#forever fedorable
ledalife · 8 months
“I am a dreamer. I know so little of real life that I just can’t help re-living such moments as these in my dreams, for such moments are something I have very rarely experienced. I am going to dream about you the whole night, the whole week, the whole year. I feel I know you so well that I couldn’t have known you better if we’d been friends for twenty years. You won’t fail me, will you? Only two minutes, and you’ve made me happy forever. Yes, happy. Who knows, perhaps you’ve reconciled me with myself, resolved all my doubts.”
White Nights - Fedor Dostoyevsky
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philomenie · 15 hours
Hitman!Jolly fic
CN murder, violence, sex, organized crime, blood, angst, 18+
@jilliemiw86 @nojoyontheburn @reyadawn @dsireland86 @aubrey-melinoe
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But before Jolly heads back to Olivia for good, he takes a little detour to place what he wanted from Doi.
This time he is careful NOT to be recorded by any security cameras. He turns them all off beforehand, deleting the suspicious footage.
Once he has finished everything, he considers his next move.
Grimly, he doesn't go to Olivia again, but instead pays Fedor a visit.
He throws his jacket on the back seat, prefers to put on his sweat jacket and his baseball cap, low on his face.
He rings the doorbell of the house Fedor lives in.
A woman with a baby in her arms opens the door, a toddler can be seen behind her looking curiously in his direction.
Jolly goes cold as ice, he hadn't expected that.
“Yes?” the woman wants to know.
Jolly has to swallow, “Um... Fedor?” he then croaks.
“He's ill, he's not feeling well.” she explains and looks at him.
“Jolly.... The Swede!” Jolly hurries to introduce herself.
The woman's eyes widen anxiously and she reaches for the door leaf.
“I just wanted to ask...... Um, if everything's all right... If Fedor needs anything, the doctor or anything... Kolja wants him to be looked after!” stammers Jolly.
“Thank you, but he needs rest more than anything!” nods the woman.
“Good.... Um, if he needs anything, let me know.... Yes?” Jolly tries to smile.
The woman nods silently and is about to close the door when she hears a thump from upstairs. Startled, she looks up and immediately starts moving, hurrying up the stairs.
Jolly stands indecisively in the doorway. The toddler is still looking at him curiously and suddenly holds out his car to him, “Take!”
Jolly is frozen.
“Take!” the little guy asks Jolly again, still holding out his bright red toy car.
As if in a trance, Jolly kneels down in front of the little boy. He estimates him to be about 2 years old.
“Take!” the boy declares again and holds out his car to Jolly.
Jolly takes the car with trembling hands.
The little boy tilts his head and points to Jolly's chapped lip, “Ouch?” he wants to know.
“Hmm” nods Jolly, ”Ouch!”
The little boy smiles, turns around and dashes to a basket where his toys are kept, pulls out another car and comes back to Jolly, who is still crouching in the doorway.
The boy tilts his head questioningly.
Jolly has to swallow again. The situation completely overwhelms him. Not only did he expect Fedor to have a family, he also didn't expect his young son to treat him with so much impartiality and trust.
Jolly feels bad, no, really bad, because he has actually only come to kill Fedor, to silence him forever so that he and, above all, Olivia don't get into trouble.
But this now? FUCK, he can't kill Fedor. Not now.... No matter what he knows.
Jolly has closed the door behind him and is now sitting cross-legged on the floor, playing with Fedor's son and his cars, until he hears a startled voice from upstairs, “Nikolaj!”
He and the little boy look up. Fedor's wife stands pale by the stairs and looks down.
“Umm, sorry... I meant to be long gone... But...” Jolly shrugs his shoulder and nods to the boy next to him.
The woman hurries down the stairs and takes Nikolaj in her arms, who doesn't like this at all and protests loudly.
“Magda... my name is Magda!” she explains.
“Well, Magda, I'm going....” Jolly swallows and stands up. He towers over her by more than a head's length.
Anxious, but ready to defend her son and everyone else in her house, she returns his gaze.
“Listen Magda, you don't need to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you, your children or Fedor!” Jolly explains sternly.
Magda nods slowly, “Do you swear to me?” she asks quietly.
“Yes, on everything I hold sacred!” nods Jolly.
“On your girlfriend's life!” Magda demands.
Jolly flinches, narrows his eyes, “What do you know?” he growls dangerously quietly.
Magda's eyes widen in shock, she knows instantly that she has made a mistake. A dangerous mistake, if not a fatal mistake, because she knows WHO she's looking at.
The Swede, Semjon's and now Kolja's hitman. The man who makes unwelcome witnesses, opponents and people simply disappear or leave them for dead.
“I....” swallows Magda and takes a step backwards, ‘Please, the children!’ she pleads.
“I'm sure I won't hurt your children!” whispers Jolly harshly, ”But if YOU don't tell me what you know right now.....”
Magda looks at him in panic, “I don't actually know anything, nothing at all....” she swallows and keeps backing away. Jolly follows her.
“Don't lie to me, it's not advisable!” growls Jolly.
“Please... all I know is that Fedor was supposed to be watching you and your girlfriend is a doctor.....” swallows Magda.
Jolly's hand snaps forward and clasps her throat, making Magda gasp. Nikolaj begins to cry, writhing on her arm.
“WHAT do you know, WHAT does Fedor know? And who else knows about this?” Jolly is now completely still, his eyes glowing darkly in the soft light of the house.
“Please!” Magda pleads again and Jolly squeezes her throat shut. Magda drops Nikolaj to the floor, then grabs Jolly's hand, trying to loosen his grip.
Nikolaj runs away crying.
“Magda?” a breathless, croaking voice is heard from above.
“HELP ME!” Magda gasps breathlessly and tries to free herself from Jolly's grip, but he doesn't let go, instead reaching for his pistol in one smooth movement and drawing it. At the same time, he twists his arm so that Magda's back is now pressed against his chest. His merciless grip is still tight around her neck.
Magda sobs out in despair and Jolly points his gun upwards.
When Fedor appears at the stairs, Jolly sees that he is really sick, as he can barely stand on his legs and his hand, with which he is also holding a gun, is shaking like aspen leaves.
“Let go of her now!” he gasps, which is rewarded by a fit of coughing.
Fedor has to hold on to the railing.
“I just have these questions, WHAT do you know and WHO else knows!” Jolly explains coolly.
“Let her go first!” gasps Fedor, who has broken out in a sweat.
Jolly walks slowly up the stairs with Magda. When he reaches the top, he waves his gun in the direction of the bedroom.
“Get in there!” he demands.
“Don't hurt her!” swallows Fedor.
“That's up to you... and whether I get my answers!” declares Jolly coldly.
“It's okay.....” Fedor puts his gun on the floor and raises his hands in resignation, shuffling back into the bedroom and dropping onto the bed, getting another coughing fit.
“Please.... I have to help him!” begs Magda.
Jolly clenches his jaws and lets go, “Go!”
Magda rushes to the bed and pulls Fedor into her arms, holding him tightly.
“So.... What's wrong now?” growls Jolly, who is not unaffected by the scene in front of him. That's exactly how Olivia held him when Semjon beat him up. FUCK, Karlsson, pull yourself together and don't let your fucking feelings get the better of you, he tells himself.
“I.... I only told Magda about it... I tell her everything.....” Fedor gasps.
“That's stupid. Incredibly stupid!” spits out Jolly, ”You're making her a confidant and endangering her in the process!”
“She knows how it works.... It doesn't matter if she knows what she knows.... If she dies, anyway!” Fedor gasps and closes his eyes.
“Who else knew?” Jolly grumbles.
“Nobody... Artur only told me, Yevgeny and Mikhail.... No one else..... I swear to you, on the lives of my children! Please....,” Fedor presses out.
“Kolja?” Jolly wants to know.
“No... I just told him that we should keep an eye on you, nothing more....” Fedor swears.
