#fox river trail
exploreelginarea · 11 months
The great Village of South Elgin remains a well-kept secret within the Chicago metropolitan area! Natural beauty, history, and amazing places to visit dot the village with plenty of things to do- for both residents and visitors alike! With a new festival-style park, abundant natural areas, miles of interconnected bike paths, a thriving retail corridor, and a huge array of residential options, South Elgin welcomes visitors and new resident and visitors to explore where life offers more!
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autotrails · 11 months
American Auto Trail-Woodrow Wilson Way (Blairsburg to Garner IA)
American Auto Trail-Woodrow Wilson Way (Blairsburg to Garner IA) https://youtu.be/xVWu8OdHexs This American auto trail explores a second part of U.S. Highway 69 in northern Iowa, between Blairsburg and Garner, along the former 1920s Woodrow Wilson Way.
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silverskye13 · 2 months
Etho looks down quietly at his basket, making sure everything he needs is inside. He knows it is best to only make one trip down to the water. The water is treacherous. He is strong enough to withstand it, but of course, everyone who ever drowned thinks they're strong enough until their lungs are bursting. So. He double checks. He makes sure.
He has a week's worth of laundry. Some dishes he needs sand from the river to scour. A bucket, so he won't have to make this trip for another few days. There are a few pieces of leather armor in need of a quick rinse before they're polished. Also, he's thirsty. He tries not to drink his rain water. He needs it to last.
Finally, Etho belts on his sword, hefts the basket over one shoulder, and the empty bucket with his free hand. He looks to the short path that leads down to the dock. The water is blue as the diamond sky above, edged in gold from the slowly gathering sunset. Birds are singing. Breeze whispers through the willow branches and cattails. Across the river, a small herd of deer is moving through the rushes. One breaks apart from the others to drink. Etho sighs out a long breath, steels himself, and walks down the trail.
The water is cursed. Very few people still come to the river for chores. Most only dare to run down for a few buckets of water when the well is running dry.
When Tango saw him gathering his things earlier, he'd shaken his head and made a warding gesture with his hand. Protection. For himself. For Etho. Or just to ward away the idea of evil.
"Scream, I guess," Tango had told him. "I doubt we'll make it in time, but yanno, we'll know what happened."
Etho had only offered a tense smile behind his mask. Everyone would know what happened, scream or not.
"I'll be fine," Etho said. "I've been fine before."
He said it a lot more confidently than he felt, and Tango wasn't reassured. Tango had a good nose for things like that. He sniffed the air, and made the chagrined expression of someone who could smell a coming thunderstorm.
"Yeah. Sure." Tango sniffed again, and then tapped the side of his nose with a knowing finger. "On second thought, maybe save your breath."
Etho walks out onto the dock, his footsteps silent as he can make them. He took his boots off by the dock's edge. They're heavy when they're wet. He sets the basket down gently on the aged wood. He fills the bucket first. In the neat and tidy plan of his habits, he thinks the bucket is the one he least wants to be left last with. It's heavy and cumbersome, and requires leaning over the water's edge. So he fills it, trying to disturb the water as little as possible, and pads back to his boots to set it down gently beside them. Then he's back to his basket, and getting to the louder work, what he know will attract attention.
He grabs a shirt and dunks it into the water, wringing it out a few times before scrubbing it against the dock's edge. Someone nailed a washboard here, probably to make it easier for everyone else who needed to scrub up -- one less cumbersome thing to drag to the riverside. Beside it, Etho can see long scratches in the wood, vanishing off the side. He has large hands, so they don't line up to him, but the unmistakable look of nails scratching, clinging, is recognizable even still. He wonders idly who made them. Probably someone playing, before the water was cursed. Or an animal that swam across the bank and needed help scurrying out.
He is tempted to think it's something more sinister, but he knows better.
The water turns from diamond blue to sunflower yellow, then to blazing orange with rusted and bleeding edges. The herd of deer on the other side of the water wanders off, sated. A fox calls in the wood somewhere, an uncanny, very human scream. The bird calls twitter into silence, replaced by chirping frogsong. Etho wrings out the last of his clothes and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. He checks how far the sun has dipped in the sky, and decides he has an our yet before dark settles in.
With his clothes washed, he sets them back in the basket, neatly folded. They'll wrinkle probably, but when he puts them out on the line, the wind will straighten them out. His knees are sore from kneeling, his back from leaning. His armor will be easier to clean if he can settle in, brace it on his crossed legs.
Etho looks around the water, at the deceptive stillness. It's a slow, lazy river, hardly pushing the water fast enough to put ripples on it. There is one place near the opposite bank where a long shadow stretches from a stone, broken by the reflection of red sunset. It's the kind of image he would expect to see on a lake on a windless day. He's heard before that quiet rivers make for deadly waters, that there is a current in holes in the riverbed that will devour someone.
But Etho isn't in the water. He's on the dock, and the dock is safe. Nothing will drag him off it. Nothing in the water is strong enough. It doesn't have to be. There is some comfort in that, in knowing he can't be devoured against his will. It is why he still comes to the river. It is why he dares. Etho sits back and crosses his legs, bracing his leathers against his knees. He scoops a palm full of water onto them and scrubs, trying to get blood out of the small cracks where it will settle and rot. His chainmail is back at the fort up the hill, where its heaviness can't encumber him. It cleans itself reasonably well, all the links clattering together, just so long as he doesn't roll in any mud.
There is shuffling on the dock behind him, the creaking of old wood. Etho tilts his head, breathes in deeply through his nose. His pulse doesn't quicken. After a momentary pause, he resumes his work.
"Hey BDubs," he says conversationally. "Trying to sneak up on me?"
"Wh-- no. Of course not." There is mischief in BDub's answer, a grin in his voice. "The great Etho? Never. You probably heard me coming from a mile away."
"Maybe not a mile," Etho chuckles humbly. "You going to join me?"
"Well, I don't know," BDubs laughs, leaning over Etho's shoulder. "Is it safe?"
"I don't know why it wouldn't be."
"Water's cursed," BDubs reminds him. "There could be boogiemen about."
"You trying to tell me something BDubs?" Etho asks slyly, peering up at his friend.
"What? No of course not," BDubs laughs. He sits beside Etho, plunging his bare feet into the water beside the dock. "Even if I was, you know me Etho. You? Kill you? You'd kill me first."
"I don't know about that," Etho hums, splashing another palm full of water on a buckle clasp and scrubbing at a rusted stain with his thumb. "You made pretty efficient work of Grian."
"Grian had it coming," BDubs shrugs. "Got too caught up listening to the music."
Etho chuckles. "The music was very good."
BDubs kicks his feet in the water, humming the tune momentarily under his breath. It's a haunting sound, not really meant to be sung. Not by anything human. Etho shudders in spite of himself.
"Man, don't do that."
"Sorry! Haha! Sorry. Couldn't help it," BDubs grins a gap-tooth smile in Etho's direction, his eyes bright and gilded by the setting sun. "It's probably one of the coolest kills I've ever gotten."
"I'll make sure Tango knows you said that."
"Oh, Tango's fine." Bdubs waves a hand dismissively. "He's just upset 'cause I scared him."
"You did more than just scare him."
Dark room. Dark water. Tango screaming and running, scrabbling at the walls with his nails. If they ever went back to that little cave, Etho wondered if there would be marks on the walls like the docks, played, desperate fingers, digging.
"Well he's alive, isn't he?"
"I guess he is."
"Then he should get over it!"
Etho shakes his head, laughing. BDubs' voice is over-loud on the quiet lake, but its a good sound. Full of intensity and joy, and revelry. It made the silence between his words stark and empty, and Etho was always loathe to fill it.
Bdubs suddenly wraps an arm around Etho's shoulders, pulling him into a conspiratorial embrace. "Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you, by the way."
Etho suddenly has goosebumps on his neck, his spine, his arms. BDubs' arm is cold against his shoulders. He smells of bracken and standing water, and his eyes are bright as sunset. Etho takes a long, slow breath in and holds it for a moment.
"Uh... Yeah, BDubs?"
"I've got a plan, you know, for the others," Bdubs continues, his voice dropping to something near a whisper. There is something on the edge of his tone like the ringing of bells. Excitement. Thrill. Hunger. "But I'll need some help. I mean, I'm good at redstone, you know 'ol BDubs knows his stuff. But I need an expert. Someone good at traps."
"You know you've always got me Bdubs," Etho laughs, and it is hard to keep the nervousness from his voice. He's not sure he succeeds. "I'm happy to help. Just uh--" He shrugs his shoulders, and BDubs' arm falls away. "You know. Keep your distance."
"You're not scared of me, are you Etho?" Bdubs laughs, and it's loud and boisterous, and perfect. It echoes off the water like glass. Bells and ringing. He gives Etho a prideful, knowing look. "No, you're not scared of little 'ol BDubs. I know what you're scared of."
BDubs suddenly turns and slips into the water. Not all the way. His hands are still clinging to the wood, his elbows resting on the dock like it was a pool side. But the splash hits Etho's side and makes him shudder so hard, he drops the armor he'd been polishing. In a flash he's on his feet, backing away two, three steps. His movements feel too slow and heavy, and there's an instant of panic in him.
"Woah man!" Etho snaps, startled. He reaches for something, anything-- "I said keep your--!"
But BDubs is laughing, kicking his feet, stirring up the mud at the bottom of the river. "Oh come on Etho. It's water."
Etho takes three long breaths, filling his lungs to bursting before pushing the air out again heavy through his nose.
"You're fine you big baby," BDubs grins, resting his head on his crossed arms. His legs stop kicking, stop stirring up the mud, and Etho can see the water is shallow enough that he's standing on the bottom. He'd thought-- he'd thought-- "You'd think I tried to drown you, jeez."
He thought it was deeper.
Etho held his breath for a moment, counted slowly. He wanted to reach his hand to his neck, to check his pulse. To see how fast his heart was beating. He moved his hand to, and at a mocking glance from his friend, decides instead to stoop to pick up his dropped armor. He walks carefully to his basket and places it inside.
"Why'd you come down here, anyway?" BDubs asks. "If you're so scared, I mean."
"You know me, BDubs. I always come back," Etho answers, almost a reflex. A rehearsed answer. "Who else would I go to?"
"Tango and Skizz?"
"They won't keep me safe like you will." Etho points out. He shudders again, the cold from BDub's touch had seeped into him more than he thought it had. He's acclimating though, like jumping into a pool. It's a cold that seeps out of him, warms as it settles. "It's me and you to the end, right buddy?"
"Of course Etho. I'd never betray you."
Etho looks through his things one last time, then frowns. He turns the basket with his foot. He glances at BDubs, who still watches him from the water's edge. Then he takes a chance and crouches down beside his basket, rifling through with both hands.
"Lose something?" BDubs asks, standing on his tiptoes to get a better look.
Etho looks around, checking first the dock, and then the water beyond. In the deeper water over the side, he sees the flash of a buckle in the dying rays of the sun.
"Oh, huh," BDubs hums disinterestedly. "Guess you'll have to get that."
"BDubs," Etho scowls.
"Fine! Fine. I get it. You don't wanna get wet." BDubs puts up his hands, as though surrendering. "The water really isn't all that bad." He offers Etho a quick little salute. "Be right back."
He takes an exaggerated breath and splashes beneath the dock, stirring up mud and river plants. He breaks the water's surface shortly after, holding up the fallen armor piece triumphantly. "Ta-da! Hold your applause. I know I'm great."
Etho, in spite of himself, chuckles. He shivers again -- the evening is getting cold -- and reaches a hand out. BDubs places the buckle in his hand, then reaches his other hand up to clasp Etho's gently. It's awkward and off-balance, Etho leaning precariously over the side of the dock, and BDubs on his tip-toes, holding him in place. It isn't a hard grasp. At any moment, Etho can take his hand away. He has always been stronger than BDubs.
"Hey, Etho, I really have missed you, man," BDubs says, smiling fondly, his voice soft. It isn't a whisper. It simply isn't loud and brash like he normally is. Heartfelt. The kind of tone that beckons, that wants to be listened to. "I mean-- I've missed us doing things together. It reminds me of the good 'ol days, you know? NHO and Mindcrack. We make a good team."
"We do," Etho agrees. He takes a long, slow breath. He shivers.
He frowns.
Etho pulls his hand out of BDubs, and BDubs offers no resistance. Etho looks down at his hand, at the wrinkled, waterlogged skin. He rubs his thumb across his forefingers, feeling the odd texture, grounding himself on it. Etho takes a deep breath in, lets it out again slowly.
"How long have I been in the water, BDubs?" Etho whispers.
Etho is still holding the belt buckle in one hand, still looking down at the wrinkled fingers of his other. BDubs is still in front of him, only his head and shoulders above the water. Etho looks back over his shoulder. The dock is startlingly far away, the basket sitting on the very edge. Beyond it, his boots and water bucket are sitting in the grass beside rushes and willow branches.
"Does it matter?" BDubs asks, smiling gently.
Etho takes a long, deep breath through his nose.
"Oh, don't be scared," BDubs says, moving silently closer. He reaches out his hands and grasps Etho's arms, a gentle touch, reassuring. A friend trying to assuage fear. His eyes are blazing red and orange with the setting sun, but the sky is black and salted with stars. "I didn't drag you down here, Etho. You came to me, remember?"
"You know I'd never betray you," BDubs continues, taking a slow step backwards. He pulls Etho with him, and Etho, by habit and familiarity, takes a step forward. The allure of BDubs' voice tilts his vision. He's on the dock, holding the buckle that fell in the water, and BDubs is clasping his hands, and the sun is setting. The water is up to his chest, and the world is dark star-filled, and BDubs is taking another step backwards, and Etho is following. "I could have betrayed you day one, and I didn't. I'm just asking for your help, Etho. You and me together, right?"
"It's the deep water, isn't it?" BDubs croons, like he's speaking to a child. "The deep water scares you? It's okay. You're fine."
Etho is fine. His breathing is slow, his heartbeat even. He wants to be scared. He should be scared. But BDubs is his friend.
BDubs reaches up to Etho's neck, not to strangle or to threaten, but to gently cup his hands around him. He pulls gently on Etho, not to drag Etho down, but to raise himself up, so they're nearly eye to eye. Etho feels water around his shoulders, and shivers.
"It's okay," BDubs says. "I would never hurt you, I promise. We don't have to go any deeper." His voice even and calm, inexorable. Etho's pulse doesn't quicken when he says, "You know how many people drown in shallow water? It's easy. I'll be with you the whole time."
The water is around Etho's neck, and BDubs is above him just slightly. One hand raises slowly to the back of Etho's head, fingers gently tangling in his hair. It is the caress of someone who cares for him deeply, someone who wants him to stay. The feeling is wholly dissonant from the words being spoken. Water? Drowning? How could someone who loves him so much drown him?
"You want to stay with me, right?" BDubs asks. "You and me together, we'd be unstoppable, Etho. The best duo the Life Series has ever seen."
BDub's hand on Etho's neck moves just slightly, the thumb pulling around to rest on his adam's apple. The hand in his hair clenches just a little. A warning. "You're not thinking about betraying me, are you?"
Etho shivers again. He wants to be afraid.
"You know, Grian said some things before he drowned," BDubs's hand on his neck tightened just a little. Etho could feel his pulse against BDub's thumb, finally, finally beginning to quicken. "He said you were a survivor. He said you'd leave me -- heh -- high and dry. You wouldn't do that, would you, Etho?"
Etho's pulse quickened more. There was a cold numbness in his limbs that he hadn't even noticed gathering, and his sluggishly awakening panic pushed it from him.
"BDubs," Etho said, his voice small and hoarse in his throat, "let me go."
"Etho..." BDubs said warningly.
"Let me go!" Etho shouted, planting his hands on BDub's chest and shoving backwards away. What he felt, in that brief second, was neither skin nor flesh, nor the softness of fabric. He felt tangled river weeds, and fish scales, slimy and cold against his skin. The cursed thing that looked like BDubs but wasn't, released Etho spitefully. His claws tore from Etho's neck, scraped along the back of his head to come free with pale strands of his hair. Suddenly there were arms around him, and Etho screamed and thrashed as he was dragged.
"I've got you dude! I've got you!"
It was Skizz, his voice a thunderous bellow in Etho's ear, his arms feverishly hot against him where they clamped like vices around his waist. Skizz dragged Etho from the water like he weighed nothing. Etho got his feet underneath himself and clung to Skizz, staggering out of the water as quick as he could. He heard feet pounding on the dock, and glanced over to watch Tango sprint across the wood. He stooped, grabbed up Etho's basket, and sprinted back with it, the reaching, clawed hand of the thing that looked like BDubs snapping for his ankles and missing.
"I got him!" Skizz shouted to Tango, scrambling onto the grass, refusing to let Etho go until they were well up the path. "Did you see how close he was?!"
"Yeah I saw!" Tango snapped, choking on his own fear, gulping in air and coughing it back out again. "It tried to drag me in!"
"Oh my god, are you okay dude?" Skizz demanded, and, when Tango nodded, he turned back to Etho. "Are you okay? I didn't see you go under. Can you breathe?"
Etho, who had collapsed into the grass the moment Skizz released him, lay there gasping like a hooked fish. He shivered, pale and cold from how long he spent in the water-- how long had he been in the water. He could still feel the thing's burning claws in streaks across his neck, and a tickling of blood at the back of his head.
"I'm okay," Etho gasped, "I'm sorry I just-- I needed-- I wanted--"
"I know what you wanted!" Tango snapped angrily, the anger of someone who had risked his life. The anger of someone who thought a friend of his was dead, or dying. "But it's not him, Etho."
"It sounds like him," Etho whispered. He threw an arm over his eyes and shivered again. "It sounds like him, though."
"I know it does buddy, I know," Skizz said, his voice full of sympathy and pity. He waited with mountainous patience as Etho pulled himself together, and then helped Etho stand.
Together, they walked back to the fort.
Behind them, something cursed and hungry in the dark water, sang, and its voice was sweet and familiar.
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amorgansgal · 2 months
Between a rock and a hard place
I finally finished it! Inspired by @autistichalsin's post about Halsin seemingly enjoying a little erotica involving 'Oh no, I'm stuck under the table... whatever shall I do?' I decided to write a piece inspired by that with a druid tav x Halsin relationship.
CW: Sexual content, terrible dad humour from Halsin, maybe not one for you if you're not a fan of small, cramped, dark spaces
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It had all been fun and games at first. Tav had been playing with the children, she had been a fox and they were chasing her through the surrounding meadows and forests, finally she managed to get some way ahead of them and hidden herself in a little rocky crevice. She watched them race by, doing her best to stay quiet and not laugh. The children ran down to the nearby river and out of view.
But before she had a chance to turn round and leave the crevice, she lost control of her wild shape spell and turned back to her usual self! Suddenly, the fairly sizable crevice was impossibly tight. She took a deep breath in. No need to panic, she just needed to focus and turn herself back into the fox! However much she tried though it wasn’t happening, perhaps she had exhausted her spell slots or couldn’t focus properly with a bit of the rock poking into her. Alright, well if that wasn’t working, perhaps she could wiggle out of the crevice or at least stop that bit of rock digging into her side. 
She wiggled back out of the opening, managing to get her legs through the hole until her toes were just touching the dirt underneath and- Oh! She couldn’t get the rest of her waist, shoulders and arms through the hole. She tried changing her position, attempting to move onto her side or getting one arm through, but it was no good. Gods, what if the children found her like this? They would be in hysterics! And then they’d probably have to get one of their parents to help. It would be utterly embarrassing and humiliating! 
Per her worst nightmares, Tav suddenly heard the heavy tread of someone walking up the hill! She tried to scrabble frantically again, but it was no good, she wasn’t budging. The footsteps came to a halt behind her and she waited with baited breath for laughter or someone questioning what the hell she was doing. Some great, noble hero of Baldur's Gate she was! Gods, it was going to be humilating once she got back to Reithwin. No doubt the children would find it hysterically funny!
‘Dear, oh dear,’ Halsin’s warm voice sent a rush of relief running through her. He did chuckle though. ‘How have you managed to get yourself into this tight spot?’
‘Ha ha ha!’ she muttered sarcastically. ‘I was playing with the children.’
‘I know, they returned to the town without you and didn’t know where you’d gone. They were planning on looking for you at the old hospital, but sadly they were distracted by snacks.’
Tav harrumphed, unbelievable! So much for her little rescuers! ‘Well, at least you’re here, please help me! Can do a shrinking spell or something?’
Halsin laughed quietly again and she jumped a little on feeling his warm, rough hand on her behind, his thumb gently stroking the cheek. ‘Hmm, I could, but then… it seems a shame to not make the most of this opportunity.’
‘Halsin!’ Tav squeaked, wiggling furiously. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me, I’m stuck in a rock and you’re thinking about that!’
‘Mm,’ Halsin rumbled and his hand stroked up her butt, coming to the waistline of her trousers. He suddenly tugged them down and Tav felt the cool air on her bare skin and Halsin’s fingers trailed round to her underwear. ‘There’s something quite delicious about you being caught between a rock and a hard place.’
