#freelance writing tips 101
time management lol/this post is for other people who suck at time management
As I move more deeply into the freelance/publishing/public historian career zone, one thing I've found is that I have to actually learn how to manage my time. I managed to get through high school, undergrad, two masters degrees, a job i had for almost 7 years, and pursuing a book deal with generally shit time management skills.
but then my manuscript submission deadline rolled up and I'm still doing edits and now i have freelance stuff with deadlines and at some point i'm going to have Official Rewrites AND i'm in a serious relationship which is something i didn't really do before (just kind of felt like it wasn't something that would improve/complement my life, but then covid happened and I was like "hmm life is hard a teammate would be nice") and I actually have to manage my time???
So far just like, using a timer and having a playlist that will help you get in the "work zone" have been helping loads. I don't even use a fancy timer; like, i literally just typed "timer" into google and used the first thing that pops up. Having Work/Writing Zone Music and chunking out my time--enough to get significant amounts of work done, but not so much that it's immediately overwhelming--has been helping loads. Anyone else have Time Management 101 tips they've found to be useful?
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Freelance Writing 101: Is It Okay to Take Donations?
Freelance Writing 101: Is It Okay to Take Donations?
This is something that a lot of new writers wonder about when they are just starting out. In this blog, we are going to go over just a few simple things that you can do when it comes to getting donations for your blogging and information that you share with your readers. First off for those that are new and do not know a thing about blogging. Yes, you can take donations, however, you need to…
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writerswritecompany · 4 years
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Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop.
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missmonsters2 · 5 years
Lie With Me
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader/OFC
For @sunlightwanda summer writing challenge! 💕 - Fake Dating AU - Oneshot
Genre: Humor & Romance 
Warnings: Very light sexual situations/thoughts. No smut. Also, every trope that comes with fake dating LOL
Notes: Thanks so much for letting me participate in your writing challenge 😊 I hope you enjoy it! Also whew, made it just before the deadline 😂
Translations/Transliteration: милый/milyj - Darling принцесса/printsessa - Princess
Count: 5975
Out of all your time spent being an Avenger, you would say that Wanda was the person you were the least close with.
Not because you didn’t like her or she didn’t like you or anything, you just found that there weren’t that many opportunities to get to know the girl. 
Wanda was getting private training from Natasha on the art of blending in and spy training 101. Her time was consumed by that, and you were generally busy taking on missions that kept you away from the compound. 
On top of that, you’ve never been assigned to a mission with her before. You’ve literally worked with everyone but Wanda. 
So, you were quite surprised when Wanda reached out to you for help on her mission.
You had just finished your own mission and on a private jet on your way back. Honestly, you were kind of excited to just go back home to relax. You had no more missions for the next little while, and it’s been a long time since that happened. 
But when Wanda radioed in, you assumed you were probably her last choice to ask. 
So, you had to make a pit stop instead. 
You had no idea what her mission was even about, but whatever it was, you hoped it wasn’t something that was going to need to be dragged out. 
You stopped in front of the house that Wanda gave you the coordinates to. Immediately, you notice from your peripherals through your sunglasses the neighbors are watching you discreetly through their window.
Before you can say or do anything, Wanda bursts out the front door, running straight for you. You immediately tense up the moment Wanda jumps onto you, forcing you to hold her, so she doesn’t fall.
“Wanda, what the fu--”
“милый! You’re finally back, I’ve missed you so much.”
Darling? You think to yourself confusedly. A scream wants to escape you and your muscles itch to push Wanda off, but you will yourself to calm down.
As an agent, you know that Wanda is putting on a show and you were going to blow her cover if you didn’t play along.
So, you force yourself to smile, wrapping your arms around her fully before spinning her around. You hear her laugh before you settle her down.
“I’ve missed you too, принцесса,” You tell her softly, and for a moment, her eyes sparkle, but it passes quickly before you can really make sure. 
Wanda giggled a little more before grabbing your arm and dragging you inside the house with a positively wicked look in her eyes along with your luggage.
The second you’re both inside with the door shut, it’s like a switch.
Wanda drops your arm before turning to you with an apologetic look.
“Sorry,” she says. “Our neighbors, my targets, were looking outside. I had to make sure they see us.”
It’s the first time you’ve probably ever had such a long conversation with her, and you notice immediately that she’s got a subtle accent. Not as strong as when you first met her, nor completely gone like the last time you heard her talk.
It was clear she had a particular profile to play. 
“Right...” you respond, “and exactly what is it that they’re supposed to see?”
“Well,” Wanda drags out, “I’m here to recover a specific item. It’s a half a million-dollar gold sphere that actually has an important microchip inside of it. The targets aren’t criminals, just wealthy club owners who may have bought it on the black market without knowing what it is.”
“Okay?” You say, not really sure what that has to do with you being here or the strange public display of affection that just happened outside.
“And,” Wanda continues on, biting her lip a little. “Well, it’s a gay couple who just seems to really only get along with other gay couples...I just want to get this stupid gold sphere so I can go home.”
You’re in disbelief.
Because this can’t be happening.
This isn’t real, you tell yourself.
“So...you’re telling me that your targets hate straight people and you can’t get close enough to them without pretending to be gay and dating someone?”
“It’s not exactly pretending,” Wanda mumbles at you.
Wanda sighs and looks at you with her arms crossed. “Look, I really need your help on this; otherwise, I’m going to be stuck out here for months. I’ve already tried to ask Natasha, but she’s still on her own mission for an unknown amount of time and Carol is in space. Please?”
You really want to groan audibly because of course, you’re not going to turn Wanda down...it’s just...this wasn’t what you had expected when she said she needed help.
“Alright, alright, I’ll help you, but you owe me big time for this.” You point your finger at her, and she nods enthusiastically, and the whole thing can only suggest that Wanda wasn’t able to get very far without her “lover” around.
They probably wanted proof that she really was gay and dating. 
“Alright, so, catch me up. What have you told them, and what’s our next move?”
“You two are so adorable! I’m so glad you could make it. I was beginning to believe Wanda here had made you up.”
You laugh boisterously even though on the inside you were dying a little. Everything felt sprung on you. 
Wanda had let you know the two of you were actually going over to the neighbors later that evening. Their names were David and Liam King, who owned the biggest LGBTQ+ nightclub in the city called The Kings & Queens. 
So the next couple of hours, you and Wanda had to work out the finer details of your fake relationship. 
Wanda had apparently told them you were a freelance photographer and you had traveled to do a wedding for a couple. 
You were so thankful that Wanda had immediately reached back out to base after telling that story to set you up with an Instagram profile to show your portfolio.
It was like an unspoken rule between two agents that you guys would do whatever it takes to accomplish this mission. 
You’ve done plenty of missions like this before with Natasha, so it shouldn’t be any different with Wanda. 
The four of you were sitting outside on their patio around a modernly built bonfire. Dinner was a leisurely affair where you mostly talked about work. David and Liam were already inviting you out to the VIP section of their club, so Wanda was right in the sense being another gay couple did get her a quick ticket into their circle. 
Wanda was currently curled into your side while your arm was wrapped around her, fingers entangled together. 
You absently thought about how Wanda’s body was much warmer than you expected. She definitely seemed like someone who would’ve had poor circulation, but clearly, that wasn’t the case. 
“I’m very much real, though I can’t guarantee whatever Wanda told about me is accurate,” you teased looking at Wanda who was grinning back at you and then she was looking at your lips. 
The look stirred something in your lower belly, but you quickly shook the thought away, saying it was something you ate. 
David laughed as Liam passed around some skewers and marshmallows. Wanda looked at the treat with her eyes narrowed, as if she wasn’t too sure what she was supposed to do.
You tried to not laugh at how adorable she currently looked, just pulling her closer to your side while you roasted the sugary treat slowly. 
Wanda watched you do the activity, storing the image in her head so she could copy you after. 
Once you determined the perfect texture for the marshmallow, you grabbed the graham crackers and a piece of the darker chocolate, assembling the treat together. 
You were idly thinking about how you might’ve heard Natasha say she had gotten Wanda dark chocolate for valentine’s day once since they had to train together that day.
Wanda tilted her head, trying to remember the order you assembled the dessert together, getting ready to imitate what you had done. 
But then to her surprise, you handed the finished dessert to her. She looked at your smiling face as she gently took it from you. 
She took a cautious bite, immediately groaning a little at how much she was enjoying it surprisingly.
“S’mores are good, aren’t they?” You tell her with a soft smile, and Wanda smiles back at you.
You were subtly telling her they were called s’mores. 
It was new to Wanda. 
She had never had anyone take care of her in this type of way.
She had to remind herself that it was a role you were playing, just like she was.
“Oh my god, you guys are disgusting,” David dramatically said with a playful roll of his eyes before looking at his husband. “Why don’t you make me my s’mores?”
Liam looked panicked before all three of you laughed. 
You ended up making three more s’mores for Wanda before she couldn’t eat anymore. Wanda sighs contently, falling back into your side, snuggling up to you with her arms wrapped around your waists, and your arm falling around her.
“So, how’d you two meet?” Liam asked as he grabbed David’s hand.
For a moment, the two of you panic. You definitely hadn’t thought that one out. You look at each other, Wanda’s eyes telling you that maybe you should tell the story. 
