#forsaken role swap
Screw it. Decided to come up with my own personal general Cayde-6 Reverse Forsaken HCs -The divergence is simple: Cayde goes after the inmates while The Guardian stays with the control center, and ends up pulling a Cayde and bringing it down-Cayde's a bad influence after all. -Things go as you'd expect-the YW does well, then they don't. They make the fateful mistake of taking Ghost out. And they get shot with their own gun. -I kind of imagine they are far less accepting of their final moments than Cayde was. Cayde had been a Guardian for several centuries. The Wolf? Only four years. Might not have put on a brave face like Cayde did, and instead were scared of their impending death. -And so, The Young Wolf, the godslayer, and possibly the greatest and most powerful Guardian in history-dies on the floor of that prison, barley 4 years after they were rezzed. -And Cayde? Let's just say this whole thing breaks him. -Now, how 'well' Cayde takes it depends on your Guardian's relationship with your Guardian-be it mentor-student, friends, or even lovers. I'm gonna say for the sake of this their friends, but note that the closer Cayde was with the YW, the worse he spirals. -It was what happened to Andal all over again.
-Now, Cayde blames himself big time. Not least of all because he brought the barons into custody in the first place. He had been merciful. And it had gotten his friend killed. Well not this time. -At the funeral, Cayde tells Zavala to shove his 'no revenge' talk up his ass. He was coming back with Uldren's head on a silver platter, with or without the rest of the Vanguard's support. He wanted to do nothing after their hero was murdered? Fine. but Cayde wasn't gonna sit this one out. Not this time. -Speaking of, part of me thinks Cayde might have a heated argument with Zavala before he leaves. And it gets ugly. Like, real ugly. Cayde's grieving and pissed at Zavala for being such a coward in his eyes. And he's gonna pull every cruel insult and jab in the book at him. He comes to regret it later of course. And he does eventually apologize and try to make it up to Zavala. But for now, their friendship is in the gutter. -Anyways Cayde heads to the Shore -He has far less patience for Spider's little 'quid pro quo' deal. He makes it clear either Spider can give him the information he wants, or Cayde can squeeze it out of him. -Cayde during Forsaken is almost an entirely different person. Sure he might crack a quiet, half-hearted joke here or there, but those are just fleeting moments. For the most part though? He acts like a ruthlessly efficient yet brutal killing machine. When Cayde catches the Barons one by one, he shows not a shred of mercy. Petra and Sundance see this...and it freaking unerves them to see Cayde shift so drastically. -Eventually Cayde catches up with Uldren. -And let's just say Uldren doesn't get an easy death and leave it at that. -Cayde returns to the Tower. -Given the whole storming the reef without orders thing, and given how brutally he dispatched Uldren and the Barons, there's a good chance he ends up getting removed from the Vanguard-In a cruel twist of fate, Cayde finally gets to be free of the Tower...at the cost of the Wolf. -Following all of that, Cayde heads back to the Shore, hunting the remaining Scorn as part of some unhealthy coping mechanism. -It's there where he runs into Crow
-Cayde's pretty bitter about the whole thing. He knows it's not Uldren and he logically shouldn't be mad at him for that but...it just isn't fair. -That being said, while he may or may not be Vanguard anymore, Crow's still a fellow Hunter. -So when learns of Crow's 'employment' to Spider...it takes every fiber of his being not to just go up and shoot the kingpin. -He does however make it clear that if Spider doesn't take the bomb off Glint and let Crow go he wouldn't hesitate to slaughter him and his gang off the face of the Reef. Given that Cayde would've likely developed a fearsome reputation due to his actions with the Scorn Barons, Spider would damn well know he wasn't bluffing. You don't fuck with Cayde's Hunters on his watch. -Eventually, Cayde warms up to Crow. And slowly but surely, he starts to come out of the shell he'd been hiding in since Forsaken. -I kinda think Cayde would take up the YW's mantle of Godslayer alongside Crow. Two Hunters kicking ass and taking names. That's all I have for this. If you like any of ideas and want to use them for your own AU, feel free.
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https-furina · 9 months
ft. kaeya x gn!reader
angst, no comfort, character death, not proofread.
i’ll format, name, etc. this another time.
love doesn’t seem to be easy to come by for him. he’s spent years chasing after traces upon traces of love, clinging to the feeling that one day he’ll feel that pathetic warmth once again. dumped in mondstadt with seemingly no recollection of his family, his home; where he belongs.
crepus and that red haired little boy took him under their wing without so much as battering an eyelid. they housed him, raised him and didn’t even consider any alterior motives. they treated him as their own; brother and son. he grimaces at the thought of crepus’ ponytail that diluc takes after so much, the rough red stubble on his pale face that scratched kaeya’s soft baby cheeks whenever they hugged.
that night flashes in the dark of his eyelids whenever they close shut for the night after a long day at the knights of favonius’ headquarters. the metallic tang of blood, the waft of the smoke from the fatuus’ bullets and the fresh soil dampened by the rain. he recalls it all, his brows furrowing when he sees diluc huddled by crepus’ body.
he’d been too late.
when he started loving you, trusting you enough to bring you close enough past the cocky façade he puts up in public, you saw his quieter moments when he’s head deep in paperwork, no longer throwing flirtatious comments in your direction or when that forsaken day rolls back around and he thrashes in his sleep, pulling the covers of himself and crying out for his father, the only one he knew - crepus.
he swore he’d never be too late again.
thunder roars overhead and this scenario is all too familiar, except some roles have swapped. he kneels in the wet mud, not caring for the cleanliness of his attire as he clutches your body close. the familiar dark clothing of his brother stands not too far away, illuminated by the flashes of lightning. the rain soaks their hair, sticking it to their skin.
his tears blend with the rain, trickling down his face in glittering trails on his tanned skin as he stuffs his nose into your hair. your scent is fading, being overwhelmed by the rain. kaeya’s sword lays discarded in the mud not too far away, glittering with the blood of treasure hoarders as diluc too drops his claymore limply.
he truly believed he got to see his brother happy again. he could make the effort himself and try fix their relationship but he knows now that it’ll be like putting a shattered bowl together with a bandage. his heart plummets into the pits of his body as ruby eyes see his younger self in kaeya.
days later, diluc offers kaeya a room at the winery again. the first act of many planned ones to try feel like brothers again and kaeya accepts. it’s quiet but even adelinde is glad to see that young blue haired boy wandering aimlessly around the winery once more.
and it’s diluc now who shuffles into his brother’s bed to hold his shaking form as he thrashes in his sleep, crying your name. calloused hands pull his brother close, tears stinging his eyes as he tries to be brave for him - just like when they were boys.
in the end, they only have each other, don’t they?
