#fred weasley x malfoy older sister
shelbgrey · 11 months
Hey, sweetie! Could you do something for “Being Harry Potter's twin sister?”. You know... Their whole trajectory, their discovery of Sirius and Remus (who might be her godfather). She has an unusual friendship with Neville and the Weasleys (especially the twins and Fred, who she has a crush on and is fully reciprocated with). Thanks for the attention 🌷🩶.
Being Harry Potter's Twin sister Headcanons:
Paring: Fem!Reader x Brother!Harry Potter, Fem!Reader x Fred Weasley.
Summary: your life as the chosen one's sister.
A/n: so I might split this up with each year. Sorry this took so long and it's not edited.
🧡Master List 🧡Potter MasterList
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So I feel like you and Harry would be totally different, and it might sound stereotypical, but you look like your mom with your dad's eyes.
Also you do have a scar, I looks like Harry's but it's on your wrist.
Most muggles and wizards forget your twins beacuse you look nothing alike.
With Harry I think he trusts adults a little too quick, with the treatment the Dursly's caused I think you'd have major trust issues. You only really trust Harry.
Harry is almost extremely over protective of you and sometimes thinks he's the older brother because he happens to be taller and five minutes older. “you know I'm five minutes older than you, right?”
“why does that bloody matter?”
Harry would do anything to keep you safe from Dudley and the other Dursley, I think Petunia would be harsher on you because you remind her so much of Lily and Dudley just think it's a game to terrioz you.
“keep your hands off her!” Harry shouted and pushed your cousin off you aching body.
People Don't know how relieved you were to get your Hogwarts letter.
Year one:
Like I said before you don't trust people as easy as Harry does, so when Hagrid came to rescue you two you were very reluctant and let Harry do most of the talking.
I'd say the Dursly's treatment causes you to be jumpy and very much aware of your surroundings, meaning you were hiding behind Harry when Hagrid came by.
But you learned to trust him during the trip to Digon Ally, he got Harry an owl and you a Ferrett named Seeley.
You also discovered your wand was related to The 'murder' Sirius Black's wand.
The first person you'd actually meet first is Fred and George, Hagrid had taken you to a candy shop in Digon ally and you both were after the last box of all flavor beans.
“you go ahead” he smiled when he saw you flinch back. “no, you” you respond.
Fred shook his head with a smile and handed you the colorful box. “no, you shouldn't take things from a pretty lady” that made you blush and take the box nervously.
And saved by the bell wizard, Harry called your name. “I got it go... Bye”
He didn't even get your name. Fred watched you run away with hearts in his eyes. George looked at him confused when he saw no candy in his hands.
“Georgie, I think I'm in love” he smiled like an idiot.
George, not knowing how to respond smiled.
When you got to Hogwarts you met Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy.
You had found Neville's Toad Trevor and was the one to return him. I think Neville would be star struck with you, your kindness to him and how pretty you were, he definitely had a crush on you immediately.
With Draco he just had infatuation, with Fred and Neville it was actual attraction(Neville more at the time) but with the Blonde Slytherin he saw you as someone he could get back at his parents with. The daughter of Lilly and James, Lucicus hated them and his eyes it would be a perfect opportunity to rebell a little.
You saw right threw him, you may not trust people immediately, but you do like to get to know them before you pass judgment. Draco lost your judgment as soon as he disrespected Ron and the rest of the Weasleys.
“listen you little Ferrett, leave Ron and his family alone”
I don't think the twins would take you being teased lightly, Fred didn't really care what Draco thought about him but him saying something about you or George is usually the last straw.
Anyway, the sorting hat didn't know what house to put you in. He was stuck between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. “your a lot smarter than people give you credit for...your also brave, maybe even braver than your brother”
The hat did consider your feelings, he didn't just put you in Gryffindor because you were afraid to be separated from Harry, he did because he wanted to prove how brave and strong you were.
Gryffindor was ecstatic to have both Potters, especially Fred and George. They both cheered with the rest of their house mates and gave you the empty spot next to them.
With that I think you'd have your own trio, you are very close to Hermione and Ron both, but your defently best friends with the twins.
Your also close with Neville, people might think your a body guard and would even teas him for it, but you actually love Neville company and think he's tougher than he relizes.
Some people might not realize you got on the Quidditch team beofer Harry, you became a Chaser.
During your first game the twins wouldn't leave your side, Fred was afraid you'd get hurt. I think the whole team was considering you were a first year.
Harry's broom was the only one that was supposed to get jinxed but you got in the way. You got swang around like crazy while the twins and Oliver tried to help you. It drove Harry crazy he couldn't help you, but he had his own jinxed broom to deal with too.
Ron and Hermione of course thought it was Snape, but it wasn't. He was concentrated on helping you... Even more than Harry.
You remind him of Lily... like a lot, so I think it would make him less biter towrds you. Yeah it'll hurt him to see you at first, but I think he wouldn't be harsh on you like he is Harry.
During the holiday we know Harry saw your parents in the mirror of erase, but as much as you loved your parents I don't think that's what you saw. You can't change the past, so you just wanted some kind of family. So when you looked in the mirror you saw the Weasleys.
You and the twins had been extremely close, especially Fred. During the holidays Molly sent you a sweater with your initial and Fred got you a paracord bracelet with a heart charm. He and george had matching ones(minus the heart) so at the time it was friendship bracelets.
When you went to see the mirror by your self Professor McGonagall cought you, she really liked you and thought you were a bright student. You don't get to show it much because Hermione always beats you too it.
Speaking of professors and Hogwarts staff, I think Hagrid would help you discover your love for animals and magical creatures. Which ment you were pissed when Draco ragged about Hagrid's baby dragon.
Your love for magical creatures also helps you and the golden trio get passed Fluffy the three headed dog.
You and Hagrid bonded over talking about animals and you guys grew closer because of that.
It still bewilders Ron how you saw innocents in the dog and though he was cute.
You didn't want to go back to the Dursly's, but with the events that transpired this year you were afraid to stay at Hogwarts too, but you couldn't help but love the place, as dangerous as it was it was also safe and full of wonderful people.
Year two:
So for starters I think Doby would annoy the hell out of Harry's sister and I think she would be pissed off he was at the Dursly's warring them instead of Ginny or Hermione or even Colin.
So when you got back from Hogwarts you and Harry did have to share Dudley's second bedroom, it was cramped and always hot, but it was better than living under the staircase.
So, remember when the Dursly's tried to stop Harry from going to the Burow with the Weasley's? Well Harry did get in their little blue Angler, but when he did Vernon grabed you causing Fred to jump through the window and get you.
Molly would be so happy to see you again and even kinda embarrassed Fred. “y/n darling, I'm so glad your hear... Fred hear wouldn't shut up about you all summer”
“mom!” Fred look embarrassed while George was trying to cover his laughter for his brother's sake.
The burow is big but it's also cramped at times, so you and the twins share a room, your best friends and your comfortable with each other. Your just kids right now and there's no dirty thoughts to it just three best friends having a sleep over.
Thoses night Fred found out about your nightmares, George is a heavy but one night you woke up Fred when you were tossing and whimper beacuse of them. You only remember your parents death in your dreams and currently your adventures from last year.
Fred comferted you through out the night. He didn't make you talk about it, just held you. George teased you guys when he woke up the next morning and saw you guy cuddling. You guys let it slide since he didn't know the situation.
But, During your stay I think you'd grow closer to George, your both the quieter of the twins and are usually the followers. You would tell him you hated all the attention being Harry's sister brings.
Fred would get jealous, really jealous but he loves you both too much to bring it up. George knows how much Fred cares about you and your relationship with George is strictly Platonic.
George knows Fred like the back of his hand and he told him that. “you know we're just friends, right? I'd never hurt you like that”
Speaking of friends, since it's ginny's first year you and the twins are all pretty protective, which ment you were about to kick Draco's teath out when he was hassling her at the book shop in Digon ally.
“touch her and it'll be the last thing you ever do”
You also despise Lockheart, You and the twins spend most of the year messing with him. Especially when it comes to quizes about himself.
“my favorite smell isn't the ass of a hairless dog!” Lockheart yelled after reading our answers.
You broke your arm during the Quidditch match where Draco and Harry we're going add it. The people and the teams were too busy watching your brother to realize you got knocked off your broom.
Fred cought you before you could hit the ground and he took you to madam Pomfrey with George and Hagrid's help.
That day you realized since you weren't the chosin one like Harry you weren't that inresting. But that didn't matter to your closest people. To Fred you were the greatest thing to ever enter hogwarts.
He stayed with you the entire time and helped you with assignments till you got better.
You weren't part of this year's adventure. You were too worried about taking care of Ginny and Hermione.
Years 3:
So after the whole blowing up aunt marge incident you went to the Burow(in this universe you go straight there).
You told the twins about aunt Marge and they couldn't stop laughing. You now call it "the incident" and it kinda became inside joke, Ginny getts annoyed with not knowing what it means.
“you keep saying 'the incident'! What doses that mean?”
You did find about Sirius black and that he was Harry's godfather. You would think he'd be yours too but really it was never confirmed since Lilly wanted Remus to be the godfather.
Remus told you about the once playful argument that James and Lily had about that. I think you'd grow really close to Remus.
He's the first adult you trusted immediately. You tell him everything and he becomes the first ever real father figure you've ever had.
Aurther is kinda of a father figure but you don't want to see him that way since your in love with his son.
Anyway, you find out about Remus being a werewolf just beacuse you were wondering around on a full moon, you weren't scared like a normal person should be which suprised him. You promised to never say anything.
It got annoying when Hermione kept asking werewolf questions when she started to have her suspicions.
You were relieved when you found out Sirius didn't actually kill your parents. You found out Sirius was really fun to be around. While Remus was a shoulder to cry on or sortof a body guard, Sirius was c comedic relief and learned how to make you and Harry laugh.
Year 4:
Your fourth year is when Fred and you really started to act on your feelings. When you went to the Quidditch world cup, Fred kissed you after your favorite team won.
Since death eaters showed up it was short lived and you guys didn't really speak of it till later.
You didn't try to get your name in the goblet of fire like your two best friends, nor was your name put in there.
It was bizarre... You wanted to do it just to prove you were just as brave and important as Harry. Fred helped you relize how important and loved you were during the last two summers, but since your name didn't get put in there like Harry's you felt pushed to the side lines again.
Fred was a little bit upset at your mindset. He didn't want you thinking you were useless but he also didn't want you in danger.
“why would you want to! It's dangerous, I don't know what I'd do If you got hurt!”
Then it turned into an argument. “I want to do It because I'm tired of being in his shadow I want to prove I'm just as strong! And why dose it matter if I was in the tournament or not?”
“beacuse I love you! The Wizarding world might not have chosen you but I do... And I know we're just kids but I do know that I love you”
Your heart melt and if felt like all your walls came crashing down. You knew you were important to him, but it finally clicked that you were is first choice from the beginning. No Harry, no chosin crap, he just wanted you.
You had your first real kiss in mouths. A rough but passionate kiss. He poured so mush love and emotion in it, he wanted to prove he wanted you and only you.
Then you became a couple, a few side problems kinda showed up. Hermione and Krum, then you and Neville... He wanted to asks you out so bad but then he finally had the confidence to ask you out he found you and Fred kissing.
You knew when something was bothering Neville, he became stand-offish and wouldn't really talk to you. When he confronted you all his emotions came out. He told you everything and even end his rant that he rather have you as a friend than not having you at all.
“but then I realized our friendship means more to me than anything, I'm happy for you and Fred but I don't want to lose my best friend”
“You won't...”
The Yule Ball was so much fun, you of course went with Fred and everything was perfect.
Having Cedric die was hard, you wernt close to him but having him die made you appreciate you brother again. You two became distant since you felt put on the side lines, but when you thought about Harry dying you couldn't help but cry.
“you and me against the universe” Harry said after you talked about it to him. “I'll always protect you and I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you away”
Harry really did feel bad, but he felt even worse when he found out about you and Fred. He's been so busy he didn't even know you have a boyfriend for like three months.
He was happy for you both, he trust you'd be treated right and didn't feel like he had to put up an over protective brother facade.
Year 5:
So Remus is defently over protective and put the fear of murlin in Fred, but he knew Fred was a good guy.
You and Fred also worked hard to get Tonks and Remus together. You knew how much he loved her but he wouldn't act upon it.
Also with Voldemort back you were eager to join the order of the Phoenix, even if you weren’t old enough. And you better believe Fred would be right behind you.
“I'm in” you said.
“NO!” Remus and Sirius both said at the same time.
Okay so it's your fith year and Fred's last year, it's kinda of upsetting but it just encourages you guys to make the most of the year.
You love helping the boys sell their products and even help come up with some new ideas.
Rather the product are safe or not your usually the one to sell the product to fellow classmates, especially the females. George says to can sell a drowning man water.
The year was great... Till the pink monster showed up and started changing everything.
She got under Fred's skin like crazy and Umbridge knew it, he didn't really care what she did to him, took away one of his prank toys he doesn't care he'll just make a new one but what he didn't lightly is when you had to endore one of her detentions.
You didn't want the boys knowing or worry Fred and Harry. He accidentally found out when he grabed your soar hand the wrong way.
“I'm gonna end her!”
You had to grabe him and convince him if he did anything he'd get kicked out of school... Which he didn't care.
You knew about them dropping out and you even help plan their excape.
After they left Fred wrote to you almost every day, filling you in about the shop and telling you about the success.
You couldn't be more proud of them and even planed on working there that summer but the end of there made you forget about it.
Sirius had died protecting you, Bellatrix was about to use the same spell on you that she used on Mr. And mrs. Longbottom. Neville tried to protect you but Sirius bet him to it the only cost was his life.
During the summer you mostly stayed with the twins and worked at the shop, things got better and Fred worked hard to cheer you up.
He loves spending most of his time with you and doesn't really care if people see.
“your not supposed to get handsy with the staff” you joked.
“I won't tell if you want”
Year 6:
Not Much happened... That concerned you at least. You spent most of your year hanging out with Neville and Luna.
Harry and the other two were to busy worrying about Draco and you just didn't have the energy to care.
You quite the Quidditch team after an acadent last year so you usually helped Luna or who ever narrat the game.
You did worry about Draco though, he looked so alone and no one really cared, all Harry cared about was proving he was doing something wrong.
He grew so much respect for you when you found him crying, you didn't judge him like he expected... Just let him cry.
You filled Fred and George in about the closet stuff and how the school is going down hill.
After the school year you went home with the twins after Dumbledore's funeral, as awful as it might sound you weren't too affected by his death. You felt like Dumbledore never really cared about you or your brother.
Year 7:
So you spent most of the Summer paining and decorating for Billy's wedding, it was a good distraction.
During the battle of the seven Harry's George protected you because the death eaters would expect you to be with Fred, George got his ear blown off because he was protecting you.
After the wedding got ambushed you ended up going with the golden trio, Fred tried to go after you but Charlie stoped him I'm fear for his brother.
You spent most of the time listing to the radio with Ron, making sure George or Fred's name isn't mentioned.
During the battle of Hogwarts the twins didn't leave your side.
“you okay freddie? Y/n?” George asked.
“I'm scared” you admitted. Fred pulled you to his side and held you while George held your free hand. “I won't let anything hurt you”
When things got really heated during the battle you got separated from the two, you and George ended up meeting up in what used to be the charms room.
You started to panic when you didn't see Fred. “Wait, where's fred”
George couldn't stop you and ran in search for him, before you could even register what was happening Fred shielded you from a killing curse.
Even if your brother won the battle you lost the love of your life, you didn't really want to see anyone except George and even that hurt... Looking at his face and seeing the same eyes and freckles.
George promised if anything happens to Fred he'd make sure you'd be alright.
Super mega happy ending:
So if you chose this ending Fred didn't die, you guys got betten up but that's all.
A year later you guys got married and you worked as the care of magical creatures professor at the school, during the summer you worked with your husband and brother-in-law.
You had twins, a boy and a girl. Fred cried when he found out you'd he having twins.
George and Angelina were of course the god parents.
You are very protective of your kids, always making sure they're okay and on the anniversary of your parents death your twins sleep with you.
Your daughter is just like Fred, a total minnis in the best way possible, your son is the quieter one... Much like you and George.
Your twins joined the Quidditch team and got sorted into Gryffindor like every other Potter and Weasley.
You couldn't be more happy or proud of your family.
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
His Firecracker [Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader]
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Title: His Firecracker.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fiancé!Reader [She’s implied Gryffindor]
Timeline: None-specified, set after DH.
Summary: At his engagement party, Ginny asks Fred what attracted him to his new fiancé, his firecracker.
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, drinking, a few swear words. Mentions of the Chamber of Secrets. George trying to wind up his twin.
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"How did you know that you loved her?" Ginny asks, subconsciously leaning forward ever so slightly, listening intently to the anticipated answer. One half of the Weasley siblings are sat around the living room at the Burrow, each with a glass of various beverages in hand to toast to the newly engaged couple that they had gathered together to celebrate with.
"Never had to question it, can't remember a time when I didn't," Fred says with a smirk and a shrug, leaning back in the armchair opposite his sister. He was a few drinks deep already, not including the multiple shots of fire whiskey he'd consumed that George had managed to sneak under the seemingly omniscient eye of their mother.
"So what attracted you to her?" Ginny asks, following up from his vague reply. She clutches her own glass tightly and sips from the burning liquid as she listens in, realising moments before that she had never actually asked her brother those questions.
"Beside how hot she is?" George interjects playfully, earning daggers from Fred, knowing that his twin was trying to wind him up. “Why do you think he calls her firecracker?”
"Beside her beauty," Ginny adds, a little more eloquently than her older brother. Fred ponders for a moment, replaying the moment in his mind before letting out a little chuckle, beginning to tell the story.
School had just started back after the summer holidays and you'd entered your fifth year at Hogwarts feeling revitalised after spending the summer with your family and friends back home and on holiday for one of the weeks. Of course you'd missed your school mates and being able to do magic but it was a nice refresher that you needed after the horrible events of the previous year with the chamber of secrets and the petrifications.
It was the third day back and you were sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall surrounded by your friends, looking forward to enthusiastically tucking in to the wondrous display of delicious food when Ginny Weasley came and sat beside you, looking a little nervous. You'd made friends with her when she first started but after everything that happened in the chamber, you'd really tried to be there for her this year and had stood up for her on multiple occasions against Malfoy and his cronies. You greeted each other fondly and then her older twin brothers who had sat across from you as Neville took a seat beside George.
"What you got there Neville?" You heard Ginny ask in a quiet voice, noticing the book he was reading whilst waiting for the food. He began excitedly explaining how his Gran had sent him up to the attic and he'd found it in an old trunk and how it explained that each plant meant something and how it linked to muggle and magical medicine, reciting different species and their etymology.
"Another example, Milkweed is a native wildflower that means 'let me go' but in reality it's"
"Longbottom, shut up! No one cares about your bloody plants, I've heard enough," Alison Denshaw shouts down the table, her group of cackling witches snickering to themselves around her. Neville looks crestfallen and silences himself immediately, embarrassed by her outburst.
"Oi," you shout back, "I don't give a fuck about your boyfriend cheating on you but it's all I've heard from everyone since we got back so you can deal with plant talk for a little bit longer." You then turn to Neville and with a much softer tone, smile at him and say, "Go on Neville, tell us about Milkweed."
Fred was certain that you'd never been more attractive to him then you were right there, seeing you be bold enough to stand up for your friends and their interests, no matter how dull you secretly thought they were. It was so effortlessly done, so brilliantly witty that he knew he had to get closer to you, to make you his little firecracker.
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l-lenny · 1 year
Dumb Krum! … I love you too
Viktor Krum x Malfoy!Fem!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Fem!reader
Part 1/??
TW: cursing, mention of fighting parents
Malfoy reader, Durmstrang, no voldy au, fictional wizards names (side characters)
AN: this is longer then I expected but be prepared for next pt
“No! This is final they will go-“ boomed masculine voice before being interrupted by high pitched yell. “LUCIUS!” The man in question was furious. “Narcissa don’t you dare-“ your mother started crying. “Luci, please let at least one be close to me.” She foolishly hoped that she could persuade her husband. If she convinces him once maybe she will twice. You were aware of the whole situation. They have been arguing about this whole education thing for months. You were soon to be turned 11 and your Hogwarts letter came two days ago. However your father wanted you to go to Durmstrang. It wasn’t that common to have girls attending, but it was not an oddity and single incident either. Doing your research you learned that only 2 girls would be attending while you will be at school and both of them were much older than you. You knew that your mother wanted both of you to attend Hogwarts, but father was dead set on Durmstrang. You heard footsteps behind you and when you turned around you saw your little brother. Teary eyed and with messy hair. He was 7 and much more softer than his big sister. “Why are mum and dad fighting?” He whispered, tears spilling. You hugged him. He didn’t have to hear all of this. The empty hallway not helpful for your words of encouragement “don’t worry I will fix it” your brother hugged you back and yawned. It was by far past his bed time. You took him back to his room and put him to sleep, singing a lullaby. After he was sound asleep you went back to the hallway to hear your parents still arguing. Narcissa was crying and Lucius was fuming. After taking deep breath you knocked on the door to father’s study. Your parents stopped their “talk” and opened the door angrily. “Didn’t you went to sleep?!” Your father said rather strictly. “I couldn’t sleep and by chance I heard you two, so if I may add my opinion to this: I would go to Durmstrang under one condition.”
And that’s how you ended up in the small castle on north. You were cold from the harsh weather and environment. When you arrived via floo power to your new school you have been greeted by cold stares. You did your research on how things are done around here so you practiced in front of mirror your speeches to every possible scenario. You straighten your shoulders and went straight to great hall, where many students were gathered. Students were sitting around round tables and were chatting. You immediately noticed that there have been almost no girls. You were expecting that, but it is still kinda disappointing. Principal Karkaroff took your attention. He spoke in heavy accent. “New students!” Trying to make an impression of strong and powerful man. Everyone was silent in that instance. “You shall train your hardest! You will be excelling in many ways and techniques. If not, you will be punished.” then he clapped his hands once and everyone started talking again. Was this your que to go and eat? You looked around. New attendees were as confused as you. Deciding to take action you marched to one of the tables full of students. One thing you reminded yourself was to stay strong. “Hey” you said as you sat down between two older boys. They could have been 16 or 17 if you could guess. “Oi! We have a brave one here! Sitting with your superiors” Said the one on your left. “Get lost twerp” said the one on your right showing his shoulder into yours. This might be just a test! You were feeling tired after long day and didn’t have patience for them. You took one breath before smiling at the boy “listen to me! I would highly suggest for you to shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you…permanently.” You shove him with your finger. “You are just a dumb loud mouth with no respect! And I don’t tolerate that kind of behaviour” you said lowly. “So shut up before I will shove my wand in your eye and your wand up your arse.” You grabbed plate and started eating. To be honest you were scared. Like scared so much you were almost shaking. Key word almost. “I like ya kid” he said after a while. His friends agreeing and started chatting with you.
His friends agreeing and started chatting with you. That was the best nerve-reliever. You heard from all of them that this is almost as a trial to see who is more suited for this school and for what group. You happened to chose the popular kids. After you took your first bite you noticed another kid across from you. He was same age as you. He looked at you and visible sparkle in his eyes. But not for long. Because the whole “trial thing” happened again. You just ate your meal, which was warm, still it looked disgusting but you were far too hungry to care. This was supposed to be some kind of shredded meat with mashed potatoes. After more chatting your stomach was full. That was when the boy on your left said “You two should head to dormitories and sleep” and when the young boy asked where to find them the older one replied with snarky “figure it out” you spun around. The only thing that popped in your mind was asserting dominance. You will not be showed around. “He asked you a question give him a proper answer.” You said. The tall boy towered above you. “And what are you gonna do about it? You don’t even know a single spell” you pull out your wand. It was pretty cherry wood with unicorn hair and ivy leaves. “Wanna bet ? I will avadakedavra your arse.” You pointed to him with your wand. “You are amazing kid!” He patted your head after a while. “Come with me.” He led you two in corridors and hallways pointing out every classroom and room. He was much nicer than before. “And here are the first years” he smirked. “Wasn’t so bad right?” You laughed. He patted your head again and took off. You looked at the young boy beside you. “Y/n, Y/n Malfoy” you outstretched your hand. The boy smirked “Viktor, Viktor Krum” he mimicked your introduction and shook your hand. The two of you made your way through the door to se a long hallway with many doors. On each door was a nameplate.
