#ahsoka pov
femmefighter · 8 months
Finally got another chapter out of my WIP. First one for the year! Feels so good to be progressing the story again. 🥰
Chapter synopsis: The Fulcrum crew receive an update from Hera as to the status of Rebellion post-Hoth.
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nataliabdraws · 1 year
wolfwren prompt: once all is done Sabine takes Shin back to her place & Sabine's Loth-Cat get's very cuddly with Shin. She pretends to hate it but secretly loves the afternoon naps the three of them have together.
I think I took this in a bit of different direction but I still love the idea lolol
Shin doesn’t know what to think of the loth cats and Sabine finds it hilarious
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rancidsugar · 9 months
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pileofsith · 6 months
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Nameless Part Twelve - Apostate Page 1/10 Flashback time! Barriss Offee complains about the Jedi Order and gains a secret admirer. Text is taken from the TCW episode, 'The Wrong Jedi'. The comic is also available here on AO3.
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Part I Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part II Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 Part III Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Part IV Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part V Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Part VIII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part IX Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part X Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part XII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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i wanted to weigh bad faith readings vs how clumsy the writing in Weapons Factory actually was to make people dislike luminara so much and. wow. she literally falls to her knees and despairs when she thinks barriss is dead.
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thechaoticfanartist · 23 days
Phantom Pain
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Warnings: None
Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Grim Kennet (OC)
Relationship(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi & Grim Kennet (OC), Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags: Post-Rako Hardeen Arc (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Angst With A Happy Ending, Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt Anakin Skywalker, Hurt Grim Kennet (OC), Obi-Wan Kenobi has PTSD, Grim Kennet has PTSD, Protective Anakin Skywalker
Summary: After returning from faking his death, Grim still acts as if Obi-Wan's dead.
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Obi-Wan had hated going undercover in the way that he did. When he faked his death he knew he hurt everyone that was close to him. They all had to believe his death was real.
Of course, his Padawan knew otherwise. He knew he would have never been able to have fooled Grim. As the Council was making this plan they had considered that there was a high likelihood of her knowing what was happening - however he decided it was best not to tell her anyways. Nobody knew for sure what Grim did or did not know, and didn’t want to risk it on a mission like this.
She had known. Before he had faked his death she had grabbed his wrist and begged him not to go through with the mission. He had to, he had a duty to the Republic and if that meant he had to fake his death and go undercover to protect the Chancellor, then that’s what he would do.
He had managed to convince her to let him go.
His deception had hurt everyone. It was for the safety of the Republic but what had been the cost? Ahsoka was hurt. Anakin was so betrayed that he avoided talking to him but when he did there was anger in his voice - but he didn’t blame him. He knew he had hurt him. Then there was Grim, she acted as if he really was dead. She avoided him, and never spoke a word, never as much acknowledged he was there.
She completely avoided him and cut him off in any way she could.
At least Anakin and Ahsoka talked to him, even if they were upset.
He had asked Master Windu to watch over his Padawan while he was undercover. Of course he was aware that at some point she had gone off with Anakin and Ahsoka instead as he had seen Grim fight Anakin in order to defend him. He wished she hadn’t done that.
After the Chancellor was safe and he was back home, he spoke to Windu about it later. He learned that Grim had apparently snuck out of the Temple at some point and got injured during this outing. According to Grim her injuries had been from ‘failing at parkour’ but Windu shared his suspicions as her injuries had not matched the claim.
Which caused Obi-Wan to wonder what trouble Grim had gotten into while he was “dead”.
Of course he would not get any answers while Grim was avoiding him - and he knew that even if she wasn’t she still would not tell him. She was a very secretive person after all.
He always respected that and never pushed her. He reasoned that Grim had her reasons, she knew so many things about the future, that knowledge could perhaps be dangerous. Sometimes he worried about the future she knew of, and the toll that took on his Padawan. He had only the vaguest of ideas of what it could hold from what she had said. He knew it wasn’t good. If it was then she would not be here, at least she wouldn’t have chosen to. She chose to stay, because she wanted to change things.
The more the war went on, the more Obi-Wan would occasionally wonder what these things were. He knew they were involved with stopping the Sith. He knew the future was bleak. He now knew that apparently he would die in 20 years. He could only guess at the rest.
What concerned him now though, was not this future. He rarely thought about it when he could. Although he knew his Padawan often did. What concerned him now was Grim. What had happened while he was gone?
He wasn’t blind. He noticed the changes. She was more afraid and she was rarely sleeping. She seemed even more restless than usual. He would ask her - he would talk with her, but he knew she wouldn’t tell him.
She was still angry with him over what he did. He didn’t blame her. He had betrayed her, and everyone close to him. She seemed to take it harder than he expected though. Especially because she knew. It was because she knew that she was so hurt.
Because Obi-Wan should have known that she would have known the truth. But he didn’t. He had no idea what Grim knew or didn’t know. Nobody did. She never told anyone anything. He wished she would be more open with him - but he also knew that he had just lied to everyone. So he was in no place to talk.
Grim was training more often, he noticed. She did that a lot when she was stressed or worried about something. Obi-Wan wondered what it was that was bothering her. Although she wouldn’t tell him, he knew that.
He did his best not to be hurt by the way Grim was treating him. He knew that he had hurt her. It was natural for her to be upset with him.
“Grim, may we talk?” He tried one day.
She said nothing. She gave no sign that she had even heard him.
Obi-Wan sighed. “You can’t keep doing this, you know,” he told her.
Again there was no reply. She instead walked away from him completely.
“Tiny still isn’t talking to you?” Anakin asked, walking over to him.
“No, she isn’t,” Obi-Wan sighed. “She acts like I’m a ghost.”
“Well you did pretend to be dead,” he remarked, crossing his arms.
“Anakin, can we not start on this again?” He sighed. “Grim’s silent treatment is enough.”
“Is it though? You really hurt people. Snips was the one that held your ‘dead body’, you know.”
Obi-Wan winced. “I didn’t mean to hurt her in that way.”
“We thought you were dead, what way did you mean to hurt us?”
“No. You’re lucky Grim is just giving you the cold shoulder, she’s your current Padawan, and you pretended to die in front of her. You saw your Master get killed in front of you, you should know what that must have felt like for her.”
