#free black magic spells
onlinefreespell · 2 months
Transform Your Life with Free Black Magic Spells
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History of Black Magic Spells
The origins of black magic spells can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. These spells were often used for protection, healing, and love. However, as time passed, black magic spells became associated with witchcraft and were seen as a way to harm others. In the Middle Ages, those who practiced black magic were often persecuted and labeled as witches.
Types of Black Magic Spells
There are various types of black magic spells, each with its own purpose and method.
Love Spells
Love spells are used to attract a specific person or to strengthen an existing relationship. These spells can be used to bring back a lost love, make someone fall in love with you, or increase the passion and commitment in a relationship.
Money Spells
Money spells are designed to bring wealth and financial success. These spells can be used to attract money, increase business success, or win in gambling or the lottery.
Protection Spells
Protection spells are used to ward off negative energy and protect against harm. These spells can be used to protect yourself, your home, or your loved ones from curses, hexes, and other forms of black magic.
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Healing spells are used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These spells can be used to heal illnesses, mend broken relationships, and bring inner peace and happiness.
How to Cast Black Magic Spells
Casting black magic spells requires a deep understanding of the supernatural and a strong connection to the spiritual world. It is not something that should be taken lightly, as the consequences can be severe. It is recommended to seek guidance from an experienced practitioner or to thoroughly research and understand the spell before attempting to cast it.
The Book of Spells Black Magic
The Book of Spells Black Magic is a popular resource for those interested in practicing black magic. This book contains a collection of spells, rituals, and incantations that can be used for various purposes. It is important to note that not all spells in this book are considered black magic, as it also includes spells for white magic and other forms of magic.
The Ethics of Black Magic Spells
The use of black magic spells is a controversial topic, with many questioning the ethics of manipulating the supernatural for personal gain. It is important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility, and it is up to the individual to use these spells for good intentions and with caution.
In conclusion, black magic spells have a long and complex history and can be used for various purposes. Whether you believe in their power or not, it is important to approach them with respect and caution. Have you ever tried casting a black magic spell? Share your experience in the comments below.
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ebonyseuphoriatarot · 7 months
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iamwinklebottom · 2 months
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SOOOOO many of you have been requesting more protection necklaces. FINALLY, I have some moreeeee. AHHHH. I really love these.
There’s more information about these necklaces in their descriptions on my website; my link is in my bio. If you have questions, please ask.
*twirls* I’m so happy!
These were energetically charged in my sacred spaces and cleansed with crystals, candles, herbs and smokes before shipment. USA ONLY!
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orion-sage · 9 months
Unveiling the Dark Corners of a Curse
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Are you cursed? Discover it HERE for free!
Having a curse could lead you to a lot of different issues:
1. Intestinal Issues and Digestive Distress:
The weight of a believed curse often manifests physically, particularly in the realm of digestive health. Anxiety stemming from the curse belief can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, affecting digestion, leading to symptoms such as nausea, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. This physical toll further perpetuates the conviction of being cursed, creating a cycle of distress and digestive issues.
2. Anxiety: The Unseen Tormentor:
At the core of a cursed belief lies the relentless companion of anxiety. This overwhelming fear of negative events caused by the curse can result in chronic anxiety, disrupting daily life. The mind becomes a battleground of anxious thoughts, eroding mental peace and stability. The constant anxiety not only feeds the belief in the curse but also impairs one's ability to find solace and tranquility.
3. Insomnia: Sleep Eludes the Cursed:
The anxiety and fear associated with a curse can cast a dark shadow over sleep. Insomnia, a common companion of anxiety, creeps in, robbing the mind of rest. Sleepless nights amplify anxiety, deepening the belief in the curse. This vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and anxious thoughts further exacerbates the negative effects of the perceived curse on mental and physical well-being.
4. Headaches: The Curse's Physical Echo:
Headaches, often stress-induced, can become a physical manifestation of the mental anguish caused by a belief in a curse. Persistent worry and fear can result in chronic tension headaches or migraines, further burdening the individual. The pain becomes a tangible reminder of the perceived curse, reinforcing the conviction of being under a malevolent influence.
5. Sexual Issues: A Curse on Intimacy:
Intimacy, a source of joy and connection, can be profoundly affected by the belief in a curse. Anxiety stemming from the curse can lead to sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, or performance anxiety. The fear of the curse infiltrates this intimate aspect of life, eroding confidence and joy, leaving one feeling broken and isolated.
