#for support on it. 1 more week and then hopefully we'll have something
echoingkarma · 1 year
Now that Celestial Syzygy is over I notice I'm getting more comments of people just saying they read the whole thing and enjoyed it and stuff, sometimes they have more depth to them too, describing what parts / themes they like
Makes us really happy. Thanks to everyone who reads our silly little writings and looks at our silly little drawings
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
06/29/2024 - 06/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Guz Khan; Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; How To Fuck Off With Con O'Neill: CW; AdoptOurCrew Charity Raffle Update; Gold Derby Voting; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Quick sighting of Rhys with Kirk Thatcher and another commercial for FFXIV!
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Source: kirkrthatcher's Instagram
Source: FFXIV's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick shot of Taika and Rita with Andy Hernden!
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Source: Andyhernden's Instagram
= Guz Khan =
A shot of Guz with Mark Silcox-- apparently this is a hint at Season 5 of Guz' show Man Like Mobeen!
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Source: Guz Khan Official Twitter
== Vico Ortiz ==
Lots more sightings of Vico out and about!
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Yet another chat show with Rachel house!
Source: The Last Video Store instagram
CW: Con O'Neill in Underwear under the cut.
== How to Fuck Off w/ Con O'Neill ==
Many of our crewmates attended the Momentus class with Con O'Neill on Saturday! When Samba did his cooking class, the video was released to youtube a week or so later so hopefully this one will be too. I did try to transcribe some of the information, if it is quoted it should be word for word minus uhms. Non quoted is paraphrased. This was 3 hours long if you did the meet and greet so I've only added what I was able to get through. If I have time I'll transcribe more.
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Con showed up on camera with no pants on
Re Izzy: When David approached him, Izzy was just a thought, a husk yet to be formed
David saw Izzy as a Salieri from Amadeus, or Iago (from Othello)
Con "Agreed with David" but also "saw [Izzy] as a man desperately, painfully in love. So his passion, and his anger, and his fear and his love, all erupted in his expletives, i loved him from the off, I loved his directness, I loved his fearlessness, pain, and of course his fabulous use of profanities"
Con then taught the class how to do various types of "fucks" "shits", "twats" etc.
Some fun quotes:
"A happy shit is one with a smile"
"A sad shit is one you say with a frown"
"Everyone give me an orgasmic twat"
Some Transcribed BTS Info:
"In Season 1 I was terrified of ad-libbing, improv, which I've said many times. We had great writers and everything we needed was on the page-- Except for the day 'Daddy' came to visit."
"I have no idea where that line came from, no idea which part of my dark perverted psyche it erupted from but as soon as it was out, it was out."
"In Season 2, again, everything I needed was on the page, our writers are/were will always be spectacular, they gave Izzy such beautiful stuff, and I will be forever grateful to them, to David Jenkins, to the whole cast and crew, and to you all for your continued support."
"But towards the end of the shoot, we were filming the tavern scene with me and Erroll, aka Ricky and it was the 'belonging to something' which was so beautifully written it took my breath away."
"And we shot many many takes, and I was tired, and emotional, and I knew we had it nearly. There was something missing. There was a beat, a moment to end what was really Izzy's epitaph. And then-- our brilliant director Fernando came up to me and he whispered in my ear 'we'll do one more take, let him go' and we started the take and I could feel myself getting emotional."
"This was Izzy's big moment, it had to be right, it had to be right, and then as we reached this final line, instead of what was written, I heard Izzy say: 'and you are a rancid syphilitic cunt' and to my dying day, I will never ever understand how we got that on the telly, but we did because sometimes in life only a rancid syphillitic cunt will suffice."
== Adopt Our Crew Pride Month Charity Raffle Update ==
Well done everyone! $7041.72 was raised for 148 LGBTQ+ charities around the world! Thank you so much to @adoptourcrew for all the wonderful work they did and all our crewmates for all the donated art, writing, crafts, etc to make this happen!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Gold Derby Voting ==
Rhys, Taika, and Our Flag Means Death are up for some more nominations-- this time the Gold Derby for best Comedy Series / Comedy Actors! It does require you to sign up, but if you'd like to add to the nominations you can follow this handy guide:
Thank you to @adoptourcrew for sharing the goldderby information!
Source: AdoptOurCrew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear @melvisik!
Simone Grace: "Tonight's is another Emmy submission "for Outstanding Period Costumes in a Series for Impossible Birds" - @adoptourcrew"
Francesco Toby: "Credited as Jean Luc, the beret-wearing French sailor in Pete's story."
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages! =
Once again our kind and wonderful friend @PatchworkPirateBear has more colouring pages for Pride month! Hosted by @adoptourcrew! Wanna following PatchworkPirateBear for more colouring pages? Visit their socials!:  Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr 
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
There's a new episode by our lovely friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time a ranking of the top 10 Rhys Darby moments by members of the Rhys Darby Faction! Visit https://linktr.ee/ofmff to pick out your favourite listening platform!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Pod ==
Another episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! This time covering Season 2 Episodes 5/6! Check them out on Youtube, or their https://linktr.ee/biggayenergypod!
Source: Big Gay Energy Pod Instagram
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
As you may remember, our crewmates over at @garlicsoupweek have been hosting a wonderful prompt week for our favorite Polycule! I would love to do a much bigger fan spotlight, but I was only able to get permission from some of the artists to share-- so I'll do more if I can get more permissions from folks! You can also scroll through all the awesome art/writing/edits on @garlicsoupweek!
= OhTangerine=
First up is the absolute stunning work done by @ohtangerines on Instagram and here on tumblr! The faces, and background detail is just so amazing-- please visit them on instagram or here on tumblr to check out more of their awesome work! Check them out on the various socials on their carrd! https://ohtangerines.carrd.co/
Source: @ohtangerines's Instagram
= Sonorawent =
Next up for Teal Oranges is our dear crewmate @sonorawent! Check out their incredibly gorgeous water colour of our Jim and Oluwande! I adore the colour blending! You can follow them on Twitter / Tumblr!
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Source: sonorawent's Twitter
= Blackbeardskneebrace =
Our next artist spotlight is none other than the magnificent @blackbeardskneebrace! You may recognise them from their wide variety of artwork styles (medieval, peanuts, tradition, etc) whatever style they decide to create in -- they've gifted this fandom with such beautiful work! Please visit their tumblr, or their Ko-fi, or their twitter for more brilliant work!
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Source: BlackbeardsKneeBrace's Tumblr
= _SilverSheep =
Next up on our fan spotlight for the evening is @_silversheep on twitter! This adorable rendition of Cambell's Soup has such cute details hidden in the label, I'm so glad she was kind enough to allow me to share it with you! You can check them out here on their twitter, or her https://linktr.ee/asisherright !
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Source: _Silversheep's Twitter
= LibroseITM =
Back again is our absolutely lovely @libroseitm! They were kind enough to let me share this steamy scene with our Polycule for @garlicsoupweek based off of Sense8! Want to check out more of their work? Visit @libroseitm on Tumblr, or Twitter for more beautiful work from LIb!
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Source: LibRoseITM's Twitter
= ipomoea-batatas =
Next in our fan spotlight is the briliiant @ipomoea-batatas! I cannot tell you how much I adore the detail on their work! Look at those faces, it's like looking at our dear Archie, Jim, and Olu in person! Capturing Olu's smile and excitement is no small feat too! Wanna check out more of their awesome OFMD art? Please visit their tumblr here on tumblr!
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Source: ipomoea-batatas's Tumblr
= TheseAreTheKids =
Another incredibly talented crewmate - thesearethekids on twitter put together this very sweet cross-stitch pattern for our polycule! She was kind enough to make a downloadable PDF chart and put it up on her Ko-Fi as well so you can work on it yourself. Want to follow them for more cross stitch/embroidery fun? Visit their Twitter!
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Source: TheseAreTheKids Twitter
= ErosTheArtist =
Back again with more artwork from the lovely @erostheartist! This time with our Polycule in the Teal Orange outfits! I love it! Love their work? Follow them here on tumblr, or on instagram/check out their https://linktr.ee/eros_the_artist!
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Source: Eros The Artist Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend-- and an even better pride month! There has been so much queer joy this month-- and everyone's been celebrating being themselves and celebrating all the wonderful people around them-- and I'm so very happy so many of you have gotten to experience that. If you aren't out yet, or pride isn't your thing, or maybe this month is always tough on you, that's okay too. Your safety, and comfort is more important than anything, so please don't feel bad if you aren't experiencing that joy like others are. Just know that no matter what stage of your journey you are in-- your crew loves and cares for you. I wanted to send a gentle reminder, I know that after so much excitement, sometimes our brains can rebound a bit and go the same distance in the other direction. This is perfectly normal lovelies, so if you feel a bit sad tomorrow or the upcoming month, just remember to take it in stride. If you are feeling heavy feelings, remember to embrace them and acknowledge them, and let them go in your own time. No matter what gender, sexuality, or various degree of queer you are, or not queer at all, please know that you are so very loved crew. Truly truly loved. You are beautiful, and unique, and brilliant, and wonderful, and no one gets to say otherwise, okay?
Rest well lovelies, tomorrow is another day.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's gif just exudes Last Day of Pride Month for me -- as well as running straight into July's Queer Wrath! Tonight's gif courtesy of the wonderful @edsrosetattoo!
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pvnks0ul · 1 year
little one | mama!riri x fem!reader
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pt 1
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Summary: Adventures of Riri & her 'mini me'
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riri is 100% the, "don't tell mommy" parent.
Especially when you're going away on a business trip because occasionally there were events of which you could not attend from behind a computer screen or in the comfort of your home.
You had kissed your girls, goodbye but not before making sure to remind Riri of Naturis tight schedule- one that could not afford missing a step or else the almost 4 year old child would probably spiral out of control.
Riri had your luggage in one hand and her babygirl in the other, supporting the small child on her hips, the little ones head ontop of her shoulder, slight pout tugging on her lips because she knew all too well that you were going away despite the fact that she was promised a tea party- the ones she had every two weeks where she was allowed to stay up and help brew the tea (putting the water in before it boils of course), wear her pretty Sunday dresses and half inch babydoll shoes with the matching pearls her grandma Ronnie had gotten her.
*small flashback*
She was a crying mess earlier that morning when she went looking for you and saw the familiar frantic movements from one side of the room to the other, she was still only whining pulling at your sundress till she caught whift of your neatly folded clothes were packed into an ugly green suitcase- she really hated green- that was when the actual water works started to kick in.
Luckily Riri was right around the corner, sweeping her baby off her feet and into her arms, exiting the room with her before asking "What's wrong with my baby, hmm?" Rubbing her back soothingly until she was no longer hiccuping through her tears.
cooing at Naturi when she mutters something along the lines of, "Mommy's leav'n me, again" she sniffles out with a quivering bottom lip, making her heart break a bit more for the young being- truly her weakness.
Riri nods in understanding before wiping her childs tears away with her thumbs, "I know, I don't like when Mommy goes away either but, I'll tell you what--"
She manages to calm her daughter down one juice pouch later with a pinky promise to do the tea party and let her stay up after dinner to help make anything she wanted in her garage later.
The last bit you had no idea was happening, Of course.
*end of flashback*
Riris kissing you on the cheek then moves down pecking your lips a few more times- her sneaky way of trying to stop your rambles before you can start up again.
"Ma... I know how the stove works."
"I won't forget to have her in bed by 6, baby please."
"You can go, I swear we'll both be in one healthy, well fed & rested piece on Monday. Go enjoy your Gala, baby. I got this." She assures for hopefully the last time, giving you a hug with Naturi still in her tight hold.
"Mkay, just making sure." You say with a huff before turning to your child who still refused to look at you.
"Mommys gonna miss her princess so much." You say while pinching Naturis chubby cheeks between your thumb and index.
She's still reluctant to look at you, turning her head away but she's quickly reminded of her manners when Riri bounces her a little to high for her liking, "Hey, what do we say to mommy, huh?"
Naturis pout deepens before she offers a side hug and a extremely sour, "Love you too, mommy" nuzzling her head right back into her mamas neck.
Riri mouths out a sorry to you for her cranky behavior, before grabbing your chin and gifting you a lingering kiss on the lips, resting her head against yours when she needs to pull away for air and then...she's standing against the cracked open door watching you pull out the driveway.
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4 pm
"D'you like it, turi?" Riri asked with an expectant gaze, watching her daughters eyes light up as she sipped from the ridiculously tiny tea cups, with her pinky held up, proudly.
She nodded her head once she drunk it all, sitting it down on the princess themed coasters.
"s'good!" she exclaimed while rubbing her belly.
"N'so pretty...Did you know I liked pruprel the very most, mama?" she asked while peeking at the purple passionfruit tea swirling in the pitcher.