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strqyr · 10 months
I think, Salem, is a wonderful gal yknow, she's seen the rise and fall of humanity, the good and bad, I think if all of humanity needs a villain to hate, she'll take that role. Is she bringing back the gods, to finally die, or is she ready to remove them, what good has the gods done to her and her people, all of them lived a life forsaken. I have no idea what I'm mumbling about here, but basically everyone in the rwby fandom hates Salem because she's a woman with a mixed moral compass, and thus must been seen as a bitch, she's 'evil' so she must of course have all these flaws, but in reality, remove the context and compare her to Oz, and you'll find similarities, if the genders were swapped, I think Salem would have been someone the fandom praises, for being a hot immortal man
i've been along this ride since day 1 and lemme tell ya, at this point it's mostly just funny to watch the absolute pretzels people will twist themselves into to "prove" their point, like.
salem (allegedly, can't exactly say for certain at this point of time) lying to her followers about her true goal is manipulative, but ozpin lying about salem being immortal, the actual reason he was made to reincarnate by light, and the true nature of this war (it's unwinnable y'all) isn't. he's just some guy :( he has trust issues, of course he wouldn't trust team rwby with everything right off the bat even when yang made it clear that she'd follow him as long as there were no more lies and half-truths... eh, qrow branwen? never heard of him! yeah he's made some missteps but he learns from his mistakes!!... let's just ignore how he's been running in circles for who knows how long. he's doing his best :( and he cares about people :( that makes everything he does actually okay, right? at least, you shouldn't bring his mistakes or fucked up things up or blame him! that's bashing :(
salem though. what a bitch, she should have accepted the death of the only person in her life who truly cared about her (pyrrha and penny though, they're coming back any day now, even if it's in someone else's head). it's not like watching humanity get wiped out and the utter solitude she would have lived in for thousands, hell, millions of years afterwards would have some effect on a person. no sir, she's always been mean and manipulative and evil and have you considered her father kept her locked up since she was a baby for a reason????
the last part about her father is a hyperbole... i think. i hope.
anyway. the double standards are funny.
there's also the aspect of people taking a simple statement like "salem isn't planning the destruction of the world and instead wants to fight the gods and this is a good thing bc the gods are the main problem here", read way too much into it and end up turning it into "so you think salem's the actual good guy and oz is the villain???" and it's like. no one said that but you. like, man...
my dog has a better reading comprehension than this, and he's five months old and chews walls. c'mon.
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ivyprism · 6 months
Masterlist 23
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
Angels Fall Dreamtale Gods Facts (Info)
Tails (My Skeleton Boys)
Skeleton Boys and Skelesonas: Relationship (Summaries)
Sona and Skeletons: Relationship (Summaries)
Spruce Farmfell: Singer
Dating Sim MCs: OCs (Info Dump)
Diletta: Canon Fight Winner (Dating Sim AU)
The Flirtiest Sona (Marguerite)
Names (Angel and Datura)
Names (Lycoris)
New Description (Old AU: Swap Papyrus and Fell Papyrus)
My Old Rewritten Swapfell and Fellswap AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old AU Rewritten: Horrortale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrotale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Tragedies of my Old AUs: The Others (Info)
My Old AU Theme Songs (Info Dump)
Farmswapfell Amethyst and Farmfellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrorfell and Farmhorrorswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrortale, Farmhorrorswap, and Farmhorrorfell Sonas (Info Dump)
The Villains and Heroes: Dreamtale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OC (Info Dump)
The Timekeeper's Domain and the Forsaken Forest (Angels Fall Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OCs (Info Dump)
The Ages: Deities of Time and Timekeepers
Heights Part 12 (The Cursed Trio)
Additional Sona Appearance Facts!
My Old AU Sonas: Rewritten and New (Info Dump)
Ink Fellswap Papyrus, Ink Swapfell Papyrus, Error Swap Papyrus, and Error Fell Papyrus (Info Dump)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Personas (Info Dump)
Seers (Worldbuilding)
Dreamtale Ivy and Ink Hydrangea (Info Dump)
Equinox AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Fun Fact (Luminus, Tenebrous, and Equinox AU)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Skelesonas (Revamp Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas: Revamped (Info Dump)
Cursed Skelesona (Info Dump)
Fun Fact (Dreamtale/Swap Fun Fact)
Dreamtale Playlists
Dream Walker Personas (Info Dump)
Dreamfell: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Masked Shadow and the Lost Spirit (Info Dump)
The Veiled Guardian and the Flowery Weapon: Sonas (Info Dump)
Stories Written:
The Deep Galaxy and the Deep Sea (Archemoros x Boronia)
When Deities at War... (Archemoros x Boronia)
I Hate You (Swapfell Amethyst Sona Backstory)
Bad Apple (Idea Thingy)
Keep Your Friends Close (Lyric Thingy Short)
In Need of a Little Comfort (Ivy x Honeycomb) // vent-ish
Undertale Underverse Opening: Creator Rambles
Tusche and Lenovo (Info Dump: Backstory)
The Cursed Beings: Manticore (Elpis x Reader)
The Cursed Beings: Mantidrake (Benoit x Reader)
The Cursed Beings: the Negativity Dragon (Verbena x Dusk)
More Than Anything (Lyric Thingy)
I Was Wrong (Verbena Story)
Colors (Edit Audio Thingy: Syrup and Honeycomb)
Colors (Edit Audio Thingy: Marguerite and Ivy)
When There are Clouds, there is Rain (Backstory: Old AU Tale Papyrus)
A Brother's Regret (Tenebrous Backstory)
It's a Curse to be a Seer (Tenebrous Sona Backstory)
A Force to be Reckoned With (Fallen Humans: Underfell)
The First Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Everything Will Be Okay (Backstory Dreamtale: Dusk x Rivea)
The Second Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Just a Man (Quote Thingy)
Congrats, Kioko!!! (Hound x Reader)
The God and the Mortal (Archemoros x Reader)
Who's a Heretic Now? (Lyric Thing)
A Dance with Death (Dusk x Reader)
