#found the motivation to write again after almost a year but hey it is what it is
hyuckswoman · 4 months
alumnusbf!mark helping you study
pairing: alumnus mark (who’s also your bf) x reader
genre: fluff
summary: you’re stressing over this one subject until your bf appears
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“fucking hell” you mutter, your finals were in a week and you were currently studying the subject you have been dreading since the beginning of the study period. Studying for exams was not fun. Especially when you had this gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you were 100% going to fail.
hey babe, you busy?
upon hearing the notification, you cursed at yourself as you swore you put your phone on do not disturb to avoid distractions .Yet here you were grabbing it to check the notification. turns out you did put your phone on do not disturb but since your boyfriend (who had to practically beg you to get removed off there texted you) was the origin of the notification, your phone still notified you.
being too lazy to write back, you just decided to call him
“hey, what’s up? I’m studying for my finals right now” you say after greeting him “oh really? I’m sorry to disturb then, how long have you been studying?” your boyfriend mark asks “hours. i literally had a full on mental breakdown studying the course because i suck at it and it feels like no matter how hard I study I just keep on failing” you say sighing “did you cry?” mark asks, maybe he knows you a little too well. “yea” you sigh yet again, it bothered you to see how big of a toll your academics were taking on you
“that’s a good thing then! wait no I don’t mean you crying is a good thing I meant it’s a good thing I’m on my way with food and stuff to give you a break” your boyfriend says making you laugh “mark, look I really truly appreciate it but I also really need to study” you say. honestly seeing how fucked you were because of this one course you couldn’t allow any distractions, and lord knows mark was a pretty big one
“no I know, we’ll just eat and then I’ll help you study. trust when I’ll leave you’ll be back in your academic weapon antics” mark says. after weighing your options (not that you had much of a choice seeing as though he was already on his way) you figured that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. you had the chance of having a boyfriend who already graduated which meant he already passed this course so maybe it’d actually help
“hi babe, i brought food” your boyfriend says, you were glad you had a boyfriend that supported your big backed antics. “i might make you my male wife at this point” you said as he hugged you. you guys then decided to turn on the tv and put a show none of you cared about for the sole purpose of having some background noise.
“okay, we’ve been slacking off for long enough, let’s get to studying now” your boyfriend says. you almost forgot about your finals for a second.
“okay, we’re done making the flash cards, quiz time” mark says quietly laughing upon seeing your face. “every right answer you get, i’ll kiss you” he says finding a way to motivate you as you looked like you were on the verge of dying. “I don’t think it helps, you distract me too much. i’ll probably only remember the kisses and not the actual class material” you reply. As much as it didn’t look like it you were seriously (for once) in the mood to study, you couldn’t let this pretty man distract you no more.
a short while after you were thrown over your desk defeated because what do you mean you only got like half the questions right???
“I don’t understand I’ve spent literal hours trying to memorize this shit I’m sick of it I just want it to be over” you sigh, this is the first time you’ve struggled this much over a school subject. usually being a bit above average doesn’t require you a lot of efforts so you never really tried that hard to pass your classes throughout the years. college beat the shit out of you tho!! you found yourself completely taken aback by the difficulty and you had to learn how to properly study throughout the years. if somebody asked you, you’d say you’ve got studying covered but seeing how this study session was going maybe you didn’t…
“I think you’re getting those wrong because you don’t understand this part” mark says patting your head as you mumble an ‘i know’. being the very considerate boyfriend he is, he then proceeded to explain the entirety of the material, dumbing it down whenever you looked up at him confused or when your eyebrows frowned a little too much. he also was so very patient, explaining the same things to you three different times as you had already forgotten what he said as soon as he moved on to another topic.
the dedication mark put into your academics was just too much for your heart to handle, you loved him so much and the fact he didn’t mind spending his evening studying with you instead of doing literally anything else warmed your heart. that’s why you didn’t have it in you to tell him you were getting gradually sleepier and were fighting your mind to stay awake because how could you when he looked so good concentrated trying to explain to you what you deem as the most incomprehensible subject ever.
“y/n? i feel like I’m losing your attention are you- oh.” mark says finally looking up from your study sheets seeing you asleep on your desk “pft, I didn’t know I was this boring damn” he laughs. since you were already in your pajamas and were in a position where the man could not carry you to bed he decided to gently shake you to wake you up “hm? I’m sorry I fell asleep markie, thank you for studying with me I love you. let me read the cards again to make sure I understand better” you say your voice a bit groggy “what? no go to sleep, nothing you read now will be effective just rest and sleep will take care of the memorizing for you” mark says preparing your bed for you “okay but only if you join me” you say already laying down under your covers “of course dude, let me put the things away and I’ll join you” mark says as he looks over to your half awake self that’s seemingly waiting for him
being in front of your final paper makes you realize even more how lucky you are to have mark in your life because you knew damn well that if the study session never happened you would have been shitting bricks internally crying over how much you don’t understand but now you got out of the final feeling confident you didn’t fail. you ran up to mark who was waiting for you to celebrate final period being over and he couldn’t help but mimic your immense grin as you told him how the final went better than what you had expected and thanked him for his help. He did refute by telling you it was all you and your mind but settled on taking a little bit of credit after you threatened him.
it was kinda crazy how mark made everything easy, every single thing without exception. looking at your boyfriend eating his meal you couldn’t help but smile thinking about how much you loved that man and how lucky you were to have him in your life.
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evansbby · 15 days
an update from me :)
hey everyone, i know i haven’t been very active on here lately. and the reason is because a lot of things in my life have changed. i’ve been debating even sharing this but i feel like i’m in a good enough position to be okay with sharing it.
so these past two years, i had been super active on here (late 2022- early 24) and that was because, well, I didn’t really have anything else. that’s because I had graduated in 2022 and then i just couldn’t find a job in my field. like so many other recent graduates, it was just so hard and tough and it really made me lose all faith in myself.
i found myself to be in the worst mental state i had ever been. I cut myself off from my friends, felt like a burden towards my family, was having meltdowns and panic attacks almost daily, even started eating unhealthily and was just overall in a very bad place.
HOWEVER, i always felt like I could come on tumblr and that’s why i was so active and writing all these stories because honestly, they were almost like a crutch to me. like the ONE thing i had to look forward to in life during those times was the feedback I’d get when i posted a fic, and honestly it’s what kept me going. like i swear to god, on some days this blog and community was the only thing that i had to look forward to and keep me going, and writing felt like such a huge escape.
because i felt so USELESS. like i was wasting my life and not making any money or being able to kickstart my career after uni, and that it would be like this forever, so when I was writing it actually felt like I was doing something with a purpose. honestly on some days I would literally wake up early and go sit in Starbucks all day just writing my fics like i was cosplaying working or something just so I’d have a purpose. (I don’t go to Starbucks anymore lol boycott)
anyways, i never shared this on tumblr these past few years bc you guys don’t understand what a failure i felt like. i would sometimes get asks on here asking what i did for a job and I’d feel so embarrassed of my current state of being unable to find a job when it felt like everyone else who had graduated with me had one and obtained one so easily. like i felt ASHAMED.
i remember once i got an ask asking what my job was and I just said “fashion marketing” bc that was one of the things i wanted to do and id done an internship in that field so i just put that but it was a LIE i was unemployed and the most depressed ive been in my whole life but I thought maybe i could manifest it.
ANYWAYS, and you’ve probably already guessed it, but the reason I’m not so active anymore is because I did eventually find a job. a really good one that I’m enjoying so much and I’m so happy at. Finally, I’m feeling like myself again, like I’m living that life in London as a twenty something that I’d see everyone on tiktok living!! Like I’m finally just having fun, going out with friends, being active, having money to spend on fun things etc.
and it feels so surreal and crazy because when i was depressed and jobless, it made me doubt myself so much. Like the constant rejections and failed interviews made me doubt myself and lowered my self esteem so much and I thought I’d NEVER achieve this life that i have now! And I don’t want to jinx it but I literally thank God every day for finally granting me this because I really feel like I would’ve gotten worse and worse and IDEK.
But back to the main point, and so because of my new job I just don’t have that much time for tumblr anymore. But this isn’t a goodbye post… not at all! I find that when I’m super busy in life is also when I get the most motivated to write! Like for example in summer 2022 I was on here so much and that was the summer I had the most fun, was the most busy. I think when I’m busy in life, I get motivated to write.
Which I believe is the case right now, because I’m SO motivated to complete all my stories, I keep thinking about them and writing them slowly, so please don’t think anything is abandoned! I just wanted to make this post to be more transparent about what’s been going on in my life and what had been going on these past two years. That maybe someone else going through something similar can see that eventually, everything does work out.
Anddd I don’t really know how to end this. I just want to say, yall don’t understand just how thankful I am for having this blog, this platform, to write my stories. For having you guys. Because who knows how much worse my mental state would’ve been these past two years when I didn’t have ANYTHING else going for me, if I hadn’t had this blog it would’ve been so much worse.
Thank you so much for believing in me and enjoying my stories and always always letting me know how much you enjoy them. And I’ll say the truth; I know everyone says that engagement on tumblr has been bad lately but I can say that bc of you guys I have literally never EVER had this issue. And that’s not me being big headed, that’s just the truth and it makes me so happy and grateful. Yall always came through for me and still do now! Every time I think my fic is going to flop, you guys come through for me. I appreciate it so much. You guys have no idea how much you helped me when I was at my lowest. And continue to.
Many thanks
Me 🩷🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼
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cialovesklopp · 4 months
everything he’s ever wanted ➺ k.mbappé
( masterlist )
summary — he should have been on the pitch right now, battling with his teammates for victory but he preferred to be here. at his daughter’s ballet play.
pairing — dad! kylian x black! reader
song — maamou [ dadju ]
cia’s quick rambles — hey guys, hope you’re doing well. got so motivated while writing the next genius part that just had to write this quick blurb. it can either be read as a stand-alone or as small glimpse into kylian’s and amara’s life post mon-amour — also i recommend listening to the song, it fits so much 🫶🏾
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if someone had told kylian mbappé seven years ago that this would be his life, he would have called that person crazy. 
and now it was his everyday reality. 
he thought the day he moved from paris to madrid would be the happiest in his life. but it paled in comparison to the instant when he knew that he had found the woman of his life. 
then he thought the happiest day in his life was when he won the euros in germany but it got quickly overtaken when he thought back to the moment where he put a ring onto her fingers after winning the competition. how their kiss had been splattered across every news magazine for several weeks and them having to give thousands of interviews. 
but even that meant nothing anymore when he thought back to the day that he saw her in a white dress. the day he vowed to cherish and love her for infinity. 
their love story that had started as a healing friendship with both of them having been hurt in the past. and over time it had bloomed into something more, more comfortable — more loving. he had actually thought that their wedding day was the most beautiful and perfect day in his life. 
and then came their daughter’s birth and it felt like overdosing on endorphins. if he had been swimming in happiness before, now he was drowning in joy. he had gotten all he had ever wanted from life. 
before meeting her, he used to dream about this future and having his own children, with a certain kind of sadness settling deep down when he woke up alone. now he dreaded sleeping because all his dreams had already become his reality. 
and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. for most people going to their daughter’s play would seem like the most mundane thing in the world. but for kylian, especially those moments were special.
his eyes were almost sparkling when he watched his little girl twirl in her tutu — her pink princess tutu that she had begged him to buy — while mimicking the teacher’s moves. there was no denying that his little star had him wrapped around her finger. he noticed the looks people threw at him. 
women lusting after him while fathers who had taken the time off to watch the play, were staring at him in awe. why was the kylian mbappé here? shouldn’t he be on the pitch right now?
of course he should but he had promised himself that he would be there. had promised that he would be present for her. and this was part of it too. 
the lights went out again as beautiful piano music played out in the back and then suddenly his daughter was in front of all the other girls, standing out from the other girls with her pink tutu in contrast to the other white ones. 
she smiled brightly as she danced on stage, spinning around in her tutu. his little ballerina. he searched the stage for her eyes and waved once they met which had her grin. 
this was heaven. ballon d’ors and champions leagues didn’t mean anything to him anymore. being able to watch his daughter dance meant more. he understood now what toni and luka were talking about when he first joined the team. 
it all made sense now. unfortunately for him the play ended way too early. it was too quick over for him — he could have spent hours watching her act around like a ballerina. 
the most ethereal moments often passed like a flash. 
“papa!”, without forewarning, a little bundle of energy was suddenly clinging to his legs, arms thrown around them. he was instantly brought back to reality while the familiar feeling of comfort spread through his chest. 
he smiled as he bent down to pick up his daughter, her small legs wrapping around his hips as he steadied her in his arms. 
her dark-hazelnut eyes beamed at him while a huge smile painted her lips, showing to anyone the two teeth that had fallen out.
she was his spitting image, neither questions nor dna test ever needed. from the shape and color of his eyes to his eyebrows — she had inherited everything from him. he was the only one to recognize that their daughter had her mother’s one million dollar smile. the one that had kylian thanking the power above for blessing him. for giving him the chance to find his own family. 
“i danced — like a ballerina. et regardes! maman a fait mes cheveux,” she pointed excitedly at her hair that had been braided into four cornrows with little pink pearls at the end of each one. for her small age, her head was packed with long and soft hair — the result of his wife’s never ending care for her hair. different routines and treatment to ensure their daughter had rich and healthy hair. — and look! mama made my hair
“tu es la plus belle fille de tout l’univers,” he pressed tender kisses on his daughter’s cheek, tickling her lightly which had her giggle. the most beautiful sound after her mother’s laugh. — you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire universe
kylian had never truly understood how people could love unconditionally. he could comprehend infinite; it was only understandable after meeting the love of his life. but unconditional — looking over all the mistakes and handing out care and love no matter what?
yeah, that didn’t make much sense to him back then. and then his daughter was born and he was ready to go to war for her. love and care for her no matter how many war crimes she could have committed. he loved her more than life. if she asked him to stop football so he could be home more often, he would quit instantly. she was his everything.
“belle,” she squealed, playing excitedly with the pearls in her hair. “maman too?” — pretty
“of course. maman is the most beautiful woman ever,” he replied and lowered his mouth to her ear. “but we don’t tell her that, okay?”
his daughter nodded firmly, as if he had just entrusted her the nuclear codes to some bombs. “why aren’t you playing with uncle auri? et uncle vini?”
kylian laughed. “parce que je voulais voir ma petite princesse.” — because i wanted to see my little princess
the little girl in his arms nudged him lightly on his head. “je ne suis pas une princesse papa. i’m a ballerina. i dance just like maman.” — i’m not a princess
“and you did that beautifully, my little star,” a voice called from behind him and kylian’s eyes at the sight of his wife. 
even after dating and being married, she still amazed him with her beauty everyday. he would always get those tiny butterflies, no matter how many times he looked at her. 
her smile still as radiating as ever, she walked quickly over to them —as quick as it was possible with a huge belly — and joined her little family.
the girl in his arms wiggled and kylian put her down so she could hug her mama. being six months pregnant meant she couldn’t pick her baby girl up anymore for the time being but she could still engulf her in big hugs. 
“i’m surprised you made it,” she whispered to her husband who placed a tiny peck on her neck. 
“i promised i wouldn’t miss those moments. told the coach that i couldn’t be there for the game today.” just like he had said, his priority wasn’t winning anymore. he wasn’t kylian mbappé, the star real madrid player anymore. he was now kylian mbappé, the father and real madrid player. and if being present in his daughter’s life meant missing more matches, he would take it. 
“how’s our future little football star?” he asked her playfully and she grinned. 
“our baby’s been kicking me the entire play. like since we arrived here it’s been punches here and there — oh, and by the way, the moms have got it out for you, as a heads up.” she pointed discreetly at a small group of women, who were watching them. 
“everyone knows i’ve only got eyes for you.” it was true, every living person that had access to social media knew that kylian mbappe was a proudly taken man, who honestly had forgotten that other women existed. he was her man and he felt blessed to be able to call her that. 
shoutout to her ex-boyfriend for screwing up. 
“you better not. don’t worry i know. and this,” she placed a hand on her stomach, putting it cautiously as their daughter was still speaking excitedly to the belly. “is proof enough. je t’aime.” — i love you
“je t’aime aussi.” — i love you too
his smile was plastered on his entire face, so much it hurt already. but how could he stop smiling, he was just so goddamn happy. 
he had been graced with everything he had ever wanted. 
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tiredmamaissy · 6 months
hey 👋
i think this is the longest i've been gone. i missed you all a lot. i've been writing this entire time, and wanted to finish the last (for now, it’s definitely not completed) two chapters of the ralak series before officially coming back. i didn't want to come back without some sort of peace offering (lol how could i come back empty handed?) and i don’t want to leave you guys hanging again, gotta give some sort of closure to this series!
i'm almost finished, but i felt like i needed to come on here and explain myself.
i've been really struggling with my mental lately. it's just been pretty bad, to be frank. and when i get like this, i find it extremely difficult to juggle all that life entails, and will typically neglect certain aspects of it just to get by. unfortunately, this, and my social life, have taken the biggest hit. i find it hard to keep in touch regularly with friends, and i end up just retreating into my shell. motivation becomes little, or nothing at all.
i don't want to go into too much detail, but i've found myself between a rock and a hard place. i don't feel like i have many options in my current situation. i feel trapped. i suppose i've felt this way for the past few years, but it's just been pretty bad recently. issy has been an escape for me. i created a ‘new’ identity, one that i could unapologetically be myself. no face to the name type of thing. i fell in love with pandora, yearning to go there. and suddenly, my ideal world--my ideal everything was at my fingertips.
when i first started, the feeling of regaining my identity after so many years was exhilarating. i put many, many things on the back burner to immerse myself into this feeling and this world. quicker meals, shorter showers, later bedtimes. i did any and everything to dedicate as much time as i could muster up to hold onto this new identity. i could feel myself becoming happier, slipping back into who i was before i lost her.
but life just happens. you know? it continued, and it did so ten-fold. it was one thing after the next, and soon my plate was so full that i had to take something off of it. i guess i'm used to choosing myself to neglect first, so i told myself i'd put this off until i could get through this and then come back. so i did, and i came back. then life happened again. so i left, and came back.
but this time around life hit me hard. i felt like i was playing a game on the hardest difficulty, with a half a life, no pauses, and no way to exit safely. i'm still playing that game, but i've realised that i should really try to make the most of it. so i've been writing in what time i have. it's been one of my biggest escapes and it makes me happy that i can share it, and see that others enjoy what my silly brain comes up with.
i'm ready to come back, but i'm honestly still really overwhelmed with life. i really, really don't want to disappoint anyone…and i can't promise that i won't leave again anytime soon. i never want to leave. and honestly, i don't think i'll ever really leave for good. i will forever love avatar, and all that it’s done for me for the past 14 years. i guess i’m just trying to say… thank you all for your patience and love.
okidoki, let me stop here while i can lol.
ill be posting the chapters as soon as i'm done with them, ofc. i love you guys!! i’m heading to bed and will try to clear out my inbox and dm’s asap
-issy 💜
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helaelaemond · 11 months
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Pairing:  Billy Washington x ex girlfriend!reader
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: direct follow-on from this chapter but can be read as a stand-alone. After hooking up with Billy at a party, despite having not seen him for years and years, and despite him being married with a kid, you have to decide to visit him. Porn with significant plot.
Part of It’s All For You Billy!verse - reader and Billy were childhood friends, and on the cusp of adulthood, they took their friendship to a deep and meaningful love. However, as the years went by, reader tried harder and harder to build a better life despite life pushing back, whilst Billy let it overwhelm him. Despite their good relationship, reader wanted more from life than what he could offer, and she took a job overseas that he couldn’t follow her to. In the years apart, he found Becky, and things got worse. Much worse. Cranstead happened two years ago now, and reader is back in London, ready to continue her better life.
Praise, penetrative sex
Content warning(s): infidelity, baby as a plot point, angst
Rating: E
Thank you to @arcielee for being so supportive and encouraging with this verse, without your interest and love for the story, I'd never have the motivation to write more!
Billy gave you his address last time you saw him, and his number. It's the first time in years that he's not had you blocked. It's only been three days since the party where you hooked up, and you can't get him out of your head. Something in you craves him, calls out to him. The memory of him makes your blood sing, makes your bones ache.
Yeah, he tells you. Becky's on the night shift, come over. You can meet the baby.
You live in Shoreditch now, an area teeming with tech start-ups, high-end boutiques, and almost criminal levels of gentrification. From a selfish point of view, it's nice. For the first time in your life, you actually feel like you have a chance at financial stability. So you slip onto the Northern line at Old Street. Seven stops take you well into south London, right under the river, and at Oval you get off. It's the height of summer, and the night is muggy. It would have been nice to wear a dress, but the tube is way too sticky to be comfortable with that, so you stick to shorts and a cotton shirt in a blue that matches his eyes.
That's why you bought it. For his eyes. It's silly, maybe, but it makes you feel close to him. To Billy Washington. Another woman's husband.
The walk from Oval to his flat on Cowley Road takes fifteen minutes. You struggle to not hurry there, but the last thing you want is to turn up sweaty and messy. God, no, it shouldn't matter what you look like. You're just going to see an old friend, nothing more! You're not about to ruin someone's marriage, or enable him to cheat on his wife. Not again, anyway.
It's pathetic how your heart is racing when you press the buzzer for flat three.
"Yeah?" comes the familiar voice through the intercom.
"It's me," you reply. Your voice cracks.
You can hear the smile in his. "Come on up."
The lift in the building is broken but that's alright, it's only one flight of stairs. He's waiting in the doorway of his flat for you, and there's a warm blush in his cheeks.
Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Hi," he says quietly.
After an awkward pause, he bends down and kisses your cheek. "You wanna come in?"
You think about saying something smart. But there's a lump in your throat that keeps you silent, and instead you just smile and nod, and follow him into his flat. The front door closes almost silently behind you.
Billy leads you into the little kitchen and pulls out two mugs from an overhead cupboard. With a jolt in your stomach, you realise you recognise one of them. It's a cream mug that has little sprigs of lavender painted over it. It's the mug you painted on one of your first dates with him, back when you were teenagers. He kept it.
"Milk, two sugars?" he asks quietly.
"No milk, no sugar," you answer with a smile.
"Wow." He grins and glances up at you. "Things really have changed, huh?"
Leaning against the counter, you look around the small room. The surfaces are clean but cluttered with bottles and plastic plates and snacks for the kid. Tea and coffee, too, and bread wrapped in plastic. Just general untidiness, signs of a lived-in place. The hob could do with a good scrub, you think. But with a baby, it must be hard to find the time.
"Here," he says, handing you the mug.
You take it, and your fingers brush his. Time stars and ends where your skin touches. "You kept it."
His lips twitch and he knows exactly to what you are referring. "You left it when you went away. Was one of the only things I couldn't bear to throw out."
Nodding slightly, you take a sip. The black tea is way too hot to drink and it makes you hiss slightly.
"C'mon, let's go sit down." Billy leads you into the living room that is full of baby item. The sofa is just about big enough for two, and next to the door, a gaming set up is covered with toys and a play mat - it looks like it hasn't been touched for weeks. The curtains are drawn against the night, with the lump of a long-disused guitar behind it. On the wall hangs a photo of a smiling couple on their wedding day.
You have a closer look. The bride is pretty, her hair piled up with a little tiara and flowing veil, and her dress is nice. It has a plunging neckline, but the stiff satin sleeves are long, and the flowing lines are modest. Next to her, Billy is smiling in a suit that doesn't quite fit right, with hair pushed back in a way that looks alien. It's difficult to recognise him.
"You look happy here," you remark. Doing your best to sound casual is a challenge.
"I dunno if I was."
You look over your shoulder at him questioningly.
"It was only a month after Cranstead. I guess... I guess taking that step made me feel in control, and that felt good."
"Is that what the other night was?" you ask. "Taking control?"
"Nah. That was losing it."
You fold your arms over your chest. God, it all feels so stupid now. Why did you come here? What more is there to say? You left and you promised you'd be back for him. And he didn't wait. That's the end of it. Your eyes go to the other pictures on the wall - a pregnant Becky with Billy's arms around her belly, the ultrasound photo. Their baby. Their child.
"You really are a dad, aren't you?" you say softly after a moment.
"I mean, I knew you were, but... but I couldn't quite wrap my head around it, you know? It didn't seem... real."
"You wanna see him? He's asleep right now, but you can pop your head in."
You should say no. You shouldn't want to see another woman's baby, but... you're curious. Morbidly so. And so you nod.
Next door to the living room is the one bedroom in the flat. The light from the hallway spills in. Most of the room is taken up by the double bed he shares with his wife, and the sight of it makes your chest ache. That's where he holds her, and that's where she touches him. That's where he fucks her. Maybe he fucks her on the sofa, too. He used to love fucking you on the sofa in your parents' house.
At the far side is a cot, shoved between the bed and the wall. It's really cramped in here. Glancing over at Billy, he nods in encouragement, and you pad over, and look down.
Fast asleep in the crib is Billy's baby. Just over a year old, he looks so peaceful sleeping there. His hair is soft and light, and it looks like he's at the age where his features are starting to come in. Beneath the layers of soft baby fat, his jaw looks long and sharp, just like Billy's.
"What colour are his eyes?" you ask softly.
"Still blue." Billy is suddenly very close behind you. His breath grazes your neck. "Starting to get darker, though. Think they'll be brown like Becky's."
"Hmm. He's beautiful."
"Yeah." And then, as if it's nothing at all, Billy hooks his chin over your shoulder, and his arms come around your waist. And he holds you. He holds you, as if no time has passed at all, as if nothing has changed. And together, you look down at his child. For a moment, if you try hard enough, you imagine it's one you have given him. Never before have you wanted children, but to have them with Billy wouldn't be so bad.
Billy whispers quietly against your ear. "C'mon, let's let him sleep."
Back in the living room, your tea has cooled enough to drink. You sit next to him on the sofa, your legs pulled underneath you, and your arm slung across the back of it until your hand is dangerously close to Billy's shoulders.
"So," he says to break the suddenly heavy silence. "Why did you wanna come here?"
"I..." To talk. To fuck. To beg you to leave your bitch wife and come home with me. "Just to catch up, I guess." No, she's not a bitch. She's just not me.
