#fox fur table decor
womenbackside · 1 year
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Eclectic Dining Room Enclosed dining room - large eclectic enclosed dining room idea
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hiskillingjar · 11 months
'You're his pet now.'
Relationship: Ren Hana/Reader, Fox/Reader Rating: Explicit Contains: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Injury Recovery, Power Imbalance, Coercion Length: Multi-chaptered, 2600+ words
Summary: After surviving hell, how do you navigate your relationship with the Devil?
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48528574
You were supposed to be dead. That much you knew.
The second you woke up, the only thing that you could initially register was just how much your body hurt. It felt like you had been hit by a truck or trampled by a crowd or a pack of animals.
The next thing you registered, when you lurched forward and let out a long, pained groan, almost doubling up on yourself as your bandaged abdomen started to ache and twist, was that you were leaning up on a bed.
You weren’t on a thin mattress on the ground, nor were you in your cell or the dreaded 'filming room’. 
You were on a normal bed, in a normal room.
Well, maybe not normal. 
It looked a little like a hospital room, albeit a fancy one, when you blinked your heavy eye(s), peering around. A private suite with beige walls and tasteful decorations adorning them, pine furniture, a bedside table for get-well-soon cards and flowers. Your sheets were white and crisp and clean, and when you moved your arm, you could see a needle was pressed and taped inside, providing you with a drip feed. You could also feel a tube in your nose when you reached up to touch your face.
When you moved your other arm, though, you found it bound down to the side of the hospital bed. But the bindings were loose and made of expensive leather and fur that felt soft and soothing against your skin that had been rubbed raw by chains and metal. 
Emphasising that they were there to restrain you, but not to hurt you.
When you gave the cuffs another tug, a thick chain rattled against the metal and an intense pain shot across your left shoulder, making you take in a reflexive hiss and squeeze your eye(s) shut. 
The marred socket was still irritating and itchy, despite how well (you guessed) it was healing from the thick wadding that now covered it, covering half your face.
“You’re awake.”
You flinched at the sudden and familiar sound of...Fox, sitting on the other side of the room next to the closest window. He balanced an espresso cup on his knee and his legs crossed tight, sparing barely a glance at you as he looked out at the view outside. 
It was nighttime. How long has he been waiting for you to wake up?
"Hope you've been enjoying your little nap." He continued, his tone dry but lighthearted like he was talking to a neighbour or a colleague, as he took a quick sip from his cup, keeping his eyes on the night skyline outside. A city. "I can see the nurses have taken good care of you."
"Fox?" You mumbled warily as you sat up a little more on your best, pressing your free hand to your abdomen, trying to soothe the pain as the cuffs were pulled taught and tight against your other wrist. "Where...where am I?"
"Now that's a good question," He said with a thoughtful hum, finally looking over at you with more interest, one of his thick brows raising and wrinkling his forehead in a subtle way (a handsome way). 
He looked good, all things considered. He looked normal. 
He was dressed nicely, in a high-neck sweater and a well-pressed grey suit, his hair combed back and his ears standing high to attention. He looked like a man who had just walked straight out of a business meeting, handsome, in control, and a little intimidating to those that opposed him. 
You had to wonder how many other businessmen made their livings in snuff porn, though. 
Probably a few.
"How about you tell me how much you remember?" He then asked around the rim of the espresso cup as he took another sip, his tail swishing to and fro behind him.
Your brow furrowed pensively as you tried to remember...well, anything. 
You remembered the auction, the haze of colours, the bickering voices debating your worth, the burning stamp of red and blue (the occasional flicker of green) inside your lids. You remembered the announcer, his cheerful voice, and you remembered begging him to take you instead, to spare you from whatever these...people had planned for you. 
You remembered the cameras and the screens, the haze of white imprinted that had still soaked into your vision. You remembered the heckling from an unseen audience that cheered and begged for your blood, your suffering. 
You remembered the twisting ache of chains and bondage. You remembered your eye (or lack thereof), you remembered the demeaning costumes, you remembered the pain. You remembered the cell you were kept in and you remembered being so drugged up on painkillers most of the time, you could barely remember your name.
But you didn't remember why your abdomen was throbbing with agony or why every inch of your body was aching, and you didn't remember how you got here, or why you were still even alive.
Fox looked at your face, a light smile growing across his own (dimpling his deep smile lines and the markings on his cheeks) at the sight of your confusion and uncertainty.
"Do you remember anything?" He asked with a light chuckle after a few long moments, his ears flattening just a little on top of his head as he tilted his head. "Or is it all a blur?" He tutted softly with a shake of his head as his ears pointed again. “Poor dear. What’s gotten you so… lost?” 
His voice turned a touch condescending and mocking as he spoke those last few words, a subtle tone of amusement and pleasure behind them which made your aching stomach twist.
"Why am I still alive?" You said softly as you leaned up more, sitting up against the recline of the bed. "Why are we in a normal hospital? Why am I not in my cell?"
He was quiet for a moment, taking another drink from his cup, savouring the taste with an indulgent roll of his shoulders as he ran his tongue over his fangs in a slow and considered way. He then lowered the cup back down to his knee, with a light clatter of porcelain. 
"You really don't remember, hm?" He said dryly, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, his gaze golden and glittering with cruel amusement . You shook your head. "Well, what do you remember last? The auction, perhaps?"
"Uh…yeah, yeah, I remember that just fine." You said, a frown tightening the lines of your face (you wouldn't be surprised if you had more, you felt like you had aged decades). "I remember asking...begging, really, for you to take me instead of selling me to the others." You grimaced as you felt a sudden flare of pain in your shoulder, reaching up to idly knead at it and finding a thick swath of bandages stuck to your skin which spanned across your shoulder and down your bank. "It was...kind of a dumb choice, in hindsight."
"Well, that's one way of describing it." He continued, breathing out a short (practised) chuckle through his nose as a sharp smirk spread across his features, his fangs hooking over his lips the more he spoke. "But, and maybe I’m biased…I'd say it was probably the right choice." He then said, standing to his feet and pacing to the side of your bed, one hand in his pocket, his clawed thumb hooked around the fabric. "Wouldn't you agree?"
You weren’t too sure if you should agree or not, but he’d gotten you to a hospital and made sure you weren’t dead. What was the point in getting on his nerves now?
"I guess," You said with a shrug (despite your throbbing shoulder), letting your unrestrained arm drop back down to your side. The needle was starting to throb too, like you needed any more pain. "I'm alive, that's true...though I still don't really know why." You leaned back further against the hospital bed (the best you could), letting your head loll back on the cushions and considering him as he stepped closer. "You were going to kill me. I was sure of it."
"And yet, here you are!" He stood at the side of your bed, a wide and playful grin on my face as he set his coffee cup on the bedside table. “You’re alive, you’re healing, you're even relatively healthy, if your nurses are to be trusted. How lucky are you!”
Well, he was certainly right about that. Regardless of how much pain you were in, regardless of how much your body was throbbing and struggling just to keep you upright, you were healing. 
He was making sure you were healing. 
You swallowed hard, wondering why he was so determined for you to heal.
"I'm not going to.” He then said with a considered sigh. “Kill you, that is." You could see a little twinkle of mirth in his golden eyes as his head tilted again, his tail swishing behind him as he looked down on you. "What do you think that means, then? What does that mean to you?" He then asked, his voice playful and almost teasing, like he was telling you a good joke.
"I don't really know," You said, giving your cuff a little tug as you looked up at him with your good eye. “I…really don’t.”
"Well, since you’re so lost,” He grinned, his smile sharp and threatening (though you’re not sure he intended it that way). “Let me enlighten you." He perched himself on the side of your bed, resting a hand on your knee (underneath your blankets), the wide grin not leaving his face as he looked at you intently, his eyes bright and hungry . "It means… I like you too much to kill you. " 
You took in a sharp gasp, your eye(s) widening in shock once he assured you of the thing you were so scared of, so unsure of, (so secretly wanting of).
"Is that a good enough reason for you?" He then said softly. 
You could feel his warm breath across the side of your neck as he leaned a little closer to you, looking at you intently, his voice dripping, oozing with playful teasing. The touch on your knee tightened just a little.
"You...you like me?" You murmured quietly, so quiet that you were sure that only the two of you could hear it.
"Oh, darling ," He crooned softly as his grin eased just a touch into a smirk, his other hand reaching up to your chin to gently direct your gaze to his own, his eyes softening with fondness and...indisputable lust. "I adore you."
You swallowed a little tightly as he got closer to you, so close you could see the dimples of his smile lines, the creases around and under his eyes, and the freckles that dotted his cheeks.
You weren’t especially surprised by his admission. 
It did make sense, in hindsight, in some twisted kind of way. 
He had been quite sweet to you during the streams despite everything, taking the time to praise you when you behaved, to tend to your wounds, to assure you of his intentions and to make sure you were okay after all was said and done.
Maybe he did like you.
That didn't stop you from feeling nervous, though.
"And more than that..." He continued, his tail swaying just a little more (maybe it was even wagging…did foxes wag their tails?) “I want to keep playing with you , I want to make you beg for more, I want to own you." He leaned in a little bit closer, whispering in your ear softly, your faces inches apart as his soft, unruly hairs wisped against your cheek "I want to make you mine...and I always get what I want."
You were sure of that.
There were a few moments of heavy quiet, his breathing slow as he pulled away from you just a touch, enough that you could see his face, the soft flush to his cheeks, the mischievous, almost boy-ish twinkle in his eyes.
"So, what would your response be to that, then?" He whispered softly, his breath warm against your neck. "Do you want to be mine?"
"I mean…do I have much of a choice?" You asked quietly, though the warmth of his voice against your skin was…kind of nice and enough to make you shiver with a subdued rendition of pleasure.
"Not really, no," He said with a chuckle and a shake of his head, his expression fond and patient, almost like he had expected you to ask a question like that. "Either you become mine, or..." 
You swallowed again. 
He took another quiet moment to consider your expression, your stiff posture, the nervousness in your eyes, as if he was waiting for an answer, before he let out another little chuckle, shrugging his shoulders as he let go of your chin and gave you two light taps on the cheek.
You flinched, your face absolutely burning at the condescending little gesture. “Think about it!” He said easily, casually, like he was negotiating a business deal and not coercing you into a never-ending dynamic of ownership and servitude. He smiled and stood to his feet, letting go of your knee and giving his blazer a little tug to fix it into place. “You have plenty of time to, after all. And who knows?” He held his arms out in a wide gesture of casual friendliness. “You might come to like the idea!”
You didn’t say anything. Your cheeks were still blazing from the light taps.
“Well, get some rest, sweetie,” He then said, letting his arms drop to his sides with a quirked grin, showing you his fangs (again, you weren't sure if the threatening gesture was entirely on purpose). “I want you strong and healthy, after all! I’ll see you later.”
“Wait!” You said quickly, sitting forward and forcing the cuff on your wrist to pull tightly, almost digging into your skin as your arm was jerked back painfully. “Y-You’re going to leave me here? All on my own?”
“Mmhmm,” He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets and raising his brows at the quickness of your question, as if he was surprised that this was what you were concerned about. “There’s work to be done, after all. But I’ll visit you again soon, and your nurses will take great care of you.”
You sat back against the bed with a soft sound of defeat, looking down at your lap.
“Right, okay…” You murmured, fiddling with your fingers (the best you could with the cuff so tight). “...How soon?”
You flinched again when Fox let out a string of barking laughs, real and loud and authentic , his shoulders shaking with amusement and his tail wagging as he did his best to cover his amusement with his hands.
“Oh! Oh my, oh darling,” He said through his giggles, leaning towards you again, his hands on the bed and his smiling face near yours. “That is absolutely precious, it really is! You’re so needy already,” He grinned then and pressed his nose into your hair, like a quick affectionate nuzzle. It’s almost a kiss and it almost makes your heart race. “And oh-so-sweet. We’re going to have such a good time together, I can already tell.” 
You didn’t say anything, but your flushing face said more than enough for him.
“Rest up. And try not to miss me too much, okay?~ ❤”
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[Hybrid Gods AU]
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Please wash away this blood on my skin
Side characters: Park Jimin/White fox hybrid.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, violence, sharp objects, suggestive words, smut, alcohol, killing.
Genre: Fantasy, romance, strangers to lovers, R +18.
I’ve gotten used to it now. Waking up to the smell of wood and cinnamon in the morning. Yoongi always got up before me, I’ve never really asked him why. He only told me he had fox duties in the morning. I didn’t put much thought in it, sometimes some things are better left unknown. If he wants tell me, he will.
My mornings were usually the same, Jimin would come everyday and bring his delicious bread and sweet honey cake. We would chat a bit and he kept me company, always leaving before yoongi arrived. We didn’t talk about what happened last time but I made sure to assure him i was much better.
After he leave i would clean up the house a bit, making sure everything was on its place. Then I would spent some time in the garden outside.
It wasn’t anything huge, it had a small pound with some fish on it in the middle of the path that lead to the entrance of the house, i would always read there. Surrounded by greens and flowers all around it. Red roses fallowing the path to the entrance, i always collected some to use as decoration on the house.
Today wasn’t any different. I watched as the white fox smiled with red checks at me, mouth full of sugar from the small bread he just eat.
- you look like a child - i said, taking a napkin noticing my intention he came closer with his face. I only chuckled cleaning the sugar off his lips.
- what can I do? I’m a messy eater - he said, after I cleaned his mouth.
