gmeg011 · 2 years
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My first chanukiah! This was in my shul's small judaica for sale collection, and I think it's vintage. I was told many of the objects have been in the display cabinets since the 1960s, and since I can find no evidence of this chanukiah online, I'm inclined to believe it. If so, this is older than my dad is!
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appleschloss · 16 days
The only AI I respect is JARVIS and FRIDAY
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rosebloodcat · 1 year
I have to admit, there are several things about Welcome Home as a whole I adore:
1- Clown (and the rest of the fandom) agrees that Human Wally isn't a porcelain-skinned bishi-boy.
2- Wally isn't a twink. The little puppet man has broad shoulders, and I love that for him.
3- Barnaby isn't just a comedic bestie, he's a showman. He grabs attention and holds onto it. (And it's in that way I remember from tv shows in the 70s that I never see in media anymore.) Honestly, he's kind of like a fusion between Rowlf, Fozzie, and Miss Piggy and it's great.
4- Eddie has a southern drawl!!! This man came from cowboy county!! And bugs scare him so much that Frank has to come to the rescue.
5- Howdy uses Southern Purple Prose and is a quick-buck salesman (bordering on a conman even) and it's a delight that they went all in on his character to match the design.
6- Sally's dramatics! So over the top! So much purple prose of her own going on. She's got a great vocabulary too.
7- Despite fandom, there has yet to be a clear "Villain" to Welcome Home. Wally seems very self-aware, but we still don't have any signs of him (or anyone else for that matter) being intentionally malicious. That detail is still being kept under wraps and it's so fun to see unfolding in real time.
As ya'll can guess, I'm having fun with this little romp and don't plan on leaving anytime soon. (even if I'm having trouble getting engaged with other fans)
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he-was-a-star · 1 year
Guys. I've been reading just lovers and no one told it was gonna be like this. I'm not ok. My therapist WILL hear about this. And she'll tell me to stop reading fanfiction but I know I never will. BECAUSE I LOVE THE PAIN
@mollisetparva i hope you're aware of the pain you've put me through.
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breitzbachbea · 5 months
I also thought I was quite hilarious with my version of the accidental engagement subplot in the AU, but that's not hard bc that subplot is the funniest fucking thing I ever did see. I was hysterically texting all my friends when I first watched it.
Here we have Charlie explaining why Harry said Michele would talk with Franci to break it off:
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And here we have the very different aftermath from canon:
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z-o-r-a-k · 7 months
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My friend/roommate has this holographic picture changing Game of Thrones poster but usually with the angle I see it from the couch it just looks like ice guy big naturals
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kala-mies · 6 months
Franly I'd join Rumis 'I-Swear-It's-Not-A-Cult' Cult just for the fun of it
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catboymoments · 6 months
Family tree (Franly tree???) anon: ,,,,,,,are you making one because i asked and you're a fairy godcat or do I suddenly need to join the seer coven lmao
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silky-silks · 10 months
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(The name is random)
Meet out messenger Eddie Dear, quite the clusmy fella isn’t he? The only messenger we have in lovely Rainbowwall, as well as the partner of Frank Franly our recorder.
By his side is a giant stout land “old-wiser”.
Once a member of the Hound-patrol, now a helper and rider for Eddie. It is unknown how old he exactly is, but one could say he may have been alive longer than a thousand seasons.
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raguna-blade · 4 months
Gotta say, while I don't engage with the larger fandom in general for...Honestly the vast majority of the stuff i watch, read and play, I really gotta say that I am powerfully struck by how different of an experience I am having with chainsawman. Part 2 Specifically.
Because sometimes I feel like I'm reading a completely different manga from other people, because the bits I'm liking and find interesting are emphatically NOT the parts that they like, which is a problem, given they've been the focus of this chunk of the manga.
It's also a little frustrating because I'd honestly like to talk about it a bit...But hey i guess that's what a blog is for.
So like...I guess the thing I'm generally seeing in my small circle of folks who are reading it as well, is that damn Denji's become lame and like...
