#for those curious i haven’t finished it but it’s good overall
ryuichirou · 4 months
Playful Land: thoughts and long overdue replies
Since we finally finished the event, I can finally share our thoughts about it! There are some asks related to it that we had in our ask box ever since the event first came out, and now I am finally coming back to them lol I hope at least some of the Anons are still interested in what we have to say.
I’m skipping everything with headcanons for now; I haven’t written those yet… but it’s likely going to be another big masterpost, so please bear with me. Thank you for your patience!
In short: we enjoyed the event very much. Now, let’s dive into details…
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu and Katsu, did you guys read the translation for the previous jp event 'Playful Land'? I haven't seen you guys talk about it or mention it, so i'm curious to hear your thoughts and opinions on this event.
personally, i enjoyed most of the event ( sadly same could be said about the the rushed ending though ;-; ) But it's mind-blowing cuz the event is basically human trafficking! Turning people into dolls and selling them off so they can serve as tools?! hello?! This is basically falling into the Black Butler territory lol (But i heard rumours that Yana wasn't involved in this event and a few previous ones apparently?). But then we also had funny moments like Jade force-feeding Floyd is so funny!
Also, what do you guys think of the two new characters? Fellow and Gidel. I swear Gidel looks almost identical to cheka :'DD
Anon! You’ve mentioned Yana’s involvement briefly, but I’ll come back to this point later in this post. But still, I’ll start off by saying that it really does have very strong Yana vibes because of the themes of the event, I am very surprised they went that dark. One of the biggest takeaways for us is that TWST has a lobby of people that exists in-universe and is SO POWERFUL that they can not only continuously support their human trafficking chain AND kidnap not just some random kids, but also someone as famous and of high pedigree as the likes of Vil, Kalim, and Leona. The implication that there is nothing they can do to get Fellow’s bosses in trouble is truly chilling. I love it when TWST gets creepy and grim like that, even though I really wanted the boys to get donkied… please, at least give Ace some donkey ears…!
And yes, just like you said, it had this nice balance of uncanny/creepy and funny. A lot of unexpected punchlines, a lot of “wow, this is dark”, I really love this contrast and the event played very nicely with it.
I’ll also talk about the characters later in this post, but I’ll note that there were a lot of fun and unexpected interactions lol Speaking of interactions, I also loved that we got to spend more time with Fellow and Gidel than we did with Rollo. I don’t think this is necessarily an improvement because Rollo’s event had different vibes and story, and it made sense for him to stay “hidden”; but the fact that as all the boys from this event got “eliminated”, they had to wait with Fellow and got to bicker with him is priceless. I really loved it because not only we get to see more of these nasty brats insulting our poor foxman, we got to see more of our poor foxman and his loyal catboy in general. This is a good thing.
So yeah, to answer your question about Fellow and Gidel! We loved them much more than we anticipated.
Gidel does look somewhat similar to Cheka lol, but at the same time, both Fellow and he have such distinct and unique oldschool animation vibes that I really love. Their designs and sprite movements and expressions are amazing overall, looking at them was very enjoyable.
FELLOW’S ENTIRE BEING!!! HIS ATTITUDE!!! HIS FAKE-ASS FACE!!! I love that he is so unbelievably shady that the senpais got disappointed in the boys for trusting this guy lol and yet, still kind of got somewhat charmed by him. Fellow knows what he is doing and damn it feels good to have a character who fails miserably against our horrible NRC boys, but is also cunning enough to cause trouble. He flip-flops between being a pathetic adult who got beat up by a bunch of kids (+Lilia) and being someone who manages to outsmart the boys because they just aren’t used to his brand of “desperate and shady”. What a smart bimbo lol the fact that we never beat him, too…
I keep bringing up Rollo, but at this point we have two characters that hold a deep grudge against the magic users and the society in general, and I find it very interesting. Mostly because of how different they are… I won’t dive into this thought now because honestly, it’ll make this already long post even longer.
But damn, the characters themselves. Their interactions with each other, the implied closeness to each other, the fact that the two of them are a unit with such a deep bond that Fellow can pretty much read Gidel’s mind. I feel like there is so much for of them that we could learn….
So yeah, my only grievance is that we didn’t get enough of them and I miss them already, but I feel like we’ll get a vignette of them just as we did with Rollo, so maybe it’ll fill the Fellow-and-Gidel-shaped hole in my heart.
I also wanted to mention that their fighting style is interesting. As you might know, we don’t play the game, but still love it when they don’t cut out the fight parts, and this is exactly why: Fellow doesn’t really attack himself, he just casts Gidel who hammers away?? And then Fellow still takes all the damage himself. I think it’s pretty unique and fun.
Hmm, what else. The song is cute. It ain’t a Make a Wish, but I don’t know if it’s fair to compare the two because of how different they are.
Alright, moving on.
Anonymous asked:
Yana said on her twi that she and the team worked on the base scenario and rough story beats but nothing about the actual writing. A lot of the characters act odd in this event (Kalim lost three years worth of development, Vil became a slacker, and just about everyone lost any brain they had, also Jade actively tried to hurt Floyd for no reason) which seems to support this idea.
When it comes to Yana’s involvement, I might be mistaken, but as far as I could make out, this is pretty much the level of her involvement with the events (at least these days), isn’t it? I tried to look through her twitter, and here is what she said about this event (rough google translation):
Our company was in charge of character design, costume design, scenario, card art direction, background art, and OPED storyboards and art.
And here is what she said about Glorious Masquerade:
Character design; Scenario draft; SSR cards art (sketch and finish); Toboso was also in charge of directing all other card art; Costume and mask settings Background art settings; Our company is in charge of the opening and ending storyboards and art.
So, character design – check, costume design – check, scenario (draft) – check, card art direction, background art, OPED storyboard and art – check. The only thing that Yana’s team did for Glorious Masquerade that they didn’t do this year is that she didn’t draw the SSR cards.
I feel like she didn’t talk about Playful Land as much as she did about Glorious Masquerade, but it was just a feeling that I got, it isn’t an objective measurement of her involvement.
So yeah, Yana didn’t write those lines herself, but I don’t know if she does it for events at all. Whether we should consider things that didn’t come from her brain directly canon or not is also a whole different topic, and we are very opinionated when it comes to that (you might know that we don’t read any additional material that had no involvement from her at all).
Still, the event didn’t feel as off as I thought it would after reading your ask. I did try to see your point and was ready to see some OOC scenes and dialogues, but… overall it was good? And for some characters, even really fucking great?
I’ll go through the list of things that you’ve mentioned.
I am not sure what you mean when you talk about Jade actively trying to hurt Floyd for no reason, but I assume it’s the popcorn scene because I don’t remember any other occasion of him doing so. And even then, it doesn’t really feel like him trying to hurt Floyd? He was being a nasty sibling trying to bother Floyd, which is not only a very sibling thing to do, but also a very Jade thing to do; Jade’s entire motivation to go to the Playful Land was to enjoy the chaos of it all, so it makes sense that he was feeling extra naughty and playful. And Floyd’s reaction clearly indicates that this is just a “uhhhh you’re being annoying” situation, and he is very used to it. Am I missing some crucial scene in which Jade tried to hurt Floyd? Did he shove him off the ferries wheel while I wasn’t looking? I am genuinely confused.
I’ll say it about every boy you’ve mentioned in your ask, but still: I loved the tweels characterisation in the event. Especially Jade because we don’t get to see him having so much fun at other’s expense openly very often, and this is exactly Jade’s brand of fun: to enjoy watching people in uncomfortable situations: Floyd being force-fed, Vil and Floyd losing to Ortho, Vil struggling with cute merch… and all of it backfired greatly for Jade in Vil’s vignette, which is *chef’s kiss*
Overall, Jade was being nasty the entire time, and Floyd was very Floyd-like too, driven by his own fun only, eager to punch as many puppets as he could and ruining Fellow’s day as much as he could before going down. They had to put a bag over his head so he wouldn’t bite them anymore… peak Floyd behaviour…
I also don’t think Vil was necessarily being a slacker. This specific cast had to be a part of the event, and I think they did a good job at making it somewhat believable: everyone had their own reasons to go (knowing for a fact that Ortho is way too stubborn not to go and going to at least make sure he isn’t getting in trouble sounds like a Vil-like reason to go), plus Fellow’s unique magic played a big role in the boys being so uncharacteristically relaxed. Yeah, you still have to suspend some disbelief with some of the boys for the sake of this event’s premise working, but it’s pretty self-aware about that.
But also? I kind of very like it when Vil is not super uptight? And I really appreciate the fact that Vil had a bunch of silly moments + his entire interaction with the main trio of boys was very good. He is still the mature one, he is still one of the strongest ones, he is still a leader and he is still very caring for Ortho and the rest.
And Kalim, well… I kind of loved him the most in the event..? I feel like it highlighted him pretty nicely.
Let’s be super blunt here: Kalim didn’t have 3 years worth of development. He had some development during and after his and Jamil’s book, but it didn’t end up changing much about him. This isn’t a bad thing, this is still a part of his character’s trajectory, it’s just that you don’t change that trajectory radically after one event, even if it’s as drastic as overblot of someone who is very dear to him. Even though Kalim promised that he would punch Jamil for being “a bad guy”, he never ended up doing that; instead he asked the rest of the Scarabia boys to trust him and don’t treat Jamil as a traitor. One of Kalim’s most important character traits is that while he is very detached from the reality of regular people and has no idea about what they’re going through which leads to him being insensitive at times (something that he did a couple of times during the event btw, he really had no idea why Fellow got so insulted over his comments about money…), he has a huge heart and always wants to treat others with kindness. If you give the bad guy a chance, he might realise the error of his ways – this is like core value for Kalim. This is why he is such a good contrast to both Ortho and Ace, who are very willing to tear Fellow’s ass apart, and this is why it made perfect sense that he would be one of the stars of the event. He is also pretty stubborn despite being so good-natured, and this is always typical Kalim: you WILL be his friend, whether you like it or not. Kalim’s not a villain and he got transferred to NRC only because of Jamil, not because it fits his personality.
And if you’re talking about him skipping school, then… I don’t remember any Kalim development addressing this side of his? He doesn’t like studying, and this is a constant for him lol BUT!
What is interesting and what does feel like a development (or rather an expansion of his characters that we didn’t previously know of) is how despite his principles and the fact that he doesn’t want to get violent, he is willing to attack Fellow directly if it means protecting Ace and Ortho. I haven’t seen every single piece of Kalim lore (i.e. vignettes and other events with him), but it was very fun to see Kalim-the-older-brother and to realise that this is how he sees his kohais. This doesn’t mean that he is a great protector, he kind of screwed up at the end lol but the fact itself shows how big his heart is, and honestly, even though I love every single nasty guy from NRC, I think Kalim being so stubbornly and unapologetically good is his strongest point. And it doesn’t ruin anything about his character.
Once again, I am not sure what exactly you meant by Kalim losing years worth of development, but these are some of my thoughts. Once again, you are  entitled to your own opinion. I am just sharing mine: I think this event had good character writing, and I didn’t even hate Leona all that much this time, which is a huge deal for me lol
Overall, this was a very good event. It ended kind of abruptly, but pretty much every event does that + some of the vignettes helped to add some of the info that felt like it was missing… which is exactly what also happened to Glorious Masquerade.
We had a lot of fun with it, it’s great. Really made us remember just how much we love these boys and their shenanigans.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
Fic recs?? It’s so hard to find good stuff😩
i’ll list a few of my recent favs, but first i’ll give u some tips & secrets ab how i find new fics 🥰
my first & biggest source—i snoop on everyone’s bookmarks. like everyone. if i read a fic i liked, i check that author’s bookmarks. if someone comments on my fic, i check their bookmarks. if i come across someone talking ab fic on the tl, i go to their ao3 and check their bookmarks. i’ve found so many great fics just by snooping on what other ppl are reading 🫶
my second most-used tactic: searching for tags & using filters. if i’m looking for something specific, i search the tags/pairings i want and make sure to exclude things i don’t want (i.e. i don’t usually want to read jegulus, so i make sure to exclude that pairing in my results. same goes w tags/ratings/warnings u don’t want). i’ll sort by date, kudos, and hits separately, and add anything that sounds interesting to my bookmarks to sort through later. ao3 really has the best filtering and tagging system out there, but a lot of times we don’t use it to its full capacity! if you want to read something specific there’s a very good chance someone has written it, you just need to search and filter your results so that you’re not just seeing the most recent stuff! (i also filter by word count a lot too bc i’m not always in the mood for something multi-chaptered or something that will take me multiple days to finish reading)
last, sometimes i’ll go into the main pairing tag i’m looking for and sort by kudos/hits/date/whatever and jump to like….the 30th page of results. there’s sooooo much stuff i miss just bc it gets lost in the flow of new/popular fics, so jumping to random deep-dive search results will help you find new stuff & come across fics & authors you haven’t seen before 💞💖💘
now here’s some of the stuff i’ve been enjoying lately!! 💞💖💘💕
love by the seaside by viwrites
this was very cute and a great quick read! remus is a disgruntled painter/barista recovering from a toxic relationship & sirius is the sweet, dashing stranger that he meets by accident on the beach one day. lots of early-morning coffee runs and nervous flirting with some christmas fluff as a treat
hurling crowbirds at mockingbars by wrappedup
y’all know i am typically NOT an exes to lovers kind of girlie. i find this trope very hard to read most of the time bc i am a huge baby, but this one was a quick read and the plot was overall very sweet! remus broke up with sirius & left the country out of the blue almost 10 years ago, and then comes back to town with a fiancé. sirius learns very quickly that he’s still hurt, and remus learns very quickly that he might have jumped the gun all those years ago.
in the dark there is discovery by lynxindisguise
wolfstar pirate au!! need i say more!!
disarm you with a smile by five_ht
listen to me. look me in my eyes. this is explicit as fuck and i encourage you to read every single one of the tags carefully. seriously read all of them. it will not be for everyone but like….,oh my fuxking god. sirius steals remus’ phone number while hanging out with his friend (remus’ niece) one day and starts sending him increasingly suggestive texts anonymously. it’s all fun and games until sirius starts to catch feelings & remus starts to get curious ab who he’s been talking to.
in the centre of a circle by moonheavens
reccing this again bc I HAVEN’T CAUGHT UP YET BUT IT’S SO SO GOOD i’m going after the latest chapter as SOOOOOON as i have the time this week 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 sirius lives with the lupins and is very much in love with remus. he consults various people for advice.
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🔥 the locked tomb?
I typed out an answer to this earlier today and then somehow deleted all of it and didn’t get around to retyping it until now 😅
I’ve actually been meaning to ask what your thoughts are about it (if you have any you care to share) since I know you finished it recently and I’m trying to sort out my own thoughts.
Putting a read more bc I’m very long-winded
Overall I definitely enjoyed it and I think it’s a very fun and creative story that gives you a lot to think about and I like how each book sort of tries something new in regards to narrative structure/perspective. It definitely doesn’t feel formulaic or predictable which I appreciate. I think it’s really interesting how the cavalier/necromancer system is it’s own fictional oppressive system that people get indoctrinated into and that is used as a tool for control by the empire, and how it connects to stuff like gender roles and class and various forms of exploitation but doesn’t replace or directly mimic any of those things. I think it also ties into a lot of themes about like identity and belonging and social coercion and bodily autonomy in relationship to trauma, and it really gives you a lot to think about and analyze, especially in relation to the very prevalent theme of religion/Christianity.
I think it’s really interesting how Gideon and Harrow’s relationship ties into those themes, and I’m very curious to see how it will play out and how the power imbalance and dynamic between them will be dealt with, since it’s intertwined with the social system they exist within and I think the dissolution of that system will be mirrored by whatever happens between them (I love romances like that where the relationship is tied to breaking out of certain social roles or systems that the characters exist within if you haven’t noticed lol). I wish people confronted that a bit more in fan content and didn’t just take for granted the idea of Gideon being super forgiving and self-sacrificing and Harrow being super guilt-ridden—I think that’s just one stage of what will hopefully be a much more complex and nuanced arc of development for their relationship. I also don’t think the perfect lyctorhood thing is going to be some magic fix either in their relationship or in the empire as a whole, I think a greater and more tangible confrontation of the brutality of the system and how it’s been internalized by the characters and integrated into society will be necessary, and things will need to be completely altered in a more fundamental way.
All that being said, there are a few things I don’t care for about the books. I didn’t really care for the meme references (sorry, they really took me out of it), and I don’t know how to say this without sounding corny but I thought that it’s approach to humor and describing the characters could sometimes be a bit unnecessarily judgemental and it kind of lacked a certain air of openness and compassion in its approach to storytelling that is usually an important characteristic of SFF I really love. I really like the ideas at play and I think it can be emotional and insightful but it’s overall philosophy/mode of storytelling doesn’t really resonate with me or move me as much as other stuff has, and at times the prose and descriptions felt a bit empty to me as a result. Also, while I liked the change of setting and pace in Nona the Ninth and I think it was definitely a good choice to focus more on Blood of Eden and the society of people who’ve been displaced by the empire, I wish those topics had been delved into a bit more and that storyline felt a bit lacking to me in ways that I can’t quite put my finger on. Anyway that was just a very long summary of all my thoughts, which honestly shift around a fair amount and I kind of go back and forth about how much I like various facets of the story. I’d be really curious to hear your thoughts (or anyone else’s) though because I think it’s a very interesting story to discuss.