Contact me for a FREE ENERGY CHECK to discover if you have a curse!
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indianspellcaster · 1 year
Love Spell Casters Near Me
Love Spell Casters Near Me | Spell To Make Someone Contact You
Love Spell Casters Near Me - Bring Ex Love Spells Caster Near Me
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renthony · 4 months
From the article:
NASA has released a free, original tabletop role-playing game, and it’s one part educational experience and another part sci-fi/fantasy epic with magic and dragons. The crux of The Lost Universe, the organization’s first TTRPG,involves a mystery: What would happen if the Hubble Space Telescope disappeared? It’s a simple premise and one that hides the complex backstory underscoring the events of the role-playing game. Without getting into the weeds, the game takes place on a planet called Exlaris, which was once thrown into chaos when a black hole moved too close and kicked it out of its orbit. The planet has since gone back to some degree of normalcy and is now almost completely dedicated to academia. In one city, a scholar named Eirik Hazn made a spell to connect with Earth to study the Hubble Space Telescope, which has famously collected data on black holes. However, the spell and telescope are stolen by a dragon, and researchers working on the project have been disappearing, so the players — Earthlings who worked on the telescope at NASA who were brought through a portal to Exlaris — have to save the day. The official 44-page gameplay book is available to download for free on NASA’s website. You can play it in a party with 4-7 players, but you may need to fudge a few things to graft this narrative onto your TTRPG system of choice. The book says it’ll take around 3-4 hours to get through the adventure.
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onlinefreespell · 5 months
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iamwinklebottom · 4 months
Tarot 📿PICK A CARD🌼: “Watchu Need?” Spirituality, Alignment, Warnings, Accountability, & Destiny
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Black Magic Spell Removal in Texas
Get Black magic Spell Removal in Texas for free of cost by powerful mantra caster that always helps to protect people from various symptoms of this power.
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Just imagine how put out Dustin would be. He's spent months and months working on Steve, trying to get him to come and play. It had been a personal, ongoing campaign. He used every trick and manipulation and wasn't above just outright whining about it. All he asks is Steve try it; just once.
Just imagine how put out he is when Eddie gets out of the hospital, and he asks Steve one time, and Steve says yes. But of course Dustin can't complain OUT LOUD, because he got what he wanted, didn't he? Steve's going to play.
Dustin makes this as absolutely painless as possible; Steve doesn't even see his character sheet until it's done. Dustin has him roll for stats. They talk about race and class. They talk about what skills his character should have...but he doesn't go into detail. he wants to make this fun for Steve, so he lets Steve pick whatever the hell he wants and when Steve calls his gnome Trip Hazard, Dustin doesn't even bitch about it.
Dustin corners Eddie ten minutes before their one shot starts, and explicitly tells him to let Steve get away with absolutely any and all bullshit. The goal here is that Steve comes back.
Of course Dustin has no idea that Eddie has been making heart eyes at Steve for literally years and fully intends to do that, anyway.
It's a one off, so Eddie has some fun with it. He's generous with the XP and everyone has two levels before lunch, excitedly choosing new skills and spells. After a mini boss battle they come across a hoard of treasure; some of it magical.
It's a free for all and everyone walks away with a fun new powerful toy for their character; Eddie's even pre made little cards with illustrations, descriptions, and the magical abilities of each item. He does a whole array, more than they need, but everyone gets one thing each.
Steve, hilariously, chooses a seven foot spear.
Eddie holds it together and does not laugh. He lets Steve do whatever he wants, and when Steve has a moment of madness and acts out his tiny gnome suddenly getting his spear stuck in every single doorway, everyone looses their shit.
The final battle though, that evening, rapidly because serious; an acid spewing black dragon. Everyone rolls initiative. The Dragon, with advantage, goes first, and the battle goes back and forth for several turns before, "the great beast raises itself onto it's back legs, mighty wings spread, so massive they fill the cavern," Eddie climbs up on his chair, spreading his arms demonstrably, "the dragon draws in a mighty breath...Will the Wise, your move."
The party uses their turn to attack, moving their little people on the board appropriately. Steve's turn comes and everyone looks at him..."I'll, ah, move, I think."
"Attack Steve!" Dustin encourages him.