“And I'm supposed to believe you....” Jolly shakes his head.
“Really... please... I won't tell Kolja anything... Nothing about the doctor.....” Fedor pleads.
Jolly's face instantly stiffens, “What do you know about her?” he hisses.
“Nothing... nothing more... just that you spent every spare minute at the hospital until she went home.... That she lives in the same house as you.....” swallows Fedor.
Jolly doesn't know what to do. If he lets Fedor and Magda live, his and, even worse, Olivia's lives are in danger. If he kills them both, he orphans two innocent children... FUCK what an absolutely shitty day again, Jolly curses everything in his mind.
“Please...!” Magda pleads now too.
Jolly slowly lowers his pistol, he just can't manage to shoot them both.
He is just about to put the pistol back in its holster when Magda nimbly reaches under a cushion with one hand, pulls out a pistol and shoots at Jolly.
The first bullet narrowly misses his head, the next hits him in the shoulder. He doesn't risk a third.
He calmly and routinely takes aim and pulls the trigger. Magda collapses, followed by Fedor.
Both their blood streams onto the white sheet and the white pillows.
Only now does Jolly realize the pulsating pain in his shoulder and the blood running inexorably down his arm.
Olivia is going to kill me, he thinks. He suddenly realizes this, too, as he looks at the bodies of the two of them.
Why did that fucking woman have to pull out a gun and shoot him.
How is he supposed to explain this? Explain it to Kolja?
As he presses his hand to the wound, he becomes aware of another sound. The sound of a baby crying.
The children... what is he supposed to do with the children? He's sick to his stomach, and it's not because of the bullet wound.
God in heaven, he just orphaned two little kids.
He can't just leave them here. Who knows what will happen to them! He wouldn't wish the same fate as his on any child.
Jolly's mind is racing...
Without giving it a second thought, he tears open all the drawers, throws the contents on the floor and does the same with the contents of the closet. Then he rushes into the other rooms, trashing them as best he can.
Run downstairs and throw things around so that it looks like a robbery. As if the house had been ransacked.
He looks around feverishly, then grabs the baby carrier and hurries back upstairs.
He clumsily gets the screaming baby out of its crib, “Shh, shh....” he tries to calm it down, which has absolutely no effect.
Somehow he manages to secure the baby in the car seat.
He runs downstairs with the screaming baby in the infant carrier.
“Nikolaj?” he calls and looks around. He puts the infant carrier on the floor and sets off in search of the little boy.
He finds what he is looking for in the kitchen when he hears the boy sobbing. The little guy has hidden under the sink, the door of the kitchen cupboard still slightly open.
Jolly gets down on his knees and opens it carefully.
“Hey, Nikolaj!” he whispers gently and reaches out his hand to the boy.
Everything about this scene reminds him of over 30 years ago, when he was in Nikolaj's place.... Scared, shocked, alone....
Jolly is determined that he will not abandon Nikolaj and his sibling to this fate. He will do everything in his power to ensure that they grow up in safety, far away from the Russian mafia. He doesn't yet know how he is going to achieve this, but he will certainly think of something.... Somehow....
Nikolaj doesn't move, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Come on, Nikolaj. It's all right!” whispers Jolly harshly.
“Mom?” cries Nikolai.
Jolly feels sick to his stomach, but he smiles, “Your mom's asleep....” he swallows, “Come on, I'll take you....” he thinks feverishly, “I'll take you to a friend!”
God, Olivia WILL kill him, that's as sure as the Amen in the church!
Somehow, Jolly manages to bring Nikolaj out of hiding.
With the child in his arms, he grabs the baby carrier - the baby has fallen asleep from exhaustion, which Jolly welcomes in the current situation - and heads outside. When he looks around, there is no one to be seen.
He walks grimly to his car, which is parked around the corner, and opens it.
He puts Nikolaj in the back seat and the baby seat next to it.
FUCK.... Somehow the thing has to be fastened... but how?
Jolly fiddles around with the belt until the seat is reasonably secure, or so he hopes.
Then he straps Nikolaj in. He grabs his jacket and wraps it around the boy so that he doesn't get any colder.
As he starts the car, he breathes in and out deeply.
FUCK... this day has the potential to be the worst day of his life and he hasn't even met Olivia yet....
The baby is still sleeping when Jolly steps out of the elevator with him and Nikolaj in his arms.
He's dizzy and nauseous. The damn gunshot wound is still bleeding.
Jolly drags himself to Olivia's door and leans against it.
Then, with trembling fingers, he takes his key out of his trouser pocket and unlocks the door. The door opens just a crack.
Olivia has listened to his request and pushed the bolts forward.
“Liv!” he croaks.
When he receives no reply, he shouts louder, “LIV!”
From inside, he can now hear a slight banging and swearing, as if someone got up hastily and ran into something.
The door is pushed shut again from the inside and he can hear Olivia releasing the bolts.
Shocked, she stares at him as she opens the door.
“Can you take him?” croaks Jolly, shoving Nikolaj into Olivia's arms before he collapses unconscious.
When he regains consciousness, he is lying on Olivia's fluffy living room carpet, a soft pillow under his head and his legs on the stool.
There is a needle in his arm with an IV hanging from it, the bleeding has stopped, as he realizes with a flick of his wrist.
Olivia must have torn open his clothes, at least that's what their condition suggests, as his sleeve is missing and a bandage is wrapped around his shoulder.
“Fuck.....” moans Jolly, trying to get up.
“YOU STAY DOWN!” Olivia suddenly stands next to him like an avenging angel, the baby in her arms, and glares at him angrily, ”DON'T YOU EVER MOVE!”
Jolly meekly sinks back down and blinks at her.
Speechless, she shakes her head, “Can you please explain THIS to me?” she waves her hand over him and at the baby.
“What happened to you? And where did the baby and the toddler come from?”
“Nikolaj... the little boy's name is Nikolaj!” Jolly closes his eyes.
“Nikolaj.... Uhum!” Olivia nods, stunned, ”And his parents? Where are they?”
“Dead....” swallows Jolly harshly.
“Dead....” Olivia turns pale.
“Hmm” grumbles Jolly.
“LORD GOD AGAIN... TALK TO ME!” hisses Olivia at him.
“It's complicated....” gulps Jolly.
“OH?? REALLY?” hisses Olivia.
“Liv.... I...” Jolly breaks off and he notices a tear running down his cheek.
Olivia sits down next to him and gently brushes it away, “What happened, my darling?” she asks him quietly.
Jolly shakes his head, “I... it all got out of hand... first with Kolja, then with Fedor.... Kolja got ticked off because I called the mortician for Inga, then he wanted to hit Hanna, his girlfriend, and when I intervened, he said Fedor had told him that Artur had me under surveillance.....”
“That's why you got another laceration?” Olivia swallows and gently strokes his battered lip.
“Hmm” nods Jolly.
“Who shot you?” Olivia wants to know quietly.
“Magda!” sighs Jolly and sees Olivia looking at him questioningly.
“Fedor's wife... I drove by Fedor's because I had to know what he knew, who he told all this to... and then that damn woman opens the door with the baby in her arms!” Jolly presses out.
Olivia turns pale.
“Fedor, that fucking asshole told her everything... But actually I didn't want to shoot her... neither her nor him.... They were parents, damn it... Nikolaj, the baby... they're both so fucking little!” Jolly swallows and more tears run down his cheeks, ”But then she pulled out that gun and started shooting at me... I just reacted.... Like I always do when I get shot at... I shot her... both of them!”
“God, Joakim....” Olivia chokes out in horror.
“I had no choice!” Jolly looks at her pleadingly, reaching for her hand.
“You didn't have to go....” Olivia whispers.
“He knew, Liv. So did she. They both knew about you, about us... I couldn't help it, I had to go!” gulps Jolly.
“Their life for ours......” Olivia whispers tonelessly.
Jolly nods, “Their life for ours!” he confirms.