‘Halsin!’ Tav growled, not at all amused, though she couldn’t help but let slip a little moan as his fingers stroked the fabric of her underwear and lightly teased her clit. Her wiggling was certainly not helping matters anymore. ‘What if the children come back?’
‘Like I said,’ he replied, sliding down her underwear till it was caught between her ankles and the cool air against her skin made her realise just how wet she was. A hot embarrassing flush ran over her body. She couldn’t really be enjoying this! She was stuck in a hole, defenceless with her lover teasing her about it and he was making the absolute most of this mess… Halsin’s fingers slid down her slit, rubbing circles over her clit and making her gasp. ‘The children are busy and you aren’t telling me to stop, though of course, if you wish for me to desist, I will-.’
‘No!’ she cried, then quickly bit her lip as Halsin gave a low chuckle. His fingers momentarily left her slit and she gave a pathetic little whine, then they returned slick with his spit and making her moan as he stroked her clit again, before dipping down and easily sliding into her. 
‘My heart, you’re drenched,’ Halsin murmured and the low rumble in his voice made her shiver. ‘Perhaps in future we will have to find more tight spots you can get caught in!’
Tav whined as he sunk his fingers in deeper, slowly fucking her, stretching her so she could take him. Her feet scrabbled against the dust and dirt and she tried to roll her hips more, but it was proving difficult. Her pants and moans echoed around the small cave and she was desperate for more. ‘Halsin, please, please, we don’t have time.’
‘We have all the time in the world, my heart,’ he murmured, ‘But I will give you what you want, what you desire.’
She felt his cock press against her sopping wet entrance, he slid it back and forth along the wet seam and she closed her eyes as it hit her clit and heard Halsin’s groan. Gods, she wished he could touch her, her breasts, her neck, her waist, but all he could reach were her hips, thighs and cunt. His fingers tightened on her hips, the nails digging in and then she gasped when he pushed his cock inside her. Tav heard Halsin’s delicious low moan at the sensation. He stayed still for a moment, his hands gripping her to the point she wondered if he would leave some bruises on her hips and thighs. Finally, achingly slowly, he pulled out until just the tip was left inside her needy, clenching pussy and then he thrust back inside of her so quickly he almost pushed her further into the cave.
It was almost brutal how deep and fast Halsin was fucking her, and how this position and situation left her utterly defenceless and utterly at his mercy. Perhaps that was what he liked about it, she thought to herself, but she couldn’t do much thinking as his thighs and balls slapped against her butt and his cock hit that little sensitive spot that left her squirming. One of his arms had her lifted up under her waist, as she had almost slipped a few times when he was fucking her, and the other was messily, desperately stroking her clit.
It left Tav gasping for air and moaning at the sensations flooding through her, there was no time to think or try to get a better position as Halsin rutted into her and the only thing she could do as she was overwhelmed by a glorious, heady rush of pleasure was to grip onto a crumbly piece of rock in front of her, that shattered into pieces in her hand. Evidently, the feel of her clenching around Halsin’s cock was enough, and with a deep, low growl he came inside her. He thrust a few more times, before stilling and Tav could hear him getting his breath back, before he slipped out. She shivered as he moved away and the cool air rushed back to her warm thighs. 
‘Thank you, my love,’ he said. ‘And I’m sorry I took advantage of you, but I could not pass it up, it’s been something of a fantasy of mine.’
‘As long as you get me out of this damnable hole, I think I can forgive pretty much anything!’ Tav yelled over her shoulder. Halsin chuckled, then uttered the spell and she was immediately shrinking down to almost half her size. She wiggled out the hole, glad to feel the warm sun on her skin and fresh air on her face. She tutted playfully at Halsin, but he had already picked her up easily and given her a kiss. 
‘Hm, funnily enough this has been another fantasy of mine,’ he said, once the kiss was over. 
‘I think we better save that one for another time!’ Tav said, they hardly needed to have round two and run the risk of being caught, though she couldn't help smiling when he kissed her again and the hot, heady look was already blazing in his eyes.
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whispering-clan · 9 months
The Costal Valley Territories
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I made a map of the Whisper-verse clan's territories!
These clans live alongside the sea in a small valley split by a river!
Note: this map is more representative than entirely accurate, I just tried to show the basic idea of what the territories look like.
Descriptions of the Clan Territories below!
Moon Island:
Moon Island is both the gathering place for the clans on the full moon, and the place where the majority of the clans (excluding Whisperingclan) go to speak to Starclan. In the middle of the island where the trees form a circle around a large stone, the leaders will perch for meetings. This is also where cats wishing to speak to Starclan sit- under the light of the moon and stars.
Age/origin: Youngest clan; formed after the founders were banished from Roaringclan for a coup against the new leader.
Territory: the tallest mountains, rocky, though with some trees, grass and bushes interspersed with the stone. There are a few small creeks and pools running through the mountains due to rain and snow run off, there are also several caves within the mountain. The winter is the worst here with the high altitude and high snowfall.
Camp: the Whispering Cave, a large cave filed with mystical glowing crystals which seem to whisper with the words of the Starclan ancestors. There are several pools above the cave, from which small streams of water fall through cracks in the stone into the cave.
Borders: the River marks the border with Roaringclan and SIngingclan; the border with Growlingclan is only marked with scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the mountain peaks becoming lower and sharper in Growling territory.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Singingclan and Echoingclan; territory was once larger, but was taken over by humans.
Territory: grassy, hilly, plains. Notable features are small patches of trees and bushes, a lake, a muddy/ soil patch by the river, and many little burrows to be found amongst the hills.
Camp: the Abandoned Burrows, a circle of empty fox burrows surrounded by trees and bushes.
Borders: the River marks the border with Whisperingclan; the creek marks the borders of Singingclan and Weepingclan; and on all other sides a human fence marks where their territory ends and the Human Farms begin.
Age/Origin: Second youngest, though still far older than Whisperingclan; formed from Singingclan separating into two clans, not from any all out fighting, but the realization that there were two obvious separate groups (in skill and personality) in the clan that could survive better in the separate territories.
Territory: marsh lands and dark forests made up of willows and oaks. The forests have soft thick wet peat, though there are some rocky places. Tall grasses and reeds grow around the marsh giving good cover.
Camp: The Weeping Grotto, a large cave opening within a rocky area of the forest of which is surrounded by the largest and oldest weeping willows of the territory.
Borders: the border with Roaringclan is marked by the creek; the border with Singingclan is marked by scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the change in types of trees; the small piece of border with Echoingclan is separated by the river at it's widest, though both clans lay claim to half of the row of stepping stones which could connect the territories; the border which is not shared with any clan stops where human trails (hiking trails) begin, farther from there are human dens and farms.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Roaringclan and Echoingclan; originally encompassed Weepingclan as well, but they amicably separated into two clans for better survival.
Territory: forests made of oak and birch along with meadows filled with wildflowers and grasses. Through the center of the territory runs the River and a small creek shoots off through the territory as well. the river is banked by reeds and other water plants.
Camp: the River Hollow, a space surrounded by trees in the center of the island in the middle of the River within their territory.
Borders: the border with Roaringclan is marked by the creek; the border with Whispering and Growlingclan is marked by the River; the border with Weepingclan is marked by scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the change of types of trees; and the border with Echoingclan is marked with scent markers, though it is easy to tell where it is, it is where the sand begins.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Roaringclan and Singingclan; originally encompassed Growlingclan as well, though unlike Weeping and Singing, the separation was born from civil war, the losing side being Growlingclan.
Territory: a beach, almost entirely sand with only costal plants growing in the territory. There is a cliff line which is made up of rock, at the higher end of which the beach is mostly rock with tide pools, weathered stone arches, and the opening to a system of sea caves. This territory seems small, but the sea caves stretch out underneath for large expanses, and even under Growlingclan's territory, Echoingclan lays claim to all of the cave system even under other clan's terriotories.
Camp: the Sea Caves, mostly the large cavern formed at the front opening of the Sea Caves but some cats may even make their own dens in smaller off shoots of the caves as well.
Borders: most of their borders are at the sea's edge, though their borders with the other clans are marked with scent markers; it is easy to tell where territories end however. the border with Singingclan is where Singing's grass begins, and the border with Growlingclan is where the mountain's stone begins.
Age/Origin: Third youngest, though still far older than Whisperingclan; formed from Echoingclan separating into two clans, two factions in the clan had formed and went into a civil war, Echoing won and banished the losing side to the far less hospitable side of the territory.
Territory: Truly one of the harshest territories, the lower levels of the mountains, rocky sharp lands that end with cliffs along the sea shore that are too high to dare try to reach the sea. There are small groups of shrubs and small trees, but little else in the form of plant life. there are some small pools which are cherished as they are the only certain sources of water.
Camp: the Broken Crag, a cliff face which is broken in places revealing small caves where cats can make dens.
Borders: the border with Whisperingclan is marked with scent markers though the change in territories can also be seen through the mountain peaks becoming higher in Whispering territory; the small border with Singingclan is marked with the river; the border with Echoingclan is marked with scent markers though it is easy to tell where the border is, it is where the sand begins.
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trendywaifus · 11 months
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↳ not in love, baby it’s just lust!
always look both ways and behind you when you walk at night.
↳ featuring, michael myers! jingliu
—cw, sub! fem! reader, jingliu has a cock, face fucking, murder mentioned, gagging, cursing, size–kink, death of a character, dub-con
the sounds of your heavy breathing and wheezing echoes through the narrow walls of the horribly lit alleyway. your limbs burned with exhaustion and you were on the verge of passing out from nonstop running. the hot tears you desperately tried to wipe away, continuously runs down your flushed cheeks. you meet face to face with a dead end, your blood runs cold. “ o-oh my fucking god!” you slammed your palm against the cold brick wall in frustration. “ i just did a dumb white girl move, why did i even turn into this alleyway?! “
you whipped around, hoping to scramble out of the narrow space before your pursuer comes. you halted after a few steps in upon seeing the tall shadow of a silhouette steadily approaching towards your only escape route out. “ o-of course the motherfucker shows up. .! “ you muttered harshly, watching in horror as the looming figure stands tall at the entrance of the alleyway. your eyes trails down to what looks like to be a knife in their hand. “ oh fuck, i’m going to die because i wanted to buy a bag of shitty candy from the shitty corner store at night. .”
they began to approach, taking slow, calculated steps towards you. the knife twirls in their hand almost playfully as you backed up, frantically looking around for a weapon to use. “ last w-words of advice, if you’re interested in a woman, h-how about you not follow them and try to kill them, mister i. .—miss?” you were at a loss of words as her appearance became more visible under the shitty flickering lights. she had on a familiar worn–out fox mask, rivers of white hair flowed down her shoulders from underneath it. she wore a grey coverall jumpsuit that shaped her fit body.
“ th-this somehow got worse—you were the one who was following me? i seriously just heard about you on the news last night. god, i’m so fucked! “ you sobbed, forcing yourself up against the wall. a man by the name of yingxing was brutally murdered in his own home yesterday in broad daylight. it’s so happen that a witness caught a few glimpses of the masked killer somewhere outside the home after the murder and was able to give the police a distinctive description of her. why did you have to be the one to confirm it’s accurate in the worst way possible?
swallowed by her presence as she now towers over your figure, her dull red eyes peers down at you through the slits of the mask, amused by your pathetic mental breakdown. she raises her knife up and you instinctively closed your eyes shut, waiting for the sharp pain to come. instead, a cool metal gently brushes against your cheek, wiping away stray tears. you flinched, opening your eyes to stare at the masked woman with confusion.
“ d-did you just. . .? “ she tilts her head, letting out a low chuckle at your cute reaction. your brows furrowed, she’s either fucking with you or—she actually took your advice? “ maybe i won’t die tonight if i play my cards right. .” you whispered. taking a deep breath, you mustered up a tight-lipped smile. “ i-i heard a lot about you, including your name. jing. .liu, correct? “ she stares at you for a moment before slowly nodding.
“ you have such a beautiful name and you seem like a. .reasonable woman, jingliu. i actually want to go home since it’s like late at night and i think my mother is worried about me. you wouldn’t mind stepping aside so i can go, right? you’re kind of blocking the way—n-not to be rude. .”
jingliu says nothing, nor did she move aside to allow you to pass. instead, she takes a step forward, practically sandwiching you between her and the wall. you yelped, placing your palms against her stomach. it’s safe to assume that she did not want you to leave nor was she interested in killing you. her calloused hand cups your cheek, caressing the skin tenderly. you laughed nervously, “ i-i guess you already taken a liking to me. fucking perfect. “
your breath hitches as she leans down to your face, the rough texture of the mask grazes your cheek. you shifted uncomfortably against her, earning a soft groan. “ s-sorry? why did you make that—oh.” a soft bulge rubs against your thigh, causing you to stiffen up. jingliu swiftly tosses the knife to the side, the metal object hits the asphalt with a loud clang. her hands lands on your hips, forcing them to grind against hers. “ e-easy, easy, jingliu! “ you gasped, holding back a soft moan. fuck, a small adjustment easily triggered her?
she grunts, easing her grip on your hips but her movements doesn’t falter. “ sh-shit. . “ arousal shamelessly stirs in your belly, slowly dragging you into a mess of dirty thoughts about the feral woman. she hastily pulls up her mask, just enough to free the lower half of her face and smashed her lips against yours. the searing kiss was nothing but tongue and teeth. she easily overpowered you, not caring about bruising your lips. her hands journeys up your sides, wishing to explore every nook and cranny of your body.
her tongue hungrily explores your warm cavern, swallowing your whimpers. lust consumes you whole, trapping you in its hold and starts plucking away at any rational thought you had about the reality of the current situation. without hesitation, your hand slides down her stomach and squeezed at the hardened bulge. a deep growl emits from jingliu’s throat, she rolls her hips against your palm. “ god, it went from wanting to go home to wanting to fuck a suspected serial killer. ” you breathed, unzipping the jumpsuit from under the waistband, freeing her cock from its restraints.
jingliu’s lips parts as she laughs huskily at the irony. she firmly sets her hand on your shoulder and easily pushes you down to your knees. she hooks her hand on the back of your head, urging you to open your mouth. you complied, allowing her length to slide inside. her breath hitches, taken aback by how good you feel. your jaw tenses as jingliu fully pushes herself in until the tip was kissing the back of your throat.
suddenly, she jerks her hips forward, forcing her cock down your throat causing you to gag. she pulls back before doing it again. each time, it gets deeper and sloppy until she’s repeatedly fucking your tight throat without a care in the world. series of throaty moans and sounds of wet squelching fills the empty night sky. drool runs down your chin as you struggled to accommodate her size and pace. your palms pressed against her thighs to at least cease her speed but she was far more stronger than you.
her cock twitches in your mouth, signaling her inevitable climax. throwing her head back in pure ecstasy, she thrusts into your mouth one final time before loads of cum shoots down your throat. jingliu doesn’t pull out until she’s sure you’ve swallowed everything. once she was satisfied, she releases your head, finally allowing you to cough and breathe properly.
“ fuck. . “ you cursed, massaging your tense jaw. jingliu snatches you up by the forearm and pulls you up without warning. she presses you back into the wall, peppering your face with feverish kisses. her deft hands find themselves unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down to your ankles for you to kick off. her eyes looks you up and down hungrily, gaze lingering on your bare legs and panties. she places her hands on your sides and easily lifts you up from off the ground. you yelp, circling your legs around her waist.
she smirks at you, sliding your panties to the side to push her drool—covered cock inside your cunt. you both moan in sync as your walls clamp around her. “ l-let me adjust—nngh! “ ignoring your request, jingliu sinks you down to the hilt, completely filling you up. she pants heavily into your ear, retracting her hips back before thrusting right in again. “ s’big, i-i c-can’t! “ you moaned, pushing at her shoulders.
she holds you tighter and moves away to send you a threatening look. her once blank ruby eyes were wild, glistening with unadulterated lust. the masked woman finally uses her tongue to speak, her voice was raspy and low as she growled,
“ don’t. .push . .me. .away . ! “
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blaithnne · 9 months
My daughter’s new pet is half deer, half fox. They tumble over each other, racing through the valley, their rhythm imperfect, she is human after all. Half human, half something I can’t quite recall,
I don’t know him      well, his fur is soft and smooth. Little antlers,  tiny twigs on his brow. Hoofs like       black pinpricks, needles     through fabric. At night he howls at nothing, he doesn’t quite know why.
His fur is soft and smooth     , morning snow, untrampled, unbothered. Black spots     speckled by the bane of his tail,     an old scar from something he can’t quite recall.
I don’t know him very well. He runs an endless trail past the river with my daughter, in two step tandem, they’ve learned to act as one. Half human, half deerfox, half nothing      at all.
He looks at me, sometimes, with ink black     misty eyes. He licks my hand, leans his head on my palm, as if the weight of the world is held by the little twigs on his brow.
I am so far away from home, he says. I will never see my mother again. She is so far away, I am here. I am all that there is,        , anywhere, of me.
You understand me, he says. We’re the same,     brothers. Half deer, half fox. Half human, half something you can’t quite recall.
We walk in two step tandem, Two parallel lines that touch without knowing. We have     never met. We have known each other our whole lives.
We’re the same, like brothers, he says. You understand    , he says, and I don’t know why but         I do.
I can’t                        recall. The ' something     I’m  missing. The bridge between me, and all that there is.
I am all I can’t recall. I am the tear      left unstitched. Half human, half nothing, nothing          at all.
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deluxewhump · 2 months
The Bahkauv: Communication
Fantasy whump, previous torture mentioned, nonhuman whumpee, captivity, multiple caretakers (carewhumpers is a fair definition too because of the captivity element), it/he pronouns intermittently, fear and reassurance
Stephan’s bandaged hand throbbed in time with his heartbeat. To avoid agitating it, he tried to stay still. Just before full dark, they had been joined by another traveler. Francis was curious, as always, and too friendly. Stephan would have preferred they told the man to be on his way, but the hospitality of his companions won out over his caution. A lone traveler was just as likely to be a fugitive and a cutthroat as anything else, especially in these wilds.
The visitor claimed he’d had a river trout for his dinner, but that it had been stolen by a clever fox that was trailing him as he headed southwest. They’d offered him food.
Stephan prodded their campfire with a stick. At least they were headed in opposite directions, he thought irritably. The flames danced higher, illuminating the stranger’s shadowed and scarred face. He was bigger than all of them, including Stephan, with an axe on his belt and greasy hair that looked like it had not been cut in some years.
“Kind of you to give a stranger food,” he commented, chewing a piece of their carefully packed rations. “I’ve come across naught but unfriendly types in these times. Everyone suspects everyone else of something. I suppose it doesn’t help that someone’s just killed the King.”
None of them responded. Even Francis knew better than to engage an armed stranger in talk of politics. Half the people in these northwestern hinterlands called the old King the usurper, and the other half accused the new King of the same.
“Happy to help a fellow traveler, if we can,” came Francis’s diplomatic reply. It was belated, and the stranger looked up with a chuckle.
“I suppose you don’t have any antivenom among you, do you?”
“What bit you?” asked Francis immediately. He’d probably ask to see the bite, Stephan thought. Take notes in his field journal like an obsessed scry. Always the scientist, even in moments where it was hardly appropriate.
“Not me.” The stranger nodded toward Stephan’s bandaged hand. “The big redhead. You get bit by an adder collecting firewood? Or was it that creature you’ve got there that you’re pretending is a particularly quiet companion?”
Stephan’s gaze flicked to the bahkauv before he could stop himself. It had heard, alright. And Stephan no longer had any doubts it understood. Until a moment ago, it had done nothing but stare sullenly into the fire, a foot farther back than the rest of them, hunched against the evening chill. Despite the fact that none of them had punished it for biting Stephan that afternoon, it was still afraid of them. Now it was downright terrified, chest rising and falling faster, dark eyes wide.
The stranger on the other side of the fire gave a self satisfied smile and took another bite of salt pork. “I thought so. I was almost certain. That mop of hair hides the ears well enough in the dark, but it’s the eyes.” He pointed two fingers up at his own, glinting with firelight. “Not quite right, are they? I can always tell your kind, leech.”
Francis was looking at their captive with open sympathy on his face. Stephan wished he could elbow him without being noticed. Arthur was steadfast, betraying nothing with his expression.
“Antivenom?” Stephan asked as if he were largely disinterested. His bandaged hand throbbed and ached.
“Yes. You’ll be needing it, come the morning. Or maybe afternoon, it’s hard to say. You’re tall, and strong. Maybe it’ll take a while. But a single drop’ll kill a draft horse. Just takes its time.”
“Are you a hunter?”
“No,” replied the traveler. He nodded his head vaguely north. “But I’ve spent time in the far reaches. I know their kind. They’re rare, but still a nuisance. They look human when they’re not feeding. It’s disarming, I know. I see it too. But one of these things will kill you as soon as look at you, and when it’s on you, it looks like a wild animal. They stalk like mountain lions, move like shadows. It prefers to get a man alone, preferably too far into his cups to defend himself. They call it a bahkauv. Did whoever sold it to you tell you that? That bruise is fresh, or it would’ve healed already. Did you hit it?” he asked Stephan. “For the bite it gave you?”
