#freeman brothers au
babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months
*staring wistfully out the window* Can this season please just end with Nicky and Taylor about to go on a road trip together or something... I feel like they deserve that much...
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Headcanons on Kon in the Captain Marvel adopts Superboy AU
Kon is his universes Captain Marvel Junior, Freddy is called Lieutenant Marvel instead
Billy’s age isn’t known, only the Shazamily and Kon know. Plus Tim, Kon told him and Tim makes sure Batman doesn’t figure it out through sneaky sabotage
His jacket has embroidery saying “You’ve been” with Caps symbol on the back with a “Struck!” At the bottom (You’ve been thunderstruck) instead of “Don’t mess with the S”
Does have access to Captain Marvels powers if needed, he’s part of the family so he can call down the lightning, but doesn’t like to because it ages him up and he ends up looking just like Clark
If he is Shazam-ed up his leather jacket becomes double breasted with the thunder emblem taking up most the front and thunder bolts in a belt formation on his hips, other than that his suit stays entirely the same
Civilian name is Conner Elliot Ordway; Conner is obvious, the Elliot is a nod to the House of El, and Ordway is the maiden name of Billy’s mom. The initials spell out CEO which is a humorous nod to Lex. Billy wanted to make sure Kon had a name that honored his family history, as messed up as it is, while still giving his one that’s makes him part of his family and able to be his own person separate from them. Which is why he gave him the last name Ordway instead of Batson, so his identity is completely his own if he wants it to be.
(More under the cut)
Knows Billy is Captain Marvel but still sees him as a great father figure, one who cares about and loves him unconditionally and respects him while also actively trying to be present in his life
Billy models his treatment to Kon as a mix of how he remembers his own dad and doing the opposite of what Superman was doing, which leads to a very loving parent-child dynamic built on respected boundaries and lots of open affection to remind eachother they’re loved
Billy mainly sees Kon as a older brother, Kon sees Captain Marvel as a dad figure and Billy as a little brother when they spend more time together as civilians. It changes based on how long they spend together in one of Billy’s forms for the most part, but mainly Kon sees him as his dad (even if the differences in age are supposed to be odd)
Billy uses the “Pretending to be my own dad” trick with Captain Marvel to get Kon in a high school in Fawcett plus Tim’s stellar “I faked a whole uncle to avoid being adopted” abilities to fake the paperwork
Billy works at Whiz radio and uses Cap in civilian clothes working odd jobs to afford an apartment for the both of them, which is made a lot less expensive when Billy uses that “Powers of Shazam, summon before me (insert desired thing here)” spell he summoned a ping pong table with that one time to cover large furniture
Superman started giving Cap the silent treatment after he learned Conner has been all but legally adopted Kon
Mary is a cool aunt to Kon, both get along well and scrapbook together as a bonding activity
Freddy, understandably, freaks out and is all over Kon the first few months he’s part of the family. Asking about TTK, doing dumb stuff with their powers and arm wrestling to see whose power set is better, asking any and every question that comes to mind. Those two get in a lot of power based shenanigans and hang out a lot in and out of costume
The love language of the entire family is shared time and involves a ton of physical affection just because it’s good to remind people you love them with a hug, Kon is living his best life with all the love and validation he gets 24/7/365
Billy inadvertently catches up with and excels past his age groups study’s after learning what he can as Billy and trying to stay up to date with Kon’s school work to be the parent that can help their kid with homework and does
They go as eachother for Halloween one year, Kon takes a selfie and shows it to the rest of young justice forgetting they don’t know about Billy and when they ask he panics and says that’s his kid brother.
Which tumbles into Batman thinking Cap is CC Batson reincarnated with powers and trying to be a good dad and hero despite the whole death thing and Tim in the background trying not to laugh when he knows Bruce is wrong
(Stuff tied to comic canons)
Captain Marvel disappears for a solid 3 weeks after Kon dies, spending the whole time bouncing from afterlife to afterlife trying to look for him and asking the various death gods he comes across where Kon might have ended up. He doesn’t find him and has to grieve losing his family all over again
Covered every base he could think of looking for Kon’s soul, checked his family’s old faith, Hades because of the Greek ties, Kryptonian gods, a fist fight with Lady Blaze for information but couldn’t find anything. All he knows after that is that either Kon didn’t have a soul (which isn’t true and he refused to believe that), his ghost is roaming around and didn’t move on properly so he’s in a state of limbo, or he’s in some other afterlife and he has no idea what other ones to check for him in. Either way, Billy can’t find him and gets torn up that he lost some of his family all over again
The new 52 has Superboy Prime a prisoner held in the Monsterlands, a realm under the Council of Eternity’s (and Captain Marvel’s) control. Billy makes every day there a living hell for him for the next year until Kon is brought back, and after that all of Young Justice gets a free lifetime pass to pop by and beat him senseless for some Therapy™️. Tim and Cassie got a lot of hits in
When Kon does come back and gets back into the swing of his civilian life Billy worries a lot more and gets a little hover-y as a parent to Kon, Mary makes him earrings and small pieces of jewelry that has protection charms on them, and Freddy checks up on him between classes.