Denji has always been the lamest fucker in this manga. Far and away. Until Asa showed up, his only real rival was Kobeni and I'd make a genuine argument that Kobeni while PATHETIC, also at least had a lot of her shit together in a way that Denji doesn't and can't owing to the franly horrific amount of shit he's gone through and been processing.
And Asa is about as equally cursed, but the difference being she's hyper lame and broken down in COMPLETELY different ways from Denji, but no less absolutely fucked than him. Indeed, they both have absolutely abyssmal luck that manifested in different ways (Asa being unable to do anything without it going wrong in the worst possible way vs Denji magnetically attracting bullshit that want's to fucking ruin his life specifically FIGHT)
And like...The prevailing attitude i'm seeing (again, small sample size) is Damn Why Is Denji Lame now? He's not doing anything cool anymore? What the fuck is this bullshit stop showing me asa and it's like
What's the point of having Denji fight more? Like sure you could definitely get more cool fight scenes out of him, and we definitely got a couple out of this portion of the manga, but even in part one the fighting was always had this element of....None of this fucking matters. Like there's the peril, but the overriding focus for Denji was never the violence because the violence was a solved problem for him. Not in the sense of Oh he's almighty and thus can handle it. So much as fighting was rote. It's nothing worth seriously considering by and by beyond the very material fact of I need to fight to live.
But otherwise? It's not like Denji's tangibly gotten stronger in a way that's distinguishable since the start of the manga and his transformation into Chainsawman. He's not gotten any new super moves. He's never gotten any super forms, not really. Like it hasn't mattered in the least by and large.
MEANWHILE his growth and development, or the lack there of, has always been the central focus of the manga, and how he fails or succeeds at that (and honestly, Part 2 starts strong with him getting stuff RIGHT. Until He magnetically attracts absolute bullshit back to him, and he barely manages to keep it together in the face of it)
And I don't doubt for a moment that we're going to get some dope fights later, but honestly I don't think we're gonna get to see any of them until after the wonder twins get their shit together because their enemies and foes right now are honestly just...NOT a threat if they were firing on anything approaching half a cylinder. Not really.
Bleh. I'm sure there's deeper analysis i can go into. Latest chapter is fucking RIPE for it but man....Just kinda getting the words out at the moment i suppose.
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An introduction to VR passenger carriages, part 3: single-decker Intercity carriages
In the late 80s, we decided to introduce the Intercity branding - already commonly used elsewhere in Europe - as our new flagship service. And unlike the then-current flagship service erikoispikajuna (special express), the new Intercity services would have brand-new, dedicated carriages built for them: the Ex, Cx and Rx carriages. (As you maybe figured out, the x signified an Intercity coach).
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An Sr1-hauled rake of IC coaches. Behind the locomotive is a Cx first-class coach, followed by a Rx restaurant car and then three Ex second-class coaches. Suomen rautatiemuseo
As with all of the blue carriages after initial batch, and the Eil-class carriages, the Intercity coaches were designed in-house by our own design team. Compared to the blue carriages, the entrance doors were brought slightly towards the centre of the carriage, with toilets and technical spaces at the far ends, on the other side of the door; this allowed for the exact same body to be used in passenger and restaurant carriages. All underfloor tech was now covered in a heated housing, keeping the snow out at winter.
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A Cx carriage in the original livery. Photo by Janne Määttä, Vaunut.org
Externally, the IC carriages were given a hot white and red livery entirely different from the previous generations, with the name InterCity emblazoned on the sides in large letters. The Sr1 class locomotives were repainted to match the new livery, as there were no separate Intercity locomotives; some Sr1's were simply upgraded to match the 160 km/h top speed of the carriages. Some types of blue carriages that were used in Intercity trains (most notably restaurant and aggregate cars) were also repainted in the IC livery. Telling these apart from the real IC carriages was easy, as the IC carriages had a different, and somewhat more angular, roof construction.
