#forceful caretaking
epiclamer · 4 months
Hiiiii Epic! I'm not sure if requests are open so if they aren't feel free to ignore!
My depression is getting bad again and I was wondering if you'd be willing to write about a depressed Hero who keeps purposefully putting themselves in harm's way, getting more and more reckless in every fight. Villain notices and has to save Hero from themselves. However they choose to do that, be it kidnapping or something less nefarious is totally up to you!
Hiya! I hope this makes your day a bit better!!
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“It’s getting bad again, isn’t it?”
Villain huffed, “I think that’s my line.” They looked around, taking in their surroundings, calculating the amount of damage control they’d need to perform.
“If you’re here that means it’s bad.” Hero avoided the other’s gaze, glaring down at the hardwood floor beneath their feet instead.
“Does that make me the bearer of bad news?”
Hero shrugged, turning their back on the villain as they began to shuffle through the clutter of their home.
The criminal cleared their throat, resuming a bit more of an awkward stance as they watched their nemesis sift through piles of dirty clothes and dishes. “Unfortunately, if you were to bet that was the case, you’d be correct.”
Villain took a few steps forwards, keeping enough distance to assure the hero they weren’t a threat. When the other barely acknowledged them, Villain moved in closer—close enough to place a gentle hand against their bare shoulder. Normally they would’ve delighted in the shivers and twitches of their enemy’s skin under their palm, yet this time it felt more like a punishment than anything else.
“Did you use antiseptic?”
“Sorry?” The hero’s voice was strained like they were on the verge of tears.
“You’re burning up. I watched you take that beating for your sidekick and I know that Supervillain did a number on you in return.” Villain pulled their hand back, worried they were doing more harm than good. “Did you use antiseptic when you flushed your wounds? Or could they be infected?”
They were crying now, the villain could see it, tear drops hitting the wood floor one after the other. Still, the hero refused to look at them.
“Fuck, I don’t know, Villain. I didn’t even have time—I haven’t even checked—Fuck, I’m sick and I’m fucking exhausted and I-I’m bleeding all the time I’m bleeding its everywhere on my clothes and my sheets and my fucking everything, I’m so dirty—” Hero interrupted their ramble with a sob, curling in on themselves, leaving their previous mindlessly searching on hold.
Villain bent down, but they hesitated, taking a moment to scan their nemesis in their fetal position. Both of their hands grasped their head, protecting their skull from invisible blows, their knees tucked into their chest, shielding their vital organs from a relentless imaginary beating.
Even unconsciously the hero’s body accepted torture.
“I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it.” Rang sickeningly loud through the hero’s apartment. Words Villain never thought they’d hear their nemesis chant.
The hero was always so full of surprises.
“Breathe, Hero, breathe.” What the hell were they supposed to say? Sure, they had taken care of their nemesis prior, whenever it started to unravel for them, but never before had the crime-stopper broken down like this. “Everything is okay, I’m here now. I’ve got you.”
Whatever was left of the hero’s facade shattered at that. They crumpled back against the villain—to which they were greeted with a warm embrace—tears uncontrollably streaming and sobs so hoarse they seemed inhuman.
Soundlessly, the villain pulled a pin-prick from their inner jacket pocket, carefully lining up the end of the needle with the hero’s exposed jugular vein. It felt wrong, to drug the one person they had come closer with than anyone ever before. But at the same time…
It was for their own good.
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echoingalaxies · 5 months
“I will do anything,” Caretaker pleaded from their knees. “Just – don’t hurt him. He’s not your enemy. I am.”
Whumper narrowed his eyes, considering, but did not let go of Whumpee, whom he had pinned against the wall, his hand wrapped around the throat of the defenseless boy, who didn’t have enough life in him to put up a fight anymore. “What do you have to offer?”
“What do you want?” Caretaker stared at Whumper. “My life? My freedom? Let him go and whatever it is you want from me, I will give you without a fight.”
“I want you to suffer,” Whumper spat, fingers tightening around half-conscious Whumpee’s neck. Whumpee’s breaths were becoming more shallow and raspy, and Whumper grinned toothily at the pure panic and desperation on Caretaker’s face. “And what would be a better way to make that happen than through him?”
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painsandconfusion · 1 month
Don'nt you just fucking love it when a caretaker (especially a leader) has to be physically held back by two or more people to keep from desperately charging in to save someone they can't possibly save? The screaming and the mindless struggling as they try to get to their doomed teammate.
As they watch the blood spill. As they're tugged backwards and to safety with feet kicking dragging against the ground.
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jordanstrophe · 7 months
Caretaker picks whumpee up and places them gently in the car. "We need to get you to a hospital." They say hastily.
"No, no I'm okay." Whumpee speaks behind gritted teeth. They're holding their wound and tensing with each pulse of pain, they're somehow willing themselves to not grunt or cry out.
"I wasn't asking, you need to get checked out. Lean back a bit, just lie still." Caretaker puts their seat back and starts the engine, ignoring whumpee's pleads and arguing.
The car ride was tense and quiet, until whumpee breaks the silence with crying.
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defire · 2 months
I'm not normally super into the caretaking side but it's absolutely important for ANGST
so here are my favorite caretaking things
"so it's not normal to _?" *whumpee describes horrible thing that happened to them*
Whumpee being terrified that caretaker is also going to hurt them
Whumpee flinching when they're touched
Stoic, unspeaking whumpee lets something slip about what happened to them, and caretaker is horrified
Oh and then they're like "well it wasn't that bad" or "but I deserved it? I think?"
Caretaker having seen footage or forced to watch (because now they UNDERSTAND and I NEED that)
Whumpee crying or moaning and caretaker whispers "sorry"
"why are you helping me?!" (I think I posted this before?)
Whumpee actually just, letting caretaker help them willingly. (Used to forcing themselves to stay still? Actually have a sense of self-preservation?)
Caretaker being scared of whumpee
Whumpee protecting caretaker from whumper (much to their horror)
Vice versa! Caretaker standing up for whumpee (and having no idea what they're getting themselves into?)
Angst where caretaker wonders "what the hell happened to you to cause all these injuries" and whumpee Won't Talk
Whumpee angst still not trusting caretaker but WANTING TO
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elisabethrosewrites · 6 months
That moment when Caretaker just can't take it anymore. Whumpee has been rescued and will not rest no matter how much Caretaker pleads. They slip a little something into Whumpee's evening tea, just something that would force them to get some sleep.