Weapon Matchup (Neilles)
Romance Headcanons (Dating Sim Love Interests)
Pranks (Dating Sim AU: Maple)
Out of their AUs? Why? What's their Goal? (Old AUs: Rewritten)
Rain, bby, where are you? (Old AU: Tale Papyrus)
The Outcodes and their Roles (Outcode AUs)
Did They Escape? (Old AUs Rewritten: Horrortale AU)
Wood (Farmhorrortale Papyrus)
No resets? (My Old AU Rewritten: Hrorortale AU)
What did Toxin Do? (My Old AUs Rewritten)
Farm Stuff (Farm AUS)
Least Favorite Chore/Task (Farm AUs)
The Story (The Displaced Protagonist and the Villainess AU)
The Lovers Cavern Gems (Worldbuilding)
The Lovers Cavern Lore (Worldbuilding)
The Moonlight Forest: Flashlights, weapons, and AU Shenanigans (Worldbuilding)
The Field of Flowers: How did the Rumors Start (Worldbuilding)
The Lake of Memories: How it works (Worldbuilding)
Angels and Demons: What are they and what do they do? (Worldbuilding Angels Fall AU)
The Underswap Variants (Multi AU)
Envy? (Honeycomb and Syrup)
Romance Headcanons (The Old AU Papyri)
What's their Origin? How did they end up as they are? (Many Ink and Error AUs)
Narava-duša-duša ženska in the World (Worldbuilding)
Tenebrous and Luminus (Worldbuilding)
Did Hepatica feel herself die? Do all seers see themselves die? Do they all feel themselves die? (Worldbuilding + Tenebrous Ivy)
Old AU Papyri: Jealous (Multiple Papyri)
Jealousy? (Main Six of Papyri)
Freetime (Nightmare Sanses)
Pets (Dreamfell Nightmare Sans)
Pranks (Dreamfell Nightmare Sans)
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darlincollins · 2 years
fanfic tag list!
(thank you for the inspiration to make one @taelonsamada !)
let me know on this post if you want to be tagged when i post or update fics, or if there's any particular series you'd like to receive updates for including:
city of angels (angel/david/sam/darlin royalty au)
strange tides (darlin/sam merperson au)
it's your god-forsaken right to be loved (david and darlin role swap)
the number you are trying to reach is not available (darlin after sam's death)
run, rabbit, run (vampire darlin)
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I know I'm oversimplifying it, but while I thought nothing much of it back then, I can't help but draw the similarities between Blade and Surge now after re-reading the arc. Their personalities just don't allow themselves to see other people's perspectives, yet they allow themselves to open up to those they consider close family. Honestly, would there even be much of a difference if they swapped places?
I can kinda see where you're getting at. They're both hotheads with sad backstories, someone they sometimes act calmly towards, and have small traces of sympathy, but one of them's a forsaken sibling who commits to a life of piracy, and the other wants to destroy everyone for reasons only they believe.
If they were to swap roles, I reckon Blade would be a much nicer partner to Kit though still very reckless and prone to anger, and Surge...god, she's gonna zap the whole ocean cause some crew member looked at her funny xD
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echosong971 · 3 years
imagine in the au, cayde got so used to having echo's void light around him in contrast to his solar that for a long time after she dies he keeps waking up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortably warm with no way of soothing that emptyness :)
Tumblr media
he turns the AC all the way up, but it doesn’t help.
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
hi, I would like your opinion on an AU) where the members of RWBYJNPR are in a post-apocalyptic situation. I say what role do you think each would have in a group of survivors? or would they form their own groups? the idea came from "Dawn of Zombies survival" a mobile game
I don’t play mobile games, for the life of me I can’t put that much time and effort into these games. Nonetheless… This does give me a chance to play a zombie apocalypse idea I’ve always had though…
Forsaken Hope
The Zombie Apocalypse. The End of the World. The The Undying Tide. A plague that spread like a fire through a dry wheat field with the force of a tidal wave. It caught humanity off guard, killing or dare say, enslaving millions to its vile cause. All feared for their lives, and the potential for the inevitable death of the human race. But, there was still hope.
Far to the north lay a fortress, the fortress town of, Forsaken Hope. Here, its inhabitants who fought against the hordes of the undead, fighting to their last breath to stem the tide. Here in their fortress city they stood as a testament of human and faunas endurance. And here, in the southwest tower of the fort, is where to brave heros who gave their all to ensure their species continued and survive these dark times shared a simple thought…
This sucked.
Jaune stood at knelt against the ramparts his hands holding a pair of binoculars as he looked over the vast spiked filled trenches that surrounded the Fortress, eyes combing the surrounding area as he looked for any signs of a potential Zombie hoard.
He did this, because it was his job, and his watch mate, Nora took forever to move her piece whenever they played chess. The watch was just as important as it was boring.
But, after what felt like eons, Nora finally moved her pawn, one space forward…
Nora: Your turn!
Jaune: Finally! Why did you take so long?!
Nora: I wanna win! You’re beating me 138 to 21! I gotta close the gap!
Jaune: Ya think you’d actually get better if we played it that much…
Nora: Shut up, and make your move, loser…
Jaune: Tell that to my, Win to Lost ratio.
Nora: Jerk…
Jaune: Sore loser…
The duo soon swapped places, Jaune pondered the board, while Nora watched the world.
Nora: …
Jaune: …
Nora: Jaune…?
Jaune: Yeah?
Nora: Do you… Do you ever wonder about zombies?
Jaune: In various manners… You looking for a particular answer, or?
Nora: Well, its just… they don’t make sense…
Jaune: How so?
Nora: Well, to kill a zombie, you have to destroy its brains.
Jaune: Yeah.
Nora: But, zombies want to kill you, and eat your brains.
Jaune: Yeah?
Nora: So… Zombies are eating us, for our brains and thus stopping us from making more zombies, because they’re killing us. But, how are their so many zombies…?
Jaune: Isn’t that just a story idea for science fiction?
Nora: So were zombies, and yet, here we are…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Good point. But, do you even know of the zombies are eating our brains…?
Nora: Then why are they attacking and eating us?
Jaune: Hormonal imbalance that’s driving them insane with ravenous unquenchable hunger?