His face lights up. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." His smile is infectious. "I guess I've got a lot to tell you."
"So tell me."
And just like that, it's the same as it always was. He listens like you're the only person in the world, like you're the most fascinating speaker, telling the most wondrous tale. You tell him what happened after you left - you left to go overseas as a holiday rep in the Med, and from there, you made your way up the ranks. After years of hard work, and a little bit of luck, you were offered a place in the contact centre as a manager, a huge step up in your career - and pay. Now, you can afford your own pretty large place in London. It's two bedrooms and overlooks a little park with huge windows and wooden floors.
"I told you I'd come back," you murmur after you've shared every detail of your life. Almost an hour has gone by.
"I know." He looks at you as he rests his head back against the sofa. "I just... I didn't believe it."
"What did I ever do to make you disbelieve me?"
"Nothing. You were always... great." He shifts slightly where he's sitting, and then suddenly his head meets your hand. Without even thinking, you card your fingers through his hair, and he sighs softly. "You've done something amazing with your life."
"So have you," you soothe. The pain in his voice tugs at your very soul - it is your job to make him feel better. That's always been your job, and how you love it so. "You have a life, Billy. A wife, and a son."
He snorts softly. "I love my kid, he's not a mistake. But..."
"I think I'd be happier if I wasn't a father." He pauses, and closes his eyes. "I've never said that outloud before."
"Oh." Without even realising, you shift closer to him. Your knee ends up resting on his thigh. It's pathetic how even this little touch makes heat rush between your legs. "Well... it's very brave of you to admit. I think it's also impressive that you've recognised it in yourself."
"Two years of intense therapy has made me analyse everything I do," he says with a snort.
"Does it help?"
"Dunno. A bit. I guess." He looks at you, blue eyes piercing. "Makes me know exactly what I want."
"What do you want?"
"Right now?"
His hand rests on your knee, and his thumb strokes your warm skin. "The other night wasn't a mistake for me. And I meant what I said?"
He bites his lip. "When we were fucking. When I said I'm not letting you go. When I said I was yours. Did... did you mean what you said?"
"When you promised not to leave again. When you said you belonged to me."
You swallow. "Billy, I... I meant that. But... but it's more complicated."
His beautiful eyes slowly fill with tears, round and shining in the dim light of the room. "I've made so many mistakes with you gone. Mistakes that... that got people killed. Nearly got me killed."
"But that also brought about life," you remind him softly. When a tear spills from his eye, you carefully wipe it away. "You've done so well for yourself, Billy. Don't cry, sweet boy."
He catches your hand and kisses your palm. His face is smoother than it was at the party - he's shaved carefully. The lips on your skin make your eyes close in bliss.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I'm so sorry I didn't wait."
"It's alright. I promise, it's alright. I can wait longer, I can."
"I can't," he answers. And then, he leans close, and his hand is on your waist, and his forehead is against your temple. It makes you shiver. "I need you in my life."
"I'm here," you soothe. But feeling him this close to you is making the world spin. You should push Becky's husband away, the baby's father away, but those people are fading into the background. Selfishness makes you forget them, and in their place is just Billy. Your Billy. "Leave her."
"I can't. Not with the baby."
"I'll wait til he's older."
"Can't wait that long. Need you. All of you."
Turning your head is a mistake, because he kisses you then.
His lips are soft against yours. He tastes like tea, warm and familiar. The touch of his mouth on yours is so gentle, so perfect, it has you floating in the clouds. Even when his strong hands guide you into his lap, he is careful and gentle. Last time, you kissed in a flurry of need and passion. This is deeper. This isn't just your bodies crashing together.
This is your soul finding its home with his.
"We shouldn't," you murmur.
"I know," comes his reply. He tugs your lip between his, sucking gently, before dipping down to kiss your throat. "Tell me to stop."
"I..." When he finds the seam between your neck and your shoulder, you whine softly. "I can't."
You take turns touching and kissing. It is haze, this moment with him. A flurry of touches and caresses, each more loving than the last, until all clothes are discarded, and you are skin to skin. Last time, you had both been too hasty to undress. But now, it is as if you have all the time in the world.
"You are so beautiful," he whispers. In his lap, he looks down your body with as much reverence as how he listened to your words. Like you're a work of art. Like you were made in the heavens for him.
A warm hand cups the swell of your breast and he kisses your skin, nipping gently here and there. The other caresses your side as you bury your fingers back into his hair and scrape his scalp until he groans in delight. You grind slowly in his lap. Billy's pretty cock is caught between you and his stomach, and with the right tilt of your hips, you slip it between your folds and whimper when it grinds against your clit.
The hand on your side finds its way between your legs. "My pretty girl," he whispers against your breast. When his long fingers press against the lips of your pussy, he takes your nipple into his mouth. Suckling gently brings forth another soft noise of delight from you. He's so good with his mouth, and his fingers.
That's one thing you've always remembered fondly about him. He never went to fuck you right away, either with his cock or his hand. He understood, somehow, that there was no much more to it. And he understands that now, too. He takes his time stroking your cunt from top to bottom, running his fingers through your wet crevices, tracing the silken lines there. He teases your entrance and presses his fingertip against it until you writhe slightly in his lap. You clutch at his speckled back.
"Billy," you whisper. "That feels so nice."
"You feel so nice," comes his gentle reply. "You're so perfect."
"Mmm. No, I'm not."
His lips kiss their way up your chest and neck and cheek until they meet yours again. "Yeah," he argues lovingly. "Y'are."
Between your legs, you take his wet hand and together your grasp his cock. You lift up your hips, and as he holds his base, you guide his tip to the little dip between your thighs that leads to absolution.
As you sink down on him and feel him find home inside you, you moan softly.
"Breathe," he soothes. "Oh, my pretty girl. You're so relaxed for me, aren't you?"
It's impossible not to preen at his praise. You know it comes from his heart. He's always made you relaxed, even in the throes of passion. It's never been difficult for him to slip inside. Hot and slick, that's how you always greet him.
"Slowly," you tell him. Arms wrap around his neck, and its your turn now to kiss his throat, his ear, his jaw. Oh, his perfect jaw, so sharp. You run your nose through his hair and it smells like lavendar. Your scent. After all this time, he... he surrounds himself with memories of you. Oh, God.
"You set the pace," he murmurs in response. Large hands splay over the skin of your back ane they run up and down. As you steadily ride him, one hooks under your backside to help you. You whimper quietly in thanks against his ear. The moan he gives you in reply is needy. "Good girl," he praises. "Oh, you take me so well. You make me feel so good."
When your pace quickens, and the pleasure is sharper, you bury your face into his neck and tears spring into your eyes. "I know," he soothes. "I know, sweet girl. Just keep going, just like that."
"Oh, Billy," you sigh. His cock is everything you need - almost. But he knows that. He's always known that, from the very first time you were together at eighteen years old. "Please."
"Please, what?" he teases, as if he is clueless.
Biting your lip, you lean back in his arms and try not to laugh. "You know what I want."
Billy's sweet eyes roam your body, your breasts, your stomach, and come to settle where his cock disappears into you. "Oh, look at you. So good, taking me like it's nothing."
"Everything," you breathe. "Like you're everything."
"Oh," he answers softly. "So good with your words."
His praise renders you speechless. Instead of replying, you gently tug on his hair to make his head lift up and bring his gaze back to yours. "Please?" you ask again. All the while, you ride him at a steady pace.
He repeats his question. "Please, what?"
Having to answer him makes your cheeks flush. "Your hand, Billy."
"Say my name again," he teases, grinning.
You draw it out happily. "Billy."
"Oh, well done." His eyes stay fixed on yours as he brings his hand between your bodies and catches your clit between his knuckles. It's a gentle touch, not restrictive, and he lets you grind to catch a rhythm that works best for you.
He knows you. Every inch.
"You're heaven," he praises softly. "Tell me. Tell me what you want, my sweet girl."
"Just this," you manage to answer. "Just you."
"Shit" he breathes.
Sweet words are exchanged as you fuck on the little sofa in his little flat, hidden from the world, from his wife. It doesn't last long after that.
He comes buried inside of you, the taste of your name on his tongue. You follow soon after. Teeth marks are left in his shoulder after your orgasm makes you shake and almost white out, needing something to fill your mouth to stop you from shrieking and waking the baby.
Her baby.
Not yours. Not your husband.
Panting, you stay in Billy's lap. He strokes your damp back, and you caress his messy hair.
"Is this how it's gonna be?" you ask after a blissful silence that is filled only with your matched breathing. "Sneaking here while your wife's at work?"
"I dunno," he admits softly.
"She deserves better than that."
"Maybe... maybe we can be friends," you suggest. Inside of you, his cock is still warm. You shift your hips slightly. He'll be hard again soon.
"We're not gonna be friends," he answers, and there is a smile in his words. "We were never just friends, even when we were."
"Then what?"
"I dunno. I dunno how to stay away from you."
"Then don't."
"Doesn't having an affair make us bad people?" you whisper against his ear. It makes him shiver.
You close your eyes and press your forehead to the bite you've left. "Maybe we'll go to Hell."
He shrugs. "I'm starting to think Heaven is right here, right now, with you."
"I don't want to be a bad person. But I can't lose you again."
"We'll find a way. I promise. We will."
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interlunium-opus · 1 year
►DANCING WITH THE DEVIL #003 [Sunghoon.] — teaser
Previous Parts ‣ #001 | ‣ #002
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Abstract: Juxtaposing the way your town was beginning to get a new lease on life after the authorities finally found the culprit behind your town's recent serial killings, your life was fraying at the edges instead as you still had to continue battling your inner demons on the daily – from nightly terrors to random flashes of visions – the latter of which, for mysterious reasons, seemed to only happen when you are face-to-face with Park Sunghoon, the bane of your existence.  The more distraught you were over it all, the more convinced you were to get to the bottom of it, even if it means wreaking hell with the bane of your existence and waltzing with him in a game of his own making. You knew you were treading dangerous waters in doing so but you figured, if your days are numbered, then you'd rather go down fighting, dragging him down with you. But with the line between hate and love being thin, someone is bound to slip up soon, thereby threatening to ensnare the both of you deeper into the tangled web that Sunghoon had spun for you in the first place.
Genre: vampire!sunghoon | horror | thriller | fantasy | romance (or is it? 😋)
Status: released >> click me <<
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A/N: hi guys! I'm back. At least it’s not a 1-year wait again this time unlike last time oop- 💀 thank you so much for the love you all showered for Dancing with the Devil. I kid you not ever since Dark Blood concept teasers were released, that series gained a new lease on life, it was so stupefying lol ((unless someone boosted that fic somewhere, I can only think of the latest album casting a long-overdue well-justified spotlight towards vampire!enhypen as it should))
This 3rd chapter is actually quite hard to write. I have tonnes of ideas but once written they become too long, too messy, too arduous and too disjointed that every time I revisit it to continue writing it, I just end up scrapping a huge chunk of it and rehauling it. Eventually, after months of re-writing and after at least rehauling it 20 times (I know I suck), I have finally written about almost ~17k of it and am finally satisfied with how the story is going and flowing for the most part. So all that is left now is to fill in the gaps in each sections, make sure they flow nicely and make sure each section ends in such a way that makes your heart drop. Then of course to proofread it. I can’t promise you a date but rest assured, I won’t vanish on you hahaha maybe by the end of this month? That’s a safe bet. I get antsy if I drag it too long anyway.
Let me just say though, if you love ((tension)) and the hate((-love)) relations between the two in this series – you’ll love this chapter 😉😉 😉 (lol where is this overconfidence coming from, have some shame A.). But yeah, I was sick of how much I was dragging it in the initial drafts so as I rehauled it I was so obsessed in making sure that hey were at each other’s throat in a more love hate way rather than hate hate way. I've also made y/n more feisty and confrontational to ✨stir✨ the tension further. Basically, if you want a hint of what went down, the hint lies in the moodboard above OHOGOOHOHOH
ps. If you’re feeling extra nice and generous, do drop me some kind words about my work in my inbox to get my motivations burning 🔥
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enheeki · 2 years
beautiful stranger | y.jungwon
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pairing: jungwon x reader
genre: fluff !
wc: 726
synopsis: how you ended up on the train early in the morning still confuses you too. meeting a cute boy was also not something you thought would happen.
a/n: "innocent crush on the morning commute", this fic was inspired by the song beautiful stranger by laufey ! it's been so long since i last posted on here. i didn't really plan on posting on here very often (and still don't lol), but i had this idea and had the motivation to write something. i hope you enjoy it<3
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you don’t know how you got there, but your body was on autopilot. it was like your legs had a mind of their own. you found yourself at the subway station. you didn’t really know where you wanted to go, but you bought a ticket anyway. 
the train made a loud screech as it came to a full stop. the doors opened and you walked into the train. it was a fairly quiet morning. there weren't as many people as you thought there would be. there were a few people on the train already. since it wasn’t crowded, it was easy finding a seat. 
you sat down and pulled out your phone. the woman on the intercom said something, but it was drowned out by the sound of your music. the train started to move and you sat back and relaxed.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
looking up from your phone, you made eye contact with the person sitting across from you. he looked to be around 19 years old. brown hair, and boba like eyes. he smiled at you, and your heart almost stopped. he had such an innocent smile; you could’ve sworn you saw a dimple too. you smiled back, not to be rude, and he seemed pleased.
he looked back down at his phone and started typing away. you didn’t want to look away, but you knew it was rude to stare at people. you looked back down at your phone too, although, every now and then, you’d sneak glances at him.
something about him was drawing you in. you weren’t exactly sure what it was about him. maybe it was his dimple showing through as he smiled. or maybe it was the way he chuckled after watching a short cat video on his phone. he was cute. he still had a small smile on his face as he scrolled through his phone. he looked up once again, and you immediately looked away. 
the train was slowing down as the lady on the intercom announced the next stop. embarrassed from being caught staring, and as naturally as possible, you got up from your seat. the doors opened and you sped walked out not looking back. 
“hey, wait up!”
you turned around and noticed the boy got out of the train as well. you stopped walking and stared back at him, puzzled, as he jogged towards you. 
finally catching up, he stopped in front of you and pulled out his phone. “i didn’t know if i would ever see you again so…”
you looked down at his phone, his phone app open, then back up at him confused. “oh i’m sorry…” he chuckled, a hint of pink appeared on his cheeks as he continued, “can i have your number? i just… i thought you were really pretty and when you smiled back at me i… yeah…” 
you noticed him fidgeting with his jacket sleeve. he looked rather small in his jacket since it seemed a bit oversized. it was cute. feeling a bit nervous, he bit his lip. with longing eyes, he waited for a response. 
you gave him a soft smile “sure.” you grabbed his phone and started typing in your number. he let out a sigh of relief, “thank you!” he said, his eyes lighting up. his dimple popped out again, and you felt as if your heart just melted. 
you gave him back his phone and he called your number. your phone started to ring so he ended it. “save my number! maybe we can go out for some coffee or something?” you watched as he typed your name in as ‘subway girl’
“i’d like that,” you said, feeling a bit shy. this was the last thing you thought would happen. you weren’t at all expecting to get someone’s number. hell, you didn’t even know why or how you ended up on the train in the first place.
“i’ve gotta go, i’ll text you!” he said as he started heading back towards the incoming train. he did a little fist pump in the air, and you laughed under your breath.
“wait! i didn’t catch your name!” you yelled out. you walked towards him. you didn't notice the station get a bit more crowded while you were having your little interaction with him.
he smiled, his dimple showing once again. “jungwon. my name’s jungwon.” 
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Hey, pookies.
So… sad announcement. It’s not really something that I want to be writing, because I loved what I did and the audience that came with it, but…
I won’t be continuing writing on any of my blogs anymore.
This is honestly a really hard post to make, especially after I went through all the trouble of initially making new blogs about a year ago to regain motivation and control over my writing blogs. It’s just that my life (can you believe I actually have one outside of Tumblr? Yeah, me neither) has gotten too hectic for me to keep up request blogs. I won’t go into detail, but there’s been a lot of change happening up in the bitch, and it’s been getting too much.
Admittedly, making this post is just a confirmation for those who wondered where I went. My last update on any writing blog was almost a year ago, and my inboxes are full of a variety of requests; a lot of which I desperately wanted to do, but couldn’t find the motivation to execute. I thought that writing prompts would be a good way to get back into the swing of things, but to no avail. And it doesn’t help that anytime I would get some sort of motivation, one look at my hollow husk of blogs was enough to kill it.
I’ve realized over the years that I’m not a reliable blog for requests. It’s hard to keep up with them, and they can feel like a chore more than anything. Don’t get me wrong, I loved a lot of the requests I got, but I found myself wanting to live up to the requester’s idea of how it should go instead of my own. A lot of your requests inspired spin-off ideas that I wanted to execute, but felt guilty doing so because A.) it’s not fufilling what the requester wanted, and B.) I was writing something new instead of focusing on my inbox; I didn’t want to face any disappointment from you guys.
So, reflecting on my clusterfuck experience, I want to say that I’m actually glad I decided to make my blogs. It allowed me to meet cool people, grow a small audience that surprisingly loved my work, and gave me something to do during the lockdown (that’s the origin story of everything, believe it or not). And looking forward, I know I’m not going to quit writing, I still have a lot of cool ideas, after all. They just won’t be on any of my now dead blogs, as those blogs remind me of my lowkey failure as a writer. Who knows, you might see freelance writing blogs popping up in the future with a similar writing style as me… hmm…
I not only want to apologize again for going AWOL and returning with a shit announcement, but also with how disorderly this post may be, LMAO. This is a really depressing post, so I’m not gonna dwell too much on the formatting.
Hope y’all are doing well, and thanks for humoring my crazy little stories.
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nriacc · 2 years
I Wanna Be Yours | NRIACC: Alex’s Ending |
Nothing Revealed In A Common Crisis
Written by @imagine-that-100​​
Description: | Here |
Word Count: 25.2k
Warnings: This series contains mature content and themes throughout
A/N: Hey besties! I can’t believe this is it. We actually got to the end! Thank you so so so much for sticking with me whilst I got this fic out, I am truly so so happy that people are still reading almost 2 years after I posted the first part. It really is mindblowing to me. I’ve got a few people I need to thank, dot for helping me plan a lot of the fic and for helping write chap 8, @murderousginger​ and @sunsetinmyvein​ for editing for me. A really really big thank you is going to @red---moon​ and @alovesreading​, I genuinely don’t think this fic would have ever got finished if I didn’t have you two for me to mindlessly rant to about it and giving me ideas and keeping me motivated (Red also gave me the idea for the arielle stuff back on the AM tour and A gave me the idea of the whole pauline storyline so you can blame them for that loolllll love you both). To the rest of you, the ones who have been reading for a longgg time, you deserve a medal, your asks and reactions have really kept me going so thank you so so so much, and if you’ve recently had a binge I really hope you enjoyed the rollercoaster of a fic. NRIACC really feels like my baby and I’m never going to write a mashup of worlds like this again, so thank you all so so much for reading and enjoying it. I'll be forever grateful for the love you’ve shown it. Now, I’ve kept you waiting long enough, I really hope you enjoy Wheels and her man's happy ending. Love you lots and enjoy x
Please let me know | Here | who’s ending you’re all choosing! (It’s all anonymous)
| Series Masterlist | N’s Masterlist | NRIACC Playlists | The Band’s Info | Read on Wattpad | Read on AO3 |
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~*~*~*~ June 2020 ~*~*~*~
That night Alex came to get you was a turning point for you. You found this new way of living extremely less difficult with your best friend by your side.
When he got to your flat that night, he held you whilst you cried and he didn’t let you go until your tears dried up and he got you smiling again. You're sure it was the relief to be back in his arms that made you get more upset when he arrived.
It must have been the silent longing for him for those 3 months alone that had you not wanting to let go of him. It was a miracle you released him so he could help you pack up a few of your things to take to Alex’s house with you.
Your best friend assured you that you could both come back and grab more of your stuff at a later date but he wanted to get you back to his house so you could be comfortable. And that night he remembers you clutching him so tightly when he practically carried you into his bedroom and you held him even in your sleep.
That was the only night you slept in his bed, but you did have a lot of quiet cuddles every day where you just held him close and didn’t let him go. The only time you left him alone was when you both went to bed and even then Alex was sure that you weren’t having an easy time trying to sleep.
At the start you were quieter and you didn’t smile anywhere near as much as Alex was used to. You spent a lot of time sleeping or just lying in bed staring into space and it worried Alex so much, he ended up doing what you once did to him. He made you go on a walk with him.
Your best friend wouldn’t tell you where you were going and he found it amusing as you tried your best to pry it out of him but he refused. But your afternoon out in the boiling sun turned out to be one of your favourite days this year.
Alex took the both of you into his local shop so you could both get a meal deal and a few snacks and treats before he walked you to a specific spot in his local park. And he was right in thinking you’d love it. Your face lit up when you saw the huge cherry blossom tree and the both of you had your impromptu picnic underneath it before spending the next few hours there.
You finally got your smile back that day and Alex was so thankful to see it. And since he had seen a slow but steady improvement in you every day.
The morning after your picnic, Alex came downstairs to find you sitting at the dining room table and you were drawing again. Nothing had ever warmed his heart more, and he didn’t want to distract you at all so all he did was quickly go to the kitchen and make you a cup of coffee.
When he brought it to you, he placed a kiss on the back of your head and he sat down beside you and watched you work. He was so enamoured by you, he could have carried on watching you for hours, but instead he went and made the both of you a nice breakfast.
And since then, you always started your morning that way. You finally got your spark back and you started to feel so much better in yourself, and you owed that all to Alex.
Days were happier and somehow easier for you in this weird time of self isolation but when you snuggled into your best friend's arms every night whilst you watched a film on the settee, you knew you’d be okay. You’d always be okay as long as Alex was there to comfort you.
Since you actually got inspired to be creative again, you and Alex ventured back to your flat to grab a few of your painting and drawing stuff and you’ve been feeling more like your old self again. And now a few weeks have passed, you’ve almost run out of room with how much stuff you’ve been making, you’re definitely going to have to make a trip back to your flat to leave some stuff there so Alex can have his house back.
Not that you intend to leave because you really don’t. You don’t want to be anywhere else than by your best friend's side.
You think that in the last few weeks, you and Alex have been closer than you ever have been, in a platonic way anyway. Although, your feelings towards him really aren’t all that platonic anymore.
There had been a lot of flirty banter between the two of you since you started living together, and each time it happened it left you with the feeling of butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks heating up. You always tried to bite your cheek to stop yourself from smiling like a fucking idiot when he flirts with you.
It sometimes makes it difficult if you’re cuddling on the settee under the same blanket because all you want to do is hide under it and grin like a lunatic. But you can’t because you don’t want him to know just how much he affects you.
And the only reason you didn’t want to put it all out in the open was because you were worried about what Alex would think. You weren’t sure if he was flirting with you because that's just how the two of you act around each other or because he is actively flirting.
So you’d kept your feelings to yourself for a while in hopes that you’d get some sort of sign. But last night when you got in the bed in his guest room instead of creeping into Alex’s like you so desperately want to, you decided you’d tell your best friend at some point the next day.
The both of you had let yourselves lose your brief moments in time together because you didn’t communicate properly. And you’re grown up enough now not to let that happen again. So you decided in bed that you were going to tell your best friend about your feelings for him.
And when you woke up this morning, knowing that at some point today you were going to tell him made you feel lighter somehow. Yes you’re nervous, but if worse comes to worst and he actually doesn’t like you that way anymore at least you’ve told your truth. And you’ll live the rest of your life knowing you did give it one last shot.
The hardest part of today has been not knowing when to bring it up, because you can’t really just say it out of the blue. It didn’t feel right. You didn’t want it to be an ‘i need to talk to you moment’, you wanted it to be an anxious free and healthy reveal of something instead of causing him to get anxious and possibly awkward with you.
But it looks like you might have to resort to that, because no conversation has taken any of that direction today. Alex has been reading for most of the day and you decided to paint some more as the both of you listened to music. Nothing sparked that sort of conversation though even over dinner so you just tried to stay calm and positive about it.
Now it’s the evening though and both of you got so wrapped up in your little words that you’d missed tea and it was too late for you to cook. So, you ordered yourselves a take out so you could chill out whilst you watched Glastonbury reruns, as the festival was obviously cancelled this year.
You watched Adele’s the night before and you both really enjoyed that. And now, after you both finished your food, you’re sitting next to each other as you polish off a bottle of wine between you, all while singing along and having a blast.
You’d just finished watching David Bowie's set from 2000 and you’d been waiting for Ed Sheeran’s headline set to start, and when it did you were both enthralled.
You have your legs over Alex’s lap and you're both resting your heads back against the settee aimlessly watching Ed’s magic that he makes on guitar. And your heart is warm by the way Alex's hand keeps running soothingly up and down your legs.
Ed has just finished his medley of songs and it’s so fucking amazing to you how he does all of what he does on a guitar and his loop pedals.
“God, he’s so amazing.” You say as your shiver slightly hearing the applause. “I’ve got proper goosebumps watching him.”
“Not you again with the goosebumps.” Alex chuckles a little and shakes his head.
“Look at my arms.” You smile and show him your arm which like you said, your skin is raised and full of goosebumps.
“You need to get a grip.” Alex smiles playfully and shoves your arm back.
You fake a frown and tell your best friend in half a giggle, “Don’t be nasty. I was like that for both of your sets.”
“Mmmm,” Alex thinks about it for a moment but ultimately he shakes his head, “Don’t believe you.”
“Well you know what Alex, I couldn’t just interrupt your set by running on stage to show you.” You laugh and you love the way he grins back at you. You also add, “And if they put your full one on from 2013 on iPlayer I would show you, but no BBC are dickheads.”
“Yeah, well,” Your best friend chuckles but defends, “I can't really say much, they have given us a pretty good platform in the past.”
“You're allowed to slag people off in private Alex, who am I gunna tell?” You grin, paying attention to only his bright eyes and his goofy smile.
Your best friend laughs, “Alright, alright.”
The both of you start watching the performance again and Ed’s just started singing Photograph which is one of your favourites. You both listen for a while but when it gets to the chorus you shiver again hearing everyone in the crowd sing the lyrics back to him.
And you can’t stop the question from leaving your lips to the man next to you who knows exactly what it’s like.