But as they watch Whumpee slowly drift off to sleep, curled up on the couch, Caretaker steps outside to get some air. Breathe. Because thank all the gods Whumpee is finally sleeping. They don't hear the footsteps behind them and Whumper wrenches a hand into their hair, slamming their head against the banister. And they too drift off to sleep.
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seth-whumps · 7 months
god I love caretaker-turned-whumpee so much. "I'm going to scream. don't stop." coaching someone through stitches. explaining the procedure step-by-step, knowing the motions by heart and knowing your life has to be in someone else's hands. "take a deep breath. steady. you can do this." pushing aside the agony in favor of keeping your inexperienced caretaker calm, clinical precision even in pain, "hold me down," the trust and vulnerability in letting someone heal you when you spend your life healing others. ugh. it's so good.
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whumblr · 5 months
How about some robot whump, where Whumper is going all out on it with Caretaker forced to watch.
The android assures Caretaker, "Not to worry. I cannot feel it. There is no pain."
But that doesn't mean that Caretaker stops yelling at Whumper to stop tearing their friend apart in the most brutal way. Appendages ripped from its torso, wires sending sparks up, the humanoid features slowly but forcefully removed. Oil drips out, leaving dark puddles not quite unlike blood.
All the while, the android keeps diligently updating on its status:
"Sensory functions failing."
"Emotion recognition centre damaged."
"Visuals reduced to 30%."
"It's okay!" Caretaker shouts. "I can still fix you. I can fix it all!"
"Oh, can you?" Whumper croons, fingers teasing over loose wires and smashing a hammer to the core.
"Memory storage compromised," the android croaks, it's voice failing.
"Maybe you can fix it, Caretaker," Whumper says, raising the hammer again. "But will it get you your friend back?"
General whump taglist: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @auroragehenna @chaotic-orphan @lolrpop (huh not sure if these tags are working..)
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
Whump Dialogue #2
"Look, you can't expect me to just sit here all day doing nothing!"
"You're just going to make your injuries worse!"
"I'll be careful, I just---"
"Take one more step and I'm tying your stubborn ass to the bed."
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auroragehenna · 8 months
I think we spare our Caretakers too much from bystander trauma✨
If you capture your Caretakers alongside your Whumpees don‘t be shy. Give them the trauma from watching Whumpee get whumped! Make them suffer!!
Think of the possibilities!!
Guilt! Imposter Syndrome/pushing their own suffering down (how do they have the right to feel this bad after all they weren‘t hurt)! Do they become overly clingy toward Whumpee?! Paranoid?! Overprotective! Does Whumpee get what‘s going on!? Or do they get mad?! Confused?! Guilty?!
Just sheisbkd. Don‘t spare them✨✨
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poppiesforthirteen · 2 years
i don't get people who don't like looms because "when two time lords love each other very much they send a formal application to the council to use a machine that is in their house" is so much funnier than a nuclear family
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oddsconvert · 6 months
Shattered #10 - Happy Birthday, August! Part II
Previous / Masterlist / Next
CW: kidnapped whumpee, captivity (kinda), defiant whumpee, whumpee thinks caretaker is a whumper, forced to kidnap references, vampire caretaker, unwilling whumper, forced to be whumper, ALOT of self-loathing and fucky thoughts and guilt and all of it, weapons, adult language, mentions of blood, brief mention of vomit/nausea, reference to toxic/abusive family dynamic (if I've missed any, please let me know! <3)
Part two! A long time coming! The final part should drop in the next few days/this week! :D thank you to the amazing @whumpcereal for her AMAZING beta on this 🥺🫶
August has always dreamt of cake on his birthday, the warm scent of sugar and butter taunting his vampiric senses like forbidden fruit. The cake would be chocolate, of course. Every human loves chocolate; it must be the tastiest thing on Earth. This year, there would have been one hundred and thirty candles, barely fitting on top of it. And August could blow them all out and make his birthday wish. Just like the humans do.
But if the flickering flames on his imaginary cake could really grant his wishes, he wouldn’t wish for chocolate. With a single puff of breath, he’d wish to rewind time and erase this horrific day out of existence. Or, perhaps, he’d wish for a clean slate - a life free from the regret that eats him alive. But above all, he would wish to finally be happy - whatever that means. But where does August get the gall to wish for his own happiness when he is the catalyst of another’s misery? 
He stole a human being tonight. He crept through the streets, snatched them from where they slept and locked them away. He’d lurked in the shadows and all, like a true monster. As far as the human is aware, they saw the stars for the last time this eve and they’ll never feel fresh air stream through their lungs again. August could see it the moment their eyes first locked - the human feared the blood coursing through his own veins was his no longer, that he had become nothing more than food.
No, if August had birthday candles, he should be wishing for the human’s pain to stop, not his own. He should pray for any memories of this miserable night to fade away, and for the human to feel nothing but warmth and safety for the rest of his days. How dare August make this about himself?
How dare August call himself a doctor?
Really, if August is anything other than a feral creature, he is a coward. He can’t find a drop of courage in his selfish core to face the human. Of course not. That would mean facing up to what he has done to the human.
Instead, August kneels in the bathroom, and he hugs the toilet bowl tight in his arms. He sputters and heaves as spit dribbles from his lips. It’s a battle against wave after wave of never-ending nausea. August is sickened by himself. Repulsed by the cruelty that he and his kind are capable of. Even if he earned his family’s stamp of approval tonight - something he’s always dreamed of and strived for - it wasn’t worth it. Not one bit. He refuses to hurt, abuse and sacrifice an innocent life for a scrap of their regard. Curse their prideful smiles and damn their hollow praise.
CRASH! Shattering glass pierces through the silence in-between retches. August’s heart leaps up into his throat, and his gut clenches.
His human is awake - no! August shakes that insidious thought from his head. Not his, and never his. The human does not belong to him. 
August wills the ground to open up and swallow him whole. The thought of skulking down to that basement with his tail between his legs and shame swelling in his chest - it turns his already churning stomach with bubbles of dread. Still, he must. He peels himself from the bathroom floor, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and makes his way downstairs to greet his guest. There’s not a second spare to wallow and drown in self-pity.