Nora: But, why are they like that? And, rotting corpses at that?
Jaune: Secret government experiment to control the populace?
Nora: They wouldn’t do that. Right…?
Jaune: That’s how the, Reavers were made in, Firefly.
Nora: Shit that’s right! Wait, you can’t become a, Reaver if you get bitten though. You just… die. Hopefully…
Jaune: Shit your right, it doesn’t make sense.
Nora: A medical mishap the?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Nora: Testing a cure for something then it when horribly wrong?
Jaune: That could work… Maybe…?!
Ruby: What are you two doing?
Jaune: Hi, Rubes! What’s up?
Ruby: I was asked to check up on you, and you’re just talking about zombies, why?
Nora: Were talking about the logic of zombies; How zombies want to eat our brains, but we need to destroy their brains in order to kill them. So how are their summary zombies if they’re killing themselves?
Jaune: Why are they eating us anyway? They don’t need to eat, so why eat our brains. I’ve seen zombies with gapping holes in their stomachs, they’re going to eat our brains, and just to let everything fall out if them? That doesn’t make sense!
Nora: See! None of this makes sense, why are their zombies trying to kill us! Is it a brain parasite or something?
Ruby: …
Ruby: What about magic?
Nora: Eh?
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Ruby: What if it some sort of dark magic ritual to raise the dead some sort of dark wizard could use them to take over the world!
Nora: …
Jaune: …
Nora: That’s…
Jaune: Just…
Nora: Magic is just a cope out of an excuse!
Jaune: ‘How did you do that?’ “Magic~!” How weak of an excuse is that!
Ruby: Hey! I was just offering a suggestion!
Jaune: But, magic?! Come on, Ruby, I expected better of you! You could come up with so many ideas! We all know your such a huge freaking nerd!
Ruby: Hey, I’m not that big of a nerd.
Nora: Still admitting you’re a nerd…
Jaune: Yes you are! I can’t believe with all the science fiction stories and horror films you watch, you come with the most asinine excuse for the zombie apocalypse being, “Magic~!” How boring, how unimaginative! How… Check; your turn, Nora.
Nora: Where did that horsey come from?!
Jaune: It’s called a knight, stop calling it that already!
Nora: Never!
Ruby: …
Ruby: This place sucks…
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phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
seeing your forsaken role swap thing, might as well share a few ideas I had for that 1. Cayde would be much more ruthless in hunting Uldren and the Scorned than the Young Wolf ever was. First he loses Andal, and now the Young Wolf? He's not gonna be very merciful 2. Cayde's relationship with the rest of the Vanguard-Zavala in particular-becomes strained at best over their inaction after the YW's death. After all they've done for the City, this is how they honor them? 3. After Crow's rezzed, Cayde is pretty cold towards him at first, though eventually he warms up to him 4. And finally, Cayde would probably at some point go after Variks, since, in Cayde's mind, he's responsible for, inadvertently or not, causing the riot
All excellent points, my friend.
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Demoted aka, a reverse forsaken minific for @echosong971 and her Forsaken role-swap AU. Echo-3 belongs to her. It had been 3 days since Cayde returned from the reef. Near the entire time, he had been cooped up in his apartment, laying down on the bed, staring at the celling. Barring Sundance, who occasionally whispered reassurances to him, he was alone. 'Stripped of the title of Hunter Vanguard.' Zavala had said. In another time or place, he would've be ecstatic at the news-finally free to go out into the wilds once more. But not this time. Echo-the hero, the godslayer...his love-was gone. It was all his fault. They all tried to reassure him that this wasn't true. But it was. Objectively, it was. Cayde was reckless. He knew this. It'd get him killed sooner or later if he kept it up. He also knew this. But he never wanted anyone else to pay for it. He should've known Echo would jump down after him. Should've know she'd walk through hell to save his ass. If only he hadn't just dropped down there in a rush. If only he waited for Echo and Petra. If only he had spotted The Rifleman a second earlier. If only...that was the running theme wasn't it? He'd be replaying what happened at the damn prison, wondering what he could've done different for the rest of his days. He always yearned freedom from his postion. But not like this. Not with it coming on the back of the death of the one he cared about above all else. Not without Echo there to celebrate it with. "It wasn't your fault Cayde." Sundance said once more. He appreciated it, but he'd rather she just left him with his thoughts. "'dance, it shoulda been us. Shouldn't have been her." He said droningly. He turned his head to the other side of the bed-Echo's side. For a moment, he imagined her lying by his side. Just a moment. For not the first time in his existence, Cayde wished he could cry. _______________ I'm all like 'oh yeah Cayde is my fav' and then I go an give him emotional damage like this once again, shoutout to @echosong971
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funky-boat-zone · 3 years
anyone want more stuff on the swap au?
star fleet
literally everyone in the star fleet is at least a little scared of hercules. the only one who isn’t is captain star.
ten cents does not get along with the larger tugs in his fleet. he thinks that they’re idiots who will only learn what it means to be a star if they learn it the hard way, and they think he’s an obnoxious little rat who captain star favors for some neptune-forsaken reason.
captain star (and the star fleet as a whole) are a near-textbook example of “villain with good publicity”. they’ve done/tried doing a lot of shady shit before and during the events of the au, but the vast majority of their clients never caught on and those that did never ratted them out.
oj was saved from being scrapped by captain star, but he now owes the star fleet his services in exchange for that favor. he wears the same hat that he does in canon to keep up the impression that he’s just an unsuspecting old tug with no ties to their shadier activities. he would gladly leave if he could, but the star fleet has made it clear that they’d have no qualms about putting him back on the chopping block.
grampus has a very similar story to oj; initially, the z-stacks at least considered saving him when they found out the navy was going to blow him up, but zorran just had to be himself and insist that they couldn’t, they’d be stealing navy property. by the time he changed his mind, he set out with the rest of the z-stacks to try and play the heroes.. only to hear explosions and not see the submarine. zorran assumed that they were too late until he saw grampus at the star fleet’s dock a few days later (much to the z-stacks’ shared horror).
in exchange for them saving his life, grampus now owes the star fleet his services. he refused to get involved in any illegal activity, but he still works as a spy for the stars, watching the z-stacks’ activities and seeking out potential jobs for the star fleet before their competition gets a chance. captain star opted not to have him repainted to avoid raising suspicion if he gets caught.
