#form train TRON?
shirozora-draws · 5 months
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Options/offerings for the pop-up shop have expanded dramatically and I still have 3 more ideas to walk through to completion (or the trash bin, who knows). They are going on the backburners for now, though, because I need a break from drawing dinluke by... writing dinluke. Makes sense.
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astercontrol · 5 months
Latest news from the Asterbrain Pattern-Recognizer: How a butt joke led to a religious analysis of the whole TRON 1982 cast.
So, today, for… strange and mysterious Aster-specific reasons… I was looking for a character who could be written as Catholic.
And because Tron is always on my brain, I went straight for those characters.
Now, though I was technically raised Roman Catholic, my own family's faith and customs were pretty secular, and I certainly never developed any notion that I could know other Catholics on sight.
And, while TRON leans heavily into religious themes from the Program viewpoint, the Users don't say or do much that would indicate their own religion. All I can think of, offhand, is a few references to Christmas-- so brief and vague that they might not even be enough to imply anyone being Christian.
So, we might just have to go by character names... and the associations that an audience familiar with stereotypes and archetypes would have with them.
Alan Bradley: Both given name and surname seem to be British in origin; could be coded as Anglican or Methodist or some other form of Protestant, but in the absence of other clues I don't think viewers would give much thought to his religion or his ethnic background. He's basically designed to look like 1980's American audiences' idea of the most normal, standard everyday guy.
Lora Baines: Probably also of British origin, though that spelling of the first name is uncommon. Like Alan, there might be some vague assumption of Protestantism, but not a whole lot of thought given to it.
Walter Gibbs: Last name, again, seems to come from England, and the actor's accent sounds to me like maybe it's attempting to be British… but that might just be how older Hollywood actors had been trained to talk, back then. I hear similar voices in old movies a LOT. Again I'm not sure audiences would immediately think anything about his religion (although his line about programs and their "spirits" ties very closely into the… animism of the whole digital-world side of things).
(Wow, so far lots of names from England, and lots of reinforcement of the idea that those names are so default as to go unnoticed. Probably says something about society, and/or about me and my viewpoint on it. ...Moving on.)
Ed Dillinger: that surname seems to have originated separately in both Germany and England; going by his accent it's clearly England, so audiences would probably guess Anglican. (If they thought anything about that name at all beyond the 1930's gangster connotation.)
Roy Kleinberg: very unambiguously Jewish name, thank you Legacy and The Next Day! (as of 1982 we only knew him as Popcorn Coworker, which could have been anything, since there is, to my knowledge, no religion with dietary restrictions against popcorn.)
Kevin Flynn: ...okay! this is the most Irish name I have seen in a long time! We may have our Catholic-coded character, folks. (Although he might be primarily "luck of the Irish" coded, LOL.)
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(they found him under the rainbow, like a leprechaun on his pot of gold)
And, completing this analysis, I've found that it felt much more worthwhile than the joke I had in mind when I started.
Truly, the journey outweighs the destination here.
Yes, my idea did require a Catholic and someone else unfamiliar with Catholicism-- the joke itself remaining agnostic on which of them, exactly, was being made fun of.
But it was such a silly, throwaway joke that could have been a two-line shitpost, and certainly did not NEED to be about Tron characters.
My mind, though, will go off on whatever tangents it wishes.
....the butt joke, in case you wanted it:
"So, you Catholics only listen to the Pope when he is… talking out of his ass?" "His seat, man. Cathedra means seat."
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itsana004 · 8 months
I have to ask for Droite for the character meme! (Or if you already got an ask for her, then Gauche?)
Ahhhh, first of all thank you so much for the ask! 💓 This one is special because it's about a minor character I care about a lot, and did for literal years and I'll do my best not to make this a paper scroll long (can't make promises). So let's roll! Here lays my truest thoughts on Droite/Dextra
•How do you feel about this character
You'd be surprised to know, but I did not like her character at all when I saw her for the first time.
She looked so... cold, had a lack of personality, unlikable boring character? Or maybe it was the fact she looked much older and more mature than the other main cast at the time, especially when she was strict? I can't pinpoint the specific reason, but there was really a time when I saw her as most viewers of Zexal see her as: an uninteresting boring minor character.
So how come I changed my mind? And got so attached to her to the point literal years passed and I still love her character?
The first time I ever saw Zexal episode per episode was probably when I was 10-11 years old on the TV, and Zexal was pretty popular in Italy back then, and I distinctively remember this character made an impression on me on episode 54 in her duel against Tron, with her solid strategy and clever tactics (and it was very unique compared to any other character), cause let's be real, this show is about dueling, if the character weren't good duelists, they really didn't stick to me in the long run (and Droite sure didn't give her best duel at all in that Droite and Gauche Vs Yuma duel, it was generic and boring to me), but Droite was doing very well against the main antagonist of that season, Tron (and it even made me root for her!) and the way he got around her strategy and the cards he used felt very oddly specific because of the nonesense rule that Yu-Gi-Oh women cannot win, so we can forget a minor character woman actually beating the main antagonist of that season (I understand the plot was needed to be driven forward with Tron as the main antagonist ofc lol but I have more thoughts on how they could have handled it better but I don't wish to digress) - anyway this duel stuck to me and as I said, Zexal was fairly popular in my town and I was talking about it to my friend, a frustrated naive young me saying how she felt about that the butterfly girl with purple hair losing and for some reason I didn't catch her name and my best friend told me it was "Drua" (from Dorowa but fandom decided it was Droite and I was confused but I found here in the end!), and then I searched her name on Google and saw a gorgeous fanart of her holding a butterfly and you could say my spiral started then (so in a way I am the way I am because of my friend, it's all her fault). From that point on I started to form an attachment to this character and pay attention to every time she appeared on screen, but boi young me was in for total disappointment because from that point on Droite was never given this kind of focus, or any development nor deliver a duel like that ever again (In Italian dub from 4kids they censored Droite and Gauche being homeless orphans being picked from Mr. Heartland so extra less scene 🤬). Young me also kept wondering, what happened to all those feelings she poured in ep 54? And I figured in the end that's a question only god knows, cause Zexal writers definitely don't, and so fanfics gave me much better answers. As years passed, I have to say I only grew to love her character more and more, I just kept learning new things about her and appreciated her character paying attention to every time she appeared from the limited screentime she had and I'm going to list some things I really love.
I was glad to learn that dueling wasn't something she was forced herself to learn for the purpose of training or for the sake of becoming stronger like Kaito, but it's something she enjoyed ever since she and Gauche discovered Duel Monsters when they were homeless orphans living in the streets (I feel like this adds more to her personality), and for them being only kids struggling to live day by day, found a little joy in their lives, and it even became their star of hope, something to look forward to in their hellish life (MY POOR BABIESSS I LOVE THEM MUCH).