“Is there any way to describe that feeling?” You have to ask, because you remember being astounded hearing the crowd singing back to Alex at his Glastonbury. “Or is it as magical as it looks?”
You tilt your head to the side to look at him. Alex takes a deep breath as he thinks back to it and you watch him patiently as he finds his words.
“It's the best experience ever.” Alex looks at you and tells you honestly, “Nothing like it and I don’t think anything could ever beat it.”
You smile at that and it warms your heart.
“I’m so proud of you.” You quietly say, grabbing his hand that lay unmoving on your thigh
“Only just now?” Alex teases, lacing your fingers together.
You playfully glare at him then and nudge him, correcting him, “You know I’ve always been proud of you.”
Alex tries to hide his smile but he fails miserably and nods, “Yeah, I do.”
Instead of paying attention to the TV, you look at each other with smiles on your faces and you end up watching each other like that for a short while.
But then the both of you feel it. That pull between you again. The one that’s been happening every night you’ve been cuddled together. Or when the both of you are cooking together. Or go out on walks together. There’s always that spark and that pull between you, but this time you can’t ignore it.
You're both just listening to the music in the background and enjoying your view of the others resting on the settee looking into beautiful eyes.
You close your eyes and release a breath which Alex watches you do. He can’t help but think it’s like you’re mentally preparing yourself for something.
Your eyes open back up and you bite your lip for a second before almost whispering “Can I kiss you?”
That isn’t what Alex was expecting you to say at all. But he doesn’t hesitate like the first time you’d ever asked him that question, instead he just nods and watches you closely.
You pick your head up from the settee and slowly move towards him before you attach your lips to his. Despite your lips tingling the second they touch his, you know that this is just something to test the waters for a few seconds.
You can tell Alex isn’t really putting himself forward for it which you understand. He wants to see how you'd react to it.
The kiss starts slow as you really don't want to rush it at all. You aren’t after what you were last year. You’re so far past the need for him in just that sense. You just want to see if there truly is still a connection between you.
You need to know if it’s just your mind playing tricks on you or if it’s actually real feelings towards him. And from the way your heart is rapidly beating in your chest, you can tell they are genuine feelings.
Alex kisses you back with as much enthusiasm as you give, but he makes a conscious effort not to pull you to him when he’s wanting more. He needs you to direct this, for his own clarity.
And he’s thankful you are doing, because you cup the side of his face and pull him closer to you as you deepen the kiss. You feel like you’re trying to get all of your emotions out in this kiss, like you’re trying to tell him something without actually telling him.
And Alex definitely is reciprocating. After a few minutes, both of your breathing becomes laboured. You’re both so into it that it shocks you when Alex pulls away, both of you breathing hard and hearts beating rapidly.
Alex’s brain is going haywire, he’s surprised you can’t hear it screaming at him. But his biggest insecurity is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.
Your best friend runs a hand through his hair as he looks like he’s fighting with his own mind when he looks into your eyes and says quietly, “I can’t do this if you’re gunna go back to him.
You shake your head, your chest sinking at the mere thought that Alex would even think that. But at the same time you understand, so you don’t hesitate to assure him.
“I don’t want him like that,” You promise him, as you really haven’t thought about Matty like that for a long time. “He’s just my best friend.”
Alex looks stressed as he reminds you, “I’m just your best friend.”
“No,” You state simply, “You’re not.”
And he hasn’t been for a long time. There’s always been that ache in your chest that has you wanting something more with Alex. And you wish you could let him feel exactly what you’re feeling to show him.
Your best friend is clearly shocked and he almost looks like he’s trying to wake himself up from a dream. He can’t believe his ears or believe that you just kissed him again.
“I can’t do this if it’s only a one night thing either. Don’t get me wrong, last time was amazing but we shouldn’t have done it. It just made me more attached.” Alex rambles on, getting all of his thoughts and feelings out into the open. “I don’t want you as some now and again girl. That’s not what you are to me.”
“I like you Al. A lot.” You cup his face to try and ground him to the moment and you smile as you spill your truth, “Like you hurt to think about. And even after everything I can’t get you out of my head.”
Your best friend loses his breath when he hears you say that. And he can’t help but repeat what he thinks he heard you say, “You like me?”
“Yeah.” You nod.
Alex looks like he wants to cry when he quietly asks you, “You like me how I like you?”
“I’m fairly certain that I love you Alex.” You grin, putting it all out there for him.
Some mixture of relief and shock floods Alex’s whole system then and you see it hit him. He holds his breath for a few seconds and he has to close his eyes and he’s holding your hand so tightly, you don’t even think he’s aware he has a hold of you.
When you see those beautiful brown eyes of his again a second later, you see him try and fail to find his words as emotions run through him. But then you see his lips turn up into a smile and he begins to stutter, “I- I, wow. I l-“
And you know what he’s about to say but you quickly put your finger over his lips to stop him.
“If you're about to say it because I just have, please don’t. Save it until you mean it, until you really want to say it.” You smile, but it’s like you’ve just got everything off your chest, you feel free saying them out loud, “I just can’t hold it anymore, I’m sick of hiding it now.”
Alex chuckles and you’re sure his eyes are getting a little watery but you can’t tell if it’s just pure and utter joy and elation that’s making him look like that. He takes another few deep breaths and it’s as if his throat has choked up and he’s trying not to cry.
You realise that’s exactly the case when he quietly asks you with a strained voice, “Me? Are you sure?”
You grin and nod, “It's always been you, Alex.”
You briefly see your best friends smile before your lips are brought down to meet it. Both of you can’t really stop smiling as you kiss each other, which is funny and cute all at the same time. You feel like you could burst with the happiness that you’re feeling, but the fact that Alex is kissing you like you could disappear at any moment, makes you think that he might not be fully believing it's happening.
The past is clearly playing on his mind, because when you pull away from the sweet kiss he lets those final insecurities out.
“How can you possibly want something with me after everything I’ve said and done?” He asks you after you pull away.
He’s still emotional, you can see it and hear it in his voice and you want nothing more than to ease his worries. You’ll do everything in your power to show him just how serious you are though, and you’ll happily spend the rest of your life doing it if he wants the same.
“A relationship is just two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other. And I’m not ready to give up on you Al.” You smile as you gently stroke his cheek, “I won’t ever give up on you if you won’t give up on me.”
Alex smiles at that, and he moves his head to the side to kiss your palm before he says a quiet, “Never.” and that has you melting.
“This is it for me.” You promise him, “If you want this, I’m all in. I’m all yours. I’m going to marry you one day.”
Your smile is practically lighting up the whole room for Alex. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you so happy and he can’t believe that he’s the cause of it. Alex smiles and chuckles in disbelief, he’s still not fully sure he’s not dreaming. But he just has to ask you one last time, “Are you sure you want this?”
“More than anything.” You nod, giving him the briefest kiss before you tell him again, “I love you.”
Alex grins at that but then he brings his hands up to hide his face and he whispers, “I think I’m going to cry.”
You chuckle, “Don’t cry.” as you pull his hands down so you can see his handsome face again, but when you do you see there’s actual tears in his eyes. “Darling don't cry…” but then he closes his eyes so you can’t see so you tell him, “Shakespeare, look at me.”
When he opens his gorgeous eyes again, you see that they have fully teared up now which makes you want to cry too. “No, stop with the tears, you’ll get me going.”
“All I’ve wanted for so long was to hear you say that you love me.” Alex’s voice cracks at the end of that and he barely gets out, “And you just said it.”
You nod, “Yeah, I did,”
He must tune back into your surroundings for a second because he then gestures towards the TV and laughs as he shakes his head, “And Ed fucking Sheeran is on in the background.”
You giggle at this, nodding as you realise that the end of him playing Nancy Mulligan is on in the background. This really isn’t how you imagined this moment playing out at all, but you’re so happy, you don't really care.
You just laugh, confirming, “Ed Sheeran’s on in the background.”
Alex reaches forwards and holds your face then, both hands cupping your cheeks and he gently strokes them with his thumbs as he tries to take in the moment properly. “Can you say it again?” He asks quietly as a tear falls, “Please.”
You have the biggest grin on your face as you tell him, “I love you, Alex.”
His whole face lights up with the sweetest and most innocent smile then. One that’s overcome with so much adoration and joy, it warms your soul. And when you see him go to say it back, you stop him, “I-“
“No,” You put your finger over his lips, “Don’t tell me today.”
He frowns at you a little then, “But I lo-”
You stop him again, already knowing he wants to say it back and in your heart you know he probably wants to scream it at you, but you want him to tell you when he can’t hold it back any longer, like you’ve been like today. You nod as you smile, “I know, but don’t tell me today. Tell me when you desperately want to tell me.”
“I’m desperate now.” Alex laughs a little, feeling his chest burst with the emotions you’re telling him he’s not allowed to get out just yet.
“I know, but please tell me on a day when it overwhelms you so much it hurts not to tell me.” You ask him, in hopes that he could do it. You explain, “That’s how I’ve been feeling for days. I had to tell you today.”
“You’ve wanted to tell me all day and you’ve waited till now? Christ Angel, it’s almost midnight.” He laughs, and his grin is so big that you’re trying your best to take a mental picture of how gorgeous he looks right now. He strokes your cheek as he asks, “What games are you playing?”
“Absolutely none,” You laugh, “I just love you and I needed to tell you.”
Alex giggles at that, still not fully believing he’s wide awake and this is real life. He’s so beyond happy, he really doesn’t have the words to tell you, especially if you won’t let him say it back just yet.
So your best friend does the one thing that he knows that after what’s just been said, you won’t deny him. He pleads with the biggest smile on his face, “Kiss me?”
You chuckle before you ask, “Thought I was the one that asks that?”
“If you’re mine, you don’t need to ask anymore, Angel.” Alex grins.
“I’m all yours, Shakespeare.” You promise him before you kiss him again.
This kiss feels like it seals the deal. It’s your confirmation that you’re his and he’s yours and your heart is bursting with all the love you have for him and the elation you’re feeling that he wants to give you another go.
You’re feeling euphoric and you know from the way Alex is pouring his heart into this kiss that he is too. He’s still holding your face so that you couldn’t even escape it if you tried, you know he needs this just as much as you.
You’re unsure if you’re only kissing for a few minutes, or if ten end up passing. All you know is that you’re so in love with your best friend, who has quite possibly just become your boyfriend, that you never really wanted it to end. And just when you thought it was about to, Alex bites your bottom lip and brings you back in for another one because he really can’t let you go just yet.
It makes you shiver like it has done every time he’s ever done it, but you knew that was another little nod back to the first time he’d ever done it. You’re thankful he’s always remembered how much you love it and you fully intend to let him kiss you and bite your lip whenever he wants from now on.
Even when your kiss did come to an end, the moment didn’t.
Foreheads resting against each other whilst both of you let your grins free. Your noses playfully nudging the others back and forth in cute eskimo kisses has you quietly giggling, and you keep whispering to your best friend that you love him.
It’s certainly the best night of Alex’s life, and he can’t wait until you let him say it back to you because he is dying to. He loves you so much. And he’s let that love slowly consume him again every moment you’ve had together since that night he came back to you. And he never ever wants to let you go again.
Even when you finally put each other down, you cuddle yourself right into him and Alex holds you tightly and every few seconds he’s kissing your head. Both of you are only half listening to the end of the 2017 Glastonbury set now because you’re just too focused on the mutual love you have for one another and how it feels like it could pour out of your chests.
But one song does grab both of your attention, and it’s when Alex takes your hand as he hears you humming along to the tune of Ed singing, ‘Now I have met an Angel in person, and she looks perfect, I don’t deserve it but she looks perfect tonight.’ that Alex lets out a short laugh.
You look up at your best friend as he sighs as he gestures to the TV, “That’s gunna be our wedding song now and we’ll be the most basic couple on earth.”
That makes you burst out laughing despite it now probably being true. It’s a stunning song and it says Angel in it, and now it’ll always remind you of tonight. But you’re just grinning like a fool because he’s practically said that he wants to marry you.
You lean up to kiss him again and you whisper against his lips, “I love you Shakespeare.” and he hums the words back to you as he kisses you which has your heart melting.
You love each other with so much of your hearts that none is left to protest.
Much to Alex’s dismay, you’ve still not let him tell you that he loves you yet and it’s almost been a week. It’s on the tip of his tongue and you seem to know every time he’s about to say tell you and you stop him from doing so. The only time he’s managed to get it out without you stopping him is when you’re asleep and he has half a mind to wake you up just to tell you.
But he gets why you want him to wait to say it. He remembers that tragic day after the night he got drunk years ago where he just needed to tell you that he loved you so he could try and fix things between you. He couldn’t get the words off his tongue like you couldn’t the night you told him, but thankfully the context was extremely different this time.
And Alex has no intentions to fuck things up between you ever again. The morning after you told him you loved him, you both talked a little bit and you decided there and then that you were official. You’re finally his girlfriend, and Alex is so beyond happy he can call his angel his own.
Truthfully, neither of you have ever been happier despite the fact you’re in the middle of a pandemic. The days together and finally getting to be how you’ve desperately wanted to be with each other really make everything better. You have each other now and you’re never going back to how it was before.
It was always going to be impossible for the two of you to just be best friends. There’s always been something more. And now you get to experience and live whatever that something more brings you both, and Alex will forever be thankful that you made the move to tell him you loved him.
Each day since, you’ve been so happy. He loves seeing you smiling and being all bright eyed and creative. It’s one of the things he really loves about you, and he can’t wait to tell you each and every way he loves you when you finally let him say it back.
Alex woke up alone this morning, which isn’t an issue but it’s the first time since you got back together that you haven’t had a lie in with him. But your best friend, now boyfriend, knows you’re an early riser and he can’t have you tucked away in bed all the time like he wants.
He’s just glad he woke up a little earlier sometimes and got to cuddle you whilst you were still half asleep.
Alex doesn’t have to worry at all as he knows you’ve not gone too far because he can hear the music you're playing downstairs. So because he’s that much of a simp and can’t spend a long time without you these days, he quickly gets himself washed and dressed before he comes downstairs.
The instant he sees you, there’s a smile on his face and it just gets bigger as he sees you dancing to the riff of the song you have on as you cook. When you finish singing the chorus, Alex watches as you dance to the instrumental part of the song and when the drums kick back in you start jumping around having a really good time.
He can’t stop himself from watching you and grinning. But just before the song kicks back in, Alex makes his presence known and he says over the music, “Morning Angel.”
You spin around to see him leaning against the wall with a grin on his face, clearly having a great time watching you. But then the lyrics come back and you point at him and start singing the song to him, “You look so cool, standing there.”
You walk towards him quickly, the smile sticking on your face now as you hook your finger into his belt loops and pull him towards you, “With your baggy jeans,” and you run your hands up through his hair, “And silky hair.”
Both of you grinning at each other, you wrap both your arms around his neck and carry on singing, “We can live for nothing baby, I don't care. Lose me like the ocean, feel the motion.”
And you make him move to the beat of the music as you sing the chorus to him at the top of your lungs after you give him a quick kiss, “I’ll be the sea honey, always always, and you’ll be the tide.”
You’re giggling like fools in love when you carry on dancing as you sing the outro. And when Heather stops singing, you pull your man down by his hair and you kiss him sweetly.
You can’t stop the smiles on your faces but being unable to stop smiling as you kiss each other really isn’t unknown between you anymore. It’s all you’ve been doing this past week.
After The Tide by Pale Waves finishes, Alex is smiling down at you as he asks, “What’s got you all happy?”
“I woke up next to you.” Your eyes are bright as you keep him close and tell him about your day so far, “The sun is shining. I'm feeling creative, I’ve already finished one poem and painting this morning. The day is good.”
Alex kisses you again then and he hums against your lips before he pulls away to say, “Let go of me so I can see the painting?”
You smile and do as you’re asked. You let him go and go back over to the hob so you can finish making the both of you breakfast as you tell him, “It's on the easel by the back door.”
After a few minutes, you feel his arms wrap around you from behind as you plate up both of your Full English’s for your brunch.
“My girlfriend is so talented it injures me.” Alex says as he leans around you to kiss your temple.
Whilst you think he’s very cute to say you’re talented, you decide to tease him for saying it injures him, “Maybe you and your fragile masculinity should write another album then.”
Alex’s jaw drops a little which makes your facade break. You giggle and lean back into him, “I’m joking, I’m joking.”
“Next year maybe.” Alex tells you after kissing his way up from your shoulder to your neck, “Focus on everything usthis year.”
You hum in agreement, and you turn in his arms as you tell him, “Sounds like a great idea.” and you quickly kiss him before you pat his chest, “Come on, let's eat.”
Brunch was delicious, as your cooking always is and both of you sat at the dining room table whilst you ate. The both of you chatted about the morbid news that the world is experiencing and the latest Covid figures that the government has released and you both wonder how the fuck the world is going to get out of the state that its in for a while.
But, the two of you are no help to anyone. You’re just hoping that Charlie is still doing okay as he is still on the frontline with all of this. It reminds you that you need to call Y/B/F today and actually have a proper lengthy conversation so you can make sure she’s alright.
When you get up from the table to put the plates in the dishwasher (you wouldn’t let Alex do it), your boyfriend finds himself longingly looking at the leather bound diary that contains all of your secrets. It reminds him of just how much he would love to read any poem of yours. He really hopes you’ll let him one day, even if it's years from now when you’re married and going grey, he really hopes you’ll let him.
Curiosity gets the better of Alex and he nods at your diary when you come back into the room, “Did you say you wrote a poem this morning?”
“I did.” You smile brightly at him, the sun hitting your face from the window making your skin have a golden tint to it. You look stunning.
Alex hums acknowledging what you told him, he grins when you walk around the table and sit on his lap instead of your chair. Stealing a quick kiss from you makes Alex smile and he also pushes his luck the tiniest bit, asking cheekily as he slides your poetry diary closer to the both of you, “Can I finally read some of these?”
You chuckle at the way he pouts at you, the silent plea on his face is quite amusing. But what is even funnier to you is his reaction to what you say next.  
“You can read them all.” You nod, “But just bare in mind that’s like two decades worth of my feelings.”
Your boyfriend’s jaw falls and his eyes go wide. It clearly takes a second to register because the next thing you know, his eyebrows are furrowed slightly and he asks, “Wait, what?”
“What?” You giggle, finding it quite amusing how shocked he is.
Alex picks up your poem diary properly now and holds it in front of you and asks seriously, “I can read this?”
“I don’t have anything to hide from you anymore.” You nod, confirming he can if he’d like to. And to ease your now clearly anxious boyfriend, your fingers gently play with the hair on the back of his neck, “You’ve been asking since we were teenagers, I think you’ve waited a sufficient amount of time.”
Alex is entirely lost for words. This book that he has seen for the past decade of his life has plagued him as he has been desperate at different moments in time to see what you’ve been scribbling down onto the pages of it. And to finally hear that he can read it without consequence is a real shock to his system.
“Yeah.” You nod.
Alex looks at the leather diary then like he’s never opened a book in his life and he doesn’t know what to do with it. His hesitance makes you smile, but you think for your own sanity if he does want to read it, which you know he does, you need to do something for yourself.
“Before you do.” You get your best friend's attention again and you ask, “Can you please read and process them when I’m not here? I’d rather you take it all in and then you can ask questions afterwards if you have any.”
Alex questions, “Not all sunshines and rainbows then?” and his heart sinks a little as he’s sure of the answer you’re about to give.
“Has my life been all sunshine and rainbows, Al?” You raise an eyebrow but try to keep the mood light.  
“No,” Your boyfriend shakes his head and takes a deep breath before admitting, “And I’ve not helped with that, I’m sure.”
“Don’t beat yourself up Al.” You tell him, giving him a small smile and you gently stroke his cheek as you tell him, “I love you now because I’ve been through everything you’re about to read.”
Once it’s established that Alex does in fact want to read it, you send off a few texts and when you get responses, you grab a few things before you get yourself ready to head out. And once you’re at the door, you tell Alex what your plan for your day is, “I’m going to go for a long walk, meet up with Adam for a socially distanced chat at the park and then have a nice long talk with Y/B/F whilst you read, okay?”
Alex wraps his arms around your waist and he hides himself into your neck and he kisses it once before offering, “You can stay here if you want? I’ll go out.”
“And you lose my poetry book? Absolutely not.” You giggle a little and you give his hair a little tug so you can give him a kiss. “It’s a nice day, I wanna get out anyway so it kills two birds with one stone.”
“I love you so much.” You kiss him longingly and lovingly, “I’ll see you later.”
“I-” And your best friend tries again.
But you quickly silence him with another kiss and tell him, “Don’t say it until after you’ve read my poems.”
Alex looks hopeful when he asks, “I can say it after?”
“Yeah, I think I've made you wait long enough for that now too.” You grin, loving how excited he is at the thought of saying that he loves you. But you jokingly big yourself up, “Besides, I have a feeling that you’ll be desperate to say it. I have a way with words.”
Alex chuckles at that, but before he lets you go he raises his little finger to you and asks, “Afterwards?”
You smile and hook your little finger around his in a pinky promise, confirming, “Afterwards.”
The way Alex’s heart is beating as he paces in front of the settee, which your poetry diary is currently lay on, is frankly concerning considering all of his nerves are being caused by what a pen has written on paper. It’s been 15 minutes since you’ve gone out and Alex hasn’t yet found the courage to open it.
But he realises that he needs to just bite the bullet. He’s been asking to read your poems for so long, he doesn’t want to back out of this now. Alex wants to know the ins and outs of your mind, and this is the closest he’ll ever get to that. So after a few deep breaths, he forces himself to sit down and unwrap the leather diary and he opens it on the first page.
Alex smiles seeing that it's not only your words in this book, you have doodles in there too. Stunning ones, just like all your drawings but these are quirkier and on this page he knows they must be from a long time ago.
On the first page he sees your full name written down, your telephone number which has clearly been updated the few times it’s needed to be. And then you have a bigger note that reads:
If lost: Please call the above number and claim your £5000 reward.
It makes Alex relax a bit reading that because that’s a very you thing to do. He knows that if this book went missing you’d probably pay double that to get it back. And after a deep breath, your boyfriend turns the page to start reading properly and he finds it easier than expected, for now anyway.
After reading a few of your earliest ones, Alex spots the small way you’ve coded out your poems. The date is the first thing at the top of the page, but then in the top right hand corner, you have initials of who the poem is about.
The few he’s read he knows from the initials that there are some about your Mum. Other heartfelt and longing ones about your Dad that almost have Alex tearing up.
There are happy ones too, some that don’t necessarily have initials because they aren’t about anyone in general, they are just about how you’re feeling.
Even reading these from back when you were in high school and college, Alex knows that you’re amazing at what you write in this book. And if your writing was this good when you were half your current age, he knows you must be even better now.
Once Alex figured out your code, he decided that he wants to respect your privacy a little more, so instead of reading everything you’ve written, he searches for his own initials. And your boyfriend stops when he sees the first A.T. in the right corner of your book. Alex sees that you’ve dated it late July 2002 and then he goes on to read:
Thank you for making me
feel things I thought I
never could
It’s short and simple, but Alex knows already that you must have been talking about the night you first slept together then. It sort of hits him all over again just how deeply you clearly felt about the milestone in your lives as he never expected to read you thanking him for it.
Alex flips a few more pages until he stops when he sees a polaroid of you and all the 1975 boys in a swimming pool. You’re all grinning like idiots and he can see that you’ve all signed the bottom of it which is a very you thing to ask all of them to do. But he smiles when he reads the poem on the page the picture is in between.
It’s about him, and about how there’s a trace of him on your neck that you’re getting teased for, but you’re saying it’s all worth it because it’s your reminder of what's waiting for you back home. When Alex looks at the picture again, he can see the faint bruise that he remembers sucking on your neck in Matt’s bedroom all those years ago at that house party. It makes him smile, seeing you look like you did back when you first got together, as you don’t look that much different now. You’re still as beautiful as ever but you’ve matured and grown into your beauty. And you have tattoos now too.
There were a few poems about Alex from that summer, that he finds himself smiling as he reads. But the first one with A.T. in the corner that knocks that smile from his face is one that hits him square in the chest.
Is my timing wrong
or am I just that hard to love?
Maybe I’m just
not good enough.
You thinking that you’re not good enough injures Alex’s soul, because it was never that. Alex was just a moron who got caught up in another girl who was actually in front of him for that whole summer who gave him attention and he never should have done it. He should have waited for you to come back home. He wishes he did.
Alex can’t help but think that this will probably be the easiest one of the heart aching ones that you’ve written about him. And the fact this already has made his heart sink probably isn’t the best sign.
Your poems move on to being about Peter after that and they stay that way for a lot of pages. Alex flicks through them, not really paying too much attention to anything you write about your first boyfriend, but when Alex sees M.H.he pauses.
Nothing is wasted.
Things happen for a reason.
A kiss should be simple,
but the taste of you on
my lips that night (searing)
a beautiful complication
Simple? Then why does
my heart long for you
when I’m locked to him.
Alex quickly recognises that you must have written that when you kissed Matty whilst you were still going out with Peter. And at the same time Alex realises he can’t put himself through reading the poems you’ve written about Matty, whilst it’s beautiful, he knows he can’t do it. He promises himself this will be the last one.
The next Alex finds with his own initials on it is dated a few days after your 21st birthday. And this one was about how sweet you thought it was that he kissed you. After that, there’s endless pages that are about Matty and there are somany.
Whilst Alex is searching for his next one, he comes across a photobooth strip of pictures where you and Matty are kissing each others cheeks before finally kissing each other properly in the final photo tucked into one of the poems about him, but Alex has to skips over your words about your ex.
The next A.T. is dated early November 2007, so Alex knows that this is bound to be when you were on tour with him. And Alex knows it must be because from the context of the poem he knows that this must be about the night you finally slept together again.
Boy you are a wild thing,
a supernova, a rush of
blood, burning desire.
(Angels could never)
You light up everything
you touch & set my
body electric.
Me and you?
Hearts true,
skin brand new.
Alex reads this one over and over again. He selfishly knows why he repeats the poem, because he knows that when he turns the page it’s going to turn nasty. Because he was so beyond nasty to you back then.