- oh, it came to me… I never really asked you, who baked this? - i said.
- who do you think? - he moved his eyebrows up and down suggestive. I watched him expectedly. - I did.
- you did?!
- you seam surprise - he laughed.
- I’m just… yes. You’re really good a baking! - I complimented him, his checks got even more red now - truly, i don’t think I’ve had such a delicious sweet bread before!
- thank you… - he murmured shyly. His ears moving slowly.
I smiled at him. He’s so cute.
We eat quietly in the past minutes, after we’re done i made sure to clean everything while Jimin helped.
- you stayed longer today - i comment sitting by his side on the small table.
- i… like you’re company - he said - and it seems like Yoongi doesn’t want to see me…
- don’t say that - I turned to him, a sad expression on his soft features - he told me he’s been busy… I could try and talk to him if you want?
- no… is okay - he gave me a small smile, his ears slowly falling down.
I felt bad for the white fox. I don’t know what kind of relationship they had before but it seams Jimin really likes Yoongi, and to like someone who always seems so cold and distant…
- don’t worry about it - i said - he’s just been busy this time, you know, fox duties.
He smiled at me. His ears coming up now.
Yoongi hates when his ears are touched, never once did he let me get even close to them. I remember the first time i tried, he got really defensive over it.
I’ve always wonder how do they feel? Are they soft?
My curiosity got the best of me without even realizing, my eyes looking at them Jimin must have realized as he lower his head closer to me.
- sorry… - i said, my checks getting warmer.
He smiled at me - is okay, you can touch them I don’t mind.
- really? - he nodded coming closer - Yoongi never let me touch his… I’m really curious…
He just smiled and took my hand putting on his head. They were soft. As I imagine, running my hand through his hair touching the base of his ears jimin closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. I ran my fingers up to the pointy fur on his ear, they were white with a bit of black on top. As i scratch the back of his ears his tail started going side to side.
I chuckled at how adorable he looked. Like a puppy.
As i removed my hands from his ears his eyes opened slowly, a pool of silver and blue looking at me. He seemed happier now.
- thanks - he said, holding his chin with the palm of his hand - i can’t remember the last time i had my ears scratched.
- really? How, you’re so cute? - i said. His usually pale skin turning red. He gets like that so easily.
- well… I don’t… - he stoped himself mid sentence.
- what?
The expression on his face change into something completely different in a second, he got up from his sit, the soft and cute boy was gone now he looked serious and even intimidating, ears standing up as he said the next thing - I smell blood…
He started to walk towards the door and I followed right behind him. A mix of feelings weighted on my chest.
But nothing prepared me for what I was about to see. I didn’t know what to expect, blood, it could mean so many different things. A threat, an animal, human, someone hurt. But most definitely, not once did it occur to me Yoongi.
A gasp escaped my mouth as soon as i saw him. Standing there in front of the house almost completely covered in… blood.
In his right hand a sword. The same one he used to kill the men who tried to hurt me, his eyes where shining so bright I could see them from here. My body was completely frozen as i watched him walk slowly towards me and Jimin.
He looked deadly like a fox walking towards its prey. Just like he did that night. Even more, I could see death in those golden eyes. They looked animalistic.
Jimin quickly stood in front of me protective, as much as i appreciate the gesture i could not let him do this. I saw the way Yoongi was coming towards us, whatever happened to him it looked like he was still out of it. Completely blinded by the blood lust.
Now two feet close to us, i pushed Jimin to the side making him fall on the ground. Rushing towards Yoongi in a matter of seconds, i didn’t even think about it twice not once did he scared me, all it took was a breath. One breath.
So close to him, i could smell the blood from him. His eyes staring right into mine, golden and burning like fire. He didn’t move and neither did i. It felt like an eternity.
The sound of his sword falling was what woke me up in that moment. High pitched metal hitting the ground. His golden orbs slowly closing as his body fell into mine.
Quickly I held him against me, trying as hard as i could to not drop him on the floor. He was unconscious.
I turned to Jimin who was sitting on the floor watching with scared eyes.
- quick! Help me take him inside! - i said, desperately but he didn’t move - Jimin!
He seamed to wake up finally coming back to reality, he got up and made his way to us taking Yoongis body from me. He held him by the side putting one arm over his shoulder.
Going back inside i instructed him to put Yoongi on his bed in the bedroom. As he follow my order filled a bowl with water and grabbed a towel.
Taking both items with me I made my way to the bedroom, Jimin sat beside him watching him with a worried expression.
- he’s not hurt thankfully - he said, looking over me - the blood… it’s not his.
I just thanked him quietly, lowering myself beside Yoongi on the other side. I put down the bowl and submerged the towel on the water.
I began to clean the blood from his face, hands and neck. So much blood on him that I had Jimin getting up three times to get more clean water.
My mind was running laps as i kept think: what? Why? How?
My chest was heavy with worry, what had happened to him that left him like this?
No one said a word. The smell of blood was starting to make me sick. He told me he had duties as a fox but this? What kind of duty involves so much… killing? What did he kill this time?
As i cleaned his hands Jimin said he would make some tea, that the smell of blood wasn’t doing him good. I gave him a nood and smile, making sure he knew i was fine.
But was i?
Was I really fine with all of this? My life turned up side down completely. I was living in a different world.
Cleaning blood out of a nine tailed fox god.
I kept looking at his face waiting for him to wake up. Seeing him covered in blood and unconscious, was he really okay? I couldn’t help the tears the filled my eyes as I cleaned his face, right over his scar. Did he got that one in one of his duties?
I didn’t have much time to think, the same hand i cleaned was now holding my neck. The other held my wrist the hand I had the towel with blood, before I could carry on cleaning the blood off his face.
He held me closer by the neck, golden eyes staring right into mine and burning with rage. I held my breath instantly, my heart beating painfully fast. His hands held me tightly.
- sorry… - i managed to mumble.
At the sound of my voice he seemed to wake up, his features slowly softening and his grip on me as well finally letting me go but not completely, still holding me. I could finally breathe.
With his hand holding my wrist he took me down with him, the other hand making it’s way around my waist as he held me against him. He breathed on my neck soft sounds coming from his lips and his hold around me got tighter.
He was back. A sight of relief left me as I hugged him back just as tightly.
- what happened to you? - i cried.
- not… now - he murmured against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
- okay.
We stayed like that for how long I don’t know. Once I didn’t felt like crying anymore i tried to get away from him to go back to cleaning the blood off of him but, he just held me tighter.
- Yoongi… you’re covered in blood. - I stated, trying again to let go of him. This time he let me.
Both my hands on his shoulders as I looked down on him, he still smelled like death, had blood all over him and yet looked as beautifully as he always did.
- you should change your clothes - i said while getting up. - I’ll leave you to it.
He nodded in my way as we looked at each other one last time before I make my way out of the room.
I took one long breath, collecting myself before I made my way towards the small kitchen were Jimin was making tea.
The smell of blood following me there as a reminder. He’s not human. Don’t fall for him. Don’t.
Me and Jimin made dinner while Yoongi was changing. The whole time he asked me if I was okay, me always telling him i was fine. At one point I had to tell him that me working was the best thing i could do to take my mind off of what happened. At that he seamed to finally get it.
He helped me out as I cooked. Cutting some vegetables, washing the rice, putting the dishes on the table. The whole time i completely forgot about bloody Yoongi. And once we where done with the food, we sat at the table waiting for him.
It didn’t took long. He came back clean and wearing new clothes, not a single drop of blood on him. As if nothing ever happened.
Dinner was quiet so far, Yoongi eat quietly beside me. I had to move he’s dishes because he was supposed to sit at bottom but decided to sit beside me, just like last time. Jimin began a small conversation. Not one mentioned what happened, I figured they would talk about it alone when I’m not around. I didn’t mind, to be honest i rather not know anything about it.
- the food is good, y/n I didn’t know were so good at cooking - Jimin mentioned.
- well thank you, i didn’t know i was good at it too - i said.
- how so? - he asked.
- well, I’ve always been a disaster - i said - i could never go close to the kitchen, somehow I’d always menage to hurt myself or set something on fire, but usually I always hurt myself somehow except… lately.
- that’s good then - jimin said. He smiled at me. It felt nice to finally be able to do something without almost hurting my self.
- give me your right hand - Yoongi blurted out.
- what? - i asked, confused i turned to him. He wasn’t looking me but at his plate, unbothered.
- hand - he said again, now looking at me.
I gave him my hand and he took it inspecting it, he held it into his big one tracing the lines with his thumb. My checks went hot as I looked at him, the way his eyebrows furrowed looking so focused for some reason, how he licked his lips before talking.
- this - he said tracing a small mark on my palm close to my thumb.
- oh, it’s just a scar - i said, looking at our hands.
- when did you get it? - he asked. I looked up at him his eyes finally looking into mine.
- I don’t know, I always had it - i said, he just looked at me. I couldn’t read his expression. What was so especial about it?
- it’s not a scar - he said. Turning to jimin - it’s a Jinx.
- what!? - Jimin exclaimed - how? Why would anyone Jinx her?
- I wouldn’t know… - Yoongi said - it’s in her soul, probably got it from a past life, doesn’t look like modern magic.
- wait… you mean this is not my first life? - i said still looking at the nine tailed fox.
- no - he said looking at me now, something in his eyes sparkled at that moment. - I can’t tell you exactly how many you have lived but, what I can tell you is I’m just as powerful as the thing that put this jinx on your soul.
Something as powerful.
- what does it do? - i asked.
- from what you said… this type of magic spell is supposed to make one have a very hard time, and it was put on your soul is going to be with your for an eternity - he explained.
- then… I’ve meet something like you in a past life? - i said, still trying to process the information.
- you’ve been here for quite a long time little human - the fox said to me, his golden eyes shining suggestive as he said it.
I wish that didn’t had affected me more then it should’ve had. But that would be a lie.
That kept running on my mind for the rest of the night. I tried not to let get the best of me as i cleaned the table after we all eat to distract my mind but, it didn’t. It made me feel a cold on my belly.
Jimin wanted to stay tonight to make sure we where all fine, but knowing Yoongi he would want privacy tonight. Especially after everything that happened. The past few days I’ve been living with him made me realize he had wonds inside that he didn’t want to show. And Jimin can be really noisy sometimes.
As I was making the bed i felt the smell of blood was still there so I changed everything, putting on new covers and bed sheets. Once i was done i prepared myself to sleep, changing into new clothes.
I was still wearing Yoongis clothes I wasn’t like I could ask him to buy me some and when I mention that I could take some from my old house he immediately turned it down, at this point I didn’t even minded any more. He didn’t mind it too so.
Once i was done Yoongi entered the bedroom, he seemed tired but didn’t lay down on the bed.
Something as powerful as him.
I couldn’t help but think about it again, a jinx on my soul. I’ve been going through this in all my past lives? What have I done that a creature like Yoongi hated me enough to scar my soul like that for all my future lives?
Maybe I’m not as good as I thought I was. Maybe I was just like those men who tried to hurt me in the forest.
- what’s bothering you? - I heard his voice said closer to me. I turned around only to find him right behind me.
- nothing… just, I just thought that maybe I’m not a good person - i said honestly. Even the way he was standing changed as I said that.
- it’s about the mark - it wasn’t a question, he looked at me almost angry - look, don’t think too much about it.
- yes but…
- don’t - he interrupts, one finger coming to my lips stoping me from saying anything more - i would know if you were bad.
I looked at him, his golden eyes staring right into mine his black hair falling over them. Slowly his finger went down my lips as he let his hand fall back into his side. He didn’t look deadly anymore. He looked just like him. But… still that smell was so present on him it made my insides turn back.
He was still deadly. A nine tailed fox capable of killing without thinking twice.
- do you want me to make a bath for you? - i asked, looking at him as he opened his hanbook.
- is okay… - he murmured.
- you… you still smell like blood - I decided to be honest. He stoped and looked at me, over his eyes. He gave me that look.
- then I’ll shower again….
- no - I interrupt, tiredly - I don’t mind, besides… it looks like you really need one so just let me do it.
He didn’t said anything for a moment. Just looked at me while taking his clothes off.
- then suit yourself - he simply said turning back sliding his hanbook down showing his bare back.
Before he went any further I made my way out of the room. Checks burning hot.
This sly fox…
The bathroom had a round bathtub, as you entered is the first thing you see. I turned on and as it was filling it up I took some flowers I picked from the garden, he surely needed to take that smell off of his skin.
As well as some oils and soap, to make everything smell better. The bathtub soon was done and filled. It looked almost romantic with all the candles I had to light it up there. Anything to take the smell of blood off of him. And my mind.
I heard a nock on the door and a Yoongi wearing a bathrobe entered. He looked around before his eyes locked with mine.
- are trying to cook me too? - he said, humor in his voice - why there’s so much stuff in that?
- shut up - i said, not looking at him trying to hide my checks that where burning - get in while is still warm.
- yes ma’am - he said, a chuckle coming from him.
I didn’t waste a second more and quickly got out before he got naked i front of me. A shaky breathe leaving my lips as i did so. He’s so dangerous. So dangerous.
Calming down my body i went back to the bedroom, once in i closed the door. Making my way to bed. Sleep that’s what i need. Sleep.
But my mind can’t seem to shut up. What happened to me? Why was a scared for life? Who did this to me? I wanted to know. I needed to know.
All of this was making me go insane. And this fox… he just seems to love making me go insane. All this teasing and touching out of nowhere, all this… blood.