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mid-year book freak out tag
@bloody-wonder tagged me so now I have an excuse to talk about books I read
1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2023? probably her body and other parties by carmen maria machado, my favorites stories from it being “the husband stitch” and “especially heinous”. I love how the former weaves together urban legends as a backdrop and the latter is a surrealist meta version of law and order svu, which is much better than it sounds.
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2023?
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? I’m curious about juniper and thorn by ava reid, and I can’t say the amount of pearl-clutching over it hasn’t played a part in bringing it to my attention. but really, I just like gothic horror and dark fairy tales!
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2023? I dunno, I’m not up-to-date on these things
5. Biggest Disappointment? I’d say world war z and the southern book club’s guide to slaying vampires, but I had to read those for class so it’s not like I had any expectations anyway (for the record, WWZ I never finished bc all the militarism and boring technical stuff turned me off; southern book club kept my attention but its themes were delivered with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, the characters were thinly sketched, the ending was anticlimactic, and the broad and wacky tone did not mesh well with the grotesque (often sexual) violence), so a better example would be a thousand ships; admittedly my standards also weren’t very high; I have a sort of “I can fix her” attitude towards mythological retellings; I know a lot of them fall short, but they’re like comfort food to me, and when one hits, it fucking hits. natalie haynes, you did not hit! nothing the book did justified it as a retelling, there wasn’t any sort of unique spin or exploration into the female characters’ interiority; it just did the trojan cycle again but sometimes we’re reminded that women…were there. Whoever said this was a better version of TSOA was telling straight lies!
6. Biggest Surprise? I didn’t have high hopes for mexican gothic, mostly out of a pretentious impulse I have to expect popular new-ish releases to be mid. Still, I love a gothic novel, so I decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be not only very engrossing, but also a clever reworking of gothic tropes tied to a specific cultural setting. It really understood gothic horror not just aesthetically, but also a vehicle for themes of corrupt aristocracy, and the overlap between desire and disgust, and fucked-up families in an incestuous cycle of abuse. It’s still pretty flawed - I think the dialogue could be a bit clunky, especially in the case of the old village woman who feels less like a person and more like an exposition machine - but overall a great read, and I’d love to see more from Moreno-Garcia.
7. Favorite New Author? I already loved angela carter’s work in the bloody chamber, but nights at the circus is the first full-length novel I’ve read from her, and it really cements her as one of the greats.
8. Newest Favorite Character? sophia fevvers from nights at the circus, a bawdy, cockney, rubenesque trapeze artist famed across turn-of-the-century europe for her wings. Also enjoys proto-feminism, gold-digging, and hanging out with her tiny, feisty, anarchist-leaning foster-mother. There’s maybe meant to be some tension throughout the story over whether or not her insanely eventful life story is exaggerated or not, but I never doubted her. Believe women.
9. Newest Fictional Crush? Lady Jessica, the coolest milf the bene gesserit ever produced
💕Best Ship?💕 I didn’t read much with good shipping material, but shout out to noémi from mexican gothic and her boy version of a fragile and sheltered victorian waif love interest whose name escapes me. She’s always describing him like “He was so pale and iron-deficient and frail like a little baby bird and NOT HOT. I desire him carnally.” and meanwhile he’s just showing her his many different types of fungi. Less alpha males, more guys like this.
10. Book That Made You Cry? “eight bites” from her body and other parties hit a little too close to home; it captured really well how dysphoria drives you to abuse your own body, and how that hurts not just yourself but the people around you. “my mother and I” by lucy dacus-coded
11. Book That Made You Happy? I don’t read happy books! But probably nights at the circus, there be whimsy in these pages.
12. Favorite Book Adaptations You Saw This Year? andrea arnold’s 2011 adaptation of wuthering heights nearly made me feral. there’s not really a definitive film version, but the one from 2011, - while not perfect as an adaptation since, like most of them, it only covers the first half of the book - I’d say does the best job of capturing the spirit of the original. the thing that really impressed me was its portrayal of heathcliff - not as a brooding romantic hero nor an inhuman psychopath, but a boy who became something terrible because society never saw him as anything else. It’s film very subjectively, with shaky cam, no score, and nearly every scene being from heathcliff’s perspective - the iconic “I am Heathcliff!” speech is never shown in full, since he left before hearing the rest of it. It’s a really strong artistic choice to place the story firmly in heathcliff’s perspective, and it’s made more interesting by being one of the few adaptations to play into the book’s racial subtext.
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year?
14. Most Beautiful Cover? The barnes and noble special edition of dune I have, which is gorgeous but also really impractical to carry around (pic from google images, I’m not at home rn)
Tumblr media
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End Of The Year? I gotta finish dune since I started at the beginning of the year and paused since I was so busy with school (and later paused again bc I was bored 🫣).
tagging @antema, @stolehisdog, @betweenironyandsilver, @vampire-juicebox, @chdarling, @excuseforadrink, @danielarlingtongf, @borispavlikovskys, and @altraviolence, if u wanna!
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sharperthewriter · 1 year
Chapter 20 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 20
(4:44pm, Middleton Mall)
Bonnie was in the middle of her usual kelp wrap at The Spa Middleton Mall with serene and calming music when Ashley A and Ashley B came in. Ashley A was wearing a pink croptop, baggy CB dark denim overalls with the left strap hooked and the right strap undone and dangling behind her back and white sneakers. She went with giant gold hoop earrings. Ashley B went with a tube top and baggy CB jeans with a belt.
"Hey, um, B?" Ashley A asked.
"Can it wait, AA? I am in the middle of my weekly time of peace and serenity!" Bonnie muttered.
"It's about Possible and Stoppable." Ashley A replied.
Bonnie instructed one of the spa's employees to turn off the music. The employee did so.
She removed the cucumbers from her eyes.
"What about those two?" Bonnie sneered.
"They got the roles of Juliet and Romeo, respectively!" Ashley B grinned.
"And how did Possible react?" she questioned, "Remember, I haven't taken my two arts elective classes yet required for graduation so I'm not in there."
Ashley A began to chortle.
"She gave a loud NOOOO before Barkin gave her detention for disrupting the class!"
She and Ashley B began to laugh. Bonnie, upon hearing the news of her rival getting detention, also joined in on the laughter.
"Oh man...that is quite funny!" Bonnie replied as she finished her laugh.
Taking several deep breaths, she added, "Man, I just cannot wait until she wears that Juliet costume! She would look like a total dork!"
"So what's the next part of the plan?" Ashley A asked.
"We'll see how Possible handles her lines first..." Bonnie said, "...and go from there. Now can you leave? I still need to continue my kelp wrap, thank you very much!"
Ashley A and Ashley B both nodded their heads in agreement with each other.
Back at the Possible house, Kim glared at the script with Ann and James looking at their daughter.
"I don't know how to approach this!" she said, "This is defs the hardest thing I had to do at school."
James was nervous as well, but for different reasons.
"Uhhh...Kimmie-cub, I hate to say this but I think this would be your mom's area of expertise. So I'll leave you two alone." he insisted.
"Where are you gonna go, James?" Ann asked.
"Helping with the boys with their baking soda volcano." James replied.
Both Ann and Kim said "Uh-oh" at the same time as James exited downstairs from Kim's loft room.
"I just...don't know what to do, Mom!" Kim exclaimed to Ann. "This whole sitch is so complicated!"
"I did remember doing a Shakespeare play in high school." Ann replied, "Though you only needed one art credit for graduation at the time. And that was before I met your father."
"What did you do for that? I'm just curious to know!" Kim questioned.
"At the time, I had a very huge crush of Bobby Lane in high school. And he got one of those roles. I had to think to myself: It's only a play! It's only a play!" Ann said.
"Did you get a good grade?" Kim asked.
"I did. Managed an A- for the course!" Ann replied, scooting closer to Kim.
"That's good, at the very least." Kim said, "But can you imagine that the kisser is the best friend that you've known for the past almost 13 years of your life?"
"I...couldn't imagine that." Ann said, "Look, I know that you and Ronald are not a...how do the kids say these days...thing, but you and Ron need to get through this together as friends!"
"You're right about that part, Mom. But two things that worry me is A) how Ron is going to perform on the stage because of the Cowardly Lion incident and B) how is he going to react to me and him...you know...kissing. Not in a BF/GF kind of way, of course!"
At the Stoppable house, Ron was excited that he was going to play a non-tree related role for the first time since Wizard of Oz last year. He flung the script onto the bard.
"Can you believe it, Rufus! I am going to be Romeo!" he exclaimed for excitement. "For the first time, I won't be stuck in the bathroom for 30 minutes trying to remove a tree costume with the help of Kim and the fire department!"
"Uhhh..." Rufus was nervous because of the fact that his owner had note even opened up the script yet.
"This calls for a celebration, ol' buddy!" Ron added, "And you know what that means!"
"Naco?" Rufus asked, still unsure.
"That's right...hey, you're not excited that I got that play of Romeo!" Ron gasped at the naked mole rat's reaction.
Rufus sighed and rushed up to Ron's bed. He opened up the script and pointed to the list of which characters the students were playing. He first pointed to Romeo, as Ron, and then to Juliet with Kim's name next to it.
"I still do not know where you're getting at?" Ron asked, still perplexed.
Rufus only sighed harder and flipped the pages to the part of the script with Act I Scene V...the very moment Romeo and Juliet first kiss.
Ron reacted in sheer horror upon reading that line.
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engaging in completely normal saturday night activities yet again (by which i mean watching the degout/dessay/naouri pelléas et mélisande)
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thetypedwriter · 2 years
These Violent Delights Book Review
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These Violent Delights Book Review by Micah Nemerever 
I love sharing my book opinions with others. One of the primary reasons I started this blog was to share my very strong 
feelings as I didn’t have many people in real life that I could do that with (or who were interested in listening). 
Throughout this experience, I’ve also loved listening to others and their opinions on books. Sometimes I agree with them, sometimes I vehemently disagree with them, and sometimes it’s a cacophonous mix of both. 
One bookstragrammer I like in particular shares my very opinionated feelings more often than not. So of course, the other day while browsing Instagram, I caught a post of hers asking the question: what book can you not stand others criticizing?
This really got me thinking, as there are a plethora of books I adore, but I’m not blind to their flaws. The Foxhole Court, for example, is a book series I’ve read over three times now, a series I’m obsessed with, and yet I completely understand why others don’t like it. 
The only book series that I could possibly see as fitting the question is Harry Potter. Now. I’ve met people who don’t like Harry Potter. That’s fine. 
However, I also have yet to meet a single person who has read all seven books and still disliked it. Usually people who dislike Harry Potter either haven’t read the books, didn’t finish reading the books, or have only seen the movies. I’m sorry (not sorry) to say, but those people don’t count.  
In the same vein, I was so incredibly curious to read a book that someone I admire claimed they hated seeing critiques of. 
Let me say right now: I hope they don’t see this review. 
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever is not to be confused with the Romeo and Juliet remake duology by the same name by Chloe Gong. The two books have nothing in common except for their title. 
These Violent Delights by Michael Neveremer is an odd little book about two teenage boys growing up in the 1970’s in Pittsburgh. 
As the two boys meet, named Paul and Julian respectively, they feel seen and understood by someone else for the first time in their entire lives. 
The book delves into the dangers of codependency, issues of isolation and elitism, and the toxicity in the belief that no one else can understand what the characters are going through. 
I do like the theme of this novel. I’m obsessed with the idea of someone feeling special or like they’re the exception. However, I usually like this (especially in Romantic pairings) in a positive way. 
For example, one partner doesn’t like sharing food with friends or family but will let their romantic partner get away with it. Something small and cute and worthless. 
This novel takes the idea of being the exception to intense and violent lengths as Julian and Paul do anything and everything to prove that they need nor want anyone but each other. 
Mental health, intelligence, philosophy, and justice all play a role as the two boys grow closer and closer with devastating consequences. 
This book, while entertaining in a dark and twisted kind-of-way, did make me want to keep turning the page as the book starts in medias res. 
The first chapter shows you exactly how far these boys will go and the whole book is you leading up to the moment of climax and the aftermath of the climax as you witness Paul and Julian dealing with the consequences of their actions. 
I know I haven’t been very detailed about what this book is or exactly what it’s about, but honestly, I’ve said almost all that I can. The book is less about plot points and specific timelines and more about the evolving relationship between Paul and Julian and the spiderweb effects it has both on them and the people around them.
This book is deeply psychological as well as thrillingly emotional. 
It’s dark and creepy and more often than not, perplexing and convoluted. 
Nemerever is a good writer, but at times I found him intentionally dense and confusing which I didn’t always appreciate while reading. I like the overall themes of this book and the ending was unexpected which is always, always a joy. 
However, this book didn’t have a happy ending. 
Maybe it was naive of me to think it would, but I still wanted it, no matter that these characters were too broken for something like a happy ending. 
Overall, I disagree with my bookstagrammer entirely. While I enjoyed the dark maelstrom that was These Violent Delights, I don’t think it was without fault. 
The sometimes pretentious writing, the inversion of a beloved trope, and the desolate ending all made me frown more than smile.
While the themes are very real and the book was richly driven by character relationships, it wasn’t enough at the end of the day to leave this book without any negatives. 
Recommendation: If you enjoy dark stories with ambiguous characters where the plot revolves almost entirely around the progression and dissolution of a very intimate, punishing, and toxic relationship this very well may be the story for you. For me, the writing was often confusing and the paltry ending left me dissatisfied and unhappy. If you can stomach not getting your “happy ever after” this twisted tale will keep you on the edge of your toes. 
Score: 6/10
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
[ It was a sunny day of summer, that evening. The sky had light, little clouds on it, the sun wasn't anywhere near to blind the kids running around outside, all ages of young boys and girls. The establishment where they all went out sure was huge. Big enough for all those kids and adults to live there.
One was missing, though. ]
... Are you sure you want to go with me? I'm just here to check something, doesn't mean you have to come.
[ Yvonne didn't turn as she spoke, giving a little glimpse at her watch. ]
After all, you're not used to time traveling. I'm just here to find some documents.
[ She looked in front, hidden in between the trees. She looked back at him, and sighed. ]
Stay here... Make sure nobody sees you.
[ With that, the Founder slipped away like a shadow, towards that religious, that place "Of God"...
And then there were small footsteps just behind of them. ]
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[ She couldn't be bigger than a small plushie. She was small enough that nobody could see her if they're walking. She was wearing a white t-shirt and light brown overalls, and barefoot. It was obvious that she was playing around with mud, even the toys she was carrying on her arms were filthy.
Yet she stood there in silence, just looking up at the unknown figure in front of her. She looked curious rather than afraid. ]
“Oi, what is a child like you doing here? And unattended, no less? Just where are your parents?” The Vampire questioned as he scooped the young girl in his arms, a grave look of concern souring his features. “Don’t tell me you’re…?”
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Not a care in the world for the grime that rubbed off onto his own garments crossed Ruki’s mind as he contemplated who would be cruel enough to abandon such a small, defenseless child all on her lonesome amidst a public place. After finishing all his errands he would frequently pass through this area, only to be greeted by an infant who appeared like she spent the last hour bathing in a toxic puddle, malodorous scents permeating the air around them. As much as he detested the theory, Ruki began to wonder if she, much like his past human self, was a recent orphan. 
“There’s nothing to be afraid of. I have no intention of harming you. All I seek is the whereabouts of your parents so that you can reunite once more. And perhaps have a word or two with them about how ill-advised it is to leave one’s children unsupervised. I may not be a parent myself but even I know how devastating it is to wait for a guardian who won’t appear.”
Scanning the surroundings for any adults who looked like they were distraught over their missing child, the Vampire searched to no avail. Heaving an exasperated sigh, he glanced down at the infant in his arms. 
“It can’t be helped. I’ll rinse you off myself, then. Though if we stray to far, we might miss your family, which I’d like to avoid at all costs if you wish to see them again.”
The putrid odor of dirt soiled his nostrils, earning a slight grimace from Ruki, yet even so his hold on the child remained firm. 
“Good grief… Haven’t they taught you not to play in the mud? It’s certainly no place for children, as destitute as you may be. At least tell me your name. Knowing that will allow me to better locate your parents.”