He grips the stair bannister for dear life, his knees threatening to buckle beneath him. Still, he forces his dragging feet to move one step at a time down to the basement. There’s no backing out of this, no turning and running now. August needs to face the music–or face his victim, rather. He must fix what he’s done to this poor human.
There is the sound of a jarring crash, and then another dull thud resonates from behind the locked basement door. August’s shaking hands fumble to fit the key in the lock. With a click, the door opens, and he cautiously descends into the dimly lit basement, every footstep echoing in the sudden, eerie silence.
That is until he hears the human’s heart. It pounds like a war-drum in August’s ears, each beat louder and more erratic. August flicks the light switch, and as the basement floods with light, he freezes on the spot, beyond horrified at the scene before him.
His life's work, decades of dedication, lay in ruins. His surgery looks like the aftermath of an explosion. All the furniture is flipped over, and shards of shattered glass sparkle across the floor like jewels amongst the blitz. Charts and graphs once meticulously hung on the wall now dangle in tatters, their scientific data reduced to meaningless scraps. His medicinal cabinets have been ransacked; trails of viscous liquid snake across the concrete floor from countless broken vials. The air is thick with the acrid smell of chemicals.
And there, behind his masterpiece of destruction, cowers the human, pressed flat against the farthest wall, a scalpel gripped in trembling hands held out before him. Its sharp tip is pointed in August’s direction, glistening against the surgery's harsh strip lights.
August has seen fear in human eyes more times than he can possibly count, but he has never seen fear like this. The human’s eyes burn with such primal terror that they touch the very core of August’s being. In the man’s eyes, August sees his own fear, his own isolation and his own despair. But August stays there, unable to look away no matter how it hurts him. He is trapped in this man’s stare, lost in a labyrinth of his own reflections.
But August feels something else too. A raw and untamed emotion. Rage. All-consuming anger that makes goosebumps prickle down the vampire’s pale skin. Rage courses through the human’s veins like a river of molten lava.
“You stay the hell back!” the human roars until his voice wavers and wobbles. He swings the scalpel into the empty space between them, stabbing at the air. “Don’t you dare come near me!”
August’s hands fly up in surrender. Words escape him. What could he possibly say to make this right? Where does he even start? Surely nothing he could say could do justice to his regret.
“I’m sorry-”
That’s the first thing that blurts out of August’s pathetic mouth. Because it is the only and the most sincere thought that comes to him. As though his apology could ever mend the damage or heal the pain he’s caused tonight.
August is shaking now. He can’t stop. His palm slams against his mouth as he chokes back a guilt-warbled cry. “I’m - so…I’m SO sorry. I - I don’t - I…I -I never. I didn’t want to hurt you. I - I won’t hurt you! I don’t want this. Please - y-you have to believe me. You’re safe here-”
August moves without thinking, over the rubble and glass shards. He moves barely an inch closer, and the human erupts into panic. Like a great cat, the human swiftly pounces and flips the table in front of him to form a barricade, stopping August dead in his tracks. Surgical instruments clatter about, and yet more glass scatters across the cement floor. 
“I SAID STAY BACK!” the human brays like a feral animal. His chest heaves dramatically as his lungs seem to fight for breath, and he takes an unsteady step back to create even more distance between them. Gingerly, he cradles his hand, still clutching the scalpel. A gasp escapes his lips as crimson wells from a sudden gash. The tang of iron hits August’s nostrils, drool coats his tongue and his fangs tingle, ready to feed. He wrestles with his animalistic instincts and pushes back the unwanted and primal hunger that threatens to take over. He knows he doesn’t want it, but his body thinks he needs it.
The human had hurt himself in his own destructive frenzy. August can’t help but feel responsible for that too. But that doesn’t seem to deter the human, in fact, it fuels him. He launches himself at the countertops. In one fluid motion, sweeping his arms  across the surfaces, clearing it of every single object in a deafening cascade that shatters across the floor.
The human doesn’t speak, but a slow, cold anger radiates off him. Brows slam together, his jaw clenches until the muscles stand out starkly. A single word, each syllable dripping with disdain, finally leaves his lips:  "'Human'?"
August immediately realises his mistake. Guilt eats him from the inside out. You utter barbarian; he scolds himself.
“I have a name, you know!” The human snaps incredulously, bloody hands curling into fists.
“Of course, of course! Just…” August breathes, “What is your name?”
“Why the fuck would I tell you?!”
The bookshelves are the human’s next victim. He doesn’t bother pulling or ripping at them; he just bulldozes them with a barge of his shoulder. The shelves topple with a cacophony of splintering wood and flapping pages. His gaze is already fixed on his next target: a framed diploma hanging on the wall, defying the human’s rampage.
“Wait, no! P-Please, not that!” August begs, hands clasped together in supplication. The diploma represents his proudest achievement, everything that he’s worked so hard for. It is the only proof August has that there may be good in him somewhere. “Please! Don’t destroy anything else! I just need you to hear me out!”
“Open the door and let me walk out, vamp,” the human scowls, glossing over August’s pleas. “Or do I have to go through you?”
August swallows hard, the human’s casual threat sending a fresh wave of terror through him. He doesn’t doubt the human’s raw strength or willpower for even a second. The destroyed furniture and the fiery defiance in his eyes promise more violence. A heavy silence stretches between them, thick with tension.
“I - I want to help you - please just let me explain all of this-”
The human slams his fist into the nearest wall, a crater of dust left in its wake. August flinches into himself. Then, the man lets out a sound that no soul should ever have to hear. It’s a keening cry - a grieving wail for the life he fears he has lost. It rocks August to his core. It’s bloodcurdling. 
“Why’d you choose me, huh?!” The human seethes, damn near foaming at the mouth. “Is it because I sleep rough on the streets? Is that it? Because my life is so fucking expendable?!”
Then, it’s as if a dam has burst. The human’s face just crumples as a choked sob croaks from his lips, barely even audible. Slowly, he slides down against the wall. Head in hands, shoulders slumped, any bravado completely drained from his posture. 
“You knew no-one would come for me… didn’t you?” The human manages a whisper, his head hung low in defeat. Words just seem to keep failing August time and time again, he can only watch miserably and quietly. 
“DIDN’T YOU?!” the human bellows, eyes bloodshot and wild as his head shoots up. August flinches at the outburst.