You found out that every room was shared. Two people in each one and one small shared bathroom. You prayed you got your room with a girl or alone. From the manor you were custom to having your own place and bathroom. And not going to lie it was big. But when you arrived at the end of the corridor and no other girl names were placed you were pleasantly surprised. You had your own room! The door beside yours read V. Krum and A. Landsprout. “Looks like we are neighbours!” you said to Viktor. “Oh! I vos not expecting a roommate” he said as he opened the door and found out his suitcase on one of the beds. You did the same. The only difference in your room: there was only one bed. You took a look around. A dresser on the right from the door, next to bed under a shelf. You stepped into the room further, taking in the pretty grey wallpaper. You looked at the table which was situated under a window opposite side of your bed. And in the end of the room there was a small bathroom. Decided to unpack you heard a soft knock on your door. “Come in” you said. You saw Viktor. “Can ve talk?” He asked. Straight forward, you liked that. “Sure” you smiled. Your smile brightened this dark place. “How did you know vot to do? You seemed so confident either. Almost like you have been here.” He sulked. You let out a laugh. Viktor felt embarrassment creeping to his cheeks. “I was shaking in my boots. Before I came here I practically rehearsed every single conversation and scenario I could think of. I also read a lot about the school and its traditions.” Viktor looked at you again. “So you practiced?” You nodded. “My parents vonted me to be more confident, to be someone …like you were today so they sent me here. And it’s also a tradition.“ he opened up. In whole 11years he never opened up that quickly to someone. “So do you think you could help me?”
You two become best friends in no time. Supporting each other in trouble, when you had hard time or even tutor each other. Sometimes the education process was hard and you cried to Viktors chest while he awkwardly patted your back. But you were doing this for your little brother, you reminded yourself. And you had Viktor and your older friends to support you. But Viktor was here for you as you were here for him every step of the way. The teaching style in Durmstrang was harsh. Often disciplined students by whipping spell or crucio. You were glad that you and your friends were rather smart, so you don’t have to see them in pain. You have to remind yourself time and time again that you are doing this for Draco. He would broke in your place.
One afternoon in December, right after class with your potions professor you catch up with Viktor. “Do you understand the formula?” You asked. “Oh yeah.” He chuckled. You pout and looked at him with puppy eyes. “Can you help me please?” You begged. “You know ve are not supposed to do that” Viktor was amused. You were excellent at charms but terrible at potions. Non the less he would help you, just like you would help him with charms and transfiguration. In most cases it was just his accent troubling him. You two met in your room and went over and over the formula. You were super worried about not doing it right. Although Viktor was excellent tutor he failed to teach you this. And in your next lesson with professor Grimdale you managed to mess up the potion. “Miss Malfoy! Care to remind me what was the correct formula?” You tried to remember, but due to your nerves acting up you simply couldn’t. Was this your first punishment? Right before Christmas? Oh no! “You are talentless! Hopeless potion maker!” He yelled. You were expecting to be strike with cruciatus spell, after all some other students were disciplined like that. Instead of the crucio came whipping. One whip strike for each of your hands, for making a mistake. You shut your eyes in pain trying so hard not to make a sound. Most of your classmates were punished more if they made a sound. You stood there bravely. “Remember correctly next time!” Professor said and continued the lesson. You were shaken and teary eyed. But you had reputation! Get it together Y/n! You can’t cry.
Few days after this incident you found yourself hugging your pillow and crying. Re-reading the letter your father sent. You were his favourite after deciding to go to Durmstrang, he praised you in his last letters how well you do in school. But this time. This time it was a strictly shaming letter.
I am very disappointed in last letter I got from your potion professor! How can you mess simple potion? You are slacking. Focus on your studies. When you will go home for Christmas I will hire a tutor so you would not slack off! Don’t disappoint me more child!
Every ounce of stress putted on you came flowing out in the large tears you cried that night. Viktor, nor your friends knew about this. You were feeling lost for a moment. But soon you slept off most of the negative feelings.
Soon after the holidays came around and you were going back to manor. Floo powder in hand you said your last goodbye to your boys and with “Malfoy manor” you disappeared in green fire. When you came to your living room you looked at the dark place. Your coat reminding you about the change of scenery. After taking it off with another hundred layers of clothing you heard footsteps. “Y/n?” You saw Draco coming towards you and then he ran, body slammed straight into you. “Hey!” Quickly you greeted each other and then you went to find your parents. Staying at home over the holidays was harsh to say at least. Mother was still mad at you for going to school so far away. Father lectured you on basic and advanced things. Overworking you every day. And Draco? You noticed that he started to change. He was more spoiled in your eyes. The only thing that was making your stay bearable was letters from your boys. You started to feel like an outsider in your home. To be honest you were happy to go back to the Durmstrang institute again. There you have your best friend and group of friends. Your time at home was slowly coming to an end and your excitement grew. Finally the day came and you went back to school. You were ambitious witch. Trying to be top in every class. After your father’s lectures you aimed to be the best just to not go through them again. Getting good grades and being respected by many was on your agenda as well. By the end of the year you made your name shine very bright and be one of the more popular students. You had your friend group around to hang out with and some admirers to scare or prank. None the less eaven if the school was hard you liked it there. And as time passed by you were saying goodbye to your friends at the end of your first year. “Bye Vik!” You smiled. “Bye Artie! Bye Archie!” You waved and with a promise to go to visit each other you floo back to manor.
Spending summer with your friends was great! Your father actually liked the guys you hanged out with. Well what was there not to like. They were all pure-blooded and strong. One or two times he actually asked if you and Viktor are dating. You dismissed that and explained that you two are just friends. The most fun you had at Archie’s! His mother was strict, but very kind to you. She wanted a daughter, yet never had one. You won the lottery there. Archie was kinda butthurt about it at first but it became an inside joke. You went to trip with the guys. It was fun! Draco was disappointed that you were most of the time gone and actually started ignoring you. It still hurts but what can you do. Forcing someone to like you is pointless. After that summer your family kinda fell apart.
Near the end of the summer holidays you went to your father’s study, letter from Durmstrang in hand. You knocked on the door and waited. Lucius permitted for you to come in and you read the letter to him. “There is a letter from school! I need few new books for dark arts and charms. Can we get them later? If you have time of course” your father nodded and dismissed you. In the afternoon of the next day Lucius got home early from work to pick you up and to go shopping in Diagon alley. You also wanted to get a custom case on your broom. Your hands got always cold when you were flying. You brought nice knitted case around the holder and it was so nice and warm. After that you were headed to get books you needed. Your father was heading to look at some other stuff and left you some money. “Wait for me in front of the shop.” He instructed and left. You nodded and looked for the books. You got one and looked for the other. After a while you spotted the book you needed and got on your tippy toes to get it, but you were too short. “Need any help shortie?” Said someone behind you and grabbed your book handing it to you. You grabbed the book. Looking at mop of red hair. “For your information I am not short, the shelf is just too high.” The red head chuckled. “Sure, are you going to Hogwarts too?” You looked at the book you were holding and shook your head. “I am studying at Durmstrang!” You smiled. The boy before you looked completely shocked. Platinum hair, perfect posture and student of Durmstrang. He heard of you. His father actually talked about you with his mother. You were the oldest daughter of the Malfoys. Fred remembers the conversation clearly.
“How was your day?” Asked his mom. He and his twin brother by the stairs waiting to snatch some cookies. “Malfoy came today flourishing about his oldest daughter. What is her name again?” Molly chuckled “Y/n?” Arthur nods “yes and he wouldn’t shut up about the Durmstrang. Honestly it was tiring.” He says and Molly laughs.
“Anyway thank you for the-“ before Y/n even has time to properly thank him she heard the door of the shop spun open. And in storms your father. “Y/n-“ he turned towards you. Then his gaze was on the older Weasley twin. “Weasley? I believe you are in the way. My daughter is trying to buy some books. Not that you could.” He placed his cane on the redhead’s shoulder. “Father! He is not-“you started only to be interrupted. “Fred! Oh good afternoon Lucius.” Said another voice. You looked up to see older gentleman. Presumably father of the redheaded boy. “Afternoon Arthur” said your father. “Shopping for school I presume” Lucius smirked and looked at the older, second hand, books Arthur was holding “At least some of us can afford brand new books” Said your father taking you by the shoulders “do you have everything?” You nodded. “Then we shall part ways, see you at work.” Said your father harshly while tugging you towards cashier. You looked back to see the redhead boy and waved with sweet yet awkward smile. After you left and went home your father gave you a hard lesson. “Don’t associate yourself with wrong people. The whole family of Weasleys are blood traitors.” You looked confused. Father never had any issues with people you talked to. Was this really something that was so inappropriate? You paid no mind to it happy to have your books and ready to pack to Durmstrang.
On the other hand Freds interest was peaked. He was just being nice. Still a little confused you were a Malfoy he remembered your smile.
“Vik!” You greeted your friend lightly punching him on the shoulder. He did the same. “Hov vas the rest of your vacation?” He asked. You beamed. Seriously you were the only person in the entire Durmstrang institute to be happy and smily here. “It was fine, I am just happy to be back at school!” Viktor shook his head. “Comrades!” Cheered loud voice of Arthur. “Artie!” You high-fived him and you all went to you table. You looked at the first years and thought of your first time here. There were significantly less students this year. “Guys, do you have any ideas where Archie is?” You asked just to be interrupted by the principal. “Archie is still on vaccination in Russia” whispered Artie. You pretend to be shocked and listen to principal. The whole deal as last year was heard. You were honestly just eager to eat. “Yes!” You muttered and grabbed a plate full of food. Today was the Bulgarian speciality. You simply loved this food and Vik shared your opinion. You chatted and looked around to see none of the new students went here. The lessons, duels and flights on brooms made time pass by quickly. Vik was very good at flying lessons. You often joked to get the first autograph after he will become famous quidditch player. Everything was just right.
You saw Viktor grew in to the young gentleman. He also saw you matured into skilled and talented witch. You made yourself known for being perfect. From the way you looked to the way you acted. Perfect scores in your classes, great skills, powerful friends and nice looks. The pride of your year, truly. When you were at school you enjoyed every second of each day, if you didn’t have professor Grimdale that is. But none the less life at school was perfect. The cold place was very warm and welcoming if you had the right mindset and friend group. At home it wasn’t so great. You saw as your younger brother just grew more spoiled the longer you were gone. When Draco attended Hogwarts he was sorted into slytherin. As expected. He wrote to you from time to time. But it was bland, mostly out of the formality. You wrote back just to be polite and slowly started to part your ways. Your father was writing you every month after receiving monthly report card giving you his word of encouragement. Your mother was writing from time to time too. Mostly the how are yous and be careful. You never knew what happened. Your family just stopped working at some point. You shared most of your troubles with Viktor. And he was so understanding. You actually admired him very much. He had aspiring career ahead after the Bulgarian National Quidditch team saw him play. Viktor often played with them in preparation for the World Cup.
Sitting in your room, you in your chair, Vik on your bed you tutored him in transfiguration. “Yes you did it!” You said excitedly. Viktor nodded proudly. “Vith this I could pass to the delegation!” He said. You laughed“stop calling it delegation!” The boy in front of you just shrugged. “The triwizard tournament trip or vhat ever.” You stood up slapping his shoulder. “I hope I will make it there!” Viktor looked at you confused. “You are one of the most skilled vitches!” Hearing him say that was different then what other said this.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
fluorescent adolescent PART 2
summary: Fred Weasley has been drawing the eldest Malfoy daughter since his third year of Hogwarts. Elara Malfoy has fancied Fred Weasley since her fifth year at Hogwarts. It is during their final year, that the two of them do something about the mutual attraction.
pairing: Fred x OC older Malfoy sister
not related to flames and snow!! just a different perspective on Fred x older Malfoy sister.
let me know if you guys want a part three. also, this was my first time writing smut so hopefully it was good!
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Elara Malfoy had a thing for Fred Weasley. 
She wasn’t quite sure when it had started, maybe in third year when he had stumbled into her path reeking of gunpowder; he had taken that opportunity to bow to the “Slytherin princess” and apologized profusely before being dragged off by his twin. Daphne Greengrass, her closest friend, had scoffed and told her the blood traitor was mocking her. 
But although Elara agreed, she secretly felt it wasn’t a joke to Fred. 
So yes, it was her narcissism that made Fred Weasley seem so appealing to her, as the thought of the boy calling her the Slytherin Princess (I am so sorry I knocked into you, goddess, it won’t happen again, I swear it!), made her liking of the boy grow. Of course, that was a secret she would have to take deep to her grave with her, unless she wanted to be disowned and removed from the Malfoy family. Elara had already worked hard to be part of that family, as her father was a rotten man with disgusting ideals and the worst view on punishments for a child. She didn’t spend her childhood taking beatings for both her and her brother to prove her worth just to throw it all away over a boy, a blood traitor nonetheless!
It was hard, though. Especially when she knew he stared at her all the time. Especially during the Yule Ball, when he had looked so delectable and had taken the gorgeous Angelina Johnson as his date, it was ever so hard for Elara to swallow her jealousy. Theodore Nott may have been handsome, but he was nothing next to Fred Weasley. Fred Weasley was stunning, and had the personality that was rare to find.
Fred Weasley was annoying and witty, hilarious and clever. George and him were the best pranksters Hogwarts had ever seen, in her opinion. Of course, they normally targeted Slytherin’s as their intended victims, but usually it was well deserved, Elara had to admit. The man was so open yet closed off, as Elara had never dared speaking to him. 
Her brother Draco had a big mouth, and the last thing she needed was for him to gossip with father and tell him that Elara was even speaking civilly with a Weasley.
Yet when the opportunity in Potions class presented itself, Elara agreed upon meeting Fred Weasley at the astronomy tower around midnight. She dressed carefully that night, her best matching lace set, covered with fishnets and a black skirt, white blouse combo. She left her hair down, rings on her fingers, and applied a generous amount of her perfume to tie it all together. 
Elara headed for the astronomy tower exactly at midnight, taking care to make sure no one saw her leave. She kept her wand up the sleeve of her robes, at the ready just in case she ran into any sort of trouble. Like that idiot Umbridge, what a nasty woman. If it weren’t for her father being so close with the Ministry, she would spit at the woman. Instead, she had to play nice and act like the disgusting toad wasn’t vile.
Fred Weasley seemed impatient, pacing back and forth and glancing at the watch on his wrist.
 Elara stood in the doorway for a moment, admiring him openly for the first time. He was dashing, there was no doubt that the Weasley’s had impeccable genes. He seemed to have gotten a haircut over Christmas break, as it wasn’t as long as she preferred it. He kept flexing his fingers around his wand, and Elara wore a smile as she imagined those same skilled fingers wrapped around her throat.
“You didn’t think I would forget our engagement tonight, did you?” Elara came out from the shadow of the stairwell, smirking when Fred jumped.
“Well, it’s bloody past midnight, innit?” scoffed Fred, stilling his pacing and crossing his arms. 
Elara walked into the room slowly, glancing around the tower and keeping her tone light. “You just said around midnight. I don’t recall you specifying what exact time you wanted me here.”
“Next time I’ll be more clear, then.” Fred took on the same tone she had, and he smirked back at her when her eyes narrowed at him.
“Who said there’s a next time?” quipped Elara, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall farthest from Fred.
“Oh darling, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging me for more.”
With that rather bold statement, Fred walked over to Elara who watched him appraisingly. 
“I rather doubt that, Weasley.”
Fred harshly placed his arms on either side of Elara’s body, his body heat warming her. “Beautiful, if you could just shut that pretty little mouth of yours, you wouldn’t piss me off so much.”
Elara raised an eyebrow, slightly embarrassed that she could already feel wetness between her legs. “Where’s the fun in that, Weasel?”
Fred slammed his lips against hers then, and Elara snaked her arms around his neck. His lips felt like fire against hers, spreading a heat through her body as quickly as a brushfire. His hands ghosted down her waist, sliding behind her hips to grip her bum. Elara bit down on Fred’s lip, harshly dragging his lower lip through her teeth, and Fred moaned audibly, slapping her bum with one hand while the other squeezed harshly.
He trailed his lips down her neck, nipping softly at the skin he had lusted over for so long, dusting kisses across her collarbones. His teeth grazed her skin, making her shiver and let out a moan against her will.
“That’s it darling, be loud for daddy.” encouraged Fred softly, his hands ghosting her inner thighs.
Elara’s breath caught in her throat, and she tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck. She would be damned if she called Fred Weasley daddy.
“Do you want me to touch you, love?” asked Fred, moving his hands up to unbutton her shirt. It fell to the ground, and Fred stared at her creamy breasts hidden from him with a lace bra that seemed to be teasing him.
“Yes.” Elara was breathless, almost embarrassed at how desperately she wanted him to touch her.
“Yes, what?” Fred kissed her jaw, his hands moving down to play with the hem of her skirt. 
She knew he wasn’t going to go further until she said it. “Yes, daddy.”
Fred grinned at her then, and her skirt came down along with her fishnets. He knelt down, pressing sloppy kisses to her thighs as he forced them open. Elara’s legs grew weak, something Fred took notice of.
“Lay down, love.” with a wave of his wand, Fred had conjured up a soft blanket for them to lay on. Elara sat down, before Fred had pushed her down to continue his onslaught against her cunt.
Once again forcing her thighs open, he snapped the waistband of her panties. “Darling, I appreciate the thought you put into these, but next time, come ready for me, alright?” 
He tugged off her panties without waiting for a response, and then ran his hand across her bare pussy. Elara gasped, bucking her hips up, and Fred laughed.
“You look delicious,” Fred ducked down, his breath fanning across her delicate skin. “Good enough to eat.”
He gave her a teasing lick, and again Elara’s hips bucked up on their own accord. Fred placed a large hand on her lower stomach, holding her in place. His other hand held her legs open as he licked and sucked her clit, his tongue sliding in and out of her pussy. Without warning, his mouth left her, and his fingers replaced the warmth of his tongue. First it was one, and then he slowly added another, curling his fingers as he made eye contact with her.
“Fuck,” Elara whimpered, pleasure flooding her body. It was almost too much for her to deal with, the way Fred Weasley was going down on her.
He increased his speed, and Elara arched her back, moaning loudly when he began nipping at her hips, sucking on the soft skin and placing harsh kisses as his fingers pumped faster and faster inside of her. He placed his mouth on her clit, keeping the fast pace with his fingers, and Elara gripped the blanket as a stream of moans left her mouth.
She could feel herself getting close, a coil in her stomach as Fred kept sucking on her clit. As she felt herself nearing the edge, her legs clenching around Fred’s head as she was about to cum, he suddenly pulled away, giving her a cheeky grin with lust filled eyes.
“Why the fuck did you stop?” Elara asked breathlessly, brushing away at the strands of hair that stuck to her forehead.
“Darling, if you want to finish, you’re going to need to beg daddy.”
“You’re unbelievable!”
Fred trailed kisses up her stomach, skillfully reaching behind her back to unhook her bra. Her breasts free, Fred took a hard nipple in his mouth, the other one he explored with his hand.
“Bite me,” Elara said breathlessly, bucking her hips up to the erection that was pressed against her bare pussy. “Bite me daddy.”
She felt Fred smile rather than saw him, and let out a loud moan as Fred Weasley bit down on her hard nipple, pinching the other one with his fingers. He started grinding his hips into hers as he bit and sucked at her tits, and Elara once again had to grip the blanket in her hands.
“Please, daddy,” Elara gave in, running her nails down Fred’s back. “Make me cum.”
Fred paused for a moment, his eyes meeting hers. He gave her a quick grin, before quickly ducking back down to suck at her clit again. Once again, the familiar feeling was building up in her lower stomach, and as Fred pumped his fingers in her pussy and his lips sucked on her bundle of nerves, she finally found release, her legs shaking as she came on Fred Weasley’s face.
“You taste so sweet,” his voice was low, his tone cocky. “Now, my turn.”
Fred slipped his boxers off, and the bare skin of his hard dick brushed against her pussy as he teased her entrance with his head. Elara dragged her nails down his back, and Fred thrusted into her with a groan and made Elara gasp as he began pumping in her.
He spread her legs to the side, resting each hand on either inner thigh, causing him to stroke deeply within her. He went softly at first, letting Elara adjust to his massive size, and then began thrusting his hips deep inside her faster and faster. He soon moved his arms on either side of Elara, and she wrapped legs around his waist.
“Fuck, Elara, you feel so damn good around my dick.” Fred moaned out, burrowing his head into her neck.
“Choke me.” said Elara in reply, letting out a moan as Fred hit a new spot inside of her.
Fred complied, much to her surprise. He wrapped one hand around her throat, squeezing harshly, the other hand propping himself up. The force of his thrusting made her tits bounce, and Elara parted her mouth in a silent moan as Fred’s fingers clenched around her esophagus. 
His thrusting became more sloppy, and she knew he was close to coming. Elara could once again feel the build up in her lower stomach, and she knew she was going to cum once more.
“Daddy, I’m gonna cum.” the words came out a moan, and Fred pressed a harsh kiss to her neck as he picked up his pace once more.
Her walls clenched around him, and his name fell from her lips as her toes curled and her vision went white. She felt his dick twitch before he came inside her with a loud moan, pulling out his dick and laying next to her on the blanket.
Elara kept her eyes shut, feeling the odd sensation of her pussy twitching. It had been her first time, and it had been with a Weasley. 
After a moment, Fred propped himself up next to her, looking down at her still form. He admired her naked body, committing it to memory for later when he would be alone and drawing the way she looked as he made her orgasm. 
“You could stop staring anytime now.” Elara remarked lightly, her eyes still shut.
“You’re gorgeous.” replied Fred, pressing a featherlight kiss to her temple. 
Elara opened her eyes then, shoving Fred away from her and standing. “Alright, that’s my cue to leave. This was fun, trust me, but I really ought to be going.”
“What, you’re just going to leave?” Fred protested, tugging on his boxers as he got up. He kept his eyes on hers as she quickly redressed herself.
“We just needed to get that,” she waved her hands. “Out of our system. Now, we can go back to our separate worlds.”
Fred shook his head, grabbing her hands as she was doing the last button on her blouse. “Elara, we can’t just go back to quietly fancying each other after that.”
Elara’s eyes flashed, and she yanked her hands out of Fred’s grasp. “Watch me.”
Elara tugged her robe on, and after making sure her wand was tucked away, she stormed out of the astronomy tower, leaving Fred Weasley standing alone.
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lilahisntsadanymore · 2 years
George Weasley didn't think his twin could have a chance with Draco Malfoy's older sister, but Hermione and Angelina encourage Fred to ask Y/n out.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x malfoy!reader
The reader pronouns: she/her
Words count: 1.4k
Warnings: out of character Fred, not proofread
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Slytherin sunshine
They say love makes people blind. Blind to what, exactly? To the love interest's flaws? Or to the world around you to the point where you sometimes can't keep up with what's happening around? The second one in Fred Weasley's case.
To the boy's misfortune, love could surprise him in the most inconvenient moments. In fact, love was what made those moments inconvenient, awkward.
It was really amusing to Fred's twin brother and friend. The both of them couldn't suppress the urge to laugh when they saw him trip over his own feet. Why? Simply, because Fred's eyes were fixated on a particular girl.
"Mate, I swear you could not notice and fall off of a cliff because of that Malfoy girl," Lee said, helping Fred get up from the ground.
George didn't help. Instead he laughed, "He would straight jump off of a cliff if she only asked him to."
The three friends stood silently for a few seconds, looking at the girl. She was sitting on a windowsill nearby, surrounded by a few of her friends.
Y/n Malfoy didn't quite fit a stereotypical description of a Slytherin student. She never talked to Fred outside of class, he barely knew her, but he noticed how kind she is to people around her. She liked to help younger students find way to certain classes, she liked to help her friends with their homeworks. She laughed a lot, she had a beautiful smile. She was too much of a sunshine to be a Slytherin.
Y/n was friends with two Hufflepuffs and a Ravenclaw. There wasn't a single Gryffindor in her friend cycle, but that was probably because Gryffindors never trusted Slytherins. Even if Y/n seemed like an embodiment of a ray of sunshine, it could all be a facade to trick enemies, right?
"She smiled at me though," Fred beamed.
"She smiled at what her friend said," George put his hand on his twin's back, "as much as I love and support you, I don't think you have a chance."
"Yeah," Lee added, "I don't think she would choose a random Gryffindor over a bloke she's been friends with for the past 4 or 5 years."
Fred opened his mouth, but didn't talk. Then a thought passed his mind, "If she was going to date him, she would have done it a while ago. They've been friends for ages."
The next lesson was getting closer, so Y/n got off of the windowsill. She and her friends got going to the next class, they had to part ways. Y/n hugged each of her friends and got on the way to Potions classroom.
The girl walked past the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, in fact they had Potions together. She looked at Fred and smiled, gaining a smile back from the boy.
Just a second after she walked by, Fred got his both sides nudged by George and Lee.
"We should get going too, you know?" George said. "We have Potions now."
"Oh, Potions!" Lee exclaimed. "Our Freddie will have some time to stare at his girlfriend!"
Fred chuckled, "She's not my girlfriend." Not yet, at least, he added in his thoughts.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
"I can't believe you fancy Malfoy's sister!" Ron's voice sounded a bit too loud through the Gryffindor common room. He caught everyone's attention, but nobody seemed to be surprised. Did they all know already? Was it that obvious?