All in all, it’s a family of orphans all in various situations of oprhanhood being there for eachother no matter how weird life gets for them. Sometimes a family is your middle school aged dad, his best friend, his twin sister, a shape shifting talking tiger, and yourself
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bulblorts · 9 months
hi heres the Freeman brothers I am tired so its bad
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John freeman Gordon Freeman and Ivan Freeman
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kenandeliza · 6 months
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And even when i have enough backlog of ideas, It's either having no time or no motivation ;w;
Ideas that have not been made into comics so far.... (a reminder for KD to actually draw them instead of being a lazy bum)
Fawcett citizens think that marvel has bad eyesight because he squints a lot, Marvel is confused. When they put on glasses on him, his dot eyes opens. This confuses marvel and the citizens even more (explanation: he does his out of instinct from seeing his dad with squinty eyes) based on mutual's post
Guardian Angel
Billy in an electric chair
Bio dad bruce wayne
Silly caller
Freddy Freeman Meets Freddy Fazbear
A comic about Captain Marvel being oblivious about the women who's flirting with him, this caused Junior to talk out of his ass "He's still mourning you idiots!", this made people believe that the wife has passwed away and captain marvel hasn't moved on yet, this can lead to a misunderstanding with Black Canary with counseling marvel [Marvel is talking about his mom and how he misses her but BC thought he was talking about his wife]. Mary proceeds to slap Jr because of his impulsiveness
What If the suspendium didn't happen? :The Marvel Family grows up normally, starts with young child reading a book to a grandpa
Billy gets cancelled
Captain Marvel snoring like a dad and Billy snoring (honk mimimimi) based on this post
Mary teaching Billy about Table Manners before meeting her adoptive mother
Mary being invited on the Wayne Gala, Billy and Freddy shenanigans ensued (they thought the wayne kid is hitting on their sister)
Mary Blackmailing Marvel to wear a tiger onesie
Crack comic: Billy Boasting over Superman because he got to join the army as Captain Marvel once but Supes didnt just because of an eye exam failure
Kid Eternity's Birthday
[Needs polish] A scenario after Batman adopted Billy, Billy told Freddy and Mary about it, Freddy has a flashback where he got adopted by rich parents and the snobby high school experience back in Captain Marvel Jr , probably ends with Junior confronting Batman to not send Billy to a hoity toity rich private school
The Marvel Family and how they handle publicity
Freddy picking up Billy's swearing habits "Holey Moley" (continues where the publicity comic ends)
Billy and his Caprisun
Billy and Freddy had a fall out but everyone else interpreted it as Junior undergoing teenage rebellion and proceeded to give the captain parenting advices [Pre Teen Parent Billy]
Post suspendium Billy in the modern DC world shenanigans (1950s boy meets 2000s)
Fawcett Toon Headcanon
Celebrity AU : Billy would post a banger song by accident online (not with his real name of course) and would later monetize it
Movie billy meets Golden Age Comic Billy/Movie Freddy meets Golden Age comic Freddy
The many hairstyles of Freddy Freeman
Captain Marvel vs Big Red Cheese
What if Bruce Wayne is Captain Marvel
The crooks that the Marvel Family caught discuss about how they got caught
Big Brother Billy Batson
Courtney x Billy Batson scenario
A crack Georgia/Freddy fanfiction. Premise: Freddy would sometimes go undercover in his comics, what if the Sivanas had something planning going on? It was odd for their criminal activity to stop for nearly a year. It is now up to Freddy to "betray" his family and gather intel on the Sivanas, perhaps assuming a new identity to pretend to be their lackey. meanwhile Georgia Sivana has a new crush
Fawcett city newsboys
Billy adopts a baby
A supersons Oneshot Comic
Premise: Jon and Damian wanted to see the new Fredbear's pizzeria Movie but the clerk said they're too young to enter. With Jon being 10 and Damian not looking like his age (13).
many shenanigans ensued as they attempt to enter the movie theatre before a new villain who can bring horror movie characters to life appears!
Can the two save the theatre when they're facing against slashers, Chainsaw killers, and a Horror-knockoff of Superman?!
A livewire vs Captain Marvel Comic
Connor had a nightmare where Jon had a zoomer haircut when he grows up
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untowardsthoughts · 10 days
I Believe You Have A Call [dndads brothers au fic]
this is one of the fics that i mentioned in this post; a lil piece of the Glenn and Jodie Brothers AU that's been rollin around my noggin for a few months now. its basically just a rewrite of that one scene where glenn takes the phone call from morgan but brothers au
Excerpt taken from Dungeons & Daddies (Ep 28, The Bridges of Dad and Son County) Anthony: The shortest one walks up to Glenn and produces a cell phone. Shortest Robe: I believe you have a call. … Freddie: Uh… Caller ID? Nothing? Anthony: The caller ID says the name of your late wife, Morgan Freeman.
Standing face to face with the men who kidnapped their sons was bone-chilling, to say the least. Jodie stood there, ears plugged on account of Erin’s warning to their group, unable to hear anything of what was being said from the purple robes in front of them. 
Jodie and Henry watched the muffled back-and-forth between Darryl, Ron and the robed figures, until Paeden turned to the two of them, flicking his ears in a gesture of take out your earplugs. 
The tallest robe steps forward towards the dads, “You are going to answer yes or no to the following question: you will let us raise your children, in exchange we will help you leave the Forgotten Realms today. And not only that…”
The shortest one approaches Jodie, producing a small cellphone from the depths of their robe. Jodie takes a step back, hand inching towards his firearm on his holster. 
“I believe you have a call.”
… A call?
The only people capable of producing phone calls in this dimension were themselves to their wives, and Scam Likely - and seeing how the latter recently met his demise, Jodie doubts either option. 
Jodie gingerly takes the cellphone from the hooded figure and puts it to his ear.
“... Hello?”
“Hey man! How’s it hangin’?”
The phone almost slips from his hand. That can’t be him- he’s dead, he’s been dead- He steadies his breathing as he can feel himself about to choke up. 
“... Glenn? Is that- is that you?”
“Yeah dawg, did you lose my number already? I’ve been gone for, what, a month now? I woulda hoped you’d wait a bit longer than that, at least two.”
“No, no, no, no - I didn’t- What I meant was.. you’ve- I-”
“Relax dude, I was joking. Anyways, I’m calling to tell you that I’m on my way back! Dad and I are gonna be in town for a couple days and I wanted to see if you were down to hang out. I’m thinkin’ McDonalds?”
“.... What year is it?” Jodie can feel himself beginning to hyperventilate. Out of all things, a call from his late brother was the last thing he was expecting to deal with since coming into this realm and losing his kid. The thought crossed his mind when they were faced with the whole Terry Senior situation, but once all the Dads agreed that they were indeed not dead, Jodie tried not to give it any more thought. His brother’s been dead for at least a decade now, he can’t afford to spiral down that theory again. Not now. Not here, not when he was so close to getting his son back. 
“...Dude, are you okay? Don’t tell me you went through my shit, dammit. It’s like 1 in the afternoon! Did you eat anything? If it was the gummies on my desk- ”
“Glenn, answer the question - please.” 
“It's 1996. Joe, listen to me, man. You’re gonna be alright, just hang in there. Put on a movie, sit your ass down on the couch - I’ll be home in about 2 hours. Is mom home?”
“I- uhh…”
“Alright, forget about that. Just relax, you’ll be fine. Try to enjoy it! I’ll see you later.”
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morbid attraction
Ethan Landry x reader
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AU where Stu Macher has an illegitimate child. During Scream 6.
summary: Y/n is a freshman at Blackmore University. They're currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in forensic science to become an autopsy technician. To further their research, and to make money, they pick up shifts as a mortuary assistant. Y/n must come to terms with the trauma of gruesome murders of their hometown, copes with the memories of their ex girlfriend Amber Freeman, and with the fact that their father was a homicidal maniac. Running doesn't get them far from their past as it chases after them into New York City. But maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. And maybe, just maybe, the light is Ethan Landry.
!!WARNINGS!! graphic descriptions of gore and violence, PTSD, and dealing with trauma. Major content warnings will be placed before each chapter.
Voicemail (5)
I Don't Want To Die
Wordcount: 2k
Content warnings: violence, death, blood, more blood, depictions of gore. ethan did not have econ.
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Quinn’s newest man of the evening had arrived, so she went to her room. Sam was upset that she’d invited someone who was basically a stranger to our apartment.
Sam brought out a few blankets and pillows for our friends. I was in the kitchen with Chad, Tara, and Mindy. We were all working to cook dinner.
“Sam, we do not have to stay here,” Mindy told her.
“Welp, too bad. I insist. Safety in numbers” Sam replied.