The worst thing that could happen is that the two of you both try to blurt something out completely different.
“Well,” you say, trying to gather your thoughts. Natasha has told you some of the best lies she’s told were half-truths, so maybe that’s what you were going to do.
“I suppose we met through mutual friends,” you start off. “I was a newcomer to Wanda’s group of friends. I didn’t quite meet her until a little later, but I thought she was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Wanda felt her cheeks flush, the heat traveling all the way to the tip of her ears as she listened to you. 
“Still, even after we met, I didn’t spend a lot of time with her. But...she was always on my mind whenever we passed each other or if I just missed being in the same room as her.”
“Oh my gosh, and then what?” David as enraptured. 
Wanda was also curious about what you were going to say. 
“Wanda one day asked me to help her with one of her projects,” you say, forcing a blush to your cheeks as you looked away shyly for effect.
“One thing led to another, and now I’ve pretty much secured Wanda and never letting her go,” you say jokingly at the end which gets everyone laughing.
“More like I’ve trapped you, милый,” Wanda teases you, and you playfully roll your eyes at her.
“No complaints here, принцесса.”
Wanda’s eyes twinkle once more with the nickname, and you’re caught up in staring at each other before David sigh.
“Even your nicknames for each other is so cute, I’m about to have diabetes from watching you two.”
You merely smile before Wanda lets out a yawn, and it’s either to signal you that it’s time to go or she’s fatigued.
Either way, you take the cue.
“We should head home,” you say to Wanda, a soft look on your face. 
She nods as if she was extremely exhausted. You help her up while David and Liam stand up as well. 
“Thanks so much for coming over, it was a blast,” David tells you.
“Thanks for having us over. We’ll host next time,” you tell them and they nod.
Before the two of you can walk off, David calls out again.
“Don’t forget to stop by our club on Saturday. I’ll let the bouncer know to let you guys into the VIP section.”
The two of you nod as you grab Wanda’s hand, lacing your fingers together, and lead her home.
Wanda sighs the moment she steps into the house. The two of you are still holding hands, not seemingly noticing until you tried to go to the kitchen and Wanda wanted to sit on the couch.
You cough awkwardly as you let go, Wanda watching you with interest as you walk into the kitchen, grabbing the both of you some water.
“Well, this is going exceptionally well,” you say as you take a seat next to her. 
“See?” Wanda brags. “I told you it would go much faster pretending to be dating.”
“They’re definitely an interesting couple. Undoubtedly lives the rich and partying lifestyle. Tonight seemed tame for them. Where do you think they’re keeping the golden sphere?”
Wanda took a sip of her water before replying.
“I’ve been to their house and already searched everywhere, so it’s not there. My guess is that it’s at their club in their exclusive VIP section. We’ll have to keep an eye out Saturday.”
You nod. 
“Alright,” you agree easily, sighing as you went to stand up. “I’m pretty beat, so I’m going to head to bed. Any particular room I can crash in?”
It was then Wanda seemed to realize something.
“Yeah...about that.”
“This is so cliché,” you mutter to yourself as you finished your nightly routine, getting ready for bed. Wanda just came out of the bathroom and was getting ready for bed herself. 
Wanda had so kindly told you that there was only one room with a bed in it. The other rooms were “under renovations” because whoever gave her this house for the mission was too goddamn lazy and only set up one.
“Do you want me to take the floor?” Wanda asked as she looked at your face.
You scrunched your eyebrows together. “What? No, why would you do that? It’s a queen-sized bed, plenty of room for us to share.”
Wanda was about to say something else, but you cut her off.
“Please do not make this weird. We’re both grown-ups, and spies might I add, we can share a bed. I’ve shared a sleeping quarter with pretty much everyone at the compound. In fact, I’ve slept on top of Steve once, so please just get into bed.”
Wanda snaps her mouth closed before slowly getting into the bed on her side. You internally sigh in relief as you slide in yourself after turning off the lamp.
“You’d think my girlfriend would be more willing to sleep with me,” you say in the dark, teasing Wanda who merely chuckles, pushing you lightly from across the bed.
It was silent for a moment, your eyes drooping shut before Wanda opened her mouth again.
“Why were you sleeping on top of Steve?”
The sun was hitting your face directly through the streams of the curtain. 
You groaned lightly, shifting yourself into the warmth more intimately, burying your face in the mass of hair that was in front of you.
You felt something shift against your body, pressing back more intimately into you. 
There was a fleeting thought in your head that this wasn’t normal. You were tempted to ignore it and go back to sleep.
The warmth was really pulling you in, and the soft scent of cinnamon and dry leaves were just lulling you back to sleep.
But then you opened your eyes slowly. 
When you realized what the warmth was...you swallowed.
Sometime in the middle of the night, you and Wanda must’ve gravitated towards each other because now you were just a bunch of tangled limbs in bed.
Wanda’s entire backside was pressed into your front as you had a thigh wedged between her legs and arm over her torso. Her shirt had ridden up quite a bit during the night, so your hand was under her shirt, touching her soft, warm skin. You were pretty certain your fingers were just brushing the underside of her breast.
And Wanda wasn’t wearing a bra. 
It was still the early hours of the morning, and the entire situation was disorienting for you. 
You breathed deeply quietly. 
You needed to detangle yourself from this without waking Wanda because you don’t think you could face her if she woke up now. 
You try to shift slightly, but all you end up doing is accidentally rubbing your thigh against her. 
Wanda groans lightly in her sleep, and you feel the panic rising in your chest.
But Wanda doesn’t wake up, and you silently thank the heavens. 
You take a deep breath again, shifting more slowly this time, first your arm before your leg. It takes a ridiculous amount of time, but you manage to escape the bed without waking Wanda, and it feels more accomplishing than any mission you’ve ever done.
You head out the door, closing it as quietly as you can. 
You breathe in relief, heading over to the room next door where you left your belongings. Changing into workout attire, you decide to go for a run.
The smell of eggs and bacon hit your senses the moment you come back into the house.
You see Wanda standing in the kitchen, singing lightly as she’s cooking, wearing an oversized shirt.
You can’t describe it, but the image of it brings a warmth to your chest, and it spreads to the rest of your body. 
Wanda turns around, seemingly hearing the door close.
“Oh, you’re back!” She says with a smile. “I made what they call, ‘a traditional American breakfast.’ Are you hungry?”
You smile at her because she sounds so ridiculous as she excitedly puts the hearty breakfast on the table.
“Yeah,” you breath, “I’m just going to clean up really quick.”
By the time you come back down all fresh and showered, Wanda has finished everything. 
You take a seat as Wanda helps you put everything on a plate. You take a bite as Wanda watches your expression intensely.
“It’s good, delicious, really. Best I’ve ever had,” you reassure her and Wanda seemingly loses the tension from her shoulders. 
“I’m glad,” she tells you. “Ever since moving to the compound, I haven’t had a lot of time to cook anymore with training.”
“Did you cook a lot before?” You ask before putting some more food into your mouth.
Wanda nods, bringing her hand up to her mouth as she tries to swallow her food quicker to answer.
“Yes,” she tells you. “Pietro couldn’t cook at all. I mean at all. So, I learned here and there.”
You give her a soft smile because you’ve heard since her brother died, she was...different. But you were glad she seemed to be able to talk about him now.
“That’s fair,” you respond to her laughing a little bit. “I’ve learned a few things here and there too since I used to do a lot of missions with Natasha...and she really can’t cook.”
“Are you going to explain to me the eyebrow incident? Everyone seems to reference it all the time.” Wanda asked curiously. 
The smile drops from your face, and Wanda blinks at the sudden change.
“Never mention that incident again...I still have PTSD from it.”
Wanda sputters out a laughter which gets you smiling a little. 
You would dare to say it out loud, but the way Wanda laughs makes your heart flutter.
The next couple days until Saturday is strangely domestic for you since you had to keep up the charade.
The days were filled with gardening, mostly you watching Wanda garden as everything you touch dies, and cooking dinner together. 
There was one evening that you and Wanda took a stroll around the neighborhood. The two of you just...talked. 
You got to know each other pretty well, and it was weird how compatible you two seemed to be. 
But not because you agreed on everything and had the same interests because you don’t. It was the way that you two fell into step with each other, a calming pull with hints of butterflies that settled over you when you’re with her.
To deeply put it, you two vibrated on the same wavelength. 
And, well, she was funny. 
It was getting comfortable, and you didn’t know what to do with that feeling. 
Every morning, you’d wake up in an intimate position you weren’t in when you went to sleep, and you were finding it harder and harder to detangle yourself and get out of bed each morning. 
You were shaken out of your thoughts when Wanda called you to help her zip her dress up. Wanda came out, holding her hair up and back turned to you. 
You immediately blank your mind because the sight of her smooth bareback and defined shoulder blades was about to give you thoughts that would send you straight to hell. 
“I can’t get the zipper all the way up, can you do it?” Wanda asked so innocently and frustratedly that you feel guilty for almost having such thoughts about her. 
“Sure,” you reply, dryly. Taking a step forward, you lightly grab the edge of the zipper and pull it up until it reaches its end.
Wanda turns to you, dropping her hair that fell down her shoulders in loose curls. 
“How do I look?” She asked you, and you looked at the attire in full. She was wearing a short clubbing dress that accented her breasts and collarbone. 