"I didn't choose to fancy her, okay?" Fred argued. "It's love, it happens!"
It happens, that's exactly what love does. It happens and you don't even notice, then one day you realize you've fallen hard.
"She isn't that bad," Hermione chimed in, "I hung out with her in the library a few times, she's nice actually."
"As nice as Draco?" Ron scoffed.
Hermione sighed and decided not to pay attention to Ron's comment. "So when are you going to ask her on a date?"
"Well...someday. For sure." Fred replied shortly.
Asking Y/n on a date was on the list of things Fred was going to do, definitely. He thought about it many times, he made up scenarios in his head before falling asleep. The problem was, until that moment he didn't realize it will actually have to happen. Fred saw it happening in the future, but didn't pick a particular day, particular moment.
"Don't tell me you're not going to do it. You didn't have a problem with asking Angelina to the Yule Ball last year."
"Angie is just a friend and Y/n is...she's something more, no offense," Fred gave an apologizing look to Angelina.
"No problem," the black haired girl joined the conversation, "personally, I think you should ask her out as soon as possible. I support you in it even if she's a Malfoy."
Fred looked at her a bit confused. "What do you mean by as soon as possible? Why?"
"Because there's been a rumor that Adrian Pucey has a thing for her as well..."
And that was when Fred decided. The day was coming to an end, so asking Y/n out would be the first thing he does in the morning.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
She was there. She was in the Great Hall, eating breakfast, not knowing she's about to get asked out.
When was the right moment to do it? Fred couldn't just chime in while she's eating, that could be awkward. He could wait until she's done, but it made him look a bit creepy.
"At some point, this can be marked as stalking," George laughed, patting his twin on the back.
"Has anyone else noticed?"
"Uhhh, probably? You're sitting here, not even touching any food, your eyes glued to that one girl. Totally not suspicious."
However, Fred couldn't engage more into that conversation. His eyes caught Y/n standing up from the table, so he did the same. George and Lee were saying something, joking about the situation, but Fred didn't pay attention to their words.
The way from the table to the door of the Great Hall seemed to last kilometers in the boy's head. Thousands of scenarios ran through his mind, some with good and some with bad outcomes. He would never know, if he didn't do what he was supposed to do, so he didn't wait anymore.
"Hey, Y/n, I want to talk to you." Fred said, stopping the girl by the huge door. "Like, alone."
Y/n blinked a few times, processing his words. Then she looked at her friends and told them she'll meet them later.
Y/n recognized Fred, him and his twin brother were the biggest troublemakers in Hogwarts. The girl found their pranks very amusing, even those they pulled on her younger brother and his group of friends.
"What is it?" She asked.
Fred walked Y/n further from the door of the Great Hall. He wouldn't mind if someone heard that, even if he was going to get rejected, he just didn't want to block the door.
"The thing is...you probably don't know me, but I, but-" the boy stuttered, he couldn't find the right words. He used to have a plan in his mind, but he forgot it. Fred had to improvise, "I like you. I know, I know what you think, it's probably weird because we don't know each other, but I like you, I-"
"Fred," the girl giggled, "I know you, we have some classes together. Not to mention you and your twin pull the best pranks."
"Oh, you know my name."
Fred scolded himself in his mind. Why was he acting like that? Y/n made him feel so anxious, stressed. Fred wasn't acting like himself.
"Yes, I know your name. Honestly, I didn't think you'd like me, I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor. You know how it is."
"Yes, yes I know. That's why I wanted to ask you about something, but I wasn't sure about it. I was just wondering if...I mean, that's okay if you say no, but do you...would you..."
Y/n smiled at how silly the situation was. She made sure to make this smile look friendly and genuine, not mocking.
"Do you want to go on a date?" She asked before Fred managed to stutter out the rest of whatever he was going to say.
"Me?" Fred questioned. "I mean, yeah, yes, totally."
"Great. See you right here at 4 pm?"
"Yes, that would be great. See you."
"Alright, have a nice day until then."
Y/n gently placed a kiss on Fred's cheek. Then she walked away, leaving the boy speechless. His heart was beating so fast and he was sure his face is all red. If George and Lee hadn't appeared next to him and shook Fred out of the trance, he would stood there probably until 4 pm.
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A collection of all the writing I’ve done for movies released between 2000-2009 (Last updated 5/1/2022). Names of characters are links to dating hcs; everything else is pretty self explanatory. Posts towards the bottom of this list are older and therefore not as good: I’ll probably be rewriting them at some point but I hope you enjoy them anyway!
For movies from 2010 onward, check out @exceptionimagines
And for Marvel movies (including MCU phases 1-4 and the X-men franchise), check out @babybamf
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Fred Weasley 
Fred dating a non-pranking, younger girl from a different house
George Weasley
George Weasley having a crush on you
Seamus Finnegan
Sirius Black
Oliver Wood
Viktor Krum
Viktor with a motherly s/o who loves to cook
Night at the Museum
Al Capone
Napoleon Bonaparte 
The Great Gatsby (Now a part of my other blog)
Jay Gatsby
Inglorious Basterds
Preference~The Basterds as parents
Donny Donowitz (Uncompleted)
Donny with a soft male! basterd s/o
Adam Stanheight
Final Destination
Tod Waggner
Jeepers Creepers
Darry Jenner
House Of Wax
Nick Jones
Bo Sinclair
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko
Jennifers Body
Jennifer Check
Thirteen Ghosts
Dennis Rafkin
Royce Clayton (Torn Prince)
Horace Mahoney (The Juggernaut)
Pitch Black
Merill Hess
What Lies Beneath
Being married to and having children with Claire
Henry Creedlow
The Alter Boys
Tim Sullivan
Chasing 3000
Roger Straka
Speed Racer
Santa Clause 3
Jack Frost
High School Musical
Troy Bolton
She’s The Man
Duke Orsino
Bring It On
Cliff Pantone
Mean Girls
Cady Heron
Aaron Samuels
Regina George
Gretchen Weiners
Karen Smith
Loser (2000)
Noah (tw:sa)
Paul Lahote
Jasper Hale (Uncompleted)
Jasper having a crush on you
Jasper meeting a lost boys-esque s/o
Emmett Cullen (Uncompleted)
Emmett meeting his Denali clan s/o for the first time
Alistairs mate reuniting with her sister Esme
The Covenant
Chase Collins (Uncompleted)
Chase being in love with the fifth member of the covenant
Pogue Parry (Uncompleted)
Being Calebs twin and dating Pogue
Reid Garwin (Uncompleted)
Reid dating Tylers older sister; the mom of the group
Pearl Harbor
Danny Walker
Rafe McCawley
Tommy Cahill having a crush on you
240 notes · View notes
h-cx · 2 years
George Weasley X reader
Warnings: Little bits of swearing
I’m actually so tired so this probably isn’t very coherent, i’ll come and fix it up at some point <3
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I threw myself on my bed after another day of watching Angelina hopelessly flirt with Fred, it was really starting to get to me. It started off with her just shamelessly laughing at one of his jokes, her always having her hands in his hair or always having her arm around him. She really doesn't get the message when Fred's trying to shake her off too either, he constantly gave her the hard shoulder, ignoring her slight touches to his arms or her looks to him from under her lashes. She knew he wasn't available, but she kept on with her not so subtle flirting.
It wasn't fair, I'd liked Fred since the first time i met him, my 2nd year at Hogwarts when I had temporarily replaced Angelina as a chaser after she had an accident on the pitch. I'd been friends with Ron, Harry and Hermione since first year, so it wasn't unusual for us all to be at the burrow the week before school started so we could all get our supplies together. You can imagine how I felt when arriving at the burrow the week before this school year to find Draco Malfoy's older sister hanging onto Fred's arm like a lost puppy. 
"Come on Y/n, it's not that bad." I heard Hermione's voice cut across the silence from the other side of the room. "It's clear that he doesn't like her, if he did he wouldn't be snogging that Malfoy's older sister?"
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Hermione that makes me feel loads better."
Hermione scoffed and threw a pillow at me. "Stop sulking, the yule balls coming up and you can't just wait around hoping that he'll ask you, tomorrow's the hogsmeade trip so we'll go up and look for dresses for you ok? Maybe we can get you stop moping around about it if we get you a nice dress and make you look like a bad bitch.  Anyway I don't know why you're sulking over him, when there's rumors that Diggory's going to ask you." She whispered the last bit but it was still loud enough to hear.
Diggory likes Cho, everyone knows that, and I know Fred would never go for someone two years younger than him, I just wish he would look at me the way he looks at Malfoy. With that thought I shut the curtains on my 4-poster and got comfy, from the other side I heard Hermione sigh as she did the same. I closed my eyes and slipped off into dreams of wishful thinking.
Hermione dragged me into the 4th dress shop of the day, she sat me down on a poof as she had a look round at the mass of dresses.
"Is there anything I could do for you dears?" A rather elderly woman came out of beaded doorway in the corner of the room.
Hermione looked her happily." The Yule Balls coming up soon, I was hoping that you could help find a dress for my friend here?" She gestured towards me.
The woman looked me sternly up and down an after looking at me for a few more seconds before speaking "I have just the thing." The woman walked through the beaded door and I sent Hermione a confused look which she returned.
The woman came back with a black lump of cloth in her hand, she gave it to me and pointed towards the dressing room as both her and Hermione looked at me expectantly. I sighed and went into the cramped room that looked like it was used more as a broom closet than a changing room. I slipped on the dress that fit comfortably on my body.
I stepped out of the cupboard, Hermione gasped and the Lady just simply looked at me triumphantly.
The dress was gorgeous, it was all black, the bottom of it was a long flowy skirt that fell into small bundles around my feet. The top of it had a white underlayer with a black sheen lace with flower patterns covering it, it was long sleeve but the material wasn't so restrictive as to make me turn into a pool of sweat the second I even make it into the hall. The neckline sat as a very low cut v-line allowing a canal that slightly showed the sides of my boobs. Wearing a bra with this would be a pain in the ass, but it was going to be worth it. Hermione looked at me. "Perfect." I sent her a massive smile which she returned.
"So you still haven't told me who you're going with" I started, we had just gotten to The Three Broomsticks and both of us where casually sipping on our butterbeer
Hermione bashfully looked down at the floor before looking around to see if anyone was listening, she leaned into me and whispered in my ear.
"Krum?!" I whisper-yelled back to her, she giggled and went back to sipping on her drink.
“How? What? When?” I stumbled with my words in disbelief.
I suddenly felt like I was being watched, I looked up to where I felt it from, and from the corner of the room I noticed two bunches of red hair, it was Fred and George. The second I looked over there George seemed to look over at something quickly. 'Weird' I thought, 'why would George be looking at me?'
"Oh god here we go. I’ll tell you everything later I promise, but look behind you" I heard Hermione sigh to herself, I moved my sight away from the twins to the direction that Hermione was looking. I locked eyes with the first triwizard Hogwarts champion.
‘Please don't come over here please don't come over here please don't come over here please don't come over here’ I started to repeat in my head, and to my dismay Cedric started to walk over, as he did I noticed a girl that I couldn't recognize sat at one of the tables next to me's face drop.
"Hey Y/N" Cedric smiled down at me.
"Hey Cedric, how are you?" I smiled back at him, I felt like I was being watched again.
"Hey Y/N I'll be back in a second I need to go do something." Hermione said whilst collecting her stuff and putting on her coat, I glared at her and she winked at me before walking off and exiting the pub. 
"It looks like it's just the two of us now then?" Cedric grinned whilst sitting in Hermione's place.
"Yeah it looks like that."
We sat silently together until Cedric started again," So you bought your dress I see?" He gestured towards the bags that sat by my feet.
"Yes I have, it only took me 50 tries to find the perfect one." I joked and he laughed.
"What does it look like?" He tilt his head to the side slightly.
"That, Diggory, is a secret." Cedric blushed slightly at the use of his last name.
"You seemed to have finished your drink, do you want another one?" He asked.
"Yes please Cedric." He smiled, took our glasses, and got up to head toward to counter.
I looked around the room again only to see both of the twins staring at me, I furrowed my brows and waved at them. Awkwardly George started to wave back with Fred laughing at him for whatever reason. I averted my gaze away from them and snuck a glance at that girl from earlier only to be surprised to find she was nowhere to be found.
'Well I'd be damned' I thought 'the bitch can evaporate.'
Soon enough Cedric came back over with two fresh butter-beers in his hands, he out one down for him and the other for me.
"Thank you," I smiled at him making sure to bat my eyelids a few times. "What do I owe you?"
Without missing a beat he replied," Maybe a date to the Yule ball?"
Cedric looked at me expectantly, i could see the expectation in his eyes.
"If you insist." I grinned up at him.
He smiled ear to ear, "I'll get you at the stairs? Oh and hurry when you do because remember, we have to do the walk in." Cedric placed a kiss to my forehead before walking off.
'The dumbass forgot his drink, oh well, more for me I guess.'
My eyes once again found the twins, Fred's eyebrows were furrowed, almost in disappointment and George looked at me, seemingly upset. A pang went off in my chest, why the fuck am I feeling guilty? I did nothing wrong.
'Nope remember we are getting over Fred.' I sighed and put my head down. I downed my butter-beer and collected my stuff up to go and meet Hermione.
"Come on Y/N you can't get cold feet now! You have to go." Hermione dragged me. I huffed and let her lead me down to the top of the steps.
“I’ll go first so you can pluck up your courage.” Hermione held my hands tightly before letting go and making her way to the top of the steps.
I nodded. "Good luck!! Don't trip. You look gorgeous, go kill em'." She wished me the same and started to descend the stairs, I could hear people lose their breath seeing her, I mean damn right she's beautiful.
Once I knew she had gone with Krum I made my way out there. The second I had I wished I hadn't everyone was looking at me. At the bottom of the stairs I saw Cedric, his face bright red and his breath seemingly caught in his throat.
"Come on Diggory breathe if you don't soon you'll pass out."
"You can't blame me when you look as ethereal as Aphrodite herself." He winked at me, I giggled. Cedric smirked and held out his arm and, gladly, I took it. “That dress is gorgeous, i mean all of you is but, damn. Everyone’s looking at just how gorgeous you look.”
I blushed at Cedric’s words and looked around as we cued up for the first dance. As I guessed Fred had come with Malfoy's older sister, I looked around for George to see who he came with only to find him staring at me mouth agape, his date -a girl i didn’t recognise i assumed was in his year- looked up at him jealously, I winked at him and his face went as red as a tomato, I took my attention back and put it onto the fact that we had started to move towards the hall.
As soon as the music had started the time felt like it was flying, cedric wasn't as bad of a dancer then I had thought he was before and for what felt like forever he was twirling me around and I was trying not to step on his feet, though soon enough it seemed that the hall was half empty and I was off getting drinks.
"You know," A voice started from behind me. "You do look quite gorgeous tonight." I turned around to find Fred leaned up on the table.
I blushed, "Thank you Fred, you don't look to bad yourself." He chuckled and walked off.
WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? DID I HEAR HIM RIGHT? WAS HE TALKING TO ME? WHY NOW? The voices in my head started to race in panic but somehow I still managed to take the drinks to Cedric, who just so happened to be snogging the face off Cho when I got there, Knew it.
I cleared my throat and they jumped apart.
"Refreshments" I handed them both a drink and walked away. I noticed Harry and Ron sat alone, staring at everyone else who was dancing, so I decided to go join them.
"So we all out here lonely hmm." Harry sent me a nod and a small smile whilst Ron looked ready to explode.
"Did you know?" Ron asked angrily?
"About Hermione and Krum?"
"Well time to go then." Harry hid his grin with his hand, and with that I walked out of the great hall, deciding to not get involved with Ron whilst he was drunk on the atmosphere and jealousy. I decided I needed a bit of fresh air, the great hall had become stuffy and it was difficult to breathe in the heat, so I decided to head out.
I crossed the courtyard, headed out the gate and traveled half way down the hill. Eventually, I got to a flat piece of grass that looked comfy enough and laid myself down on the damp greenery. I finally let out a sigh and looked up at the stars. It was completely peaceful, the cold air gently caressing my face and cooling the heat that had spread across my cheeks in the warm hall, until about two minutes later I felt a presence settle down beside me, also looking at the stars. I didn't have the energy or the interest to see who it was, all I cared about was right now they were quite and, so far, they where. After another 5-7 minutes I finally decided to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was George. He seemed to be equally as fixated on the stars. Now it may have been the punch talking but my head was uncomfortable and he looked comfy, so without another thought I rested my head on his chest.
George seemed to have tensed at the contact but he soon eased, he moved his arm to round my back and rested it on my waist. For a while we stayed like that.
For a while. George got up and I groaned in dissatisfaction at the loss of heat and a pillow. I heard the song change in the castle and George stretched out his hand. I now knew what he was doing, and I wanted to play along. So I took it.
George pulled me in closer to him so our faces where near centimetres apart, he slowly swayed us to the lyrics. I moved my head to bury it in his chest and he rested his chin on my head. I focused on his heartbeat's pattern as it rhythmically drummed as we made small circles on the lawn.
Soon the song ended but we still stayed like that, savouring each others heat and scent to memory. Finally he took my chin in his index finger and thumb to move my face up to his. I stared into his deep brown eyes as he stared into my E/C ones. He traced his thumb over my lips and leaned down, soon enough our lips met, fitting together perfectly like jigsaw pieces, each piece made for the other. We both eventually split apart for air much to our individual dismays. We locked eyes and both of us started to giggle.
"So maybe you'll let me take you to hogsmeade?" I grinned practically ear to ear.
"Definitely." He grinned just as wide back.
“You know I’ve been watching you, not in a creepy stalker way” I raised my eyebrow at his words and he rolled his eyes, “I was going to ask you when you where in the Three broomsticks but Diggory got to you before I could.”
“Well your with me now and he’s with who he wants to be with” George shot me a confused look.
“Cho?” He asked and i nodded.
He took my hand in his large one and we started to make our way back up to the castle.
"So why did you end up coming with that tosspot Diggory anyway?" George asked.
"No Georgie the question is why didn't you get to me before Diggory?" He chuckled.
"Georgie... that's new, I like it."
"Shut up."
"Yes ma'am" We stepped back into the hall. “Now will you let me dance with you properly?”
The large black balloon popped and a pink dust exploded out creating a small cloud.
"It's a girl!" Molly cried as she came over to hug me and George. I beamed up at him and he looked down at me with the same look. George took me into his arms and squeezed me tightly.
"Um excuse me sir have you forgotten I'm pregnant?" He quickly let go and looked down at me.
"Well if I can't do that then I'll do this." He started too lean down but I quickly pulled away.
"Stop it you'll traumatise Fred." He chuckled and pulled me into his side. We both watched our 3 year old son run around the garden playing tag with Teddy.
"How did I get so lucky?" I looked up at my husband who had a peaceful look resting on his face.
"God knows Georgie." I replied.
He chuckled through his nose."Mmmh Georgie."
"Shut up." He kissed my forehead and squeezed my arm. We really are very lucky, and i’m very very lucky to not have chosen the wrong twin.
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dracowars · 3 years
heyy, could I request a fred weasley and malfoy! reader (or any pure blood slytherin family) where she meets his family for the first time and everyones wary of her.. she overhears one of the weasleys saying something bad abt her family and she leaving thinking they hate her, and so fred gets mad at his family and invites her again for a second chance? I know it's sorta too specific but it would mean the world to me if you wrote it!! thanks love💗
family reunion | fred weasley
pairing: fred x malfoy!reader
word count: 2,8k
summary: where y/n meets the weasleys for the first time, but they aren't too fond of her
a/n: this is my first time writing for fred, i really hope you like it <3
warnings: angst
universe: harry potter
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„I don’t know if I am really ready for this, Freddy”, you admit quietly and quickly search for the proximity of your boyfriend after you have just apparated in front of the Burrow, the home of the Weasley family. You cling to his arm almost desperately when you look up at him for help.
“Of course you are! They will love you, just like I do”, he smiles at you encouragingly, nudges your chin a little with his index finger and pecks your lips quickly. Despite his words, he has to take in a short deep breath as well before walking towards the front door with you. The lights in the house are turned on and you can hear vivid conversations from inside the closer you get.
Fred looks at you one last time, giving you another smile to calm you down before he finally knocks on the door, which opens with a swing within a few seconds.
“Fred!”, his younger brother Ron happily greets him, and Fred embraces him while you stay behind him, uncertain and your eyes on the ground. Ron already knows you from Hogwarts, as does Fred’s twin brother and little sister, and they all know that Fred and you have something going on for a while now, but Fred had not yet told anyone in his family about your official relationship. Not even George and he wants to make up for that today.
After the two red haired boys in front of you loosen their brotherly embrace, Ron’s gaze falls on you as Fred grabs your hand again and you force an uncertain smile on your lips as Ron greets you. Then, he steps aside to allow you both to enter and once you follow Fred inside, you are greeted with numerous curious eyes on you immediately.
“Fred, my darling! There.. you are?”, Mrs. Weasley calls across the room enthusiastically until she discovers you beside him and her words lose their enthusiasm right away. Your reputation probably precedes you, or rather the reputation of your family does. It is no secret that the Malfoy family has been mistrusted by many, especially by families like the Weasleys. But once they get to know you, they would know that you do not share your family’s views and opinions. Of course, your family values their pureblood status a lot, but you actually never cared about someone’s origin or about their blood status. Your brother and the rest of your family have always been very disappointed about your way of viewing things and there have been big arguments about it before, but by now you have learned not to care. There are more important things in this world than being a pureblood.
“And you brought someone with you!”, George happily says and almost knocks you over when he pulls you into a welcoming hug. “I am glad that you are finally here, Y/N!”
“Don’t you want to introduce us to your company, Fred darling?”, Molly Weasley clears her throat with her arms crossed over her chest and your gaze meets her suspicious one after you have freed yourself from George’s tight embrace. Only now do you notice that the entire Weasley family is sitting at the dining table and not just ‘a few’, as Fred told you. Apparently even his older brothers, who usually hang around somewhere else in the world, are present today, completing the family reunion.
“If I may ask for your attention”, Fred calls out to his family, so that even the last conversation in the room falls silent and he pulls you close to his side. “May I introduce: Y/N Malfoy. My girlfriend.”
An uncomfortable silence spreads throughout the room immediately when nobody dares to say a word, but their looks already tell you what is going on inside their heads.
“Wonderful!”, Mr. Weasley breaks the unbearable silence and gives you a smile that appears to be a real one. “Welcome to the family, Y/N! Sit down with us.”
“Thank you, Mr. Weasley”, you genuinely thank him, happy inside that at least one of his parents seems to accept you, and before you know it Fred and you already sit down at the table with the others. Neither George nor Ron or Ginny seem surprised by their brother's announcement, but actually seem happy about it. As soon as you have sat down, another tableware comes flying out of nowhere onto the tablecloth and places itself directly in front of you.
Slowly, they resume to their conversations, and you look around nervously, your leg bobbing under the table. Fred notices this and gently places one of his large hands on your thigh to keep your leg from shaking and causes you to look at him.
“Don’t worry, everything is going well so far”, he whispers in your ear, taking your hand and placing a light kiss on your ankles before grinning at you.
“I hope there will be enough food for all of us since I did not know we had another special guest today”, Mrs. Weasley announces when several pots and pans levitate onto the dining table, displaying the delicious smelling dishes.
“That looks really delicious, Mrs. Weasley”, the words slip out of your mouth before you can control them and your gaze shoots at her. Instead of thanking you for your compliment, she looks at you with narrowed eyes and finally sits down at the table as well. Quickly, you drop your gaze again.
She hates you, it is more than obvious.
The evening goes by faster than you thought and soon the first desserts are spread all over the table, making George and Ron grab one of each for themselves immediately. At least they do not seem to mind that you are here, after all they even start conversations with you as if you have been around forever, unlike the other half of the table, who just watches the whole situation suspiciously.
While everyone is enjoying their desserts, you notice Mrs. Weasley whispering and look in her direction, which turns out to be a huge mistake as soon as your eyes meet.
“Tell me, Y/N, is your father still part of Voldemort’s entourage?”
Not expecting such a straightforward question, you almost choke on your saliva, and it takes a moment for you to become aware of the extent of her question as they all stare at you.
“Because you welcomed me so warmly, I want to be honest with all of you. Yes, he is part of Voldemort’s entourage, but I honestly do not know what that has to do with me”, you answer her question with a little irony in your voice and achieve the exact effect you had hoped for. She is speechless.
“Arthur, I need to talk to you for a minute. Alone”, Mrs. Weasley immediately speaks to her husband and the two leave the room, but not without her throwing you a hostile look over the shoulder.
“I should have kept it to myself, shouldn't I?”, you ask your boyfriend uncertainly, your hands still intertwined under the table for support.
“Are you kidding me? I have not seen Ma so shocked in a long time”, he giggles and gives you a loving kiss on the cheek. Still, his words do not calm you down in the slightest and you look at the door through which Mr. and Mrs. Weasley disappeared earlier.