Steve moves his little gnome, with hilariously oversized cardboard accessory, to directly in front of the dragon, the air in the room grows heavy, intent, "no attack...I set to receive a charge."
Every turns to look at Eddie, who frowns down at the map.
"It's on here," Steve volunteers the little card that came with his spear. "This counts, right? Double damage because it's magic, then setting to receive a charge is double damage again..."
Everyone looks back to Eddie again who, solemnly, frowns...then nods.
The dragon unleashes it's attack, everyone in the party taking damage. The dragon falls forward, aiming to land on all of it's feet again.
"Does that...work?" Steve asks hesitantly.
Eddie nods. The damage is so great when Dustin works it out, they have to borrow dice from Will to combine with Dustin's so Steve can roll them all together. The combination enough to fill his cupped hands.
Steve kills the dragon. Everyone is up, screaming and cheering.
Steve is the only one to notice when Eddie rolls damage; Trip Hazard is instantly killed by the crushing force of a dragons corpse.
Steve doesn't care, especially not when Eddie gets real close to whisper in his ear, "that was so fucking clever, I'm furious."
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profwemakapo · 1 year
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death spells call +27719567980
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sillysillygoofygoose · 11 months
Older! Boyfriend Toji x Fem Reader pt. 2
CW: weapon play
18+ Headcanons:
Older! Toji, who was definitely a fuck-friend, before he was a boyfriend. At first, it was a once a week occasion, almost like an appointment. Slowly it became twice a week, then four times a week, then almost every night. It became an addiction like no other. He began craving you whenever you weren't with him.
"You free tonight baby? Need to fuck you so bad... haven't seen you in three days, fuck."
Older! Toji who fell first... and swears it was some work of black magic.
"Don't know what you're doing to me, Mama." Toji groans fucking you from behind, watching as a ring of white cream forms at the base of his cock. His hips speed up by the second, realizing that he isn't just feeling lust.
"Tightest, prettiest little pussy I've ever fucked. Sweetest, prettiest girl I've ever met. Put a fucking spell on me."
Older! Toji who is not loud in bed. Sorry to my girls that love the moaners and the whimpering sluts 😔. You'll get groans, grunts, and tons of dirty talk but THAT'S IT.
When you're having make-up sex or when he's angry, he won't make a sound. Just heavy breathing and hard fucking. Kinda scary tbh.
Older! Toji who loves it fucking disgusting. Sloppy, wet, hot, you name it. His favorite thing is to lay down and watch you choke and slobber all over his dick. Chokes you just to have drool spill out of your mouth. Cums all over you, having his seed collect on your shaking body. He's absolutely dead set on making you squirt, training your body as regularly as possible.
Older! Toji who loves experimenting with his knives and handguns in the bedroom. Whether it be pressing his Glock 19 to your forehead while fucking you against the wall, or pressing a blade to your neck while marking you up, he loves the way the danger always makes your breath hitch. Don't worry though, he always takes the bullets out, always uses the dull side of the knife... he'd never be able to forgive himself if something actually happened to you. (When he has basic human empathy 😍🤤)
Older! Toji who first confessed after fucking you raw, going three rounds. He was struck with jealousy after you invited him out to a bar, instead of your apartment like you have been doing routinely for about 5 months. He was having a good time, joking with you, feeling his heart beat a little faster every time your face lit up and your laugh rang out.
Everything was just jolly until some fucking guy walked up to you, introducing himself as Satoru. He began practically begging to buy you a drink, claiming that he's only seen a beauty like yours in a dream about a wild forest goddess he had when he got high for the first time in 9th grade.
Toji rolled his eyes, scoffing at the man who was currently making a fool out of himself. You, on the other hand, found the man's antics amusing, giggling while you allowed him to carry on about his dream, detailing the way the goddess walked towards him, blessing him. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he informed you that the scene was an exact replica of you walking into the bar.
By the time you got back to your apartment, Toji was less than pleased.
"Oh, C'mon Toji! It was funny. I mean, you really didn't get a kick out of him?" You pest as he walks in, taking off his size 13 boots.
"Tsk, no. He was a drunken idiot. Goddess my ass, he wouldn't know how to worship you."
That night, Toji fucked you sweeter than he ever did before. You expected to have your insides rearranged the second you walked through the door. Something was different. The air around you felt and smelled different as your breathless moans occupied the room. More tender, more purposeful, more...intimate. He worshipped you head to toe.