“Perfect,” you say, and she beams at you. 
“Let’s hope we find what we need tonight and hopefully we can be on a plane home tomorrow morning,” Wanda tells you, putting on some earrings. 
“Yeah,” you reply for lack of anything else to say. 
A part of you wondered if you would go back to being strangers once the two of you returned. 
It was quite the flashy club. Colored lights were blinking everywhere, and the music played so loudly that you could feel the bass thump against your skin. 
Bodies were crammed onto the dance floor, dancing (grinding) and making out. 
The bouncer let the two of you in easily once your name was given and directed the two of you where the VIP section was. 
It was so packed that you ended up grabbing Wanda’s hand tightly so you wouldn’t lose her in the throng of people. You eventually pull her in front of you when you reach up the stairs so she could go first, putting your hands on her waist to follow her. 
Once you’re at the top, you feel almost breathless. 
“Damn, this club is crowded,” you say, mostly to yourself but then you hear Wanda chuckle. 
“It is the most popular gay club here. I think that’s the room they’re in. Let’s go.”
Wanda grabs your hand again, pulling you to the back. Another bouncer is standing at the door, she tells them your names, and he steps to the side while opening the door. 
You’re immediately facing a whole other group people. 
“You made it!” David exclaims as he gets up to hug the two of you. He smells like tequila, and you know everyone has already started drinking. You look around the room to find another gay couple, a lesbian couple, and a single girl sitting on her own. 
The single girl looks like she’s glaring at you slightly as she catches your intertwined hands with Wanda. 
You cock your brow. 
She looks like she wants to say something but David is introducing everyone to the two of you. 
It mostly kind of flies over your head because these people are irrelevant to you and the mission. Wanda seems to be doing better than you for remembering the names. 
The only name you caught was the single girl’s, Vanessa. Apparently, she had met with Wanda multiple times before because she hangs out with David and Liam quite often. 
She obviously liked Wanda, probably thinking she wasn’t actually dating someone. 
It rubs you the wrong way, and you don’t know what to think about that. 
“The sphere isn’t in this room,” Wanda whispers to you quietly, passing it off as if she was whispering seductive things in your ear. 
You lean against the wall, bringing Wanda a little forward with you as you cup her jaw and bring your lips to her ear. 
“We can look around a little later. Focus on getting them drunk so we can look around,” you whisper in return, but to everyone, it looks like you’re biting her ear, especially with the look on Wanda’s face. 
“Oh my lord, you two are already at it,” David teased, bringing the two of you apart. You merely smirk before taking a seat down. It just so happens that Wanda ends up sitting next to Vanessa while you’re at the edge. 
Drinks are passed around, and you’ve taken a couple shots and now nursing your second beer. 
It was good that you had a higher alcohol tolerance, and it seemed like Wanda was more playing into talking to everyone to distract them on the fact she was only taking sips of her drink. 
It wasn’t hard to egg on David and Liam to drink more, and you didn’t have to do anything for the other couples. 
The party was escalating as time passed. The VIP area was insane with bottle services and their own dance floor. 
People were dancing on the floor to the music and flashing lights. You used the opportunity to peek your head out the door to see what else there was. 
Around the bouncer, you noticed there were two other rooms and a turn that leads to a staircase. 
You hummed. 
You looked back to see Wanda dancing on the floor, swaying her hips and running her hands through her hair with her eyes closed. 
You couldn’t catch the thoughts fast enough of how insanely hot she was and that you may have wanted to drag her to the washroom. 
Wanda’s eyes snapped opened as she locked eyes with you, and it was like a hot electric buzz tingled in the air. 
It was cut short when Vanessa came behind Wanda, turning Wanda around and pulling her into a dance—a grind with her. 
It pissed you off. 
A white, hot burning in your chest flares. 
The sheer audacity this girl has to hit on your girlfriend—fake girlfriend—in front of you baffles you. 
Wanda doesn’t even really seem to notice, just playing her role and calling for more drinks. 
You push off against the wall, stalking your way over to Wanda who’s waving for more drinks from the bartender while Vanessa has her hands on Wanda’s waist. 
You stop right behind Wanda, her back facing to you before you grab her arm, spinning her around out of Vanessa’s grasp and into your arms. Your hands slide up to cup her jaws on both sides, strands of her hair caught between your fingers as you capture Wanda’s lips roughly. 
You can’t describe how it feels, but it’s like everything in you shifted, everything falling into place in the way you didn’t know you needed. 
Wanda softly moans against your lips, pressing her lips over yours over and over again, her hand grasping your fingers against her jaw. 
“GET A ROOM!” David yells from the dance floor. Everyone’s chuckling at you while you pull back slightly. You look past Wanda and glare at Vanessa who now seems to register that Wanda is off-limits. 
“Might just do that,” you say against Wanda’s lips, grabbing her hand. Everyone is still so wasted and only getting worse as they dance. 
You take this moment to pull Wanda out of the room. You notice that the bouncer is still there. Giggling, looking like a naughty couple, you drag Wanda into the room next door. The bouncer leaves you to be because he may have heard the commotion in the other room. 
You push Wanda into the next room. As you shut the door behind you, Wanda leaps into you, capturing your lips again. 
A surprised moan escaped your lips as you wrap your arm around her waist. 
She’s kissing you quite enthusiastically, and you’re trying to return the fervor. 
When you break apart for air, Wanda is flushed, her cheeks are a rosy color as she looks at you. You can’t stop thinking about her, how she smells, how she tastes. 
It’s a little overwhelming. Wanda’s eyes dilate as she hones in on your thoughts. 
“As nice as this is,” you breathlessly say, “we should actually look for the sphere.”
Wanda stared at you for a moment before lifting her body off of yours. 
It felt cold. 
You cleared your throat, licking your lips slightly, tasting the remnants of Wanda’s lip gloss. 
Standing up straight, you looked around the room. There was nothing in the open, so you and Wanda began to shuffle through the shelves and drawers. 
“Nothing?” Wanda asks you. 
“Nothing,” you sighed. 
“You said there was another room, right?”
You nodded but pursed your lips. “I highly doubt it’s in the other room, though. He doesn’t seem to be keeping it on this floor. We should just go straight for the basement.”
You slide the door open slightly to look down the hall. The bouncer is still standing outside at the other room. 
You hummed. 
At the same moment, Vanessa came spilling out the door, wasted as the bouncer turned his attention to her. 
You take advantage of the moment, grabbing Wanda’s hand once more and exiting the room without the bouncer noticing. You lead her to the far back and take a sharp turn where the stairs are. 
It leads pretty deep down until you reach the bottom floor. The two of you stand before the door before you open it. 
You step in and...
“Are you kidding me?” You ask exasperatedly. 
Wanda is blinking at she’s looking around the room. It wasn’t what you had expected at all. There was a large stage, then a built-in dance floor, and then tables and chairs set up. 
You look up and...
“You’re telling me he bought a $500,000 golden sphere on the black market...to use it as a disco ball.”
The golden sphere with crystals embedded on it hangs from the ceiling, spinning in all its glory. 
“I hate people,” you mumble as you throw a chair on the table and get up onto it. You make a leap and grab the sphere with enough force that it rips from the hook on the ceiling. 
You land on the floor gracefully, tossing the sphere to Wanda who catches it with both hands. 
“David just really loves dancing,” Wanda teases you as she sets the sphere on the table. 
You huff slightly, watching as Wanda’s hands glow and her lithe fingers bring red wisps around.
Wanda essentially bends the metal open, grabbing the microchip out and storing it safely. She bends the metal back perfectly as if it hadn’t been touched at all. Using her powers, she lifts the sphere and puts it back on the hook. 
“You’re telling me I just jumped to get it when you could’ve done that?”
“You got to pull your weight around here somehow,” Wanda smirks. 
You roll your eyes playfully at her as the two of you leave.
No need to stay longer with the mission completed.
That night when you get back home, Wanda reports in, and Tony is going to send one of his planes to pick the two of you up tomorrow. 
You sighed after you had finished your nightly routine. Sliding into your side of the bed, you lay on your back. Putting your arm behind your head, you unintentionally replay today’s events in your head. 
Specifically kissing Wanda. 
“Keep thinking those thoughts, and you’re going to find yourself in trouble.”
You snap out of your thoughts to see Wanda enter the bedroom. She walks around the bed, taking off her cardigan and dropping it on the floor before she lifts the blanket and slides in. 
She invades your space, scooting herself until her back is pressed against you. Reaching around herself, she grabs your arm and pulls it over her torso.
Wanda settles and sighs in content. 
Her fingers are tangled with yours, and she’s taken the liberty of entangling your legs as well. 
“Being pretty bold, aren’t we?” You say in the dark, eyebrow raised.
Wanda smiles, her eyes closed as she’s getting ready to sleep.
“Why not? I think after today there’s no need to wait for us both to fall asleep before we cuddle. Think you can at least wake me up tomorrow morning before you wander off?”
You feel your cheeks flush slightly. 
“We did a job,” you argued.
“You didn’t need to kiss me like that,” Wanda retorted, referring to the dance floor and Vanessa.
“And let Miss Single and Desperate put her paws all over my fake girlfriend? I think not.”
