotten caught in the storm on the way back to the office from lunch. Despite JJ’s coat held up above them, the pair was getting drenched anyway, and they gave up and decided to make out in the rain instead. They swung their hands back and forth as they splashed over to the BAU, arriving soaked to the bone but elated, as Hotch shook his head at their sodden clothing and dopey grins.
S - Sergio
Emily had arrived home early and found JJ dancing in the hallway with Sergio to "Can't Stop the Feeling" blasting on the bluetooth speaker. She lifted her ban on Justin Timberlake that day, which had previously been in place when in a moment of weakness, JJ had declared she would choose him over Emily if given the chance. (She’d taken it back for Emily's sake, but deep down she couldn't really decide.)
T - thermostat
JJ liked the thermostat to be set at no lower than 77 degrees, while Emily loved the room as cold as possible. The first few months that they lived together was a horrible battle of constantly changing from one drastic temperature to the next, before JJ finally agreed to keeping the temperature low as long as Emily agreed to cuddle with her any time she got cold. Emily did not, however, realize that this compromise extended to the workplace, where JJ would sporadically ask for cuddles throughout the day, and Emily would have to comply.
U - ugly pajamas
Emily loved her ugly pajama sets. One of her favorites was a bright green Grinch onesie in a ridiculous Christmas sweater. JJ hated it until Emily showed it to the boys, and Michael howled with laughter and asked for one for himself. From that day forward, Emily bought her ugly pajamas in full family sets, including accompanying costumes for Sergio.
V - vanilla
Emily didn’t quite mind JJ’s early morning jogs because her favorite moments were when JJ came home after, took a shower, and climbed back into bed to give Emily a warm embrace, flooding her senses with the smell of vanilla shampoo. Emily would roll over to nuzzle her head in the crook of JJ’s neck and plant soft kisses there, breathing in her favorite scent.
W - wine
Emily drank red, JJ drank white. And Henry and Michael loved to join in, pretending to be adults by sipping grape juice from their colorful cups. Perhaps their family had unconventional tea parties, but at least they always had massive amounts of fun doing family activities tipsy. These were the nights when it was almost difficult to tell the difference between Michael and Emily’s coloring pages.
X - X-Files
JJ didn’t fully understand Emily’s deep obsession with The X-Files, but after Emily convinced her that she wasn’t only watching for Gillian Anderson, the younger woman began finding the long rambles and discussions of extraterrestrial life more endearing and interesting.
Y - yarn
JJ really wanted to get the hang of knitting and give something special to the boys, but Emily kept distracting her. Any chance she got, Emily would hold the yarn balls to her chest as fake boobs, use threads of yarn as mustaches, and drum the knitting needles against any surface. It wasn’t that JJ couldn't finish her projects out of annoyance — it was that JJ couldn’t help but laugh and find her girlfriend irresistible, forcing her to set aside her work and wrap herself up instead in the brunette’s embrace.
Z - zoo
It was Emily's explosive childlike joy when she had seen the dolphins. She claimed it was for the boys’ sakes, but JJ had noticed the pure excitement in her eyes when they saw the sign and felt the way Emily had tugged on her wrist to rush to the stadium and grab seats right in the splash zone. And in the screams of laughter and the moment when both Henry and Michael clutched at Emily when the water washed over them, JJ knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this woman.
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Warning! Personal Post because I’m feeling extremely nostalgic. 
Stories about romantic relationships seem to always be about “the one” or “the one you never should have dated because the dynamic was so toxic”. So seldom do we talk about romances that were short and sweet, but never meant to last. 
I just blazed through @cellsshapedlikestars wonderful story, “love's not a competition (but i'm winning)”, which was wonderful (everyone read it), and it drummed up so many memories about the boy I dated my sophomore year in college, let’s call him Jesse, that I wanted to write about him…
The rest of my self-indulgent memories are after the break. 
I’ve found myself thinking of Jesse more often years later, than I ever did in the immediate aftermath of our relationship. It’s not because ours was a burning love, or that he was the one who got away or anything like that, but because my relationship with him set the stage for what I came to expect out of even the most casual romantic relationships I had afterward.  
I’m thinking of him now, because that story I ready is about a girl who doesn’t realize she is dating a boy (though it's obvious to everyone else) until the last possible moment. It’s funny and sweet, and kind of how Jesse and I got together. 
I went to a really small liberal arts college, where the ratio of heterosexual or bisexual men to heterosexual women, does not favor women. That was pretty much fine with me. I was not what you would call relationship-seeking and I liked an uphill climb when it came to my romantic interests. I liked to pine after someone just out of reach, while randomly hooking up with other people on the side (that’s something to unpack on another day). 
Anyway, Jesse was my friend David’s best friend from back home, who took a gap year to bike the Pacific Crest Bicycle trail and then bum around the city where they were from. He came to visit a few times during the spring semester of our freshman year, but he didn’t start attending our college until the start of sophomore year. He entered the fall semester with a ready-made friend group and a flock of thirsty girls clamoring for a single, straight guy who was in great shape from his trip down the California coast. While Jesse seemed great, I immediately placed him in the friend category. He was sporty and tan and gregarious, while I tended to fixate on the brooding intellectual type. Plus, I had no interest in throwing my hat in an already overly full ring. 
Still, we were in the same circle of friends, so very quickly I got used to him being around, and Jesse was easy to love. He was affable and always up for new adventures. Soon, he was my go-to for many things. If my bike got a flat tire or we needed an extra player for a pick-up game of soccer or a racquetball tournament, I’d text Jesse. And he’d text me too, inviting me along to off-campus dinner parties, bike rides, and sometimes just to lie in the hammock he strung up outside his dorm room and smoke weed. He worked at the sailing club, and there were many afternoons I’d skip out on a necessary study session because he invited me out on the catamaran. 
I didn’t read anything into it. Everything was easy with Jesse. Everything was light. Was I attracted to him? Yes, but so was everyone. I knew he was into casual sex because he’d shared a few funny stories from his gap year, one involving breaking someone’s sink, and at least in the first weeks of school, he seemed to very much enjoy and embrace the attention he was getting from the opposite sex. 
While I felt a slight bitterness when I thought about how easy it was to get laid if you were a dude, I didn’t hold his good fortune against him. In fact, I went out of my way to be a good wing-woman. If we were at a party, and I realized we had ended up in a corner with only him, myself and whatever girl was clearly angling for him that night, I’d duck out and leave them alone. 
Early in the semester I had already picked my impossible romance; a senior year philosophy major who lived off campus and was rarely spotted at the parties we attended. The odds were very much against me, but that was fine by me. It kept me from being too distracted, and when we did cross paths, something about the slim possibility lit me up. 
Well, one night the stars aligned. Mr. Philosophy was at a friend’s party and somehow he and I ended up engaging in my favorite type of flirtation; a spirited debate about something theoretical and completely irrelevant where we could both be smug and disagreeable and walk away thinking we had won. We were drunkenly pontificating and probably about two drinks and one late night playlist change away from maybe getting somewhere when Jesse swooped in and completely cock-blocked me!
He just grabbed me by the arm, mid-sentence, and said, “Let’s take a walk.”
Well, of course, I was indignant, and I spent the entire stroll down to the bay explaining why. I could not understand why he was pulling me away from my conversation with the hot senior, when I had been crushing on him all semester. I don’t think Jesse had known that, but when I made it clear, a pained expression crossed his face, but he stayed silent as I continued my tirade. Why did he pull me away? It wasn’t like I was too drunk or anything, and I never pulled this kind of shit with him. When Megan or Rachel or whatever girl seemed into him, I didn’t interfere, even when Jesse was mucking it up by talking too much to me instead of them. Like a good friend, I’d make a graceful exit and leave them to it. So again...after all that, why was he fucking up my love life now? 
As a man of action and not words, at some point Jesse ended my stupid rant with a kiss. A very good kiss that led to more kissing, on the beach and then a stumbly, kissy, messy walk back to my dorm where we kissed and kissed and kissed some more in my bed until finally we fell asleep. I suppose at this point, I should explain that I was still a virgin. I’d fooled around enough to be pretty comfortable with other things, and I wasn’t waiting for any particular reason other than wanting to have sex with someone that I liked enough not to make it a one-time event.
The next morning, after Jesse left, I realized we had spent more time kissing than talking and I still had no idea what to make of the previous evening. Was it a one night dalliance, and we’d go back to being friends? Plausible, knowing his seeming aversion to relationships. Still, it seemed a strange thing for him to seek me out like that. What if it strained our friendship? I didn’t want things to get weird just because we spent a night making out. 
That didn’t happen with other people I had hooked up with that semester and I’d gone farther with most of them... but the others weren’t Jesse. 
And that’s how I realized that I actually liked him. I didn’t really care if things got weird with the others. I didn’t really like them. I liked Jesse. I liked him a lot. 
Cue an entire day of me freaking out while he seemed to disappear off the face of the planet. By the next morning, I had convinced myself that it meant nothing to him, and I should never bring it up ever again. Right when I was resolved to this course of action, I ran into him at the campus cafe, with his parents. They had come for a visit the previous afternoon, which was why he wasn’t on campus and why I’d heard nothing from him. But now, he hugged me and introduced me and even invited me to get lunch with them, and acted like everything was totally normal and still I had no idea what was going on. 
So I joined them and assumed Jesse’s play would be that the night of making out never happened, and that we would slide back into being good pals, and I was ready to swallow my tongue and slide back with him. I think we went to a concert after that and I was still with them when Jesse’s parents left and suddenly it was just he and I, and while I’m sure I stood there, totally awkward, Jesse just scooped me into another kiss. 