“What gives you the right to play god?! What makes my life worth any less than yours, or any other person you could have plucked from the damn street. It was a shitty life. But it was my life! There was nothing left to take from me, and you took it all anyway. You’re a… you’re a parasite.”
August bites his lips and nods, a silent, pathetic apology. He is a parasite. Every word burns like a red-hot fire poker but he knows he deserves every scorch. Scarlet-shame colours his cheeks. Monster, parasite, animal - he’s all of the above.
“I won’t stop fighting you,” the human huffs through tears of fury. “I won't stop until I kill you, even if it kills me. You're right. I have nothing, and no-one. Nothing to lose but everything to gain. So if I’m going to go down, I'm going down swinging. Do your worst…leech.”
August has always thought of himself as a healer. A protector. It is here, in this moment, he finally realises he is nothing more than the predator he was born to be. Afterall, there is no denying what he has done. He did take the human, he took away everything the human had to take.  He, too, sinks to the floor in devastation, landing heavily in a cross-legged slump opposite the tear-streaked human. 
Worst birthday ever.
August is drained and depleted, but he won’t waste any more breath on defending himself; he isn’t worthy of any defence. But the very least he can do is comfort the human - help him to weather the storm and be the anchor he needs right now.
“You can keep the scalpel,” August sniffles, “if it gives you some comfort. If it helps you to feel safe.” It’s an impotent gesture. A scalpel would be useless against him in combat if it really did come to that, but hopefully the human can see the sentiment behind the offer. “All I ask is for a minute of your time, and I promise, I will explain everything to you.”
The human stares at the scalpel in his hand and then locks eyes with August’s in a silent duel. No accusation, no defiance this time - only a deep well of desperate inquiry burning in their depths. A million silent questions hang in the air. He begrudgingly nods for August to go on.
“I will take you home tomorrow morning. I swear it. I wish I could open the front door for you and let you stroll free and wave you off into the world, but we’re deep in vampire territory right now. You wouldn’t last five minutes out here on your own. You’ll be snatched back up in a heartbeat, and by a creature less...inviting than myself. We will go after sunrise tomorrow and not a minute later, you have my word.”
“Your word,” the human spits, “Your word means jack all to me.”
“Then let me prove that I am who I say I am - a man of my word. Let me show you to a bed for tonight. Let me give you food and water, and a pillow to rest your head. And then I will leave you be, to get all the sleep you want and need, and I will keep to myself. The next time you see me, it will be to make our journey back to human territory.”
“...Why should I trust you?”
“I’m not asking for your trust.” Heaven knows August doesn’t deserve it, could never earn it. “I’m asking, from the bottom of my heart, for your leniency. You could, and probably should, drive a stake through my chest for what I’ve put you through. I cannot say I would blame you, if you did. But…why don’t we both survive the night, and come tomorrow we go our separate ways?”
Relief floods in as the human seems to reluctantly ponder the deal. It’s just a night. They just need to make it through the night, and then they can both go back to their separate lives and try to forget each other's faces. The human must realise that too, because his boiling anger seems to simmer down. August rises to his feet and slowly moves across the room to extend a helping hand. The human only grunts his curt refusal and snubs the offer, forcing himself up off the cold and unforgiving ground. 
“Spare bedroom. First floor. It’s all yours for the night. I’ll show you to it.” August nervously beckons the human over as he heads towards the basement door. The man sluggishly follows behind, keeping a distance that feels like miles. August feels distrustful eyes burning into the back of his head. He half expects to feel the scalpel pierce his spine any second.
But it doesn’t. As August leads the way upstairs, their unified steps echo strangely in the emptiness of the house. With each turn, the sheer scale of this place, his home, hits August anew. In the company of this poor stranger he’s pulled from the grime of the street, the house feels absurdly oversized. Every step reveals yet another opulent space – a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a library, another bathroom.  August marches him through this excessive display of wealth with a sinking heart. Does he truly need all this, especially when the man trailing behind him apparently doesn’t have a penny to his name or a roof over his head?
August pauses before what is now the third bedroom door they’ve come across, this one already ajar. Inside, the air is stuffy and still, as though the room hasn’t been disturbed in decades, and it hasn’t; it is  untouched and unslept in. A sliver of moonlight creeps through the drawn curtains and slices across the four-poster bed. 
“This is yours,” he motions the human through the doorway, “for the night-” he quickly repeats. He chooses every word with due care and diligence, to reaffirm that this situation is by no means permanent.
Hesitantly, the human steps inside. His eyes flit across the ornately carved furniture and over thick layers of dust. August takes his moment to disappear down the hallway, returning minutes later with a tray holding a jug of water, a glass and a bowl of steaming chicken soup - he was lucky to find the tin of it at the very back of his cupboard. A strained smile tugs at August’s lips as he sets it down on the nightstand. 
Again, the human recoils from him, pressing himself into the corner of the room.
“I’ll go now, okay? I-I hope you can get a good night's sleep. If you need me, for anything, my bedroom is on the very end of the hall, on the left”.
“I won’t need you,” the human scoffs. “Go. Leave.”
The rebuff curdles August’s smile, his lips twitch nervously. “As you wish…” he mutters, stalking towards the door with defeat. Hand on the doorknob, he pauses, “My name is August, by the way. Could I please at least know your name, too?”
Rooted to the spot, the human squares his broad shoulders, a challenge radiating from his posture. “Names are sacred, leech,” he declares, teeth gritting together. “I plan to keep that secret for as long as I can keep my mind.”
The human’s words strike August like a physical blow. The air whooshes from his lungs, deflating him like a pricked balloon. Regret, sharp and bitter, settles in his chest. He can’t stay a second longer, not with the humiliating spark of unshed tears threatening to spill. His family is right, he’s a weak and pathetic excuse for a vampire. With a twist of the doorknob, he flees down the hall to his bedroom. He collapses onto his bed and buries his face in the pillow.
For the human, however, sleep will be a stranger tonight. Any last vestige of drowsiness flees as the vampire vanishes. Sleep just isn’t in the cards. He has to hold out until dawn. He scrambles for anything he can get his hands on to barricade the door. It’s his first line of defence overnight;it will give him a fighting chance and an advantage over the creature.
