#freedom of opinion
trexalicious · 9 months
Who will you fanblog about when every one of these sickly inbred thieves gets the guillotine?
Oh anon with your silly uneducated comment it's apparent you don't know English history. The only Royal who was ever guillotined was Charles I in 1649 (It was les grenouilles 🐸across the way who were the big fans of guillotining Royals). Today most would frown on such barbarism because of your circumstances of birth. You're a special kind of sicko though for suggesting guillotining a bunch of innocent children all under the age of 16. You also don't actually read my Tmblr or you'd know that I'm not really a big 'fan girl' of the Royal family per se. I'm more of an 'I hate liars and manipulators' Tumblr so I primarily focus on the two former senior royals. With their shenanigans and hypocrisy, I'll unfortunately have years of material! Sometimes I fan girl over Catherine when she rocks yet another iconic look but really who doesn't?! Thankfully she's a commoner so whew, she misses your Royal death wish! Thanks for the chuckle anon! Do come back soon for all of my awesome cat pictures! 😉
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4o4-tales · 2 years
When it comes to expressing yourself online: despite always wanting people to be able to honestly speak their mind and always wanting to be as welcoming as possible to people new to a community; eventually there is one lesson we learn over and over again. Never go 100% freedom of speech.
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don-simon · 7 months
Our right to freedom of opinion has been undermined.
Under oppressive regimes, opinions are controlled by careful restriction of information, and the sources of information.
The modern online equivalent, even though we believe we live in a free society, is polluted by fake news and misinformation. It violates our freedom in a similar way. Our freedom to form reliable thoughts that are our own and not those of someone else.
It is a worryingly short distance from George Orwell's ''prolefeed" ("the rubbishy entertainment and spurious news which the Party handed out to the masses" - taken from his book 1984) to Facebook, Twitter/X and Instagram.
Freedom to Think by Susie Alegre (Atlantic, 2022)
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buubonita · 5 months
Can u see it?
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tmarshconnors · 2 years
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sapphirerose93 · 2 years
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
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abstractfrog · 5 months
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SILVER BLAZE PART THREE - happy jonkday everyone. one of these days i'll draw a scene that doesn't take place at night
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endimpunityday · 2 years
UN expert warns of dangerous decline in media freedom.
Reporters getting killed while chasing a story. Online attacks against women journalists, including death and rape threats. Targeted electronic surveillance to intimidate and silence investigative journalism.
This is the dangerous reality for many journalists around the world as media freedom and safety have diminished in the digital age with a grave impact on human rights, democracy and development, a UN expert warned.
“The decline of media freedom and the rise in threats to the safety of journalists is a worldwide trend, most sharply evident in backsliding democracies and recalcitrant totalitarian States,” said Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. “The consequences for human rights, democracy, public participation and development are worrying.”
In a report to the Human Rights Council, Khan said digital technology has opened great opportunities for journalists and media freedom, including ground-breaking investigative reporting, cross-border collaboration, fact-checking with audiences, and access to treasure troves of data and sources.
However, Khan pointed out the digital age also poses serious challenges and threats. As examples, she cited online and offline attacks and killing of journalists with impunity; criminalisation and harassment of journalists; and the erosion of independence, freedom and the plurality of voices and opinions in state and corporate media, including digital companies.
“Silencing journalists by killing them is the most egregious form of censorship,” Khan said, urging the Council to consider measures to address impunity, including an international taskforce on the prevention, investigation and prosecution of attacks against journalists.
She cited a database site compiled by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that reported that 455 journalists had been killed while doing their jobs between 2016–2021. In more than eight out of ten cases, the perpetrators have not been brought to justice.
Online attacks against women journalists
The report draws special attention to online attacks against women journalists, which are often vicious, coordinated and highly sexualized, and target women from religious and ethnic minorities or gender non-conforming people.
“Such violence inflicts very real psychological injury, chills public interest journalism, kills women’s careers and deprives society of important voices and perspectives,” the report says.
“A free, independent and diverse media fulfils society’s right to know, as well as journalists’ right to seek, receive and impart information.“
The old practice of abusing laws – from libel laws to anti-terrorism legislation -- to punish journalists and suppress media freedom has been revived by some States with a new ferocity, the report adds.