We didn’t have a conversation about what any of this meant. We just...started a relationship. A few nights later, we had sex...in a tent, down on the beach, after attending a ribald school tradition; a sex panel led by the most popular students and faculty, more funny than educational, with plenty of condoms and beer for everyone. 
Our first time was messy and a bit awkward but also lovely and fun and then we just kept doing it...all semester. I didn’t need to ask what we were. It was obvious we were a couple, but there was also a clear expiration date on our romance. 
Around the same time we hooked for the first time, I had decided I was transferring at the end of the semester, to another college in a much larger city, across the country. I told Jesse, a few weeks after we started sleeping together almost every night and it didn’t really change anything. Like I said at the beginning, Jesse was not the one who got away. Even as he became embedded in my life and opened me up to a very active (and I really mean active. To this day, Jesse is the most athletic and experimental person I’ve ever slept with) and very fun sex life, we didn’t connect at a level I knew that I wanted to connect with someone...someday. 
It wasn’t until my last week or two at school that he even really opened up about why he pursued me in the first place. Ironically enough, he liked that I never seemed that into him. He knew he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship, and he kept getting signals from other girls that they were looking for something more. This is when he admitted that it drove him crazy when I’d walk away at parties. Apparently he had been trying to send the signal for weeks that he was into me, but like a loon, I missed it. Even so, he liked that I didn’t take him into consideration when I decided to transfer and that I didn’t expect too much from him. 
In hindsight, I find this an amusing sentiment, because whether I gave him the expectation or not, he was giving me what I’d guess any of those other girls were looking for in a college relationship. He was there when I needed him, spent almost every night with me, and we shared the same friends. I never said he couldn’t, but I knew that he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else when we were together. He was funny and the sex was good, and he made me feel beautiful and funny and free. 
He was the last person I saw when I left that semester. I stopped at his parent’s house on my way home for the holidays. We didn’t talk about what to do. We knew our relationship was over, but I let him press me up against a wall one last time and enjoyed every minute with him until I drove away for good. 
We didn’t really keep in touch after that, though a few years later, when I went back to see my other friends graduate, we had a cocktail together by the bay. He was in love then, to a dancer who was as vibrant and as adventurous as he was and I was so happy for them both. I had just ended a relationship with a guy who in many respects was Jesse’s polar opposite; a repressed, overly-analytical intellectual (another philosophy major) who talked everything to death. Our relationship was fraught and intense, and seeing Jesse again put a lot of things into perspective for me. 
I never fell in love with him like I had begun to with my more recent ex, but I had enjoyed my time with Jesse far more, and I felt better about myself when I thought about our time together, and that seemed important somehow. Seeing him reminded me that actions could mean just as much as words, if not more, and that any relationship, no matter the scope or intensity, for me, still necessitated a certain level of respect and regard and fun between both parties. 
I’m not sure I have the capacity to fully unpack all my thoughts on the topic, but I do know that I will always look back fondly on my first adult relationship. It was short and sweet, but I know there are a lot of women who have bad memories of their first time, and for that alone I will always be grateful. 
Cheers to Jesse! Always a laugh! Always a good time! And the only person I ever fucked in a tree.
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ahiijny · 5 years
First impressions of Symphogear XDU Global
... from someone who’s never played gacha and in fact didn’t even own a phone until as of 2 months ago
Oh, the screen’s in landscape aspect ratio, okay.
“The latest game data will be downloaded (110 MB). Wi-Fi connection is recommended.” I’m on Wi-Fi, that’s fine.
Hm, my phone only has 32 GB of storage and it’s already more than half full, will I be okay?
The Japanese dialogue audio is still in this, noice.
Oh, so this basically the first episode of season 1.
“Croitzal ronzell Gungnir zizzl...” Kanade transformation :)
“Superb Song”. Personally, I’m fine with this choice of translation; I’m pretty sure it’s what the creators originally intended, too. But “Swan Song” still sounds much cooler, doesn’t it :P Also, this song. Goosebumps, every time...
“The latest game data (130 MB) will beIn the background downloaded” More downloads? Also, that “beIn” isn’t a typo, the words were weirdly mushed up against each other in the app for some reason.
Symphogear XDU OP! Noice. I’ve seen this before on YouTube, but it’s still really awesome. And it contains a few minor spoilers for GX (Carol and Elfnein and the Autoscorers), noting that for future reference.
Miku in this OP is just so cool! A scenario where Miku became a main Gear user, that would’ve been nice. Alas, canon, it was not to be...
Kanade and Serena are active Gear users in this too, noice. But there are two Gungnirs and two Airgetlams now?...
“Gjallarhorn” Oh, so this is the parallel dimensions relic I’ve heard so much about.
“Please enter player name / *Player names can be changed later / *Names can be up to 10 characters long”. Okay.
Oh nice, Ryouko’s explaining the app.
“6 kinds of quests: Main Quests, Hexa Quests, Event Quests, XD Quests, Side Quests, and SP quests” Uhhhhh that’s a lot.
“You can choose one friend who will follow you into battle.” Oh, is this like the pair system in Touhou 11?
This quest is called “Diva of the Battlefield”.
Ohhhh this is the very familiar general everyday life memoria OST (I don’t know the name) that I’ve heard on the YameteTomete site before. You know, that one.
They translate Andou’s nickname for Hibiki as “Bikky”
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"Custodian”? Is... is this foreshadowing? Or just a translation quirk? Do Japanese schools even have custodians? (I thought the students do all of the cleaning)
“Imyuteus amenohabakiri tron...” (looks like they mashed it all up into one word)
Okay, battle start.
Waaaaaaait what why are Chris and Hibiki here?? This is too early in the plot!
I am plot confus
Is this just one of those things where you have to be like “it’s part of the game mechanic” and try not think too hard about it?
Huh, and the Gear users and the Noise exchange attacks automatically?
Like... I barely need to do anything?
This reminds me a bit of the game mechanic in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge, where the battle is mostly automatic based on your arrangement of chips in your “program deck” beforehand, and the only interactivity is your ability to slot in a special attack at any point during the battle (but you can only use your L and R chip slots for this, and you can only use them once).
Yay, battle won.
“MA1-1: Diva of the Battlefield”. I like numbering schemes.
“So she’s the Valkyrie of the Special Disaster Response Team Section 2... The only one who can stand up to the Noise?” Huh, so they do use the word “Valkyrie” in these translations, interesting
“Soldier A: "Whoa, I suggest you stop right there, soldier. You saw nothing and heard nothing. Is that clear?"” Heh :) Ah right, it’s supposed to be confidential.
According to Hibiki, the day one bonuses are amazing.
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This onomatopoeia just looks kinda funny for some reason :P
Bikki pls
(Also, sorry about the volume bar, I’m still not used to taking screenshots on a phone)
The little girl calls Hibiki “Missy”.
"Balwisyall nescell gungnir tron…" Hibiki’s first transformation is just not the same without Synchrogazer :/
Got Song Stone x5, owo neat. I don’t know what these are though
Looks like that’s the end of the tutorial!
Ack so many unread notifications
Oh right, there’s some Attack on Titan crossover event going on, I’ll have to check that out later
Reading some of the news posts. Dunno what limit breaking is.
Hm okay, let’s try some of these free gacha rolls.
Why is a gacha roll so fancy graphics
Wow why so flash
Let’s try more of these
“Ayumu Takasaka” Ah, a person whose name I don’t remember. iirc she’s one of Tsubasa’s classmates.
“WARUKUNAI WA NE” Yes, thank you Maria :P
Drop rates, Song Stone log, hmmm
Reading through the FAQ
“A: You may only upload game content for non-profit purposes (including personal use as a hobby.” I wonder if this excludes monetized YouTube channels. Not really relevant to me in any case though, my channel has 4 subscribers.
“Q: I want to learn more about the Symphogear anime and merchandise.” “A: We are not able to respond to any inquiries outside the scope of the Symphogear XD Unlimited app.” wat
Okay, let’s read through some of these "Rights and Agreements” pages.
Skimming through the terms of service. Lots of this reads as generic lawyer boilerplate, not tailor-made for this app, but rather feels like it was adapted from some very standard and thoroughly vetted template. Like, there’s stuff in here talking about using a robot/spider/site search/analysis application, but doesn’t that only apply to websites? Can you robot crawl an app server?
And it talks about it being prohibited “posting photographs or the like of nudity with a high degree of exposure” but is it even possible to post photos in this app?
“a. a. Posting or sending messages for the purpose of buying, selling, or exchanging...” there are two a’s here :P
Oh here we go, more topically specific ToC stuff. “Use of in-app currency” “Song Stone” hm okay.
Heh, the music changes to the XDU OP if I open the "Credit” page.
Hm, what’s this “Rights” section?
Oh, here we go, a bunch of software licenses. Mostly Apache, some MIT as well. And some without a specific name.
Anyway, hopefully I don’t get too addicted to this, I have a lot of other work that I still need to be doing.
