#frank dicey
strniohoeee · 9 months
oooo okay what i'm boutta request may sound crazy but
could you do a fluffy fic where it's all in matt's pov and he has a huge crush on the reader and he's so anxious around her and nick puts it together that matt is in love with the reader and one day they're hanging and matt's nervous around the reader and the reader is worried and asks matt what wrong and like after being so scared and shy matt blurts out he's in love with the reader and has been for a while and it turns out reader is in love with matt too and boom they kiss and become boyfriend and girlfriend
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Plagued by the constant nervousness Y/N makes Matt feel he takes to his journal. Afraid that his feelings are one sided he keeps it quiet until Y/N confronts him 📝
Warnings⚠️: None, kinda short??? I hope you enjoy tho🤞🏽
Song for the imagine: Ivy- Frank Ocean
I thought that I was dreaming
When you said you loved me
The start of nothin
I had no chance to prepare
Matt’s POV
Entry #14
Writing this down seems embarrassing because this isn’t something I do, but I have no one to talk to. I think that I’m falling in love? No! I know I’m in love, but does she love me back is the million dollar question.
I don’t crush on girls often, but when a girl is as gorgeous as Y/N how can I not? Everything about her draws me to her….like a moth to a flame. An ache comes to my heart everytime I see her because she’s so close yet so far away.
I was never shy around a girl I liked, but there’s something about her….I can’t explain it. Her dark intense eyes, her soft face, her gorgeous smile, her nails always perfectly shaped. Long but not too long just enough to capture someone’s gaze. The way she’d blink faster and bite her pointer finger nail when she was thinking hard about something.
Her ring clattered fingers, like ice to my skin when she’d grab my arm to tell me something. I mean her laugh…..always covering her mouth because she hated the face she’d make as she let laughter erupt from her chest.
She was always laughing too and it made me smile just to hear the joy come out of her. I’m not really sure when I started to like her, but it just happened. One day her looks and her touches made me nervous. It was a gradual liking that suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks.
She’s also our best friend, so admitting my feelings to her seems a bit dicey. I was never given any notion that she liked me more than a friend, unless she’s good at hiding it. I can’t fathom losing her as a friend because of my stupid feelings.
I guess time will tell…
“Matt what the fuck are you doing?” Nick says barging into my room. Causing me to slam my book shut and snap my head up at him
“Nothing. I’m writing” I said placing the book on my lap
“We’ve been calling your name for a while….Y/N thought you weren’t here or anything” he said laughing
“Y/N’s here?” I asked my eyebrows perking up
“Uh yeah” he said furrowing his brows at me
“And she was looking for me?” I asked scratching the back of my neck
“Well we were all looking for you….What's going on?” Nick asked looking at me sideways
“Nothing nothings going on” I said shaking my head
“Okayyy then” he said raising his eyebrows
I threw my book on the bed and stood up stretching and patting Nick on the shoulder
“I’ll be in living room” I replied walking out my bedroom door
Unbeknown to Matt his journal had propped open on his bed. Showcasing the entry he just wrote, and Nick raised his eyebrows. Truly enticed by what he was writing
“Nick this is wrong” the boy said to himself
He trotted over to the bed and shook his head…thinking he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. Matt was acting weird lately and he figured the reason would be within these pages.
Looking over to see if anyone was near the door he let a breath of air out as he grabbed the book and looked down.
His eyes popping out of his head at what he was reading. Holy shit? My brother is in love with our best friend? He thought to himself
The way he described her had Nick's eyes scanning the page rapidly looking for more. How did Y/N not realize how head over heels this kid was for her….
But then he thought and things started to add up. Nervous around Y/N randomly, avoiding eye contact, getting embarrassed easily, catching him stare at Y/N always….
He knew it! All along Nick knew that his brother had a thing for Y/N, and he feels kind of dumb that it took him this long to realize why his brother was acting so weird.
Nick shut the book and placed it back on the bed. His heart racing with this new information that he was not supposed to know about.
Matt’s POV
Y/N had come over for our monthly movie night. Since our friendship started one night every month we binge watched all types of movies.
Y/N called it her stay relevant with current pop culture night. I just think she liked movies and needed a good excuse to keep us seated for hours on end.
Before playing our first movie we decided to eat dinner. Chris offered to cook and we all scurried away from the kitchen. Opting for McDonald’s instead.
“What movies are you planning for tonight?” Chris asked Y/N
“I’m not sure I think we should start with something sad and then build our way up to scary and then romance and then comedy” she said taking a sip of her drink
“What’s your idea of sad?” Nick asked her
“Now I wouldn’t say it’s sad, but it seems alt and creepy and it has a deep message” she began to say
“You’re such a weirdo” Chris said cutting her off
“Hey! Let her say the movie” I butt in sticking my hand out to stop Chris
“Thanks Matt, it’s requiem for a dream” she said looking at me
“Never heard of it” Nick said
“Yeah me neither” Chris replied
“Well it’s about drug addicts who are trying to find ways to get their next high, but it all starts to go wrong and it’s supposedly really good” she said getting excited
We all kind of looked at her. Me enticed and Nick and Chris bored
“Nick and Chris are looking at me like I’m crazy, but how about you Matt?” She asked looking over at me
“Hmm?” I replied looking at her
“The movie? Want to watch it?” She asked
“Uhh yeah, sure” I said smiling at her
“See! This is why you’re my favorite” he said leaning over and hugging me while laughing
Instantly her touch made me stiffen up. I was becoming nervous and my voice was straining far from me. All I could do was offer a pat to her arm and a smile.
Her eyebrows furrow at this and I mentally smack myself in the head. What the fuck was that? I thought
We cleaned up our wrappers and headed back to the couch
“Matt sit by me?” Y/N asked me patting the empty spot next to her
“Okay” I blurted out nervously
I sat down next to her, stiff like a board might I add. Not really letting my body touch hers as my breathing began to quicken in my chest.
Everything about this situation was making me so fucking nervous. How she mindlessly situated herself, often brushing her leg or hand against me and offering soft “sorries” to which I replied with a shake to my head.
We began the movie and it was actually very interesting. Keeping my eyes locked in the whole time, and scratching my head at the plot.
However I kept noticing Y/N glancing over at me. Making me swallow thickly as anxiety crept up the back of my neck.
She wasn’t even doing anything and my body was reacting. My leg started to shake and I mindlessly started to bite the inside of my lip.
“Hey you okay?” Y/N leaned over and whispered in my ear
“Yeah yeah I’m okay” I replied quickly glancing at her
“You seem a bit on edge today” she said back
“What? Me? No” I replied a bit confused
“Well okay” she said sitting back against the couch
What the fuck was I doing? The anxiety is becoming too much. I decided to stand up and head outside for a breeze and to clear my mind.