It’s still one of the biggest regrets of his life, leading both you and Alexa on. He should have never done that to either of you, but especially you. He was so stupid to disregard you like you were nothing and it will always be a splinter in Alex’s soul that he’ll never be able to get out. Just like the way the guilt is always slowly eating away at him but he buries it down these days. But reading your poems that follow make that guilt wash over him all over again.
When he turns the page, he finds it dated it dated early December 2007 which Alex knows is after you left the Favourite Worst Nightmare tour after what he did and he takes a deep breath before he reads the poem you’ve titled Betrayal:
You don’t understand
how a piece of you exists
within me. It hides convert,
burrowed in my centre.
My love, my love, my love,
I have learned to romance
ghosts with you: Men who
are all fucking talk and
zero substance. I have
learned a heart can be
feint, untouchable - even
when gripped in a fist.
I have learned you are
not mine but I have
always been yours.
I don't understand why
I can’t kill the piece of you
that makes my heart shake.
I don’t understand how
you can look for more in her
when I have cracked open
my ribcage for you.
It makes Alex tear up, and so do the ones afterwards. There’s at least ten from December 2007 and they all progressively hurt more and more as Alex reads them. But he knows you felt so much worse than he does whilst he’s reading them and on some level he knows that he has to read them all because he deserves to feel the pain after he caused you so much more in the past.
Nothing truly gets him like the last one from that month though. You wrote this one after Christmas, the first christmas he remembers you not being at home for, and his one is called Devastation and it hits him even harder.
You are with me
in dreams sweat-soaked
and electric.
You are the reason
for this ache,
this heart burst open.
When I think of you,
the knife twists and
you cripple me
even still.
You are beyond forgetting.
You are ingrained in
my blood.
What I don’t understand
is why I still care?
I am a car crash when
it comes to love:
Even when my head hits
the dashboard, I spit out
my teeth and
ask if you’re
It makes him feel sick, especially reading the end of it. The mention of a car crash wounds him as he knows what pain you went through years after you wrote this on paper what a car accident would do to you. And the fact he made you feel as if you were going through something that you later would find out to be the worst pain of your life, makes him start crying.
He’s not entirely sure how long his head rests in his hands and he cries about the way he once made you feel. Your best friend knows it’s a long while and he forces himself to read all of the sad ones before he lets himself move on.
He deserves to feel every once of your pain that he put you through. And Alex really doesn’t know how you managed to forgive him time and time again.
When he finally gets back to grips and he’s not crying anymore, Alex flicks through again, there’s a few more about Matty before they move on to being about Kyle for a while. There’s the occasional one about your friends and there's a platonic one about Alex dated in 2009 about distance and about how you send each other books.
After that a few more crop up about him that show how worried you are about him that were from 2010, after his split with Alexa and he came to stay with you. And there’s more about Matty afterwards. In fact, Matty takes up the majority of the next fifty pages which makes sense considering you were with him for so long.
The poems got Alex emotional again when it reached the year you had your accident and when you split up with Matty. Alex expects there to be a lot in there about the accident, but considering what happened with Matty, he realises that pain combined with the accident merged into one, so he still doesn’t read the ones with Matty’s initials in the corner.
One of them, though, doesn’t have any initials on it. And it’s the simplest poem but it hits Alex square in the chest.
I keep wondering
how sad do I have to be
for someone to stop insisting
everything is going to be fine?
Maybe it hits him because Alex thinks of himself as that someone who kept reassuring you at that point in your life. Despite you not putting any initials it really does seem like it could be about him.
Your poems stay about Matty for a while then, and he sees the dates move to when the AM tour started. At the beginning of that year there were a few more about Matty, probably how you felt betrayed by him going after Alex’s exes but he again skips over them until he finds his initials again. And he smiles when he does.
There are a few cute ones about the two of you getting closer again, some that suggest you want to see if you can be happy with him but with nerves because of what happened last time. They are really cute, ones that Alex wishes he could reread over and over again, but his favourite happens to have something else alongside it.
Alex opens that page and a polaroid falls out of it, one that he hasn’t seen in years but he remembers taking it. The picture of your silhouette as you sit on the decking above some American lake, and the sky is full of colour. Yellows, oranges, and reds all blurring into a stunning sunset, with the reflection of it on the water but you’re at the centre of it.
Seeing that the poem is the one that you wrote when you were sitting in his arms makes Alex’s heart beat faster, and this is definitely his favourite when he reads it.
Back To Life
This is the truth:
You touched me and the
universe fell back into place.
With you I feel infinity and
I wonder how many lives,
galaxies and red-hot nights
will live in our shared bloodstream.
Because it all boils down to
this sweet boy:
You have brought me
back to life.
It really hits him hard that one, and all of the ones after that ooze that you’re falling in love again. And knowing what happens makes Alex’s heart ache, he really could have had you be his back on tour if he’d have just asked you. If the both of you had just been direct like you were last week, you could have been together for 6 years.
Alex guesses that is at least one blessing of growing up. You all learn from your mistakes in an effort not to make the same ones again, and he’s so thankful he can finally call you his.
If he’s remembering the dates correctly, Alex reads another one that is from when you both came back home from the AM tour that is about him.
I learned to love
the most important parts of me,
because you did.
All my fear, anxieties,
quirks, and insecurities.
I overcame the struggle
because you held out
your hand and
offered to walk with me.
Whilst that warms his heart, the ones of heartbreak come next. Ones where you said that you let him go because you couldn’t be selfish to make him stay for you. Others of longing and the pain at him being so far away again and it makes Alex regret that move to LA in 2014 even more than he already did.
Reading the ones about both him and Matty make your constant heartache back in 2016 a bit easier to understand. He can tell from the way you write that you’re so confused by what you’re feeling for two different people and how overwhelming those emotions were for you. Alex starts crying at some of them because of how broken you sound in them. It made him wish he never put you through the stupid triangle.
Then the poems reflected on your 30th birthday party and the ones about him hurt him a fucking lot to read. Again, he deserves to feel that pain. It’s another of his biggest regrets to this day that he’d said that about you and used your virginity as some badge of honour. So when he reads about you actually forgiving him, he cries again in relief.
But then it gets to 2017 and something else trapped in the pages falls onto Alex’s lap. A letter.
One that just reads ‘Y/N’ on the front of it in someone's handwriting that he doesn’t quite recognise, but he knows he’s seen it before. But then it clicks after he thinks why you keep a letter in your most prized possessions, it’s important to you and important enough that you wouldn’t want to lose it. And it’s then he realises it must be the letter that Matty gave you, the one that ended up with you sleeping with your other best friend again.
For years it’s plagued Alex on what could be written in that letter - the one that's now in his hands - that made you rush to Matty and sleep with him again. It kept him up at night thinking about it in the days after you told him what happened.
He wants to know, he really does and when it clicked what it was there was no doubt in Alex’s mind that he was going to open it and read it. But when it comes to him even opening the envelope, he can’t do it.
Alex can’t bring himself to betray your trust like that. It’s unbelievable enough that you’ve even let him open your poetry diary, he can’t just open something that you’ve kept private for so long.
He trusts you enough with what you’d told him in the past and what you said last week that Matty is just your best friend. You will have had your reasons for why you got with him back then and he’s sure this letter in his hands would make him understand. But that can stay between you and Matty. Alex makes his peace with that there and then as he tucks the letter back into the pages of your diary before he starts searching for his initials again.
The 2018 poems begin and the months where you and Alex got together again the time it almost led to a proper relationship have your boyfriend really happy to read. Your writing is astounding and how you convey your feelings through your words is insane.
But Alex knows he’s about to fuck up and hurt you again. And when he reaches the poem where he does, it upsets him again.
In another life
I swallowed every reprieve
and instead
offered you a mouthful
of loathing.
Just not in this one
As he’s been reading all of the ones after this about how hurt you were after he called you what he did and you decided you didn’t want to be with him anymore. Again, entirely fair and he deserves to feel like this as he reads the following ones that also cover that heartbreak.
He reads the other ones that cover 2018, not many more are about him other than one about you meeting accidentally in your spot at the park that day.
The poem you write about your one night stand in January 2019 is amazing. You write about sex like it’s electricity and he can feel the ghost of what happened in his veins as he reads.
He wishes that you were ready for a relationship back then because he would have asked you if you wanted to settle down. It would have saved him the waste of time that was the rest of 2019 for him anyway, and he could have been with someone who actually appreciated him for the person he is instead of being used like he was. Another regret of his will always be that he foolishly didn’t believe what you said about his ex and that he hurt you with that.
The poems that start with the beginning of 2020 are beautiful and happy, but the ones that come after march are bitter in comparison. Your poems turn lonely and sad and it’s so blatantly clear to see that you weren’t doing too well. As Alex reads he can see tear stains on the old battered book that holds your emotions just as clearly as your words.
He too is balling his eyes out reading how broken you feel and he wishes you phoned him sooner than you did. He promises himself that he will never ever let you feel as upset as you clearly were for those few months and he will make sure he does that for the rest of his life.
Alex notices the dates get even more recent now. One a day after he picks you up and it's as if a light had been switched back on and you found your happiness again. And then he reads ones that slowly hint that you’re falling back in love and you say that it’s been dormant for a while but it's always been there. It makes your boyfriend emotional as his heart feels like it could burst. But then he reads ones that have been written this last week, where each of them have that A.T. in the corner and your boyfriend can’t stop crying.
Those little moments,
with my head on your chest
and your fingertips
drawing circles
on the base of my neck.
They are the tiny moments
you are more than my home;
you are my entire world.
If I were to build a house
I’d have your arms as the walls
Your eyes as the windows
Your smile as the front door
Your heart as the fireplace
And your soul as my light
And in this house
I’d place my faith
Knowing I’d finally
Found a home
My pen could write
for a thousand people
but it never smiles about them
the way it does for you.
I love you Alexander Turner,
my Shakespeare,
my Darling.
So much.
And then the pages go blank. You wrote that you loved him this morning and even though you’ve said it a hundred times this past week it still doesn’t seem real.
Alex closes the book and puts it down before he just lets himself cry. He’s so overwhelmed with everything that you’ve written that all of his emotions are blended into one and he just sits and cries.
The only thing Alex can make sense of is that It seemed like you both caught feelings for each other even harder at different paces. You caught them immediately whereas Alex noticed them properly about a year later and he made messy life decisions after that.
And after that you’ve been missing each other until you finally got brought together now. Alex is so beyond thankful that he has you now and he will never ever take that for granted.
He’s unsure how long he sat there reading, and now crying, but it’s long enough that you’ve made it back home. Alex hears the front door open and you’re humming as you walk through the door.
Hearing your small, “I’m home.” somehow makes him even more upset, but he can’t not get up because he needs you back in his arms now. As Alex turns the corner, you’re taking your AirPods out and putting your keys on the side and he tears up more just looking at you.
You didn’t even notice your boyfriend was coming up to you until the second before his arms wrapped around you and he gave you the biggest hug he ever has. It’s a lovely embrace that has you smiling, but it quickly turns worrying when you feel his shaky breathing and you realise he’s crying.
Just as you’re about to ask if he’s okay, you hear his choked up voice tell you, “I love you so so much, Y/N.” as he hugs you tightly.
“Alex,” Your arms wrap around him, instantly worried he’s had some bad news whilst you’ve been out. “What's wrong?”
You feel him shake his head as he cries into your neck and he just holds you tighter and “Nothing, I just love you.”
“I love you too, Al.” You promise him, giving him a big squeeze and you run your hand up and down his back trying to comfort him and coax him into telling you what's wrong.
You’re a little worried about him when he just cries for a minute in your neck before you start worrying that something bad actually has happened and he’s not telling you, “Alex come on, what's happened? What’s wrong?”
“I just read everything and I-” He chokes up when he pulls out of your hug briefly for him to wipe the tears from his face as he stumbles over his words, “I don’t know Angel. I’m overwhelmed and I-” He has watery eyes and you can tell just how much he means what he’s saying when he continues, “I just love you so much Angel… I’m so sorry I hurt you for so long.”
“Al, don't apologise.” You shake your head, and reach up to wipe his tears away, “I’m fine, I’m okay.”
“I just love you a lot. I'm so, so, so beyond sorry I put you through all that.” There’s no stopping his tears yet, and he looks broken when he cries in a choked voice, “You must hate me, I'm so, so, so sorry.”
“Alex no,” You promise him, “It's okay.”
He sounds broken when he says, “I don’t understand how can you love me when I made you feel like that?”
“Do you remember what that really clever man once said?” You ask him as you wipe his tears and he sniffles, shaking his head slightly to answer your question.
“‘The course of true love never did run smooth’, Al.” You quote A Midsummer Night’s Dream at him, before you go on to say, “I love you more now because of it all… You know I love you, you’ve just read how much I do. Please tell me you made it to the end.”
Alex nods, confirming he did, but he sniffles, “I don’t deserve it.”
“If you made it to the end then you’ve read how much I love you.” You smile at him, and the small smile he gives you back warms your heart. You really want him to believe you.
“We deserve to be happy, Shakespeare.” You wipe away the fresh tears that spill down his cheeks as you tell him softly, “It’s time to let it all go. It’s me and you against the world now.”
“Are you sure you want that?” It almost breaks your heart when you hear him ask that. “Want me?”
You nod, promising him, “I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
Tears of relief seem to flood his eyes then and he smiles at you as he savours the feeling of you gently brushing his cheeks as you look up at him with such a loving smile.
He wraps himself up into the biggest hug again and as you lean your head against his, he says, “I love you so much Y/N Y/L/N.”
You smile as you whisper into his ear, “And I love you too Alex Turner.”
~*~*~*~ Mid July 2020 ~*~*~*~
“Curly, hey!” You smile as you answer your phone.
You just quickly ran to the kitchen to grab your phone when you heard it ringing but you were pleasantly surprised to see your best friend's contact name on the screen.  
“Wheels! Sweetheart!” Matty’s chipper voice comes from down the phone. “How are you? What you up to?”
“I’m good, thank you.” You tell him as you make your way back to  “And I’m currently doing another box painting for the next gallery. For whenever the world gets back to normal anyway.”
“Hopefully we will get there soon,” You can hear Matty’s smile when he adds, “And oooo, what’s this one of?”
You smile as you look at your artwork. This one was just a scene you conjured up from your imagination and it turned out pretty well if you do say so yourself, “This one is a foggy forest with mountains in the back.”
“Nice one, can’t wait to see it.” Matty says and you know he’s being entirely genuine.
However, today is about him, not you.
“You’re too cute, but anyway, I can tell you over the phone properly now.” You’re grinning like a fool as you say, “I’m so fucking proud of you Matty… Notes is fucking amazing.”
Notes On A Conditional Form came out today and you’ve already had your first run through of listening to it since Alex went out earlier as you painted. It’s so different to their other albums but still has that 1975 magic that makes the songs theirs. And you’re so incredibly proud of them all.
“Thank you Sweetheart,” You can practically hear his grin, “And whilst I’ve got you, Notes was actually the reason I was calling.”
“Oh?” You smile hearing that.
“We’re doing the twitter listening party later on at seven and I wondered if you’re not busy if you wanted to come to the studio to listen with me and George?” Matty asks, and before you can get a word in, your best friend starts giving his reasons, “I just don’t want you on your own when you’re being sensible anyway so having you around for a bit isn’t going to break any rules in our mind nor should it in yours. You shouldn’t be locked down alone anyway.”
“Matty,” You start, “Thank you for the offer but I’m not on my own anymore.”
“Who you with?”
“Alex…” You trail off, really not knowing how Matty was going to take it.
You’ve sort of just kept what’s gone on between you and Alex the past month between the two of you. You hadn’t even told Adam you were giving it another try with Alex yet, you just told him when you socially distanced met up with him the day your boyfriend was reading your poetry books that you were staying at his house, not that you were back together.
“Ah, right.” Matty thinks about it for a second before hesitantly asking, “I’m guessing in more ways than one?”
You feel fucking awful, like you should have had this conversation in person and not over the phone, so you immediately say, “I’m sorry Matty, I-”
“No, no Wheels, please don’t apologise.” Matty is quick to interrupt you, “I was just asking because I didn't want to presume. I just want you to be happy.”
“That’s all I want for you too, Matty. I swear.” You promise, because you do just want him happy.
There’s nothing you want more than for him to find the girl of his dreams who can put up with his excitable ways and for someone who loves him just as much as you once did. He deserves the world and there will always be a part of you that loves him, but you’re both so much better off as best friends it's clear for you both to see now.
“Yeah, I know.” You can hear his smile and that is still present when he excitedly hints, “I’ve got news on that actually.”
“Ooo what?”
“I’ve started speaking to someone.” Matty informs you and you can hear his grin down the phone.
You gasp, completely thrilled for him, “Really?”
“Yeah.” He confirms, sounding really chuffed for himself.  
“Would I know her?” Is your polite way of asking if she’s famous.
“You might.” Matty chuckles before answering, “You heard of FKA Twigs?”
“You’re kidding.” Your jaw drops and you have to pinch your nose wondering how the fuck Matty, your beautifully idiotic now skinhead Matty Healy has somehow managed to take FKA Twigs off the market. “How the fuck have you managed that Matty? She pole dances!”
“I know.” Matty laughs down the phone, clearly finding your shock funny. “I don’t know either Wheels, but it’s going really well. I was actually gunna tell you later on if you were coming round.”
You can’t stop smiling at how bloody happy he sounds, you coo down the phone, “Matty, I’m so happy for you.”
“I’m happy for you too.” Matty tells you sincerely, and your heart melts a bit when he adds, “You know I’m always here if you need me, right Sweetheart?”
“Of course I do, Curly.” You nod, wrapping an arm around yourself in an attempt to simulate one of his. You’ve missed your Matty hugs these past four months. You remind him, “I’m always a phone call away too. You know that.”
“I do.” Matty confirms which makes you smile.
You really need lockdown to fuck off so you can go and hug your friends. You will certainly never take their presence for granted ever again.
“Who knows about you and Al by the way? Does Hann know?” Matty can’t help but wonder.
“No we’ve not told anyone, we've just kept it to ourselves for the time being.” You explain, “But it’s not a secret, tell who you want. I’ll phone Adam after I’ve finished on the phone with you though.”
He chuckles mischievously, “Amazing, Twitter will have a field day.”
“Just like they did when they found out you shaved your head again.” You pointedly accuse because you’re still not happy with him.
The bastard got rid of the mohawk and left a fucking rat tail on his head, and after copious amounts of bullying from you, he finally got rid of that too. But now he just looks like a prison inmate and you need him to commit to growing his hair back.
“So other than the both of us being happy, do you have any gossip? Personal or industry will satisfy my boredom.” You ask, changing the topic of conversation so he hopefully forgets his plan to out your relationship to twitter.  
Matty laughs then, but he can’t help but say, “Alex should be satisfying your boredom.”
“Oh he is,” You grin, knowing exactly what your best friend meant by that, “But I’ve gotta have a break sometimes, Curly.”
The sex you and Alex were currently having was very very nice to say the least. Lockdown was a blessing in that sense, between painting, watching shit tv, talking to each other and your friends left a lot of time for the two of you to get up to no good. And it’s needless to say, you’ve been left very satisfied.
But you can’t help but tease Matty, “Might watch a few more videos of your girlfriend pole dancing if you don’t give me some gossip.”
“Let me think.” Your best friend says quickly which makes you chuckle, but then he tells you the worst thing imaginable, “Oh yeah, so something devastating news for you actually… Catfish and the Bottlemen are no more.”
Your eyes go wide, and you gasp, “What?!”
You can imagine Matty nodding as he confirms, “They are splitting up.”
“No.” You say back in utter disbelief.
You don;t even hear the front door open, you're so in shock. All you can hear is Matty trying not to laugh as he says, “Yeah, sorry Wheels but it’s true.”
With your hand over your mouth, still in utter disbelief you ask, “But why?” like you’re a child who’s having a sulk at your toy being taken away.
“I’ve got no idea. Seems there’s been a few disagreements and shit’s hit the fan.” Matty tells you, “Apparently, they will be doing their confirmed tour dates and then that's it.”
“I’m in pain.” You're frozen to your spot, looking like your world just crumbled down as you exaggerate to Matty, “Immense pain.”
Whilst your best friend chuckles down the phone, Alex walks through the door with all of the food shopping bags on his arms, and he asks slightly concerned, “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’re about to throw up.”
As your boyfriend kisses you on top of your head, you repeat what Matty just told you, “Catfish and the Bottlemen are splitting up.”
“Yeah.” Alex nods like it’s not news to him before he turns and heads towards the kitchen.
You jump out of your seat and follow him, almost shouting, “You knew?!”
“I thought you did.” Alex says over his shoulder as he puts all the bags down in the corner of the room by the cupboards.  
Matty is laughing down the phone as you say in complete disbelief, “I can’t believe you knew and you didn’t tell me.”
“Don’t cry Angel, they weren’t that good.” Alex chuckles before he starts opening cupboards and the fridge to put the food shopping away.  
You jump up and sit on the kitchen island before saying, “I’m surrounded by rats.” and Matty again laughs as your boyfriend chuckles.
“Matty’s on the phone then?” Alex asks, and when you nod, you pull your phone from your ear and put him on speaker. Your boyfriend tells your best friend, “Brave of you to tell her that mate. How are you?”
“I know and good thank you, hope you are too.” Matty’s voice rings out of your phone speakers.  
But you smirk and add, “Oh he’s fucking amazing with his new pole dancing girlfriend.”
“Who?” Alex turns to look at you with a surprised look.
You grin knowing he’ll be shocked when you tell him, “FKA Twigs.”
“You’re kidding?” Alex’s jaw drops exactly like yours did.
You can’t help but laugh, “That’s what I said!”
“Okay it’s getting a bit rude now and you’s can call her Tahliah,” Matty tells you and you bite your lip to stop from laughing. Matty adds though, “By the way Al… Break Wheels’ heart and I’ll punch your lights out and get George to do the same.”
“Noted.” Alex chuckles, having absolutely no intention to ever hurt you again. Changing the topic, “Speaking of notes, we’re listening to it later, right?”
“We are indeed.” You nod confirming for your boyfriend.
“Excited to hear what you think.” Matty says pleasantly, but then he feels the need to remind, “Please both of you remember I wrote it a fucking while ago.”
You chuckle at that because you know he means that songs about you are on there. But you already knew that. You were in the music video to one of them after all. But you’re excited to tweet along later as you both listen to it properly.  
“Don’t worry, it's all good.” Alex chuckles, really not caring if you’re not upset by it.
Matty is entitled to write about his own experience just as much as he is.  
You leave Alex to put the shopping away after the three of you chat for a little bit. You and Matty could chat for days and you probably chat for another half an hour about anything that pops into either of your heads. But then Matty remembers something that will shock you to your very soul.
“Oh fuck.” Matty says randomly as you were gossiping.
“I forgot to tell you something…” Matty trails off.
If you were on facetime with him, you expect you’d see the hint of a grin coming onto his lips as you can tell by the way he said that. You’re sure of it.
Which is why you question, “Is it gossip?”
“It is.” Matty confirms, before correcting slightly, “Personal gossip.”
Oh, fuck yes. The best kind… Especially when it’s not about you.
You’re grinning, “Spill, now.”
“Are you sat down?” Matty asks, “You might want to be.”
“Oh fuck,” You immediately feel guilty for getting excited and not realising something could be wrong, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah everything’s grand,” Matty thankfully eases your worries, but he still leaves you anxious as he says, “Just need you to be sitting for this.”
“Okay… You’re scaring me now. What?”
“It’s George…” He trails off again.
But you prompt him to continue, your heart beating a little faster wondering what the gossip could be, “What about him?”
Matty tells you, “He texted me earlier saying he’d managed to shag the girl he’s been after for a while.”
And just like that your hopes and dreams of George all crumble away.
You pout at that, and you sound a little grumpy as you say, “Well he’s not just shagged me so that’s a lie.”
“You wish.” Matty laughs, expecting to hear nothing else.
He can’t help but find your disappointment funny. But he knew he needed to be the one to tell you, because you’d need the news to sink in first and you’d be too polite for your own good if George told you himself.
As Matty is thinking all of this, you realise you really can’t be upset. You’ve got your man now and you’re very veryhappy with him. Maybe you’re just mourning what could have been and the jokes that can’t happen anymore.
Sighing, you brave the pain, “Come on spill... Who is it? Is she pretty? Do we know her?”
“Oh, you know her alright.” You can hear Matty’s grin.
“Do not say Alexa Chung.” You state bluntly, the idea not funny in the slightest to you.  
Matty cackles at that, but he assures you, “No, you’re safe don’t worry.”
“Who’s he fucking Matty?” You urge him to tell you.  
“Charli XCX.”
Your jaw falls open for the second time today, and you gasp, “No.”
“I promise you.” Matty confirms, but now you’re truly shell shocked and you’re left speechless. So much so that after a minute, your best friend makes sure you’re still there, “Wheels?”
Lucky fucking bitch.
You say as you stare into the void, “I’m deeply unwell.”
“I knew you would be.” Matty chuckles to himself as he can picture the shock on your face so clearly.
You whine, “She’s so fucking fit.”
“I know.” Matty agrees.
But you’re still thinking out loud as you complain, “They must have the hottest, switchiest sex.”
Matty cackles loudly at the pain in your voice. “I’m going to tell him you said that.”
Ignoring that comment, you carry on rambling about this fake heartbreak, “I half feel like he’s cheated on me because he’s not told me.”
Matty quite rightly asks, “Have you told him about Alex?”
“No, so I don’t have a leg to stand on but still I’m in pain right now.” You winge.
“Knew you would be.” Matty chuckles, “We’re all off the market now, Wheels. The shop has closed.”
You nod as if he can see you, but you then go on to the more pressing point, “We need to find Ross someone, stat.”
Matty agrees, “I might set him up a Raya account.”  
“Do it, the man needs to get laid.” You approve, then joke, “If I wasn’t spoken for, I would.”
“Please expect the bro code, Wheels.” You can almost hear Matty’s frown.  
“I’m not your bro.” You state, half offended he would call you that.
Matty chuckles, “You’re my best friend, you are.”
And just as you’re about to argue that you’re had sex with him before so you’re not his bro, Matty swears, “Oh fuck.”
You’re worried for a split second, “What?”