“This’ll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Alive Five!” Chad exclaimed.
“‘Alive Five’?” Sam asked.
Tara stared at him, “Did you just give us a nickname?”
Chad smiled, “I sure did. I mean we’ve been through a lot together and it’s a pretty cool nickname.”
“So true, Chad” I nod.
“That’s debatable,” Sam says.
“Extremely debatable,” Tara adds.
“You can’t just give yourself a nickname, dingus,” Mindy tells her brother.
Chad gives her a shit eating grin, “Of course I can, dingus, because I just did. Alive Five up top!”
“Down low!”
Tara shakes her head, “Get that away from me.”
Chad turns to me and Sam with his hand, “Please, for the love of God.”
“Don’t do it,” Mindy laughs.
I obviously give him a high five, laughing evilly as my friends groan. I interlock my fingers with Chad’s and squeeze before letting go.
“You know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Alive Five.”
Anika interrupts us, “Guys, what the hell?” She turns up the TV as we file into the living room.
The newscaster starts talking about Sam being the lead suspect in the current murders. He discusses the rumors online about me and Sam being responsible for the killings last year. He said we were trying to “revive our fathers’ legacy” or some bullshit. The video of Sam yelling at that girl on the street the other night played.
Sam turned off the TV aggressively. She walked over to the dining table and sat by herself. Tara and I followed. We sat in silence until Tara spoke.
“I know you’re not a fan of the way that I’ve been handling things, and that I’ve been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that none of us can relate to what you are experiencing. And I’m really, really sorry you have to do that alone.”
Sam stifles tears, “It’s not your fault. And I know I shouldn’t care what people think,” she pauses, “It just sucks being this hated.”
“Hey, hey,” Chad says as he walks into the room with Mindy, “Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you.”
“Yeah, Sammy” I agree.
“Okay? We have all been through some fucked-up stuff, and we are coping with it differently. But you know we moved here together for one very specific reason.” Chad reminds Sam, “We’re a team.”
Mindy chimes in, “We are the Alive Fucking Five.”
“Thank you very much!”
“Ah, I hate myself.”
Chad and Mindy high five.
“Say it” I tell Tara.
“No, I’m not gonna say it,” she refuses, “I mean, yes, we are a team but-”
We’re all trying to get Tara to say it and we’re laughing.
Sam interrupts, “I’ve been sleeping with Cute Boy from across the hall.”
It’s quiet.
We all erupt.
“I knew it, I knew it!”
“You called it.”
“Knew it from the day you had that hickey.”
After we calm down from Sam’s lover, Chad looks at me.
I gave him a suspicious look, “What?”
“Do you have any love affairs to confess?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Nothing with our tall, dorky friend?”
“Who may or may not be Ghostface” Mindy mumbles.
I look at the confused, “Ethan?”
“Yes, Ethan!” Chad bangs the table.
“No, I am not sleeping with Ethan!” my voice ups in pitch.
Chad gives me a look, “Hm.”
I argued with him about it. He claimed we’re too cuddly, so I rebudled that I’m cuddly in general. Sam backs me up by mentioning me in her bed last night. Mindy says I was flirting with him at the frat party because we were dancing. I said that I just wanted my friend to have fun. They let it go.
“I feel like we should high five or something,” Tara says.
“The Alive Five high five, please?”
“Don’t call it that.”
We all high five in the middle and interlace our fingers. For a minute I feel safe, I feel okay. It feels like a real family where I belong. Sam’s phone rings and it’s Cute Boy. We make fun of her for a moment and she declines his call. Quinn is heard moaning in the other room.
“Oh, my God, Quinn and her gentleman caller are back at it again” Tara jokes.
We all laugh as the moans and thuds get louder. All of our phones go off. We’ve been airdropped a picture of Quinn being attacked by Ghostface.
“Help! Stop!”
We all jump up from the table and sprint towards Quinn’s room. Chad grabs Tara’s arm and pulls her away before she gets to the door. We all stop and stare. It’s silent.
The door swings open and the killer throws Quinn’s body. Everyone is screaming.
“You guys come on!” Tara screams, running out with Chad. I watched Lucifer run out with them.
The killer slices Mindy’s arm. Anika starts fighting him from the floor. He grabs her by the throat. I watch her as she struggles to breathe.
“Hey, fuckhead!” I scream, kicking him in the side.
I trip over myself and hit the floor. I kick and scurry backwards as the killer crawls towards me. He grips my ankle and pulls me towards him. I kick my legs and shove his face away. He stabs me in my right thigh. I scream in pain and kick him in the face. The force makes him pull the knife out of me and step backwards.
Anika tries to latch onto him again. He grabs her by the throat and pins her to the wall. The knife is plunged into her stomach, he drags and twists it upwards. She cries and shrieks. Sam comes running in with the wooden knife holder and smacks him over the head.
We run into Tara’s room and lock the door. I grab a belt from the floor and a pen. Mindy grips her gaping wound. We remember that the bathroom connects through the rooms. Mindy rushes to close the bathroom door.
“Oh, fuck! That guy’s dead!”
The killer comes running at the door. Sam and Mindy force it shut and deadbolt it. I take the belt and pen and tighten them above my bleeding wound. I’m bleeding a lot. There’s a major artery that I’m worried has been severed. All the while, Mindy and Sam are blockading the door. Anika is practically bleeding out in front of me. We’re all screaming and crying and bleeding.
Cute Boy from across the hall calls out to Sam from the window. She rushes over. He pushes a ladder in between the two windows.
“You three go first. Mindy!” Sam yells.
“What? No. Someone needs to hold the door. I’ll send Y/n and Anika next. Go!” Mindy replies.
The killer bangs on the door. I can tell he’s throwing his whole body weight against the door.
Sam crosses the makeshift bridge as Danny sends words of encouragement.
“We’re losing a lot of blood!” I shout at Sam as I limp to the window.
Anika groans, “Say something more positive!”
Sam makes it across and I pull myself with my upper body across the ladder as fast as I can. I wince and whine, crying harder as my wound drags. I finally made it across. Anika forces Mindy to go next. She gives her one last kiss before crawling across to us.
Anika gets onto the ladder, “Oh, God! I can’t do it!” She slowly crawls.
The killer comes up to the window.
“Anika, you have to move now!”
I scream, “Come on, we got you!”
The killer grabs onto the ladder and shakes it vigorously, Anika shrieks and cries. She keeps trying to crawl as Mindy screams.
“Baby, I don’t want to die!” Anika yelps out. She takes Sam’s hand.
The killer completely knocks Anika off the ladder. She falls. We watch as her head crashes into the dumpster below, then hits the hard concrete. Her skull bleeds onto the pavement. I passed out.
When I come to, I’m in an ambulance. My leg is being stitched up. The EMT sees that I’m awake. The sun is starting to rise.
“Hey, that tourniquet was a good idea” The medic tells me, “You might’ve saved your life.”