Once he pulled out, he uttered three sentences that changed your relationship forever...
"You're mine, I'm yours. I want you, I need you. I love you."
He reminds you of this moment from time to time, repeating the same three sentences. Not after you fuck, but after you make love.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
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iamwinklebottom · 27 days
Ancestor Messages: Big Breads, High Vibrational Selfishness, & Maintaining Success
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vilentia · 6 months
Physical Touch
George Weasley x reader
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Summary: George Weasley discovers his love language of physical touch in his relationship, leading to a deeper understanding and connection.
Just wrote something short to get the idea out of my system.
In their sixth year at Hogwarts, George Weasley and you had stumbled into a relationship as unexpectedly as one might stumble upon a hidden room in the castle. It was fresh, exhilarating, and filled with the kind of magic that didn't require a wand.
In the bustling corridors and beneath the ancient trees of the Hogwarts grounds, George had a way of speaking without words. His fingers would absentmindedly play with a strand of your hair during study sessions, his hand would find yours under the table in the Great Hall, and during quiet moments in the common room, his thumb would draw invisible patterns on your skin. These small gestures were his language of affection, his way of saying you mattered in a world that was often too loud and chaotic.
One crisp autumn day, as you both lounged by the Black Lake, watching the giant squid's tentacles occasionally break the surface, Fred Weasley, George's inseparable twin, ambled over with a mischievous grin. "Merlin’s beard, George! Do you need a magical adhesive to keep your hands off her for a second?"
George's smile faltered, and a shadow of doubt crossed his face. You laughed it off, assuming it was just Fred being Fred, but something shifted in George after that.
He became hesitant, his touches fewer and more restrained. The corridors seemed colder, the classes longer, and the common room a bit less welcoming. You felt the change but couldn't understand it. Why had George, always so warm and playful, suddenly turned into a distant echo of himself?
One chilly evening, in a quiet corner of the library, surrounded by ancient tomes and the soft glow of candles, you decided to breach the silence. "George, what's wrong? You've been acting so differently."
He looked up from his book, his eyes meeting yours with a vulnerability you hadn't seen before. "I... Fred made a comment the other day. About me always touching you. I started thinking, maybe it's too much. Maybe I'm making you uncomfortable."
You reached out, your hand covering his. "George, do you know what love languages are?"
He shook his head, confusion written across his face.
"They're the ways we express and feel love. Yours, I think, is physical touch. It's not too much, George. It's just your way of showing you care. I love it. It makes me feel close to you."
A small, relieved smile broke through George's uncertainty. "Really? I never thought about it like that. I just... feel more 'me' when I'm close to you."
Grinning, you nudged his shoulder playfully. "Well, feel free to be 'you'. Hogwarts can be a big, lonely castle, but your touch makes it feel a lot more like home."
From that moment, George's hesitancy melted away. His touches returned, each one a silent word in a language only the two of you understood. And in the middle of a school full of magic and mysteries, you found comfort and warmth in the simplest magic of all - a touch, a look, a connection that needed no spells to be real.
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Thinking about the way dungeon meshi does queer horror. Using horror to tell queer stories is already subversive, but dungeon meshi subverts it even more
Normal queer horror is like. A monsterous desire and immortal love of something isolated/hated and the uncontrollable but suppressed need to consume someone to live and they only die if you break/pierce their heart. its great.
In dungeon meshi, the group is STARVING. they do things the way they're expected to and they're so deprived that eventually, one of them is consumed by that monsterous desire.
Then when Falin becomes a monster, she doesn't eat Marcille because she doesn't NEED to, Marcille already offered herself up as part of Falin by mixing her own blood with the dragon's for the resurrection.
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Also Marcille is a monster too!! She doesn't need to be turned by Falin. She's a 'witch' doing black magic for one but she's also very vampiric
Her name is super vampirey especially given one of the translation spellings was Marcilla, an annogram of Carmilla*. And Marcille is very similar to Marceline from Adventure Time so it's a name with heavy connotations to me. Also her staff is Ambrosia which means immortal.
*ps Carmilla is the original modern vampire that inspired Dracula and also a lesbian. she used annagrams of her name to disguise herself across hundreds of years.