“I’m afraid we’re all exhausted,” Arthur said, standing and brushing campfire ash from his pants. “And if what you say is accurate, we need to pack up before first light and make the city as quickly as we can.”
The stranger rose to his feet, surprisingly agile. “I’ve overstayed. I’ll be on my way. I thank you again for the food, and I wish you safe travels.” He stopped to ponder the bahkauv, as if studying the impressive boy-shaped disguise it embodied.
“Take another piece,” Francis insisted, going into his own pack and drawing out more of their rations. “For the road.”
The stranger took it with a grateful nod and untethered his horse, leading it cautiously into the darkness.
“Stephan,” Arthur said when their visitor was out of earshot. “How is your hand feeling?”
“It’s a bite. It hurts. But not unusually so.”
Was his heart beating faster than it ought to, or was he just alarmed by the idea of venom leaking steadily into his blood?
“The city is more than a morning’s ride,” Francis said. “I doubt any little hamlet we might cross before then will have anything to aid a rare, foreign venom, either.”
“If that man was even telling the truth,” Stephan pointed out, partly to calm his own nerves. “We shouldn’t have mentioned our route. What if he was a scout for some thieves? Or hunters?”
“We’re too far from the main road for that,” Francis reasoned. “That’s just paranoia.”
Arthur was resolute. “We need to leave now.”
“It’s pitch dark.”
“The trail is good enough to follow in the dark. We don’t have much choice. If—“
Stephan turned at the same time as his companions like they were all drawn by the same puppet string. The fire crackled. Insects hummed in the trees and on the thick forest floor, and all else was silent. Their captive had spoken. It was looking up at them with wide eyes, its left jaw and cheek dark with a bruise from Stephan’s fist.
Francis climbed to his feet and went closer, crouching to a non-threatening kneel a few feet away from it. “What did you say?”
They’d all heard it. No, it had said, clear as a ringing bell. What Francis meant was— did you really just speak?
It leaned back from Francis like it wanted nothing more than to bolt to the trees. In the firelight, Stephan could see its hands were shaking.
“It’s alright,” Francis urged. “Will you say it again for us? We were arguing, we didn’t hear.”
“No,” it repeated, softer. “You don’t have to leave.”
“Its got a fucking northern accent,” Arthur muttered, barely audible.
Francis was the first to recover from this new revelation. “If Stephan is going to get sick, we need to seek help. That help is far away, in the city.”
The bahkauv shook its head. “He’s not.”
“He’s not going to get sick?”
The bahkauv looked from Francis up to Stephan as if it were on trial. “No.”
“How do you know?” Stephan asked.
“Because…” its eyes shifted among them again, trying to read the situation, like one of them might suddenly decide to hurt it. “Because I didn’t use those teeth.”
Stephan raised his eyebrows. “You didn’t use teeth that have… venom?”
The bahkauv nodded cautiously. “Just these.” It lifted its upper lip to show a row of unremarkable, human-looking white teeth.
“And you have…other teeth?”
The bahkauv took its his hand away from its face, mouth in a somber line now. It didn’t seem to want to answer that. “I didn’t use them,” it said forlornly.
“Are they hidden?” Francis pressed excitedly. “Do they retract, or are they a… a part of that other form you take? Can you use them at will?”
“Francis,” Stephan hissed to shut him up. Though the harsh tone was meant for his friend, the bahkauv flinched.
“Why didn’t you speak before?” Arthur asked. “It would’ve saved us all trouble these past few days.”
“I couldn’t,” it answered apologetically. It tapped its throat.
“You lost your voice,” Francis said. “Screaming?”
“Or burning,” Arthur added darkly.
The bahkauv dropped its gaze to its feet.
“So I’m not going to get sick?” Stephan asked. “No venom, not even on accident? I won’t be angry with you. I won’t hurt you. But I need to know.”
“No,” it whispered without looking up. “I swear it, Sir.”
“I’m not a Knight,” he said, but couldn’t help the gentle tone of his admonition. “I’m no Sir.”
He was not pleased that he only had the warnings of a strange vagabond and the promise of a captive to consider, but the little creature seemed sincere. He’d begun to think of it as such, as a gently pitiable little thing, rather than an threat, even after the bite. It was that disarming face, as the stranger had said.
“Why didn’t you use your venom?” he asked. “If you have it, and it’s so lethal… why not use it in self defense against your captors?”
The bahkauv looked wounded, and more than a little fearful. “You… you’ve been so merciful. I-I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to bite at all. I’m sorry. Please.”
Stephan held his captive’s gaze, both bright and dark and not quite human, like some sprite sent to trick unsuspecting wanderers into a dark wood. Again he was struck by what seemed like desperate sincerity in the bahkauv. Its voice grew thick with the beginning of tears at the end of its last sentence, and its chin quivered for a moment in such a convincing way. It was either more cunning than the fox that took the stranger’s fish, or it was a sensitive, frightened creature that had just had a very unlucky run with man, who was both its prey and predator.
“Now that I am certain you can understand me, I’ll tell you again. I didn’t mean to hurt you, either. I’m sorry I hit you. I reacted in fear just as you did. I hope there’ll be no more of it between us.”
The bahkauv’s face colored and it turned its delicate head. A few kind words of apology had made it shy, Stephan thought incredulously. After all he’d seen at that hunters camp, the fact that it could communicate not only in basic ways but in sophisticated sentences, and feel something as simple yet profoundly human as shyness made him feel suddenly queasy. How long had the creature begged with words for his tormentors to stop? Did they punish it for speaking, or was begging just so utterly useless it had given up?
“Thank you for telling us,” Francis said. “You’ve saved us a lot of trouble.”
“Now I feel bad putting that muzzle back on him,” Arthur mumbled with an air of disgust. He looked to Francis, and Francis looked to Stephan. Stephan held up his hands, bandaged and unbandaged. “You three work it out.”
“You’re the one he bit,” Francis pointed out. “I didn’t want to muzzle him in the first place, but I conceded for your benefit.”
Stephan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Just the rope on the ankles is fine with me. I think we’re all sufficiently taken in with this… apology. Maybe we’re fools, maybe not.” He turned to their captive. “Do you have a name? What can we call you?”
It seemed taken aback by the question, and swallowed before giving an answer in that small, clear voice. “Rune.”
“Roon,” Arthur repeated. It sounded different in his Muirish accent. The bahkauv said it with a far-north R, the tongue lower in the mouth, like Hrune. “Do you want us to leave that muzzle off your face for the night?”
“What-whatever you wish. Sir.”
The bahkauv’s answer was intended to be deferential, probably informed by its time spent trying to appease hunters. In effect, it was just hauntingly true. They would do as they wished.
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
ima sorry bm so drunk rn byt cannyou write smutty for coweboy sebika
hahaha of course, but only if you drink some water!!! one glass for every drink you've had please :)
men and minors dni
what was meant to be a family hunting trip quickly devolved into a 'the girls play in the river all day while you and sevika hunt' trip.
you're not really upset. you and sevika are enjoying the time alone in the wilderness, and you gave the girls a flare gun to shoot if they get into trouble.
neither of 'em need any hunting lessons anyways. they both love coming home with rabbits and squirrels over their shoulders-- you had to put a ban on any animals bigger than the average house cat when ten year old powder dragged home a forty pound doe. the four of you were up all night chopping up the deer and distributing the meat to your patrons and neighbors.
plus... you'll never complain about a little alone time with your wife.
she doesn't seem to be too upset about the girls bailing either, if the way she's smirking at you is any indication.
you're trying to ignore her, trying to focus on the fox at the end of your barrel-- but she's not making it easy.
you take a slow breath, steady your hands, and shoot-- only for the fox to dart away at the last second.
sevika chuckles. you curse.
"quit fuckin' doin' that!" you whine. she chuckles.
"doin' what, darlin'?"
"undressin' me with your eyes while i'm tryna get us a good pelt!"
she giggles, taking the gun out of your hand and wrapping her arms around your waist. "'s my duty as your wife to lust after you at all times." she says. you roll your eyes, trying to bite back your smile. "you look hot with a gun in your hands, all that focus in your eye."
"you're lucky you're rich, sev." you laugh. she raises an eyebrow at you.
"why's that?" she asks.
"we're supposed to be stockin' up for winter. so far all we got was that fish we shared last night." you say, chuckling. sevika giggles then shrugs again.
"you know the girl's probably got a whole pile of game waiting back at camp." she says. you laugh, she's probably right.
her hands are trailing slowly down your sides, the mischievous sparkle in her eye growing the closer she gets to groping your ass.
"and just what do you think you're doin'?"
"undressin' you with my hands this time, since you threw a fit when i was doin' it in my head?" she tries. you laugh, and she untucks your shirt. "well?" she asks, waiting for your permission before she gets you naked. you smile at her.
"gimmie a kiss." you demand. she grins, pressing a sweet, chaste peck against your lips. you hum. "just... make it quick. i really do wanna stock up the cellar before the first frost--"
she cuts you off with her lips on yours, and you lose your train of thought, melting into her arms and wrapping your hands around her neck.
she tastes like campfire and sweat and the handful of berries you'd foraged in the morning. she's intoxicating. her strong arms strip you fast-- not bothering to get you naked, just shoving your pants and underwear down, shoving your shirt up under your armpits.
"turn 'round." she grunts. you shiver at the commanding tone in her voice, and pull her down by her collar for one more kiss before following her instructions. she smacks your ass when you present it to her, chuckling when you jump. "fuck. wanna fuck you." she grunts. you chuckle.
"don't think we packed the equipment baby."
"don't care." it's all the warning you get before she claws your bare hips and starts grinding her clothed cunt against your ass. you gasp. "fuck." she grunts.
you bend a bit at the waist, both of you groaning at the friction the new angle gives you. one of sevika's hands trail up from your hips to fondle your tits. "feels good." you whimper.
sevika growls. "yeah?"
she starts thrusting against you, each one a little more aggressive than the last. each time your hips meet, you both let out little sighs.
"you're stainin' my pants, baby." she murmurs. you shiver again. "fuckin' love your cunt, honey. so pretty. so wet for me, huh? don' even gotta touch you, 'n i still got you makin' a mess." she smacks your ass again and you fall farther forward. she chuckles. "hold onto that tree, doll." she encourages.
you reach out and steady yourself, bent at a ninety degree angle now, your cunt on full display for her. for a few seconds, she just examines you, spreading your ass and marveling at the way your cunt clenches around nothing. you whine, pushing against her grip on you, and she snorts.
she lines her hips back against yours, and just when you think she's gonna start fucking you again, she hooks two of her thick fingers inside of you.
"sevika!" you squeal. she chuckles, then starts thrusting her hips in time with her fingers. "oh, fuck baby!"
"yes, fuck, y' fuck me so good sev."
"yeah?" she moans. you nod, gasping as she hammers into you. "y' gonna cum?"
you can't answer, your face is pressed against the bark of the tree and you're too wrapped up in the pleasure between your thighs to think. sevika doesn't seem to care, though.
"love this fuckin' cunt, honey. 's always on my mind. 's fuckin soft--" she punctuates it with a hook of her fingers, pressing on your g-spot, "n' warm--" another press, "n' wet--" you let out a high pitched mewl, and sevika gets one more word out before you cum, "n tight--"
"sevika!" you wail. a few birds go flying, startled.
"oh fuck baby, there you go." she laughs as you start to cum and squirt around her fingers. she doesn't stop her thrusting, doesn't stop her assault on your g-spot, she fucks you until the pants gathered around your knees are soaked your thighs are trembling. you can feel your cum soaking into your socks when she finally pulls out, and you nearly collapse. "woah, doll." she laughs, wrapping her arms around your waist before you topple over. she helps you turn around in her arms, grinning at you when your eyes meet.
"f-fuck off." you sigh. sevika chuckles.
"i didn't even say anything!"
"i know that look in your eye."
"i was just gonna suggest i get you a clean pair of pants--"
"shut up!" you squeak. she laughs again, kissing your forehead as you bury your face against her shoulder in embarrassment.
"so hot when you do that." she grunts. you gently bite her shoulder and she chuckles. "c'mon. lets get you in dry pants, 'm serious. we're gonna have to walk a few more miles if we wanna find somethin'-- you scared everything within a two mile radius off when you came." she teases again. you groan, then sneak your hand up under your wife's shirt to pinch her nipple. she gasps. "ouch!"
"can't stand you."
"no, you can't. i make you way too weak in the knees." she says. you burst into laughter, then pinch her nipple again.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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johncopleyisavillain · 4 months
“An Obsession with Denial,” from Turkey and the Armenian Ghost: On the Trail of the Genocide
The eradication of Armenian heritage has also been carried out quite literally through the Turkification of place names. Changing the names of villages, rivers, and mountains has been a priority for the republic, since the physical space occupied by the new nation-state obviously must be Turkish. Scientific commissions have hunted down Armenian, Greek, Arab, Kurdish, and Laz names and eliminated them. By the late 1970s, more than one-third of all villages had been given Turkish names. Names with meaning such as “pretty village,” “stone village,” “new village,” “green village,” “pretty source,” and “new bridge” abound. In the process, people and places have been separated from their roots. The names may be unrelated to the past, but they are Turkish. Ani, [a ruined medieval Armenian city-site in what is now eastern Turkey], for example, lost the dot over the “i” and became Anı, Turkish for “memory.” Turkification became an obsession. Any reference to historic Armenia was removed from maps, and it was made illegal to import maps that contained such references. In 1934, the Surname Law required all residents of the country to have a purely Turkish last name. Armenians were allowed to add the suffix “yan” (son of) to their last name. In 2005, language purification extremists turned their attention to the Latin names of animals in Anatolia. The sheep Ovis armeniana became Ovis orientalis anatolicus. The deer formerly known as Capreolus capreolus armenicus became Capreolus capreolus capreolus. And the red fox, Vulpes vulpes kurdistanica, lost its reference to Kurdistan. The minister of the environment justified this purge in all seriousness by invoking the foreign threat: “Unfortunately, many other species in Turkey were maliciously misnamed in this way. This spiteful intent is clearly evident in the fact that names undermining Turkish unity were given to species found only in our country.“
— “An Obsession with Denial,” from Turkey and the Armenian Ghost: On the Trail of the Genocide, by Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier
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writingsofwesteros · 29 days
IRL Freddie fox
Fortunately for the fans, there is still the vibe there and they feed off it.
Maybe a scene after getting dirty during their travels, she’s all mad and bratty that she has to bathe in a river instead of her fancy baths.
Gwayne doesn’t trust any of his men or Criston, so he’s keeping watch while she bathes behind him while they bicker or talk about the war. It’s supposed a comedic/ soft moment but their actors tensions say otherwise.
Especially when Gwayne turns around as she wraps herself in a robe that hardly covers anything. He fights off the urge to trail his eyes down her body but still, it happens and fans pick up on it.
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bonefall · 8 months
could fern leaf be a former park cat or something that clear sky sends to spy on tall shadow & then defects? or, since she’s important to the rescue of star flower in the books, maybe she could be involved with one-eye somehow…? even though star flower is totally different now, so she doesn’t really Need rescuing from any situation she’s in that you’ve talked about so far. guess it depends on which aspects of the character best serve the story, and whether she would work better as part of DOTC proper or thunder’s SE
i also genuinely can’t remember if bb!clear sky’s original M.O. for his group is Tribe Cats Only, or if he is willing to take in anyone who kisses his ass enough. could make sense if fern leaf (or more accurately, any tom willing to vouch for her) appeals to clear sky enough. hell, maybe she could be a mole on one-eye’s behalf instead?
(Follow up ask to this post)
The new rub to the formation of the groups in BB is that there is two distinct cultures in the forest: Park Cats and Tribe Cats. They're divided by a language barrier, with the Park Cats speaking Parkmew and the Tribe cats speaking what we now call Old Tribemew.
So Clear Sky doesn't have the same "options" like canon. These ""rogues"" don't speak his language and he simply would not learn even if the chance was offered to him. It doesn't even really cross his mind that these are full people to reach out to; in his mind they're intruders. The flavor of bigotry in the modern era hasn't quite evolved yet, so he has the most straightforward kind of xenophobia you can imagine.
He only starts changing his mind after the First Battle, after his revelation, when he's back on his bullshit in Thunderstar's Justice. In my head it's kind of like... a mockery of Thunder Storm's way of life, that allowed him to live in defiance of him for so long. "See, now I do what you do. Since Gray Wing approved of you so much." kinda thing
There's two park cat groups; The River Kingdom, and The Wind Coalition.
The first conflict the Sun Trail Pioneers run into is with WindCo up on the moor, who chases them down into the forest! The Park cats who lived in the forest weren't united, just various individuals that had little "homestead" territories.
The conflicts with them start after the Shadow/Sky split that follows the death of Jagged Peak. Shadow's Clan moved eastward into the caves at Snakerocks, where no one bothered them, but Sky's Clan started getting hostile towards the little homesteads and pushing cats westward, back to the River Kingdom.
SO with that recap out of the way...
I have two and a half-ish cats already that I'm heavily interested in using to turn on Clear Sky for Thunder's Clan. So I'm not sure how to slot Fern Leaf in there.
1: Snake. Snake is the only cat in-canon who said that maybe Clear Sky shouldn't be their leader after letting One Eye into the Clan against all warnings, and then he gets DOGPILED for it, and the very next book shoves him into the arms of Slash to undermine the fact that they accidentally gave him a good fucking point.
I'm RIDICULOUSLY fond of him because of this. I love him out of spite. I've spoken before about how I plan for him to be a Tribe-descended cat, and a lot of that is because I want to keep his goon roles serving Clear Sky. One of which is that he is going to badly injure Sunlit Frost in the First Battle.
So thinking about it... it makes the most sense for Snake to turn on Clear Sky in Thunderstar's Justice. Still unsure when. But if I have any roles where a cat needs to get help, stop a battle, or call Clear Sky out for making a really bad decision, it's gotta be him.
I'll keep him in my hand for a while; this feels like a piece that will fall into place.
I'm also unsure of what family he's going into. I keep waffling on it. I'm leaning towards the Claw family and possibly the son of Fox, since he's going to be living a bit longer. He's going to be about the same age as Thunder Storm, maybe a bit older.
2: Red Claw Since Acorn Fur is now Acorn Swoop, and she's not nonsensically going to go join the guy who killed both of her parents because it would be too sad to go home where they're not alive, her love interest has to end up in Thunder's Clan.
I'm already pretty committed to making Petal into Petal Claw and Fox into Fox Claw, so it follows that Red Claw would be in the family. Thinking about it, maybe Red should be the son of Fox instead...
Especially because he could defect earlier. Moth Flight's Vision is totally overhauled anyway and I'm planning to shift a lot of the original plot to something for another character anyway...
Plus, enemies-to-lovers is fun and I haven't really had a chance to do it yet. Acorn Swoop is absolutely the kind of punk who would nab one of her worst enemy's best soldiers, and the type of nerd who would frame it like her biggest catch yet.
And most relevantly... this is leaving Fern Leaf's backstory up in the air. Him leading a dog pack into the heart of camp and getting Beech and Frog killed is what kicked off the Bunny Bones plot of the original MFV that I like so much, and I feel like it's an important part of Fern Leaf.
So not only am I here planning Red Claw as a high priority for being someone to turn against Clear Sky, but also, he complicates Fern Leaf a bit.
Maybe I should step back a bit on the two and start from scratch with them, and replace their backstories with new ones that preserve the "emotional core." I'll have to think about it.
That 1/2 Cat: Alder or Birch The kits that are stolen from Misty, that queen who was murdered by Clear Sky and whose kits are given to Petal. In BB, that's something I want to examine for how fucked up it is. It becomes the basis of Kit Stealing later, an awful practice that the Clans will struggle with for many generations.
These ones are SUPER important, but I say 1/2 because it doesn't have to be Thunder's Clan they turn for. But I do want one of them to eventually learn their origin, and end up finding their family in River Kingdom or the Wind Coalition.
I mention them because I keep going back and forth on if they're going to get combined with other characters. Basically imagine me next to a big conspiracy chart and I'm connecting a big red line between possible plot threads back to Fern Leaf. Maybe her? Maybe she can be one of the stolen kits?
I could even make it so Birch is actually an older sibling, or a half-sibling, or one from the same litter who was saved... maybe even end up making it a litter of 4. Slots in well with her canon story, too, where she mentions her mother abandoned her.
The truth can be that it was a lie. Her mother didn't abandon her. One of them was murdered and the other was chased off.
And, of course, I could save her to be a "One Eye Cultist." None of my drafts so far have brought in any extra followers of One Eye who will follow him from place-to-place besides Star Flower herself. I would like to add some, and that's a fine place for Fern Leaf, but somehow I feel like I can do her better.
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trancylovecraft · 8 months
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CHAPTER FOURTEEN: "..So much more than a rat."
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A martyr is defined as a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion. Though in more recent times it has been used to define a person willing to give up their life for a cause not needing to be fuelled by religion or politics.