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and tried to force back that memory. “I’m sorry, Anakin,” he said, opening his eyes. There were tears in them now. “I had never meant to-”
“It doesn’t matter what you meant, Master. Grim defended you while you were undercover. She knew you were still alive, somehow. I think she went with me to protect you, even though you hurt her in a terrible way. Despite betraying our trust she defended you, she has every right to avoid you now.”
“I never asked her to defend me.”
“No, but that’s the kind of person she is.” With that Anakin walked away.
Obi-Wan stood there. He didn’t know what to say. Anakin was right.
He decided to give Grim some space for the next few days. He reasoned that she couldn’t stay angry with him forever, and would come around at some point.
At one point he found her while she was training. He stopped for a moment before going to watch her. He was concerned with how she had been lately. Although he had given Grim space he still noticed how exhausted and sometimes even afraid she seemed to be.
She was practicing against one of the more advanced lightsaber training droids. She had been doing an impressive job, and had won each match. She was about to start on her sixth one when he noticed something. He walked over to her. “Padawan, I’d advise against it. You’re going to wear yourself out at this point.” And if she did that she could get hurt.
Once again she refused to acknowledge him. The closest he got to the fact that she had even heard him was the fact she did the direct opposite of what he had said. Instead of just starting another round she set it to the maximum difficulty allowed for a Padawan.
He sat back down with a sigh as she readied herself. If she wouldn’t listen to him, she would just have to learn for herself.
Grim was getting tired out from the back-to-back matches just as he expected. Her movements were slower this time, sweat was dripping down the back of her neck, and her chest rose and fell with her breath, but despite this she still remained focused on the droid.
She did well - at first. Her exhaustion took its toll and eventually the droid defeated her. She stared at the droid for a moment, and she seemed to tremble. Although it didn’t last longer than a moment, for she got back up and dusted herself off before deactivating the droid. Obi-Wan was left to wonder if her reaction had just been his imagination.
Grim left the room without a glance towards him. He stayed there for a little while longer. He didn’t want his Padawan to think he was following her - and really, he wasn’t. After debating for a little bit, he decided to practice against the droid himself.
The following day, when Obi-Wan woke up, Grim was gone. This did not concern him, as she woke up early in the mornings. He supposed she was likely in the Room Of A Thousand Fountains practicing her meditation. That’s where she most often was in the mornings in any case.
He went and ate his breakfast for the day. He had decided not to bother Grim again, as she clearly still wasn’t over what he had done, even if it had been a little over a week ago at this point.
When he was returning to his quarters somebody quite literally walked into him. He stopped suddenly and looked down to see Grim. His eyes went wide, as he noticed the various cuts across her body, and there even seemed to be some faint lightning scars. She covered the left side of her face with her hand as if to hide yet another injury. “Grim, what happened?” He gasped.
She tried to shrug him off as she had been doing since he returned but he blocked her path with his arms crossed. “You can’t keep acting like I’m dead, Grim. And now you’re injured, you’re bleeding even, so tell me, what happened?”
She looked up at him, as if she hadn’t seen him earlier. She kept her face covered, and awkwardly replied, “I jumped out of a window?”
She sounded unsure of herself, and Obi-Wan did not buy it for a second. “You jumped out of a window?” He repeated slowly. “Why were you jumping out of a window?”
She better have a good excuse for that.
It was clear she did not think of an excuse before she ran into him.
Then - all of the sudden she began to cry. It took the Jedi Master entirely by surprise. “Grim?” He asked worriedly.
Then he noticed something else. He saw what she had been trying to hide. On the left side of her face, running from her jawline all the way up to her nose was a lightsaber scar. He recognized it instantly. What happened? He knew his Padawan - that was not from a training accident.
He hugged Grim. She tensed at the contact at first, and Obi-Wan started to release her, but then she melted in his embrace and returned it. She began to sob into his chest. He held her as she cried. “I’m so sorry, Master, I’ve been so petty, acting like you were dead, and now I’ve been such an idiot.”
“Shh,” He told her, gently soothing his Padawan. “It’s alright Grim, I forgive you. What happened?”
She looked up at him, her eyes shimmered with tears, her hair was a mess, there were small cuts all over her bare skin, and the scar on her face. It was impossible to miss that scar. “I was an idiot, I should listen to you more often.”
He could tell she wouldn’t say more. He let go of her. “We should get you to the healers,” he decided.
She let go of him, and pouted. “Do I have to?” She whined.
“Yes,” he replied, gentle yet firm at the same time.
He didn’t want that lightsaber burn to go untreated.
She didn’t put up a fight, and let him lead her to the Halls Of Healing. He kept an arm wrapped around her back to support her upon noticing how weak she seemed to be. He frowned, wondering what had caused her injuries.
Once Grim was getting cared for by the Healers he left to go tell Anakin and Ahsoka. They might be angry at him for what he had done still, but all of them cared for Grim in their own ways.
“Anakin, Ahsoka,” he said, once he found them. “We need to talk, it’s about Grim.”
“Are you going to try and get us to convince her to talk to you again, Master?” Anakin asked. “Because she won’t do that yet.”
“It’s not about me and Grim, it’s just about her,” he said. “She’s hurt.”
“What?!” Ahsoka exclaimed.
“What happened?” Anakin asked, suddenly very concerned.
“I don’t know, she hasn’t been talking to me. She’s in the Halls Of Healing now, I don’t know how long she’ll be there.”
“...how hurt was she?” Ahsoka asked.
“Badly, but not too badly I don’t think,” he replied. “She said she jumped out of a window, but there’s certainly more to it.”
“What’s Tiny doing jumping out of windows?”
“She didn’t say.”
“We should be there for her when she’s okay,” Ahsoka decided.
Obi-Wan smiled at her. “I agree.”
The three of them waited outside of the Halls Of Healing for Grim to be released. All of them were worried about her, and it seemed that had left little room for Anakin to remain as angry as he had been at his former Master. Although a part of Obi-Wan knew their relationship was never going to be the same again.
When Grim exited, Ahsoka rushed towards her and hugged her. She whispered something to her that Obi-Wan couldn’t hear. Grim hugged her right back and said, “it’s alright Ash, I just had an accident is all.”
Obi-Wan frowned. That was entirely different from what she had told him.
Ahsoka pulled back from her hug and traced Grim’s new scar. She frowned slightly.
Grim laughed nervously. “What, is something wrong? Do you not like it?”
“You shouldn’t have a scar like that at our age.”
“We shouldn’t be commanders at our age, Ash.”