Nick had watched Matt walk outside, furrowing his brows and looking over at Y/N who’s eyes had followed where Matt was going.
A smile grew on nicks face and he began to speak
“I think you should see what’s wrong with him” Nick said to Y/N
“He seemed a bit on edge I don’t want to make him mad” she replied looking over at the boy
“No he’s just got some things on his mind I think you talking to him would be better than one of us” he replied to her
She nodded her head and offered him a small smile.
She got up and headed outside
Matt’s POV
I sat on a lawn chair looking at the trees moving in the breeze. My thoughts interrupted when I heard the creak of the back door
“Matt?” I heard from behind me
“Yeah?” I replied looking over my shoulder
“What’s wrong? You seem off” she said sitting next to me
“Nothings wrong I promise” I replied smiling at her
“You’re lying” she said staring blankly at me
“Okay fine….just a bit of anxiety is all” I replied
“That was the half truth…what’s really going on” she said rolling her eyes at me
“You wouldn’t get it” I replied looking back at the trees
“Matt, come on. We tell each other everything” she says groaning
“But this I want to keep to myself” I said rubbing my eyes
“But if it’s making you anxious you should just say it” she said back to me
“I don’t know how to say it” I said turning and looking at her
“Oh sure you do come on” she said egging me on
“It’s just I am so madly in love with you, and I have been for a while. And I don’t know that you feel the same way and I can’t risk losing a friendship over this. But everytime I see you it’s like my body is on fire and my chest aches for you. Everything about you is gorgeous and amazing and I can’t help myself from falling more and more each day” I blurted out
“Matt….I….I like you so much. And I thought the lingering touches and the glances would give you an idea. But I figured I was creeping you out” she said laughing a bit
“No. You were making me nervous” I replied laughing too
Without a second thought Y/N pressed her lips to mine, and at first it took me by surprise. But then my right hand laid on her cheek as I pressed my lips against hers.
This kiss was better than I could have ever imagined. It was like we were made for each other. Her soft lips made my skin melt as the stars aligned above us.
I pulled away and looked at her before smiling at her
“Can I….can I be your boyfriend?” I asked smiling at her
“Yes Matt! 100 times yes” she replied before crashing her lips to mine again
A beautiful kiss under the clear night sky…just like a movie<3
The End
HIIIIII hope yall enjoyed this one🥹🖤🖤 I got many more requests to pump out, so stay tuned! Love yall dearly 🤭🖤🖤
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markrosewater · 3 months
“I’m not sure Wizards of Oz is in the public domain.” L. Frank Baum’s original Oz novels were all published between 1900 and 1920, and are therefore in the public domain. The iconic 1939 film starring Judy Garland is still under copyright. You can make new adaptations of the Oz novels for free, but if you start borrowing elements introduced in the movie, it starts getting dicey (or expensive) fast.
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queen-haq · 10 months
Fic: Grudgingly Yours, Part 11
Grudgingly Yours, Part 11
Summary: You are a general surgeon, working in a hospital that’s slowly sucking the life out of you when one day you’re given the offer of a lifetime.
A.K.A  - An arranged marriage fic :)
Pairing: Billy Russo x You
Rating: R
Masterlist (contains links to my other stories and this one)
Billy didn’t know when it happened. Sometimes he thought it was instantaneous, like those cartoon images when someone got a brilliant idea and a light blub flashed on. Other times, it was the absolute opposite. A slow warmth that spread over him, a feeling that he never knew existed. The longing intensified over time, grew more potent with each interaction, escalating from lukewarm to a searing heat that took over him completely.
It was a complete mystery to him, but ultimately the how didn’t matter. End result was the same - he was in love with you.
But he didn’t want to be, he fought it with everything he had.
For so long his only goal was to destroy those who hurt Frank and him. He spent years obsessing over it, gathering as much info as possible so he could track down the fuckers. Because once they were dead, the nightmares would cease. He’d stop hearing Frank’s struggling words while taking his last dying breath. The tortures, the beatings, the smell of burning skin – the horrific memories would end and he’d be the same soldier he was before they were captured. The chaos in his mind, the restlessness and insomnia – all of that fueled his drive for revenge.
And then you came along.
At first you were the thing he had to bear because his grandfather insisted. He needed the old man’s money and connections to find the kidnappers and figured he’d make your life a living hell until you left him. Except you ended up being completely different than he’d expected. Not quiet, not meek, definitely not docile – all the qualities his grandfather wanted. Instead you were loud and bossy, and you didn’t take shit. From him or Alistair. You fought back. You argued. And you definitely retaliated when things got dicey. You defended him when he’d been a complete ass to you, for no reason other than the fact you didn’t like bullies. That’s what Billy couldn’t understand, how you could threaten to poison him one night and then defend him the next. You were a fucking enigma.
On the anniversary of Frank’s death, when Billy had been at his absolute worst and no amount of alcohol or drugs could quiet the bloodcurdling memories in his mind, you offered him comfort. You held him, hugged him, cradled him to sleep – and it was the first night of rest he’d gotten in months. You did that for him, despite all the insults he hurled your way. You had compassion for him, and others, and a kind of strange empathy he simply didn’t understand and it fascinated him. It was such a direct contrast to how you spoke when you were angry, how you proudly wore the label of golddigger, how you talked smack to Alistair. You were a complete bitch yet you were busting your butt trying to open a clinic for people who no one gave a shit about. He didn’t get why. He didn’t get you. And that curiosity drove his fixation for you, thoughts of you clouding his mind more and more. It wasn’t until Curtis’s wedding that he realized if he were to let you, you could make him abandon his quest for revenge. Seeing Maria there, knowing how easily he could forget his promise to Frank, it hit him like a ton of bricks the hold you had over him. He tried to deny it, to himself, to you, tried to ignore his growing feelings for you, to hate you, but he couldn’t. Until Dinah came to the wedding with news about Frank’s killers, and then he realized it was a sign from the universe he needed to refocus on what really mattered – justice for himself, for Frank. Making the murderers pay. There was no room for you in his mind or his heart. You didn’t belong in his life. So he humiliated you, knowing that would make it easy for you to hate him before he took off for certain death. Even if there was a small chance he’d survive, he didn’t want to be with someone who held so much fucking power over him.
Of course that turned out to be complete bullshit.
Instead of fading, his feelings intensified during the past two months. And they didn’t distract him from his mission. No, the complete opposite. Having you in his mind helped him stay focused - there was no way he’d let his enemies live when they could get to him again. Or you. Fuck no. So he hunted them down meticulously and killed them all, wiping out all traces that could come back to haunt him.