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e-b-reads · 3 years
saw the post you reblogged ft. diana wynne jones' enchanted glass and was curious what you thought about its framing of aidan's real parentage, which i found to be... tonally very weird?? [spoilers to follow, in the outside chance you were mentioning the book without having finished it!] like, i'm absolutely not opposed to the depiction of creepy/predatory &c dynamics in fiction, even YA; but the last-minute revelation that andrew's beloved grandfather had sex with, and what's more got pregnant, a troubled teenager a good half-century his junior, who'd been entrusted into his care for 'sorting out,' and then on top of all that failed to disclose his role in this ethical shitshow (as per the letters in chapter twelve) to the girl's parent, whose confidant he remained? pretty seriously jarring imo! and then for the only intradiegetic reaction to be andrew's sputtering “well, i’ll be—!” twice, after which the book promptly ends...? i mean, andrew's admittedly a bit of a buffoon, so it's not out of character that he'd duck away from really engaging with a development like this, but. just struck me as an awfully lead balloon to drop on your readers, particularly young ones, without any real in-text acknowledgment of just how heavy it is! anyway, the casual addition of that twist really colored my overall reaction to the book, so seeing you give it a thumbs-up made me wonder if you had any thoughts on that particular aspect. either way, happy hammocking! :)
First, it is probably safe to assume I’ve finished any DWJ book I blog about b/c I have read all those I can get my hands on! (So there’s a few I haven’t read, but not many.) Which does segue into my general response to this, which is that I guess I just discovered DWJ at the right age (Charmed Life at age 10 was the first) to, idk, imprint on her? in such a way that I go into every book of hers determined to love it, and then kind of deal with any qualms as they come. I don’t expect other ppl to do this! But it is both a nice thing for me—any time I read something new-to-me by her, I know I’ll enjoy it, even if I don’t know quite what I’m getting—and possibly makes me not the best person to rec them to others. (I do rec them to others anyways, but I try to be choosy about it!)
more specific response to the rest of this under the cut b/c it got quite long (and also has Enchanted Glass spoilers)
To be specific about Enchanted Glass, I do really like it, probably partly just because (as has been overstated by now) I like her voice; also I like that the humans (as opposed to “them who can’t use iron”) are themselves a force to be reckoned with (OK, so some can use magic, but they’re still definitely human, and I’ve read a few human-vs-fae books where any humans who don’t have some fae ancestry are just collateral damage); I also like that the sides aren’t actually quite as simple as humans vs. fae. BUT I do kind of need to process that ending every time I read. I do wish there was more there, that the characters spent a little more time w/ the revelation. I think that Andrew’s response is pretty Andrew-y of him; particularly, I think he’s been feeling vaguely guilty about claiming Adrian as a relative when he isn’t much of one, so his first reaction is self-centered relief that this part is true after all. And he does at least wonder briefly about what to tell Adrian, so you know (hope?) there will be more considering/processing. But it does sour me on Jocelyn as a character (to put it mildly), and tbh, skimming over some of the end bits, I’m not sure that’s what DWJ intends. It’s possible the reader is supposed to put the onus on Adrian’s mom and decide she seduced this way older man who just sort of succumbed to her. Which (hopefully obviously) I think is some BS; like if you’re sixty or whatever and a 17-y-o you’re responsible for comes on to you, just don’t sleep w/ her?! I wonder if yr also supposed to assume she slept w/ Mr. Brown too, and Jocelyn assumed the kid really was his (Brown’s) and not Jocelyn’s, so that’s why he never came clean…still not great. (Maybe if DWJ wrote the actual interactions themselves, she’d be able to make me, NOT absolve Jocelyn, but sympathize(?) w/ him more, but I’m not sure. And she didn’t, she wrote a kid’s book.) Which also makes me wonder, b/c I read this book for the first time in…maybe high school, but possibly I was a little older than that. So I have no idea what I wld have thought as a younger kid, and I do agree w/ DWJ (from essays/interviews) that kids can handle stuff in books that adults don’t expect, but also agree w/ you that, at least to close-to-adult me, this was a somewhat jarring tone shift at the end of the book, and it might possibly be a bit much for a young reader.
So yeah, the kinda flippant “it’s weird” in my tag was definitely meant to convey some of all this, but I do still love the book myself (without necessarily expecting others to) b/c of all the other stuff in it. Like I saw your post abt Power of Three a little while ago and…I haven’t read it myself in quite a while (it’s one I don’t own) and I hope I wld have picked up on the squidgyness of the fat phobia myself on my next reread, b/c when I read your post I was like “oh…yeah that does happen and I can see now it’s not great;” but I also expect to read it again someday and still enjoy the parts I enjoyed before. idk. I think part of my reaction to all DWJ books is like…I have friends irl who I don’t always agree w/ about everything, but I still like and respect them and we can still talk about the things we disagree on. Well, published authors aren’t that, they are putting out a polished product for ppl (sometimes children!) to consume, but I spent such a foundational, awkward time in my life “getting to know/spending time w/” DWJ via her books that she is still like my friend in the little juvenile corner of my mind that loves her, and I will always give her books more of a pass than I will other ppl’s.
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oogaboogasphincter · 3 years
The 50/10 Method (Agent Whiskey x f!reader)
Summary: Jack makes the most of your 10 minute study break. 
Word Count: 2.7k+
Rating: E (explicit) 18+ ONLY! bc this is just cringey smut lmfao
Warnings: smut (oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex (obvi use protection irl), very easily and conveniently reached orgasms (this is a fantasy i can do what i want skjfkd), dirty talk, one (1) allusion to thigh riding and one (1) instance of 💙spitting💙, fingering, positions i hope i've given enough detail so y’all can imagine what i was picturing💀), pet names (sweetheart, honey, cowboy *affectionately*, good girl, baby), there’s a sentence about reader having long-ish hair, reader and jack have a dog, swearing, reader is afab and is called things like good girl and the like, just overall trash grammar and structure 😇
Author’s Note: so this is very poorly written and extremely self-indulgent, as i myself use the 50/10 method 🙃. but i had a lot of fun with it, and i think that’s what writing is supposed to be all about! :) also i was heavily inspired to write this after reading “Take a Break” by @mellowswriting​ and “Study Buddy” by @pascalpanic​. please go check those out because they’re absolutely fantastic!!!!! +while you’re at it, i would highly advise you to read anything on their masterlists bc they’re just 💜exquisite💜
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gif by @thernandalorian​
The lines of text on your computer screen are starting to blend into each other, creating a single run-on sentence that one of your previous English teachers would ridicule the author for. The sharp curves and angles that distinguish each letter from the next are becoming soft and dull, blurring into each other until your brain can only recognize it as a smeared streak of black on white.
It’s 11:00am on a Saturday, a big exam set for the upcoming Monday’s morning. You don’t feel rushed for time, or overloaded with unknown material, and the early hours of the day have been quite productive. Following a shared breakfast of homemade waffles in bed with Jack, your boyfriend, you didn’t complain when setting up your study station on the living room’s large oak table. If anything, you had been excited to begin studying early in the hopes of finishing your review by the end of the day. That way, tomorrow would be free for you and Jack to do whatever you pleased.
However, as the hours went by, your motivation was slowly but surely diminishing. The serene study atmosphere that you usually thrive in is now driving you mad. You yearn for a noise, any noise; a bird to sing a song in the tree outside your window, the smack of your dog’s loose wrinkles against each other as he attempts to shake the sleep out of him, a pencil unable to stop itself from rolling and dropping onto the floor with a tink.
You’re momentarily gifted with the crisp sound of a page turning. You flit your eyes over to gaze upon the source of your granted wish and your heart flutters in reaction to the sight: Jack’s resting on the couch, cowboy hat balanced on the back of it, deeply absorbed in the next installment of his favorite murder-mystery series. You find it curious that his desire for an adrenaline-filled challenge doesn’t stop when he comes home from mission after mission that nearly cost him his life. You’ll ask him about his insatiability one day, but for now you categorize it as fictional research for his Statesman assignments.
Your short glance quickly turns into an entranced stare. Jack looks... divine. Fetching. Luscious. As he’s lying on his back, neck propped up against the arm of the couch, his book balanced on his chest, relaxation radiates off of him in waves and utterly seduces you. You’re surprised that he hasn’t been a greater distraction to you throughout the morning. How have you managed to ignore the denim-wearin’, plaid-shirted, pornstache-sportin’ cowboy of your dreams that is only a few steps away?
Involuntarily, the thigh muscles of your crossed legs contract in an effort to bring some semblance of friction to your now weeping core. Similar to your imaginings of your dog earlier, you shake your head to force these heavy, unwanted feelings to dissipate and turn back to the work in front of you. Of course, Jack does the opposite of what you’d like him to do and takes an interest in your fidgeting. He peeks over the top of his book, “You cold, sweetheart?” 
His question is reasonable: you’re purposely wearing a skirt that’s so short it rides up quite high when you sit. You don’t dare to meet his eyes and answer while pulling a textbook close and opening it up, “No, I’m okay.”
Fortunately he returns to his reading. Your attention is able to retain itself for about a paragraph, but then your mind takes a sharp detour back to those pesky, steamy desires. You mentally huff at your inability to remain concentrated on your studies and rifle through the options of what you can do to satiate yourself for the time being. 
You could switch texts and force your brain to recognize the change and therefore become distracted. You could pick out some colored writing utensils and bring some fun to active reading. You could say fuck it, go straddle Jack and beg him to use you in whichever way he would like.
Jack interrupts your brainstorming, “Are you sure you don’t need a blanket or sumthin’? I can go get my jacket for ya.” 
The attentiveness of your southern lover melts your heart. You turn to him, “No, really, I’m okay, thanks.”
“I wouldn’t count a bathroom break as taking away from your 50 minutes, honey, if that’s what’s makin’ you twitch.” 
You had been implementing and strictly adhering to the 50/10 method all morning: study for 50 minutes, take a break for ten. Its effectiveness was never doubted, as it has proven to work for you for years. Only ten minutes into this 50 minute period, the devil of restlessness pokes at you and makes you think could time go by any slower? A hand comes up to cover the blush creeping across your cheek as you dismiss Jack’s suggestion, “No, that’s not it.”
Behind your embarrassed hand, Jack cocks an eyebrow at you. Your simple choice of words has given the Agent a hint, that there is something that’s bothering you, he just hasn’t figured it out yet and you don’t want to admit what it is for some reason. He returns to his book, however lost in thought about what your problem could be, while you task every cell in your body to pay attention to your studies. 
35 minutes remain on the clock, and Jack guesses, “Did you have too much coffee?”
You can’t help but grin at his sleuthing, “No, I just had my regular.”
He conjures up another possible solution five minutes later, “Are you itchin’ to get out of the house? We haven’t left in two days.”
He’s getting warmer. Both of you know exactly why you haven’t left the house in two days: you’d been occupied with activities of the sinful variety. You can’t gauge yet whether or not he knows he’s dancing around the answer, “Baby, you’re distracting me. And nope, it’s not that.” 
He smiles apologetically, “Sorry,” and uses his book as a partition, blocking your ability to procrastinate and just visually drool all over him.
Silence fills the next 20 minutes. Even though Jack is out of your sight, details from your observations exaggerate themselves in your mind to the point that they’re all encompassing, intoxicating. The way his jeans wrap around his legs ever so perfectly, the worn denim hugging those muscular thighs that he loves for you to grind yourself against when you’re feeling especially desperate (like now). How his plaid flannel slopes over the swell of his belly, stretching tight against his skin as his diaphragm contracts and deflating when he exhales. Even his large feet, strewn about lazily on the couch, his toes pointing in different directions, amuse you. 
Ten minutes remain in your study session. Feeling guilty about spending the majority of the last hour envisioning the seductive intricacies of your boyfriend, you actually start to study. 
“How many times do you think I can make you cum in ten minutes?”
Your eyes are ripped from your material and land on the menace lazing on the couch. He’s put his book down, one arm behind his head while the other is crooked, allowing himself to palm his cock through his pants. Jack’s wearing a shit-eating grin, bewitching your crossed legs to switch which one is on top; an excuse to apply more pressure to the yearning area between them. You fidget in the chair, shamefully trying to get the seam of your underwear to rub against you in just the right way. You shrug, “I-I’m not sure.”
He gets up and comes over to you, standing behind you and leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. He murmurs in your ear, “I think we should find out during your next break.”
You turn to face him, “I think so too.”
He gives you a quick kiss, “Well, you better be a good girl and study for these last few minutes. Earn that break.” He places his large hands on either side of your head and turns it toward your materials, making you both laugh.
Somehow, you’re able to pay attention. Jack’s impending promise of ravaging you for ten minutes straight quells your jittering nerves and gives you something specific to look forward to. Before you know it, your alarm is beeping, alerting you that your break has commenced. Jack cages you by reaching forward and grabs the clock, programs it to ten minutes and keeps it in his hand. He grips the sides of your swivel chair, pulls it back from the table and spins you around to face him, the speed of the turn making your hair swoosh across your shoulders. Through mutual giggles, Jack lifts you up, winding your legs around his waist, your arms doing the same around his neck. “I want you to count for me how many times you cum.”
Breathlessly, you simply obey, “Okay.”
He practically runs to the bedroom. He sets the clock on the nightstand and turns the face towards the mattress so you don’t lose out on studying time. Tossing you onto the bed, your giggling continues as you bounce from the force. Jack hooks his fingers in your underwear and yanks them down, pulling them out from under your skirt and over your shoes. The way he wastes no time ridding you of any other garment makes blood and heat flood your center and air rush out of your lungs. He pushes your lost air back into your mouth with a kiss and then immediately retreats back to in between your legs.
He flicks the fabric of your skirt up onto your belly, letting himself have complete, unobstructed access to his early lunch. His fingers fondle your folds while his lips place sloppy kisses along the inside of your thighs. After he’s had his fill of that step, he sits back and stares at you: spread out for him, more than willing to take anything he wants to give to you. He blows out a whistle, eyeing your core, and you say, “Hey, you’re on the clock, cowboy. No time for dramatics.”
He nods, a smirk pulling at one side of his mouth, “You’re right, sweetheart.”
He spits onto your cunt, forgoing his usual gentle licks to adequately wet your pussy. A quiet fuck escapes your mouth as he plunges his tongue into you. Your fingers wind themselves in his chocolatey locks and pull, extracting an excited moan from your lover. His fingers knead the soft flesh on the backs of your thighs as he eats and when his mustache starts to tickle your clit, you’re done for. Your grip on his hair becomes vice-like and your whole body seizes up, constricted by enrapturing pleasure. You strangle out, “One.”
Jack unlatches his mouth only once he’s certain your first orgasm is complete. He stands, admires your wrecked expression, takes his cock out, spits into his hand and pumps his dick a few times. Hands slithering around your waist, he flips you onto your stomach and pulls your ass up, positioning you on your hands and knees. You’re a little bit dizzied by his manhandling in combination with his expert tongue, but this type of vertigo is the most enjoyable you’ve ever experienced. 
When he pushes into you, it’s a bit of a stretch because he hadn’t warmed you up with his fingers. He relaxes you by leaning forward, pressing his chest against your back and peppering soft kisses to your shoulder blades. The clink of his belt comically punctuates his thrusts, but your laughs are swallowed by intoxicated groans. You don’t know, and you don’t really care to figure out, how he already has you teetering on the edge of cumming again. Heightened senses tell you that you’re close; the fabric of his shirt feels unearthly soft as it brushes against patches of exposed skin, his fingertips are delightful lead in their clamp on you, his grunts and pants angelically reverberate in your skull. And then, suddenly and all at once, “Two.”
Jack’s pride shows itself in a smirk while he flips you onto your back. He makes a show of hooking your calves over his shoulders, eliciting laughter from the both of you. Resting almost all of his weight on top of you, your knees find your chest and his hands find your hair. The intimacy of it all is almost too much; his thumbs stroke your temples, palms cradle your head, those goddamned puppy-dog eyes bore into you. You turn your head in his grasp to check your timing: five minutes left. 
Jack’s tongue darts out to lick the pads of his fingers before he snakes it down in between the two of you to rub your clit. Your moans come out uncontrollably, your eyelids stutter and he eggs you on, “That’s it, sweetheart. Give me another one.”
Hearty moans are reduced to desperate gasps and you’re unable to verbally acknowledge the third orgasm that rips through you. Nonetheless, Jack can tell from the way your eyes roll into the back of your head and his name tumbles ferociously out of your mouth that you’re cumming. “’Atta girl.”
Jack takes his cock out of you and the whine that escapes your lips embarrasses you. He can’t help but laugh at your whimpering before he scoots down the bed and starts to eat you out again, framing his head with your quaking thighs. You find the strength to check the time, “Jack, there’s only a minute and a half left.”
He moans deeply into you, unaffected by your comment, and eases three fingers into your fluttering center. Like earlier, your hands fly to his hair like a magnet and find purchase so tight it makes your knuckles go pale. In a matter of seconds, circling your clit with his sopping tongue and tapping your g-spot with his deft fingers, Jack has you cumming yet again. This time you yell out the count, “Four!”
The sounds his ministrations make are lewd and exhilarating, pushing himself to his own precipice. You look down your body to find Jack’s other hand jerking his cock and his seed spilling out of him moments later. He groans into your pussy while you pet his hair, praising him for his efforts. 
Simultaneously, you both remember that you’re being timed. Your eyes meet the clock at the same time: 30 seconds. Jack springs from the bed and pulls you up with him, grabbing your discarded panties. He squats and taps your ankles so you lift your legs up, sliding each leg hole over your body and pulling your underwear up underneath your skirt. 
You fumble with his mussed clothes, stuffing his still-hard cock into his boxers, hiking his jeans up over his ass and zip and button them closed. You snake his belt around his waist and let his fingers do the work of buckling it before he picks you up bridal style and ushers you out of the bedroom, grabbing the clock off of the nightstand on your way out. 
