#free nigerian movie
lampstaketv · 1 year
Twin Brothers. pt 1.
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streamnollytv · 1 year
MY SPIRIT HUSBAND. Latest Africa's Nollywood Movie Of The Year
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spoonsand · 2 months
Dutch- disposable fruity flavoured (mango) vapes, Duolingo
Hosea- rollerblading, old VHS movies, The Sound of Music, ear studs, small hoops, and ear cuffs
Arthur- LED strip lights, therapy, The Joy of Painting
John- Ax body spray, deodorant, those little arm floaties little kids wear in the pool
Mary-Beth- Lego flowers, The Notebook, Pinterest
Tilly- Easter egg hunts, making slime, slumber parties
Karen- Tube/crop tops, jean shorts, weightlifting
Sean- make your own mead kits, TikTok, “kiss me in Irish”, SUNSCREEN
Abigail- AirTags (she would put one on little Jack), Roasting marshmallows, Crime shows/courtroom dramas, Man! I Feel like a woman! By Shania Twain
Uncle- recliner chairs, dog sledding, Wheel of Fortune, Crosswords
Susan- Dark nail polish, cats(I’m 100% sure she’d own either a black cat or a tortishell that would sit on her lap/shoulder), dishwashers
Kieran- Creep by Radiohead, Tv shows about veterinarians, friendship bracelets (with Arthur)
Reverend Swanson- Support groups, The Robert Langdon series (especially Inferno, Angels & Demons), communion wine
Javier- Cards Against Humanity, online sheet music, ear gauges
Molly- Champaign toast anything from bath and bodywork’s, naval AND lip piercing, SUNSCREEN
Bill-sexy firefighter calendars, Grindr, Bumbl, all the dating apps, apples dipped in caramel, jolly ranchers
Charles- IMessage games (mini golf and battleship in particular), those long distance ‘thinking of you bracelets’, 90’s sitcoms
Lenny- The Carpenters, cologne to make him seem grown up, head pats
Trelawney- Harry Houdini, 50-60s movies, smoke bombs, dramatic flares
Strauss- a soul, Nigerian Prince scams, telemarketing
Sadie- gyms, self defence classes, the free Britany movement
Micah- staying in the strawberry jail, toothbrush + paste, good posture
Pearson- small businesses, handmade gifts, trying TikTok recipes
Annabelle- Gwen Stefani, sequins, Fast and the Furious
Jack (young)- The Backyardagains, cocomelon, a little toy train
Jack (epilogue)- Monty Python, skateboarding, swimming
Bessie- Bette Midler look a like contests, growing old, brown eyeliner, SUNSCREEN
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invisiblefoxfire · 11 months
Listen up, fellow queers and token straights, we're not gonna whine about the lack of new media during the strike and we're not gonna waiver in our support of the strikers.
In the meantime, we are going to recommend to each other more already-existing media than any of us could ever watch given several lifetimes to do it in.
I'll go first. Here are just a few of the creators I care about and want you to support.
Filmjoy: This YouTube channel (Movies with Mikey, Deep Dive, etc.) makes incredibly well-produced video essays on film and occasionally TV and games. The channel's focus is on positivity and finding things to love about everything. And YouTube doesn't promote that sort of thing anymore, so the channel's creators (one of whom has multiple sclerosis) are running out of money and close to losing their house. Binge these genuinely incredible video essays with adblock turned off or, better yet, sign up to their Patreon and binge them with adblock on. Seriously, I love this channel so much, and if they don't get a boost in income soon, they're going to have to stop making videos. And I want more videos. Seriously, even watch the videos about things you haven't seen. They've persuaded me to watch loads of stuff I never would have watched otherwise and they're very good about not spoiling things (and giving spoiler warnings when needed).
AyeForScotland on Twitch: This is Tumblr's very own very handsome pro-Scottish-independence @ayeforscotland who has an incredible accent and plays loads of interesting games. He's going for Partner on Twitch now, which he has already earned but been denied due to an absurd technicality regarding whether viewers being linked to the channel directly from Tumblr integration. Go follow him now if he's not live, and when he goes live, go to Twitch and manually click on his name to watch the stream, since that's apparently the best way to get him the boost he needs. He sometimes has @thebibliosphere on as a guest (DOUBLE SCOTTISH ACCENTS HELL YES) and you can watch archives of many of his streams on his YouTube Channel.