But it’s nice finally starting to have a vague inkling about what all the Japanese XDU players were talking about :P
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sincerelyensouled · 4 years
Dani taz, Carmen Sandiego, and Mary Sage
I apologize in advance for how long this post is going to be ;;-;;
favorite thing about them I think she’s fun! Who wouldn’t love an artist who’s also into plants, a wlw, living a hotel and also a cryptid vampire creature? 
least favorite thing about them Honestly, she got so little development, I wish we got to see so much more of that. Like how long has she been at Amnesty Lodge?? Why did she get exiled from Sylvain?? What’s her favourite food?? there are so many unanswered questions 
favorite line “Aubrey you feel like home” makes me SO SOFT!
brOTP Jake Coolice bayybeeee!!! Also Barclay for some weird kitchen antics. Also Thacker! Also Mama!!! So many friends. I might have the incorrect interpretation of that Brotp is or I just might want Dani to be very loved
OTP Aubrey of course
nOTP Literally anyone else
random headcanon I think I say this literally any chance I can get but her nickname is Dandelion and only people she’s very close to can call her that! unpopular opinion uhhh.. here’s one that only might get me a callout post. At the moment, looking at canon content exclusively, Dani’s only real purpose seemed to be a prize for Aubrey. I really wish Griffin had some really rad lore to give her and I extra wish we would’ve gotten it song i associate with them Dog Days are Over by Florence + The Machine. Also, unfortunately, Riptide by Vance Joy for whatever reason. No thoughts, head song the ukulele's equivalent to Wonderwall I guess 
favorite picture of them Okay I have one piece from @/kyllu as my desktop background and it’s a drawing of Aubrey and Dani having a sleepover and Aubrey has illuminated the room with a fireball. It’s so pretty and I have such vivid memories of the first time seeing it because I was in an airport waiting for my flight home and I genuinely started crying looking at it. Also from the Davenport blog 2020 April Fool’s goof, Dani sitting on top of the roof with the caption “Tonight’s Dani misses home” is also VERY up there. 
favorite thing about them I love older Carmens too but there is really something fun about the 2019 version actively rebelling against the way she was raised and who raised her just so she can fight for what’s right. And she’s very strong and was able to make that decision and escape all on her own! Having three “teams” in the show rather than just the two “good guys” vs “bad guys” is something I enjoy
least favorite thing about them hmmm I genuinely cannot think of anything. I am very neutral about my opinions of Carmen specifically 
favorite line ”Player, I made it. I’m off the island. I need to know where on earth I am” brOTP I *LOVE* the way her and Player’s friendship is portrayed and I can not get enough of it. They’ve been friends for over 4 years!! They call each other “Player” and “red” because that’s what they're comfortable with, no need to change it. They have a bit of an age gap but they’re still really close and they support each other so much. Geography special interest buddies. Amazing friends, respect each other’s boundaries.
OTP As much as I enjoy Carmivy I am actively opinionless
nOTP (ignoring a lot of BAD takes I see on instagram) If I see the words re//d//c.rackle one more time I am quitting
random headcanon I don’t remember how or why but one time my mom brought up the idea that Carmen has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and I probably think about it every day of my life now. It’s not based on much because my mom hasn’t watched the show but -shrug- Oh also Carmen’s hot drink of choice is hot cocoa
unpopular opinion Player and Carmen have absolutely no reason to meet up in person, do not force them to and overstep pre-established boundaries. Also, the headcanon that she and Player are siblings simply because they are both brown people who have a close bond fucking sucks. 
song i associate with them I am bad at music favorite picture of them I’m pretty sure this doesn’t actually count but there’s this one shirt we made in a TKO game that is an image of Carmen and the caption is “carsvenm sidjsnem” and I cry laughing looking at it to this day and my biggest regret in life is not being able to buy it because the shop page got corrupted before we could save the link
Mary Sage
favorite thing about them Clint just really WENT FOR IT while making Mary. The concept of her parents owning a Bible Amusement Park, the fact she’s HIDING in said park, the anger, the betrayal, being abused and used as a living weapon by the dgf, she has the highest swear ratio in all of Commitment, the fact she is I think only once depicted standing on level ground with the PCs (almost every mention of her location is her being on top of a platform of some kind because she likes to be tall and dramatic) it’s *chef’s kiss* Let her learn how to trust people again.
least favorite thing about them WE DID NOT GET HER FOR LONG ENOUGH CLINTON. Also knowing deep down that if Commitment season 2 ever does happen the first thing that will happen is leaving Mary in the middle of nowhere never to be seen again :(
favorite line “nn-where d’ya want to go?” sticks out a lot  “Everybody wants to hurt Space Cadet!” “And Mary begins to scream”  “You… Shithead! You were gonna make me kill thousands of people!“
brOTP Remy! Remy! Remy! You don’t just unload your dramatic backstory on a person you met 5 minutes ago like that and just.... abandon them. They’d be pure chaos together, unstoppable. 
OTP Nadiya uwu
nOTP Anyone else
random headcanon Mary finds a lot of comfort in hiding in small spaces. I was going to credit this to being caused by Halleluland but that makes zero sense if anything Halleluland would be a wide-open space. But small spaces are easy to keep track of, hide away from prying eyes and control everything that’s going on with-in them. Absolutely would steal all the available pillows just so she could sit comfy in a closet or something also she’s bilingual in French because rich kid in Lousiana 
unpopular opinion uhhhhhhhh no idea. I don’t think a lot of people really gave Mary a chance
song i associate with them Dirty Imbicile by The Happy Fits
favorite picture of them The one everyone (read: 3 people) in a discord server used as their icon for a couple months because we all thought it was funny (and it was). It was cropped from a comic panel of Mary seeing Kardala for the first time which was drawn by @/ 1010lilfoot
no checking for typos we die like men
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superbeitmenotyou · 5 years
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administrator Mike Flanagan is no stranger to adapting Stephen king’s extra complex works. in spite of everything, his adaptation of “Gerald’s online game,” a narrative lengthy considered to be unfilmable, became positively received in.
however adapting baron’s account “doctor beddy-bye” in a means that did justice to each the writer’s novel “The shiny” and Stanley Kubrick’s basic movie adjustment — which significantly modified some key narrative facets — turned into a completely different beast. “It became painfully clear to me that I am not Stanley Kubrick and certainly not should be,” spoke of Flanagan ahead of the film’s Nov. eight huge unencumber. “What fabricated me able to beddy-bye at night turned into, as an alternative of considering it as a sequel, what if this was a descendant of the film? What if it had the DNA of its parents but nonetheless has to stand on its own two ft and locate away on the earth? That fabricated it sort of feasible.”
“doctor sleep” follows a grownup Dan Torrance Ewan McGregor, who has approved to coffin his disturbing boyhood event on the fail to spot in in a haze of booze and intercourse. but the previous catches as much as him back he stumbles upon a band dubbed the genuine bond, led via the ambitious Rose the Hat Rebecca Ferguson, who augment off the aspect of individuals with special capabilities, like Dan’s “colourful.” getting the approval and discussing affairs for the movie with the king become “completely surreal,” Flanagan talked about. “the first time I talked to him I couldn’t talk. I believe I simply fabricated noises or I’d repeat words he noted lower back with ascendancy.”
despite the fact king become amenable to the theory, Flanagan becomes involved about how the author would acquire the film as soon as it becomes accomplished.
“once he speaks of yes, he intentionally backs off,” Flanagan spoke of. “His whole element is, ‘The booklet is the ebook, I want this film to be yours. I don’t want to interfere with it.’ Which is such a good looking abandon? except for it ability, he’s going to monitor it. And as Kubrick found out, if he doesn’t like what you probably did, he is usually not shy. So even though he’s no longer there, you can form of at all times hear his voice for your ear.”
In an account with the Paris overview, king referred to as Kubrick’s movie “too bloodless” and referred to it had “no experience of affecting funding within the family unit in any way.” He also called Shelley Duvall’s performance as Wendy Torrance “in fact a scream computer” and noted he both hated and was dissatisfied by way of the movie normal. fortunately for Flanagan, the king spoke back enthusiastically to an aboriginal cut of his movie.
“I loved the thought of Mike authoritative the e-book into a film as a result of he’s a good cheat,” king advised The times by the use of email. “The epic clarity of his work is what impresses me. and of course, he receives what’s horrifying. The fabric that serves as a sequel to Kubrick’s movie suits my fable cuff-tight and Mike’s love for the characters shines via, pun meant. That offers this movie a warmness that’s missing in Kubrick’s film.”
Mike Flanagan directed “doctor sleep,” an adjustment of Stephen baron’s complies with-up to “The incandescent.”
Al Seib l. a. instances while baron’s accession to the film weighed closely on his intellect, the administrator’s decision to use Kubrick’s edition of “The intellectual” because the foundation for “medical professional sleep” became established presently upon reading the radical.
“I affective the e-book as soon because it becomes posted and cherished actuality with Dan Torrance once more, but all the pictures in my mind were Kubrick,” Flanagan observed. “I wanted to be certain that Kubrick’s film becomes assize. I didn’t believe we could trade anything, however, I wished to protect as much as viable of the arc of Danny Torrance as baron had described it, certainly within the aboriginal bisected of the publication.”
“The force to stand within the caliginosity of Kubrick and baron become really on Mike’s and my mind day by day,” talked about Trevor Macy, Flanagan’s longtime bearing associate. “We had been consistently involved and agonizing about doing the best thing by way of each of them.
“We approved to make use of some element of Kubrick’s accurate language to inform king’s tale,” he delivered. “many of the movies take place backyard the fail to see the resort, however you nonetheless must make it a visually adamant account. And so we attempt it in .eighty five-element ratio, which turned into Kubrick’s option that we may no longer accept fabricated otherwise. We weren’t attempting to do an actual knockoff, but we desired it to feel find it irresistible’s generic.” despite his contempt for Kubrick’s film, the king changed into receptive to the way “doctor beddy-bye” attenuated his atypical and Kubrick’s film whereas still blockage true to Dan’s epic.