“I’m late for my Zoom meeting with Jamie,” Matty panics a little, but nothings wrong so you take a breath of relief as your best friend apologises, “Sorry Wheels, I completely forgot and he’s ringing me.”
You just chuckle, “Ever the professional.”
“Sorry Sweetheart.”
“It’s alright.” You smile, “Speak to you soon, love you lots Curly.”
“Love you too, bye Wheels.” Matty quickly bids you farewell.
“Bye.” You say back and when the call ends you stand yourself up.
It’s almost too much news to take in. You have to take a breath as you wonder back to the kitchen where you can hear your boyfriend starting to cook.
After you put your phone on charge, you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.
“Al.” You mumble as you hug his back.
“Yes Angel?”
“Don’t suppose you’ve ever thought about a foursome?” You ask, unable to stop yourself.
Alex chuckles, “With Matty and Twigs, no.”
You laugh a little too as that was definitely not who you were meaning. You correct him, “No, with George and his new girl.”
“Who’s his new girl?” Alex asks absentmindedly, no matter the answer he’s not going to change his mind.
You still can’t believe George has managed to land the stunning woman, “Charli XCX.”
Alex turns towards you at this point, looking just as shocked as you, “You’re kidding?”
“Nope.” You confirm it’s true.
“Christ,” Alex chuckles, “The pandemic has done the rounds for bringing couples together, hasn't it?”
“I know, I know.” You nod, and go back to having a silent moment with him, once again hugging his back whilst he cooks.  
But after a minute, you ask again, “So… the foursome?”
Alex snorts, before telling you, “Get out of my kitchen, woman.”
~*~*~*~ 30th November 2020 ~*~*~*~
“I don’t think we’re ever going to find one, Angel.” Alex sighs as you both get in the car after another disappointing house viewing.
You try to keep both of your hopes up by assuring, “We will.” as you do your seatbelt and get comfy as Alex starts the car.
Your boyfriend just looks visibly deflated though, which is how you’re currently feeling too but you’re trying not to let it get you down. The both of you decided that you wanted to find a home together, because you wanted to build a life together that was your own.
Originally it was Alex’s idea, because he didn’t want to refer to it as your flat or his house, he wanted it to be both of yours together. He wanted to restart with you and you were certainly up for it. You’re really not attached to your flat in London at all, and you’ve been living with Alex since June so you’re certainly up for it.
But the current search hasn’t been going too well.
“Each one has so many cons and it’s infuriating.” Alex huffs as he waits for the car to de-mist. He turns to you and holds up each of fingers for the cons, “Either no studio space or no music room space. It's either all dark and dingy and needs too much doing to it.”
“I understand Al,” You nod, getting what he means entirely, “Nowhere has felt like a home.”
He runs a hand through his once again prince charming hair, but he looks at you and sighs, “We couldn't raise a family in any of the ones they’ve shown us.”
The both of you have talked about your futures a lot recently and the prospect of starting a family has been talked about. Neither of you want anything right now, but the option being left open is certainly something you’re happy with.
You just continue to tell your boyfriend, “We will find somewhere.” as you grab his hand and lace your fingers together.
Alex gives your hand a squeeze and he kisses the back of it before sounding slightly upset as he admits, “I’m losing hope and that's really sad.”
You give him a sad smile hearing that but you do understand. You’ve not liked any yet either and it does get the both of you down. But you just try to stay optimistic but also realistic. It really isn’t the end of the world.
“Well we have the viewing later today and if that goes shit, how about we just put a hold on moving?” You suggest, “We’re not moving because we desperately have too, we’re just doing it for better convenience for the both of us.”
Alex looks like he’s about to argue, but you get to him first and say, “It’s really not that much of an issue me going to the flat to sort the paintings out. I can survive a bit longer.”
“I know, but I also want to make a home with you like we talked about.” Alex sounds so defeated and you just make him lean across the car to hug you for a few seconds.
“Home for me is where you are.” You tell him as you kiss his cheek, “So I’m perfectly fine in the house for a bit longer, Al. I’m in no rush... Let's just see how later goes and if we get a good feeling about it we can see.”
Alex nods and lets you go, grabbing your hand again as he nods, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“I always am.” You chuckle and squeeze his hand, “You never know, the one later is a little further out of the city. More room there. And if you want to, I don't mind not being in London, we can go back home and look up there.”
Alex smiles at that idea, but he outs himself for not being able to wait around for anything, “I just can’t wait to build a life with you any longer. Need everything now.”
You grin at him and lean over to steal a kiss as you tell him, “I love you, Mr Impatient.”
“Love you too, Angel.” Alex mumbles against your lips as he kisses you back.
“So this one has most of the things you were asking for.” Your estate agent Anna tells you as the three of you walk up the drive of the gorgeous looking house.
“Lots of natural light, which I know you wanted for your art studio, Y/N. There's another decent sized room that could easily be turned into a home studio for you, Alex. It’s a little bigger than you wanted, but more space is never a bad thing.” She goes on to tell you as she gets the keys to the house out. “It's a four bed, two bathroom. Master has an ensuite, and there's an open plan kitchen and dining area. And the lounge is fairly big with a fireplace. There's also a pretty much brand new conservatory on the back and a big garden too.”
“Well it certainly sounds good.” You smile as she starts unlocking the doors, “Looks it too from the outside.”
The drive can easily fit a few cars on there which is nice, and there's a tree that currently has no leaves in the corner too. The outside of the house looks huge, somewhere that you would dream of living when you were a teenager and never imagining it would be possible for you to have. You just hope inside lives up to the outside.
Anna smiles at you both, and she says, “Fingers crossed this is the one for you both, I have a good feeling,”
“Let's hope it’s a good one.” Alex nods as she opens the front door.
Anna gives you the tour around and you must admit the more things you see of this house, the more you can see the potential in it. This is one of the few that you’re actually letting yourself get excited about.
The room Anna thought about as your art studio is perfect, there's enough natural light so you could paint in there and there's enough room to store your paintings and all your supplies too. There’s nothing you don’t like about it.
And Alex seems to like the room that she envisioned as his studio. You could already picture his guitars on the walls, a drum kit in there, a keyboard, there was enough room for everything.
The lounge is fucking huge, bigger than the two of you need but it’s cosy and if theres a future where the two of you ever decide to expand your family the house certainly accommodates to it. The joint kitchen and dining room is astounding too, you wouldn't change a thing in there, you love all the units and so does Alex.
Upstairs is just as good. All the bedrooms and the bathroom are beautiful and the only thing you would change about them would be giving them some colour on the bare white walls. You can certainly picture yourself and Alex in the master bedroom too. The whole house is stunning and the both of you get that excited feeling in your stomach as you look around.
Anna lets you wonder around by yourselves for a little bit where you get the relief of knowing that the other person has a good feeling about this house too. And as you come back downstairs, you realise you’ve not looked outside yet or been in the conservatory.
“Do we get to the back garden through the conservatory, Anna?” You ask, looking back to her setting her iPad down on the kitchen island.
“Yes there is a door in there and there's a door in the utility room too, but feel free to go out that way, the key should be in the door.” She smiles.
Both of you think that the conservatory has the potential to be very cosy, and there’s no neighbours facing this way either, the garden just seems to be surrounded by trees so it gives the garden some privacy which the both of you like.
“Lets go check outside.” You suggest as you slip your coat back on, and Alex follows you out.
It's a nice big garden. Big enough for your friends to come over for a BBQ in the summer, or if your family did expand a swingset, trampoline, or a pool could easily be put up and little ones could still run around it freely.
Even though most of the trees have currently lost their leaves due to the time of year, you still feel like this is a lovely place. Lots of light gets into the garden and you know even when all the leaves come back it won't feel suffocating. You really love this house and Alex agrees with you when you say it as you head back inside with him.
“What did you think?” Anna asks as she steps into the conservatory to meet you.
You nod, “It’s lovely.” and Alex nods agreeing with you.
“It really is, especially in spring and summer.” Anna smiles, and she looks out of the window and nonchalantly adds, “That cherry blossom tree makes the garden look beautiful.”
Instantly you and Alex look at each other like you’ve missed something. Because you’re certain you would have seen a cherry blossom tree outside if there was one.
It’s Alex that questions it, “Pardon?”
“That tree at the end of the garden,” Anna points to the big tree with no leaves at the very end of the garden, “It's a cherry blossom… When it's spring it blooms and looks stunning. I’ll find the pictures for you.”
You and Alex look at each other then as the estate agent looks through her iPad and both of you share the same look. The both of you entirely full of hope and you're sure the warm feeling must have hit his chest like it just did yours.
“There you go,” Anna hands her device over to you which shows an image of the back garden with all the trees in bloom.
But there’s a huge stunning cherry blossom tree in the centre of it, and it looks stunning. It looks like the one you painted on the big canvas that Alex secretly bought at your gallery.
Anna adds, “It’s the same as the small one out the front.” and she swipes on her screen which shows a smaller cherry blossom which is clearly the tree on the drive that had lost its leaves.
Both you and Alex look at each other again, this time with smiles tugging on both of your lips and you just know. If this isn’t a sign, you don’t know what is.
In reality, the both of you know that there is no need to look around again because you’ve both fallen completely in love with the house. The cherry blossoms have just confirmed it for you.
Regardless though, just to confirm it, you take another look around all the rooms as if you don’t know that you both want this house. And when you meet Anna at the front door, Alex grabs your hand and you smile at each other before your boyfriend says, “We would like to make an offer please.”
~*~*~*~ 7th April 2021 ~*~*~*~
“Hey!” You smile brightly as you open the door to your cousin and his girlfriend, “Come in, come in.”
“God, I'm so glad to see you Carly.” You say as you pull her into a hug, “I’ve missed you loads.”
“I’ve missed you too.” She says as she hugs you back.
As Alex greets your cousin, you tell her when you pull out of the hug and admire her long hair, “Gosh, every time I see your hair I wish mine was still as long.”
“It’s growing back.” She grins as she twists a strand of your hair.
You chuckle, “Yeah, just not fast enough.”
At that point the both of you turn to the two men. And you can’t help the massive grin that comes to your face when you look at Adam.
“Bro,” You grin as you hug your cousin, “It’s good to see you.
“And you B,” He tells you as he gives you a tight squeeze, “Missed you loads.”
“I know, these lockdowns need to fuck off.” You let him go as he says, “Really hoping that was the last one.”
From January to March this year, there was another lockdown in the UK. One that was a blessing and curse. A curse because the country was suffering from high Covid rates again, but a blessing because in those 3 months you had got the keys to yours and Alex’s house and you finished making it your own.
“I think it will be,” Adam is clearly hoping that was the end of another bout of self isolation too, “Don't think the country will survive another.”
You nod, agreeing, “Can’t wait to get back to normal.”
Adam hums in agreement and then he looks around the hall and around what he can see of your new home and says, “The house is stunning.”
“Ahh thank you.” You smile, the pride washing over you when you take a look around yourself.
Carly asks the both of you, “Did you get everything finished during the lockdown?”
“Yeah, we did.” Alex nods, and he grins at the memories of the both of you covered in paint in domestic bliss.  
Getting this house with you was certainly one of the best ideas he’d ever had and he would change nothing about it for the world. And on the rainy days recently, Alex had loved cuddling up with you in the conservatory where you would read aloud for the both of you as he was playing with the ends of your hair and his eyes would flick between you and the cherry blossom tree that had started to bloom at the bottom of your garden.
“Come on,” You link Carly's arm and say, “We’ll give you the tour.”
You take them round your home and you find yourself really proud to show it off. You’ve made it your own and every room that you walk into, you feel that pride that you felt each time you finished decorating a room during lockdown as you show them your home.
Once you’ve given the tour, you all walk into the kitchen so you can make them a drink. It’s so nice to have them around, you’ve really missed everyone again over the lockdown, you just can’t wait for things to go back to normal now.
And you’re really excited for your little housewarming party in a month's time. You can’t wait to have all your friends back together.
“It's gorgeous B.” Adam smiles as you hand him his cup of tea.
You grin, “Thank you.” as you take your seat next to Alex.
“Was talking about Alex's studio but sure the rest is nice.” Adam teases you.
But you just shake your head and tell him, “You’re a little shit.” as Carly nudges him for you.
All of you chat for a while and you have a really good catch up. You talk of how lockdown treated you all, about how you really hope life will get back to normal soon. You laugh about your funny lockdown stories over lunch and you can’t remember the last time you’ve had so much fun.
Well actually, you can remember the last time. It was in November when you finally got to hang out with all of your favourite people once again back up in your old flat, and Y/B/F and Charlie were back living together as the fact you all now had a vaccine on the horizon made the future look a whole lot brighter.
You felt like your family was whole again. Your Monkeys and your 1975 boys and your best friends all in one place. It felt like a birthday party, you were so happy.
Of course, you still got the flirty banter from George which Alex didn’t mind about, but what made your boyfriend giggle was when Charli started flirting with you too and you all but crumbled at it. Matty was still a terror and the banter between you was still exactly the same, he bullied you for anything and everything and you did the same to him.
That day you took it easy on him though because his girlfriend FKA Twigs aka Taliah had joined the party, but you did tell him that you were really happy he was happy in a moment you had when you joined him for some fresh air when he went out on your old fire escape to smoke. You really hoped for the best for him as he’d been with her for a while by that point and it was easy for you to see he was in love with her.
It was such a good day, and you’re remembering it fondly in an anecdote before you and Alex clear all the plates and make your cousin and his beautiful girlfriend another brew. Once you both return and all of you wonder into your lounge, you notice that the couple take each other's hands and seem to silently communicate with each other before smiling and looking back towards you.
“We’ve got to tell you something.” Carly smiles at the both of you and she grabs Adam’s hand making the statement even more suspenseful.
“Oh?” You smile, feeling like you know what this could be.
You and Y/B/F bet back on that day in November that in the next 6 months Adam would propose to Carly. And Alex knew about this bet too so you both glanced at each other subtly thinking that this really could be it, which makes you hold your breath with a nervous eagerness to hear what they have to say.
But then you’re shocked to your very soul.
“We're having a baby.” Adam grins at you.
Your eyes go wide with excitement, but you lose your words as you look between them, “You’re… you’re…”
“Yeah.” Carly nods, understanding your speechlessness.
“Oh my,” You trail off, immediately tearing up as you and Alex both stand up to hug the parents to be. Both of you say at the same time, “Congratulations.”
Adam makes a beeline for you, which you find really cute because you were going to go for Carly first. But you embrace your cousin so tight and you really don’t want to let him go.
You can hear Alex congratulating Carly whilst you and Adam just silently hug each other as you try not to sob down his ear. You think the hug says a lot more than you ever could.
You love the man in your arms like he’s your brother and you’ve so beyond happy for him. He deserves nothing but happiness and this is going to be the happiest thing to ever happen in your family.
“You’re going to be a Dad.” You cry happy tears as you squeeze him in the tightest hug you ever have, “I’m so happy for you Ads.”
“Thank you B.” Your cousin sounds a little choked up too.
You think about just how amazing he’s going to be with a baby and you can’t help but repeat yourself in a little chuckle of disbelief, “I can’t believe you’re going to be a Dad.”
Adam laughs, “Neither can I.”
“I’m going to spoil baby Hann rotten.” You promise him, already formulating a plan for everything you’re going to do for this child.
“Oh, I have no doubt.” Adam chuckles before you give each other another big squeeze and you let go to see he’s just as teary eyed as you.
You smile and wipe away his tears for him but you don’t bother to do your own because as soon as you look at Carly the waterworks start again. She’s tearing up a bit too as you trap her in a long hug.
“I'm so beyond happy for you, Carly.” You tell her and she thanks you as Alex tells Adam how elated he is for him.
You and Carly hug each other for a while too, probably too long but it feels like the both of you need it. And you’re giggling in each other's arms for a few minutes as you talk about how happy you are for them both and you promise her too that you will spoil her child rotten.
When you finally let go of her, you all sit back down but you’re far more invested in this conversation than you have been with anyone ever before.
Alex asks Carly with a bright smile, “How far are you?”
“Twelve weeks.” She grins.
“Who knows?” You have to ask, because you need to silently scream about this to someone after they have gone.
“Just the parents and now you two.” Adam tells you, “Had to come and tell my sister before the rest of them.”
Once again, the love and pride you feel for them being in your family and now making their own hits you square in your chest. You’re so overjoyed for them. You can’t wait to phone your Aunt as soon as Adam leaves.
“You’re gunna be a proper Auntie.” Adam grins and that makes your heart burst and tears threaten to come to your eyes again.
Alex pulls you into a little side hug as he laughs as he tells your cousin, “You’re going to have her sobbing.”
“I saw your eyes well up Turner, it’s not all on her.” Adam outs him which makes you giggle a little as Alex’s hug brings you some comfort.
“Are you going to find out if it's a little boy or girl?” You have to ask them.
And Carly excitedly tells you, “No, we’re going to wait.”
“I’m so so happy for you.” Is the one thing you keep repeating.
After talking and congratulating them for another 5 minutes, Adam nudges Carly with an excited look on his face and says, “We better go and tell the others.”
“Who are you telling today?” You have to ask so you don’t blab about it to someone you’re not meant to.
“The boys.” Adam grins, “Can’t not tell them.”
You chuckle a little as you think about it, “You’re going to make Matty cry.”
“What an early birthday present for him, ey?” Carly grins as she gets up to hug you, “But we’re telling him last because he will tell the others before we get a chance to.”
Alex laughs hearing that, “Probably a good idea.” as he pulls Adam into a hug.
“Yeah I know my big mouthed best mate well.” Adam laughs, hugging your boyfriend goodbye.
As you hug Carly, you promise her, “Your little one is going to get so spoiled.”
“I know.” You can hear her smile.
And when you pull away from the hug, you look down towards her stomach and you say directly to baby Hann, “I promise I'll give you all the chocolate you want. I’ll be the best Auntie ever.”
Carly giggles at that and when you look back up at her, she assures you, “You will be.”
“I love you,” You have to hug her again after that, “You’re going to be the best Mum in the world and thank you so much for making my little brother happy and giving him his own family.”
“We love you.” Carly tears up hearing you say that and she gives you a tight squeeze before she pulls back and puts a hand on her stomach and says, “And we can’t wait to meet this little one. He’s going to love you just as much as we do.”
“If you need anything please let me know.” You offer, “Anything, honestly.”
“Well, we might rope you into painting some animals or something in the nursery.” Adam grins as he moves so he can hug you now.
“Just say the word, I’ll bring everything, I’ll do anything.” You offer up your services, as it would be an honour to do for them. You can already picture the room that they would use in their house, it will be so cute.
“You’re going to be the best Dad.” You tell Adam as you squeeze him tightly.
“Don’t make me cry any more.” Adam laughs, “It’s been an emotional few months.”
“I bet.” You giggle before you tell him sincerely, “I love you so much Bro.”
Adam squeezes you tightly, “I love you too B.”
After the couple leave, you and Alex have a silent scream together, entirely buzzing that the family is going to be extended. Alex can’t help but feel like it's his brother that’s having a baby too, he feels just as happy as when all the other Monkeys told him that they were expecting.
But this hitting you so hard as it's your actual family has him feeling the joy even more intensely, and Alex fully intends to marry you one day so Adam is his actual family now too. Both of you know it’s the lives of being an only child that makes it feel even more special, but you’ve never felt so happy for someone before.
“Auntie Y/N/N and Uncle Alex, ey?” Alex brings you out of your thoughts. “Great ring to it.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” You grin and you get a little emotional again.
But that happens for the rest of the day. When you phone your Aunt up, you get in your feelings about hoping that you’ll be as good of an auntie as her to baby Hann and both of you just cry on the phone to each other for a long while as you wait for the others to find out.
You cry when each of the boys phone you after they have been told. It’s unsurprising they started with Ross as he is the most calm and collected of them all. And then they went to George and then Matty and by the time Matty found out it was about 6pm.
Instead of phoning you like he was going to, Matty drove to yours and Alex’s house in the rain so he could get excited with you both in person. And the three of you really did. You were planning gifts for them, Matty had a few ideas of things he wanted to commission you to paint for them (things you will absolutely not be charging for).
The other boys came round later in the evening too to join you and you all had the best time. You did phone Adam and Carly to come back too but they were driving up to Sheffield so they could tell Y/B/F and Charlie before going back to Manchester to tell more of your family.
All of you toast to Adam, Carly, and Baby Hann and the cutest family in the world that they will be. And with how much everyone in your house adores that couple, you know you’re all going to be the happiest family. You have no doubt at all.
~*~*~*~ 11th June 2021 ~*~*~*~
“Do you fancy a road trip?” You question your boyfriend as he stops playing his guitar. You walk into his music room and stand behind him as he’s on his stool to hug him from behind and you pre-warn him, “It’s a long one.”
Alex asks you curiously as he stops playing, “Where to?”
“Well it’s this place right, and someone wrote a song about it.” You try and fail to hold your grin as you answer him without actually answering him, “But it’s going to take us more than a forty-five minute drive to get there but not quite a seven hour flight.”
Alex puts his guitar down hearing and twists around on his stool. You see a surprised yet pleased look on his face, but his smile is bright when he wraps his arms around your waist and asks, “You wanna go back home?”
“Yeah,” You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck as you smile. “I need to go to my old house. My tenants are moving out so I need to decorate and get it back on the market.”
Your boyfriend's smile gets so much bigger hearing that and he excitedly grins, “So we’re going back to 505?”
“Yes.” You giggle loving the grin on his face, “About a week's trip if you’re willing to help me decorate?”
Alex leans forward to kiss you sweetly before nodding, “Course I will.” because there isn’t a chance he would miss going back to where it all started.
“Amazing.” You grin and because you’re a fool and you’re completely and hopelessly in love with the man in front of him, you quickly sit on his lap and shout over to your Amazon speaker, “Echo, play 505 by Arctic Monkeys.”  
And Alex chuckles as the song begins to play before he pulls you into a kiss.
Walking into your old home after your tenants handed you the keys back was a little strange. Obviously the place had been gutted and it was back at its barebones, almost exactly how you left it years ago.
Alex joined you at the front door after the family drove away and he held your hand as you unlocked the house and stepped inside. It’s been years since you actually had to come back into this house, and it’s a little eerie being back.
Memories of your childhood and teenage years flood back to you, both happy and sad ones as you both walk around the lounge, dining room, and kitchen. This home ultimately just makes you miss your Dad though, that's the overall feeling when you first walk in.
The memories of you and your friends chilling out in the lounge or kitchen come back to you and make you smile as you wonder back around the rooms that used to be the only home you knew. You find yourself getting really nostalgic as you walk around.
You only have very few memories of your Dad, but the ones you remember of him playing with you when you were a child, you tell Alex as you pass the spots in your old home that they happened in. Alex smiles and asks you questions about him and you answer all of them. You love that he wants to know more about him and what he was like.
Alex was always one of the few friends that always had asked what your Dad was like and that was something you appreciated because you didn’t want to bury his memory like your Mum usually does. So you tell him anecdotes that you either remember yourself or that you’ve been told about as you explore the hold house.
The stories were more family based whilst you were down the stairs, but as soon as you go up the stairs and you open the door to your old bedroom, you go silent. With Alex only a step behind you, the wave of nostalgia really hits you. For the briefest second, when you opened the door you could picture it as your bedroom again.
The old box TV constantly on the music channel in the corner, the low bed, your drawings pinned to your wall, your fairy lights hanging around your window, sheets upon sheets of poetry you printed off for free at school littering your floor. As you step into the room, you can practically picture everything clear as day.
Something feels lighter about being in the room now than it did the last time you were in it. You remember not wanting to be in this house so badly when you left it in 2008, but now it feels less bitter and it only brings back the good memories.
Memories must be flooding back to Alex too, because as you look around Alex watches you as he leans against your door frame and he smiles as he quietly says, “Where it all began, hey?”
Your cheeks go hot hearing that and you try not to grin like an idiot. The memories of that night really hit you hard as you're standing in this room and it's unsurprising when you get a little flustered and have to look away from him.
“How long after did you write the song?” You have to ask as you sit on the edge of the bed frame that the family had left behind.
“God,” Alex chuckles, “It was in the drafts for a while.”
Your boyfriend walks into the room and sits down on the floor in front of you then, looking up at you as he recalls, “I think some of it straight after… But it was mostly when I started thinking about you again when we became really close friends that it got all horny.”
“Teenage you was something else.” You giggle.
“Was just thinking back to us in here every time I saw you and my mind went straight down the gutter.” Alex owns up to it. “Rarely stopped thinking about you Angel.”
You smile hearing your nickname being said in the room he first said it in. But you can’t help but point that out, “You called me that for the first time in here.”
“Almost in the exact same positions, just swapped.” Alex grins, remembering it fondly.
You hum in amusement, “Yeah, didn’t take me giving you head to call it me this time.”
“God,” Alex groans a little, playfully saying, “That was the best night of my life.”
“Not exactly what I recall you saying last weekend, but sure, we will go with the night we lost our virginities.” You laugh a little then as Alex gets to his knees to shuffle forward to kiss you and shut you up.
He kisses you like you’ve both got all the time in the world, which you guess you do. Your fingers lace into his hair which if styled differently, he could probably look like he did back when the both of you lost your virginities.
Alex playfully bites your bottom lip to pull you into another kiss when you went to pull away from him, but you indulge him for a little longer. You try your best not to smile and ruin the moment but it gets a little difficult because you’re so happy.
Your heart feels like it could burst out of your chest with how much you love the man that’s kissing you. You just know he’s it for you, your everything, and the fact you're in the room where it all started has you a little emotional.
When you eventually pull away, you lean your forehead against his just to savour the moment with him.
After a silent minute, it’s Alex who asks as he pulls back and looks around the blank room,  “So where do you want to start?”
“Trip to B&Q and get the beige and white paints for all the rooms and we paint the days away?” You think out loud.
Alex nods approving of your plan and he smiles as he sits back on the floor.
“Sorry it’s a little boring.” You apologise in advance.
You know this won’t be as much fun as you both decorating your house because you’re basically taking the house's character away to let whoever ends up moving in to have a blank canvas to make their own. It will be a lot of boring white, grey, and beige painting of walls for the both of you.
But Alex shakes his head and assures you, “Nothing’s boring with you.”
That makes your heart ache with the love that you have for him again. And instead of saying it for the millionth time today, you show him in your own special way.