“God, how am I supposed to deal with this?” Olivia breathes in and out frantically.
“Min Liv... I.... I'm so sorry...” swallows Jolly in dismay.
“The children? What's going to happen to them now?” Olivia chokes out.
“I don't know... but I couldn't leave them there.... Leave them to their fate... They can't grow up like me.... That's why I just took them with me!” gulps Jolly.
“But you can't just keep them!” Olivia shakes her head, ”I'm sure they have relatives!”
“Liv, they CAN'T grow up like me!” Jolly chokes out.
Olivia looks at him for a long time, then brushes a strand of hair out of his face, “I know!” she whispers, “But then where are they supposed to go?”
“I don't know....” Jolly shrugs his shoulder helplessly.
Again Olivia looks at him for a long time, then at the baby in her arms, who is fast asleep, “We'll find a solution!” she nods, leans over to Jolly and kisses him on the forehead, “They won't grow up like you!”
Relieved, Jolly sinks back.
“I'll put the little one to bed with her brother! Then I'll come back!” whispers Olivia tenderly.
“A girl?” gulps Jolly.
“Hmm, a girl!” nods Olivia, ”Do you know what her name is?”
“No” swallows Jolly and notices how the lump in his throat gets bigger again and more tears sting his eyes.
“We should ask Nikolaj tomorrow....” suggests Olivia.
Jolly nods and the tears run down his cheeks.
Olivia cuddles up to Jolly's side, “Your shoulder... a straight through. You were lucky...” she whispers in a trembling voice, suddenly shaken by fits of crying. Jolly puts his arm around her and pulls her close.
“Shh... min Liv.... It's all right!” he whispers.
“No... it's not good... nothing at all is good... you could have been dead instead of this parents.... God Joakim... I could have lost you today...” Olivia cries.
“No... min Liv. You know I'll ALWAYS come back to you... To my North Star, the love of my life!” whispers Jolly tenderly.
“Damn it!” Olivia cries unrestrainedly and buries her face in his healthy shoulder.
“Excuse me?” Doi wants to know again, as he has the feeling he must have misheard.
“I need more papers, for a boy about two years old and a little girl, Liv reckons she's about 9 months!” Jolly explains again.
“And you also want me to take care of the parents' bodies....” adds Doi.
“Yeah!” growls Jolly, who is getting impatient, ”The last of Artur's assholes who could have caused trouble! That asshole told his wife everything!”
“Good... I'll take care of it!” sighs Doi, ‘And Kolja?’ he then wants to know.
“I've got everything ready!” explains Jolly, ”It's just a matter of time. Nadja wants to talk to you, by the way!”
“Ahh, I'm glad to hear that!” smiles Doi, ”But what do you actually want to do with the children? Take them with you?”
“I don't know yet....” sighs Jolly, rubbing his face, ”But leaving them here is out of the question! They deserve a better future!”
“You never cease to amaze me...” snorts Doi in amusement, ”Alright, I'll take care of everything and expect you here as soon as it's all over!”
Olivia, waited until Jolly hung up, “Zoja, I think her name is Zoja. At least that's what Nikolaj calls her!”
“Hmm” nods Jolly, ”Zoja is a Russian name!”
“And now what? What do we do with the two little ones?” Olivia wants to know.
“I don't know.....” sighs Jolly and looks at Nikolaj who is sitting on the carpet playing.
“Joakim...” Olivia sits down next to him and Jolly holds out his finger to Zoja, who immediately grabs it, which makes him smile.
“You like children.....” Olivia states tenderly.
“Hmm,” Jolly shrugs his shoulder, ”I never thought about that....”
Olivia lifts Zoja from her lap and pushes her into Jolly's arms, who immediately takes her and cradles her in his arms.
“You like children!” smiles Olivia and stands up.
“Where are you going?” Jolly asks in a slight panic.
“Just to get her bottle... she's getting hungry!” smiles Olivia and disappears into the kitchen.
FUCK... Jolly has to be honest with himself, it's true, he's taken a shine to the two little ones, even though they've only been here less than a day. It's also the case that he would prefer to keep them. To make sure they have a happy, carefree childhood. Free from violence, fear and crime.
“Here!” Olivia holds the bottle out to him, “Feed her!”
“How?” Jolly looks at her helplessly.
“She already knows how!” Olivia smiles and presses the bottle into his hand. Jolly holds it uncertainly in front of Zoja's mouth, who immediately grabs it greedily and sucks it in.
“I have to go to the clinic for a minute!” Olivia suddenly explains.
Jolly turns white as lime, “WHAT? No... no, that's out of the question...”
“I have to, Joakim. I really will be right back. An hour at most, if that!” explains Olivia.
“It's too dangerous!” Jolly chokes out, ”Besides, the kids.... I mean.....”
“You'll do it!” Olivia beams at him and is out the door faster than Jolly can protest again.
FUCK, he gets up with the baby in his arms and goes after Olivia, only just seeing her disappear into the elevator.
Jesus Christ, Jolly curses to himself as he walks back into the apartment.
He looks somewhat helplessly from Zoja to Nikolaj, who is still playing on the floor.
“OK... let's hope Liv comes back soon.....” he explains to the two little ones, more to encourage himself.
When Olivia returns home, she has to pause at the picture that appears before her.
Jolly is sitting on the floor with his back against the couch. Nikolaj has snuggled up to him, his head resting on his thigh. Zoja is asleep on his chest. Jolly has also closed his eyes and seems to be asleep, just like the two small children.
This sight does something to Olivia, even more than Jolly's mere presence does. Her heart is just overflowing with love for this man in front of her.
Even though he's a merciless killer and Olivia knows what he's doing is absolutely wrong. Nevertheless, she can't help but love him, because what she sees here is the real him. Loving, caring, vulnerable.... She is absolutely certain that giving up everything for him and starting a new life with him is the right thing to do. If there were any doubts left, they are now all wiped away.
She quietly puts her things aside and carefully picks Nikolaj up, carries him into the bedroom and puts him to bed. When she gently lifts Zoya from Jolly's chest, he wakes up startled, immediately holds the baby tighter and automatically reaches to his side as if to draw his gun.
Irritated, he looks at Olivia's face.
“It's all right!” she smiles and strokes his cheek, picking Zoja up, ”I'll just put her to bed quickly!”
Jolly relaxes and nods to her.
When Olivia returns, he is sitting on the couch and she drops down next to him. Jolly immediately puts his arms around her and pulls her close.
“Good to have you back!” he murmurs.
“Was it that exhausting?” she smiles.
“Hmm, no, not really... I'm just glad you're back. That's all!” he whispers huskily and kisses her neck, leaving it unspoken that he's just as scared for her when he's not with her as Olivia is for him.
Olivia carefully helps him into his shirt, then buttons it up.
“The gun holster....” Jolly doesn't dare look up when he asks Olivia for it.
Motionless, she grabs it and helps him with it too, seeing how he stows his pistols in it. Then she helps him with his jacket.
“He'll notice that your shoulder's not right!” she whispers harshly.
“Hmm, that's not said!” Jolly waves her off, puts his hand on Olivia's shoulder, ‘Look at me, min Liv!’ he asks her and Olivia looks him in the face.
“I'll keep a low profile, don't tease him, and make sure I can get out of here as quickly as possible. But I MUST go to him when he calls me!” he explains gently.
Olivia nods, “I know!” she sighs, saving herself from verbalizing her fears because they are both aware of how dangerous the situation is right now.
“I'm here.....” she smiles instead, ”I'll set up the cribs with Nikolaj!”
“I'm sure you'll do a great job!” smiles Jolly, kissing her tenderly.
Neither of them talked any more about what to do with the children or where to put them. They both know that they will keep them, even though an addition, a family, was not really at the top of their plans.
So, there is now only one chapter left….