Wanda shifts a little against you. “So, you were only fake jealous then?”
You don’t answer right away, nor do you move. All your life, every mission you took had meaning, had a direction, had a purpose. 
The mission stayed the mission. 
This was the first time you had to consider your actions--why you did what you did. 
Without this mission, it’s possible you may have never considered Wanda in such a way.
Would Wanda consider you if you weren’t the one here?
Regardless, it happened, and now you cannot stop thinking about her.
“You should consider it,” Wanda says, interrupting your thoughts.
“Consider what?”
“Consider being mine for real, милый.”
The nickname rolls off her tongue so easily that you feel like you’ve been hers for a long time. 
Your arm tightens around her, burying your head in her hair, the smell of cinnamon and dry leaves washing over you. You sigh lightly. 
“It’s been considered.”
The next morning, the two of you leave bright and early. Everything all packed up as you get ready to meet Tony at the airport. 
The two of you weren’t going to even say goodbye to David and Liam. They would just find a new family living in this house. 
You’re holding hands as the taxi driver drops you off on the tarmac where Tony has his jet parked. 
Tony sees your linked hands, smirks, but doesn’t say anything.
“Thank god that the two of you are finally coming home,” Tony comments. You’re putting your suitcases away and hum in response.
“Natasha’s been complaining about having nothing to do while she’s been home for a week.”
You pause for a moment. 
“Wait,” you say, turning to Tony with your brows furrowed. “Hasn’t Natasha been on a mission for an unknown amount of time?”
That’s what you recalled Wanda telling you as she roped you into helping her on this mission. 
Tony laughs. “I wish. She’s been getting stir crazy at home. It’s so bad, she’s contemplating trying to cook again.”
Tony walks past you, entering the plane while you’re confused. 
You stand there, eyes slightly narrowed and looking down as you process that information.
If Natasha was home, then why didn’t Wanda--
Wanda smirks as she walks past you to board the plane as well, but not before quickly pressing her lips to your cheek. 
“Come, милый, perhaps you can explain to me what the mile high club is that Tony keeps talking about.”
You blink, your brain nearly short-circuiting. 
Wanda winks at you once more before she disappearing on the plane.
You’re hot on her trail as you hurry up the stairs and board the plane yourself. 
Of all the Avengers, you would say that Wanda is someone you were planning to get the closest with. 
Because you like her, and there were many opportunities for you to do so.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 23: Roland Freaks Out for 25 Straight Minutes
Oh man, took a break from the blog for a bit there because I gave myself a project to do that is 160ish color panels to draw by June 30th and um...it takes a while to do that, it turns out. Every time I’m like “wow I actually have enough time to make a buffer for the blog” I get so distracted.
But anyways, I started having some issues with my wacom tablet, my mouse is a nightmare, and so...I’m just gonna look the other way and write a recap and unplug all of the wacom stuff and just stay the hell away from whatever happened to that...tablet.
maybe It’ll be fine tomorrow?
*sweats nervously*
Thank God I didn’t buy a cintique, that’s all I’ll say. 
Anyway, lets go back to Yugioh. Where were we?
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That’s right. Mokuba is checking in with my favorite Kaiba, Roland, who is currently just trying to keep the company running while the official Kaibas are flying to California.
And I’ll be honest, as I was typing this I thought “and why are they going to California again?” and it took me like...10 minutes to remember that Seto dropped absolutely everything and jumped on this massive plane in order to beat Rafael at cards to win the title “King of Games” which...Yugi had already lost to Rebecca about 2 years ago prior, but don’t tell that to Seto. Or Rebecca.
Also don’t tell Seto that the “King of Games” title originally comes from being possessed by a very emo ghost that has a tendency to set people on fire with Russian whiskey and has nothing to do with whatever shenanigans went down with Pegasus.
Honestly, I like to think that in the modern version of this show, Pegasus threw the “King of Games” line out there as like a corny joke, and when the teenagers started latching onto it like it was real, he was like “Oh what?” and left it alone because he just got his left eye ripped out of his face and was very distracted by the large amount of cultists in his basement that he suddenly needed to let go.
But youknow it’s the end of the world, Kaiba’s company is being bought out by a competitor, one of Dartz’ assassins are trying to kill both him and his brother, but he has to go to California immediately to play Rafael while he has the chance. Not sure how Alister got the tip-off that Kaiba would be flying back to California so quickly, but knowing the Kaibas, they probably jump on a plane several times a week.
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I’m just still baffled that Mokuba’s doing this over a cell phone. That he was like “I better call someone.” and instead of calling the Airline or the Coastguard he’s like “I’ll call Roland💗”
I’m pretty sure Roland saw that phone ringing with Mokuba in the callerID and was like “NO NO NO NO NO”
(read more under the cut)
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Luckily for Roland, everyone at Kaiba corp has to learn how to fly planes in order to pass the entry exam.
For reals though, that plane just casually bumped off a mountain like it’s in Diddy Kong Racing.
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There’s a lot of levels of brother’s saving brothers in this episode. You have Seto who thinks he’s saving Mokuba, but in fact it is Mokuba saving Seto by keeping this plane afloat. And then in reality, you can take another brother step backward and say it was Roland who was saving Mokuba who was saving Seto by giving the phone to that rando, and take even another step backward and say it was this Random Guy who was saving Roland who was saving Mokuba who was saving Seto.
So in reality, no brothers were really able to save eachother, it was actually that one secretary at the desk who screamed “JUST PULL THE LEVER HARDER, I DUNNO” until it worked.
But just remember that the theme of this episode is brothers saving brothers, although Mokuba is too small to really fly this plane, and Seto is too crazy to stop this duel and Roland is not really the secret inept heir of the Kaiba bloodline, and only in my little headcanon.
And also, I just have no idea who that random secretary is.
Anyways, Alister made this thing happen on the field.
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Hey guys?
How many guns do you need on a tank?
Like I...
That is a hilarious amount of guns on this tank.
Like every character designer part of me is dying right now. It’s when you’re learning Maya, and you finally figure out the duplicate tool, and you just--you just strap a billion guns on a spaceship. We’ve all done this.
But like...this gunship has a face, and that face has it’s own tiny Oricalchos.
All I’m saying is that Alister is having a hell of a time in his Maya 101 class he takes at the local community college when he’s not busy working for Kaiba Corp Airlines or busy killing people for Dartz. I want to know what grade he got on this project, because in my Maya classes the only people who were this dedicated were building weird ass warships for their games or building intense 3D My Little Pony fanfic.
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Here’s a list I can think of from the top of my head of challenges Seto Kaiba either quit or completely failed outright (basically the times Seto has NOPEd out or been forcibly kicked out):
-Joey Wheeler’s many challenges and also Spanish Class (as mentioned above)
-Beating Yugi in a card game
-Not joining Pegasus’ tourney initially so he could go on a vacation.
-We’ll just assume he’s only taken like a bunch of random college classes but only got an honorary degree
-Chess (like he was a Grand Master at one point but wtv, cards exist now)
-Didn’t arrest the Big Five or remove them from his mmo so they freakin died in there.
-Being the actual owner of the Millennium Rod
-Every time Yami tells him that they should be friends
-That whole story line where he was dating a dragon in a past life
-fulfilling that prophecy of killing Yami in the present timeline to end the world
-attempting to blow up his own battle city tournament before it was over because he didn’t win
-Getting all 3 Godcards
-When a possessed Tristan appeared over a mountain top to duel everyone and Seto just went “I’m out” and simply walked away
-Flying a blimp from point A to point B without it setting on fire
-Getting his Dad to build an amusement park
-Just anything to do with Noah
-the existence of magic in general
-every attempt he’s had to rebrand Kaiba Corp as “funtime games inc I swear we don't make tanks anymore, stop looking at all the tanks”
-Seto Kaiba’s entire Destiny storyline this season that he has gone way out of his way to get away from.
And like I’m sure there’s more, but I feel like half of Kaiba’s MO is that he is either Too Good To Bother With This or he has Lost Everything Very Dramatically. Mokuba at least has the right idea, by being one of the few people who has beaten Yugi Muto by peacing out halfway through the duel and stealing all Yugi’s stuff off of Yugi’s side of the table.
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Anyway, despite it being like...5 seconds since we saw Roland in a weird cyber room in what I assume was Japan, we now see him with his head pressed against the glass of this helicopter being like “BOYS NO NOT AGAIN WHY”
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And youknow, Roland was just trying to do the right thing, but he accidentally made things a million times worse by just showing up.
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And so Alister was like “well I better crash the plane now with this gust of green energy that destroys all mechanical equipment.”
Really not sure how Alister was planning to leave this plane after this duel was over. I don’t know if he thinks that far ahead.
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this isn’t even a joke I made up, Roland really did run up to the pilot and was like “Just throw down some ladders! That should work!” and it’s like...Do you not see the giant ship covered in a thousand guns right now, Roland?
And then Alister and Seto decide to have a fight about ethics where they’re both pretty wrong.
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I mean it’s not the exact line but yes this is basically what Seto said, point blank, and I was like “well...at least he owns it.”
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So cards happen, dragons get played (so MANY dragons) and because we had to end this arc, Alister loses the duel as we kind of knew he would.
And then Mokuba, because he knows no other life, sees an asshole older brother in pain and just wants to adopt him.