Africa Everyday: This YouTube channel is run by Babatunde, a Nigerian man who shares his life and culture, makes cooking videos, and generally is a pleasure to watch and listen to. Seriously he's one of the kindest human beings I've ever spoken with. The money he earns from the channel goes towards helping his family and his community.
Dropout.tv: You simply will not find better comedy entertainment for the money. A monthly or yearly subscription is just a few dollars a month and gives you access to countless hours of top-quality entertainment from a company that started their own streaming service rather than cater to YouTube's algorithm. This is the place that started as College Humor, but if you haven't seen them in a while, you really need to check it back out. They're incredibly inclusive in their casting and theming and the production values are insane. I recommend starting with Game Changer, a show which has made me laugh so hard I choked and almost threw up. They also have Dimension 20 (or D20), the highest-quality DnD series out there, with custom-made sets and minis, usually with a focus on sheer comedy rather than drama (most of the cast members are comedy writers or comedians) - but it WILL and I mean WILL make you cry now and then. The currently in-progress season of D20 is called Dungeons and Drag Queens and the players are four literal actual fucking drag queens including Bob the Drag Queen and friends? You need to be watching this. If you have any doubts about whether Dropout is worth it or don't have any money, you can watch many full episodes for free on the CollegeHumor YouTube channel, although they have to censor the swears on there.
Nebula: Remember Lindsay Ellis? She left YouTube because of [too many reasons to list] but it turns out she's still active, she's just on Nebula now. Nebula is the co-op of streaming sites. Users sign up for a low monthly fee and the income is distributed among the creators, weighted according to how many views they get. The videos are uncensored and ad-free and contain lots of stuff that later needs to be edited out of YouTube videos to avoid copyright strikes. They've got FilmJoy on there (remember them from the start of this list?), Philosophy Tube (@theabigailthorn), Jacob Geller, Extra Credits, and loads and loads of other stuff on all different sorts of topics. Many of these channels also have YouTube channels that contain most of their content if you can't afford a Nebula subscription, but Nebula supports them more and gives them more creative freedom.
I'm gonna stop here for now but I'll add more in reblogs as the strike continues.
I hereby invite all of you to ruin my notifications until the strike is over. Reblog this, add your recommendations (especially ones that most people might not know about), and pass it on. There will not be a single complaint about lack of things to watch while the strike is ongoing.
(Why yes I am looking for more things to watch too. I've already seen all of the above. Bring it on.)
(And if you have a few dollars to spare, support the strikers directly at the Entertainment Community Fund.)
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theliterarywolf · 11 months
I watched Kizazi Moto and I really liked it a lot! One of the things I found especially interesting was the difference in…I want to say emoting? expression? with how some of the characters responded to things. Like with tongue clicking and some hand motions. I thought that was very interesting. Did you have a fave episode?
YES! Finally, someone watched/sent in an ask about this anthology!
And what you said here, noticing the differences in emoting. I am so glad you mentioned that because, yes: African storytelling, particularly when it comes to bringing stories to the big (or in this case, streaming) screen, does have its own style of emoting, staging, and composition.
And, yes, every culture does (for all people meme on Indian soap operas having the 'twenty dramatic zooms with matching music', you can tell that's a modernized carryover from traditional storytelling), but I have been yearning for African stories to be able to be seen by a wider audience so they can be a part of the conversation.
Because, yeah, we have companies like Netflix picking up a few Nigerian and Ghananian movies/shows for streaming, unless you're searching for them or your algorithm is trained, you'll never find them.
Also, shout-out to Supa Team 4
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An upcoming CGI animated series from Zambia that is looking like a fusion of Miraculous and DC Super Hero Girls.
But, my rambling aside, for me there were three stand-outs from the anthology.
My favorite cultural-reflection, My favorite spectacle, and My Overall Favorite (kind of like a Best in Show).