Making up your mind, you finally get up, causing all eyes to land on you again, and you bend down to Fred to ask him for the directions to the toilet. You make your way there quickly, but before you reach it, you can clearly hear the conversation of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley from your position in the hallway.
You feel bad for eavesdropping, but you cannot tear yourself away from it either. You will just wait for a moment and then interrupt so you can apologize to her.
“I do not want that girl in my house, Arthur!”, Mrs. Weasley complains loudly, not even bothering that anyone might hear her. “She will tell Voldemort all about us as soon as she gets the chance. We cannot trust her.”
“Molly, do you not think you are exaggerating a bit?”, Mr. Weasley tries to talk sense into her, but it does not seem to be of any use anymore.
“This is no joke, Arthur! Our son dragged a Malfoy into our house, our safe place. You know the calamity this family can bring upon us. In case you have forgotten, they detest wizards like you and me, like all of our family. I am sure she is only here to spy on us for her father”, Mrs. Weasley tells him angrily. “Her family is out for nothing but fame and fortune. They are dangerous. She is dangerous. She will destroy us as soon as she gets the chance, Arthur.”
“But if that is true, should we not try to befriend her rather than turning her into our enemy?”, Mr. Weasley replies, but you have heard enough and turn away from the conversation, tears welling up in your eyes. You cannot believe that you actually wanted to apologize for your words earlier. You know your family does not have the best reputation, but they have not even tried to get to know you as your own person, not as a Malfoy. Once they heard your last name, you had no chance.
With your gaze down, you go back to your boyfriend, who seems to be up to something with his brothers, and gently tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. As soon as he sees the tears in your eyes, the smile disappears from his lips, and he jumps up to pull you into a hug without a word.
“Can we leave?”, you whisper against his soft sweater as you try not to let any of your tears escape.
Before Fred can answer, however, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley rejoin you, their eyes fixed on you. When you notice this, you turn your gaze away from them and clench your hands into fists unnoticed.
“Fred, Y/N, do you want some more dessert?”, Mrs. Weasley asks you kindly, as if she had not just been gossiping about you and your family a few seconds before. Fred throws his mother a hostile look and subtly nods at you to make her understand that she should not talk to you right now.
“What is wrong, Y/N?”, she asks with faked worry in her voice anyway and you have the feeling that you can no longer hold back the anger that is boiling up inside of you at this moment.
“Why are you suddenly acting so hypocritical, Mrs. Weasley? Did you decide on winning me as a friend rather than an enemy now, so I do not tell my family about the way you treated me?”, you burst out and the room falls silent in an instant. Judging by the shock on Mrs. Weasley’s face, she did not expect you have heard her.
“If my family is really as bad as you claim, why do you not just tell me in the face?!”, you continue and your voice is now much louder than before, laced with pure anger when you can no longer control yourself. Fred looks just as shocked at his mother as the rest of the family, but he keeps his arm around you.
“I know my family may not have the best reputation, but they are still my family, and I am not going to let you drag them into the mud and get away like that. You did not even give me the slightest chance to proof that I am not like them, that I think different than them. Instead, you preferred to judge me right away for being a Malfoy. But if that is the case, then I do not want to be here any longer. I was really happy to finally meet you because Fred always talked so well about his family, but it looks like you too have prejudices. I am sorry, Fred, but I do not think your parents will ever be able to accept us”, you explain, a little calmer this time, but your hands and knees are shaking like they never did before. With one last look at Mrs. Weasley, who does not seem to find the right words, you turn and leave.
As soon as you step out of the front door, you take a deep breath of the cool night air and close your eyes to calm yourself down. However, the front door is torn open again behind you loudly, making you flinch.
“Fred!”, Mrs. Weasley calls after him as he steps outside and stands at your side while Mrs. Weasley comes running towards you.
“Enough, Mom! You have already done enough damage for today”, he rolls his eyes in annoyance, but she does not seem to give up so easily and reaches out for his hand.
“I did not mean it, really! But what do you expect from me when you suddenly drag our enemy into our house?”
“She is not our enemy! Why do you not understand that?! I love her more than anything and if you do not want to accept that, fine. But then I do not know how I should ever be able to look you in the eyes again. And if you had only thought of me for one tiny moment, then you would have given her a chance and you would have noticed that she is not like the others”, Fred yells at his mother, which even scares you a little. He is usually not the type of person to yell, and you have never seen Fred this angry before.
Before Mrs. Weasley can say anything else, Fred grabs your hand and everything around you starts to blur as your disapparate together. Back in your dorm room, the both of you fall silent and decide to go to sleep right away. But your mind does not rest at all that night.
The next morning his owl brings him a letter, a renewed invitation to their home, with the difference that his time you have been addressed directly and asked to give them another chance. Since you love Fred with all of your heart and cannot see how miserable he is because of the argument with his family, you consent. Because you are able to give others a chance.
And again, you find yourself in front of the Burrow, but this time not as excited as last time.
“You really do not have to do this, Babe. I understand if you just want to go back and-“
“No. I want to know what your mother has to say”, you interrupt him and give him a loving kiss before knocking on the front door, which is opened with a swing again. Except this time, it is not Ron greeting you, but Mrs. Weasley herself.
A sad smile forms on her lips and she lets you in before telling everyone else that you have arrived. Fred and you do not even get to sit down when Mrs. Weasley starts speaking up.
“I am glad you accepted the invitation, despite everything that went wrong the last time”, she begins, and you notice that it takes her a little bit of effort and courage. “You were right, I behaved outrageous, and I have no excuse why I did so. All I can say is that I am sorry. Fred, I love you and I want you to be happy and if that is with Y/N then I am more than happy to welcome her into our family. And Y/N, I am sorry for what I said about you and your family. I did not have the right to, and you opened my eyes to the fact that I too have prejudices that should not exist. But after all I am still a caring mother and I do not want anything to happen to my children. I hope you understand that and can forgive me.”
After her statement, there is another silence, but a pleasant one, while Fred and you look at each other to see what the other thinks about this.
“Thank you, Mom. I appreciate that”, Fred thanks her and if you did not know better, you can even see tears in her eyes as her son hugs her. However, as soon as you stand in front of her, her whole body stiffens, and she gets all nervous again.
“I accept your apology. How about a new start?”, you smile at her and hold out your hand.
“I am Molly”, she smiles back at you, obviously relieved, and you can literally see the weight falling off her shoulders.
“I am Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
Little Miss Favourite
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Teacher!Snape X Legal!Granger!Reader 
Warnings: Teacher x student relationship x)
Words: 2.5k 
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It would be a lie to say that the Granger sisters weren’t incredibly smart, anyone could see it. Whilst Hermione, the younger sibling, was exceptionally talented with spells, Y/N was talented in the art of potion making; not that she wasn’t talented at other things also.
Due to her consistently high scores in potions, Y/N had caught the attention of her favourite teacher: Severus Snape, despite his annoyance towards the younger Granger. Whilst he found Hermione insufferable, Y/N was more than tolerable in his honest opinion; not that he would ever admit that to anyone, maybe not even himself.
Perhaps it was her confident personality, her boldness or her smarts, Severus would never know. Of course, it wasn’t only him that had his attention focused on her, many people did. Those people included Hermione’s friends. Y/N knew this, how could she not? The way Harry did his best to show off whilst Hermione rolled her eyes and Ron got all embarrassed, it was obvious; at least to her. Even though her personalist screamed confident, she wasn’t mean like other people at Hogwarts, not often at least.  
“Morning Professor,” her words were sweet as she greeted the dark-haired man, early as always.
“Good morning, Miss Granger,” Snapes tone was kinder than usual, but without it being clear. To anyone else, it would seem normal.
“Got a date for the Yule Ball yet, sir?” Whilst her question was genuine and not flirtatious, Severus couldn’t help but wish it was.
“Why would I bother with something as childish as having a date?”
“I shall take that as a no,”
He could hear the stool she usually seated at drag out from beneath the desk before she seated herself on top of it.
“What about you Miss Granger?” Y/N, who had forgotten what she had previously asked him, was confused at his question. “Surely someone like you must have a date,”
A sight blush ran up her cheeks at his words, eyes wide.
“No sir,” she giggled. “Not interested in anyone that’s asked me.”
Her words caught his attention, eyes glancing towards her for a split second before returning to the work he was marking. It was Harry Potters; he could almost roll his eyes.
“Why is that?”
“Immature men that feel like I should go with them because they’re popular? No thank you, give me a mature and unentitled man any day,”
For the second time in five minutes her words caught his attention, suddenly distracted by what she had said rather than being distracted by Potter’s work.
“I see,”
It wasn’t long until the rest of her class began to pile into the dungeon, taking their usual seats as Fred and George came to sit beside her at their typical desk.
“Morning, Y/N/N,” the greeted in perfect synergy, almost as though it had been rehearsed but she knew better than to expect that and simply laughed.
“We heard something,” Fred began.
“Potter is wanting to ask you to be his date to the Yule Ball.” George finished, the twins laughing at Y/N’s shocked face.
“Please say you’re joking,” she pleaded, desperately hoping that it wasn’t true. “He’s so much younger than me!”
“Oh and Hermione is going with Krum,”
“This day just gets worse and worse,”
“Weasleys, detention.” A harsh voice interrupted their conversation as to be expected.
“But sir!” They groaned, once again in unison. “She was talking too!”
“Not as much as you two.”
The great hall was quiet, everyone there working on their essays, everyone being the fourth years. Fortunately for her, Y/N was allowed to sit and work alongside the younger students having been given permission by Professor Snape himself.
“Hey Y/N,” Harry’s quiet voice pulled her attention away from the parchment in front of her. “I was just wondering-“ His words were soon cut off by a hand shoving his head into his own parchment.
“Yes, Professor Snape.”
An amused smirk covered Y/N’s lips as she turned her own attention back to the work in front of her that was soon to be finished.
“Later guys,” she shot the trio one last smile as she walked towards Snape, handing him her essay with a small smile, one he almost wished to return.
“I’m sure this will be as excellent as always, Granger.”
“I sure hope so, sir.”
With one final nod, Severus dismissed her.
Music blasted throughout the hall as the Tri-wizard champions begun to dance with their partners. Y/N and her own date, who ended up being George due to both forgetting about the dance until the night before, stood laughing at Ron’s dress robes.
“He looks like our great aunt,” George chuckled, his words making Y/N snort in amusement.
“Poor kid. He looks so embarrassed,” she giggled.
“Well, looks like its our turn to dance. Care to join me, Granger?” George grinned, offering him her hand which she gladly took.
“After you, but can you even dance?”
“Good, me neither.”
Their dance was horrendous, and they were both glad when the music ended, the pair running off the dance floor in laughter, hands still together.
“That was- “George began, only to have his sentence finished by his dance partner.
Their fit of laughter was cut short by another voice joining the conversation. “Nice dancing guys!”
“Shut up, Fred!” This time it was Y/N and George’s turn to speak in unison, something that triggered a smirk to grow on Fred’s lips.
“Alright, alright, calm down you two,”
“I almost feel bad for him,” Fred chuckled, catching George and Y/N’s attention as they followed his gaze.
“I would but he gave us detention and not her, talk about favouritism!”
An idea popped into Y/N’s head, as she removed herself from the twins’ arms.
“Where are you going, Y/N/N?” Fred asked. “Wait are you-“
“I feel bad for him, okay!”
The twins burst into laughter as they realised her plan.
“I bet you my entire allowance that she can’t get him to dance,” Fred whispered as they watched Y/N walking towards Snape.
“You’re on,”
“Evening, Professor,” Y/N greeted, desperately trying her best to not show her nervousness.
“Good evening, Miss Granger,” He returned her greeting, turning his attention fully to her. “Shouldn’t you be with your date?”
“George? No, we both forgot we needed dates, so we went together. He’ll cope on his own,” The girl giggled, glancing back at said man to see both twins smirking at her. “You look lonely, want to dance?”
“Do I look like the sort of person to dance?”
“Do I?” She joked, enjoying the small smirk that pulled up at his lips. “It’ll be one dance and then I’ll let you go back to enjoying your own company. It’s a teacher and student dance anyway!”
“No way…” Fred gasped, watching as Snape and Y/N headed to the dancefloor.
“I knew she could do it! You now owe me your entire allowance,”
“See it wasn’t too bad, was it, Professor?” Y/N giggled, aware of the fact that everyone had been staring at her dancing with Snape.
“You stepped on my foot at least three times,”
“I said I don’t dance!”
She celebrated a silent victory as Snape shook his head, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“This is true,”
“Welp, I’ll leave you to enjoy your own company again!” The older Granger grinned, giving him one final nod as she headed by to the twins who were still in shock.
“Shut your mouth, Fred. You’ll catch flies,” Y/N smirked, placing her hand on Fred’s chin to shut up mouth that had been open since she managed to convince Snape to dance.
“Did you bewitch him or something?! How on earth did you manage to get him to dance?” George asked in shock.
“Night guys, thanks for the fun time.” She winked, downing the rest of her drink that she had left before leaving the hall to head to bed.
“Miss Granger, you’re late,” Snapes’ words ran throughout the dungeon.
It was strange, how he knew it was her before he had even turned around to face her.
“Sorry Professor, I had a detention.”
“Well now you have another, stay after class.”  
“Good luck, Snapes detentions are horrible,” George chuckled, giving Y/N a reassuring pat on the back.
“Yeah, we would know, Miss Favourite,” Fred chimed in with his typical teasing tone.
“Thanks, that makes me feel better. I’ll see you guys later,”
“Good luck.”
The second everyone had left the classroom, Snapes attention was on her.
“So why did you get a detention?” His words were questioning, not malicious. It was almost as though he was genuinely curious.
“I got in a duel,” Y/N shook her head with a slight laugh. “Malfoy was being, well Malfoy. So, yeah.”
A grin covered her lips as Snape shook his head in slight amusement; it was cute in a way.
“Next time don’t get caught, it makes my classes a lot easier,”
“Got ya, Professor,”
“Good, you may leave,”
“That was quick, did he have to leave?” Fred, who had been waiting outside for about two minutes, asked.
“Little miss favourite,” were her only words as she shot Fred a wink, just like she had done at the ball a few weeks ago.
“I swear he has a crush on you or something,”
“Yeah, imagine. Professor Severus Snape developing a crush on a student, nice one George. Why are you two even here?”
The twins, who had been caught red-handed, shared an amused look, quickly rushing into action by grasping Y/N’s arms, tugging her along.
“We need someone to test our latest concoction!” They spoke in unison.
“No, no way! Merlin knows what you’ve put in that!”
“Either you help us, or we’ll tell everyone about your little crush on the potions professor,”
“Fred and George Weasley, you come here this instance!” Y/N’s voice shrieked, her words echoing throughout the entire Gryffindor common room.
“Run!” Was all she heard, followed by laughter and footsteps leaving through the portrait.
Y/N rushed after them, hell bent on causing as much annoyance to them as they had to her.
“I will kill you!”
“That’s not very nice now, is it? You love us really,” George teased her once more before darting away.
“George Weasley I am faster than you and you know it!”
It wasn’t a lie, Y/N had been, and always will be, faster than him. No matter how many pranks they had to run away from, the twins would never be able to outrun her.
“What have you done to my hair?!” Y/N demanded to know the second she caught both boys by the collar of their robes. “Please say this comes out, I don’t want my hair to be yellow and green forever, I hate it!”
“Well you see, Y/N/N,” Fred chuckled with a hint of nervousness. “We don’t know, you’re our first consumer!”
“Fred, I am begging you, I look like a lollipop.”
“I’m sure you taste as sweet as one too, Y/N,” a Slytherin by-passer commented, clearly having heard the entire conversation.
“Shut th-“
“Detention and ten points from Slytherin,”
Fred, George and Y/N shared a terrified look as Professor Snape stood behind the trio.
“Trying a new style are we, Granger? It is quite bold,” despite the blunt words, there was an almost undetectable teasing tone laced in his words.
“Not willingly, Professor,”
“Then why did you do it?”
“They blackmailed me!”
“With what?”
The twins smirked at each other, as though they were sent on a mission to ruin her day.
“She has a crush, Professor,” George smirked at the, now multi-coloured haired, girl.
“George Weasley!” In a swift movement, Y/N rushed towards the ginger, only to be stopped by a hand holding her robe. “Professor let me go!”
“Isn’t she cute, Fred?”
“Adorable, George,”
“I hate you both.” Y/N, who had accepted her fate of being held my Snape (which didn’t seem too bad in all honesty), sighed.
“You love us really,”
“You wish, Fredrick.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“If you three have quite finished,” Snape interrupted their quarrel. “I think I know how to remove that colour from your hair, Miss Granger. Follow me.” There was no room for debate as the potions master turned and rushed towards his classroom.
“I’ll kill you,” Y/N mouthed before rushing after him.
“Sit,” Snape said, lightly kicking a stool out towards Y/N before walking towards a cupboard that, she assumed, had potions or at least ingredients for them.
“Are you sure this will work, Professor? I really don’t want anyone else to see me like this,”
“You mean you don’t want your crush to see you like this?” He said with a raised eyebrow.
“He already has,” her words were a mere murmur, but it was one Severus had heard.
“The Slytherin?” Snape asked whilst he grabbed a weird looking liquid. “Here drink.”
“Merlin, no. I don’t even know who that was. This tastes disgusting,”
“Do you want the colour gone or not?”
Snape let out a small sigh, his arms crossing by habit.
“Potter, perhaps?”
“Are we playing guess the crush or something?”
“Well, we have time. This needs a second dose in around thirty minutes,”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to sigh.
“It’s probably not a good idea to play this game with me,” she joked. “I’m quite competitive,”
“You would have done well in Slytherin,”
“I doubt it,”
“Under me you would have done brilliantly. You are doing brilliantly already.”
A bright red blush ran up Y/N’s cheeks at his use of words.
“You should be careful what you say, Professor. Someone might interpret your words wrong,”
“That someone being you?”
“I see.”
An awkward silence filled the air, something that was uncommon between the pair.
“I’m sorry, that was a bit straight-forward,”
“Yeah, it was.”
“Don’t be,”
Whilst his reply was short, the words caught her attention, her head spinning to face him.
“Don’t be?”
“I said what I said.” Came his simple response.
“I don’t understand,”
“Maybe little miss favourite should do some thinking,”
“Oh…” She whispered. “Oh! Here I am thinking I’m just a teacher’s pet,”
He smiled slightly. “Not quite, Miss Granger,”
Footsteps echoed throughout the dungeon as he walked towards Y/N, his fingers lightly pushing against her chin to bring her to face him, her cheeks as red as flames.
“So, I’m your little miss favourite?”
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
plant-flwrs masterlist!
updated immediately after a new fic is posted.
requests are temporarily closed
some guidelines: 
no incest/george x fred x reader
 no professor x student pairings
i write for just about any character in the hp universe, but if you’d like to make sure, just send an ask!
smut is marked with an asterisk (*)
HARRY POTTER - golden trio era
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Fred Weasley:
House Unity: Dating a Ravenclaw would be a great stride in house unity, wouldn’t it?
Smiling Kisses: (requested) Your flirtatious friendship with Fred is taken to the next level after he tries to kiss you at breakfast.
Roller Skates: (requested)  The American transfer student draws attention to herself with her accent, but Fred is drawn to something else about her.
The Missing Piece: (requested) Fred with a bookworm, introverted reader
Rivalries As Old As Time: (requested)  Fred and George are usually united on everything, but Fred’s crush on Draco Malfoy’s sister is definitely something they disagree on.
Heart Of Glass:  (requested)  Fred broke up with you just before the war, and when he couldn’t find you after the battle cleared he thought you died. You’re alive and well, living as a celebrity among the muggle world. One night reunites you two, and neither of you can deny the feelings that spark.
Never Too Old For Fun: (requested)  Fred is caught in your snowball fight, and he can’t stop thinking about you afterwards.
Insecurities: (requested) You and Fred are hopelessly in love with each other, but you don’t believe him when he finally admits it.
The Bookshop: (requested) Fred discovers a quaint little bookshop with a gorgeous owner, who happens to be a Longbottom.
Bets Off: (requested) Fred makes a bet with George that entails fake dating you for at least a month. He never expected to fall in love with you.
Weasley Family Christmas Photos:  You’re included on the traditional Weasley family Christmas pictures.
The Map’s Findings: (requested) Harry and Ron think they’ve discovered a secret relationship between you and Fred. Little do they know, they’ve just been clueless to the obvious romance all around them.
Undetachable: (requested) Fred protects you during Bill and Fleur’s wedding
Lacquer: Fred asks you to paint his nails
Ruined Parties: Draco is a relentlessly overprotective brother who ruins all romantic opportunities for you.
Romeo and Juliet: Fred reads Romeo and Juliet and can’t help but fall in love.
George Weasley:
Sweet Treats: (requested) Stumbling into the kitchens late at night, thinking he wasn’t looking for anything in particular, he came across you. George realized you were exactly what he had been looking for.
Budding Romance: (requested)  George needs a tutor for Herbology, but has no plans on learning.
The Yule Ball: (requested)  “You didn’t want anything to do with this ball if George wasn’t with you, hell you didn’t want anything to do with life if George wasn’t with you.”
Drama: (requested)  You and Cho Chang never got along, and when push comes to shove, George gets to see just how angry you can get.
Studying: (requested)  Exams are stressing you out, but George always seems to be there to help you relax.
Mischief: (requested)  George falls for the mischievous pureblood Slytherin who couldn’t care less about blood status.
Family Is Complicated: (requested) The Weasley’s have never liked George’s girlfriend, and one snide remark makes George finally lose it.
Similar Shadows: (requested)  Living in the Malfoy shadow conditioned you to behave a certain way, avoid certain things. But, once your able to use the Quidditch pitch to finally prove you are something different than your last name, everything seems to fall into place. You even catch a certain Weasley’s eye.
Flushed: (requested)  George’s girlfriend never blushes, and it’s all he wants to see.
Essays Can Wait: (requested) George is just too cute to ignore, even if he’s trying to distract you from two huge essays.
Coward: (requested) George asks Alicia to the ball when he really wanted to ask you, but he makes it up to you.
Cat Person: (requested) You tell George you’re an animagus
*Late Night Rendezvous:  You and George sneak off to the library for some privacy *
A Secret Santa Proposal: George gets you the perfect secret Santa gift
Hedonism in High School: George Weasley joins your study group, even though he doesn’t need the studying.
Draco Malfoy:
Cologne: You smell Draco’s cologne in your Amortentia, and he notices your reaction.
Three’s a Crowd: sequel to Cologne! Cedric Diggory takes notice when Draco hasn’t officially asked you to the Yule Ball. Cedric only wants to make sure you don’t go alone ;)
Peachy:  Draco has always liked you, he just didn’t realize how much until you turned up to class with a hickey he didn’t give you.
Drunk: (requested) You and Draco are enemies until one drunken night leads to a confession of secret feelings.
Christmas Parties: You help Draco through his nerves about one of his parents’ Christmas parties.
Ruined Parties: Older brother Draco! (not romantic) Draco is a relentlessly overprotective brother who ruins all romantic opportunities for you.
Ginny Weasley:
Sun: Six years of being in love with Ginny Weasley. Watching her date boys and capture the attention of Harry Potter. Eventually, confessions are the only things left.
Luna Lovegood:  
Picnic:  Luna surprises you with a picnic.
Exploration: (requested) Luna helps you explore your feminine side.
Hermione Granger:
Library Confessions: (requested)  Hermione overhears you confessing your feelings about her.
Neville Longbottom:
Secret Admirer: (requested)  Your secret admirer also turns out to be your Herbology tutor.
The Teenage Girl at 12 Grimmauld Place: Sirius has an overdramatic daughter who can’t help but interrupt The Order’s meeting.
Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley:
Dreams Come True: Hermione felt like her feelings for Ginny wouldn't be a problem. She could manage. Until she had to spend the summer at the burrow.
HARRY POTTER - marauders era
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Remus Lupin:
Under The Mistletoe: (requested)  Staying at Hogwarts for the holidays seemed like the best way to avoid distractions, but with the Marauders there, distractions are guaranteed. Especially when your crush on Remus proves to be incredibly distracting.
Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black):
Will The World Burn?:  Remus and Sirius and their blissful life surrounded by books, tea, rain, crumpled bedsheets, and each other.
Eternal Spring (Series Masterlist): Remus was fine being alone until a mysterious and loud man crashes his motorbike into Remus’ life.
New Years Eve at The Order of the Phoenix Headquarters:   The Order of The Phoenix celebrates the new year.
Puppy Dog Eyes: James uses Padfoot in a failed attempt at flirting with you.
2K notes · View notes
cursestothemoon · 3 years
Please include if the reader is gender neutral, fem!, male!, or otherwise
also please be nice :)
Bill Weasley
I Need You To Kiss Me
gender neutral!hufflepuff!reader
Bill Weasley thinks Charlie’s hufflepuff friend is really cute, only thing left to do is let them know.