What does he really want from me?
What is it that i feel for him?
I know that there is something, sometimes i fell this strong pull towards him. It burns and that smell of honey and cinnamon is so inviting and overwhelming but, so good.
A long sigh leaves my lips as i look at the towel and clothes laying over the bed, he didn’t took it with him. I swear this fox is doing it on purpose at this point.
I groan taking them and making my way out of the room, as i stand in front of the door to the bathroom I wonder what i should say, what should I do? Is he in the bath already? Should I nock? Should I just leave it here and go?
Forget it. Ive been walking side to side in front of this door for so long just overthink that he must have heard me with those long ears.
I nock once and call out his name before entering, the sweet smell i remember filling my lounges. Wood, cinnamon and honey. With roses and some herbs I put there to help with his tense body.
- you forgot your towel and clothes - i said, my eyes looking at him. He had his back towards me, I could only see the back of his head - I’ll leave here for you.
He didn’t say anything. So I made my way out and just as i thought he maybe fell asleep there, I heard his voice.
- come here.
It was the way he said it that made me lose a breath, heart slowly beating faster. How his voice sounded more husky and deep. I made my way back to him, standing behind him. The soap made enough bubbles to not be able to see anything under that water, and i felt relieved.
- do you need something? - i maneged to say.
- can you… wash my hair? - He asked, side looking at me.
- what? - I couldn’t hold my surprise, he hated having his ears touched and now wanted me to wash his hair?
- don’t make me repeat myself - he said.
- okay…. I’ll do it.
Taking a small bowl i went on my knees behind him, one hand holding his chin carefully lifting his head up so i could wet his hair before shampooing. He let me, eyes closed and completely relaxed.
Slowly i began to water his hair, being extra careful not to touch his ears. This is gonna be hard.
I try my best to keep my focus as my hands run down his black long hair, stealing a few glances at his face how soft his features seemed like this, the thick vains on his arms, his red chest from the hot water. He had a few scars on his body too.
Every inch of him was a sin. The fact that he was not human explained his inhumane beauty. Even his eye scar looked good on him. But to say that… wouldn’t be okay.
I try to turn off my thoughts as i put on the shampoo on his now wet hair. Carefully massaging the shampoo into his scalp, moving slowly i run my fingers up and down his head. He moans quietly, soft sounds leaving his lips as I continue to massage his head.
Soft whispers leaves his mouth every now and then, my checks burning red at how sinful he sounds.
The fact that he was naked and so close to me didn’t do any good to calm my heart beat. He smelled so good now, i simply couldn’t help it. Slowly running my hands down his neck and softly massaging, putting a bit of pressure on it.
He groaned laying his head down on my hands, i stoped as he opened his eyes to look at me.
- are you afraid of me? - he asked.
- no… why? - i simply said.
- you’re heart… is beating fast - he mumbled, golden eyes shining a bright yellow.
- I’m just nervous - i reply honestly.
He doesn’t say anything else and stares at me as I wash off the shampoo off his hair, careful not to drop water on his face. Once I’m done, I get up and put the bowl on the floor. But before I can leave he hold my right hand pulling me closer again, he does it so fast i almost fall and stumble towards him, holding myself on the bathtub with my other hand.
My eyes almost not believing the sight, as he slowly takes my hand towards his face and kisses right over the mark.
A short breath falling off my lips surprised at his sudden touch, my whole body burns with pleasure as he leaves open mouthed kisses over my hand. How could such thing be so hot?
Hw didn’t let me got, golden eyes locked into mine as he licked over my hand sucking on it too, i closed my eyes as a moan left my lips. He was so good. I was losing my mind over his lips on my skin.
He would bite into it softly then give long licks on my hand, just to suck on it hard making me bite my lip to hold another moan. My checks burned hot and my whole body wanted him.
I was a mess.
- promise me… - he whispered - you won’t worry about this mark anymore…
- I won’t… - i manege to reply.
He gives me a side smile before letting go of my hand.
- that’s my girl…
@whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @catlove83 @4ukiyo4
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes 😅💖
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acciocriativity · 1 year
The cat and the fox I - PSH & JWY - TCTF SERIES
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Pictures aren't mine, credits to the rightful owner
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Pairing: hybridcat!seonghwa x reader x hybridfox!wooyoung (non-romantic)
Genre: fluff
Warnings/tags: mentions of blood and injuries; hybrid cat; hybrid fox
N/A: I'm late, but here it is the part 1 of the fic I planned for Seonghwa's birthday!
WC: 2,1 k
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Ateez Masterlist
The Cat and The Fox II
The Cat and The Fox III
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I never even considered adopting nor fostering a cat in all the 25 years of my life, so why do I have a gray cat laid down on my couch, licking his fur without any worry in the world, as if that was his rightful place since the start?
I just had a simple wish, to get home as fast as possible, take a shower and then sleep for at the very least 3 hours, but that seemed like a lot to ask. My living room was a mess. My rugs out of place, all of my decorations, cushions and photo-frames were on the floor, the latter ones were broken and there was glass all scattered on the floor and… blood? Yes. Drops of blood leaving the living room to the kitchen. I was paralyzed by the door, my jaw on the floor. Then I saw it, the window by my work table was open and all of my notebooks and computer were untouched, but I couldn’t say the same for my papers, the small pile scattered on the floor as the cherry on top.
I let the door open, just in case I’d need to run out. It could be a fox, a raccoon or worse. I walked through the living room, but I couldn’t hear a thing besides my own heart ringing in my ears. 
I wasn’t a monster, of course I like most animals and would never wish for something to hurt them on purpose, but if I had to choose, please, can it be gone or dead just this once? Maybe it wasn’t even here anymore, which would be the best I could get out of this, but what are the chances? There was only a single way out, the window. 
As I made my way to the kitchen, following the blood, I heard a screech, then a meow? A cat meowing? Then, something gray ran through my legs, while a red thing ran after it, or so I thought, but the red animal ran to the opposite direction, while the gray animal hid itself under the couch. I caught sight of a blurry red fluffy tail leaving through the open door, it was a fox, a bleeding one, as I saw the drops it left on my floor.
I ran to close the door and looked through the peephole, the fox was gone, then I heard another meow, softer and lower this time. The gray cat had only its head out, looking to the door and then to me. I stayed still as he kept staring, judging, something I expect of all cats, but then he hid again as I took a step closer.
Clearly, I didn’t pass the vibe check.
“Yo-”, I took a deep breath. “Ok, I get that you’re scared, just stay there, ok? I’ll clean this mess.”
I tried to be fast, not only because I wanted to be done as soon as possible, but also the cat could get out and hurt itself, if it wasn’t hurt in the first place already. The first step was to clean the glass the best I could - I knew I would find little glass pieces for the rest of the week in the most random places. The second step was way faster, to organize the living room and put the trash outside. The blood was the real nightmare, and I didn’t even consider getting rid of it all at that point. The little stain on the carpet would remind me constantly of what happened that day. 
While I rushed to one side of the house to the other, I kept an eye on the couch, yet I didn’t see it or its head at all. Was the cat that scared and overwhelmed? Maybe it was truly hurt, the fox chased it after all.
I looked at the couch and debated being a complete asshole for a moment. I could just take my shower and go to sleep, right? But what if it was true injured, and it gets worse because I wasn’t fast enough? The cat could take its sweet time destroying everything too. I didn’t wait another second to get my first-aid kit.
“Kitty?”, I said as I took a seat, one foot away from the couch.
I laid down on the ground to take a look under it, just to make sure it was still there, and it was. At the very back of the couch, I could barely see anything beside its shape, its head laid on one paw, the other one was hidden, and its brownish eyes looking at me. The cat glued on the wall, and it didn’t seem excited to leave it anytime soon. 
“You are hurt, aren’t you? It must hurt a lot, right?”, I whispered as I laid my head on my right arm, still laid on the ground, almost at the same position the cat was.
It meowed as it followed all of my movements. 
“Yeah, I’d love to know if that was a yes or a no.”
I pulled the aid kit to my side, in front of the couch. “Look, I want to help you, can you please not bite me?”, I asked as I reached for it under the couch to try and give my hands for him to sniff. 
I closed my eyes, ready for the inevitable, yet I didn’t come, but it also didn’t sniff me. “Hey, I’m trying to be friendly here, isn’t that how people do?”, I said as I took my hand away. 
I looked under the couch again, the cat was in the same position. 
“Okay, this isn’t going to work…”, I reached further under the couch until I could feel his fur. 
I heard the scared meows and waited for the worst, but the cat stayed still and let me pull it out without much fight, for my own surprise. I let my hands open and light, so I wouldn’t hurt it. The poor thing was paralyzed in my hand and looked at me with the same fear I looked at him with. 
I got up and sat on the floor, slow, to not scare him more than I already did. I didn’t know what to do for a moment as we just look at each other. If this cat was a person, this would classify as one of the most awkward moment of my life. He ended up on my lap.
 “It’s okay, kitty. I won’t hurt you”, I said, as I let my right hand in front of him to sniff on his own time. 
He was hesitant to even get close to my hand, body stiff while I held him with my left hand, but as soon as he realized I wouldn’t move, he took a step to finally sniff me, and when he was finished, sat on my thighs and I released him, more confident that he wouldn’t immediately run to hide again.
I blinked the sleepiness away and took my time to search for any visible injures without touching him more than necessary. His paws were still hid under his body the whole time, and my best guess was he still was too hesitant of me to be 100% comfortable. He wasn’t wearing a collar, and I couldn’t even imagine what he went through alone in the streets to be this scared, but the weird thing it’s he wasn’t seriously injured as far as I could see.
“Did that fox chased after you and you scared him away, kitty?”, I said as I petted him slowly on his head.
He meowed and purred nonstop, and I didn’t dare to stop for a single moment. I realized he started to lean his head on my hands, his eyes were closed, and his body laid on my stomach. 
“A cuddly one, I see”, I smiled as I looked down on him. “I’m almost about to forgive you for that mess you left me earlier”. 
I couldn’t help, but think he was adorable. He moved his head constantly to find the exact spot he wanted me to scratch and as soon as I found it, that specific spot behind his ears, I felt his body melt on mine once for all. 
I don’t even remember how long I stayed like that, but my wrist already hurt, and my eyes were too heavy to keep them open. The purring sounded calming for some reason, and I felt the stress leaving me as time went by, but I had to stop, and he didn’t like that one bit. 
“I can pet you later”, I said as I walked to my bedroom. 
I thought he would be happy in the living room, or he would be back to hide under the couch, but he followed me around to my room, to the kitchen, to the bathroom - and he even threw a little tantrum when I closed the door and didn’t let him in, he scratched the door, but stopped as soon as I turn the water on. 
Is that even the same cat that hid under my couch? He must have an owner then, because there's no way a cat is this friendly and trusting to strangers and lived on the streets for long. He must have lost his way home being chased by that fox or something like that, but then he had to have a collar. Maybe someone stole it? No, there's no way someone is that cruel and dead inside. 
I saw him sitting by the doorstep of my room, right in front of the bathroom, with those big bright brown eyes shining looking up at me. My heart melted as I picked him up, again, with a lot of care, but he snuggled in my arms immediately without a single care in the world. His cold nose hid into my chest and I petted his sweet spot, while I walked downstairs. 
"You must be hungry…can cats eat normal food?" 
He meowed, and I looked down at him. He was nestled in my arms while looking at my face, then he blinked slowly, then hid again in my chest. 
Well, that didn't help much, but it was adorable, so I'll excuse it this time. 
I looked up the foods cats could eat, and it turns out, it's much more than I thought, however I would have to boil almost everything I had at home and that would take way more time than to buy cat food in the convenience store nearby. 
"Okay, kitty. I have to buy some food for you, so you have to stay here alone for a little bit", I said in a soft tone of voice. 
I felt his eyes on me, yet he didn't protest as I put him on the ground, then I verified if the windows were all closed this time. As I walked to the door, I expected some kind of protest or whining, but he only walked to the door with me. 
"I see, are you scouting me out of my own house? Is that it?" 
As soon as I opened the door, he ran out. I froze by the door as he went straight to the side of the house, and before I could lose sight of him, I ran too. I couldn’t even think at that moment. The corner of the house was narrow and led to the small backward, and there was nothing there besides some old stuff I still had to throw out. I didn’t expect to see the cat snicking in one of the old boxes. 
The cat stood beside that red fox inside the box. The fox laid there, and it didn’t move as I got closer, and I wasn’t sure if it was conscious. Only then I noticed the trail of blood on the tiles, coming from the backward. I heard scratches on the box, and focused back on them. The cat looked at me, and it seemed desperate as it meowed louder and louder. 
“I know, I know”, I said as I tried to pick up the box, a little bit scared of the fox still, since it could attack me at any point, yet it didn’t move. “Come on, I’ll take care of you”, I whispered.
The fox opened its eyes, and I stopped in my tracks. It was too close of me already, it could attack me or run, maybe I should have run, but I was stunned by the brightness of the yellow on its eyes. He was as still as me, and I felt like the world had stopped breathing for a bit, too. 
The cat moved, and the fox cried out, that was what woke me up. 
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myymi · 11 months
Tails and silver ? I think silver see tails as a cute little brother too 💛🩶
word count-1421
ao3 link
Tails hissed as he wrapped another bandage around his arm, having nicked himself with a tool for the umpteenth time in the past few hours.