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chemical-killjoy · 1 year
Demolition Lovers
Pairing: vampire!Gerard x reader
Summary: part 3 of Cemetery Drive
Warnings: way too many references to hang em high and demolition lovers (the songs), blood, death, mild gore? Uh. Sad ending, heads up folks
Word count: 617
Author's Note: Yeah it's a short one and maybe a little poorly wrapped up, but it's ✨the vibe✨ also it's not edited... be warned
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It was nearing midnight by the time the hearse crashed through the cemetery gates, tyres screaming and iron bars scraping. There was no noise besides Gerard turning off the egnition. His dress shoes echoed like gun shots, clicking against the cool tiles of the abandoned church's floor as he calmly walked in. No light inside the building.
“Gerard, how nice of you to turn up. How are you this fine night?” An echo of a voice called.
“Fine myself, thank you.” Gerard sighed. “A little tired, what can I say? Hanging out with corpses and driving in this hearse.” he gestured back to the door.
“Really? I was sure that little girl was aliv-”
“She won't stop me!” Gerard yelled, venom dripping from his voice. “She won't stop me anymore.” With that, Gerard tossed a gun to the floor. “Follow me.”
With that, Gerard led the matriarch outside to where the hearse was parked, on the dusty dirt trail to the church that weaved it's way around graves. He opened the boot and lowered the coffin.
Mariah arched one thin brow. “I don't believe it.”
“Would I lie to you?”
No one spoke a word as Mariah opened the casket to see Y/N, blood spattered down her white dress, cool and not breathing. Mariah breathed in the scent of blood.
“I guess not... But I need to be sure.”
Mariah's fangs were on Y/N's neck before she could even move, causing her to cry out in agony.
“NO!” Gerard shouted, charging at Mariah to knock her away from the person he lived and died for, but when he crashed into her, Mariah was darkly prepared. Gerard felt the sharp spike bite into his skin as the stake pierced his stomach.
The two fell to the ground, Gerard gurgling and struggling, determined to fight until the bitter end. He pulled out the stake.
Y/N remembered Gerard's instructions, his voice whispering in her head. After all is said and done, climb out of the pine box. Y/N jumped out, gripping her neck fiercely, in a feeble attempt at stopping the bleeding. Mariah has a sister, she'll be inside the building. I want you to burn the church. Y/N looked over at Gerard fighting for his life. Don't stop, if I fall, and don't look back.... She knew she was no match for the vampire.. but that doesn't mean she couldn't distract her. The plan just needed to be altered a little.
“RUN!” Gerard bellowed. Y/N grabbed the small bag of ammunition she had in the back of the hearse. And she ran to the church.
Then, chaos.
Mariah staked Gerard's heart. A bomb went off. The church, ablaze.
“No!” Mariah screamed, about to make a run to find her sister, but Gerard was faster. With a scream, he pulled the stake out of his heart, and plunged it deep into Mariah's heart before she could run, blood meeting blood as he killed her with the weapon she used against him.
Mariah hardly noticed, trying to move into the fire as Y/N staggered out, bleeding fiercely from the holes in her neck that she clutched in a bitter attempt to hold onto life.
Y/N dropped to the grown beside Gerard.
“No! No, please. Y/N, no.” Gerard cried, dragging his body toward Y/N.
“I'm with you, my love. I'm with you now.” Y/N said, as she dropped her hand from her neck, breathing hard. Tears mixed with blood on the dirt path.
The two spent their last breaths together, coughing into a pool of blood. Gerard reached out to hold Y/N's hand. Fingers brushed, and eyes met. “Y/N,” Gerard gasped, blood tinting his mouth, “I lo-”
Nothing is forever.
Tagging: @fandomfoodiedancer @smiling-girl @niche-bitch @fedorable-killjoys as always if anyone does or doesn't want to be tagged please let me know! <3 thanks for reading :D
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spicylobster · 3 years
Fish Fight's past, present and future
2018-ish: Erlend and Jakob start racking up countless hours of Duck Game couch-play. No game&chill hangout is ever without it from this point onwards. As it gradually dawns on them that Duck Game is no longer actively developed they begin to boastfully proclaim, beer-in-hand: "One of these days we'll make a spiritual sequel to this kick-ass game, and the Legend of the Duck shall live on forever!"  🍻
October 2020: Erlend pitches the concept of a "Fish Game" to Heroic Labs as 'An open reference game (using Nakama for multiplayer)'. They're into it!  🤝
November 2020: A game design document takes shape.   📙
December 2020: Orlando PixelFrog joins the team as our lead artist. Fedor @not-fl3 gets on board to make the Rust (macroquad) version of Fish Game. 🌶 (near-identical prototypes were also made in Unity and Godot.)
January 2021: The first version of our art style is complete.   🐟
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March 2021: Fish Fight (Godot-version) is released and reaches the front page of Hacker News.  🚀
July 2021: With Heroic Lab's blessing, Erlend and Fedor fork Fish Game to continue it as an indie venture, henceforth known as: Fish Fight!  🕊
August 2021: Our very first trailer is released 📺  alongside a release post detailing our ambitions as an open and commercial game project. We also drop a hint about our larger plans for the future:
Aside from just wanting to keep a game archetype we love alive, we also want to demystify the game development industry. That is our larger, overarching mission as practitioners in our craft. We don’t buy into the need for excessive secrecy and proprietary ownership in order to make ambitious games. Therefore, we’re setting out to make one ambitious game after the other, out in plain sight.
September 2021: The project exits stealth mode and is publicly released as an open source game. We also announce our approach to Open Hiring and $100 internships, which will lead to over a dozen interns contributing to the game within months.  🤗
October 2021: Fedor steps down as Technical Director with an intent to focus on *quads development and his own 'Fish Fight: The Prequel' spinoff, published on Steam.  👋
November 2021: Orlando completes our much-aniticipated art revamp.  🐠
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December 2021: v0.3 is released, marking the arrival of our in-game level editor. Alexander @olefasting, having contributed actively since mid-year and single-handedly responsible for the addition of the editor, is our new Technical Director.  🛠
Today we're announcing our partnership with Ultimate Games! They're a fresh startup in the indie space, betting big on browser-based games. Fish Fight has signed a (non-exclusive) platform partnership with Ultimate to be one of their launch titles later this year when their games platform goes public.
Thanks to this little bit of formalization, we now have an official deadline for the v1.0 Stable Release of Fish Fight: July 2022.
We feel very confident about this timeline (jinx!?), as the game is already close to being feature-complete. This month of January our focus will be on making the game run on the Ultimate platform, which means we'll soon be handing out invite links to anyone interested. The remaining months will be all about playtesting & polish.
Now that Fish Fight development has stabilized, it's time to consider what other projects the Spicy Lobster team might take on. The Open Source Games Thesis that guides our development practices and strategy has matched up very well with our predictions for Fish Fight's success. This year we'll be applying that same openness recipe to a small handful of other games.
For instance, how about a Castle Crashers / River City Ransom / Little Fighers-type game, set in the Fish-y-verse? Here's an art demo a LF2 modder threw together for us:
Does that look hype or what!? Imagine these fishies flexing their fins to appear in all sorts of classics, like the best of the Kunio-kun catalogue for instance. It should be fairly obvious at this point where we're headed. If you're into it, our door is always open via Discord, GitHub or Twitter.