My Favorite Cultural-Reflection
And by this, I mean which of the shorts reflected the culture it's creators are from the best (even though it may not have been my Overall Favorite):
Moremi (Nigeria)
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(Hate that I couldn't find a gif for this one...)
Before this series aired proper, If you showed me 15 seconds of each short and told me to identify which country they came from, with this one it would have been a no-brainer. The staging and composition are such a strong mirror to Nigerian storytelling, a facet that is made even more obvious when we're introduced to the scientist character.
My Favorite Spectacle
Mkhuzi: The Spirit Racer (South Africa)
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The sheer definition of 'Hype'. When I was liveblogging my first time watching some of the anthology, I made the comment 'Who at Triggerfish Studios marathoned Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill before coming into work that day?!' But, yes, this short was extremely anime, extremely colorful, and extremely action-packed. All while still having a message about maintaining the connection with your ancestors.
My Overall Favorite (Best in Show)
Enkai (Kenya)
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Everything about this short, the composition, the color-scheme, the acting, the setting, and the messages are beautiful. While the initial scenes give us the impression of a simple, more intimate story of a mother and daughter, as the story progresses, the audience is presented with themes of family, spirituality, environmentalism, and even a bit of generational trauma sprinkled in (if you know where to look).
In fact, I'm going to discuss the moment that solidified this short as Best in Show for me. Spoilers under the Read More
When Enkai and her mother finally escape the destroyed Earth and Enkai is showing the new world she's made, free of mankind's greed and destruction, her mother has a moment of hesitation and looks back towards the Earth.
Even though the Earth and it's people, the ones who she was trying so hard to protect, have hurt her so much, she still says, "...I can still fix this!"
And Enkai has to be the one to tell her mother, "If we didn't leave, we would never be free from them. They have to save themselves now."
As much as the environmentalist message is there, it also reflects a story of a woman being abused by her family, hurt by her family, and internalizing the fact that she has to stay; she has to take care of her loved ones, only finally being told by the next generation 'No, you have done enough! You have been hurt enough!'
I just... God, the beauty of African storytelling being presented in the medium of modern animation got to me, okay?
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darlyssims · 10 months
Let me SIM-troduce myself! <3
Hi everyone! This title should be "reintroduce" myself because I had this simblr since 2018. I've been on a 5 years hiatus since then so I thought I would introduce myself again!
My name is Darly, I'm 22 and Nigerian-German.
I currently study Animation at University and am starting my third year there! I'm focusing on 3D modeling and while I sadly barley learn anything at school, I did get a better knowledge of blender, at least. This and my current summer break motivated me to come back to this blog! I really want to see what I can create for this community hehe.
Some other fun facts about me are that I have three cats and a hamster, I really love games (duh!) and I love talking about shows/movies. Feel always free to chat with me about some!!
Anyway, this was my small reintroduction hehe. Also here's my simself (that doesn't look like me at all) and an actual picture of me haha. I guess this is my 2nd face reveal for this account <3
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oldtvandcomics · 9 months
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: Valley of a Thousand Hills (2022)
I’m still not over just how much nobody is talking about this.
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(Thenjiwe and Nosipho on Nosipho's birthday, when Thenjiwe first shows her the house she's been building.)
Valley of a Thousand Hills (or The Valley of a Thousand Hills, if you go by the Netflix title) is a 2022 South African lesbian drama. The story follows Nosipho, a young woman from a traditional village, who is being pressured by her conservative father to marry a man he picked for her, while being actually in love with his sister, Thenjiwe. Thenjiwe has been secretly building them a house outside of the village, in the hopes that they’d move in together. But Nosipho is afraid to openly commit and tries to dance the tightrope between social expectations and her own desires, with disastrous consequences.
I want to stress once again: This is NOT a happy movie, and contains a whole load of subjects that might need a trigger warning.
What is remarkable about this movie is that 1) it is a South African lesbian movie, and is clearly speaking about queer issues (and other social problems) specific to that region, and 2) just how much you don’t see anyone talk about it. I couldn’t find a Wikipedia article, for example, and places like IMBD barely have any comments or other information.
The movie itself is on Netflix, and here is a trailer on YouTube. I also quite liked this review on Afrocritik, written by a Nigerian woman.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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choicesmc · 2 months
3, 4, 11, 18 for Rin and Fiona!
thank you!!