He cursed himself for it, it shouldn’t have happened. It’s one stupid mistake after the other, he should be better than that. He should be smarter than that, more coordinated than that.
But he’s not. And now everyone knows that, because he failed.
He failed, and Eggman took over the world.
He failed, and Sonic’s gone.
Part of him believes he deserves the new wounds. He thinks part of him has been purposefully making him “slip up” so he doesn’t have to get the ‘you shouldn’t do this to yourself’ speech from Amy.
Tails looks down at himself, eyeing the different patches and bandages decorating his body, covering a good portion of his golden fur. His gloves lay forgotten on a different table, blood having soaked through the tips of them.
That part of him gets louder.
He lets it. He doesn’t see any reason to shush it, it’s right.
He deserves this.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to be up this late.” Not expecting another person to even be awake at 4 in the morning, the fox flinched at the new voice and whipped his head around.
A gray hedgehog was now standing in the room, shutting the door softly. He looked at the younger with sad eyes.
“Silver? What–” Tails shook his head, setting the drill in his hand down on the table. It had been the first thing he grabbed when he realized he was no longer alone, intending to use it for protection, “what are you doing?”
“I heard noises in here, so I wanted to check it out.” Silver shrugged, leaning slightly to look at the mess on the workbench. “What are you doing up right now?”
“Working.” Tails rubbed his eyes as if it would be able to get rid of his eyebags.
“I see that,” The hedgehog walked forward, still studying the objects on the table, “but why aren’t you sleeping.”
“..Couldn’t.” The younger grumbled, leaning back in his chair. Nightmares of what happened to Sonic plagued his mind, not allowing him to rest. Not that he deserved it, he was at fault for what happened to the blue hero after all.
Silver’s eyes left the workbench, instead trailing over the medical wraps sprinkled across the kit’s body. “What happened to you?”
Tails followed his line of sight, arms and tails wrapping around in a sudden surge of embarrassment. “Nothing, just a few slip ups.”
“That’s a little more than just a few, Tails.” Silver shook his head, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Silver.” Tails rolled his eyes, turning back to the device on the table, “Go back to bed, or whatever.”
“Not unless you do too.” The kit’s brow furrowed at the words, causing him to turn around to look at the hedgehog.
“What?” Silver sighed, gesturing towards the younger.
“Tails, Knuckles said you just turned seven, and look at you! You’re nearly covered head to toe in bandages, and it’s four! You need to rest.” He pointed out, stepping forward to place a hand on the fox’s shoulder.
“I already told you, I can’t sleep.” Tails shrugged the hand off, looking towards the ground.
“Well, why not?” The question was innocent enough, and Tails knew that, but he still froze up when he heard.
He can’t just outright say he’s having nightmares about Sonic’s death capture. That’s childish, and he can’t afford to be childish anymore. Being childish is why Sonic’s gone.
Besides, children don’t mass produce weapons for war. Tails does, so he can’t be a child. 
“Don’t worry about it.” The fox shook his head, picking up the drill again in hopes to seem like he intends to keep working then and there. Well, he does, but he doesn’t need the drill anymore. He just wanted to look busy.
“Do you feel lonely?” Silver asks, head tilting to the side in a bid to try and piece together the reasoning for the fox’s reluctance, “You’re free to sleep in my room if so.”
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal.” Tails rolled his eyes. Why was everyone so persistent when it came to him not sleeping on time or not eating enough? He’s fine. It’s how he lived on Westside and look at him now. He’s still alive, isn’t he?
“Well then, uhmm,” Silver trailed off, clearly thinking up a new way to convince the seven year old fox pup to sleep, “I…. won't sleep until you do. So there, now you have to go to bed.”
Looking over his shoulder, Tails threw the hedgehog an unimpressed frown. He’s lost count of the amount of times Sonic’s done this tactic. “Uh-huh. And you’ll fall asleep in three minutes, just like Sonic does.”
“Nope!” Silver gave him a smile, “I’ve pulled plenty of all nighters. You’ve met your match, Tails! Bedtime.”
“If you want me to go to bed so badly, drag me there.” The fox grumbled, not fully processing the words that just left his mouth.”
“Okay.” Simple enough response, but it made Tails finally register his own words. He turned around with his hand up to the gray hedgehog.
“Wait–” He tried, but it was too late. He was surrounded by the familiar cyan glow of Silver’s telekinesis and being carried out of the makeshift workshop.
“Silver, stop–” He tried to fight against the power glowing around him despite knowing it was no use.
“What? You said I could drag you.” Silver responded as he opened the door to the fox’s room.
“I didn’t actually mean it!” Tails argued as he was dropped on the bed.
“Well, too bad. You need to sleep.” The hedgehog closed the door, his hands resting on his hips with a wide smile, “And I’ll keep you company to ward off the bad dreams!”
“Nonono, there’s no bad dreams. You can go to your own room.” The younger shook his head, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Knuckles and Amy already told me, you don’t need to lie.” Silver said as he walked over to the fox, “I’d be staying anyways. Can’t have you sneaking out again.”
“What?” Tails’ brow furrowed, “Wait, if you knew, why didn’t you just say that?”
“Wanted to see if you’d tell me.” The teen shrugged, lightly pushing the kit down by his shoulders, “Now go to sleep.”
“Silver–” Tails tried, but the hedgehog just covered his mouth.
“Nope. Bedtime.” Rolling his eyes, the fox pulled the hand away.
“Even if I wanted to, I. Can’t. Sleep.” Tails sighed, letting go of the older’s hand. “Besides, there’s not a whole lot you can even do about the nightmares so don’t bother. Just go to bed.”
“Knuckles said being with someone helps you.” Silver said, now sitting on the bed.
“Of course he did.” The kit groaned, rolling away from the hedgehog. Silver looked between the fox and the door a few times before speaking.
“You’re not being left alone, so would you rather I get Knuckles or Amy to come here?” He offered, placing his elbow on his knee so his head could rest in his palm.
Tails stayed silent for a few minutes before letting out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “Don’t wake them up.”
“So you’re okay with me staying?” Silver’s ears perked up, a small smile on his face despite the fact the younger wouldn’t look at him.
“What–ever.” He grumbled, yawning mid-sentence. The hedgehog clicked his tongue, using his telekinesis to turn off the light as he laid next to the fox.
They stayed in silence for a few minutes until Silver sat up enough to place his hand on Tails’ head, petting it a few times.
“It’s okay, y’know. To be a kid. Being a kid is fun!” He looked up at the window above the younger’s bed, stars still visible as Eggman’s wrath hadn't made it to the zone they resided in just yet.
Tails didn’t respond, but he did roll around and push his face into Silver’s chest, his namesakes covering the both of them. The teen didn’t comment on the wetness or the trembling he felt from the younger, he simply just held the kid.
Silver smiled down at him before pulling the blanket over them, cradling the younger's head as he silently cried into the hedgehog’s chest until he fell asleep.
And for once, a nightmare didn’t follow when he closed his eyes.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Hum idk if I remember everything I wrote let's see: barbarian Bakugou from the fantasy Opening probably brings you dead animals/trophies like a random stray or pet hunter animal who is showing affection/trying to show off/worried you need help getting food
Thank u sooo much for sending this again (I'm just a big boo boo about pets dying, literally makes me SO upset , seems like u got everything included so hopefully i was able to capture the initial vision right, too <333
(warning: slight dubcon but it's mostly just confusion, some eating stuff + i take a lot of liberties here)
LMFAO YES THOUGH, barbarian!Bakugo acting so much like a feral (momma) cat trying to live in your house. Bringing you combinations of dead animals and foraged goodies, even if the animals are like... concerningly weird and strange (sometimes deer, rabbits, and birds... but also foxes, wild pigs... skunk).
And what's funny is you try to get him to stop and explain that you're fine and you don't need his shit, but... he just DOESN'T believe you and continues bringing you stuff. No matter what.
Maybe cuz he's the village's best hunter but like... seeing that your cottage (?) isn't decorated in pelts and branches of herbs and drying meats 24/7 makes him soooo concerned. The first time he manages to bully his way through your door, he's sitting at your humble little eating table and just looking around... terribly grumpy while he unloads his pack.
(He's thinking about the fact that his future bride is probably starving, you're thinking that he's WEIRD).
And he can totally speak but... in my head I always imagine barbarian!Bakugo as super quiet, so it's not like he ever explains any of this to you, either. Just sort of... wedges his way into your life via brute force.
You see him at the market, haggling with the meat stall about how much he should be paid for his most recent hunt.. and the second he notices you without a fur pelt on, just like... rushes over to throw his own over your head. You try to stop him and shove his arms off of and he's just blocking your way until you keep it on.
And he's always like... coming over and skinning animals right there in your yard, salting them and everything and leaving them out to dry as though you don't have your own curing processes going on. Probably even takes off his furs and just does it in his loincloth, too. You can't even ask him what's going on without having to bear witness to all... that. All the girls who live next to you flock to your fence to watch except he just keeps glancing at you to see if you’re looking.
(It's also funny cuz after, he always waits for you to eat, too. Won't leave until he sees at least something go into your mouth... and when he does, sits there until you to tell him the cut of it was good, or the seasonings were right. Literally with his ears perked up and eyes all wide.)
It's probably not until the your country's yearly courting festival that you realize his goal. It's kind of a big deal for your village mostly cuz everyone is expecting Bakugo to like... compete for another nation's princess... but nah. The second all the eligible men are allowed to ask for someone's hand in marriage, he's running right for you.
(And the same stuff still happens, skunks and all, just... now you're officially engaged LMFAOOOO.)
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lord-of-the-harvest · 7 months
Pleasure, Pain, and Power Chapter 20
Chapter 20 Masquerade Of Nightmares 2/2
Summary: Fox and Bunny get to the party and meet lots of people all new to her! The night goes well, aside from a certain dish, a few guests, and an act of passion!
Contains: Owner/Pet, drinking, NonCon, human trafficking, oral, cannibalism, branding, public sex, brainwashing, stockholm syndrome, mentions of scars, self harm
Hyena departed from the group, and Fox and Bunny were driven to the party by Rhino. The three climbed into the long black limo and the couple got to talking in the back seat. “Sweetie, you look nervous tonight, what’s eating at you? Aren’t you excited to see your friends and clients?” Fox put one arm around her shoulders and his other hand on her knee. “Darling you’ll come to see the clients and friends I have are rather…expectant. There’s not an event that goes by where I don’t have to perform in some way. Whether it be entertaining the most draining of conversations, or acting out on a stage, I’m always on guard. I expect the same from you, but I trust your training and common sense will prove itself.” Bunny sank into his side and thought on his words. “Well…what about Diamond? You seem to have fun with her.” Fox barked out a laugh and hugged her closer. “Diamond is different. She started off watching my streams, but when I got into selling we got closer. She’s a high strung herself, and she understands the pressure I have better than the others. I hear she’s bringing her pet tonight, you two would like each other, I caught him myself.” He looked at her with a wink and a smirk, but Bunny wrote it off. “I’m sure I will, darling. Is there anything else I should know for tonight?” Fox tilted his head back and thought for a moment. “Hmm, the host goes by Woundfucker and his wife’s name is Lilith.”
The drive was long, and with not much to do during the ride, Bunny had to touch up her lipstick by the time they arrived. Luckily for Fox, his mask hid his stained lips and cheeks. They stepped out of the limo and were greeted by security. Fox gave the guard a code word while Bunny looked up in awe at the mansion before her. There was a long driveway leading up to the entrance, and the lawn around the facade was nicely manicured, despite the leaves starting to die out. Almost every light in the house was on, cutting through the inky darkness of the night. Cobwebs and fake tombstones lined the entrance, adding a lighthearted spookiness to the otherwise seriousness of the estate. Bunny shivered at the cold breeze, even though she had a fur coat over her costume. Fox noticed, and put an arm around her as they walked into the massive house. When they entered, a young lady wearing a blazer, doused in fake blood, took their coats and complimented them both on their costumes. They thanked her and made their way to the main ballroom, which was buzzing with costumed couples. A pianist sat at the front of the room by the door, a bar was stuck to the right wall, and a long dining table sat in the middle. No one sat at the table quite yet, most of the guests socialized standing or smoking in the lounge area next to the bar. A few people looked up and waved at Fox, trying to gain his attention, but he just waved, and continued scanning the room. Bunny stood by his side, observing herself, and held onto Fox’s arm. She looked up at the large cobweb covered chandelier above the dining table. Decorations littered the room and the dim lighting added to the rich chill of the event. “Fox!” A woman dressed as catwoman was the first to approach the two, arms wide, ready for an embrace. “Diamond! So glad to see you again!” They hugged and Bunny noticed a meek, yet muscular, man standing behind her. He wore gray short shorts with black suspenders. Had it not been for the gray mouse ears and mask, it would be hard to tell what exactly he was. Similar to bunny, he also wore white cuffs and a collar, she assumed it had a similar shocking feature to it. “Alright now let me get a good look at you!” Bunny’s attention came back to Diamond as she spun her finger around. She obeyed and slowly turned, modeling her chic costume. “What can I say? You’ve done well with this one, Fox, I like the mask.” She placed a finger under Bunny’s chin and lifted her face up to meet hers. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped a bit, much to Diamond’s liking. “Cute too, she looks like fun. Anyways, my little Mouse and I have been waiting for my favorite man to get here.” She turned her attention back to Fox, disregarding Bunny’s still dropped jaw. Her “Mouse’s” face showed restrained resentment towards Fox, trying to not look too disagreeable. “Well you know you’re the first person I look for when I get here. This is Bunny. Bunny, this is Diamond and her pet, Mouse.” Fox put his arm around her and placed his hand on her hip. She bowed her head, opting to not offend another owner with the offer of a handshake. Diamond and Mouse both smiled at her. “Pets, why don’t you go get us some drinks while Fox and I catch up. Hey…you don’t know if he’ll be here, do you?”