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mainsace · 2 years
Touch detective 3 release date
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that their arms can touch, making a blush erupt again on the detectives. There are two sequels: Touch Detective 2 and Touch Detective. the younger officer Release Date: suzuekambe daisukekambe harukato daisuke. It was developed by BeeWorks and published by Success (Japan), Atlus (North America), and 505 Games (Europe). But his holiday is cut short when he receives a call from a former agent, Gwendolyn Gann, who needs Bond's help. Touch Detective (known as Mystery Detective in most of Europe) is a mystery adventure game for the Nintendo DS. A confused and livid Bond reluctantly accepts his punishment. An Addictive and Nail-Biting Crime Thriller (Detective Josie Quinn, Book 10) By: Lisa Regan. The super-spy manages to evade the armed forces, escaping back to London and MI6 headquarters, where he is placed on a temporary suspension. However, this doesn't help matters much, as the Americans reveal they're there for Bond, not Fedor. When the two are caught by armed American men, Bond encourages Fedor to tell them what he knows. The issue kicks off in Moscow, with Bond trying to help Fedor Nikolaev escape from a building. The collection is releasing in Japan as both a digital and physical game on October 6th, 2022. Arrest Date, Criminal Records, Whos in jail, Bookings, Release Date. The super-spy embarks on another thrilling mission filled with equal amounts of action, espionage, and charm. Touch Detective Rising 3: Does Funghi Dream of Bananas. Safe, Secure & Trusted Up-to-Date Records Fast Processing Order Now Paterson.
Dynamite Entertainment gives the creative team of writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson, artist Marco Finnegan, colorist Dearbhla Kelly, and letterer Jeff Eckleberry a license to shake up the Bond universe in 007 #1. Daniel Craig might have said adios to the spy life, but James Bond - like a diamond - is forever.
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
It is past 3am, I have to work early, but I saw these pics and I just had to send them.
Enjoy 😏
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sunshine-vevo · 6 years
I wish I could block posts on mobile
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10 Things MMA Fans Should Know About Mirko Cro Cop
Mirko Cro Cop is a fascinating man, and if you're an MMA fan, you should get to know more about him.
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Even if someone is brand new to the world of MMA, it’s entirely likely that they’ve heard of the living legend that is Mirko Crop Cop. Born Mirko Filipović of Croatia, Cro Cop quickly rose to prominence in the world of MMA through his early work in Pride Fighting Championships. Throughout his incredible career, Cro Cop has battled against fighters like Wanderlei Silva, Kazushi Sakuraba, Igor Vovchanchyn, Fedor Emelianenko, and plenty of other champions.
RELATED: Best Nicknames In MMA History
He picked up championships in just about every promotion he ever fought for and had set more than a few records. Some of his incredible records include the most first-round finishes in the history of Zuffa’s promotions, multiple Fight of the Year awards, and he’s even been called the striker of the decade from the 2000s.
10 Pride, K-1, And Rizin Grand Prix Championships
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It should never be understated just how impressive the competition in the MMA world can be outside of the UFC. Most fighters would be happy to pick up one championship accomplishment with one major promotion, but Cro Cop did it across multiple promotions.
It’s pretty safe to say that in his prime, Cro Cop dominated every promotion that he competed for. Managing to pick up wins for the prestigious championships like Pride, K-1, and Rizin is something that will likely forever go down in the record books for Cro Cop.
9 Track And Field
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It’s said that Cro Cop spent much of his childhood focusing on training for shorter sprint-style events in track and field. He would practice from 100m dashes up to 400m dashes before he would eventually end up falling in love with MMA.
8 Amateur Boxing National Champion
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With how decorated a career that Cro Cop has had, it shouldn’t be that surprising to learn that he was an amateur boxing champion. While some may scoff at the amateur label, it’s worth pointing out that others view amateur boxing equally as difficult as professional boxing.
Cro Cop competed as a member of team Croatia at the Amateur World Boxing Championships back in 1997, and that was after he had already won medals in countless boxing competitions. Cro Cop managed to be dominant in every form of fighting he entered.
7 Early Training
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There aren’t that many MMA fighters that were born into significant wealth, which provided them with access to top-of-the-line training equipment. Cro Cop had some of the most humble training beginnings that any fighter could have.
Cro Cop’s father clearly cared about his son's training, and while he may not have had the funds to make a top-of-the-line gym for his son, he did what he could to provide him with equipment. It’s said that his father made crude equipment like a punching bag and brought home railroad equipment for Cro Cop.
6 Pre-UFC Nickname
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Most MMA fighters have some kind of interesting story that led to their iconic nicknames, and Cro Cop is no different. His fantastic nickname actually comes from a relatively simple place, his work as a police officer.
The Croatian Cop worked for an anti-terrorist unit long before his time with the UFC. It seems far too simple for something like that to be the creation of such an iconic nickname, but it’s true. Before the nickname Cro Cop, he actually went by the name Tigar, which is Croatian for "tiger."
5 Croatian Football League
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Fans of the big man may be shocked to learn that he’s played for one of his favorite Croatian football teams. While the idea of standing across a cage from Cro Cop is scary enough, few fans would likely be brave enough to watch as Cro Cop barrel toward them on a field.
While he only ended up playing in the closing minutes of a game, it was likely a dream come true for the longtime football fan, and he can now include his time with the club on his professional resume.
4 Inspired ByJean-Claude Van Damme
Oftentimes, professional fighters are inspired by their favorite action movies from childhood. Cro Cop is no different, as he has cited Jean-Claude Van Damme as what drove him to get into fighting.
It’s been said that the specific Van Damme movie that inspired him was actually Bloodsport. Any fans of old action movies like Bloodsport already have the movie's iconic fights in mind. MMA fans can only imagine what the world of MMA might look like had Cro Cop never seen that movie.
3 Professional Wrestler
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One look at a man like Cro Cop and most people are likely to wonder if he ever put in some work as a professional wrestler. While he hasn’t tried a lengthy run, he has made some appearances in the world of wrestling.
He appeared briefly for a promotion called Hustle, where he worked as a living weapon in a gimmick match. Cro Cop clearly put in the work to learn safe working as he nailed a belly-to-belly suplex, though he did apparently accidentally hospitalize an opponent with a stiff kick.
2 Action Movie
The stature of Mirko Cro Cop is likely something that many of his fans would have loved to have seen in movies. Those that hold that opinion will be glad to hear that Cro Cop has starred in his own feature-length movie.
1 Political Career
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When most people think about MMA fighters, politics is probably the last thing that comes to mind. It may shock Cro Cop fans to learn that he’s actually had a lengthy political career in his home country.
From 2003 to 2008, Cro Cop served his country as a member of the Croatian parliament. While the details of what he specifically accomplished during his time in parliament are tough to dig up, it’s probably a safe bet that what he did was what he believed was best for Croatia.
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
The Dragon and The Fox: Chapter Two
Chapter Summary: The Dragon Queen’s wedding…
A/N: I’m sorry if the formatting is weird on this chapter, my internet went down while I was writing this, so I’m posting from my phone
Nikolai’s breath caught in his throat as the oak doors to the ballroom opened. There she was: his Dragon Queen, his love, his girl, in all her stunning beauty. Her gown shimmered with every step she took, dragon scales rippling in the fabric. Her veil looked like a fine mist, no, like metal floating on air. Sapphires sparkled in Zoya’s hair, which was braided intricately. Nikolai had to resist the urge to run up the aisle to her and embrace her. Genya was beaming with pride, a tear rolling from her eye.
The bouquet Zoya carried was a hodgepodge of different flowers, but Nikolai knew the significance behind them: blue irises for Alina, orange blossoms for Liliyana, heartleaf for Marie, yew for Sergei, red sentinels for Fedor, dahlias for Nina. There were more, many that Nikolai didn’t know for whom they were, but he knew they came from Zoya’s garden. She glided up the aisle to him, smiling, her blue eyes shining. Finally, she was beside him, handing her flowers to Genya, who pressed a kiss to her cheek
“Zoya,” Nikolai whispered, already feeling tears forming. “Saints, you look beautiful. My Zoya, look at you.” Zoya smiled wider, taking her prince’s hands. “Thank you. You clean up rather nicely as well.” Nikolai laughed, wanting to say a million more things: wax poetry of his bride’s beauty, tell her how deeply and unconditionally he loved her, sink to his knees before her and pledge his undying loyalty to the Dragon Queen. But there would be time for that later, and Zoya’s Apparat raised his hands, beginning the ceremony.