Unhinged cackles follow you two down the hallway as you return to the living room. He plops you down in your chair, straightens you out, gives you a kiss on the cheek and then your alarm goes off. You raise your eyebrows at him, “Jeez, you didn’t waste a second.” 
He hums, then mumbles, “You get back to work now, babygirl,” and leaves you with a yearning kiss on the part of your hair.
Both of you return to your respective readings, hopelessly trying to downgrade your panting gasps to normal breaths. The absence of Jack’s warmth is already painful. But you rationalize that the indulgence of the last ten minutes is more than enough to get you through this next hour of studying, if not for longer.
Little do you know that Jack feels the same pain. His ache for your touch, sexual or not, will overtake him later and he’ll be unable to resist the temptation of coming over and distracting you again. Determined to finish your studying, you’ll propose a compromise: you can sit in his lap while he is lulled to sleep by the ambience of the afternoon rain and the enveloping comfort of you. The two of you can try to beat the record of four orgasms next semester. 
💘taglist: @pascalpanic​, @mellowswriting​
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WPP - Kenny (We’re The Millers)
This has been sitting in my drafts for months and I was struggling to finish it, but, a bright light ascended from the heavens, in the form of an angel, and that angel’s name is @gladerscake
Big thanks to them for helping me out and finishing this imagine. Go follow them and give all the love and support you can muster!
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Being in the witness protection program was...interesting.
It definitely was not what you were expecting, but then again, you didn’t know helping out a person you cared about would get you involved in a murder, yet here you are.
You had to leave everything behind, not that you had that much of a life to begin with, but it was comfortable. Now, everything was different. New home in a new state, even a new last name. Thankfully, you got to keep your first name, you were grateful for that at least.
You were surprised to find the most annoying thing was the neighbourhood that the program placed you in. It’s like it was made for Mormons or something, your neighbours were too nice, at least the house to the right of yours. You didn’t really know who lived in the house to the left, working from home had the benefit of never going outside and the only reason you knew who lived to your right was cause those neighbours were the type of people to introduce themselves.
But still, you couldn’t help but be a little curious.
You did know, however, that they had only recently moved in since the one morning truck woke up before your alarm rang that morning. You were grouchy the rest of the day, thus you’ve been slightly petty towards your “new” neighbours since then. You definitely needed to work on your attitude...one day.
After being inside your house for more than a week, you decided you wanted some vitamin D, which you rarely ever did so you must’ve been seriously deprived.
You walked out of the door leading to the backyard with a book in hand, frowning when you saw how overgrown the grass was from your laziness. You told yourself you’d do it later, and by later you meant you would mow your yard when you started to hate yourself enough to the point where you felt too guilty leaving it alone.
You huffed as you sat in one of your lawn chairs that you bought when you moved in, lying to yourself that you were going to spend more time outside when you knew you wouldn’t. A first for everything, you supposed.
A few chapters in, you heard a door open and shut in your neighbour’s backyard, but you thought nothing of it, almost too entranced in your book.
You smiled to yourself when you started to hear 1990s R&B playing softly, not your cup of tea but you enjoyed it occasionally. Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls had just started playing when you heard the neighbour’s back door slammed. “Dude, turn that shit off! You’ve been playing that song constantly and I’m actually getting sick of it. God.” You heard an angsty female voice.
Oh no...you lived next a family.
You flinched, noticing a blonde girl was talking you. “Uh, hey?” You slowly closed your book, reluctantly walking over to the fence separating the backyards when the girl motioned you over.
“Haven’t seen you around before, just move in?” She asked, smirking slightly, looking you up and down.
You mocked her smirk, not liking the almost condescending look she was giving you. “No, been here for awhile. That’s how I know you’ve only just moved in a few weeks ago.”
The girl’s smirk only grew. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Yours?”
“Casey, and that loser is Kenny.” She pointed to the table behind her, seeing a blonde boy sitting somewhat dejectedly in one of the chairs fiddling with a small CD player. “Hey, TLC, get over here!” The boy looked to Casey with a panicked expression, visibly looking like he wasn’t sure if the girl meant it or not. She rolled her eyes, “Come on, dude!”
The boy nodded, frantically walking away to join Casey at the fence. “Hey.” He stuttered, blushing when he noticed your eyes on him.
Casey rolled her eyes yet again. “Yeah, this is Kenny.”
Kenny waved quite adorably, giving you a tight lipped smile. “Did you just move in?”
“No, I-”
“We’ve already had this talk, she’s been here longer than we have.” Casey interrupted, making your blood boil a little bit, her attitude almost worse than yours.
Kenny frowned slightly, but covered it up with a smile. “Oh.”
“Yep. We’ve already become besties.” You said sarcastically, grinning widely, making Kenny genuinely smile a little.
“Kids!” A middle aged man with a stupid haircut, to you anyway, walked over with hesitant look on his face. “Who’s this?”
“Y/N, your neighbour that’s lived here longer than you have. Saved you the trouble of telling him yourself, Casey.” You sneered.
“Oh. Well, I’m David and we’re the Millers! My wife, Sarah, is at the market right now, but I’m sure she’d be glad to meet you sometime.” He smiled widely, making you uncomfortable.
“Uh, dad, chill out. You’re gonna scare away the only girl I find suitable to be friends with in this shit neighbourhood.” Casey whispered harshly.
You didn’t really want to be friends with Casey, you never really got along with girls. Clearly, reading outside was a bad choice...
“Ha ha, if you sass me one more time today, you will be grounded young lady.” David forced another smile.
“Uh, Dad...”
“Shut up, Kenny.”
You quickly realized where the Kenny kid was in the family food chain. It was a shame, the dude was pretty easy on the eyes and seemed nice from what you’ve seen. “Look, I’m just gonna go. Nice meeting you fine folks...” You waved awkwardly, turning around and practically speed walking inside your house.
Well, that was fun...never going outside ever again.
The overall encounter put you in a sour mood, so when the doorbell rang you prayed to god that it wasn’t the yearly check in with law enforcement cause you’d probably get yourself in trouble with that attitude of yours.
You were mildly shocked to see that awkward Kenny guy outside your door, his eyes trained on his feet before you opened the door. “Kenny Miller, right?”
“Uh...yeah, Miller. Uh, I just want to apologize for my, uh, family’s behavior. They don’t have the best of manners, but they’re good people, I swear!” He ranted at such a quick pace that it almost flew right over your head. “So, yeah, sorry.”
You chuckled at his nervousness. “You don’t have to be sorry, especially on the behalf of your family. They don’t seem like the type to appreciate it anyway.”
His eyes widened, holding up his hands and shaking his head. “No, no, no, it’s not like that! They, uh, appreciate me.” You kept your mouth shut, giving him a sympathetic look with a soft smile. He sighed. “It’s that obvious, huh?”
“To me, it is. I’ve been in that situation before, so it’s not that hard to notice.”
“Oh...well, they can be nice sometimes I guess.”
“I hope so. Well, it was nice to meet you, Kenny.” You stuck your hand out, smiling when he hesitated but shook your outstretched hand gently.
A week later, you and Kenny actually became friends despite the two of you being almost complete opposites. He was able to poke through your cynical exterior, which was extremely rare for someone to do. He made you laugh, smile, and actually enjoy life when you were with him. You didn’t like it at first, but his adorkable personality won you over.
Kenny was more than overjoyed, he finally had a friend, not one out of pity anyway. The first time you two had hung out, he came “home” with a huge grin on his face. Of course, Casey had to tease him about it all the time.
“I still don’t understand how she can be friends with that loser and not me!” Casey ranted. “It doesn’t make sense!”
“Casey, stop calling Kenny a loser, please.” Sarah sighed, tapping away on her keyboard.
As soon as Sarah said that, Kenny walked through the door with another grin on his face. “Hey, Ma!”
“You don’t have to call me that here, hon.” Sarah voiced, shutting her laptop and walking out of the kitchen, but she smiled to herself.
“Pop your cherry yet?” Casey smirked evilly.
Kenny immediately blushed. “I told you, we’re just friends...”
She rolled her eyes. “You obviously want to be more than just friends with her. You should just ask her out and get it over with.”
Casey huffed loudly. “Dude, I already told you, she’s probably moved on by now. She was a total babe, she can and probably has done way better than you.”
“Hey...” Kenny frowned, to which Casey just shrugged, her eyes training back to her phone. He sighed as he sat down across from his “sister.” “I do like her...but I don’t know how to bring it up. I’m awful at talking to girls about...that kind of stuff.”
Casey snorted. “Yeah, no kidding.” But she dropped her amused smirk when she saw Kenny glaring. “Sorry, sorry.” She sassed. “I mean, it did work out with the ginger to be fair, but we have to stay in this shithole until further notice. But I really do think you should shoot your shot with what’s her name.”
Kenny rolled his eyes. “Y/N.”
“Yeah, whatever. Just-”
“That girl is bad news.” David suddenly voiced, walking into the kitchen.
“What do you mean by that?” Casey asked.
“Uh, hello? Pay attention to your surroundings instead of that stupid phone of yours to see that we are in witness protection. We can’t trust any of these creepy neighbours.”
“Uh, I think you’re a tad bit paranoid, father dearest.”
“Y/N’s really cool though!” Kenny expressed.
David rolled his eyes. “But we don’t really know her, we don’t know if she’s a snitch or something.”
Casey laughed. “Wow, you really are paranoid, dude.”
“Ha ha, very funny, just go to your room and listen to your Metallicas and AC/DCs.”
Casey’s face contorted into a disgusted scowl. “I don’t listen to that garbage.”
“Shut up.” David simply replied, making Casey stand up and storm out of the room and up the stairs. “Look, Ken, I get you like this girl, but you need to be careful. Don’t say things you shouldn’t and all that. You have a tendency to not know when to shut your mouth. So, don’t do that, kay?”
Kenny nodded curtly, avoiding David’s eyes as he felt his face heat up in slight anger. He knew he had some...issues with keeping his mouth shut about things that should be kept a secret, but he grew up, right? He’s not as naïve as he was before they went to Mexico, but his “family” still treated him like he was five. Plus, he knew you weren’t the type to be a snitch.
While Kenny was dealing with feeling underappreciated, you were having your own set of issues to handle. Today was the day for a check up with law enforcement to make sure you were on your best behavior. You always were, but it still made you anxious to no end. And you prayed that Kenny wouldn’t rush in to your house like he got into the habit of doing when you were interrogated.
Of course, that didn’t happen. 
“For fuck’s sake...” You muttered under your breath when you saw Kenny’s shocked and scared face when he saw you sitting with a couple local police officers.
On your end, it just looked like he was scared of police officers. But Kenny’s mind immediately went haywire, thinking that you called them over to investigate them even though the police were already informed of “the Millers” situation. 
“Kenny, now’s not a good time.” You sighed.
“No, no, it’s okay.” The police officer in front of you said. “We’re done here anyway.” He walked out of your house with his partner, leaving you and Kenny in an awkward silence.
“What was that all about?” Kenny asked, not being able to control the bitter tone in his voice. “Did you think we’re that bad or something?”
“Kenny, I-”
“We’ve been doing really well here!” Kenny interrupted. “No problems with anybody, been on our best behavior.”
“I don’t wanna go to jail. I can’t go to jail. We’ve only been here for a couple months.”
“Kenny, stop!” You finally yelled, losing your temper. “They were here to check up on me, for fuck’s sake.”
Kenny’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but still had a slight expression of panic. “Here for you? B-But-”
“I’m in witness protection, you dweeb, same as you.”
“Oh...Wait, how did you know I’m in witness protection?”
“Your family,” You finger quoted, “looks nothing like you. All of you don’t look anything alike. How paranoid and secretive that David is, it wasn’t too hard to put things together. You rambling off like an absolute moron a minute ago just reaffirmed my theory.”
Kenny frowned. “Dang, I thought I had worked on that.”
You smiled slightly. “It’s alright, Ken. I’m no snitch, and I’m not very judgmental about someone’s past. What did you even do though? You’re definitely not the type to break the law.” You chuckled.
“Oh, well, we kinda smuggled some drugs across the Mexican border.” He stuttered.
“Holy shit, dude! That’s sick! What was it? Was it coke?” You grinned, eager to learn.
Kenny blinked at your excitement, but obliged to all your questions, sitting down next to you. “No, it was marijuana.”
Your face slightly dropped in excitement. “Oh. I really think weed should be legal. It’s stupid, it’s not even a hard drug.”
“Well, we’re lucky we even made it out alive. But what did you go through to get yourself here?”
Now, you definitely didn’t judge past crimes of others, if they’ve atoned for it and changed that is, but you had no idea if Kenny would judge you. You actually found yourself not wanting him to look at you in a different light, and you’ve never felt that way before. 
Kenny seemed perfectly sweet, almost too sweet to judge anyone, but on the other hand...the stuff that had landed you in the program was definitely heavier than some weed smuggling. 
Maybe it would be too much for him. Maybe it would be best to just make something up, something less horrible, something he wouldn’t be too shocked by.  As tempting as that route felt, the idea of lying to him weirdly didn’t sit well with you, though. 
Kenny was quick to notice the lengthy pause that followed his question, as well as the way your shoulders tensed and your eyes averted to the parquet floor. Oh no. Had he pried into something too personal? Was he an idiot for asking?
“Oh, um...you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!” Kenny hurried to assure you, slight panic beginning to etch his bluish-green eyes, his fists clenching and unclenching involuntarily. “I was just curious, is all! I’m sorry if it’s too persona-“ 
“It’s okay!” To his surprise, you pulled on a tight-lipped smile, giving him a look as nonchalant as you could manage at the moment. “Really, you don’t have to apologize for asking. Plus, you already told me about your thing, so...” You trailed off, softly, wondering how to proceed. 
As much as you resented the thought of Kenny seeing you differently, you decided even that unpleasant outcome would still be better than lying to him. You’d rather not. You liked Kenny. Despite not having spent a tremendous amount of time together, you could tell he was a genuinely good person, and you definitely enjoyed his company. Not to mention, it would be a blatant lie if you said you weren’t at all attracted to him. 
Casey may have spent most of their interactions calling him a “loser” in some form or another, but you couldn’t be farther away from agreeing with her. A part of you was positively annoyed with the way she treated him. Then again, taste is subjective. It wasn’t Casey’s fault if she didn’t have a good sense of it. 
With a deep intake of air, you nervously flipped a loose strand of hair over your shoulder, still avoiding direct eye-contact with Kenny. “I, uh...It’s a rough one, really. And kind of a long story. I wouldn’t wanna dump something like that on you, if you’d rather not hear it” 
He tentatively pursed his plump lips, but nonetheless nodded for you to keep going. “I’m sure I can handle it! Whatever it is, I’m not gonna judge you, Y/N. I promise!” 
Promise, huh? Guess you were going to have to see about that. 
Trying to ignore the rapidly increasing pace of your heart and slight tremble in your fingers, you began your story. 
You didn’t want to go into too much detail, for the fear of oversharing, but you did tell him as much as you felt you could. About how you used to have a friend...a pretty close friend, who you cared about a great deal, who had always been kind and generous, alas, a bit of a troublemaker.
About how she had fallen in with the wrong crowd, something you admittedly failed to see coming. How that crowd turned out to be a notoriously vicious gang that had it out for some other poor girl, who had apparently slept with one of the gang leaders’ boyfriend without realizing it. 
How that gang, your friend included, lured her onto a rooftop to “fuck with her” and “teach her a lesson.” Only that night, they went too far and ended up pushing her off. The girl died instantly, and due to the heaping pile of evidence, it wasn’t a particularly long investigation. Almost everyone involved were arrested shortly after, and you, having been brought in as one of the witnesses, had a choice whether you wanted to testify against your friend or not. 
At first you weren’t sure if you wanted to do that and make matters worse for her. However, after some much-needed reflection and consideration, you decided it would be the right thing to do. Someone had died, and your friend played a part in it. You couldn’t turn a blind eye to something that big simply because you two were close. 
Your friend was put away, along with several other gang members. Still, quite a few of them were still out there, and they definitely seemed like the type to hold serious grudges. You were no longer safe at your former home, and now...well, there you where. 
Kenny listened intently all the while, not once daring to interrupt, not even to ask a question. By the way your breathing had hitched and your lips had stuttered at certain parts, he could tell how hard that must’ve been for you to go through in the first place, and how unsettling it was for you to revisit those moments in order to share your story with him. 
You didn’t notice, but as you were nearing the end, Kenny had inched to sit closer to you, his large hand carefully landing on your shoulder with a soft but warm-hearted squeeze. He had briefly hesitated in making that move, but the need to offer you comfort and reassurance overpowered his nervousness. His only hope was that you wouldn’t flinch at his touch, and so he felt a huge wave of relief wash over him when you did no such thing. 
“So...that’s about it. Sorry, I know it’s a fucking bummer story, compared to your weed smuggling adventure.” You attempted a chuckle, only it came out as more of a sad scoff. 
Your heart was still pounding and you were still reluctant to look up at him. Although, as you finally noticed Kenny’s warm hand gently squeezing your shoulder, you felt a soothing brush of comfort spread through your limbs, and you couldn’t deny how nice it felt. 