The man throughout the night, Feet thundering against the cold stone.
His breath was ragged as he sprinted across the empty streets, Cold air singing as a juxtaposition to his burning lungs. The warm blood trickled down his forehead, His eyes wide and wild as he searched for sanctuary.
Faster and faster he went, Tall houses rushing past him in a flash. His head kept jerking back behind him, Terrified of something following him. Something seeking, Something hidden deep within the depths of the night. Something keeping close behind.
He didn't know what happened, One minute he had gotten back from work and the next he was running away. A thick slash mark across his forehead, Oozing out iron ichor from the deep cut.
Like a rabbit running away from the fox, He scampered away.
He felt like it got closer and closer. Almost hearing the faint drumming of footsteps gaining on him, Echoing throughout the night. Hitting like hail against the ground, Making a bitter chill run down his spine.
Who was it? Who was chasing him. Was there someone chasing him? Is he being paranoid?
His sweat dropped, He yelped out in fear.
"Help-! Help me! HELP, ANYONE-!" He cried through the raw dryness of his throat. Tears started to swell at this point. The patter of footsteps grew and grew, So loud like thunder strikes.
They were approaching, They were going to get him-!
"PLEASE- ANYONE!" He screamed. Hollering throughout the night and bouncing off the village walls. It was so blaring, So loud yet there was no one who came to help. There was no one who was going to save him.
He was going to die- HE WAS GOING TO DI-
A sword ran through his neck. Struck like lightning and flowing like a river as it went through his skin and muscle with no effort.
His screaming was cut short by his head hitting the rocky street. A burst of blood erupting from his severed neck.
It bounced once, Then twice then swivelled into place.
A permanent petrified expression laid upon the mans face, Eyes wide and bulging with his mouth eternally open to catch flies. His body wobbled, Thin legs shaking before falling down onto it's knees, Then it's chest.
The footsteps following him finally stopped as well, If only for a moment. The silence rang throughout the street as the blood pooled around the carnage. All before the tiny pair of footsteps turned into a walk, Stalking over to the corpse.
[F/N] looked down at the body, Pausing just where the puddle of red stopped gathering, Careful not to stain her sandals.
The blade clenched in her hand was drenched in blood, Ichor dripping off the tip and onto the rocky pavement below. The imperfect hilt and the makeshift construct of the blade made it all the more strange for such a child to be wielding it.
She looked at the man with no pity nor disgust. There wasn't any anger or drive behind her strike, Just apathy as she stared down at the bloody mess she had made. Her grip on the hilt of her sword grew tighter.
She crouched down, Knees turning as she got closer to the severed head of the decapitated man. Nudging the body out the way with her free hand she finally reached down to the head, Arm extended towards it.
Her hand grasped a firm clutch of his matted hair, Already entangled with blood as her fingers got a good hold on his locks. She pulled it up, The head following her hand as she held it dangling from her fingertips.
She walked. The severed cut of it's neck dripped a thick trail of blood to follow her footsteps, Hand already covered in the pungent liquid that splattered her fingers.
The head swayed from her hands as she walked away. She could of only been about eight or maybe nine yet the way she carried herself was so old and practiced, She could of been mistaken as a woman from a distance.
She didn't look back, Moon raised high within the cold night. She walked towards it, The headless corpse left alone in the street to squeeze out all of its remaining liquids onto the floor.
And soon enough she was gone just as soon as she came. No trace of her ever being here except for a thick trail of blood dragging out of the village and into the depths of the woods.
"It's just.. It's been tough with my father being ill, You know?" The smell of sizzling meat and the punching kick of spices hit the noses of the passers-by, The enticing aroma being like a siren's song to anyone who would dare enter the proximity of their lulling call from the market.
The sun was raised high in the sky, A morning blessed with the cool heat of the summer sun and the chilling breeze to chase it. It was beautiful and the villagers were aware, All out and about to enjoy the weather and do errands to match.
The market sat under the suns rays, Stalls lined with both food and material products. Meat grilled right at the table, Vivid bursts of tapestries hanging for all to view and contemplate buying.
It was a wonderous place filled with crowds in the dozens. Chatter was live and roaring throughout the street, Sounds of bargaining and laughter were common and all around. It was scenic as it travelled through the village.
[F/N] stood by one of the stalls, Just tall enough to peek over the edge. It was a stall with colourful pouches of spices laying about, Hanging rabbits and cattle meat from the hooks on the wooden structure above.
Her skeletal figure stood awkwardly, Her bony fingers twiddling themselves as she shied her eyes away from the merchant in front of her. She looked downtrodden, Turtling into the oversized scarf wrapped around her neck.
"I.. I'm sorry that I can't pay, Nevermind, I'll stop bothering you.. Apologies!" [F/N] called out rather forlornly as she turned around slowly, Starting to walk a few steps in the opposite direction with lowered head.
The merchants smile turned into a frown, Watching the frail girl trod off down into the busy streets.
"Hold on!"
[F/N] stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard the merchant's voice call out her name. Her head turned over lightly, Eyes peeking out from the tattered blue of her scarf to look at him from afar.
The merchant sighed, A look of pity plastered upon his face as his hands reached up to the fresh meat hanging above him. Picking a cream-fleeced rabbit off one of the hooks he walked out from behind the stall towards her.
"Here you go, Okay? I hope your father gets well soon, Send him my regards, Kid." He said with a small smile as he presented the little rabbit to her, Gesturing for her to take it.
[F/N]'s eyes widened, The sparkle in her eyes starting to bloom as the sun reflected off the hues of her irises. Her bony fingers reached out towards the rabbit, Wrapping around the hide of it's neck before bringing it into her arms.
"Thank you, Sir! You don't know how much this means to me and my father!" [F/N] said, Her hollowed out cheeks parting to give him the sweetest smile possible on her face. The merchant nodded, Hand reaching out to pat her shoulder before turning around to go back to his stall.
[F/N] watched him go for a second, The rabbit in her hands held close. It was such a pristine and fresh piece of meat, It's coat was the colour of beige and it's big ears were flopped down to it's side. The clean cut on it's neck being the culprit.
She turned away, Clutching it close as she began weaving her way through streets of people. Her small body slipping through the cracks without a single trace, Finally leaving the area entirely.
As soon as it did, Her smile changed into something more triumphant.
The merchant had fallen for her lie, Just like all the ones before him. The old trusty one about her father or how she had no money. The latter wasn't much of a lie but it was overexaggerated and it worked every time.
She shoved what little coins she had within her haori pockets, The dragon patterned blue being newly acquired from a pretty white fox she had found while travelling through the woods.
It had the fabric in it's mouth. Being curious she had wrestled it out of the beasts maw and had found it to be a haori of cerulean blue, Liking the design of it she had decided to keep it and wear it now.
The coins shoved into the inner pockets were sparse and everything she had. She chided what little wages she got from her job, Exploiting the young and desperate to fatten their own pockets.
She sighed however, There wasn't much she could do or no one she could argue against as she travelled down the bustling streets. Of which people seemed to grow thinner and thinner as she went along until there was barely anyone there.
This village was poor, [F/N] could tell. From the crime running rampant in the night to the poor architecture of the houses, It was obvious. The merchant would be no different, From what she could deduce was that he was a poor man struggling to make money for his family.
She tried not to think about taking advantage of his good graces, Pushing it to the back of her mind.
[F/N]'s stomach growled, Making her free hand lunge down to her midsection and hold it in effort to soothe the ravenous feeling inside of her.
Either way it didn't matter what wages she earned or how she had lied to the merchant back in the market. She would be out of this village soon enough, She had a job to do after all and she had no time to mull over her situation.
A voice yelled out from in front of her, Making [F/N] snap her head up at the familiar voice.
A good few metres away from her was a group of boys, Younger than her but a bit older than the young child they surrounded. [F/N]'s eyes widened, The embers in her eyes bursting out into an angry flame once she realised what was happening.
"HEY!" [F/N] yelled out as her legs picked up, The rabbit in her hand tightened as her free hand clenched into a fist. Running over to the crowd of boys she saw they were kicking and tugging at the hair of the child they surrounded.
The leader of the group barely had any time to react as [F/N]'s fist connected with his face, Slamming into the side of his cheek.
The boy shouted in a yelp as his body hit the hard dirt of the ground with a thud, Blood erupting from his mouth. The other boys around him stopping the assault of the child to assess the situation with fearful eyes as they met the imposing figure of [F/N].
"The fuck do you think you're doing! Get the hell away from him you bastards!" [F/N] yelled at them. A grovel in her voice as the surrounding boys rushed to their leaders aid, Of which had already snapped out of his daze to look up at her.
"T-The hell are you?! We ain't bothering you at all-" The boy spat but was cut off once he came face to face with the enraged visage of [F/N]. Veins popping out the side of her forehead, Eyes containing a fire that spoke more than words ever could as his jaw snapped shut.
The boys beside him threw looks towards [F/N], Almost ready to pounce before their leader spoke.
"..C-Come on, Let's just get outta here." He mumbled yet spoke with such ire. The boys picked him up by the shoulders and helped him onto his feet, He threw one more cautious look towards [F/N] before he signalled his group to leave the area.
[F/N] watched them scamper out of the area, Spouting curses and cusses as they ran away down the street. [F/N]'s raised guard didn't dare to drop until they were finally gone, Leaving only her and the young boy in the village street.
Her head looked over to the boy, Her eyes softening as she laid upon him.
"Shizuko..! Hell.. Are you alright?" [F/N] asked as she crouched down beside him, Laying the rabbit beside her. Shizuko, Her younger brother. He was lain out on the ground, His fluffy hair was a mess with dirt coursing through his curls from the beating.
The green yukata and haori he wore was messed up with the grounds soil, Dirtied with splotches. It was unfortunate, It was newly thieved and of high quality. [F/N] doubted she'd find anywhere to wash or steal a new one anytime soon.
[F/N] reached over to him. Shizuko looked up at her with relieved eyes as she wiped the trickling blood off of his forehead. He hummed, Scratching at the wool of his gloves as he looked away from her.
"I.. I'm fine, Onee-san. Just a bit dizzy." He mumbled as he continued to scratch at his hands. He didn't dare look back up at [F/N], Not wanting to see the reaction she wore on her sleeve. Or more accurately- Her face.
[F/N] sighed as she used the sleeve of her kimono to dry the blood.
"What happened? Why were they picking on you.. I swear, If this isn't the first time.." [F/N] hissed as she scanned over his young self. He was only around four or maybe five, It was hard to keep track of time yet he was too young to hold the dirty bruises scattering his legs. Shizuko's scratching got more intense as he shrugged.
"Dunno.. I saw them playing and I wanted to join them.. But when I went to they made fun of my gloves and called me names.. So I called them one back and they just started kicking me.." Shizuko admitted as he showed [F/N] his hands.
[F/N] hand which was holding his cheek grew much more firm, Angrier. Her nose upturned into a snarl and her teeth bared at the mere imagining of what happened, All backed up by the bruises on his skin and the dressing of blood dripping down it.
"Those little- I should of given them more than just a punch.." [F/N] muttered as her hands ran down his body, Checking for any more injury on his little body with care and skill.
"..I'm sorry.. I don't wanna make you mad, Onee-san.." Shizuko said as he looked up at [F/N] with his dark eyes. They were reluctant, That was what [F/N] could tell as she stared back into them with a light gaze.
[F/N] sighed, Her hands raising to meet his own. She squeezed them once, A reassuring gesture.
"No, I'm not mad Shizuko. Not at you. You need to tell me these things, I'll take care of it. You know you can rely on me, Right?" [F/N] smiled as she stared into his eyes, Warm and inviting.
Shizuko smiled back, Though rather lopsidedly.
"Yeah, Nee-chan. I know.." He nodded. [F/N] nodded back at him before her hand hooked under his armpits. And with a small comment of "One, Two, Three!" Shizuko was brought up to his feet.
[F/N], Still kneeled down, Brushed off his emerald yukata with her hands. Making sure everything was in place before she got up herself.
"Now come on, You hungry? Cause look what I got!" [F/N] said triumphantly as she picked up the rabbit to display to her younger brother. Holding it high like a treasured prize. Shizuko's eyes widened, Sparkling in the warm sunlight.
"Woah! You got a rabbit? Does that mean we can have actual meat tonight?!" Shizuko squealed as he jumped up and down excitedly. His smile ear to ear, Brighter than the sun in the sky as he exclaimed it. [F/N] nodded.
"Correct! If I'm right there's some spices back at that old house, So we'll be eating good tonight." [F/N] exclaimed happily. It wasn't something usual kids were excited about, Rabbit wasn't a luxury nor was it a rarity for them to have.
But for them it was a good day. Any day where they ate meat instead of left-over vegetables was a good day.
"You won't burn it this time.. Will you, Onee-chan?" Shizuko questioned, Tilting his head to look up at her with slight caution.
[F/N] rolled her eyes.
"That was one time, I won't do it again!" She said adamantly. Lowering the rabbit to her side in favour of placing her hands on her hips. Shizuko giggled as he watched her reaction, His gloved hand raising to tug at the one on her hips.
"Come on! I want rabbit- I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" Shizuko pleaded as his little hand tugged at the arm of his older sister. [F/N] rolled her eyes but the smile on her face couldn't dim as she let Shizuko hold her.
She was happy that his spirits were raised from the low of the beating. As they started walking, [F/N] started to remember how this wasn't the first time this had happened to him and it put a damper on her mood.
Each town or village they had went through, From the valleys to the mountains the same things were to be expected. Newcomers were looked at with suspicion, Especially at two young kids with Shizuko was an easy target for the boys. He was small and wasn't able to fight back against the older boys, Especially targeted since it was obvious he didn't have any parent to snitch to. Which is why [F/N] took up the mantle of caretaker.
It didn't help that the constant scratching of his hands made him seem odd to any passer-by's. It made [F/N] angry, He couldn't control how his hands processed touch and how he chose to show it.
She wished people would have more empathy sometimes, Though by now she had become use to the opposite of it. Still, She had some hope. Not for her but for her younger brother at least, He didn't deserve it.
Her hand squeezed Shizuko's, His fingers curling around her palm to share body heat. A comfort between two siblings and the only touch the younger could ever stand, His hand grasping tighter at his sister's.
What a fool that man was. The concept of a late bloomer was never a thing to him, Just taking the child by the heel to dangle them over the river and not hesitating to let it run red. In truth, Shizuko wasn't defective as he said.
He never was, Never would be in her eyes no matter if he had the hands or not. But he did, He had the hands. He had failed the test, Yes, But he had been a late bloomer. His ability becoming more and more prevalent as he grew.
More and more until it had became way more than what that man's abilities could wield, So much so that he could identify the exact make of a fabric or the location it was made in. He could identify a fake from an authentic. In other words, It was divine.
But it was too powerful, Growing painful as he got older. He had gotten a disgust for the feeling of any object he touched, Feeling near sick once it connected with his fingertips.
[F/N] had trouble keeping up, The only solution she could think of was a pair of finely woven woollen gloves of the highest quality. The softest, A mild solution as it barely helped his discomfort.
But even so he held onto [F/N]'s hand, Her touch warm and being the only one ever to make him feel at ease.
As they walked along the street, [F/N] smiled. They weren't well off nor was there ever a day they had time to just sit back and relax. But they had each other, And that was enough for them.
But a thought lingered in her mind, One that never left her for a second. Even when she smiled it was still in the back of her mind, Eating way like a brain disease, Every second of the day that thought stayed with her.
If Shizuko was a late bloomer, Then what about all the others?
"..You actually didn't burn it this time."
The moon was placed in the low sky, Signalling the early night.
The mix of luminescent blues and the darkest of ultramarines painted the heavens above, A beautiful mural speckled by the sparks of faraway inferno's. Lighting up the night and the village streets below with soft moonlight.
The luminous light took no heed in flowing through the partly stained window, The orchid blue igniting the floorboards below and the ombre shades of the abandoned bedroom. It glowed on the ledges of the dusty furniture, Outlining the bold shapes in the dark.
[F/N] sat on the bed. The alluring smell of slightly-overcooked rabbit invaded the room, Luckily overpowering the rotting stench of the decaying old woman in the other. Died from old age, Not by her hand.
This house was only a temporary hideout, Only a place to pass through and rest up before they moved onto the next. The old woman passing of natural causes was a blessing in disguise as it gave them time to reside here before her neighbours got suspicious.
"Well, You didn't burn it as much as last time." Shizuko teased lightly, Giggling as he bit into his rabbit.
He sat beside [F/N], Comfortably placed upon the mattress with his legs folded in a basket. His gloved hand clutched on a cooked leg, Only singed slightly at the sides. The smell of the spices and herbs drifted in the air, A running rosemary and pungent paprika.
[F/N] tossed her head to the side, Smiling as she held a small arm. A much smaller portion compared to her younger brother as her bony fingers wrapped around the forearm.
"Shush! You're lucky I was able to get the grill in here working, Just eat your rabbit in peace. Okay?" [F/N] bit back as she started to nibble on the rabbit's paw, Barely chewing off any of the skinned meat from the bone.
For a good few minutes they sat in silence. The dust particles floating about the room only illuminated by the glossy radiance. They took it in, Both chowing down on their meal, The rabbits ravaged skeleton sitting only a few feet away on a bedside.
Though it was interrupted when Shizuko slowly stopped chewing the meat from his half-eaten leg, Eyes focusing down onto the exposed bone in thought before glancing up towards [F/N].
"Onee-san..?" He mumbled, A stark contrast to his chipper tone turned sour.
[F/N] blinked, Looking down at him.
"Yes? What do you need?" [F/N] asked.
Shizuko didn't answer for a moment, Taking a look back down at his rabbit as he seemed to ponder his words. His frown deepened, Looking back up at her.
"Why do we never have rabbit often like the other kids?" Shizuko asked, Staring into her eyes with his own charcoal hues. He looked conflicted, Confused even. [F/N] swallowed down a chunk of meat as she looked at him.
"..What do you mean?" [F/N] asked slowly.
Shizuko hummed, Frown sharpening.
"Everywhere we go it seems like the other kids always have some kind of fancy meal like udon or ramen while we only have it sometimes.. We always have boiled vegetables or berries.. Why can't we have fancy food like the other kids too?" Shizuko asked, Tilting his head.
[F/N] didn't speak, Her mouth locked firmly shut.
The rabbits arm lowered in her hands, Dropping to her thinning thighs as she turned to stare towards the moonlight's grace. Her eyes searched within the room's darkness, Sentences fizzling out on her tongue as she desperately tried to grab at the proper words to say.
She didn't even want to say, She didn't even want the question to be prompted in the first place. Telling him would be wrong, Telling him wouldn't do him any good nor would it do her any good.
But she knew it would come along eventually, So she spoke.
"Well.. We don't have ramen or udon because.. It's not too good for your health." [F/N] finalised. Looking down at Shizuko as he took in her words, Silently praying to whatever god up there that he would buy it.
Shizuko only stared back up at her, Eyes narrowing in on her face.
"Why? All the other kids have it every other day..?" He asked. [F/N] bit her tongue, She guessed the curious mind of a child really was unmatched. She gripped the ledge of the bed as she spoke.
"It's because you're special, You know, 'Cause of your hands." [F/N] lied through her teeth as one of her hands snaked over to his, Wrapping around his palm in a comforting manner as she spoke.
"My hands affect food..?" Shizuko asked, Confused.
"Yeah.. If you ate too much of the fancy food then your hands would loose all their power, That's why we can only have it every so often." [F/N] explained. It wasn't the best explanation, Nor was it thought out, But it was the best she could think of as she spoke.
Shizuko looked away from her, Turning back down to the rabbit leg he had in his hands. The gloves clutching onto the rabbits wrist moved a little, His eyes honing in on them.
"Are you okay, Shizuko?" [F/N] asked, Suddenly feeling concern from his actions.
Shizuko raised the rabbit leg, Only nibbling off a chunk from the thigh. Chewing slowly, He scoffed.
"It's just.. Why are we so different from everyone else? The other kids don't move houses every week.. They always have new clothes but not us and they have parents that look after them! Where's our parents, Nee-chan?!" Shizuko exclaimed, Hands slamming down onto the bed.
[F/N] was taken aback, Her eyes widening for a moment. Shizuko seemed angry, In a split second he had seemed to let out whatever was building up inside of him. [F/N] swallowed, Trying to think.
Lying to him, That was something she never wanted to do yet had done it more times than she could count anyways. Not to mention the merchants and the sellers, It always left a sour taste in her mouth when she did.
But was lying to him as bad as telling him the truth? To what lengths was a lie morally wrong and what ways did a truth truly hurt? She didn't know, She really didn't know.
But her heart followed her mouth, Tongue guiding her way.
"Shizuko.. " [F/N] said softly, Getting down from her perch on the bedside to kneel in front of him. Her hands still ran to grasp his as he seethed slightly from his outburst, He looked into her eyes, The moonlight's radiance reflecting off of them.
The warmth of her hand cradled his, Soothing him for a second.