“Mike serves both of us in an exquisite, artistic means,” he wrote. “Dick Hallorann remains animate in my ebook however dead in Kubrick’s version. Kubrick’s movie ends with the fail to see arctic while my e-book concluded with its activity up in flames. as soon as I saw he meant to provide the actual bond with their full due, I was on board. I just on no account expected Rebecca Ferguson to be so astounding.”
notwithstanding it doesn’t develop into a prime region unless the film’s third act, re-developing the fail to see resort turned into appropriately probably the most alarming and appetizing project of the total production.
“I wanted to get everything as close as humanly feasible in the fail to notice,” Flanagan stated. “To are trying to be certain that each allotment of visible accuracy become finished as shut as possible while retaining the humanism and optimism it is at the coronary heart of the king’s story.”
“It became a video game of inches and it turned into each day,” Macy talked about. “You go on set with an iPad like, ‘is this the appropriate colour? is this photograph in the appropriate vicinity? Is that chandelier the correct bore? What colour is the typewriter?’ These questions are really difficult to reply and so we spent loads of time wrestling with the trivia of that.”
“What I am hoping lovers of ‘The incandescent’ film lift out of it is that here s clearly made via a fan and supposed to be a abounding-absolute celebration of the adulation that so many people accept for that film,” Flanagan mentioned. “however at the same time certainly not making an attempt to be that film.”
Ewan McGregor as Danny Torrance in “medical professional beddy-bye.” Jessica Miglio Warner Bros. Flanagan turned into added to baron’s work at the soft age of back he stumbled across a replica of “It.”
“I used to be approach too young,” he said. “I didn’t recognize what I had gotten myself into.”
still, he powered via it, decided to discover the fate of the Losers membership.
“It turned into this huge ability in my young lifestyles, making it to the conclusion of that e-book,” he observed. “I had a hard time sound asleep for a very long time after, but I believed, ‘well, this e-book kind of taught me how to be brave in these tiny little bursts. Let me keep hunting for that feeling.’”
The director, whose movie credit include ’s “Oculus” and ’s “Ouija: the beginning of injurious,” in addition to each episode of Netflix’s “The haunting of acropolis apartment,” cites king as his biggest effect on.
“What I like about what he does is that even his best absurd ideas are built-in out of issues which are very relatable,” Flanagan talked about. “‘The sparkling’ works as an excellent scary sage a few apparitions within the bathtub, but it surely works alike better as an exploration of the anxiety that Jack felt about how his alcoholism destroyed his family.”
“horror is fun,” he introduced. “It’s a superb manner for us to soundly discover dark ideas; it’s a stupendous manner for us to observe actuality brave however more than anything else, it best in reality capability whatever if it’s dealing with some affecting truth. anything that we will all relate to about the darker or brighter side of our attributes.”
“I suppose style is most excellent acclimated back it’s a lens for human drama,” Macy noted. “The classic conception a couple of horror movie is you are taking someone in an existence transition and exhaust an abnormal force as a proxy for something that might be disturbing or transformative in a person’s lifestyles. ‘The knowing’ is the head of that for instance.”
whereas he has a d division of “The addictive” anthology on tap for Netflix this time known as “The addictive of Bly manor” and inspired by using Henry James’ “The Turn of the spiral”, Flanagan can tackle a different baron adaptation. “I’ve been talking with him for the reason that this was entirely about deciding on what’s next,” he referred to. “We’re still identifying what might be the next one, but I am hoping there could be the next one as a result of I will be able to stop. I am hoping it’s less difficult, notwithstanding.”
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gellavonhamster · 5 years
(this is vera i changed my mains url) I saw u read the basic eight and very excitedly came into ur inbox to shout!!! how do u like it? i read it a while ago and whenever I think about it I was like goddd Daniel handler really did that ... mind blown.... I thought I knew what the plot twist is when reading but it turned out I had no idea ... and also there are so many good quotes throughout the book too I love them
Short answer: *insert the gif w/ a woman crying and saying “yeah”* 
Long answer: I learned about this book from some dark academia blogs earlier but it was when I saw you and some other ASOUE blogs posting about it that I decided that I definitely have to read it as soon as possible and so I did and I LOVED it. I have yet to read other Handler’s books but based on Snicketverse and The Basic Eight I think he basically goes “if the narrator is reliable then what’s the point” in each book and that’s just. So cool. I knew about Natasha but my mind was still blown by how the real and the imagined are intertwined in the narration and how there are little clues here and there but it’s difficult to notice them if one doesn’t know about The Plot Twist in advance. The style is a delight - so many good quotes indeed! And I like the whole thing with key words and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter. Flannery is so pretentious but also such a… teenage girl with her crushes and the fear of getting fat and feeling like there’s no point reporting the abuse she went through. I wouldn’t say I liked her as a person that much but I still felt bad for her.
(also something something about DH’s unreliable narrators with their typewriters and someone’s blood on their hands and so much love for their friends and maybe too much love for their crushes. I’m not saying Flannery and L are really alike, but still)
Oh, and also it reminded me of The Secret History (btw, have you read it?), but in contrast to it most of the characters in the Murder Friend Group are girls, which is hmm refreshing! I honestly can’t recall any other YA novel in which the ratio of female and male main characters is like that aaand I just realized that ASOUE also fits the bill if one counts all the unfortunate generation kids as one group… cool. But another reason why it reminded me of TSH is that such books really bring out the Richard Papen (TSH narrator) in me because while I disapprove of the characters’ actions and in most cases don’t find them likeable, some part of me wants a tight-knit friend circle in which everyone is an Intellectual™ and we hold dinner parties and are so mysterious and Aesthetic™ and stuff. I hate myself for that, but I’m only human.
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techyblogger · 4 years
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Interested in a project? https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/hbutpr/interested_in_a_project/
Hey Everyone im posting this just to see if this would be beneficial for someone as much as it would myself. So long story short i work for a financial company and im in a senior analyst position. I am currently with a newer company that is much smaller than my previous company. I along with hundreds of others was let go due to the Covid 19. I love my position and because of that I was one of the top analyst at the firm. The new company is great and all however they seem to be a little short sited when it comes to gathering leads and to be frank, their marketing in general. The way that they go about it causes their lead to client conversion closing ratio to be considerably low and either the marketing department A. Doesnt know what they are doing. B. Dont care about what they are doing. C. Dont have the money to make changes from upper authorities. But either way, regardless the reason, needless to say with the right marketing there is a way for not only myself but my entire department to have our jobs be easy if they were targeting the right people.
So I figured that if they would target the right type of potential clientele that they could have a considerably higher closing ratio amongst their staff. especially since they have better products than my last company by a wide margin l. They just dont have the same visibility and marketing. Im speaking to this from years of experience in this role and beating out many of our top competitors when I was there. My old company was much bigger so they spent way more in advertising which is understandable, but one other thing they did was kept our departments in the loop on the marketing efforts and tactics unlike this company.
So here is the scoop. I want to make this a reality and start to test out better marketing efforts on my own accord. So what I did was went ahead and started my own website and begin a little bit of content pushing in order to get picked up on search engines and rank for a few key words. For me to be starting from scratch for about a month now i think Ive done fairly decent for someone with little to none marketing experience or web design experience (just expertise not experience). So far I have built a website, added a lead capture form tried various tactics to boost page visibility and conversion. At this point me trying to perform my normal duties and work on the site after hours has become a little much.
So here is what I am looking for someone who is good or think they are good at internet marketing who would like to take this up as a project to help boost lead inquiries to my site so that I can convert these clients. Essentially you help me get the leads and I’ll convert them. It is in the finance industry just so you know & we can discuss the details if you are interested. To be clear i am familiar with marketing more than the average person somewhat I honestly just dont have time to dig into it like i need.
I havent done things like created a social media account, etc etc and I know that helps with visibility and what not but im one person and again just started. Im not really concerned as of right now the routes we use to market (content building, link building, paid advertising when we get s budget for google ads, Microsoft etc etc to a certain extent) as long as we are making progress.
Im gonna be honest I dont have any money to pay anyone to do this. So im hoping that this would be something that could help someone build their portfolio on and of course I’ll give you great reviews/testimonials and what not. Or even just be a project for someone to do in their spare time to test out their skills as a marketer. Now unlike your boss im not expecting no over night results and i know first hand it takes some time even months on in to get the ball rolling so you won have any pressure from me to do work especially since you’re not getting paid right away. Lol
Eventually what I want to do is pay you for your time and efforts especially if im converting these leads you’re brining me. But starting out I wont be able to do anything until we get paid out on the ones we convert and my payout starts coming from those. We can discuss that as we measure how successful we are with the leads we gather. In fact the first few little hourly paychecks I got i put into expenses of building the site and paid advertising that I completely messed up on (another story for another time)
So if you are interested in taking up a task like this and partnering with me feel free to dm me and we can discuss some more.
submitted by /u/idonthaveausername24 [link] [comments] June 19, 2020 at 10:55AM
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asfeedin · 4 years
A Look at ‘The Decisive Moment’ by Henri Cartier-Bresson
A bible for photographers. That is how Robert Capa described The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier-Bresson. After almost 70 years it was first published, this book has still a lot to say to photographers and especially to street and documentary photographers.
The book said to be an essential one for any photography collection. But is it? I am going to give you this brief overview of this legendary book.
Henri Cartier-Bresson is said to be a founder of modern photojournalism. I have actually talked about his life and photography in one of my very first videos. He actually came up with this idea of the “decisive moment.” I wouldn’t say he invented it but he definitely gave it a name and introduced it to a wider audience.
