#for the glitch effects possibly
artificialcaretaker · 4 months
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[everything in its right place]
(Intense flash warning for link)
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[Alright. This is the THIRD time I’ve tried to post this. Let’s hope it works. Anyways,
I actually started on this a couple of days ago, but I read Part 4 Chapter 2 last night and it just resonated SO hard with the whole idea I was goin for that I just dropped the ambiguity and directly correlated ‘em
Is it concerning that the whole deal there was so unbelievably REAL to me? Like, like DUDE. The concept of entering a situation so strenuous that you lock yourself into some incomprehensible space in your head. And, AND LIKE, and the recollection of seemingly random childhood memories that connect to the complicated things you’re feeling and the phrase repetition and the realization of years and years of frustration with the world and the PHRASE REPETITION?! DID THEY WRITE THIS FOR ME?! IS THIS LITERALLY ME?!
The whole thing read like an EVA breakdown scene, and the thing is I WAS blasting EIIRP while drawing this and I WAS just going to link the song itself but this AMV came up in the search and it was just so EXCELLENT that I had to link it instead. Go check it out it’s beautiful man.
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misspenguinchaos · 2 months
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let my boy paint :(
there ain’t enough art of p.AI.nter,,,
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feralcorpses · 4 months
for the art ask thingy, how about sos!Owen holding his skull like that Hamlet pose? (Holding it up in the air ig)
Cw/tw: Animal Skull, glitch effect, eyestrain? (<- not sure abt the eyestrain one tbh)
I know little to nothing about hamlet but I absolutely loved drawing this and it’s probably one of my best digital pieces so far lol
I honestly thought you meant like Owen’s actual skull at first and I went with that for like an hour and then it clicked in my head and I was like “oh, OMG”
I convinced myself he would have some sort of scar across his cheek for some reason but looks good lol, poor guy looks so tired in this, I really love his sos skin tho it was really fun to translate into smt like this!
(Click for better quality!!)
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Reblogs are appreciated! <3/p
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vickyvicarious · 12 days
Somehow Arthur feels very, very close to me. I seem to feel his presence warm about me. I suppose it is that sickness and weakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes and sympathy on ourselves, whilst health and strength give Love rein, and in thought and feeling he can wander where he wills. I know where my thoughts are. If Arthur only knew!
I know there have been a bajillion thinkpieces written lectured and adapted about how blood giving or taking is sex and sexual appetite etc but man vampire lore is sleeping on blood being a vessel of one's love
So true!
Especially when we consider the difference between the vampires drinking vs. the humans transfusing. Like, I was musing about this exact thing the other day. With each transfusion, Van Helsing (et al) is performing a kind of medical vampirism. But there are a couple key differences between that and actual vampirism. And the love is the biggest one.
We see humans giving blood as an expression of their love. They are willingly sacrificing their own health to heal another. The first transfusion makes this extremely clear, with Arthur speaking of his devotion using the words:
"My life is hers, and I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."
And that's before he even knows she needs it! Love and devotion and bleeding for another are already linked concepts in his mind, and this line makes the connection clear to readers too. As for the result - in this diary entry you quote, Lucy describes the effect as not only a physical boost, but a kind of spiritual/emotional one too. It's not just that she is physically doing better and feeling happier because of that. She is specifically thinking of Arthur after he has given her blood, and feels her love for him stronger than ever. There's a sense that his blood, full of his love for her, is in her veins now, and her love for him is strengthened by it. After Jack gives her blood, we get one of the best moments in their relationship, with the shared secret/smile at one another about the past failed proposal. I think this is such a wonderful gesture of friendship and platonic love. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucy is feeling closer than ever to him in that and similar moments too... and it doesn't have to be because of his blood in her veins, but couldn't that be a contributing factor? (We can also say maybe empath!Lucy helps her feel the effect of the emotion in the blood even more, but that's slightly beside the point.)
I've even wondered if perhaps in-universe, emotional connection makes a transfusion more likely to be successful. Remember, at the time the book was written, blood types had not yet been figured out, so the success or failure of transfusions was kind of a mystery (though only for another like three years after publishing). We can easily say "oh, Lucy is conveniently a universal recipient" and leave it at that. But thematically, it would be quite fitting if the closeness between two people makes them more likely to have their blood 'accepted'. It would also fit with the comments Van Helsing made that Arthur "can do more than any that live," or is "better than me, better than my friend John" when it's time for him to give Lucy blood. Sure, it makes logical sense for someone who isn't her doctor to do it, and he is young and healthy (and tall! more blood!), but there's also a sense that he has more 'right' to do so than the others, because he is her lover. If we run with that, the love linking them makes his blood more effective, or at least more likely to be accepted.
Now, let's contrast all of this good, love-filled blood-gifting with vampires, shall we? Just as Arthur spoke of his love in terms of giving blood, the vampires speak of taking blood in terms of love:
"He is young and strong; there are kisses for us all."
(Not to mention the whole "you never love"/"oh yes I can" exchange afterwards. That's an even more explicit example in a lot of ways, just a bit longer than this one line.) In a sense, vampires taking blood is an expression of their 'love'. But as I discussed in the post linked above, a vampire's version of love is predatory. It consumes. They don't accept blood that is willingly given. Instead they take blood, and forcibly compel people to 'offer' it to them by suppressing their minds/negative emotions in a hypnotic trance. This is where you could bring back the sex comparison, but only in the sense of an assault. They might make their victims come to them, but they aren't really consenting. There's a reason the word love is in quotation marks for them! And the absence of blood being willingly given means that rather than being a vessel for love like we see amongst the humans, instead any link created between the vampire and their 'donor' is very predatory. There is a connection created there, but it's one that is designed to make it easier to feed more, to corrupt their victim more. Maybe Dracula can feel Lucy in some way, just like she felt Arthur - but maybe it's more in the sense of him being able to know where she is or to influence her more. In fact, there is plenty of suggestion that some kind of psychic link is created between a vampire and their victim, one that can perhaps go both ways at times (such as Jonathan possibly getting a glimpse of Dracula's plans after being drunk from) but typically only serves to weaken and manipulate the victim (Lucy unable to remember or speak about what happens to her, down to the point of even hiding her bitemarks with her choker; if we go back to that Jonathan scene, his brain fever coming on so abruptly could be some sort of psychic attack/backlash).