"Course, I did baby." Riri chuckled, moving uncomfortably in the small table chairs. Let's just pretend that they weren't the only tea bags she found in the pantry.
4:21 pm
Riri should've followed the schedule you set, she was now starting to regret digging through your closet because Naturi has been nothing above bossy & filled with sass since she got ahold of her fancy necklaces and a pair of mommy's white 'princess gloves'.
Riri was secretly trying to eat a chocolate chip cookie she had prepared specifically for the tea party, her stomach was growling as she hadn't eaten anything since way before you left so she didn't see why not.
Bad idea.
Riri crunched down on the sweet snack just as Naturi busted into the room with all her squishmallows in hand, "Mama, no!"
"Huh-" Riris smile quickly faded into a look of confusion as the young girl stomped into the room.
"You can't have food unless the most very important guest is eating too!" She tsked while dropping all of the plushies but one and sitting it next to her.
Where tf did she learn how to tsk?
She picks up a cookie off the tray and places it into one of her smaller dishes, sliding it infront of him, "There you go, Mr. Penguin."
"... Mama, you have to apologize to Mr. Penguin or else he won't eat."
Riri sideyed her daughter and the stuffed animal with a monocle glued on- and where the hell did she get that? She shakes her head, didn't even get to finish biting her cookie before hurriedly chewing and chugging it down with some of the warm tea still in her cup, it was really fucking dry. Naturi gave her a look as she held the cup up, she really didn't appreciate the fact that Riri forgot to hold out her pinky but she didn't voice it neither.
Unless a nasty glare counts, that is.
"Uhm, my fault Mr. Penguin dude...I thought I was the most very important guest." she huffs out, mumbling the latter under her breath.
Naturi claps excitedly, jumping up & down in response, "Thank you mama! You're forgiven!"
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5:15 pm
By five pm, Riri has already cleaned up the play area with the help of her sassy daughter and fixed & served dinner ; chicken Alfredo but with bowtie noodles because she knew Naturi liked how much they favored her real bows. Just something slight that she couldn't possibly burn.
"Alright, baby you full?" Riri asks, using a napkin to wipe away the remainder of the child's food that was on her cheeks instead of the actual plate.
"Mhmm!" Naturi responds, expanding on her words with her hand rubbing over her belly.
Riri takes her phone out for a few seconds as she checks to see if you opened the chain of pictures she snuck of Naturi & her plushies at her tea party. You didn't, so she knew you must've been swamped with work or just busy.
She hums before swiping down & then to the left for her camera, angling it at the young girl who quickly switched to her coloring papers after putting her plate into the sink.
"Wanna take a picture for mommy?" Riri asked before snapping one anyway.
Naturi looks up and makes a sound that Riri thinks means yes before dropping her pink crayon onto the sheet and jumping out her seat, "Can we make it a video instead?" she asks so sweetly with her big brown eyes blinking up at her, Riri didn't dare to decline.
That's how you ended up with another chain of 5 two minute videos of your daughter explaining why you should've stayed here with her because her and mama were having so much fun & they all ended the same way, her blowing a kiss and waving to the camera- you-, except for the last one where her and riri made sure to remind you that they "love and miss you so much" as well as Naturi convincing Riri to blow a kiss aswell.
5:40 pm
As it grows closer to six Riri has already bathed the child and it seemed to help calm her down a bit as she let her mama put her pj's on with no fuss at all.
Riri could tell that Naturi was getting sleepier as she could hardly keep her eyes open while brushing her teeth, so she when Turi finished up she asked, "you still wanna make something with me, baby or sleep first?"
Naturi mumbles something that sound close to "make sum- fing" even though she was yawning and basically talking in her sleep as her mama carried her into her room.
Once Naturi realized she was being tucked into her comforter she jolted up, "Mama I said-!"
"We can do it in the morning, after breakfast if you want mkay? I think you're too tired right now." Riri murmurs before kissing Naturis temples then cheeks, lighting pushing the child's tight coils to the back & out of her face.
For once, Naturi doesn't have it in her to fight back and just hums while settling into the warm sheets and slowly drifting to sleep.
Riri cracks the door which was directly across from the bedroom she shared with you, exiting the room just as her phone goes off.
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Don't let me down - Part 9
Y/n's POV:
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Relationship: MamaScarlett x 16 yr old Reader
Summary: Whilst Y/n tries to distract herself from the impending court case with Mr Woodstock. She ends up having to face another hurdle she wasn't expecting.
Word count: 6993
Trying to focus on my schoolwork and soccer has been really hard since Danny came around and dropped the bomb that I'm likely going to have to testify against Mr Woodstock. Scarlett and Colin have been great and are supporting me more than I could ask. They're not pushing me, but they are there when I have my moments. I'm glad that I have them to go through this with.
When I told Laura, I've never seen her more angry. She started ranting about how unfair it is to make, not just me, but the other kids have to relive what we went through. She's spent a lot of time with me after school and I'm sure that her and Scarlett have been texting about me. Part of me is a little annoyed as I feel like I'm being watched, but then I'm grateful they care about me enough to check in with each other.
We had a meeting with the DA who is leading the case and he has confirmed that I will be asked a number of questions by himself and then the defence lawyer will have a chance to also question me. The thought of that terrifies me as I know that they are just going to try and prove me wrong or discredit my testimony. I've seen enough Law & Order SUV to know how it goes.
However, both Danny and the DA have assured me that they'll coach me in responding to the questions. I'll already know what they plan to ask me, so I'll be prepared from that point of view. However, we'll have no idea what the defence may say. So, we're going to do some sessions together where they'll prepare me as best they can.
Scarlett has tried to suggest that I do it via video link to give me an extra layer of protection, but I know that I want to be there. I can't bring my parents to justice for the years I spent being abused by them, but I can to Mr Woodstock. It's not just me he hurt and if I had the balls to do this earlier, I could have stopped the other kids getting hurt too.
When we left the DA's office, I felt dread over the upcoming court case. We have a month to prepare before I'll need to testify. Thankfully, I don't need to be there for anything else. It's one day and then hopefully they'll find him guilty, and I'll be able to move on and put my past firmly behind me. Allow me to focus on how my life is going to be better moving forward.
The sessions with Danny have been ok. He's predicted what he believes the defence may ask and then poses the question to me. We then work on how I can approach different elements. He also helps me to control my emotions and focus on breathing. Taking a breather is not a bad thing and will only reflect badly on the defence lawyer if he tries to move me on.
I think the sessions are helping, but I feel drained after every one. I cry in each one and I hate it. Reliving what happened is bad enough, but having to prepare to defend that I'm telling the truth is horrible. I just hope that this is all worth it.
Thankfully, we have our next soccer games this week and it's providing me with something to focus on. It's still hard to give me full attention, but I owe it to the team to still be the best player and captain that I can be. This week, Lizzie is joining Scarlett and Rose to watch. Unfortunately, Colin is working today so can't make it. Scarlett decided to leave Cosmo with Melanie so the three of them can enjoy the afternoon before coming to school to watch the game.
We're so far unbeaten this season. We had two preseason games that gave us a good platform to work from. But we've only play 5 league games. We're playing well and hopefully we'll be able to make it into the playoffs at the end of the year. But today's game will be the biggest test that we've had yet. Rochford High are a tough team and they are aggressive.
I use the warmup to get my mind completely on the game and make sure that I don't let it drift off to everything that is happening in my personal life. Laura is great at keeping me smiling as she jokes around, and we make sure our pre-game warm up doesn't change even though we're playing a tough team.
As we're taking on water, my eyes scan the bleachers, which are bursting tonight. It's like the whole local town has turned up. My eyes quickly land on my little sister who is jumping up and down and waving at me when she sees me looking. I wave back and pull a face at her whilst Lizzie and Scarlett wave to me also.
It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to see them in the stands. I never thought I would have people here to support me. Scarlett has been to every one of my home games. She even rearranged work to come to the one of them. It makes me feel wanted and loved and it's a strange feeling for me. But I like it and I couldn't be more grateful to see them in the crowd.
Coach Saunders calls us into a huddle and gives us an inspiring team talk. I gulp when I have to follow him up, but I make sure to be confident and re-enforce our teamwork and we win together and lose together. With our huddle over, I make my way over to the referee for the coin toss. I shake their captain's hand and internally fist pump when we win the coin toss. I decide to kick off first and we take our places on the pitch waiting for the whistle to blow.
The game is frantic from the first whistle. As expected, they play hard and are hitting us off the ball a lot. We change our tactic to have quick and accurate passing, which works and starts to frustrate them. They end up fouling us a lot more and the ref warns them about their actions.
We take advantage of this when Laura is on the receiving end of a beautiful freekick from Bella. Even though she's tasselling with the defender, she's able to get up higher than her and her head meets the ball. I watch as it flies past the keeper and into the back of the net.
The crowd go wild as we rush around Laura and Bella, cheering the perfect set piece. "I'm proud of you babe." I tell her as we walk back to our side of the pitch for the restart, my arm draped over her shoulder. "I need to keep impressing you." She smirks, nudging me. "Consider me impressed." I return, moving to take my spot.
We manage to dominate the first half but don't get any more goals. We've been able to adapt our play to make their efforts ineffective. We can see that it's just frustrating them more and that carries on into the second half. We're getting so many shots on goal but we're just not getting it in the net.
They manage to catch us on the counterattack, and I rush back to provide support in defence, with a well time sliding tackle I dispossess their striker as she's about to take her shot on goal. I quickly jump to my feet and sprint down the pitch to get myself into an open position.
Seeing I'm in open space, I call for the ball and trap it with my foot. Looking up I see it's just me against two defenders, my team still getting back into position from the counterattack. Not wasting anytime, I take on the first defender, getting around her with ease.
I look up hoping to see someone in the box, but I'm still the furthest up the field. With a swift nudge to the ball, I megs the final defender and run around her, despite her efforts to stop me getting to the ball. Just as she tugs my t-shirt, I manage to get a good connection with the ball and watch as it sails into the top corner. Though I'm now on the floor as a result of the shirt tug.
This doesn't stop the team celebrating with me, bundling on me on the floor. With our celebration over, Laura holds her hand out to me to help me back to my feet. "You just had to one up me didn't you." She teases. "Maybe I want to impress you too." I wink at her as she shakes her head at my antics. As I'm moving back for the restart, I look to the crown and wave to Rose who's still cheering. She really is my biggest fan, and she looks adorable in our team jersey.
With our energy up, we just seem to get better. With our third goal, the pressure seems to disappear and we're playing more freely. When we win a freekick near the corner flag, I'm on the hunt for a second goal. I'm stood on the edge of the box and hold my hands in the air to indicate the play we should go for.
As the ball is crossed into the box, I run in and go to jump to try and get my head on the ball. Their defender goes up with me, but I see her elbow wind back as she jumps. She's not looking at the ball and I'm helpless as I watch her elbow move towards my face. For a split second I feel pain as she makes a connection, but it soon disappears as I fade into darkness.
Scarlett's POV:
This is the best that I've seen the team play. They're working as a cohesive group and seem to be able to counter anything the other team throw at them. I'm so proud when Y/n scores and the three of us cheer along with the rest of the crowd as the team celebrate.
Y/n had talked about how difficult this game was going to be. The opposition are probably one of the only teams that can match their ability, but they just don't seem to be able to break the team down. Instead of regrouping they're just getting more frustrated.
It's great seeing the smile on Y/n's face. I've not seen her smile like that in a while since we learnt about the court case. Soccer has always brought her happiness and I'm glad it's giving her an outlet today.
The team get ready for another freekick, and it seems certain that it's only a matter of time before they score again. My eyes are on my daughter as the anticipation builds. However, when I see an elbow collide with her face, I'm instantly out of my seat shouting for a foul.
However, I instantly freeze when I see Y/n on the floor not moving, her leg bent in an awkward angle. "Lizzie, watch Rose." I call out as I rush down the stairs of the bleachers and jump over the railing. Coach Saunders sees me and waves me over as he's knelt down next to my unconscious daughter.
As I reach her, I can hear the team arguing with the ref and a couple of them scuffling with the other team, mainly the defender that hit her. "Is she ok?" I ask, panic filling my voice as I kneel down next to her. Laura on one side holding her hand tightly. My eyes look over her and I see blood on her face from her nose. My eyes then move down to her leg, and I have to fight back tears. "She fell awkwardly and landed on her leg as she didn't have control over her body." Coach Saunders explains, moving so I can get in closer.
Fear overrides me as I'm desperate for my daughter to wake up. "We've called 911 and they should be here shortly." One of the assistant coaches calls out. "Y/n baby, wake up for me please." I beg her, my hands gently cupping her face. "Come on sweetheart." I encourage her, hoping that she might start to stir. My eyes flick to Laura who's watching on with teary eyes.