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
RIN  When she was ~4/5, her mom took her for ice cream as a treat. Rin’s honestly not sure why. She just knows that it happened. And it wasn’t like just ice cream. Her mom was super nice the entire time. She’d pet Rin, coo at her, praise her, and generally gave her free reign all day. It was so unexpected from her mother! Not just the praise/general love but also that it stayed constant all day. Starla tended to switch between loving and hating Rin pretty fluidly but that day was amazing. If you ask Rin, she’d say she dreamt it. 
FIONA During peak Fiona Stoicism, way back in middle school, he dressed up for character day. Specifically he dressed up as the Fox in Socks. He went all out: red jeans, red shirt, a painted on nose, painted whiskers, blue shoes, and blue gloves. Most importantly, Fiona was fully expecting ridicule because well… look at him! But he got praise and compliments instead. Frankly, he hadn’t been praised like that in years. 
4. What is your least favorite childhood memory?
RIN  The day her mom abandoned her with the police. They’d been lured into the the Children of Starlight cult (the one from Laws of Attraction) and when it eventually went downhill. Starla had run away and left Rin alone. Rin was thirteen. Keep in mind, prior to this Rin was a very clingy child. There was honestly nothing scarier to Rin than being alone and, well, Starla made that nightmare a reality that day. 
FIONA Tough one. There isn’t One Big Thing that stays with him forever but a lot of mini things that made his childhood, ultimately, a series of dull disappointments. Though, when he was in eighth grade his father made a bet with him: Fiona gets high As for the entire school year (ie 96+) in Math and his dad would let him apply for a performance art school. Obviously, that was a very high bar to keep up (he was a high B, low A math student) but Fiona worked like hell and by next summer had successfully kept his math grades above a 96 –even peaking at a 99! His dad didn’t uphold his end of the deal though so… all for nothing. 
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
RIN  Books. Call her a nerd, fine. She is. I think she gets very into solarpunk lit. But also loves sillier books like The Thea Stilton, Geronimo Stilton, and Goddess Girls series. Goddess Girls is a guilty pleasure. 
FIONA  Podcasts frfr. I do think he listens to story-telling podcasts (think Nightvale). But, more often than not, he’s just listening to Nigerian entertainment news. It’s hard to keep up language fluency without Igbo speakers around. He must make do (;′⌒`) 
18. What’s the best way to cheer you up? 
RIN  Path 1: Leave her alone. Come back in a couple hours. Give her time to understand how she feels in a space where she can’t lash out. (Rin will often distance herself when she needs it. What you do is stay away until she reaches out again.) 
Path 2: Stay but listen. Just lend her a listening ear. She doesn’t want solutions or critiques right now, okay? 
FIONA  Fiona likes to be distracted. He’s the sort that likes to push off processing how he feels until forever-and-amen. In the long run is it helpful? No, not really. But Fiona likes it that way, at least for now. 
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lampstaketv · 1 year
Twin Brothers. pt 2.
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suashii · 1 year
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hi hi~! i'm sua/manon; i don't prefer one of the other so you can call me either! i'm twenty-two, blasian (nigerian + ghanaian & korean), and genderfluid. i am currently in my final year of undergrad and preparing to apply to grad school — very exciting and scary! if there's anything else you'd like to know, don't be shy to ask :)
LIKES: rainy weather, spicy food, dancing, k-pop and k-dramas, horror movies, otters!!!
DISLIKES: math in most forms, insects and creepy crawlies, loud noises, being interrupted.
FAVS: suna, atsumu, kenma (hq), bakugo, sero, shinsou (mha), geto, yuta, choso, maki (jjk), rindou, mitsuya (tr), aki, angel devil (csm), rin, natsuya (free!), rin, nagi, chigiri (bllk), dan heng, natalia, serval (hsr).
WATCHING: my love story with yamada-kun at level 999, skip and loafer, soul eater. open to suggestions!
READING: jujutsu kaisen. open to suggestions!
• feel free to ask about anything not covered on here! please be respectful and remember that, while i’m willing to share, there are some aspects of my life that i’d like to keep private.