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Cedric Diggory
Love, Flowers, and Cedric Diggory
Cedric Diggory is pining over Y/n L/n, she's playing hard to get. When Professor Sprout introduces the exotic greek flower of lovers, neither of them are expecting to be the reason for its rare blooming.
A Bench and Piece of Parchment’s Length Away
When the universe doesn’t want Cedric to talk to the pretty Ravenclaw girl, he’ll just have to find a loophole
Yellow Face Paint Smudged With Tears
Y/n and Cedric are in love, always have been always will be, so when he comes out of the maze it doesn’t happen as she pictured it would, forcing her to sit in the hospital wing with tears running through her yellow face paint
Out of Time
Cedric’s crush is chosen to be Hogwarts champion and he can’t help but put off telling her about his feelings. But when he finally does, is it too late?
Charlie Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Draco Malfoy
A Swish of Your Wand Away
Malfoy!Fem!Little Sister! Slytherin! Reader
Draco would do anything for his little sister and in the midst of battle starts to think the worst has happened. Draco wants her to know that if she is ever to need him he's only one swish away
If It Were Me
Best Friend!Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Draco never regretted getting the mark, at least not until he lost his best friend
They Forgot Everything The Minute They Were Together
Draco Malfoy and Y/n L/n were arranged to be married, this is their story of growing into love while a war looms over everyone’s heads
Blurb- Draco uses engorgio and it goes wrong
Fred Weasley
All My Love, Dad
Sirius Black’s Daughter! Reader
Fred Weasley is dating Azkaban escapee’s daughter Y/n Black. They are hiding their relationship from her ever fear inducing father, Snuffles. Though the unexpected happens leading Fred and Y/n to almost drown in guilt.
In Love With a Downright Git
Fred and Y/n wake up in each other’s bodies and now have to figure out why it happened and how to change back. In their time as the other Fred starts to chafe, and Y/n learns what Fred and his friends have been saying about her behind her back.
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Blurb- Fred messes with the cute new girl
I Won’t Say I’m In Love  (in progress)
George Weasley
Raspberry Beret
George falls in love with the girl in the raspberry beret, inspired by the song Raspberry Beret by Prince
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Paging Dr. Weasley
Fem! Reader
George is excited to go see the new products at Zonko’s and the harsh weather isn’t going to stop him. The reader has asthma and she’s a bit apprehensive about going out in the cold, dry weather but George insists it’ll be fine. George, unfortunately, is wrong.
Ginny Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Harry Potter
Dimly-Lit Corners and Dark Corridors
The famous Harry Potter has a crush on the one girl that doesn’t seem to care that he’s the chosen one
Hermione Granger
My Dove
Hermione thinks about her girlfriend and all of their shared milestones, all centered around the simple name her love has given her, my dove
Parents, Presents, and Girlfriends
fem!gryffindor! reader
Hermione is nervous to meet her girlfriends parents and spend the Christmas holiday with them, but quickly she realizes how silly she was. That and her girlfriend was cross-eyed as a baby.
Lee Jordan
Luna Lovegood
Blurb- She brings you back sweets from Honeydukes and tells you about Hogsmeade because you cant go
Neville Longbottom
Percy Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Ron Weasley
You’re My Best Mate
Platonic! gender neutral! gryffindor!Reader
You and Ron are just really great friends, a look into the friendship of Ron Weasley and Y/n L/n
Valentine’s Day Blurb
The Stuffed Niffler
Gender Neutral! Reader
The stuffed animal Ron got you goes missing and you panic...just a little
James Potter
Blurb- James accidentally gives Marlene a love potion instead of Lily
Lily Evans (Potter)
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Bill Weasley
How Bill would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Bill dating a Hufflepuff
Cedric Diggory
Charlie Weasley
How Charlie would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
Fred on a love potion
Fred with a muggleborn s/o
Fred dating a ravenclaw    same but muggleborn!ravenclaw
Fred dating an artist
Fred going home with his nails painted by his s/o
Fred dating a hufflepuff     they play quidditch games against each other
Fred dating a musician
Fred is introduced to gravity falls
Fred dating an actress
Horror movies with Fred
Fred dating a famous singer
Fred dating an adrenaline junkie
Fred’s gf is in a dual and she gets hit by the cruciatus curse
Wearing Fred’s sweaters and him reacting to it
Fred with an auror s/o
Fred finding out you're ticklish
You and Fred dealing with the war
Fred’s favorite songs and artists
Fred dating a Korean girl/ Kpop solo artist
Fred dating a triwizard champion
Fred and his s/o in a prank battle
Fred with kids/babies
Fred dating a slytherin during the war and after
Fred dating an Asian girl (south asian)
Fred dating a Spanish girl who is friends with Fleur
Play fighting with Fred
Fred dating a shy Hufflepuff who gets super crazy and wild when comfortable around people
Fred comforting you during your transition into college/ after highschool plans
How Fred would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Fred plays minecraft
Fred finds out you have a weird/ unique laugh
Fred dating Luna Lovegood’s older sister
Fred and George realize they have a date with the same Hufflepuff boy
Going to the Yule Ball with Fred
Fred dating a Mexican reader
Fluffy Fred HC + NSFW ones
George Weasley
George dating a Spanish girl who is friends with Fleur
George on a love potion
George dating a Ravenclaw  same thing but they were best friends first
How George would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
George dating a Hufflepuff
George and Fred realize they have a date with the same Hufflepuff boy
George dating a Filipino reader
Christmas with George at Grimmauld place with your guardians Sirius and Remus
Ginny Weasley
Ginny on a love potion
How Ginny would react to her s/o being called a mudblood
Harry Potter
Coming out as trans to the trio
Hermione Granger
Sub!Hermione with a dom!gf
Hermione going on a date with her Hufflepuff girlfriend
Coming out as trans to the trio
Neville Longbottom
Neville with a ravenclaw gf
You and Neville practice your Yule Ball dance
Dates with Neville
Christmas with Neville at Grimmauld place with your guardians Sirius and Remus
Percy Weasley
How Percy would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Ron Weasley
How Ron would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Ron on a love potion
Ron finds out you have a crush on him
Coming out as trans to the trio
James Potter
Lily Evans (Potter)
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Remus and Sirius first starting to date
Sirius Black
Remus and Sirius first starting to date
Blurb- You meet Sirius in the hospital wing and the elixir Madam Pomfrey gives you makes you ramble
Not Specified
Gryffindor x Hufflepuff friendship
Male!Slytherin x Fem!Hufflepuff relationship
576 notes · View notes
helnjk · 3 years
All I’ve Ever Known - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader
Tumblr media
last of my oneshots for my showtunes fic list, based on the song All I’ve Ever Known from the musical Hadestown! i’ve had so much fun with this series of fics, i hope you guys have enjoyed reading them xx 
Word Count: 2.8k 
Summary: george finds her extremely intriguing, the way she spends her days drawing and creating art. maybe one day he’ll pluck up the courage to talk to her. 
Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of bullying/exclusivity, stereotypical slytherin biases
lyrics are bold and italicized 
I was alone so long 
I didn’t even know that I was lonely
Y/N sat by herself at the end of the Slytherin table, pushing what was left of her meal around her plate. She could hear the different conversations flowing around her, the ones including her fellow housemates moreso, but as usual she wasn’t involved in any of them.
She could hear Malfoy sneering to his little crew about something or other that Potter did to irritate him that day. She could hear Adrian Pucey discussing the latest Quidditch plays they had used at training that day. She could hear a couple of first years anxiously discussing the topic of their exams the next day. 
All around her were signs of companionship and community, yet she was left utterly alone. She wasn’t stupid. She knew why she had been outcasted from her house the moment she got sorted. 
“Isn’t she muggleborn?” 
“What a disgrace to Slytherin.”
“The Sorting Hat’s made a mistake with that one.” 
Over the years, she had gotten used to how those in her house treated her–holding her at arm’s length. She had spent many nights in her first year crying herself to sleep because of how all-consuming the loneliness had been, but now at her seventh year, she was numb to it all. 
She knew who she was: A talented muggleborn witch and a proud Slytherin. She didn’t need validation from anyone else. And anyways, most of her time was spent out on the grounds with her sketchpad or in the Room of Requirement painting. 
Loud laughs from the Gryffindor table spurred her out of her thoughts. The Weasley twins had pranked their younger brother, and it seemed like their younger sister was an accomplice to the crime as well. The rest of the red and gold house was watching on amusedly, no doubt accustomed to similar situations. 
The Weasleys were a well known family at Hogwarts. How could they not be? With their fiery red hair and their big personalities, it was a given that they caught the attention of almost every student. 
Y/N admired how they just fit right in with their house, their second family. Of course, a lot of it had to do with the fact that they were so comfortable with the Hat’s placement. Their whole family was sorted into Gryffindor, she could remember, albeit slightly foggily, the older Weasley siblings in leadership roles when she was younger. 
Her eyes lingered on George’s laughing figure for a second longer than the rest of them. She was always intrigued by the younger twin. They seldom had classes together, but from what she could gather, he was just as observant and perceptive as he was mischievous and quick witted.  
As bodies began to take their leave from the Great Hall, a rough shove to the shoulder nearly made Y/N fall onto the floor. Her eyes snapped up to the offender and she saw the unbecoming sneer of Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle were snickering not so quietly behind him as he stared down at her. 
“Whoops,” he jeered, “Sorry to disrupt your staring at the blood traitors and gryffindorks. Maybe you’d be better off with the lot of them.” 
With a huff, Y/N gathered her things and strode out of the hall without so much as a second look behind her.  
It's like I’d known you all along
I knew you before we met
And I don’t even know you yet
All I know is you're someone I have always known
She was drawing again, George noted.
It always baffled him how she was always alone. Usually students at Hogwarts drifted about their days in groups or pairs; it was rare to see someone spend most of their time by themselves. Growing up with 6 siblings, and having a twin, George was so used to the chaos and noise that came with it that he couldn’t picture what it was like to go about your day solo.  
His eyes drifted towards her figure sitting on a blanket out in the grounds. She was blissfully unaware of her surroundings, or more to the point, the person staring at her like a bloody idiot. The weather was slowly transitioning from autumn into winter, and he could tell that she was trying to milk the last few warm days. 
It was no secret to him that she preferred to sketch out in the sunny grounds, but Hogwarts being situated in the Scottish countryside made it so that her window of opportunity to do so was limited.
He was so focused on how her brows furrowed in concentration and how her lips pursed ever so slightly when she made a mistake, that he didn’t notice Fred’s many deep sighs. This caused his twin to take one final deep breath and exhale as loudly as possible. 
“What’s got your wand in a knot then?” George asked, taking his eyes off of Y/N and turning to face his brother. 
“Finally noticed that I exist, have you?” teased Fred. 
“Oi, just get on with whatever you want to say!” 
He merely laughed, “If you want to talk to the snake, just do it!” 
George had the audacity to act as if he didn’t know what Fred meant, “What in Merlin’s name are you on about?” 
“Don’t be daft,” Fred smacked him lightly on the back of the head, “You’ve been pining after that Slytherin bird for months, just go and talk to her already!”
“Was I that obvious?” 
With a frustrated groan, Fred shoved his twin in the direction of the girl. George stumbled for a second and checked to see if she had seen, she hadn’t. He sent a glare at the redhead over his shoulder, before dusting off his trousers and donning a confident facade. 
As he strode across the courtyard, his hands grew increasingly clammy and his heart began to beat erratically in his chest. There was no turning back now, though, as he approached the girl. 
His shadow blocked the sun from Y/N’s notebook and she looked up, not expecting anyone to get so close to her. 
“Erm, hello,” George waved awkwardly as he towered over her figure.
She blinked a few times before replying, “Hello. Can I help you with something?” 
“Mind if I join you?” 
George’s question rang through the still air for a moment as Y/N processed what he had just asked. No one had ever wanted to keep her company as she drew before, she wasn’t quite sure how to react. Just before the moment turned even more awkward than it already was, she gave him a swift nod. 
The tall, lanky redhead folded his legs beneath him as he made himself comfortable on the path of grass next to her. He had to stop himself from grinning too wide, “I’ve seen you around, you know.” 
She merely raised a confused eyebrow in his direction. 
“Not-not like I’ve been stalking you!” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck and feeling his ears turn hot, “I’ve just noticed you like to draw out here, especially when the weather’s warm.” 
“Oh,” she mumbled, brushing her hair behind her ear. 
“I’m sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?” 
George’s gaze on hers was so sincere, she kicked herself internally for not saying the right thing to him, “No you’re not! Don’t worry. I’m just not used to people paying much attention to what I do. I mean, I’m not that interesting.” 
She felt small under his analytic gaze, but something in her kept her from looking away. 
“Well I think you’re plenty interesting from what I’ve seen,” He shrugged nonchalantly, “Tell me about your drawings!” 
He had said the magic words and the pair of them dove into a conversation. Y/N couldn’t contain her excitement, as she rarely had the opportunity to speak about something she was so passionate about. 
“These look bloody brilliant,” George murmured in awe as he flipped through the pages of her notebook.  
Y/N’s face warmed at the compliment, “Thanks.” 
All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own 
But now I wanna hold you too
For nearly every day after their first encounter, George made it a point to talk to Y/N. Whether it be along the hallways on the way to class, during meals (he would take her hand and drag her to the Gryffindor tables, much to her bemusement), or out on the grounds while she drew. 
Most of the time, he would talk and talk and talk as she listened quietly. A soft smile would always grace her lips as she observed him and how he spoke so highly of his family and how he was so excited for the shop he would be opening with his brother. The tone of his voice and his large grins always made her feel included in whatever it was that he talked about.
“Hello love,” George smiled down at her before plopping down on the soft grass to her right, “Reckon we’re on the last few days of good weather.”
His eyes raised skywards as the overcast clouds floated above them, hers did the same. 
“It’s alright,” she shrugged, sending him a small smile, “We’ve made the most of it, I think.”  
The pair sat in relative silence, as silent as it could be with one of the Weasley twins, as Y/N built up the courage to show George what she had made for him. With a deep breath, she plucked something from her school bag that lay strewn across the grass and held the parchment to her chest.
“Yeah, Y/N?” his eyes trained on her nervous figure and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Everything alright?” 
She nodded her head swiftly, “Yeah everything’s perfect! I just wanted to show you something that I made.” 
Slowly, she smoothed out the parchment in front of them. She observed George quietly as he took in the sketch she had made. His eyes scanned it over once, twice, three times before they met hers again. 
“Is this…” He mumbled, taking the sketch into his hands to look closer.
“You’ve just been so excited about your joke shop that I–I made a logo for you guys,” she smiled sheepishly, “It’s pretty bare bones, but I wanted you to see it. I won’t take offence if you don’t like it!” 
George stared at her, mouth slightly agape. This was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for him, and she did it out of the kindness of her heart. Without a second thought, he threw his arms around her and quickly pulled her to his chest. Y/N let out a little ‘oof’ as she collided with him, heat spreading throughout her body. She was thankful that she was basically smushed on his chest, at least then he couldn’t tell how flustered she got at his display of affection. 
“So d’you like it?” she asked shyly, looking up at him. 
“I bloody love it!” 
Y/N let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding, the pair of them grinning at each other. 
Later in the day, George all but dragged Y/N into the Gryffindor common room in search of Fred. His brother was sat on one of the couches by the fireplace, chatting idly with Lee. The sound of parchment hitting him square in the chest rang through the relatively empty room. 
Fred’s hands immediately held onto whatever George had placed on him, and his eyes lit with joy as he realized what he was looking at. 
“Bloody hell!” he exclaimed, “Is this what I think it is?” 
George took a seat next to his brother, his hand tugging Y/N along to take the seat beside him, “Yep. Our Y/N here has made us a logo for Wheezes.” 
“This is brilliant, Y/N! Thank you!” 
For the second time that day, she found herself wrapped up in the arms of a Weasley twin. Slightly used to it, she just laughed the show of affection off and patted Fred slightly on the back. 
“Happy to help,” she smiled. 
As the seasons turned from autumn to winter, Y/N found herself spending more and more time with the red headed twins. She found their enthusiasm for their joke shop infectious, always chipping in with ideas of her own for products, or sketching up prototypes for them to look at. 
Slowly, her days were filled with laughter and warmth. 
It was a little jarring at first, spending so much time with people who actually cared about her, people who wanted to hear what she said and see what she created. It surprised her, really, how quickly she had become accustomed to being around them. 
After a while, though, she found herself wanting to spend as much time as possible with George. She lived for the routine that they had formed, spending most of their breaks and meals together. 
It struck her on a seemingly ordinary day, the realization that she was falling for him. 
Y/N and George were at a far corner in the library, discussing how the product designs she made could be tweaked a little. He was hunched over the parchment, tracing his fingers over the soft lines of charcoal on the parchment, smudging it just a tad bit and getting some of the pigment on him.
“I love the way you drew…” 
George had said something or other about the design, but Y/N couldn’t focus on anything except the way his arm flexed as he spoke. From the corner of her eye, she kept glancing at him, noticing how the glow of candlelight cast soft shadows on his face. The freckles on his cheeks seemed to dance in the flickering light, and looking at the constellations on his face made her breath hitch in her throat. 
She couldn’t quite place why her heart was raging in her chest, as if she hadn’t spent most of her days with the red headed boy anyway. 
And then it hit her. 
Her eyebrows shot up at the sudden awareness of her feelings for George. Oh sweet Merlin and Morgana, she thought. 
You take me in your arms
And suddenly there’s sunlight all around me
Y/N’s voice rang through the relatively empty hallway as she raced to meet her friend. The friend that she might have been in love with. The friend that she spent hours and hours of her day with, trying to ignore the bubble of feelings that wanted so badly to burst in her chest. 
The redhead who was on his way back up to his common room paused mid-step as he heard her voice. He spun on his heel, turning just in time for him to see her barreling towards him, waving a piece of parchment above her head. 
When she nearly collided head on with him, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist and steadied her, “Woah there, Y/N. There’s no need to try and kill me.”
She huffed, catching her breath slightly, “Sorry, I’m just so excited!” 
“Are you going to tell me what you’re excited about, or?” he teased, cocking his head to the side. 
With a grin on her face, she shoved the piece of parchment she was holding into George’s hands, “I just figured out how the general design of the Wonder Witch products should look like! See here there’s a–”
“Godric I love you.”
Both bodies froze at the statement. George immediately felt his whole body get hot, no doubt tinging his cheeks and the tips of his ears red. Y/N’s mouth was slightly agape, her mind whirring with all kinds of thoughts as she tried to comprehend what had just come out of George’s mouth. 
“What?” she asked, unable to form a proper sentence. 
George took a deep breath, there was no going back now, “Erm, yeah. I fancy the hell out of you, Y/N. That wasn’t the way I would’ve preferred to tell you but, I do–I do love you, yeah.” 
“Oh, Georgie,” Y/N whispered. 
Taking her answer as a rejection, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s alright that you don’t feel the same way, I don’t want this to ruin–”
Instead of replying, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in a hug, “I love you too, you silly boy.” 
The nerves got the better of her, and her words were slightly muffled as she whispered them into his chest. 
“Come again?” 
“I love you too, George!” 
A wide grin spread across his face as he looked at the girl in his arms. He felt like he could fly with how happy he was. Everything he needed was right in front of him, and he would hold her close for as long as he could. 
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @hufflepuff5972
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies​ @pineapplesandpinas​ @papapapadumb​ @mrs-g-weasley​ @a-castle-of--glass​ @hey-there-angels​
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Pre-Game Rituals (Fred Weasley)
Request: Hiya!! I was wondering if you could do an imagine with Fred. Where Ginny kind of idolises her like at hogwarts she’s always goes up to the reader and asks if she can do her hair for quidditch practice or something...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.3k
The common room was dead with activity for a Saturday, although that was in large part due to the anticipated match up between Gryffindor and Slytherin tonight. You loved attending Quidditch games, especially seeing as most of your friends were on the Gryffindor team and you got to cheer them on alongside Hermione. Getting to see your boyfriend knocking opponents around and acting as a human bowling ball was an obvious plus as well. Before most games, your boyfriend would coin you into a pre-game ritual, which happened to be a nap. He claimed these snooze sessions next to you gave him his energy to play but, you’d seen him take his O.W.L.s on two hours of sleep and a ‘stay-awake’ creation him and his twin brewed up. Cuddled up in bed sounded like a blissful dream to you on any given occasion but currently, you were in the middle of another event. Not only did you have a pre-game ritual with your boyfriend, you also had one with his little sister who was on the team as well. A few hours to the start of every Gryffindor match, Ginerva Weasley goes prancing around the castle with her hairbrush in hand, searching for you and today was no different.
Your fingers brushed through the ginger locks as you separated the left half of Ginny’s hair into three parts. The silk like strands slipped through your parted fingers as you detangled the frizzed knots. Ginny’s hair was by far the most beautiful you had seen so you hardly turned down her request when she’d ask you to braid her hair. Her deep red hair mixed with auburn tones and long wisps was a unique find outside Hogwarts. Having the Weasley siblings around meant you saw a head of ginger around nearly every corner. In the Muggle world though, you had only passed a few with hair that resembled theirs.
However in those sightings, you never saw a single person whose hair was as fiery and bold as Ginny’s. There were times Ginny despised the color as it made her stick out like a sore thumb and put no mystery in identifying her. Everyone knew on sight that she was a Weasley. To you, she felt the flaming shade complimented Ginny, as well as her personality, to perfection. The youngest Weasley differed immensely from her siblings. Not only in terms of gender, personality as well. It could be argued she was the bravest of the bunch. Already faster on the Quidditch pitch than her older brother Ron, and possibly sneakier than her older twin brothers, Fred and George.
With a small pull, you began to braid from the top of Ginny’s head. You raked in a new strand of hair after every weave. Ginny’s hair was not only long but thick and heavy in weight. It always took a bit more force and harsh knotting to make sure the braids actually stuck, especially seeing as she’d be flying like the wind in a few hours, she needed them tight.
Ginny Weasley sat lazily in a criss-cross style shoulders hunched forward. It was unusual for her not to be talking your ear off in these moments. Ginny always had a story to share, a secret to tell, or an embarrassing memory of her brothers to spill. There was yet to come a day where she ran out of cringe worthy moments of your boyfriend, and her brother, Fred, to leak. In those countless hair sessions, a friendship outside your connection to Ginny through Fred formed. Within a month of hanging out with the youngest Weasley, you sincerely considered her to be a close friend. Between the endless laughter and feistiness of Ginny, a strong friendship grew. You could tell something was off but with Ginny, it was better to give her time to come around and at least open up a bit before you questioned her.
That moment seemed to be approaching as the bottom section of the braid fell from your grasp as Ginny moved her frame abruptly. Her head falling to face the floor caused your hold in her hair to grab her body back a bit. Resting your hand on her shoulder, you leaned her back so she was up snug against the bottom of the couch you sat on.
“You gotta stop fidgeting, Gin. Your braid is gonna be crooked if you keep squirming around!” You smiled softly down at Ginny but as her head turned to face you, you were shocked to find her face was dull, long like a horse. That one-of-a-kind glimmering light that typical lit her eyes was blown out. The residue left a worrisome display instead. She sent you an apologetic look then turned back to face the fire. Her body was as straight as a line and as stiff as Harry’s Great Aunt.
“Sorry… just a bit distracted.” The raspiness in her voice made you wonder if she felt ill. Usually before a match the young girl couldn’t sit still! Her knees would bounce in excitement and you’d have to pin her down to get the braids in but today, she was hardly moving an inch. Pausing your braid in the middle of her scalp, you arch your brows to Ginny.
“What’s on your mind Ginny?”
“A bit nervous about the match- that’s all.” She dismissed your worries with a sigh, clearly still crackling under stress. Although Ginny was your boyfriend's little sister, with time, she became your little sister. You stopped thinking of her as Fred’s sister and one of your best friends. Seeing her flooded with pressure caused concern in you as well but she looked up to you and it was partially your duty to make sure the self doubts you had as a young girl never disrupted Ginny.
Giving the girl a gentle smile, your hands began to rake through her hair again. The first braid was half way done so you resumed your work as you reassured her,
“Slytherin never plays fair but I believe in you guys. You’re gonna pull it off, don’t stress. Just fly clear of Malfoy and Flint and you should be fine.”
“Yeah you’re right…” She trailed off. Furrowing your fixation on her hair, you slowly pried further.
“What else is the matter-” But before you could seek out any further information, your body jerked forward as two arms snaked around your upper body. You shrieked in freight then quickly whipped your head around to see Fred Weasley grinning down at you. Should’ve guessed, you thought to yourself. He was bound to come searching for you sooner or later and drag you to his room for a nap.
“Ah, I was wondering where the two of you snuck off to. Good afternoon, angel.” Fred leaned his head towards you to kiss your cheek. After leaving one, he left another, and another, and another until you had to push him back. You managed to hold onto the already started braid as you held Fred back with your hand on his chest. His hand immediately went to cover yours and squeeze on your grip, then pulled away glancing between his sister sitting in front of you and yourself.