There are also some interesting implications regarding spoilers, so I'm going to put those under a cut:
Firstly, Mina being forced to drink Dracula's blood clearly establishes a connection between them. It is explicitly a corrupting influence, and is described as being like a "poison" - very much the opposite of the strengthening connection Lucy experiences with willingly given human blood. And some of that is clearly just due to it being a vampire's blood, but maybe the fact that she's forced to ingest it against her will could be a factor too. Like, Lucy is unaware of getting transfusions, but they're all from people she loves and who love her, so her body doesn't reject them. I wonder whether, if someone really wanted to become a vampire and very willingly drank the vampire blood, then the process of turning into one might be easier or faster than the slow, disorienting decline Mina suffers in canon. Obviously how much human blood you have left in you and how close you are to dying makes a difference too, as seen with Lucy. And we don't officially know if Dracula made Lucy drink his blood too and that's always part of the vampire transformation, or if that was an extra magical measure against Mina. So it's getting way into speculation.
But the drinking blood = connection is definitely made clear with Mina. She is able to turn that against Dracula, so it at least can go both ways when the blood-giver is supernatural. I doubt it would go both ways with an ordinary human donor, but it still could support Lucy getting more connected with the people giving her blood. In fact, you could play around with that idea since she's also connected to Dracula as his victim.
Anyways, speaking of getting super far into speculation, let's dive a little more into the idea of a willing donor/victim for a vampire. For example, the reason a vampire doesn't get the loved-up connection is not necessarily entirely inherent to their nature, but to the behavior that nature leads to. Maybe it's the way they are preying on people and taking things that twists whatever connection is created into such a bad thing. And if so, what would happen if a human willingly donated their blood to a vampire as an expression of love?
Instead of taking, the vampire would be accepting a gift. Maybe then the love really would flow through. Maybe, even, this would mean that the person giving the blood didn't suffer as many negative effects, and the vampire drinking the blood would receive some of that more healing influence. You all know what I'm getting at. If Jonathan gave his blood to Mina in full knowledge of what was happening, would it connect her to him even more strongly? Would it, rather than hastening her descent into vampirism, conversely help her hold on to her humanity because she feels more connected to his very human love? Maybe he wouldn't suffer the same effects as usual victims - he wouldn't forget and maybe he wouldn't even feel as weakened as blood loss usually should make someone feel. Maybe he'd even get a bit of vampiric influence leaking back, but only the beneficial stuff.
It's not something I've ever considered before, but it could be a really fun idea to play with. You could even make a case for it in canon if you really tried, citing stuff like Jonathan's cold hands and flinging the coffin near the end of the book, and Mina's certainty about his location and safety. She feels the humanizing emotional connection and his presence; he isn't weakened and maybe even gets some vampiric strength/intimidating vampire aura when he needs it. Rather than a predatory connection, it is one which goes both ways and strengthens both, because it combines the supernatural elements of a vampire with the strengthening effects of willingly given love-filled blood.
That might only work in the short term, and the vampiric corruption would overwhelm and ruin things in the long run, of course. And you definitely don't have to go down that road at all in the first place. Or all the way - maybe you only like the idea of his blood helping her feel more connected to him/feel his love for her, rather than going down the whole rabbithole. But however much you use, it's a fun concept to play with, I think!
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Make me your God, I can give you everything. When our darknesses overlap...
Let me take it all away
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lotro-tooltips-daily · 8 months
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avaize · 2 years
Genshin 3.3 spoilers
The more we see of Dottore, the more confused he leaves us lmao At first he was leaked to be psychic, but that was based on the cutscenes with the Akasha controlling the Sumeru citizens so it was possibly a misunderstanding of the script without seeing the cutscene
BUT there’s still a possibility that Dottore is a psychic. Or at least, he can mess with minds via illusions. We had that scene with the Traveler and Dehya spying on Boattore and the Fatui soldiers only for the soldiers to disappear like they never existed in the first place. And now we have Dottore shape shifting like nothing and had the glitch effect to show his transformation.
And if he is psychic / illusionist, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dottore is a dendro user if he’s not cryo
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mintymintsyjelly · 2 years
Never ask:
A man: his salary
A woman: her age
A nene: How the fuck she got here
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This took me like 7 hours oh Mmy god
Anyways this was a fun experiment! There was more I wanted to do, but I ended up just testing something else instead, maybe with another character I'll find a silly experiment thing..... anyways yeah! I also think this might be a cool au, so maybe sometime I'll make a part 2.
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thoughtportal · 7 months
Opinion Here’s how to get free Paxlovid as many times as you need it
When the public health emergency around covid-19 ended, vaccines and treatments became commercial products, meaning companies could charge for them as they do other pharmaceuticals. Paxlovid, the highly effective antiviral pill that can prevent covid from becoming severe, now has a list price of nearly $1,400 for a five-day treatment course.
Thanks to an innovative agreement between the Biden administration and the drug’s manufacturer, Pfizer, Americans can still access the medication free or at very low cost through a program called Paxcess. The problem is that too few people — including pharmacists — are aware of it.
I learned of Paxcess only after readers wrote that pharmacies were charging them hundreds of dollars — or even the full list price — to fill their Paxlovid prescription. This shouldn’t be happening. A representative from Pfizer, which runs the program, explained to me that patients on Medicare and Medicaid or who are uninsured should get free Paxlovid. They need to sign up by going to paxlovid.iassist.com or by calling 877-219-7225. “We wanted to make enrollment as easy and as quick as possible,” the representative said.
Indeed, the process is straightforward. I clicked through the web form myself, and there are only three sets of information required. Patients first enter their name, date of birth and address. They then input their prescriber’s name and address and select their insurance type.
All this should take less than five minutes and can be done at home or at the pharmacy. A physician or pharmacist can fill it out on behalf of the patient, too. Importantly, this form does not ask for medical history, proof of a positive coronavirus test, income verification, citizenship status or other potentially sensitive and time-consuming information.
But there is one key requirement people need to be aware of: Patients must have a prescription for Paxlovid to start the enrollment process. It is not possible to pre-enroll. (Though, in a sense, people on Medicare or Medicaid are already pre-enrolled.)
Once the questionnaire is complete, the website generates a voucher within seconds. People can print it or email it themselves, and then they can exchange it for a free course of Paxlovid at most pharmacies.
Pfizer’s representative tells me that more than 57,000 pharmacies are contracted to participate in this program, including major chain drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens and large retail chains such as Walmart, Kroger and Costco. For those unable to go in person, a mail-order option is available, too.
The program works a little differently for patients with commercial insurance. Some insurance plans already cover Paxlovid without a co-pay. Anyone who is told there will be a charge should sign up for Paxcess, which would further bring down their co-pay and might even cover the entire cost.