I move my hand and place it over hers that is already holding Y/n's. "She's going to be ok right?" Laura asks, looking up to me hopefully. "Of course she is. She's strong." I reassure her, though I'm scared myself. Thankfully, we don't have to wait for long for the ambulance to arrive and almost simultaneously, Y/n starts to stir awake. "Y/n, sweetie. It's Scarlett are you ok?" I ask her as her eyes fill with fear. "Mom?" She whispers, making my heart clench at the name. I don't let it get to me and focus on her. "I'm here baby. You're ok. The paramedics are here." I tell her and she nods.
She obviously starts to feel the pain and she starts to cry out. "It's ok babe. You're going to be fine. They'll get you some good stuff soon." Laura tries to joke through her own tears. The paramedics soon join us, and we reluctantly have to move out of the way as they treat her.
I take a moment to breathe and notice the referee brandish a red card to the defender that hit her. I have to fight from going over to the kid and giving her a piece of my mind. But I have to remember she is just that. A kid. "Mommy! Is Y/n, ok?" Rose calls out to me. I glance to Y/n and see she's being looked after and right now I need to comfort my other daughter.
I walk over to her and pick her up instantly. "She's hurt, but she's being looked after. She's going to have to go the hospital, but she'll be ok." I reassure her as she nods in my neck. "I can take Rose home whilst you're with Y/n." Lizzie offers but Rose instantly argues with that idea. "I don't want to leave Y/n. Please!" She begs. "I can bring her to the hospital?" Lizzie offers and I think for a moment. "You have to understand that it's going to be boring." I explain to Rose, and she nods. "I want to be there to protect Y/n." She responds, making my heart warm at her cuteness.
"How about we go home and grab some things for you both and then we'll come to the hospital." Lizzie suggests. "If you wouldn't mind that would be great." I agree, looking back towards Y/n. "Go, text me where you are, and we'll see you later." Lizzie says when she sees my concern. "Thank you, Lizzie. I love you Rose, and we'll see you later." I say before rushing back to be with Y/n.
They're currently giving her some gas and air when I return, and the paramedic looks to me. "Are you mom?" She asks and I nod. "We're just stabilising her leg and then we'll get her to the hospital. They'll assess her there and give her some additional pain relief." She explains and I nod along, my eyes fixated on Y/n.
Seeing where my eyes are the paramedic continues to reassure me. "This may look scary at the moment, but we need to also to stabilise her head just in case there are any injuries to her neck. We're making sure we take every precaution to prevent further injury." I continue to nod along. Understanding why they're doing what they're doing. It just doesn't make it any easier to watch.
I take my place next to Y/n and provide her any comfort I can whilst she is being seen too. "Can I come with you?" Laura asks, looking from Y/n to me. "No." Y/n jumps in taking Laura by surprise, her eyes showing the hurt. "You need to finish the game." Y/n clarifies. "But..." Laura goes to defend but Y/n cuts her off. "I'll still be broken when the game is over. I'm ok and not going anywhere. Quite literally." She jokes, making us both chuckle. "Please, you need to make sure we win this game and then you can come and see me." She requests. Laura reluctantly agrees but doesn't leave her side until she's guided on to the gurney and moved toward the ambulance. "I'll keep you updated." I promise Laura who nods, reluctant to let go. "I'll see you shortly babe." She smiles, placing a gentle kiss on Y/n's lips, who gives a giddy smile.
I climb in the back of the ambulance and take a seat next to Y/n, reaching out to hold her hand. The paramedics get in and we start on our journey to the hospital. "It hurts mom." Y/n looks to me, tears in her eyes. My heart skips a beat again when she calls me mom. "I know. I'm sorry you're hurt. But I'm here for you." I try to comfort her. "The doctors will be able to get you some morphine when you're in the ER." The paramedic tells Y/n, which seems to appease her for now.
Thankfully, it's not long until we're at the hospital and we're being taking through to the ER where a doctor and some nurses are waiting for us. The potential injury to her neck is their biggest concern right now and they want to confirm there isn't any further injury before properly addressing her leg.
I stand to the side feeling completely helpless as I watch the doctors and nurses move around Y/n, calling out stats and information as they go. The whimpers from Y/n make my heart break. I wish I could take the pain away from here. "Let's get a canula set up and we'll get some pain relief." One of the doctors orders.
Thankfully, the morphine seems to start working quite quickly and Y/n's whimpers start to peter out as the medicine does its job. "Mrs Johansson?" The call of my name tears my eyes away from my daughter and to the doctor who is stood next to me with a kind smile on his face. "Hi, I'm Dr Greenwood. I'm the primary physician for your daughter." He greets me. "On initial examination, it's clear that Y/n has a broken leg and potentially a facial fracture too. We're confident there is no damage to her neck, but we want to be sure before removing the brace. So, we'll be sending her down for some x-rays and scans so we can get a full assessment of her injuries." He explains and I nod along.
"We've given her pain relief and that seems to be working and she's much more comfortable now. I know it's hard to see your kid in pain, but I can assure you we're doing everything that we can to make sure she is comfortable." He assures me, making smile. "Thank you. I appreciate everything you're doing." I respond. "I can get one of the nurses to show you to a private waiting room whilst Y/n is taken for imagery, and we'll come and get you as soon as she's settled in a room." He offers. "Can I see her first?" I request. "Of course. We're just waiting for the porters now." He responds and moves out of the way for me to see Y/n.
The madness around her has died down now and she's just got a couple of nurses monitoring different things. "Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?" I ask Y/n as I take her hand and gently run my hands through her hair. "Tired and sore." She responds with a croaky voice. Her eye is already starting to swell and bruise, a reminder of the harsh act that led to her being in the hospital. "They're going to take you to get some scans of your leg and neck in a minute. I'll be waiting for you to come back." I explain. "Does that mean I can get this thing off?" She asks, tugging a little at the neck brace. "As long as the scans come back clear you'll be free of the prison." I respond with a smirk, happy that there is a smile on her face.
"We're ready to take her now." One of the nurses tells us. "I'll be right here waiting. I love you ok." I tell her firmly. "I love you too." She responds, taking me by surprise. I don't think she's ever said that to me before. It causes a tear to fall down my cheek as I smile at her lovingly. "Mom, you've got to let me go." She chuckles, just adding to my happiness. I try not to think to much of it, before she was in pain and now, she's on drugs. When she's more with it, we may be going back to Scarlett, but I'll take it for now!
I watch as they roll Y/n away down the corridor, taking a deep breath. I'm then guided to a private waiting room, which I'm very grateful for. I'd rather this not be how news of Y/n gets out. I want it to be on our terms and when she's comfortable. I quickly text Lizzie an update and she confirms they're packing a bag for Y/n as it's likely she'll be in overnight.
Now I just need to call my husband. He's at work today preparing for filming tonight. I hesitate in calling him, but I know that he'd want to be told that she was in the hospital. I hit his contact name and wait for him to answer.
Colin: Hi babe. How was the game? Did they win?
He asks instantly, excitement in his voice. I love how invested he is in Y/n's soccer games.
Scarlett: Uh I'm not actually sure. Y/n got hurt during the game and we're currently at the hospital.
Colin: WHAT?! Is she ok? What happened? How badly is she hurt?
He rambles down the phone, panic lacing his voice.
Scarlett: She was elbowed in the face by a defender when she jumped to head a ball. It knocked her out and as she fell, she landed on her leg awkwardly.
Colin: Oh my God. Was it deliberate? Actually, never mind. I'm leaving work now and I'm coming to the hospital. What did the doctor say?
Scarlett: Col, you don't need to do that. Y/n understands you're working and she's doing ok? She's currently having scans to see how badly her leg is broken and to rule out a neck injury.
Colin: Of course, I'm coming. She's my daughter. Family always comes first, you know that.
I smile down the phone when he refers to Y/n as his daughter. He did it so easily. I really need to bring up the whole adoption thing again. I don't think I can go much longer without having her legal be my daughter. I want her to know that she has a loving mom and dad who will be there for her no matter what.
As he's on the phone I can hear him explaining the situation to someone, I'm assuming the director, who easily agrees for him to leave. He then starts to rush around to get to the car.
Colin: "Ok. I'm about to drive. I'll see you in about 30 minutes. I love you.
Scarlett: I love you too. Drive safely.
And with that he hangs up. I wait nervously to hear that Y/n is back. I'm still worried she's going to have further damage to her neck. I know they said they don't think there is anything to untoward about it, but I can't get the worrying sick feeling out of my stomach.
"Mrs Johansson?" I look up and see Laura waiting hesitantly in the doorway. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Scarlett." I smile at her, opening my arms to her. She instantly moves forward and melts into my hug. "How is she?" She questions as we move to sit. I fill her in on everything the doctor said, and she listens intently.
"Do you know how hard it was not to go and punch that bitch in the face." She fumes after I explain the extent of her injuries. "I probably shouldn't admit this as the adult in this situation, but I feel the same." I admit to chuckles. "Did you win?" I ask and a smile grows on her face. "We scored two more goals. It was 4-0 in the end." She responds proudly. "Y/n will be happy." I say and Laura nods. "Turns out playing for a teammate helped us to play even better. We wanted to do our best for our captain." She explains.
Not too long later, Colin comes bursting through the door, giving both Laura and I a heart attack. "Jeeze Colin!" I scold, my hand clutching my chest as my racing heart starts to calm. "S-sorry. I was just worried." He apologises. "How is she?" He asks. "We've not heard anything more since I called you. They said it could be a little while whilst she has the different scans and x-rays." I reply.
"Where's Rose?" Colin asks when he notices it's just me and Laura in the waiting room. "With Lizzie. They're getting a bag together, so Y/n has some things with her. Rose is adamant about being here for her big sister." I explain, earning an aw from Laura. "I can ask your mom to come and collect her later and keep the kids over night until we know more." Colin suggests. "I think that'll be wise. Rose can see how Y/n is doing and head to mom's before bedtime." I agree.
Colin places a kiss to my head and moves to the other side of the room to call my mom and explain what has happened. She already has Cosmo today, so she's happy to take Rose too. Though she's concerned for her granddaughter too. I think Y/n is going to be spoilt when she's home.
When Colin joins us again, he takes the seat next to me and wraps a supportive arm around me. I move to rest my head on his shoulder, taking in his comfort. "She called me mom." I say quietly. "What was that?" Colin asks. "She called me mom. When she was on the field, she called me mom and then again in the ambulance and here in the hospital." I explain in more detail. "I'm sure it's just because she's in pain and on drugs but hearing her call me that, it made my heart almost burst." I share, my emotions building once again.
"She means it." Laura speaks up from beside me. Both Colin and I turn to look at her. "Yes, she's in pain and high right now. But she means it. This has just given her the outlet to be able to say it. You've given her a safe and loving environment. Yes, it's taken her a while to be able get to this point. But you never pushed her. I don't think you realise how much that means to her." She explains with a soft smile on her face.
"All I have wanted is to be the mother she deserves. I never thought that she would forgive me, let alone get to a point she could call me mom." I admit, tears welling up in my eyes. "Family of Miss Y/l/n?" A nurse enters the room and calls for us. The sound of Y/n's surname bringing me down for a moment. "You need to work on changing her name." Laura smirks at me as we stand and follow the nurse.
She takes us to a private ward where Y/n is laid in bed, her neck brace off. I breath a sigh of relief knowing there is no injury there. Laura rushes in first and carefully hugs Y/n, pressing a kiss to her lips. "I'm so glad you're ok. It was horrible seeing you out cold." She tells her, cupping her cheeks and gently rubbing her thumb over her cheek. "Did you win?" Y/n asks, making us laugh. "I see you have your priorities right." Laura chuckles. "And yes, we won 4-0." She adds on. "See you don't need me on the team." Y/n responds with a sad smile.
We all get comfortable and wait for the doctor to come in and tell us the severity of Y/n's injury. Laura sits on one side, holding Y/n's hand tightly, whilst Colin and I flank her on the other side. "Aren't you filming tonight?" Y/n asks Colin. "Not anymore, I have to been here for my daughter." He responds, his words causing a wide smile to appear on Y/n's face. "Thanks dad." Y/n responds, her eyes glossed over. "D-did you. Did you just..." Colin stutters in shock. Y/n nods, smiling nervously. "I hope you both don't mind me calling your mom and dad. My experience of parents hasn't a good one. I don't really know what a good mom and dad looks like. But I'm pretty sure it's the both of you. I've not been easy yet you've both been there for me, supporting me and loving me. Especially these last couple of weeks with the court case. To me you are my mom and dad." Y/n shares, making both Colin and I cry.