“We gather today to bring together two souls,” he said, gesturing to Nikolai and Zoya in turn. “Her Royal Highness, Queen Zoya Nazyalensky, and Nikolai Lanstov. If there are any who object to this union, speak now.” Nikolai waited with baited breath, fearing someone would shout out, but the room remained silent. “Please exchange your vows to one another.” Zoya straightened up. “Nikolai,” she said, voice clear and confident, but also sweet and full of love. “We are soldiers. I will march with you in times of war. I will rest with you in times of peace. I will forever be the weapon in your hand, the fighter at your side, the friend who awaits your return.
“I have seen your face in the making at the heart of the world, sobachka, and there is no one more beloved, brave, and unbreakable.” She squeezed Nikolai’s hand, blinking back tears. He was not a Grisha, but their vows were most fitting for a soldier, a man who had fought alongside his men while still wearing the crown. “Zoya, my love, we are soldiers. I will march with you in times of war. I will rest with you in times of peace. I will forever be the weapon in your hand, the fighter at your side, the friend who awaits your return. I have seen your face in the making at the heart of the world, and there is no one more beloved, brave, and unbreakable.”
Tolya came to his side, and Genya came to Zoya’s, both with a thorn wood crown in their hands. Zoya stooped so Genya could place the crown on her head, but Tolya was tall enough to place Nikolai’s on his head without him bending. The Apparat held his hands out, one over the queen’s head, the other over Nikolai’s. “In the presence of Saints and men, these two have declared their love and trust for one another. May the Saints grant them nothing but joy, love, and prosperity in their lives together. I now pronounce you man and wife.”
Nikolai hardly heard the assembled guests cheering, all of his attention was on Zoya, on his wife. He stepped forward, closing the gap between them, pulling her into his arms. Nikolai dipped her as he kissed her deeply, her thorn wood crown falling to the floor. Zoya clung to her husband as if her life depended on it, returning the kiss with equal amounts of passion and love. When he righted her, Nikolai kept Zoya in his arms, resting his forehead against hers. “I love you,” he said, voice soft. “I love you so much, Zoya. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, sobachka,” she replied, grinning wider than Nikolai had ever seen. “So much.” After a moment, Nikolai released Zoya and offered her his arm. “I believe there are people who wish to congratulate their queen,” he said, and Zoya took his arm. “And their prince consort?” “I suppose.” They walked from the altar, waving and smiling to their guests. A refreshment table had been set up in the back of the ballroom for the guests while the reception was being readied, and several people were already there.
The first ones to offer their congratulations were the Fjerdan prince and his wife. The new princess had nearly flown into Zoya’s arms before remembering herself, dropping into a deep curtsey. “Your Majesty,” she said, voice demure, but face mischievous. “Oh come off it, Nina,” Zoya said, holding her arms out to her friend. Nina embraced Zoya, arms like a vice around her midsection. “Congratulations,” she said, taking Zoya’s hands. “You look stunning.” “She truly does,” said Nikolai, putting an arm around his wife’s shoulder. Zoya blushed, leaning into Nikolai’s side.
The Fjerdan prince came to his wife’s side, kissing her temple. “Your Majesty,” he said in greeting. “My congratulations. May Djel watch over you.” Zoya smirked, taking his offered hand. “Thank you, Your Highness. Are you taking care of our Nina?” His demeanor changed, becoming more relaxed. “I’d do nothing else,” he said, and Nina smiled. “We’ll have to do lunch once I’m queen. Is that something queens do?” Zoya laughed. “If I say they do, then yes.”
The queen spoke to the Fjerdans for a few moments more before moving on, greeting ambassadors and nobility of several nations. “Mister Brekker,” she said as she approached the Crows. “A pleasure.” She nodded to Jesper and Wylan as well, who smiled back at her. “We’re grateful for the invitation. And should the Ravkan crown ever require our services, we would be more than happy to assist.” Zoya smiled. “Thank you. I shall certainly keep that in mind.” Their conversation was short, and when Zoya caught a flash of white in the corner, she led her husband to the apparent peasants.
“Miss Starkov,” she said, catching the girl’s attention. “We’re so happy you both could be here today.” Alina smiled, embracing Zoya, then Nikolai. “It’s Mrs. Oretsev, and we’re happy to be here.” “Ahh, of course.” The banter came easy between the two women, their bond strengthened by their shared experiences. “So what should we call you now? Mrs. Lanstov?” Zoya smirked. “Your Majesty, My Queen, Queen Zoya, Most Exalted One will do just fine.” Alina laughed, leaning on Mal’s shoulder. “Of course, Most Exalted One.” She gave a dramatic bow, and Zoya laughed, as did Nikolai and Mal.
“How’s Sainthood?” Alina rolled her eyes, though she was still smiling. “Have you ever been strolling through town and saw your finger bones for sale?” Zoya shuddered at the thought. “I can’t say I have.” “It’s creepy, let’s just say that.” They chatted for a few minutes, and for a while, Zoya forgot that she was Queen of Ravka, that she had a country to run. For a while, she was just Zoya, and the girl before her was the Sun Summoner.
“You know you’re welcome here any time,” Nikolai said, and Zoya nodded. “If you ever want to come stay or need to get away from the kids, our doors are always open.” Mal nodded his thanks, and Alina smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Truly, thank you.” “Of course. It’s the least we could do after you, you know, saved the world.” Alina smiled, and Nikolai pressed a kiss to Zoya’s cheek. “Ready to head into the reception?” he asked, and Zoya nodded. “A party that’s all about me? Of course I am.” “Hey,” Nikolai said, feigning offense. “It’s my party too!” Zoya pulled her husband down into a kiss, cupping his cheeks in both hands. “It is, darling, it is.”F
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addtothebeauty · 7 years
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European Championships 2015//Worlds 2017
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chemical-killjoy · 7 months
Morning Light
Chapter 4
(previous chapter here, my masterlist has all chapters under the Remington section <3)
Vampire Remington x fem reader
Word Count: 650
Warnings: brief mentions of kidnapping, general death, violence and vampire-making
Summary: Sebastion knows more information that he lets on...
Author's Note: Sorry this has taken me so so SO long to update!!! Me and @smiling-girl have both been super busy, but I'll try to get back on track <3 thank you again @fedorable-killjoys for this amazing collage!
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Sebastian sat by the fire at his favourite bistro. The smell of the leather couch under him and  the whisky in his hands both calmed him, but the fire reflected memories in his eyes. 
He was grateful he was alone tonight. 
How long had it been since he had seen Y/N’s face?? A hundred years, at least. Not since Guinevere. No, he couldn’t think about that. It wasn’t the 1700s anymore. It was the 2020s. He was safe. His brothers were safe. That dark night couldn’t touch them anymore. 
But the truth was Y/N wasn’t safe. Just as Gwen wasn’t. If only he could go back. 
Rain poured alongside the blood, and thunder covered the sounds of screams. If he had taken the deal, it would have worked in his favour. There would be one less body.
The night had started simply. 
The doors to the manor opened up as men in cloaks burst through. 
They were silent, all black figures. But the man in the center, a foot taller than the others, was recognised by Sebastian. Both knew the cloak was unnecessary. But then what was this all for if not a little showmanship? 
“You’ve taken her. Haven't you.” Sebastian asked the question as a statement, an icy chill settling in his stomach.
The hooded man’s silence was the only response he needed. 
Sebastian nodded. Took a deep breath. A swig of his liquor. And threw the glass at the hooded man, who dodged and the glass shattered against the walls. 
Chaos was unleashed as Sebastian fought tooth and nail to pummel the tall man into the ground, or at least fight his way past, unmask these bastards, break free, find Gwen. Protect her. 
He did all he could. 
But he was only one man. Before long, he was held down by three hooded figures, and the tallest man leaned close to his ear, only his green eyes visible through the shadow of the hood. 
“You should have joined me.” the man sighed. “But since you didn’t join me… I guess you are against me. We shall have some fun, you and I.”