Marcille is like. a vampire in that death is a big part of her theme. She can breathe that immortality into someone else using her resurrection black magic and death is a huge part of her character. She wants them to live as long as she does. To make them immortal. Like. Like a vampire.
But once again this is subverted!! she doesn't 'turn' Falin, she makes her undead by giving her own blood instead of taking Falin's. Falin becomes a monster not because she's attacked or turned, but because her DNA, something INHERENT about her is now intertwined with the monster. so a god-like figure merges them. Then the only way to free her from that frenzy and grant her autonomy again is to finally consume her. something inherently lesbian about all that i think idk about you
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the marauders being clingy
Characters: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Synopsis: The Marauders loving their s/o and being all clingy
TW: Drunk, alcohol (Sirius)
James Potter
“James,” you whined, “breakfast is going to be over soon, we need to get out of bed.”
James was still half-asleep, with his face pressed against your chest as he laid on top of you. He was like a koala to a tree, clinging onto your warm body.
The way your hands massaged his scalp probably didn’t help keep him alert.
“Five more minutes,” James mumbled sleepily against your skin. “You’re too comfy.”
“James, don’t you have a quidditch match this afternoon? Don’t you want to strategize with the team this morning?”
“They can wait.”
“I have classes to get to, you know?” you stop playing with his hair, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Please, baby, I don’t wanna get up yet!” James complained pathetically.
“You have to get up eventually,” you sat up slowly, James reluctantly following suit. “Let’s get ready, go to breakfast, go to class, I’ll cheer for you at your game, and then tonight we can cuddle until we fall asleep.”
James grumpily got out of bed and ready. “Tomorrow morning is a Saturday. And I will not let you out of my arms until lunch, you hear me?”
Remus Lupin
“And so the combination of rose petals and swan feathers creates a sand-like powder that is commonly used in beauty and love spells. Rowena Ravenclaw, however, feared that access to such emotional magic would harm the students, so for the first two centuries of Hogwarts’ existence was an impeccably swan-free zone…”
You read your history book out loud to Remus, who had his head rested in your lap.
“Remus? Are you listening?”
“Hm? Yes, of course, love. Swans and the lack thereof,” he nodded, as he flipped himself from his back to his stomach. His head still resting comfortably on your thighs.
“Tired, Moony?” you put the book down.
“Mhm, a bit. But don’t stop reading on my account. I’m still listening,” Remus’s voice was tired and relaxed.
“Don’t be silly, you go to sleep.”
“Are you gonna fall asleep with me?” he looked up from your lap, expectantly.
“No, I still need to study. The history of Hogwarts waits for no one,” you sighed with a faint smile. “But you had this class last term, so you don’t need to sit through all this.”
“I want to, love. I like hearing you read,” Remus laid his head back down. “Please, continue.”
You smiled with a roll of the eyes and reopened the book. “In addition to swans, all white feathers were equally prohibited. Notably, doves and cranes got it particularly rough…”
Before you could make it to the next page, Remus was asleep on your lap.
Sirius Black
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to call,” Remus frowned as he led you into the Gryffindor common room.
On a couch, laid a very drunk Sirius, talking some poor second year’s ear off.
“Oh, and you should just see them! They’ve got this smile, and these eyes, and, ugh! I hate them they’re so perfect. And I’m dating them! How did that happen?” Sirius ranted.
“I, um, I don’t know,” the perfectly sober second-year shrugged awkwardly.
“Me neither!” Sirius said just a bit too loud.
You walked over to relieve the poor kid from their duties. “I’ve got him from here, thanks.”
“Darling!” Sirius cheered happily at your arrival. He opened his arms for a hug, which when you accept he turns into a cuddle.
He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you down on top of him on the couch. The scent of alcohol hit you.
“How much have you had to drink, Sirius?” you inquired.
“Enough to feel good enough to do this,” he smirked as he pulled you into a kiss.
The kiss was long and sloppy, until you pulled away. Sirius frowned slightly at that.
“Siri, you’re smashed. I think you should get to bed,” you advised.
“What? No! You just got here, I’m just starting to have fun!” Sirius whined.
Suddenly, another Gryffindor approached you, asking for help with an essay he had due tomorrow.
“Back off! She was just about to take me to bed!” He declared proudly, with drunken loudness and shamelessness.
And you did just that. Took him to his room, and cuddled him to sleep. Although his hangover was not as pleasant.
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