"The reason we don't have parents is because.." [F/N] swallowed back her hesitation. "..They died years ago, Leaving us alone."
"W-What?! How? How did they die, Nee-chan?!" Shizuko exclaimed, Eyes going wide.
Sweat ran down his brow, His jaw going agape at the revelation. The hand wrapped around his squeezed slightly, Though she wasn't sure if it was for her comfort or his this time as she tried her best to steady her shaking jaw.
"Bad people killed them when I was just a kid and you were still swaddled in cloth.. I was barely able to get you out of there before they got to us too, I had to carry you through storms, You know." [F/N] said finally as she looked up at him.
Shizuko didn't speak, Just stared blankly with a shaky frown. The rabbit leg had been long dismissed to the side, The luminosity shining across their faces and the serene surroundings was a silent soliloquy in that one frozen moment.
Shizuko swayed his feet slightly, A sombre expression washing over him.
"You won't die too, Right..? You won't leave me will you, Onee-san..?" He asked, The first tinge of insecurity shone through his voice. It made her frown deepen in the lines, The worry seeping into his voice was repugnant to her.
Her hands parted from his for only a second.
"Shizuko.. I will never leave you. You will never have to be alone, Okay? I'll be here to take care of you, I'll make sure that you never need to worry about things like clothes or food.." [F/N] hummed so low within the bask of the moonlight, Her voice just as soft.
Shizuko looked back at her, Their eyes connecting in an understanding not uncommon for the siblings. The way both of their eyes shined, The way both of their expressions turned into something more warm and familial as each second passed by.
It was comfortable.
"..You promise?" Shizuko smiled, His voice nothing but the pass of the wind. [F/N] smiled back as her hand reached out, Her hand reaching out and her pinky entwining with Shizuko's.
And suddenly, The room didn't seem as cold anymore.
"I promise you that I will never leave you.. Death would need to pry us apart for that ever to be the case.." [F/N] confirmed, Her pinky squeezing around his in such a comforting manner.
"..Were they nice? Our parent's..?" He asked. His voice so quiet yet in the quiet of the room seemed so loud.
[F/N] smiled once more, A familiar love growing between the two despite the sour taste pooling in her mouth. She nodded her head slowly, Though the splash of red appeared in her peripherals.
"Very. Now finish your rabbit and get under the covers, It's well past your bedtime." [F/N] said finally, Getting up from her knee to stand in front of him. Shizuko smiled brightly, Snatching the rabbit leg and hastily chowing down the meat before shuffling back on the bed.
[F/N] helped him take off his haori. They had no nightwear so they slept in their yukata's. Raising the covers, Shizuko buried his legs under them. The old woman's bed providing warmth as she blanketed him with the thick duvets.
Shizuko laid his head against the pillow, Still smiling as he got comfortable.
"Night, Shizuko.." [F/N] said, Turning and trailing away from the bedside into the ombre casting in the room. The luminescence leaving her, Yet Shizuko's eyeline never straying as he raised a brow.
"Huh? Where are you going this time, Onee-san?" He mumbled, Nuzzling into the soft bristles of the feathered pillow. Ebony eyes as dark as the shadows staring into her with concern.
[F/N] smiled once more, Turning back to him.
"..I'm going to go fight the bad people, Okay? If anyone comes knocking, You know what to do." [F/N] comforted.
Shizuko smiled.
"Leave through the window and hide in the spot you told me to..?" Shizuko giggled as he pulled the sheets over him just a little more. [F/N] nodded, Turning back into the darkness.
"Exactly. Sweet dreams, Okay?"
That was the last thing she said before she walked further into the dark, Her pencil thin figure getting more and more fuzzy the more she traversed in. As she reached the wall she leaned down, Hand connecting with the faulty hilt of a sword hidden within the black.
She picked it up, Careful not to make any noise as she opened the door. Slipping through the crack with the blade following close behind.
Taking one more look at her little brother, She sighed.
She had to do this.
Then the door clicked shut.
The moon still held high within the vastness of the atmosphere.
It was cold outside, A chill running down the spine of any bare skin that dared to be exposed within its domain. Not that there was anyone out at this time of night, Even if they tried they'd be deterred by the horrid weather.
But not [F/N]. The light taps of her footsteps lead her down the abandoned stone pathway, Devoid of the usual day-life within the village. Market's empty, No more adults standing about for idle chat or conversation. Just the whisper of what spoke drifting in the cold wind.
The grip on her sword tightened, Her hands shaking didn't bother her as her face was just as freezing as the weather surrounding her. It was such a large blade to be cradled within the small hands of such a young girl, Almost comical in her grasp.
She couldn't think about that though, What scraps of agency she had was left behind with her little brother. She had a job to do, Her sole sword was the only thing she needed to bring with her.
Nothing else.
The meetup point was suppose to be only a few metres away behind a closed sukiyaki stand. This village, Despite it's lovely exterior, Was rife with a disgusting underbelly laying below the flowers and flair above.
That's what [F/N] was told anyways, She wasn't paid leftovers to question why or who she was here for. She was told to listen, She was told to obey. That's all [F/N] needed to do and all she had ever done, Ever since she had been on payroll at least.
She walked further and further, The sukiyaki stand now in sight. It was located within the dingier part of town, Where bars were more frequent and the only company you could acquire was drunkards and tipsy old women on the prowl.
This however was one of the only non-alcoholic food stands around. It stuck out like a sore thumb, Probably why it was the meet-up area in the first place. Easy for someone to spot yet not out of place for the locals around.
[F/N]'s footsteps stopped, Now standing directly infront of the closed wooden shutters of the stalls. Everything was quiet now, Nothing but the friendly chitters of crickets and the hush of the wind dancing in the air.
She waited, Not moving a muscle.
"You're here."
A voice echoed out from behind the stall, A familiar tune to the tone of monotone.
[F/N] blinked, Turning around she had already sensed the man by the shade he cast over the moonlight. By the stench of tobacco and the lingering scent of alcohol, She knew he was there.
"I said I would." [F/N] stated. Not a snarky response like one you'd banter back to a good friend, But just a statement. No emotion of affection behind it, No kind of fondness but a simple brash cordiality.
The man looked back at her, A scruffy beard haphazardly grown on his face with tired eyes. Yet they were vigilant, They were prying and they scrutinized the girl who was more than a foot smaller than her.
She didn't shake however, Her stance didn't stumble nor did it stutter. She stood strong, Stronger than someone like her should of been standing for. Staring him dead in the eyes he spoke once more.
"You have a large bounty tonight. This village is a hotbed for the lowest of the low, The payment will be better than the last, Around 5598 yen is up for grabs. You taking it?" The man asked, Taking and throwing the cigarette hanging from his mouth onto the ground. Stomping it out.
[F/N] nodded slowly, Calculating the amount of money she would earn. Was it enough for a single bowl of udon? Maybe two.. Shizuko did say he wanted to have more of the 'Fancy Food'.
Even so would she have any left afterwards? She'd need to be smart about this. Maybe once she got older she could earn more money like the adults taking contracts, Maybe then she'd be able to afford nicer things for him or perhaps even herself.
"Yes.. I'll take it." [F/N] confirmed, Her free hand extended and uncurled on instinct. The man blinked, Blowing out the last remnants of his cigarette in smoky wisps before reaching behind his back and fishing for something in his back pocket.
And then a scroll was dropped into her palm. Tossed by the man as her hand grabbed onto the chilled fibre, Pulling it back to her and uncurling the rolled paper.
"Okay, Have fun then. Report back the next night for your reward. You know the rules: If anything goes sour I'll find out.. And won't be back, Once you off the targets you bring the heads back for proof of kill and of course, Don't get caught." The man said, Turning around.
[F/N] didn't bother to watch him go, Eyes already skimming the names and locations written down on the paper. He had already disappeared into the dark of the night before she even bothered to glance up at him.
The paper had listed several unknown names and vaguely familiar locales, Just as usual. There seemed to be around six on this one, Six separate criminals for her to slaughter with their blood turning into her money.
That was her job. Ever since those men had lured her away with her baby brother in her hands she had been doing this. While [F/N] hadn't been born with the sensitive touch of the hands, She was born with something else.
A finesse with a sword, Or any weapon for that matter. Her hands were special in the way it swung a blade or jabbed it into flesh. Like a honey badger, It was a wonder how she could take on people so much bigger than her and come out on top.
Not even a skill but a talent, Not even needing much training from the group of mercenaries that had took her in. She didn't see much of them but she didn't need to either, Just travel from whatever village or city she was told to go to.
Killing criminals is what she did, The scum of the earth and the barnacles on the bottom of the ocean floor. Though as she thought about it more and more, It was more like the snake swallowing it's own tail.
She shook her head. Thinking wasn't something a mercenary was meant to do, Not in this kind of scenario. [F/N] squeezed the hilt of her sword, Her legs picking up in what she was meant to do as she took off into the vastness of the night.
[F/N] ran, Faster and faster as she didn't even make a sound running through the street. The first location was already engraved in her mind, Locked to the task, Her eyes went straight forward.
Morality was nothing but a hinderance when survival was a priority.
The blood runs off the blade in rolls, Dripping carmine onto the cold dirt of the floor.
It splashes against the ground in splotches, Life returning to it's mother and seeping into the miniscule crack lining the muck. The wind did nothing to move the sword which it came from, Didn't freeze nor flare in the nights lukewarm air.
Popped vessels, Ligaments snapped like faulty twine, Jugulars punctured with polished canines and fingers chopped like fresh produce. None of these made her bat an eye, Not anymore.
The human body was like putty in her hands, Or bamboo against the edge of her blade. Once you do this for long enough, You learn to map out the nerves from foot to forehead. Memorise where to cut to cause most misery, What splatter of blood will come out if I puncture here?
Decapitating heads especially, Becoming akin to breathing over the years. Just one flick of her wrist and the spray of blood would burst into the air, The leftover bouncing away onto the ground.
[F/N] had to learn, Needed to if she wanted to survive. The severed head of both men, Women and even kids her own age being the singular trophy she needed to return with. Like a dog, She followed. Because if she didn't, She wouldn't be fed.
Being trained by a gang of mercenaries was nothing short of altering, Though [F/N] couldn't even remember what she had changed from in the first place. The only memory she carried was fast asleep in his bed, One where she worried for constantly.
When the blood runs into the river water, What's to say it won't reach the stream ahead? [F/N]'s tried her best to shepherd him away from her own life, Still tasting the lies on the tip of her tongue.
But their future, His future. Both of them were unsure, But [F/N] knew that she couldn't keep him away forever, Not when he started to grow and foster curiosity.
So she stood within the confines of the old rotting walls, Silently looking down at the carnage caused by her own blade. His severed head still spilt his own ichor, Eyes bulging and staring lifeless at his own decapitated body.
He wasn't the first, And he wasn't going to be the last either. Not for a while, Not for a long time coming.
[F/N] still had one more target to hit by the end of the night, And if she wanted her brother to eat by tomorrow she'd need to aim well.
So she entangled her fingers amongst the mans bloody locks once more, Yanking his head up and tossing it into the rucksack filled with all the rest, Making it feel right at home amongst all the other heads she carried.
And [F/N] left without a sound, Silent as she moved throughout the shadows of the room and out the drafty window cooling off the blood. No one spotted her, Not as her ravenous figure melded into the shadows.
On route to the next one.
The darkness of the night, A curse to many that wandered the streets of this lone village yet it was a blessing for [F/N] as she moved throughout the shadows.
Her body was concealed. What few people were about had no idea about the young girl only feet away as she passed, Only a drift of the wind as her body circled the perimeter of the house.
It was her final target, Her final stop and that money would be hers. [F/N] was exhausted, Absolutely drained yet her heart kept pumping and her lungs working. She needed to keep going, Keep working until she broke.
That was what a good mercenary was, What a good tool was.
The house was bigger than the others in the village, In the nicer section of houses and streetways. It had two stories and was rather tall for it, The first floor being triple her height as a pre-teen.
She hopped the high fence with relative ease, No noise made as her legs swung over the lumber bar and feet thumping against the grassy floor. She hadn't been spotted, Not by any possible bystanders or the residents themselves.
[F/N] needed to move quickly. From what she had scouted, Her last target was inside. She hadn't spotted any others inside though the scroll did describe him as having a wife and child of some sorts, But from what she had seen they weren't home.
Her hands brushed against the splintered wood of the housing walls, Trailing her way towards the nearest window. It was so easy, For a usual criminal he definetly didn't have any survival instincts as it was open ajar.
Strange, But she didn't think much of it.
As she shuffled closer towards the window, She peered inside. Hands resting on the frame as her eyes barely peeked over the edge.
A simple table and tatami mat was the only thing inside. The lantern placed atop it wasn't lit, Even slightly broken, Making the room just as dark as it was outside. There were several doors, All shut.
But the centrepiece of the entire room, Was the man sitting at the head of the table.
He wasn't anything special, Though [F/N] couldn't see much of him as his back was turned to her. Just the scalp full of dark hair and a thinly green yukata that clothed him, Average too, This really did seem like an easy job.
The hands gripping onto the ledge tightened, Careful not to make a sound as she pulled herself up from the dirt and grass she stood on before. Worn sandals pressing on the old wood with no noise, She climbed inside.
Her feet hit the old floorboards, The creak being near melded into the silence. [F/N] stared at the man, Eyes not wandering for a single second. This was it, His nape was in sight and so ready to be cut.
Moving forward, He didn't suspect a thing. None of them did, Neither him nor the rest.
Her sword slid out of the hilt, Rusty blade not shining though the moonlight shone through the open window. Her grip tightened around it, Careful as she raised it up, High towards the gods that guided her blade.
[F/N] stopped.
For a moment she felt as if time itself had stopped around her, Just to observe to moment.
[F/N]'s eyes darted over to a door she hadn't noticed before, One along the far wall. It was tilted open, Just a crack. [F/N] didn't even notice that it had opened, But she certainly took note of the young girl looking through from the other side.
She was mousy with golden blonde hair, Dark eyes that peered through the crack. [F/N] could make out that she was young, Younger than her with pretty ribbons tied up in her honeyed-hair.
She was Shizuko's age..
[F/N]'s eyes connected with the girls, Her own widening as the sword in her hands was still raised in the air, Ready to strike down on her father.
But the man froze up, Shoulders raising as [F/N] realised the dark shape cast by her blade was in his full view.
He turned around, Terrified eyes meeting with the ones that were destined to kill him.
But in a split second he acted, Jerking his head back to meet his daughter, Eyes pleading as his mouth opened up to call out to her.
He didn't even get past the first syllable.
[F/N]'s sword was brought down onto him like the striking tide against the shoreline, Blade cutting through the fibres of skin, Hardened bone to muscle. It didn't even take a second for his head to fly off his body in a spray of hot blood, Tossing around until it slammed into the front wall.
The head rolled onto the floor, Bruised and battered until it stopped.
Right in front of his daughter, Who looked down at it in horror.
The girl screamed, High and shrill as her dark eyes widened to their very limits.
[F/N] didn't know what happened, Her face splattered with the mans ichor as she looked over towards his severed cadaver of a head. The droplets of blood ran down her cheek to her chin, Nesting in the corners of her face.
From the corners of her eyes to between her lips, The ichor had infested.
Every inch of me is covered in the blood of an innocent man. She didn't have control of her body, Not her hands nor her blade. Instinct to kill acting on it's own. [F/N]'s eyes trailed down to her hands, Where the blood was most potent. Drenched entirely in red, Spilling onto her hilt and the metal of the rusty blade.
Holding her weapon up to her face, She looked at herself in what little reflection remained and just stared.
Don't get caught.
That's what he had said, That's what rung in her ears every time she hunted.
[F/N]'s eyes darted back over to the girl, Her screams still piercing and echoing around in the room. It was silencing, It was like air raid sirens hollering throughout the night. It was all [F/N] could hear, Not even listening to her ragged breathing no longer.
The girl pressed herself to the very back wall of the room she was in, Legs near crushing themselves into the wall in desperate attempt to keep the growing pool of blood away from her.
Did.. Did she do that? He had a child..? He had a child. He.. This man..
The mans head, Her fathers head. It stared up at the girl, Thanatoid eyes gazing up at his daughter.
It only made the girl cry harder.
"I.. I'm-" [F/N] didn't even acknowledge her parting of her lips or the strum of her vocal chords. Her fingers shook, Almost dropping the lowered blade in her hands.
"G-GET AWAY! G-GET AWAY!" The girl screamed, Eyes finally turning up to her and staring like a cornered animal. Like she was a ravenous wolf, Like the blade in her hands was the sharpened point of canines.
Ready to bite down onto her.
"D-DEMON, DEMON!! SOMEONE, H-HELP ME!!" The girl continued to scream as her knees almost buckled on her, Shaking, Trying not to collapse against the decapitated head of her father.
[F/N] stumbled back, Legs acting on their own.
She needed to go-! She needed to get out of here! The girl's wails would alert the neighbours soon if not already, Soon enough they'd find her- They'd get her-! In all protocol she should kill the girl- The girl-
The girl looked like Shizuko.
[F/N] ran.
Her body moved for her once more, Jerking around towards the open window and near lunging herself through it. Hands gripping the ledge, She felt herself snake through and the soles of her sandals slam against the dirtied ground.
The girls cries never stopped, Not as they ran through the window and echoed out into the empty night. [F/N] could already hear the calls of concerned neighbours, Watch as the bursts of lantern-lit light shine through the cracks of the houses around them.
[F/N] didn't wait to see their faces.
She sprinted away, Hopping the high fence with ease. This wasn't in the job, This wasn't in the deal! The man who she had slaughtered like cattle, From what she read on the list he hadn't had any daughter mentioned-!
It said he lived alone-! It said he-
[F/N] felt herself break.
They lied.
They lied to her.
[F/N] kept running, Making her way onto the streets as she heard the uproar of crowds. Yelling, Screaming and crying. All noises ran throughout the streets like a pack of dogs, Chasing her, Following her and ready to drag her back.
Those men, The people that had gave her the job. They had told her he was a criminal that lived alone in this town, No family of the sorts to be found. But he did, His daughter was there.
She looked well-cared for- She seemed healthy-
But they had lied.
And [F/N] had taken that away from her.
Tears started to drop down her hollowed cheeks, Shaking legs trying not to tumble over. She was still covered in that man's blood, Head to toe, But she ran like hell to the place her body took her.
[F/N] needed to get to him immediately.
They needed to get out of this town, That girl had seen her and knows what she had looked like. Everyone would know, They'd be searching-
That man.
He wouldn't be back for her, Not for her bounty. With the way the village seemed up in arms, Screams piercing through the night and chasing her down, He would know exactly what had happened.
There would be no one to save her. Not her, Nor Shizuko.
So she ran, Faster than she ever did before.
Covered in the blood slaughtered innocence.
"Careful-! We need to move quickly.."
[F/N] hissed lowly to Shizuko, Though it was not venomous in tone. The light of the daylight was a malison to them, Most ironically like a shadow, Following her like a curse.
Her hand gripped onto Shizuko's, His young undeveloped fingers wrapping around the thin and spindly phalanges of [F/N]'s. He looked up at her, Worried and confused eyes staring at the focused one's of his sister's as she peered around the corner.
[F/N]'s back was pressed firmly against the outer wall of the house, Located near the edges of the village. Her head poked around the corner, Observing the stroll of pedestrians nearby.
They were on edge, High alert. [F/N] could tell by their raised shoulders, The way their eyes darted back and forth as if something would jump out at them. They were very aware something was out there, Something dangerous.
They had her description, They most definetly did.
[F/N] heard the worried gossip of the locals in town, She heard the way they discussed the murders and the one who had hailed them. Her hair colour, Eye colour, Skin to her clothing was all rumoured about.
She couldn't be seen, Not even a glimpse.
"Onee-san.. What is happening? Why are we running?" Shizuko whispered, Hurriedly and hushed. His little hand gripped onto hers so tightly, Confused as to why she was so disturbed.
[F/N] glanced back at him, Trying to keep her horror to a minimum. "..Don't worry about it, We just need to lea- ACK-"
Though before she could finish her sentence she keeled over, Hand resting on the edge of the house lunged to her belly as she suddenly groaned in pain.
Shizuko gasped, Instantly coming to her side.
"Onee-san! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Shizuko cried as he watched [F/N] grasp desperatley at her tummy. It felt as if her stomach was eating itself whole, Not having anything in days, Her body started to feel woozy.
Drool ran down her lips, Aching for a bite of food she so desperately craved. But she wiped it off anyways, Trying to supress her hunger.
"..I-I'm fine.. D-Dont worry about me." [F/N] coughed as she finally released the hold on her stomach. [F/N] raised from her position, Back straightening out to display the ridges of her spine poking through it.
Though her answer was quick, Shizuko didn't believe it any longer. "No way! S-Something's wrong.. I.. Nee-chan, What's wrong with you..?" Shizuko whispered as he looked over [F/N]'s skeletal form.
There was no way they could get food here, Not anymore. The vendors would notice her, Especially the ones she had already swindled. Anyone she had interacted with in the past few days would recognise her description, So there was no feasible way she could get any sustenance.