top hat hates the z-stacks because zebedee accidentally spilled garbage on him while on garbage duty.
zip’s pretty insecure about the fact that his previous owner sold him off for being “too stupid” to do his work properly.
zebedee has his doubts about whether or not the z-stacks will succeed as a fleet, and he’s admittedly considered joining the stars, who he considers “the winning side”.. his conscience ensures that he’s never gone through with it, and he’s never told anyone that he considered it in the first place.
zorran sometimes whistles through his tooth gap. usually it happens when he’s really upset/excited and forgets to control his speech so that it doesn’t happen, and he’s always super irritated when someone points it out. naturally, that’s the first thing the stars bring up when they want to upset him.
zorran’s also deeply scared of disease in general (or rather, the boat equivalent of such). he once got bamboozled into thinking there were shipworms in the harbor and was so freaked out that he was basically out of commission for the rest of the day.
zak did something to get sold off from his old fleet. he’s never told anyone what it was, only that it seemed like a completely foolproof idea at the time.
lillie and hercules kinda-dated at some point, but she realized something was up and broke things off with him. because she’s essential as a lightship, the star fleet can’t do anything about the fact that she knows the truth about them, but she also hasn’t reported them to the coast guard yet because her suspicions were just that; suspicions, not any actual proof. her relationship with them (hercules especially) has been tense ever since, although they at least try to be polite to each other for professional purposes.
billy’s still a chaotic neutral here. despite what some of the stars think, he’s not stupid and suspects something’s up with them. he’s willing to help them out, but it’s generally because he wants to help sunshine (since they were close friends before he was sold to captain star).
i haven’t really decided what role johnny cuba plays here. on one hand, his dynamic with zebedee in canon was great and really brought out another side to zeb’s character, but it’d make no sense for him to want anything to do with zebedee here since he doesn’t know him and there’s nothing this zeb could offer him. i guess johnny could come up as a threat to the stars, since captain star has no qualms about dealing with some really sketchy individuals to stay in business. of course, that’d also blow the stars’ cover wide open, since it’s a little difficult to hide a massive steam tramper who’s a notorious criminal claiming he has connections with captain star.
boomer ultimately still ends up as a houseboat. and that’s good for him, since he deserves to be happy and shouldn’t have to be dragged into all this nonsense.
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days358 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP - Fandom, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Wilbur Soot Additional Tags: Wilbur Soot-centric, Character Study, Introspection, Post-Doomsday War on Dream Team SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Character Swap, Wilbur Switched Roles with Tubbo, no beta we die like ghostbur Summary:
The glass was new.
Quiet footsteps walked along ruined stone, wood, remains of what used to stand tall here. For a moment he stopped as he reached the edge- where the ground ended and the glass began.
Who was it who put that there, Sam? No doubt with someone like him at the helm of it the glass was sturdy, far more pristine than anything else in this god forsaken area. Yet, there was a part of his mind who wondered if he were to step upon it if it'd shatter.
Shatter just like…
Ahem. He wasn't here to indulge in that kind of thought. No, the meaning here was more… visiting a grave, paying respects.
Maybe get some closure.
In a universe where Wilbur swapped roles with Tubbo (among others) he takes a moment to reflect on what he once led after it's demise.
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loosesodamarble · 4 years
Other characters in the World Swap?
So at first, the Pillar-Captain roleswap was just a thought experiment for switching Breath Style and Magic. But thinking on it some more, I personally believe swapping universes for more characters yields some interesting ideas.
Now I’m not going to swap every character, from Black Clover at least. For one, Demon Slayer’s cast is significantly smaller than Black Clover’s. I can feasibly swap over most of the characters. As for Black Clover characters, mostly the miscellaneous mages, I’ll probably reassign them to the Pillar-turned-Captains’ squads.
The thing with swapping the characters and their worlds, I don’t think a one-to-one roleswap works. Instead, this is just me trying to find a place for the characters in the world/narrative they’re entering while still retaining elements of their original stories. Sometimes this means making some weird leaps in logic to fill certain roles/plot points.
Moving on!
Black Clover to Demon Slayer Asta: Asta is the protagonist so he will fill Tanjirou’s role. He has loved ones killed by a demon and the last remaining one becomes a demon. Here’s the twist. Since he has no magic in Black Clover, in a Demon Slayer AU, he’d be unable to use breaths. Instead, he is like Genya, able to consume demon flesh for supernatural abilities. I imagine he’d try to train under a cultivator, multiple even, but with no talent in breaths, he’d just have to train up his body. Until Yami finds him, takes a liking to his spirit, and trains him until they discover the demon eating ability. Yuno: I’d personally put Yuno in the role of Nezuko, but with major differences. He’s a descendant of the Breath of the Sun user so he’s the one getting the inherited memories and, as a demon, he’d figure out not just his Blood Demon Art (probably a cutting wind) but he’d also learn Breath of the Sun. He’d become the demon who can walk in the sun. Noelle: So in this AU, the Silva family consistently fills the role of the Water Pillar. Acier was the Water Pillar but died at the hands of an Upper Moon in order to protect baby Noelle. Here, she’s not directly blamed for Acier’s death but her siblings still kind of wish that the mighty Acier lived instead of the seemingly useless Noelle. She wants to be a demon slayer to make up for Acier’s death but try as she might, she just can’t get a grasp on Breath of Water. She eventually develops Breath of the Sea, stronger and a little wilder but it still flows and let her dance across the battlefield the way her mother did. Leopold: He’s the successor for the position of Flame Pillar. It’s kind of weird that Fuegoleon and Mereoleona are both Pillars at the same time but it’s that fact that makes Leopold worry about his ability to live up to the legacy of his siblings. Mimosa and Kirsch: Mimosa is similar to Aoi; trained in swordsmanship but, instead of being too scared to fight, she prefers being a healer. She runs this AU’s equivalent of the Butterfly Mansion a.k.a. the Demon Slayer Corps’ main hospital. As for Kirsch, he’d be a Breath of Flower user, probably not Charlotte’s successor but a surprisingly competent demon slayer still. Nebra and Solid: Two prospective successors of Nozel for the position of Water Pillar. Maybe Nebra will switch to Breath of Mist but I think the idea of the younger Silva siblings competing to be Nozel’s successor is an interesting concept. Licht and Patry: Yoriichi and Michikatsu. Part of the first generation of Breath Users. Licht used Breath of the Sun. Patry Breath of the Moon. And this means Patry becomes an Upper Moon. With the devils and devil-possessed, he might end up being Upper Moon 3 while still maintaining the same story significance as Kokushibou. Although, given his troubled past, he might also have Akaza elements mixed in which suits the third rank. Nacht and Morgen: Oh yeah, I’m bringing these two in. Both are alive and well. Of course... It’s not that simple. One of them is a demon slayer and Blake’s successor. The other has been turned into a demon. But who is the slayer and who is the demon? Nacht is the Black Bulls vice captain so that could mean he’s the slayer but he’s also a devil possessed so that might mean he’s the demon. Other members of the Black Bulls: Lightning round. Nacht would be Yami’s successor. Finral, Vanessa, Grey, Gordon, Henry, Charmy and Secre would be kakushi; not actively fighters but directly serving under Yami. Magna, Luck, Gauche, and Zora would be active demon slayers. Devils and Devil-possessed: The devils and their hosts would stand in for Muzan and the upper ranks of the Twelve Demon Moons. Lucifero seems best fit for Muzan. I definitely want the Dark Triad to be among the Upper Ranks because they have such gloriously evil personalities that it’d be a shame to put them in the lower ranks.