As they walked through the large ballroom, Bunny overheard curious murmurs from guests, accompanied by odd looks from behind their respective masks. “...is that?-” “Oh that poor thing, I…” “Look at her, think of yourself as lucky!” Some comments were made with genuine pity, others came with a chuckle and a bite. Bunny knew it was about her, she heard her partner’s name thrown in with a few comments. “Fox isn’t doing a show, is he?” “I hope we get a good view of Fox tonight…” She took a deep breath and turned to face her new “friend”. Despite his name, he was very tall and had a rather athletic build. If it wasn’t for the scars on his chest and collar, he would look like an average stripper in his costume. “So…Mouse, tell me about yourself.” Bunny put a smile on her face and lightly brushed against his arm. Mouse looked down at her and sheepishly responded. “Oh, well, um-I-I’ve been with Ce-I mean Diamond for a few months now. She’s been pretty nice to me…what about you?” Suddenly his nickname makes sense. “I’ve been with Fox for a few months too, but before that, I was a pretty popular streamer. I really loved it, but I don't know, I’m happy with Fox now too.” She sat down at the bar and tried getting the bartender’s attention, but with little luck. There was only one, and his attention was caught by some incredibly wealthy looking older men. Bunny sighed and looked around while listening to Mouse’s ramblings about going from his gym, then to a bunker, then to an office building, and eventually on the run with his Diamond. Her eyes traced the crowd, and recognized a few celebrities despite their masks. “Holy…Mouse, do you know who that is?” Bunny touched his hand and nonchalantly tilted her head towards a rather tall man wearing a gladiator costume. “Bunny I have no idea who that is…wait-” She quickly shushed her new friend and giggled quietly. “Yeah! That’s that super famous actor, God what’s that movie he was in last winter? It was some Hallmark movie, right?” “Yeah, it was that cheesy Christmas movie! Oh well, guess he’s canceled now.” They both had to stifle their laughs to not draw the man’s attention. Finally their conversation gained the attention of the bartender and he took their orders. As soon as they got their drinks in, a man wearing a devil mask, a black suit, and cape approached them. “Say…don’t I know you from somewhere?” 
“I mean, he’s just the last person I want here tonight. Remember that one time he kept trying to pitch himself to you while you were performing?” Fox nodded, but his eyes stayed on the crowd. “What? Are you looking for him?” Diamond put a hand on her hip, not accustomed to Fox’s lack of interest in their usual gossiping. He turned to her, rubbing the back of his neck and adjusting his robe. “No, no I’m not. Diamond, I know you hate the guy, but lighten up for one night. I heard from Woundfucker he’s being put on a tight leash tonight since, apparently, his last desert trip went poorly.” Diamond rolled her eyes at her foe’s expected incompetence. “Well, then who are you looking for?” Taking a deep breath, Fox’s attention went back to Bunny. “I’m looking for that…oh Goddamnit-”
“I’m so sorry, I don’t think I recognize you.” Bunny responded, trying to muster enough respect as she could for the strange man. She could smell his body spray and the liquor on his breath, and despite her having been dolled up that day, it seems he couldn’t be bothered to even touch up his roots. “No no no, I definitely recognize you from somewhere…hey!” Bunny backed into the chair and tried keeping a pleasant smile. “Hey I know! You’re that streamer chick! Oh man, my buddies and I watched your videos all the time, you’re such a sick whore! I was wondering where you went. Say, your little owner wouldn’t mind sharing you later tonight, huh?” He reached out to brush her hair behind her ear, and Bunny jolted back in disgust. “I’m a pretty big deal around here, so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Who is the bastard anyways? If I saw you on the auction I would’ve snatched you right u-” “Scorpion! I see you’re getting along well with my Bunny.” Fox answered his Pet’s silent prayers and stepped in to intervene. “Scorpion” fumbled with his words, and quickly tried to recover. “H-hi Fox! I’m so glad you could make it! My father should be around here somewhere, he’ll be so happy to see you! Oh, excuse me for one minute, I wanted to introduce you to my Princess!” He scurried off to find whatever poor “Princess” he brought to the event, and Fox gave Diamond a curious look. “That boy hasn’t bought from me since his yearly desert trip…I, oh God-” He put his head in his hand sighed. “He took it for himself, didn’t he? What an idiot, he liked that one cause she was so mean, she wouldn’t make a good pet for that idiot.” Diamond rolled her eyes, remembering that auction. “Well let’s all put on a surprised face when he brings it out wrapped in dental floss. Mouse, pass me my drink, dear~” Mouse followed her order and handed her her signature brandy. Bunny did the same, handing Fox a much fruitier cocktail. Diamond drank her drink quickly and had no problem getting the bartender’s attention for another. Fox turned his attention to his Bunny and slid an arm around her. “You know, you’re the most ravishing pet here, everyone’s talking about you~” Bunny blushed and fiddled with her straw. “Aw Fox, you always know how to make me feel special. I can’t wait to get home so I can rip that robe off and-” “Fox!” The gladiator from earlier approached him, waving, with a smile under his mask. For a second, Fox tensed up and his eyes went wide. He quickly shook it off and stepped in front of Bunny to greet him. “Armageddon, my friend, how are you?”
The scent of burning firewood, the taste of a sour cocktail, and the feeling of a slightly too tight costume. Sights of couples everywhere and now Bunny’s finally meeting her partner’s friends. It was all a lot, but the night was falling together nicely, aside from Scorpion’s harassment. The man in the gladiator suit stepped towards her and Bunny’s face rose to meet him. “Hello my dear, I’m Armageddon, one of Fox’s friends. How are you enjoying the evening?” He stuck out his hand to shake hers, the first time that’s happened to her in a while. Owners don’t usually show such courtesy to others’ pets, but here he was. “Oh, my night has been lovely, thank you so much for asking!” She took his hand and had a perfectly content smile on her face. Armageddon smirked and his gaze drifted lower, his handshake getting more firm little by little. “What a gorgeous costume you have, and what attractive markings! Did your mean owner, Fox, give you that one?” He teased and didn’t let go as he gestured to the heart shaped scar on her thigh. Fox was getting nervous, and tried speaking up for her, but Bunny could answer herself. “Oh, n-no, well kind of…He wanted me to and I did! I always do what Fox tells me, he knows what’s best after all.” Fox breathed a sigh of relief, and Armageddon let go of Bunny’s hand. “So he does, and how lucky he is to have such an obedient pet!” He turned his attention back to Fox, giving him a knowing glare before saying his goodbyes and returning to the group he was previously with. Ugh, that was good, and Fox better know it. Bunny had plenty of time practicing lines like that in the mirror in preparation for the night. He slid an arm around her, bringing her close, and whispering in her ear yet again. “My good girl, very good job, Darling~”
The group spent more time mingling and hanging around the bar. Eventually Scorpion came back with his “Princess”, a beastkin with white bird wings, who’s body had more scars than clothing. Fox acted impressed with his “training”, but gave Diamond an earful as soon as the Devil was whisked away by a servant. He went on about his incompetence, poor training skills, and lack of common sense. Bunny continued a much lighter conversation with Mouse, opting to talk about pop culture. Soon, Scorpion came back out standing next to an older gentleman dressed as Bela Lugosi’s Dracula, and a woman dressed as Vampira. “Good evening, my esteemed guests and colleagues. I can’t thank you all enough for coming out tonight to my humble little get together. As the table is being set, I would like to thank the man behind our special main course of the night. While he usually isn’t known for his catering skills, we all, of course, know him for his talents in entertainment. Not to mention, he’s the one to thank for most of your dates for the night! Please, everyone, give a round of applause to Fox and his darling pet!” Everyone in the room turned to face them. Fox took a comical bow, and Bunny smiled and waved, kissing her partner on the cheek when he rose. “I would also like to thank my beautiful wife, Lilith, for orchestrating much of tonight’s decor and scheduling. I couldn’t have done this without the love of my life, and excellent party planner. Now please, everyone make your way to your assigned seats at the table.”
Fox and Bunny were seated close to the hosts of the party, and across from Scorpion and Princess. “So that’s Woundfucker and Lilith, why is Scorpion sitting so close to them? He doesn’t seem…you know…as high up?” Bunny whispered to Fox, confused as to why the most annoying man at the party was seated next to such charming hosts. Fox explained he was their boy while placing his napkin in his lap. Bunny nodded, following his lead. Soon, multiple courses were brought out to eat, all paired with various red wines. Soup, salad, bread, delicious seafood, and the smoothest wine Bunny had ever tasted came out in small, but filling, portions. Fox had his attention mostly on Woundfucker and his wife, while Bunny happily sat and ate her food as politely as she could. She tried talking to the guest next to her, but was met with one word answers and subtle glares. Despite being almost stuffed, the main course came out on a white dish. Small pieces of seared meat covered in a delicious smelling sauce sat before her, and Bunny picked up her fork to start eating. However, she was stopped by Fox, insisting he feed her the dish instead. She handed him her fork, and happily opened her mouth for him. Woundfucker leaned towards her, trying to get a better view of her eating. “How does it taste, dear? You know, your owner provided it for us tonight!” “Oh, Sir, it’s delicious! What is it, sweetie, pork?” Fox’s grin grew, and Woundfucker chuckled with Lilith. Why are they laughing? What’s…why did Fox even provide food… Slowly it dawned on her what exactly she was eating. Bunny looked around the room and saw Pets desperately trying to dodge their owner’s forks. She heard whispered orders, demanding obedience and that they eat their food. Bunny slowly turned back to Fox, Woundfucker now popping a piece into his mouth and laughing. She took a deep breath, swallowed, and opened her mouth for more.
Dessert came, a small pumpkin cheesecake made for couples to share and feed each other. It was subtly sweet, not quite to Fox’s taste, but he still enjoyed being fed. By this point, the wine and food made Bunny incredibly flirty with her owner. “Hey…I’m sure you want to stay, but how about we go home and have a little fun?” She whispered in his ear, desperate to get him to whisk her away for a night of passion. “Darling, we don’t need to go home for that. I’m not performing, what did you think the entertainment was going to be? Just look around.” Through her haze, Bunny looked around at other couples kissing and heavily petting. Some even went as far as to straddle each other at the table. Woundfucker stood up and tapped his glass with his spoon. “Attention everyone, I know you’re eager and so am I, but please, wait till after you’ve finished your desserts~” Everyone quickly finished and made their way to another large room. This one was equipped with leather loveseats, draping velvets and silks, and candles lighting the whole space. Bunny, in awe, took a moment to fully take in the space. Fox pushed her against a silk curtain, nestling his face in her neck. Her eyes struggled to stay open, she still wanted to look at the gorgeous room, but the wine and sensation of her lover was getting to her. She wrapped her arms around her Fox, her eyes finally closed tight, and she moaned in beautiful ecstasy.
Bunny’s lovely moment was cut short by another guest’s shout from across the room. “Fox! What are you doing? Weren’t you going to give us a surprise show?!” Fox, clearly irritated, slowly turned to whoever disturbed his blissful moment with his lover. Fuck…of course. “Not tonight, Armageddon! I wouldn’t want to impose on Woundfucker’s excellent party planning!” Armageddon started towards Fox, now drawing a crowd of onlookers. “Come on Fox, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. The night is young, we have plenty of time for a quick show! I can only dream of what wisdom you could teach us with a show of your Personal. Pet.” He smiled wide, and Fox turned to him completely. He would have cursed him out right then and there…if it wasn’t for the crowd. Other guests, friends, and clients looked at him expectantly. “Oh I’d love a show, Fox!” “Did you really have something planned?” “Please teach us, my pet’s being so fussy!” The crowd was pushing him further and further, and Bunny could see the ongoing contemplation all over Fox’s face. She knew she needed to act fast, to protect both his and her reputations, so she bent down to whisper words of encouragement into his ear. “You know I’m yours, these people don’t own me or you.” A nameless mask in the crowd told her to shut up and to let Fox think, and he got his wish. His ears perked up, and he grabbed Bunny tight by the waist. “Get me a torch, a towel, and a drink!” Bunny’s heart sank as he sided with the crowd instead of her. Maybe she should have expected this, it was obvious by how he acted when they were out that he was a showman. Fox aimed to please the crowd, the admiration of many was worth more than the love of one. 