You smile as you tap your collarbone and you adore the way that your boyfriend’s face lights up completely. Alex’s own heart swells seeing you tap the words he once wrote you that have proudly displayed on your body and whilst he wants to tell you that he loves you verbally again, he settles for smiling back at you and tapping his own collarbone.
~*~*~*~ June 24th 2021 ~*~*~*~
Today you’ve given yourself the afternoon off painting 505 because it’s your birthday tomorrow and Y/B/F asked if you’d come round and see her which you and Alex currently are doing.
You’ve made plans to go out with them both for your birthday tomorrow and you’d had a great catch up with them. But you and Alex are currently in your old bedroom boxing up the last of your things to move down to your new home.
Both you and your boyfriend were left to do this after your best friend and her fiancé asked if you wouldn’t mind. Of course with not living with her at all anymore, you said it was fine and going through your stuff really wasn’t a hardship. It felt like you were going through your old memories with each thing that you picked up.
Alex is of course being a gem and helping you. And he’s currently taking all of your old books from your shelves and boxing them up for you as you collect the last of your shit from the drawers under your desk.
You’ve been going through things for about half an hour now, and you’ve already filled 3 boxes of stuff when Alex asks, “You’ve never read this have you?”
And when you turn to see which book he means, you immediately know he’s right. You never ended up reading that book he gave you.
It was the book he hand delivered to you that day you were packing to go back over to your Aunt and Uncles for their wedding. The same day Matty came around a little after him and they both made you try your dress on for them, and you remember just thanking Alex for the book and putting it straight on your shelf where you clearly forgot to pick it back up and read it.
“No, I guess we sent that many to each other I never got around to that one. I'm sorry.” You apologise as you walk over to him.
“It’s okay…”Alex smiles, genuinely not minding as it was only an old poetry book at the end of the day. Lot of memories in this book.”
“How'd you mean?” You ask.
Alex taps the book a few times before he reveals, “This was sort of the final nail in the coffin for me and Alexa.”
Of all things, you really weren’t expecting Alex to say that.
“What?” You ask a little dumbfounded.
Alex sighs like he’s finally just got something off his chest, “Yeah.” And you see that he then checks a page near the back of the book and reads over whatever it is before he smiles slightly and closes it again.
Still confused about why a book Alex ended up giving to you helped end his relationship with his ex, you end up needing to get clarity, “I thought that yours and Alexa’s schedules-”
“It was that.” Alex jumps in, confirming your right, “But when she came back to the flat in New York when we were on the break before we properly split, just after we were talking things out she found that book and she read the quote in the back that I annotated about a month after we started on the break of sorts.”
“I don’t remember you telling me about a break.” You say honestly, because you just remember how heart wrenched he was about the split.
“I didn’t want to tell you.” Alex tells you honestly, “I didn’t tell anyone, until now I guess.”
“I loved her but I wasn’t in love with her anymore and this proved it.” Alex shakes the book in his hand, not looking sad about anything, maybe just a little nostalgic which you understand.
But you can’t say you’re not curious when Alex explains, “She wasn’t angry or upset with what she saw, probably the reason why we’re still on alright terms because we’d been growing apart for a while before that anyway… But yeah, she read that and she was moving her stuff the same afternoon, and the day after I was on the phone to you telling you I was coming home.”
It seems a lot to process as you’ve not heard about any of this before now. But you have to know what’s been lying dormant on your shelf all these years.
“What did you write?” You ask curiously.
Alex hands you the book, his finger holding the page open for you, “Read it.”
And when you open it, you really weren’t expecting what you found.
“I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything.”
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
This is how I feel about you Angel, always and forever. AT x
“You're an idiot.” You shake your head as you read the quote and his writing over and over again.
Alex knows he is. The month that he and Alexa went on their break he had been leaning on your friendship so much more and just from that month and every other part of your history, it made him realise his huge mistake.
And reading that poetry book that he found in particular which was all about love, it made him think so much of what he had felt for you in the past and what never really went away, and not what he was feeling for Alexa anymore. It was when he knew he needed to call it off for good.
Alexa just happened to pick up the book to see if it was hers but when she opened it and saw that at the back, they both knew it was time. Time to separate and go back home and for him to deal with his real feelings.
Alex doesn’t expect it, but when you look back up at him he sees that you’re a little teary eyed when you say, “You could have saved us a lot of time if you told me I needed to read this back when you handed it to me.”
Your heart feels like it's swelling and aching with longing in your chest as you tell your boyfriend, “This is the shit I dreamed of happening to me when I was younger.”
Alex pulls you into a hug, and you hold him tightly still not fully believing that has been on your shelf for the past decade and you’d not once touched it.
Your boyfriend makes you chuckle when he playfully says, “I think it’s your fault you didn’t read it sooner, if I'm honest.”
Knowing he’s only joking, you chuckle as you say earnestly, “I really wish I had done now.” and you hold him impossibly closer.
“It's always been you Y/N/N,” Alex tells you, and he kisses your temple before he admits, “Just took me a long while to realise it.”
You genuinely have to take a few minutes in his arms to process it, and when you eventually do, you look up at the love of your life and tell him once again, “I love you, Shakespeare.”
“I love you so much more, Angel.” Your boyfriend smiles before he leans down and kisses you sweetly.
Just as you’re about to let each other go and get back to your separate jobs, a voice shouting the both of you stops you.
“You two best not be shagging in the baby's future room!” You hear Y/B/F yell but it makes you and Alex stop dead.
You’re frozen in your spot for a solid few seconds just looking at your boyfriend as you both process the words you just heard. You have to ask him, “Did she just?”
“She did.” Alex answers immediately and he looks to your old bedroom door.
Both of you walk towards it and immediately walk back into the lounge seeing Y/B/F and Charlie sitting there with grins on their faces. You don’t have to ask because you know from the look on her face that she said that on purpose and that she is pregnant.
But you don’t blame Alex for wanting the confirmation, “Are you?”
Both of them nod before saying, “We’re pregnant.”
The way you dive for Y/B/F would be funny to her if she wasn’t already getting teary. The hug she receives is the best and biggest you’ve probably ever given each other but how can you not when your best friend since you were 3 years old has just told you that she’s expecting her own baby.
This is again another thing you really weren’t expecting to happen today and the mascara running down your cheeks is enough proof of that. You sit and cry with your best friend for a solid five minutes as you get information out of her.
“You can’t tell anyone yet, it's too early, but I missed my period and only just realised.” She tells you as you wipe each other's tears away, “Charlie got us in with his friend for a quick scan after the test came back positive… I’m ten weeks.”
Tears are freely running down your face when you ask, “When did you find out?”
“Yesterday.” She tells you, “I was going to phone you, but then Charlie phoned his friend and got us the appointment for yesterday afternoon just to make sure everything was fine because I didn’t know and I’ve had a few drinks this past month.”
“And everythings okay?” You have to know before she continues explaining.
“Yeah, everything's fine.” Y/B/F nods, getting emotional again as she confirms, “We’re all fine and healthy. ”
Your best friend grabs your hand as she continues, “And then I was going to tell you to come last night but you’d already texted asking if you could come today and I wanted to tell you both in person.”
She looks at Alex then and you look at him for the first time since you found out and it makes you more emotional when you see he’s all teary eyed for her. You can see the love he has for her plain as day on his features and you feel like you probably look the exact same. This is just as important to you as finding out Adam is having a baby.
You get a little nostalgic, thinking back to the days when you used to think about this moment in your futures, and you ask your best friend, “Remember when we always thought we’d both find out if one of us was pregnant when we’re with each other?”
“I was telling Charlie.” She laughs nodding, and looks at her fiance who looks just as emotional as the rest of you.
“She said you’d be pissed she wasn’t with you when she did the test.” The nurse tells you with a little laugh.
“Not angry, don't worry.” You chuckle and wipe away your tears, “Just very very happy.”
And after you give your best friend a kiss on her cheek you get up to give Alex a moment with her whilst you open your arms up to her fiance.
“Charlie, give me a hug please.” And he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you tightly.
You hug and talk for a little while as you tell him how happy you are for the both of them. And of course you cry a little, but for you and Charlie that’s standard. That’s how your friendship began and you don’t plan on changing anything about that.
And then you think about what brought him into your life and you can’t believe that it was almost 8 years ago now.
“Don’t shout at me for saying it, but I really never thought I would say it and actually mean it,” And you’re entirely honest when you say, “But I’ve never been so happy that car crash happened.”
And you do actually mean it. You’d go through it all again if it meant everyone in your life would be as happy as they are right now.
“Shut up, you idiot.” Y/B/F scorns you straight away but you don’t care. But she does make you smile when she says, “I would have found him anyway... It was fate we would meet. I have no doubt about it.”
“I do too.” You laugh a little, having no doubt about it. But then you look at your best friend and really look at her and how happy she is and tears spring to your eyes again. You can’t help but tell her, “God, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” She pulls you in for another big hug and you wish you could stay in it forever.
You truly love this woman more than any other on the planet. Yes, you always call George your soulmate but in reality it’s this woman in your arms that has got you through every part of your life. And you’ll love her forever for being there for you as much as she has.
You can’t wait for her to have this baby and eventually marry Charlie who is the person that makes her the happiest in the world… Wait, the wedding.
“And before the wedding,” You shake your head and look down at her stomach and tap it gently, gently scorning the baby, “You’re ruining the hen party I’ve planned out, young one.”
They are due to get married in 2 months time. After all the push backs they have had because of the pandemic, you know they won't postpone again, but this means you definitely can’t be doing the things you’ve planned for the hen party. But you guess you’ll let your unborn niece or nephew off just this once.
Charlie, Alex, and Y/B/F laugh hearing you say that and you chuckle a little too as your best friend promises you, “We will go all out as soon as they arrive, I promise… Two drinks and I'll be plastered then after not drinking for so long.”
After an afternoon full of crying and telling each other you love each other a million times, your best friend hugs tightly as you’re saying goodbye to each other and whispers, “Happy early birthday present.”
You grin as you try your best not to burst into more tears, you’re so happy, “Best birthday ever.”
~*~*~*~ July 6th 2021 ~*~*~*~
For the last month with only a few days off for your birthday, you’ve been finishing up 505 and you must admit, for days you couldn’t wait to be done. Decorating was tiring but also really fun when you have your best friend who’s also your boyfriend at your side helping you out.
Alex made everything fun. Whether that just be his playful nature or keeping you motivated with the amazing playlist he put together to keep you going it always did the trick. His flirting was also encouraging, even if sometimes it ended up hindering your progress.
For example, when you both got to decorating your old bedroom, the flirting was off the charts. Your cheeks were hot all day and it got no better when you ended up having a small fight with the paints that ended up with both of your clothes coming off and paint ended up everywhere. On your legs, on your arms, on your face, and other places that the both of you found comical when you had to wash it off each other in the shower.
The way each of you could tell where your hands had been was the funniest part of it and it made your cheeks heat up as you could practically still feel his touch all over you with the visual reminder helping the memories come back.
And whilst that was a fun day, the rest of the days all seemed to blur into one long and boring project. You just wanted to add more colour to everything but you knew you couldn’t for the sake of the new tenants.
But today is the day. You’ve finally finished painting the entire house.
Everything looks clean and brand new and you’re so fucking thankful its all done. And you can tell Alex is too.
You lean back into your boyfriend as he wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you from behind. Smiling at the trail of kisses he presses onto your shoulder and up your neck, you praise the both of you, “We finally finished.”
“I think we should celebrate.” Alex says as he leaves a teasing kiss on your neck.
“We can’t shag again, Al.” You shake your head, knowing that you really can’t.
Yes the time in your old bedroom was fun, but you’re decorating for it to be someone else's home. You can’t defile it before you put it back up to rent out.
He laughs into your ear which makes you chuckle too, but you feel him shake his head, “No, look outside… The weather is stunning. Let's go get some food from the shop and a bottle of something and let's go to the park. We can’t stay in here, the paint fumes will kill us off.”
You smile knowing that ‘go to the park’ means go to your spot. And you think it’s a good idea.
“Get a taxi back to the flat later then?” You crane your neck so you can look back at him.
“Yeah,” Alex nods, “It's going to be a stunning evening. Let's grab a blanket and some wine and food and let's just stay in the park.”
You’re grinning like an idiot, “Yeah, good idea.”
And the both of you are sitting under your cherry blossom tree within an hour of leaving 505. The air is warm and you end up having a picnic of sorts to start off with.
Both of you got a lot of food from the shop before coming here and you both indulged in all the food you chose. You put the blanket down underneath the tree that is still looking glorious and such a vibrant pink in today's sunlight, and after the picnic you and Alex lay there for a while just relaxing and listening to music.
When you were packing up the last of your stuff at Y/B/F and Charlie’s the other day, you picked up Persuasion to reread and you brought that with you to finish off too. Alex had his own book he was reading so the both of you read peacefully for a long while.
Eventually the two of you needed more light as the sun kept shifting, so the both of you moved to the bench after a little while. And you lay down across it with your head resting on Alex’s thigh as you both continue to read.
Absent-mindedly, you end up holding each other's hand when you get immersed into your novels as Alex’s hand hangs across the back of the bench and you’re ever so slightly reaching up and keep interlacing your fingers with his. It’s peaceful and it's beautiful and you wouldn’t change anything about it and neither would your boyfriend.
The peace is only disturbed if either of you speak up, which isn’t all that often, but when you reread the letter in the book you just get the urge to want to read it out loud so your boyfriend can hear the beautiful words that are on the page as well, “Al, listen to this-”
“What's it about first?” Alex has to ask, needing even just a little bit of context so he can appreciate what you clearly think is good enough for you to want to tell him out loud.
“You’ve not read Persuasion? Austen?” You look up at him and ask curiously, thinking he would have definitely read this one in his time.
But you're left a little surprised when he shakes his head, “No.”
“You want me to tell you?” You ask and Alex smiles and nods prompting you to continue. You explain to him, “Long story short, she was persuaded not to marry this man nearly a decade ago and now he’s just written this to her and it's everything.”
“Okay go on,” Alex prompts you, and Alex listens and watches as you read it for him.
“I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed.” You trail off a little before the end of the letter Frederick writes to Anne.
You look up into Alex’s eyes and ask, “How beautiful is that? Austen was a fucking genius.”
Alex is already smiling down at you, but he nods, “She really was.”
You talk about it for a little bit before going back to the books again. But silently the both of you think over the line ‘I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it’ a little bit more because you find it so relatable in so many different ways.
But being here with Alex by your side now, you wouldn’t change anything about your own story for the world. You’re the happiest you’ve ever been here with your boyfriend and you love him so much you can sometimes barely find the words to describe how he makes you feel.
The amount of times over the past year you’ve stared at the page in your poetry diary for a good ten minutes wondering where on earth to start writing about how you feel about Alex is something you’ve lost count of. At this point, he is just an extension of yourself. You love him so much that your heart aches in the best way for him all the time.
Even as you spend your day with him doing nothing but reading out here, in your spot in the park, it’s not a waste of a day. And that’s because he’s by your side. You adore spending time with him no matter what you’re doing.  
You end up finishing your book and sitting up beside Alex where you rest your head on his shoulder and look out across the stunning view of Sheffield. It really is a gorgeous place that you grew up in. You miss being here all the time but you’re happy that you always have the excuse to come back up here to see your best friend and to come back to this spot which means the world to you.
Alex ends up putting his book down not long after you and the both of you watch the world go by as the sun slowly starts descending making the sky change colours with it. As it does, Alex starts playing with the jewellery you have on which isn’t all that different from what your quiet moments in your own home end up like.
But this time, your boyfriend smiles as he twists your Death Ramps ring on your little finger with one hand and he hooks his finger into the bracelet he bought you which has the Only Ones Who Know lyrics engraved onto it. Alex sounds really happy as he says, “I’m really happy you still wear these, you know?”
“Well,” You respond playfully, “The person who gave them me means a lot to me.”
Alex smiles and plays along, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod in confirmation, your smile never leaving your lips.
“Sounds like a great guy.” Alex tries not to grin but fails.
“He is.” You confirm for him, “The best I could ask for really... My boyfriend and everything now.”
“Lucky man.” Alex smiles.
You him like you’re not so sure but only because you want to say, “Not as lucky as me.”
The small facade ends when Alex leans in to kiss you, and you kiss him back enjoying the cute moment between you. It’s short and sweet, but it serves the purpose despite the both of you grinning like fools in love through the entire kiss.
“I love you so much.” Alex tells you as he looks into your eyes.
“I love you too, Darling.” You smile, not having called him that nickname in a short while.
“Thank god,” Alex sighs in relief, and you’re about to ask why the playfulness until he continues and it all becomes clear. Despite the big cheesy grin on his face, you know that he isn’t joking when he asks, “Because I really wanted to ask if you’d marry me?”
And then Alex lifts a boxed ring up from beside him and offers it to you, his smile never once wavering.
Yours becomes a million times bigger, as the fact he has a ring in his hand means he’s been planning this for God only knows how long, and the moment was perfect. You don’t waste another second before giving him your answer.
“I’d love to marry you.” You nod, your heart beating erratically in your chest.
“Thank god.” Alex chuckles and before he lets you lean forward and kiss him, he grabs your left hand and he quickly takes the ring out of the box before sliding it onto your finger.
As soon as it’s on, you kiss Alex like your life depends on it. Everything you’re feeling right now is poured into the kiss and it is just pure joy and complete love and adoration for the man you now get to one day marry.
You love him with the whole of your heart and you truly want nothing more than to be his officially. Because you always have been his, one way or another.
You kiss each other until you have no breath left and until you can’t keep the smile off your face as you’re too desperate to tell him you love him over and over again. Alex doesn’t hesitate to keep telling you either.
But once the both of you process the moment enough to tell each other something other than your love for one another, Alex lifts your hand up which is now home to your engagement ring and he asks, “Do you like it?”
You look at it properly now, and it’s just like what you’d always dreamed of sitting on your ring finger. Taking it in and seeing just how happy your fiance is has you telling him, “It’s beautiful.”
Truthfully, you don’t think you’ll ever forget how big Alex’s grin gets as he simply says, “Had to match you.”
And you’re unsure how your heart doesn’t burst there and then. The ache of too much love for the person who’s been your best friend for so many years whilst simultaneously being so much more really overcomes you.
You almost want to scorn him when he gets in there before you to say again, “I love you so much, Angel.”
“I love you so much more Shakespeare.” You giggle, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
Alex nods, chuckling to himself as he reiterates those words back to you before he cups your face and pulls you into another kiss of a lifetime.
Austen really got it right. Your heart is more Alex’s than your own at this point. You’ve been through it all together and despite everything, he’s here by your side and you love him with everything you have.
You’re his Angel. He’s your Shakespeare.
Each other’s everything from the very start.
A/N: Thank you so so much to everyone who has stuck with me as I’ve been writing this fic. It really means a lot and I really hope you enjoyed the story and Wheels and Alex’s ending! Their story doesn’t really stop here… I mentioned a surprise that you’d all shout at me about and the surprise is that a small part of Alex and Wheels ending has been posted on my main account since before I ever posted the first part of NRIACC (told you you’d shout at me lol)… That little oneshot All Of You is a little extra part of their ending that I hope you can read/reread now and enjoy a little more. Can also catch Wheels and Alex’s ending continuing from a distance in Chicken Shop Date and they will appear in Part 5 of it when it eventually comes out (it’ll be faster than this fic I promise).
Anyway, just want to again say a huge thank you for sticking with my mental story and I really really hope you enjoyed the ending x
Note: I picked a few poems out for Wheels poems (wish i could have said i wrote them all but I'm not that good). I wrote the one that was about Matty. My friend @drinkurkombucha​ wrote the poems that have titles above them, and the others I found on Instagram. Full credit to the writers of those ones, a few were by courtney peppernell others were found on the lovequotes instagram page.
Taglist: @psychkunox​​​​​​​ @sofiaaraee​​​​​​​ @thewheeler​​ @cold-hands-cold-eyesss​​​​​​​ @xovalliegirlxo​​​​​​​ @vroboat​​​​​​​ @hoodskillerqueen​​​​​​ @woahhealy​​​​​​​ @emmaheg1005 @belledawnidk​​​​​​​ @elen-alambil​​​​​​​ @megann-duff​​​ @alexsvacuumcleaner​​​​​​​ @bshelley322​​​​​​​ @g0thwat3rr​​​​​​​ @cassieinnit​​​​​​​ @ohmyolympusssywp​​ @filling-thevoid​​​​​​ @xqueenkt​​​​​​​ @indierock4ever @amturners​​​​​​​ @alovesreading​​​​​​​​
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anasticklefics · 1 year
Hey Iris
Fandom: Star Trek
Characters: Jim, Bones
Summary: When Bones uses their new intelligent personal assistant to ask about tickling Jim starts to wonder if this was a bad idea.
A/N: In my active era?? Maybe not.
Words: 1k
The tech was new enough for Jim to be excited when he agreed to try it out, but he felt a twinge of wariness as he watched the intelligent personal assistant get installed on his ship. With the motivation to make life easier for them all, including the captain, Jim had decided it couldn’t hurt to bring some ease onto the Enterprise after the year they’d had. They called it Iris, though Starfleet insisted it had no gender.
“A non-binary helper,” Jim said as he stared at the tiny plug that had been connected to the system. “Let’s see how this goes.”
At first they used it because it was new and exciting; asking the most simple of questions just to see if it actually would work.
“I told you it came from Russia!” Chekhov exclaimed, pointing at the general air around them. “Iris just confirmed it. You can never question me again.”
“We can question you plenty,” Uhura said with a fond roll of her eye. “But I’ll give you that one.”
After a certain point, they used it because it was easy; work-related questions where the answer could be in their hands in no time.
“Iris is quick,” Sulu said, frantically writing down its words on his pad.
Jim hummed. “Wait. Let me try something. Hey, Iris. Could you print out the answer to Mr Sulu’s question?”
The stack of papers were in Sulu’s gleeful arms in no time.
One day, Bones decided to use it for pleasure. The pleasure of seeing Jim blush to death, that is.
Iris worked all over the Enterprise. Jim had to admit he’d used it more than once to see where a certain crew member was situated on the ship, but he tried not to ever break any boundaries using it and had urged his crew to be mindful as well. Just because they could technically know everything, it didn’t mean they should.
Bones started using it to mess with him after clarifying that no one else but the people in the room where a question or request had been uttered could hear the answer. It had been such an innocent request, but Jim knew how he looked when Bones asked Iris to explain what tickling meant to them, and he knew damn well how he looked when Iris complied immediately.
“Why are you doing this?”
Bones’s grin was softer, but fatal nevertheless. “To see you squirm, of course.”
Jim wondered if he would actually make him squirm, or if he was using Iris to get Jim to ask for it. It had become his new thing; especially once he’d realized Jim almost never could just straight out ask for it.
“You’re awful.”
“Hmm, you keep talking and I can’t hear what it’s saying. Hey Iris. Could you explain what tickling is again?”
“Tickling is the act of touching a part of a body in a way that causes involuntary twitching movements or laughter.”
Jim wanted to sink through the floor. It was stupid. This was just basic information. Not even teases.
“Hey Iris.”
Oh no.
Bones was bluffing. He knew he was.
“What is a tickle kink?”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Jim stood so abruptly he probably would’ve interrupted Iris had it been human. “Bones, please.”
“Please what?” Bones asked over Iris explaining what a goddamn tickle kink was.
“Stop this.”
��Oh, but I’m not done. Hey Iris. Can you give us some tickle teases?”
Jim was going to murder him.
“Okay, okay!” he cried, holding up his hands. “I’ll ask for it, are you happy?”
Bones, fucking Bones, smiled innocently at him. “Ask for what?”
Iris had stopped talking and the silence was suddenly deafening. Jim huffed, feeling his face flush. Stupid, all of it. And yet he found he couldn’t let the moment drop. Not that Bones would let him, but still.
“For you to tickle me,” he finally said, aiming for accusation. “That’s what you want me to say, isn’t it?”
“I was mostly just messing with you, but if you want me to tickle you you could’ve just asked.” He let out a laugh. “Well, I guess you just did. Hey Iris? Make sure the door is locked and the room soundproof. I feel a sudden urge to go for your hips and I know you can’t remain calm for that.”
Bones was a dead man, but Jim was a dying one. He took a step back, unsure of why. Bones would get him anyway. He would let him get him anyway.
The couch was soft when he landed, knees on each side of him as fingertips brushed over his sides for starters. Just to wake his senses up. Just to show him what was going to happen. Jim started giggling immediately, which was embarrassing each time, but Bones simply laughed along with him before he latched onto his hip bones and wouldn’t let go. Jim screamed, once, outdrawn, before it got broken up by laughter. Maybe it was a good thing Iris had made the room soundproof. They’d been busy, his skin had been starved, and he’d forgotten just how good Bones was at this.
“Fuck!” he cried, head thrown back and hands flailing to grip something without shoving Bones off. “Wait, wait, wait-”
Jim didn’t know. Jim couldn’t speak.
Briefly, as Bones sent ticklish shocks through his body, Jim wondered if Iris was registering what was happening at all. Wondered if it would use it against him somehow. No one on this ship would judge him, really, but this wasn’t theirs to hear.
Maybe he would bring it up with Bones afterward. He wasn’t really in a position to hold a discussion.
“Oh my god, switch spots please-”
“Say please.”
“I just fuckin’ did-”
“I didn’t hear you.”
It was a dance, with Bones leading just enough to keep Jim on his toes, but stopping for long enough to make sure he wasn’t overstepping. His pauses came as switching spots so that he was tickling one that wasn’t as bad, and so Jim made sure to breathe when he went for his sides again, gently teasing the curve of his torso.
He wasn’t done, and Jim was glad, because he wasn’t done either.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
im soooo happy you're unflagged now, slutty chris as your pfp was something i missed a lot when i opened tumblr haha 🫠
anywayy, i was wondering what tips you have for finishing WIPs? like, i have about 6 of them that are pretty long already but each time i open one i write about a paragraph and get unmotivated againn
i really wanna post this multichapter ive been working on since january (it's a dad's best friend trope, if you're wondering 👀) but im writing one last chapter and nothing will come to me :(
do you have any tips for getting motivated or just general things that help you stay focussed?