Demon Slayer to Black Clover Tanjirou: This may sound weird, but I’m not giving Tanjirou the Anti-Magic swords. Instead, he’s going to be like a mix of Yuno and Charmy. Yuno, in the sense that he’s secretly got major significance in the world. Charmy, in the fact that he’s going to have dual affinity. Normally, he uses Water Magic. But he’s got elf/dwarf/something blood in him too which allows him to use Light/Sun Magic. He’d be in Giyuu’s Cobalt Ocean squad. Nezuko: Like her brother, a character with a secret significance and dual affinity for magic. She’ll also be a friendly rival to her brother. They’ll both be Magic Knights, in different squads, and encourage each other’s growth. Her magic affinities would be Fire and Light/Sun Magic. Since she becomes a demon in canon, she’d be one of the elf-possessed mages. Zenitsu: A Lightning Magic user and in Tengen’s Amber Songbird squad. He’s still going to fight when he’s asleep because that’s too iconic to not use. He trained under Jigorou, a former captain, alongside Kaigaku (who would become elf-possessed later on). I guess Zenitsu and Kaigaku would be the Finral and Langris of this AU. Inosuke: He’s getting Beast Magic, no questions asked. He’d still be raised by in the wilderness by wild animals but he could be found and taken into a family in the Forsaken Realm. He’d try to get into Gyoumei’s squad because it’s the strongest squad. Whether or not he actually gets in is still up in the air. As for what happened to Kotoha in this AU... Genya: He’s getting the Anti-Magic swords. Kind of. Instead, the swords absorb magic for later use. It will look like the swords dispel magic when, in reality, they’re absorbing the spells which can then be unleashed later. Genya would be under Gyoumei’s wing, though not as an official squad member. Kind of like how Gyoumei took Genya as a student but refused to make him a successor because he couldn’t use breaths. Kanao and Kanae: Kanae and Kanao both use Flower Magic. Kanae is alive but retired from the Magic Knights at a shockingly young age due to being cursed by a devil. Shinobu and Kanao are working on that. I don’t think Kanao would be the vice captain of the Wisteria Butterflies, but she’d be a top contender for that position. Sabito: He lives in the this AU and would be the vice captain of the Cobalt Ocean! I’ve seen a couple AUs where Sabito uses Ice Breathing and decided that I would have him use Ice Magic since that’d help differentiate him from Giyuu’s Clover Kingdom counterpart! Tamayo and Yushirou: They’re commoners who research forbidden magic, curses, and the like. Tamayo may or may not know the history of Genya’s magic-absorbing swords. Would become elf-possessed later on. Yoriichi and Michikatsu: The Licht and Patry in this AU. I mean, Yoriichi's quiet and calm persona reminds me of the empty shell that Licht was before his soul was full reawakened. Butterfly Mansion girls: Aoi, Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho would be in the Wisteria Butterfly Squad but strictly as healers with their magic. Senjurou and Shinjurou: Senjurou would have Fire Magic like Kyou and their father. But he’d be too weak to pass the Magic Knight Exam. Shinjurou is still a washed up drunk, but probably for a different reason. He probably learned the fact that humans will never match up to the naturally gifted elves in terms of magic and goes “why do humans bother to use magic when we’ll never be as strong as the elves?” Muzan and Demon Moons: They become the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad and Dark Disciples. Douma is a member of the Dark Triad and the one who cursed Kanae and killed Kotoha.
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starstruck-dragon · 4 years
An Explanation of Contra
I suppose I should go first… We want to leave a good first impression, after all! Greetings! I am Aquis, the ex-heir to the Merkingdom. I am here to explain the different lands and species in our world, known as Contra. First off, there’s the Ignis Peaks, a volcanic country where Volkan society is entirely based off of strength. Next, there’s the Underground, a vast cavern governed by the Jewel Humanoids. Third off, Neopolis, the futuristic flying city. All kinds of blokes, dubbed as Neopolitans, live there, seeking fame or refuge or power. Then there’s Dragon Haven, a bunch of ancient cliffs and whatnot presided over by the Dragons. There’s the Great Glacier, a huge, frozen land where they Glaci hide from the eternal storm on the surface. South of that lies my homeland, the Sapphire Sea, where Merhumans like me thrive below the depths and along the islands. There’s also the Mysterious Megaforest, which is full of… well, mystery. And Mages. Lastly, there’s the Uploft Archipelago, the flying islands where Lofti roam the skies. ...Ah, was that all? ...No? But what else is there--Ah. I see. There’s also a ninth land. It’s technically two separate lands: The Haunted Moon Woods and the Punishing Sun Desert. No one lives there but monsters and lost souls. No one may enter this forsaken ninth land unless they have a Stone...Oh, I’m done? All right, then. It was lovely to meet you, dear!