“Hello, lovie. Where is the other, less annoying half of you?” You smiled a sickly sweet grin to Fred as he gave you a warning glare. Reaching up, you used your free hand to pull Fred down by his collar and placed a sugared kiss to his lips. Always ready for your affection Fred returned the kiss softly, his hands cupping around your chin to leaned your head back. An awkward cough ruined the mood as Ginny fidgetted silently. Fred released his grip on your face at once and threw his leg over the couch. Inviting himself into the conversation, he threw either leg over the maroon couch and slipped in besides you. His face was bright and gleeful, the apples of his cheeks a tint red. The orange hair sprouting down to his shoulders was brighter, shinier than normal. You felt your heart race at the sight. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Fred glued himself snug to your side.
“Flirting with Alicia or Katie, can’t tell,” He tossed his head back to motion over to his twin talking up your friends in the corner. The three were laughing and talking hushly, all huddled close. You stopped your hands to glance over, then looked down as you felt Ginny moving beneath you.  Fred drummed his finger on the right unbraided, half of her head causing the girl to blindly swing her arm backwards trying to swat at him. You scolded him sternly, threatening him if he messed up the half you were working on. Chuckling at her flailing arms and your attempt at being stern, Fred leaned back into the couch and tossed his arm around your shoulder. “You ready for the big match, Gin?”
Although the only portion visible was the backside of her head, both Fred and yourself watched her shudder and wince at the inquiry. Fred was happier than ever which was a typical mood for him on any given day but especially the day of a match. Most felt the nervous butterflies and sickening feeling before an important game but Fred? You were almost 100% positive Fred had never experienced the feeling of anxiousness. His confidence seemed to flourish under pressure.
Ginny was never to the big stage, though. She didn’t bask in the glory and attention the same way her brothers did. There was that fear of not living up to everyones expectations that crept into her mind as she took the pitch each match. Ginny ducked her head as she scratched the side of her neck.
“Uh huh.” Ginny’s sigh earned a frown on Fred’s lips. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t adorable. The concern read from his features as he sent you a short look. He had an idea based off the alarming gleam in your eyes, but as her brother, he wasn’t willing to back off. His long arms tightened around your shoulder as he tilted his head to Ginny in question.
“You don’t sound very confident at all- what’s the matter with you? It’s the biggest match of the season!” He cheered loudly, causing the young girl to jump in her spot. You tucked the three strands in a weaving pattern trying everything in your power to finish as quickly as you could so Ginny would be free to escape this conversation. Maybe it was a male thing but Fred was just not reading the room correctly. Between Ginny’s uncomfortable shifting and your stern stares, he still just wasn’t understanding her nerves. You snatched the hair tie off the couch cushion and wrapped it around the end of her braid. Tapping his side with your elbow, you looked to Fred sternly.
“I think she realizes that, Fred. Let’s not stress her out even more.” Your tone was pointed and you expected Fred to pick up but clearly, it went straight over his head. This earned a raspy chuckle of disbelief from Fred. Slipping his grip from your waist, Fred leaned forward. Placing his elbows on his knees, his chin rested in the palm of his hands. He had a teasing look as he scoffed,
“Stressed? Since when has a game ever stressed you out, Ginny? You’re the youngest starter on our team! There’s no need to be worried about anything.” Fred’s face was bright with excitement at thought at the upcoming match. His rosy cheeks were squished as he smiled gleefully. A loud groan emanated from Ginny as she threw her head back in frustration, though remained silent. Her once lively orbs reddening by the second as salty tears brimmed. The grin vanished from Fred’s face. He turned to you in confusion, his face resembling that of a wounded puppy.
At times, Fred had moments where he didn’t particularly like his little sister, but he always loved her. It was the brotherly instinct in him; the constant need to keep a watchful eye out for Ginny. He knew she could hold her own, but he couldn’t help that protective nature. Sending him a sharp look, you muttered quietly under your breath,
“Nice work…”
The common room was slowly beginning to scatter out as students made the most of their time before the big match. You caught a glimpse of George walking out the portrait with Lee by his side. You wondered what kind of mischief they were up to, it certainly couldn’t be anything good. Harry and Ron were trudging up the staircase to their room assumingly and Hermione was sitting on the opposite side of the room reading quietly. The atmosphere was relaxed like the calm before a storm. Win or lose, the common room would be buzzing with energy tonight. It was just a matter of happy celebration, or tense aftermath of defeat.
You reached out for the right half of Ginny’s hair and repeated your steps. You parted the bright strands and braided them tightly.
Fred on the other hand was lost to his sister’s emotions and eager for answers. Reaching forward, Fred squeezed Ginny’s shoulder in a comforting manner. His face was scrunched together in concern as he sweetly asked her,
“… what’s the matter, little one? I’m sure your big brother can help.”
You had to physically bite your tongue to keep from ‘aweing’ at him. The one thing you loved more than anything about Fred was how caring and comforting he could be. Your heart was dripping in adoration. There had been a handful of moments you heard Fred refer to Ginny as ‘Little One’. It was typically in mocking sense or playful, however in her fragile moments, it was said with such serenity and gentleness. He was always there to help his little sister and protect her. You couldn’t help but imagine how great of a dad Fred would be in the future. He was the only man you could ever see yourself with and knowing how great of a person he truly is just made you even more certain.
Standing from the couch, Fred shuffled around the two of you so he was sitting in front of Ginny. She sniffled quietly using the sleeve of her sweater to rub her eyes. Your eyes darted between the half finished braid and the pair. Fred was patient in giving Ginny her time and finally, she came around.
“What if I lose it for us? If we don’t win, everyone is gonna hate me! It’ll be my fault and Oliver will probably kick me off the team and I’ll have nothing! And you’ll all be mad at me and mum and dad will be disappointed-” Her frantic ramble was shut down when Fred started to talk over her. It was a crazy thought; one he could not allow to marinate in her mind.
“What’re you talking about? Do you even hear yourself, Ginny?” His voice was booming causing both Ginny and yourself to jump in surprise. Your eyes met for a brief second before he took a deep breath, “First off; Oliver Wood has lost a handful of matches for us and he’s still our captain. I mean, Harry has fallen off his bloody broomstick how many times and he’s still our top Seeker! You’re the best one on that pitch Ginny- well besides George and I, but you know what I mean.” Fred chuckled a bit as a small smile cracked on Ginny’s lips. Her eyes lifted from the ground to glance up at her brother. From your spot on the couch, you couldn’t read her features. You were also too invested in the braid to look away. But Fred bending down to wrap his arms around his sister and practically squish her was answer enough. Ginny squealed at Fred’s bone crushing grip, pleading with him to let go.
You rolled your eyes at the siblings, laughing to yourself as you finished securing the hair tie in the finished braid. Leaning back you smoothed your fingers over the weaved pattern. Her hair was somehow more ginger in this style and you adored it. Peaking your head over Ginny’s shoulder, you pointed out,
“And I don’t think it’s even possible for your parents to be disappointed in you. Fred, George and Ron destroyed the family car and your parents still love them and forgave them.”
“Well I wouldn’t say forgave-” Fred winced as he recalled the event. It had been years and Molly still brought it up when she was angry with the boys. They all knew it was something they’d never fully live down in Molly’s eyes. Even on her deathbed Fred was certain she’d find a way to bring it up. Flicking the material of his sweatshirt, you glared playful at Fred for his interruption. You wrapped Ginny in a hug from behind, your arms captured around her shoulders. She melted in your grip, embracing your comforting hold. Fred folded his legs together and just sort of watched.
There was a sudden jolt of awe, that moment where everything just clicked. It came out of nowhere like a car speeding through a red light. His back pressed into the coffee table for support while he just stared. There was no one more important in this world to Fred Weasley than his family. Seeing his little sister hurt and finding solace in you, it was difficult for Fred to string together the proper words on how it made him feel. The emotions brewing inside him were entirely new- like the feeling of opening presents on Christmas morning and finding you got everything that you asked for. This sheer hypnotic haze that covered Fred went unbeknownst to you as your attention stayed locked on Ginny.
“What I’m trying to say is, it really is just a game. No one's gonna disown you if you make a mistake; Freddie here makes twenty mistakes before breakfast every morning. And even if they are bigger and play dirty, you’re faster and smarter than their entire lineup combined. We all believe in you, Ginny. I’ve seen you do it a million different times and I’ll be right there cheering you on.” Letting go of her, your head lifted to greet the eyes of Fred Weasley. Immediately you took notice of the change in his gaze. Still mesmerizing as ever to be under, yet heavier than before. Instead of throwing a childish jab back, he just held your stare, speechless for once.
Your head tilted in confusion at his odd behavior as Ginny placed her hands on either side of her body to push herself up. This seemed to pull Fred from his trance as he mimicked her actions and stood from the floor. Brushing off her pants and sweater, she gave you both a look of gratitude and said,
“Thank you, Y/n. It really means a lot- thank you too, Freddie.”
“ ‘course, we’ll always be here for you- even if we do lose, you’ll still be my favorite sister.” Fred said with a cheek smirk. Ginny rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. Just when he was sweet, he was sour once again.
“I’m your only sister Fred but thanks. I should probably go get some homework finished so I’ll see you down at the pitch later. Thanks for doing my hair, Y/n. You’re the best- I wish you really were my sister.”
“So you’re telling me, after all this time, I’m not your sister?” You asked teasingly. Ginny laughed happily, clearly pleased with your response. Fred knew how much Ginny looked up to you, how badly she wants to follow in your footsteps, and it makes him thrilled. Not only does he loves how much his sister adores you, but how great of a role model you are to her. He understood how easy it could be to shove her away or dismiss her, and Fred wouldn’t blame you if you did. However you never once turned Ginny away and it played a role in his feelings evolving so intensely. Her cheeks tinted red as she gave you one last wave and skipped up the steps to her dorm. As she disappeared from view, you looked over to Fred only to see his eyes already planted on you. The weight of his stare was suffocating and made you fidget. The second you met his gaze, Fred’s mouth dropped open as he confessed,
“I’m in love with you.” The word vomit rolled effortlessly from his lips. The contagious smile Fred seemed to constantly cause rose to your face. Having been together for some years, Fred was no stranger to broadcasting his feelings for you. Something about this felt more serious than the other times. Sinking into the cushion, you nodded over to the boy in agreeance.
“I’m in love with you, too.” Shaking his head, Fred lunged forward so he was kneeling in front of you. His hands slipped inside your own as he set your intertwined hands in your lap. That playfulness has been swept away as his eyes read full honesty. Fred’s soft features were rough, sharp on the edges as his jaw clenched with tension. Giving your hand a loving squeeze, Fred locked his eyes on yours.
“No, Y/n, I’m like, Alice fell down the rabbit hole, deeply in love with you- I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Just… promise me you’ll stick around, okay?” His voice was filled with worry and fear. You jumped forward to crunch him in a tight embrace. Fred chuckled at your abruptness but exchanged the hug nonetheless. His fingers trailed up and down the bones of your spine drawing circles and shapes as he rubbed your back. You could feel his nose pressing into your hair and soon enough, a sloppy kiss was planted on your head. Grinning like a fool, you glanced up to him with a cheesy smile.
“Hate to break it to you, Fred, but I’m not going anywhere, sorry.” You remarked, reaching up on your tippy toes to kiss his lips. Fred leaned into your lips, his hands wrapping around your waist for support. As he pulled away, you noticed that one of a kind glint reached his eyes. Before you could hypothesize his next move, Fred’s arm swooped around your lower back to scoop you up from your legs. He lifted you up and repositioned so he was carrying you in his arms. You hollered in surprise as Fred just chuckled.
“Good, don’t think I’d let you anyhow, angel. Now c’mon, someone owes me a nap.” He stated, sending you a cheeky wink. Fred began to walk towards the stairwell heading towards the boys dormitory. Clinging to his arm, you glared deathly to Fred.
“If you drop me I am writing to Molly the second I can reach a quill and parchment.” You threatened. Fred walked through the opening to the staircase then started to skip up the steps, still holding your body. You shook with every step, trying your best to mask your giggles with angry looks and sneers. Tightening his face, Fred thought on it for a moment then scowled at the idea.
“Relax, Y/n. Don’t have to take it that far- I just said I’m in love with you and that’s how you’re gonna treat me.” He teased you. His room was on the second to top floor and you could tell you were approaching by the way he slowed down. Fred’s fingers tickled at your side as he made his way towards his door. Instead of setting you down, Fred swung the door open still grasping on to you. He wasted no time slamming the door shut and practically flinging you onto his bed. Your melodic laughter filled every inch of his room making Fred glow red in pleasure. He tugged off his robes and tie, then crawled into his bed next to you. You reached over the side of the mattress for a comfy shirt of his and some pajama pants he kept lying around. He couldn’t tear his gaze, nor did he want to. Winking over to Fred, you threw his comforter over your body and cuddled up next to him.
“If it’s any constellation, I’m like, furthest rock down in the ocean, deeply in love with you.” You admitted softly. Fred’s head snapped down in your direction as he grinned to himself,
“I reckon that’s gotta count for something, love. But could we switch so I’m the little spoon? You know we’ll lose the match if I’m not and then it’ll be your fault, not Ginny’s.”
You let out a dramatic groan as you flipped around to throw your arm over Fred. His face was lit in joy as he snuggled into your hold. You smiled to yourself as you felt his lips brush against your hand and leave a small trail of kisses on each finger. Fred and his rituals, you laughed to yourself as the feeling of sleep entered your body and your eyes fell shut. The soothing sound of Fred humming was a perfect lullaby for any person to find sleep in but it had become your favorite sound. Soon, Fred would have to get ready and go face Slytherin but for now, your arms seemed to be the only place he wanted to be.
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➳april’s fool ♡
in which fred weasley is in love with y/n l/n, the girl he happens to tease and insult profusely for her attention. 
fred weasley x gryffindor!fem!reader 
word count: ±4.3k 
tw: food, fireworks, pranking, fred being a bully, tad bits of swearing
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ft. minnie, dumbledore and severus
yeah, your grandmama probably know me 
get more bottles, these bottles are lonely
it's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "wow"
april’s fool 
“tomorrow is april fools,” dumbledore sighs. 
“you know what that means...?” mcgonagall asks, her voice on edge.
“the twins,” snape replies quickly, not even bothered one bit as he sips his dark coffee.
“and their pranks,” dumbledore dramatically rolls over in his armchair.
“okay and?” 
“they’re a hazard, severus!” mcgonagall replies.
“that doesn’t stop them.”
“what will stop them?” dumbledore ponders, eyes faint with interest. 
“you still have those weird buzzy fireworks right?” snape asks. 
“of course.”
“and minnie, you have the cake mix your grandmother gave you?”
“still in my cupboard next to the biscuits.”
y/n l/n listens from the other side of the door, grinning. she’s been called to mcgonagall’s lavish office for some business she hopes isn’t trouble, but the conversation the three are deeply invested in piques her interest. 
she likes fun. the type of continuous laughter and uncontrollable fits of giggles at noon. that’s why she enjoys the pranks the twins play. they’re bold, sharp and reckless and have the undoubtable trademark of fred and george on them.
one too a many times she’s been on the receiving end of them. one time the twins had charmed the library so that she and other studious students could not find any books that they wanted or needed for a whole week. 
another time, her hair had been dyed bright pink. she wasn’t a fan of it, but tried her best to rock it. it worked. y/n had received many compliments on her bubblegum pink locks. 
she laughed it off a lot. whenever something quite embarrassing happened, it was usually funny. 
even the snide remarks the older twin always cast her way.
including the time he called her a blackhead. well, multiple times. 
“oi, l/n, looking like a blackhead.”
george had rolled his eyes at his brother before adding kindly, “at least you have nice hair. your tie’s always shiny too.”
she had just laughed, “at least i’ve got the blackhead looks to pull pink hair off, weasley, you can’t even pull off ginger hair, and thanks, georgie. love ya.”
fred had looked taken aback, but y/n still scowls at the memory. she gets she isn’t pretty, but there is a line you don’t cross when trying to insult someone.
he always calls her the most awful nicknames too; body parts that align with her name and random pieces of rubbish she isn’t bothered to remember.
she shakes herself of her thoughts and draws herself up, knocking thrice on the door lightly.
“come in,” mcgonagall’s calm tone beckons.
“good afternoon professors!” she chirps, smiling at all three.
they smile back. even snape. they’re big fans of the girl, who’s studious but mischievous. albus dumbledore has always thought that y/n’s eyes always look like all she’s seen is a beautiful sunset. 
“now you must wonder why i called you here,” mcgonagall starts.
“you see, how have you punished the weasley twins when they play all those pranks on you?” dumbledore eagerly asks. 
y/n gives a light laugh, “i just prank them back. i won’t get detention for this, right?” she jokes.
they laugh, “of course you will,” snape jokes back and for a second y/n is surprised that severus snape, the ever so cold potions professor, is cracking jokes. especially to her. 
“well then, i guess i can’t tell you how i prank them back then,” she drawls dramatically.
“no, no, do tell, we’re, what do you young people say?” mcgonagall pauses, “ahh yes! we’re all ears!”
y/n bursts out laughing, “okay, i usually do something that’s subtle enough but still very noticeable. they need to be anonymous too, or that’ll start prank wars and i’m only looking for short term pleasure really. one time, i dumped a whole bunch of polyjuice potion in both their little goblets. fred became george and george became fred. they were so confused.”
mcgonagall is impressed. 
“can you bake?” dumbledore asks and y/n shakes her head for a long time. 
“can’t bake for my sanity.”
“awesome. that is what i thought too,” dumbledore answers and y/n smiles. 
a single knock sounds. it’s proper and formal. 
“come in!” mcgonagall yells.
draco malfoy in all his glory steps into the room, eyes alight with concern, ever so indifferent. 
y/n knows him from quidditch. they’ve become relatively good friends, though she thinks he is very busy with his home life. she also knows that there’s more to him than the facade he has.
“afternoon,” he nods and gives a charming smile. 
“now, draco, i understand your mother had enrolled you in baking classes,” snape says. 
draco nods. 
“you must bake a cake,” mcgonagall hands him the cake mix.
she hands y/n the box of fireworks and winks. 
“good day professors! make sure to be at breakfast tomorrow!” y/n shouts, dragging draco with her to the kitchens. 
soon draco is laughing with y/n, at her atrocious puns and lightly placed jokes, finding himself very much happy. he’s not interested in her romantically, he simply enjoys her company. he’s even sharing some funny stories of his own too.
“...and i told him, to precisely fuck off.”
“so that’s how you deal with him!”
“oh no, he didn’t stop. he kept bugging me.”
“what did you do then?”
“i cast a muffliato charm on him.”
y/n bursts into laughter as they pass the gryffindor common room, quickly hiding the box of fireworks in her cloak as she spots two red heads quietly snickering by the fat lady. 
they notice the unlikely pair scurrying down the stairs. 
“hey, google eyes!” fred shouts. 
y/n doesn’t know fred well enough to decide if that greeting is dedicated to herself, so she continues upon her way. 
“weasley,” draco states. 
“huh?” y/n fakes oblivion. 
draco jerks his head in the way of the twins, where fred is smirking handsomely, leaning against the wall in a model-like fashion. 
george is shaking his head in dismay. 
“i said googly eyes!” fred shouts again.
y/n won’t lie, she thinks fred has undoubtedly good looks and his ginger hair is cute. he’s just a terrible person. to her, at least. she knows she’s biased, she’s often seen fred comforting ginny after a bad fight with a boyfriend, and from what she’s heard from alicia and angelina and katie, he’s funny too. 
she whips out her glasses and stares deadpan at him, before rolling her eyes and running with draco down the stairs, laughing like madmen.
they finish baking late at night, and waving her wand smartly over the cake, y/n produces a charm that will make the fireworks activate as soon as the cake is cut open. 
draco smiles as he pipes purple and orange roses, writing a ‘happy bday fred and george’ in chocolate letters. 
they add lots of sprinkles, hoping to seem like avid admirers of the twins. 
“does miss l/n and misters malfoy need any assistance?” a house elf asks.
draco just about opens his mouth to snap a ‘no’ when y/n gives him a silencing look.
“thank you rosemarie, but that is not needed, you are welcome to watch and talk with us though,” y/n politely answers, giving her a grin. 
the house elf sniffles, “miss l/n is too nice! rosemarie will make some hot chocolate for her! pretty hair!”
y/n laughs, “thank you very much, rosemarie. i think mister malfoy would also like some hot chocolate, with a tiny bit of firewhiskey, if that’s alright with you,” she winks at draco who just scoffs in reply. 
when they’re finished with the cake and the hot chocolate, y/n enters the gryffindor common room. angelina takes the cake and wraps it up in a box and nice wrapping paper. she sends it flying to the twins’ usual spot on the gryffindor table. 
“thanks angie!” y/n smiles, getting up from the cozy spot near the fire in the common room. 
“why are you going? we’re staying up till midnight for the twins’ birthday; wanna join?” angelina asks. 
y/n shakes her head, “i’m not too close with them, it seems like a rather intimate ceremony,” she keeps her words fluffy and light. really, she would join any birthday celebration, but she didn’t think she could handle the constant insults and annoying comments fred always made about her. and this would have been completely acceptable if she had done something to any one of the weasleys, but she hadn’t. she even regards ginny weasley as a little sister and was invited to one of ginny’s infamous slumber parties. okay, she might have a little crush on him for his joke-ish nature, but it’s nothing she can’t get over. he’s out of her league, for sure, she thinks. and terribly rude. she doesn’t understand why she still harbours those feelings for him. maybe because that time adrian pucey was mocking her for her ‘blood purity’ he stood up for her. or that time she hurt herself at quidditch and fred stayed up with her bandaging her wound. he cared when it mattered, she guesses. 
“i’m sure they would love you there.”
“fat chance,” she scoffs, “have a good night!”
she goes to her own dormitory up the stairs. she’s well known in gryffindor house, but for different reasons than the twins may be. although she’s close with angie and alicia, she’s not close with the twins. mainly because she’s always studying, playing quidditch, and doing prefect things. 
being on a quidditch team with fred weasley is bearable. mainly because she’s the captain. 
she’s stopped by a large hand on her shoulder. the owner of the hand swivels and suddenly a grinning fred is revealed. 
“where’re you going?” fred weasley’s annoying voice pronounces. 
“the sahara desert,” she snaps back dryly, “you’re in the way of my world exploration.”
“am i, really?”
“‘course,” she reigns her attitude in, “nice night, isn’t it?”
“for you? never.”
she scowls. fred watches in utter amusement as she takes a deep breath and charmingly smiles. 
“dearest freddie, will you please allow me to get to my dorm so i can have some sleep?”
fred’s heart skips a little at the nickname but shakes his head. 
“what’s the password?”
y/n sighs. “i don’t know. y/n is a blackhead. googly eyes. whatevers.”
fred lets out a loud laugh. y/n finds herself trying hard not to laugh with him. 
she turns around, ready to find her hufflepuff friend that has a spare bed in their dormitory, knowing fred is really stubborn.
“that’s not the password.”
“well, good night.” she walks off, before intensely diving in a style harry potter himself would be proud of, onto the stairs and running up the dorms laughing. 
fred stands at the bottom of the stairs, dumbfounded, his jaw hanging open. 
“close your mouth, flies will be caught,” he heard the giggling voice of y/n.
“close yours and you’ll look better,” he insults back. 
“oh shut up. we know i’m the prettier one. and that’s saying something.”
the next morning, fred and george wake up to presents, a rowdy common room, and a nice cake sitting waiting for them on the gryffindor table. 
for the first time, y/n takes a seat opposite them, her eyes alight with the familiar mischief they always held. she steals glances at the professors, who were beaming down with interest, as if they shared an inside joke. draco malfoy has an odd smirk on his pale face. 
all eyes are on them as they cut open the cake. with a bang, fireworks come flying out of the cake in all directions, sending crumbs and icing flying in the air and leaving soot on the twin’s faces. their ginger hair is covered neatly with white icing and the fireworks continue for a calamitous five minutes. everyone’s too busy laughing and trying to dodge the flying cake to see that y/n l/n and draco malfoy are laughing quietly in a corner together, both with spells like umbrellas. 
fred’s eyes, however, are trained on y/n, who’s rolling over in laughter. he quickly casts a scourgify on himself and george, and strides casually over to her and malfoy, the usual lazy smirk on his face as he hears ‘draco ohmygosh that was the best. your cake decos are on point! d’ya think he’ll ever bully me again?’. that confirms his suspicions. she did play this prank on him. and it makes him feel fuzzy inside.
his face then contorts into a frown. she thinks he bullies her? 
“i wouldn’t say he bullies you, y/n.”
he smiles. never mind.
“but it isss! i can assure you, there is absolutely nothing nice ‘bout being called a frame!”
fred snorts at the time y/n had been gushing adorably over a picture frame that was embellished with gold and bronze flowers to angelina. he had went over and in an attempt to catch her attention, said ‘you’re a frame’.
sure, he was good at flirting, but not to the girls he really really liked. 