Same! It felt like such a long time 😫 (I mean, it was almost three weeks, so it kinda was a long time, but you know what I'm getting at)
Your wip sounds super interesting. I'm sure they're all devine. Sending you all the ✨️motivation✨️
I don't know if I have tips as much as I can tell you what I do (or what I try to do, at least lol), but anyway, here goes--
I usually don't have more than one "actual" wip at one time, I obviously jot down ideas when they come to me, but I'm not writing multiple full-fledged fics at once. I'm writing a fic, and maybe I'm working on some writing for Tumblr at the same time. Other than that, I just don't. I'm VERY tempted at times, but I force myself to take it one at a time. Even when it might be painful, lol.
(And I'm aware that I'm very privileged to have a brain that works in such a way as to let me write like that.)
Plus, as weird as it sounds, I've found the more I write with a single wip at a time, the more moving onto the next idea I have becomes a reward in of itself.
As far as finishing what I'm working on currently, usually I start with an outline, literal jot dots, for what I want the fic to be. Obviously, it doesn't always follow what I first put down, but there's an outline at least. Then, I go back and fill in that outline where I know nothing is permanent. I literally write the full fic in jot dot form. It just might be missing bits and pieces. It's still in jot dots. After I finish through the whole outline--expanding the ideas into actual writing--I go back, and I go section by section, removing the jot dots while reading for things I might need to change, things I might want to add, etc. After I get through the whole thing that way, I re-read it as a normal piece of writing. Again, changing or adding or removing things or whatever as I go. Then, I usually run it through a program like Grammarly or some shit to catch stuff that I can't catch (thanks dyslexia). Finally, I copy and paste it into AO3, reading it one last time, in a different font.
My schedule for writing on the weekend (soon weekdays, too... almost hello summer 👀) is to write for an hour after I eat breakfast. I'm a morning person, I get up at 6:00 am, then I sit on the couch with my laptop and type for an hour. Usually like 7:00-8:00am. Then I'm done. I'll come back to it tomorrow. It's a routine that's been my routine for a couple of years now, so I don't even really think about it. I just do.
(Also, obviously, if I'm in the middle of a scene or something, I write down what I will need for later, but I have shit to do, so I have to stop.)
When I'm in the middle of writing and I get stuck, usually I scroll back up to what I've written earlier and do some rereading. Or I scroll down and freshen my memory of where I'm trying to take this thing. Then, I integrate back into what I'm trying to write, thinking about the feeling I want to create, what picture I want to paint, what the internal world of the character I am writing is like (what is their "voice"), etc. When words won't come, I think about things other than words--if that makes any sense, lol.
If that doesn't work, rereading, I might take a breather. I drink a lot of tea, so I might go make myself some tea, sometimes thinking about what I'm trying to write, sometimes not. Usually, I get a lot of ideas the second I set my laptop aside, lmao. Or it comes to me when I'm pacing, waiting for water to heat up. Usually, because I write for an hour, I feel pressure to write the whole time, but I don't have to. No one has to do anything. It's all good. Take a breath.
A breather.
I also always listen to music when I'm writing. Almost always music with words but not always the same genre; I'm not just listening to horny music or whatever when I'm writing, so if I'm stuck, I might swap to a new playlist. Maybe one that is intentionally matching for what I'm writing--a more sexual playlist for smut, a softer playlist for romance, an upsetting playlist for angst, etc. Or maybe one that clashes, that always shakes something loose in my brain.
(Listening to straight fucking screamo when writing an intimate, quiet, fragile scene is objectively hilarious, too, so I entertain myself.)
Usually, when I write in the morning, I don't have as much trouble with my dyslexia because I haven't exhausted myself reading and processing the bullshit that letters and numbers do all day, but if it's just a bad day for whatever reason... I might swap fonts and try to keep at it. Usually, I write in Verdana, but I might swap to Comic Sans or something for a while.
Or, if I'm stuck because of dyslexia or anything else, I might just stop for the day. As a perfectionist and workaholic and, just, someone who you could not pay to sit still and not do something, I'm trying to allow myself more times where I can just stop. A lot of the time, I push through, though. I tell myself 10 more minutes, then you're done. A tangible goal can be good.
What really motivates me is getting the fic out. Not even necessarily getting it out and publishing it to AO3 and seeing people's reactions to what I create, although that is undeniably an incredible thing to experience. I feel compelled to write. I like the process of writing. And because I've accidentally created this rule for myself where I have to finish one thing before the next, I have to get something out to start the next. Editing is the WORST, but I will do it to move on to the next. That's just my workaholic nature.
It'll probably kill me one day... it's not the best. As a consequence, I will readily admit I forget what I've written CONSTANTLY. I don't re-read what I write once it's finished. I move on to the next idea so fast that I forget what I did prior until other people bring it up. I'm propelled forward with very narrow vision. Again, it's not the best, and I should learn to stop and appreciate what I've done. It's hard, though.
Also, talking to people about your ideas is always a good way to go. I should do it more, too. I find myself being a very selfish creator. I create from this place of compulsion. I have to get it out. I don't know why, I just do. It's the way I am. And I create alone a lot. I'm an introvert and a highly independent person, I like to be alone, and I like to make things alone. So, it's easy to fall into the same pattern of being private and only showing off what I have when it's fully finished, complete with a sparkling varnish. But that doesn't have to be the way it is. Share bits and pieces, talk about what you're doing, let other people tell you you're doing it! You're doing a good job! They're excited to see the next update, no matter how small!
If you can't/don't want to share, though, a fun way to bounce ideas around is going, okay, I have to make a list of [whatever number, 20, 50, 100, etc.] ideas. They can be absolute fucking garbage, all of them, but I am going to list out as many as I possibly can. If none of them are good, great! They're no longer taking up space in my brain. They're on this list. If one or two are good, great! You can build on those or warp them to fit.
I hope some of that helped, lol. I just tried to explain the way my brain works, and it isn't pretty, lmao.
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littleblackwing · 2 years
Haha, making a blog-post on my tumblr other than just reblogging all the good stuff? What is this? Well, anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts and it felt like twitter is not the best for this.
Soooooooo... I started learning Japanese! And your first thought might be “oh yay, good for you!” or “you are crazy” and I agree with that. I feel crazy but at the same time I’m curious, scared, overwhelmed and lost sometimes, I’m also motivated and I feel all sorts of different emotions. It’s going okay so far, I started last weekend and by now I know all hiragana/katakana (with katakanas I still don’t know all the combinations but oh well...). Also, the added challenge is that I’m doing this with English resources and obviously I’m not a native speaker but I think I can manage it somehow (since the resources in Hungarian are just... kinda crappy and old school, sigh...).
I want to document this journey a little bit so I hopefully won’t lose my motivation or goals. Although documenting is a pain and so is learning something new. Because let me tell you... I’m the most curious person about things but if I lose interest or something else happens... I tend to procrastinate and not just for a shorter time but for longer (or I just lose interest forever). And I hate that part of myself and I have been trying hard since last year to change it. It’s going really slowly but hey! I continued crocheting that blanket I want to send to my buddy. Also, I read some books (even though they were “only” light novels) and continued some others hobbies. So I think that’s an improvement?
At the beginning of January an ad popped up on Facebook for an online course about Japanese and I was curious and it bugged me, I almost submitted the application but then I didn’t. I wanted to read about it a bit more, think about if it would be worth it and then a few days later I decided I’m gonna apply. Then I went to this site but turned out I waited too long and didn’t check properly the sign up deadline, I was two days late. :D I was a bit bummed and angry at myself for not checking the deadline properly but I thought I would sign up in March when a new study group starts up. I was fine with this idea for a week or so but then it started bugging me again... I read tofugu’s advice on learning Japanese but it seemed a bit scary even though it felt the most efficient way and I knew I wanted to learn it as efficiently as possible. So I started reading about what else is there and found a few posts like this from Bonyari Boy and then u/SuikaCider‘s post on reddit and their live google document. They all seemed to be talking about the tofugu way but the way they described it seemed more possible to do it than tofugu’s guide. What does this mean? Basically, ditch learning the kanas by writing them over and over again for at least a month, just learn them under a few days and later you can learn the writing as well. Then start learning the kanjis using mnemonics and at the same time/or after you know like a few hundred, start learning grammar. That’s it in a nutshell, it seems easy enough right? I mean, there are obviously a lot more going on than this but it kind of motivated me. I started looking at the offered options to learn the kanjis and decided for now to try out the WaniKani site and then learn about Anki in the meantime. Also, every single one of these documents suggested to set up a goal you would like to achieve so I have a few in my mind. I mean it’s obvious that 86 is a big part of it right now but even if in a few years I won’t be so invested I’m going to be forever a weeb and there will be new stuff that may have a manga/light novel not translated to English and I will want to know what it is about. Or just understand some of the youtuber’s I watch without subtitles and some live events aaand those Japanese artists I follow on twitter, I want to know what they are tweeting about (or the little comics they post, it’s so tiring to use Google Translate and it kept translating poor Fido’s little “Pi” to “Bitch” - that was hilarious, though). And yes, it will take time (please Szi don’t give up ) but I was thinking if I can keep learning it intensively every single day for at least an hour it may take only a year or two... and that is such a little part of my life. I guess it’s just creating a habit out of it and placing it in my routine. It’s not easy as one day is only 24 hours long and I have to work, do chores and other things but yeah, here I go!
Well, this was a long read and if you are still here whoa, thanks! I can’t guarantee I will keep this up to date but I wrote this as a draft like 9 days ago and posting it now and since then I’m still doing WaniKani every day, so maybe there is hope? 
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songbird-wings · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Post-Episode: s02e21-22 Twilight of the Apprentice, Ahsoka POV, Obi-Wan POV Summary:
"It was the first night she could sleep after discovering the truth, and her dreams were filled with visions of drifting sands."
Ahsoka finds Obi-Wan after learning the truth about Darth Vader.
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stylessupremacy · 2 years
Everything Will Be Alright 
Prompt: Harry, the incredible hockey player that has every girl at his beck and call, meets Y/n - who changes his whole perspective on his love life. He's finally found the one.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Language
If you liked this piece please reblog, recommend, like, and talk to me about this piece! This is what motivates and makes me want to write! Everything you do is appreciated! :)
“Let’s do shots!” Amelia suggested - who was Y/n’s best friend and roommate - to their group of friends at the bar. Y/n cringed at the thought of more alcohol - she’s only had a beer and the thought of pure alcohol made her want to vomit.
She wasn’t much of a drinker.
The way Y/n’s dad would drink was insane. Y/n made a promise to herself a long time ago that she would never touch alcohol. She does on rare occasions, but otherwise never drinks.
Amelia stumbled her way up to the bar and ordered shots for the whole table. Fumbling her way back to the table and almost tipping the shots over, she managed to pass them all out.
Amelia insisted on another round of shots, everybody groaning in response feeling their hangover’s coming on early. Their heads pounding and stomachs churning were not good signs. The other friend besides Y/n spoke, agreeing to make sure everybody got home safely.
While Y/n bid everybody goodbye she turned and saw Amelia flirting with some dude. “Everything okay?” Y/n questioned as she approached the two, but she was instantly met with the most beautiful green eyes she's ever seen.
“Yeah, she just spilled her shot on me is all,” his raspy, accented voice filled the air. Looking down she noticed his wet shirt. “I’m so sorry. She’s just had too many drinks tonight and I was coming over to take her home,” Y/n apologized profusely, feeling horrible that her wasted friend spilled alcohol on this handsome gentleman.
“It’s okay. Just got done with finals this week and I actually want to get toasted like your friend too,” he chuckled. “What school do you go to?” Y/n questioned, as she wrapped Amelia’s arm around her neck making it easier for her to walk Amelia home.
“Just the school around the corner.” Y/n’s eyes widened a little, “Me too and so does Amelia.” Y/n chuckled, “This is Amelia by the way and I’m Y/n.” “M’ Harry,” He smiled warmly.
Pointing to Amelia - who passed out on her shoulder, Harry asked, “Do y’want some help getting her home?” Y/n shook her head, “It’s alright, thank you. You deserve to celebrate after a long year.”
Now it was Harry’s turn to shake his head, “I actually can’t. Year-round hockey player trying to make it to the pros by next year. Can’t really be slacking much, besides I’ll see these idiots tomorrow. Well maybe,” he shrugged, making Y/n laugh.
Harry grabbed Amelia’s arm and swung it over his shoulders to help walk her out to his car. Harry and Y/n were laughing their asses off as they made their way to Harry’s car.
“Did- did you hear what she just said?” Y/n laughed, buckling herself up in Harry’s passenger seat. Harry laughed as well, “I assume y’guys dressed as bananas one year for Halloween?” “Maybe,” Y/n chuckled with a shit-eating grin.
Harry helped Y/n get Amelia up the stairs and into bed making sure she was on her side and had a bucket nearby just in case she needed it.
“Thank you again for helping me bring her home,” Y/n spoke, getting a glass of water. “Would you like a drink?”
“It’s no problem. And no thank you. Gotta get up n’at them tomorrow morning,” Harry joked heading for the door. “It was nice meeting you, Harry. Hopefully, I’ll see you around.”
“It was nice meeting you and Amelia as well. Have a good night.” Walking back to his car Harry was flabbergasted. Not once has he ever had a girl - besides his mum or sister - be that kind and caring towards him. He had the biggest grin on his face and he didn’t even know it at the time.
Most girls found him attractive and just wanted to use him for sex or to show off. Nobody has ever been as caring as Y/n was.
“Hey, mister. You’re pretty handsome,” a girl spoke, catching Harry off guard from where he was taking a break from his lift to catch his breath.
She was average height, and wore a sports bra that showed off way too much cleavage - how could she even workout with her boobs almost falling out? And her matching spandex leggings were so tight and high up it gave her a camel toe.
“Thanks,” Harry grumbled, picking up his weights again to do his next rep.
The same girl waltzed up and started touching his biceps as they flexed under the gym lights as Harry did his bicep curls. “Look at these muscles. I bet your other muscles flex this good when you’re in bed.”
Dropping the weights harshly Harry turned to face her, “Do you fuckin’ mind? M’just trying to work out but all you care about is getting in my pants.”
“So are we still on for tonight?” The girl called out after him watching him storm off to the men’s locker rooms.
“Amelia, why would I want to go to a hockey scrimmage?” Y/n bit back agitated by her best friend.
All day Amelia has been nagging Y/n to go to the hockey scrimmage so she could meet the cute guy she spilled her beer on. Still, when Y/n asks if she can remember anything from that night, she insists all she can remember is the ‘cute’ guy.
Deep down Y/n really wanted to go to the scrimmage. She wanted to see Harry again, but if her best friend found him cute she couldn’t. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship over some stupid guy.
“C’mon please Y/n!” Amelia begged. “Fine,” Y/n huffed out, “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”
“What kind of hockey game will this be if they are not even selling beer?” Amelia whined to Y/n as they walked to their seats.
Y/n shrugged, “You’re the one who wanted to come to this.” Amelia ignored her remark and sat down in the seat.
“Now which one is the guy I spilled my beer on?” She questioned as she watched the men in hockey uniforms file out for the national anthem. “I’m not sure. It’s hard to recognize because of the gear.”
They stood for the national anthem, then sat back down again picking up their buckets of popcorn and digging back in.
“Wait they're announcing the starters,” Y/n said as she noticed they were announcing the opposing team's starters.
“And at starting forward, Harry Styles!” The announcer enthusiastically said into the mic, making the crowd erupt into loud cheers and roars.
“Damn, you guys would make cute babies.” Amelia shrugged innocently and shoved some popcorn in her mouth. Amelia’s comment made Y/n’s cheeks turn crimson red and she almost choked on her popcorn.
Y/n threw some of her popcorn at her, “Shut up!”
“You don’t have to hide that you like him. You haven’t shut up since you guys met the other night!” Amelia giggled girlishly before turning her attention back to the game. Was Y/n really falling for Harry?
Towards the end of the third period, Y/n’s and Amelia’s popcorn buckets were empty and water bottles were dry. To say Harry was a good player was an understatement. Harry was an amazing player.
He was definitely going pro by next year. Every time he scored or broke up a play the crowd would erupt into loud cheers. The fans loved him, but the opposing team, not so much.
Harry also wouldn’t tolerate the back talk while playing. - One of the opposing players tripped Harry on purpose. Harry was getting on his nerves by being an arrogant son of a bitch and taunting him.
My mum could skate faster than you.
You know the goal of the game is to get the puck into the net.
God my blind cousin could do better than you.
I’m the dick? Yeah, and you’re a fucking twat!
That was the last comment Harry said before he was full force going at the player. Fortunately, the refs and his teammates were able to calm him down some.
As Y/n and Amelia were talking - not really paying much attention to the game, they could hear gasps. Turning to see a hockey puck come full force towards them, but not having any reaction time. The puck ended up smoking Y/n in the ribs.
“Oh my god, Y/n are you okay?” Amelia panicked as her best friend gripped her side. The on-call paramedics came rushing to Y/n’s aid and took her down to their makeshift exam table.
“Raise your hands above your head, please. Just want to feel around and make sure everything is okay.” Y/n did as the paramedic asked, as he lightly touched the already bruising tender flesh.
Y/n focused on the hockey players heading out of the locker room and not on the searing pain in her ribs. Y/n hissed as he touched a very tender spot, “Looks like you’re just going to have some nasty bruises. I don’t feel any breaks.”
“How did this happen?” Y/n questioned, tugging her shirt back over her head. She couldn’t quite fathom how the puck hit her because there was glass and nets surrounding the ice.
“There must have been a broken loop and the puck slipped right through it,” he said, packing up his equipment so he could leave. “Oh,” Y/n hummed, hopping down from the table, “Thank you.”
As she went to walk away a recognizable voice was calling her name. ��Y/n wait up!” Harry yelled through the hall running towards her. His curls matted to his head from the sweat and helmet.
Harry caught up to her, “I’m so sorry about the puck hitting you.” His eyes held sincerity - something Y/n wasn’t used to. “I thought the goal of the game was to hit the puck inside the net?” Y/n teased as they continued walking through the halls.
“Hey! That was uncalled for,” Harry pouted, “Thanks for coming though. It was nice seeing a familiar face.” “Your family doesn’t come?”
“No. M’from England so it's a long trip just to watch hockey,” Harry said with sadness lacing his voice. “I’m sorry. But that does make sense why you talk funny,” Y/n joked, a fond smile gracing her lips. “Hey!” Harry whined, “Is it national make fun of Harry day?” Y/n shrugged a playful smile adorning her lips still.
“Where's your sidekick?” Harry asked as they reached his car. “After I got hit she wasn’t allowed with me so she left to go get some drinks since the venue didn't sell any.” Harry hummed, “Do you want a ride?” “Yes, please,” she nodded.
“You played very well. I could see why you’ll be in the pros next year,” Y/n spoke from the passenger seat to break the silence. “Thank you. Most people think I need to focus on school instead, but playing pro has been my dream since I was little.” Harry spoke turning into Y/n’s apartment complex parking lot.
“Just do what makes you happy, nobody can tell you differently,” Y/n said as he unbuckled her seat belt, “Thanks for the ride, Harry. See you around.” Y/n quickly hopped out of the car and headed inside.
‘Just do what makes you happy’ was stuck in Harry’s head as he drove himself back to his apartment. Harry has always been told to focus on his education and not sports. Still, he continued to work hard in both the classroom and on the ice - look at where he ended up.
He has a major chance to make the draft next year and the only people who have supported him were his mum and sister. And merely this girl he met a few days ago. What was she doing to him?
Deep, deep down she made him happy and he knew that. She didn’t try to get down in pants when she first met him. She was the opposite, down-to-earth, kind girl he's ever met.
As Harry drove home, he thought about how he was scared. If he ever opened up to her would she take off? Would she judge him? Would she flip a switch and want what everybody else wants with him? He only had one way of finding out.
But deep down, Harry knew she was different. A kind and loving girl with a big heart.
As Y/n laid in her bed that night she thought about Harry. How his family didn’t come to the game which was understandable with the traveling. She felt bad for him in that sense because she understood.
Y/n’s parents were alcoholics. Well her mom was up until she died of liver cancer. She hoped that her dad would stop drinking after the incident to see where he would end up next, but he never did.
Her parents never physically abused her; it was all emotional abuse. She was in a toxic environment for her whole life.
Y/n and Amelia met in high school. Amelia was a transfer student and she and Y/n instantly hit it off and have been inseparable ever since. Amelia would let Y/n spend the night when her dad got really bad which was most of the time.
Y/n was scared of opening up and saying too much to Harry because what if he didn’t want that? She knows he deserves a girlfriend without the baggage. That’s all Y/n was, just becoming somebody else’s problem with baggage.
“Why don’t you actually go out and do something productive?” Y/n’s father questioned as he came into the kitchen with a six-pack in hand. “I’m doing my homework so I can earn a scholarship to pay for college.”
“That’s good. I don’t plan on paying for your tuition. You'll be eighteen soon enough and I won’t have to pay for you anymore.” Cracking open a beer and taking a swig, “Then you’ll just become somebody else’s problem,” he shrugged.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n questioned packing up her things and getting ready to head over to Amelia’s since she practically lived there. “You know what I mean. You’ll rely on somebody else to take care of you. I’ll be much happier without you in my life anymore.”
That was the night Y/n left her childhood home once and for all and moved in with Amelia and her family. She hasn’t talked to her dad since.
But that’s why Y/n is afraid. She doesn’t want to become somebody else’s problem. But yet she still has doubts and they will be a constant burden till somebody tells her differently.
Waking up to knocking was not surprising to Y/n. Amelia probably spent the night and forgot her keys inside. Y/n quickly threw her hair into a messy bun and put her glasses on.
“Really Amelia? You frog-” Y/n swung the door open to definitely not reveal Amelia, “Oh Harry! Hi! I wasn’t expecting you.”
Harry chuckled, “I take it you thought I was Amelia?” “Yeah I did,” she laughed, “Please come in.” Y/n stepped off to the side to allow Harry to come in.
“What are you doing here?” Y/n questioned as she made a pot of coffee. Harry scratched at the nape of his neck in nervousness, “Well uh-” he chuckled, “There’s a festival going on downtown and I was just wondering if you would like to go with me? I understand it’s last minute so if you say no it's fine, I just tho-”
Y/n cut Harry off with a warm smile, “It’s okay Harry. I have nothing going on.” She chuckled, “I would love to go with you.”
“I can just wait for you to get ready,” Harry shrugged, not really minding waiting. Y/n agreed and gave him a cup of coffee, “Help yourself to anything you want. I’ll be back shortly.”
Y/n quickly went into her room and got ready. Doing her hair in a simple claw clip to keep it off her face, and wearing some jean shorts paired with a simple tank top and her classic converse. She finished her look with some gold earrings and a gold necklace.
When Y/n walked out of the room Harry’s jaw dropped. Y/n looked beautiful - she was dressed in simple clothing yet looked drop-dead gorgeous. She was naturally beautiful.
“Y’look stunning Y/n,” Harry said, catching Y/n’s attention where she was double checking she had everything in her purse.
Y/n’s cheeks heated up at Harry’s comment, “Thank you.” Harry got up and put his used coffee mug in her sink, “M’ready whenever you are.”
“I’m ready,” Y/n smiled. She and Harry made their way out of Y/n’s apartment and down to Harry’s car.
Y/n took in Harry’s apparel. He was sporting simple black Nike shirt with vibrant green shorts. The brightness of the green shorts brought out the green of his eyes. ***
Y/n’s mind wandered and she couldn’t help but see how lucky she was. She was going out with a guy who was sexy, fit, and trim.
The car ride to the fair was not too long from Y/n’s apartment. Her and Harry made small talk including Harry asking how her ribs were doing after that nasty hit she took from the puck.
“They're okay. Bruised, swollen, hurt like a bitch, but I’ll be fine,” she replied.
Fondness overtook Harry when she spoke those words. They were not fake by any means. She wasn’t trying to put up a front for Harry. Y/n was just being Y/n and that's what Harry adored with her - along with many other things of course.
Harry and Y/n spent the day at the fair eating and drinking a bunch of junk food - Harry normally wouldn’t do that since he’s on a strict diet with hockey, but when Y/n insisted he would have to help her eat the food he gave in. When did Harry give into a girl's command or wish?
They rode the rides, both of them a little scared the ride would bust though since it was a fair and these people pack up and take down their equipment so quickly.
“Harry, c’mon! Stop being a wimp! It’ll be fun!” Y/n spoke enthusiastically trying to sweet talk Harry into riding the ride.
“I don’t know Y/n,” Harry spoke nervously and jokingly, “I think I might throw up those deep-fried Oreos you made me eat.” To be honest, Harry was a little nervous he might throw up since it was one of those spinning rides.
“You’ll be fine Harry,” Y/n grabbed Harry’s hand and dragged him to get in line. Harry just had a fond smile on his lips as he watched the amazing girl before him.
Now Harry and Y/n are on their last ride, the Ferris wheel. After almost a whole day at the festival, they decided to wrap it up and call it quits.
They sat in the seat together just talking about anything and everything that came to their mind. Harry enjoyed Y/n’s company and Y/n enjoyed Harry’s company.
Without thinking, Harry snaked his arm around Y/n’s back and she leaned into his hold. He was warm while Y/n was a bit chilled from the late night summer breeze.
“Y/n I really like you,” Harry started and stared off at the bright lights from the fair. “This might be too soon, but I was wondering if you’d like to give us a shot?”
Y/n hesitated, “I don’t know.” Harry’s heart sank fast, “I- I come with a lot of past issues,” Y/n spoke, hearing the hurtful words her father said to her playing over and over again in her head.
“We can work through that, you know? Heck, I probably have something we would need to work through, but I completely respect your decision either way.” Y/n’s eyes met his and she could tell he meant it - he was serious about this relationship.
“If you’re still offering I would like to give us a shot,” Y/n smiled.
“Let’s take a quick picture, I want to have something to cherish this day,” Y/n spoke, taking her phone out. She and Harry quickly snapped some pictures. Knowing this was instantly becoming Y/n’s new lock screen photo.
“Here I want to get one of my own,” Harry said, taking his phone out. They both smiled and made cheeky faces as he clicked the photo button but on the last one he dipped in and kissed Y/n on the cheek. That was his favorite picture of all and was going to become his new screen saver.