"Oh, my sweet girl. I have been waiting, hoping, you may one day see me as your mother. Hearing you call me mom, it's everything I could ask for." I reassure her as I hug her gently, placing a kiss to her head. Y/n then looks to Colin who's a blubbering mess, making us all laugh. "Like I said, I've seen you as my daughter from the beginning. Being your dad is an honour I'm glad you've allowed me to have." He expresses, getting up and hugging her also.
A clearing of a voice gets all of our attention, and our heads snap to see the doctor in the doorway a file in his hand. "Sorry to interrupt this moment, but I have Y/n's results." He explains. "Please come on in." Colin composes himself and moves back to his seat as the doctor enters the room.
"Ok, Y/n, having examined your scans, I'm happy to say there is no injury to your neck. Though you probably know that as we removed your brace." He starts off. "However, you do have a fractured eye socket, so that is going to look pretty nasty for a few weeks. There's not much we can do other than provide you pain relief and wait for it to heal." He explains and Y/n nods in understanding.
"Now, on to your leg." I feel Y/n's hand tense in my own as we wait to hear the damage. "You have a displaced transverse fracture to your tibia. This means that it's a complete break of the bone and the two parts are not aligned. In this instance, we will need to surgically realign your leg and put in some pins to secure the fracture, allowing it to heal effectively." The doctor explains, showing us the x-rays of Y/n's clearly broken leg.
Y/n's breath hitches at the news, tears filling her eyes. "Will I be able to play soccer again?" She asks, fear lacing her voice. At the vocalisation of her worries, Laura sits forward and holds her other hand tightly. "I have every confidence that with a successful surgery and physio, you'll be playing again." He responds with a smile. Y/n's whole body relaxes at the confirmation, but I know there is still one question on her mind. "How long until I can play again?" She asks him.
"You'll be in a cast for about 6 weeks and from there you'll start physio. I would guess that you could be back into light training within 8 weeks and playing within 10." He replies. "Wow, that's a long time." Y/n whispers, her head dropping. "You'd be back in time for playoffs." Laura tries to comfort her. "And we'll still need our captain. You're more than the player on the pitch Y/n." Laura reassures her, placing a kiss to her hand. She nods unsurely before the doctor goes into more detail about surgery and recovery.
She'll be going in for surgery in the morning as it's already late this evening. She has a temporary brace on her leg which will stop any more damage happening before they're able to surgically fix her leg. We thank the doctor who leaves us to it. "How are you feeling kiddo?" Colin asks, placing a hand on her uninjured leg. "10 weeks is a long time." She replies emotionlessly.
Soccer has been her saving grace these last two years. It's been an outlet whilst she's been going through so much, and it's suddenly taken away from her. I just hope that now she has a stable home, a loving girlfriend and family, that she won't lose herself.
A knock on the door gains our attention as we all giggle as we see Rose on her tiptoes trying to look through the window. I wave them in and Rose rushes to her sister's side. "Sissy! Are you ok?" Rose asks worriedly, trying to climb up onto the bed. Y/n leans forward to pick her up, but I tap her hand away and do it for her.
Rose is really careful as she sits next to Y/n staring at her now closed up eye. "I'm much better now my sister is here." She responds happily, a smile plastered on her face to hide her pain. "Auntie Lizzie told me that we can't bring your flowers, so I brought you chocolate instead. It's you're favourite." Rose shares, turning to Lizzie holding her hand out expectantly.
Lizzie chuckles and pulls out the chocolate bar from her bag and hands it's to Rose. "Yummy. Thank you, Rosie." Y/n responds, placing a kiss to her head. "That girl was mean. I hope she got told off and grounded for hurting you." Rose huffs snuggling into her sister. "Well, she was sent off and I can't imagine she'll get away without the ban being extended." Laura explains with an angry look on her face. I notice that Y/n reaches out and squeezes her hand in comfort, instantly calming down her fuming girlfriend.
"When can you come home?" Rose now asks as Lizzie makes herself comfortable. "We're not sure yet sweetie. Y/n has to have surgery tomorrow so probably a couple of nights." I explain, making Rose pout. "But I have school tomorrow." She complains. "That's ok Rosie. When I'm home we can have a movie day. Mom, dad, and Cosmo could join us too. What do you think?" Y/n suggests to help placate the 7 year old. "Can Laura come too?" Rose asks shyly. "Of course!" Y/n replies happily.
Lizzie's eyes go wide when she hears what Y/n called us as both Colin and I smile. Lizzie looks to me and I nod to confirm she heard correctly. "I'm happy for you." She mouths to me, not wanting to disturb the kids who are rambling about what movies to watch.
We spend the evening together, chatting and laughing. It's really nice, considering we're sat in a hospital room with my injured daughter laid up in bed. But as it hits 8pm, the nurse comes in and tells us that visiting hours are over. "Are you sure you're going to be ok on your own?" I ask Y/n, worried to leave her. "I can always talk to them about letting me stay." I offer but she shakes her head. "I'll be ok mom. I'm pretty tired so I'll probably get some sleep." She reassures me. "Ok, I'll have my phone on loud so if you need anything, just call or text ok. I can be here in 20 minutes." I tell her and she nods.
I bid her goodnight, leaving a soft kiss to her head, reminding her how much I love her. Colin does the same before picking up a sleepy Rose. We leave Y/n and Laura to have a moment before we all leave together. "Do you want me to drop Rose at your moms?" Lizzie offers, but I shake my head. "Thanks, but we'll go. I'd like to see Cosmo." I respond and she nods. "How about I drive you home. That way this lot can get back." Lizzie suggests turning to Laura.
She blushes at the attention making me smirk. She's totally fangirling right now! "Oh, you don't need to do that Ms Olsen." She declines. "Don't me stupid, come on. Besides it gives me a chance to get to know my niece's girlfriend." Lizzie insists, making Laura gulp a little. "Oh, and don't call me Ms Olsen. I'm not old. Please just call me Lizzie." She adds on, earning a slow nod from the teenager. We all walk out to the car park together and say our goodbyes before heading home.
The next morning, Colin and I are at the hospital as soon as we're allowed so we can be with Y/n before she heads into surgery. She's in a lot of pain this morning and had a bad night sleep, which is horrible to see. I think she's grateful that she's going to be unconscious for a few hours whilst they fix her leg.
The surgeon comes in and talks through the procedure, though most of it goes over my head. I'm just grateful that it seems to be helping Y/n. The nurses are then in to prepare her before we walk with them as they wheel her to the operating floor. "We'll be right here when you wake. Rose and Laura will be here after school too, so you've got that to look forward to." I tell Y/n, hoping to comfort her when I see worry in her eyes. "We both love you very much. Everything is going to be just fine." Colin says, pressing a kiss to Y/n's head. "I love you both too. See you in a few hours." She smiles. I hold her close one last time and watch as they take her away. Colin wraps his arm around me to comfort me as we begin waiting for her to return.
Instead of waiting around in a cold room, we head to the cafeteria and have some breakfast. We both skipped it this morning, worried about Y/n. We talk about what we can do to make things easier for Y/n when she gets home. She's going to be reliant on us for a while and I want everything to be as easy as possible for her.
"Shit, we need to call Danny?" I suddenly say. "Why? You're not planning on suing the kid are you?" Colin jokes, making me roll my eyes. "No. But it's the court case in 9 days." I point out and he lets out a quiet "oh." I know she'll still be able to testify, but she's not exactly going to be very mobile and it's just something else to add on to a stressful period for her. "Danny will know what to do. He's always got Y/n's interests at heart. I'll call him when Y/n is out of surgery, and we'll leave him to deal with anything that needs doing." Colin reassures me.
After about three hours, we move back to Y/n's room to wait. They said surgery will be around 4 hours, and I we don't want to miss her coming back. We settle in and I makes sure her pyjamas are out as I know she'll want to change as soon as she can.
Half an our later a nurse comes by to say that surgery went well and she's just in post op now before they bring her back. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that everything is ok. We can focus on recovery.
Colin and I both crowd around Y/n when they bring her back in. She's still unconscious but the doctor said she should wake shortly. We take our seats either side of our daughter, holding her hands and taking comfort that she's back with us. When she starts to stir, I move to gently run my hands through her hair. "M-mom." She stutters at a whisper. "I'm here sweetheart. Colin is too." I greet her as her eyes flutter open.
I give her the biggest smile I can which she tries to return. Her head then flops to the side to see Colin. "Hey kiddo. Glad you're awake." Colin smiles to her. "Hi dad." She returns. I don't think either Colin or I are going to get used to that, but I will love hearing it every time. I will never take for granted any of my kids calling me mom.
The doctor comes in when Y/n is more with it, confirming that surgery went really well and that he's confident of a full and complete recovery. This relaxes Y/n and I notice that she's become determined to get fit so she can be ready for playoffs when they come around.
That afternoon Laura and Rose come to visit. Laura kindly picked Rose up from school for us. Mom is going to bring Cosmo around dinner time so we can have some family time together. But thankfully, the doctor confirmed that Y/n can come home with us tomorrow. I'm grateful that she won't be in this hospital for longer. I want my daughter home with us so we can all look after her. She's got a stressful few weeks ahead and we want to be by her side, supporting her, through all of it.
Part 10
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rottenraccoons · 1 year
We're delaying Obscura Chapter 1.5 until 1 May
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First, we noticed we misspelled April in our announcement image (and thank you to everyone who noticed and did not immediately roast us for it!), and then we discovered that our optimism about our release date was a little misplaced. Here's the bad news: we're delaying Chapter 1.5 by two weeks, and it'll be out on 1 May, instead of 17 April.
Here's the good news: we're all okay and there is no disaster. We're delaying because it'll be better for us and Obscura, not because something horrible happened to any of us. We realised that what we could finish in time for 17 April wasn't going to meet our standards, and we are delaying to make sure we meet those standards. Hopefully, we'll knock off your socks.
We also want to take this chance to tell you all that a little closer to release we're going to have a limited beta test of the game. Anyone interested in playing the game a little early can join our Discord server. We'll be announcing the beta test and handling sign-ups there.
You all have been absolutely wonderful, being patient while we get Chapter 1.5 ready. We're so grateful to our community, who has been so supportive since the original Chapter 1. We're sorry to have to delay Chapter 1.5 a little more, but we're looking forward to 1 May! Thanks for waiting just a little longer.
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gracetopher-week · 1 year
Gracetopher Week: 2023 Event
Hello fellow gracetopher lovers! Welcome to Gracetopher Week where we celebrate gracetopher and ignore canon following Chain of Iron. We hosted Gracetopher Week last year and we're super excited to do it again this year! No pressure to participate but we'd love it if you would spread the word and support our wonderful TSC creators and fans this week 🤍. This is also a fun way to keep the fandom alive after TLH has been finished.
Day 1, August 1:
We're going to start simple. Reblog day!
Recommend or just reblog a few fics, art pieces, headcanons, or anything else Gracetopher that you've enjoyed and tag it: #gracetopher week.
Support each other and help people find more content for our underrated ship.
Day 2, August 2:
Because everyone usually has varying ideas about a ship/characters in a story: Headcanon day!
Tell us your thoughts/ideas and headcanons about gracetopher. Post a list or just one headcanon or submit a post/send an ask to a gracetopher creator/blog you know of. Don't forget to tag!
Headcanons are an excellent way to lead up to days 3 and 4 and 6!
Day 3, August 3:
Fic day! Today is for the writers!
Today is a short fic day and we recommend only one shots and drabbles because we'll be posting an AU/Canon Divergence day later, but long one shots are always welcome. Tag with #gracetopher week.
Support your fellow writers/fandom writers!
Day 4, August 4:
AU Day!! And it's a free for all!
Write/Draw/Headcanon/Explain any AU you can possibly thank up for Gracetopher. Don't forget to tag!
There's a lot of ways to create for this, and any AU is welcome!
Day 5, August 5:
A little break from writing anything, whether it be fics or headcanons. Edit Day!
Make an edit or post a picture or make something visual for gracetopher! Simple or complex.
We love to see the variations in edits and there's a lot of different ways to create them. Have fun with this one especially! Be sure to tag with #gracetopher week.
Day 6, August 6:
Fanart Day! Everyone has hopefully had enough time to prepare something special for later in the week.
Post fanart for our lovely couple. It can be one or both of them and any artists/art style amount of drawings are welcome.
Support your artists and fellow creators today!
Day 7, August 7:
We're going off with a bang since we're all still recovering from CoT. We have special instructions for today!
Tell us your headcanons and ideas or create something, anything, for Grace and Christopher in canon. They're happy healthy and living happily ever after today. Make sure to tag it as follows: #gracetopher week AND #christopher lightwood lives!
Canon isn't here today.