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nollyscreentv · 9 months
THE ENIGMATIC PLAYER: UNEARTHING THE UNTOLD SECRETS #latest #free #nigerian #movies #2023
In this video, which is the first part of a four episode show, we're unveiling the mysterious secrets of the Player. This archetype has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, and we're here to unveil the hidden truths behind this enigmatic figure.
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nctoriety · 11 months
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toheeb   jimoh.     he/him.     cis man.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   oluyemi   ‘yemi’   adeoye   ,   most   likely   listening   to   runaway   baby   by   bruno   mars   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-six   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -promiscuous   yet   +affectionate   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   freshly   mowed   soccer   fields,   trophy   cabinets   filled   with   accolades,   mud   caked   soccer   cleats   ,   followed   by   tom   ford’s   soleil   brûlant   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about  the   soccer   star   entering   retirement   early   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   lee   ,   25   ,   he/him   ,   est .   )
full name:  oluyemi adeoye
nicknames:  yemi, yems, yem yem ( childhood nickname used by family ), lulu ( nickname used by mother )
gender:  cis man
pronouns:  he/him
sexual orientation / romantic orientation:  pansexual / panromantic
aesthetics:  freshly mowed soccer fields, trophy cabinets filled with accolades, mud caked soccer cleats
date of birth:  december 24th, 1996
zodiac sign:  capricorn
residence:  townhouse on upper east side
occupation:  professional soccer player
language(s) spoken: yoruba ( native ), igbo ( fluent ), hausa ( upper conversational ), english ( fluent ), spanish ( upper conversational, due to time spent in spain playing soccer )
faceclaim:  toheeb jimoh
height:  6'1
build:  toned and lean
eyes:  brown
hair:  brown
piercings:  none
tattoos:  none
style:  very casual. jeans, t-shirts, fresh sneakers, hoodies, etc
traits:  promiscuous, sensitive, finicky, indecisive, self deprecating ; affectionate, friendly, loyal, flirty, engaging
mental health:  decent
physical health:  very healthy
likes:  fantasy and supernatural genres, soccer, working out, going for runs, sex, cuddling, holding hands with friends, deep conversations, conspiracy theories, traveling, having movie nights with friends, any and all kinds of food
dislikes:  snakes, people who talk down on others, cold weather, having to wear formal / fancy clothing, unprovoked rudeness, being teased / made fun of, slut shaming
mother:  chiamaka adeoye
father:  chidiadi adeoye,
siblings:  ekemma, isoken, naija, ifechi
birth order:  ifechi, isoken, oluyemi, naija, ekemma
children:  n/a
pets:  none
notable close relatives:  tba.
born to a nigerian ambassador for the united nations, it's not really any surprise that oluyemi, preferably yemi, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. not only did both of his parents come from wealthy families, his father built on his own wealth with his career involving politics and other governmental duties. he spent a lot of time as a child traveling due to his father's job, which he quickly developed a love for. yemi loved to see new places and learn about those places from the people that lived there.
he spent the majority of his childhood into his early adolescence primarily living in lagos, before he was sent to the states for schooling. a boarding school in upstate new york. it was there that he began to dabble in a little bit of trouble here and there. he wasn't a bad kid, he just tended to hang out with other kids that liked to have fun and cause a bit of trouble; nothing serious. just sneaking out past curfew, going on joyrides and things of that nature. because he didn't have his parents around, it was like a free for all for yemi. it was a taste of freedom, and he definitely abused it.
despite the trouble he got into, he was a great student and an even better student athlete. the school quickly grew to depend on him for their soccer games, which he ended up scoring the winning goal for most of the time. a lot of his trouble making behavior was excused just because of his soccer skills, which didn't do much to keep him in check or in line. and given his father's money and status as an ambassador and diplomat, he steered clear of getting into deep trouble.
it was upon graduating that he went to spain to play soccer, known as football over there, professionally. he was eighteen, skilled, young and dumb. while his professional career flourished, he started getting bad press for his antics with teammates and friends. it was no surprise to see articles about him published, depicting wild nights out or less than stellar behavior. but one thing they couldn't say about him was that he was a shitty person - he was just young and immature. and youth mixed with immaturity and wealth never ends well.