The heavy dresser groans in protest as he drags it across the room to block the door, scratching and scraping the floorboards along its path. He doesn’t think twice about the damage, if the vamp gets to destroy his life, then he gets to destroy it’s property. Then the rickety chair and the desk it sits at gets pushed into the barricade. And the bedside tables, the bookcase too. Finally, his gaze falls on the bed and its sturdy oak bedposts. He pulls his scalpel from his pocket and digs his scalpel into the wood, feverishly wedging a chunk out of it with all the strength he has left. Shavings rain down as he whittles it down to a sharpened point. Slapdash, but a stake nonetheless.
Every creek of the settling house, every rustle in the wind sets the human’s teeth on edge. He crawls into the bed and slips under the blankets. He’s pleasantly surprised at how soft they are, and how the mattress feels like he’s floating on a cloud and how warmth seems to instantly envelop his fatigued body. He’s not felt this much comfort in…in, well, years.
But he can’t afford to let his weary eyes slip shut. He stays watching the door like a hawk from his bed, his staked clutched close to his beating chest.
Morning can’t come quick enough.
Dawn finds the human bleary-eyed but alert. His crafted weapon is still clutched tightly in his palms as he half-stares and blinks drearily at the barricaded door, as ready and poised to attack as he can be. Moonlight has dwindled and now sunlight beams through the velvet curtains instead. He leaps up, rips the curtains open and basks in the sun’s kiss. It’s something he thought he’d never feel again,
He survived the night. It’s nothing short of a miracle. A silent thank you rises in his throat as a single tear slips from his eye. Someone, he thinks, has to be watching over him. His parents, he hopes. There’s no way he would have made it through this without them.
Now the vampire just has to hold true to his promise. If his word holds any weight, the human will be back in human territory before dusk. Yet, the whole situation defies any logic. The human can’t wrap his head around the absurdity of it all. Why would a vampire snatch him, just to return him by nightfall, less than twenty four hours later? He can’t fight the feeling that a deeper motive lurks beneath the surface, a sinister plan at play. Suspicion clings to the human like cobwebs. Beyond the hospitality and kindness… the vampire has to be up to something.
The human dismantles his barricade and heads out to go downstairs. Every fibre of his being screams ‘it’s a trap!’...but the human can’t deny the smallest sliver of hope in his chest, piercing his bubble of suspicion. The vampire had kept true to its word so far, it had left him alone and untouched, fed and watered, a bed to sleep in. It hasn’t laid a hand on him nor tried to feed. In fact, it had kept far away.  Maybe the vampire deserves the benefit of the doubt. Maybe, there isn’t anything more to this than meets the eye, and there are no strings attached? 
But hope is a dangerous thing, tempting him to lower his guard and leave himself vulnerable for thirsty fangs to sink into. No, he thinks grimly, tightening his grip on the makeshift stake. He will not trust, cautious acceptance will have to do. He’s ready to fight with all he’s got when it all heads south.
He reaches the landing and sneakily peeks over the railing. The vampire stands by the front door, guarding it like a troll bridge. To stop the human from escaping? The vampire meticulously folds up his sleek, black umbrella and places it back in his stand. He looks so tall, impossibly tall, even from the human’s vantage point. The vampire is dressed in a three-piece suit and leather dress shoes that seems more suited to an office boardroom than house wear.
As the human strains for a better look, a sudden creak of the floor makes the vampire snap his head up. Chilling red eyes lock with the human’s in a way that sends a jolt of pure terror down the man’s spine. Would he be punished for this? Would the vampire strip him of his free will and send him marching down to the basement for punishment? He’s heard they can do that–and worse. All the fear sparks anew. He can’t catch his breath - he’s panicking.
But the vampire's eyes aren’t actually filled with the predatory and furious glint he expected. Instead, a swirl of emotions flickers within them - concern, sorrow,  even…anxiety? It’s a disarming sight. This creature looks nearly as worried as Lucas feels…
"There's been a change in plans,” August laments.
August could literally hear the human’s heart drop in his chest, like a lead weight falling into a deep well. The human’s eyes are wide with despair, and his mouth drops open as though he’s been struck across the cheek. A wave of guilt crashes over August, and he isn’t oblivious to how this looks. It looks like the betrayal and deceit the human has anticipated since he first set eyes on August.  August is well aware he just crushed the man’s hopes to dust, and confirmed every doubt and fear. But it’s out of his hands. Mother nature is a cruel mistress.
“No-” the human rasps, nearly falling down the stairs as his legs give out on him.  “No, vamp. You said you’d take me home. You said today. You promised-”
“That’s not the element that’s changed. My promises are sworn and imperishable. There is, however, a delay.”
"A ‘delay’…” The human repeats incredulously, a hint of sarcasm to his tone. His suspicion eats away at him, misplaced though it is. August is many things - a liar, he is not. But there’s no way the human could know that. Not yet, anyway. The human takes a cautious step back from August, staring him up and down with disdain. 
"A storm is raging outside. The streets are thick with snow and ice, and the skies are dark with thundering clouds. It’s too dangerous to make the drive.”
“I don’t care,” the human snidely retorts. “I’ll walk it if I have to. Just open the door for me, and I’ll be on my merry way. I’ll be out of your hair and you can have your big, lonely mansion all to yourself again.”
Yes, his lonely mansion. All to himself. The words sting more than August cares to admit. He winces like a knife is twisting in his belly. When the human goes home, he will be all alone again. It was nice…is nice…the company. Talking to someone that’s not a suffering patient or his own reflection in the mirror.  He already feels the emptiness settling over him once again. He longs for companionship, for someone to share his home with. He sighs, knowing that he'll have to wait a bit longer for his wish to come true. He can’t keep the human here–at least not indefinitely. But he will have to make the human understand that tonight is non-negotiable. 
“You can’t-” August shakes his head. The man would never make it home. Not with the minus temperatures and the blankets of snow.
“I can. I am. Move,” the human growls, his hands balled into fists. Only then does August notice the crude stake in the human’s white-kncukled hand. No, this human will never be his friend, but even still, August has a duty to him.
The human storms towards the door and tries to push it open. It doesn’t budge. He barges his shoulder into the door, desperately ramming it. Still it doesn’t give. Soon, he’s kicking and shoving and a warbled cry rockets up his throat. Despite his frantic assault, the door only cracks open slightly.
“Snow,” August chimes in, pointing to the falling white powder crumbling through the gap in the door. “We’re snowed in. Must be at least twelve inches of it, I would think.”