Several readers have attested that Paxcess’s process was fast and seamless. I was also glad to learn that there is basically no limit to the number of times someone could use it. A person who contracts the coronavirus three times in a year could access Paxlovid free or at low cost each time.
Unfortunately, readers informed me of one major glitch: Though the Paxcess voucher is honored when presented, some pharmacies are not offering the program proactively. As a result, many patients are still being charged high co-pays even if they could have gotten the medication at no cost.
This is incredibly frustrating. However, after interviewing multiple people involved in the process, including representatives of major pharmacy chains and Biden administration officials, I believe everyone is sincere in trying to make things right. As we saw in the early days of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, it’s hard to get a new program off the ground. Policies that look good on paper run into multiple barriers during implementation.
Those involved are actively identifying and addressing these problems. For instance, a Walgreens representative explained to me that in addition to educating pharmacists and pharmacy techs about the program, the company learned it also had to make system changes to account for a different workflow. Normally, when pharmacists process a prescription, they inform patients of the co-pay and dispense the medication. But with Paxlovid, the system needs to stop them if there is a co-pay, so they can prompt patients to sign up for Paxcess.
Here is where patients and consumers must take a proactive role. That might not feel fair; after all, if someone is ill, people expect that the system will work to help them. But that’s not our reality. While pharmacies work to fix their system glitches, patients need to be their own best advocates. That means signing up for Paxcess as soon as they receive a Paxlovid prescription and helping spread the word so that others can get the antiviral at little or no cost, too.
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feathered-serpents · 8 months
Lmao my TikTok was too long to upload here so I’m just gonna retype it all out
Chester and Norris: Are they really Jon and Martin?
Wrong question imo! The BETTER question is: How MUCH of Jon and Martin are Chester and Norris?
The fact is these programs have SOME link to Jon and Martin, Jonny and Alex would not be voicing them otherwise, so what it comes down to is how much of a link?
Because it could be that it’s ONLY their voices. Annabelle explained to Jon that the tapes belonged to the Web, and that by “taking his voice” Jon was therefore bound to the Web and the other fears by extension. It’s entirely possible that when the Fears left Archives’ universe, they brought Jon (and Martin as he was also on the tapes) voices over with them, but JUST the voices. Nothing else. It’s just a coat of paint over the entities methods of collection, Chester and Norris aren’t Jon and Martin anymore than glasses are the person wearing them
But I’m not sure that’s the case. There’s a lot of holes there. The main one being: why? If it is just hollow voices, then why? What’s the purpose of the fears using them? It’s only been two episodes, so it might be answered later, but let’s talk about the second possibility
Chester and Norris ARE Jon and Martin, they just aren’t aware. When Martin “cut the tether” in episode 200, he didn’t cut the Fears away from Jon, he cut the Fears away from the world and at that point, as the Pupil of the Eye, Jon was part of the fears. Since Martin was in the panopticon when they went, he went too.
And now we have a disembodied Jon and Martin existing in a dazed but still hungry state. They seek out whatever’s familiar and since there’s no Magnus Institute, they go to the OIAR, get into their system, and read out any “real” statements they can find. Feeding off of them.
In this possibility, Jon and Martin are effectively asleep. They aren’t aware of what they’re doing really, just going by their new instincts/nature. But I think the more they feed, the more conscious they’ll become, and we’ll start to Chester and Norris break script. Stutter over a word. Add words. Things that a text to speech program simply CAN’T do even if glitched to shit
What complicates this possibility is the fact that Alice said they only showed up a year ago when it’s implied the OIAR has existed much longer than that as well as the fears in this world. It could be they move from place to place feeding off what they can, and when that’s bled dry, they move somewhere else? If they’re as intertwined with the fears as this theory implies, they could exist across infinite universes, staying alive like this
I’m not sure! It’s super interesting tho. I think the saddest ending would be if it’s never really answered, and Jon becomes, at least in some ways, a mystery
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queen0fm0nsterz · 11 months
Ok so I have only watched TADC once and the first thing I'm drawn to right off the bat is Kinger.
He's quite the guy and I think moving forward he will be one of the more interesting character to delve into. One of the things about his personality that immediately comes off is that, in spite of his mind being a bit all over the place, he is actually fairly knowledgeable on the world they find themselves in.
Jax does express confusion when Kinger begins explaining to him how the food in the DC works, which could indicate that either he didn't take enough interest in Kinger to hear what he was actually saying most of the time (this could be the case as he seems to be super dismissive of just about everyone), or that Kinger doesn't express his knowledge often. I think it could be a mix of both.
Honestly, his mental state doesn't seem to be an act. I believe that, due to being in the Circus for so long, his mentality is verging more towards that of the npc characters like Caine -- wacky and nonsensical at times -- while also still retaining the capability of deeper though like the playable (player?) characters. I wonder if he kept the knowledge he has acquired overtime mostly to himself and just recently started to express it randomly because of the previously mentioned change in his mind.
When talking about Kaufmo, he is the first of all of them to realize that something was "wrong" with him and reaches the conclusion that he was going insane (which was later revealed to be correct as Kaufmo turned into an Abstraction). During that instance, he expresses his concern for Pomni's own mental state.
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He's been here a long time. He's probably seen many others become Abstractions, just like Kaufmo: he knows what the warning signs are. The fact he also outright refuses to go check on Kaufmo indicates to him having an ounce on what might have happened to him, as well as the possibility of him knowing what the effects of being caught by an Abstraction are. Ragatha said she was in a lot of pain while glitching; it might be possible for Kinger have touched by an Abstraction in the past, or he watched it happen to someone else.
((Either way, Ragatha and Jax don't really seem to consider Kaufmo's Abstractification (?) at all when going up to check on him, meaning he might have been the first actual companion they had who turned into one.))
Another thing that shines through in his personality is that, in his own way, Kinger is a caring guy. When doing rock-paper-scissors with Gangle to decide who would have to save Zooble, he celebrates his victory before sprinting into action.
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Gangle is visibly confused by this, as she was expecting to be the one who would have to help, but Kinger interpreted it differently and was more than happy to get Zooble help.
He's such a strange guy. I love him.