I also love the fact Droite and Gauche treat each other as equals, they must have helped each other to get stronger by dueling one another, there is no air of superiority between them like Shark is towards Rio when it comes to dueling, so I assume Droite and Gauche have always one up the other to the point they have the almost same number of wins and losses against each other, and they must have spent their time mostly support each other as well. I love how she recognizes Gauche's move against Esper Robin instantly showing how close they are. WE NEEDED MORE SCENES OF THOSE TWO SQUABBLING, ACTUALLY, WITH THOSE THREE WITH KAITO, I NEED THEM TOGETHER IN ON LINE OKAY.
Also can we talk about how this girl had endured powerful electric shocks?? And joined up to the top 3 in elite duelists with Kaito and Gauche like the QUEEN SHE IS???
Also girlie just tasted tomato juice which was implied to be blood so casually what's up with that????? (That scene is so funny it will always be one of my favorites).
This woman is such a girlboss!!! Droite can casually fly a helicopter, run around the Tower like she owns it, being assertive in general a force to be reckoned with throughout the little time she appeared in Zexal, and humble her man to back away (THE NOTORIOUS NUMBER HUNTER TOO) and catch this man in his lies then HUMBLE HIM AGAIN IN THE W.D.C. AND YEET HIM FROM HER LANE (PLEASE THIS SCENE WILL ALWAYS BE FUNNY TO ME) .
Idgaf that she lost against Vetrix, she manhandled him in this duel, and not even his crest power from Barian world worked on her THIS IS QUEEN BEHAVIOUR RIGHT THERE.
Despite her lack of appearence in the second part and the complete abysmal decision to make her lose TWICE MORE LIKE IT WASN'T ENOUGH, I still appreciate the little contributions she was allowed to make.
I guess, a part of me is still attached to her for what she could have been? How she could have been used? (I brainrot about that every day) and it's painful to love a character that isn't very liked or even recognized while also completely understanding why, but I guess I still love her character and that doesn't seem it will change for a while.
•All the people you ship romantically with this character
I ship Droite with Kaito and no- I don't care what anyone says, if Zexal writers sent an announcement right now saying they will never be canon, I would still ship them because fanfics convinced me, cause some fans will always be better at writing romance than Zexal writers would ever dream to. I really love picking up from what was left and actually putting them to use by adding more things to the table to fix the mess, and I'm gonna die on this hill.
I also don't mind any other ships with Droite (as long as they are not problematic...) but one of my favorite rarepair has to be Droite x Akari (my comfort ship <3) - they haven't interacted once but they are both girl bosses and hot and I don't need any more reasons.
•My non-romantic OTP for this character
Just like I said in Gauche's one, this has to be Droite and Gauche. I refuse to see them through a romantic lens. It is true they share a lot of care for each other, but canonically Droite has romantic feelings for someone else and familial/platonic love exists, and interpreting them that way makes their relationship much sweeter and deeper in my eyes. Gauche being the only family that Droite has in a world where she was born with none will always be more meaningful and deeper to me than them being in a romantic relationship will ever be.
Another fact I forgot to mention in Gauche's one is although they don't have a specific label for each other in the sub, the Italian dub seems to be the only one where they actually refer to each other as "Fratello and sorella" (Brother and sister) - Kaito says "It's right that his sister duels", and although dub changes are not always for the best, I am fine with either one, in one they have a label for their relationship where it isn't left blank and it enforces their familial bond - (Droite says along the lines of "I'm his manager so I have to pull him out of this" in the sub - of course, she's not just a "manager", but at this point what do they even refer to each other... there is no label, and for two people who literally grew up together and spent so many years together, I find it odd - but on the other hand, these two never knew what the word family even meant when they were orphans living in the streets, and that being the reason for the lack of label to their relationship is just─
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•My unpopular opinion about this character
She best girl─
•One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
(Omg this part will be so long I'm so sorry)
1 - In episode 54, I wish instead of Droite giving up and losing because of her own free will, they could have made it so that she couldn't handle the power of the crest and collapses right after she draws a card, after trying so hard to resist it as long as she did - first, it doesn't make her look incompetent or make her look bad and still makes Tron a threatening villain. Second, it leaves the outcome with "No result" and still leaves it ambiguous than a straight "Lose" because of the notorious "female characters cannot win because they suck" awful rule the Yu-Gi-Oh series has created that screams sexism and misogyny from the writers - and no - the fact that the audience for this show is mostly boys does not excuse it.
2 - She should have won the duel together with Yuma in episode 104. Zexal has a really tedious habit of making strong female characters sacrifice themselves to show their valor and significance - no - that's not good enough when it is done again and again (Rio for her brother, Anna for Yuma, Droite for Kaito and Gauche and... Yuma?) and god I hate this so much, they could have found plenty of ways to show that without making Droite lose, we already know how dedicated and devoted Droite is for the people she loves/cares about, she tried to call Gauche back to conscious several times and took the fall for Yuma several times, they didn't need to kick her out of the duel to reinforce that same pathetic excuse again.
3 - Droite, Gauche and Kaito are the three people who have the most connection with Mr. Heartland (than Yuma will ever be) as well as having actual reasons to retaliate against the late Mr. Heartland, as they were exploited and have suffered hell from him, so why on HELL Yuma and Astral were shoehorned into that frecking duel - I do not care they are protagonists - I do not care people love the touching moment between Astral and Yuma before they transform into Zexal III - they could have animated that exact scene in their battle against Don Thousand or any other duel - there was no reason at all that would explain this decision in terms GOOD WRITING - to rob Kaito from that duel - imagine: after Kaito wins the duel against Mr. Heartland, since Droite and Gauche were already in Heartland City because of Yuma's friends understanding the world was in danger, Mr. Heartland in his last efforts could have pleaded Gauche and Droite to help him and manipulate them telling them how he saved them as orphans and they are here today because of him. But to his surprise, they don't, instead they use their ace monsters to attack him instead and send their farewells, and Mr. Heartland meets his demise - heck, they could have been the ones to take over after Kaito collapses - no matter what anyone tells me, either of the two ways it's how it should have played out because all of those three characters meet a proper closure with this man, but zexal writers do not give a sh8t about any other characters except their precious main and that leads to bad writing.
4 - I'm not really a fan of Droite being Gauche's manager? My reason for that is Droite spends most of Zexal serving/helping/sacrificing for other characters and is never her own person, and to me this is one of many examples. It's fine that she's his manager but what I wish would happen is Droite starts to miss competitive dueling and feels confused about her feelings of doubt towards her current job, and so for the upcoming W.D.C. Tournament (becoming a yearly event) that everyone including all our beloved cast will participate in it, Droite takes it as an opportunity to seek answers she needs through this Tournament and is encouraged by Gauche as well to "get a piece of the action", so she participates as a competitor together with Gauche - it lets her be her own person instead of being a "cheerleader" for Gauche (she can still be supporting of him while being a competitor) + it shows Gauche and Droite will support each other no matter in what they do and there are no ill feelings if Droite decides to resign from being his manager.