“No. This can’t be happening. We-We climb out the bedroom window!” The human’s eyes light up at the idea, sprinting towards the staircase in a panic.
“And then what will you do? Trek all the way back to human territory in this snowstorm? Do you know how far out we are?”
In the blink of an eye, the human tumbles to the floor in a heap, screaming into his hands, pulling at his hair. The blizzard howls like a banshee outside, a gust of snow blows in from outside. The human knows he’s stuck here. He’s trapped here, with a bloodsucker. He’s going to die. Or at least that’s what he must believe. 
“I can’t stay here. With you. I won’t do it.”
“Please,” August says. He resists the urge to move closer; there’s no point in riling the human any more than he’s already riled himself up.  “My word is my bond. I won’t harm you. But I can’t in good conscience return you to where I found you. I’m a physician. I can’t put anyone in harm’s way. To sleep rough on a night like tonight–it would be a death sentence.” 
The human laughs coldly. “Was this your plan all along? Crush my spirits? Delude me into thinking it’s my choice to stay?” 
“I don’t control the weather,” August sighs. “This doesn’t change a thing. I will still take you home as soon as the roads are clear.”
The human remains silent, his jaw clenched. With a final, hate-filled glare, he storms towards the stairs, and, like a sulking teenager, stomps upward in a whirlwind of fury. The slam of his bedroom door reverberates throughout the house.
But the human is still here. He is still safe. August hasn’t failed entirely. 
An exhausted breath escapes August’s lips. He isn’t used to this, the vulnerability of sharing his haven and bearing the weight of responsibility for another life. A knot of unease tightens in his gut. These forced close quarters may at least offer him a chance to ease the human’s fear and earn a crumb of forgiveness, but August can’t help but wonder –  will they be able to bridge the chasm between predator and prey?
This is going to be a long couple of days…
@octopus-reactivated @whatwasmyprevioususername @ramadiiiisme   @darkthingshappen  @whumpsday   @thecyrulik   @t0rture-me   @redwhump   @the-cryptid-finch   @snowstuffscuff   @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump   @wolfeyedwitch   @interdimensional-chaos   @termsnconditions-apply   @whump-blog   @leyswhumpdump  @not-a-space-alien   @onlybadendings   @darlingwhump  @sparrowsage   @flynnswhumpprompts  @whumpcereal  @wolves-and-winters  @ashh-ed  @idkmansomeusername @whuarri  @33-sdtr-45 @pigeonwhumps  @canislycaon24  @the-whumpers-grimm  @damienxozmoze  @predacon-skydrift  @morning-star-whump @neverthelass @espresso-depresso-system @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @androgynousqueenie @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @kadeee00 @that-one-small-world @doodlepoodle154 @sodacreampuff @cupcakes-and-pain @topsheepstudent @mylovelyme @anonfromcanada @astrokea @turn-the-tables-on-them
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
Warning: infantilized Whumpee. Whumpee is baby and Whumper agrees.
"Are you my cute little baby?", Whumper cooed at Whumpee as they changed their diaper, "smelly baby is more like it, geesh."
Whumpee wiggled away while Whumper cleaned up.
"Don't go too far", Whumper spoke over their shoulder.
Whumpee tried to reach up for a higher shelf. They climbed up on their feet to get a better reach.
"Whumpee no", Whumper came from behind and smacked Whumpee's butt.
Whumpee jumped from the warning and slap. They fell to the floor with a bang.
They looked up at Whumper with tears threatening to fall.
"Oh no, did baby go boom on the floor", Whumper knelt down, "did that cause an owwy?"
Whumpee's lip quivered as they nodded.
"It's okay baby", Whumper scooped them into a hug, "that's why babies shouldn't be standing up", Whumper grinned and kissed Whumpee's forehead, "let's put on your bootys."
Whumpee struggled to get away, "ymhmm", Whumpee shook their head no.
"We have to Whumpee, you know better than to say no to me", Whumper reached for the slippers, "do you want another spanking?"
Whumpee watched Whumper for a second before pointing at the item they were trying to reach.
"Does baby Whumpee want their chewy?", Whumper reached up and grabbed it.
Whumpee nodded as they watched Whumper carefully.
"Alright, come here then, let's clip it on you", Whumper held it up.
Whumpee crawled to Whumper and stopped a few steps away.
"Very cute attempt", Whumper watched them stretch as far as they could, "you need to come a little closer."
Whumpee scooted a few inches.
"You're being ridiculous. These don't hurt you unless you stand up, and you know better than to stand up", Whumper sighed, "come here before I get up and get you."
Whumpee huffed in annoyance.
"Don't huff at me", Whumper warned, "I'll give you the icky syrup if you keep being disobedient."
Whumpee quickly scooted closer... anything to not have that sludge go down their throat.
"That's what I thought", Whumper clipped the toy holder onto Whumpee's outfit, "I have a feeling my mind control is losing its edge on you", Whumper tickled Whumpee's sides playfully, "do we need to fix that?"
Whumpee quickly put the toy in their mouth and happily chewed on it.
"You're probably hungry. We'll get breakfast once these booties are on you", Whumper grinned, "is my baby grumpy because your hungry."
Whumper slipped the booty onto Whumpee's foot, and made sure the bottom sat right, they then buckled the boot and locked it.
Whumpee whined as cold metal touched their feet.
"I know Whumpee, just don't stand up. The spikes won't hurt you then", Whumper started to put the other one on.
These boots were a soft padded slipper with a belt around the ankle. They could be adjusted and locked into place . Inside the slipper, a removable insert with a few dull spikes waited for the wearer to stand up. This would cause severe pain and cause the person to fall over. It normally didn't cause bleeding though.
Whumpee rolled onto their stomach when Whumper was finished.
"Let's go get breakfast", Whumper watched Whumpee try to pull at the slipper, "nuh-uh", Whumper smacked Whumpee's hand away, "do you want me to add the mittens?"
Whumpee cowarded away and shook their head no.
"Let's go get breakfast then", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee sat in a highchair type seat in the kitchen. Whumper fed them while also eating their breakfast and packing lunch for work.
Whumpee realized the weekend was over.
"Please don't leave me", Whumpee whispered, "I-I don't want to be alone."
"Wow a baby who can speak... amazing", Whumper turned, "who gave you permission to speak."