I gulped and nodded. I see my friends in the ambulance across from me. They see me too. The medics, police officers, and crime scene investigators litter the place. I overhear multiple indistinct conversations.
I see Ethan duck under the crime scene tape. Chad sees him too.
Chad rushes over to him. He grabs him by his collar, “Where were you?!”
Ethan is confused, “What? When?”
“Last night!”
I yell, “Chad, stop!”
“I had Econ. You know this!”
“Bullshit, man! You disappear, and my sister almost gets killed!”
“Chad!” I yelp, leaving the ambulance. The medic yells after me. I half-run over to the boys, my stitches tearing. “Chad, it wasn’t him!”
Chad looks at me, “How do you know that, Y/n? ‘Cause he’s your little boy toy? He couldn’t hurt you?”
I grip my thigh and wince, “Oh, fuck. No! Because I kicked that fucker in the fucking face! Ethan doesn’t even have a bruise! And whoever it was definitely has a broken nose.”
Chad lets Ethan go, he walks away.
I moan, using both my hands to squeeze my thigh. I start to cry and crumble to the floor.
Ethan grabs me, “Oh, fuck. Th-that’s a lot of blood. Oh, my God. Y/n!”
He helps me back over to the ambulance where they have to re-stitch me. I sob and hiss in pain. Ethan sits next to me. I grab his hand and squeeze it with all of my strength.
“Fuck!” I scream. I clench my teeth, my breath ragged. I sound like a kicked puppy. The adrenaline has worn off and now I’m just in agony.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Ethan whispered.
I couldn’t speak in anything but jumbled sobs. The medic was done stitching me, but I was still weeping. Ethan softly shushes me, pulling himself closer. I gulp and breathe heavily.
I looked into his eyes, “Ethan, it was so scary.” I wrap my arms around myself and fall forward onto him. His arms place themselves around me and I cry into his chest. “Oh, my God, they’re dead!”
“You’re okay,” he says softly, “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
“I don’t want to die.”
Ethan pulls back slightly, “Hey, look at me.” His hand meets my cheek, his thumb wipes tears. “You’re not going to die.” His tone is suddenly serious.
I shake my head, “You don’t know that.” I look at the ground and let more tears fall.
“I said look at me,” Ethan adjusts my face to look at him.
I tremble in his fingers. His eyes meet mine. He looks at me with the harshest expression I’ve ever seen on him. He puts his other hand on my face and says:
“Anyone who tries to kill you is dying first.”
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a/n: tehe i like this one
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widderwise · 10 months
Kid Infinity! (DP/Shazam)
So this is a ‘Danny is adopted’ AU. He was found by the Fentons on one of their ghost hunts (just so perfectly right there- def not sus). I’d say ten or younger, if on the older end he has some (convenient) amnesia. The Fentons roll right along and adopt him, probably blaming ghosts for him being alone. (They might even be right- sort of)
Danny grows up a Fenton, has his accident, becomes Phantom as in canon. But when he gets cloned and Dani needs to be stabilized he’s told that he needs a sample from a biological relative that’s fully alive (for reasons). Cue panic over the ‘adopted’ reveal (if he didn’t know or others in Amity didn’t know -side eyes Vlad-)
They eventually end with Clockwork to find Danny’s birth family. Clockwork is acting shifty. He reluctantly admits that he stole Danny away as a child to avoid a worse timeline. In his previous timeline he still would have died as a teenager, but he would have been sort of brought back, tricked and used by evil while having no memory of his name or family. By bringing him here, Danny still died and came back but he has family and friends (and maybe a kingdom he defeated Pariah Dark for).
They are skeptical, but in a hurry, so they head off to Fawcett/Philly (depending on world) where Danny’s biological brother lives. They have an address and a name: Freddy Freeman.
Freddy is shocked to find out his little brother Kit- Christoper Freeman is still alive. Kit went missing before Freddy was in foster care, maybe. Maybe disappeared into the system. The explanation that his brother was cloned and they need help… well Freddy is really into hero stuff. After all, he is Captain Everypower/Captain Marvel Jr (depending on world). He is down to help and now Shazam and Phantom are allies (the GIW shiver in fear).
Yes, Clockwork stole the kid (Kit Freeman) who would become Kid Eternity away before he could be killed and then tricked by the Lords of Chaos and the (canon-wise!) ghost Mister Keeper. (He was a ghost in the original and 'an agent of the Chaos Lords' in the reboot) In this Mister Keeper would be a ghost working for the Chaos Lords. Kid Eternity’s powers were invisibility, intangibility, summoning spirits of the dead, flight, and a ghost form! Sounds familiar.
Clockwork wanted his King of the Infinite Realms Phantom and he made it happen.
Now Freddy has a brother, a sister (Dani), another new sister Jazz. He’s happy!
Uh, maybe Freddy’s foster parents take in Danny and Dani if the Fenton parents don’t take the reveal well?
Diana finds out her grandfather (Kronos) adopted a kid? And he’s part of Captain Marvel’s group now. Say what? Diana versus the American government (Anti-ecto acts)
Happy endings for all. Except the GIW.
So instead of Kid Eternity we have Kid Infinity!
I am imagining old Mamaragan (the wizard) and Clockwork staring each other down. Two old beings with magic staffs and a team of powered kids.
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darksxder · 1 year
scream masterlist
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amber freeman
legacy | series | angst, fluff & smut | prescott!reader |friends to lovers|
you were the perfect target, but amber just couldn't sacrifice you
so lovely | one-shot | heavy angst & fluff | gf! amber |
she was so much nicer to you when her hands were sticky with blood and a fresh kill was under her bed
chad meeks-martin
friends with rules | series | smut, fluff & angst | fwb! chad |
making a deal to be friends with benefits can't go wrong, right?