Besides, It's not like she had the money to pay for it.
They needed to get out of here, But that was easier said than done. With the several murders, Some residents have taken to night patrols. Others who fancied themselves heroes have kept their eyes open, Searching for the person who could've done this.
Their loved ones, That was no doubt.
"..Please, Shizuko. I'll tell you everything later, I promise you.. But we need to leave now! We can't stay.." [F/N] pleaded with him, Squeezing his hand as tightly as she could with what little strength she had.
Shizuko looked back up at her, Eyes starting to water. Though he was young and unaware of the situation, He understood the severity. Especially when he looked into the eyes of his older sister, The ones that looked like they were about to shut down.
"Come on now.. The exit is only a bit away. We'll get some food and shelter for you soon.." [F/N] smiled through her pain, Hand starting to tug Shizuko along as she walked out of the corner.
It was a lie, This town was so far from it's neighbouring villages that it would take hours just to get to the nearest settlement. But [F/N] so desperately wanted to believe that they would get out, She had to, She had no other choice.
She'd get Shizuko out of this, Out of the mess she had made. Even though her body was failing, So close to collapsing altogether, The only thing she could think about was her younger brother's safety.
So she tugged him along, Carefully making her way through the streets. Scurried through alleyways and back routes, Making sure that no one would see her, That they would get out and she would somehow figure out a way to safety.
Her legs carried her forward, Thinning and whittling away by the second as she ambled towards where the town edge muddled into wilderness. Carried along the sides of the streets, She pulled the scarf over her head just a little further.
"Come on.. Almost there.." [F/N] assured Shizuko as she finally caught a glimpse of that finish line. Eyes shining with hope, She picked up the pace.
[F/N] finally saw the ending. The wilderness blurring from the town streets. She saw the lush clusters of leaves burst out from the branches in the trees, She saw the way the fields of rye-grass blow in the gentle wind.
She saw the sun high in the picturesque sky, And her stomached ached with hunger.
[F/N] stumbled towards it, Desperate as her legs shook like a new born-foals. Shizuko in hand she yearned for the sun, Wobbling towards it. Her vision growing deluded, Woozy in the head from the dire hunger in her stomach.
So close-! So close to-
[F/N] collapsed.
Her legs finally gave out, Knee's buckling under her as she fell to the ground. Her body hit the smoothed out dirt pavement with a thump! Fortunately letting go of Shizuko's hand in time, Not letting him fall with her.
"ONEE-SAN!" Shizuko yelped as he ran over to her fallen form. Lowering down onto his knees as he watched his older sister wheeze and sputter out what moisture she still held in her throat.
[F/N] picked up her head, Eyes straining towards the blue of the sky.
She needed to get up, [F/N] couldn't fail here! She had luckily fallen next to a wagon and horse duo that had luckily concealed her form from the passer-by's a few streets down, But [F/N] knew it would only be a temporary hide out.
Fingers dug into the dirt of the pavement, Muck getting under her hardened nails. [F/N] tried to get up, To get out of this situation and get Shizuko to safety. She needed to try.
Get up, Get up now! You can't fail here.. Useless- Get up-
"..Looks like you could use some help."
A man's voice called out.
[F/N] jerked her head up towards the wagon, What little spike of adrenaline helping her up. Her eyes widened, Strained and shaking as she watched the figure of an older man hobble around the side of the wagon.
He cast a shadow over her and her brother who had rushed to her side. Grey haired and weathered stature looming over them, [F/N] stared back up at him with wild eyes, Almost challenging him to do something.
"..Y-You. Who are you..?!" [F/N] interrogated, That coarse of adrenaline in her veins helping her to her knees along with Shizuko guiding her movements. She stared at the man, Arm moving in front of Shizuko as if to protect him.
The man took the cigarette out of his mouth, Staring back down at her as he tossed it on the floor and stomped it out.
"I'm a merchant 'round here. Was about to leave for the next town over with my exports before you two collapsed against my wagon, So'? You need help or what?" The man asked rather bluntly, Watching as [F/N] stumbled to her feet.
[F/N]'s eyes rushed to the wagon. Confirming his claims once her eyes laid on the clusters of jars, Crates of fresh produce and barrels filled assumedly to the brim of wines and juices of all kind.
It made her mouth water on command once more, Stomach lusting after the sweet-sour taste of the fruits inside.
The man caught quick wind of this, Instantly moving in front of his wagon.
"Ah, Ah! You ain't takin' any of my stock without a fee, Little Lady." The merchant remarked, Standing rather defensively between her and his wagon. [F/N] gritted her teeth in turn, The greed of this man making her want to punch his jaw in.
But before she could say anything, The merchant spoke up once more.
"I recognise you, Ya' know." He started, Leaning up against the Wagon. "You're that kid who killed some of the people around here, You match the description from what I've heard. Or am I wrong about that?"
"..Yeah, So what?" [F/N] huffed, Nose curling up into a snarl as she almost challenged him with her eyes. So he did recognise her, Word has spread even to the travellers passing through.
The mans lips upturned into an opportunistic grin, Standing up to his full height.
"I could get cha' outta here, Both you and that one there." He said, Pointing a fine finger towards Shizuko. "It just so happen's that I'm passing by a pretty lovely village to sell my stock, Maybe I could drop you off there."
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed in on him.
"What's the catch?" She prompted.
"The catch is 5000 yen." The man replied as he fished a hand into his yukata pocket, Reeling out a cigarette which he promptly stuck in his mouth. "I ain't wavering on the price, It's sittin' firm."
"5000 yen..?" Shizuko asked lowly, Glancing back towards [F/N] who instantly started to search through the pockets of her haori.
Her hands searched desperately, Trying to scrounge as much coins as possible from within her pockets. Fingers touching cool material, They snatched every little penny from inside and yanked them out into her palms.
Shizuko watched as [F/N] started to count the coins laying within her palms, Shifting through every last one as she tallied the number in her head.
[F/N]'s lips thinned.
She counted them again, Flipping through the coins once again with just a little more urgency than before. Come on, Please- 5000 yen. [F/N] prayed to whatever god was listening, Whatever one could help her, Prove the number wrong-
"Nee-chan.. Do we have enough..?" Shizuko asked, Tugging on her haori as he noticed her crestfallen expression.
"I.." [F/N] stuttered, At lost for words as she stared at the amount carried in her hands.
2530 was all she had.
The man seemed to take note of her expression, Watching as her face just went blank, Staring dead at what could've almost been her death sentence laying in her palms.
"Ah, Well. If you don't have enough money, Can't take you and the kid there. It'd be a long journey and you'd need to take some of my produce, The stuff I'm tryna sell here." The man explained, Shrugging as he lit his cancerette and turned away.
[F/N]'s expression grew frantic, Watching as he started to just waltz away from her and her brother. She loathed him, She hated him. A man who had more than others yet yearned for their riches anyways.
He was greedy, He was mammonish. Everything [F/N] hated in a man yet he was the only one who could get them out of here.
Looking down at the pennies in her hand, She knew that she wouldn't be able to afford their journey out of here. Their journey. [F/N] looked down towards Shizuko, Watching his eyes start to loose that glimmer.
It made something in her just.. Stop.
That frantic look in her eyes started to die, Her hunger slowly fading to nothing but white noise in the background as she looked at him with something more akin to acceptance. Shizuko, Her younger brother, The boy who she loved and cared for his entire life.
They had fought through hunger, Fought through thunder and storm and won against all odds. She had lied and swindled hundreds, Killed even more, All to make sure that her little brother would survive.
But what were the odds now?
Her head turned up towards the sky, Where the sun was held. It was almost looking down at her like the gods from the heavens above, The beautiful blue sky that reflected in her eyes, The birds soaring free through the clouds.
They wouldn't get out of here, They would not live.
Not together.
"..Then just take him, Take my brother."
The man turned around, Lit cigarette in mouth as he turned to look at the girl stood still beside his wagon.
Shizuko's eyes widened, The grip he had on her haori tightening.
"Nee-chan! What do you mean just me?!" Shizuko yelled, Tugging harshly on her haori to try and get her to look at him. "What about you..?! You're coming too, Right? Come on, Don't be like that!"
Despite his cries, [F/N] didn't look down at him. She didn't move or budge a bit, Almost despondent, Her eyes wandering somewhere far off into the distance.
"The price for both of us is 5000 yen. I have 2530, That is half of that number. So just taking my brother would be enough fee." [F/N] spoke. Soft in tone as she smiled, Finally turning down to look at Shizuko.
He stared back at her with terror unlike she had ever seen, But her eyes only held acceptance. Acceptance of her fate, Acceptance of his.
She smiled at him, And Shizuko felt himself shatter.
"Mmm… Yeah, Alright' I'll take that deal." The man broke through their silent conversation, Shrugging as he walked forward towards them with an expecting palm out. "Hand it over and the deal's done."
[F/N] outstretched the fist that clutched the last of her saving tightly, Hovering it over his hand.
"Before I give you this.. You need to promise me something." [F/N] said, Her voice darkening along with the sharpen of her eyes.
"Shoot." The man prompted.
"You must promise that Shizuko will be taken care of." [F/N] insisted, Staring him dead in the eyes. "You make sure that he'll be fed and housed somewhere, With good people. Make sure he has a damn good life."
"Nee-chan.. What are you doing..?" Shizuko muttered. The look in her eyes, The one that reflected the suns greatness. The acceptance within them, Shizuko did not understand even a little bit.
The man almost laughed at that, Humourlessly, But almost.
"Yeah, Sure, Whatever. There's a nice little rundown temple where some monk takes care've a buncha kids like you. He'll be fed real good there." The man said, Rolling his eyes before blowing out a puff of cigar smoke.
[F/N] eyed him like a rabid dog before finally letting go of the coins in her hand, Letting them fall into his hands.
She has no other choice.
He quickly snatched them up, Stuffing them in his already filled pockets before waving a hand and turning towards the front of the wagon.
"Alright then'. Then say your goodbyes quickly and get your brother in the back. I gotta head out quickly if I want to make it there by dawn." The man said as he strode off around the side of the wagon, Going off to tend to the twin horses sat idle in front of it.
[F/N] didn't remove her eyes from the back of his fine-woven yukata, Though her gaze was somewhere far-off. Despondent, She didn't move.
But Shizuko kept tugging on her arm, What little strength his age had started to plead with her.
"Nee-chan! What do you mean just me?! What about you? You're coming with me right..? You promised you would stay with me! You said that you would so don't break your promise!" Shizuko asked rather urgent, Eyes pleading with the ones that didn't meet his.
[F/N]'s lips parted, Letting out a small sigh as she finally turned her head around to meet him.
A smile still there, Plastered on her face.
But her eyes spoke differently, And Shizuko couldn't comprehend what they meant.
"..Of course." [F/N] spoke, Her thumb starting to rub circles into his hand. "But right now.. I'm going to need you to be brave, Okay? You're going to go away somewhere for a while, Somewhere I can't follow.."
[F/N] bent down onto a single knee, Barely keeping her up as she lowered down to meet Shizuko's eyes. He looked back at her, Turtling back into his shamrock yukata. He seemed at a loss for words, Barely able to stutter out a sentence.
"What.. You're not coming with me?" Shizuko mumbled, Shaking his head. "What will happen to you? Where will you go..?"
[F/N] continued to look him in the eyes, Smile still on her face yet it faltered.
It was if her lips had tightened, Pressed together to make sure the words she had wanted to say would not get out. [F/N] didn't dare speak them no matter how much she may have wanted to, No, Instead she looked up towards the sun.
The blue sky was as vibrant as it always was, The birds sailing free across the expanse of their sea. Hark, [F/N] could hear their calls, It echoed throughout the sky above, Making her long for the heavens.
But the birds raised higher and higher, The sun above seemed much more dull than it usually did. [F/N] watched as the clouds drifted away, Away from her. The sun continued on as the birds soared off into the distance.
They would continue, She would not.
"..I'll be fine, Shizuko, You know I will.. I.. We'll just be apart for a while, Okay? Once I'm settled and doing better, I'll come find you, Okay?" [F/N] tasted the sour flavour on her tongue, The same one that appeared when she talked to town merchants.
Even so, Shizuko didn't seem to accept this, Heartrate spiking as he lunged into her arms.
"N-No! I don't want to leave! I wanna stay with you Nee-chan! Don't let me go, I-I don't to leave- You promised, You promised!" Shizuko cried as he wrapped his tiny arms around her mid-section and buried his head into the hollow crook of her shoulder.
[F/N], Even though her strength was dwindling quickly could very well pull him off of her. She could of very well picked him up and set him down onto the back of the wagon, But she didn't.
Instead, She wrapped her own spindly arms around him, Resting her head atop his mop of curls and sigh.
She closed her eyes, She had to do this.
"Shizuko.. How about I tell you a story?" [F/N] whispered, Pulling him closer towards her.
Shizuko blinked, Tightening his hold around her. [F/N] didn't hear a single word from him, Not whisper or wail. She sighed once more, Knowing very well that Shizuko wouldn't say anything.
So [F/N] took a deep breath in and started.
"…So, Once upon a time there was.. A boy and his lamb." [F/N] began, Digging her nose deeper into the curls of his hair. "The boy and the lamb were very close, They had basically been together since birth.. The boy was the lamb's very best friend.."
"..The lamb was the boy's best friend too, Right?" Shizuko finally mumbled, Head still firmly pressed into her neck like an anchor, Unwilling to let her go.
[F/N] smiled.
"Maybe. I suppose it depends on how you decide to look at the story.." She said, Staring up towards the sky once more.
"The boy and the lamb did everything together. They ate together, They slept together, They were never apart and both of them were very happy about that.. The boy loved the lamb, And the lamb loved the boy." She whispered.
"..Until the lamb wandered too far from home one day." [F/N] said, Now unable to stop the water boiling up over the rims of her eyes. "T-The lamb was careless and cocky, It had wandered into a lions den."
Shizuko noticed the wobble in her tone, Eyes darting over to see the face he just couldn't make out from this angle. [F/N] kept his head pressed softly down on the crook of her neck, Not wanting him to worry.
"And the lamb was stupid enough to drag the one person it loved most into the den with it, The boy had followed the lamb and now they would both be eaten alive for it.. They both would die." [F/N] whispered.
[F/N] now had a hard time keeping her voice steady, Keep herself from hugging Shizuko tighter and never letting go. [F/N] didn't want this, She didn't want to die. She wanted to live but-
"..N-Now, The lamb was much faster than the boy. It could very well just run away to leave the boy to die, It could save itself but.." [F/N]'s words died out into nothing more than a whisper now, The grip on her younger brother softening to a featherlight grace.
Tears flooded over, There was no other option.
"The lamb had gotten them into that situation, T-Therefore the lamb decided that it would get eaten while the boy ran. The lamb would give itself up for the boy, Because.. T-The lamb loves the boy, The lamb would do anything for him.." [F/N] croaked, Holding him closer to her chest.
Shizuko couldn't feel the hot tears melting into the curls of his hair, He wouldn't see where they came from even if he did. But his eyes started to wobble, Specks of saline starting to dust his eyes.
He gripped onto her tighter, Tighter than he ever did before.
"What does it mean.. Nee-chan, W-What does the story mean?" Shizuko whispered.
"..I-It means that the boy needs to run now. No matter if the boy and the lamb don't want to separate, E-Even if they had promised to stick together. It means that he must go now and leave the lamb behind.." [F/N] whispered.
Her grip loosened on him ever so slightly, Almost debating whether she should stay like this forever or let him leave. But the way her stomach ached, The way she felt that she would fall apart any minute now.
It told her what she needed to do, What she must.
[F/N] let go of Shizuko, And with whatever little strength she had left in her body she snaked her thinning arms under his armpits and hauled him up towards the back of the wagon, Nestling him amongst the piles of cargo.
Shizuko didn't cry, But his eyes became an angry red. He didn't take his eyes off of her either, And [F/N] was too dehydrated to cry any longer. So she just stood, Smiled as she stumbled back away from him.
"Nee-chan.. You'll come find me, R-Right?" Shizuko pleaded as he laid in-between the goods, Settled between boxes and jars filled with everything that he'd ever need. "You won't forget about me.. You.. I'll see you again, Right?"
Shizuko, Born from the blood of his predecessors and raised through storm and slaughter. His hands were blessed by the gods, His palms were divine. He was curious, He was intuitive, Headstrong to the letter.
He was smart, He was clever.
Yet just not enough to know that here today, He would be the only one to see the glory of the moon tonight.
"Of course. I'll find you after all of this is over.. Sooner or later." [F/N] smiled, Weak and feeble as she tried to quell the way her organs started to die. The way her muscles started to fail, Her eyes grow foggy.
In her barely-working heart she knew it was a lie, And it disgusted her to her very core. But he didn't need to know that, He only needed to survive.
"Leavin' now!" The merchant called out from the head of the wagon, Sat with the reigns of the twin horses clutched tightly within his palms. He had a lazy look as he glanced back at them, Only needing the confirmation of the back of Shizuko's head and [F/N]'s distance away from his wagon to take off.
It happened in a single whip of the reigns, A squeal of the twin horses' rally and the rattle of the wagons wooden frame.
The horses raised their front hooves, The shine of their sleek chestnut coat shone under the sun as they slammed them back down onto the smoothed out pavement.
They took off, Dust in their wake as the wagon was pulled along with their trailblazing gallop. Stallions, They had to be, Otherwise how could they have dragged them apart so quickly?
The sound of clopping hooves, The neigh of the equines. [F/N] stood by, As still a broken clock as the dust of the stallions gallop drift around her emphasised ankles. She watched, Eyes still connected to Shizuko's with the saddest smile she had ever worn painted on her face.
He stared back at her, Still sat on the back of the cargo. He rocked back and forth along with the movements of the wagon, Though his eyes remained fixed to her no matter what. An unsure, Tight lipped frown on his face.
He got smaller and smaller, Almost like a speck of dust. [F/N] didn't know how long she stood there, How long until the beautiful blue sea above them became one with the horse and wagon.
And Shizuko was gone, Disappearing on the horizon.
The sun still shone bright in the sky as ever, The clouds drifted further and further away from her and the birds became nothing but a memory she could recall in her far mind. And as ever, She was starving, Soon to die.
The wind brushed through her untended hair, Dancing in the wind. It tickled at her skin, Lukewarm summer heat seeping into the skin that hung thinly on her skeletal frame. She took it in, The last she would ever feel.
[F/N] turned, Eyesight becoming two-timed and foggy. She stumbled in her walk, Mind working slower than it would ever normally but she knew what she had to do as she tried to keep her footing in stride.
[F/N] found it funny, What little strength she had was used to recall a fact. One she had read from a book she'd stolen once, It was a fun piece of trivia. One she recalled as she turned in the other direction and stumbled off.
When cats grew old, When their time came and they were going to die. That cat was said to sense it, To know when it was going to pass on to the next life.
When it did, When that cat got that impending sense of their life-string shortening it was spoken to go off and find a place to die. They do this because they know that they are weak and vulnerable to predation, They do it because it's peaceful.
But a cat doesn't want to die alone, A cat would much rather pass on surrounded by what little loved ones it had. But it's a complicated answer as to why they would prefer isolation, Aside from the benefits it might give.
There is no one answer as to why the cat chooses solidarity, Some even go the opposite route and become much more affectionate to their owner.
But if they do isolate they will often curl up to numb their pain, They go to sleep, Unconscious after days and nights of walking. Somehow still alive despite their fragile state.
Laid against the steps of a shrine, Shadow protecting them from the scorching heat of the cruel morning.'
The slosh of the cold ocean waves hit the legs of the rickety wooden docks as always, Aquamarine seafoam was their residue, Running down their supports in rolls.
The shrine stood tall, Decaying support and dying candle-light still visible through the paper-thin windows. Like a god above everything else, It towered. Her prison still there to loom over her, Cast a shadow on her back.
The dark void of the infinity castle still hung overhead, The emptiness almost audible and reverberating through the entire passage. It was so null here, So completely nothing. It was lonely, It was isolating. Alone, As always.
And Akaza's hand was still gripped firmly with [F/N]'s, Fingers hesitantly interlocking in a union unfamiliar to both.
"..I have killed hundreds, Akaza. Not demons, But human beings. People who did nothing to provoke me or my ire.." [F/N] spoke, So low that it could've melted into the sloshing of the luminescent sea around them.
But Akaza heard it well, He heard it all.
The slaughtered newborns, The slaughtered men, The starvation and the sacrifice. The lion and the lamb.
His eyes were focused into a point of the docks below him, The broken glass of his golden eyes didn't look up at her, Not as their fingers were still entwined. The story that she had told him, The one where she had starved against a shrine not unlike the one they were perched before.
His stare intense against the docks, His lips thinned.
The story she had told him, To survive as the strongest of the weak. It made something in him turn, Something he did not like.
"..You had to survive. You killed because you needed to feed your brother and yourself, It is just simple survival of the fittest." He didn't have control of his tongue in that moment, He himself was not even sure why he was saying this. But he didn't make a move to stop it, Just squeeze her hand tighter.