"I-I'm sorry, I just don't want you to leave me", Whumpee looked down.
"As much as I enjoy hearing that, I do, in fact, have to go to work", Whumper frowned as they gave Whumpee another spoonful of food, "trust me, I'd rather stay here and play with you all day, but I can't. I had a feeling you were breaking out of my mind control. You've been a bit more difficult than normal this morning."
Whumpee let another tear fall.
"No need to cry, little baby, I have something fun planned for you. Considering you just talked to me, I think you already know what that means for you."
Whumpee panicked, "no master please....I-I'll be go..."
Whumper forced another spoonful of food deep into Whumpee's mouth making them choke harshly.
"Save it", Whumper grinned, "sometimes the brainwashing wears off and you lose your edge. Nothing a little coaxing won't solve."
Whumpee was strapped into a sleep sack and tied into their crib. They could only wiggle now.
"It's a shame, you normally get to play while I'm gone now you have to lay here until I get home. Don't worry though, I'll let you have plenty of screen time."
Whumper adjusted a screen directly in front of Whumpee's face. They gave it a few wiggles to make sure it didn't fall on Whumpee.
"Please, I promise I'll be good", Whumpee panicked as Whumper attached an electrode sticker onto Whumpee's neck.
"I know you will be. It's okay, you just need a little mind adjustment, it happens occasionally", Whumper grinned as they attached a wire to the sticker, "this will send a small shock every ten minutes to make sure you stay awake while I'm gone."
Whumpee whimpered, "please."
Whumper showed Whumpee a pacifier gag, and forced it into Whumpee's mouth and locked it into place.
"You'll be able to drink water through that, you have a full container of water to keep you hydrated", Whumper laughed as they turned on the screen, "I'll be checking in on you throughout today with this camera here."
The first shock stung Whumpee.
"Ymph", Whumpee jolted, "pwease."
"Enjoy the screen time", Whumper chuckled as they snapped a picture and left.
Whumpee screamed into the gag as the video started. A never ending black and white spiral took over the screen. Next an extremely annoying song played in several different volumes: extremely loud to almost quiet.
Whumpee fought against restraints. They squeezed their eyes close and wished they could cover their ears, especially knowing what was coming next.
Another shock went into their neck, making them scream again.
"Whumpee open your eyes you cute little baby", Whumper's recorded voice came on. This video was a continual loop of Whumper saying the same de-aging triggers over and over. This mixed with the hypnotic spiral and sensory overloading music would put anyone in a trance. Then, to add being shocked every ten minutes to make sure you do not fall asleep, which is both painful and torturous, Whumpee was doomed to go numb again.
They had already felt their body stop fighting. Their eyes widened as they stared at the screen.
Their mind kept yelling to move... or do something to fight for their freedom.
All fight left them. The spiral was just to beautiful and Whumper talked in such a soothing voice. They wanted their master back to see how good they were being. This song was so catchy.
"Ah, ah, ah", Whumpee tried to sing along until their eyes closed.
A shock jolted them awake again.
Drool pooled down the sides of their mouth now.
'Pretty colors', Whumpee thought to themself.
Whumper grinned as they watched Whumpee from their desk at work.
"They are long gone", Whumper chuckled, "they still have a long time to. Their brain will be like jello at the end of this."
A little before Whumper was to leave work they logged on to see Whumpee again.
Whumpee was crying uncontrollably. The overstimulation had gotten to them more than Whumper had wanted.
Whumper watched as Whumpee's back arched up in pain as another shock came through.
"Yep, you have definitely had too much now", Whumper sighed, realizing nine hours was probably too long for the mind control program to be watched.
Whumper hurried into Whumpee's room and hurried to turn the program and shock mechanism off.
Whumpee shook weakly.
"Aww, is my little baby okay?", Whumper cooed.
Whumpee sobbed as they tried to get out.
"That was scary for my baby... I'm here now. You're okay", Whumper hurried to untie Whumpee and free them from the sleepsack.
Whumpee quickly rolled to the further side of the crib and sniffled.
"It's okay baby come here, we'll get your diaper changed, and we can have a snack before dinner", Whumper tried to reach for them.
Whumpee tried to stand up.
"No Whumpee the slippers", Whumper tried to stop them.
Whumpee screamed as they fell over.
"Whumpee, it's okay, I need you to take a deep breath for me little one", Whumper tried to pull them out of the crib, "come here."
Whumpee continued to cry as Whumper finally got a good grip to pull them up.
"My poor baby", Whumper lowered themself and Whumpee to the ground, "I over did it."
Whumpee struggled for a second before finally burying their face into Whumper and crying.
"I know, it's okay. Let it all out", Whumper rubbed their back, "you've never had to go that long with that video playing. That was not a good idea for my little baby."
Whumpee quieted, but their body shook. They jolted again as though the electrode was still on them.
"Ahh, my baby", Whumper sighed, "come on let's get your diaper changed, and we can have some cookies while I make dinner. You are such a good baby."
Whumpee thought for a second before weakly nodding.
They laid quietly while Whumper changed them. No happy babbles like normal.
Even after watching the video for a while, Whumpee hadn't been this disoriented by it.
Whumper sighed, "I guess next time I'll just tie you down and regress you later. I shouldn't play with mind control so recklessly. I don't want you brain dead... not yet at least."
Whumpee watched them, but they didn't react to anything Whumper was saying. Their eyes were dull.
"Look at those lifeless eyes of yours", Whumper sighed while booping Whumpee's nose, "let's see if my little baby is in there still."
Whumpee was sat in their play pen in the living room. Some of their favorite toys were spread out for them to play with. Whumper then carried in a sippy cup of milk and a container of cookies.
Whumpee crawled to where Whumper sat the cookies and grabbed one.
"Well that's a good sign", Whumper stated in relief, "you're still food motivated."
"Hu-hu", Whumpee mumbled.
"I bet you're hungry... dinner is almost ready", Whumper smiled, "is my baby coming back?"
That evening Whumper lifted Whumpee to the couch and started to cuddle them.
"I see a little more life in your eyes now", Whumper grinned, "I bet you're sleepy though."
Whumpee rested their head on Whumper's chest.
"Aww my poor baby.... so sleepy", Whumper patted their head, "tomorrow will be a better day."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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painsandconfusion · 2 months
You know when whumper forces caretaker to hurt whumpee?