“No, but all we’ve done as Padawans is fight, haven’t we?”
“It certainly seems that way.”
Obi-Wan’s heart broke at their words. Both of them were right, this war had taken their childhood away. They were far too young to have gone through what they have - and Anakin too.
The two Padawans walked back over to them. Anakin put a hand on Grim’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re alright, Tiny, you had us worried,” he told her.
She laughed and smiled at him. “I’m tougher than I look, Skywalker.”
“Yes, I think you’ve proved that many times,” said Obi-Wan. “I’m glad you’re okay, little one.”
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Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @andorlorian @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @thebrainofocto @forloveofcodywan @mandalorian-general
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where obi-wan is just havin a cup of tea and readin a bit of a book and anakin bursts into his quarters looking halfway to insane and blabbering absolute nonsense and then he just looks at obi-wan and says fuck it and kisses him before he storms back out 
meanwhile anakin’s been stuck in a time loop for ages now and he’s halfway to insane because no one remembers anything but him so what if just one day he gives into the urge to kiss/sleep with his master it’s just one time and no one else will remember it!!!
only for the time loop to break because of that kiss and the next day obi-wan is like ?? are we gonna talk about it??
and anakin (having burst in again, thinking this is another reset of the loop) is like ‘what, the fact that that romance novel is yours and not ahsoka’s?’
and obi-wan is like ‘nO (but it is ahsoka’s) im referring to the fact that you shoved your tongue down my throat this time yesterday!!’
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The Subtleties of the Force - Part two
You are from this world, but at a convetion you stumble into the world between worlds, eventually falling into the Star Wars galaxy. Slow burn Anakinxreader content due to reader trying to keep the timeline straight.This is a long one, as I had put all chapters below so strap in. Begins at the start of AOTCFem reader, I hope you enjoy. Part one here
To read chapterly updatesclick here
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It had been three years since you had been stabbed by Count Dooku and in those years you had watched the galaxy change. Though you had managed to recall at least some of the major events, helping to bring down several separatists along the way. Upon the council’s wishes Obi-Wan had taken you on as a student, though you refused the title Padawan or joining the Jedi order they had agreed it was in your best interest to learn how to wield the power you had. You had also convinced the council that some of their rules had become all but obsolete. Explaining to them that love was not a thing that should be shunned, but utilised. 
Ki-Adi Mundi had to agree with you, his marriages had proven not only fruitful to his species but to his own mental health. It helped that almost all of the children exhibited force sensitivity. To this the council agreed and love was now part of the code. Giving Anakin the chance to live with his wife in the open.
Your relationship with Anakin had dwindled, attempting to keep your own heart protected you had kept yourself away from him, only interacting if your missions involved each other. Every time you saw him, he would try to speak to you, catch you alone in some way but each time you would silently turn away from him. It stung his pride of course it did, but it was necessary. 
You had kept him away from the Chancellor at least. Having him promise that any thoughts or fears he might have he would go to Yoda with. How could he refuse you? 
Turning around from your place at the dining table you see Shaak Ti walking toward you. 
“Your information is invaluable y/n. We have managed to finally remove the inhibitor chips from every clone and stopped the production of them. The council owes you a great debt.” 
You smiled and thanked the Master Jedi for her words.  There is a commotion behind her and you both move to look at what was happening. Anakin and Ahsoka stood with a crowd around them, each Jedi cheering them for their great feats. You rolled your eyes. 
“Excuse me, Shakk Ti, I am needed elsewhere.” You excuse yourself and head for the door on the opposite side of the room, heading out to the hallway. Your whole body wants to run to your friend and wrap your arms around him, you had missed the opportunity to get to know Ahsoka in order to stay away from him. Though you had ensured she would not get the blame for the explosion when it happened. Your mind was so focused on your memories that you walked straight into Mace Windu and Obi-Wan. 
“Ah, excellent, we were just looking for you. Will you come with us?” You nod to the two older men and follow them along the hall. 
“What happens if we send them?” Mace asks. You aren’t sure if you should say, your eyes glance up at Obi-Wan who nods. 
“We have intelligence that the Chancellor has been taken hostage by Count Dooku and General Grievous on a starship.” you halt at Windu’s words.
“No. Do not do it. Don’t send anyone, especially not Anakin. This is it, this is where it begins.” your words are quiet but it makes both men turn to look at you. 
"I don't think we need to. It is time, I think, for me to tell you all what is happening. Could you call the council?" You ask them. Obi-Wan nods, placing his hand on your shoulder. 
“In the story you send Obi-Wan and Anakin with a squadron. They take the ship, there are some casualties. Obi-Wan is knocked unconscious and Anakin…Dooku’s death is the beginning of the end for him. It could be different now, the Chancellor does not hold the same power over him as he did before. I just don’t think we should risk. Please send someone else.” you all but beg them at the end.
“You and I then, my young one.” Obi smiles at you. The confidence he has in you is possibly misplaced. 
"Alright dear one. I will call for you when we are ready." You nod to your Master and quietly watch them walk away. 
"You've been avoiding me again." Anakin's voice appears in your ear and you turn to see his face close to yours. 
"No, I have been busy. There is a war on, if you haven't forgotten." There is an attempt to be funny and deflect his accusation. 
"Please don't push me away. I've done everything you asked of me. All these years." It's the same plea each time he catches you. 
"Master Skywalker, I heard of your promotion, I should have congratulated you earlier." You try to change the subject. 
"Thank you. Can I, can I see you? Properly see you. I have so much to tell you." 
"You should see your wife, she will.no doubt have some news for you." 
He scoffed at your words. 
"She has hardly spoken to me in the last year. Too busy with her many male visitors to worry about me." 
"What do you mean?" You ask, dropping your disinterest. 
"She has affairs, I don't blame her. I am not a husband that she can rely on. I tried, I really tried it, for you I tried but I couldn't do it, so I've taken every mission I could to stay away from her because…because I dream about you. I know you've grown close with Obi-Wan and I understand if you…if you love him." 
Your hand resting on his forearm stops his words. 
"Anakin, I'm so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. You were supposed to have children with her-" 
"Well I haven't and it is has been nothing but torture. Every single day I question why you made me do this and you never give me answers as to why." 
You take a step back from him. 
"Anakin, you don't understand-" 
"I do! It's me isn't it? The Great evil you are here to stop. I know it, from that day after Geonosis, the way you looked at me." He didn't approach you, but took his own step backward and slumped against the wall. 