[F/N] glanced over to him with sorrowed eyes, An angry strained red appearing in them. There was no light reflecting in them, A frown deeper than her eyebags appearing on her face.
Still sodden wet with the ocean's salty water, From her hair to her clothes she was drenched. Droplets running down her skin like rain on a tiled roof, Chilled, She was shaking. Still curled up into a fetal position as if trying to calm herself down.
Like a cornered animal she sat, Terrified and alone.
"Thats the thing.. Akaza." [F/N] sighed, Looking back over towards the colliding waves of the ocean. "I have killed innocence. I have killed fathers, Mothers, Daughters and brothers. Every inch of me is drenched in their blood.."
She spoke, Her words turning into cold vapour floating off into the air.
"I am nothing but an abandoned beast.. I have broken my promises, My word is my lie- Just.. Don't try to convince me I'm a good person, I don't want to hear that right now.." [F/N] whispered as she dropped her head down, Closing her eyes as if to wake up from some terrible dream.
But reality was a horrid reminder not many could escape. Akaza didn't say much after that, How could he? What words were right to speak? Would he even dare? Why the hell did he even care in the first place?
[F/N] shook her head, Water still dripping down her defeated form.
"..What about you?"
"..What?" Akaza responded as his eyes darted over to hers for only a moment, Confused to her prompt.
"..Why'd you save me? You know.. Apart from getting to kill Kokushibo. You seemed pretty adamant that I still had something to offer.. But.." [F/N] pursed her lips, Her brows knitting together as if picking her words carefully.
"..You broke your principle. You hurt me, A woman." [F/N] finally said, Turning her dropped head to look at him. She recalled how he had punched her mid-fall, Pushing her over just far enough so that she would land in the water.
Blood had came out, He had injured her.
Akaza's body instantly tensed up, Muscles flexing up into something that seemed defensive as a scowl appeared on his face. [F/N] could feel his grip grow tighter around her palm, Something she didn't react to.
"..I didn't hurt a woman." Akaza remarked, Spitting out his words like a snake shooting venom. "..I stopped the strongest Hashira from making the worst decision of their life, From throwing away their strength."
[F/N] almost rolled her eyes if it wasn't for that unwanted flicker of gratitude still harboured in her soul, She clicked her tongue.
"..Whatever. It's not like it matters anymore.. Inari isn't real, Kaigaku is still alive and.. There is no way I'll ever get out of here, Out of this hell, Not alive anyways.." [F/N] whispered into the voids cool air, Almost wanting to glance up at the heavens before ultimately deciding against it.
[F/N] didn't say anything more after that, Neither did Akaza have a response. Instead the noise was filled with the settling of the old shrine behind them, The battle of the waves against the docks and the infinite emptiness of the void.
She sat there, Hands still covered in slick cardinal ichor. It would never wash off, No matter how much she'd scrub and scrub in the bath until her skin peeled off. It would remain forever, Wet and undried. Disgusting and dirty.
[F/N] had ruined hundreds, If not thousands of lives.
What redemption was in letting her stay alive when she had taken the souls of the many? What reason did she have to exist, To still be standing when everything around her just fell apart at her hand. Shizuko, Mitsuri, Everyone.
[F/N] was their curse, Their burden.
Tears started to reform in her eyes.
Why was she still alive?
Akaza sighed, Mind working thousands of miles per hour. He didn't know how to feel or what to do, How to comprehend all that happened in the last few hours. Kaigaku, The Soul Hashira and her suicide attempt-
How could he possibly react?
"..There is nothing I can do anymore.. I.. I just can't go on like this. Everyday it feels harder and harder just to not breakdown and give up.. I.. I just wanna give in, What more can I do?" [F/N] whispered not to Akaza but herself, Still staring intently at her palms.
Akaza still sat staring down at the old wooden stairs, His lips still thinned into a prominent line. He was lost in thought, Words spoken by the woman beside him swirling in his mind like an oncoming storm.
What could she do? What could she possibly-
Akaza's eyes widened.
"..What? You got something to do or..?" [F/N] took notice of the sudden change in his actions. Especially once his head perked up and snapped towards her, Almost able to see the lightbulb sparking over his head.
"Shit.. No.. Actually, There is something you can do." Akaza spoke and [F/N] instantly scowled at him. Great, Another lecture. She tossed her head to the side and lowered her head.
"..Akaza, I don't want some misguided speech about how it's all worth it. Please, Just keep it to yourse-"
"No-! No, I mean like there is something you can do to actually get out of here!" Akaza butted in, Exasperated as he looked back at her with an annoyed glare. [F/N] narrowed her eyes on him, Drifting her vision over to him.
What plan could he possibly have to get her out of here?
"You said that you and Kokushibo don't have a good relationship, Yes?" Akaza asked, Urgent in the eyes and voice.
"..Yeah? What of it?" [F/N] asked, Rather suspicious as she eyed him up and down.
"Then maybe that's the way to getting you out of here." Akaza stated, Almost as if he had this thought out in the minute he had planned it. "You need to gain his trust, You need to make him lower his guard."
[F/N] gawked at this, Eyes widening.
He was suggesting of all things, Of all possible ways to get her out of here.. Was getting friendly with her captor? A demon who had certainly killed thousands, Kidnapped her and destroyed her shrine. He was suggesting she played nice with him?
"Oh, Absolutely not." [F/N] rebutted, Shaking her head adamantly as she curled tighter into that sitting fetal position. There was absolutely no way she would ever try to please that monster, The one that she deemed worse than herself.
Akaza scoffed, Starting to pinch his temple in frustration.
"Oh come on, [F/N]. I'm giving you a way to get out of here, Gain the bastards trust. It sounds like he likes you and that is a fucking miracle here." Akaza snapped as he grew closer to her. "You would be the only person he would ever relax around, So you fucking take advantage of that."
[F/N] stared at him as if he had grown two heads, As if he had spoken absolute gibberish and expected her to understand it.
She opened her mouth, Angry and ready to argue.
"No, No, No! I'm not getting friendly with that goddamn degenerate. I-I don't wanna play house with him! I don't want to pretend to be his sister or.. Oh for fucks sake he's uppermoon one, He's a bastard. He's- HE'S-"
"-He's giving you any other choice?" Akaza cut in, Making [F/N] silence herself immediatley as she was met with the determined and unwavering stare of Uppermoon three looking her dead in the eyes.
[F/N]'s mouth hung open, Ready to argue and rebut everything he said but-
Nothing came out, Not a single word.
[F/N] shut her mouth, Slowly guiding it to close. Was she really given any other choice, In this vacant hell there was nothing but her and her captor. But was she really willing to give up her morals for..
Morals. Why would morals matter now? It didn't when she swindled family men out of their well-earned goods, Wrung the necks of hundreds and broken the promises she had held so deeply to her heart.
She was already at the bottom of the barrel, She couldn't sink any lower.
"..No. I don't have any other choice." [F/N] whispered as she turned away from Akaza, Eyes no longer wanting to linger on him and look at that determined expression. Jealous of his tenacity.
Akaza smirked, Getting through to her.
"Then you start playing nice with that bastard. You make him think that you want to be near him, All the while planning your escape out of here." Akaza said, Almost commanding as he squeezed her hand.
[F/N] sighed.
The grasp on Akaza's hand started to loosen, Fingers slipping away from their knot before retracting altogether. Akaza's watched [F/N] pull herself to her feet, The step underneath creaking with her weight.
"..Yeah, Okay. Whatever." [F/N] sighed. "I'll.. Play nice."
Akaza's smirk died, His eyes narrowing in on her as he watched her walk aimlessly up the stairs, Towards the shrine.
She turned her head almost despondently towards Akaza, A look in her eyes that told him she was lost. That her feet carried her somewhere she did not know, That something was still very long with her.
"I still have a question.." Akaza called out to her, Putting a hand beside him to push Akaza to his feet. "The Sunlight Village, The one you said you grew up in. It's still apart of the demon slayer corps, No?"
[F/N] looked at him as if she knew what he was about to ask. It was out of curiosity, Out of genuine want to know. To him, It just didn't add up.
"..If you were apart of the demon slayer corps as a prominent member, Your father, The head of the sunlight village would've been able to recognis-"
"-I killed my father, Akaza."
[F/N] called out and her voice echoed throughout the entire void. Akaza stopped, Falling silent instantly at her quick answer. [F/N] smiled as she looked at him fully now, Humourless, Sad more than anything.
"I returned to The Sunlight Village, This time with a sword in my hand. By the time I had returned my mother had died from a miscarriage years before, So I couldn't get to her. But unfortunately for me, My father was still alive." [F/N] started.
"I severed his head with my own blade, I dragged his body to the river by the house and squeezed him until he popped every last drop of blood into the water." [F/N] stated so calmly, As if stating the sky was blue or that the grass was green.
Akaza could only stare dead as she turned back around, Not moving, Still as the wind now as they sunk in the silence.
"..If there was one person in this world that I do not regret slaughtering, Then it was him." [F/N] finished, A sort of fire in her voice so sure of itself. "That monster deserved it and so much more, I was merciful for giving him death."
And as soon as the words left her mouth she had raised her foot, Stepping forward and ambling towards the entrance of the shrine.
Akaza didn't speak up after that, His question answered and so much more as he watched the woman he thought he had figured out start to walk off. Would she be okay? Akaza knew deep down somewhere in his cold heart that she'd be fine.
For now, At least. She'd be alright for now.
But.. She didn't tell him the full story.
From where she had finished off, Any person listening from an outside view would've assumed she had starved and died. Though she was still standing, Barely, But still alive she was.
She didn't tell him how she survived, How she got mixed up with the slayers or kill one thousand of his kind. She didn't say how she became a man when she worked as a Hashira, Nor did she say why she wanted to kill demons in the first place.
Akaza didn't ask anymore questions however, Today had enough of them. He didn't have the energy nor the guts to question her any longer. Instead, He'd let it settle, Just for a little while.
She didn't want to tell him, And that was fine.
He'd let it go, Just for today.
Akaza turned around, Beginning to wander off down the rickety yet trusty docks. The still wind started to pick up and start to dry of his corpse-coloured skin, Making the small tufts of salmon hair start to wave in the air.
And just as fast as he came, He left. Disappearing in a burst of wind and the strum of the biwa woman he called out to.
The sunlight flooded in through the cross-paned window, Illuminating the specks of dust drifting through the inner spring air.
The emboldening light reached the desk of the makeshift office sat in the infirmary of the butterfly mansion, Amaterasu's radiance smiling down on the petite woman idling by the bookshelf adjacent to the desk.
Shinobu shut the hard-cover book, Carefully reaching upwards to place it back with it's family of similar literature. Biology, General medicine, Botany. All of these were keywords in all the titles, Each sorted and ordered neatly on the shelf.
It was a slow day in the infirmary, Only one or two patients laying fast asleep on the beds lain out for them. This gave Shinobu some time to herself, Time she usually dedicated to practicing her craft or getting her usual one-hour in for sleep.
But she didn't feel like sleeping, And she had flicked through every book in her library a good few thousand times. Other tasks she usually did like feeding her pet goldfish, The one sat on a cosy fishbowl on her desk had already been tended to.
So Shinobu wandered over to the windowsill, Where a sudden floral aroma hit her nose like it usually did. But unlike flicking through her books it never got old, Instead making her smile something more genuine than she usually wore.
Petunias, They were her favourite flower.
In the past few months or so, Shinobu had taken a hobby to gardening. Often spending more and more time out in the mansion's lush gardens, Planting and potting flowers, Digging up produce grown in the soil.
She found something comforting about watching something so small as a seed grow into a budding flower. The petunias she grew on the long pot across her windowsill being a particular example.
Shinobu reached a delicate hand out, Cupping the base of where the stem met the petals with a polite touch. Leaning down just a little bit she closed her eyes, Taking a long breath of the sugar-like scent, Inhaling every ounce of it into her lungs.
It calmed her, If only a little bit.
Shinobu opened her eyes.
She raised back up to her full height, Hand falling away from the flower as she spied the visitor on the other side of the windowsill. It was her crow, Kamakiri, A sleek ebony feathered bird with a decorative butterfly charm collar around it's neck.
Shinobu smiled, Reaching over and flicking open the latch to the window. She pulled it up with a mindful screech, Careful not to wake what little patients she had in the infirmary.
"Ah.. Kamikiri~! I see you're back from your scouting." Shinobu greeted. "Though I suppose that's not entirely why you're here.."
Between the beak of the crow was a pristine white envelope, One the colour of doves. Kamikiri nudged it forward and Shinobu took no time in fishing it from her birds mouth, Stretching out a single finger on her free hand for her bird to sit on.
Kamikiri happily took the perch, Flapping its wings upwards before settling down on top of her mistress' finger. Shinobu, With her free hand, Managed to unseal the letter from within the envelope with relative ease.
She held it up to the sunlight, Letting Amaterasu guide the words dotted with ink on the paper. Her glossy eyes scanned every symbol, Her lips pursed as she continued on, An intrigued expression appearing on her face.
"..A cult near Fukushima, I see.." Shinobu muttered as she continued scanning the letter, Observing the official report from the head kakushi. She continued on, Eyes reading every word with consideration.
But her breath hitched in her throat.
Kamikiri squawked, Her wings flapping once, Then twice before lowering down and taking off out the window. She soared out yet stayed close to the mansion, Circling back to go assumedly perch in the makeshift bed that was made for her here.
Eyes widening, Shinobu's shoulders raised. What resemblance of a smile on her face broke down into a monotone line, Eyes staring blankly at the keyword written plain on the piece of paper.
Shinobu's eyes darkened, The petunia's smell becoming all the more potent.
Next Chapter
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ameliathornromance · 1 month
The Manor House: A Vampire Romance: Chapter 4
A white trail of petals guided you downstairs the next evening. The same petals of the flowers you gave the Lord.
You followed them, down the hall and to the imperial staircase, where they drifted down the steps and ended in the front room.
The sky outside hadn’t changed since you went to bed, the curtains had stayed open and billowed as cold night air washed in the Manor in its icy freshness.
The fridgidness made you slow, sensing something… new in the air.
It wasn’t the old stuffy feeling that the constantly drawn curtains blocked in or the endless halls of void that suffocated anyone who dared gazed into its endlessness.
As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you turned into the front room and found the source of your unease.
Petals led your eyes up to Lord Baal. He sat in an armchair by the fireplace. The fire crackled menacingly, spitting embers as you locked eyes with the man in the chair.
His legs were crossed, his fingernails dug into plush red leather arms of the chair. In his lap, laid the bouquet of flowers. Nearly all the heads of the plants had been plucked free of their colour, only leaving the yellow pollen at the centre of the stem.
Heart in your throat, you and the Lord locked eyes, his dark gaze narrowed at you in the firelight.
Neither of you said anything.
“Why did you-“
“When I said ‘clean the Manor’, I didn’t mean do the bare minimum.” The Lord interrupted. Picking up one of the flower stems, he twirled it in his fingers, admiring his massacre of the greenery. “I checked everywhere, you missed the kitchen.”
“But-“ you started.
The Lord hurled the stem into the fireplace. Embers burst from underneath the stem, before it clambered on top of its fuel and robbed it of its life.
You stopped mid sentence as the Lord spoke again, “I had no idea that commoners were so incompetent, a monkey could do a better job here.”
Lord Baal got to his feet, tossing the rest of the flowers into the fire. The flames lapped at them as if they were parched dogs.
He approached you, his degradation continued, “maybe I should have employed one instead of a commoner I picked up from the bank of a river.” He chuckled, “I mean, what did I expect?”
You bit your tongue. Let him get his malice out of his system, it won’t last long.
“I picked you up from a river bank. You looked horrendous, just like I expected any peasant to look. I don’t even know why I trusted you with such an easy task.”
Endure it.
“I mean, you fell off your own horse and into a river. You can’t even swim. I thought that peasants were experienced in that, since, y’know, they have nothing else better to do than swim in dirty lakes and rivers.”
That night flashed through your mind. Your chest tightened, feeling the chilly air seep into your lungs, into your very soul as the villagers searched for you like Fox hunters chasing down their already injured rodent prey.
The water of the churning rapids licked your legs again, threatening to take you if you didn’t jump in yourself. 
A twig snapped, somewhere in the distance. Just close enough for you to hear, you might have mistaken it for the cackling fire.
“I finally know why you’re alone.” Your voice echoed, strong, loud through the air.
Even the fire dared not make a sound, the Lord’s cruel grin falling away. “What did you just say?”
“I said,” You raised your voice. “I finally know why you’re alone.” 
When the Lord had no response, you pelted him with sharp words, your tongue forked like a venomous snakes. “It’s no wonder everyone left you here, to rot in this Manor. Even the servants left you here alone and I can hardly blame them, especially with that shitty attitude.” 
You jabbed your index finger, hard into the Lord’s chest. “It’s better than being talked down to by some stuck-up his ass Lord who can’t appreciate the work others put in for him and his ridiculously sized home that he keeps all to himself!”
Your shouts echoed around the Manor and bounced back, as if it was too, fed up with Lord Baal’s neglect.
“That’s probably why your family probably left too!” A cruel laugh escaped you as you tugged at yesterday's clothes, still on your back. “I mean, your mother didn’t even bother to pack her clothes to take with her when she left this place-”
The fire went out, stealing the words from your throat, plunging you into blackness. The ghostly moonlight bloomed behind you.
Heart in your throat, you looked around frantically, desperate for your eyes to adjust to the limited lighting. The tightness in your chest didn’t go away as you raked the surroundings for any sight of the Lord, ears pricked and almost yearning for his pompous tone that you hated him for. 
The clicking of the front door earned a gasp of surprise from you, finally finding the only other occupant of the Manor.
He stood in the doorway, eyes shadowed and glowering into the night, as if it was the turning of the earth that had wronged him.
Without so much as a word, he slammed the door closed behind him. The Manor shuddered with the force, the window panes rattling, threatening to fall from their neglected frames.
Lord Baal stalked through the grounds of his Manor, fists clenched and teeth gritted.“That absolute fucking-” He growled as he stormed toward his overgrown garden.
This was stupid, to go on a walk so close to the morning, he knew it was, but he didn’t care.
Clawing his way through the rose bushes, ignoring the way the stems pierced his flesh, he forced his way into what was once a marble maze.
Once he was clear of the bushes he stopped, breathless, surrounded by them.
He kicked at the thicket, felt stupid for attacking a plant, then fell to his knees. 
Your words hammered down on him as the Lord glared at a statue of his father. Nearly consumed by moss, vines twisting around its Greek podium, it soothed the Lord for a moment. 
This moment of clarity, allowed a question that Lord Baal had been pushing away for so long, to creep into his mind:
Did they really leave because of me?
Read 4 Chapters ahead
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The Fox & The Hound
Eris x Reader, based off a request! I combined this with an idea @azsazz came up with a long time ago, so this was the perfect combination! Featuring baby Lucien, he's only about 1-2 years old (I have no idea how old kids are when they're walking/talking, etc. so just go with it lol)
Warnings: Beron being an asshole, rabbit stew
Word Count: 2.6K
Eris crossed over the stony bridge, officially leaving the grounds of the estate for the dense forest before him. Lucien watched as the Forest House grew smaller and smaller, the farther Eris carried him into the woods. Eris patted his back, cradling the babe close to his chest. With his chubby cheek pressed to Eris’s shoulder, he garbled a few words of nonsense, grabbing at the brown piping on his eldest brother’s jacket. 
Carefully stepping over the piles of leaves and loose rocks, Eris’s hand rubbed over Lucien’s back, keeping him calm as they escaped the loud household. Eris was quick to pick up on the telltale signs of his father’s anger, the yelling between his parents ensuring things would turn ugly fast. He took Lucien from his room, where he was surely able to hear the shouting echoing off the stone walls, and made haste for the foggy woods. 
Eris had spent the past many decades of his life taking his brothers out of the house in moments such as these, shielding them from the abuse he wished someone would have protected him from. Many years were spent in the river beside him, teaching each of his brothers how to fish, showing them how to hunt, set traps, and wield their fire. Lucien, the youngest of the unruly boys, seemed to invoke a special kind of anger in their father, something Eris wasn’t sure Beron even knew the root cause of - it was what Eris prayed to the Mother above about each night: that his father didn’t truly know. 
He propped his brother at his side, hooking his arm around the babe tightly, turning him forwards to see the expanse of the forest in front of them. Lucien blabbered on, something about the colors on the trees, red and lellow - Eris didn’t try to hide his smile. But he continued on, pointing things out to Lucien as he expertly followed the trail between the trees. It was a path Eris carved himself: dry grass trampled beneath his horses hoofs, flattened under Eris’s own boots; he walked that path a million times to your little cabin on the outskirts of town. 
Without any warning at all, the older male swooped toward the ground and plucked a blooming flower from the earth. Lucien exploded with laughter, tiny fists grabbing at Eris’s coat, legs kicking at his sides. The babe’s bright eyes shut as his cheeks reddened, nothing but pure joy at his brother’s antics. Eris tickled Lucien under his arms, in which he knew he barely actually touched him through his many layers and thick corduroy jacket; but he squealed nonetheless, perhaps just happy to be spending time with his older brother.