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Enjoy that trauma tossed onto your already megalith sized trauma pile, Mokuba.
Elsewhere, the legendary dragons have started syncing again, which is a weird thing that they can do that none of these guys have any control of.
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Mostly it just irritates whoever is holding these cards at the time.
But behold! the glory!
The glory of three tubby dragons wielding a plane!
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It’s what Kaiba always wanted but he had absolutely no idea he was doing it. Will anyone tell him that he managed to summon three dragons to fly him around the sky like a mamma bird? No. No one bothers to tell him that his wildest dreams just came true.
FYI There were other stills of more of the dragons and the plane, but I kept pausing on instances where it kinda looked like they were humping the plane so I gave up.
But, at least we all get to meet up, around the smoke coming out the back of this giant plane that now...will just sit here...until someone sues KaibaCorp over it, I guess.
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Like a soccermom, now Roland gets to give the whole frenemy crew a ride with...copters or whatever.
I dont’ know how Roland got here, y’all.
This happens a lot with animated shows, youknow, there’s a lot of plot threads, a lot of scenes and episodes that get freelanced out and outsourced, and people who make these shows aren’t working on the whole thing at once, they’re just going off of director notes--so there’s a good chance they had no idea that Roland...just shouldn’t be here.
But it’s OK, I enjoy whenever Roland is panicking in the background. He’s good set dressing.
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Seto does not give any more explanation of this corpse.
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And then, sprinting as fast as he could out of his copter comes Roland, who does what Roland does best. It’s this moment where you would usually see a parental figure reveal how much they care and adore their little children. But because it’s Roland, and these are the Kaibas, he instead takes this moment to reveal exactly how inept he is at the very last second.
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Never change, Roland. I love this massive green haired disappointment.
Anyway, I’m not sure when I’ll get the next update out, since I’ll be knee deep in drawing art I don’t need to draw, but just know I’m not dead. Usually I post fanart or whatever, but all I have is this Dartz I started drawing but he just has so much hair that I don’t think that one will ever get even remotely finished.
But anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read these from the start.
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nanowrimo · 5 years
50,000 Words Down. What’s Next?
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Fiverr, a NaNoWriMo 2020 sponsor, is here to help you with some editing tips to get your novel ready to publish:
You and your manuscript have spent a lot of time together over the past few months (or maybe even lifetime). Take a minute to marvel at your masterpiece. You started November a writer and ended a novelist. You did what most people only dream of—you sat down and wrote the darn thing. Bravo.
It’s totally normal to want to take a breather and step away from your first draft for a while. Once you’re ready to dive back in—because you wrote those 50,000 words, and they should be read!—reread it. See what’s working and what needs to be rewritten. When you’re finally happy with the revisions and ready to start thinking about publishing, it’s time to finally ask for some help. Call in editors, designers, marketers, etc. Editing, polishing, and designing your novel before you’re ready to publish is key, and you’re going to want to call on professionals to make sure the process is as smooth as possible. 
The path to publishing is different for everyone. Some want to connect directly with publishers, while others are planning to self-publish. For both paths, there  are websites like Fiverr. Fiverr—the freelancer marketplace—launched a new store that includes hundreds of digital services for taking your manuscript to the next level. 
Check out our tips below for editing, designing, and promoting your novel: 
Editing 101: Get a fresh pair of eyes on your manuscript to do deep developmental edits, catch mistakes, and utilize feedback to strengthen your manuscript. Find freelancers for everything from content editing to proofreading to beta reading.   
Make a lasting impression, from cover to cover: All the effort you put into writing your novel will be for nothing if you don’t capture the attention of your readers immediately. Packaging your novel right is important to position it for the market. Hire an expert for freelance services like cover design, book interiors, illustration, book blurbs and more.  
Ready, set, launch: You may be planning to pitch your novel to traditional publishers, or are looking to market on your own. Who is your target audience? What is your angle?  Come prepared with a book proposal, professional book trailer, and a solid marketing plan in place.
Ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Here’s a novel idea: visit Fiverr’s store to get started.
Top photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash.
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thewriterslament · 5 years
writing a resume from scratch
as with literally everything i write, this got really fucking long! like, wordcounter.net estimates this will take 7 minutes to read. so i’ve placed the bulk of this post under a read more
this is not a quick tips kind of post; this is a detailed breakdown of how to write a resume from scratch, with examples that are largely taken from my own resume. this is primarily a resource for people who don’t know where to start with writing a resume, not for people who just want resume hacks
i’m saying all this so i don’t get people in my inbox complaining about how long this is. writing a resume takes a lot of time and effort, and this post does not shy away from that
creating a resume will take you a while, especially if this is your first attempt. don’t be discouraged! take breaks, and don’t try to make the perfect resume on the first try. this tutorial is designed to be completed in rounds
it usually takes me a week to get a new master resume into working order
don’t worry about page length right now. you should make a multipage master resume that contains every relevant experience before making a 1-page resume. after you’ve made the master, you can build custom resumes from it for job applications
this post is best viewed on desktop, because i use nested bullets, and tumblr mobile hates those
let’s get into it!
step 1:
list out everything you’ve ever done that could feasibly count as a resume entry: extracurriculars, jobs, volunteer positions, research, organizations you were a part of (professional or casual), freelance work, long-term hobbies. i will refer to each different experience as an “entry”
for each entry, write where (city + state) and when (timespan) you did that thing 
ex. tritones a cappella group, los angeles, ca, august 20xx - present
going forward, update this list as you join or complete new jobs/hobbies/whatever so that you don’t have to wrack your brain a year down the road wondering how long you held down that job or leadership role
step 2:
describe each entry
use bullet points to list out all the things you did within that role. start with the big picture, then move on to the small stuff
big picture: the goal of the role/organization/research, overarching and long-term projects, what results you were trying to achieve + why
ex. “studied the neuroanatomy and synaptopathy of the inner ear to determine the role of glutamate receptors in hearing loss”
small stuff: literal day-to-day tasks, every software and hardware you worked with, any particularly successful moments
basically, walk through a typical day or week in this role and list out every single thing you have to do, even the grunt work.
ex. “used redcap to administer neuropsychological batteries and collect biological data”
ex. “designed and implemented a novel article format that yielded a 10% increase in audience retention”
if you still have access to the original job posting or a corporate description of responsibilities for your role, pull that up and see how much you can paraphrase from it
no duty is too stupid rn. did you google weather forecasts for your boss every week? write it down. you can make it fancy or choose to delete it later
step 3:
fancify this shit
rewrite your bullet points from step 2 with better jargon. tell your employers what you did in a concise yet assertive manner
it helps to break down each point into its most basic components, which you can then generalize or rephrase 
ex. “googled weather forecasts” might become “compiled weekly reports on changing data points to assess weather trends over time”
use action words. you can find resources all over the internet for this, but if you’re still struggling, shoot me an ask and i’ll link some of the resources i’ve used myself
caution: you don’t want to sound like you used a thesaurus on every word. make sure you aren’t obscuring the meaning of your bullet points. “googled weather forecasts” should not become “utilized online databases to assemble weekly communications on meteorological variations”
start thinking about how your responsibilities for each entry relate to a) what skills you want to showcase and b) what the employer wants from you. does the employer want you to demonstrate familiarity with online databases, or does the employer want you to demonstrate familiarity with weather forecasts? your bullet point for “googled the weather” will change depending on the answer to these questions
step 4: 
look at the big picture
you probably have a metric buttload of bullet points for each entry. now you need to cut that down to what’s relevant. think about which bullets are most impressive, noteworthy, and descriptive of each entry
aim for 3-5 bullet points. any less than that and you have to ask why you’re including that entry. any more than that and the employer’s eyes will glaze over
try to combine bullet points
ex. “identify content and write articles when necessary,” “maintain a pool of freelancers,” and “identify key graphics and maintain tagging structure when uploading articles” all involve the process of creating an article, so they can be combined into: “identify content, assign stories to freelancers, write articles when necessary, and upload with appropriate graphics and tags”
start thinking about tailoring your word choices and bullet points to what the employer is looking for
if you can, pull up the job posting or a sample resume for the job you’re applying to and compare your resume to it. are you using similar language? are you demonstrating similar skills?
jobhero.com is a lifesaver
finally, eliminate redundancy in your resume, both in every individual entry and in the resume as a whole. if a skill can be demonstrated by multiple entries, you only need to list it once
kill your darlings! it may sound harsh, but the things that seem super impressive to you probably won’t even be a blip on the employer’s radar. “but saying i made coffee runs shows i’m dependable and a team player!” the employer isn’t looking that deep, my dude. you can showcase your dependability in your cover letter or your interview
you should redo steps 3 and 4 several times, soliciting feedback from your parents, peers, career center, etc each time
step 5:
add the Other Stuff
typically, you should only include institutions for the highest level of education you’ve attended. (undergrad and grad school both count as college for this purpose)
there are exceptions to this, depending on how long you’ve spent at a higher level of education, whether your alma mater will earn you brownie points, whether you had genuinely impressive accomplishments earlier in your life, etc.