"I'm sorry, Anakin." In truth your heart was breaking. You had wanted to tell him everything you had seen and known but he had gone before you had a chance. 
"I should've told you a long time ago. In the stories you fall to the darkside, seduced by the dreams you have of Padme's death. The ch, Darth Sidious uses your insecurities to warp your mind." 
"The chancellor? That's why you didn't want me to see him? I've had no dreams of Padme's death." Anakin admitted. 
"Only yours." His words cut through you. 
"Mine? What do you see?" You ask. 
Anakin takes in a long deep breath, his hand finding yours when he finally stands back to his full height. 
"I see you, standing in front of a hooded man, then you are on the floor, bloody and crying. I can't get to you in time and before you. It's like when you first came here and you kept phasing out, but you don't come back." A single tear drops down his face. 
You have no response that sounds remotely right so you simply stand there, holding his hand. 
"I wish we could go back to then, when you first came here." Anakin spoke softly. 
"So do I." You whisper back to him. 
"Y/n?" Obi-Wan's voice called out to you through your mind. 
"The council is ready for us, come on." You say to Anakin turning on your heel and all but marching through the halls. Over the years you had prided yourself on learning the layout of the temple, at least enough to always get you to your dormitory and the council chambers. The large doors still held as much fear as they did that first day. Your chest beat in your ears as you approached. Obi-Wan stepped out to you, taking your hands. 
"You'll be okay, dear one. Just remember to breathe through it." Your eyes are held by his and the two of you appear to communicate through your minds. When you feel your thoughts clear enough to be coherent you nod to him and make your way inside.
"I have brought Master Skywalker with me, as he has a right to know all of this as well." You begin, "I'll jump straight to the chase. The eminent threat is the Chancellor. He is not who he has been pretending to be, rather he is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Apprentice to Darth Plagueis. He was planning order 66, which luckily should now be basically undoable with the inhibitor chips removed from the clones. Unfortunately he still has the droid army and the separatists on his side, not to mention the backing of almost the whole senate. There is evidence that we can get, including plans for a super ship that can destroy worlds called the death star." You stop thinking about what else you needed to say…"um there is a lightsaber in a statue in his office. He is strong though, and has force lightning." Your chest was starting to get right. "I don't…I can't, things are starting to get foggy. It's been a long time since I, um. He was going to turn Anakin, use the distrust you each had for him and his for you, cultivate it, but we changed that. Darth, Darth Maul is still alive, I don't-" you hold your hand to head. Somewhere behind you Anakin's voice echoes into your ears. Your body flickers. Visions of another world flash in front of you. No, not another world, your world, your real home. Where are you though? Not your apartment. A street, not a real street, a film set. 
"Y/n?" Anakin places his hand on your shoulder and you're back in the council chambers. 
"Anakin, I can't, I need…Obi-Wan." Your friend rises from his seat taking hold of your shoulders as you fall backward into him. 
"What is happening, Master Kenobi?" Kit Fisto asked. 
"I don't know." Obi-Wan answered, holding onto you. 
Pain severed through your mind, making you grasp at your head. The Emperor's face lit up in front of you as he laughed. Count Dooku dead before him with Anakin standing beside him. 
"He's in my head." You call out. One hand clutching to Obi-Wan as the other reaches out for Anakin. "Anakin, please. Stay away from the chancellor, don't go to him, don't let him-" you scream again and you feel memories being plucked from your mind. "Obi-Wan keep him safe, no matter what happens. You have to promise me, both of you!" You're crying but the tears are not water. Dark red stains your face. "In my room, my phone, it has more details. I wrote it all down before it died. Anakin, you're brilliant, you can make a way to charge the battery and get the information. Please I think
I'm losing it all." Bile rises up.in your throat and you can hear the cackling laugh of Palpatine inside your head. The Council had all stood, gathering around you as they watched your eyes slowly close. Your body cradled in Obi-Wan's lap. 
"No, y/n don't go. We can't lose you." Obi-Wan openly wept as you slipped away. 
Anakin smacked his hands against the wall as frustration overtook him once more. 
"What is taking them so long?" He growled. 
"It cannot be easy to convince an entire galaxy that the person they put in charge to keep them safe is the actual threat they were fearing." Shaak Ti reminded him. 
"They've been in there for five hours." Anakin stated. 
"Skywalker, you need to calm down, or leave." 
He huffed at her before sitting on one of the cold benches. 
Heavy footsteps walked up the hallway into his line of vision. A dishevelled Obi-Wan sat down beside his once Padawan. 
"Anything?' He asked. Shaak Ti shook her head. 
"Y/n?' Anakin asked, hopeful. 
Obi-Wan shook his head. 
"The healers will not allow me in. I have no news on her." 
"They cannot allow her to die." Anakin said to no one in particular. 
A door opens close by, Yoda walking out with his walking stick. 
"Go we must, our way it is not going." He announced. "The time of the Jedi, over it is, for now." All three Jedi stood and followed Yoda out of the senatorial building. 
"Into hiding we must go. To Anch-To we shall go. Gather everyone we must. Y/n you shall bring Kenobi." 
"My wife?" Anakin asks. 
"Sided with the senator she has. Behind she must stay." They all rush to the temple, where after a message was sent by Yoda on the way everyone was already making quick work of emptying the halls. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan ran to the halls of healing, where you had been placed into a Bacta tank in preparation to be moved. The healers acknowledge their arrival and work around them. 
"Masters?" Ahsoka appeared behind them. "I stayed with her like you asked, Master Kenobi." She stated. Anakin rubbed her shoulder. 
"You have done very well, young one. Are you ready to leave?" He asks gently. 
"Yes Master." 
Another woman steps up to them, introducing herself as Hani your personal healer for the trip. 
"Come, we have transport this way." She gestures to a door in the back and the two men push the tank you are in. The hallways have been darkened and it is hard for them to see where they are going. Nervous energy building around them until they arrived at a hanger. Two garrisons of clone troopers with both Rex and Cody were waiting alongside Plo Koon. 
"Come, we have little time before the droids arrive." Plo announced ushering everyone inside. 
"What is happening?" Ahsoka asked as her hands shook. 
"The senate have declared us war criminals and blame us for everything that is happening. We must all disappear for our own safety." Plo explained. 
"What about the safety of the galaxy?" She squeaked. 
"They will have to wait." He replied flatly and ended the conversation. 