after getting bad press one too many times, he was dismissed from spain's soccer team after three years on the team, only to be immediately picked up by a soccer team in the states. unlike his previous team, they could over look his behavior as long as he continued being a beast on the field.
for the past five years, he's been playing soccer for the american team, and he's been enjoying it quite a bit. while his career choice didn't please his parents, who would rather him be a lawyer or doctor like his older siblings, they've grown to accept that he's created his own path for success and they support his career - but not his behavior.
personality wise, yemi is such a sweet guy. very affectionate and friendly, albeit a little sensitive. he doesn't like confrontation all that much, but if it boils down to it, he'll dive headfirst into confrontation if it means standing up for someone he cares about. he's known to be quite promiscuous and flirty. he enjoys having sex, but he's never been a fuckboy about it. respect is key to him, and he respects everyone that he comes across; sexually or not. he can be a little self deprecating, as he's not one hundred percent confident in himself in a lot of aspects, which is something he's working on hard to fix.
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More Book Club Recommendations: Immigrant Experiences
Brown Girls by Daphne Palasi Andreades
This remarkable story brings you deep into the lives of a group of friends--young women of color growing up in Queens, New York City's most vibrant and eclectic borough. Here, streets echo with languages from all over the globe, subways rumble above dollar stores, trees bloom and topple across sidewalks, and the briny scent of the ocean wafts from Rockaway Beach. Here, girls like Nadira, Gabby, Naz, Trish, Angelique, and many others, attempt to reconcile their immigrant backgrounds with the American culture they come of age in. Here, they become friends for life--or so they vow.
Exuberant and wild, they sing Mariah Carey at the tops of their lungs and roam the streets of The City That Never Sleeps, pine for crushes who pay them no mind--and break the hearts of those who do--all the while trying to heed their mothers' commands to be dutiful daughters, obedient young women. As they age, however, their paths diverge and rifts form between them, as some choose to remain on familiar streets, while others find themselves ascending in the world, drawn to the allure of other skylines, careers, and lovers, beckoned by existences foreign and seemingly at odds with their humble roots.
In musical, evocative prose, Brown Girls illustrates a collective portrait of childhood, motherhood, and beyond, and is an unflinching exploration of race, class, and marginalization in America. It is an account of the forces that bind friends to one another, their families, and communities, and is a powerful depiction of women of color attempting to forge their place in the world.
Speak No Evil by Uzodinma Iweala
On the surface, Niru leads a charmed life. Raised by two attentive parents in Washington, D.C., he’s a top student and a track star at his prestigious private high school. Bound for Harvard in the fall, his prospects are bright. But Niru has a painful secret: he is queer—an abominable sin to his conservative Nigerian parents. No one knows except Meredith, his best friend, the daughter of prominent Washington insiders—and the one person who seems not to judge him.
When his father accidentally discovers Niru is gay, the fallout is brutal and swift. Coping with troubles of her own, however, Meredith finds that she has little left emotionally to offer him. As the two friends struggle to reconcile their desires against the expectations and institutions that seek to define them, they find themselves speeding toward a future more violent and senseless than they can imagine.
Dominicana by Angie Cruz
Fifteen-year-old Ana Cancion never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she has to say yes. It doesn’t matter that he is twice her age, that there is no love between them. Their marriage is an opportunity for her entire close-knit family to eventually immigrate. So on New Year’s Day, 1965, Ana leaves behind everything she knows and becomes Ana Ruiz, a wife confined to a cold six-floor walk-up in Washington Heights. Lonely and miserable, Ana hatches a reckless plan to escape. But at the bus terminal, she is stopped by Cesar, Juan’s free-spirited younger brother, who convinces her to stay.
As the Dominican Republic slides into political turmoil, Juan returns to protect his family’s assets, leaving Cesar to take care of Ana. Suddenly, Ana is free to take English lessons at a local church, lie on the beach at Coney Island, see a movie at Radio City Music Hall, go dancing with Cesar, and imagine the possibility of a different kind of life in America. When Juan returns, Ana must decide once again between her heart and her duty to her family.