5 - The complete lack of development or scenes between Droite and Kaito, heck, it might be as dry as the sahara desert, and for me to say it is very concerning, luckily for me fanfics exist! So for the "what I wish would have happened", there is a fanfic called "I'll Always Be With You" by AquaMagic.389 (is my canon now, and in the second chapter I WEPT) - yeah, that's what I wish had happened, it's just adding the little things in the flashback that can slowly build up overtime.
Fun fact: In the Japanese W.D.C. 3DS game in Shingetsu Rei's route as Droite is her opponent, Yuma tells some things about her to Rei and he literally blurts it out for everyone to know about Droite's feelings in public to piss her off lmaooo - and later with Kotori's help Droite confesses her feelings properly but we don't know what happens after that (damn I-) so another I wished is them having actually some development post-canon, who knows, maybe through a Tournament (my brainrot from "La puissance de zexal" fanfic from griffon chap 20 is showing) yeah I'm gonna stop right there.
6- Finally, the last point. Every anime ever has a beach or light-hearted episode, why couldn't we have that like a field trip?? Also, I always found it interesting Hart and Droite's love for butterflies, I wish I could see them having such a cute moment where Hart admires her deck and it reminds him of those peaceful days when his big brother and he would chase butterflies and would share about those days with Droite it's just-
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I'm so sorry this post turned into a paper scroll after all, if you ever reached until here then thank you and sorry for making you read all that, take care and have a good day! And again, thank you so much for the ask 💖
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n30n-le0n · 2 years
[He wasn’t getting anywhere with this. Leo was intelligent enough to know that much.
He’d been training for what felt like hours, and it had been months since the Krang invasion, and yet his arms still felt stiff and leaden whenever he tried to swing them through the various stances and techniques that he’d been taught from a young age. Sure, okay, if pressed hard enough he might admit that he may have been overdoing it a tad, swinging his swords around with all the intensity of a grease fire and leaving himself far too many openings for a potential enemy to take advantage of—rather than falling into the careful, practiced techniques he’d been taught—but Leo couldn’t afford to quit now. It wasn’t good enough yet. He had to be good enough. He had to start taking his leadership duties seriously, before another member of his family got hurt or the Krang came back or an even worse enemy popped up, he had to—
The words came to Leo completely unbidden, causing his hands to shake and his grip on the swords to loosen so much that he had to fumble to catch them before they buried themselves into the floor of the training hall. He had to be better. It wasn’t about him anymore. It was about the safety of his family—Raph getting fucking possessed because of you, Donnie having to hard-wire himself into a fucking alien ship, Mikey damaging his hands creating a fucking PORTAL to pull you out, they’re all better off without you—it was about being a better son and leader, it was even about living up to the standards of future him. Or at least a version of future him. Casey’s words back then had been like knives stabbed into his heart, and he.....he had to be better.
But how could he be better, when he was still having fucking nightmares almost every single night, when every dark shadow within the lair had him flinching away from it and instinctively reaching for his swords, when teleporting anywhere almost made him want to vomit, when even months after the fact he still couldn’t stand to be on his own for long periods of time and couldn’t stand any sudden weight being pressed against his shell and couldn’t—
Heaving out a sigh and swiping the sweat from his eyes, Leo almost snapped to fearful attention at the sound of footsteps nearby, his swords half-snapping into a battle stance as he turned before Donnie’s familiar form came into view—
Idiot, it’s only your brother, why the hell are you being so jumpy, don’t think about the way his body just plummeted when the Krang punched him off of that building, don’t think about how he probably didn’t even shed a tear when you trapped yourself up there—
It was almost scarily easy to shift into a more neutral position then, letting the old cocky smile slide back onto his face as he leaned against his sword like he didn’t feel about five seconds away from imploding under all the pressure. He had no idea if Donnie knew the full extent of what he was going through—of course Donnie probably had an inkling, the two of them being twins and whatnot—but Leo was determined to keep it that way. If he acted like all was well, maybe he could keep Donnie at arm’s length for that much longer. Maybe he could actually start feeling better, instead of just saying that he was.]
‘Sup, Don-tron? Here to get a piece of the action? Come on, I’ve been sparring by myself all afternoon, I could use the practice against an actual opponent.
[An easy twirl of his blades around in his hands, trying to ignore how his stomach twisted at the thought of having to raise them against another one of his brothers, and then he continued.]
Promise I’ll go easy on you.
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radiantlyrey · 1 year
Thoughts on Uprising ep14 “Tagged”
- note: we are now in Unknown Territory, for me! I have not watched any episodes past this point! all I know is what I’ve seen chatter about; that’s it!! SO LET’S GET STARTED.
- cold open: I see we have a team of feral dogs libertarian street artists making trouble in Argon! good thing they got away from the cops, at least?? (in re: feral dogs: Night Vale references? anyone? anyone?)
- “my fanclub strikes again” “you mean my fanclub” Tron are you being SASSY??? I agree with Beck, this is an improvement!!
- I get the sense from this conversation that Beck is still a little testy about his encounter with Cyrus, hence his insistence on bringing the street artists into the fold. Tron is advising caution, but I think Beck is feeling a little stretched thin by all this Renegade stuff and wants some, y’know, help. can’t say I blame the kid.
- then we cut to Paige dealing with a bomb threat on a train and it is lowkey kind of hilarious how she shoves the bomb squad aside and fucking opens the bomb herself—like girl!!!!! we have the bomb squad for a reason!!!!!!! STOP. thank god it’s just a paint bomb, cause she would’ve been derezzed instantly if it wasn’t.
- then Beck catches up with the artists three and basically does to them what Tron did to him; poses as a Black Guard and questions them and then reveals himself to be “Tron” aka the Renegade. also the subtitles totally gave away Mara’s role in the Jolly Tricksters, which… boo. but I love Beck’s obvious shock when he sees her; he was not counting on that! also Mara kind of flirting with “Tron” makes me (and Beck) uncomfortable…..
- meanwhile back at Tron’s, Beck tries to feel out why Tron chose him and also tries to suss out what, if anything, Tron will tell him about the Stranger/Cyrus. (again, not sure Cyrus actually introduced himself in the previous episode; I think I was too busy cussing to actually remember….) anyway, Beck wants Tron to tell him about Cyrus, but Tron is apparently pretending that chapter of his life DID NOT HAPPEN. (also Beck’s weird wrist circuits are still freaking me out………. hope they don’t prove significant in the future……)
- back in the main plot (though I’m surprised that this episode is ALL A-plot! no charming sideplot required, apparently!): Beck gets the Jolly Tricksters to do a distraction so he can sneak in and get some intel from Tesler’s ship. he’s in and out with no trouble, but then: trouble arrives!! in the form of Moog and Rasket who want to put a tag on Tesler’s whole ass ship. Mara is the only one of them with any sense, and she insists on going with the Renegade to get them back.