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delusionsofgrandeur13 · 4 months
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girl, i wanna see you undo it
i wanna see you but you’re not mine.
how the other batboys react to a breakup
18+, mdni !!!!!!
readers can expect: a fem reader, lotttta angst, cursing, mentions of violence, sexually explicit scenes including mentions of penetration, oral, and masturbation. also tim drake being a creep via e-stalking but reader is aware of it and more or less okay with it.
your ex boyfriend, bruce wayne, was avoiding alfred.
his butler was insisting on signing him up for therapy, and bruce was dodging him, hard. he didn’t have it in him. he wouldn’t go pay a professional to hear how pathetic he was over the lack of you in his life. couldn’t. he’s found a much more effective way to get out his emotions.
one that involves his fists and a goon’s face.
it was probably cruel, these poor goons were just trying to feed their families, or something, but batman was indifferent.
he was now always nearing dangerously close to breaking his no-kill rule. almost always teetering over that edge. even with his own life. he’d head out in the batsuit, prowling the seediest streets of gotham, hoping, practically praying, for someone to do something illegal. he would put himself in the most deadly situations just to feel alive. wasn’t the healthiest solution, but.
did he care? no.
bruce was numb, unfeeling to those around him. he couldn’t even look at himself in the mirror, not at the stupid fuck who’d lost the love of his life. he’d lagged behind in his case solving, gordon was growing increasingly more concerned. he was rude to the paparazzi asking after you, almost able to hear your voice in his ear, telling him to be nicer to them, whacking him on the bicep. he’d throw his usual charity galas, sure, but would send dick or jason in his place to showboat. he didn’t have the patience to talk to reporters. didn’t want to show face if you weren’t there on his arm. you always made the social aspect much more bearable. would always help him relieve the stress of it all after the event had ended.
but did he still care about you? yes.
just like when you were dating, bruce taking care of you was second nature.
he wouldn’t dare cancel the flower deliveries he’d set up when the two of you were together. they appeared at your apartment door every week and a half, always something different, but always in your favorite colors. you couldn’t stay mad at them either, the flowers brightened up your kitchen so nicely. when you and bruce were dating, he’d merged your calendars, just so scheduling was easier. you’d since deleted the connection, but he somehow still knows when you have appointments, as you’ll come out of your building’s lobby to a sleek black wayne enterprises car. the chauffeur opening the car door for you silently. you’d take it over the subway every time, even if it was a little awkward.
the dating app you’d downloaded after the breakup kept glitching, never letting you text any of your matches back. if you cared more, you’d contact support, but it was so odd. everything else on your phone works perfectly fine! but you had a gut feeling it had something to do with your ex boyfriend.
bruce might’ve slipped oracle a few bills for her silence over that favor.
he tried not to think about the fact you were already willing to start dating again. he couldn’t fathom being with anyone else. could not possibly wrap his head around it. why would he want anyone when he could have you? when he had already had you? everyone else seemed..lackluster.
it’s the same reason he’d been celibate since the breakup. after you, he was tainted. he didn’t think he’d ever be able to have sex again without thinking of you. especially in his own house. the two of you had fucked on every surface possible, seriously. tried every position.
it’d been difficult just sleeping in his own bed when he used to share it with you. used to make your legs shake as you gripped at the sheets. would never make you beg for anything, eating you out until you couldn’t take it anymore. that’s when bruce would press you up against him, holding you up with his huge arms as he pounded into you, his balls slapping against your clit as you whined, barely able to form words.
he’d never been with anyone the way he had with you. so obviously he wasn’t even able to finish with his own hand. it was nothing, nothing compared to the way you felt. his imagination would never have him moaning the way you could. could never make him melt the way you oh so easily were able to, with just a look.
so he was numb. and bruce just figured that’s how he’d stay.
your ex boyfriend, jason todd, throws his book across the room, flinching when it thuds against the wall opposite.
annoyed at the surprise romantic subplot, he huffs out a breath from behind his hands. he has to get over his sudden aversion to romance, but it feels impossible after losing you. he can’t watch any of his favorite movies, can only read a select few of his favorite books.
he barely even goes out anymore, mostly to avoid seeing couples on dates. the two of you loved going out together, loved going out to community events like concerts in the park, fairs in the summer. he missed accompanying you to your nephew’s t-ball games, watching you cheer and beam up at him in one of his old baseball hats.
so he barely goes out. he doesn’t have you with him!
he saw an elderly couple strolling in the park the other day. jason had promptly turned in the opposite direction, to avoid crumpling into a ball and sobbing or throwing up into the nearest trash can.
he’d gotten back onto his bike and rode home, going way over the speed limit. he didn’t care about being safe on it anymore, not when you weren’t there to ask him to or be his backpack. he missed the way you’d hold on to him, your thighs bracketing his torso as the bike roared. how at stoplights you’d rub your palms over his chest, grabbing his pecs with your gloved hands. your resulting giggle was muffled through your motorcycle helmet, but it was still the sweetest sound in the world to him.
but jason stopped bothering trying to function out in public after that, only ever really leaving his place for missions and to train at wayne manor.
and boy, had he been training. ever since the two of you had broken up, he’d been working out to the point of exhaustion.
barely peeling himself off of the floor after each workout, always heading straight to the shower to rinse the sweat off while he zoned out into the steam. after his workouts was the only time he would relieve himself. he’d hunch over with one hand propping him up opposite the tiled wall, the other fisted around his cock as he thought of your pretty smile, your gorgeous eyes, the meat of your thighs, the curve of your ass. how you’d clench around his cock with yet another orgasm, moaning his name into the mattress.
he’d finish, hard, his body shuddering, leaving him to be ashamed with himself.
he wasn’t allowed to do this, he wasn’t allowed to think of you like you were still his. all this and yet the pain in his muscles still didn’t ease the pain in his heart, the pain seeping into his bones whenever he thought about you.
jason was still hesitant to be around his siblings.
you had left your perfume in his bathroom, and while he knows it sounds crazy, he's been spraying it on his clothes. he misses the way they would smell like you after you’d borrow them. he still hadn’t touched one of his flannels, the one you loved to steal and loved to see him in. he didn’t see the point in wearing it if you weren’t there to see it.
the last time he’d seen damian, his little brother had loudly asked him why he “smelled girly.”
jason had turned bright red and mumbled something probably unintelligible before briskly walking away, bumping into the doorframe on his way out.
he’s been spraying your perfume on the pillow you’d always use too, snuggling it close to his chest like he used to with you while he fell asleep.
it’s definitely not the same, but it’s the closest jason has to the real thing.
tim drake, your ex boyfriend, swiveled in his desk chair, spinning back and forth. the monitors covering the wall above his desk were alive with various video feeds and social media websites.