The Bad Muslim Discount by Syed M. Masood
It is 1995, and Anvar Faris is a restless, rebellious, and sharp-tongued boy doing his best to grow up in Karachi, Pakistan. As fundamentalists in the government become increasingly strident and the zealots next door start roaming the streets in gangs to help make Islam great again, his family decides, not quite unanimously, to start life over in California. The irony is not lost on Anvar that in America, his deeply devout mother and his model-Muslim brother are the ones who fit right in with the tightly knit and gossipy Desi community. Anvar wants more.
At the same time, thousands of miles away, Safwa, a young girl suffocating in war-torn Baghdad with her grief-stricken, conservative father will find a very different and far more dangerous path to America. These two narratives are intrinsically linked, and when their worlds come together, the fates of two remarkably different people intertwine and set off a series of events that rock their whole community to its core.
The Bad Muslim Discount is an irreverent, dramatic, and often hysterically funny debut novel by an amazing new voice. With deep insight, warmth, and an irreverent sense of humor, Syed Masood examines quirky and intense familial relationships, arranged marriage, Islamic identity, and how to live together in modern America.
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m5emi · 2 years
im divine, im a minor , my pronouns are she/her, im nigerian and im from london
-i love reading (i am SEARCHING for book recs after reading shatter me i am no longer the same) and i also like reading manga/manhwas/manhuas too, (currently reading chainsaw man and finishing up jjk)
fav manhwas+webtoons- omnicient reader , your throne, heartstopper, mystical
fav manhuas- tgcf (the novels r amazing) and mdzs
watching movies, fashion (like runways, models,diff aesthetics), pop culture and stuff
-i occasionally play genshin impact and i really like detroit become human, love coryxkenshin
-dni if ur weird, racist, homophobic, xenophobic or literally anything of the sort, please be nice here, i just want to chat😭
current fav artists r wstrn, pinkpantheress, carti, men i trust, tylerthecreator , j cole, kendrick lamar, wizkid, dave, burnaboy, the weeknd, cardi b, summer walker, sza, frank ocean, flowerovlove, kanye west, dreamer isioma, drake and... jhené aiko !!!! (super long list i cba to add more)
honestly im just looking for new friends and stuff to talk to feel free to hmu on here and instagram so yeahh, still tryna navigate this app cant lie
have a great day ☁️
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loveshowandtell · 1 month
Music by Adesola
Hey Love Show and Tell Attendees & Contributors, 
My name is Adesola (she/her). I'm a filmmaker who loves dancing with her friends, going to Nigerian weddings, and swimming in public pools. Today, my dear friends read this letter on my behalf as I am currently in Atlanta for.... you guessed it, a Nigerian wedding. Woohoo.
Though I work in the m-m-m movies as writer-director, 1st AD, and creative producer - I've always been keen on and fascinated by music. Music has led me to have many past lives in which I was a college radio personality and Silent Disco DJ. Sexy, I know. 
I've been thinking lately about making versus making it. Giving oneself permission to practice at something like music making, not necessarily so that you'll improve but so that your body can become acquainted with making time for something for the joy and ritual of incrementally working it out, seeing something change, learning when your mind needs to pause, having the thumbprints of many days upon some completed something. Being kind to the soft animal of your body all the way through, that being love. 
This collection of four ambient and UK jungle inspired songs is collectively entitled 'more songs about atlanta' a follow-up to my show and tell piece last year that primarily reflected on my home city, the stop cop city movement, and our collective environmental future. 
this year I continued meditating on the movement. i've also been thinking alot about my friends. our disillusionment at work, with the climate and economic reality we've inherited, and the ongoing US backed violence against palestine, sudan, haiti, the drc, among many other states. i hope these songs and they're titles are flavor to your ears and balm to your spirits. 
Thanks for gathering here to share and engage with one another's art. I think art sharing and space sharing is one of the most loving things we can do together on this planet. Jobs and selling our time so that we can be resourced and live indoors is adorable and all, but the spirit in which we've gathered today is what love is about and why we were all woven into the universe. 
be good to each other + palestine will be free in our lifetime
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Adesola (@adesola_thomas)
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lampstaketv · 1 year
twin brothers. pt 3.
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