sexiled | series | fluff & smut | slowburn | rivals to lovers |
rooming with Quinn Bailey meant you were out of a room half the time. your academic rival and resident jock of blackmore takes note
rush it ( request for @fanfiction-inc ) | one-shot | fluff | pt. 2 |
rushing a sorority was not the worst plan, but certainly not the best
ethan landry
cruel summer ( collab with @midnightsapphire)| series | angst, smut & fluff | older! reader | slowburn |
scary girlfriend privileges | series | fluff, angst & smut | fwb! |
intimidating = fake girlfriend for your best friend when a girl bothers him
poly! chad meeks-martin x ethan landry
and they were roommates | series | smut, fluff & angst | friends to fwb! |
no previous partner had ever satisfied you, but ethan and chad are determined to be the first
altered (collab with @midnightsapphire)| series | angst, fluff & smut | slowburn | left at the altar |
wes leaving you at the altar started a new romance you never expected
blood of the dragon (collab with @midnightsapphire) | angst, fluff & smut | fantasy! au |
becoming heir after your brothers sudden demise equals trouble. especially as you aim to finish a war he started
forever dreamers (collab with @midnightsapphire) | series | smut, angst & fluff | taboo | age gap romance |
growing up you always had a crush on your dbf, but now you have a real chance
love for free | series | smutt, angst & fluff | pornstar!chad |
rooming with a pornstar wasn't easy but you aimed to make it so
one more night | one-shot | smut, angst & fluff | one night stand turned couple |
getting over your crush on ethan was easy when chad was around
second chances (collab with @midnightsapphire)| series | milf! reader | idiots in love |
you and ethan decide to start dating whilst you co-parent and it leads you back to your high school crush, chad
the web (collab with @midnightsapphire) | series | angst, fluff & smut | spider-man! ethan | slowburn | friends to lovers |
you had a horrible crush on your best friend and the web slinging hero of nyc
to devour (collab with @midnightsapphire) | series | smut & fluff | sex pollen |
when dosed with a sex pollen, your friends help you out
when in rome (collab with @midnightsapphire) | series | smut & fluff | friends to benefits & lovers | late teen pregnancy |
a tension filled rome trip with your best friends turns serious
poly! danny brackett x sam campenter
jealousy | series | smut, fluff & angst| possessive love |
you have a horrible crush on sam and her new secret lover points it out
i also write for...
anika kayoko
billy loomis
charlie walker
danny brackett
jill roberts
kirby reed
quinn bailey
richie kirsch
sam carpenter
sidney prescott
stu macher
tatum riley
tara carpenter
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druidx · 8 months
WIP Intro - Her Countenance was Light
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The 1970s, twenty years after the rebuilding of Toreguard, semi-retired Sergeant Elowyn O'Toreguarde is called in for a new case - the murder of her childhood best friend, Evelyn Strucker. When the King of estranged Iceland turns up for an unexpected visit, the Triumvirate Council force O'Toreguarde to play tour guide, passing the murder case to her subordinates. But it doesn't completely leave her hands. A strange set of circumstances reveals an ethereal side to the City, filled with secrets. Secrets which may hold the key to Evelyn's murder.
Genre: Crime/ Urban Fantasy Type: Novel POV: Third person limited, predominantly Present tense Themes: Grief/ mourning, Change is neutral, Accepting who you are, Mercy is the preferred choice Aesthetic: Dieselpunk, Detective Noir, Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Status: Technical editing. Posting weekly on Archive of Our Own and Tumblr. Tags: #WIP 'Her Countenance was Light' (All posts inc. meta info); #HCWL Chapters Only (Follow this tag for only the chapters in posting order)
Elowyn O'Toreguarde - F, Sergeant-Detective, Freeman of the City
Johan Strucker - M, Evelyn's Father, General, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Storri Nargondsson - M, King of Iceland
Lerrald Brauma - M, Master of the Exchequer, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Farren Breakwood - M, Constable-Detective, Elo's Police partner
Thazaar Clayrmantle - M, Acting Magister, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Snotgrut - M, Unusual fellow. Curiosity. Shouldn't exist. ???
Meredith Gruksdottir - F, Bodyguard of K. Storri, Old friend of Elo's
Yoruk Copperheart - M, Bodyguard of K. Storri, Husband of Merri
Irvine Cobbleskater - M, Constable, subordinate of Elo
Written for NaNoWriMo 2017. Technically a Modern, Mundane-ish AU of a TTRPG set in the Fighting Fantasy World of Titan. Formerly known as "FF/T Modern-Ish AU".
The plot is... not something I would normally write, and for a long while I hated it. Then I thought it was a too cringy, and tried to 'fix' it, only to give up. Now, on a recent re-read, I think this is the shape this story has always had to have. So I've decided to suck it up and get it ready for posting, so at least it's out there and not loitering on my hard drive.
Title is from a traditional song, Besse Bunting, arranged by Mediæval Bæbes.
She cuts through a narrow alley of dark soot-stained brick, trots down a short set of steps and onto the flagged towpath next to the canal. There is an improvised bridge up ahead that will allow her to pass over the canal closer to where the station lies. She has run this route a hundred times, she knows every nook and cranny along this path, so when she reaches where the bridge should be, and finds it missing, she is perturbed, but not worried. Maybe someone finally reported the ramshackle thing, made of old boards and stolen scaffolding.
It was quick work though, she thinks as she back-tracks to where a tree clings to the bank. The bridge was still there when she came home in the early evening. She shakes the thought aside as she unhooks a rope swing from the tree. It's been a while since she had to use it, but she's in a hurry and has no time for the uncertainty that tries to drape over her like a cloak. With a running start, she jumps. It is only as she enters the apex of the swing that she realises something is wrong. The weight of the rope is too heavy, it shifts alarmingly as she reaches the apex of the swing. Then it has snapped, and she is falling, and she cannot remove her hands from the tacky surface of the rope, and the water is closing in over her head, and she thinks she sees the blaze of red eyes on the bank as she sinks through the darkness.
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jpbjazz · 3 months
"My goal is to explore new worlds, and I don't want to be limited by categories. I don't want to be told that I can't go into other categories. The only limitations I place on myself are the limitations I place on my own imagination. And within that realm, there are none."
- Chico Freeman
Né le 17 juillet 1949 à Chicago, dans les Illinois, Earl Lavon ‘’Chico’’ Freeman Jr. est issu d’une famille de musiciens. Fils du légendaire saxophoniste ténor Von Freeman, Freeman est aussi le neveu du guitariste George Freeman et du batteur Bruz Freeman. Chico avait d’abord commencé par prendre des cours de piano lorsque son frère Everett avait découvert une série d’instruments au sous-sol de la maison familiale, dont une trompette. Freeman expliquait: ‘’One time, my brother and I went searching in the basement through my dad’s old Navy stuff that he’d packed away. We found a trumpet and a saxophone. My brother took the saxophone and I took the trumpet. When my dad told the story he would say the sounds we made were “bleep” and “blat” because we were trying to play something. Anyway, he came down and saw the mess we made. Because of that, I ended up joining the school band on trumpet. At the same time I was singing in groups, trying to sound like the Drifters and Motown, things like that. The Temptations were my all-time favorite group, so I kept joining singing groups all through grammar and high school.’’
Décrivant ses débuts dans la musique, Freeman avait poursuivi:
‘’When I was young we had lots of kids on my block. We had one family with fifteen kids, which was great because you hardly had to leave the block to play. During summer, my dad would have rehearsals. He had the piano in the living room, so when on the front porch you could sit and actually look inside the house through the window and see the piano. I remember seeing people like Leroy Vinnegar, Malachi Favors and Andrew Hill. Other Chicago musicians would come and play with the Freeman Brothers band. The band included my uncle George on guitar and my uncle Bruz on drums. They’d set up in the living room and have a rehearsal. We’d have all the windows open because we didn’t have air conditioning and they would start playing. Within minutes, the front porch was filled with kids; we’d have a big party outside with all my friends. The funny thing is, Richard Davis, the bass player, lived across the street from us, and down the street was Frank Leslie, whose auntie was Abbey Lincoln from Chicago. There was always somebody famous hanging around the house. I was just used to musicians coming over. It was really fun. They were just people that I knew as a kid, with my brother and two sisters at the time. That’s what my dad did. My mom took me to the Regal Theater when I was five––it was kind of like the Apollo of Chicago. She took me to see my dad play with Miles Davis, and that was the band with Coltrane, “Cannonball” and Paul Chambers. I remember him standing next to Miles and Coltrane, playing. I’ll never forget that; I can see it clear as day. Ironically, John Coltrane died on my birthday, so there’s kind of a connection there that’s really unique.’’