Thank you all so much for celebrating and we're so happy to host another gracetopher week. Feel free to @ us but we'll be browsing the tags for content to reblog here. You can find most posts and creations on this blog if you don't know where to look. Happy Gracetopher Week! 🤍
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diemannschaftblr · 4 months
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@/iMiaSanMia: Nagelsmann on whether he spoke to former Germany coaches who have tournament experience: "I actually spoke to several coaches, with Jürgen Klinsmann, with Hansi, with Jogi Löw, of course with Rudi, all of those who have already experienced tournaments. But there is no blueprint. The answers were very similar, you have to listen to your gut feeling. You have to react to the here and now. But you also have to have your own experiences. The message from everyone, including national team coaches from other sports: You have to believe in yourself, listen to your gut feeling and go your own way. You have to enjoy it too, we don't want to let ourselves be paralyzed by any kind of pressure. We have to enjoy the moment."
- Nagelsmann: On Thursday, the team will have an event with the Special Operations Command, where the aim is to find a team that has to function absolutely perfectly, that has to have solutions in all situations, that support each other. That is at the forefront when it comes to communication. No mistakes can be made. It's a bit different in football. Nevertheless, I think there are a lot of elements that these men and women can teach us. What it means to communicate perfectly, to protect each other, to be there for each other in tricky situations, when things aren't going so well. To always keep a cool head. To find solutions. I think it will be very, very interesting. I won't be there myself. It's for the players. I'm excited to hear what the team says afterwards.
- on whether Goretzka could still be called up in case of injuries: Nothing is completely ruled out for any player. Of course we would like to have the squad that we nominated in the tournament. I don't want to give anyone false hopes. We hope nobody gets injured. But nothing is ruled out.
- on Thomas Müller: His role is clear, he will get some playing time, even if not always from the start. He introduced Aleks Pavlović [to the DFB staff] which says a lot about him. He's simply a connecting link. He is who he is, and that's a good thing.
- on the injuries: Raum, Leroy, Pavlo and Jamal won't train at 100% this week. We'll try to integrate them partially Wednesday or Thursday. We have to be careful not to go from 0 to 100. They'll take it easy now and hopefully be involved in full training on Friday.
- on the players' focus after the season with their clubs: In the end, the tournament outshines everything, everyone has the same goal, no matter how their season went. I demand everyone to give everything in training, but at the beginning it will be a bit more relaxed. There's no need for many discussions. Everyone will be fully focused. The Euros is the start of the new season, everyone is really looking forward to it. Everyone is excited. When you lose a CL final, it hurts, but you can quickly refocus to have a great tournament.
- on the players who haven't joined yet: The Leverkusen players and Ilkay Gündogan will join us on Wednesday and start training on Thursday. Marc-André ter Stegen will join on Monday. The CL finalists will join on Tuesday next week. We have spoken to all four of them. It's important that all of them are injury-free. From Tuesday onwards we will have a full squad.
- on Reitz and Gruda, who will train with the senior team: Gruda is extremely creative in the final third, a very fine footballer. I'm very excited to see him in training. I hope he has the necessary self-confidence with us. Reitz has had a very good season, is very hard-working. He tries to initiate a lot of attacks. They're here just for training for now, but there's also a chance [to be in the squad], something can always happen. It's a sign for them that they were called up for training.
- on Manuel Neuer's illness: Nothing dramatic. Just a mild gastrointestinal infection. He won't be here before Wednesday, I expect him to join on Thursday. If he's healthy, he will be #1 (at the Euros).
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raayllum · 1 year
yeah my bad, honestly forgot that he was half asian (I have not interacted w the show or fandom in a while, so thats on me tbh), but I definitely agree with your input. I know that Callum is the main character, so he’s going to get more love and attention, same as Rayla, especially since Rayllum is the main couple (not dissing on them or the ship ofc) but it really upsets me when I look for art/fics of Ezran he’s either A) with Callum or B) in the background of something Rayllum related and in fics i rarely ever see solo fics of just him, he’s either in the background of rayllum or being their therapist or something like that
TDP has done a good job when it comes to portraying their characters of color, and its nice to see POC in positions of power for once (Harrow, Ez, Janai, Anaya, Kasef, etc), I just wish that the fandom as a whole would do the same thing yknow?
I’ll get out of your askbox for now, but this was definitely something that was weighing on me for a while lol
Omg you're all good! That's actually why I've run two Ezran Appreciation Weeks (although I still need to finish my fics for the second one, but life got unexpectedly super busy) and why I use the tag Ezran centric for fics that well, focus primarily on him and his relationships, rather than him being in a supportive or background role. I still wanna write a fic about him and Janai (maybe I can work it into a speculative S5 piece, since it seems like maybe we'll get to see them on screen together, and they had a Lot of parallels in S4).
But yeah there are definitely people in the fandom who aren't open to critique in how they treat Ezran. I once pointed out that hey, most of the time when his character is incorrectly tagged in a post, it's almost always in relation to his brother. Did not go over well, but I don't really care. It was still worth saying (and hopefully people will think a bit more thoughtfully about it too).
We could definitely all do more; I do my best to put dents in it when I can, but with varying degrees of success I'm sure
List of Ezran focused fics for anyone who wants em! (to the dashboard, i know i've missed some, so please feel free to add 'em)
Ezran appreciation week day 1: animals
3 shot collection on AO3
Ezran dealing with possessed Callum (post s4)
Opeli & Ezran drabble 1
Ezran & Rayla oneshot
Opeli & Ezran oneshot + future oneshots
Chessmaster Ezran oneshot
i hope i wake up young again: Soren is the “best crownguard,” ten years in the making. Ezran&Soren, 3.7k
if i am the king: then you have to let me go.“ Ezran and Corvus make their way back to Katolis, times three. 3.2k
ezran contemplates viren’s death
ezran and ethari’s first meeting (pre s4)
will not be denied: Per the monarchs of old, King Ezran is visited by Lady Justice in a dream. 1.5k, Ezran centric
can my eyes rest: otherwise known as how many autistic Ezran headcanons can I fit into one ficlet
Other relevant tags perhaps: autistic!Ezran, let Ezran be messy, chessmaster ezran, ezran's council, ezris (for ezran/ellis) and ezran x aanya, ezranedit
Upcoming Ezran projects:
Canon divergent Ezran & Kasef focused oneshot
why is it a monster: Ezran finds Aaravos' mirror first.
Ezran oneshots/drabbles about missing Rayla during the timeskip; feelings about his mother's death; bonding with Ibis in 3x09; etc.
Aforementioned Janai&Ezran parallels piece
great responsibility: Modern AU. Ezran gets bit by a radioactive spider. feat. Rayla as his boxing trainer and Callum as an overprotective big brother while he becomes the superhero he's destined to be
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realityandrebirth · 4 months
Writing Schedule & Updates
I recently looked back at my writing output over the past few months and used that data to rework my writing schedule to something more manageable than it has been in the past. Writing has been difficult the past few weeks, but with a renewed effort, I hope to start finishing some of my long overdue projects and moving on to new endeavors.
1. Chairman Rose Mania
Onkalo Heart was supposed to be finished in May; this did not happen. I struggled with the last two chapters–and, honestly, I may have to add a third chapter to what I have left–but I recently got over the hurdle and am working on finishing the story. Hopefully it's a good conclusion, because it ended up very different from what I envisioned at the beginning!
2. My Many Fanfic WIPs
My goal is to finish one WIP per month, if not more (some are very close to completion!). Here is the first four in the order they're being tackled:
Onkalo Heart
drinking from the river
Gnosia Stella Coronae
Green Ninja
I have *many* others to work on after I finish these! The rest of 2024 is dedicated to whittling down my number of WIPs and pacing myself.
3. Original Projects
I really, really want to work on original projects. I'm a little bit tired of writing Only Fanfiction, even though I enjoy it. It would be nice to use my writing skills on something that's entirely mine!
So once my fanfics get under control, I want to start writing original works. I have a few projects that never went anywhere, some where the scope was too large, and others that I just couldn't stick with, so in 2025, I'll be dusting them off and seeing what I can do with them.
In addition, this year I have the optimistic goal of releasing a novella-length original story by December. We'll see if that happens.
I'm spending most of my work time today writing Onkalo Heart. After that story's finished–which should be within two weeks, even if I do add an extra chapter–I'll get to work on completing Coinverse with drinking from the river.
Thank you for reading & supporting my works!
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dremiruu · 1 year
all (suspectedly and for now) clankie episodes in the 2nd part of season one
before we start - these are all speculations (for now) based ONLY on episode lists, specifically the "official" one on the wiki, a little bit on the one leaked before on 4chan, and my own assumptions. We might actually get more of clankie scenes in other episodes that just dont concentrate on them like in "Monster Movie", where they just sat in the background for a minute talking OR get less of them and i'm just reaching too far lol
"Cleo in the kitchen"
We're actually starting off with an episode that's not so far in the future - episode 16, or in this case 27. Going off the description on wiki, that's what it'll be about:
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i know, i know, Frankie isn't even mentioned, but hey - Cleo, their crush (?), is making a meal for one of their best ghoulfriends, they probably will be there. And imagine a scene like this one:
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BUT the opposite? Frankie ending up with something on their face and after Cleo does that they go into a full on gay panic? That'd be such a fun reference!
Honestly not hoping for much from this episode, but the opportunity is there!
next up: "Pet Problems"
Or episode 17/29, which means that we're getting lots of possible content in these two weeks!
This one is FOR SURE a clankie episode, atleast in a way, as the infamous love triangle between Frankie, Cleo and Deuce finally starts forming.
And I'm here for it.
When it comes to this ep, we'll discuss two options.
Number one, leaked 4chan description:
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And number two, the wiki description:
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1 is giving us much more hope for clankie to be actually endgame, telling us clearly that they will maybe be a little jealous of the relationship developing between Cleo and Deuce because of Hissete, where 2 just says she needs help from both of them, which, eh, wouldn't be as interesting, but still would set up the love triangle that the plot is going for.
I'm lowkey hoping we'll get to see Frankie trying to help as much as they can but just not being able to do so as much as Deuce and feeling guily or jealous of him and then either Cleo reassuring them near the end of the episode or just them being confused about the situation, which would be less satisfying in the moment but would lead to more drama later on, PRECISELY in:
"Monster Match"
(between these two episodes theres a hugeee 10-episode-long gap, but, as i said in the very beginning, we might get glimpses of them in episodes that don't include them in descriptions, so don't lose hope lol)
SO, this will be the time where the tension reaches its highest level and we'll finally get some romantic action going on.
Again, two options:
Number one:
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And number two:
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Again, when it comes to 1, we're getting more of a clear confirmation of Frankies actual feelings and what we love most - love triangle drama. There are many ways this episode could go with that trope, for example having Frankie convinced that Deuce wants to ask Cleo out while he actually tries to ask them to the dance and giving up when Cleo agrees, or both of them actually chasing after her... Lots of posibilities, really.
And the actual episode described in 2 goes a little different, creating an actual love triangle type of scenario - Deuce liking Frankie, Frankie liking Cleo and Cleo... well, that's what we have to figure out, but hopefully liking Frankie back. I'd actually love to see Deuce being supportive and him and Frankie becoming besties as he helps them ask Cleo out. What's interesting about this description though is the word invite. Why would it not be just *ask*??? It's a little scary, cause what if they just invite Cleo as a friend? That'd suckkkk
That'd be it for now. Let me know if I missed anything :) I might add new details to this guide later on, as we get to see the new scenes
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knotmagickstudios · 2 years
ADHD/Autism diagnosis as an adult, part 2
Part one with the background can be found here.
My GP arranged a referral to neuropsychology, and about a week later her office called with more info, and then emailed me a list of local providers. I didn't really know what to look for and didn't have the energy for research, so I just went down the list and made an appointment with the first office that a) picked up the phone b) was taking new clients and c) played nice with my insurance. It was about 5 offices I ended up calling altogether. I'm honestly shocked there were that many places, since there's only 1 office in Ohio that does adult assessments, and they really don't *like* doing adult assessments. They are really more set up to work with kids.
This is only one of the reasons why I didn't pursue a diagnosis in Ohio. The other is that some offices, in order to learn more about your childhood behavior, want to contact friends and family that have known you since you were very young. In my case, that wasn't an option. I'm no longer in contact with any non-family members who knew me before the age of 16, and as I mentioned last time, there's a lot of stigma in my family regarding mental illness and things like ADHD/Autism, so they would either refuse to talk to the doctor, or wouldn't give accurate responses.
Anyway, much to my surprise I only had to wait about 3 weeks to get an appointment. The office called and we made a total of 5 appointments. The first was blocked off for 2 hours for the initial assessment, and the 4 follow up visits would each be an hour. One session had to be in person.