“that’s fucking funny,” malfoy laughs. 
“oh shut it draco, your face is funny. but yeah, i should probably ask him to start fresh.”
he decides to interrupt their conversation. 
“ask who to start fresh?” he butts in. 
y/n doesn’t even look surprised, “in fact, you, fred, because i’m not really sure if i’ve done anything wrong to you or anything, and by my memory i don’t think i have and you keep being rude and stuff. if i have, i’m really sorry for it and i’m sorry that i hurt you and all. if we can y’know, start over, and maybe be friends?” she catches the unreadable look in fred’s eyes and hesitates, “or maybe not, that’s okay, we don’t need to!” she gives a small laugh, “er, sorry for ever bringing it up?”
the earnestness of her tone and the wistful look in her eyes makes fred fall a little harder. ever since he saw her nervously fiddling with her robes in first year, he’s been smitten. 
there’s a silence. malfoy has slipped off, the sneaky bastard. 
fred simply takes y/n’s hand, giving her a look as if to ask for permission. 
she swallows and nods. 
they’re in the courtyard, which is sunny and light. flowers are blooming everywhere. 
“can i kiss you?” fred asks.
y/n’s eyebrows go up. “what?”
“can i kiss you?” fred repeats patiently. 
“as in kiss? k-i-s-s?” y/n asks, eyes wide with suspicion and curiosity.
“yep,” he chuckles, “crazy, aren’t i?”
“yeah, you’re crazy.”
“really? can i kiss you?”
“i’ve never really kissed anyone.”
“i guessed that.”
her eyebrows furrowed in hurt, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i’ll tell you if you let me kiss you.”
“there better be a good reason because i was saving it for someone special.”
“i need a yes, love.”
she huffs, “yes.” she won’t tell him that she has a crush on him, because to be honest, she still isn’t sure if this is a prank or not.
she surprised when fred tilts her head up ever so gently, a smile on his face.
this kiss is short and sweet. he tastes like cinnamon.
when they’ve let go, fred notices the light pink dusted over her cheeks. he smirks. 
“you have to tell me why you thought i’ve never kissed anyone,” she said, eyes flashing in deep thought.
“such a beautiful person as you does not deserve kisses from anyone.”
fred took this as a sign to go on. “the reason i’ve always teased you endlessly is because i want your attention. i didn’t think you’d give it to me any other way. if you haven’t noticed, i’m in love with you. i think you’re absolutely beautiful, both ways. i love it when you frown and get annoyed, even if you rarely do, i love it when you study so hard your face makes this really concentrated look. i love it especially when you laugh and smile and joke and play pranks. even if they’re on me.”
“...” she was studying his movements. inside her brain, a frenzy was going on. part of her brain- the ever so optimistic part, was screaming happily, and the logical part was using body language to analyse whether he was lying or not.
eyes? their honey brown colour was glistening with affection and truth, an expression so dainty on his face. 
a quaint little smile was on his lips, a small one, a genuine one. it was different to all the other smiles she’d seen him smile. 
he wasn’t acting, she decided. if he was, he should take up a job in broadway. 
her brows were furrowed. she’d never been confessed to as genuinely as this before. 
if they started this type of relationship would he still be mean and insult her all the time?
“i-i need time. to figure this out.”
he doesn’t look disappointed, she thinks. instead he looks down at her with... adoration?
“of course, sweetness, anything, i’ll wait for you.”
she smiles, “thank you, freddie.” 
it’s been a few days since fred’s confessed to her. she’s still unsure if he was joking or not. why?
at this moment, she’s watching him giggle with angelina johnson. it seems like he’s forgotten everything and anything. he’s gotten closer to her. maybe he’s lost feelings for y/n? she can’t blame angie, she’s a wonderful girl. if he likes her, that’s fine too. suddenly her feelings for him become very clear. she like-likes him. and it’s a bit too late.
but maybe he doesn’t like angie in that way? maybe he’s still into her? 
y/n knows molly weasley raises her children with patience. she should trust that fred’s waiting for her. 
but then again, she’s never gonna be as special as angie johnson. she’s just a ever so polite and outgoing nerd. someone who’s foolish enough to prank. angie’s smart, confident and funny and terribly patient. and effortlessly beautiful. she’s got the true gryffindor touch. and angie’s been one of fred’s best friends since day one. she’s always gonna be number 1. 
that’s ok. she’ll accept it. she likes angie anyway. it was probably a joke anyway. 
she couldn’t be jealous, just a bit dismayed that it wasn’t genuine. whatever, she thinks. we can just go back to how we were before. or not. 
and it’s relatively easy. they never really saw much of each other anyway. she’ll get over this tiny little liking. 
it’ll just be like normal. none of this happened. none of it. she grimaces bitterly, damning fred for his stupid games. should’ve known this was another of his pranks. but his acting though, certainly very good. 
she smiles to herself.
“knock it off, y/n, you’re here to learn, not to love.”
and that answer, is satisfactory. 
she gets up from her spot on the gryffindor table rather abruptly, saying goodbye to her friends, and makes her way to the kitchens. she knows she won’t be alone, she’ll talk to hansel and gretel, the twins that cook with the house elves every dinner.
they’re cleaning up as she walks in, book in hand. 
“hi hans, g!” she calls, as she rolls up the sleeves of her sweater to help them with the dishes. 
“y/n!” gretel gives her a hug with soapy arms and y/n giggles.
“how are both of you?” y/n asks. 
“good, good, potions though...” hansel trails off and they all laugh.
“potions is always like that,” y/n agrees, “it’s supposed to be really hard for newts, so you can’t really blame the subject.”
“i’m thinking of dropping divination,” gretel says.
“yeah, that’s wise, gretel buns,” hansel teases and gretel scowls. 
“divination is an easy subject, gretel, you just need to make random stuff up. i saw this weird bear thing in polly’s tea leaves, it wasn’t in the textbook. i told trelawney it was a symbol that a stranger would come and whip polly off her feet, with a whip the colour of the rarest german emeralds, leaving her absolutely smitten. i got full marks,” y/n laughs. 
they laugh too, and soon a light flowing conversation is shared over cups of hot chocolate. 
this is repeated for quite a few days and y/n even invites polly, marla and lenox, her best friends, to join. it’s a delicate, nice kind of week, one that suits her current struggles. 
when the weekends roll around, hansel and gretel suggest that they all sit at the hufflepuff table. they share jokes and quips over the food, y/n reading a book as she bites happily into apple pie.
“pfft,” her lips upturn ever so slightly at the quote that the character makes. 
fred watches her from the gryffindor table, utterly confused. y/n’s been avoiding him. he sees the flashes of hurt that run through her eyes whenever she sees him, and the quick grin that’s far too fake that follows. she’s been reading a lot more and he never sees her anymore. 
he wonders what he’s doing wrong. so as he sees her walking with her friends to hogsmeade, he calls for her. 
her friends giggle as they see him, but she gives him a fleeting glance and raises her eyebrows at them, shaking her head, before profusely apologising to each one of them.
she approaches him warily, with all practicality in mind. she leads with her heart, but her head protects her. 
fool me once, shame on you.
fool me twice, shame on me.
“you’ve been avoiding me,” he states.
“what would you expect?” she snaps, “isn’t this all a good laugh for you anyway?”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you know what i mean, this was all a joke, wasn’t it? fooling my poor little heart which you know has a crush on you. my head simply won’t allow it. admit it, and we can both move on with our lives,” her tone is sharp and cold, her eyes burning with fury and hurt, “i may seem gullible, and i am,” she gave a short laugh, “but when i notice, don’t even try to lie.”
“this wasn’t a joke, love.”
“don’t call me that, and you and i both know it is. your acting though, absolutely superb!” 
“what makes you think this was a prank, y/n? you were the one who asked for time.”
“yes, and the time made me realise that i had feelings for you despite all the teasing AND the fact you couldn’t possibly be genuine!” y/n says exasperatedly, her fury dissolving quickly, “you looked so in place with angie and everyone that it’s so obviously some sort of fun thing you did to try to get back at me!”
“a-and everyone else.”
“angie?” fred’s eyes were amused.
“you know, angelina, as in johnson.”
y/n shrugs, “you did bring her to the yule ball last year.”
“angie??!!!” fred was full on smirking now, as if trying to receive a real response. 
“i think you like her, okay?! are we done here? i’d very much like a good book from f&b,” y/n sighs. 
“i’ll accompany you to flourish and botts. why would you think i like her? didn’t i just confess to you?”
“yeah but it seemed kinda...” y/n trails off, not wanting her insecurities to come off as compliment fishing, “kinda far-fetched.”
“meaning?” fred knows exactly what she means.
“you know!” 
“oh but i don’t,” he smiles innocently.
“well, you’re you!” 
“is that supposed to be an insult?” he asks, faking a look of hurt rather well as y/n looks alarmed. 
“no, no, as in, you’re nice to look at, and you’ve always insulted me and been so nice and cool to everyone. are you for real?”
“nice to look at?” a cocky grin is on his face now, much more noticeable than the slight blush that was creeping up his face.
“is that the only thing you could pick up?” 
“nice to look at? what’s up with me repeating myself today?”
y/n lets out an agitated sigh. he doesn’t know, he’s blunt and straightforward. she likes cushioning her words.
“y’know, handsome? good looking?”
“my middle names.” another smirk to conceal the blushing. 
y/n smiles. “of course, everyone knows it.”
it makes fred uncomfortable. her light tone is a bit menacing too. 
“only joking.”
“i’m sure everyone does know it, darling.”
y/n is too busy looking at the dog that passes by to hear him, rambling quietly to herself over the cute scottish terrier.
“sorry, what was that?”
“aren’t i cuter than the dog?”
“really?” fred casually slings an arm over y/n’s shoulders, having to stoop a little lower to reach her.
“i think so.”
“well i’ll tell you something love, i think you’re absolutely stunning.”
“some love potion you’re on.”
“uh huh, the love potion is called love, sweetness.”
“so you’re for real?”
“as real as you and me.”
“you’re cheesy. this isn’t a prank right?”
“not at all, i love you.”
“i-i don’t think i love you just yet, but i think it’s possible,” y/n bites her lip, anxiously awaiting his response.
she tilts her head to look at him. 
he’s beaming. he looks more handsome than ever, a sweet smile etched on his face as he looks down at her in utter adoration.
“you have a crush on me!” he pulls her into a hug and giggles like a little girl, kissing the top of her head.
she’s engulfed by the smell of burning wood and cinnamon and immediately feels safe in his strong arms. 
“how’d you say we go on a date? so i can show how sorry i am for all the times i called you googly eyes and played pranks on you.”
“i’ll check to see if the girls are okay with it,” y/n replies, turning her head to see her friends. they’re gone. 
“they are. i asked them to shoo off before i approached you. is that a yes?”
y/n nods, “of course, freddie.”
“i love you.”
she laughs, “you really are april’s fool.”
“i’m your april’s fool.” 
he buries his nose in the crook of her neck to stop her from seeing his blushing red face. 
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leilapatriciaaa · 3 years
THE PROPHECY | Fred Weasley x Reader
pairing: Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader
genre: angst; quite of a good/happy ending ig
warnings: mentions of blood and violence (war at hogwarts)
word count: 6.7k (never knew i could write smthn this long)
summary: Being able to see the dark fates of people was a curse rather than a gift. You find yourself falling in love with the tall redhead who has an ill fated future. You venture on the world with love and care until the visions you had become reality.
a/n: Hi! So this is my very first time posting something on tumblr. I really do hope you’ll enjoy this one! I apologize for any typos if there are any lol <3
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It was lunch time in Hogwarts and all the students occupy the great hall for them to fill their rumbling stomachs. Fred sat in the Gryffindor table along with George, Harry, Hermione, Ron and others. They busy themselves on munching their share of food as they exchange laughs and jokes.
“I can’t believe how fast you caught the snitch, Harry!” Ron exclaimed as they began to recall the quidditch game that just occurred yesterday. “I’m sure Malfoy was out to his father crying to him after that.”
Everything was doing so well so far. Nothing peculiar happened which is quite rare in the Hogwarts premises. Anything out of the blue could pop out anytime. They ate their lunch until the clang of the bells echoes through the walls of the great hall. They took their books before everyone split up to go to their classes.
“Oh gosh! I forgot we have Divination. Have you done Trelawney’s homework?” George cussed under his breath as they walk through the hallways. This caused Fred to scoff at his twin. “Of course I did. I took Ron’s when he was sleeping.” George smiled widely as he eyed the piece of parchment on Fred’s hands. They giggled to themselves as Fred swished his wand over the parchment with a spell, duplicating the homework. “Nice moves, brother.” George praised.
The twins finally arrived in the classroom of Professor Trelawney where they sit on soft cushions in front of a table with a crystal sphere in the middle. As usual, Fred sat with George in the very back of the room. Being tall was a bonus for them. Fred cranked his head slightly and saw the bundle of h/c hair sitting in front of the classroom. Like every class, she sits there alone. Fred was in a trance until his twin brother nudged his side.
“What are you ogling on?” George questioned, his eyebrows knitted in confusion before switching his gaze from Fred to the front of the classroom. “You’re looking at Y/n again, huh?” With a cheeky smirk, George teased the older twin. “Bloody hell. That’s disgusting. You think I’d go for Professor Trelawney’s sister?” The biggest lie.
George rolled his eyes. “Alright. I find her cute, though. I’ll go for her since you won’t.” Fred’s eyes widened at his words. He pulled George down as he attempted to stand. A growing simper crept on George’s lips. “I knew it. You fancy Trelawney’s sister.” George cheered as if he made the biggest discovery. “You think I don’t notice you peeping over to the front of the class. You used to hate Divination and then magically, you’re so eager on attending this class.”
Not able to protest, Fred sat there just staring at his twin who caught him red handed. All he said was true. He always found Y/n so unique and peculiar. Oddly, he was drawn by that. He doesn’t know why. Not a single clue on why but he wasn’t complaining. The afternoon seemed to pass by quickly. No homework was given and the twins thanked heavens for that.
The skies were painted orange and yellow, giving off a warm atmosphere. Small hints of the last bits of sunlight seeped through the hallways. Students of all years exit their lecture rooms and made their way to the great hall for dinner. “Okay, here me out. How come Y/N is such an alluring girl while Professor is just…” George paused to find the right word until his face contorted into a disgusted expression. Fred laughed. He opened his mouth to answer but was stopped from doing so when he felt a strong force make contact with him.
“Oh gosh. I am so sorry. Here let me help you up.” Fred instantly began apologizing as he saw a girl sprawled on the floor. His words slowly faded as the girl he bumped into was Y/n. She let out a small smile of reassurance. “It’s alright. I can do it myself.” She stood back on her feet with the crown of her head only reaching his shoulder level. “I sincerely apologize. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” A smile erupted from her lips. Fred’s chest fluttered unexpectedly. “It’s all good. I wasn’t looking either.”
Fred’s eyes never left on her. Adorable, as Fred thought. “Oh no. You’re bleeding.” Fred’s head converted to where George was pointed. She was. A a few drops of blood exit her newly scraped elbow. “Bloody hell! I’ll take you to Madam Pomfrey.” Fred offered, his voice was evident of worry and sorry.
“Yeah. Take her Fred, we wouldn’t want her bleeding out.” George’s face was filled with tease and a smirk on his lips. Fred gave him a fiery glare when Y/n was busy inspecting her wound. George responded with a wink as he tries to suppress his laughter. “Oh no. There’s no need, really. I can go there myself. I’ll be fine.” This is the only chance he’ll get to know her, he thought to himself. Despite being in the same classes, they barely get to see each other.
“I best be on my way now. I wouldn’t want blood on the floors.” She laughed before bidding her goodbye and gave another apology to Fred. The twins watch her walk off with her hanky on her injured elbow. “Are you really just gonna let her walk away like that?” George teased as he whispered to his twin who was just standing there.
“Sod off, George.” He slight pushed George away from him before jogging back up to Y/n. The laughs of George flew in his ears. “Hey, I insist. This is the only good thing I can think of after knocking you over.” Fred said as soon as he caught up with Y/n. Looking up to meet the gaze of the redhead, Y/n beamed. “Well, if you insist.”
With small steps, they head down to Madam Pomfrey’s office. Silence was engulfing them but was comfortable instead of awkward. Students are roaming the hallways as usual. Fred smiled as the 1st years running around before looking back at Y/n. She was silently hissing to herself in pain. “Does it hurt?” Fred asked in pure concern as he tried to hold Y/N’s arm. “Yes, a bit but it’s bearable.” After a few mental debates, he made the decision to hold you by the shoulder. They both made quick turns and a few steps up the stairs.
Fred never left Y/n’s side even in Madam Pomfrey’s office. He watched her get bandaged and given a potion to ease the pain. After a few lectures from Madam Pomfrey about being extra careful, the two finally got out. “So, where you heading?” Fred finally managed to start a conversation. “Well, I was gonna go to the library before we bumped into each other since I wasn’t really that hungry but now I kinda am.” She answered. Her voice was soft as silk.
Fred was in complete awe. How come he never got to talk to you before? “Oh! Me too actually. Wanna join me and my friends for dinner?” Fred invited with his usual cheery voice. Y/n looked down. “I’m not really good with new people.” This caused Fred to chuckle. “Don’t worry. They’re very welcoming and nice.” With Fred’s reassurance, Y/n smiled and accepted his offer.
They began to walk towards the great hall in silence but it was broken when Y/n spoke. “Thanks for taking me to Madam Pomfrey’s though I haven’t got the chance to formally introduce myself.” Her voice was so soft, making Fred feel safe with her. She seems so innocent especially with her glimmering eyes. “I’m Y/n Trelawney. I’m sure we are in the same year.”
A growing smile showed on Fred face. “Yes, we are. I’m Fred Weasley! Nice to meet you, Y/n.” Fred stretched out his hand for a shake which Y/N took with great gratitude. As moment when the skin of their palms met, Y/n felt all air in her body get kicked out by a great force.
Y/n saw it all. The look of horror in the people’s faces. Hogwarts was in rubble as everyone fought for their lives. She heard the loud explosion right outside the Room of Requirement. In a split second, she was kicked back in reality. She was in Fred’s arms with a worried look on his face. Y/n’s chest was thumping like mad. Her breath was ragged as she gasped for air.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” Fred asked, helping her back to her feet. Y/n’s head was still throbbing and hazy from the vision she just witnessed. She gulped the lump forming on her throat before answering Fred with a nod. “Sorry. I’m just feeling overly knackered and my hunger ain’t helping out.” That was the only excuse she could think off and it wasn’t good but Fred seems to buy it.
“Well, we better get to the great hall quick.” Fred smiled at her hearteningly. “We wouldn’t want you fainting here in the hallways, do we?” Y/n’s feelings began to ease up as Fred smiled at her. The tall redhead kept his arm on her waist just in case Y/n falls again. On the other hand, Y/n felt sick. It has happened again. She has foreseen someone’s death. This wasn’t the first time. It was a gift of hers but she sees it more as a curse than a gift. Just by a simple touch of a hand, she gets to witness the dark fate of the person.
Y/n got to meet up with Fred’s friends. Most of them, she already knows. Fred was indeed right. They are all very welcoming. They made her laugh with their jokes and for the first time, she felt accepted. Fred sat beside her as they ate and talked together. Fred cannot control himself but to sneak small glances at her. Her smile is just too alluring to ignore and her laugh made Fred feel in awe. He knew from that moment forward, he wants to get to know you better.
It didn’t take long for Y/n and Fred to spend most of their time together. First, it all started by just having lunch and sitting in class together but it soon evolved into Hogsmeade trips and study sessions. Not gonna lie, Fred enjoyed every moment of it and so did Y/n. With all pieces fixed, she knows that she is now drawn to him and so was Fred but none of the two told had the courage to speak of it. The affection between the two is absolutely blatant; holding hands, Fred kissing Y/n’s temples, nicknames, and very affectionate hugs.
Despite the happy moments, Y/n still has the nights where hides in her dorm, weeping to herself. The vision she saw months ago never left her. She dreads for its coming. She even asked for advice from her sister, Professor Sybill Trelawney. She never wanted anything but to change Fred’s fate but Sybill just shook her head in grief. “There’s nothing you can do, my dear. All the visions you see are fixed. Prophecies, sweetie. They are ought to happen.”
Y/N sat by her dormitory’s fireplace. A stray tear fell down as it cascades down her cheek. Fred managed to sneak into her room. She gets all the room for herself as no one wants to be her roommate. Fred frowned at the fact but also thankful since it allows him to pay her visits anytime he’d like. Fred sat on the cushions of Y/n’s bed, watching her back as she sat on a chair. The room was silent. Nothing but the crackling of fire on wood can be heard.
“Love?” Fred called out but Y/N didn’t move an inch. A sigh escaped his lips before he finally stands up. He made his way towards the unmoving Y/n. As soon as he stood in front of the lass, Y/n immediately swatted the fallen tears. Fred’s arms scooped her from the seat before occupying it himself, letting her sit on his lap. He held Y/n in his arms with such tenderness, care, and love. Y/n buried her head in the crook of his neck as her sniffles and sobs enter Fred’s ears.
“I wanna help you out, love but I need to know what’s wrong first.” He whispered, placing gentle pets behind her head. “Mind telling me what’s wrong.” Fred pulled away for to have access on seeing Y/n face. It was pale and wet from tears. Fred led his thumbs wipe the tears away. Oh, how he hates this sight. Loves to see her in anything but sad. He loves to make her laugh by his stale and bland jokes. Y/n’s laugh is crack to him. He has to have his daily doze of it.
Y/n looked at the lad directly into his eyes. “Don’t go.” That was all she can say. Her voice was staggering as a series of sobs keep on interrupting. Fred’s eyebrows met in confusion. “What do you mean? I’m here and I’m not leaving this room until you feel better.” He cooed but Y/n just shook her head. “No. That’s not it. I mean, don’t leave me.” Y/n cried out. After a few moments, Fred knew what she meant. “It’s so frustrating to keep all of these emotions in when the person you love is right by your side but he is clueless, blind, and unaware of these kept feelings.” Y/n continued and Fred’s heart stopped.
“Oh darling.” Fred said breathily. He tucked the strands of hair that was covering her face behind her ear before lifting her head up. He held Y/n’s chin and his fingers felt comfortingly warm. “I think you are the one who’s clueless, blind, and unaware.” He slightly chuckled. Y/n felt her breath stop as a million butterflies erupt in her stomach. “What?” She exclaimed in between sobs.
Fred smiled widely. “Haven’t you seen how in love I am with you? Oh dear lord, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you, Y/n. Ever since before I bumped into you outside the great hall months ago, I was already drawn to you. Trust me I was and I still am.” He held her closer but Y/n remained in her frozen stature, completely unable to process the situation engulfing her.
Fred felt her eyes getting slightly watery as his vision slowly start to become hazy. “Now that I heard you tell me that you love me as much as I love you, I won’t let this moment slip from my fingertips.” He stuck his forehead with Y/n’s, looking at her with nothing but just love. Tilting his head a bit, leaning a bit closer to her lips while he looks for a sign of refusal. He does not want to force her in anything against her will. Once he saw nothing, he wasted no time and attached his lips with Y/n’s. Fred enjoyed of finally being able to feel her lips on his.
Slowly, he felt Y/n’s hand climb up to his neck, pulling him closer. Their lips moved together in a passionate dance. Fred held her closer as if his life depended on it. Y/n was the first to pull way when she felt she needed air. Fred looked at her lovingly. “You mean more to me every single day.” He whispered.
Y/n giggled, her hand still playing with his hair. “I’ll love you forever, Fred.” She said, making Fred’s heart bounce. “Will you really?” Y/n nodded without hesitation. Again, the flashes of her vision made its appearance again in her head. Her smile fell but immediately regained it, not allowing Fred to see. “Yes, I surely will. That’s the problem.”
Fred and Y/n’s bond started to become tighter as ever. They are inseparable. He has invited Y/n multiple times to the burrow and it was immaculately delightful. All off the Weasley’s loved her to their core and Molly saw her as a daughter.
“I would love to have you again for the summer next year, dear.” Molly cooed with her hands fixing Y/n’s hair. Just by her simple words, it made her heart swell. She had never felt so loved and she’s beyond thankful on meeting the rest of the the Weasley’s. “It was a pleasure being able to stay with you this year. I would gladly come again. Thank you.” Y/n smiled widely pulling the mother of her lover into a tight hug.
Molly gave her the widest smile, making her eyes crinkle. “Alrighty then. Off you kids go. The train will leave in a few minutes. Might want to get those seats now before all of them gets taken.” After a few waves and goodbyes to Arthur and Molly, the twins along with Y/n, Harry, Hermione, and Ron scurried inside the Hogwarts express.