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Interior of a Cx carriage. Photo by Antti Havukainen, Vaunut.org
The initial batch of IC carriages were built 1988 in-house at our Pasila workshop in Helsinki, but we soon came under criticism for "not supporting Finnish industry" (apparently our own mechanical workshop employing almost a thousand skilled workers was not "Finnish industry") and subsequent orders were placed at Valmet and, after they discontinued their rolling stock production, Transtech.
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Interior of an Ex carriage. Photo by Oula Ahlholm, from Vaunut.org
The last single-decker IC carriages were delivered in 1992. First class was discontinued from our trains in 2006, and the Cx carriages were rebuilt into Expt carriages, with compartments reserved both for travelers with pets and those so badly addicted to nicotine they cannot survive one train ride without smoking (originally, both the Ex and Cx carriages had compartments for smokers). Regular express trains (pikajuna) were also phased out after this point, making Intercity the standard branding for locomotive-hauled long-distance trains.
From 2011 onwards the Ex, Expt and Rx carriages were repainted in the current green and white livery. As this was applied to all of our passenger rolling stock (excepting the last remaining blue carriages), this meant losing the different branding on Intercity trains.
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An Ex carriage in the new livery in a rake otherwise consisting of the old red-liveried carriages. My photo from 2010 (actually my very first photo of our rolling stock in the current livery).
With the continued deliveries of double-decker IC coaches capable of reaching speeds up to 200 km/h (which will be the subject of the next entry), the first single-decker IC coaches were scrapped recycled in 2020 (which, franly, I think is a mistake, as the relatively new x-coaches could easily have been used to give additional capacity on services on routes where the tracks don't allow speeds in excess of 160 km/h).
Thanks to Jouni Eerola's book Pasilan Konepaja 1903-2003 for details on these carriages; there is surprisingly little info available on them online. There's plenty on the blue carriages and double-decter IC carriages, but very little on these babes.
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angelpuns · 1 year
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Here's some older human turtles!! Sorry for the spam that's about to happen - I have a lot of stuff I never posted here and even if it isold I still like most of it :)
I spent a lot of time on these guys and even though I wanna go back and redesign them at some point, franly it would just be to redraw them??? I like most of the design choices I made ( for example Raph is wearing a letterman and has two lines cause he's in marching band!!! )
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Aright, completed the Fell Xenologue, so if you don’t want to be spoiled avoid reading this
Basically the whole Fell Xenologue is to keep in touch with the alternate universe thing we add for the last games : It’s to Engage whats was Future Past to Awakening, Heir of Fates to Fates and Three Hopes to Three Houses. Except it’s more than a simple “what if” scenario.
Future Past was basically a secret bad ending to the canon timeline, a Awakening divergent where everyone dies, a timeline where the Morgans come from.
Heirs of Fates is what takes place in a universe where Anankos won and depends on both Corrin’s choice, F!Kanna’s camp being if Hoshido was choosen, M!Kanna’s camp if Nohr was choosen and Shigure’s camp if Revelations was choosen. 
Three Hopes is what happened if Shez survived their encounters with Byleth.
The Fell Xenologue is COMPLETELY different. It’s what happened if Alear is Lumera’s true child ! Yes, in this universe Alear is really a divine dragon and was really Lumera’s kid. They have 0 ties with Sombron, this Sombron is the father of Veyle who is dead at the begining of the story, Nil, Nel and Rafal. In this universe, Alear was even lover with Nel at some point ! Also, you have to understand that in this universe, Alear’s gender is not the same. if you play with M!Alear, then the Alear from FX’s universe will be a woman. If it’s with F!Alear that you play with, then Alternate Alear is male. That was the case for me.
Meanwhile the gameplay is solid and the maps are fun, compared to the others dlc, the plot is reaaaally weak.
If you recall, FP was the embodiment of good play, goood and funny challenging map while the writing was excellent, much better than in the main game in comparison.
Same thing, Heir of Fates was comptent in both map and writing but it’s true that Fates dlc often had better writing than the actual plot, wonder why.
To put simply, FX is the equivalent of Ashen Houses : the map and challenge are good and make it worth to buy the dlc, but the writing of the story is weak. 