Obi-Wan is attaching your bacta tank to the walls in the communal area of the transport ship. Anakin watches him press his hand to the tank. 
"Do you, are the two of you-?" He can't say the words but Obi-Wan understands him. 
"Besides you y/n is the closest thing I have to family. I love her very dearly, but no, Anakin there is nothing between us. Perhaps once we may have come close, a wayward thought of mine. Her feelings have never wavered. She is yours, heart and soul." Obi hoped his words would sooth his friend. Anakin walked up to the tank, looking into your silent face, a mask covering your mouth and nose. 
"I've missed her so much. Isn't it strange she's only been with us for three years?" Anakin said over his shoulder. 
"It feels like a lifetime ago." Obi agreed. 
Anakin stayed looking at you for many hours until Ahsoka finally persuaded him to get some sleep. The healer stood before you, a glint of a smile on her face. 
"Well, looks like you were wrong and you won't save them. You've just brought their fate quicker." Pressing a few buttons on the panel she walked away, leaving you. Your body twitched in pain, writhing and wriggling against the liquid. 
Seventeen hours after the Jedi had left the known galaxy, and arrived at the first Jedi temple. Five days since your tank had been wheeled into the main temple inside the mountain. One hour since it had been broken and your body flung to the ground. 
Shaking and alone you wake. 
Your eyes shoot open as pain takes hold of your body once more. A whimper across the room alerts you to the healer's presence. She lifts herself off the ground, a shard of the tank glass lodged in her arm. 
"They said you were powerful, but this is something else. There is no way you could have broken through that drug" she yanked the glass from her arm as she spoke. 
"Drug?" You cough out, trying to lift your body from the ground. 
"Come now, you think he didn't know what you were? Of course he knew, he is the Emperor." She towers above you and you slump back to the ground, bacta liquid splashed around your limbs. 
"You may be able to survive the drug but can you survive being torn apart?" Her sadistic smile brought an acidic bile to your throat. 
"Obi-Wan, Anakin." You whisper their names as the healer draws her sabre. Using what little strength you have in your arms you try to crawl back, dragging your useless legs behind you. 
Hani used her abilities to lift you into the air, your body rising out the side of the temple and dangling over the cliff side. Below the other Jedi see this and come running. Obi and Anakin at the forefront. 
"You ruined the Emperor's plans. He wanted Skywalker, but he knows a better way to get him. Your death will reset his plans." Hani cackled but it's cut short as Obi-Wan's sabre drives through her body. You begin to fall. Anakin leaps off the temple following you. Your eyes meet and you reach up your arms to him. His body crashes into yours, pulling you tight against him. Air rushed around you, whipping your hair around your faces. You were sure you would feel the hard ground or sting of the cold water any moment but it didn't come. With a slight bounce the two of you stop and hover above the crashing waves. 
Ahsoka and three other younglings concentrate with their hands outstretched in front of them. Using the force to fly you both to the shore. 
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Anakin whispered in your ear. You shake your head, throat too sore to answer. Once back on the ground you cling to Anakin's robes as he carries you into one of the small stone huts. Ahsoka brings water for you to drink. 
"I'm sorry this should never have happened." Anakin repeated. His arms surrounding you holding both his robe and a blanket around your cold body, still wet from the tank. 
Being unable to talk you pressed your hand to his chest, feeling his heart beating. Silently asking for answers. 
"I'll explain everything soon, my love. First let's get you healthy." He says into your hair. 
The warmth of Anakin's body against you lulled you into a peaceful sleep. He is simply glad to finally have you in his arms, to have you against him. You were alive and by the way your hands still held him tightly, you needed him as much as he needed you. 
You awake again sometime later, Anakin's head resting back against the wall. You open your mouth to speak but no voice comes out. Nothing but breath can escape your throat. Opting instead to lightly tap Anakin's face to wake him. 
"What is it? Are you okay?" He asks, sleep still in his voice. 
You press your fingers to your throat and shake your head. Anakin cups your face with one hand. 
"They said this could happen, when you were, when it happened your throat was clamped by the force. We think it was Palpatine, choking you. Your vocal chords have been damaged." You nod in understanding, placing your head into his shoulder once more. Across the hut the door opens revealing Obi-Wan. 
"We need you both in the temple." He crossed the room and crouched before you, running his fingers through your hair, "oh dear one, we should have been paying closer attention." He whispered. You pull away from Anakin and fall into Obi-Wan's arms. "Can you walk?" He asks. Unsure you allow them both to help you to stand. Your legs are weak and wobble below you. Both men hold onto an arm each helping you to walk back to the temple. The council were waiting for you each with a Solomon look on their face. It's explained that they questioned Hani, the healer. She was being controlled by the darkside, using her position to lace the bacta tank with a drug. The substance kept your mind hazy and your attachment to the force weak. Had she succeeded you may never have awoken. Unfortunately the tank malfunctioned, you had been able to wake enough that you'd burst the tank from the inside. 
"We know you are unable to speak but we need any information you have not yet told us." Plo requests. You turn to look at Obi-Wan, confusion pulling your eyebrows down. 
"I know nothing. I have no memory of my life before…before meeting you." You echo your voice into his mind. Obi-Wan reiterates your words to the council. 
"That is unfortunate." Yadel sighs. 
"Locked away perhaps your memories are. Time to heal you may still need." Yoda nodded his head in your direction and the others agreed. It was determined that Obi-Wan and Anakin would work with you to get your body strong again. At which time they would work on your mind. 
As evening drew in you felt a new fear creeping toward you. The native residents showed you to your own hut, there was a bed and not much else. They lit a fire inside but it did little to quell your fears. Perching on the edge of the bed you called out to the two people who could keep you safe. 
"I don't want to be alone." You explain to them once they have both arrived. Each man sets themselves up a cot in the Anakin right beside your own and Obi-Wan close to 5he door. You finally fall asleep to the sound of R2s recording of a Naboo lullaby, your hand held by Anakin. 
Padme stood alone in her apartment, everyone she knew was dead or part of the new empire. Clothed in a simple black tunic and breeches she waited for her fait. 
JarJar, the secret apprentice to Dooku, appeared at the landing platform. 
"Time to go, Mesa Senator." He spoke in a much lower tone than she had ever known before, his glowing yellow. 
"I am sorry you have fallen so far my old friend." She approached him, looking over his shoulder to see commander Typho standing by the star ship. 