“Whoa...that’s...I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Kenny frowned, unsure of what the right thing to say could be. 
“It’s okay, really. I’ve had some time to process it and move on. Well...not completely, but I’d say I’m doing much better now.” 
Kenny went silent for a minute, clearly still digesting the information, and the worries you had about him looking at you differently came back in full force. You opened your mouth to ask him about it, but he beat you by a millisecond, speaking first. “Why...why were you so nervous about telling me?” 
So he had noticed. Figures. The art of the poker face wasn’t something you’d ever truly mastered. It sometimes annoyed you how easy your anxious state was to spot, but there wasn’t much you could do about that. 
“I don’t know, I...I guess I didn’t want you to see me as a snitch or judge me-“
“Judge you?” Kenny interrupted, sounding confused about the mere insinuation. “For what, not sticking up for your friend when she had got herself involved in a murder?” 
“I mean, she was still my friend, so...” 
“So what? That doesn’t change the fact that she got in the middle of something so horrible, that could’ve been avoided, if she had paid more attention to who she hung around.” 
You couldn’t say you had expected that. It was almost weird hearing Kenny talk that way, but you were definitely relieved to hear where he so firmly stood in regards to the whole “judging you” idea. 
You bit your bottom lip in agitation as a thought you had been wrestling with for a while creeped its way into your mind again. “Sometimes I feel like maybe I could’ve done something...could’ve checked up on her more or somehow stopped her from hanging out with them...maybe I could’ve kept her from having anything to do with it.” Your voice grew quieter, sounding barely above a whisper as guilt flashed through your eyes, your muscles tensing, uneasily, at the thought. Kenny was immediately closer, his arm wrapping around you, as if trying to shelter you from your own thoughts. 
“Come on, don’t do that to yourself, Y/N. You can’t control the actions of others, not even your friends. Least of all your friends, probably.” 
You allowed a small smile to touch the corner of your lips as you instinctively leaned into Kenny, his closeness calming you, his soft reassurances shushing the self-deprecating thoughts he could sense looming over you. 
“Yeah, you’re right, I guess. I just try not to think about it often, it really sucks diving into that stuff.” 
“Of course it sucks. I just hope you know that none of it was even a little bit your fault. From what I can tell after spending some time with you...you’re a really good person, Y/N.” 
You looked up at him, noting the way your faces were only a few inches apart by that point. The close proximity brought a rosy tinge to your cheeks. “You think so?” 
“I do! Why wouldn’t I? You’re smart, you’re funny when you want to be, you’re great to be around, and heck, you’re one of the very few people I know who doesn’t make me feel like I’m constantly doing something wrong.” 
Hearing that made you simultaneously happy and sad. With the way Kenny’s “family” treated him almost around the clock, it was no wonder he felt that way. You wished he didn’t have to. You believed someone as wonderful as him deserved so much better. If only he had at least one person close to him who would tell him how much better he was than most guys out there, how anyone should be lucky to call him a friend... or maybe more than just a friend. 
In that moment, you found yourself thinking what it would be like if you were that person. You imagined it would feel the same way it always did when you were around Kenny, only better. In all honesty, you couldn’t find a single reason not to try. What harm was there in trying? Oh, that’s right...something could go badly wrong, and then whatever friendship you had with him would be in shambles.
That’s what the pessimistic side of you thought about it. But the other side, the more hopeful and affectionate side, had other ideas. 
Even though you and Kenny were brought into the witness protection program by very different circumstances, you were still in it together. You didn’t have to hide your true identities or your past, at least not from each other. That had to count for something, right? 
While you were taking a second to collect your thoughts, Kenny was facing some inner turmoil of his own. With the newfound closeness of the two of you, his cheeks were positively crimson, his pulse quickening, heart thumping against his rib cage. Any doubts he’d had about whether or not he wanted to ask you out had vanished - he absolutely wanted to do that. But how? When? Would now be a good time? He wasn’t sure. Yet, he was very aware of the fact that if he were to lean in just a little bit closer, he could just kiss you right then and there... 
Kenny briefly remembered David’s “count to three” method, but for some reason it didn’t feel right to use. Not with you, not like that. All he wanted was to just go with the feeling, and that feeling was beckoning him to your lips. 
Oh, screw it. If you were to push him away, so be it. He would probably die a little inside and never attempt to do anything like that ever again, but at least he would know your immediate answer. 
Your soft questioning voice reached his ears as his gaze trailed over your delicate face, taking in every feature, and with a soft but resolute breath, he leaned in. 
Your eyes went wide when Kenny’s lips landed on yours. You froze for a second, not knowing what to do. Luckily, your instantly skipping heart gave you the hint you needed to flutter your eyes closed and melt into it. 
He kissed you so gently, so carefully, but not like he was afraid of scaring you away. More like he wanted you feel completely safe and give you every chance to stop it the second you wanted to. 
You didn’t. 
Instead, you wrapped an arm around his neck, your fingertips brushing the ends of his short sandy hair, your lips moving seamlessly and warmly against his own.
Kenny couldn’t believe you were actually kissing him back, but damn, he was thrilled that you were. He felt the affection in him surge as the softness of your lips put his mind in a haze. His hand timidly slid down to your waist, bringing you closer to him, and you willingly went, deepening the kiss as you did. 
After a few blissful moments you finally broke away from his lips, your noses nearly brushing each other as you looked up at him through glimmering eyes. “I was almost convinced I would have to do that myself...” 
Kenny breathed a soft chuckle, not taking his gaze off of yours. “To be honest, so was I...” 
You grinned at his burning cheeks, releasing a light chuckle of your own before reconnecting your lips for another kiss, swallowing the muted grunt that rumbled from Kenny’s throat. 
Things were going to get better now. For both of you, you were sure of it. Kenny was finally going to have someone who would show him what it’s like to be truly wanted and appreciated, and you were going to have someone who wouldn’t dream of hurting you and who you knew would always do his best to understand you, give you everything he could give. 
Maybe this whole witness protection program thing wouldn’t be such a tedious affair, after all.
Thanks again for helping me @gladerscake​ , you’re the sweetest ❤
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
the reactions are in! my anime-only friends said of the episode:
(asked if it was good or bad) …It was an episode
It’s just Shigaraki in the woods with a giant rock man
I’m a bit confused
that’s the doctor from the first episode? What— oh, he’s helping Shigara— wtf, those hands are his family? why hands— Oh, they’re being sent back to the rock man
(Good so far?) Well, the lab is pretty cool looking. The hand thing is fucked up, but now we know why they’re there. But why hands, they didn’t get destroyed?
So this all happened last year (in-universe)…? In December. Kurogiri’s still there so— When was he captured again? Oh, it’s before last season’s Endeavor arc. So right after Overhaul arc?
They’ve just been fighting the rock man this entire time? They haven’t done anything else? What about the High End—?
(Second half of episode) Who’s narrating? Wait, it’s the lizard guy?? Huh, weird.
Dunno, the League is still kinda… They’re not that interesting. Like, what are they doing? Why are they sticking with Shigaraki? There doesn’t seem to be anything holding them together.
Why aren’t they all killing each other by now? Especially stabby girl and Shigaraki and Dabi and…everyone else.
What is up with stabby girl? What’s up with all of them?
Deadpool copy guy still seems cool.
Who’s the hostage? (Giran, the broker) Who? Have we met him before? (Yeah, he’s the guy who introduced Toga and Dabi to Shigaraki in season 2, remember?) …No, not really.
Okay, random new villains… They’re like, an evil corporation? (No, the leader is just also the CEO of a company.) Oh, so it’s not an Evil, Inc. type thing?
(Curious, Trumpet, Skeptic in background of RD phone-call) Weren’t they just elsewhere? (No, those shots were just… abstract character-establishing still scenes) Oh. Okay.
Yeah, sorry, you’re still weird for liking that Shiggy guy, Nal. We still don’t get it.
OVERALL, my anime-only friends are a bit confused, but they’ll keep watching. Mostly just to finish the season.
With the episode skipping back two-three months from last’s episode, and covering 3-4 chapters in one episode, all lot is going on, with seemingly little context. The focus seemed just to suddenly shift to the villains. My friends watch each episode weekly, so lacking a recap, they’ve forgotten most of what the League as a whole last did.
Literally one of them told me in the time between Overhaul and the Doctor, it doesn’t seem like the League as done anything. Which is exactly the point, except instead of learning they were poor and reduced to dumpster-diving via the MVA introduction with Spinner’s narration, the League now just seem to be boring and bad at being the active terrorist Villains they’re supposed to be. The anime really just suddenly switch to the League in the middle of nowhere being attacked by Machia, no context, no lead-up, nothing.
Literally my friends told me the League didn’t seem to have a uniting purpose, which again, was the point, but now they seem like carelessly-written flat characters that are just thrown together. Why do any of them stick around? Without the scene of them hanging out - the mass murder bonding, Twice and Toga playing with a necklace, the banter, the sushi quip - the League’s connection with each other and Giran is completely random and unconvincing.
Plus while I’m happy Spinner got to narrate a bit, for my friends, it seemed completely random that the role was given to the lizard guy. A bizarre choice, because what’s notable about him? Why this background character? He’s just gonna talk; okay then.
Besides those issues that would’ve been easily solved by adapting 220 properly, there’s also the fact that with the rush pacing, there’s little time to take in the atmosphere and tone of the lab scene. Do we get to linger over the whiplash of AFO hugging Tenko, then immediately giving him the severed hands of his family, and so fully realizing the horror and inexplicable cruelty of his backstory, re-arranging emotions and judgements of the silly hand-man? Nope. Do we get to take in the impact of Shigaraki’s dream and the depths of his distortion when he’s speaking at top speed? Nah. We get a brief moment of ‘what the fuck’ over the hands, another ‘what the heck’ over the speech, and then we’ve moved on to wrestling with Gigantomachia. It’s hard to reflect on all this new information when there’s even more new things to learn about a broker and the new army and the League being challenged to a fight.
Basically, the episode and beginning of anime MVA is a mess, giving only the barest of chance for interest in the characters and what’s going to happen in the next five episodes; mainly any continue watching is due to obligation to finish the season and momentum of ‘oh, we’re diving in, okay.’ This is the reaction I get from friends I was eager to watch MVA with and introduce and celebrate the Villains. I’m kinda devastated.
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sketch--booked · 4 years
I wanna complain about how the ninja treated Zane in the first few episodes real quick. Specifically in Home. Since I have some beef with the ninja.
So remember that one time Zane froze the entire monastery without effort? Yeah, that was kinda cool,
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Now I begin to get angry, You’ve been warned--
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And the ninja, understandably, were upset and I can get that.
But then you see how they all kinda just--- treated him really badly all the time. I get it,, he’s got weird traits and does very “Zane” things (being unfazed to be in the bathroom with somebody, legitimately not understanding comedy and laughing at odd things, at least Nya and Jay weren’t watching a horror or slasher movie, and his famous sitting-in-the-fridge scene) but like--
They really gonna do this??
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Laugh at the guy for what he wears and throw around the food he made for them? Even Wu, may I add.
Can I also call attention to Jay, who throws something at Zane.
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That is not a face of comfort? By any means?? Zane shows a very little range of emotion, in the early seasons especially. But when Jay throws his own food at him, he frowns. THAT’S EMOTION,, HE’S NOT HAPPY,,, THIS ISN’T A JOKE NOR IS IT FUNNY TO HIM.
And they just--Don’t even do a double-take.
I’m bewildered at just how horribly they treat him, in this scene specifically. Not one of them, NOT EVEN WU, takes a second to think about how Zane might feel in this moment??? IN FACT, If you listen carefully, you can hear Nya and Jay belittling him.
“He looks so cute in his apron!” and “Look at his face!”
So after this god awful display of friendship that makes me want to slap all the other ninja, we get the infamous Falcon scene.
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Zane has his general neutral kinda-angy-lookin’ expression. So we can’t really tell what he’s feeling in this moment, but it’s his actions that follow that say everything.
He sees the falcon and is intrigued by it and actually smiles. Which is good! That’s emotion! Well done, Zane, you’re learning!
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NOW IT’S THIS BIT---IS WHERE I GET REAL JUST---HHHHHMMM It’s in this moment, I wonder if Zane knows what a toxic friendship isghghgh I jest--
Zane is smiling when he sees the falcon fly off. He likes the bird but he lets it leave.
But then---
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Zane takes one brief look back to the sound of his friends and without a second doubt he BOOKS IT--
So from initially seeing this, you get the instant feeling that he would prefer to follow a mysterious bird into possible danger, than go back to his friends who are still laughing in the distance. He obviously was going to return back to them, they tease his lack of returning later in the episode WHICH I HOPE TO GET TO. But that does say enough about his actual feelings towards the rest. 
Strange, possibly evil bird---or my friends who’re probably going to continue to laugh at me.
It’s a nobrainer that he’d follow the bird??
He’s not truly upset at them, I don’t even think that Zane has the capability to really be angry ngl,, but he still chose the bird over his “family” and that’s what makes me so angry at the ninja. 
And to those who say “He’s not upset at the ninja, he’s just curious and the fact that he essentially ran away from them, doesn’t mean he dislikes them” I say,,, That is fair. And I will, for the sake of not looking like a dick, argue for that.
It’s clear that Zane likes to know stuff. In the beginning, he’s been the smart one. Even in this episode Kai says “We like the guy, he’s really smart..” then complains about him being weird. And later down the line he’s shown an interest in learning, being the only one in season 11 to actually read about the desert of doom and the Mechanic himself saying he’s an inquisitive nindroid in season 12.
So it’s understandable if Zane was simply sating his curiosity. But how can you tell me that the previous event was not a deciding factor in choosing the bird instead..
I would now like to jump forward to when the ninja are at Lloyd’s tree-house (Can I point out that the first place the falcon took zane, was a tree-house. And the last was a tree house?? Anybody? okay just me--). 
And when they ask him how he found it; he tells them it’s because it danced. Jay then jokingly asks if it was a coo-coo bird, promoting everyone to--
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When he does his info dump thing they don’t even bother, they just shrug in unison--which ngl I do find funny ghghgh
Now that’s where you’d think the Zane bullying stops right?
NOPE,, TIME TO BURN DOWN THE MONASTERY (this is a cool shot btw)
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This is a good shot too, because it sets up that Zane will be a focus, and you can already assume it’s because, in some essence, this is Zane’s fault.
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But then they go all out on him. They straight up tell him this was his fault, that he shouldn’t have followed the bird, he shouldn’t have been curious or try to help, that everything they had here is gone, and yell at him to his face “A teaching moment? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you get it? Everything is gone!” and it’s because of him.
In this moment they are taking out every frustration they had with him. They’re taking out every moment he’s gone into his own world and making their lives harder and that their home is gone because of him.
This is one of the very first, and very few times all the ninja have pitted against just one of their team. And it hurts. Because Zane’s reaction to this, his response to being treated horribly, having his food thrown at him like he didn’t spend likely hours making and planing it, like he doesn’t do the chores they probably wont do (taking out the rubbish earlier in the episode), is to go back to them like he wasn’t hurt by this at all. 
And y’know what could’ve solved this entire thing? What could’ve prevented the exclusion and the explosion that is their friendship. Communication. On both sides, neither of them communicated with each other. The ninja didn’t openly express their feelings towards Zane TO Zane, only Wu and probably Nya. And Zane never expressed anything, ever, like--literally nothing. His moment of most emotion is in episode 7 dammit.
And I just--This is an issue that’s followed through even to the new seasons. Honest to god some of the only times I can recall him actually expressing how he feels about something, is with Pixal, and when Kai persuades him to break his morals and cheat in the slug race. God please help me find more examples because I cannot remember anything else (I’m ignoring Decoded for the time being since the last episode of that was almost entirely “Zane therapy time”)
Imma end it here because my rant juices have stopped flowing and I haven’t slept in many many long hours and I really would like to collapse right about now.
So i’m not saying Zane has it worst, he probably doesn’t,, but what I’m saying is that Zane had a tough time in the beginning especially. After Kai became properly a part of the group, it was Zane that they outcasted. And because they wouldn’t actually talk to him about what they all thought. They didn’t take the time to understand him and only realized they missed him and how badly they’d been treating him when he was gone.
In the start, they were bad friends, they were horrible in fact. Zane tried, or didn’t. Where he didn’t understand people or social cues, he understood being kind and doing the right thing. 
The ninja did however work from this. As of this episode, they tone down the mistreatment and make a bigger effort to get the guy. And it’s all explained and finished in episode 7.
Overall, I really like this episode! I think the characters were great! I think the humor was great! I think the progression was great! I dunno why some o’ yall think I don’t like something because I hate it. I can hate-love something, and you’ll find there are a lot of things I hate-love in ninjago.