A sharp sting tore at his neck as he was bitten, changed forever.
That night was the worst of Sebastian’s life. He fought, his brothers fought, startled into chaos and leaping in to protect their brother, although they did not yet know why, as primal instincts kicked in as bodies took action to defend themselves from the assault of fists and knives... but it was pointless. By morning light, they were vampires, and the bodies piled high. Guinevere was dead, so were half the manor’s staff and men in cloaks, faceless beasts just adding to the bloodshed.
From what Sebastian could tell, Remington had blocked a lot of it out, or somehow didn't remember. Emerson escaped into his art. But it was never far from Sebastian’s mind, the burden of being the only one to know the truth of that night. There were nights he thought it would kill him. That was, until he met Larisa. He didn’t think he could love anyone quite like he loved Gwen until he met Larisa. He started to believe that for the next 50 years, he could be happy, safe. Maybe even have a family.
Then Y/N showed up. A reminder of his oldest enemy and oldest companion. Oldest wounds. 
He remembered the hooded man scooping your unconscious body off the concrete, fangs still dripping with blood. Sebastian knew why you were taken. He just didn’t know you survived. And he could never tell his brothers. 
If Y/N was back, that means no one was safe. Anything could have happened to the many involved in that sick game. Maybe he was killed, maybe they were all safe, and that’s how Y/N survived. But Sebastian had a strong suspicion that this was just the start.
Taglist: @fandomfoodiedancer @smiling-girl @fedorable-killjoys @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @gl1tterslvt @31miw-inkpsycho @babybatlover @sab-falco @levyasakura @ultimo-piccola-stella
As always, if you want to be off the taglist please let me know, and if you want to be on the taglist or update your preferences, please fill this super short form!!! Otherwise I'll forget or just add you to all fics in case (Sorry!!)
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Skam Austin fans take the cake
Any other remake fans think their fandom clowned hard? Looked so damn stupid over something? Look no further than this day in Skam Austin history—9th Oct 2019—when we fans got duped by a random Russian boy half way across the world. Good on you Fedor...good on you.
We shall remember this day in our clownness forever. Our Julian Dahl. Our Fedor Kosh.
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weirdletter · 5 years
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Burning Love and Bleeding Hearts: Dark and Dangerous Valentine’s Day Tales, edited by Louise Zedda-Sampson and Chris Mason, Things in the Well, 2020. Cover art by Luke Spooner, info: Facebook.
Britain’s most respected living horror writer Ramsey Campbell has said of this magazine-sized charity book of short stories: «A fine anthology for a fine cause. Invest your imagination in it and you'll be investing in the world as well.» Burning Love and Bleeding Hearts is a collection of dark Valentine’s Day tales; a charity anthology to raise funds for the Australian bush-fire victims, and ALL sale proceeds will be donated to the Australian Red Cross. Thank you for buying, and hope you enjoy these stories, all for a great cause!
Contents: Editor’s Note by Louise Zedda-Sampson and Chris Mason Tender Whisper on a Crimson Tongue by Erik Hofstatter Orchid, Squirrel, White-Hot Star by Russell Hemmell A Saint Valentine’s Day Tale by James Dorr To Cherish, Love, and Obey by K.B. Elijah Waxing Her by Michael Arnzen Oldstones by Miguela Considine Melody in the Dark by Sarah Doebereiner The Rose Room by Kurt Newton Tetratophile by Blake Jessop Kardia by Donna Laemmlen Smoke Signals by Lynne Lumsden Green Abduction Again by Janis Butler Holm Invisible Boy by Bruce Meyer Valentine’s Volunteer by AJ Collins King Cupie by Josh Dygert Geometric Dilemma or Made for Each Other? by Nadja Maril Fallen Angel by Alyson Faye Dark Wings by Gerri Leen Jarred by N. M. Brown When He Comes by Susan Snyder Seamless by Geneve Flynn Screaming for Love by Diane Arrelle Edible Panties by Kevin J. Kennedy Flowering Night by Mere Rain Love Ya to Death by Steve Carr Honeymoon Lodge by Kurt Newton Cleaning up the Act by Stephen Dillon A Receipt by Joshua Strnad Pit of Love by Claire Fitzpatrick Lover Song, Mantis Instinct by Russell Hemmell Dance of the Forever Wolf by S. M. Fedor Broken Crows by William Falo Bloom by Kurt Newton Wrong Number by Noel Osualdini Vegan Vamp by Donna J. W. Munro One from the Heart by Anthony Ferguson Polluted by Sara Tantlinger Lovers’ Quarrel by Michael A. Clark Threeplay by Suzanne Lafetra DNA by E.E. King Encore by Nic Brady Whiter Shade of Pale by C.L. Raven Incisions by Sara Tantlinger The Music of the Heart by John Grant The Catch by Eugene Johnson Vampires and Perfume by Michael Arnzen Doris by Ronnie Smart Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Alan Meyrowitz The Lucky Palace by Syney Khoo A Ballet of Blood and Flames by Liam Hogan Still Broken-Hearted by Lynn White The Lonesome Defeat of Bridge Repair by Gabriel Hart Heart of Dust by Ric Connely Or Something by Sara Tantlinger Damaged by Kevin David Anderson Stonecold by Leslie Wibberley Lovers by Laura Wild Fermented Fatalities by Sara Tantlinger Hermit 2.0 by Rebecca Fraser The Ballad of Elvis O’Malley by Matthew R. Davis Biographies
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maksylmyheart · 5 years
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Today proud and humbled to be featured on the front page of @townandcountrymag with the dream wedding of @meryldavis and Fedor with @matthewrobbinsdesign @robbinsotoya at the fantastic @provencepoiriers. Forever grateful for giving me the opportunity to document this beautiful day in Provence. See more from this love story link in bio.
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stuffylana · 6 years
Lost in translation
I was tagged by @mastery-in-procrastination and @sundaynightnovels ♥️ sorry for being so long! So, the end result is just hilarious (translated from English to Farsi to Ukrainian to Vietnamiese to German back to Vietnamiese then German again to Frisian to English):
I got up from bed and oh if this ton is right? What will suit?
"For the first time I tried to book, but Jay, that was just to be in your home and in your normal life ..."
I was ashamed, I felt busy with my vein. Mine thrown and threw my eyes. It's just ... To be honest, I hate myself. I hate it, I want to be you! Be ... I have pleasure, can you leave me? I can be myself
Probably an orange man, Apple, Apple, Orange and another person. Have you seen this world alone? That should not be a second chance!
- Come on, I just wanna be! I, not being, because the apple was near me, my crawler was burning and my body was still sounding. I love myself
I told you
"I'm Done!" I'm crying again, but that didn't help. The Voice is still there ... Will you kill me?
The apple hangs behind the young ones and reads it back. Is it normal, was "just" meaning?
He came and took my hand. Such a simple action forgives me an end of deep respect. Was missing outside Russia?
What has passed? "Asked them, on file, and my bed, did she see.
I do not know that I am the same
- Give him, if you want, he thinks you are worthy and you go.
Yes, I'm here
"I just had this comical ruffle in my head:" I have it forever, because the festivity has lost me. I ask, I don't want to do that
To make sound, it was proven that you can discharge it. The sand for a sad smile. He must dance, I'm ruined
- Don't you read me?
"I -"
- Don't be around me, see my head over my face. What did I think?
"I'm good back."
Why is another illusion going? I do not know what I want to do, let alone be one problem to control.
"Come on, unhappy, friend."
Allison? The openness and the young saw out of the reeds. "I - you have said, Sebastian said you want to drink cocoa, maybe you should be better", I went on the Sabbath. At the time, when I reported it, the warmth was Lächeln and Lächeln
Thanks, I'm sorry, I have neither names nor names. Are you a Cameroonian? Yes, I am Theo, he answered with a beautiful voice. "Well, my name is Fedor, but a few people and many others call me.”