once you hit, like, 2 years in college, you should try to get rid of high school achievements and showcase college achievements instead
list the school name, city + state, degree type (BA/MA/etc) and expected graduation date (even if it’s in the future), your major(s) + minor(s), and any related coursework (ie preprofessional tracks, specific courses related to the job). you can list your gpa if you feel it’s relevant, but i caution against doing this once you’ve graduated
ex. (where // indicates a new line) harvard university, boston, ma, may 2020 // bachelor of arts in cognitive neuroscience // minor: english: focus in creative writing // related coursework: pre-medicine, computer science 101 and 102 // gpa: 3.9/4.0 (dean’s list, all semesters)
a list of items without descriptions. you can do a bulleted list or you can list the entries in paragraph form, separated by commas or bold bullets
hard skills: hardware, software, languages (spoken and programming), digital and communication platforms, social media proficiencies, other technologies and devices
ex. microsoft office suite, java, wordpress, slack, familiarity with ap and chicago style
soft skills: general qualities, buzzwords, personality traits
ex. leadership, conflict resolution, time management
certifications and awards
can be one section or two depending on how many of each you have
list each one on a separate bullet point
for each, write the certification or award, the institution that granted it, and the month and/or year you received it if relevant
tbh i just cite my publications in the following format instead of following a style guide
lastname, firstname. “article or chapter title.” book title, publisher (aka company or website). publication date.
if you’re the sole author, you don’t need to list the author’s name
interlude: stretch the truth a bit. don’t lie about having experience or skills you don’t, but if you can reasonably google how to do something, boom! you’re proficient in it. if you worked with two team members who never pulled their weight? you just became the sole project lead. were you a beta reader for anime fanfiction back in the day? you’re a freelance editor, baby!
step 6:
now you have to organize all the entries from step 4
separate your entries into relevant sections. what’s relevant might change based on what you’re applying for
i’ve had, at various points in my life, some subset of the following sections: work experience, volunteer experience, leadership experience, research experience, writing experience, other relevant experience
list sections in order of descending importance
write all entries in reverse chronological order: start with the most recent and work your way backwards
write all bullet points in order of descending importance. unfortunately, i don’t have any quick tips on determining what’s important, but it helps to look at the job posting and see what matters to the employer
i tend to list big picture goals, then personal accomplishments (leadership skills, projects), then daily tasks
step 7:
format this shit
you can find resume templates online or in your word processor. templates serve as a good starting point, but i recommend creating your own format so you can edit and customize it with ease. this will probably involve a lot of fiddling with indentations, paragraph spacing, and moving things around
don’t go smaller than 10pt font
mess around with line and paragraph spacing to get the right balance of white space. if you’re curious about what i use, shoot me an ask and i’ll share my weirdly specific settings
keep an eye out for bullet points with orphan words (ie lines containing only 1-3 words) and get rid of them to streamline your resume
margins can be anywhere between 0.5″ and 1″
consistency is key! make sure each entry has the same kind of spacing. don’t use hyphens in one entry and en dashes in another
in the header, write your name, email, phone number, and address
interlude: save this version of your resume as your master resume. this gives you an unedited list of everything you ever did that you can now pick and choose from when you apply to jobs. update this list every 3-6 months.
step 8:
customize your resume for the job application
unless you’ve been in the industry for several years, your job-specific resume should be no more than 1 page
if you have more than 1 page: compare the job listing and your resume side by side and ask which entries demonstrate your capabilities most effectively, which bullet points are the punchiest, and if there’s any extraneous info
match each job requirement to one bullet point on your resume. then match each bullet point on your resume to a requirement in the listing. get rid of any bullet points that don’t meet either of those criteria. if multiple bullet points match the same job requirement, get rid of the extra bullet points
if you have significantly less than 1 page: see if you can add more bullet points or reformat your resume to introduce some more white space. a 2-column set-up is great for this, with section headers on the left and bullets on the right. do you have any hobbies you’re forgetting about? any soft skills you could add?
emulate the language of the job posting; use the same action words, the same soft skills
your resume should work in tandem with your cover letter, but that’s a topic for another post. maybe in another 6 months i’ll write a post on that, too
always save your resume as a pdf! you don’t want your employer to have access to your metadata
if you made it through this whole post... i’m so sorry lmao but also thanks for sticking with me
let me know if you found this helpful or if this method scored you a job!
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becomethevoidstuff · 5 years
I’m starting to freelance as a second job to help others with their work as well as improve my skills for the future. You can also DM me or email at [email protected] if you would like more details or have any questions.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Services and Descriptions
Proofreader: review content for the client in order to correct spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation with suggestions for improvement of the text
Developmental Editor: work alongside the client to assist in the development of the project until completion (i.e. a webcomic)
Fact-Checker: cross-reference factual assertions in nonfiction texts and checking the correctness of said facts for the client 
Researcher: a systematic investigation on a provided subject(s) for the client
Transcriber: listen to a provided audio clip and write down what is heard with feedback attached for the client
English Language Assistance: review content and provide feedback on the client’s usage of the English language (open to both native and nonnative English speakers)
Spanish-English Translation: translate a text from English to Spanish AND/OR Spanish to English for the client
Spanish-English Transcription: listen to a provided audio clip and translate it from English to Spanish AND/OR Spanish to English with feedback attached for the client 
Bachelor of Arts, May 2019
Major: English
Minor: Criminal Justice
Understanding of the Spanish language
Spanish learning during my undergraduate degree program (2014-2019)
Elementary Spanish I (Span 101 - Fall 2015) - Final Grade: A
Elementary Spanish II (Span 102 - Spring 2016) - Final Grade: A
Intermediate Spanish (Span 201 - Fall 2016) - Final Grade: B
Spanish Phonetics and Conversation (Span 301 - Spring 2017) - Final Grade: B
Tutoring (January - May 2017)
assisted three upperclassmen to increase their understanding and memorization of Spanish for this semester
Customer Translation Assistance (Since Fall 2015)
With my primary job as an assistant manager in the fast-food industry, I have helped my co-workers and customers alike better communicate with Spanish-English assistance in order to improve their dining experience at our location.
Research analysis and methods 
Since Fall 2014, my degree program has trained me to accurately examine large amounts of information while also analyzing the contents of said information for accuracy and relevance to the subject matter.
Editor and Research Assistance For Long-Term Projects
Webcomic Script Editor (Since July 2017)
I assist Jesse Adams with her multiple web-comics by analyzing rough drafts of the written script and sketched panels. I then offer critique, suggestions, and improve the works via editing and proofreading.
Notes on Prices
I go by 250 words per page in my calculations, so please keep that in mind for your request!
Discuss with me the details with your request and we can figure out the final costs before I start the project.
My prices use the unit USD (United States Dollars) for currency.
Proofreader ($20 - $25/hr)
Or 8 cents per word
Developmental Editor ($20 - $25/hr)
Or 8 cents per word
$5 research fee if applicable
Fact-Checker ($10 - $15/hr)
$5 research fee is NOT included in the hourly pay
Final Price Includes . . .
Research fee + hourly pay
Researcher ($20 - $25/hr)
$5 research fee is NOT included in the hourly pay
Final Price Includes . . . 
Research fee + hourly pay
Transcriber ($10 - $20/hr)
$2/audio minute is NOT included in the hourly pay
Final Price Includes . . .
Audio minutes + hourly pay
English Language Assistance ($10 - $15/hr)
Can include audio AND/OR written word
Will be charged accordingly
Spanish-English Translation ($10 - $15/hr)
Or 10 cents per word
Spanish-English Transcription ($20 - $30/hr)
$2.50/audio minute is NOT included in the hourly pay
Final Price Includes . . .
Audio minutes + hourly pay
Additional Fees To Pay Attention To!
NSFW (Not Safe for Work) Content = $8 added to the final price
5% overall tax for time and labor
Pay per audio minute for Transcribing!
$5 research fee to cover research expenses!
$3 document transfer fee if documents are NOT Microsoft Word!
Required Materials To Begin
Contact Information
Can include Tumblr, Twitter or Instagram for quick contact between all parties involved
But email must still the primary way of contact for the document transfers
Project Information
Details for your commission
Document Programs
Microsoft Word is preferable
With said document attached to your email as needed
I will still work with you if the document is NOT Microsoft Word. Please be aware of the document transfer fee that will be included.
How It All Works
You contact me with your proposition.
Then, I receive every detail necessary for your commission
Can include (but not limited to): Deadlines, problem areas, questions.
Send the document my way via email.
We calculate the prices and come to an agreement.
After the initial payment, I work on the assignment.
I will then need the rest of the payment once I complete the assignment.
After the final payment, I will send the completed commission back to you!
Only PayPal OR Ko-fi payments accepted
No full refunds
If you pay in full the first time, you have nothing to worry about!
Tips are not included in your invoice but are highly appreciated!
The initial payment is after the final price calculations are agreed upon.
Any commissions (+$25) are to be paid in full OR in 2 or more payments.
Fees are to be paid before the final work is returned to the client.
Final payment must be paid before the final work is sent back! 
The first payment must be between 24-120 hours (1-5 days) after the final prices are agreed upon. 
The final payment must be paid between 24-72 hours (1-3 days) or no final work returned.
Disclaimer: All types of written works are open to my services. However, when I receive your request, I reserve the right to decline your request. My professional critique of your submission is not indicative of any form of discrimination towards you or your submission.