The group then made themselves comfortable in a train compartment. Pigwidgeon was surprisingly quiet. He’s usually on haywire during train rides. Y/n sat beside the window, resting her elbow on the small ledge and her chin on her knuckles as she stares at the trees passing by outside the glass. Two hours have passed and everyone in their very own dreamland, leaving Y/n the only one awake.
Fred lays his head on his lover’s shoulder with his arm wrapped around her waist. With slow movements, Y/n raised his hand to his face. She carefully pushed the strands of bright red hair off his face. It was such an angelic scene. Y/n smiled to herself but it soon faltered. 8 months. Her minds keeps reminding her no matter how much she tries to forget it. How can the world be so cruel? How can it take the most precious being in this world?
Most of the nights following that train ride, she kept seeing visions of the Dark Lord invading Hogwarts along with his followers in her dreams. She kept asking her sister if all of these visions are reliable. To her remorse, even dear frail Sybill is also seeing the same visions. Every fiber of Y/n eagerly prays that something will come to her to help her stop these prophecies from happening but nothing comes up.
The sudden feel of Fred’s hand on Y/n’s shoulder gave her a fright. It broke her thoughts and look at her lover who currently having a distraught look on his face. The couple is in the library working on their potions paper but Y/n can’t help but to slip into a trance. “You have been looking into oblivion. Is everything alright?”
Y/n cleared her throat. Fred was still looking at her, waiting for an answer. Y/n sat back up straight before turning her head to Fred. “Yes, I’m fine.” She answered dismissively. Fred wasn’t buying it. He sighed and asked again. “I know you’re not. What’s been running in your noggin, love? Did I do something wrong that might have upset you?” Seeing his face filled with pure concern caused Y/n’s chest to wilt in guilt. Does he need to know? Y/n shook the thought off. No, he doesn’t need to know.
Y/n shook her head side to side. “No. Of course not. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m completely alright. I’m just feeling quite confused on what to do with this paper.” She assured with a forced out smile. The corner of Fred’s lips tugged into a one-sided smile. He nodded. “Okay, I believe you.” But deep down in Fred’s core, he knew that she was lying.
The nightmares that Y/n keeps on getting still comes for her every night. The same scenario; Potter facing the Dark Lord, Death Eaters, Dementors, Hogwarts in downfall, and the most dreaded Fred’s death. Y/n saw the explosion in the room of requirement making her jolt out of bed, gasping and sweating. Fred, who was sleeping beside her instantly sat up once he saw her up. With gentle hands, Fred placed them on both of Y/n shoulders. He  silently thanked the odds that he decided to sneak into Y/n’s dormitory tonight or else he wasn’t able to witness this. Y/n balled her eyes out in Fred’s arms as he coos her in comfort.
“Y/n. Please tell me what’s wrong.” Fred pleaded with his eyes glistening as he holds his lover’s face in his palms. “I know you think that I don’t know what’s going on with you. You have been less active, you barely eat and talk. Love, please I am begging you. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you out. We promised to be there for each other no matter what. I can’t stand seeing you like this.” He begged with his words shaking. He hates to see the girl he loves so dearly getting all distraught and bothered on things he does knows nothing about.
Y/n continued to sob in Fred’s hands before finally deciding to talk. “I need to tell you something.” She started and Fred is in all ears. “For the year that we have been together, I haven’t told anyone but my sister about this. Please don’t be mad at me.” Fred shook his head, no. “I could never do that. You know I can’t.” He swatted all the tears on her cheeks, looking lovingly into her eyes.
Y/n gulped the lump in her throat. “I have this gift in me ever since I was a child. It allows me to see a person’s fate.” Lost and confused. That is Fred’s current state. “Like my sister, we are both seers but as for me, I can only see visions if the person I touch has a dark fate that awaits them. I saw Harry’s, Cedric’s, Professor Lupin’s, I want to change their fate but there’s nothing I can really do.”
Fred’s mind was boggled. He was confused and flabbergasted but is still able to fix the pieces together. “And you saw mine when you touched me, am I right?” He whispered out. Y/n’s tears fell again. She nodded. “I hate it. I hate to see it everytime I sleep. I dread it. I totally do.” Y/n began to babble while her sobs grow louder. Without a second thought, Fred engulfed Y/n crying figure. In all honesty in the world, Fred felt fear after knowing his fate wasn’t so bright as he’d hoped. What about George? His mom? All his family? What would they do?
The thumping of his heart was so strong, he can hear the beatings with his ears. He places a hand on the back of Y/n’s head. He was shushing her while giving her gentle and loving pets on her silky hair. “I don’t wanna lose you, Fred.” He hears her moan in between her cries. Her shoulder’s shook so violently as she continues to cry in his chest. A random tear fell on Fred’s now cold cheek. He maintained composure. He tries his best to keep a stable voice. “Me too, love.” But he failed once a quiver erupted in the middle of his words.
He held Y/n’s shaking shoulder’s then gently pushed her away. Y/N sees his eyes, they were reflecting light and his cheeks are wet. Fred smiled at her warmly. “I know that this wasn’t the future that we wanted but like you said, we can’t do anything but to face it.” Like a broken tap, Y/n tears flowed nonstop.
“You have no idea how much I told George about marrying you once we get out of this hell of a school. I told George, mum, dad, oh Merlin, everyone! I told everyone how happy you made me. How much I desire to start my future with you. Bloody hell, love, my heart chooses you and it will indeed choose you over anything. I will choose you over and over and over again and I will never stop doing so.”
Fred felt the need to spill everything that he needs Y/n to know. He knows that his time is already ticking. He needs to tell her everything he felt. It was now or never, he thought. Fred was crying now but his face still kept the smile. The smile that Y/n absolutely adores. “Even if my fate opposes to all of my desires, I want you to know that this..” Fred paused and took a hold of Y/n’s hand before placing it over his chest. “..will always belong to you. Always. Even in the day when I vanish from existence. That’s how much I love you, Y/n. It feels like my blood runs on amortentia where it bewitched me all body, mind, and soul.”  
Fred cannot help himself but to weep as he holds Y/n face in his palm. He does not know what to think on this moment. He doesn’t fear death. He really does not but what he fears the most is what will happen to Y/n when he cease to exist. He felt Y/n pull him into a kiss. This kiss was quite different. It was more passionate that the others you had before. There was eagerness, strength. Y/n savored the moment. Fred held her tightly, moving his lips along with hers. He tilted his head to the side, giving himself more chances on tasting the lips he solemnly adored. No one dared to let go as nothing was present in their heads but worry of this might be the last kiss they’ll share.
Everything was completely different. Everything in Y/n vision was spot on. The skies are covered in a blanket of thick clouds, not allowing a single ray of sunlight seep through. Chills went through your spine as the cold air touches your skin. Y/N looks up to the heavens, the protection charm that everyone cast around Hogwarts has now turned into torn sheets falling to the ground. Scream can be heard everywhere. Glints of light igniting from wands bounce off the walls as everyone tries to defend or to kill. Sights of people killed was pure horror.
“C’mon this way!” Y/N held Fred’s hand as they ran through the hallways of the school trying to find a safe area to breath. The lovers felt so exhausted but their life was depending on each step of their sprint. “Stupefy!” They heard a distant yell. Fred suddenly thrown off, making him collide with the concrete wall with a loud thud. Y/N turned his head and saw a person dressed in a black cloak with a mask covering his face, a Death Eater. Y/N quickly pointed her wand to the man in black. “Confringo!” Bits and pieces of stone and rubble blasted in front of the enemy, hitting him directly.
Y/N ran to Fred who was now half conscious. His head had been gashed and blood began to flow out the cuts. Preoccupied on trying to get Fred up to his feet, Y/N shirt was tugged from the behind. She saw the same Death Eater. His mask was now off his face, revealing an evil smug on his face. “You think a little girl like you, can kill me?” He hissed. His hand then wrapped around Y/N neck as she lies down on the ground with a Death Eater hovering above her.
She can feel her oxygen supply go thinner and thinner as the fingers on her neck go tighter. With the strength that Y/N has left, she tries to pry the hand off of her. She sees her vision slowly blur and tiny specks of black dots begin to invade her sight.
“Sectumsempra!” You heard Fred cast the spell on the Death Eater as he tries his best to balance himself as he stands. The man on top of Y/n fell limp. Deep cuts around his body emerged. His black coat became darker as blood began to seep through the fabric. Fred limped towards his girlfriend and pushed the heavily injured man off of her. Y/n’s face turned crimson red as she coughed nonstop, attempting her best to regain the oxygen she just lost.
Fred held her close, not minding the blood of the Death Eater on her clothes. The whimpers of the cloaked man grew louder as a pool of his blood now surrounds him. Fred eyes filled with fury at him. He just witness the love of his life almost lose her life because of the filthy bugger.
“Let’s go.” Y/n pleaded in between her coughs. Fred’s eyes softened at the sight of Y/n pretty crystal-like orbs. Fred looked back down at the man. Fred pointed his wand again at the bleeding man. “Vulnera Sanentur” The blood that pooled around him began to move back in his veins before the cuts around his now frail body faded.
Y/n watched their attacker lay there weakly but no sympathy shall be offered. “Petrificus Totalus” The couple then resumed on on what they did before the attack. They ran again, on a mission to find a safe place for them to breathe in. Fortunately for them, an old empty charms classroom. Without a second thought, they both barged in. As soon as the doors shut behind them, the lovers fell down the floor. Y/n’s adrenaline thinned, making her feel the growing soreness of her legs.
Fred beside her was gasping for air. His head was still bleeding. The trail of blood reached down to his temple. This made Y/n grow concerned. No words spoken, Y/n tore a piece of her shirt. Fred looked up to her eyes as she wipes the dried blood off of his head. Her eyebrows slightly meet as he watches her keep on focus on cleaning up his head wound, trying not to cause pain on the lad. Fred finds it utterly fascinating on how Y/n is able to make all the simplest moves look adorable. He knows that he’s deeply in love with the lass.
Minutes from now, it will be Fred’s time and he knows it. He isn’t quite certain about the exact time but he is indeed aware that his time is already limited. He took Y/n’s hand in his, stopping her on wiping his wound. Fred’s eyes glistened with tears. “I love you.” Fred whispered. Y/n smiled at him as her heart warmed. She returned the words to her lover before engulfing him in tight embrace.
Fred’s next action caught Y/n out of the blue. He gripped his wand tight in his hand and pointed the tip on Y/n’s back as they hugged. “Locomotor Mortis.” Her legs are now bound together with an invisible force, keeping both legs together. Y/n looked up in complete shock. Fred stood tall in front of her. “I’m so sorry. I just want you safe.” He said, his voice was quaking. “No!” Y/n protested. In the verge of chanting a counter-curse, Fred instantly disarmed her. Her wand went flying across the room. “I need you to stay here.” Fred muttered before opening the wooden door again.
Y/n looked at him with complete disbelief. She watched the tall redhead cry as he closed the door without another look at the leg-bound Y/n. “Frederic Gideon Weasley! Don’t you dare leave me here!” Y/n’s cries from inside the room went though the walls of the classroom. A sob escaped out of his lips before casting a quick “Colloportus” on the locks. Wiping his tears from his cheek, he looked back on the hallway then made his way to look for his twin. He needed to lock her there. In any unknown moment, he might be in the face of his dark fate. The last thing Fred want’s is for Y/n to witness it. He needed to do it for her safety and to save her on such traumatic experience.
Y/n cried in the room. Her sobs echoed on the messy and empty classroom. “Come back.” She muttered beneath her continuous sobs. She feels her chest tighten as she suffocates in the very classroom. Her breath was ragged, uneven. Her hand clutched her chest as it painfully tightens. She’s hyperventilating. More tears flowed down her face as she fell on her back on the dusty floors. Again, all of the air was knocked off her body as a bright flash of light invaded her sight.
She sees Fred running in the hallways, fighting some Death Eaters chasing him. She sees the flashes of green light being thrown only to be dodged by Fred. He was looking exhausted and even more disheveled. The wound on his head bled again as he ran and ran for his life.
Y/n was instantly kicked back into reality as the vision halted. She needed to get of here. Her chest was aching but that won’t stop her. “C’mon, Y/n. You can do it. Get up.” She silently commands herself. Having a random table nearby, helped her get back up to her feet. She held on the wooden surface for support then began to twist her head to look where her wand had flown after being disarmed by Fred.
“Fuck you, Fred.” She whispered to herself in annoyance then she saw it. The wooden wand blended well with the brown walls. Hopping over to it, she finally took possession of the wand once again. Her legs were then unbound after a simple counter-curse. She wasted no time and immediately unlocked the door. Trying to recall her recent vision, Fred seemed to be on the 5th floors. She went there but no one was there except for a pale motionless body of a Death Eater.
“Where is he, dammit.” Y/n continued her search for the redhead. The room of requirement came into her head. No second thoughts, she ran again but this time a lot more faster. Her heart was racing but she paid no mind to it. The journey up the stairs felt like eternity. Reaching the 7th floor, the room of requirement it nearby. She overhears the echoes of spells and curses being thrown. The flashes of light can now be seen. He hears Fred’s voice yell out a spell and to Y/n relief he’s still alive.
Not stopping, Y/n raced towards towards the direction of his voice. “Fred!” She called out with a glint of joy in her voice. However, it felt like the world was completely against her. She had found a tiny speck of hope after hearing the bloke’s voice erupt nearby but it all shattered when an explosion emerged. It was exactly like her vision. “No!” She yelled. Small bits and pieces of concrete came in flying towards her. She ran to the area of explosion only to see horror. The man he dearly loves lay flat on the floor, pale and not moving an inch.
Rage rushed though Y/n’s veins as he hears the evil snickers of Augustus Rookwood. His yellow teeth shows from his disgusting smile. He is surely proud of what he did. Y/n ran towards him which caught the Death Eater aback. She dodged each spell thrown at her with complete ease. She watched Rookwook turn his heel and broke into a dash. “You gonna kill me?” She hears the man mock as he ran with Y/n behind his tail.
“Stupefy!” Y/n shouted to the top of her lungs and witnesses Rookwood trip and fall. He had hit his head with a stone, cutting the skin open. He raised his wand to Y/n but she was quicker. “Expelliarmus.” The Death Eater’s wand flew several feet away. Rookwood eyed her with the most sinister eyes as Y/n walks to where his wand is. Bending down, she took the wand in her hands, snapping it in two.
She threw the split piece of wood to Rookwood’s face before pointing her wand to his face. He lays there completely vulnerable with his wand now useless. “Why?” Y/n muttered. Rookwood laughed at the question as if he heard of something utterly funny. “Answer me. Why?”
“Because all must hail the Dark Lord.” Rookwood answers with the same revolting complacent look on his face. Y/n felt a nerve snap in her system. Fury. That was all in her head right now. “Crucio.” She watched as the man who killed his lover crumple up into a ball. “Crucio.” His whimpers getting louder. “Crucio!” Rookwood was now yelling bloody murder. “Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!” Everything but revenge is all in her head right now.
“Y/n! Stop!” She heard someone calling out to her. She felt the arms of George wrap around her, stopping her from making another move. Y/n finally broke down to tears as George held her. Sobs are also coming out of his mouth as he tries to hold Y/n back from the now weakened Death Eater. “No! Let me go!” For a girl who was so small compared to George, she has an adequate amount of strength in her.
She managed to escape out of George’s grip and ran back to Rookwood who was trying his best to crawl away. “Avada Kedavra!” Rookwood now lifeless in his spot, Y/n’s legs turned into jello. It felt like all bones that were supporting her just vanished. Her vision went completely black and that was all she can recall.
It was a bright and sunny day at the Burrow but everyone felt gloomy. It was the day of Fred’s burial. Y/n stood right in front of the tombstone before deciding to go on a walk towards the lake located just behind the Burrow. She stood on the wooden dock as the wind offers her comforting touches. Memories came flooding down. She remembers how Fred, her, and his family jump from from this dock to the lake and how he taught her how to swim.
“Y/n?” She immediately swatted the tear of her cheek once she heard George’s voice coming from behind. “There’s some food in house. You should eat.” He whispered. His eyes are still swollen and his voice still quite staggering. Y/n smiled at the bloke. “Yes, thank you. I’ll be right over.” George gave her a soft beam. “Also, mum wants you to have this. We figured Fred would wanted it with you.”
George extended out hid hand, giving you the familiar looking pine cone handle. Slowly, Y/n took it from his hand. Fred’s wand. Tears flood her eyes as she took in the sight of the wand. “Thank you, George. This means a lot.” They smiled at each other. They held each other in a warm embrace. Y/n held him tightly as a sign of pure gratitude. “You know? Out of all the girls Fred liked, I’m glad you are the one he asked out.” They both chuckled before letting each other go.
George went back to the house while Y/n still remained on the dock. She held the pine cone looking wand in her hand as she smiles at the touch of it. A stroke of wind came to her and it sent chills down her spine. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion as she felt some sort of presence. It was a feeling she can’t completely comprehend. It was a mixture of both presence and absence, warmth and chill. It took her a while for her to puzzle the pieces. “Fred?” She called. She held the wand tighter then she hears a voice.
“Hello, love. Awe, don’t cry. I’m here. I wish I could hold you like I used to but bummer I can’t. Don’t be sad, though. I want you know that I truly love you. Now that my wand’s with you, you have a piece of me wherever you go. Though, I know that I am in your heart since I am that irresistible.”
A small chuckle leaves Y/n lips. “I’m quite happy that you are able to hear me. I guess that’s one of your gifts, love. You never fail to impress me. Such a special, special lady. Even if I am not with you physically that does not mean I’m not truly here. Cheer up, smile, I will be with you every step of the way.”
Y/n wished she can here more of his voice. Tears run down her face but they are completely different from the ones she shed before. She’s smiling while holding the wand close to her chest. Fred was here. Fred is here. Fred will always be here.
“Always, Fred Weasley.”
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itsivyberry · 3 years
after the war
Draco Malfoy x f!Hufflepuff!Reader
A blurb, continuing the Tri Wizard Champion series.
request: I'd really like to see another fanfic with Draco showing what happened to them after the triwizard tournament! That would be a great idea! [via @booksmione ]
a/n: HI! Here’s a request! I loved writing this, I usually am not a fan of after-war fics and prefer fics where the characters are still attending Hogwarts, but this makes my heart SOAR I love it. I hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting this and keeping my favorite (and only) series alive <3
word count: 1160
warnings: mentions of blood loss, crucio, scars, death, war, etc. also fluff LMAOOO
summary: Y/N and Draco managed to find their way back to each other after three years of healing from the well-known Tri Wizard Tournament.
taglist: @drawlfoy @fanficflaneuse @babyhoneystvles @ccelinewritess @nekee-lilac02 @dracofeltonmalfoy
read the series if you haven’t already!⬇️
{ 1 } { 2 } { 3 } { 3.5 } { 4 } { 5 } { 6 }
gif credit: @popartism
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The war was a massive devastation for the Wizarding world.
Y/N was still grieving the loss of her best friend three years prior. Her school, her home had turned into a place she didn’t even recognize. A prison.
Just as quickly as Hogwarts had changed, she had watched family and friends die within its walls, protecting the students within.
Every single night in her dorm before the Battle of Hogwarts, Y/N would listen to the radio in search of any names listed off that she knew.
Although she claimed she was listening for loved ones, she was really listening for one particular name. Malfoy.
Y/N knew that there was no possible way the Malfoys would be put on the casualties list that grows every day, but she still listened with quiet breathing and a rapid heartbeat to hear the name of the boy she still loved.
From what she could remember, the battle was a blur. A blip in time. Faces that she knew, lifeless on the ground around her. Faces she has grown up with for almost the past decade.
Y/N couldn’t count how many people she loved and held dearly that she had seen dead. Fred Weasley, leaving his other half George. Nymphadora Tonks, a beloved Hufflepuff alumni, and Remus Lupin, Harry Potter’s last standing familial figure and spouse to Tonks. Lavender Brown, the Gryffindor that Y/N had grown quite close to while Hogwarts was under the direction of multiple death eaters. Colin Creevey, the young muggle-born Gryffindor who stood incredibly brave, and another close friend of Y/N’s.
While attempting to save another young student, Y/N was hit with the Cruciatus Curse, and was severely attacked by multiple Death-Eaters. She could barely feel the pain, when her eyes focused on a head full of white hair that was speeding to wear she lay in a puddle of her own blood in the Forbidden Forest.
“How did you get out here? Why are you out here, Y/N?” Draco’s voice was deeper, aged, yet frantic and shaking. “Oh Merlin, you’re bleeding so much. We need to get you to the Great Hall.”
“Draco?” Y/N’s quiet voice asked. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was trembling, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. She touched his face, leaving a bloody handprint behind. She tried to convince herself that he really was here, that he really was trying to get her help, and he wasn’t just a hallucination from the blood loss.
“Close your eyes.” Draco instructed.
A moment passed, and Y/N felt her stomach drop as if she were on a fast roller coaster.
“I need help! Help!” She soon heard Draco screaming, his voice cracking with every syllable. Bustling voices around her had forced her to open her eyes, and she soon realized he had apparated both of them into the Great Hall. Molly Weasley, a dear friend of Y/N’s mother, rushed over as two students behind her carried a cot.
They transferred her onto the cot, working as quickly as they could to heal the wounds without any more blood loss. Y/N was walking the thin line of unconsciousness, but refused to let herself pass out while Draco was still near her.
She knew he worried too much. The creases permanently etched into his forehead told her enough.
With the remaining strength Y/N had, she reached towards him to grab his hand. His eyes snapped down to her the second she made contact with his hand, and he clasped it in both and immediately started planting tear-filled kisses along every inch of her exposed skin.
“You’re gonna be alright. Everything is going to be fine. Please, stay awake. Stay awake for me, Y/N/N. Please.”
“Wow, so Dad was a softie!” Y/N’s and Draco’s eldest daughter, Lyra, exclaimed.
“Yes, he really was.” Y/N smiled warmly, laying her hand atop Draco’s as they sat on the couch.
“So, that’s how you got that scar? It’s cool!” Scorpius piped in, pointing to Y/N’s stomach, where a prominent white scar lead up to her shoulder, meeting the three scars on her back from her fourth year.
“Mom, you have had some crazy accidents. How did Dad never have heart attacks?” Cassi asked, leaning forward in complete and utter amusement.
“Oh, I can promise you, Dad did have heart attacks. I enjoy keeping him on his toes.” Y/N winked, leaning back into Draco, who had an arm over her shoulder.
“Can you tell us about the tournament again, Mom? Please?” Scorpius begged, pouting.
“I think it’s about time for you three to go to bed, hm? Mom’s had enough revisiting her very, very dangerous experiences throughout her years at school. Let’s get you all to bed, shall we? Big day tomorrow.” Draco piped in, pushing himself off the couch and helping his children stand from the carpet.
“I’m nervous for tomorrow! First day of fourth year. I wonder if mine will be as adventurous as Moms.” Lyra said, walking slowly to her room.
“And first day of third for me. I hope I get to meet a Hippogriff like you did your third year, Dad.” Scorpius followed his sister through the hallway to their bedrooms.
“And first day of Hogwarts for our darling little Cassiopeia, isn’t that right?” Y/N appeared behind them, scooping her youngest up and planting kisses everywhere on her face. Cassi squealed, giggling loudly as Y/N continued walking to their separate rooms.
“Goodnight, my darling lovebugs.” Y/N said, blowing kisses through each of the open doorways to her children.
“Goodnight, my favorite troublemakers. Get some sleep, or I’ll have the boggarts come scare you!” Draco laughed mischievously, just before getting whacked lightly upside the head by his wife. She quietly scolded him, and he put his hands up in mock surrender.
“Goodnight! Love you the mostest.” Cassi peeped up, flicking her tiny wrist to turn off her lamp.
“Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. Thank you for telling us the story again.” Scorpius yawned, turning on his side and doing just as his sister had done to turn off his lamp.
“Thank you, for reminding us again how cool our parents are. Love you guys.” Lyra said, snapping lightly to turn out her lamp. She always was a bit more advanced than her brother and sister.
Y/N quietly closed all three doors, before heading to her and Draco’s room to finally get some sleep. It wasn’t long before they were both dozing off, Y/N in Draco’s arms.
“Goodnight, my love.” Draco whispered, planting a kiss into Y/N’s hair.
“Goodnight, Dray. I love you.” She whispered back, her eyes closing and letting sleep finally take over.
Even though she struggled to get the happy ending she wanted after fourth year, she could now proudly say she was a part of a loving family with the boy she had loved since she was 14. She was has happy, healthy, and healed as she could be.
And that was her perfect happy ending.
final a/n: as you can guess, Cassi is named after the constellation Cassiopeia and Lyra is also named after a constellation! I didn’t want Scorp to be an only child, so I gave him an older and a younger sister. I hope you all enjoyed, I really love this and now I’m mad at the lack of storyline after the war for Draco >:( anyways I just like smacked this out in 20 minutes because I’ve been in a Draco loving mood recently?????? Ok lol but I hope y’all enjoyed!!
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