After he accomplished what he set out to do, he came rushing back because he couldn’t stand the fucking ache in his soul anymore. Two long months had passed without any contact with you and he’d had enough. The longing for you was palpable, a living, breathing black hole that strengthened more and more everyday and wreaked havoc with his fucking mind. The only thing that brought him any peace was the thought of seeing you again. Your laugh, your voice, your scent. How your eyes lit up when you got the upper hand on him. The way your face scrunched up into the most adorable scowl when you were concentrating on work. The tender expression on your face when you connected with him emotionally.
But when he got home at three in the morning, there was no sign of you in the penthouse.
The bottom floor was clean and pristine. The living room, which you’d made into a makeshift office, was free of its usual clutter. Your bedroom was untouched, your closets empty. He’d been in your room a few times over the months - discreetly so you weren’t aware – and knew your penchant for choas  Makeup scattered on the bathroom counter. Clothes piled on the nearby recliner. But there was nothing of you left in that room, like you’d never been there in the first place. And that fucked him up badly. Because it never occurred to him you’d leave. After all, you’d made a goddamn deal with Alistair. And the two of you were married. That meant something.  But seeing your room empty, discovering all of your things gone, recognizing he’d fucked up so bad that you left – he couldn’t stand it. He needed you. He wanted you.
He loved you.
And he wasn’t going to lose you.
“Get your fucking hands off of me!”
Your rage-filled voice brought him out of his reverie instantly. He knew you’d be pissed, was counting on it actually, because it was how he could get you to drop the ice-queen mask. And his plan worked, if your fiery eyes were any indication. His hands gripped your wrists, his body pressed against yours so he could feel every inch of you as you struggled against him. You didn’t make it easy, that’s for sure. Only a few seconds ago you’d tried to hurt him with the glass you were holding, but he’d managed to swerve it away.
“Why are you here, you fucking psychopath?” you screamed, panting for air.
Your cheeks were flushed, lips still red from lipstick you were wearing. You looked hot, so fucking hot, and he couldn’t stop staring. There was a time when you meant nothing to him and now all he wanted was to immerse himself in you completely.
You tried to knee him in the groin but he blocked the move by stepping aside, easing his grip on you. At that moment you tried to escape but didn’t get far, running over the glass shards that lay on the floor. Hearing you groan with pain, he quickly rushed over. As he tried to pick you up, you fought back hard and kicked him repeatedly. That’s when he noticed you were bleeding. Shit. “Calm the fuck down!”
“Go to hell!
Using all his strength, he pulled out the zip ties from his back pocket and secured them around your wrists. It wasn’t easy with you pushing and shoving at him, but he finally managed to wrangle you under control. Throwing you on the bed, he then secured the zip ties around your feet.
He stood back. Peering back at you, he was mesmerized. Fuck, you were so hot. And now you were all tied up and screaming mad, like one of his fantasies come to life, and all he wanted was to fuck you senseless. He was hard just watching you squirm, but he forced himself to snap out of it. You were bleeding. Storming over to the bathroom, he started looking through the cabinets until he found some first-aid supplies. He took a quick glance at the mirror only to find the top of his shirt covered in blood spots. Shit. Apparently you’d managed to cut him earlier but he hadn’t noticed.
Grabbing some stuff, he returned to the bedroom. You were still on the bed where he left you, glaring at him.
“I need to clean your cut. Promise you won’t kick?”
“I promise I’ll kick your teeth out!”
He smiled at you affectionately, unable to help himself. “Thought of murdering me always gets you hot, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah. Come closer. Give me a knife and I’ll show you how hot.”
He sauntered forward. “I’m trying to help you here.”
“By sneaking into my apartment and tying me up? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
The fight earlier had messed up your hairstyle, leaving your hair wild and messy. His fingers ached to run through the strands, the smell of your shampoo etched into his brain. Extending his hand, his finger twirled around one of the loose curls when you suddenly tried to bite him. He grinned at you, enjoying the burst of angry red that spread through your cheeks. “Still not ready to play nice?”
“What do you want? Why are you here?”
The top button of your shirt had ripped off, drawing attention to the curve of your breasts peeking out from underneath. Fuck. Your tits. He remembered the sensation of sinking his face in your cleavage, the way your breath shuddered when he was sucking on your nipples.
Snapping out of his daze, his gaze trailed up to meet yours. “You’re coming home with me.”
You stared back at him defiantly. “Fuck you! I’m not going anywhere.”
“You don’t have a choice.”
“I’ll slit my own wrists before I go anywhere with you!”
He cupped your face with both hands. “No, sweetheart. It’s that fuckboy who’ll die if you don’t.”
You froze immediately, concern flooding your face. It was a punch to his gut, seeing how much you cared about the fucker.
“What did you do to him?”
Billy clenched his jaw. “He touched you, after I warned him not to. He had to pay for that.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” You swallowed an audible gulp. “Did you hurt him?”                       
He knelt down on the floor and started inspecting your knee. “He’s alive. For now.”
“Why are you doing this?” Your voice cracked for just a second, enough for him to realize the turmoil you were in.
He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom, grateful you weren’t pushing back this time. With a gentle touch he washed your bruised knee and tended to your cut. When you grimaced from the sting of the rubbing alcohol, he blew soft air on the wound, trying to ease your pain. He sensed your eyes following his every gesture, waiting for him to make his next move.
You were perched on the bathroom counter, your hands and feet still bound. Standing up to his full height once he bandaged your knee, he met your gaze. Whatever you were feeling a few seconds ago had dissipated, replaced by a glacial glint in your eyes.
Your voice was filled with contempt when you spoke next.  “So what’s the plan? You gonna use Calvin against me?”
There were so many things he wanted to say to you. That he was sorry. That he’d fucked up. That he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Yours was the face he saw every time he closed his eyes, and the person he dreamt about when he wasn’t haunted by nightmares. With you he felt alive, hopeful, and more than just a ball of rage that dominated his life for so many years. But he didn’t say any of that. He couldn’t. Because it scared the fuck out of him. It was so much easier to show you instead.
He tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, and this time you didn’t try and bite him. Progress. And then he cupped your face with one hand, thumb stroking your cheek, while the other hand slowly caressed the skin under the plastic around your wrists. “Fuckboy will be fine as long as you do what I say.”
“Is this because of Alistair? If he’s-”
“I don’t give a fuck about him. He has nothing to do with this.”
“Then what difference does it make? I don’t have to move back. We can stay married and live separate lives.”
He peered at you closely, studying every inch of your face. “That’s not what I want.”
Agitated, you glared at him. “What do you want then?”
His mouth closed over yours.
He didn’t intend for it to be a rough kiss, opposite in fact. He wanted to show you another part of him, reveal to you that he wasn’t always an asshole, but as usual his plans had a way of fucking up. Instead of tenderness, he kissed you with a raw urgency, venting all the pent-up frustration of missing you. And you returned his kiss with equal ferocity, tongue against tongue, teeth clashing, not letting him slow down, driving him crazy with your mouth. His hands wrapped around the back of your head. Holding you tight, he pulled you close. A muffled moan escaped you, and it suddenly dawned on him your hands were still cuffed. Feeling guilty at your discomfort, he pulled away. Panting for air, he pressed his forehead against yours while pulling out his blade from the inside of his jacket. You were equally out of breath, your eyes a whirlwind of firestorm before you closed them.