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loveonlinejobs-blog · 5 years
Various Ways of Making Money Online While at Home
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The use of Money are very many in our daily lives. This is explained by the fact that pope, look at various ways on which they can earn some cash in each and every day. Some of the individuals have also ventured in the business sector and thus acts as their means of getting Money. There can be a lack of jobs at some particular times and seasons. It is, therefore, a requirement to find some other means which you can use so that you can make some money. One of the ways you can use is the online method of making cash. Some of the things you will need for you to make money online are the browser and the source of internet. There are many methods and ways you can use to make money online. This article has explained some of the essential tips on how you can make some money online while sitting at home. Click here to find online jobs Sydney. Blogging is one of the ways of making money online while at home. You will find many things in the blogging field. You can create a website where you can write a various article and people will be reading and commenting on the things you have written in your article. You will earn cash as per the number of people which will be attracted to reading the article you will present on the website. You can also make some good cash while at home by being a freelance writer. Being a writer can make you earns very good cash online. There are many different topics you can write about while doing freelancing. There are many freelancing websites, and they also have different articles and many things which you can write. You can then write on the gigs and earn your cash while sitting at home. Click here to learn more. An online survey is another way you can make some cash while sitting at home. The online survey can be seen as one of the fastest ways you can use to make money online while at home. You will come across different survey sites which you can work with and earn some cash. There are different survey sites you will get, and you can also link your requests on the survey site you want to work with so that if they have survey emails, you will receive them directly. The online survey can be done at the comfort of your couch and still you will be making some good cash. In conclusion, the advanced technology has led to ways on which you can make some cash online. This article has listed some of the various ways on which you can make money online while at home. 
Find out more about this at http://www.huffpost.com/entry/101-work-from-home-jobs_b_9488586.
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robinha · 5 years
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I’m doing a #mystic#sprituality #tarot #astrology#workshop #discussion #networkingevent with a couple of fabulous ladies at #femmefataledc! Come join us, #CapitalCovenFFDC on June 24th and July 16 and we will explore the limitless potentials of our #psycheand support each other in #spiritualdevelopment. The first workshop will be on #astrology, lead by @goddessglassart on June 24th 7 to 9 pm and the second workshop will be about #tarotcards, lead by @girlsprouts on July 16th 7 to 9 pm. This is a monthly #meetup, open for all genders: everyone with an open heart is welcome and each month we will share our knowledge on different other-worldly topics! #washingtondc #witchystuff #magic#energy
Date and Time
June 24th Monday 7 to 9 pm
July 16th Tuesday 7 to 9 pm
Femme Fatale DC
3224 11th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20010
Capital Coven presents: Lunar Enlightenment Series Capital Coven is a community of kindred spirits interested in the other-worldly and who support each other in spiritual development. The only rules to join are to be open-minded to exploring the Great Mystery together. We meet monthly to create together, build deeper connections and to learn a little bit more about topics of interest, including but not limited to: spirituality, energy, healing, sacred geometry, earth-based wisdom, crystals, tarot, astrology, shamanism, etc. We aim to deepen our connections to our own intuition and explore tools to help us do that. If you are seeking a supportive community grounded in soul-work, please join us! We meet monthly on potent lunar days when possible, to activate our intentions. Come as you are, as we are all learners on this path. Participants will receive a Capital Coven journal upon joining the community ($20) which they can decorate on their own. Journals will be used to track our insights, notes and other details during and after gatherings. If you are not interested in joining, please still bring a journal of your own to any event you attend. The Lunar Enlightenment Series is the name for our monthly meetups centered on collective learning and creating in a magical space together. We look forward to enlightening our lives in a safe container with you! Lunar Enlightenment Series Calendar 1. June 24: Astrocharting Eliza of Goddess Glass Art will take you on a journey to discover your rising and moon signs in addition to your sun’s signs meaning. Participants will then break out into groups to work through how the placement of their planets are influenced by the astrological sign they are in. You will be provided with practical tools on how to use this information to help understand and navigate everyday challenges. Participants will create and astrology-themed piece of art personalized for their own sun/moon/ascendant signs to empower you on your astrology journey. Please come prepared with the place and time of your birthday.****2. July 16: Beginner’s Tarot (Buck Moon)In this session you will learn tarot basics and discover the history and underlying themes behind this wonderful deck. Emily of Woven Psyche will be presenting on a special tarot topic and Cait from Girl Sprouts will provide tarot 101 and ideas on how to get started on your own. Each participant will choose a card for this full moon and learn a bit more about the themes and how they might apply to their own life. Participants will then create an art piece with a card they have pulled for the night and gain tips for using the card’s guidance during this full moon cycle. The last half hour will be a tarot exchange, so bring your own deck if you have one for practice! About the organizers Cait Newcamp of Girl Sprouts Cait (she/her) is the owner of Girl Sprouts, a plant-based body care company grounded in feminine wisdom and honoring the cycles of womxn. Girl Sprouts was planted as a way to shift the story around menstruation, connecting girls and womxn to their bodies and the earth and to celebrate the beautiful rite of passage into womxnhood. Her formal training is in biology and chemistry which informs her recipes for healthy, safe and practical creations to love on your body. Cait believes that the intuitive mind is as important as the rational mind, and that our individual connection to this sacred gift is necessary to restore a healthier planet. Therefore, part of her healing path, largely stemming from her own mental health struggles has been in re-connection. Cait is an empath, a reiki level II practitioner, tarot card reader, science communicator and public health professional. Inner and outer balance informs her life choices and nature is where she finds home. Cait loves experimenting in art, writing, riding bikes and learning from others (especially plants and children). Robin Ha Robin Ha is the author and the illustrator for Cook Korean!: A Comic Book With Recipes, a New York Times bestseller cookbook graphic novel. She was born in South Korea and moved to the United States when she was fourteen. After graduating from RISD, I've been working as a freelance cartoonist and an illustrator in NY and Washington DC. She is currently working on a memoir graphic novel, Almost American Girl which is about her immigration experience from Seoul, Korea to Huntsville, Alabama. Almost American Girl is scheduled to come out in January 2020, published by Balzer + Bray, an imprint of Harper Collins. Robin's mission as an artist is to share her cultural and personal experiences through comics. Aside from drawing comics, she has been giving numerous talks and cooking demos to share her knowledge and love for Korean food culture around the United States. As much as she loves to draw, she loves to eat. Her plan is to travel to new places around the world and taste their food and draw comics about them. There is really no food that she wouldn't try at least once in her life. She doesn't have a sweet tooth though. She always goes for bacon over baked goods. For more info on Robin Ha, please visit her website: https://robinha81.wixsite.com/robinha Eliza Derick of Goddess Glass Art Eliza Derick is a teacher, artist, and astrology enthusiast based in Washington DC.  She is the founder of Goddess Glass Art and Astrological Empowerment with Eliza, both endeavors based out of Femme Fatale DC.  Eliza has studied astrology for 20 years and loves sharing with others the secrets of stars for gaining a deeper insight into a journey of self-discovery.   In addition to, stained glass art and astrology, Eliza has held a lifelong passion for the stage and performing arts. She trained and performed for a decade with Sahara Dance, a DC-based Middle Eastern dance troupe. A camp counselor at her core, she taught visual arts, yoga, and dance at Fillmore Arts Center for 8 summers. Eliza has recently partnered with Bloombars to offer Wild Things Yoga family performance workshops borne out of her love of integrating movement and creative expression with children’s literature.
For more info please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/capital-coven-presents-lunar-enlightenment-series-tickets-63386406448
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Facebook Post Scheduler and Automation Tool For Maximum Engagement
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Using a Facebook post scheduler can help you in saving time creating individual posts, provide consistent content to your target audience and followers, and connect and engage with more people.
A Facebook post scheduler is literally a boon for social media marketers who struggle to manage their time and can’t keep up with the number of posting schedules. It never lets your Facebook accounts stay empty.
But, when you use the native post scheduler by Facebook, you cannot schedule posts on personal profiles, which is a turn off for people who want to manage their personal accounts. Thus, we are going to show you how you can schedule posts on Facebook profiles, pages, as well as groups.
RecurPost is a social media scheduling tool to schedule Facebook posts with bulk schedule content with ease. Using it, you will be able to plan and schedule hundreds of posts in advance and stop worrying about posting in real-time.
Benefits of using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler:
Schedule content in bulk
RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler lets you create bulk updates and schedule them in advance. You can create bulk schedules in 4 ways:
Upload bulk content from your device (text or image updates)
Upload content through a CSV or excel file
Import content by setting up an RSS feed
Import content from a social account
All the posts that you want to schedule can be added to different content libraries. These libraries keep your social media calendar well-organized. When you sign up for RecurPost, three default libraries will be created for you. You can further create unlimited libraries to categorize your content neatly and schedule them to go out on your FB accounts using RecurPost’s Facebook automation tool.
Auto-schedule for best times
To get the maximum engagement on your posts, you need to post your content when your audience is actively using the platform. Analyzing your audience and carrying out A/B tests is a way to find out your best times to post on Facebook. It also depends on the industry you are operating in.
However, this is a cumbersome and time-consuming process. When you use RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, you don’t have to worry about finding the best times to post. RecurPost provides you with an option of ‘Auto-schedule for best time’.