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coldmilkcreamery · 4 years
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: seo changbin x male reader 🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1403
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: in which changbin asks about the bracelet Y/N never takes off and finds out it’s from his friend that committed suicide.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: mentions of blood and death; suicide
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: i took a lot longer on this fic because i lost motivation so many times, but looking at the finished product, it’s my favorite out of the four i've made so far !! thank you so much for requesting @mrsunshine999 !! please continue supporting us !! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Changbin was naturally curious. Whether it be about his cousin's current class, what his bandmate ate for yesterday’s dinner or the weather of a country on the opposite side of the globe. He was curious about anything and everything. So, naturally, after dating Y/N for about two months, he would get curious about the lime bracelet that wrapped itself around his boyfriend’s hand. The said trinket was held together by a single thread of yarn, decorated with miniature glass beads and a tiny, fluffy frog in the middle. If he was being honest with himself, it did not look aesthetically pleasing. In fact, it wasn't. The beads were uneven and scuffed up, the color choice was horrible and overall it just looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while. He was afraid to call his partner out on this, being the shy bear he was, but after seven weeks with his boyfriend, both his curiosity and hygiene-oholic self got the better of him.
“You know,” Changbin mumbled in a sing-song tone, staring at the unattractive accessory, “you never told me about that…” he pauses, rethinks his words and continues again as his boyfriend locks eyes with him, “bracelet around your wrist.” Y/N freezes, resulting in both of them halting, and with them, their stroll at the park.
“You okay?” Changbin asks, half confused, half worried, “I’m talking about the—”
“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.” Y/N cuts him off, lips quivering as he tightens his grip on the paper bags he holds, almost ripping the fragile sheets, “Let’s just drop these off at Nicky’s first.” Nicky’s is the name of the local bread shop they deliver to and for. In fact, both men had met each other there as delivery boys. To the owner’s surprise, both hit it off pretty well. Too well to the point that they started dating.
The walk out of the park and into the autumn street was quiet, way quieter than it was supposed to be. The street was bustling, there were cars honking their horns and bicycles ringing their bells, but it was all ear-splitting silence with Y/N. After dating him for seven weeks, and knowing him for even more, he was sure his boyfriend was always bubbly and upbeat. But in this moment, something about his actions, or the lack thereof, said the exact opposite. And to be really honest, it made Changbin uneasy. He knew what he said had upset his partner. He wanted to apologize but was too afraid—to sound dumb and repetitive or to hurt his feelings even more. Which of the two was it? That he was unsure of.
“Good morning Mrs. Park!” Changbin greets, showing his dimples off as both boys enter the shop.
“Good morning!” Mrs. Park chirps back, raising her head towards both men, retracting the knife from the loaf she held. “Oh! Those must be the bread I ordered! Thank you for getting them, you know me, too old to walk all the way to the supplier. Too old to remember to do so too.” She laughs, putting the bread knife flat on the wooden cutting board as she shifts her gaze from Changbin to Y/N. “Oh! You can put that in the back.” Y/N nods as he drags his feet towards the back of the shop, slowly disappearing into its retro-ness.
The store’s aroma was always the same, the smell of lavender and the chilly air slapping them in the face whenever they went in. But Y/N’s aura wasn't. And Mrs. Park could tell.
“What’s up with him?” She asked, raising a brow, not really expecting the answer she would get.
“I asked him about that lime bracelet he has on all the time.” Changbin replies, sighing, “It’s… kinda dirty don't you think?”
“Oh.” is all she replies. She stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time until Changbin realizes.
“I… didn’t do anything wrong, right?” He says, hoping for the best, “What is it any—”
“I think it would be better if you ask him yourself.”
“Well…” Changbin doubles back, “if it’s anything uncomfortable for him to share, then I won’t bug about it anymore. I don’t want to sacrifice his feelings for my curiosity.” He replies, unsure of what to think.
Mrs. Park nods and as if on queue, Y/N reappears and steps out the pantry, paper bags that were previously held by his hands gone. He smiles at the lady in her 40’s and heads straight to the door, leaving the scent of lavender and bread behind. Changbin follows suit, looking at Mrs. Park as she nods back, sending him a reassuring smile.
Changbin steps out into the breezy autumn eventide, hues of marigold and tangerine painting the afternoon skies like a canvas. Y/N trudged and crossed the street, entering back into the park, the aura much different from before. What was bright and warm this afternoon became darker and colder as the moon began its daily process: replacing the sun. What was once a yellow orb glowing high up in the sky was now just a small orange blob on the horizon, and on the opposite side of the colored canvas, a glimmering white crescent, slowly rising through the blue hues. Changbin found the indigo, azure, tangerine and marigold ombré charming, a sight he would never forget. Y/N spotted a nearby bench and sat down, his boyfriend taking the empty space beside him. They sat there for a while, staring at the moms telling their children to get off the swings so they can go home, and the hotdog vendor packing up and calling it a day. In a way, both the swings and the hotdogs reminded him of someone… special.
“I—” Y/N pauses, trying to rephrase his words once again, “I haven’t really told you about this,” he says, brushing his fingers ever so slightly over the lime fabric on his wrist, “gift.”
Changbin is confused, visually confused at that, but keeps quiet and lets him continue. “A friend of mine… gave this to me.” Y/N says, looking up towards the darkening skies, holding a tear back, “At first I thought it sucked, you know, the beads don’t look that nice. I didn’t see its value.” He said, face scrunching as he tries his hardest not to let a tear out. “So I didn’t wear it.” Changbin nods, unsure of what to say.
“He passed away a month later.” He fails to keep the cap on his bottled feelings on, a tear or two slipping out, “I found him in the bathtub, blood everywhere, and his face… oh his face,” Changbin wraps him in warmth, “it looked lifeless and yet so… sorrowful.” He says, clenching the left side of his shirt, more tears dripping down the side of his face, only to be dried up by the fabric of his boyfriend’s shirt, “I didn’t know that was possible.”
Changbin hugged and patted his back for a while until he calmed down, until he could finally form a proper sentence. “He helped me figure out and accept who I am.” Y/N says, the left side of his lip pulling up as his face forms a melancholic smile, “I didn’t realize it back then, but I wouldn’t have been so open with my sexuality now if it wasn’t for him.” Both stared up at the young night sky, the elegant stars beginning to show themselves. “I’ve worn this,” he says, fiddling with the dirty cotton frog in the center of the trinket, “since the day we buried him.”
Y/N lets a tear fall once again as he leans his head on Changbin’s shoulder, finding the closure he thought he’d already found months ago. “I loved him. Still do. I just wish he would've told me about his problems. Just wish he would’ve stuck around for a little longer.” Changbin nods once again, still unsure of what to say.
“But that was all in the past. There’s nothing I can do about it now.” Y/N says, ripping his eyes away from the lime bracelet, staring up at the midnight blue sky, the bijou stars twinkling in the distance, “Nothing but remember him with this ugly ass ornament.” Changbin looks into his eyes, confused.
“This ugly ass ornament that means the world to me.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.15.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 01.21.21
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hardskz · 4 years
bow down.
pairing — bang chan x genderneutral! reader
genre — modern royalty au, drama-ish, smut; sexual tension-ish, hand kink, brat tamer! chan, degradation, leg humping, humiliation
synopsis — you have eyes. prince bang chan is a whole snack. but you also have too high of an ego and can’t seem to accept that prince chan isn’t full of himself unlike the other dozen members of any royal family you’ve met before. alternatively, this is the disney channel movie ‘princess protection program’ but make it porn only.
note — this fic with a wc of 7k+ does not include any spoilers to the movie and you don’t even have to know what the movie is about you’ll get the gist as you read. ngl half of this is from one of my drafts from like 3 years ago and i never continued it so here i am turning it into filth hahahah (and i needed a fresh idea for brat tamer chan and hence why i think the sfw part is better written than the nsfw lmao) rip also pls accept this as the follower milestone gift and 1 year anniversary special :’)
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“I’m pretty sure I asked for a puppy for my birthday — which was three months ago may I add — not for a new roommate?”
You look back and forth between Youngjae and the stranger sitting on the couch who is staring back at you with a curious expression. He looks around your age and you admit, his face isn’t the kind of face that makes you thank your parents that genetics did a decent job on you. It’s quite the opposite, actually.
His face is the type of face that makes you ask your parents why genetics didn’t do a better job on yours. Okay, you haven’t reached that stage of visual inferiority yet but that’s mainly because he is dressed in clothes that were trendy in the 15th century or something. The garments clinging to his skin look like a bad fusion of a suit (which college student wears a suit in their free time?) and the ridiculous costume the marching band at your former high school had worn whenever a football game was up. And those weird golden pins clipped on the blazer makes it seem as if he used to be in the marines or comes from a royal bloodline or—
“Don’t mind my cousin, your Highness. (y/n)’s humor has always been questionable.”  Youngjae sends you a glare before he puts on his sweetest smile — you know, the act he puts on whenever he tries to negotiate a bonus with his boss or woo his date — and opts to ignore your presence. “Anyway, since we are dealing with a more serious issue at hand than originally expected, we need to give you a makeover to—“
Before he gets to finish his sentence, you violently tug him away from the prince and despite Youngjae thrashing around and complaining, you manage to send the guest a forced smile and leave his vision. The moment you let go of Youngjae in the neighboring room, he readjusts his collar. “What? Couldn’t you have waited once I was done? Also, was it necessary to crinkle my collar this much?” he hisses but you get straight to the point.
“What is he doing here?”
“Uh, sitting on the couch?”
“That’s not what I mean.” you grit your teeth and land a punch on his arm. “What is he doing here?”
Youngjae looks over your shoulder, making sure that what he’s about to say next is only heard by you. “Prince Chan is,” he hesitates, unsure how to approach his topic. You know it’s taking up his last nerves to conclude a logical explanation as the tip of his tongue pokes out of the corner of his lips; a habit he has adapted ever since he stopped chewing on his bottom lip. “The predicament he’s in is worse than we expected. Well, his dad is partially at fault because he forgot to tell us this not-so-small critical detail that—“
“Youngjae, you’re rambling.”
“The point is.” he sighs and gives you a distressed look as if he already knows you’re not going to like the information at all. “We can’t send him to the family in Goyang, the place he was originally going to stay in. He’s one of the more extreme cases and the Board agreed that he had to live with one of the active combatants to ensure his safety.”
Silence engulfs the kitchen and you know he’s waiting for you to count two and two together.
“He’s going to live here,” you deadpan eventually and Youngjae nods in confirmation.
“I know you’re not very happy—“
“Not very happy is underwhelming.” You earn a flick against your forehead and yelp in pain as you over the spot he just hit. “Ow! I was just stating the truth!”
“Will you stop interrupting me? Geez. Yes, I know that you’re not happy at all. I know that you’re not a huge fan of the majority of our family working in this business. But please do me this one favor or so help me God— try to be nice to him for the next year.”
“He’s staying for a year?” you shriek and in the blink of an eye, Youngjae clamps your mouth shut.
“Can you keep it down?!” he whisper-yells, then retreats his hand and reverts to a conversational tone with a frown. “It’s just a year, okay? Y’know, just... say hi to him whenever you see him. Act civilized.”
You grimace as he stresses his last words like you didn’t know what human decency was. The longer you keep the petrified expression on your face, the more it turns into a staring contest between the two of you. Just as if you were each other’s reflection, you mimic his actions and vice versa. When Youngjae squints, you squint. When you shoot him a glare, he returns it. It all boils down to the final blink that Youngjae feints and you’re the first to look away.
“Okay fine! I’ll try to behave,” you mumble in defeat.
A satisfied smile makes its way on Youngjae’s lips. “It’s always nice negotiating with you.”
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Being born into a family where the majority works for the royalty protection program (short: RPP or as you like to stylize it: argh-pee-pee), also known as the secret service for people with crowns on their heads, comes with many perks. In your eyes, this privilege comes with many, many downsides that aren’t worth the advantages. Sure, there is the one or other occasion where you can waltz around in fancy evening attire and attend an actual ball, but overall, it’s a pain in the ass.
Even though it’s prohibited to openly declare that you work for the RPP, the news always finds its way out. Usually, it takes approximately a week for pretty much half of the neighborhood to find out. And it certainly isn’t nice hearing whispers about your dad being that guy working for the program whenever you step out of your house, which is ultimately why you moved in with your cousin Youngjae. (Housing in your small town wasn’t really affordable for a dirt poor college student after all!)
Youngjae has always been your favorite cousin out of the... whatever number of cousins you have. But here’s the thing. He also works for the RPP.
However, somehow he managed to — and up to this day it still remains a mystery to you how on earth he did that — keep his job a secret. Especially with his tendency to dish out the worst kinds of secrets when he’s slightly tipsy. Frankly, you once considered printing out the image of a trophy for that remarkable feat.
With your dad and cousin both active in that business (because organization sounds too shady), it’s not the first time you meet a prince, so you already know how the entire thing works. The concept is quite simple; they get sent to a household but before they settle in and take on a fake identity until their circumstances have improved, they undergo a makeover. Most of the time, it ends up in the glow up you secretly crave but in Prince Chan’s case, you suppose he can’t get any more attractive.
Oh boy. You’re in for a ride.
You’re busy slicing bell peppers for the meal you were cooking when both your cousin and the prince enter the kitchen and Youngjae explicitly demands you to pay them attention. You don’t react immediately, but the moment he threatens to swipe the knife away from you, you perk up and set your desire to prepare your fried rice aside.
“(y/n), uh, hi? I’m Bang Chan and I’ll be your new housemate for a year. I hope we can get along.” Chan recites his introduction without any mistakes and earns a way too brotherly pat on the back from Youngjae, considering that they just met this morning. It’s truly amazing how fast Youngjae can get people to warm up to him. 
Chan is stripped out of his weird clothes and instead, looks like he threw on the next best thing lying around in his room. Nonetheless, despite the seemingly little effort that was put into the outfit, it looks oddly good. The stylists didn’t seem to do much to his hair and just parted his bangs a little, so one could catch a slight glimpse of his forehead. It’s just a small detail, but you find yourself liking his current appearance much more appealing than before, though you’re pretty sure his clothes played a major part in your previous distaste. 
“Remember Jihyo?” Youngjae interrupts your train of thought. “She’s Chan’s relative. And because I’m the genuine friend who loves to help her out, I decided to agree to this after she went down on her knees and begged me to let Chan live with us for a while—“
“I’m not interested in your blown up, fictional background stories, thank you very much.” you backtrack. “Wait. Did you say Jihyo? Seriously? Jihyo is his alibi?” Of course, you remember Jihyo. It’s quite difficult to forget her when Youngjae used to swoon about her at every hour of the day, back when they were a thing. Besides, she still stops by every few months.
“C’mon, you have to admit there is a similar vibe between them!” 
You furrow your brows and inspect Chan a second time. Your gaze wanders back to Youngjae and then returns to Chan anew. It’s obvious that the latter is feeling as if he were up for auction and you can’t really blame him for feeling so uncomfortable. You’ve heard from a few friends that if looks could kill, you’d have the highest killing record. 
There’s no similar vibe in your view, but for the sake of entertaining Youngjae’s thoughts: “He does seem similar to Jihyo.”
“Told ya. But back to more important matters,” Youngjae coughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer, but it somehow seems as if he’s opting to strangle you. “My duties are calling, so I won’t be back until late. You look like you could need some help with cooking, by the way. I’m sure Chan right here is willing to help you!”
“I’m almost done though—“ you choke when he tightens his embrace. By now, his arm is no longer hugging your shoulder, but rather crushing your throat.
“You look like you could need some help,” he repeats, this time with added urgency. “It’d be a great opportunity for you to bond since you’ll also share pretty much all classes at uni. Did you know, he has the same major as you! Besides, it’d be a very useful life experience for him if he helped you with cooking.”
“Of course, how fun!” you hiss, voice going an octave higher from the lack of oxygen. “I already said that I’m painfully delighted about that, so you can let me go now, Youngjae!”
A sneer and a jab in his arm later, Youngjae finally takes his leave. That nasty liar, leaving an hour earlier than his schedule stated. You know that silently cursing at him isn’t going to make your problems dissolve because that’d be a dream come true.
“Listen, let me get things straight.” you sigh, picking up the knife to resume chopping your vegetables. Youngjae may have ordered you to act civilized, but having eye contact with Chan when you’ve been starving for the past hour isn’t your priority. Food doesn’t make itself. “I don’t have any intention of getting close to you and I expect the same from you. Don’t step a foot into my room, don’t talk to me unless absolutely necessary, and don’t think I’ll run around and do your chores or cook your meals like one of your little servants. Just because you’re a prince doesn’t mean you’ll be treated like one under this roof.”
“We live in the 21st century, not the renaissance. Your idea of royal families is very dated.” Chan chuckles dryly.
“Baron Yoon Jeonghan from the seven islands is a stuck-up prick and out of touch with the world. It took him several visits to the slums, multiple voluntary hours at the kindergarten, and stripping him off his bank card to make him see reason,” you deadpan. Fuck Baron Jeonghan. Just thinking about your first and last encounter with that entitled douchebag almost makes you slice your finger instead of the bell pepper. “Duchess Yoo Shiah threw a hissy fit when she found out her clothes weren’t dry cleaned and bought from Zara instead of fucking Dior. The one who takes the cake when it comes to privilege is Princess Kim Min—”
“Everyone knows they are problematic,” Chan interjects. True, he has a point. There’s nobody out there who doesn’t know about Baron Jeonghan or Duchess Shiah but he’s also missing the entire point.