- so Moog and Rasket (Raskay~~ whatever your name is Rasket) do their big tag, and get fucking caught by Pavel. and taken to a torture chamber, essentially. Pavel’s doing that thing where he swings between silly and deadly serious and it’s a little terrifying. the torture device is horrifying and very much Do Not Want from me, like……… holy shit. and they don’t even shy away from showing it onscreen!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, SHOW. it’s like the creators realized Disney wasn’t gonna do shit to promote their show and just decided to do whatever!!!!!!!! jesus.
- Mara and Beck-as-Renegade save them tho!!! hooray!! and then Beck gives them all an assignment—keep the gate open—that Moog and Rasket immediately give up on and Mara, I can’t believe you thought you could control these two!! my god!!! but she manages to buy time for the Renegade as Beck is fighting Paige (there were some good shots in that fight btw) and they all just barely escape and ooOOF.
- less great that Moog and Rasket are out, and that Beck, as much as he needs Mara, can’t afford to put his friend in danger and essentially pushes her away. sigh.
- and then Beck and Tron have a conversation in PUBLIC ABOUT THIS???? AND TRON DON’T EVEN HAVE HIS FACE COVERED???????? the FUCK are you doing Tron???? GODDDDD.
- that said the coda of Mara doing another tag is glorious, and I hope we see more of her efforts towards revolution in the future. Beck is absolutely right: she really truly believes in the cause, and if (who she thinks is) Tron telling her he doesn’t need her doesn’t make her give up, then nothing will.
- all in all: fun little romp of an episode, and a very nice breather after the sheer fuck-inducing intensity of the previous episode.
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sonicasura · 1 year
What's Jim's second Akaridion form like? Does he name them?
How does Aja, Krel, Vex, and the others Akardions react to them?
Skylight's normal variant actually has a name and it's Daybreak! Appearance wise he looks similar to an older Jim if he was Akiridion but is a cool teal color, 8 ft tall with four eyes. He's built and even dressed like an Tron style Olympic Runner.
This form pops up just a bit after Skylight. Krel and Aja figure Jim would join them for a training session. Vex planned to teach the royal variant but this was a welcome surprise. Even more since Daybreak has a righteous hero personality.
As for the name, it had been around literal day break when got the form.
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Are you planning on making giant warriors for Akedo series 2 Since I got they toys for Christmas (btw two fighting styles of the giants are super slugger and four-armed fury)
also do you wanna use my akedo fighter ideas for your drawings?, like I got some right here:
Hill Bully: a heavy hitter class in the form of a Roid Rage Redneck
Flash Fire: a Weapon master class wielding a Blowtorch like sword
Big Larry: a heavy hitter mascot with a vice like grip and crazy eyes
Tin Lizzie: a train based High Kicker
Wire Flyer: an electric Weapon Master using Defibrillator punching gloves
Chop Shop: a motorcycle like Heavy Hitter
Alley Cat: a garbage fighter High Kicker
Rhino Beetle: a Four Arm fury that's a a rhino bug hybrid
Quack Pack: a high kicker duck breakdancer
Stitch-Up: a voodoo doll Weapon Master wielding two sewing needles
Tiki Torcha: a Four Arm fury tiki warrior of Hawaiian origin
Cementor: a cement monster Heavy Hitter with concrete armor
Dragon Chan: a martial arts Weapon Master who is a humanoid dragon
Angelo: a angelic Weapon Master wielding a holy sword
Sailor Ancha: a sailor high kicker with an anchor for a leg
Skullmageddon: a Four Arm fury skeleton yokai of Japanese origin
Onumbra: a Heavy Hitter in the form of a Japanese Ogre
Doctor Pharmacist: a medical Weapon Master wielding a syringe
Crass Hopper: a grass hopper High Kicker
Bell Jingle: a ghostly Weapon Master using a large bell as his weapon
Sorry I forgor to answer lmao
anyways, as of right now no.
But I do plan on making a gajinka of Scratch-a-tron by making him a llittle anime boy lol
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dascarecrow · 2 years
So D23 is next week and a new poster has come out just filled to the brim with easter eggs. May be hints at what we’ll see, may not be but I thought I would go through the poster and list them all off for a laugh. 
Here we go 
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And going from left to right and top to bottom, we have- 
A Captain America shield 
Tinker Bell 
Homer Simpson’s doughnut 
An N1 Starfighter from Star Wars 
Gonzo of the Muppers in a flight suit 
Boba Fett’s ship 
Buzz Lightyear 
An animal from Avatar 
EVE from Wall-E 
A Nova Corp ship from the MCU 
The Orange Bird, a Disney Parks original character 
An X-Wing from Star Wars 
Maleficent in front of Spaceship Earth 
Winnie the Pooh flying by balloon 
Angel from Lilo and Stitch 
Remy from Ratatouille 
A Jedi training orb 
Grogu from Mandalorian 
A Kingdom Key Keyblade 
An ID disc from Tron 
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit 
Raya’s sword from Raya and the Last Dragon 
A monkey of some kind, likely for Animal Kingdom 
The Pixar bouncy ball 
Narissa from Enchanted in dragon form
The candle from Encanto 
Elliot from Pete’s Dragon 
Fulcrum’s symbol from Star Wars 
Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph 
Tiana from the Frog Princess 
Elsa from Frozen 
The candle holders from the Haunted Mansion 
The Society of Explorers and Adventurers symbol on poster 
Star-Lord’s walkman 
The Genie’s Lamp from Aladdin 
Black Panther symbol on poster 
Red Panda statues from Turning Red 
Indiana Jones 
Monster’s Inc. symbol on poster 
Shang-Chi symbol on poster 
Andor Rebel symbol on poster 
Ariel’s tail and Ursula’s tentacles 
The river boat from Jungle Cruise 
Moana’s boat 
Captain Nemo’s submarine 
A dolphin 
Alberto and Luca from Luca 
and the center point of course is none other than the House of Mouse’s own golden boy, Mickey Mouse himself 
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globaloscillations · 3 months
Rediscovering New York
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Quite a while back now we grabbed tickets to see John Oliver and Seth Meyers live in New York at the Beacon Theater. Back on March 9th we made that trip and it was our first time in New York City proper since 2015. 🤯 For this particular trip Kristen and I, because it had been so long, kind of wanted to rediscover things and get our bearings on our own terms. It's fair to say though that it won't take us almost another almost entire decade to make it back. Though it pains the 'Boston is better rivalry' part of my soul to fully admit it was a fun adventure and there's a lot to explore we left planning our next trip.
At least some of my mind-shift on New York is based on the fact that in a lot of the best ways it feels kind of like another country. We took the train there, there's a bustling transit network, a unique culture, lots of dining and pubs, world class cuisine (mmm bagels LOL), and a seemingly endless amount of entertainment, landmarks, museums, etc. to explore. Our trip started by hopping on the Amtrak Acela and heading down the Northeast Corridor for a quick 3 and a half hour trip, perhaps the most Europe equivalent train journey you can make in the United States. You'd be unlikely to drive it in that time with typical traffic and if you did you'd of course miss out on "train beers." 😉 As a transit nerd aside one nice thing about the BOS-NYC section of the Northeast Corridor is it has some of the fastest sections of track on the whole corridor (except you Connecticut come on get with the program!). We emerged into the new 'Moynihan Train Hall' Amtrak's primary station in New York City (more on that later) and made our way to the cab stand for a short ride to our hotel in Chelsea.