Inspiré par l’oeuvre de Miles Davis, et plus particulièrement par l’album Kind of Blue (1959), Freeman avait commencé à apprendre la trompette. Freeman explique comment il avait découvert Davis:
‘’Then I got excited when I discovered Miles’ Kind of Blue album. I thought it was great and remember taking the record to the classical trumpet player. I thought he’d be thrilled about it, but he was a harsh critic of Miles and said, “Oh, he doesn’t play in tune; he’s cracking a lot of notes.” You know, for him, Miles wasn’t “great”—I was crushed. [laughs] I did like this guy, but I couldn’t get Miles out of my head as far as the trumpet. His sound and his choice of notes just got to me. It was going to be very hard for me to be original, because there were no other trumpet players I found on a high enough level for me. So, instead, for two weeks I practiced tenor sax. That was it for me––I realized I should’ve been playing the saxophone years earlier.’’
Son père achetant très peu de disques car il ne désirait pas que son fils soit trop influencé et puisse développer son propre style, Freeman avait poursuivi son apprentissage avec un de ses amis. Il poursuivait:
‘’Then I went to one of my friend’s, Soji Adebayo (Anthony Porter’s) house––his father had an incredible wall-to-wall jazz collection in his living room. The funny thing was, this introduced me to the music of Charles Mingus, Eric Dolphy and guys like that. Later on I was introduced to Coltrane’s music, even though I already knew of Coltrane when I saw my dad playing with him. But it was Soji and his father who really pulled me to the records, because my dad didn’t have a lot of records––he was practicing all of the time and not really listening to music. When you’re growing up listening and learning to play and really getting into it, you do a lot of listening. But once you start playing and the artist in you kicks in, you do less listening because you’re trying to be original and don’t want to be too overly influenced. I think that’s where my dad was at that point. I’m sure he kept up with what things people were doing, but he was about being an original, so he didn’t buy a lot of records. I didn’t grow up in my house listening to them. The audience has the time to sit back and listen to those kinds of recordings. Artists have to shape their craft and forge their voice.’’
On ignore souvent qu’avant d’adopter le saxophone, Freeman avait d’abord voulu être chanteur. Il précisait: ‘’Having all this music around me did create a desire to be in the industry, but at first I wanted to do it as a singer. In grammar school, I was always in the talent shows and school plays and concerts, and I sang in the choir. I started taking piano lessons when I was five.’’ Très bon à l’école, Freeman avait décroché une bourse pour aller étudier les mathématiques à l’Université Northwestern en 1967. Décrivant son séjour à Northwestern, Freeman avait précisé:
‘’I received a scholarship to Northwestern in mathematics because I was good at math. That’s how I got into Northwestern. My life took a big change when I got there. I joined the marching band. They wanted you to have some kind of athletic endeavor and, surprisingly, the marching band was considered athletic, so I joined. The other interesting thing was I played basketball. In the marching band I played trumpet, and because it was a Big Ten school and I got to do a lot of traveling. We’d march during halftime at football games, so that was fun! Then I decided I was going to go into computer programing as well. They gave you two directions you could go in mathematics: the more practical direction as an engineer or a similar career, or a more theoretical route. I got excited over the theoretical things because that was stuff that ultimately shaped the future of space travel and other things. Mathematics is far ahead of science. Science discovers areas that will become future uses for mathematics, but science is still behind math. I was actually recruited by the space program. They wanted me to come down and join them at Cape Canaveral and work when I graduated. Because I was in programing, IBM tried to recruit me as well, and another company at that time, Data Control. Three companies were romancing me.’’
En plus d’avoir joué de la trompette dans le groupe de jazz de l’université, Freeman s’était joint aux jam sessions de son père au club Betty Lou's de Chicago. Freeman avait commencé à s’intéresser au saxophone ténor durant son année junior à l’université. Passionné par son nouvel instrument, Freeman avait commencé à pratiquer de huit à dix heures par jour jusqu’à ce qu’il soit suffisamment sûr de ses capacités pour occuper une place dans la section des saxophones. Après avoir assuré son poste avec le groupe, Freeman avait abandonné ses études en mathématiques et s’était inscrit au programme de musique. Freeman avait obtenu un diplôme en musique 1972, avec une spécialisation en saxophone, en trompette et en piano. Freeman explique comment il avait décidé d’abandonner les mathématiques en faveur de la musique:
‘’The music bug bit me. And with Fred’s encouragement, I decided to go into the music school. I joined the band on trumpet—a concert band, not the marching band. I wanted to transfer into the School of Music at Northwestern, but I did keep a minor in mathematics. In music education, you had to learn something about each instrument so you could teach it. I was in the woodwind class. I picked the alto saxophone because it was available. One-quarter of the class was playing the alto just to learn about it, and I really liked it. I had to give the horn back at the end of the class, and when I was putting it back in the closet I saw a tenor saxophone in there. It was spring break, so I asked the teacher if I could take the tenor home for the next two weeks and play it. Everyone else in the class was going to Florida, but I decided to stay in Evanston and practice ten to twelve hours every day. The tenor sax just seemed like it was my voice.’’
Déterminer à faire carrière comme saxophoniste, Freeman était allé voir le directeur du groupe de l’université et lui avait demandé la permission de laisser tomber la trompette pour le saxophone. Freeman poursuivait:
‘’After the two weeks I went to the concert band director and said, “I’d like to join the concert band.” His name was Tex Suthers—he was from Texas or something—and looked at me like I was crazy. He said, “You’re already in the band.” I said, “Yeah, but I want to join the band on saxophone.” He looked at me again and said, “How long have you been playing saxophone?” I said, “Two weeks.” He got really angry! He said, “Are you crazy? This is Northwestern University—these people have been playing for years and you think you can come here in two weeks…?!”  And blah, blah, blah. Oh, he just really went off on me. I wasn’t sure if he was angry or maybe he had a little racism in him, but he wasn’t happy. I told him, “You’re right, but the truth is you have to give me an audition. You can say no, but you can’t deny me the audition.”  He agreed and I auditioned. And, to his surprise, I passed the audition. He was shocked, and I joined the band on tenor saxophone. Of course, now I’m in the school and my instrument is saxophone, so I have to join a saxophone quartet. I studied with a teacher named Fred Hemke—great guy. Rico even named a reed after him: the Hemke Reed for soprano. So I began playing classical music on tenor and then one day I went down to see my dad.’’ (à l’époque, Von ne savait pas encore que son fils avait abandonné la trompette pour le saxophone).