A few men came together to organize the loveseats into a proper viewing area, since the room had no proper stage. Fox positioned himself sitting on the back of a black sofa, while Bunny knelt in front of him. She straddled and sat on a small cushion, the little touch of pressure made her blush harder, as it would be pleasurable under any other circumstance. The bartender from before gave him the requested materials, while simultaneously giving Bunny a look of sympathy. Chatter spread amongst the audience, and while she couldn’t see them, she could feel the looks of anticipation from her viewers. Her face flushed red and she looked up at her owner, trying to calm her nervous breathing. Fox looked down, and told her to lift up her hand. She obeyed, and he placed his drink in it, effectively turning her into tortured furniture. He untied his robe and took off his belt, while speaking to the crowd. “Now I’ll also need an assistant. Woundfucker, it’s your party, would you do me the honors?” He took out his half hard cock and cupped Bunny’s face, wordlessly telling her what to do. She looked from the belt he held in one hand to the torch he had in his other. “Of course Fox, how exciting! It isn’t everyday I get to be a part of your shows.” Woundfucker stood up and walked behind Bunny, no doubt eyeing her up while he did so. “Good, good, both of your jobs are easy.” Fox said, still cupping Bunny’s face. “Pet, you just need to be a good girl and not bite down, you don’t even need to move. Can you do that for me, Sweetie?” She nodded, and followed Fox’s hand towards his lap. She took his length in her mouth and stuck out her tongue, just the way he liked. She couldn’t see, but heard the torch start and Fox continued talking to Woundfucker. “Now, I don’t want a Pet with a bad mark, I need you to make sure it’s straight, alright?” Bunny tried drowning out their conversation and the sounds the torch made. She knew it would be no easy job, but feared what Fox might do to her if she embarrassed him in front of his clients. Quickly, he swiped his drink out of her hand, shot it back, and placed it back in her waiting hand. She knew the pain was about to come, so she shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and braced herself for it.
Woundfucker instructed Fox as the buckle burned between Bunny’s shoulder blades. She screamed and cried, but kept her jaw open. I won’t embarrass Ren, I’ll be good for him! He’ll be so proud when he’s done, I just have to stay still! Fox moaned at the vibrations caused by his Pet’s screams, and dug the buckle in deeper. He wrapped the towel around his hand so he wouldn’t burn himself while still putting enough pressure on her. The branding was over almost as quickly as it started, and Fox took his glass out of Bunny’s hand again. Her vision went white temporarily from the pain, and it came and went in flashes. Fox took the big ice cube out of the now empty glass and applied it to her new burn. Bunny moaned at the sudden cold, not sure if it soothed or stung the burn more. Her face sunk into her owner’s lap and she clung to his legs. “See everyone? A good, well trained, Pet is able to deprive themselves of their most basic instincts so they won’t hurt their owners. Isn’t that right, Sweetie?” Fox leaned back and pulled Bunny’s face up to meet his. He kissed her forehead and leaned into her ear. “You did so well, Sweetie, I couldn’t be more proud of you. Hang in there and we’ll get out of here soon.” She could have cried with joy right there, but instead, resolved to throw her arms around his waist. Fox chuckled at her and looked around the room, eyeing the other unconventional couples. Most onlookers already had their partners on the floor performing various acts, and even Diamond was sitting on Mouse’s face. They winked and smiled at each other. Fox wasn’t done, as few of the attendees were already escalating their affairs. “Darling, get on the coffee table for me, will you?” Fox whispered in Bunny’s ear and she did just that. She knelt on it like she did the couch, but this time the wood was hard on her knees and she faced the audience. She looked around at the other masked onlookers, it was clear to see who was in control and who wasn’t. Her pity was cut short by Fox speaking to his audience yet again. “Now ladies and gentlemen, to really drill in the complex ties of pleasure and pain, one must learn to balance the two. Afterall, a good pet is a praised pet!” He bent Bunny over and unsnapped her leotard at the crotch, placing a thumb on her heat. Bunny bent down and her cheek pressed against the wood table, hiding her shame from the wandering eyes of the audience. “Aah, just as I thought, my cute little toy is already wet! This is what happens when you supply a healthy balance!” With a sharp slap to her ass he drove in his wording. His toy yelped at the sudden contact, but he paid her no mind. 
In a shocking turn of roles, Fox bent down to lick her heat, focusing intently on her clit. Bunny moaned in response, but not for long, as her owner had more intentions. He pulled his face away and replaced his tongue with the head of his cock, teasing her wet entrance. Usually she would either wait or lightly beg him to put it inside her, but tonight she decided to amp up her own theatrics a bit. “Oh please Fox, I need you, please please please please!” She squealed and threw her ass back against him, almost causing him to lose his cool. He, instead, smiled at the audience and slowly slid himself into his precious toy. She squealed more and professed more words of admiration, no doubt making other guests jealous of her. For the most part, she didn’t need to play up her excitement much, as she started genuinely enjoying it. There was a reason why she was so comfortable being so provocative online, and getting railed in front of a live audience had been a fantasy of hers for a while. Of course, she would have preferred it without the branding, but she soon forgot about it as the pleasure and naughtiness of the scene set in. The flashes of white Bunny thought were from pain came back, and she realized they were flashes from a camera instead. Soon, she couldn’t speak, and instead resorted to muttering and grunting. Fox was enjoying himself too, and had attracted the attention of a particular nosy guest. While he was accompanied by a toy of his own, Fox wasn’t the one to do business with him. However, he loved to pick Fox’s brain at events for ideas and engagement, mostly to Fox’s annoyance. “Fox, love the work as usual, you’ve given me so many ideas for my own doll!” He gestured to his “doll”, who was knelt on the floor attached to a short black leash. Neither Bunny nor Fox cared to entertain this man, in fact Bunny couldn’t say much of anything to him. She was in a steady stream of curses, muttering a breathy “fuck” with every thrust of her owner’s hips. The man caught onto this, and stuck his finger in her mouth. “Filthy girl needs her mouth washed out with soa-” Fox thrusted and leaned forward to grab the man’s hand away from his precious Bunny. “You don’t fucking touch my property, do you understand?!” The fear and shock Bunny felt from suddenly being prodded at was quickly washed away by Fox’s possessiveness. She threw herself back and gripped his hip and loudly moaned as he was surely bruising her cervix. Fox did the same, and tried to thrust deeper, now ignoring the man. What he couldn’t ignore, though, were the looks of question and disapproval from the audience. Snaps like that were typically reserved for property, not other guests. He was losing the audience he had worked so hard for, and needed to earn them back. He was close anyways, so after one last thrust, he pulled out, pushed Bunny’s face further into the table, and came on her new branding. Cheers and applause rang through the room and Bunny tried restraining her scream. After the panting and adrenaline wore off, Fox helped his Bunny up to her feet and wiped her tears. He tied his robe back around himself and snapped his Pet’s leotard back together. The other couples in the room went into a frenzy, bringing out toys, whips, paddles, and other instruments of pleasure and pain. “Darling, let’s go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up, alright?”
Fox held Bunny by the arm and waist and guided her to the restroom. Finally, a small room where Ren and Jasmine could be alone with each other. Jasmine finally allowed herself to break down, and Ren held her, patting her hair and whispering in her ear. “You did so well, Sweetie, I’m so so so proud of you, Honey. You’re going to be alright, let me see your back, okay?” Jasmine sniffled and let him look at her back. He ran a washcloth under cold water and lightly dabbed at her new brand. Jasmine’s skin had already been littered with scars and cuts, but now Ren’s emblem rose in flushed red on her back. He felt pity for his Pet, but was still happy with his handiwork. He held her tight, and kissed around his mark. Jasmine hugged his arms and leaned back into his kiss. “I-I…would you be m-mad if-f we left early, R-Ren?” “Not at all, Darling, I’ll get Rhino to bring the car around. You can sit in it while I say my goodbyes.” He rummaged through his many pockets to find his phone and a small tube of neosporin he had brought just in case. After messaging his employee, he lightly dabbed the cream onto Jasmine’s burn. She had calmed down enough to just sniffling, and clung to Ren’s hug. “There, you’re going to be alright Darling.” Ren said, hugging her tighter and looking at her reflection in the mirror. Jasmine’s makeup ran down her face and her cheeks flushed red. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, and her lip still quivered. “You know, I still think you’re the most beautiful woman here, and you know I mean it.” Despite her previous breakdown, Jasmine cracked a smile and a chuckle passed her lips. She looked down, but Ren tilted her face towards him. “I love you, Jasmine, and I loved being with you tonight…” Tears welled up in Jasmine’s eyes again and her lips clashed with Ren’s. 
Notes: There you go guys, the Halloween special! Quite a few new OCs, past OCs, and canon characters! Next few chapters might take me a while, as I’m going through some stuff at the moment. I’m fine, just busy. New job, social life, school, blah blah blah-you guys get it :D
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l-tora-l · 1 year
He’s funny-cute I’ll give him that- but he’s still a gremlin one that took scaras place I might add🥲
Think about it, little baby Scaramouche just sitting by himself, alone. The snow is heavy outside and the wind raging. He’s looking into your little cabin in the middle of the forest. He sees warmth and laughter. Warmth that isn’t for him :( laughter he would never claim for himself. Because YOU HALOUMI ABANDONED HIM! He gets flashbacks of his mother, that (soap) scum of the earth dottore, him loosing his special book whose name I completely forgot for some reason just now, and finally, the last vision, arguably the most painful one- you picking itto the lil gremlin over him 😞 over sophistication and class, over class and grace, over scarababygirl 😖 that final reason being the most hurtful one- because SCARABABYGIRL!!! anyways, he resigns back to his dingy hole that he shares with the foxes and tries to warm himself up as best he could, although his attire definitely is not fit for the cold. The last thing he ponders of is where he went wrong, and why the people in his life choose him over their twisted desires and habits (*cough* dottore *cough* probably raiden too *cough*) and now how his soon to be buddy Haloumi would never be his buddy at all, because of some white and red haired gremlin :(
And as the foxes too wish to resign for the day, their fur shielding them from the on pour of snow, something scara doesn’t have the liberty to own, their fur so white with snow it weighs them down, leaving apparent paw prints 🐾 as they step through the thick snow.A soft crunch sound every time they walked. The sound echoed across the scene, filling it up with something other than Monsieur Scaras soft sobs, and as time typically does, it drifted him and his melancholy to a faraway place, one where he did not need to be tortured by those who failed him. Instead, an alternate world he can truly call home. Because his real home was cold and unwelcoming, bleak and grave, cruel and apathetic. His new home where Haloumi picked him over itto. A new beginning, a new life. One that was as out of grasp as his book he reached for, but never attained. This alt reality where he rewrote the course of fate itself only to be reminded of the bitter reality he lives in, as his eyes greet the same white snow that bid him farewell as he drifted to sleep earlier. The silvery haze, the soft halo, the rose tinted glasses finally begin to crack. And he is plunged into an even greater chaos than he had previously known, now that he knows what true kindness is. Now that he lost the warmth and laughter, the calm and peace. The warm fireplace that crackles ever so often spitting tiny specks of light, that sort of tickle as they meet his skin. The warm hot chocolate, with marshmallows of baby pink and white decorating the surface, him looking at it with great wanting and cheer. A jubilant expression one that he has never known of welcomes him, though he is unsure if he should welcome it back. The warm knitted sweaters Hal gave him on the third of December, the floral arrangement on the dining table and across the wall decorating the fireplace. It all felt like an unattainable reality, that was foreign, bothersome and too emotional, yet deep down he wanted that. He wanted home. :(
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captain-kraken · 11 months
Find the Word Tag
Thank you @afoolandathief for the tag! See their post here!
No pressure tag for @silverslipstream @callahanscorner @squarebracket-trick and anyone else who wants to do it! Your words are: village, coffee, wild, sing
My words were: fox, fury, fire and fight Nothing for fox sorry! (they don't exist in Sonhara lol)
fire (1999)
There were more feathers woven into decorations by thick, coloured string, hung on the walls and from the ceiling. The wooden floor was mostly bare, though there was a large furry pelt near a contained fire pit near the other end of the room. A bowl of fruit lay on a nearby table, though even in the dim lighting Mahrias could see the flies buzzing around it, the green fur on the skin.
fight (1984)
Everything had changed with that war. The one that even Rujav’s own children would be dealing with the consequences of, born long after it had ended.
Whilst Rujav himself had never seen battle, he had seen what it had done to the people who had. He hadn’t been old enough at the time but even if he had been, he doubted his father would have wanted him to fight.
Most of them had protected their heirs, and Rujav was an only child. Elohia would have fallen if anything had happened to both him and his father.
fury (1921)
“Don’t you ever say anything like that again,” his father hissed.
            “No, Lavis!” Theanor’s voice turned to a shout, and Lavis flinched away from the fury. “I forbid you from seeing that boy again!”
            “You can’t do that!"
            “I do whatever I have to do to protect my island.”
As afraid as he was, Lavis couldn’t stop himself from snapping back. “I am no danger to the island! I can still rule Elohia and love who I want!”
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royaletiquette · 1 year
“So? Do you like it?” He asked with a far more serious face than usual, strutting around her dressing table to expose the new golden and green cape he had specially crafted, making sure she wouldn’t miss the way the pearls and emeralds were shining under the light of the morning sun. He was just salty because she had complimented another duke’s fashion during the last ball, throwing his ego to the ground once more… Because she had never complimented him in the end and he had succeeded being the most handsome valet of the night! He looked far more dashing than this arrogant little prick and his fat nose, and whatever cape he had worn during the masquerade, it wasn’t as beautiful as the one he had created right now. Ah! 
“Hibiko!” He whined and turned around, throwing a dramatic and concerned look over his shoulder, a light pout appearing on his noble features. Wasn’t he cute when he showed that he was hurt? Wouldn’t she melt in front of those desperate golden eyes? “It’s better than him, right? Right?! Mine is full of pearls, rare emeralds and golden frills! It’s better! It fits my face, it enlightens my size! I’m beautiful!” He huffed and eventually came closer, before he removed the cape from his shoulder and wrapped it around her shoulders. It was soft like fox fur, but at least he hadn’t killed any thanks to his magic. 