- a good Tierfutter mission?
How could the laughter ever heard, like one who knows his good name. Lighting is a lighter than a waist. You are so different! It is difficult to love one of the comrades, especially when the man is suicidal. I do not know according to everything, but that is the first impression and rarely false.
- The story, Theos Lächeln last, then goes on. It is exactly that he makes cocoa for a farm, I also feel good and bad. I wish it were all
I looked up at the pack and picked them up. The sausage Geschmack appealed to my singing spit, my lips became a sneer smile.
"Oh, who just wants it to be forgotten?"
Oh, you forgot.
"No, I hope I'm needed. I think that's what England knows." If you are true, are you so rare?
"Don't know you're true."
I am not a humiliated man, but you
Organic, yes, they have loved one seal. Apple said, they talked long, when they closed us.
I have heard the definitive
Did you know if this sound is the soul of a former life?
- Give me what you want. I want to send A. It is ... mysterious.
That's not my course. I always wanted this character to be smaller. Come over
- No, now, I'm ah, I'll add some cocoa, but that's my final decision.
That is for thick people
- Some work.
"It is my daughter," said the Sabbath, hob and hob, and then she saw the time in which she saw her leadership face. - Get rid of it
I looked at my hour and watched.
But first the Essen.
He opens the door to get back into the stove, but we need to know something else first.
- I flustered, others just heard me and Sebastian stopped.
If I can't, yes for me?
- They're not distrustful
Original version under the cut!
I get up from the bed and sigh. What if this voice is right? What if it actually tries to save me from something?
“I’m trying to save myself first, but jeez, it took so long to understand, didn’t it? Stay home and lead a normal life. Those adventures aren’t good. If only you were smarter, or more stubborn, or…”
‘Shut up!’ I bluster, feeling the blood getting cold in my veins. My body trembles, eyes tearing down. It’s just… right. I hate myself. I hate it! I want to die already! Please!... I got enough before, can you leave me alone? Can I just be alone?
‘Allie?’ Seb, Cam and another man, probably Cam’s boyfriend, come in. Does this world just hate me? This isn’t what the second chance has to be!
‘Get out! I want to be alone!’ I scream as Seb approaches me. Tears stream down my face, and my body trembles even more. It’s like I’m going to fall.
“Told ya.”
‘SHUT UP!’ I yell again, but it doesn’t help. The voice is still here. It… Is it going to kill me?
Seb nods in boys’ direction, and they leave. Does he even understand what ‘alone’ means?
He comes up and wraps his arms around me. Such a simple action reminds me to take a deep breath. In. Out. In. Out.
‘What happened?’ he asks, stepping backward and sitting me down on the bed, then gets down on his knees in front of me.
‘I- I don’t know. I just have this weird-’
“Tell him about me if you want. He’ll think you’re crazy and leave. Still wanna go on?”
Yes, I do.
‘I just have this weird voice in my head,’ I exhale as Seb takes my hands in his. ‘I’m afraid, Seb. I don’t want to do this.’
‘Because of the voice? Oh, come on. Prove it you can pull this off.’ Seb gives me a sad smile. He must be thinking I’m crazy.
‘You don’t believe me, do you?’
‘Don’t bother.’ I sigh, pulling the hood of my cardigan down to cover my face. What was I thinking?!
“See, I’m right again.”
Somebody knocks on the door. Or is it another hallucination? I don’t know what to believe. But there’s only one way to check.
‘Come in.’
‘Alisson?’ The door opens, and a tall slim guy looks from behind it. ‘I- I did bring you this. Sebastian said you like drinking cocoa. Maybe it will make you feel better,’ he hands me Seb’s mug. The moment I touch it, pleasing warmth wraps me, and I smile.
‘Thank you. Sorry, I still haven’t got your name. You’re Cameron’s boyfriend?’
‘Yes. I’m Theo,’ he replies with a lovely accent. ‘Well, my name is Fedir, but Cam and much other people call me so.’
‘Nice to meet you… Fedir?’
Theo smiles as if he hadn’t heard anyone saying his real name. His presence feels much more comfortable than having Cam around. They seem so different! Dating someone like Cam must be tough, especially if you are this soft and kind. I don’t know Theo at all, but this is the first impression, and it’s rarely wrong.
‘I’ll leave you two alone.’ Theo’s smile fades a little, and he walks away. Simple as that. He made cocoa for a complete stranger to make me feel better, brought it and left. I wish everyone was this kind.
I glance down at the cup and take a little sip. As the sweet taste reaches the tip of my tongue, my lips curl into a sad smile.
“Oh, so someone cares, you may think? Hope it’s not poisoned.”
Oh, that’s you. I nearly forgot you exist.
Do you hope so?
“No, you hope. It’s the imperative. I thought someone who majored in English would know that.”
If you really are me, why are you so bitter?
“To make you realize who you really are. Don’t deny me.”
I’m not a bitch. And you are.
‘Allie, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’ Seb says softly when our eyes lock.
Well, I definitely hear one.
What if this voice is a ghost of my past life?
“Call me what you want. I’d prefer simple A. It’s… mysterious.”
It’s not me, definitely. I’d never want to be this personality-less-ed.  Is that even a word? Let it be.
‘No, I’m fine.’ I sigh, sipping some more cocoa, but these sips turn into gulps the moment I make my final decision.
This is for Grace.
‘Let’s do it.’
‘That’s my girl!’ Seb exclaims and raises his hand for a high-five but takes it away the next moment he sees my unenthusiastic face. ‘Let’s go?’
I glance at the clock. Nine thirty-five. My stomach growls and Seb snorts softly.
‘But first, food.’
He opens the door, ready to head to the kitchen, but I need to know one more thing before we do anything.
‘Seb?’ I whisper so that others didn’t hear me, and Sebastian stops.
‘Will you be there for me if I fail?’
‘Don’t even doubt it.’
Tagging @indievixen @amongwriters @pens-swords-stuff @atbwrites @altheathewriter and @mouwwie~~~
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
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Imagine: Stargazing with Faramir
Requested by anon
A/N: There is something special about Faramir, and I adore him, he’s so underrated! I’m so happy to write for him :D
The wind howled in the heights, making your hair dance in the breeze. It was the only sound that surrounded you. Everything else was quiet and tranquil. Peaceful.
“Lovely night, is it not?” Faramir’s voice startled you a little. He smiled as he approached you. “You look beautiful under the moonlight”
“Thank you, so do you” You coyly smiled. “Your blue eyes shine under the light of the moon”
Faramir smiled, deeply endeared, as he approached you. The moment was absolutely perfect, a sliver of time that you wanted to last forever. There, by Faramir’s side, in the gentle breeze under the full moon. It was breathtaking.
“I...” He began, although slightly bashful. “I had been waiting for a moment as wonderful as this”
“To do what?” 
“Something I had been wanting to do for the longest time” 
You frowned, uneasy about the possible yearning that his heart harbored. However, as Faramir slowly leaned in closer, a realization dawned on you. It wasn’t an evil that sheltered in his heart, but a desire that you very much shared.
Allowing him to move closer, you did too. Soon enough, your lips had finally met and his hand was tenderly resting on your cheek. The moment felt magical.
Suddenly, it felt as though all those wonderful details that surrounded you paled in comparison to the feeling that took over you. All of the stars and powers of Middle Eart had aligned to gift you with an even more perfect moment than it was a few seconds prior. For this very reason, the two of you lingered on the kiss as it brought you too much happiness to easily abandon.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ /  @dancewaterdance02​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @of-stardust-and-dreams​ / @caswinchester2000​ / @ikemencrossedmyth​ / @bravelittlesunflower​ / @lxncelot​ / @ta-ka-shi-ma​ / @okay-j-hannah​ / @suenami3​ / @swanimagines​ / @lovinghufflepuffgirl​ / @fedorable-killjoys​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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