Just for a moment it was like the last night he’d spent with you. No pretensions, no fucking games, only the two of you consumed with each other. He reached for your wrists, dropping soft kisses on where the zip ties had left an imprint. And you let him, not struggling with him or pushing back.
“Is this part of the deal, Billy?” The softness in your voice directly contradicted the hardness in your gaze. “If I fuck you, you’ll let him go?”
Your words disgusted him, making him sick to his stomach. “I don’t need blackmail to get you to fuck me.”
You snickered, shaking your head. “Oh, that’s beneath you? But you have no issues blackmailing me to live with you?”
He cocked his eyebrow. “I’m playing the only card I have left at this point.”
You stared back at him with an incredulous expression. “Seriously? My life is a game to you? Calvin-”
“Stop fucking saying his name!” Billy spat out.
He tried. He tried to stay calm and not lose it, tried not to think about you fucking that asshole. Tried to tell himself you deserved to move on after how he ended things - but he couldn’t stand it anymore. Couldn’t stand the thought of you touching that fucker, sleeping with him, laughing with him. Talking with him. It was driving Billy crazy. Did you hold him close at night and tell him about your day? Did you rest your head on his chest until you fell asleep? Did you let him hug you? Comfort you? Did you let him love you?
Fuck no. No. No. No.
“You’re my fucking wife!” He grasped your face, squeezing your cheeks. “You're the only thing that kept me sane these last few months. I can’t breathe without you. I don’t know how to anymore. I don’t know how to be me again. You’re all I fucking think about!”
You froze, eyes brimming with shock.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.” He pressed his temple against yours, pleading with you. “Give me a chance- “
‘So you can treat me like trash again?” You shook your head. “No. I’m done with you.”
Your voice trembled, you were struggling to contain your emotions. Instinctively he knew your cold façade would be up again, that there was no point in forcing you to talk at this time.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Billy stepped back. As quick as you, he composed himself outwardly. “You might be done. But I’m not.” He knelt down and cut off the zip tie that bound your feet together. “We need to get going. I’ll help you pack your things.” Rising to his full height, he leveled you with a somber expression. “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. Or Calvin’s gonna lose a lot more than just his fingers.”
He turned around and walked out of the bathroom.
A/N - Um, thoughts? As always, thank you for the wonderful feedback. I truly appreciate all of the comments and messages I receive; it's what inspires me to keep writing!
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
Thoughts on “Man and Superman” by Marv Wolfman?
Countless Superman origin stories, including one written and titled Superman: Year One by Frank Miller himself no less, and this is the only one that thought to copy the actual structure of Batman: Year One.
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Four issues telling the story of Clark's first year in Metropolis, beginning in Metropolis from the first page. We see Clark arrive in Metropolis, struggle to get a job as a reporter with the major newspapers because he's a nobody from nowhere, wears a "proto-suit" until beginning to wear his classic outfit at the very end, botches his first few attempts at being a hero because he has no clue what he's doing, fall in love with Lois, and ultimately after much trial by fire, become the champion of Metropolis as Superman.
Familiar ground to be sure, culminating as it does in a confrontation with Lex Luthor where Superman promises he will always be around to foil Luthor's plans. If you're a hardcore Superman fan, much of this story will feel familiar to you. Wolfman outright says as much in his introduction, with the long delays this story suffered due to the series it was intended to release under being cancelled, causing similar ideas to be used in other stories. While I can't claim to know who Wolfman had in mind, I definitely saw similarities between his approach to Superman here and how Morrison rebooted him for the New 52.
Even then though, there are some fresh ideas and approaches to be found here that make this take stand out. First and foremost is their approach to the City of Metropolis itself.
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This is not the clean Metropolis of Johns/Frank, or the high tech City of Tomorrow of Waid/Yu. Here, Metropolis is gritty, decaying, a City wholly rooted in the problems of today. An upcoming mayor election pits a right-wing candidate who wants to tackle crime with more police officers, vs. a left-wing candidate who wants to tackle the underlying roots of crime. The three janitors Clark works alongside have to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, and are immigrants themselves also. A crime wave results in marital law, the curbing of civil rights, and the calling of the national guard "for the greater good". Newspapers Clark applies for tell him he needs to sensationalize his reporting more so the story will sell better. This is not a story with a wide-eyed view of what happens in the modern day when the kid from the countryside moves to the big city and tries to make it big. Despite being written in 2008. it could easily have been written today, a damning indictment of American society to be sure. Metropolis here feels real and fleshed out, and while my preference is for a Metropolis that embraces the freedom of being an entirely fictional creation, I appreciate how Wolfman digs into the human element via showing us the viewpoint of the citizens of Metropolis as Clark listens to them with superhearing, casting them as something of a Greek chorus reacting to the events of the story.
Of course not everything is perfect. Wolfman compares Clark becoming Superman to being a firefighter, a doctor, a soldier, and a cop at various points throughout the narrative. The first two I welcome and agree with. Later two however are extremely dicey, and although this is not a story that exempts our modern justice/policing system from a critical eye, (note that the main villain of the story in Lex endorses the right-wing "law and order" candidate to make sure you know which side the narrative supports) it still does not benefit Superman to have his uniform compared to that of a cop's.
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As a side note, I love that Clark is explicitly poor here. I love that he struggles to make ends meet, that he's working as a janitor while he tries to make his dream of being a journalist for a prestige news organization come true. Being a cub reporter struggling to get a job, he's not living in a penthouse in the center of Metropolis. Clark is flat out broke, and living in a crappy apartment in the slums of the city. It's an approach that Morrison and Morales used for their Superman reboot, and I support that approach wholeheartedly. Establishing that Clark spent his first few years living in the poorer areas of Metropolis does wonders to support his reputation as the "Champion of the Oppressed".
In flashbacks to his Smallville childhood we see that financial struggles were a factor for him growing up, with Martha wanting to donate money to help feed families in need, while Jonathan was concerned about how tight their own finances are before relenting and agreeing. Of the entire Justice League, Superman is the one who has the strongest claim to being the "working class hero", the blue collar amidst all the blue bloods and middle class suburbanites. Most origins brush over Clark's financial situation growing up, but this one is of the rare few which does not, and I think it's all the stronger for it. Especially so given that this origin is similar to Batman: Year One in that it's really a Year One story for two characters - Lex as well as Superman.