@user892548276 was viewing your instagram story, a gorgeous selfie of you that tim had already screenshotted. he had plans for that later. @gothamite69 was liking your latest tweet, while @ilovedoggiess couldn’t get enough of your latest tiktok.
he knew he had to switch up the users so you’d think it was bots. you’d figure it out otherwise. too bad he had a thing for smart people.
he nodded, satisfied at the cctv feed of the street your apartment building was on, before throwing a hoodie on over his bare chest. tim strolled into the kitchen, his sweats slung low on his hips. he ran a hand through his hair, using the other to grab the coffee pot to refill his mug.
“hey, tim. whatcha up to?” jason leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed.
tim jumped, turning around.
“just some surveillance, nothing much.” he replied, hoping he sounded nonchalant.
“ohh, that case for bats?”
“mmhm.” tim cracked his knuckles, something of a nervous habit he’d developed after the breakup. and his serious lack of sleep.
“well, i won’t keep you. tell y/n i said hi!”
tim flinched at the mention of you as jason left in the direction of the garage. it’s not his brother’s fault. jay had been really busy with the outlaws lately, never home long enough to realize tim hadn’t brought you over in weeks. tim scrubbed his hands over his face and through his hair. maybe it was the exhaustion muddling things, but tim can’t remember the last time he’d had a full night’s sleep. it was already difficult falling asleep. it only made it worse that every time he did fall asleep he dreamed about you.
but dick had noticed. he had slowly transitioned tim’s assignments to mainly desk work. his older brother was probably worried about him being too tired on the field and getting hurt. but he hadn’t told bruce. tim preferred it that way. he didn’t need a big fuss about if he was okay or his performance level as a hero.
tim grabbed his mug, making his way back to his bedroom. he caught a glimpse of a dark figure in the window, spooking himself. he was on edge so much worse than usual. his reflection stared back at him, his face skinny and his eyebags dark against the pale skin of his cheeks.
tim shook his head, heading into his bedroom. he swayed a little, locking the door behind him. he set his mug on his desk, sitting down in his chair just in time to see you heading down the street.
he stood up so fast his chair rocketed back, hitting the wall. you usually don’t go out on thursday nights. is everything okay??
he types frantically, finding different angles to effectively follow you down the street, physically recoiling to see you stop at a restaurant. just another date.
you stopped, looking around, waving when you spot a blond guy walking towards you. tim enhances the best he can, zooming in on this asshole who thinks he’s good enough for you. tim scoffs out loud at the wrinkled shirt your date has on, looking ridiculous in comparison to your beauty.
the sundress you’re in is one of his favorites, red and white and flowery. he gulps down a sip of coffee at his screen when you turn around, the fabric hugging your body. he blinks, snapping out of it as your date ushers you into the restaurant. tim cracks his knuckles. he reaches for his phone, pulling up your contact. he itches to call you, to pull you out of the date you’re on, to make you think about him instead of that tool you’re with.
but he can’t. he shouldn’t.
he pulls up the screenshot of your story instead, staring at the selfie of you in his favorite sundress. his cock twitches against the fabric of his sweats. he can’t even count how many times he’s had you rutting against him with that dress hiked up to your waist.
he tosses his phone onto his bed, sitting back in his desk chair as he palms his cock, his brain full of thoughts of you.
you pressed up against him in a slinky dress as you slow dance at a wayne gala. waking up in your bed how the two of you fell asleep, naked, limbs intertwined. dancing in a gotham nightclub together, your hair in your face as you throw your arms up and swivel your hips in his direction in your shortest dress. the texts and pictures you’d been sending back and forth after the breakup, unable to let each other go.
tim throws his head back as he finishes, your name on his lips. his body rigid, the warm liquid all over his hands. he cleans himself off, staring into nothing until his computer dings at the motion detected on your street. you’re strutting down the sidewalk, the street empty. before you head inside your building, you stare into the cctv camera across the street. you wave, smiling coyly. tim sits up straighter, holding his breath. you hold up your thumb, and tim groans. that guy??
but you flip your thumb down at the camera, shaking your head. bad date.
tim whoops, beaming.
he shuts down his computer before flopping onto his bed, burrowing under the covers. five minutes later, he’s fast asleep as his coffee grows cold where it sits on his desk.
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sexhaver · 6 months
Magic the Gathering rules: a centralized, continually updated document built on a framework established by a math PhD 30 years ago that can be used to resolve literally any situation that could possibly arise, no matter how complex. "reading the card explains the card". literally Turing complete.
Yu-Gi-Oh! rules: a slapdash mess of individual card rulings and functional errata held together by spit, prayers, and bans. Konami didn't invent the concept of "reading the card explains the card" until 2011 with Problem-Solving Card Text and even then it's not 100% consistent. it's frankly a miracle that the game functions at all without exploding and injuring bystanders.
Hearthstone rules: there was a one-week period where having Fandral Staghelm on the board would allow you to cast Dark Wispers targeting yourself instead of a creature, which in addition to summoning 5 1/1 Wisps would also give your hero +5 max health, +5 attack (permanently, even on your opponent's turn, so you damaged any minions that hit your face), and Taunt (so enemy minions were forced to hit your face before hitting any of your minions, effectively making them untargetable). people argued over whether or not this was a glitch until Blizzard quietly patched it out
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scarlet-bitch · 2 months
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Glitch. (Part One)
“I think there’s been a glitch, five seconds later I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch, and I’m not even sorry.”
18+ sexual themes
Robin thought it would be a great idea to set Steve up with her new co-worker. But once the date was arranged, she started to second-guess her decision and wondered if you might have been a better match for Eddie. As a true gentleman, Steve took her concerns seriously and decided to leave the choice up to you.
Thirty minutes ago you would’ve said you were indifferent to metal music. You surely didn’t hate it, but you never found yourself particularly wanting to listen to it. However, you are rather fond of pretty men and the lead in the metal band playing at the dive bar where you’re on a blind date, is possibly the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
This is quite a testament, especially since your date, Steve, is very handsome. With his charming conversation, you genuinely enjoyed every moment of your dinner together. But now that you’re at The Hideout, you find it hard to concentrate on him or the conversation.
“Mhmm” you nod in agreement to what you think was a comment about the Jack and Coke he’s drinking. You know you should fight harder to pay attention but you’re simply too mesmerized by the sight in front of you to think straight.
Steve doesn’t seem to think much of it at first, figuring it’s far too loud to continue any meaningful conversation. But as the guitar solo begins, he clocks the real reason you’re struggling to keep up.