Dr. B and I met over Zoom yesterday. He asked a lot of questions about a lot of different things. We started with the ADHD assessment, since that's what my GP wanted to look at because of my sleep issues. He asked what ADHD symptoms I thought I had, and I was honest: It wasn't on my radar as a possibility until recently. Most of my more ADHD traits have showed up in the past year, more as a result of my fatigue, just because it's so much harder for me to do or think anything when I'm tired. He asked about my energy levels as a kid, how they've changed as an adult, what my organization skills are like, how I manage (or don't manage) time, and things like that.
In the end, he said that if I have ADHD, it's a very mild case; I was a very active kid, but not in a disruptive way. According to him, he things the biggest problem I'm facing right now is low dopamine, but we're going to continue the assessments/follow ups.
We did talk about the possibility of medication, since low dopamine isn't really something that can be treated without it, especially because I'm so fatigued I can't be active. I stated that I don't want to start with a stimulant, at least right now, because of my sleep issues and the diagnostic processes. I want to leave that alone until I have more answers on what is going on physically. He agreed that this was the best move, and suggested two medications that are usually recommended for depression, and would piggyback off my current meds to hopefully raise my dopamine levels enough to where I have some energy and motivation back. But, we are holding off on any meds until appointment 3, when I see him in person. Appointment 2 will be the autism assessment, so once we finish that we'll have a better idea of where things are.
One thing I found funny was that my GP gave me side eye for 2 caffeinated drinks a day (chai latte in the morning and a Barq's rootbeer at lunch) because they are the only way I can stay alert enough to drive myself home from work and function as a human at the office.
Dr. B? "Well, if it's working, keep it up!" He also asked me if I crave carbs. I cackled. "Sir, I am of French descent. My wife will tell you I'll commit murder for good bread."
So now I basically have a prescription for lattes, baked goods, and chocolate, because they help raise my dopamine levels. And now I need "That's my emotional support latte" on a tee shirt. #unionstrong
I know my situation is pretty unique because I'm going through multiple diagnostic processes right now, but isn't every diagnosis unique to some extent? Everyone has some kind of extenuating circumstances, even if you don't realize it at first.
So that is basically where things stand right now. I have my autism assessment in a week, and I'm still waiting to hear back from rheumatology and endocrinology on when I can make appointments with them. As always, I am happy to answer any questions about this process, or my other conditions/diagnostic processes that I can.
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this past monday I took smores to the vet to check his condition of chewing on his back legs and on his butt/ back area.
the vet gave him and allergy shot which fixed him and mentioned for long term care to have moisturizing wash baths and benadryls
vet also took his blood to test his liver values, bc in may 2023 when he went to a diff vet for stomach issues and they tested his blood and saw his liver values were off and they gave him liver vitamins to help support his liver which he has not been taking bc theyre chewables but he has not been taking them bc he does not like them
on wednesday his blood work came back and his liver values are still bad and also his kidneys are showing b.u.n? which i need to give the vet a pee sample
so now vet said to do an ultrasound for smores which will cover his liver and kidneys and if necessary will do a biospy after.
and I'm in disbelief because my baby dog is now sick and idk what is going to happen and not sure how much longer he will be with me
this mid week i was so depressed and stressed out bc of costs
the ultrasound i called about to 2 vet specialists our vet recommended and they have both quoted about $745-$920. which means to get an xray alone is already 1,000 dollars.
I can pay 1 ,000 dollars but what is next? how much will treatment be? i googled liver disease in dogs and one person said they paid 14,000$ just to get a diagnosis. I don't have 14,000 now, nor will I ever have it all at once.
I feel so helpless that I can not do more for my baby, and i dont know what to do, am I just suppose to not get him medical care??
I read posts from the rainbow bridge and people who say things like they wish they could have done more for him/her. i now know what that really means.
I thought about how I only have 4,000 and i just let my mom borrow it because shes fucking irresponsible and needs to pay back her debt. and she wont be paying me back for a while but I didnt think i would need that money rn and how wrong i was.
then my fucking big credit card is maxed out due to my mom's usage also. it would have 5,000 which i could have really used for the ultrasound.
and so i was sitting there flipping through my accounts and looking at my balances like a few thousand dollars was going to magically pop up in them and save me and my dog
i looked at my digit savings and even if i cash over absolutely everything I will have CLOSE to 4,000. not even 4,000 :(
then my paypal credit which i asked for a credit line increase and they gave me 2,000 but it said i do not get an actual card for it and its mainly for online purchases so that doesnt help me at all.
so finally i applied for care credit and luckily was approved for 5,000.
also to note i just bought my tesla and the payments are so high and insurance is through the roof and i will turn over this car if i need to to free up money to set aside for smores treatment so we'll see if it comes down to that. it's my dream car but i can always buy another one later and my baby dog needs me right now
so hopefully care credit is enough for everything and i really hope a biopsy will not be 14,000. if things can stay below 8,000 for everything than that is something that i can reach but if they start quoting me 20k or so I'm afraid i will have to make some tough decisions and start considering end of life services for smores.
I have been thinking about it and if it comes down to me absolutely not being able to afford paying for smores services then i will have to start having a conversation with his vet on what i can do to make sure he is comfortable for the rest of his time :(
this week has been me taking so many pics, spending so much time, making sure he feels loved and looking at him like i will never see him again. i keep thinking of how i dont want to think of what it will be like without him, im not sure i will be able to breathe. he is my soul dog and i love him with all of my heart
I called around to see if i could find a better deal on an ultrasound but it looks like i can't. i also have an option of 2 places and right now I have booked with the "better place " but its 3 weeks out and being that long out also stresses me out and idk
I been putting his liver supplements in his water so he can actually take some of it. I really wish I had been addressing this sooner.
with the death of my aunt who i love so much, stephen who was such a good friend and poor daniel. I just want to try to stay positive bc i jsut dont know what to do or think anymore.
the sudden deaths of my loved ones in such a little time has been so hard on me, I remember after finding out about each one my mind goes to a dark place and my body kind of falls apart for a time and it just feels like it gets weaker with each one. I have questioned my own health and then i get scared of what if
anyways so thats whats going on w smores so far
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genopaint · 6 months
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This should be Week 9 of Daily Dragons! Apologies for the delay on updating this but I've been incredibly busy and stressed due to moving. And while things haven't settled down per say I am no longer on a time limit to move out so hopefully I can have the ball rolling on the daily dragon challenge a little better!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #56 - Fygar
Another cute, arcade dragon! Fygar was always one I was gonna do eventually, and I didn't have a huge oomph to draw tonight so I figured this was a perfect opportunity for a simple one! Tried to do a new take on it inspired by a few different designs :)
i know ive been posting these all so late into the evening, apologies, im all over the place lately lmao also, am i nuts or didn't there used to be grey fygar? i couldn't find ANY sprites of them so I guess I made it up. Oh well
Daily Dragon #57 - Percipitar
A mollusc-like dragon that swims through rivers and ponds, slurping up water to bulk up its pouches, then turns that water into clouds for fighting and hunting! Their shell is very hard, but the yellow flesh is VERY soft and gooey.
Since the last few were all redraws / fanart, I really wanted to make a brand new one today! Originally this was gonna be a poison mist spewing dragon, but I couldn't decide on a color/effect for the poison. And I eventually thought just regular water and mist powers were a little more interesting because we've already had a few poisonous dragons or dragons that spew stuff that has effects on enemies. Note to self, stop making dragons that produce some kind of toxic or mist???
Just for fun and some background because I have it here, this is the unfinished version of the picture when I was making it poisonous instead. I changed it at the last possible moment lol
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Daily Dragon #58 - Mega Charizard Z
"Its head splits into 3 to become a menacing Hydra. While its brain power is divided in this form, its fire power becomes multiplied!" Not sure what type I'd make it? Maybe Fire/Fairy or Fire/Electric or something idk
Also I already have ideas on how I would maybe tackle this design a little differently so, maybe we'll see Mega Charizard Z 2 in the future
Daily Dragon #59 - Feral Cave Dragon
My brother found some ANCIENT art of mine in an old book tonight, so of course I had to redraw all the characters on it!
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This is, as I'm sure you can tell, an old bookmark! From back when I used to read... Horrifying times! My brother said he found it in a book I was reading around 2011 or so?
Daily Dragon #60 - Dragon Girl Green
This fun little dragon is February's most popular dragon as decided by vote!! That means she gets new art! Soaring through the sky and flying by some migrating birds! Seems like she's having a magical day~
My personal favorite from February? There were a LOT of dragons I actually really liked. But ultimately I'm just really smitten with Percipitar! Been a rough month! March is gonna be rough too but we will get through it! Thank you all so much for your continued support!
That means there's like... 305 days left? 306 cause of leap year??? Roughly 300
In case you're curious about the votes:
Dragon Girl Green - 6 votes Three Frilled Clovradon - 1 vote Percipitar - 2 votes Howl Gravwyrm - 1 vote Shellizard - 2 votes Succubusaur - 1 vote Shelldrogon - 1 vote Dragostein - 1 vote Floofizard - 1 vote Neck Lizard - 1 vote
Daily Dragon #61 - Rawrnosaur
A large, feral dragon with some odd properties. It has chameleon-like eyes, salamander-like skin, gecko-like tail, and a long lizard-like tongue. They're often found in places with more humid climates and eat tons of food constantly!
This is yet another redraw of an INCREDIBLY old monster of mine! This one is even older than the Feral Cave Dragon (which I found out is from 2011-ish) as this would've probably been before I was even in Kindergarten. Crazy stuff!
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The original was found while we were helping my grandma clean her house, which is cute. Some things never change, I've been a reptile fan for life! I'm actually SO happy with how this redesign came out. I might have to go through and color it in later!
Daily Dragon #62 - Mountain Dragon
This dragon lives high on mountain tops, where it makes its lair. It rarely comes down to ground level, only occasionally to find shiny things to add to its horde or when food on the mountain becomes scarce. As such, they're a bit rare.
Been having a stressful week, so I haven't been having a lot of original ideas for dragons. So this is another redraw. This dragon from 2023 was just called "random dragon" in my files. So there wasn't much to work with aha
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allylikethecat · 9 months
1, 6, and 12 please & ty <3
AH thank you very much for sending this in! I am assuming it's for the Fanfic asks for the new year situation! (If anyone else wants to send any, that would be super fun and also make me very happy just saying 👀)
1. Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year?
I don't have a formal word count goal (I apparently posted 321,004 words on AO3 last year though which just feels absolutely insane) - I know I typically try to write 500 words a day as a personal goal, whether that's for original fiction, part of a fic, or just something random that might slot into something else later on. I AM doing a personal challenge for January though where I have taken a list of 31 January OTP prompts and my goal is to fill a prompt with 500 words each day. We'll see if that actually happens. I guess rather than a "word count" goal, my goal is to finish all of my current 1975 wips.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
In terms of "I've started writing it but haven't started posting it" I have my Equestrian AU fic that I am so ridiculously excited about oh my gosh. I want to finish my Christmas fic first but once I do get excited because this Equestrian AU might just be my new favorite child. In terms of "haven't started writing but have started outline", next up will most likely be The Nashville Fic™️
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I'm going to try and stick more closely to my outlines so I don't have to make as many plot based edits or do as many rewrites. Hopefully if I can stick to the outline I'll get the plot stuff right the first time. I'd also love to have a beta reader again. My former IRL bestie got a boyfriend and doesn't have the time or desire to do fic things anymore. Which, totally get and respect, but I really miss having such a trusted sounding board.
Thank you so much for sending these in!! I hope you are having a great week and a very Happy New Year! Thank you for reading and for your continued support!
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community-nerd · 1 year
Sat 15th Apr 2023
What a day!
Cornhill Community Garden
We finally managed to level out the spots where the containers are going to go! Today was 3 and a half hours for me and I had 6 volunteers drop by at various times.
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Gwyn also stopped by to give me a cup of tea and biscuits. I get spoiled by the folks who live nearby 😊
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The sand is getting delivered on Friday, so I don't have to do any more work on the garden until then.
Reopen Cornhill Library Campaign
On Thursday, we heard that we have 1 week to find someone from each library area that qualifies for free legal aid in order to have our case fought for free. Otherwise, it will be £60k! 😱
We're hoping that ACC see sense and agrees to reopen the libraries instead of going legal. It would cost them more to fight the case than it would to reopen the libraries, so it's nonsensical.
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Today I found a lady who agreed to be our free legal person for Cornhill. That was huge weight off my mind because I really had no idea on how I would find someone at such short notice. Hopefully we'll see some progress soon
Community Fun Day 8th May
Things are coming along with the community fun day.
The Cornhill Community Arts Space guys are meeting this week to decide what they're going to do on the day
The Triple C Cafe is going to be open for teas, coffee, and soup.