And the only thing 'making' them do it is the simple threat "Do it. Or I will."
And that's enough?
Yeah. That's the good stuff.
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jordanstrophe · 5 months
"I'll ask you one last time, whumpee. Get in the car!" Caretaker barked from the car window.
"Not a chance! I hardly know you. You could be working for whumper for all I know." Whumpee crossed their arms in defiance and partial insecurity. Caretaker sighed and took a breath. "Okay, then I'll give you two options."
Whumpee gave a small smile, thinking they won something.
"Option one is you get in the car, no fuss and no kicking. Option two is I use every ounce of strength I have to get you in this car. You can trust me, I intend to get you in this car one way or another."
Whumpee's smile disappeared, realizing they won nothing.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
CONGRATS ON YOUR FOLLOWERS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 for your scene prompt idea: a royal whumpee with a migraine, perhaps? context up to you :>
- @seth-whumps :D
Thanks dude!! It feels so surreal
cw: royal whump, forced caretaking, migraine, noncon drugging because its "for their own good"
The young king’s room was cool and dark. A faint puff of wind made the chiffon curtain billow out like a sail, and then fall softly back to its natural position. Faint starlight shone on the white marble sill, and it glowed ever so softly, also glimmering in the pale blue eyes of the king who stood staring dully at the night sky.
The king's ears were still ringing from the heated arguments in the Council room. The fighting was tearing apart his leaders and he wanted nothing more than to put his head down on the cool marble and cry-- he was past caring about keeping himself together. Done.
He ached as if the entire universe was resting on his shoulders.
And in a way, it was.
A few days ago his most pressing concern had been whether or not the pretty lord with the dark eyes was single. Now it was whether or not he could keep his country from falling into his enemies' hands.
I can’t do this.
I can’t.
And he put his head down on his arm and sobbed.
No father to plan with him and advise him. No mother to comfort him and listen to him pour out his worries.
Completely alone.
There was an urgent knock on the door, and someone’s voice called out, asking if he was alright. But he had no strength to stem the flow of tears or to even move from the window. Behind him, the door opened, a shaft of warm light falling across his back.
One part of him ordered him to sit up and greet the intruding lord with the facade of calm that he had spent years perfecting, but the other part was stronger, and so the king didn’t even look up when the young man repeated his name in a shocked whisper. 
“Are you alright? Do I need to send for a healer?” 
This shook him. He had no wish to appear weak. “No,” he choked out, pressing his forehead harder against the cool, tear-splashed marble. “I’m fine.”
“You’re very obviously not fine,” the lord replied, rushing across the room to stand beside the young king. “I’m calling them anyway.”
The king didn't look up. His head throbbed, and even the lord's voice felt like a needle probing into the soft, malleable batter of brain tissue.
“No,” he insisted, the ringing in his ears growing louder. “I’m-- I’m fine.” 
“Don’t!” he shouted, whipping around to confront his friend. But instantly his anger vanished, replaced with a searing pain through his head, and his vision went fuzzy, then black as he crumpled.
The lord lunged forward, barely catching him in time. He picked up the limp form of the king with a protective concern. “Someone get me a healer!”
Panic shot through the lord as he realized how effortlessly he had lifted the king's body. He was far too thin and deathly pale.
He carefully lay the king, still with boyish features, on the couch and his eyes fluttered open.
The king tried to sit up but the lord shook his head and placed a hand on his chest, forcing him to lie still.
“Don’t try to sit up yet,” he said, his voice laced with worry. 
The king didn't have the strength to argue, pressing his hands to his temples, where the ringing continued to persist. 
“What… what happened?” 
Before the lord could respond, a healer entered the room. 
This woke the young man up. He bolted upright, ignoring the pain in his head and managing to shoot a glare at the lord. “I said I was fine!” he snapped, instantly wincing as his headache punished him for the sharp movement.
The lord looked worriedly at him but did not answer, instead turning to the healer. “He lost consciousness. He’s also burning up and when I picked him up it was like picking up...picking up a child.”
The king wished he could come up with a come-back to the dark-eyed lord's accusations, but the ringing in his ears made it nearly impossible. All he could manage was an incoherent groan.
The healer was immediately by his side. 
“Your majesty, do I have permission to help you?” 
Like with the lord, the worry was evident in their voice. Blond strands of hair floated down their neck and covered their healer's tattoo at their collarbone.
The king shot another glare at his friend, who remained unfazed. He hesitated but finally nodded, swallowing down the bitter taste of failure. 
“No one is to hear of this, am I clear?” he got out through clenched teeth as the healer pressed their hand to his forehead.
For a moment, their touch was freezing against his skin. The look of worry did not fade. “You need to rest. A proper rest, not a few minutes when you fall asleep during meetings.” 
“I don’t fall asleep in meetings," he lied.
"Sure you don't," muttered the lord.
"I don't!" Another round of electric pain sent him into throbbing agony. He doubled up on the couch. 
The healer sighed. They did not have the patience for the king's stubborn pride. They handed him a small vial, filled with a glittering liquid. “Please drink this. It will help.” 
He eyed it doubtfully. “What’s it for?” 
The healer's eyes flickered with hesitation. “Pain reliever” 
The king pushed himself into a sitting position, “It's not a sedative?"
The lord and the healer exchanged a glance.
It was a sedative. Both knew the king would refuse to take a sedative, so the healer lied and the lord kept his mouth shut.
The king looked up at the lord with a pleading expression. "You wouldn't lie to me?"
The lord felt a pang of guilt. He crouched down and wrapped a hand around the king's. His hands were trembling. The lord forced himself to hold the king's gaze as he lied. "It's not a sedative, m'lord."
This seemed to assure the young man. He took the small cup, chugging it down as fast as possible.
The king's hand fell out of the lord's as almost instantly, darkness stitched its way along the inside of his eyelids. In between shallow gasps, he panicked. "You--"
"Shh," whispered the lord. "I'm sorry." He stroked a stray strand of hair out of the king's face and noticed how just within a few months, worry lines had formed on his forehead. "Rest, m'lord. You need it."
The king's eyes fluttered closed.
The healer placed a hand on the lord's shoulders. "It's for his own good," they consoled him.
"I'll sit with him until he wakes up," muttered the lord, pinching the bridge of his nose.
It was the least he could do.
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