As you’re sat clutching your drink, your eyes are glued to the stage. Mouth slightly agape, thighs squeezed tight, breath hitched in your throat as your eyes lock in on the way the prettiest man’s fingers skillfully work his guitar.
He’s intoxicating.
“He’s a friend of mine if you want to meet him.”
Your face snaps back to your date. The embarrassment creeping up on your cheeks, as a shy smile toys at your lips.
“I, uh” you pause. In the hour you’ve known him, you have already gathered that Steve is a man who can read women. You couldn’t fool him if you wanted to.
He let’s out a small chuckle. “Listen, it’s totally fine. It’s safe to say Robin tried. I’ll introduce you.”
You found yourself straining your voice in an effort to be heard over the music. Your words tumbling out, trying to clarify that despite eye-fucking someone else, albeit his friend, it was in no way a reflection that you weren’t enjoying his company.
Steve grinned. "Seriously, don't worry about it. Eddie has that effect on people."
When the band wrapped up their set the bar transitioned to playing music over the speakers. Hall & Oates' “Maneater” was the first song to play, and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. The lyrics seemingly resonating in your own reality. “She’s sitting with you, but her eyes are on the door.” Or in this case, his best friend.
Eddie made his way over to the bar where Steve and you were sitting. Hair tousled, drops of sweat beading down his skin, and a wide toothy grin spread across his face. Steve nudged you subtly as he approached, a knowing smirk on his lips.
"Harrington! Good to see you, man!” Eddie greeted with a grin, slapping Steve on the shoulder before turning his attention to you. "And who might this stunning creature be?"
Steve introduced you. As you extended your arm, you greeted Eddie with a smile, "Nice to meet you."
He shook your hand, his touch lingering for a moment. "Likewise. Tell me, did you enjoy the show? I couldn't help but notice you looked rather... captivated.”
Steve interjected with a teasing tone. “Oh, I assure you, she was.”
"Well then, if I’ve been stealing your date's attention, the least I can do is buy you both a drink.”
Steve stayed at the bar with Eddie while the drinks were being prepared, so you found a booth tucked away in a quiet corner.
When they returned with your drinks, Steve slipped into the seat next to you while Eddie settled across on the bench. The conversation between the three of you, flowing effortlessly as you got to know Eddie as more than just a pretty face.
The night went on, the bar bustling around you, but in your little corner with Steve and Eddie, time seemed to slow down.
Eddie’s presence was just as captivating off stage. He seemed to possess a gravitational pull, drawing you in with stolen glances and cheeky comments that left you both intrigued and flustered. Steve was effortlessly charming, matching Eddie’s wit. His smile and the way he spoke had a quality that had escaped you earlier. As you watched them banter, you couldn't decide who was more attractive. Quickly realizing the title for prettiest man you’ve laid eyes on was a draw.
You were caught in the middle of their dynamic, unable to tear your gaze away from the interplay of their personalities. The two of them bounce off each other like the perfect balance of mystique and charm. In all the banter, you can’t help but detect subtle tension- like a glitch, a mix of friendship that’s tinged with a hint of something more. Desire.
Steve leaned back against the booth, grinning as Eddie's last comment hung in the air.
"So, confession," Steve started, his tone light. "Robin wasn’t sure who would be a better match for you, so we decided to take matters into our own hands.”
You chuckled softly, feeling warm from the alcohol and the company of both men. "So, this was all a plan to see which of you I’d fall for?” you teased, raising an eyebrow at Steve.
“Something like that.”
Eddie joined in with a laugh, “Steve usually doesn't let me crash his dates, but can you blame us? We thought Robin might be onto something when we saw you couldn’t keep your eyes off me.”
“Normally, I'd be embarrassed about that, but now look at both of you, competing for my attention.”
Steve laughed. “Do you always have this effect on people? Or is it just me and Eddie?”
You glanced between them, their eyes filled with curiosity and longing. "I think," you said slowly, "tonight might be different."
You may have been mesmerized by Eddie’s hands, but you now couldn’t stop looking at Steve’s mouth. It was so pretty, and every word that fell from his lips cascaded like velvet. He would talk me through it.
"You know," you said with a playful grin, sipping your drink, "I'm starting to think you two might be onto something."
Steve raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What's that?"
“Maybe I'm just greedy," you replied with a mock sigh, "but why choose one when I can have both?”
Eddie chuckled, leaning closer. "Careful," he murmured, his voice low, "you might give us ideas."
Steve's eyes met yours, warmth in his gaze making your cheeks flush. "Who says we haven't already had them?" he whispered, sending a shiver down your spine.
They exchanged a look that spoke volumes—a silent agreement that something unexpected was happening between them, sparked by you.
Eddie’s playful grin softened. “Alright then, you heard the man, we’re not opposed to sharing.”
You looked at them, searching for any hint of jest or hesitation, but found none. Their eyes held yours with an intensity that made your heart race.
A mischievous smile played on your lips as you leaned forward slightly. "Is that an invitation?”
Steve chuckled softly. "More like an offer.”
Eddie leaned back in his seat, a smirk playing on his lips. "The question is, are you up for it?" he added, his voice low and husky.
Taking a sip of your drink to gather your thoughts, you met their eyes with a hint of playfulness. "I’m game for almost anything,” you replied, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach. "But what exactly do you have in mind?"
Steve's eyes twinkled with amusement. "How about we start by going somewhere more private?" he suggested, his voice thick with promise.
Eddie nodded in agreement, his expression becoming more serious yet still tinged with excitement. "We could go to my place," he proposed. "It's about a 15-minute walk, or if we’d rather, my van’s just right outside. It's pretty spacious."
You lock eyes with Steve, finding comfort and a hint of invitation in his gaze. He leans nearer, his voice soft and filled with longing, "What do you say?"
“The van it is.”
Outside, the cool night air greeted you, a stark contrast to the warmth and intimacy brewing between the three of you.
Eddie opened the side door to his van, revealing a cozy space with cushions lining the floor. The three of you settled in, Eddie to your left, Steve to your right. The soft glow of the interior lights highlighted the contours of your faces, reflecting the shared desire that pulsed between each of you.
Eddie’s eyes were fixed on you with a playful glint. "Well, here we are," he remarked, his voice low yet filled with warmth. “You ready to see what other talents these hands possess” he whispers, grazing his hand gently up your left leg.
Your breath hitches. Taken off guard by his boldness, you’re at a loss for words. Merely shaking your head yes, causing Eddie to chuckle.