MISS, the miscarriage support charity are wanting a stall at the event
And everything is more or less set up for the litter pick.
I still need to check in with Ian to find out if the church is doing their arts and crafts and also with Hayley to see if she's still wanting to do the bake sale
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Something a bit Different...
But to top off all the excitement this week, not 1, not 2, but 3 people from the local community have been invited to the Royal Garden Party at Holyrood Palace this year! All in recognition of our work in and around Cornhill.
I'm one of them along with Sharron who runs the community cafe and Ian who's the local minister.
More on this as it develops!
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seidenbros · 2 years
I See Your True Colours Ch. 5
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary: “How come I never saw you with glasses, Harrington?” “Because I feel ridiculous with them.” Steve sighed and walked past Eddie to get to the piano. This wasn’t exactly a topic that he felt comfortable with, so he’d rather not talk about this. “Don’t know why you think that, because you look rather hot with them, not gonna lie.” There, he’d said it, and he didn’t regret it at all. It was just the truth, and Steve needed to know, so maybe he’d wear them more often. Eddie would certainly not complain if he did. --- Max finally wakes up and they can see her. Steve has a talk with Robin that leads to him taking Eddie home to his parents' house to play on the piano for him. Only that he's not placing a cover song, but a song that he wrote - inspired by Eddie Pairing: Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington - Steddie Word count: 5269 Warning/Tags: fluff, angst, canon divergence, everybody lives, nightmares, bisexual Steve Harrington, gay Eddie Munson, supportive Wayne Munson, post S4, there was only one bed?, eating disorders, trauma, ptsd (let me know if I missed anything) - for this chapter: hurt with no comfort Author’s note: Another Sunday another Chpter, hopefully I can still say that next week and the week after, but we'll see. Motivation is still a little low now and then, BUT I'm getting there 💚 Read on AO3 Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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For a week they kept sneaking into the other one's room to read to each other and fall asleep side by side in one bed. No nightmares. They didn’t wake up wrapped up in each other’s arms anymore, but they’d woken up with intertwined hands or their backs pressed against each other. This morning was no exception, but Eddie left Steve alone to take a shower. After that they wanted to take a look at Eddie’s wounds again, because the day before Steve had said that they might not need to change the bandaged again, that he’d be fine without them.
“You ready?” Steve asked, knocking on the bathroom door, when he thought Eddie might be finished. He’d already gotten ready for the day in that time.
“Sure, come in.”
Steve opened the bathroom door only to nearly trip over his own feet when he saw Eddie. When he’d asked if he was ready, he’d thought that Eddie would at least be halfway dressed, but instead, he was standing there with only a towel riding low on his hips. His hair was pulled back into a bun, a few loose, wet strands framing his face. He’d seen Eddie half naked before, but this… Steve was torn between staring at Eddie and turning around, because it wasn’t appropriate to gawk at him like that, but Eddie could have easily told him that he needed another moment to get ready.
“See something you like?” Eddie asked, lips curling up into a smile. It was easier to tease Steve than to admit to his own nervousness, to the rapid beating of his heart that was caused by one Mr Harrington, who was blushing right to the tips of his ears.
“Yeah, I like the way your wounds heal!” Steve snapped out of his trance-like state and walked up to Eddie, heart still hammering in his chest.
“You sure that’s all?” It was a way of trying to find out whether Eddie’s gut feeling was right, whether he was interpreting the signs correctly or if it was all in his head. Of course, he could come right out and ask Steve, tell him how he felt, but that was hard for Eddie, always had been. Trying it with a little bit of teasing was much easier.
Steve stopped right in front of him and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but they were interrupted by Dustin bursting into the bathroom.
“GuysguysGUYS!” The excitement on his face faded a little bit when he saw Steve and Eddie so close together, nearly touching. He narrowed his eyes at them. “Am I interrupting something?”
“I was just inspecting Eddie’s wounds to see if he still needs his bandages.” Steve took a step back, leaned against the sink, eyes now fixed on Dustin.
While Eddie really wanted to know what made Dustin so excited, he wished he would have given them five more minutes. He’d almost seen the words on Steve’s tongue, begging to be spoken, but then Dustin had interrupted that moment.
“Okay.” Dustin wasn’t convinced, but the news he had was too good to keep to himself. “Max woke up!”
“What?” Steve’s whole face lit up at that.
“Yes! Lucas just called and said that she’s awake. They’re doing a couple of tests to see how she’ll react, how she’s feeling, but he said we should come over this afternoon.” Though he wasn’t sure whether they’d be able to see Max, that depended on how she was feeling, but at least they could get together, and Lucas could fill them in properly.
“So, we’re definitely going, right?” Dustin looked from one to the other, waiting for their agreement.
“Of course,” Eddie answered, nodding his head. “Just don’t get your hopes up that you’ll see her, alright? It’s great news that she's awake, but she’ll need time to heal.”
Especially because they didn’t yet know how much damage her brain had taken. The body was one thing, they could see her bones grow back together, but her brain damage had to be determined now.
Dustin nodded, knew what Eddie meant, and he was perfectly fine with that. After all, Max was awake, and that was what he focused on right now. They’d find out everything else later on.
Lucas was already expecting them at the hospital with Robin. Nancy and Jonathan had just left with Will and Mike in tow, but Robin had stayed. She hadn’t seen much of Steve in the last week, at least not alone, so she wanted to catch up with him.
“So, how is she doing?” Dustin asked as soon as they were all together. They’d walked a bit away from the main entrance where there were a couple of benches so that they could sit down.
“Well,” Lucas started casting a look around the worried faces, before he focused on Dustin. “She is okay, but not good. But the doctors are happy, because they thought that she might have taken more serious damage.”
“What do you mean?” Steve looked at him, seated next to Eddie. God, he wanted to take Eddie’s hand, hold it to ground himself, but he refrained from doing so because the others were around.
“They said that it’s more like a stroke. That she speaks rather slowly, but at least she talks, which is pretty much a miracle. They don’t know how well she’ll be able to walk, but she needs to learn how to write again. All these fine motor skills as they said.”
“But she’s able to learn all that!” Robin made that clear for the others. It was a lot to take in all at once, but she’d already heard that before, so she was able to shed some light onto what Lucas was saying. “She won’t be back to being herself so soon, but her bones are nearly healed, so that’s good. She’ll need a lot of therapy.”
“I can take her there whenever she needs it.” Steve knew that her mother was still in the picture, but he wanted, needed to make sure that Max would get everything she needed. All of them if he was honest. He’d never pictured himself in a position like this, had even complained about being the babysitter, and now, he couldn’t imagine a life without all of them.
“We’ll figure out a plan, once it’s time.” Robin smiled at Steve, admiring his passion once again. He didn’t have to say out loud how much all these kids meant to him, they all knew by now.
“Can we see her?” Dustin asked the question that had been on his mind all this time. In that regard, he was similar to Steve, had to see that she was awake.
“Yeah, she’s already asked about you, but all of us are too many all at once.” With the others, they’d taken turns, so they’d do the same again right now.
“You two go ahead, I’ll wait here with Steve.” Robin sat down on the other side of Steve and patted his knee. While he really wanted to see Max and see for himself that she was alright, Robin was right. He’d pop in when the others came out again.
“What’s going on up there?” Robin tapped her index finger against Steve’s temple and leaned against his side once they were alone.
“There was this moment this morning.” Steve chewed on his bottom lip, looking in the distance. If there was one person he could confide in, it was Robin. Robin who always understood him and who was brutally honest with him as well. “Don’t know if I imagined it or not, but…” He shook his head, took a deep breath and tried to focus. He told Robin what had happened, about the way Eddie had looked at him, what he’d asked, how it had made him feel. “And then Dustin barged in.”
“Damn, that kid really seems to have a radar or something to check for the most inappropriate moment to disturb you.” Robin heaved a sigh. These two had been dancing around each other even before Eddie’s near death experience, it just hadn’t been that obvious back then. But now… she could see it clear as day, but these two seemed to take a lot longer to do something about it. Right now, she just wanted to shove them in a room and lock them in there until they finally admitted their feelings out loud.
“He does. I have no idea what would have happened otherwise.”
“Oh I have a pretty good idea.” Robin grinned at him. “You would have finally kissed and taken this to the next level.”
“I don’t know… I don’t even know what I’m feeling.” Steve was lying to himself, he knew that, but he had to try and convince himself first and foremost that he wasn’t in love with Eddie Munson.
“Yes you do, Steve.” Robin nudged his shoulder to get him to look at her. “You’re in love and it’s terrifying, because until now you’ve only been with girls. But you can like both, you know? Fuck what everyone else thinks, you have to be happy. And being with Eddie makes you happy, right?”
Her words surprised him, because while they’d talked about everything that had been going on, she’d never said anything like this so clearly. The smile on Steve’s lips was the only answer she needed.
“And you can’t tell me you didn’t write that song about him.” She was back to teasing him a little bit. Because while he’d been in the hospital by Eddie’s side most of the nights, during the day when someone else had been there, he’d spent some time at home with Robin. His parents hadn’t been home anyway, so they’d had the whole place to themselves. Steve had sat at the piano, trying to drown the world out, and Robin had loved listening to him play. He’d played well-known songs until there were new tunes, new melodies all of a sudden.
“You do know that I’m not a musician, so it isn’t any good.” Steve shook his head, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Not even Nancy knew how well he played the piano, because he’d played that down when they’d been dating. Only Robin and Eddie knew that he still played, and he still had to play something for the latter.
“Musician or not, what you played was absolutely beautiful. And I’ve read the lyrics as well, Steve, so… I’ll be the judge of that and I’m telling you that it’s great. And a good way to tell someone how you feel. See how they react.”
“You’re not being serious!”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
Just the thought of playing this particular song to Eddie, a song that he’d composed himself, that was kind of about Eddie, terrified him. But maybe, Robin had a point.
“Look, I don’t want to push you or anything.” Well, she kinda wanted to do that, to see them happy together, but she wouldn’t do anything that made Steve feel uncomfortable. “But I’ve seen the way Eddie looks at you.” And she knew that Eddie liked men, they’d talked about this before, and she’d probably mentioned it to Steve as well. “It’s the same look you’re sporting when you look at him.”
“I don’t know Robin…” Her words made his heart beat faster again, gave him a little bit of hope. But after being rejected by other people, having the woman you’d loved tell you that your relationship was bullshit and that she didn’t love you, he was careful, guarded his heart. But he also knew that he had to open up a little bit.
“In order to be happy, you have to risk something. It’s always like that Steve. You put your heart on a platter and risk it being torn apart, but with the right person, it’s gonna be in such good hands that you never want to have it back.”
“When did you become Obi-Wan?” Steve asked with a laugh, but he wrapped his arm around her to pull her into a hug.
“I’m just wiser than you are, young padawan.” Robin chuckled and hugged him back. “Just because you’ve been hurt before, doesn’t mean it has to happen again, okay?” She slowly pulled back to look into his eyes.
“I know…” And he did, he just had to remind himself of that, let go and not overthink all the time. It was easier said than done, but Robin was right.
They sat like this for another hour until Eddie came up to them, a smile on his lips.
“How is she?” Steve asked, getting up from the bench.
“She’s already got her big mouth back, and everything else will fall into place. That’s a good sign.” Eddie raised his hand to scratch the scarred part of his jaw. Sreve’s hand shot out immediately to stop him from doing that. Robin could only smile to herself, hoping that her little talk had had an effect on Steve. “But she’s sleeping now. Sorry, Stevie, no more visitors today.”
“I’ll just visit her tomorrow then. She needs her rest.” A little disappointment remained, though, but now that he knew that Max was really doing okay considering what she’d been through, he didn’t need to worry so much anymore. “What about Dustin?”
“He’s staying with Lucas a little longer. Told us to get going without him.”
“Alright then.” Steve turned to face Robin once more. “D’you need a ride?”
“No, thanks. I’ll just walk home. Need to grab something on the way anyway.” Robin hugged both of them before she scooted off, hoping that Steve would heed her words and not waste too much time.
“Mind if we stop by my place on the way home?” Steve asked while they were walking to his car. “I need to grab something and while we’re there, I thought I could play you something on the piano.”
Steve’s nervousness made his hands feel clammy, so he wiped them on his jeans. They’d talked about it, and while he’d meant every word he’d said, he still hadn’t been sure whether Eddie really wanted to hear him play or not. But Robin’s words had made him think. Playing the song for Eddie was actually a good way to find out what this was, how Eddie would react. It was better than coming right out and telling Eddie that he liked him so much that it scared him.
“Really?” Eddie asked, excitement shining in his eyes. “Yes, of course! What are we waiting for?”
He was always excited when it was about music, but right now, when it was about Steve making music for him, Eddie could hardly contain his excitement.