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Pitting Superman against Luthor in his first year is old hat, but what I adore about this take specifically is how Lex is explicitly in the "Bruce Wayne" role. Like Bruce, Lex has been gone from Metropolis for multiple years, and makes his return with a plan for reshaping Metropolis in his own image. He's a ruthless monster, willing to kill 500 of his own employees as part of a false flag attack against his own corporate headquarters to garner public sympathy and support. Here the playboy billionaire with a secret agenda and a complete disregard for the law is the villain not the hero. While Wolfman doesn't have the time or pages to dive deep into the rivalry between the two, the class warfare aspect of the feud between Superman and Lex really stood out to me here. Clark lives and works alongside the "little people" and helps them out how he can, meanwhile Lex callously slaughters them in pursuit of his own self-interest.
In the end Lex immediately recognizes that Superman is going to be a watershed moment in history, and is determined to change the world back to when he was on top. I would love a "Year 2" story from Wolfman that skips ahead a bit and pits Lex and another villain against Superman. He has a great handle on the star players here in Clark, Lex, Lois, Perry, and the elder Kents. Give him the Waid treatment and let him build out his own pocket universe if that's something he'd be interested in doing.
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Man and Superman has convinced me that if Wolfman had gotten the chance to reboot Superman after Crisis the way he wanted to, I believe the character would have fared far better during the Post-Crisis era. Perhaps it would not have taken the character as long as it did to start putting the Dark Knight Returns stooge interpretation behind him. If this is the only major work Castellini ever does on the character, then I tip my hat to him for a job well done. Not every artist can bring a level of grit and realism to Superman's world without compromising the character, but he managed to pull it off expertly.
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shelbbswrites · 1 year
One of my favorite things about The Bear (and there are MANY) is that it's great to see Jeremy Allen White's performance get such attention, like, award-winning attention.
I watched every season of Shameless, usually live every week, even when it got dicey. While she was on the show, I was so frustrated that the Academy only recognized William H. Macy consistently. He did a great job, but Emmy Rossum was playing a much broader hand as Fiona Gallagher than Macy often explored as Frank Gallagher on that show.
Then, towards the end of Rossum's run, there was a visible shift in the Shameless ensemble where Jeremy Allen White's performance as Lip Gallagher started to take a larger prominence because he would be the oldest sibling when Fiona left.
I always come back to those scenes where Lip confronts Fiona in Season 9. There are three different ones (I can think of off the top of my head) where Jeremy Allen White commands the screen and really rivals Rossum's performance. It's spectacular work, and you can see that gravity resonates with the other actors in the scene. You can almost see the energy bouncing back and forth between White and Rossum.
I wanted him to be recognized so badly for his work on that show. (And Rossum and Noel Fisher and Cameron Monaghan, by the way) So it's genuinely such a rewarding experience as someone who has watched his talent evolve on screen over the years to see Jeremy Allen White recognized for his performance on The Bear.
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hi, new listener here! i really appreciate y'all doing this, bc i've seen so much fandom fuckery over the years that there's a part of me that wonders if i imagined some of these things. it's nice to be reminded that, nope! this did actually happen!
anyway, popping in to comment on the steve rogers & teenage mutant ninja turtles joke in the anne rice episode. supposedly, the creators envisioned the ooze that created the turtles as the same batch of chemicals that gave matt murdock his abilities as a kid. like, the fact that the tmnt fight the foot clan is a riff on the hand. i'm not trying to "correct" y'all or anything, i just think it's a neat tidbit
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What. Even.
Thank you for this knowledge! I (Emily) don't know what to do with it, but I'm glad I have it!
Now imagining Matt Murdock calling on the Turtles for help when things get really dicey and Frank Castle is out of town.
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frostfall-matches · 5 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@eternalera : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Lute
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-> [ Take all the time you need to form an emotional connection to Lute. ] She’ll need a while herself before she truly feels a connection to someone; she can be rather particular about who she lets into her heart, being quite picky about someone’s presence and importance in her life. It’s practically ingrained in her at this point to not let her guard down, to not trust too easily - so yours is a relationship that grows and develops slowly, but it is surprisingly stable and strong. You’re the polite, respectful introvert while Lute is the more gruff, distant type. At first, you might be worried that she doesn’t like you (and to be frank, she really doesn’t care for most upon the first meeting, so don’t take it personally) which can make approaching her rather difficult for a while, but over time she does start to loosen up a bit.
-> [ Lute vibes with your sarcasm - and although some of your random statements confuse her, she does still find you amusing. ] As serious as she initially appears, she does like to let loose around the right people. She’s good at picking up tone and reading between the lines, leaning towards biting sarcasm for much of her humor herself, so your sense of humor is quite compatible with her’s. Not everyone understands or responds to sarcasm well, so she’s happy that you do. In general, she is able to keep up with your more chaotic side, easily matching your energy in her own way. She actually quite likes this side of you, when you decide to let loose and be yourself without restraint. You caught her off guard the first few times she saw this side of you (especially when it was some random, out of pocket comment that came out of nowhere), but it didn’t take long at all for her to adore it.
-> [ You both have your struggles with anger; for better or worse, the two of you relate to each other on this. ] You both have your off days, quick to snap and lose your temper, spitting biting comments at those who spark your ire… Unfortunately, this tends to result in you two lashing out at each other from time to time, especially on days where you’re both a bit put off. It can get pretty dicey sometimes - you and Lute can both throw out some pretty mean insults and snide, condescending comments which makes tempers flare very easily. But once the initial burning anger simmers down, neither of you really blames the other. Ultimately, you’re both aware that you’re prone to fits of anger, and you’re also both aware that it’d be hypocritical to be harsh on the other for it.
-> [ Lute loves listening to you play the violin. ] You’ve got the talent, put years of work into learning and improving your technique, and it definitely shows in the way that your fingers fluidly dance as the bow drags across the strings. It starts with her overhearing you practicing by chance, deciding to quietly sit and listen outside of the room so as to not disturb you. If you don’t happen to spot her when you’re done, she does later mention that she happened to hear you playing and that it sounded really nice. Over time, it becomes a habit of hers to regularly listen in while you practice, and you grow comfortable enough to play a few things for her. Lute seems the type to enjoy various genres and styles and instruments in general, but she loves the sound of the violin and the fact that someone she adores is playing it.
-> [ One way she shows her affection is by bringing or making you your daily coffee. ] It’s something small, something to show you that you’re on her mind and that she’s thinking of you. Lute tends to get up and get her day started rather early because of her duties, so she figures that she may as well get your coffee ready! She has a mental note about all your favorite flavors and styles of coffee. If you tend to stick to one or two favorites, then she makes sure it’s consistently how you like it. If you prefer a variety, then she’s good at switching things up and enjoys surprising you. However, in spite of all that, she absolutely does not condone excessive caffeine consumption. A cup or two a day is fine, but she really doesn’t think it’s doing you any favors to have more than that. Do expect a scolding if you seem to be drinking too much coffee and tea, or if you really can’t go a day or two without it.