To put an example, I was kind of disppointed that the alternate version of our units don’t have alternate design to fit the mood. I mean, in a universe where Firene swapped with Brodia and you still have Alfred and Celine with their bright coloured outfit, it just desn’t sit right with me. (this motivated me to try to make alt design for them but God please grant me the time to have this opportunity).
That asides, there is many, way too many “plot twist” that were not : we have the “turns out they were all Corrupted so it’s fine that Nel killed all of them” because we could not have had Nel to be the evil one, was too obvious and they tried to trick us as if we would not be aware that Nil was the traitor, like come on IT was obvious, and it was also obvious that they would have used Nel to disguise it. And yes, obivsouly turns out that Nel knew from the start that Rafal was not Nil yet she “pretented” because you know ? you need to have that “i knew it all along” or things would not be FE signature. And obviously Rafal was kind of possesed by Sombron to explain why he was evul or else it would not be a FE game. I mean, if there is no possesion it’s not fire emblem so we had to have it am i not right ? 
To put it short, the story is too predictable to be enjoyable if you want to compare to the previous game’s way of dealing with the plot of their DLC, but the characters are good.
The four Winds really stole the whole DLC spotlight... much like The Four Hounds being stoling the spotlight from the others characters. Franly they are cool, so they might not be the FH, but the FW are cool too. NEat. By the way, if you wonder why Mauvier did not save himself, I think it is obvious. This DLC was mainly here to give us the FH though it did not since they are separete people and entirely different person, but since we already had Mauvier join us in the main game they did not bother change his design, personality, heck not even his devotion to Veyle !! so they just found a way to kill him off since we already had a Mauvier and that FEH is the only game where you can have more than 1 version of the same heroes. Nel is good, like her support with Veyle. and I llike Rafal more than I expected. I love the fact that he is being like “you can’t forgive me this easily JUST because I was possesed!! who does that” or “you want to side with the man who tried to kill you ? who does that ?” * thousands of FE lords sweating nervously*. Good support with Alear too, he is a tsundere. 
Also from what I understood : Sombron and alt!Sombron have rather similar personality pretty much like how Alear and Alt!Alear are similar except that our Sombron called his children “defect” whereas Alt!Sombron labelled them as “failure” and that Alt!Sombron had children by pair of twins, which was not the case with our Sombron meaning that in the main story, Nil and Nel probably did not existed and if they did, they would be dead anyway. In FX, Alear and the twins are not related since Alear is the actual child of the divine dragon as stated by the support where the twins were surprised to find out that in this world, it is Alear who is the child of Sombron. 
At first, I feared to have again a headache with this whole multiverse thing but THANK GOD, Nel and Rafal are here to clear things up, right ? but the DLC tells us nothing about Emblem 0 but instead put new mysteries like : why wre Nil and Rafal so alike and who was Rafal’s twin ? some have suggested that it was Veyle or that Rafal came from another world too but if he came from our world this would be a problem since in the main story fell fragon are not born by pair of twins, it’s only in the DLC and Veyle would have had more chances of being twin with Alear than anyone else. Plus I doubt that Rafal could come from another world since he is clear crystal about him having had a twin, could not have due to chronology and has no support with Veyle so... yeah. There is also the whole swap thing, when exaclty did it happen ? 1000 ago after the war so it means that in the DLC it has been quite a moment since the swap took place so I doubt that those speculations are right unless further explanation. 
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
I think tumblr ate my post where I ask whether or not I should Franliepost. Saving me from myself, bc NO ONE ever responds whether or not I should talk about my OCs.
I mean, it's not saving any of you, so I guess it's fine.
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system-reset · 8 months
2 things (highly unrelated to one another)
can you guys PLEASE start tagging shit? yeah, of course we give a shit about other people, but quite franly we've got a lot goinh on in our personal life and need to take care of ourselves before anything else. fuck you if you think thats selfish or evil.
just woke up from a dream where jokes that are made frequently and highly popular memes were tagged with "dead horse do not beat" (similar to nsfw shit being tagged as "dead dove do not eat") and for some reason this seems like a good idea to me.
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