It didn’t take them long to get to Steve’s place and Eddie followed him quietly. This was exciting, because Eddie had never been here before. The parties at the Harrington house had never included him, because they hadn’t been friends. But a lot had changed in the last couple of weeks, months, including the picture he had of Steve.
“I’ll be right back, just need to find my glasses,” Steve said before he headed up the stairs.
“Glasses?” Eddie said more to himself, because Steve was already halfway up there. He didn’t know that Steve wore glasses, and he rarely did. He usually needed them when he read for a little longer, but he’d refused to wear them, thinking they looked ridiculous. But by now, after the constant reading sessions with Eddie, he’d realised that it was actually better with the glasses. He’d had them with him at night at the hospital now and then, but had taken them off and hidden them whenever the others were around. Right now, he knew he’d be better off with them, so he put them on before he came back down again.
“How come I never saw you with glasses, Harrington?” Eddie turned towards Steve and was immediately taken aback. Yes, Steve was a good looking guy, no question about that, but the glasses… damn, Eddie hadn’t known until now that he had a thing for men with glasses, but apparently that was the case, because Steve looked even hotter with them. He couldn’t say why exactly, but it did something to him, made him fight the urge to pull Steve into his arms and kiss him breathless.
“Because I feel ridiculous with them.” Steve sighed and walked past Eddie to get to the piano. This wasn’t exactly a topic that he felt comfortable with, so he’d rather not talk about this.
“Don’t know why you think that, because you look rather hot with them, not gonna lie.” There, he’d said it, and he didn’t regret it at all. It was just the truth, and Steve needed to know, so maybe he’d wear them more often. Eddie would certainly not complain if he did.
“Well…” Steve was flustered, didn’t know what to answer. “Alright.” Great, Steve, really great. He should rather move on to the next thing, not dwell on this too much, even though he’d definitely keep that in mind. “Come on, the piano’s over there.”
Eddie grinned to himself, enjoying the fact that he’d made Steve speechless even for just a moment. Maybe it was a little mean of him, but he really enjoyed seeing Steve’s eyes widen just a fraction, the way he scrunched up his nose.
“So… what are you gonna play for me? Some Tears for Fears? Some classical music?” Eddie watched Steve settle down on the bench in front of the piano.
“Actually…” Steve turned to face him, chewing on his bottom lips, because he was getting nervous again. He thought about Robin’s words, how right she was, and that gave him a little more confidence. “I’m gonna play something I wrote myself.”
“You did what now?” Dumbfounded, Eddie looked at him. “When? How?” Eddie walked up to him and sat down next to Steve.
“When I wasn’t with you at the hospital, me and Robin were here most of the time, and I played. So I kinda ended up with my own tune. Don’t know, it just happened.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, aware of how close they were, but he liked it, even fought the urge to lean against Eddie.
“Sometimes, you don’t know how to express yourself with words, but music makes that possible.” Eddie sighed, but there was a smile on his lips. That’s how it usually happened for him, and the words to the songs followed later. Music was about expressing yourself.
“Yeah, I guess that’s kinda what happened there.” Steve put his hands on the piano keys, started to play the first notes. “You were on my mind when I came up with that.”
Before Eddie could say anything to that, Steve started playing, not the quiet notes anymore, but the complete song. It calmed his own racing heart down a little bit, and he really concentrated on the notes and then the lyrics as well. Now that he’d started this, he could go the full length and sing to Eddie as well.
“You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down… And you, you enchant me, even when you're not around…”
Eddie’s eyes were following Steve’s fingers for a moment, before he closed his eyes and simply listened to his melodic voice. Who’d have thought that Steve Harrington was such a good singer? That he had a voice that went straight to Eddie’s heart? Granted, the lyrics did their part as well, especially now that Steve had told him that he’d been thinking about him while writing it. Eddie didn’t want to get his hopes up, interpret too much into this, but his heart was already filled to the brim with love for the man next to him.
“And how did you do it, you got me losing all my breath. How did you give me, to have my heart beat out my chest.”
Steve was so lost in the music, that he didn’t even feel Eddie’s hand on his thigh. His own heart had picked up its pace again now that he was nearing the end of the song.
“You got me shackled in my embrace, I'm latching onto you…”
He played the last notes, before his fingers slowly stopped, still laying on the keys. It had been his way of telling Eddie how he felt, even though he was still scared of his own feelings, of where this might or might not lead, but he had to take a chance, or he’d regret it forever. Steve’s eyes landed on Eddie’s hand that was still lying atop his thigh, and he covered it with his own. He’d just bared a part of his soul to Eddie, so it was his call now.
“Stevie,” Eddie said, voice thick with emotion, because he couldn’t believe that this was happening. “That was… I can’t even put it into words.” Eddie turned his hand beneath Steve’s so that he could interlace their fingers.
“That’s new, seeing you lost for words.” Steve couldn’t help but smile, his eyes still fixed on their joined hands. 
“Doesn’t happen often.” Eddie chuckled to himself. They’d slept in one bed for more than a week now, had woken up after the first night all wrapped up in each other, but right now, this was the closest he’d ever been to Steve, emotionally speaking.
Eddie kept their hands intertwined, but used the other one to cup Steve’s cheek, making him look up at him. Ever so gently, he brushed his thumb across the apple of Steve’s cheek, then along his jaw so that he could pinch Steve’s chin between his fingers. Eddie’s eyes dropped to Steve’s plush lips.
Steve nearly stopped breathing, when he felt Eddie’s breath on his own lips, because he was so close. He wanted this, all of this, moved in to meet him halfway.
“What the hell is going on here?” A loud voice boomed through the room and they both broke apart, so that Steve nearly fell off the little bench, if it weren’t for Eddie’s hand still clutching his and holding him in place.
“Dad?” Steve’s heart was hammering in his ribcage, close to breaking out of there, because of the situation he just found himself in.
“Who is this? And what are you doing here?” His father was all red in the face from anger, he was fuming, and Steve knew where this could lead, so he got up, letting go of Eddie’s hand. He needed to get Eddie out of here quickly, because his father wouldn’t understand. He’d always put his beliefs on Steve, had used words that Steve would never ever say again, but he knew what his father would think of him if he knew what was blossoming between Eddie and him.
“This is Eddie… I just showed him something on the piano, but he’s leaving now.” He didn’t want Eddie to be here when his father went on a full-on rant about what he’d just witnessed. Technically, nothing had really happened between them, but he knew what his father was thinking. He’d never laid a hand on Steve, but his words had hurt way worse than any hit he could have landed.
“He better be. I don’t want… this in my house. I raised you better.” His father looked Eddie up and down, but didn’t move.
Eddie eventually got up from where he was sitting, and he was seething. He’d known that Steve’s parents would never become parents of the year, but he hadn’t expected it to be this bad. On the other hand… he knew how people viewed him, especially when they knew. Wayne had told him that there would always be people who were against him, against the way he lived his life, but being faced with Mr Harrington, who looked at him like he was the scum of the earth, hit him differently.
“Come one…” Steve said with a pleading look on his face, and Eddie walked past Steve’s father, heading straight for the door.
“Here, take these and get home. Don’t want you to walk all the way.” Steve handed him his car keys, and while he didn’t exactly like the idea of Eddie driving, this was the best solution right now.
“Aren’t you coming?” Eddie looked at the keys in his hand, then back up at Steve. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“I can’t… I have to fix this somehow.”
“What is there to fix, Steve? Your family shouldn’t treat you like this… They should accept you for who you are, love you for who you are.”
“You don’t understand!” And Steve didn’t really understand it himself if he was being honest. Eddie was right with what he said, and his parents had never really shown him love, but they were still his family, right? He had to at least try.
“There is nothing to understand. You either want this…” He gestured between the two of them, because now that they’d opened the box of Pandora, he felt comfortable talking about it, because he knew that Steve felt the same way that he did, that it wasn’t just his imagination. “Want me… or you don’t.”
“It’s not that simple, Eddie…”
“It is. You’re just making it complicated.” And Eddie was sick and tired of complicated. Admitting to his own feelings had been complicated enough, because he hadn’t wanted to destroy anything they’d been having up until now, but everything else should be easy.
“Eddie I…” Steve struggled to find the right words, because he’d never been in a situation like this. They’d talked about this, about Steve’s parents not being proud of him, and Eddie had assured him that he’d found his own family with the others, and he knew that, believed it. But there was still this small part in him that wanted to see his father proud of him, and that would never happen after what his father had just witnessed, so he had to try and smooth over the situation, find some kind of explanation for this.
“So you’re staying here.” Eddie clenched the keys in his fist, tried to concentrate on the pain from the keys digging into his hand instead of the pain radiating out from his chest, where his heart was slowly falling apart.
“I have to… I’m sorry.” Steve couldn’t even look him in the eye, because he didn’t want Eddie to see the tears brimming in his own eyes. 
“Actually you don’t… but whatever, Harrington.”
Eddie turned on his heel and walked over to Steve’s car. He had to get away from here, before he said something he’d regret in the end, because he was hurt. One could probably say that he was running away again, but he was just protecting his own heart.
Steve watched him leave, felt his own heart break in the process, and he immediately regretted his decision as soon as Eddie was out of view. Eddie had been right, his family shouldn’t treat him like this, but his emotions had just been all over the place.
“You gonna tell me what all this was about?” His father appeared behind him, arms crossed over his chest, face still red because he was fuming. “I hope it’s not what I think it is.”
“What is it to you?” Steve suddenly snapped, turning around to face his father. “Since when do you care?” He rubbed at his eyes to get rid of the tears. The pent up emotions were suddenly breaking out, everything he’d kept bottled up, but he tried to stay in control.
“We always wanted what was best for you.” His father stayed back, kept his distance, not knowing how to deal with a situation like this.
“Yeah, but you never really cared what I wanted, so don’t start to act like you really care now.”
Steve turned around again and started walking. He didn’t know where he was going, but he needed to get away. His father yelled after him, but Steve kept on ignoring him. He knew that he couldn’t go back to the Hendersons, because he didn’t want to face Eddie right now. He’d fucked up, he knew it, and he needed to come up with a plan to make it up to Eddie. And so he ended up in front of Robin’s door, hoping that she was home.
“Steve?” Robin asked as soon as she opened the door, taking in the picture before her. Her heart plummeted, all kinds of scenarios in her head, but the first one being that Eddie had turned him down - which she still thought unlikely, but she wasn’t in the least prepared for what Steve would tell her.
“I fucked up.” His eyes were red and puffy from crying, but at least the tears had stopped.
“Come on.” Robin took his hand and guided him to the sofa in the living room. Her parents weren’t home, so they could stay here. As soon as they sat down, Robin pulled him into her arms. “What happened?” Her voice was quiet, soothing. She gently rubbed her hands over his back to get him to calm down.
“Everything was perfect… I played the song for him and we nearly kissed until…”
“Until what?”
“My father was there.”
“Oh no!” Robin already knew where this was going, because she knew Steve’s parents, knew how they’d treated Steve, and what he told her now, only made her dislike at least his father even more.
“Eddie asked me to come with him… said that it was that simple.”
“But you didn’t.” Robin didn’t need an answer, because he was here with her, not with Eddie. “Oh Steve…” She hugged him even tighter, and Steve let her. He felt safe in the arms of his best friend, who always understood him, who was always there for him.
“I thought…” Steve’s voice was muffled due to his face being pressed against Robin’s shoulder, so he raised his head again to look at her. “I don’t know, I guess I freaked out a little, because it was actually leading somewhere and at the same time, I wanted to get my father’s blessing… only for a second, though.” Steve sighed, put some distance between them to take off his glasses and run both his hands over his face, through his hair. “Soon as Eddie was out of sight, I knew that there was no hope for that relationship with my father anymore.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think that chance was gone long before today.”
“I know… still…” Steve waved his hands in the air, gave an exasperated sigh.
“D’you think you can fix things with Eddie?” Robin reached for his hand now, gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t know. He looked so… hurt.” And Steve had felt the same way, hadn’t wanted to let Eddie go, but he had also not been able to act differently. “I hope so…”
“We’ll find a way, alright?” Robin’s reassuring smile put him at ease at least a little bit. “You’ll stay here for the night, right? We’ll eat pizza, watch movies, and then we’ll tackle that problem together tomorrow.”
It sounded like a good idea, and Steve was feeling a little better knowing that he wasn’t alone. Still, he knew that the night wouldn’t be easy, because he longed to be by Eddie’s side, make sure that he got some sleep as well. But that wasn’t an option, not after what had happened today.
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Tag-List: @dreamsoffilm
Let me know (send me a message) if you want to be on one of my tag-lists. I have one for the Promises Series, Eddie x Reader, Steddie and Steve x Reader 💚
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