“I forgive you because you needed to be nice to him, I get it. But now you can be mean and speak up your mind. Mmh?” He chuckled, with a rather mischievous little laughter and other foxy noises escorting his petty statement. He squatted in front of her until he dropped his knees on the floor, pressing his cheek against her covered thighs. “You’re like a dove, and he’s nothing but a smelly pig. Don’t be too nice with bacon like this, they get fat over the years.” He paused and nuzzled against the fur of the cape. “A fox is always better…” 
"Yes, it's very nice," Hibiko absent-mindedly answered, treating the gaudy cape similar to a child's drawing. Glancing up at Marlo to fake attention before returning to trying to put on the last of her jewelry before latching up her shoes. He was allowed in early with the assumption that he would help her get ready quicker, but instead left the princess to run around while he followed after her around the large room.
She faced him with an almost equally as frustrated pout - though Marlo was easily winning between them which was the obvious drama queen. The show moved to the couch, unable to help the clashing garment being draped over her. "Are you asking me to compliment the cape or you?" Hibiko whined in annoyance, already broken down and happy to say whatever Marlo wanted to hear. "It's gorgeous, it brings out your eyes." Sarcasm littered in her voice, barely containing an eye roll. Hibiko tried to nudge away from Marlo attaching himself to her leg and fixing her heels.
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"Marlo, I have zero clue who you're talking about, we have a lot of people visiting right now." She had a couple of ideas, but there was so much flattery and greetings and compliments being thrown around in the past week. Hibiko couldn't keep straight who arrived yesterday, who was leaving that night, and who still had another week to their stay. "I'm sure it's beautiful compared to what he had on." Still not a clue who she was supposed to be trash-talking. "I mean it's a little... much personally, but yes, it's stunning on you."
"Look," Hibiko stood up and held out a hand to help him stand. Taking off the heavy, overly decorated cape to pass over to Marlo, "Why don't you wear it to the ball in a couple of days so I can see it in its proper glory? There are enough people that I doubt anyone will second guess who you are. And if they do, then you can have fun making up a story. But right now I need to go talk to my mom before they gather up the guests for breakfast." With a goodbye kiss to his cheek, "I'll look into changing my dress that night into something that better compliments green, okay?"
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 1
Sonic the Werehog.
October 31: 8:00 AM
When Sonic awoke, he felt sore all over. His body didn't fit on the bed, so his arms and legs hung off of it. His quills had become fluffy dark blue fur. His senses were heightened.
"Am I a werehog again?"
Sonic got up and went to the living room. He said hi to Tails, who had gotten into his robot costume. The cheery fox looked at Sonic with a mix of horror and amazement.
"Um, I made breakfast."
Sonic looked at the table and saw some pancakes shaped like pumpkins. He took 5 and ate them with no syrup.
"I'm gonna have to get used to this form again..."
Sonic put on a Halloween music playlist, put his headphones on, and went for a run. It was a cloudy day with a hint of rain. Houses were decorated with pumpkins, spiderwebs, and other such Halloween decor. The trees were naked, and orange leaves littered the streets. His paws hit the leaves with a satisfying crunch.
After his morning run, Sonic went inside and shook his fur dry before going to the living room. Then he called Shadow to wish him a happy Halloween.
"Good morning, faker!"
"Mornin'. There's something I need to tell you." Sonic's face turned to one of fear. "I became a vampire this morning."
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tsumukono · 2 years
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Chapter three:  thorn rose and white glowing roses
After the Sleepover, atsumu went home taking one more day off to give his nervs time to rest before he went back to work. He used the day take some heat medication to pretend his body go into a heat, he took long bath and refresh his blond dye on his hair. Cutting his fur on his tail so it look smoth and fluffy, he practally did full spa day for himself. It helped him alot forgetting what happend and moved forward.
The end of the week arrived and he was organizing his order for the wedding from samu and suna, getting his notebook out and having his phone in the other hand he was talking to the farmer were he ordered the flowers and plant’s and talk with the wedding manager, they had work together so that the wedding from the two will be perfect and have no issuses.
Getting into his car he watched from the corner of his eyes, how kita went into samu’s shop, he sighed get his seatbelt on and drove out from parking. He had to go to the rented building, of course it was with big bar and kitchen. Both brother and his groom, loved food.
He was a bit sad wanting hear the calm voice from kita but he shook his head, he was taken and he was forbidden to meet him, do he though since his soon to be mate disliked his smell. It was normal behavior, not only alpha’s can be terroritial but omega’s to if they see a tread, in one side he was proud that he even was looked up to be a tread in the otherside it was annoying couse he lost a close friend that was importend to him. He drived out just see the alpha looking at his car, longing but mabey it was just his imigation „i don’t need an alpha…or love“ he speed bit up, not wanting to be late for the meeting as knowing wedding manager can be very annoying.
Parking his car he got out and his ears fold back by the screecing voice that was in full blast panic. He shudders but was glad the manager was beta, so no alpha scent exept the workers but they busy.
He sighed seeing his poor farmer he befriended and allways call in some case like that get yelled by the manager, taking a deep breath he set fake smile on and put a hand onto the betas shoulder „exuse me, i am bit late, why are you yelling at my poor farmer?“ the manager head smaller then tsumu, and long black hair sharp blue eyes and tanned skin was glaring at him „because he brought the wrong order“ looking at his friend giving thump up he told him he takes care „i checked before and the order is right since i am the one decorating with flowers and plants not you, so let me borrow few workers and let me do my JOB“ the beta stared at atsumu, like a alpha spoke to him, this what his aura told him but the scent, the tail that was slightly between the legs and slight scent if axenty told him. He stood before a omega „fine whatever fox“ sighing in relief he waved at few beta worker and get things done and apoglised to his farmer friend, who waved it off with a smile.
Both had a little talk about life and tsumu asked how his wife doing, knowing them in personal level and visit them sometimes, just have fun and have good talk with his wife.
He took the hole day set things up,not only that.
The manager got onto his nerv allways nagging how he put the flowers up. He was glad when everything was up and he though as tread he goes to samu’s shop for dinner.
Parking his car and slurping into the shop he sat down having the menu in his hand and ordered few orgini as a thicc ramen, he really was hungry and the though of fatty tuna in the ramen and orgini let his mouth water „what shit day“ he slumped onto the table his stomach grumbeling so loud that the waiter that knew him looked amused at him.
He was exited when his food finally arrived and he start wolfing it down, he was starving, coughing up he found glass before him. Without thinking who hold it out he took it swallowed the water down and took a deep breath, feeling large hand circeling his back gently „ya really need slow down tsumu“ he turend at the voice then back to his food „thanks kita-san…but ya should not hanging arround me, dont want ya in trouble“ for some reason it stung kita how cold he spoke same time he could see that the omega before him want his company, so he sat down ordering food „it’s fine“ unsure tsumu stared at the two toned alpha before him, this was odd. Mr.perfect who do everything for his mate to be „…why it’s fine, bit odd of ya…ya just get in fight and don’t want that..“ he bit into the next orgini, try not breath the scent in from the former captian „it’s fine. We not item anymore…“ again second time tsumu had cough and again kita hold him glass water before his nose „what? Why??“ kita looked bitter at the table „things sometimes dont work out, lets say it that way“ tsumu eyed the other „well ya find someone else“ he start eating his ramen while kita ate his, both in comftable silence, not noting that the two toned alpha was scenting the air and glaring side ways at other alphas in the room to back off.
Getting his black card out kita stopped him „my tread, lets meet again tsumu…i miss talking to you“ tsumu rose a brow put his card away, he was fine with that saving money a free meal still was bit supcious at the behavior „ok thanks…well i have to go tomorrow is the big day and i need be in time there being samu’s best men“ kita nodded „yes i be there too“ he nodded at the former captian bit his bye, kita rubbed his hand at tsumu’s shirt leaving his scent there.
Again tsumu looked odd at the two toned alpha and went home, this was strange, even for kita.
At home he notice that kita scent marked him, he was angered part of him and throw his jacket in the loundry in the otherhand his omega that he burried deep inside was pleased.
Slapping his cheeks that they red he shook his head „….no“ he went under the shower scrubbed himself clean that he left few raw spots and went to bed, tomorrow  he will have fun, nogthing more less.
He was the rose with the sharp thorns, untouchable.
Getting into his best suite in black and white, he even tryed tame his hair get bit colonge on and went to the church, he sighed. He was exited for his twin and he guessed the tocix gosspid beta will be his step brother, shaking his head he smiled. He was happy for his brother and suna.
By the church the took his postion and try fix samus bow tie „ya don’t need be nervous just say ya vows and yes i will, ya fine ya lazy orgini eater“ samu glared at him but soften his look, this tiny distraction helped him get out of his nervous panic.
They took they postion and watch how guest get in and sat down. Alot of family members they haven’t seen in years, tsumu shrunk bit. Most of his family looked down on him, what he hid and what he is now. His father tryed get him hooked with few alphas till he begged that he need to stop, since then they stop talking and contacting each other, his mother did the same. Ashamend what he did and so did few of the family.
He tryed to ignore it. It’s samu’s and suna’s day, plus his family preffered samu anyway. He watch few of suna’s family get in friends that join that were invited and he made eye contach with his former captian who sat down, were he supposed to sit. His tail got inbetween his legs, nervous. The old captian eyes never leaving the golden omega’s feature.
Swallowing he coughed and try ignore the intense stare. Samu saw it waving at they former captian who waved back. Then things finally start.
Samu who was in grey black suite, seeing suna getting in. White silver suite, he even had the bonquet tsumu brought him. White roses he decorated with few glittering stones that look like waterdrops, he smiled proud of his handywork.
Giving last pat on shoulder to samu tsumu sat down beside kita, who scooped closer to him, brushing his shoulder at younger omega „..kita..“ the namend hummend having watery eyes, proud like father watching the traditional vow between the two lovers, shocked by that tsumu got tissuse out he though he need but hand it to the two toned alpha who start crying, happy for the two „..never though ya would cry..heh“ he smiled blushed bit, fazinate by that fact, kita ignoring tha comment blewing his nose try stop his tears.
Patting the shoulder hoping calm the former captian down, he was more suprised when the one took his hand squizzing it gently, sweatdropping he let him.
He tryed calm himself and shut his inner omega that was calling the alpha. After they stepped out they throw the rice and the bonquet of flowers fly, catched by friend.
They went to the location for the party, there kita went back at his side following him like a shadow. It was strange but he tryed have fun getting tipsy from the drinks „kita why ya following me“ he just got hm as answer and furrowed his eyebrown went back drinking loughing with friends, hot on his toe’s the two toned alpha, watching him and steals here and there simple touch, just feel the omega and breath his sweet scent in.
The later the day got the more drunk tsumu got and kita keep close eye on him, when the sun was setting tsumu planned to drive home but kita stopped him by his car „ya not driving tsumu“ he blinked at kita poking his cheek „i…mh…i can and will“ he turend again to his car try get the keys in, kita sighing and lift the young drunk omega up, who gave protesting whine „stoooop….ya not mommy..“ he looked at him and sighed „no…“ he was calm putting tsumu on the seat, belt him up get on driverseat from his truck, driving to the omegas apparment, knowing the adress from samu, telling him he brings drunk omega home. Samu thanked him for that and keep celebrating his wedding.
Tsumu stirred and looked upset „..why ya..so..nice..ya have..omega…a..no..not…anymore…why ya scenting my clothes….“ He sighed parking getting up lift drunk omega, and sniffed his neck, untouched neck, a untouched scent gland that was leaking so much of his scent, to much like he was going into his heat. He shooked his head swallowed dryly down and carried the omega up to his apparment „it’s hot…“ he mostly ignore the babbels but it was hard ignoring the sweet scent that got stronger and thiccer as the omega looked more feverish.
He helped get tsumu out only in his boxer manevoured him to his bed, he sat down on the edge of the bed, he was fighting his inner alpha just jump pound his member in knotting and knock the omega up „ya have so many thorns arround ya like stuborrn rose…“ he towered over tsumu who passed out and sleeped peacfully, he could not hold back rubbing his scent all over the omega, giving his neck dark hickey, bite just lightly the scent gland to drink the sweet liquid that drive him nearly insane.
True to his break up was, he wanted tsumu, secondly his omega found better alpha describe him boring poor, stonic. He shook his head grumbeling, lick harsh over the gland last time and tugged the omega in, leaving his jacket here, watching how tsumu grabbed the jacket nuzzel his face in. He grunted stafisied and left the apparment just get younger his car and drove home. He would court him and claim him, he know it will be hard since tsumu had not the best experiments with his kind but he wanted him, he wants Love him and he want show him what a good alpha he is for him.
He is going to rip each thorn down the young omega has build up and show what pretty flower he is , his pretty flower.