Steve, leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “You know, l've been wondering what your lips taste like since the moment I saw you.”
You turn your head, meeting him face to face. As you lean in, your lips brush against his in a feather-light kiss. His response is a soft intake of breath, before deepening the kiss. His hands sliding gently along your waist, pulling you closer. Eddie’s presence beside you was grounding, his fingers inching up your thigh.
As Steve moves from your lips to your neck, Eddie’s lips quickly find yours. A soft sigh escaping him. Eddie’s kiss is different than Steve’s, a melding of lips and tongues, indicative of the hunger and longing that had been building throughout the night. He moves from your lips to your jaw, nipping gently at your neck. One hand tangled in your hair, the other gripping the soft flesh of your inner thigh, only centimeters from where you want him most.
Steve’s trailing kisses softly on the other side, sucking gently when he finds the spot that makes you moan.
“Ahh, fuck.” You gasp, overwhelmed with the feeling of being ravished by both men.
“That’s it, baby girl. Tell us how you feel.” Steve hums.
“So fucking good.”
Both men begin trailing their kisses back up to your mouth, stopping as they almost collide together. They exchange a glance, a smirk on both their lips, wordless communication passing between them before they move in sync. Steve's lips found yours first, soft and eager, while Eddie's followed suit, more demanding. It was a collision of warmth and desire, three sets of lips intermingling, setting your senses on fire. When you parted, you were left breathless.
"I think we're going to have a lot of fun together.” Steve rasps
Eddie’s lips pull into a smirk. “Only one way to find out.”
Part Two
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐈𝐈𝐈)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
Summary: Let's go back to the beginning, when you meet Miguel for the very first time.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of loss.
A/N: Hello!! I'm sorry for the unexpected hiatus, but I'm back with the much requested first meeting for the couple in 'What's In Between' (read it here! and read part 2 here!) Enjoy :3
Alright people, let’s do this one last time.
You were bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 2 years, you were your world’s one and only Spider-Woman.
Your job took you around the entire world, not limited only to your hometown (even if that one time you went to Paris was by hanging on for dear life on a hijacked plane), and while it was difficult, saving people was the reason why you did what you did.
It’s what led you to this predicament now.
“Oh c’mon Vulture! You gotta stop doing this, we’re practically best buds by now, aren’t we? So why don’t you just relax, let me take you to prison and we can call it a day, yeah?” you say as you swing from wall to wall.
“Get out of my WAY!” he shouts, flying around as he evades your attacks.
“Don’t be like that,” you snicker, leaping out of the path of a bomb he threw at you. “Alright, hear me out. If you stop destroying the place, quit the whole villain gig, and I’ll get out of your hair. Deal?”
He completely ignores you, continuing to fly higher and higher until he hovers around the highest point of the ceiling.
“Not much of an exit you can take there, bud!” you shout up at him before glancing around at something you could use to take him down. But before you know it, he’s nosediving straight down.
Straight into you.
Desperately you try to shoot out your webs to escape, but he extends his wings, expanding the area of impact and leaving you with nowhere to run.
He smacks you out of the air, and you’re hurling toward the ground as the wind is knocked from your lungs at the collision.
Right before you can hit the concrete floor, fluorescent red webbing emerges from a bizarre sort of glitching portal effectively saving you from the fall.
But then you’re flung back into the air with a yelp as the man uses your form to propel himself out and toward Vulture.
“WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!” you shout as you fly before slinging yourself to the nearby wall.
“I just saved you,” he says bluntly before promptly ignoring you again. You shoot him an incredulous look before rolling your eyes. Yes, you were grateful but this guy already seemed like a major asshole.
Shooting out your webs, you swing up to meet your ‘saviour’.
“So who are you, mystery man?” you ask.
“Do we really need to do this right now?” he glances at you before slinging further away, trying to grab ahold of Vulture.
“It’s just common courtesy!” you shout up at him.
“That’s classified.”
“YOU’RE classified!” you say back, and he only blinks at you for a moment. You knew it was childish, but this guy was very quickly getting on your nerves. Let’s be honest here, its not every day that some random man comes flying out of some portal straight into a fight.
Especially someone who was just like you.
You didn’t think it was possible that there even could be anyone else like you. While heroes were common in your world, no one had powers like yours. Telekinesis? Check. Super-speed? Double check. The list goes on, but someone with web-slinging, spider-like powers? As far as you knew, you were the only one.
Until now.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say,” he says, his webs wrapping around Vulture’s wings. Quickly you wrap your own webs around him, effectively hindering his movement and any means of escape.
“Surprised you hear anyone say anything, your social skills are atrocious,” you retort.
“My social skills are just fine, thank you,” he shoots back before sirens can be heard rounding up around the building.
“Alright, that’s my cue to escape. Bye, weird stranger!” you say, and with a single swing you disappear into the city.
“WAIT!” he calls out, but you were already gone.
You sat up on a rooftop, the lights of your city at night creating your favourite view. While you had to admit it had its issues, it was still beautiful. It was home. Your mask sat on the ground by your side, a tiny glimpse of your true self behind the hero persona.
“You’re impossible to find, you know,” a voice interrupts, footsteps barely audible behind you. But you had heard him coming from a mile away, or felt him was a better term to use, with you Spidey-sense and all.
“Usually the whole point of disappearing is because you don’t want to be found,” you say with a shrug, turning around to look at him. “What do you want, stranger? I have a city to take care of.”
While he would have never admitted it then, you truly looked beautiful with the glow of the city lighting up your form. Stranger or not, he thought you were beautiful from the start.
“My name is Miguel O’Hara, and as I assume you’ve figured already, I’m not from this world.” He introduces.
“I had a feeling you weren’t from around here. Considering the fact that you were trying to find me, it’d be safe to assume you already know who I am?” you ask.
“I do. I’m aware of all those with unique spider abilities in each universe,” he responds.
“So what are you doing here, Miguel O'Hara? Or better yet, what do you want from me,” you ask, standing up to meet him at his level (though he stood much taller than you, but it was worth an effort).
“I wanted to recruit you to Spider Society,” he says. “To become a protector of the multiverse, and the canon events that follow everyone destined to live the lives that we do.”
You can’t help the snort that escapes, and you look him up and down.
“If you knew about me, you would know that I don’t work with others,” you say, your eyes darkening for a moment. “It’s too much of a liability.”