...O-Oh, me next? Okay… Um… I’m Faun, a Life Dragon from the Haven. And I’m here to tell you about the Stones. They’re basically magical amulets--Most significantly, they allow the wearer to control a certain element. For example, mine is the Life Stone. It allows me to control plant life, like this...W-wait, what? O-Oh! S-sorry, I didn’t know they couldn’t see me... Um… where was I? Oh, right… They contain more than just power, though. They contain bits of the Shadow Plague, which is...O-oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I wasn’t supposed to talk about that. Um… When they are assigned to someone, it will stay with them for the rest of their life. If you throw it, it’ll just come back to you, and if you break it...You’ll release the Shadow Plague. ...Oh. Oh, I can stop now? Good, good. Um, th-thanks for listening to me…
It’s my turn? Hmph. About time. My name is Lixue. I’m a surface-dwelling Glaci. I’m here to tell you about the Shadow Plague. It’s an infection on our world, essentially. As Faun mentioned before, breaking our stones from physical, mental, or emotional trauma causes it to release the Plague. If it touches a human, it will amplify their worst aspects tenfold, until it has turned them into a monster. The only way to cure the Plague is...well, we don’t actually know. It’s… a work in progress. We figure the two who made it might have a way to reverse it...oh, It’s over? Ugh, thank god. I’m out of here.
OOH! OOH! DO ME NEXT!!! Heyyyyy! What’s up? I’m Thunderbolt--If you’ve ever been to Neopolis, you’ve probably heard of me, hehehe~ Anywayz, I’m here to have a little chat about Lun and Sol. They’re kinda like… The gods of Contra? Lun controls the moon and darkness and junk, as well as managing, like, parallel/alternate universes or some shiz, and Sol controls the sun and light and stuff, and she also handles time paradoxes and alternate timelines and jazz like that. They’re kinda scary and HELLA evil--They made the Stones we wear around our necks, as well as the Shadow Plague. Their only motivator is boredom, so we’re like… their main source of entertainment?? Yeah. Oh, also, they sort of did this weird border thingy--
--Which is what I’M supposed to say next, TB.
Oop, you’re right! I guess I’ll leave you to it then!
...Hey. I’m Skye. I’m a Lofti, but I have no wings for some reason or whatever. I’m gonna tell you about the land borders. Before us, the land was divided into segments. Lun and Sol would “take care” of anyone who ran into the borders. Buuuuut then they decided to screw that when they gave us the Stones, ‘cuz they wanted to see us try to stop the impending war or some shiz. Yeah, the eight Contra races REALLY kinda hate each other-- Except for us, of course....
I disagree. I’m going next.
Uh, I was kinda in the middle of--
Quiet, you. Hello, there. My name is Hecate. Despite what the others think, I’m going to be the next Great Mage of the Forest. I’m going to tell you about Contra’s conflict. The eight races are drastically different. The eight of us are living proof of that. The Sun Goddess, Sol, tasked us with a duty: To protect the land and establish peace. Of course, nobody cares about that.
I-I care…
Well, NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION, FAUN. Now, where was I? Oh, right. Not all of us care for peace. Some of us would even RATHER have war break out. Hence our current predicament. The fate of the world lies in our hands. Isn’t that something? ...My time is up. I suppose I’ll see you. 
Hey there. I’m Blaze, the Volkan champion of the Ignis Peaks. I’m gonna talk a little more about those parallel universes for a mo’. Sooooo, yeah. You in any fandoms, like UNDERTALE  or Steven Universe? Ever heard of an AU? ...No? Yes? Hellooooooo? Oh, it’s a recording. Uh...Anyway. Yeah. An AU (Alternate Universe) is like… a thing where something is different in the storyline, for no real reason at all. For example, there’s a Contran AU where we swap races and roles--So, like, in that AU, I’m an exiled Glaci, and Lixue’s a super strong Volkan. It also stretches into other series’ worlds sometimes as well. So, like, for example, a Yoshi could just suddenly drop into Contra for literally no reason. It’s--
Hey. I’m Co--
Oh. Whoops. Uh, carry on.
...Uh...Ah, whatever. If there’s anything you don’t understand or just wanna ask questions to screw with us, there’s always the ask page. Go on, Coal, you fucked me over anyway.
Oh, aright, then. Uh, hi. I’m Coal. Well, that’s not my NAME. I’m just a Coal Humanoid--Unit SGB9...something something something. I don’ really remember anymore. Coal is just what Aquis calls me, so… yeah. Uh, what was I s’posed to talk about again? ...Oh, right, alternate timelines. So, uh, on top of th’ alternate universes, there’s also alternate timelines: Places where things coulda happened differently, so… they did, I guess? It’s hard t’ explain. We can use the Stones to time travel, kinda, but uh, if we create a paradox, Sol gets mad at us ‘cause then she has to fix it. But, uh, yeah, it’s a thing. Uh... looks like I gotta go. Bye, I guess.
...Is this thing on? Yep! Okay, great! So, um, hi! I’m Star, the creator of this webcomic! As you can see, things are sort of… complicated on Contra. Still, I hope you’ll stick with me while I improve--I think it has great potential, with help from people like you! Anyway, that’s all for now.
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knivxsanddespair · 5 years
Chapter 1; The King.
"Daddy, Why am I staying here?"
Two left eyes was met with the child's, and he mustered up a smile somehow. "Sweetheart, Dad has to...attend to some people who are not very nice, and they want to do mean things to people in this land. That is something your old man does not want, in fact it's the last thing I want, for people and families getting hurt."
"Daddy, is it gonna take a while?"
Gosh, how he hated himself for lying like this, but what else can he tell his child? "It's only for a while, Hugo. I'll promise to be back with as soon as I'm done, okay?"
"Alright Daddy, I'll be a brave little boy till then."
"That's my boy!" A kiss on his forehead and a big ham leg was given in case he was hungry. Back to the order of business. He must confront her before she gets to him.
Like hell if that will ever happen, not on his watch.
The long ascension upwards did not falter The Vader's motivation for purification one bit, step by step advancing towards her next victim in due time. Sounds of her foot tapping against the metal steps alarmed nobody else but the one sole inhabitant of the room.
The first thing he said was...
"You've finally waltzed in, Vader. It sure took you an eon to finally grace yourself with your presence. But, I have a feeling you aren't here for a family reunion. Go back home, you'll cause nothing but trouble up here."
Always keeping her icy assurance, The Vader said...