"Only sorry you were caught." JarJar quipped back at her. 
"perhaps old friend, but you should have known better than to believe I would ever bow to an Emperor." As she spoke Typho had moved in close behind the Gungan Shooting him with a stun blaster. Jar jar fell to the ground as Typho pulled the Senator to the ship. 
"We do not have much time. We must get to the Jedi." He said to her as they began pulling away from the landing pad. 
"You know where they've gone?" She asked, settling into the copilot seat. 
"We think so. I had a communication from Rex some time ago. Hopefully the intel is still good." 
"Let's go find my husband." Padme said. 
Over the last four days you had slowly learnt how to walk unaided, though Obi-Wan or Anakin would be beside you at all times, holding your arm. Cody had also become more concerned about your safety, stationing a guard at your door at all times. 
The day was unusually warm for Anch-To so you had chosen to sit outside, laying a blanket on the grass. Obi-Wan runs a training session with the younglings not too far away. His eyes would glance over to you every few seconds. 
“Anything come back to you yet?” She asked. You shake your head. 
"I'm alright." You spoke to his mind, still unable to speak. He would nod and return to the lessons.
Ahsoka plonked down beside you. 
“All I remember is them, Obi-Wan and Anakin, there is nothing else.” You think at her. It was a feeling, like you had been pulled into a place you didn’t belong whilst finally finding the one place you were meant to be. Your only memories were those with Obi-Wan and Anakin. 
“It must be really disorientating.” Ahsoka sympathised. You nod and sigh, turning your head to watch the younglings train with their short sabres. If you were honest you had enjoyed the last few days. The planet was quiet and with no memories so was your mind. The Jedi appeared to thrive on this planet, training in the most basic of places took away much of their recent distractions. The clone troopers had begun creating a new network of homes. Building structures around the transport ships and cruisers that had brought them all there. You wondered if you could all stay and live in peace and harmony forever, though you knew that wouldn’t happen. The Empire would eventually reach you all. 
“Where is your Master?” 
“He is coming, the council needed to talk to him.” Ahsoka answers you. 
“I am going for a walk. Distract Obi-Wan if he notices.” You say getting up and walking away. The Island was not massive but big enough that you could hide yourself away on the opposite side. A small flock of Pougs wandered along by your feet
“Miss y/n? Sorry, we’ve been told not to let you be alone.” A trooper called Stirrup appeared a few steps behind you. 
“Can you hear me?” you ask through your mind, unsure if the trooper would hear your voice. The commander lifted his hand to his head, 
“Whow. Was that you?” he asks, you smile and nod. 
“Do we know each other well?” you step closer to him. 
“Yeah, I guess so. We’ve been fighting alongside each other for two and a half years. You really don’t remember, do you?” There is a twinge of sadness in his eyes that makes you feel bad. How could you have forgotten someone who clearly means a lot to you? 
“I’m sorry. The Masters say my memory will return eventually.” 
 “Of course it will, it has too. The Emperor will want everything in that little head of yours.” Stirrup stepped closer to you, his hand grabbing onto your arm. “We’ve been waiting but it’s taking too long. Time to take you back to the Emperor” Stirrup’s head twitched as if he was fighting against mechanics in his neck. Trying to yank your arm out of his you feel his grip tighten, pressing into your flesh. 
“What was this?” He asks you. 
“Anakin!” You call out through the force, bringing your foot up to kick the trooper in his stomach. He drops your arm as he lurches back and you take the opportunity to run away. Trees and bushes whipped at your skin as you ran, blaster shots ringing past you. You know you can out run him, pushing against the ground with the force on your side. You're running blind though, not knowing where you are running. You run into something hard and warm. Anakin’s arm wraps around you and he uses the force to hold Stirrup in the air.
“Anaklin, let him down, you cannot succumb to anger.” you think at him. Anakin looks down at you and nods, dropping the clone to the ground as several more come running in and cuff him. 
“Anakin, check the clones for anything that could be used to control them. The Emperor, he is trying to use me to get to you.” 
“Do you think we could have one boring week?” He laughs and you smile up at him. As Stirrup is marched away Anakin takes your hand to lead you back to your hut. 
“Y/n? Before all of this I was trying to tell you how I felt about you.” He crouched in front of you sitting on the bed. “When you arrived here it was like a dream had come true, then you started to change things, not just me but the Jedi, the code. The galaxy is at war but with your help we have saved thousands of people who would've died before. Your coming here was a miracle none of us knew we needed. I did what you asked me to, I tried to be with her, to do what you needed me to do but I don’t think the time has long passed when that fate would have been true and I…I don’t-” You cut him off by placing your fingers to his lips. His eyes finally look up into yours, a gentle smile gracing your lips. You brush the back of your hand across his chin, dipping them into the curls at the back of his head before leaning into him and pressing a kiss to his lips. Anakin melts into your touch, his fingers holding onto your knees. 
“I love you.” He whispers when you pull away from him. You answer him by crashing your lips to his once more, the kiss is deeper, needer like you were breathing life back into him. Your mind swirled with nothing but him and his scent as he moved, bringing your bodies together and wrapping his arms around you. Anakin has wanted this for so long and so his body reacts to it almost instantly. His breath is shallow, and his hands wander your body, memorising your shape, each rise and fall of your flesh. It is all too intoxicating but you need to feel more of him against you and so you push at his robes, dropping the brown leather to the ground, discarding it along with his belt. His skin is hot and hard against your own, now far too clothed chest. It was Anakin’s turn to need more and he pulled back from you, silently asking for permission. You pull your top over your head, dropping it in the pile. Anakin swallowed the lump in his throat, as you took hold of his hand and brought it up to your chest. He runs his fingers over your breasts feeling the heat of your flesh under his palm before softly touching the scar on your stomach. Your fingers trace his own scare. Reminders of a day that broke both your hearts. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers. 
“Only because I’m so in love.” You think. 
“No it’s because I am so in love with you.” 
“So love has blinded you?” The words feel familiar to you in some way, like a dream lost to waking. Anakin laughs, pulling you close to him once more. 
“That's not what I meant.” He kisses you again 
Outside the sun dropped below the horizon calling the night to take over. Stirrup lay on a bed in the medical centre they had created on one of the cruisers. The droid looked up at Obi-Wan. 
“It would appear this clone still had his chip.” it explained. Obi-Wan pressed a hand over his mouth and hummed in response. 