Here’s what Cartier-Bresson told the Washington Post in 1957:
Photography is not like painting. There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera. That is the moment the photographer is creative, oop! The Moment! Once you miss it, it is gone forever.
The book was published in 1952 originally titled Images à la Sauvette (“images on the run”) in the French, published in English with a new title, The Decisive Moment. The words were actually taken from a quote by the 17th century Cardinal de Retz, who said, “There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment.”
You can find the first edition on eBay for $1,000 and more depending on the condition. It was printed in 10,000 copies; 3,000 of the French edition and 7,000 of the American edition. The original price was actually $12.50 in North America.
The new print run of the book has a hardback and extra hard case to house the book itself and a pamphlet that I will talk about later.
The new 2015 edition of The Decisive Moment. Photo courtesy Amazon.
The artwork on the case and on the book itself is an artwork by Henri Matisse — it’s not a photograph but a signature cut-out of Matisse.
In the top right, we can see the sun that shines over the Blue Mountains. In the middle is a bird holding a branch. Then there are a few green and black vegetal forms and a stone at the bottom. On the back cover, we can see color sparkles of green and blue. The spirals are supposed to evoke the pace of time.
What is interesting about this cover is that when you look closely, the name Cartier-Bresson is actually missing the hyphen. I don’t actually know why that is. Maybe Matisse forgot to draw it there and then they just didn’t want to tell him to fix his artwork. The pamphlet suggests that the missing hyphen could be deliberate, as if Matisse wanted to express Cartier-Bresson’s duality and his shifting temperament.
The book is pretty big. Even without the case, it is the biggest book I own. It is 37x27cm so the ratio works for photographs of 24×36 photographic film Cartier-Bresson used. Each page can fit one horizontal photograph or two vertical ones. The pages are stitched in a way that allows proper flat opening. It has 160 pages with 126 photographs and weighs over 5.5lbs/2.5kg.
The pamphlet is a very nice behind-the-scenes book composed of quotes by Henri Cartier-Bresson and some other information about how the book was made. It tells the story of Cartier — Bresson working on the book, the sequencing, work with the publisher, the story of the cover, and so on.
The publisher insisted that the images should be matched with a text in the book. The idea was to provide technical and “how-to” information, but it was something Cartier-Bresson wasn’t fond of too much.
The book starts with an introduction by Henri Cartier-Bresson followed by photographs split into two sections, chronologically and geographically. The first one contains photographs taken in the West from the years 1932 to 1947. The second contains photographs taken in the East from 1947 to 1952. Since the introduction wasn’t technical enough, there is also a technical text by Richard L. Simon at the end of the book, which was only included in the American version.
We can also consider the two sections to be the phases of Cartier-Bresson’s carrier. During his career, Cartier-Bresson oscillated between art and photojournalism. It is obvious from his photographs before he joined Magnum and after that. When selecting the photographs, Cartier-Bresson clearly favored the reportage images he made as a member of Magnum Photos as some of his well-known images like Hyeres, France, 1932 (AKA The Cyclist) from the early 30s are missing.
As The Decisive Moment was published 5 years after he joined Magnum, he left out a lot of his surrealism inspired images and used more of his photojournalism work, especially in the second section which displays only Magnum images. Those photos also have much longer captions as they were mostly shot for press.
The book is evidence of Cartier-Bresson’s shift from art to photojournalism during that time. He would later switch back when he focused on exhibitions and wanted to be perceived more as an artist rather than a photojournalist.
All photographs are in black and white, as Cartier-Bresson didn’t like to shoot colors. He saw color as technically inferior (due to the slow speeds of color films) as well as aesthetically limited.
At the time the book was published, it was immediately clear the book was unique, not only in terms of size but also quality. Even though it was accepted very well by critics, the first sales were not so good: that was the reason there was never the second print (prior to 2015).
“The Decisive Moment” wasn’t actually the only title Cartier-Bresson considered. One of the favorite possible titles was “À pas de loup” (“Tiptoeing”), which expressed the way in which Cartier-Bresson approached those whom he photographed. “The subject must be approached tiptoeing,” he once said.
The second possible title was “Images à la Sauvette” (roughly translated as “images on the run”), which ended up being the name of the French edition, related to small street vendors ready to flee when being asked for their license. It also expressed his concept of photography.
My favorite picture from the book is one from Kashmir showing Muslim women on the slopes of Hari Parbal Hill in Srinagar praying toward the sun rising behind the Himalayas.
The #ICPMuseum is the first venue in the United States to present “Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment.” The exhibition shares the behind-the-scenes story and offers a rare chance to see first edition printing. https://t.co/blKiNC0Wgo
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Srinagar, India, 1948 pic.twitter.com/UJY54xTG3P
— ICP (@ICPhotog) July 9, 2018
As you see when you look at Henri Cartier-Bresson’s photographs, he adapted many styles. When I first saw this photograph, I just thought how timeless it looked. It could easily be taken thousands of years ago if cameras had existed then. Cartier-Bresson shot some very important events but also some casual photos.
I think The Decisive Moment an amazing book even though it is expensive. But the valuable information it provides and the forms makes you really feel like you are holding a piece of history. It would be a great gift for any photographer but especially for someone shooting a street or documentary style.
About the author: Martin Kaninsky is a photographer, reviewer, and YouTuber based in Prague, Czech Republic. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. Kaninsky runs the channel All About Street Photography. You can find more of his work on his website, Instagram, and YouTube channel.
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Tags: CartierBresson, Decisive, Henri, MOMENT
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kakkoweeb · 7 years
tagged by @atsumus thank you i see this is about writing and i love you for that
i,, don’t know who to tag WRITER FRIENDS ASSEMBLE okay maybe @karasunovolleygays hello i am interested to see you do this, if you haven’t yet
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
i formulated it for tumblr and and decided to use it for ao3 to retain my branding. it’s basically just, cool weeb idk it’s not even true but i’m owning it
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
that would be the multi-chapter i guess. though i do want to maybe someday do actual math like. compare the kudos/comment ratio with the hits and then calculate which ACTUALLY performed the best based on that.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
oh it’s that one art i did of oikawa saying “4 YEARS WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER AND YOU DON’T WANNA SEE ME JUMP OUTTA DA CAKE” except i put a comic sans ‘excuse u’. not sure why i used it either; it makes me look sassy whenever i reply to comments but it got me a mutual (lolol hi vio) and people comment about it when they see it so No Ragrets
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
yES. the oikage ao3 community is so kind to me tbh ever since i posted my first fics. of course i love every single commenter i get (with one exception, maybe.) and i appreciate the diversity when i post non-oikage fics too. (those are basically my ao3 categories. oikage and misc JDFKSJD)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
i reread my own fics from time to time for no reason and the ones that i come back to the most are from the p+c series i did for oikage week. i’m sort of proud of them? but i feel like they didn’t get as much feedback as i would’ve liked so i appreciate them in my own time. #2 and #5 in particular.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
i’m a picky person, so i only have 25 bookmarks, 8 work subscriptions, and 3 user subscriptions. the bookmarks and subscriptions may overlap
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
i am a private au royalty, and i have so many idek which to start, which i’m actually going to write, etc. i’m a sucker for complex and adventure aus, as well as the heart-wrenching ones
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
uhhh user subscriptions are 25, subscriptions are 86, and bookmarks are 331. doesn’t seem like a lot haha how dare you ask me this,
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
basically everything that i write yet don’t post. mostly because they involve my ocs. don’t get me wrong; i’m good at making ocs now i don’t mary sue or anything and they’re all really cool and story-relevant but people just don’t want/need to see that kind of thing, you know?
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
setting description, dialogue-heavy pieces, condensing a work to involve less words, romance in general u gh how an anti-romance as a genre person ended up here is a mystery to me, and just. writing in general. as far as i see, i still suck
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
rarepairs. i don’t think i’ve ever glorified a popular ship before. if ever i do write for them it’s just because it was requested or something.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
uhhhh last i counted i had like 30+ non-drabble/short WIPs but that was last year. a lot has happened since then adfjsdkf
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
my head can’t remember what day it is, so i write em down. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
nope (i want to tho)
16. How did you discover AO3?
tumblr, i would think, back when i was still fixated on dmmd.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
nope lmfao but i could. because i am kakkoweeb from now on y’all are The Weeb Shits djdkf im joking of course. does anyone other than youtubers even do that?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
when i was eight years old, i think that would be anne mazer. right now, i’m inspired by my favourite fic authors bECAUSE THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD i’d name drop/tag but i’m embarrassed haha,, basically take a good look at my bookmarks you’ll know who they are
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
everyone has to start somewhere, and i think a pretty good start before the actual writing is reading. reading is where the whole thing begins, and from it you can get ideas and styles and words, and develop your way of thinking. as for actual writing: it’s important not to pressure yourself to be really really good and that you find ways to have fun with it. write for your own reasons. look to improvement, but not to the point that it’s all you care about. it’s normal to get stuck, it’s normal to go slow. but if you really love it, don’t quit. keep writing and you’ll never go wrong. oh, and editing is your friend.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
definitely plot out. it’s going to be impossible for me to remember everything on the fly, and ideas pop out at random times in the day and i can’t discard them, so each story has a plan. the level of detail depends on the complexity and my own creative ability at any given moment. sometimes tho i get ideas midway through speed-typing and just go with them.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
no, not really bad. some kind of off-topic, yes, but not bad. i just don’t reply.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
romantic things in general. the emotions and sensations that come with touch and affection, because i don’t write those based on experience.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
…a lot. just. a lot.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
bruh yeah. i even have projects that have spinoffs/sequels where i want to write the sequels before the actual project 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
ideally, that would be to write and then feel satisfied with what i’ve written, in terms of the degree of accomplishment (did i just finish a subsection or a chapter? get past a part where i was stuck?) and the quality. most days, it’s too high a goal.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
infinitely, yes. it’d be a little embarrassing if i didn’t improve since childhood
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
i,, i don’t know, i like and hate them all to some degree lmfao
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
:)))) i don’t want to talk about it. if you read my writing journal though, you might be able to tell what it is.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
hopefully finished with a couple of things, still writing, and maybe with some writer friends? I HOPE AND CREI
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
…finding a word processor. LMAO idk each aspect has its own easy and hard moments depending on the type of project you’re working on. getting excited about an idea, maybe? that’s easy