-> [ The two of you spend a number of your late nights together, indulging in each other’s company. ] This doesn’t happen every night, given that Lute needs to hit the hay earlier than you so she can actually get some rest before her early mornings. But when she has nothing pressing the next morning? She loves spending the late night hours with you, regardless if the two of you are physically together or just chatting on the phone (with long stretches of quiet as you each focus on your own thing). This is a good chance to binge watch some shows or movies with her - it’s just you and her, no other obligations, no one else to pester you. She’s able to just kick back and focus on you and whatever series you’ve picked out. Alternatively, you could be working your way through a thick, several-hundred page book while Lute tucks herself up against your side, scrolling on her phone or listening to music.
-> [ While she may not share in some (or even many) of your interests, they still matter to her and she makes that clear. ] If you want to talk her ear off about whatever recent interest you’ve been hyperfixating on - go right ahead! You might lose her a bit if it’s something convoluted or complicated, but she does her best to keep up and make sense of it all. Her confused expression tends to be pretty obvious when she gets lost on the topic, though, so you can backtrack as needed. There's a chance she’ll pick up the occasional book that you’ve recommended to her, though! Lute hasn’t had a lot of time to really just sit down, relax, and read - a lot of her time is devoted to being an exorcist, especially considering her rank as lieutenant. But with you in her life, she’ll be more willing to take a step back from work and focus on herself - and you!
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jgroffdaily · 11 months
The cast of Merrily discuss their characters.
"I think that life is complicated and [Frank] has had to make a lot of dicey choices, but there is a gift in getting to play him in reverse," explained Jonathan Groff. "When I'm left at the end of the show with his pure heart and energy... I feel him. Being able to tell his story connects me back to his truth, which is the power of the arts and the power of self expression."
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
what are lemony and ernest doing right now?
lemony and baby bea are staying at the hotel ernest and frank are running post hotel denouement and lemony and ernest are pretending not to recognize each other but the tension is slowly and steadily building and any moment now, one of them is going to snap, and they’ll have a dinner date, because they are classy.
(this is not my best, but i tried!!)
GASP!! no no this is perfect. of COURSE they have a dinner date; both of them ARE so classy it is no less than pretentious and candlelit. babybea picks out lemony's tie. (it is green. lemony is too touched to tell her he's never been one for green. more pressing is, in fact, where did she find the tie?) (lemony, you think your niece leaves home without a bag prepared for any event?? she's probably got a broadsword in there somewhere. it's foldable. she made it herself and she's very proud of it. don't tell violet.)
but first, let's backtrack a little --
lemony and ernest have not spoken since lemony's research for the books, which was, oh that's always a hard timeline to pin down no matter what theory you roll with, but let's say a few years ago at minimum, and it was probably very slim communication anyway. neither of them were probably in a great place to say anything more? it was very formal, barely anything, mostly confirming details. and before THAT, it was many, many years previously, when beatrice and bertrand were still alive, and of course everything was very dicey for a whole host of reasons, nearly half of them schism related. and nothing, special ever happened between lemony and ernest. nothing really at all ever happened between them, nothing like a friendship and especially not a relationship. but they looked at each other and had an understanding, back then. there was a respect, for what they stood for, even if they were not necessarily standing in the same place. and that alone was enough to make even an idle look across a room complicated. and to see each other now is -- it's a lot of things.
neither of them have ever forgotten each other. not just because they're some of the few left of their generation of vfd. how do you forget someone like lemony, especially because, no matter what lemony has done or how he's tried to hide, he's also made it so that no one could ever forget him, or what he tried to do? how do you forget someone like ernest, suspicious and untrustworthy and forgettable to the wrong eyes, but to the right ones, to the people who looked, clever and aware and charming, someone also trying his hardest to do what he thought was best? they were both very dangerous people, once. to other people, to each other, to themselves. but now most of the people that danger mattered to are dead. things are so different, so many people they knew and loved are dead. and now they're -- just two men, older than they ever thought they'd get to be, enjoying a fragile freedom neither of them thought was possible either, pretending not to recognize each other, lemony because he doesn't know if he should say anything, even if the only thing stopping him now is his own eternal anxiety, ernest because he is waiting to see how long it will take lemony to stop overthinking. and both of them are very good at waiting.
frank: why do you keep bringing that lunch table bread baskets? don't they have enough bread by now? ernest: i'm waiting for lemony snicket to stop being stupid frank: frank: wait, w h a t ernest: what do you think? five dollars for another hour, at minimum? ten? frank: w h a t ??????????????? ernest: don't tell me that's steep, you can afford it.
now, babybea poses a minor problem -- if she hasn't met the denouements at this point, this is terribly awkward, because she has not two but three total uncles engaging in a severe lack of eye contact over her head while she and one out of three uncles eat a nice hotel lunch, and eventually SOMEONE is going to go, hold the FUCK up there's a child there, but if she HAS met the denouements at this point, this is very frustrating for her, because she has three uncles engaging in a severe lack of eye contact over her head and she wants to know WHY.
babybea: uncle lemony, why does uncle ernest keep bringing us bread baskets? lemony, thinking babybea is still too young to understand the intense psychological warfare between old, friends?, while picking up a breadstick: you should never pass up an opportunity for bread, beatrice. babybea: why don't you just say hi to him? lemony: oh, well -- he's much too far away. i would not want to bother him. ernest, standing five feet away, casually leaning against a sideboard, going through the afternoon paper: hmm, might rain later.
babybea, who at this point has been given A Phone, texts sunny to tell her what's happening, and sunny sends back '🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖' which babybea interprets as 'please bring the bread home'
violet: sunny, what are you laughing at? sunny: stupidity klaus: i KNEW we should've gone with them.
lunch passes, with little else happening. babybea asks frank if he's finished any new ships in bottles, his current meticulous control-based hobby of choice. he has, and they spend a nice afternoon together talking about tiny craft hobbies and different types of ships. she shows him her foldable broadsword, and he is both impressed, and concerned.
frank, on the phone: violet do you know about the -- violet: oh yes, i know about the broadsword.
so that leaves us with lemony and ernest, now engaging in what could be called high stakes hide and seek, only without quite, hiding, or, seeking. at this point, they, or just lemony in particular, i guess, have passed the 'should i do something' point and now it's more a matter of pure principle, keeping up this not talking not looking game. and ernest will never pass up a good game. they while away the afternoon wandering about the hotel, spending time in the same rooms just not interacting with each other at all, individually reading more of the paper or commenting on the weather or the food or the books in the hotel library (because of course it has a library.) (i've been in a hotel twice in my whole life. i am not. entirely clear on what they could conceivably contain.) (but also, OF COURSE they'd put a library in the hotel, for lots of reasons), just waiting for the other to break first. it's so. goodness, these two.