He loved the way it made Y/n’s cheeks heat up. Hell, he found everything Y/n did adorable and fascinating.
On the ride home, the new couple was very giddy. Harry pulled into Y/n’s apartment complex and parked, “You should spend the night. We can kick Amelia to her room and watch some movies?” Y/n spoke nervously, gauging Harry for his reaction.
“I would love to. Make a healthy dinner so we at least have something good in our system,” Harry smiled teasingly. “Hey!” Y/n swatted playfully at him with feigned offense.
And that's how the night ended. Harry and Y/n cooked a healthy dinner - per Harry’s request, and sat in the living room watching movies while getting to know each other even more.
Y/n couldn’t be happier. She feels like she’s known Harry forever since it's so easy making conversation with him. Plus they will literally talk about anything. It just flows out naturally.
Y/n is in a better living environment with her best friend and dating a beautiful, perfect, and handsome man who makes her happy. She couldn’t ask for anything more.
As for Harry, he’s finally found somebody who makes him happy. He was never happy when all girls wanted from him was sex. He wasn’t for that. He wanted a true relationship and to take things slow. He didn’t want sex right off the bat.
He found Y/n. Yeah, she may have some past trauma but they will be able to get through it. Together, as a couple.
Y/n has made Harry happier over the past few days than anybody - other than his mum and sister - has ever done in his whole life.
Couples have their ups and downs, work through problems together, and have bumps in the road throughout their relationship. Still, everything works out for a reason. Everything will be alright for the new couple.
They’ll navigate their way through this new adventure, together. And everything will be alright.
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sukirichi · 3 years
a thing or two (m.)
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tutor geto has a thing or two to teach you.
cw. oral sex (f and m receiving), lube, unprotected sex, sweet! geto, halloween setting so priest! geto, age gap, slight body worship, fingering, overall romantic sex, kitchen counter sex, dirty talk, lots of kissing, mutual masturbation, intoxication, pwp, unedited as always eep
note. for my right boob @sixeyesgojo​ my first ever geto fic and i hope it’s to your liking...writing this with a frozen arm and numb fingers weeeee, i almost became a geto simp.
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Halloween festivals have never felt livelier in the city. People dressed up in various outfits milled about the events place, your drink nearly sloshing on the ground the more they bumped into you. 
Bass and music boosted from the large speakers smack in the middle of the grounds, and everyone danced to their heart’s content, you and your friends a huge inclusion to the crowd.
You don’t really go out to parties that much. Hell, you don’t even drink.
But after numerous encouragements from your friends, you’re now dressed in she-devil skin-tight black dress, black lipstick, and red horns placed on your head. It’s hard not to feel confident and sexy – the kick of the liquor is settling down as well – when you’ve got human eyes, vampiric red eyes, ghoul sclera lenses and even a fucking Cyclops eye turning your way.
You’re excitedly grinding against your friends, the whoops and cheers mixing in with slurred mumbles of the lyrics.
The night is young and so are you. 
This may have been your third or fourth drink, you don’t really know, but probably some way along the second since you’re not really hammered. You’re somewhat sober enough to feel large hands gripping your hips, a protest of not tonight, Dracula about to leave your lips when you come face to face with a face you never thought you would see here.
Clad in a long black cloak, a silver cross hung around his neck, his dark hair in a neat bun and black earrings a perfect completion to the hauntingly stunning look he pulled off, your throat ran dry.
“Sir Geto?”
“Hey, it’s you,” your tutor spoke up with unmasked interest, his curious eyes trailing down your revealing outfit…the way your dress hugged all your curves and how your breasts are practically popping from your top. Geto smirked, “And please, we’re not studying at home, just call me Geto. Surprised to see you here.”
“Well, it’s Halloween, would be a shame if I didn’t go out,” laughing nervously, you found yourself acting out of habit as you twirled a strand of hair to your finger. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d have work.”
“Nah, the boys and I are free for tonight,” he answered with a grin, nodding to where his friends – a really tall white haired man and a bored blond who looks like he’s ready to leave anytime – dancing and drinking at the corner. Geto must’ve felt your unnecessary prolonged stare at his attractive friends for he’s pulling you closer again, not sexually or even hidden with motives, but because it’s hard to hear each other through the music.
“Hey, do you wanna dance?” Nodding, you waved goodbye to your friends. They didn’t really notice considering they’re way too hammered and occupied dancing with others. Surely, they wouldn’t notice your little escapade.
Geto’s warm hands leads you somewhere out the bar and into the open grounds, where cups are already littered on the grass and people are drunkenly shaking their ass to everything and everyone.
It’s a ridiculous sight that has both you and Geto laughing.
“So…you liking the festival so far?”
“It’s…pretty fun,” you admit and loop your arms around him with ease. Normally, you wouldn’t be doing this. 
He may not be your actual professor or teacher, but he’s still a family friend of your friend who’s been tutoring you for the past semester and is basically the only reason you can endure math. Granted, he’s always been deadly attractive, but you’ve never really been affected by it, not up this close, anyway.
But you’re most definitely closer now, and Geto’s forehead is pressed against yours as he sways you both side to side.
“My first time drinking and I feel so light,” Geto hums at your slightly intoxicated eyes, his grin turning gummy when your curious hands trail up his robes to experimentally grope his pecs.
“First time, huh? We’ll I’ll be here to hold you up if you feel dizzy.”
“Thanks,” you beamed up at him. Geto, albeit being at least seven years older, feels so youthful that you’re not really bothered by the age gap. Again, it could be the alcohol, but he feels so warm, so nice, that you lean back to survey him this time around. “You look great, by the way, though you’re dressed up as…”
Geto rolls his eyes before you can finish.
“I know, the priest costume looks weird, but we found it pretty funny so here I am.”
“No, no, it looks great,” you wave off, your smile freezing on your face when a nostalgic song starts to blast through the speakers. In your head, in your head! “Zombies by the Cranberries. A classic.”
Geto’s hands snake around your waist before they hover over your ass, his eyes mischievous and slanted as he mumbles, “It’s a great song to dance with a perfect little devil with.”
You don’t know who leaned it first.
Not like it mattered, when Geto tasted strongly of strawberry flavored bear and cheesecake. An odd combination, even more so with his spicy cologne, but it only has you pulling you in closer to him.
He’s such a great kisser. Legs turned to jelly, knees weakening and lips locking in rhythm to the beat – it feels like it’s just the two of you in that moment. Geto smiles through the kiss, tongue prodding your lips to open before you’re gasping for air. Your attempt to regain air back to your lungs is cut off when Geto leans closer to slip his tongue inside your mouth, greedily sucking on it until you’re moaning in his arms.
Soon enough, you’re both holding on to each other to the point you might as well be fucking openly.
Geto is cupping your cheeks as he excitedly kisses you, his smiles intoxicating and the bubbling laughter he lets out much like music to your ears.
“Yo, Geto, are you sure about this? She looks like a minor, dude,” one of his friends speak up, and that’s when you see his white haired friend – who has extremely azure eyes that you can’t tell whether it’s contacts or not – crossing his arms on his chest, though his amused smirk said otherwise.
If anything, the guy is only suggestive, wiggling his brows up and down as he puts his fingers into a V shape, his tongue poked out.
You snort at his gestures, and just like how Geto did before, he turns your cheeks towards him again, his gaze feral and wanting. “I assure you,” Geto murmurs over your lips, “She’s not.” Eyes wide and all attention to him the way he wants, Geto’s smirk is cunning before he leans down to capture your lips in another heated kiss.
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Stumbling back to his apartment turned out to be a lot more challenging. With the urgent need to relieve each other of this burning in your cores, you and Geto have made out everywhere, hands kneading each other’s skin until you fall awkwardly at his bed.
There’s no time to worry about it though. Not when he’s eagerly unbuttoning his robe, his dark hair messed up and a few strands shielding his eyes that glimmer when you struggle to squeeze out of your dress. He helps you get it off before he hovers over you, knocking your knee with his to make you fall open. You’re left completely vulnerable and naked under his predatory gaze, large hands smoothing over your skin – from your ankle, up to your thighs and the dips in your body, before he settles right above your breasts, nipples hard between his fingers.
“Fuck, you look stunning,” he praises, biting his lip at the same time you drunkenly giggle. “Bet you taste perfect too.”
“Only one way to find out, then.”
“Come here,” Get growls and rips off your panties, your half-hearted protests completely missed in his haze of pleasure. Upon seeing you bare for him, wet and pussy lips glistening, Geto groans deep in his chest. “Such a pretty pussy. Shoulda fucked you a long time ago when we were alone for so many hours,” curling his upper lip, he begins to settle down between your legs, peering up from you under his lashes as he teasingly blows air over your core that has you shivering. “I could’ve taught you so many more things, don’t you think?”
“Careful there, father, wouldn’t want you to sin tonight.”
“Oh no, you don’t get to do that to me tonight, sweetheart,” he laughs evilly, joined by you afterwards at the little teasings. “You’re a little devil and I’m nothing but a mortal man. Of course I’d fall to the consequences of my sinful desires.”
Sitting up with your elbows resting on the mattress, you tug him by his cross, hard. “Here’s your one way ticket to hell then,” you dared, letting your legs spread wider and pushing his head down. Geto inhales sharply when the tip of his nose nudges your clit, drawing out a shuddered moan from you. “Feast for yourself.”
“Hmm, you’re a whole ass fucking meal, baby,” he marveled, giving little teasing bites on your inner thigh that you’re sure would leave a mark. “I’m going to devour you.”
Geto isn’t kidding.
You clearly undermined him, or perhaps you knew all along what he could do and you just wanted to bring out this side for him, because riled up Geto who was excitedly sucking on your clit like a man starved had you seeing stars in the whites of his ceiling.
“Hnggrr, G-Geto, fuck!”
“Yeah, you like that?” he chuckles from your pussy, the vibrations of it sending electricity jolting down deep to your core. Geto begins to trail down, his tongue playfully poking your entrance as slick coats his muscle and cheeks, licking and kissing everywhere that you actually find it hard to keep quiet. Narrowing your eyes at him – and you wished you didn’t, because you’ve never seen a more lewd sight before – you slap your palm over your mouth, the only thing keeping your legs apart the strong grip he had on you. “Don’t be shy, babe. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves tonight. Scream as loud as you want. Let the neighbors hear how good I’m fucking you.”
“Y-you’re so lewd, fuck-” you announce, but the sounds of your squelching being sucked by his eager, unquenched self is even more lewd. “Geto, I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Geto just pushes you over the edge, ignoring the way your thighs are shaking and you’re pushing him away once the overstimulation becomes too much to handle. You giggle when he sighs at not being able to eat you out anymore, but his glistening face is a lot more arousing than entertaining. Struggling to catch your breath, Geto smirks at how easily you’ve come undone, groaning as he wipes your juices with his thumb and licking his lips afterwards. He bends forward as he stares at you the whole while, slipping his digit through your mouth in a silent demand for you to taste yourself.
Never pulling away from holding his gaze, you wrap your lips around his thumb, swirling your tongue and sucking just hard enough that he absentmindedly humps the air.
“You okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Shut up. You literally ate my soul out,” you stare at the trail of saliva connected to his finger, the image so fucking dirty yet arousing that you begin to clench around nothing. Meanwhile, Geto’s biceps flex as he runs his hand through his hair, and that’s when you see he’s so rock hard that he probably feels uncomfortable. “Do you want me to…?”
“You don’t have to. It’s okay.”
“Seriously, Geto, you’re declining an offer to get your dick sucked?”
“I mean, I’m not against it but-” you shove his boxers down and immediately take him into your mouth, no foreplay at all, and your teeth graze his dick as you do so. Geto’s hips sutter forward in a knee-jerk movement he almost falls down on his bed, but catches him on the last second to not crush you. He ogled at your cock-stuffed mouth and puffy cheeks, his breaths sharp from the pleasure he’s receiving. “Sh-shit, not so fast, baby. I don’t want to cum like this.”
Staring up at him innocently, Geto closes his eyes and runs his finger through your locks, slightly bucking his hips deeper into your mouth. Even in his euphoria, Geto is careful to let you go at your own pace, though his self-controls falter a little bit the moment you fondle his balls.
His eyes snap open. Teeth bared and belly flexing, you keep rendering him frozen with how you take him in deeper until his hair is tickling your nose, cheeks sucked in and hollow as you slide his cock along your warm walls. “Oh, fuck, you’re really a fucking devil, right there, yeah,” he hisses, taking a handful of your hair so he could get a better look at you. “Well, who would’ve thought? Always seemingly so innocent. Who knew you could suck dick like this?”
“You like it,” you tease while pumping his shaft up and down and giving kitten licks to the head, where Geto smirks at you.
“Yeah, I love it,” he corrects, his cock twitching on your dainty hands that look so tiny in comparison to his girth. “But no way I’m coming tonight anywhere than your pussy,” Geto pushes you back down on the bed where he showers you with heated kisses, wrists pinned under his grip and hickeys left everywhere on your neck. His sticky fingers trail down your skin to finger you, the sensation too much, too good, too wrong, and that thought alone that’s been drumming into you as the intoxication fades away make you both pause.
“It’s okay, just relax,” he reassures, withdrawing his fingers that can’t get past your pussy that has now tightened the minute he touched you down there. Geto sends you another approving glance before he pumps his shaft and up down, aligning it with your entrance and kissing you flat on the lips the whole time. “I’ll put it in, okay? Tell me if anything hurts.”
“Hey, hey. Breathe,” he cups your cheek while looking deep into your eyes, though that slight pinch on his forehead let you know he experienced the same discomfort.
Geto must’ve realized both of you aren’t getting anywhere tonight because soon, he’s falling back to this side, eyeing your pussy with longing and lust before his arm lands over his face.  “Well… Maybe not tonight.”
“Geto,” you begin, turning on your side in hopes of easing the pained frown on his face. “I’m so sorry…”
“Hey, it’s fine, really, don’t worry about it,” he blinks at you and rests back on the pillows, his hand already wrapped around his hard, throbbing cock where the tip is leaking. “Let me just relieve myself. I’m so fucking hard it hurts.”
You don’t know what you’re expecting, but definitely not for him to jack off right beside you. You watch; perplexed, awed, undeniably aroused as he holds your gaze, his jaw clenched and accentuating his sharp features more from the movement. Geto is absolutely shameless as he fucks his own fist that is cum-stained, beads of white pre-cum coating his incredibly thick shaft with thick veins.
It’s so wrong yet so fucking hot that you can’t help but do the same.
Sneaking your fingers down to your kitty, you rub your clit and bite your lip, pleasuring yourself the same way he does. Geto exhales in wonder from watching you masturbate, his muscles ripping and arm so buff, you wonder why he hasn’t folded you in half yet.
Oh right, you’re too anxious to ever have his dick inside you, yet you’re shamelessly rubbing circles in your clit. Spreading your pussy lips open, you slide your fingers down and collect your juices, gasping right beside Geto who’s angrily pumping his dick.
Geto suddenly leans back on his calves to stare at your pussy and jacks off, catching some cum from your pussy lips which makes you giggle in surprise, but he comes back to fisting himself. The eroticism of your actions pushed you both to the edge until the both of you came, his dick softening and his cum shooting all over your thighs.
“God, you’re so sexy, I could stare at you all day.”
“That was…”
“Yeah,” he breathes out in stuttered chuckles, throwing a leg over the bed as he stands to hs full naked, cum-stained glory. “Hey, I’ll clean you up. Do you want something to drink or eat? A glass of water, maybe?”
“That sounds great.”
Geto comes back with a shirt of a rock festival and wipes his cum from your stomach, then folds it to wipe your arousal off. He helps you settle inside his oversized shirt that is warm, comfortable, and smells so faintly of him that the exhaustion of tonight’s events is rapidly coming to you.
“Come here. It’s pretty cold tonight,” You gladly cuddle with him, your head laid on top of his buff arm while his free one is wrapped around you.“How’s your studies going? Do you understand math a little better now?”
Despite his innocent queries, his actions are everything but.
His hands are trailing up to slowly to stroke your nipples. Geto thumbs at the hardened peaks before he softly squeezes your breast, letting his hand repeatedly graze over your sensitive nipples as if it’s second nature to him. It turns you on so bad, but you’re exhausted and you’re rubbing your thighs together, sighing and quietly moaning every now and then.
“A-a little, I guess,” you answer, a little bit distracted. He’s modest and no longer aroused (judging from his state inside his boxers), so you try not to start something you’re not prepared to finish. “Hey, Geto, can I ask you something?”
“Are you more of an ass or boobs person?”
Geto handles the question with ease. “As long as the proportions are right, I like both, and I like yours,” he grins, cupping your boobs in his hand as if to prove a point. Then, he tugs your (his) shirt up just enough to reveal the erect nipples, his eyes narrowed before he sucks lightly on the sides. You gasp at his ministrations but voice no complaints, and neither does he when your nails dig into his arm. “Yours are so beautiful.”
“Flatterer,” you playfully punch his chest, but Geto only chuckles and brings you closer to his chest, his lips warm on top of your forehead. “I’m pretty sleepy…”
“Then sleep. I’ll still be here tomorrow, don’t worry. You’re free to stay as long as you like.”
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The next day, Geto is already gone from the room. You’re not worried because one) this is a one night stand with your hot tutor, you’re not supposed to be attached, and two) the smell of pancakes wafting from the slight crack of his door is very much present.
Stretching your arms out, you pad to where Geto is busy flipping pancakes. He’s already dressed comfortably in a white shirt and dark sweats, turning around to smile at you at the sound of your footsteps. “There’s a naked girl in my room? Wow.”
“It’s not like you haven’t seen everything last night.”
Geto doesn’t need to gesture you to come closer to him, you’re already too pulled in by his presence that you’re wrapping an arm around his neck while he kisses you flat on the lips.
“Doesn’t mean I get tired of it,” he teases, lips lingering above yours before he drifts down the crook your neck, voice deep and husky as he greets, “’Morning. Can you pass me the syrup?”
Nodding, you bend over the counter. The syrup is located in the bottom of the pantry and you’re halfway to opening the glass panels when you hear Geto shut off the stove. His hands come to grip on your hips as he grinds his hard cock on your exposed bottom, his lips hovering over your ear. “On second thought…I think I’ll have my meal a little differently.”
“I bought lube while you were asleep. Maybe it’ll make you loosen a little bit?” Geto touches you down there, his eyes glimmering with mischief once he witnesses for himself your state. “You’re already wet babe,” he announces, proudly presenting his wet fingers right before your eyes. “Wait for me.”
Nervously, you fix your shirt and hair as Geto runs to the living room where he pulls out a bottle of lube and discards his shirt somewhere. He wastes no time in lifting you up to the counter where dives between your legs, and you’re tugging at his hair as his tongue eagerly licks your wetness.
“Geto, ah, stop playing around!”
“Wasn’t planning on it, babe, I’m a little impatient,” Geto stands up again to kiss you for a quick second before he grabs the lube and spreads it all over his cock, his fingers experimentally prying your hole open to see if you could take it.
Once his digit slides in with ease, you moan the same time he grins wickedly.
You think he’ll go straight for it but Geto takes his time with you, making sure you’re properly stretched open before he splits you in his half with his cock. He’s really thick, after all, and your tight little cunt needs to adjust well to make sure you enjoy it rather than be in pain. Once satisfied, you pull Geto by the collar and wrap one leg around his waist to bring him closer, gasping when his tip slides between your pussy lips.
Both of you are too lost in a daze of lust to be able to speak properly. One nod from you is all he needs before he’s slipping inside your warm walls, his head falling into the juncture of your neck where he keeps grunting on how good you feel around him.
You can’t help but scratch down his back the deeper he drives his hips, the mere movement of his cock sliding against the bumpy drags of your tissues making you fall apart.
Not a minute later, your shirt is bunched up under your breasts, free for Geto to suck on while he fucks the living daylights out of you. His knuckles turn white from how hard he’s gripping the counter, another hand planted right under your knee to keep your leg spread open for him. You’re moaning openly under him, strings of fuck yeah right there and shit, Geto, you feel so good filling in the early morning air that would’ve been innocent if there weren’t such loud sounds of skin slapping against skin mixing with the chirping birds.
You squeeze Geto’s ass as he plants himself deeper inside you, setting a pace that is both mind-numbing and exhilarating.
It’s hard to believe that just days ago, you’re in the exact same place sharing waffles with him, only you’re studying math and he’s wearing glasses; professional, formal, polite – the exact opposite of the sinful things he’s doing to you right now.
Geto’s grunts are almost choked in your ear as you come hard, walls convulsing and spasming around his thick length.
He immediately pulls out his hard cock to come all over your thighs instead, watching the way your hole clenches around nothing while his slippery dick is smeared and repeatedly slapping your inner thighs. You keep gasping as you ride out your orgasm, thighs burning from the uncomfortable stretch of having one leg propped by him and the other heel planted on the counters. Geto’s moans are deep, sinful, and inherently masculine the whole while he shoots his deep all over you, creating a mess both on the counter and on your skin.
It takes a while before you both regain your breath and composure, with Geto awkwardly pulling his pants up as he laughs along with you. “So…breakfast?”
“Yeah,” you giggled, “I’m famished.”
Safe to say, that morning was spent with not much enough breakfast, but definitely lots of kissing and even more fucking around. Everything Geto said the first time you met him had been proven true – he did have a thing or two to teach you.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
hey can you do one in which Tommy and his wife are fucking but are interrupted by their many children
take care -  tommy shelby x wife!reader
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gif by @eriklehnsherryes tysm for blessing us w/this cause i fuckin needed it
a/n: ok domestic!tommy is slowly turning my brain into mush cause that’s how much i love him. but i really loved writing this, it’s super fluffy and cute cause tommy as a dad makes my heart hurt (in a good way) and i hope you enjoy!!! 
love, abi xxx
my masterlist
tagging: @lilymurphy03
warnings: nsfw!! smut, tommy is very skilled with his hands ok have you seen them, just a bunch of fluff at the end :)
Soft wasn’t a word many people used to describe Tommy Shelby. Yet, in the glow of the early morning light shining in through the windows, with his arms gripping you tightly to him, dark, thick eyelashes framing his face, that’s the word you would use to describe him. For a man who had been wracked by pain his entire life, he looked so pure sleeping next to you, you couldn’t help but press a kiss to his lips, causing him to grunt slightly, tugging you even closer, calloused hands running against the soft skin of your hips.
“Wanna fuck?” He mumbled, voice raspy with sleep, and you couldn’t help but laugh in response. 
“Jesus, Tom, is that all you think about?” 
He grinned earnestly. “Kinda hard when you look so pretty all pressed up against me, Mrs. Shelby.” Tommy loved the blush that spread across your face when he called you by his name, reminding him that you were his. Sometimes, he almost couldn’t believe that out of all the people in the world to be with, you chose him. You saw the blood on his hands, the dirt on his feet, and you still chose him. The most beautiful thing in the world, and you picked him, a ruthless, notorious gangster to have your children with. To hell if he was going to let anyone get in between the two of you. He had to show you how much you meant to him, needed to make you feel what he felt by just looking at you. God, you were still irresistible to him even after five years. He didn’t think he’d ever get over the way you felt around him, crying out to God as he made your eyes roll back in your head.
Just thinking about it was enough to motivate him into moving, quickly covering your body with his, lips messy against yours, letting out a groan as he felt your hips push up against his stiff cock. 
“Miss how you look with my cock in you,” Tommy grunted, pressing kisses down your neck.
“We fucked yesterday, Tommy.”
“Feels like it’s been weeks,” He muttered in reply, teeth nipping at your collarbone, causing you to shudder. His fingers found your clit easily, rubbing slow circles as you let a moan escape your lips, biting down on his shoulder as he slipped a finger inside of you, pressing up against your g-spot. You squirmed underneath him, prompting him to let up only to replace his fingers with his tongue, dark brown hair messy from where you were tugging at it as he teased your slit with his mouth. 
“Need you,” you managed to get out as he dipped his tongue into you, sending your vision spinning. “Tommy, please..”
You were exactly how Tommy wanted you, desperate for his touch. He reveled in the way he could rile you up, drinking in every inch of you whining for him, and only him. His name on your lips was almost too much for him, yet he held out, practically growling into your cunt out of lust for you. The vibrations sent your hips bucking wildly, pleas falling out of your lips freely as he refused to let up, lips firmly around your clit as you came on his fingers, taking in the sight of you pleading for him to do something, anything with hungry eyes. 
“Don’t worry, love,” Tommy grunted, pressing the head of his cock into you slowly. “I’ll take care of you.” He had just fully entered you, the burn of him stretching you out fading into pleasure as he started to thrust himself inside of you when you heard small footsteps padding against the carpet and a soft knock at the door. You sighed, momentarily caught up in the irritation of being interrupted. Tommy chuckled at your reaction, quickly slipping off of you and tugging on his underwear that he’d previously discarded and tossing you his crumpled dress shirt from last night, you pulling it over your shoulders.
“Don’t be too upset, beautiful. M’not done with you yet,” He drawled, causing you to smile as he opened the door to reveal your three year old, Anna. 
“Daddy, I woke up, and I can’t go back to sleep,” she pouted, as Tommy picked her up, balancing her on one arm. The way he looked at her made your heart melt, blue eyes adoringly trained on her small frame, fussing over her hair.  
“S’alright, darlin’, let’s get you dressed, yeah?” He cooed in response, pinching her cheek lightly as she giggled.
“Mommy, are you coming too?” Another voice chimed in, a head of messy brown hair peeping in from the doorframe. You should have known that John wasn’t far behind, the already mischievous five-year-old always up to something. 
“Of course, honey. Just let me get dressed, and I’ll be there in a minute, okay?” You replied, both kids taking the opportunity to scramble into the bedroom, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before running out, determined to get into some kind of trouble.
“I’ll go after them, don’t want John trying to ride the dogs all over the house again,” Tommy rumbled, walking to your closet to quickly dress himself, clad in only an undershirt and pants as he pressed a passionate kiss to your lips. “And we’ll get back to that later, eh?” He grinned cheekily.
You couldn’t help but smile in response, rolling your eyes as he made his way out of the room, an insatiable grin still plastered to his face. God, you were fucking lucky.
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