“This,” Eris began, once Lucien had calmed. “Is a Celosia.” Lucien’s eyes widened, mouth dropped open in awe. Eris twirled the spiky red flower between his fingers, showing his brother the new object. He caught the drool forming on Lucien’s plump bottom lip before it fell to his coat, wiping his knuckle against the babe’s lip before tickling his nose with the tip of the flower. He handed it to Lucien, whose smile widened as he grabbed the plant with both hands. “Gross,” the older male muttered, wiping the baby drool off on the side of his pants. 
As he approached the small clearing near the river, Eris caught sight of a hole buried deep under a tree root. He inspected the area, catching sight of a pair of glowing eyes. Lucien’s attention shifted to the approaching fox, crawling cautiously out of the dark cavern. Eris stood still at the edge of the nest, watching as one approached, followed by another, and another. They walked around Eris’s feet, swirling between his legs like how the mist curled around the mountains. 
Lucien hurled himself forward, arms outstretched towards the fuzzy foxes. Eris caught the babe quickly, leaning over to set Lucien on his wobbly feet. He managed to hold himself upright, but only until one of the foxes lunged toward him, standing on its hind legs to sniff his curly red hair. Lucien fell on his bum, nothing but laughter and smiles as his hands came up to pet the animal. 
Eris smiled, settling down on a large rock beside the den. He ran a hand through his own hair, loose against his forehead, and glanced up at the sun. It was nearing sunset, leaving the sky streaked with orange and red, kissing the tops of the darkening trees. He turned his attention to the ground when something pulled on the hem of his pants - expecting Lucien, he turned his head with a small smirk, prepared to meet his excited brother. With a quirk of his brow, his lips pressed into a firm line, watching as the dark brown paws clawed gently at his leg. 
The fox peered up at him with a tilted head, spiked ears propped up in curiosity. Eris mirrored the animal, turning his own head as he tried to shoo away the small kit. Those trousers cost more than he cared to admit. With a shake of his leg, the fox ran around his other ankle, waiting for Eris to settle back before crawling over his boots again. 
Lucien giggled in front of him, waving his hands around as the other foxes jumped around him. The older male huffed, pushing himself to his feet, grabbing Lucien and hoisting him away from the rowdy animals. “We gotta get going,” Eris said to him, straightening out his little jacket. “It’s getting late.” 
Lucien’s eyes widened, staring up at his brother in disbelief. As Eris took a step forward, away from the skulk, Lucien started screaming, yelling out in irritation. Eris shushed the babe, patting his back as he continued on down the path, but Lucien was not to be calmed. He twisted and turned in Eris’s arms, reaching out for the one fox following them. 
Eris pressed forward, taking longer steps, hoping to lose the kit - but to no avail. The farther the fox followed, though, the softer Lucien’s screams were, and no longer was he squirming in Eris’s grip. “Come, come,” Lucien called, reaching over Eris’s shoulder out toward the animal. 
The tall male stopped in his tracks, holding his leg out to try to stop the fox. It simply walked around him, plopping down on the soft earth, waiting for Eris to continue. Lucien twisted, calling to the kit, who was seemingly only waiting for Eris’s next move. 
“My dogs will eat that thing,” Eris muttered, trying to wrangle Lucien in his arms. 
But with no sign of stopping - Lucien or the fox - Eris huffed. “Fine,” he sighed, mostly to himself. “Let’s all go then.” He began trudging down the path again, letting Lucien fawn over the animal that trailed closely behind. 
The minute they approached your cabin, though, Lucien smiled, turning his attention to the tiny front door. You’d stuck more flowers into the pots beside the landing, Eris noticed the dianthus, pointing it out to Lucien, too, who seemed fond of the purple petals. With nothing more than two knocks, Eris let himself in, ducking his head to step inside.
You met the males in the living room, as you wiped the flour from your hands, greeting the both of them with a smile. While Eris dropping by in the evening came as no shock to you, the extra visitors were a pleasant surprise. Lucien made grabby hands for you, leaning far away from his brother. You plucked him from Eris’s grip, happy to see the babe, despite the pull at your heart as you cradled him to your chest in a hug. Eris frequently visited you, but you knew he only brought Lucien when things turned sour at home. 
Lucien wrapped his arm around your neck, grabbing a fistfull of your hair as he planted a slobbery kiss to your cheek. “Hello, Lu Lu,” you crooned, cradling his head in your hand. You twirled his red curls, much like his older brother’s, and propped him up on your hip.
Eris rolled his eyes, in jealousy no doubt, placing his first finger under your jaw and turning your chin away from Lucien, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. The babe in your arms was already distracted by something beside him; you followed his line of sight to the open doorway. “Brought a new friend?” You asked, eyeing the small fox sitting in the open doorway. 
As Eris moved to shut the door, the kit jumped through, landing on the hard oak floor. You cocked a brow at the male, who shrugged in response and loosed a sigh. Don’t ask. 
You made your way to the kitchen with Lucien held sturdy on your hip, leaving Eris and his pet in the living room. Lucien giggled, sticking his hands in the pile of flour on the counter. He slapped his hands together, shrieking as it made a cloud in the air. You placed the small ball of dough in the cast iron baking dish, helping Lucien to sprinkle some of the powder atop the bread. “Good job,” you hummed, trying to wipe off his hands with the apron hanging off your waist. 
Lucien mumbled some incoherent words, to which you adamantly agreed, nodding along with his ramblings. You made sure the babe was held on your opposite side as you moved to the oven, placing the dish in with your other hand. You kept him as far away from the oven as you could, but he reached out for it. You weren’t sure if it was the innate fire simmering in his veins that made him grab for it, or if it reminded him of Eris, the male who ran hotter than that oven at most times. You liked to think it was the latter.
Eris was simply drained after caring for the babe all afternoon. He sat slouched in your small dining room chair, legs spread out into the walkway, shoulders shrugged and arms sprawled out on either of the arms. The fox was curled up, laying over the bridge of his boot, tail curled up into its chest. You slowly made your way to the table he sat beside, bringing him the mug of tea you’d been sipping on. 
You plopped Lucien on the rug, the babe stumbling over to where Eris and the fox were so well relaxed. The fox yipped when Lucien made to pet its fur, shiny crimson coat so captivating in the faelight. “You don’t want any babes of your own, my beloved?” You stood across from him, eyeing his exhausted state of being. 
He heaved an exasperated sigh. “Our children would be much better behaved.” He stared into space, eyes unfocused, but in Lucien’s direction, where he was crawling around on the floor, behind the fox, mimicking his sneaky walk. 
You tut at him, running your hand over the side of his head and through his hair, mucking up his wild hair. You dropped down in his lap, smiling to yourself as his arms wound around your waist and he nuzzled his chin in the crook of your neck. Your hands fell to his, tracing the warm skin over his knuckles. He hummed against you, relishing in your sweet smell - the flowery scent of your hair and aroma of freshly fallen rain that laced your skin. 
“Leaf?” Lucien questioned, drawing both of you out of your daze. His small hand ran over the fox’s tail as his golden eyes washed over the red fur.
“That’s a fox, Lucien.” Eris was so tired.
“Leaf,” he said again, more desperate, pointing at the fox.
“He’s naming him, Eris,” you whispered, dropping your head back against his, your temple resting against the top of his head. 
“Fuck no, we’re not naming him Leaf.”
“Fuck,” Lucien repeated, stumbling over the word. You smacked the back of Eris’s hand, but the male only laughed, burying his face into your neck. 
The two brothers stayed for supper, feasting on the tender rabbit stew you prepared. You and Eris took turns ripping up small pieces of bread and meat for Lucien, who sat happily propped up on Eris’s lap. You gazed longingly at the male beside you, elbow propped up on the table and head held in your palm. He shed his jacket long ago, donning just his white buttoned shirt with the collar half undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 
Lucien’s sweater had hand embroidered leaves on it, large orange maple leaves - the telltale sign of Autumn. You’d fretted immensely as he grabbed a fistfull of carrots from the stew and failed to actually get it in his mouth, dropping it perfectly onto that cream colored wool. The chunks of meat that had fallen from the table were happily lapped up by the small fox, who sat perched on its hind legs. 
When you’d moved to the sofa after dinner, Lucien was quick to fall asleep. Laid perfectly on the warm expanse of Eris’s chest, the babe’s arms and legs were sprawled over his older brother. You ran your fingers over Lucien’s back, lulling him into a deep slumber. His lips were parted ever so slightly as you listened to his steady breathing, the only other sound accompanying the small fire in the hearth across the room. 
Eris watched your fingers trace patterns over his brother’s back, in the same manner you did on him when he fell asleep in your arms himself. It surely did the trick on him, why wouldn’t it work on his brother? He couldn’t help that envious feeling, the anxiety he felt with sharing the one good thing he’d found for himself. Maybe it was that possessive part of him that made him want to keep you tucked away on the outskirts of the small town, away from his real life, his home, his family. That in some irrational corner of his mind, he’d lose you should he get too close, should he share too much of his life with you. He felt guilty enough bringing Lucien there, to your home, in escape from his father.
He was basically falling asleep himself, though, with you tucked up close to him, the warmth of your touch heavy at his side. His forehead rested against yours, your arm pressed into the couch yet still curled around his bicep. His hand fell to your knee, thumb brushing over your leg through your thin dress. He was content to lay there, for all of you to fall asleep on your soft sofa. But his mother would be expecting him to return Lucien soon, the routine of him taking his brother from the house becoming much too normal. 
“I’ll have to get this little one to bed,” Eris whispered, voice barely audible. 
You smiled, twirling one of Lucien’s curls between your fingers. You loved seeing Eris care for his brother, the soft side of him you barely bore witness to. With a slow turn, you cupped his cheek in your palm and pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He was quick to blush, scarred face tinged with pink. But he brushed it off, moving to stand before you, keeping Lucien held tightly to his chest. “I’ll be back later tonight,” he promised, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
As Eris moved, the fox - once tucked into a ball, sleeping beside him - shot to attention, staring at him from the couch. With a roll of his eyes, he sighed, holding out his hand for the fox to hop into his palm. It crawled its way up his forearm, latching onto the light fabric. “Come on, Leaf, let's go home.”
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redgoldsparks · 4 months
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May Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
The Crane Wife: A Memoir in Essays by CJ Hauser 
This essay collection focuses on human relationships, many of them romantic, but also with grandparents, parents, sisters, best friends, COVID-isolation pods, and with the children of romantic partners from previous relationships. The title essay interweaves the experience of a broken engagement with a scientific expedition to study the dwindling population of whooping cranes in the Gulf Coast of Texas to devastating effect. Another experience, covering the DARPA Robotics Challenge trails, in which teams test out potential robotic first responders, speaks to the author's own desire to both save others and be saved by a string of problematic men. The author dated a lot of men and a few women in their twenties and processes them through the lens of media (the film The Philadelphia Story, the TV show The X-Files,the novels Don Quixote, Rebecca, We Have Always Lived in the Castle) and the perspective gained with time. I really loved this whole collection, but the piece that keeps rolling around in my mind is "The Fox Farm", about trying to recreate an archetype of a child's fantasy house (full of animals, friends, gardens, infinite rooms) in real life as an adult. I left this book wanting to know more- when did the author start using nonbinary pronouns? Have they resolved their feelings about their tits? Is that guest room in their big upstate New York house still available for visiting artists, and if so, how do I apply for the position of resident writer/new friend?
American Teenager: How Trans Kids are Surviving Hate and Finding Joy in a Turbulent Era by Nico Lang
Queer journalist and author Nico Lang traveled around the US to meet 11 families of trans teens and see how anti-trans legislation is impacting their daily lives. Each family has different circumstances; one teen fears his top surgery will be indefinitely delayed, while another had surgery already and has joined the boys swim team at his high school. Some teens are moved to become activists while others want to just live their normal, low-profile lives. With humor and compassion, Lang shows trans teenagers as they really are: kids trying their best, day by day, to grow into their truest selves and fullest potential. The various chapters are by turns deep, silly, introspective, sweet, and smart, just like teens themselves. I was able to read an advanced copy of this book- pre-order it now, or look for it on shelves in October 2024!
Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb read by Elliot Hill
NO ONE IS DOING IT LIKE ROBIN HOBB. NO ONE! After a disappointing journey up the Rain Wilds River, baby we are BACK! And by back, I mean, back in a first person POV and back with FitzChivalry, one of my literal favorite fictional characters ever. This is the 7th book about his life, and the 14th overall book in this series, so I won't be summarizing it. Let's just say that Fitz found his happy ending (minus a few key soulmates) and then his life kept going. More problems, more politics, more magic, maybe stranger than ever before. A new character introduced in this series swept in and stole my heart. I can't wait to dive into the next book very soon!
Rose/House by Arkady Martine read by Raquel Beattie  
A brief murder mystery set in an fully conscious AI house in the southwest desert. This story feels in conversation with Ray Bradbury's story The Veldt and has many elements I enjoy, but a somewhat unresolved and slightly unsatisfying ending. I'm honestly still simmering on my thoughts, but looking forward to discussing this in book club soon! Edit post book club: a discussion helped me clarify what I thought was working in this book (tone, setting, themes) and what was not working (too many red herrings for such a short book, and an ending twist that seemed to undercut the book's main premise). I still think it's worth a read for Arkady Marine fans, but it is not as strong as her full length books.
Dances of Time and Tenderness by Julian Carter
In 2016 Julian Carter, a queer author and long-time participant in San Francisco's dungeon kink scene, received an invitation to be part of an archival matchmaking project. The project paired artists, activists, and scholars with specific issues of OUT/LOOK: The National Lesbian and Gay Quarterly. The assignment was to use the issue as a jumping off point to think about queer history and make something "new and provocative." Carter's assigned issue was from Winter 1991, the year the CDC announced 1 million American were HIV positive and AIDS was the 3rd leading cause of death in people aged 25-44 years. One of the many who died in 1991 due to AIDS related complications was Lou Sullivan, one of the first trans men to publicly identify as gay. From this starting point, this book traces paths of queer lineage, both proclaimed and obscured, traveling through history, memory, and poetry. Carter is linked, through friendship or scholarship, to Susan Stryker, pioneer of transgender history, to Zach Ozma, who edited Lou Sullivan's diaries for publication, and to Lou himself. Casting a transgender eye back on a queer history divided sharply into gay and lesbian, Carter allows himself to claim as ancestors sailors, skeletons, writers, lovers, and reaches forward in time towards students, readers, and artists. Including me. I was fortunate enough to be gifted an early copy by the author, and read it back in February back in one delicious rush. I already want to read it again, and more slowly, this time underlining and annotating it. This is a book to savor, but is easy to devour instead. It's sensual and surprising, formally precise, and made me want to dig around in a mess of queer historical papers and also contribute my own to the pile. It's out on June 4, 2024; give it a pre-order or look for it on shelves soon!
49 Days by Agnes Lee 
Kit, a young Korean American woman, wakes up on a beach with a map and a watch telling her she's already late. For days, she clambers over rocks and up trails, reaching for an undefined goal. Slowly, the book begins to flash back to Kit's childhood and family, the people she loved and left behind after her accidental death. In Buddhist tradition a soul travels for 49 days before rebirth, and this book follows one version of that path, the grief and slow healing that follow a loss. Drawn in a very simple yet evocative style, the spare ink lines and limited color fill this journey with meaning.
Early Riser by Jasper Fforde read by Thomas Hunt 
What a bizarre and delightful novel. It's set in an alternate history in which ice-age level cold spells cause the majority of humans to hibernate every winter, which has ripple effects on the development of technology, societal rules, culture, and family structures. Charlie Worthing was born in a "pool" in the independent nation of Wales, or a group home in which nuns dedicated to reproduction birth and raise dozens of children, in returns for credits from those who can't or don't want to have their own kids. Charlie has very few job prospects, especially ones that will give him access to morphanox, a drug which helps most people survive their months-long winter sleeps. The drug also turns about 1 in 3000 into a brain-dead zombie, but this risk is considered better odds than sleeping without it. So Charlie volunteers for the Winter Consuls, the law-keepers and problem-solvers who stay up all winter to safe guard the majority. There he has to face the three well documented dangers of winter- Vacants (zombies), Villains (the British) and Winter Volk (fairies, whose reality is debated), as well as rumors of a viral dream. The humor in this book is a close cousin to Terry Pratchett's work, in which absurdity and invention mask some pretty biting social commentary and anti-capitalist motives. I did think some of the twists at the end didn't quite pay off, however, I had such a good time with the ride this book took me on that I'd still recommend it.
Blue Flag vol 2 by Kaito 
This vol has already taken a kind of melancholy, bittersweet narrative tone which might put me off the series. I still really like the characters and overall think the writing is very effective, out I wish the humor and sweetness of book 1 would last farther into the series!
Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Jester Lavorre by Sam Maggs, Laura Bailey, Matthew Mercer, Hunter Severn Bonyun, Cathy Le, Ariana Maher
Short and sweet, this prequel comic shows Jester's first meeting with The Traveler, the prank that caused her need to flee from Nicodranas, and a window into Jester's relationship with her mother. It's a slight story but I loved the artwork, especially the outfits and the beautiful city views.
The Book of Love by Kelly Link
Kelly Link, one of my favorite short story authors, debuted a novel 650 pages long. I bought this the day of release but it took me a few months to actually crack it open. I'd seen it described as slow, but I think I'd say leisurely. It opens with an intriguing premise- four teenagers come back from the dead, not knowing how they died or why they were brought back 11 months later- and have to solve a magical problem if they want to keep living. But the book is less a mystery than a close examination of the teens lives in a small New England town in December. The teens include Danial, oldest of many step-siblings, who rejects his new magical powers and just wants to live a small and ordinary life. There's Mo, who lost his parents young, and was being raised by his grandmother, a famous Black romance novelist- who herself died during the 11 months he spent in an underworld. There's Laura, a musically ambitious teen, who comes back to her single mom and sister Susannah, who seems somehow entangled with the magical ritual that killed and might save her friends. And then there's a fourth person who none of the others know, who snuck out of death on their coat tails and has no name and few memories. The book rotates POVs every chapter, with more than 15 different POVs, some of whom only appear once in the whole volume. I love Link's writing style so this worked for me, but I can see how this choice to linger over details not directly related to the plot might not work for some readers. I really enjoyed this but it did take me 3 weeks to read it and I suggest other readers pick it up when ready for a slow burn of a book.
Plain Jane and the Mermaid by Vera Brosgol 
This original fairytale opens with teenage Jane mourning the recent death of her parents, after she already lost her younger brother to the sea as a child. Because there's no male heir, Jane's horrible cousin will be kicking her out of the house in a week. The only option she can see is marrying within the week so that she can access her dowry. So Jane walks down to the fishing village below her manor and proposes to a beautiful but shallow fisherman's son. He accepts- then is immediately lured under the waves by a mermaid. Jane runs into the town asking for help but only an old woman with witchy vibes is willing to aid her. The crone gives Jane a potion so she can breathe underwater, a stone which will allow her to walk on the bottom of the ocean, and a shawl to keep her warm in the depths. So armed, Jane walks into the sea after the boy who feels like her only hope. Under the waves she encounters allies and enemies, learns the true power of her own will, and realizes she might have more choices than she's realized.
Blue Flag vol 3 by Kaito
Well, I started another book because the last one ended on a massive cliff hanger, but I think I'm setting the series down after this one. I still think it's very well written, but the main character has such low self-esteem that he shouts at other characters that he sucks, he's a jerk, he doesn't deserve their friendship and they should leave him alone. I bet the arc of this series will be building this character up to where he believes he deserves their love and friendship, but I just don't feel like dwelling in this character's self-pity at the moment. I would have eaten this shit up as a teen though! Especially with the queer characters.
The Free People’s Village by Sim Kern
Set in an alternate timeline in which Al Gore won the 2000 election and declared the War on Climate Change instead of the War on Terror, this novel is an interesting mix of hopeful and dystopian elements. The main character is Maddie Ryan, a white high school English teacher working in a primarily Black neighborhood in Houston, TX. The novel is Maddie's written account of a tumultuous year in which the grungy music warehouse where her punk band practices and performs is threatened by a proposed high way and oil line which will rip up not only their art space but also a historically Black neighborhood. Maddie starts attending activist meetings which quickly morph into a full blown protest encampment surrounding the warehouse. Dubbed the Free People Village, this protest movement goes viral and is met with the exact same kind of violent police response as the current student encampments protesting for Palestine on college campuses. Woven through this depressingly accurate political forecast are multiple queer love stories, interracial friendships, a 101 crash course in anarchist philosophy and bracing look at what long-term activism takes. Folks with more of an organizing or activist background than I might find some of this book a bit basic; but I was completely drawn in by the relationships and conflicts of Maddie, Red, Gestas, Angel, and Shayna. This book feels almost painfully timely, and I hope a lot of people read it and gain both courage and perspective.
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