“And guess who gets stuck under the care of the RPP?” you raise a brow at him. He blanches at the realization as if he got struck with lightning. Perhaps you should give him more credit because he seems to own more brain cells than Baron Jeonghan. “Exactly. Everyone problematic.” 
Chan’s jaw is clenched as he racks his brain to come up with a smart comeback. The sight of him stumbling on his words is nothing but pitiful, so you turn back to the cutting board and grab an onion to slice in half. “I’m not interested in your sob story, your Highness. I don’t care why you’re under the protection of the RPP. The only thing I care about is that you stay out of my business.”
“Chan is fine. No need for the title,” he sighs with a strain. “Perhaps I should’ve been more considerate with my first comment. Youngjae already told me about your… negative attitude towards the entire setup. It wasn’t my intention to anger you. Sorry.”
Well, that’s new. Out of the dozens of aristocrats you’ve met (and sadly also shared a house with back when you were 16 years old and still living with your dad), he’s the first to drop his title within five minutes for the sake of the disguise and apologize. 
“We live under the same roof so we should get along with each other. If there’s something you need help with, just ask me, (y/n).”
“Thanks for the offer,” you reply nonchalantly because act civilized unless you want to suffer from a late-night sneak attack from Youngjae if he finds out. “But no thanks. I don’t need your help.”
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You find yourself in need of help a few weeks later, right before the dreaded exam season.
“No. Forget it, Bam. I’m not going out clubbing with you tonight. In fact, I won’t do that anytime soon.” you let out an exasperated sigh as you try to break down to your friend that you prioritize your grades over his need of getting wasted.
“C’mon!” he whines so loudly that you have to put your phone farther away from your ear. “You’re not in that much stress yet! You have to make the most out of it before you drown in your exams.”
“Things are different for engineering students like, uh, me for example!” you hiss. “I fell behind and need to catch up. Ask Yugyeom or Changbin.”
“First of all, Yugyeom is always at the bar doing his job. And Changbin never picks up his phone. There’s nobody who’d dance with me!”
“You abandoned me at the bar for some chick the last time,” you deadpan. “I’m very sure you’ll find someone.”
Bambam finally gets the gist and gives up. “Fine then. Your loss. Have fun dying in numbers and variables instead of living in the moment. You’re going to regret it—”
You end the call and set your phone on mute before throwing it on the bed. Sometimes you wonder whether you were on drugs when you decided to major in engineering. The longer you stare at the jumble of numbers and letters — some of them in Greek too — the more you think your brain cells are decaying.
That’s how you find yourself in the kitchen, complaining at Youngjae’s expense and telling him how much you’d rather drown in bleach than subjecting yourself to Algebra II. 
“You know there’s someone you can ask for help and he’s right here,” Youngjae drawls before chugging down the rest of his beer. If he’s going to be a victim to your temper tantrum about a major that you chose yourself, he might as well get a drink so he won’t go insane from your monologue about numbers and graphs and formulas he’s forgotten since he graduated from high school.
You gawk at him. “You? Are you hearing yourself? You almost failed maths. Twice!”
“Because I didn’t mean myself, dipshit,” he says blankly and his eyes flit over your shoulder, “Speaking of the devil. There comes the man of honor.”
You whip your head back to the door to see Chan enter confusedly. “Uh, did I interrupt something?”
“No, we were just talking about you!”
You send Youngjae a death glare which he casually shrugs off. “(y/n) here is bitching about her Statistics I class and needs a tutor!”
“It’s actually Algebra II if you bothered to pay attention—”
“(y/n) needs a tutor!” Youngjae exclaims and nearly trips on his feet when he gets up from his chair. “Channie, I heard you’re good with numbers. Didn’t you get accepted into all Ivy Leagues in the States for all engineering programs?”
“You didn’t have to word it like that,” Chan laughs it off and nervously rubs the back of his head. He’s not denying it though.
“Obviously he would. He’s loaded and lives in a castle,” you mutter under your breath, but everyone catches it.
“Hey,” Youngjae warns. “That wasn’t necessary.”
“It’s alright,” Chan says casually. “I just wanted to get myself a snack. But if you have some questions, don’t hesitate to knock on my door. The offer still stands, y’know.” He digs through the cabinet until he finds two packs of the strawberry flavored Pocky knockoff that is 1) apparently his favorite thing to eat and 2) half the price of the Pocky version. He gives Youngjae a thumbs up before he returns to his room.
The moment Chan is out of sight, Youngjae whips his head to you, nostrils flaring. All that’s missing is steam coming out of his ears and his face running red and then he looks like the impetuous brother in every kids cartoon ever. “Really? He’s been staying with us for how long now? Four weeks? Five? Yet you’re still acting as if he murdered you in your dreams or something.”
“I don’t like him,” you state coldly. Youngjae looks like he’s about to rip his hair out.
“Look, I get that you don’t like me being active in this field of work, and I get that you have some hatred against the royal families. But you know you signed up for this when you decided to move in with me.” Youngjae pauses to get a breather and pop a new beer bottle open. “Besides, Chan isn’t like Baron Jeonghan or Duchess Shiah. I have eyes, (y/n), and I’ve seen you two avoiding each other as much as possible. And he doesn’t just laze around — he does the fucking chores and cooks dinner too! Chan is good, (y/n).”
The last words make you snap. “Good? Are you fucking serious? Because that’s why the press in his kingdom is depicting him as a tyrant who cares more about building his sick harem instead of helping the poor. And wasn’t he diagnosed for having anger management issues?!”
All the color leaves Youngjae’s face. This is obviously something you shouldn’t know. While he’s scrambling for words, you take the chance to add, “Dunno why you’re protecting him when he’s making headlines as a prince who can’t keep his dick in his pants.”
“Chan isn’t just a prince,” Youngjae says quietly. “He’s the crown prince.”
Your eyes widen at the confession. “What? Isn’t that even worse with that reputation he has?”
“It’s all propaganda,” he sighs and takes a swig, “The ministers are doing everything they can to finish him off. You see, Chan is the only child of the current king of the seven islands, and if he’s wiped out, it’ll be utter chaos. Chan’s smart and I admit, he used to have anger issues, but he’s worked on them. Though I guess he’s resorted to bottling up his feelings when push comes to pull. The point is, all the higher-ups don’t want him as their future king because they know that Chan is very much capable of pulling through with his own ideas and that doesn’t sit well with them. And a supposedly impulsive future king is the last thing anyone wants, hence why his people are eating up the news.”
“Oh.” you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel an ounce of remorse. However, it’s not the first time you’ve heard such stories. 
“Yeah. Oh,” Youngjae mocks, “If that’s the main reason why you don’t want to talk to him, now you know better. He might have power, but he’s not a monster. And for the record, he got into all Ivy Leagues and elite schools all over the world through his intelligence, not his status.”
Although you can see it in his eyes that Youngjae is done with the heated discussion, he’s still waiting for you to say something. You frown. “So… you think he’s a good tutor?”
“He’s your only shot.” Youngjae says nonchalantly, then adds with a warning tone, “But remember: Act. Civilized. Oh, and don’t tell him I told you about his circumstances. It’s supposed to be confidential information.”
You roll your eyes. How the fuck hasn’t Youngjae been busted yet?
Nonetheless, you’re trudging to Chan’s door a few minutes later, your fat binder of incomprehensible math formulas and (Greek) letter heavy in your arm. Chan opens the door with surprise etched on his face after you knocked, but it settles to warmth when you begrudgingly ask him to help you understand Algebra II. 
“Sorry, it’s a little messy here,” he chuckles airily once he lets you in. It’s not messy per se, just a few clothes piled up in a corner of the room and some books and messily written notes lying on his bed. Still, it’s by far cleaner than the pig stall that is Youngjae’s room (and yours when you’re having a very bad day).
Chan clears his desk and drags his other chair to the table before plopping down on it. “So, what’s the problem?” Instead of answering, you just shove a sheet of paper up his face. “Y’know, you can talk to me. If this is about earlier, it’s really alright. I’m not mad or anything,” he says with the same friendly tone you’ve been hearing ever since he moved in, yet he still takes the sheet from you. You watch his brows scrunch together the more he reads on, and you can already see the question forming in his mind.
“(y/n), you do know this is the basis to understand—”
“I was absent when the professor covered it and everyone I asked couldn’t quite explain it to me,” you respond before he can finish speaking out his thoughts. “All my friends were like—” you gesture with your hands, “—you just do this and that and then hope your hunch is right. Before you say it, yes I know that I don’t get the material of one entire unit and the exam is two weeks away.”
“Then let’s not waste any time,” Chan says before grabbing his iPad. You stare at him blankly as he writes something on his tablet. The last thing you expected from him was to accept it and try to hammer as much of missing information as he can into your brain, but then again, you’ve never seen him backtrack whenever Youngjae asks him something. Speaking of Youngjae, perhaps he is right. Chan does seem to know what he’s talking about.
“You have to subtract X first, then replace it with Y,” he explains as he circles said letters in different colors. By now, you’ve leaned closer to him to get a better view on what he’s writing (his handwriting isn’t the worst you’ve ever had to decode; refer to Youngjae who you’ve internally awarded with the worst handwriting of the decade). 
Chan is exceptionally good at explaining. You feel like you’ve figured out a secret of the world that not even Pythagoras found out as you slowly understand what on Earth you are supposed to calculate with the formula. Chan is patient, always asking if you got it or if you needed another clarification, and takes the time to draw colorful graphs to visualize the jumble of numbers. His voice is pleasing to the ear too, soft and gentle to the point where you’ve blurred everything out except Chan. Chan’s voice. Chan’s hand.
You didn’t mean to stare, but with him always adding something new every five seconds as he goes on with his monologue, you can’t help but do so. His fingers aren’t long — that’ll always be courtesy of Hyunjin from Subway and yes, his very pretty hands might be the sole reason you only insist on going to that one specific Subway at the intersection next to KFC — but just one glance at Chan’s hand and you know that he’s strong. 
He’s barely applying pressure to the pen, but you can see the veins slightly protruding. Chan’s sleeves are pushed back and if you move your head a bit, you’re more than certain that veins are bulging out from his forearms too. However, you don’t muster up the courage to do that because Chan will definitely notice and the last thing you want on your platter is to tell him that you were too busy checking out his arms instead of listening to him talk about Algebra II.
Eventually, Chan sets the pen down to stretch his hand. He says something, but you don’t pick up what exactly. Not that it’d matter much anyway since you’re too busy admiring his hand—
“(y/n), you there? I called out your name several times but you didn’t react.” Chan’s breath hitches and surprise flashes in his eyes for a split second when his gaze meets yours. You don’t understand his hesitation, but then horror bubbles in you once you realize that his hand is firmly gripping your chin and keeping your head pointed at his direction. The very same hand you’ve been staring at for God knows how long. 
“I’m good. Just a little tired, but I’m good,” you stutter, though it comes out very breathlessly as if you just finished a marathon.
“Tired?” Chan echoes, concern settling into his features. “You should’ve said so, then I would’ve stopped talking. You need something?”
Now that you think about it, you’ve never got a close look at Chan. Sure, he’s handsome, the countless pictures of Google prove that he’s also too photogenic for his own good (goddamnit, why didn’t your parents make you just as photogenic?) but in person, he’s something else. His lips are plush and look very inviting to kiss, and the lower your eyes wander, the more you see a toned chest hidden underneath that damn shit that hugs him in all the right places.
Fine, his hands aren’t the only attractive thing about him. Then again, he’s a prince.
“I said I’m good.” you snap out of your thoughts and finally gather enough control over your nerves to tear his hand away. “And I caught everything you said.” Of course, you know that’s a blatant lie and he knows so too from the way he’s looking at you. That is until he quirks a brow.
“Okay, then what did I say before I called you?”
Your mouth feels dry. It’s almost as if he knew the reason for your distress. “I caught everything relevant to this,” you mutter, suddenly finding his curtains much more interesting. What an interesting design, maybe you should get yourself new curtains too—
“Then you wouldn’t mind solving these questions, right? Just so I can make sure that you got everything down.”
“Sure,” you reply because that’s the only thing you could say without hurting your ego and straining your vocal cords. Chan doesn’t comment any further and looks for some practice questions before sliding the iPad to you. Already the first question makes your head spin in disdain. Numbers? Variables? Never heard of them.
Chan is watching you like a hawk as you fiddle with the pen, unable to write down anything that makes remote sense. Feeling his eyes on you makes you feel helpless and you shift around in your seat. “What are you staring at?” you glare at him once you give up for good, and you just hope that your look is as intimidating as you pictured in your head.
“You’re definitely exhausted. You’re shaking,” Chan points out. Your eyes widen as you stare down and realize that your thighs are shaking, and it’s then and there when you realize that you’re feeling hot. Seems like Chan doesn’t realize that because the worry written on his face is genuine. “You say the exam’s in two weeks right? We can stop for today and work on this tomorrow. That is if you still want my help.”
You nod and add in a tiny voice, “Yes, please.”
You’re too busy ignoring the heat building between your thighs to notice the borderline feral sound that leaves Chan.
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“And here I thought you had quality bonding time.” Youngjae gives a disappointed look. “You’re acting even colder towards him than before your exam meltdown. Your prick level can only stoop down so low.”
You ended up getting tutor lessons from Chan every day before the dreaded day of judgment: the exam in Algebra II. You spent more hours in his room than on your own if you were completely honest, and the results were fruitful. While you did manage to pass the exam with a fairly high score, the price you had to pay was hell.
It’s almost as if Chan caught up on your hand fixation. Sometimes he twirled the pen in his fingers, sometimes it was the simple bracelet dangling on his wrist. Just when you thought he had you figured out, he asks you if you’re alright, visibly oblivious to his effect on you. Such duality in a person should be illegal, you conclude. If you die from whiplash, you know who the perpetrator is.
“You were the one who pretty much pressured me into asking him for help,” you drawl.
“I had good intentions only! You can’t keep up the I-hate-royal-families-blah-blah mentality the entire time!” Youngjae wails before stuffing a handful of chips in his mouth.
“Watch me.” You internally cringe at the loud crunching sounds he’s making and add vigorously, “And stop chewing so loudly.”
“You’ll get around or so help me God—” he groans when his phone buzzes. He doesn’t spare a glance at the caller ID because there’s only one person who has set his ringtone to the baby shark song specifically for when he’s calling. “I gotta go, Jinyoung’s being a bitch again. Don’t murder somebody. Thanks.” You only watch him shuffle for his bag and grab a handful of chips before he’s out the door. Groaning, you clean up the mess he’s made on the table. 
Just as you’re done wiping the crumbs off the surface, Chan pads into the room. 
“Hey, can we talk?”
“I established right at the beginning that you should only talk to me when absolutely necessary.” you scowl, trying to walk past him.
“Well, this is important,” he urges and blocks the doorway, effectively stopping you from fleeing. “And I do deserve one conversation with you after I helped you out.”
“You offered on your own. That’s not the same as asking for a favor.” You successfully push your way past him, but in the next moment, he spins you around and pins you against the wall. 
“We’re going to talk, whether you like it or not.” The sudden coldness of his tone has shivers running down your spine. Chan holds your wrist in an iron grip and if he clutched on any tighter, you wouldn’t put it past him to break your bones. Out of options, you comply and give him a curt nod before he lets go and takes a step back. 
“I don’t understand you, (y/n). I genuinely thought you would put your prejudices aside but instead, all I get are mixed signals from you.”
It’s your turn to gawk. “Me? Mixed signals? What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about how you keep looking at me as if you want me to fuck your brains out.” If the color hasn’t drained from your face yet, it has now. Chan smiles wickedly at your horrified reaction but doesn’t stop there. “I’m talking about how you talk like you don’t want anything to do with me but act as if you’re begging for my attention.” He takes a step closer to you, and you wish you could morph with the wall. “I’m talking about how you keep staring at my hands and think I don’t notice it.” You wince when he rests his hands against the wall on each side of your face, leaning closer so that you can feel his breath on your lips. “So, you have a thing for my hands?” Bullseye.
“You’re so full of yourself. No wonder your ministers want to get rid of you,” you snap because you’d rather suffer from food poisoning than admitting that you want Chan’s fingers in you.
Something shifts within Chan. He gapes at you, clearly not expecting you to even know about the ministers. His demeanor darkens in a blink of an eye, and you feel like your legs are about to give up on you when you meet his eyes, black and feral.
“You’re playing with fire. Don’t anger me,” he warns, voice low and rough.
“So it’s true that you resorted to bottling up your feelings, your Highness?” you cock your head to the side. Chan clenches his jaw at the mention of his title, struggling to keep his anger in check. You laugh through your nose, then grab one of his hands and force it away from the wall. If he already knows that you’re thirsting after him, might as well go for it. “It’s funny how your ministers aren’t able to string you around like a puppet yet here you are, unable to do anything against a commoner. You know you have nice hands and you know my weakness and yet, you’re not using them on me.” He gulps when you fumble with his fingers. 
And then he understands.
“Unless I misread the situation,” he says darkly, though you distinguish the slight tremor his voice carries. “Do you really want this? I’m not going to go easy on you.” Chan is dead serious, judging by the way he’s looking at you expectantly. 
“The safe word is petunia.” You don’t take your eyes off him and add in a louder tone, “Now try me, do your worst.”