“We will need to check all the clones we have here. Commander Cody, Rex, have all the men report to you both, and keep them in quarters until we have had everyone checked.” 
“Yes sir.” They replied in unison. 
R2 beeped beside him. 
“What is it?” 
“If you don’t mind sir, R2 says there is an incoming transmission from Senator Amidala.” C3-PO translated. 
Part three
. I hope you are enjoying the story so far and thank you for reading. Don't forget to like, comment and interact however you wish!
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armoralor · 8 months
Sapphic Dash Simulator
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🖼️ sabezrastan01 Follow
It’s not fair how these lesbian degenerates get so much attention from actors. Our ship has actual love and chemistry. Your ship is a pedophilic sexual assault fantasy. These people need to be beaten.
😈 redenvy-93 Follow
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🌸 fredddddddddder Follow
heterosexuality is no longer valued in any fiction, and I was already sure that the current state of the film industry would be no exception either
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🌫️ hexagonkazoo Follow
This character just doesn’t set my gaydar off. Also queer coding isn’t a thing. If a character doesn’t stare directly into the camera and explicitly say they are queer, they are heterosexual and cisgender (unless a signed certificate from the show-runner confirming otherwise is provided). I need tangible evidence that’s MLA or APA formatted. ( 3 notes )
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👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ladyghostworld Follow
Yes I’m posting edits of people strangling and punching women that have the name of queer ships on them, but it’s FUNNY. It is HUMOUR. Y’all snowflakes need to grow a back bone. Stop complaining that I keep tagging your ships and favourite characters on these edits too.
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batshieroglyphics · 5 months
FIC: We're Not Gonna Fall ~ Star Wars ~ Your Hands Protect the Flame 'Verse ~ Fox/Obi-Wan ~ Mature
Title: We're Not Gonna Fall Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Series: Your Hands Protect the Flame Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Commander Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi Warnings: Alternate Universe, Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan, Jedi culture, non-binary clone troopers, trans clone troopers, clones and Jedi as found family, injury & gore, violence, slavery rings, enslavement, minor character death, torture (emotional, physical, and sexual, mostly off-screen), dead dove: do not eat, switching point of views, happy ending Summary: Ahsoka Tano gets separated from her master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and other senior Jedi during a mission that turned out to be far more dangerous than any of them had expected. Is an unexpected alliance the key to getting them all home safely? Sequel to To Be Free Once More (That's Worth Fighting For).
When throwing up hadn't helped, Hondo found himself some alcohol. And, by 'some', he meant a lot. That said, he didn't even make it through his second glass, before it occurred to him that Ashla hadn't been with Ben. Neither had the oversized, medically-inclined clone, Baar. There was a widely-known caution, in the criminal world, that, if you want to take off with a young Jedi, you had best make very kriffing certain that any adult Jedi who might come looking for them were very dead, or you were going to be the one very dead. Hondo wasn't about to contest that warning. However, he'd started noticing—since he'd begun paying a bit more attention to the stories of Jedi that reached his corner of the galaxy—that the reverse also seemed to be true, especially since the war's end, and the wide-spread rumours that Jedi no longer left Coruscant without at least one clone at their back. The only Jedi contact that Hondo had—to his knowledge; he honestly wouldn't put it past the sneaky bastards to find another couple on the list of smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters he was on something approaching friendly terms with—was Ben. He didn't have any way to call for help, when Ben was the one in deep shit, and the Ohnaka Gang were pirates, not fighters; they couldn't stand against the creepy umbaran and her lightning fingers, not with the number of beings who answered to her. But. Hondo did have the frequency for Ben's ship. If Ashla and Baar were aboard it, he could get them word, and they could handle calling down a Jedi or clone strike force. If they weren't on that ship... Hondo would betray a lot of his very flexible morals for the right price, but leaving someone he honestly liked and considered a friend to be tortured and enslaved was not something he could stomach. Even if staying would mean he would end up tortured or killed himself. Well, if he was lucky, Barb wouldn't decide that he much preferred holding on to his new position as leader of the Ohnaka Gang, over endangering all of them in some suicide run to rescue Hondo and Ben. Or, if he did decide to betray Hondo, he would at least do the bare minimum of getting the word out that there were Jedi captured and being held to torture on the planet Korriban. He sighed and knocked back the last of his second glass, then got up to find a comm or three to steal.
You can read it here, on Archive of Our Own!
Please have kindness for your writer on this lovely Star Wars Day and reblog this post to share this shitshow fic with others!
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mycorrhizastar · 2 years
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Stoopid Cupid
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arianeemorythethird · 7 months
Thinking about Anakin's characterisation in the clone wars show again and while I very much agree it's badly off from the movies, I think there is actually a way I can make it make sense to me!
Clone Wars Anakin is Anakin as seen from the outside: Clone Wars Anakin is Ahsoka's POV on Anakin.
Ahsoka sees Anakin as the heroic big brother she loves, who always comes through and saves her. He does good - saves people, wins battles, gives her loving and helpful advice - and she focuses on the parts of him that fit with that image, and with her preconceived ideas of what a 'hero' should be.
Conversely the movies are Anakin from the inside of Anakin's own head - tortured, consumed by his own anxiety, feeling every emotion with an intensity dialed up to eleven. And maybe everything he says and does appears cringingly awkward not because it actually is, but because that is just how it feels to be Anakin. He's teetering on the brink of a catastrophic breakdown at all times!
But I think the gap between the Clone Wars and movie Anakin characterisation makes this really interesting, because maybe to the casual outside observer it isn't always obvious that Anakin is teetering on the brink of a catastrophic breakdown.
Obi-wan and Padme's experience of Anakin is closer to movie Anakin, I think, because he is willing to reveal more of himself to them; conversely I actually think it's admirable that Anakin manages (more or less successfully) to hide how intensely fucked up he is from Ahsoka, because a) she's a literal child, she is not equipped to deal with his trauma b) he's in a position of more-or-less parental authority over her, c) they're in an active warzone most of the time and he doesn't want to get her killed because she's distracted by worrying about him, and d) she's a literal child.