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
33. Why do you write?
because i have been for years and don’t know how to do anything else, and because i want to be the content i want to see in the world. also because i have like 34838 worlds in my head and need a medium for all of them 
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itbeajen · 7 years
Slow Bloom | Todoroki Shouto
Your face was a perfect example of confusion as you opened your dorm room, only to find a bouquet of gardenias sitting on your desk. You glanced around the hallway, but you knew no one would prank you, you're on the 5th floor. Who has the time to actually climb all those stairs anyways? And seriously, you'd get caught if you did this right before I got back but... You gently lifted the bouquet towards you, delighting in its fragrance. A small smile lifts your lips and you giggled. But this, I suppose this was a pleasant surprise. You were about to place it down, but the white tag that was dangling on the bouquet catches your attention, and you gently take it off the flowers. It may have looked like a simple tag, but the neat printed stationary that was taped onto the previously blank tag makes you smile. Thank you for always bringing a smile to others.
"Did she notice it?" "Yeah, she did."
"[F/N]!" a growl of anger causes everyone in the class to glance at the back of the room, and you stood there, hands on crossed over your chest as you glared down at Bakugou. Yes, down. The red lining of aura that surrounded the hot tempered boy restrained his movements as he struggled - futilely - to escape. "I told you already Bakugou, if it's a test of endurance, you'll lose," you sighed and then crouched down. You eased the weight of gravity of him just slightly and you teased, "You should know better anyways, I memorized the weight of everyone in our class and even a few people in the other classes." You paused and then said, "Like how Todoroki-kun is currently located on the second pillar from the right of the north entrance, and he's currently standing on one foot with the other one propped up on a block of ice." You released the hot headed exploding hero and he narrowed his eye at where your thumb was pointing towards. And true to your description, he huffed and muttered, "Whatever." "But hey, let me see your face," you grabbed his wrist. You were perhaps the only girl who wasn't scared to death of him, but then again you were capable of faceplanting him into mother earth whenever you wanted. You gently squeezed his wrist and the bruise that was slowly forming on his face returns to its natural tinge and he only muttered his thanks before wrenching his arm away. You sighed, and then you faintly hear your name being called, and turned to be face to face with Aizawa. He narrows his eyes at you and then he asked, "Watch over Midoriya. Consider it your training on regulating how long you can keep your healing aura." You nodded, and sighed. Sometimes you wish you weren't just Recovery Girl ver 2.0. But sometimes, you don't really mind. Post training class, you were idly trailing behind the larger group of students with Yaoyorozu as you discussed different things she could possibly make. But the conversation ahead of you caught your attention and the half fire, half ice hero shook his head as he slightly staggered in his steps. "No, but Todoroki-kun, you should get that looked at." Midoriya flailed as they walked back to the classroom. Your brows furrowed, but you were torn between dropping the conversation and going to help. However, the gentle pat on your shoulder from your friend helped you confirm your thoughts and you smiled at her gratefully before rushing up to the boy you pointed out during practice. "I'm fine, Midori- [L-L/N]?" Todoroki's gentle rejection of Midoriya's concern was shifted to a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks as you slipped your hand into his. Warmth washed over both of you as you pinpointed the pain. Focus on the injury. Just the injury. Don't overexert too much in healing his fatigue, just the injury. You closed your eyes as you tried to visualize it, and then with what you believe to be success, you open your eyes, but the flicker of green that lined your iris makes it clear what you just did. Todoroki hesitantly tests his leg that he had somewhat injured earlier, but he feels not only painless, but fatigue-less as well. He turns to you to give you his thanks, but unlike what you planned to do, you had used up too much of your own energy healing his tiredness. Ah, god damn. You vaguely feel someone calling your name as they grabbed your now limp body. Aizawa-sensei's going to be so mad at me.
"You're awake." Hm, that's not Aizawa-sensei's voice. You groggily blink your eyes, and it took several seconds before you recognized you were in your dorm room. Yaoyorozu is hovering over you, concern in her eyes and she asked, "How are you feeling?" "Tired." "That's expected, seeing as you healed all of Todoroki's fatigue and his sprained ankle." You flinched. There's the scolding I was looking forward to. You sheepishly shoot him a smile and then sighed, "I tried, I really did." "You did well with keeping Midoriya uninjured, so you did do a good job today," Aizawa responded, and upon seeing you nod he walks out of the room. A breath of relief escapes your lips and Yaoyorozu and you laughed, "Sorry for causing you trouble Momo-chan." "It's okay, are you feeling better now though?" You nod and sighed, "I thought I got better at controlling my healing quirk, but I guess not." "It's not something you can actively practice," she chimed in and then said, "Dinner will be starting soon, so come down whenever you're ready okay?" You nod and muttered, "I have an hour right? I'll take a nap." You faintly hear an exasperated "[F/N]-san!", but nonetheless, Yaoyorozu doesn't interfere with you and your sleep. And with a gentle shake of her head, she closes the door to your room behind her. Only to come face to face with Todoroki and Midoriya. "Is she-" "Sleeping," Yaoyorozu answered. A soft smile was on her lips when she notices Todoroki shuffling back and forth and she asked, "Would you like me to help out today as well?" The normally stoic boy looked down at the ground before slowly nodding his head. The blush that slowly grew on his cheek caused both Midoriya and Yaoyorozu to exchange a knowing smile. They could only imagine your reaction later on. You groggily sit up, and blink in confusion. It is. Really. Dark. You fumble for your phone, only to realize it wasn't on your bed, and then proceed to slowly shuffle your way over to your desk. But upon reaching out in the darkness for your phone, your fingers graze upon something soft. Your eyes widened and your hand reaches out for the table lamp, and to your surprise, a hydrangea flower crown sat encircling your phone. You gently pick it up, as though scared that it would fall apart, and then smile upon seeing a small folded note beside the crown. You set it back on the desk, adjusting it accordingly to encompass your bouquet of gardenias before reaching down for the note. Even without words, you can still understand my heart. Thank you.
"Someone's cute today," Ashido teased as she twirled a strand of your hair that was - for once - not tied up. You laughed, and she eyes the flower crown, "Did you make that?" "No," your eyes shone with delight, "Someone gave it to me." "Ooh? A secret admirer?" Ashido asked with genuine curiosity. But upon seeing the flicker of confusion and quiet resignation, she decided not to tease you any further when you shook your head. Your smile looked sad, and you said, "I don't know." I wish I did. Midoriya watched from the stairs, and glanced back. Todoroki didn't look as though he was affected, but the way his eyes refused to look everywhere except for you, the former could tell. His friend had no idea where to go from here, but was pleasantly happy to see you liking the gifts.
"Today we're making an announcement," Present Mic walked in with a spring in his step. Everyone sat in their seats, awaiting the announcement, and Present Mic smiled, "Yuuei will be holding a small congratulatory dance for those who got their provisional hero licenses, so make sure to dress wonderfully. It's in a week." Midnight nodded and added, "And don't be afraid to make long-lasting friendships through this dance." They walked out, as though nothing just happened, and immediately the class broke into chatter. "A dance?!" "LONG-LASTING RELATIONSHIPS?!" "She said friendships, Mineta." "Relationships." "Dress nicely, huh? But that means we'd have to go shopping." "Do we need dates?" Immediately everyone stopped and stared at Kaminari, and he repeated, "Do we? There's only seven girls in this cl-" "YAOYORO-" "Mineta, hands off Momo-chan," Ashido immediately stood in front of the vice president. "If we do need dates, would it not be easier if the girl asks the guys since the ratio is-" Iida offered, only to be reprimanded with a no from the girls. Hagakure put her hands on her hips and she said, "The guys should ask the girls!" "You know, there's a-" "Who fucking cares." Bakugou interrupted, and he said, "What's the point in going anyways?" "Internship possibilities," Aizawa walked in, or shuffled in, with his sleeping bag. He sighed and then muttered, "Of course, there's always those competitions about best dressed, cutest couples and whatever. But just know that if you can prove that you can handle these events, you're likely to be held in higher favor." Bakugou's attention seemed to snap back at the sound of internships, and immediately you chuckled, "Who cares, right?" You threw a glance at him and he immediately flared up, "SHUT UP!!!"