“You’re going to regret wanting me at my worst,” Chan growls and before you know it, he crashes his lips against yours. The kiss is anything but sweet, more of a clash of teeth and tongues and saliva dribbling down your chins, yet it leaves you boiling hot and wobbly on your feet. He presses you up against the wall and forces his leg between yours, the sudden contact making you hunch forward. You moan against his mouth when he tugs harshly on your hair, the sting making your nerves go haywire. In the meantime, your hands roam his upper body, blunt nails digging into his shoulders as you try to buck your hips against his leg. While he doesn’t budge, you manage to elicit a groan out of him.
When you pull away, you’re both gasping for air. Chan’s hair is disheveled from the way you’ve been pulling on them, lips pink and glossy. One look in his eyes is enough to make your heart stop beating. They’re dark and animalistic and set ablaze with unfiltered lust. You’re such in a daze from a simple kiss that you nearly stumble when Chan drags you to his room.
He manhandles you on his bed with ease before his lips latch on yours once more. You nearly sob when he rids you off your pants, putting pressure in all the right places to have you losing your mind. As you’re about to gain back some dominance in the kiss, he breaks it off. His fingers that were once ghosting over your underwear are now tracing patterns all over the material, making you spasm. “You’re such a brat, all bark but no bite. All it takes is one kiss and you’ve lost all your fight. Can you get any more pathetic?” he mocks as he focuses his fingertips directly on the wet patch of your underwear. Your eyes roll back as he rubs on the same spot, the broken moans leaving you eerily similar to cries. “Don’t tell me you’re about to come like this. How sensitive are you?”
“Am n-not—” you cut yourself off with a whimper when he lets the waistband snap against your skin.
“Yeah, you sure about that?” he grins and that’s when you break, feeling your high approaching at lightning speed. 
“Don’t wanna come like this—” 
“But I thought you’re not sensitive?” the satisfied grin just widens with every syllable that leaves his lips. “If you don’t want to come like this, all over your underwear, beg.” 
Chan applies even more force to your sensitive spots, and you struggle to have a clear thought. The smirk he delivers is lethal, and you couldn’t be any more convinced that he’s the devil’s incarnate.
“I’ll do anything, please. Don’t let me come like this, that’s all I’m a-aah-asking for,” you weep, your blood nearly boiling at its climax, “I’ll even take a punishment!”
“Say my name,” he orders, fingers still drawing circles.
“My name, not my title.”
Your breath hitches as you finally realize what he’s aiming for. He wants you to remember that it’s him who’s reducing you into this illiterate mess. Him, the one you’ve been despising since before you even met. If you still had any ounce of dignity left, you’d try to fix the power imbalance until you’re left with no choice but to obey, but now you’re so close and the last thing you want to do is come with your pants on.
“Please, Chan,” your voice breaks towards the end and in an instant, he pulls away. As you’re letting you’re basking in the break from his brutal tempo, not too affected by how your upcoming orgasm is fading away, Chan observes you.
And then out of nowhere, he flips you on your stomach and delivers a hard smack to your ass that has you screaming into the pillows.
“You said you’d take any punishment too, right?” You twitch as he rubs the small of your back. You can already imagine the handprints on your ass he continued to slap you with such force that has you moving up the bed. The pain that’s going to haunt you for days. Before you know it, you try to arch your back to lift your ass, but then the bed shifts. “But if you really think I’m going to spank you as a punishment, then you’re really fucking dumb. As if I’ll use my hands on you when we both know you love my hands.”
With that, he drops himself on his chair, spreading his legs that you can see the prominent tent forming in his pants. He orders you over with a flick of his finger, and just as you get up from the bed, a new wave of horror flushes over you.
The look you send him is priceless. There’s no fucking way you can do it. It’s just a few meters, nothing you can’t handle, but he’s there sitting on his Ikea swivel chair as if it’s his throne made of gold, watching your every movement like a predator. And then there’s you, only in a shirt and underwear, being forced to go on all fours as if you were his fucking dog—
The difference in power display couldn’t get any more visible. He really is the fucking worst.
“You’d really do anything, huh…” he muses as you drop on your hands and knees and crawl to him, never looking up. It’s only when he beckons you to stand up that you look at him with nothing but rage and shame in your eyes. Chan has always been slightly terrified with your death stare but right now, he can’t take it seriously and it shows. It shows in the way he smiles lopsidedly, in the way his brows quirk in amusement. “Now hump my leg.”
Humiliation runs through your body all over. Your fists are clenched as he waits for you to act, even pats his thigh in case you didn’t get the memo. But oh you do, and his thigh does look inviting.
“Hump my leg like the brainless bitch you are. If you want my hands or my cock, you earn it first. Especially since you treated me like shit ever since I moved in.” The last sentence burns you badly because he has a point. But then there’s the prospect of his hands and dick that’s bulging out of his pants. 
Pushing all thoughts away, you settle on his leg. Taking a moment to gather yourself, you tell yourself it’s all good and then you move. The first thrust knocks all air out of your lungs and you grab onto his shoulders for support. You didn’t even move that much, but Chan’s looking at you as if he’s about to fucking devour you and knowing that he is very much capable of moving you around, you’re starting to become overwhelmed.
Eventually, you lose yourself in the feeling of his rough jeans against your drenched underwear, humping on his thigh as your orgasm builds up. It’s silent, save for your pants, and the countless whimpers flying past your lips as your movements gradually become sloppier. You’re almost there and you know it. But so does Chan, and the moment he’s got it figured out, he lunges from your hips and forces you to pick up the pace. 
“Oh no, you’re going to come,” he growls, ignoring your pleas and sobs. Adrenaline courses in your blood and you know it isn’t long until you fall apart. You try to make him stop, even put your hands on his, but you don’t have the energy to actively push him away.
“Chan, please— I’m gonna—”
“You’re gonna come? Then fucking come on my thigh, (y/n),” he snaps, and then adds, “You hear that? You’re about to come from humping my thigh.”
Maybe it’s the realization that he’s right, maybe it’s the way he’s worded it. Either way, it’s the last straw to make you spasm as you come, soaking your underwear and even managing to make a mess out of his pants. Chan makes sure you ride through your orgasm, only stopping to move your hips once you’re all spent and resting your head on his shoulder. Your eyes are glassy, vision foggy, but the only thing you can envision clearly is Chan.
Chan jolts when your hand grazes over his bulge. You’re about to undo his pants, but he’s quick to stop you and restrict your hands behind your back.
“You think you deserve my cock? Dream on. As if I would fuck any commoner, especially those who don’t respect me,” he spits, and you flinch at his choice of words, clearly recalling that you used the exact same terms and he’s now using it against you. “You said you’d take any punishment. Well, guess what? This was just punishment number one.”
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engekihaikyuu · 3 years
View from the Top 2 - Review
Check out the Read More if you’d like to hear about this show!  Askbox is open as well if you’d like me to elaborate on anything out of this.
Before I begin my review of the final show, I do want to start with some caveats:
So as I mentioned previously, the production once again went with PIA for their live streaming platform, which means that live streaming this show is very inaccessible for anyone living outside of Japan.
PIA is a ticketing platform that requires a working Japanese phone number in order to finish activating/registering a new account because you must call the number provided to finish account verification. So without a Japanese contact or a Japanese phone number, this platform is basically impossible.
I have a generous friend in Japan who was willing to share her account information with me, which is how I was able to pay for a show and use her log-in to watch the stream. I did not see this show in-person; I do not live in Japan and obviously travel is off-limits. Even if I did live in Japan, I would have qualms about going to the theater.
There are some logistical issues with this show because of the current pandemic, with the most visually obvious one being the small face shields the actors wear on-stage. They basically serve as protection against direct spittle, but obviously they do nothing to guard against aerosol spread; putting on the play is still an incredible risk to the performers and staff. Another difficulty they face is the fact that Tokyo is still continuing to maintain a nightly curfew. Every evening Tokyo performance needed to be bumped earlier so that spectators can leave the theater in time to make it home for that curfew. Keeping that in mind, the show is a surprisingly condensed 2.5 hours long, where I would have expected 3 hours given the amount of content it covered. This does affect the pacing in Act 2 noticeably, and I get the feeling that were it not for covid and the current curfew restrictions, it would feel a little less rushed at the end.
So, with all that said, here are my thoughts on Engeki Haikyuu’s final play, The View from the Top 2!!!  This is absolutely not spoiler-free, for both the play’s content and everything that happened in the manga finale, so if you have not finished the series, this is your last chance to turn back.
Now that I think about it, I haven’t written a full review on a show since Fly High, so I’m a bit rusty at this, and I’ll probably leave out a lot so as always, my askbox is open for people’s additional questions!
The absolute main theme of this play (and really of the entire Haikyuu story) is the friendship and rivalry between Hinata and Kageyama, and the theme: I’m not alone. Engeki really did right by our dual protagonists by framing the final show as showing both of their journeys from beginning to end. Act 1 begins with that familiar sequence from the very first show: Hinata seeing the little giant on TV, being inspired to start playing volleyball, his struggle to find a team in middle school, losing to Kageyama in his one and only middle school tournament, and finding him again at Karasuno. They repeated the scene almost exactly as it was in the first show, and I think it was very smart of them to show us Daigo’s version of it, so to speak. That way we have a more cohesive vision of Hinata from the beginning of his journey to the end. Then they absolutely FLOOD the stage with a montage of projections with footage from all of the shows from the past five-and-a-half years. So already it’s pretty emotional for me, seeing how far the play had come as well as how far Hinata had come in the story.
To parallel this, the beginning of Act 2 actually begins with baby Kageyama. Yes, the baby Kageyama flashback with his sister and grandfather and how he started volleyball. We see Kageyama’s volleyball journey from childhood (for this they used a small doll similar to the dolls they used for young Kuroo and Kenma from Revival) to playing at Kitagawa Daiichi, to losing his grandfather, to being labeled the King of the Court, to defeating Hinata, and then having Hinata find him at Karasuno. And then they once again, they flood the stage with projections with past show footage, but this time they are more Kageyama-centric in the way that the previous ones were often Hinata-centric. And it just really highlights how much these two are meant to share the stage as the two main characters.
To see this framework and to know what’s going to come at the end, with the two of them reuniting in the pro-volleyball arena… just the beginning of Act 2 alone had me in tears. Another way they paralleled their respective journeys was to show us who have influenced them. In Act 1, there’s a dance with Hinata, Hoshiumi, and Udai (all little giants… well, Tsukishima’s in there too because he’s feeling a particular competitiveness with Hinata in this part of the match). In Act 2, there’s a dance with Kageyama, Atsumu, and Oikawa, because Atsumu and Oikawa are the setters who have had the most influence on Kageyama, and he’s drawing on what he’s learned from them for this match. They are not alone in their journeys, they have had people inspire them and be inspired by them in addition to having the support of their teammates.
The Karasuno vs Kamomedai match is interspersed with bits of action from the Fukurodani vs Mujinazaka match, so the stage was pretty busy for basically the entire time. The wires are back for some sequences so that both Hinata and Hoshiumi have a chance to fly, and there are plenty of acrobatics and lifts, and the same incredible soundtrack we love. Ryuu’s Hoshiumi is the obvious standout on Kamomedai for how many lifts he had, and they definitely tried to have him running around on the stage about as much as Hinata. It was notable how much they drew on past techniques and music for various parts of this match, since this is meant to be Karasuno at their peak. When Asahi was feeling particularly stuck/trapped against Kamomedai’s defense, they incorporated the tying-up visual they had previously used in Winners and Losers, with Kamomedai basically tying up and holding Asahi in place with ribbon. There was Summer of Evolution music when Karasuno does a great synchro attack, and the extras-wearing-Hinata-masks reappeared to show us Hinata’s “afterimage” as he flashes around the stage. If you’ve seen all the plays, you can’t miss these call-backs.
The flow of the match was fast. They hit the highlight plays and the highlight emotional moments, but we are clearly past the point where they need to narrate the actual volleyball to us. There was more dancing/acrobatics than attempting to place the two teams on either sides of a physical net with more overt volleyball moves. Everything was more intertwined and fluid than that. And actually now that I think about it, they have been sparse with their usage of a physical net in the past few shows, because everything has been a little more fast-paced overall.
They definitely wanted to highlight Karasuno’s rise throughout the game, to show that they were absolutely a formidable team, that they deserved to be at Nationals, and to show us all the ways that Hinata and Kageyama had grown. For most of Act 2 leading up to Hinata’s collapse, it really feels like they could win this. And I think it makes it that much harder for Hinata to accept being benched, because the team is riding this high and doing so well, and even Kageyama’s more visibly having fun. I think Takeda-sensei easily has a third of the best lines in the series. His speech to Hinata during the Kamomedai match is one that was really gut-wrenching to read when those chapters came out, and it was great to hear it said aloud.
And here is something I’ve never been able to point out because I didn’t do reviews for the past two tours, but I think Daigo’s voice is one of the strongest aspects of his Hinata. I’m sure a lot of that has to do with the work he’s done as a voice actor, but when he cries or whimpers, it is genuinely the most pitiful noise. A lot of Kenta’s portrayal of Hinata’s frustrations throughout the story had an undercurrent of anger and frustration. He’s upset, but there’s always something behind it that says, “well next time, it’ll be different.” And I think Daigo replaces most of that with pure sadness, especially for this scene. After Takeda-sensei lectures him good and proper, and he accepts that he needs to leave, he just sounds so broken. It doesn’t have that anger and drive underneath, he’s just in despair. And why wouldn’t he be? A part of him understands this is the last match he’ll ever play with this team, his first real team.
We then see Hinata bundled up in a coat and scarf, watching the rest of the match from the tablet that Kenma gives him. Snow begins to fall on the stage as he slowly wanders through it, with Karasuno and Kamomedai finishing out the rest of the match around him. Engeki Haikyuu has always allowed for the losing team in a match to line up at the edge of the stage, say thank you to the audience, bow, and take their leave. It’s so symbolic, and it’s so emotional for the actors and for the audience who are in the theater. It’s a moment that just barely breaks the fourth wall, when they turn to us, the spectators, to say, “Thank you for your support.” And they mean it both in and out of character. And I was so so so sad when I realized that Karasuno would take their final bow as a team without Hinata in the lineup. He’s in the back of the stage, separated from his team, and he does take a bow, but it’s very lonely.
Now, I’m sure people are very curious about the timeskip material, and mostly I just have to preface with: it’s fast. It does not take up as much of Act 2 as you might think. It’s boom, boom, boom, cameo here, pre-recorded projections there, patissier Tendou interview, Kuroo in a suit doing a promotional commercial for the V-League, Kageyama’s curry commercial, a projected Osamu selling his rice balls, get the old team together, fateful encounters in front of the bathroom, GO! The only thing we see of the Brazil arc is Hinata having a brief flashback to tell Kageyama that he met Oikawa while he was in Brazil. It’s very short, and that’s all we get for his time in Brazil. Basically, the play is not the place to see Hinata’s journey and growth from those chapters because he goes through so much of it alone, and there’s just no time. The Brazil arc also brings back a lot of technical details about volleyball itself, especially as Hinata is learning the beach version, and that’s an area where the manga is the best medium to examine the finer details of the sport. I can see why a play version would gloss over the technical details to focus on the emotional arc, which is in this case, Hinata and Kageyama.
Because of how fast the ending is, it definitely feels made for the people who already read the manga; Previous Engeki Haikyuu shows have always presented the story in a way that was very friendly to those who may not have read the manga or watched the anime. You could watch just Engeki Haikyuu and not feel like you were missing out on references/jokes for the most part, but this ending would be way harder to follow for those not familiar with what’s already happened.  
It’s difficult because I do feel like Act 2 was overly condensed to wrap up this story, but I also don’t think the timeskip material is enough for a whole play on its own. If we had stopped at the end of the Kamomedai match, and had a whole separate play to cover Brazil and the Jackals vs Adlers match… the pacing would’ve been slow and low energy especially in the first half, and it would be an odd choice for the final show of a series like this. My preference would have been for this play to have been three acts, three hours, so that we could linger on some of those timeskip moments a little more, slow it down, and let them land emotionally. But clearly the covid situation prevents that in this case. That being said, I don’t think any of those timeskip moments could really hit as hard as when I first read them in the manga. Narratively, that Haikyuu timeskip was so unexpected and so outside the normal sports anime formula, that the initial shock is extremely hard to top. It was fun to see how they presented everyone in the future (seeing Noya on that boat catching a giant swordfish, or seeing Ennoshita almost break a patient’s back) in stage form, but it’s unreasonable to expect them to give us the same feeling of ?!?!?!? when we first read that Noya was in Italy of all places after waiting weeks and weeks for him to show up.
I still cried in several places, it’s still a great ending to one of the best 2.5D franchises in existence, and it still feels like the culmination of their legacy. I don’t know how it would be possible for anyone to watch that ending sequence with all of the team flags and the chanting of their names, and NOT cry.
There are no more live streams until they complete the rest of their tour and then there will be a live-stream of the very last show, which I will be watching with a towel in hand for my tears. Feel free to send in any questions if you’d like, and if you would like some Strongest Challengers or Trash Heap merch, I have a sales post that I recently made.
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