C’est durant ses études à Northwestern que Freeman était entré en contact avec l’Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) pour la première fois. Freeman expliquait:
‘’After I graduated, Fred told Adegoke and me about Muhal, so we went down to join the AACM. I started attending the AACM School of Music and studying composition and music with Muhal. I became a part of his big band and met George Lewis, Anthony Braxton, Amina Claudine Meyers, Gerald Donovan, Donald Myrick, Louis Satterfield and Michael Harris, who ultimately became the horn section for Earth, Wind & Fire. I got involved playing blues, fusion with Kestutis Stanciauskas, who led the band Street Dancer. I was playing everything I could. I met Buddy Guy and played with Jesus Wayne, and we opened for Earth, Wind & and Fire. I was having a great time. I was also finishing up my degree at Northwestern in music education and had to choose where to do my student teaching. Willie Pickens was teaching at Phillips High School, so I went down there and became his student. I watched my dad play with Willie and his friends, Jodie Christian and John Young.’’
Dans une autre entrevue, Freeman avait précisé:
‘’It’s interesting, because that’s the time I met Fred Anderson. Adegoke Steve Colson, Neil Tesser and I were in school together at Northwestern. Adegoke and I met Fred, and he sort of took us under his wing there in Evanston. He started a chapter of the AACM up there, and that’s how I met Billy Brimfield, Hamid Drake and Gene Anderson, Fred’s son. We used to hang at Fred’s and he’d play Charlie Parker records. Sometimes we would spend the night and sleep on the floor after listening to music, playing and practicing on the weekends or whenever. The three of us started a band, Life and Death Situation, and we had a drummer named Anthony (Tony) Boykins. Adegoke was on piano and I was playing trumpet, but I also began playing saxophone at that time. I was starting to take trips to the South Side to hang with my dad at the jam sessions. I’d just go down there and listen to Clifford Jordan, Sonny Rollins and John Stubblefield. They would come into the Jazz Showcase, and if they had time they’d hang out with my dad at the jam sessions. I met a lot of people down there and would hang out at the sessions with Jesse Taylor and Jordan, you know, Chicago guys who were in town. That’s when I started really getting into it.’’
Parallèlement à ses études, Freeman avait également joué avec des groupes de blues, de R & B et de pop. Il avait également étudié la composition avec le pianiste d’avant-garde Muhal Richard Abrams. C’est en travaillant avec Abrams que Freeman avait décidé de former ses propres groupes. Freeman ecpliquait:
‘’Muhal encouraged it. I studied composition with Muhal; I also took Composition at Northwestern. I had Music Theory with this guy Carlin–– Neil Tesser was in that class. I always had an interest in writing my own music, even when I was studying piano. I made some attempts––I wrote one song for this girl I had a crush on. I was a romantic! [laughs]. Muhal had a strong influence on me. I studied with him at AACM and I’d also go to his house where he had a piano in the basement. That’s when he introduced me to the music of historical people like James P. Johnson and others. I didn’t know anything about those guys. They were very influential to Muhal, so it was amazing for me to hear them. He did a lot of what Fred did for me—taking me back to Charlie Parker. But Muhal took me back and showed me compositions and how they wrote them. He had his own system of writing, which I adopted. I had music that I wanted to play so I would start my own band. The best way to get your music played was to create your own group and circumstances. It’s always been my way, even when I got to New York.’’
Après avoir décroché son diplôme à Northwestern, Freeman était devenu professeur à l’école de l’AACM. Le rôle de l’école était d’aider les jeunes musiciens à présenter et à faire la promotion de leur propre musique en empruntant des moyens non traditionnels. Tout en enseignant au niveau élémentaire et intermédiaire, Freeman avait poursuivi ses propres études à la Governor's State University où il avait obtenu une maîtrise en composition et en théorie musicale. Freeman se produisait avec le Governor's State Jazz Band dans le cadre de l’Intercollegiate Jazz Festival à South Bend, en Indiana, lorsqu’il avait remporté les prix de meilleur soliste et de meilleur saxophoniste. Sa victoire lui avait également donné la chance de faire une tournée au Brésil avec le groupe gagnant du festival en 1976.
Même s’il avait été exposé au jazz dès son plus jeune âge, Freeman avait amorcé sa carrière dans les clubs de Chicago en accompagnant des artistes de blues comme Memphis Slim et Lucky Carmichael. Freeman avait fait ses débuts sur disque en avril 1975 sur Rising, le second album du groupe Streetdancer, dirigé par le bassiste Kestutis Stanciauskas.
En septembre 1976, Freeman avait publié un premier album comme leader intitulé Morning Prayer. L’album avait été enregistré avec un septet comprenant Freeman au saxophone ténor et soprano, à la flûte et à la flûte de pan, Henry Threadgill au saxophone alto et baryton et à la flûte, Douglas Ewart à la flûte, Muhal Richard Abrams au piano, Cecil McBee à la contrebasse, Steve McCall à la batterie et Ben Montgomery aux percussions. L’album comprenait trois compositions de Freeman: ‘’Morning Prayer’’, ’’Pepe's Samba’’ et ‘’Like The Kind Of Peace It Is.’’
Freeman s’était installé à New York en 1977. Il précisait:
‘’I had a little bit of preparation. After I graduated school I went to a concert/club in Evanston, Illinois where Charles Mingus was playing. I remember seeing Charles and he had Don Pullen in his band, Danny Richmond on drums, Jack Walrath on trumpet and George Adams on saxophone. Mingus was one of the first people my friend had introduced me to so I went there and just wanted to play with Mingus. I went up to Charles and said, “Mr. Mingus, could I please sit in with you?” He said, “Yes, it’s okay with me, but you have to ask George.” I thought, You know. He’s respectful, I was impressed. I went up to George Adams and said, “Mr. Adams, sir. Could I please sit in with you? Mr. Mingus said it’s okay if it’s alright with you.” George said, “Yeah, sure, come on.” I get in there and I’m hoping that Mingus is going to play the blues or something. He pulls out one of his compositions, which seems like it spans five music stands. [laughs] Afterwards, I was happy and thanked George and went to talk to Mingus. He was sitting in his chair and I said, “Thank you, Mr. Mingus. I really appreciate it,” I started to walk away and he said, “Hey. You should come to New York. We play Boomers every Saturday. When you get there, look me up.” That gave me a little bit of courage for the future.’’