We had more extensive plans from Saturday evening but by the time we made it to our hotel room and got settled the rain had started teeming down and we didn't really have the appetite for traipsing across the city. So we made our way to the 'Barcade' located a few doors down from our hotel. Apparently these are a chain across at least the NYC are and they're a lot like what they sound like. Overall the beer selection was good with a bunch of craft beer options on draught and the selections of games was fairly solid as well. There were classics like Frogger, Galaga, Ms. Pacman to pretty wild things like Sega Time Travler, Tron DISCs, and a Trivial Pursuit in arcade cabinet form. For me the highlights were a version of Tapper with the proper Budweiser branding both on the cabinet and in game as well as the Asteroids & Lunar Lander with the proper vector displays. To me the most unique thing I saw was an Apollo 13 pinball game which was very well themed and instead of having the standard pull to shoot the ball it had a replica of the Apollo Command Module abort handle that you had to twist to launch the ball, very unique. Overall we had fun imbibing, vibing, enjoying some above average nachos, and alternating between our favorite games. All in all a pretty solid date night we'd have to work harder than walking a few doors down to achieve at home. I certainly forget at times the convenience of city level density, not that it doesn't come with its inconveniences to.
Sunday morning we headed uptown and stopped for what else? BAGELS! I got in the epic line to order and it took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at in the display cooler...cream cheese like I've never seen it. Mountains of it in flavors I wouldn't have dared to imagine. Pretty wild honestly. 🤯 I placed our order and took a seat at the table Kristen had found. After a few minutes a guy came over not sure if he was the owner, manager, or just MC it is apparently a thing most legit bagel places in Manhattan have someone out on the floor to kind of keep order, mingle with tourists like us, direct traffic, add some local flavor to the experience, etc. He asked where we were from and told us an amusing story about a family that had been down from Massachusetts not long ago and were very hesitant to reveal their origin. LOL. He was like "Hey own it!" Absolutely. Honestly I've never had a hostile reaction to being in NY and from the Boston area. Maybe some good natured ribbing but I'll be the first to admit there ain't much of a Sox/Yankees rivalry these days and that's in favor of the Yankees with the Red Sox lagging the last several seasons.
After some delicious bagels, no one does it better than NY, we headed over to the Museum of Art and Design for an exhibit they've been running on Taylor Swift's various concert attire, outfits, fashion, artifacts. The collection was donated and curated by Swift herself. It's always interesting to see the genuine article for stuff like that. After the museum we headed back downtown to our hotel and as Kristen had some work to finish up I went the next block over to Smithfield Hall which is a soccer pub in NY and often home to Manchester United fans in NY area. Sadly United weren't playing but I caught the tail end of the Liverpool/City game and had a beer so I could say I did.
By this point it was time to head to dinner. I'd picked a place I thought looked good and we hopped a cab. Unfortunately when we got there it was apparently trivia night and there were no tables. My suburban proclivities were caught of guard by the concept of a trivia night on a Sunday but hey who am I to judge the customs of another culture? Since the place happened to have a Cask Ale on I had one before we headed up the street to a different pub and were seated quickly without issue. I had a solid steak sandwich and ended up partaking in another unusual custom of this different culture something known as "happy hour?" Apparently the custom involves drinks being discounted, sometimes heavily, to draw in patrons at times when business might otherwise be slow. Truly this is a foreign custom! (Aside: I kid but for those not in the know Massachusetts has outlawed happy hour since the 1970s. There was an accident involving an attractive young woman being tragically killed in a drunk driving incident and people had had enough. It is not, as commonly thought, a Puritan thing but it does fit with that narrative. There have been some efforts to revive it but change around anything alcohol related takes time lots of time here in Massachusetts.)
Time for the main event, or at least rationale for this trip in the first place, some stand-up courtesy of John Oliver and Seth Meyers. I don’t think they need any introduction. John Oliver was up first and his set was more or less in the lane I would have expected. What I was most impressed by though is the absolute effortlessness and lightness he proceeded through his set with it. It was impressive and not unexpected but fun to see from a master practitioner of the art. Seth was up next and had a great set as well. His material was more centered on family and parenting vs. the well trodden path of ‘Closer-Look’ segments. Still a very funny set and fun to witness. Afterwards the two teamed up for a Q&A that was definitely worth staying for despite their insistence that all were free to leave and probably should (😂). Perhaps the best review/summation of the evening was Kristen who said as we were leaving “I’m pretty sure I just laughed for two hours straight.” I don’t disagree.
So here’s the thing reader... As travelers we aren’t great at the ‘last day’ of a trip. Monday morning we headed of for some bagels (obvi) and the made our way down to checkout some shopping in the area of the hotel. Sadly one of the places we were hoping to check-in on was the LEGO store and it wasn’t open. Also unfortunate the iconic Flat Iron building is currently covered in scaffolding. Which is a theme I thought about a few times over the course of the trip was how much work it is to maintain the iconic landmark buildings in and among all the new construction. Personally I’m glad the effort is made because there’s nothing I love more than some 1930s Art Deco architecture. The LEED certified glass monstrosities that Boston seems to throw up if it gets the chance just feel so uninspired in comparison. On our very wind walk back to the hotel we spied the Empire State Building poking out every so often and I thought about what it’d be like trying to dock a Zeppelin to the top in those winds! (Aside: the design of the Empire State Building was such that at Zeppelins might dock to the top of the building and man would that have been absolutely amazing to see!)
After making our way back to the hotel in the crazy wind we decided that we didn’t really have a strong plan for the rest of the day. With our train being at 5pm we could probably have made more use of the day but with the wind and lack of planning we didn’t have a strong sense of what we’d do. We ended up making our way over to Moynihan Train Hall and grabbing a couple of day passes to Amtrak’s “Metropolitan Lounge.” The passes are $50 bucks a day for the NYC lounge and you get a spacious private lounge that lover looks the train hall, a buffet of food and non-alcoholic drinks, private cash bar, and pre-boarding of your train. All in all it didn’t feel like that bad a deal especially when we got a private escort right on to the train platform a good 15 minutes before everyone else. This made an already pretty hassle free experience of boarding the train (vs. any commercial airline experience in the US) pretty much sublime.
We spend a fair bit of the day looking out over the relatively new (apparently it has been 3 years?!) Moynihan Train Hall the primary arrival in NYC for Amtrak trains traveling the Northeast Corridor. Honestly the facility is impressive and apparently at one point in time was the primary mail sorting facility for the USPS in New York. The impression the openness and architecture provides on first arrival in my opinion rivals most of what I’ve experienced in the UK or Europe. A realization that comes with a twinge of frustration because it takes so much to get big infrastructure projects over the finish line in this country but look at the result when we do! When they happen, all to rarely, they’re a reminder that we can achieve things worthy of the greatness we like to ascribe to the fragile experiment we call America. Then it was time for the rain ride home which was the same relatively three hour trip but no quite as fun. Did get to spend a minute looking out at the gridlock on I-95 from the bar car though.