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snowpetersen52 · 6 months
Replica Fendi Shoulder Straps Assortment
Another new Replica Fendi Bags model is Triplet, with three strings. It is appropriate for going to the plane, and the three luggage are packed with cell phones, passports and bank cards. Before I posted the T-table, the Fendi flower bag beneath is also in style with many people. Get designer style with out the price by shopping for designer charms and pendants. These replica designer charms present an endless possibility of fashion selections. Mix and match to get precisely what you need. Don't neglect concerning the branding and skill to customize your imitation designer charms. Give away as merchandise or present a branded look that's perfect to the last detail. It is cheaper, can be more ways than you get two as an alternative of 1 and a portfolio, possibly. A replica Fendi additionally goes a great distance, despite the change of seasons. If you have a style that's timeless select, no need to purchase a new one every season. Fendi’s artistic accent line “Bag Bugs” is the primary to embody the concept of “fun fur”. Have ease shopping with the Sunshines Shopper inspired bag, which you can find at DHgate.com. Mon Tresor Fendi Inspired Bucket BagThe Mon Tresor is the primary on our list. Fendi’s Mon Tresor is a bucket bag, made for all events. The luxury bag has an extravagant design focused on young individuals, although it can be used by folks of all ages for an final, care-free look. Iconic small Peekaboo bag, made of soppy, beige fox fur and embellished with the traditional twist lock closure on either side. Medium Baguette 1997 bag made from break up leather-based with beige FF print, embellished with an FF clasp. This type is a re-release of the primary Fendi... The possibilities of adding that particular touch of style are endless with the designer inspired charms obtainable on Alibaba.com. The mini version debuted within the Spring/Summer 2019 series, which features a plain leather-based version of pop, pink, orange, black and white. Iconic medium Baguette bag with chain shoulder strap, made from pink technical mesh with a 3D texture FF motif. Iconic massive Baguette bag with chain shoulder strap made of beige technical mesh with a 3D texture FF motif. Mini Sunshine shopper bag manufactured from green technical mesh with 3D FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell-effect plexiglass handles. Mini Sunshine Shopper bag made of pink technical mesh with 3D texture FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell-effect plexiglass handles. wikipedia handbags Mini Sunshine Shopper bag manufactured from purple technical mesh with 3D texture FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell impact plexiglass handles. Medium Baguette 1997 bag made of red suede and beige leather-based, decorated with FF clasp. What began as a small leather-based goods shop underneath name Casagrande turned into world luxurious Fendi model. The firm acquired its name after marriage of Adele to Edoardo Fendi in 1925. Divided Satchel is the new bag for the the top style house this season. The Sfilata purse has traditional strains, turnlock closure. This bag can additionally be comfortable to use - it retains things organised. Classic black leather-based and delightful silhouette - and although there is a little resemblance with Hermes Kelly, this bag is definitely one of the "musthaves". This exquisite and playful mini purse made of the softest lambskin and probably the most noble crocodile skin is called “kid bag”. Peekaboo has a total of 5 sizes, along with the four sizes of the women’s fashions and one of many largest men’s fashions. Now the men’s Peekaboo is a couple of dimension, and it's also divided into completely different sizes. So there you've it, our helpful guide on Fendi inspired baggage of all sizes and designs with one or many that will surely fit your style and price range. Fendi has come a great distance from the sale of high-quality bags and skins. You now have Fendi women, men and children Fendi Fendi home expanded. This is a variety of luxurious merchandise, together with clothing, handbags, sneakers, watches, sun shades, perfumes, and sofas. They additionally take orders by-products, such as guitar instances and custody cases books. However, when you purchase a Fendi, you know, you are not just paying for the name, but in addition quality craftsmanship. His shoes are very comfortable, contemplating the sort of leather. best fendi replica handbag [newline]And the claws and the baggage have their own fashion and character. If you’re a girl and you don’t have any desire of owning a Fendi bag, the place on earth have you ever been? Fendi luggage are one of the best signature luggage out there and each lady dreams to personal one. We solely sell authentic merchandise from verified brand retailers and premium boutiques globally. Online store with finest prices, wonderful quality, and punctual delivery.
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ashestoshadows · 1 year
Happy Mother's Day Meema!
I just wanted to write something short and sweet for mother's day featuring two of my pokemon: Vixen and her kit Salem. no trigger warnings or anything as I wrote this to be cute and sweet and short.
The small kit drowsily opened his eyes to meet the ceiling as he yawned tiredly before he perked up remembering something… It was Mother's day! The small kit sprung out of bed, the puff of fur on his head bouncing with him as he went to go and try make breakfast for his mother who deserved a break.
He looked around the kitchen before he looked at a glass "I'm sure Meema is thirsty.." he thought as he carefully filled it with water and placed it on the table nearby but what's next? Right, it's missing food! The pup sighed as he looked about anxious he was going to wake his mother up and disturb her sleep from him being too loud
"Pancakes!" he exclaimed as he began drooling at the thought before slapping himself on the cheek slightly snapping him out of his hunger "No these are for Meema. Not for myself" he carefully prepared breakfast to the best of his ability and with a bit of help from the last he made pancakes with his mum he successfully made them; with a little struggle, but it was worth it as they gave off a sweetly strong saccharine waft in the air and he decorated them with some berries as he smiled at them gleeful of himself
"I'm sure Meema will be proud!" he exclaimed aloud as he smiled ear to ear with pride. "Salem?" he snapped out of his thoughts as he turned around to see his mother groggily looking at him "Salem what are you doing?" she repeated as she landed against the doorway eyeing at her small child who giggled before moving out the way and her eyes widened as she let out a soft "aw" in realizing what he was doing
"You made this for me?" he nodded proud of himself as she sat down "What about you?" he just went quiet as he shrugged "I'm not hungry" he clearly lied as his mother shook her head "You can have some of these pancakes okay?" he shook his head in protest as he frowned sadly "I made them for you, not for me"
She sighed as she got up "I can easily make some for you at least" "Can eat before you do that though I don’t want your food getting cold" the small trickster fox said sadly as he was embraced by his mother who kissed him on the forehead "Of course"
Also yes i'm still working on that request although it is taking forever- sorry btw anon for how long it has been taking.
I've been getting sick/feeling under the weather, moving house, and other stuff alongside it so yeah... I am trying to finish and get it posted in the next month or two due to how slow my progress is as of late
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dunnoifits42 · 1 year
life of cat 3
cat fell at night, and ran off to the little forest next to our house to hide. we searched and called her but she would not dare to come out because everything was big and scary. i thought i had seen her at night and went out to wait for her but a fox came along and scared her off. mom and daughter found her after 2 days and brought her home. cat had collected at least 30 ticks, quite a challenge to pick them all. cat fell again a few months later, but this time we heard it and i climbed up the facade to where she was sitting, put her into her carrier and climbed down again. cat did not fall again.
i have put cat's bowls back where they belong. freaked me out to think about why those bowls aren't there when i'm in the kitchen.
one evening, cat wouldn't come in. went to check, cat was sitting on the railing staring down at something i couldn't see. so i pointed my phone's flashlight in the direction cat was staring and two eyes were staring up to us. boss. boss was the biggest meanest tomcat around. he ruled over an empire of at least 4 square km. and he came over every evening to serenade cat, just like in the old book. a few months later we waited for boss to make his way up our driveway. i had seen him further down the street before and he should arrive any moment now. but. boss did not come. so i checked and saw him sitting under a car, he didn't dare to go further, because near our driveway a young tomcat was waiting. the new boss. new boss had taken over the empire and old boss never returned to our driveway to serenade cat. i saw old boss in his garden a few times, he was limping and he probably died some time later. new boss and friends were a gang of assholes and cat never again liked another cat.
strange, no one is sitting in the window when i come home, no one is waiting behind the door, no one brrrts when we cross paths. i am alone for the first time in 57 years. i've been alone before, sure, but there was always someone waiting for me. no more.
cat was a passionate hunter, catching butterflies and moths on end, eating them on the spot. different story with birds and bats who were stupid enough to fly low over the railing. they had to be eaten in the safety of the bedroom. so the task was to catch cat before she could vanish under the bed to eat her prey in peace. if successful, the half dead birds and bats were to be thrown out. some managed to fly away - catch and release - others fell and were to be eaten by the cats or raccoons on the ground.
in her prime cat managed to kill a blackbird in less than 20 seconds. when she was old and already weak she grabbed a magpie but it just flew away. she once chased off two racoons. one ran away down the hill, the other climbed up a pine. couldn't let cat follow him, would have ruined her fur.
12 years ago christmas was a really important event. lots of decoration, fairy lights, candles, a tree and a winter village. the village was situated on a big mountain made of styrofoam, the houses had tiny lights, people were skiing on the slopes of the mountain, or skating on the frozen pond, others were buying chestnuts or almonds. we had taped down all the wiring, because cat was very much in the middle of everything, playing catzilla in the village, felling trees and stomping skiers into the ground. the christmas tree she left alone. but the preparation and unpacking of the presents was very much to her liking, construction - or deconstruction - was one of cat's passions. and for dinner on christmas eve, when everyone was sitting around the big table, cat was right in the middle of the action, later ending up between the unpacked presents.
last christmas cat did not participate in the preparation of the presents, just a short look, and that was it. there had not been christmas dinners for years, no decoration, no nothing. so cat's last christmas was a non-event.
in summer 2013 we went on vacation, wanted to spend some time on the beach. cat was to come with us, so mom booked an apartment that allowed pets. the car was stuffed with toys for kid and cat. we brought lots of blankets, a scratching post, the litter box and lots of toys.
the road trip itself was uneventful. cat slept behind the driver's seat most of the time. the apartment right at the beach was a real eye opener for cat. the sea, sand, lots of people, those annoying, loud seagulls, lots of things to see and process.
with all the stuff we brought from home the apartment was enough like home for cat to be comfortable. we did not leave her alone for too long, though.
later i got cat a passport for international travel, never happened for lack of time and money.
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rushmackay0 · 2 years
China Fendi Montgomery Bed Replica
Another new Replica Fendi Bags model is Triplet, with three strings. It is appropriate for going to the airplane, and the three bags are full of cell phones, passports and credit cards. Before I posted the T-table, the Fendi flower bag below can additionally be popular with many people. Mini Sunshine shopper bag made from green technical mesh with 3D FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell-effect plexiglass handles. Mini Sunshine Shopper bag made of red technical mesh with 3D texture FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell-effect plexiglass handles. wikipedia handbags Mini Sunshine Shopper bag manufactured from purple technical mesh with 3D texture FF motif and stiff tortoiseshell impact plexiglass handles. Medium Baguette 1997 bag made from pink suede and beige leather-based, decorated with FF clasp. Even with its seemingly petite measurement, the Kan U has a spacious double compartment that makes it the most effective go-to bag for the week of hectic schedules and metropolis to metropolis journeys. The Kan U may be carried by hand or be slung crossbody through its metallic chain. Visit Onlinestore818 to find Fendi impressed luggage just like the Kan U solely at DHgate. Our Fendi inspired handbags are crafted with the same perfection that you get in an original one. TOD's Replica - Best Quality Tod's Handbag Knockoffs. Enjoy affordability and style with a Tod's replicas. The original Fendi baggage are fairly costly. Even although every girl craves for a Fendi bag, not all should buy one. The costs of these baggage are very costly, which acts as a deterrent. After so many years, the FF Logo has also undergone many particulars. Until last year, the FF Logo also ushered in a brand new square design! In fact, actually, when the FF Logo just returned, it was the show of Fendi’s autumn and winter of 2017. At that time, I didn’t fully read the habit, and always remembered the design of the earlier Replica Fendi Bags Logo. Know that Replica Fendi Bags was the first to design a wide shoulder strap. With a double-handle facet fold flap design and a removable shoulder strap, this bag may be carried, shouldered or slanted. Vintage glossy black lambskin and brown suede. Small Fendi First bag made of soft, red nappa leather-based with outsized steel F clasp bound in tone on tone nappa leather-based. Medium Fendi First bag made of sentimental, white nappa leather with outsized metallic F clasp sure in tone on tone nappa leather-based. Medium Fendi First bag made of sentimental, beige nappa leather-based with oversized steel F clasp sure in tone on tone nappa leather. So far, Fendi Clutch Bags and sparkle to a bunch of women. And like its big brothers, the original Fendi clutch to be costly. These bags could be as excessive as $ 1,000, especially leather-based. However, you'll find a way to select to obtain a pretend Fendi clutch. The leather-stitched face and black, silver and gold rivets give Karlito a brand new look. The dark brown shade that's new in autumn and winter is basically good and refined. The double F logo also perfectly soes my intensive phobia. It may be hand-slung and may be positioned beneath the shoulder. Oval mini-bag made from yellow suede with tone on tone leather-based FF motif and particulars. Original Fendi handbags include a hefty value. They often retail at about $500 upwards. Iconic Peekaboo bag, dimension small, manufactured from honey-coloured leather-based and embellished with the classic twist lock on each side. Medium Baguette 1997 bag made of soppy beige sheepskin, with tone on tone fox fur trim. Embellished with python leather-based FF clasp. Iconic medium Peekaboo ISeeU bag made from beige leather-based on one aspect and red leather on the opposite. Decorated with the iconic twist lock on each side... Medium Peekaboo X-Tote bag manufactured from dark blue canvas with a tone on tone raised embroidery FF motif. Have a take a look at our picks on the most effective Fendi impressed luggage. If you are asking your self the place to seek out Fendi inspired bags on-line, DHgate is the answer. The intricate details of the bag simply speak of the superior craftsmanship that goes via making these luggage. Even although Fendi Bags are very expensive, you may be assured that its style and material will final you a lifetime. Company's main products are furs and shoes. This style label can be identified for its subtle and stylish purses . skel.io replica fendi bag These designer luggage are very expensive and the ready record relying on style may be two or three years. There are many celebrities wearing Fendi bags, corresponding to Gwen Stefani, Hilary Duff, Linda Evangelista and many more. The brand is not afraid to experiment and their purses are made in all colours of the rainbow. Take a have a glance at Doctor B Bag that features all shades of bright colors.
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