When you select this option while scheduling Facebook posts, RecurPost will automatically study the engagement received on your posts in the past and will upload your posts accordingly. The same goes for the best time to post on Instagram, best time to post on twitter, and other platforms.
1. Create updates with multiple images
A majority of Facebook post schedulers allow you to add only one image while scheduling a post on FB pages. But RecurPost’s social media scheduler allows you to add up to 15 images in one post. Thus, you don’t need to go to FB to schedule posts with multiple images manually.
Not only images, but you can also create posts by adding videos or GIFs too. In the description, you can add emojis and hashtags of your choice. This ensures that you can create varied updates using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler.
2. Get access to detailed analytics
RecurPost offers you very detailed analytics of how your Facebook posts perform. In the reports section, you will be able to see the following data:
Increase/decrease in Facebook page audience
Page impressions (Paid and organic)
Audience engagement (likes, comments, shares)
Audience demographic (male, female)
Performance of your posts (most reshares, favorites, popular updates)
Best time to post
Detailed engagement for every post uploaded
Isn’t this data pretty detailed? You will get all the insights required to change or modify your content calendar, and create content that is liked by your audience.
3. Use the social inbox to manage notifications
The social inbox is one of the most amazing features you get while using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler. You can manage all your social media notifications from a single place. It enables you to watch all your chats, mentions, comments, and conversations, and take action on them.
A unified social inbox lets you establish a connection with your followers, manage notifications along with your team members, and reduce distractions from unwanted notifications. See and reply to messages, manage comments, read reviews, and manage fan updates for your Facebook pages seamlessly. Thus, along with automatic Facebook posting, you get to take care of your important notifications from the same dashboard.
4. Download white-label reports
While using RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, you can download white-label reports that consist of your analytics. White-label reports are one of the best ways to professionally brand your business.
With just one click, you can add your company’s logo to your reports and download them. If you are managing the social accounts of multiple clients, you can add their logos to their respective reports.
You can choose how frequently you want your reports according to your or your client’s preference. It can either be daily, weekly, or monthly. All these features make RecurPost the best HootSuite alternative.
5. Assign work to your team members through workspaces
A task done in coordination is a task well-done. Following the same belief, RecurPost allows you to add, manage, and work with your team members or clients so as to gain maximum control and efficiency in your workplace.
You can create different workspaces for different clients or for managing different sets of social accounts and libraries. You can invite team members to manage desired workspaces and give them access to selected social accounts and libraries.
Using this feature, you will be able to organize your social accounts and delegate work easily. Best for freelancers and agencies who are managing the social accounts of multiple clients.
Sign up for the 14-day free trial today!
To try out all these amazing features (and many others) offered by RecurPost’s Facebook post scheduler, sign-up for the 14-day free trial today. You will not be charged anything if you cancel before the trial period completes. The pricing plans are pocket-friendly and suitable for all kinds of businesses, freelancers, agencies, bloggers, authors, artists, and the like.
It lets you automatic facebook posting, schedule Instagram posts, schedule tweets, schedule LinkedIn posts, and Scheduling google my business posts. Click here to learn more.
Visit us: https://recurpost.com/recurpost-as-free-facebook-post-scheduler Also Read : Best & Worst Time To Post on Instagram in 2021 Best Time To Post on Twitter in 2021
When is The Best Time To Post on TikTok (and Worst): The Ultimate rundown
301 Instagram Bio ideas for 2021: Tips to Write Perfect Bio
301 Twitter Bio Ideas for 2021: Tips on How To Write a Perfect Bio
How To use Instagram Filters
Instagram Reels 101: The Ultimate Guide to using the new feature
Facebook Jail: Everything You Should Know & How To Stay Away From It
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Blogging 101 Dealing With Writers Block
Blogging 101 Dealing With Writers Block
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writerswritecompany · 5 years
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The Top 10 Writing Posts From August 2019
Every month, we look at the posts that people read the most. These were the new Writers Write posts you enjoyed in August 2019:
10 Description Mistakes Writers Should Avoid At All Costs
101 Fantasy Tropes For Writers
17 Pretentious Words & What to Use Instead
A Complete Glossary Of Terms For Science Fiction Writers
How To Write The Perfect Flashback
Jonathan Franzen’s 10 Rules For Writing Fiction
31 Writing Prompts For August 2019
Sue Monk Kidd’s 10 Most Helpful Writing Tips
Why You Need To Pay Attention If You’re A Writer
From Full-Time To Freelance Writing: Ways To Cope
We have added the next three, because we lost two days of views, and we cannot be sure they would not have made the list:
What Is A Plot? – A Writer’s Resource
Poetry 101: Kinds Of Poems – The Villanelle
10 Memoir Mistakes Writers Should Avoid At All Costs
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erlendbv · 3 years
Interesting online classes from Gotham Writers Workshop
I've been looking through the course catalogue for the online classes at Gotham Writers Workshop, and there are quite a few classes that look interesting.
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More below the fold.
Humor Writing I — Syllabus
Introduction to Humor Writing: The secret formula to all humor. Exploration of various forms of prose humor writing—fiction, nonfiction, and in-between. Where to find humorous ideas. The elusiveness of humor.
Principles of Humor: Exploration of the various techniques for achieving humor—exaggeration, juxtaposition, shock/surprise, extreme situations, sound/rhythm/wordplay, irony, attitude, absurdity. The various types of humor.
People: Finding the stupidity in people. Round and flat characters. Showing vs. Telling. Methods for showing characters. Ridiculing groups of people.
Structure: The basic structural techniques for humor—the rule of three, snowballing. Finding a major dramatic question. Shaping a beginning, middle, and end. Breaking the structural norms.
Point of View/Voice: Point of view defined. Exploration of the various types of point of view. Voice defined. Exploration of the various types of voice. Tips for finding your voice.
Description: Using the senses. Specificity. Techniques for creativity. Finding the right words. Merging description with point of view. Describing funny situations. Bad (but funny) descriptions.
Dialogue: The importance of scene. Dialogue's illusion of reality. Quotation marks and tags. Stage directions. Summarized dialogue. Characterization through dialogue. Miscommunication. Not forcing it.
Point and Pointlessness: Using humor to make a point. Using humor in pointless (but funny) ways.
Precision: Hacking through the early stages. Zeroing in on the perfect words and achieving economy. Strengthening the humor techniques. Finding the peaks and valleys. Testing out the humor.
The Business: Proper format for manuscripts. How to target publishing houses, magazines, newspapers, and agents. How to send your work out. Query letters.
Blog Basics — Syllabus
The Blogosphere (and You): The spectrum of blogs. Types of blogs—diary, opinion, news/updates, reviews/advice, other. Reasons to blog—money, platform, express/share/be heard. Blog concept. Finding your concept. Blog names.
Setting Up Your Blog: Hosted platforms. Self-hosted platforms—software, web hosts, domain registration. Names—blog, domain, platform. Design. Posts. About page. Widgets/plug-ins. Labeling—categories, tags, favorites, recents, permalinks, archives. Links—internal and external, pingbacks, cited sources. Blogroll. Images, video, audio. Comments. Subscriptions—email, RSS.
Creating Content: Frequency. Length. Focus. Good blog writing. Ideas. Voice. Snark. Spicing up your posts. Mixing it up—images/video/audio/cited sources. Professionalism. Legal issues. Dangers of blogging.
Connecting to the World: Search engines. Keywords and tags. Links—direct, internal, from other blogs, enticements. Tracking traffic. Interacting with visitors. Social media—networks, microblogs, bookmarking, sharing sites. Making money—advertisements, merchandising, contributions. Freelance blogging.
Blog Writing — Syllabus
Concept: What is blog writing? Types of blog posts—personal experience, opinion, reviews, advice, news/updates. Focusing your blog—concept, audience, uniqueness, posts. Company blogs.
Point: The importance of a point to each post. Finding a fresh or interesting point. Ways to make your point. Creating effective headlines.
Structure: Types of structure—inverted pyramid, feature article, list, story, other options. Creating effective openings. Planning a post.
Voice: Defining and achieving voice. Exploring various voices. Stylistic tips—rhythm, verbs, interesting words, senses, emphasis. Smartness and sarcasm.
Credibility: The difference between subjective and objective obligations. Reliability—accuracy, provability, specificity. Using revision to achieve professionalism. Making your case on the About page. Transparency about payments.
Aside From Writing: Visuals—graphics and site design. Commitment—planning and sticking to it. Audience—spreading the word and interacting with your audience. Money—ways to make money with a blog
Other courses
Business Writing (syllabus)
Children’s Book Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
Creative Nonfiction 101 (syllabus)
Creative Writing 101 (syllabus)
Essay & Opinion Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
Feature Article Writing, Level 1 (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
Fiction Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2, level 3)
Hit Send: Publishing Short Nonfiction (syllabus)
Mystery Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
Nonfiction Book Proposal (syllabus)
Novel Writing (syllabus – building on Fiction Writing, level 2 first draft, level 2 critique)
Plot (syllabus – level 1 mechanics, level 2 machinations)
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
Screenwriting (syllabus – level 1, level 2)
TV Writing (syllabus – level 1, level 2 pilot)
Writing Scripts 101 (syllabus)
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Blogging 101:When Is The Best Time to Write?
Blogging 101:When Is The Best Time to Write?
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