It was a fun mini-trip and we hope to do it a fair bit more in the future explore some more and hopefully meet-up with friends in the are on subsequent trips!
“New York is not a city, it’s a world.” – Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958)
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kostenlose-pc-spiele · 5 months
GTA 5 kostenlose
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GTA 5 ist der fünfte vollwertige Teil der äußerst beliebten Actionspielserie, für deren Entwicklung das Studio Rockstar North in Zusammenarbeit mit Take Two Interactive verantwortlich ist. Der Schauplatz von Grand Theft Auto V ist die fiktive Stadt Los Santos, die Los Angeles nachempfunden ist.
GTA 5 Handlung
GTA 5 spielt in der großen offenen Stadt Los Santos, wo drei ungewöhnliche Charaktere ein gefährliches Leben führen. Der ehemalige Räuber Michael führt ein ruhiges Leben, bis er eines Tages seine Frau dabei erwischt, wie sie ihn mit einem Tennislehrer betrügt. Aus Wut zerstört er die Villa seiner Geliebten, doch es stellt sich heraus, dass sie einem der Drogenbarone gehörte. Michael hat keine andere Wahl, als zu seinem alten Beruf zurückzukehren und ein Juweliergeschäft auszurauben. Der Einbruch erregt jedoch die Aufmerksamkeit seines ehemaligen Partners Trevor Philips, der ihn findet und überredet, wieder mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten. Zu den beiden Protagonisten gesellt sich ein Junge aus dem Ghetto, Franklin, der schnell ein großes Vermögen machen will.
GTA 5 Gameplay
Während des Spiels in Grand Theft Auto V steuern wir alle drei Charaktere - wir können jederzeit zwischen ihnen wechseln (abgesehen von den Story-Missionen, die bestimmte Rollen vorgeben) und so den Ort des Geschehens verändern. Bei dem Spiel müssen verschiedene Aufgaben erfüllt werden, wobei Raubüberfälle am beliebtesten sind. Bevor wir einen bestimmten Raub durchführen können, müssen wir mehrere kleinere Aufgaben erledigen, wie zum Beispiel die Beschaffung der notwendigen Ausrüstung. Dann heuern wir Helfer an, entscheiden uns für eine von zwei Aktionsmethoden und machen uns an die Arbeit. Neben den Story-Missionen haben sich die Entwickler auch um viele kleinere Aufgaben gekümmert. Diese bleiben jedoch nicht auf der Strecke, da sie uns oft neue Informationen über die Hauptfiguren liefern. All dies spielt sich in der Stadt Los Santos ab. Es handelt sich um eine riesige Metropole, die aus mehr als 250.000 Bildern von Los Angeles und der Umgebung erstellt wurde. Die Entwickler beschränkten sich jedoch nicht auf das städtische Gebiet, in dem es an Wolkenkratzern und modernen Wohnsiedlungen nicht mangelt. Während des Spiels erkunden wir auch Vororte, gehen zum Pier oder tauchen im Meer. Wir erreichen die verschiedenen Orte mit unterschiedlichen Fahrzeugen. Am häufigsten werden natürlich Autos verwendet, die in verschiedene Kategorien eingeteilt werden - Personenwagen, Rennwagen, Geländewagen usw. Außerdem steht dem Fliegen eines Hubschraubers, dem Fahrradfahren oder dem Steuern eines Bathyscaphs nichts im Wege. Bei allen Missionen verdienen wir natürlich Geld, das wir in den örtlichen Geschäften für Kleidung und Waffen ausgeben. Wenn wir reich genug sind, können wir in eine der verfügbaren Immobilien investieren oder uns selbst ein Geschenk in Form eines teuren Sportwagens machen. Darüber hinaus wird das Spielgeschehen durch eine Reihe von Minispielen wie Tennis, Golf und Bowling variiert. Die Entwickler ermöglichen auch Yoga-Training, Computer-Hacking und mehr.
Grand Theft Auto V ist in zwei separate Einheiten unterteilt - Einzel- und Mehrspieler. Im ersten Fall nehmen wir an der bereits erwähnten Story-Kampagne teil, durchstreifen die Stadt auf der Suche nach Funden und Geheimnissen, erfüllen Nebenmissionen und so weiter. Der Mehrspielermodus namens GTA Online hingegen verzichtet auf eine Top-Down-Story und ermöglicht ein ungehindertes, sandkastenartiges Gameplay, bei dem wir zum Mafia-Boss werden, an Rennen, Raubüberfällen, einem Tron-ähnlichen Motorradmodus und mehr teilnehmen können. Mehr darüber erfahren Sie in unserer Enzyklopädie. GTA 5 kostenlose download! Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
The sun has come up with another idea and we want to put some other stuff out there first. It's kind of laughing so I'm the same line but really what he knows is pretty intense and people are now saying it this guy is on it means he's going after it and he needs a lot more cover he says so they want to do it because he's saying that. I'll get you cover your dumb m*********** that was Mac and I sense is walking along with just a skeleton as a torso and part of his shoulders and head we do know what that means I wonder if it was this tire killer and it was Hera he says she's an egotarian. The Lafayette saying she's an egotarian Giant and she says I'm not 9 ft or 10 ft I'm like 9 ft 6 or 9 ft 7 right now and growing quite steadily thank you and I'm growing outward more I'm going to be like you Mr chunky I'll be misses chunky and you can make fun of me you say and it's true. You can see that other people might be my race up here that's very nice.
And that was Hera trying again in a few things.