You used to have a partner in crime, in the early days of your life as Spider-Woman. He was your best friend and…well, you know the rest. You never worked with anyone again, at least not extensively. You told yourself it was so that no one else could get hurt because of you. But selfishly, it was because you couldn’t bear the hurt of losing someone dear to you again.
Miguel’s mask disappears from his face, and you’re met with an expression of understanding.
“I probably know better than anyone the pain of loss that comes with this job. But what if I told you it was for a reason? That the loss we go through? That it wasn’t for nothing, it wasn’t just a ‘fuck you’ from the universe to make us suffer. It’s so that we could become who we are,” he says, and you can’t help but hesitate for a moment.
“I would tell you that it’s bullshit. I’m not one for the whole ‘fate’ sort of thing. Life is what you make of it, you have the power to change the course of your life, it’s not just some sort of higher power dictating every event of your life. I am who I am because I chose this life, and not because I was fated to be here.”
He sighs as he looks at you for a moment.
“I knew this would be harder than I thought,” he says, and you only shrug.
“Let me show you something. Lyla?” he says, and a hologram pops up.
“Yes?” she asks.
“Do the thing,” he says, and she sends him a confused look. “What thing?”
“The multiverse explainy thing, what? How many times have we done this?” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose, and you can’t help the small laugh that sneaks out. Lyla sends you a wink in turn.
“Look dude, I’m just an AI, you gotta tell me what I need to be doing, I don’t have mind-reading capabilities yet,” she says, but quickly the city disappears from view, replaced with a complex interconnected web.
“This is the multiverse, are you aware of it?” Miguel asks.
“The theory that beyond the scope of our view are unobservable parallel universes that exist simultaneously, right?”
“Correct. Well, that theory is proven to be true as I’m from an alternate universe. Specifically, the one that holds Earth-928 where I exist as Spiderman 2099. You are from Earth-1550 where you exist as your world’s Spider-Woman,” he explains.
“How do I know I can trust you and your word?” you ask, and he deadpans. “You and I both know that you sensed I was not from this universe the moment I walked through that portal,” he says, and you only grin.
“Never hurts to ask, right?” you say, and he scoffs.
“Anyway, to continue. Each one of these nodes is a separate universe,” he points them out as he walks through the web. “And these,” he says, gesturing to the larger portions that each node connects to at some point, “are canon events. The parallel events that happen to every single Spider individual in every single universe.”
You look around at these so-called ‘canon events’, and every one takes you back to the moment you lived through them yourself.
The bite. The exploration of your newfound abilities.
…the loss of your best friend.
“They’re sometimes good, they’re sometimes bad, and sometimes they’re terrible. But each event is part of every spider’s life, and it makes us who we are whether we like it or not. I’ve observed and studied this for years, and the theory remains true in every new world I look at.”
“Okay…so my point is disproven, duly noted. But this whole ‘protector of the multiverse’ gig, what’s up with that?” you ask, still not understanding why he wanted you.
“The thing with canon events is that they must proceed, for the sake of a universe. The whole idea of ‘changing your fate’ through a series of actions was always going to happen whether you realize it or not. But with the emergence of more complex technology comes the capacity to multiverse jump, like in my case here,” he explains, and you take a moment to process his words.
“Alright, continue,” you say.
“These individuals are not part of that universe, and are in turn a new variable in the universe’s series of events that are supposed to occur. Disruption of these events can and will cause that universe to fall apart because they were never supposed to be there in the first place. My job is to ensure that no canon events are disrupted, in turn protecting that world, and the multiverse.”
“Okay wait, wait. I don’t get it, you’re saying that interference can cause a universe to just up and disappear? Just like that? I find it hard to believe,” you say, your suspicion growing.
“What do you not understand? Each minute decision made has a rippling effect. Disregard enough of what’s supposed to happen in one world and it destroys itself from the inside out,” he says, his frustration quickly growing evident (man, this guy has a temper!)
“I just don’t understand how one decision someone makes could destroy an entire universe, and you’re not really giving me much to go off of besides your word. I’m not one to blindly follow someone because they tell me to.”
“You want proof? Alright, I’ll show you proof,” he says, and all at once, the web disappears and is replaced by rippling holograms, transforming it into a whole new world.
A world that was falling apart at the seams.
All around you people are screaming as the buildings vanish without a trace, leaving not even dust behind. And one by one they too disappear.
Then, you see a familiar face. Miguel is running, and in his arms is a little girl no older than 9 clinging to him like he was her lifeline.
All she can utter is ‘Daddy’ before she too disappears, leaving Miguel behind with a devastated look on his face.
You can’t help but take a step back, a hand covering your mouth at something that looked like it only happened in movies.
Before you know it, there’s nothing left of the world. From behind his hologrammed form Miguel emerges, looking around at what was left behind of his former world.
“The reason I know it will happen…is because I was the cause of the destruction of a world myself. I found a universe where I had the life I always wanted. The canon event that happened was that the Miguel in that world was supposed to die, leaving Gabriella alone. But instead, I made the decision to replace him, living the life that I was never supposed to have.”
“For a while…I was happy. But little by little the world was collapsing at the seams because I was never supposed to be there. I disrupted the course of events, and it caused everything to fall apart while I could do nothing but watch,” he says, his eyes distant.
“Do you understand now, why what I do is so important?” he asks, his hardened voice now soft as he tries to conceal the hurt.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” you whisper, and that’s all you can say because you don’t know what else you could say.
He glances back up at you, his red eyes glassy for a moment but he blinks it away before you notice.
“So, will you join?” he asks, holding out a single watch expectantly.
“Okay,” you say, finally relenting.
Maybe this was the start of something new.
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @phobia032, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin @theprettyarachnid
A/N: Real talk, I wasn't sure I was even going to post this today because I went dirtbiking for the first time yesterday and fell about a million times, and my legs are bruised to the hells because I don't know how to jump out of the way hgfjkghfdgjhkd. But here we are! Thank you for reading (and I'm sorry its not my usual fluff for this story, but this is how I imagined they met lolol)
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vesperionnox · 10 months
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[ Day 153 ]
The withers effects carried past respawn. (pt1)
Scar ran from the wither for so long and barley got hit. From my memory he didn't get any wither effect. This left him a bit battered and bruised, maybe his cape a bit charred and the flowers a little withered but nothing deadly.
Grian died to a blow from behind, the wither effect carrying into his yellow life due to a glitch. I want this glitch to be the wither effect eating away his wings and possibly near his eye feathers. Slowly eating at him, maybe even as a punishment for having Scar log off... or maybe just a simple glitch.
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