(let's also assume it's a slow hotel week. i did have a joke in here about other guests watching this go down, but i think it's pushing it a little.)
of course, it does start to wear on them after a while. all the not-looking. it does get silly. they wind up looking at the other when the other one isn't, looking. eventually, they find themselves in the same hallway, looking at the same painting of a frog lamp.
lemony: it's very well done. ernest: had enough, have you? lemony: i do mean it. i am afraid i don't know a great deal about art, but i think the brush strokes are excellent. ernest: ........thank you.
(i think ernest's own hobby of choice is painting. idk, i think he'd find it nice. calming.)
what is there to say? what other games are there to play, really? what do you gain by that? how do you exist as Just Two Guys At The End Of The World, When The World Is Still Going? there's a lot in here. there doesn't have to be. but there is. and it doesn't even matter to talk about it anymore, but it's still There, you know? some habits and old fears die very, very hard.
babybea, from down the hall: uncle lemony, uncle frank gave me one of his ship in a bottle kits!
but there is still so much else in the world, somehow! isn't it something.
ernest: dinner? lemony: that would be nice, yes.
SO, THE DINNER DATE. yes, lemony's green tie. ernest actually thinks it's charming, but fully agrees, it's not lemony's color. but they both look stunning in well-cut suits. they don't eat at the hotel, but go to a restaurant. again, pretentious and candlelit. wine is involved. they share a dessert. it is very much a date and also not a date, because it's a little strange, to think of it as a date, when you've just started talking to someone again. ..........but it's a date. there is a great deal of eye contact. it's very thrilling for both of them to keep looking up and finding the other still sitting there. it's one of the most terrifyingly normal things lemony and ernest have ever done. they can do normal things, now! what a world. wow.
(sunny: update babybea: they went to [restaurant name redacted] sunny: ❗❗❗😡😡😡😡😡🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐 frank, looking over babybea's shoulder, because now he has to babysit, and you KNOW frank eavesdrops on anything. can you eavesdrop on a text? you know what i mean: oh, that's unnecessary. (frank, do you even text. do you even know what an emoji is. frank.) babybea: sunny likes bread.) (anyway, sunny wants the restaurant bread too. that's a fancy restaurant.)
oh, they do bring home the bread. it is reprehensible to not take any leftover bread from a restaurant. they do have a bit of a time trying to sneak it in their suit pockets, until their waitress just hands them a bag for it. sunny gets to eat a great deal of delicious bread, the next day.
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scaryscarecrows · 6 months
I feel like the whole squad would have fun doing like that yoga with the baby goats everywhere. I can’t tell who would be annoyed and who would just give up and play with the goats 😂
Antoine: Yoga bites. I'm doing one sun pose or whatever and fucking off to play with the goats.
Jimmy: Okay, so I actually avoid yoga because my ex was both a yoga teacher--worth it--and a serial killer. Lotta dead husbands. I couldn't exactly do much, legally, because, well, yeah, but I did dump her and she was pissed.
Frank: Yoga absolutely bites. I had to do it with all the other PT shit, and we all know what PT stands for: Physical Torture. Goats, here I come.
Riley: The goats gotta go. They are in my way, cute or not, and they gotta move. I have a routine. A goat-less routine.
Trent: Goats are my enemy. One ate my shirt once. Another one fucked up a stealth op by screaming its goddamn head off for absolutely no reason. Goats are food, not friends.
Mark: I've done very dicey surgery in very distracting situations. I think I can ignore goats.
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irenespring · 8 months
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House MD Drag Race Simulation Week 5: The Snatch Game!
Why did my screenshot not capture the name of maxi challenge on the day of the most iconic maxi challenge? For the uninitiated reading this, the Snatch Game is an impersonation contest in the format of the game show The Match Game.
Because the simulator randomly assigns Snatch Game characters to each contestant, I didn't screenshot them, as many were extremely dicey (black celebrity impersonations assigned to white contestants, for example). The Snatch Game is where my computer reset and lost progress, and the first time it did assign House to do Gypsy Rose Blanchard which is just messed up and tactless enough that I think it does actually fit what he would do. So we can keep that one.
Here are my (likely terrible) ideas for the others (tell me your ideas in tags/replies!):
Masters: Elizabeth Blackwell (the first female doctor given a medical license in the United States). It flopped because she memorized a handful of jokes about feminism and couldn't figure out where to take it from there. Once it became clear she was losing she couldn't recover. At one point she couldn't even write a response to Ru's question.
Wilson: Taylor Swift. Thought he could translate House's myriad of jokes about Wilson's and Taylor's dramatic breakups into an impression that would be hip with the youths. Was very, very wrong. So wrong it will go down in Drag Race herstory as an iconic mandatory-watching performance.
Cuddy: Barbara Streisand. Not an inspired pick but she did okay. Mostly was kept out of boring territory for giving Wilson acting notes during the challenge.
Chase: Courtney Act (Australian Drag Race competitor from season 6). His impersonation was spot on but it's understood to be a mistake to do past Drag Race competitors and he ran out of mannerisms to make a joke out of. He's lucky Masters and Wilson flopped so hard.
Thirteen: Taylor Swift. Once she saw Wilson was doing Taylor, and heard his impression, she switched to Taylor because she knew she could do a better one-- which would at least put her into safe territory. A vicious strategic move that will be remembered and studied. Her Taylor Swift was secretly enacting a master plan to win the United States Presidency and take over the world. She brought a prop of a binder to show a fake agreement between her and the CIA to use mass-market music for mind control. She pointed to Wilson's Taylor and said that they switched to that plan because the cloning experiment was an abject failure, just look at how off her clone was.
Foreman: Marjorie Taylor Greene. He knew everyone expected him to be monotone and wanted to show the judges "flexibility." His completely batshit insane acting impressed everyone. In the werk room he said he would just be imitating House.
House: His Gypsy Rose Blanchard was dark, line-crossing, and borderline in very bad taste. It resulted in So Much Twitter Discourse. This was the episode where the producers made him talk about his parents. In context, some of his darker jokes were excused. Seeing how Ru accepted Trixie Mattel's audition tape to be on the show even though her proposed Snatch Game character was Anne Frank, the bad taste argument still wouldn't have stopped him from winning.
Additional commentary:
House has been studying Drag Race after losing the first quiz challenge to Masters. It paid off, and he was even more of an asshole about it than usual to cover for Feelings around the whole "produces making him do the backstory reveal" thing.
Wilson's Taylor Swift was so bad even House tried to gently talk him out of it. House and Thirteen's alliance was threatened by him subconsciously being displeased that she was making a strategic move against Wilson. They survived because in the end he was proud of her for her evil.