Khan cited the case of Philippine Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, who has faced an onslaught of legal actions in the Philippines for her critical reporting of former president Rodrigo Duterte.
Erosion of independence and pluralism;
Khan also pointed to the erosion of independence, pluralism and economic viability of media in the digital age.
In a number of countries, including in Central and Eastern Europe, there is a creeping trend towards State control over public media and in favouring privately-owned media that serves the political or economic interests of those in power.
Khan also said media viability is a matter of human rights, not just a question of economics. The collapse of the advertising-based news media business model in the digital age has led to staff cutbacks and closures of news outlet in many countries. While some national and international news providers and niche news producers are managing through subscriptions, paywalls, reader contributions and subsidies, many others could face a media extinction.
“In a world where disinformation increasingly masquerades as news and authoritarian and populist leaders attack journalists and media outlets to sow public distrust, critical independent journalism produced in the public interest is essential. Its absence or decline in many countries represents a major assault on media freedom,” the report warns.
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palatinewolfsblog · 5 months
"What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; It's not so much the opinion itself, but the boldness of wanting to think for yourself - an ability of which they themselves are not capable." Arthur Schopenhauer.
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g00pyjes · 3 months
psa let kids identify as ace if they want! as an asexual adult i can say it did me absolutely no help in being told i was too young to know. not only that, but kids changing their labels is so normal and an expected part of growing into your identity! let them experiment!
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beaft · 3 months
anyway i'm always fascinated by the people who think that trans men transition purely to escape misogyny and gain social capital. idk how it is for other people, but since i transitioned i have not only experienced more misogyny than i ever did before but also lost access to the public spaces and support systems that might have helped me deal with it
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sher-ee · 2 months
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hjellacott · 2 years
What if instead of hounding people for their opinions and ideas, thus attacking the fundamental right of freedom of speech, we develop a thicker skin?
And to you, that person so worried about someone's opinion because it apparently harms someone's life, threatens someone's existence, and so on, perhaps instead of attacking freedom of speech you should consider:
Getting someone banned means they'll seek an underground way of finding people with alike opinions, making them feel persecuted, become violent, and blow up in our faces all by surprise. Exhibit A: The Capitol far-right attack.
Learn politics and Greek speech and discourse techniques. Study the power of propaganda, political propaganda Nazi propaganda, philosophy, brainwashing, study the ideological progression of famous politicians depending on the trend of each time, learn about performative activism, and seek to read and understand opinions drastically different from your own.
Consider your elders are not automatically outdated and Conservative and stupid and perhaps bother to learn why they think like they do.
Ask yourself, who is really benefitting and making millions from making me their minions, threatening people online? Who really benefits from cancel culture and the end of freedom of speech and democracy? What positive impact has woke culture really caused?
Learn to accept criticism, criticise yourself and don't get so bloody defensive. Learn to reason, to question everything and to make your own informed opinions.
Once you've learned the important things, vote for the right people, stop buying from people you disagree with and don't like to give money to, and you know, stop doing performative activism and useless cancel culture and make a real difference in the world.
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anzuhan · 2 years
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sophsun1 · 1 month
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Queer as Folk – 2.14:The Dangers of Sex and Drugs
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hazel2468 · 11 months
Just saw someone refer to the literal footage of the pogrom in Southern Israel as “Zionist Propaganda” so like. Get blocked. Fuckstick.
You antisemitic monsters cannot wail for “evidence” of the atrocities committed by Hamas because you refuse to believe it happened despite the seemingly endless accounts (and yet you were willing to accept that Israel bombed a hospital without a second thought) and then refer to the video evidence TAKEN BY FUCKING HAMAS ITSELF as “Zionist Propaganda”.
At this point ANY good faith I had in you fucking antisemitic shitstains is gone. At least the Nazis are up front about the fact they see me as subhuman. You whine and wail about needing more proof and then when we have it, you claim it’s propaganda.
Just call me a kike and leave like I know you want to. Just be honest about the fact that your care for Palestinians only extends to the length that it allows you to celebrate Jewish death.
We will NEVER trust you again. Ever.
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