"[L/N]," Todoroki's voice was soft, and you looked up from across him in the study room. You tilt your head, a single indication that you were indeed listening and waiting. His gaze met yours, and for some reason you felt your heart skip a beat. Calm down, he's handsome, but please calm down heart. He glanced away, and then sighed, and asked, "Is there a proper way to ask a girl-" He pauses when he hears you choke. And his hands are slightly flailing in confusion as he doesn't know what to do to help you. What is he asking me? Why is he asking me?! His lips turn downwards, and he muttered, "I apologize, I just.. I was just thinking about what the girls said in class today." He paused, and looked at you expectantly. You placed a hand on your heart and let out a deep breath. He's just curious. It's not like he's asking me. It's probably Momo anyways. You hum, and then answered, "Well, I guess it depends on the girl though." He leans forward, abandoning the school work he was supposed to be working on with you, and you continued, "Pretty sure all the girls would appreciate something from the heart, but I don't think they'll think too much on it though." Todoroki inclines his head, clearly confused with the vagueness of your answer and you chuckled, "I think, as long as you mean it wholeheartedly, and it's not just because of something like those weird competitions they have, any of the girls would gladly go with you, Todoroki-kun." You leaned back, intent on returning to your homework, but you were surprised at the blush that threatened to turn his entire face red. He's.. blushing? He had his elbow propped on the table and majority of his face was covered by his hand and he mumbled something, but you didn't hear it. You leaned forward and gently poke his hand with your pencil, and asked, "Are you embarrassed, Todoroki-kun?" No answer. A soft smile spills over your lips and you can't hold back the peels of giggles that causes him to look at you with slight mortification and also delight. He can't help but feel proud whenever he manages to bring a smile out of you. Upon seeing him stare, you gently shake your head, and a petal of the flower crown floats away in the process. "Sorry for laughing, it's just.. well, it's you, Todoroki-kun. I'm almost certain if you ask any of the girls in class, they'll agree to going with you," you answered, and then added, "None of us are that picky. Well, I guess as long as it's not Mineta asking we'll be cool with it." You paused and then pulled away from teasing him with your pencil and then asked, "But what did you say earlier?" He slowly brings his hand away from his face, and you were waiting for his answer. But instead, a rare smile is found on his lips and he shakes his head, "It's nothing."
"So I heard you're going with Midoriya," you teased Uraraka as soon as she walked into your room. The girls were gathering together at your place for a girls' night only, no boys allowed, for some girl talk. Uraraka flushed and immediately Tsuyu added, "It was a mutual agreement." "How cute," you immediately ruffled Uraraka's hair and then Ashido leaned forward, "But [F/N]-chan, didn't something happen between you and Todoroki?" All eyes turned to you and immediately you held your hands up in surrender, "Calm down, I was gonna tell you guys anyways." "So?" Ashido smirked, and you recalled the situation. And immediately the girls were curious about who, and you glanced over to Yaoyorozu with a sly smile and you nudged her, "So, our #1 and #2, eh eh?" "[F-F/N]-san! It's not like that!" she sputtered an explanation. She wanted to glare at your insufferable obliviousness. How have you not noticed? Tsuyu made momentary eye contact with Yaoyorozu and then asked you, "Did Todoroki-chan say that he was going to ask Yaoyorozu-chan?" A hum leaves your lips and then you pout, "Actually no, he didn't tell me anything. In fact I-" You were interrupted by a knock on your door, and everyone in the room falls silent. Despite sitting furthest away from the door, you know no one was there, you didn't feel a single footstep past the 4th floor. "Do you want me to check?" Hagakure offered. You nod, and she gets up. You hear a small gasp and she cooed, "Oh [F/N]-chan, you have an admirer!" Everyone was curious as to what it was that got her so excited, but upon seeing the daisy boutonniere clipped to a letter, your eyes widened, and the first words that leave your mouth has everyone staring at you. "Another one?" "Another one, she says," Jirou immediately caught on and you regret ever opening your mouth. You looked away from the accusing gazes. As the delicate pin was passed from Hagakure to you, the Hearing Hero gives you a sly smile and asked, "That bouquet on your desk and the flower crown you wore today are all gifts, aren't they?" "W-Well, yes, but I.." your voice dies down and you fiddle with the hem of your tank top. It was a clear sign you were embarrassed now, what with the blush that was on your face, and you mumbled, "I don't even know who they are." "It has to be one of the boys! There's no other way, it's definitely not us," Hagakure chimed and then she watched as you gently turn the daisy around in your hand. "We can help you find out if you-" "It's okay," you cut her off, and everyone notices the soft smile on your lips, but also the contrasting melancholy in your eyes, "I'd prefer not to know." You had opened and peeked in to see the letter's content while they chattered on, musing about the identity of your flower deliverer. You're everything that I wish to be. But all I wish to be is yours. Ah, my heart can't take this anymore. You fought desperately to conceal the blush that threatened to blossom on your cheeks. The last thing you wanted was for the girls to tease you even more.
"How did it go, Dark Shadow?" Tokoyami asked. A few of the boys were gathered at the entrance to the fourth floor staircase of the girl's side, and upon receiving a thumbs up from the mass of darkness, everyone let out a breath of relief. "Man, I would hate to have gotten caught when they're having their girl's night," Kirishima let out a shaky laugh and shook his head. Kaminari shuddered and he muttered, "Don't remind me." "What happened?" Midoriya asked, and then quickly added, "If you don't mind me asking that is!" "[L/N]-chan kept us grounded in seiza position for almost two hours." "You mean, you and Mineta," Kirishima corrected and then added, "I wouldn't dare. [L/N]-chan's already scary when she's sparring with Bakugou, I wouldn't want to inflict her wrath on me." Todoroki mumbled his thanks and then sighed. The boys looked at him and Midoriya sends his friend a smile, "I think you're doing well so far, Todoroki-kun." "When do you plan on telling her though?" Kaminari asked as they began their descend to the lobby room. Todoroki froze and he muttered, "Tomorrow night." "TOMORROW?" The boy flinched and Midoriya asked, "So soon?" "It's the last day I have a study session with her," he explained. He'd have no other chances to have one on one time with you alone otherwise.
"It's loud tonight, isn't it?" you mumbled. It was movie night, but you had opted out, considering that it was your last day to study with Todoroki. He nodded and then glanced around nervously. The study room had been taken over by the idiot squad and Bakugou. Although it was mostly Bakugou yelling at them. But because of the sudden invasion, Kirishima and Kaminari convinced you and Todoroki to study in one or the other's room, and considering yours was the furthest from the noise, it was yours. How am I supposed to stay calm when I'm in her room? Todoroki sighed again, and this time it caught your attention and you frowned, "What's wrong?" "Huh?" "'Huh'?" you made air quotations with your fingers and you asked, "Are you okay Todoroki-kun? You've been so out of it since we started studying. Tired? Struggling? I hope you're not struggling, cause if you're struggling then I'm doomed." "Ah," he realized he had worried you and he shook his head, "I'm just thinking about our conversation from last time." "Oh," you looked excited, and also curious, and then you leaned forward, maybe too much for him. "Did you ask her?" He shook his head and mumbled, "Not yet." "But Todoroki-kun! You gotta ask soon, that way you guys can like, match outfits and everything and be all cute!" "I'm not sure how to go about asking her," his voice carried tones of uncertainty and you offered, "Why don't you try asking me for practice then?" He drops his pencil, and you pull away upon making eye contact with those lovely heterochromatic eyes. A blush is evident on your cheeks and you mumbled, "Ah, wait, sorry. Maybe I was being too presumptuous." He slowly shakes his head, and you were graced with that small smile of his again. Perhaps it's best that I say it to her directly instead of waiting any longer. He rummages in his bag, and you watch him intently. Upon pulling out a small white box, he places it on the table and you asked, "What's that?" "I was.. planning on asking her with this," he slowly lifts the lid and the walls of the box falls away, revealing a neatly decorated picture box with a red camellia. You were too stunned by the flower, that you didn't even realize that the box itself was decorated with pictures of you and him. "Wait, you mean-" you paused and looked at the sincerity in his eyes and then the flowers that adorned your desk. A small gasp escapes you despite your efforts. He faintly hears you shakily call his name, but he's scared, of the possible rejection. You were perhaps the closest person to him that understood him despite the lack of words exchanged between the two of you. "Todoroki-kun," you repeated his name softly, and when his gaze flickers to you momentarily, you take that moment gently grab his hand and intertwine it with his. Your fingers locked with his, it was a perfect fit. And he looks at you, clearly surprised, and there's a matching blush on both your cheeks and you softly laughed, "I was that oblivious, wasn't I?" He nodded, and then admitted, "I can't believe you thought I was going to ask Yaoyorozu." "Well, you two are pretty close," you shrugged and then you gently rubbed your thumb on the back of his hand. A gentle laugh causes him to just stare at you. You were beautiful. Absolutely wonderful. And you mumbled, "I'm glad it was you." His gaze flickers from your hands to your lips to your eyes. And the mischief that lit your warm hues did not go unnoticed, and you teased, "So, you were going to ask me something tonight?" He wants to sigh, at how easily you can control things to your flow, and instead he gently puts both hands on your one, and he asked, "Would you let me be yours?" The smile that slowly bloomed on your face was answer enough. But the soft and embarrassed yes that was nothing more than a whisper on your lips makes your heart skip yet another beat. Because the smile on his face radiated the entire room, much like how the small fire in his heart was now ignited by your acceptance.
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kashmiresims · 7 years
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Radio Edit
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Cypress Leaned back into his chair and grinned. He had created the perfect playlist. A good mix of local artists and indie bands that all sounded superb and when ordered together would be a listening experience to remember. He'd basically vetted every song before determining to add it to the playlist. His shift at the SSU radio station was already underway and the third song in the queue was playing—one with an excellent balance of guitar-to-drum ratio and growing in popularity among the listeners.
Finding songs, and researching music was much more appealing than actual coursework He'd probably spent more time in the last two days finding and ordering songs for his radio gig than actual studying. He was lucky the station director let him pick his own music to play.