Untucked is wild this episode. "Shadying" is not a word. What exactly are Wilson and Thirteen planning on doing to Cuddy?
Wilson tried to make one of his Serious Psychology Arguments about House only going after Foreman's makeup skills because Foreman's comment about acting like him to be Marjorie Taylor Greene hurt his feelings. House responded by saying that in regards to Foreman's mockery, he was going to shake it off and singing the chorus of the song off-key.
All the judges thought Masters had actually walked off out of humiliation, which hinted to them that maybe they did need to send her home.
Wilson and Cuddy are no longer friends because he thinks she sabotaged him by going after him during the Snatch Game.
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authordanielpawlowski · 4 months
Boulder Noir: Steve Simpson Roulette 1 Empty Chamber
Things were getting dicey. Frank was going to have to cheese it.
Frank was just wrapping up a successful sting operation. Technically there still was one more target to show up but he was pretty sure he had the right Steve Simpson. He was playing Steve Simpson Roulette and there was still one left in the chamber so he had to sure. The roulette analogy didn’t quite work but it sounded cool. The first guy who showed up was Jon S. Doe. Jon arrived bright and…
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unitedbydevils · 1 year
Match Review: United 4-1 Chelsea
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A comfortable win on paper for Manchester United, but another awkward scuff of a game that could have gone very badly.
In the first half, United started and ended strongly with goals from Casemiro and Anthony Martial, but the controlling start quickly turned into disarray and confusion following Antony's injury, with the Red Devils seemingly lacking any tactical sense or composure. Any top 6 team would likely have scored 4, 5, or 6 goals past United in this abysmal spell but Frank Lampard's Chelsea look lightyears away from being that competent.
A good half time team talk from Erik Ten Hag can be inferred given the drastic change of fortunes for United in the second half. Decision making returned and United looked assured in and out of possession.
Patience was rewarded in the 73rd minute with Bruno Fernandes coolly slotting home a penalty, and again five minutes later with Rashford squeezing in goal number 30 for the season - an impressive milestone.
A momentary lapse in concentration allowed a tidy finish from Joao Felix to bag Chelsea a consolation goal, but all in all it was a solid result for Manchester United. A dicey first half atoned for with a professional second half.
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roni-not-tyler · 2 years
Major Margaret Houlihan really loves with her whole pussy
For example:
1. Frank burns
She loves him after she sleeps with him. It’s implied that she slept with him before she knew he was married but decided that it didn’t matter. Head over heals, sticks up for him, etc
2. Donald Penobscot
She sleeps with him and decides to marry him. She forgives him for being with other women because she loves him
3. Benjamin Franklin Pierce,aka Hawkeye
She sleeps with him while they are under heavy fire and it super lovey dicey with him. I’ve always liked these things about you type.
I have not finished the episode where the last point was made, but I’ve just noticed a pattern
TL;DR Margaret houlihan from MASH sleeps with a guy and is instantly in love with him
PS it only works with hot guys. Not the other brass that she chases
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companyjust · 2 years
Buffalo chicken dip recipe
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You could also go with celery sticks, or (wait for it) stuff it in avocados. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat this atop some veggies or straight out of a bowl as a meal on many occasions, but this Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip is best served with your favorite tortilla chips or crackers. One of the things I love about this recipe is that it is an easy recipe to make ahead of time in the morning and then bake later right before serving. – use a combination 4oz cream cheese, 4oz nonfat plain Greek yogurt – use whipped cream cheese instead of regular You can make one of the following substitutions for less fat & calories: This saves so much time, and no one will be able to tell the difference!Īnother way to switch up this recipe is to use bleu cheese instead of cheddar, or a mix of 1/2 bleu cheese 1/2 cheddar. Another option – and one that I use quite often – is to use store-bought rotisserie chicken. I follow this guide to poach/shred chicken. Recipe Tips: Alternate Preparation: To make this dip in the microwave. To make the chicken, I find that poaching it results in the best/easiest texture for shredding. Ingredients 2 (12.5 oz) cans Swanson premium white chunk chicken breast in water 1 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened cup blue cheese salad dressing cup. That’s right – just 5 ingredients needed! This recipe also happens to be Keto-friendly, but you could swap out the chicken for cauliflower or white beans to make this a vegetarian dish. Ingredients 2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 cup ranch salad dressing 3/4 cup hot buffalo sauce 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese 2 (10-ounce). I mean, with all of this cheese and the flavor of buffalo sauce, I think you can tell why. It’s so great to make for a party…people go crazy over it! This Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip is hands down my most crowd-pleasing recipe.
Serve it with tortilla chips and maybe some celery too.Who doesn’t love diving into a big ole’ bowl of Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip ? This recipe is both keto and low carb, plus it has only five ingredients, a quick bake time, and it can be made vegetarian. Ingredients (7) shredded cooked chicken 1 cups cream cheese, softened 1 (8 ounces) package red hot sauce, or to taste cup crumbled bleu cheese or your. You just bake it for about 30 minutes at 350, and you can serve it hot or at room temp. I spread it in a medium-sized baking dish and sprinkled it with Parmesan cheese. I also doubled the recipe, and I’m so glad I did because I’ve been enjoying the leftovers for lunch! Then I just shredded it up and mixed it with the dressings, hot sauce, and cheese. Spread mixture into pie plate sprayed with Pam. She gave the option of baking or poaching the chicken, but I decided to roast it in olive oil, salt and pepper to bring out the best flavor. I promise you, once you make Buffalo Chicken Dip with freshly roasted chicken, you will NEVER GO BACK!!! directions Beat cream cheese, ranch dressing, and red hot sauce. I did some searching and discovered that there are quite a few variations on this recipe, but the one I settled on is the one I found at Cooking With Erin. If you’re concerned, you can use mozzarella cheese instead and double the ranch dressing (leaving out the blue cheese dressing), but I love a very strong blue cheese flavor in this dish. They often contain hidden sources of gluten, and for those who are severely sensitive to gluten, that can cause BIG problems! Ken’s Chunky Blue Cheese Salad Dressing IS gluten-free, according to . Blue cheese in and of itself is highly debated in gluten-free circles. If you’re gluten-free, you know that bottled salad dressings can be dicey. This succulent concoction of chicken, ranch dressing, blue cheese and the key ingredient - Frank’s Hot Sauce - is a must-have at every informal gathering. You’re probably no stranger to buffalo chicken dip. This is the BEST Buffalo Chicken Dip you will ever eat. Ingredients 16 oz cream cheese room temperature 1 lb chicken breast shredded 1-2 cups buffalo sauce based on preferred spice level 1/4 cup ranch dressing 2.
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bulltruearchive · 5 years
im  p  sure  this  has  been  obvious  over  the  years  ive  rpd  chris  but  christmas  isnt  a  great  time  of  yr  for  him
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