"Is that not what I did? Because here within, is indeed the cradle of my father. As much as you can expect, your guardians fell one by one. You are a King of a palace that continues to cease to exist."
Suprised, but not even the slightest taken aback, he asked...
"Why the hell did you whack the nation that I have rebuilt?"
That was easy for Vader to answer.
"Have you even for once, considered to be in this forsaken place to do the slightest, damndest thing? You have a role, being as the father to take care of him. That role, you have failed miserably. You are here, and your very reason of existence is why I must complete my sacred mission."
Continually barricading the speedy insults droned out from The Vaders pompous, pretentious monotone aristocrat-like tone in the battle of words between them, the King decided to tell it like it is, straight to her.
"I did this all for the kid. Don't you think I want my child to be happy?"
As if trying to keep a snide expression off her face, she countered his statement. "Well oh dear, how silly of us. All this effort to create one birthday party and we forgot who the birthday boy is."
That statement, that will not fly and go scot free as far as the King is concerned. "You're a real party pooper, you know that Vader? I ain't letting you lay one finger on the boy who brought us both into this world. Consider yourself whacked, today. And here is the closing statement, if this was some sort of parent-teacher meeting, you can count yourself to be the worst version of a Karen or a Linda there is."
"I would, but you covered half of your face. I wouldn't blame ya, I would too if I ever have this much ugly attitude in me."
"...I will enjoy swinging my bat violently on you, King Pitcher Fieldius."
(Welp, I promised @the-queen-of-zones I would write something for the swapped Batter and Vader Eloha au so check that picture out and give it some love if you haven't already! I hope you like it fam! Also don't mind me giving Batter a new name! OvO )
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anichibicore · 5 years
Tumblr media
Prompt: It's All My Fault
Fandom: Dragon Quest XI
Pairing: Luminary/Erik
Read on AO3
El had been completely quiet since they left Cobblestone. Usually, Erik liked quiet, but right now it was starting to grate on his nerves. It felt awkward and tense, as El would've been happily conversing with him as they walked, even if it was very one-sided. And now that it was quiet, El being silent was something Erik decidedly did not like very much and hell if he wasn't going to try to fix it.
"So, the weather's pretty nice, huh?" The thief very awkwardly attempted conversation, but El was completely silent. He was staring off at something in the distance, despite nothing but trees spanning for at least a few miles. That didn't work. El rubbed the back of his hand, the one with the mark on it. It was something Erik had noticed was a sort of nervous habit the hero had. He didn't have to do much thinking to figure out the source of his unusual behavior. Coming home to find out everything was destroyed and everyone killed was often not what you would want to see. El had been silent ever since, this far off look in his eyes that wasn't focused on any set place. It was like he was staring into nothingness, likely lost in his own mind.
Deciding he was fed up with the silent treatment, Erik stepped in front of the other, who nearly bumped into him but was aware enough to notice him and stop. "You mind telling me what's wrong, bud?" El opened his mouth, and while Erik was just a bit excited at the prospect of actually holding a conversation with him, he already knew what he was gonna say. "Don't tell me nothing's wrong. You've been acting weird since we left."
El opened his mouth again, but it quickly shut and his eyes wandered to the ground. He was once again rubbing his mark. Erik did his best to keep his frustrated sigh in his chest where it belonged. He got the feeling it would make things just a bit harder for himself. Instead, he focused on the rustling he heard in the bushes, spinning on the sole of his shoe and quickly grabbing his knife. El behind him tensed up befote fumbling for his sword. A few monsters appeared from the bushes, and Erik found himself relaxing just a bit. No soldiers. They were the last thing either of them needed at the moment.
The first few monsters went without much trouble. One snuck up on an occupied Erik and El wasn't quite fast enough to yell for the other to dodge, resulting in him being harshly hit in the back and left skidding to a hault and sprawled on the ground. It took the thief some effort to even get himself onto his elbows, and the monster was sneaking up to deal the last hit. El quickly shot a fireball at it, getting its attention. He rushed over and slashed it across the chest, finishing it off. He quickly took care of the last few monsters before rushing to Erik still on the ground, but having managed to bring himself into a sitting position. His knees and elbows were scraped from sliding, and his right cheek had a large scrape as well. Some quick healing spells did the job, and it was almost as if nothing had happened.
Or it would be if El didn't look so close to breaking down over it.
"Hey, you know I wasn't hurt that bad, right? You don't gotta beat yourself up over it."
It seemed El was pushed to the edge. "But it's my fault you got hurt because I saw it coming but I didn't say anything and then on top of my home getting destroyed just because I was raised there and just everything else going wrong on this god forsaken journey, I don't want to do this anymore! It feels like everything is my fault simply because I was born!" The normally composed hero was breaking down for the second time that day, hands tangling themselves in his hair as he tried his best just regaining control over his quickened breathing.
Erik was speechless for several moments, and it took El sobbing loudly for him to snap back to his senses. "Oh, c'mon, you know that's not true. I was just being overconfident and not paying attention. Besides, did you send soldiers to destroy Cobblestone?" Erik did his best to keep a smile, even if that was getting increasingly difficult with the upbeat hero breaking down in tears in front of him. He let slience fill the small gap between his question and his response as if to help prove his point when El didn't respond. "I didn't think so. And besides, some things have to have gone right for you, right?"
"Name one." El demanded bitterly.
"Well, we escaped prison."
"Yeah, after I got arrested for merely existing."
"That's what I thought."
"You met me, isn't that a good thing?"
"See? At least something went right." Erik wasn't typically the positive one of the two, but he seemed be fitting the role nicely when they got swapped around. "That aside, self-depreciation doesn't suit you very well."
To that, El had no reply. Whether because of the tears that started pouring from his eyes or just him having nothing else to say was a hard case to crack. The broken hero curled into himself and bawled, hands covering his face. Erik's smile faltered for a few moments, the thief unsure of what he could do, if anything at all.
Erik hesitantly rested his hand on El's head, the boy looking up surprised. Erik tried giving his best smile, even if the tears running down the hero's cheeks made something in him ache. El seemed to stop for a moment before suddenly he was clinging onto Erik as if he was a lifeline. Erik stiffly hugging the hero as the boy came to relax more in his arms. The sun was setting now, but neither bothered really moving. El's cries calmed gradually, and eventually they were back on their way again, but this time in joyful conversation.
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