It seemed he had his whole life to prepare for this. He and Orion had always spent hours combing through the Orion's father's old record collection they had found in the attic when they were kids. They played each one, carefully listening to the music and discussing it afterward over the years. His brain must have cataloged at least 200 albums and all their songs.  
He wasn't the type of radio DJ to do a lot of talking. It annoyed him when radio stations played too many ads or had inane talking heads fill up the air space. The reason he listened to the radio was for the music and so tried to limit the amount of time his voice was on the air.
However, sometimes the lack of speaking caused issue too. If he let a series of songs play without announcing to the listeners what they were, he'd end up getting a few calls to the station of people asking what had just played. He was also required to remind listeners which radio station they were listening to at least once per hour.
The song was ending, so he rolled his chair over to the soundboard to fade the music out, turned on the microphone and said, "That was The Perishers singing 'Sway' here on KRLM, 86.5 the Llama—Kashmire's source for college and alternative rock. Next up is Abra Moore with 'Big Sky'."
Cypress raised the volume of the music system and turned off his microphone.
He heard a knock on the door to the studio and gave a slight jump. His shift was in the evening, so no others were usually in the building at that time except for the barista on the first floor that worked the building's small coffee stop. During the day the director was usually in the office across the hall, and mass communications lectures were held on the first floor.                                            
Cypress, pulled his headphones off and leaned back in his chair, "Come in."
To his slight surprise, Orion was the one who appeared from behind the door. He had thought Orion was hanging out with Cain again, but obviously, he wasn’t by his sudden appearance.
"Hey, do you take requests?" Orion asked with a smile and shouldered open the door.
"Well yeah, but I put together a really good playlist tonight....so you're favorite songs are probably already on there," Cypress grinned and motioned Orion into the studio. It wasn't like the director was there to complain about non-station employees hanging around. Orion had dropped by a few times before as well, so it wasn’t an unusual occurrence.
"Oh yeah? Let's see it," Orion said and leaned over the computer to see what was in the queue. He scanned the list of songs set to play over the next two hours and then focused back to Cypress, "You really did cover everything."
Orion usually listened to Cypress’s radio shows and offered song suggestions after each. It looked like there were none this time around. Cypress nodded and took a moment to stand as he'd been sitting for awhile.
"What are you doing here, man? I thought you were hanging with Cain tonight?"
Orion leaned against the door and crossed his arms, "He had other things he needed to take care of."
Cypress knew Orion was vastly disappointed, evident by his fading grin. Cain Nova was the flakiest fuck in the world. He folded his arms and frowned.
"I probably shouldn't have told you that," Orion mumbled.
"Why?" Cypress knotted his brows.
"I know you don't like him," Orion mumbled.
"Can’t you see why?" Cypress couldn't help but to raise his voice, "He has no respect or consideration for your time or feelings, he's horrible at communicating, and because of that, your anxiety goes into overdrive. You seem miserable even when he finally shows up after leaving with no explanation for weeks."
Orion looked at the ground, "You usually don't like talking about him, so I never get to tell you about the good things he does."
Cypress bit his tongue and looked at the ceiling. He was supremely frustrated. He doubted there were many good things about Cain Nova from his experience around the guy.
"Whatever, man. It's your life. I'm not going to tell you who you should and shouldn't be with but I think Cain is a raging jackass and that you could do a lot better."
Abra Moore's song was about to end, but the system would auto-play the next song.
Orion looked struck though didn't say anything more on the subject. Cypress just couldn't understand how Orion felt about Cain—Cypress had never been attracted to anyone before in such a way. Now that Cypress had come out and admitted his dislike, Orion didn't know how to reconcile that his best friend and romantic interest were never going to get along and if he hadn't taken a Tranquilicis that day, he knew he would have felt anxious about it.
He glanced over to the small recording studio on the other side of the glass windows and saw a guitar.
"Do you mind if I play you a song I've been writing?"
"Not at all," Cypress was thankful they had changed subjects, "Just go out into the hall and the door to the recording studio should be unlocked."
Orion’s grin returned and he left the room to do so.
Cypress had to turn on the connecting microphone so he could hear what Orion would sing, but made sure that the playlist still was what was currently airing.
Orion adjusted the microphone, then picked up the studio guitar and took a seat on the tall chair and then strummed the strings. He adjusted the knobs to tune at least two.
"Can you hear me?" He asked, and his voice was clear through to the tech studio where Cypress sat.
Cypress nodded, giving him a thumbs up.
Orion began to play. Orion knew how to handle just about every instrument he came across—his family boasted a legacy of musicians, some had even had extraordinary success. Cypress knew that if Orion didn't have such bad anxiety he could probably find the same amount on the account of being so damn talented.
His song was a pleasant acoustic tune. Orion was a decent singer but his talents lay in writing the musical portions. In fact, he’d always been better at expressing himself through music than regular words. He'd written countless drum solos for Cypress to try over the years and Cypress loved playing them.
Cypress had been concentrating so hard on how the music sounded that he had forgotten to pay attention to the lyrics Orion was signing.
"I wish you would let me love you but it doesn't seem to be..."
Was...was this something he wrote because of Cain?
Cypress was momentarily shocked and then restrained himself from rolling his eyes. How could anyone love Cain? Orion deserved such better treatment, someone who would at the very least would own up to being his boyfriend. But Orion felt strong and deeply for people, it was something he always did. He got attached and it was hard for him to let go.  
"...you know how I love you yet your heart is closed to me"
He sat for a few more seconds playing the guitar and Cypress only felt a mix of anger and sadness on behalf of Orion. The song had heart, though. It seemed his talent was best used in the midst of suffering. In Cypress's opinion, it shouldn't be hidden.
"I never knew what love was until I met you. So thank you for helping me discover what I felt was true.”
The current song playing over the radio waves had just ended and Cypress switched on the live button that re-directed the airtime to pick up the music studio’s microphone.
Orion sang a bit more, the song had multiple verses and a chorus, followed by a bridge and a repeat of the chorus. Once Orion finished up his tune,  Cypress quickly flipped the live switch back to the playlist.
"How did you like it?" Orion asked, seeming eager to know.
"It has some solid harmony," Cypress pushed the talk button which let his voice be heard in the music studio. He wasn’t going to make any more comments about Cain and how Cain didn’t deserve a song written about him.
"Dude! I heard Orion on the radio and it gave me an idea!" The door to the tech studio flung open and Cypress swiveled around in utmost surprise. Nick stood there seeming out of breath like he had run all the way to the station from the house. To be fair it was only three blocks away and Nick played soccer all throughout high school so he was a fast runner.
Orion couldn't hear anything since he was in the other room and the button wasn't pushed. He waved at Nick through the window and set down the guitar.
Cypress was still stricken by Nick's sudden, loud entrance and had trouble finding his voice. A moment later the door opened again and Orion popped in. It was such a good thing that the station director was not in during the evening shift to chide Cypress for all the outsiders hanging around.
"Hey Nick, what's up?" Orion asked.
"What if we start the band up again?"
They had been in a band for a few years during high school called 'Incarcerated Heart'. Mostly, it was Orion and Cypress's way of being creative and furthering their interest in music. For Nick, the band was a way he envisioned to pick up girls. They didn't have time to play anymore after entering college because Nick's free time had been wrapped up in the Greek Society.
But now that he had left it and his fraternity, his free time consisted of moving into his new room upstairs or job hunting so he could start helping pay for rent to be able to live in that new room. He’d officially stopped being a house hobo. 
"We could make some good simoleons playing around Scandalica City," Nick added in lieu of the stunned silence from his friends.
Cypress and Orion exchanged a look. Playing again sounded great, but Cypress knew his best friend wasn't the best live performer.
"That sounds awesome," Orion smiled, "We should do it. I've been writing new music."
"Yeah I know," Nick laughed.
Orion gave him a confused look but before he could ask how Nick had known, Cypress cut in, "What about your anxiety? The last time we played you choked mid-song."
Orion waved it off nonchalantly, "Don't worry about it. I got it covered and am good to go."
Nick smiled wider and proclaimed that was awesome but Cypress was a little more concerned at the glib response. Nick started chattering about some venues he could see about booking with and Orion was nodding enthusiastically. Nick woke up the computer on the other desk to get some contact information pulled up from his emails.  
The phone line started ringing and Cypress sighed, knowing it had been awhile since he had given any indication of what was playing on air.
"Hi, what was that song playing a few minutes ago with the guitar?" The person calling asked.
Cypress turned and interrupted Orion and Nick's planning, "Hey dude, what is the name of that song you were singing?"
"Uh...didn't give it a name yet," Orion looked over to him curiously and seemed to blush a bit.
"It's called, 'In love with a Raging Jackass'," Cypress answered and then hung up.  
Orion's eyes widened in horror, "You put me on live air when I was singing?”
"It was a good song—so I aired it."
Orion looked betrayed but before either of them could get into it, they were startled by Nick's sudden, uncharacteristic cursing that rang through the tiny room.
They looked at him and he was standing, hunched over the computer with an angry look of disbelief.
"What's wrong?" Orion asked.
Nick stood straight and then a step backward from the computer.
He knew something was going to happen, that his father was going to make him miserable for his insolence, just not this.
"He's revoked all tuition he paid for the semester," Nick answered still with an air of anger.
The university office of financial records informed him that if he didn't come up with the money by the next week, he would have to leave Sim State.
Getting the band back together wouldn't be enough to fund tuition and rent at this rate.Maybe it was about time to put that machine in Armscor Warehouse to good use.
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