And we have a few things going on also but first his idea and challenge to all of you who play video games and it's a tournament and it will end with VR and it will be Pokemon style VR and it's a compilation of games games that are VR games that are not VR 3D games and more but they're all tournament style and you have to accrue points and a crew hardware and a crew troops and at the end you are invited to compete in a massive global tournament those will have all of the top level starring games for a final round on each game such as starcraft Warcraft Star wars Star Trek Battlestar Galactica War of the worlds Lord of the rings dungeons and dragons and many other title games even fast and furious type games and there's a famous One and all of them become VR 3D and lots of them you have to be in a vehicle or a motorcycle to play and you will have a team your team has to go with you to the finals and we are saying a team of eight and she agrees and it's awesome it's going to be destiny 2 because it means it's our destiny as well. And everybody is going to compete it's qualified meaning if you play the game and you win then you're in you don't have to be a scholar you don't have to have a PhD or you don't have to be a policeman or anything you just have to win the games and you have to cruise ships and firepower armies in the world's largest tournament a video games ever created in history the final tournament will be held at a humongous facility not yet chosen and it ends with destiny 2 is the final. We're going to work hard at creating huge tournaments and Pokemon is one of them and it's an example of what the finale will be like right up front in the beginning for younger kids is available the finale format several games are forming into it like Tron and others but the finale is going to be intense okay there's going to be a lot of stuff going on you're going to have to do major major battles and they're going to be in 3D and hologramic and they're going to be there for people to see and there's going to be a huge audience in an arena style setting and a massive arena and there's going to be 3D imagery of your fleets and if your army is fighting and different battles and you're going to have to walk around and command your troops and you're going to have to command your unit to do certain maneuvers and you're going to have to run your fleets and yeah you're going to be down there as Giants and you can't physically fight each other but you have certain types of weaponry which you can use on each other they're like laser tag and it seems to hide behind and so forth like planets and the 3D but it works meaning their hologramic and you can float and you'll be floating and flying and we have a way of doing that too that's harmless to you. And yes I designed the ring and it's going to be intense it's like the X-Men training room and nobody has ever seen anything like this but those training rooms can be made real and we're going to start making them and selling them and you can fly around in them and it's the imitation of you wearing the iron Man gear respond like that too it's a danger room and a lot of people want to get into it she said I want when I want to check it out and stuff so we sent her two and she dismantled one and she put it back together and she is using the one she dismantled and she gave the other one to a friend and her still's work still works and she's flying around in it and she's fighting and she's moving and she's waiting and losing and there's a game setting you can have more than one player and we are going to make stadiums for people to do this and I'm going to start my game as the Harry Potter game it's going to be so famous it's going to hurt
Thor Freya
You don't know called I guess you do and that was Jerry Chase senior who did that to you guys to hurt your mom
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solairelights-blog · 7 years
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Guys I think we broke the internet.
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fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
Submas AU Masterpost
Feel free to use/do anything with my ideas (as long as you credit me for the au or inspiration or whatevs. I'm not stressed about it.)
These are my babies. My asks are always open!
Mirror AU:
Even separated by time and space, Emmet and Ingo somehow manage to match each other in more ways than just their appearances. It's entirely accidental... Until half a year after Ingo's disappearance when they realize that they can see each other in mirrors. From then on, they are a lot more hopeful about their futures. Nimbasa City, however, is not hopeful as the Subway Boss speedruns a transformation from a poor little meow meow to a full blown cryptid.
Prophet and Heretic AU:
Before he can join the Pearl Clan, Ingo goes to the rift on Mount Coronet for answers. Palkia and Dialga are too busy throwing hands to hear. Arceus does, though, and oh geez he should have thought things through before appearing before a mortal. By the time Ingo recovers from his holy fainting spell, he has all his memories back, spooky god powers, and a new headmate. At least Arceus promised to return him home in return for completing some quest to save the world...
Centuries in the future, a very lonely and remorseful Giratina approaches Emmet with a deal.
Paper Lantern AU:
When Ingo gets torn from his own time, he gets torn from his body as well. With nothing but his human soul, he possesses a paper lantern and invents a regional variant of Chandelure. His ace would be so proud. Meanwhile, Emmet is left with Ingo's alive but verrry much comatose body.
Ditto Emmet AU:
I just wanted to hit one of the boys with a shape shifter beam and Emmet is my favorite. A lot fun shape shifter things here. Like family fluff and body horror! And also Emmet copying the incarnation of time itself, hehehe-
Ghost Train AU (Danny Phantom Crossover):
The Distortion World is really just the Pokemon world's name for their version of the Ghost Zone. Ingo and Dawn get eaten up by a couple of natural portals, and two newly formed halfas arrive in Hisui a year apart. Arceus won't touch ghost child Akari with a ten-foot pole, but it all works out in the end anyways because Akari can't not help the nobles, and the Distortion World/Ghost Zone is a great medium for traversing time and space.
Submas Fusion AU:
Ingo and Emmet went to hisui together, but the distortion world said they can't have nice things. A man with no idea who or what he is woke up in a black and white coat in the coronet highlands, with only a handful of Joltik to protect him. He couldn't remember his name, but E and I came to mind. So, he guesses his name is Ei now...
Gear Session:
Homestuck au!
Arceus found a copy of Sburb in the Pokemon world and thought "that's not good" and sent the Nimbasa trio plus Akari on a mission to destroy the incipisphere from the inside out. No reckoning destroying the earth or frog breeding here, but there is a lot of temporary death. You know. Prototyping dream selves and questbeds and all that.
Fluff and Scales AU:
Hybrid au, but Ingo and Emmet are legendary hybrids.
Ingo and Emmet were born with black and white dragon wings. No one recognized them, so it was chalked up to a couple undiscovered species of pokemon and life continued as normal. But Drayden always suspected there was something more to them than that.
His suspicions were confirmed during the Team Plasma invasion, after which everyone and their mother knew what the dragons of legend looked like. And anyone who had ever been to Nimbasa could recognize the white fluff and black scales.
Also featuring Arceus hybrid Jackie and Absol hybrid Beni.
Tron AU:
Ingo got eebied to the grid instead of Hisui! He runs around the computer systems of Unova for about a month thinking he's a program, until he finds Gear station. The train autopilot programs, called ATOs, help their poor amnesiac User remember who he is, while someone unexpected brings Emmet into the digital world to help.
Thrice is a Pattern:
There were three skyfallers in Hisui. The first was an accident. The second was a failed rescue attempt. The third was the one who saved them all. Trainer Dawn never makes it back home after entering the distortion world, ending up in Hisui instead. Ingo is sent to the past to make it right, but he forgets his mission before he can even start. It's up to Lucas, now.
Kabaneri au:
Crossover with Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress! Instead of frenzies, Giratina unleashes a corruption on Hisui that turns people and pokemon into mindless zombies called Kabane. Arceus sends Dawn to cleanse the region, and promises she will be immune to the curse. He fails to mention that to do so, he will have to take away her humanity first.
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
I'd like to ask for your full critique-analysis-review on MCU!Wanda's new uniform. Do you think think Andy Park drew inspiration from Wanda's costumes from the comic books? Which ones? What is your opinion on that hood and the circuit patterns on the cape?
You guys, I hate this costume so much. As these things often go, the concept art looks much better than the final product, but I’m just baffled by this design. The silhouette and structure feel suited to a fantasy-inspired character, but the textures, materials and motifs speak to the body suits and tactical gear we’ve seen on more conventional superheroes. I assume that was intentional, but I don’t see why it was necessary, and I certainly don’t think it was successful. 
WandaVision establishes that witches are a distinct type of magic practitioner, and that the “Scarlet Witch” is a special type of witch who is spoken of in ancient magical texts. Wanda is transformed into her full costume only after she embraces chaos magic and... I don’t know, just decides to claim the Scarlet Witch identity after spending a whole episode insisting that she won’t. It was a confusing scene. The point is that Wanda’s transformation is supposed to represent her joining the world of magic and witchcraft, but the character design does not fit in at all with that world or the characters who populate it. Agatha is shown wearing an outfit which, while hideous in its own right, would have been at home on the set of Doctor Strange, and her late mother is seen manifesting a magical crown similar to Wanda’s trademark tiara. The MCU has developed a clear aesthetic for magical characters, but insists on dressing Wanda in a weird futuristic bodice with ugly leggings. Honestly, she’s more believable as a modern witch in that red coat from Infinity War.