The Clone Wars is such a weird mixed bag already, tonally - like it's a silly kid's show with bleak horrific violence, it's riffing off classic wartime propaganda, the morality is apparently very simplistic good vs evil (except we know it isn't), there's those jaunty little morals at the opening of every episode but half the time they're undercut by what actually happens -
But it does kind of make sense if this is all Ahsoka's POV, a child and teenager trying to make sense of unimaginable trauma and responsibility. She can't stop to process what's happening because she doesn't have the tools or experience to do that yet; things just kind of happen to her and around her, but she keeps pushing on through. She believes the Republic is good and war is just and everything is going to be fine because that's what she's been taught (even though the evidence all around her is that things are very much not fine). She believes that because Anakin is loving and protective, because he does good, he must be good. He must be a straightforward uncomplicated hero who's always confident and has nothing to hide, because isn't that what a hero is?
His confidence is a mask - but she can't see that; and if the audience is seeing him through her eyes, then we can't see it either.
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Honestly, I think 80% of my problems with the Wrong Jedi Arc could have been solved if it was from Barriss’s perspective rather than Ahsoka’s.
Like, there’s still the very racist ‘only hijabi character turns terrorist and bombs a government building’ part, and the very weird thing where Barriss ‘wanted to make a statement’ but literally never does anything that makes a statement about the war whatsoever (seriously, bombing a religious building ain’t gonna build sympathy for your cause) but it would have forced the writers to actually come up with decent reasons for what Barriss did and would have definitely helped the character assassination.
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kleyamarki · 1 year
snippet tag
ty for the tag @soloorganaas! i’ve been writing devastating clan wren shit, here is some of it
tw character death (mentioned) & ahsoka spoilers
“Ahsoka! Thank the —,” The holoprojection of Bo-Katan Kryze lit up the room before Ahsoka had a chance to even flick the lights on. Even in holoprojection form, Ahsoka could catch tired, bloodshot eyes, a tattered flight suit, and battered armor.
“Bo-Katan,” Ahsoka cut her off before the compassionate part of her brain could wake up, “We agreed, no contact unless there was an emergency.”
“This doesn’t look like a fucking emergency to you?” Bo-Katan yelled back at her angrily.
Ahsoka suddenly had goosebumps all over — Sabine could hear them, she felt it.
“What happened?” Ahsoka asked, lowering her voice in hopes that Bo-Katan would do the same. These damn old holoprojectors had only one volume setting.
“Where is Sabine?” Bo-Katan sighed with a hint of irritation in her voice. At least it was quieter.
Ahsoka swallowed. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. “Asleep,” was her answer, “It’s the middle of the night.”
Bo-Katan visibly deflated at her response. Increasingly, Ahsoka didn’t want to hear the rest of the story. Darkness hung over Bo menacingly, but Ahsoka hadn’t felt any disturbance in the Force that would leave a Mandalorian’s armor chipped and eyes full of tears.
They made this agreement almost a year ago — no contact with or about Mandalore, especially since the fighting on Mandalore hadn’t stopped after Jakku. Bo-Katan spread the word to the Wrens, who complied with the agreement, if a bit begrudgingly. Ahsoka wanted to limit Sabine’s attachments for her training; she felt that finding Ezra could be a guiding force behind Sabine’s actions, but familial attachments that could be limited needed to be. Attachments made Jedi vulnerable to their anger and fears, and Sabine was no exception. Although her connection to the Force was weak, Sabine could become dangerous if she tapped into the Force with anger.
For Bo’s part, she mainly agreed to Ahsoka’s terms because she truly wanted to keep Sabine away from Mandalore. Yes, it was honorable to fight for her homeworld, but at this point, it was smart to keep Sabine away and make sure that if all else failed, there would be a potential Mand’alor somewhere in the galaxy. Someone needed to be able to unite them if Bo-Katan was struck down, if only Mandalorian remnants existed, and she was confident in Sabine of Clan Wren to do so. But that meant keeping her in the dark. Until now.
“What happened, Bo?” Ahsoka’s tone was softer. She could still feel Sabine listening. This was going to happen whether she liked it or not.
“The fighting’s over,” Bo-Katan’s brow furrowed, and she pinched the bridge of her nose, “My forces had to retreat. Clan Wren…,” she trailed off. Her jaw was clenched like she didn’t want to let any more words out.
Ahsoka just looked at her expectantly.
“Clan Wren is gone,” Bo-Katan’s voice broke over the words, she cleared her throat to continue, “Sabine is the last of her line.”
As Bo cleared her throat, Ahsoka heard the door behind her hiss open. This is happening, this is happening, this is happening.
“What?” Sabine’s voice was incredulous behind Ahsoka.
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tennessoui · 1 year
What’s going to happen to Ahsoka when Anakin leaves the order in Time and Tide? I can’t imagine him willingly leaving her, he was devastated when she left him in canon
ooo good question, but i think at this point, we're talking about a different anakin than canon anakin.
t&t anakin is also an anakin that spent years loving his master obi-wan, only to see him die, only to go back in time and fall in love with obi-wan kenobi all over again only to force himself to break his own heart and obi-wan's in order to go back to the time period he belongs in because of his connections with ahsoka and his men and his need for revenge, and doing this almost kills him and his will to live, shaking his connection with the light side so strongly that he mindtricks a padawan into giving over their lightsaber forcefully enough that they're physically sick afterwards and even anakin wonders why being around him does not make the kyber crystal bleed
ONLY TO THEN, AFTER EVERYTHING, find out that obi-wan kenobi faked his death for a mission sanctioned by the council
i can see this anakin seeing the bruises he left on obi-wan's body, his broken bones, the hurt he caused the man he loves as much as he hates him now, and being horrified that he almost killed him. furious and betrayed and deeply, deeply wounded, but also horrified that he could love someone and hurt them so incredibly--and that a part of him still felt the urge to hurt him again because of his own pain
and i can see him thinking the council will not give ahsoka back to him because of how volatile he is (see above), and i can see him wanting her to stay with plo koon, stay on the other side of the galaxy, far away from him because he hurts the people he loves, look what he did to obi-wan.
and i can also see ahsoka's resentment and anger at being abandoned for three weeks while anakin went god knows where and left her alone to grieve obi-wan and worry about anakin become something of a stumbling block for them to communicate clearly about this when anakin says something about leaving the order because he's leaving her again and she is an angsty teenager who understands that this is the worst thing in the world
but basically t&t anakin leaving the order is less like in canon where ahsoka is shown walking down the steps and more like a very broken and wounded man in shambles and discombobulated pieces and paperclips holding his sanity together being rolled out of the temple in a wheelbarrow his droid is pushing
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