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I actually quite like the silhouette, and I think it would make a perfectly serviceable Wanda costume if it were made out of different materials. This looks stiff, uncomfortable, and frankly a little cheap-- especially the crown and the bit around the neckline, which both look like they were made hastily on a 3D printer. I’d reimagine it as a sleeveless jacket with a long train made out of a textured silk (that might actually give some some form, unlike the limp butt-cape), and fitted black wool trousers with lacing down the sides. Take off the chevrons and Tron lines, and just give her some cool jewelry. Alternatively, we could mimic Agatha’s billowing, flowy fabrics and give her a black bodice with gold detailing, and a layered skirt made out red crepe or organza that would just float behind her, and be open in the front for her leggings and boots.
I dunno, just some concepts! Just some ideas! 
I can see where Park might have been pulling details from the comics. Long gloves have always been a staple in Wanda’s wardrobe, and her fitted trousers/boots situation remind me a lot of this look from late-90s Avengers.
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The overall design actually reminds me a lot of this look, from Avengers: The Crossing-- the understated headpiece, bare shoulders, and fitted top with a long train over black leggings and tall boots...
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... combined with this short-lived outfit from Uncanny Avengers.
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But the real tea is that MCU Wanda is a dead ringer for this 2019 design from a mobile phone game called Marvel Super War. I mean, it’s practically the same costume.
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As for the cloak-- she has worn something similar in the past, but it felt really out of place in the brief appearance it made on WV. The fabric was once again limp, and she looked kind of silly flying away with that hood on-- it’s gonna come off in the wind anyways, girl! The circuit pattern made no sense, but I guess they really want her to have some sort of cyber motif. I don’t know anymore.
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General FAQ
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(Last Updated: January 10, 2022)
What is this zine about?
This zine, or tribute, is to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tron: Uprising’s release. Tron: Uprising ran for 1 season on Disney XD (but is available to stream now on Disney+) from May 18, 2012 to January 28, 2013 and is set in the world of the Grid, between the events of Tron (1982) and Tron: Legacy (2010). The series follows a young program named Beck as he takes on the mantle of Tron, under his guidance and training, to start a revolution in hopes that it will free his home, Argon City.
Are there any other social medias for this zine?
As of right now, no. Tumblr is the only social media this zine has and would still be the first place news/updates are posted regarding this project.
How will this zine be distributed?
This is going to be a digital only zine. A physical release is not planned for this zine, which also means extra goodies (or merch) like stickers or pins are not planned either. However, this zine is also planned to be completely free to access and view.
What is the application process going to be like?
Since this zine is meant to be for anybody to join in and contribute, there will be no application period. Everybody who indicates on the interest form they want to be a contributor will automatically be welcomed as one.
What if I found out about this zine after the interest form closed and want to be a contributor?
This will most likely be handled on a case by case basis. There is not a definitive answer right now, but the earlier you reach out, the more likely you will be brought aboard as a contributor.
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phoenixglobalblog · 3 years
The New Oracle Project, Phoenix Global
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Businesses and developers need an agile, scalable, and decentralized solution for deploying the next generation of consumer applications. Internet businesses are exploring more innovative and creative ways of satisfying today’s data-driven tech consumers. 
The onset of blockchains, cryptocurrencies and emerging technologies in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has transitioned internet consumers from the standard Web 2.0 to the present Web 3.0. The former emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture, and interoperability. On the other hand, Web 3.0 helps build and deploy more actionable, intelligent, connected, and open products. 
Phoenix Global is a platform that aims to do just that by deploying the next generation of decentralized consumer applications that are scalable, usable, and interconnected. Outstanding features of the platform include native blockchain bridges to the following blockchains; Solana, NEO, Binance Smart Chain, Tron, and Ethereum. 
The Phoenix Oracle is an outstanding feature that will come in handy when deploying enterprise dApp and DeFi use cases. You will find single-node data validation and on-chain agnostics that will finally make public blockchains interoperable. Federated learning ensures machines can learn about data using a unique training algorithm that teaches the blockchain more about data models. What would be the use of data in the decentralized environment if machines cannot learn and act upon the data? Simply federated learning is the decentralized form of machine learning. 
A significant application of the ecosystem is linking existing blockchains to real-world asset prices via Phoenix Oracles. This is in addition to supporting federated learning for AI and ML implementation of large datasets.
The Phoenix Global platform has a native token called the Phoenix Global token (PHB). This token functions as the primary incentive, powering access and payments within the platform. PHB token was initially designed on the NEO blockchain and had a supply of 3.5 Billion tokens. The token market capitalization has already hit $31.97 Million and is ranked at position 548 globally. 
Features and benefits of the PHB Oracle
Phoenix Global platform has an in-built connectivity bridge to real-world data. These will enable businesses and dApp developers to connect their products to outside datasets and systems quickly and conveniently through the proprietary integration middleware. 
The platform enables multiple sidechains to separate enterprise-level data points from the mainnet. Developers can scale their applications through these sidechains. 
The two-fold consensus functionally comes in handy when transferring assets to and from the mainnet and side networks. The main benefits are boosting performance, efficiency, and agility when deploying consumer-based decentralized applications. 
dApp developers can store certain objects of their products off-chain through PHB’s multi-layered smart contracts feature. This brings more flexibility, ease, and scalability when deploying smart contracts. 
Phoenix Global has an inbuilt data transaction engine that connects to a blockchain-based virtual machine to boost B2C transactions and enforce a trustless environment. Besides, the protocols also boost consumer data ownership, privacy, decentralized, encrypted data storage, and security across the platform. 
Benefits of the Phoenix Global Oracle project
Phoenix Global powers the real economy by bridging real-world assets to blockchains. The platform unlocks more value for such assets and derives the full potential of actionable asset data such as price feeds. 
Phoenix Oracle is built on the Binance Smart Chain, bringing more scalability, security, and robustness.
The platform deploys blockchain agnostic-cross blockchain bridges. 
Phoenix Global brings diverse blockchain coverage with applications cutting across various retail, financial services, lifestyle and luxury, travel, and automotive industries. The project can be used across marketing departments, customer relations management, customer experience, artificial intelligence, and consumer data.
Conclusion: A solution for the next generation of decentralized applications
The main focus of the Phoenix Global platform is to bridge the gap between decentralized blockchain and the real-world economy. Particularly given that most of the decentralized economy is based on virtual assets rather than physical assets. PHB founders envisioned unleashing the value of these physical assets by providing alternative data such as price feeds and helping developers deploy data-driven and actionable consumer applications.
Blockchain Powering the Next Generation of Consumer Applications. More Private. More Interactive. More Connected. Join Phoenix.Global.
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