Décrivant ses débuts à New York, Freeman avait commenté:
‘’I had great success in New York. I played with Sun Ra, then joined Elvin Jones and recorded with him. I also played with Jack DeJohnette’s Special Edition for five years. I played with McCoy Tyner as well for 5 years. Elvin gave me my first record. I then met Bob Cummings with India Navigation, and then hooked up with Don Pullen again and became part of Don Pullen’s band, Warriors. I later started the band The Leaders, and Don Pullen was the first piano player of that band, along with Don Cherry on trumpet, Arthur Blythe on alto saxophone, Cecil McBee on bass and Famadou Don Moye on drums. I got a chance to work with all my heroes, of the John Coltrane Quartet including Reggie Workman. The only person I didn’t get to work with was Jimmy Garrison because he had already passed away.’’
Freeman avait été très influencé par Jones ainsi que par le pianiste McCoy Tyner. Il précisait:
‘’Elvin was a great influence, and to this day he’s my favorite all-time drummer. The way he plays behind the beat is so relaxed. He never rehearsed, so it was a completely different thing. In Chicago, the guys were always rehearsing. When I got to Elvin I was thinking, Man, we should be rehearsing. I even tried to influence Elvin and asked him when we were going to have rehearsal. He just looked at me and I thought I was going to get fired. [rires] Elvin taught me a lot and shocked me and changed my viewpoint about things, and so did McCoy.’’
À New York, Freeman s’était produit avec de grands noms du jazz comme Elvin Jones, Sun Ra, Jack DeJohnette, le big band de Sam Rivers, Mickey Bass, John Stubblefield, Cecil McBee et Don Pullen. Il avait également dirigé ses propres groupes, ce qui l’avait aidé à développer son propre style.
L’année 1977 avait une année très productive pour Freeman et avait donné lieu à la publication de quatre albums. Il avait d’abord enregistré Chico, un album plutôt ambitieux qui comprenait essentiellement une suite en trois mouvements de vingt-quatre minutes intitulée ‘’Moments’’, un duo avec le contrebassiste Cecil McBee et une improvisation de seize minutes intitulée Merger qui mettait en vedette McBeee, Abrams, McCall et le percussionniste Tito Sampa. En juin de la même année, Freeman avait publié l’album No Time Left avec un quartet qui comprenait Jay Hoggard au vibraphone, Rick Rozie à la basse et Don Moye à la batterie. On retrouvait sur l’album deux autres compositions de longue durée: No Time Left et Uhmla. Le même mois, Freeman avait publié Beyond the Rain, avec un quintet qui incluait Hilton Ruiz au piabo et Elvin Jones à la batterie. Enfin, en septembre 1977, Freeman avait publié ce qui était sans doute un de ses meilleurs albums, Kings of Mali, avec un quintet qui comprenait Hoggard au vibraphone, Anthony Davis au piano, McBee à la contrebasse et Moye à la batterie. Fidèle à son habitude, l’album comprenait quatre longues compositions de Freeman. Poursuivant sur sa lancée, Freeman avait publié l’album The Outside Within en 1978, qui comprenait une longue composition de dix-neuf minutes de McBee intitulée ‘’The Undercurrent.’’ L’album avait été enregistré avec un quartet formé de John Hicks au piano, de McBee à la contrebasse et de Jack De Johnette à la batterie. L’album avait remporté le prix de l’album de l’année décervé par le magazine Stereo Review. Freeman avait enchaîné en octobre de la même année avec Spirit Sensitive, un album de ballades qui avait été enregistré avec un quartet composé de Hicks, McBee et Moye.
L’interaction entre la couleur et la mélodie était le thème de l’album Peaceful Heart Gentle Spirit. Publié en mars 1980, l’album avait été enregistré avec un octet comprenant James Newton à la flûte, Kenny Kirkland au piano, Jay Hoggard au vibraphone, au violoncelle et à la contrebasse. On retrouvait sur l’album d’anciennes compositions de Freeman en plus de ses nouvelles créations Peaceful Heart Gentle Spirit et Nina's Song Dance.
Adoptant une approche néo-traditionnaliste, Freeman avait publié en juin 1980 l’album The Search avec un groupe composé du pianiste Kenny Barron, de McBee à la contrebasse, de Hoggard au vibaphone, de Billy Hart à la batterie, de Nana Vasconcelos aux percussions et de Val Eley au chant. Publié en octobre 1981, l’album Destiny's Dance mettait en vedette le trompettiste Wynton Marsalis et le vibraphoniste Bobby Hutcherson. L’album avait été suivi par Tradition in Transition (septembre 1982), Tangents (en janvier 1984 avec le chanteur Bobby McFerrin, les saxophonistes John Purcell et Steve Coleman) et The Pied Piper (en septembre 1984 avec de nouveau Purcell au saxophone et Elvin Jones à la batterie). En octobre 1987, Freeman avait également publié Lord Riff And Me, un album en quintet mettant en vedette George Cables au piano, McBee à la contrebasse et Billy Hart à la batterie.
Freeman, qui est aussi professeur, avait fait des lectures pour Jazz in the Classroom  de 1980 à 1989. Freeman a aussi donné des cours d’improvisation dans le cadre du programme de jazz et de musique contemporaine de la New School University de New York en 1999.
Il a également siégé sur des comités du National Endowment for the Arts de 1979 à 1982. En juin 1982, Freeman avait également participé à un concert au Lincoln Center avec les The Young Lions, un groupe qui comprenait plusieurs artistes émergents des années 1980 comme Wynton Marsalis, Paquito D'Rivera, Kevin Eubanks, Bobby McFerrin et Anthony Davis. Le groupe avait éventuellement enregistré un album qui comprenait une composition de quatorze minutes de Freeman intitulée "Whatever Happened to the Dream Deferred.’’
En 1989, Freeman avait formé un groupe tout-étoile appelé The Leaders. Le sextet comprenait des musiciens sommités du jazz comme Kirk Lightsey au piano, Lester Bowie à la trompette, Arthur Blythe au saxophone alto, l’incontournable Cecil McBee à la contrebasse et Famadou Don Moye à la batterie et aux percussions. Dans le cadre du concert, Freeman avait joué du saxophone ténor, du saxophone soprano et de la clarinette. Freeman avait enregistré cinq albums avec le groupe: Mudfoot (juin 1986), Out Here Like This (février 1987), Unforeseen Blessings (décembre 1988), Slipping and Sliding (1994) et Spirits Alike (2007).
Toujours en 1989, Freeman avait formé un groupe de jazz-fusion appelé Brainstorm. Symbiose de pop-jazz, de musique du monde et de hip hop, le groupe, qui était composé de Delmar Brown aux claviers et au chant,  de Chris Walker à la basse, de Norman Hedman aux percussions et d’Archie Walker à la batterie, avait enregistré trois albums: The Mystical Dreamer (mai 1989), Sweet Explosion (avril 1990) et Threshold (1993). 
Au début des années 1990, Freeman avait participé à plusieurs publicités télévisées, notamment pour les entreprises Burger King et Polaroid.
Dans le cadre du 150e anniversaire de l’invention du saxophone par Adolphe Sax en 1991, Freeman avait également fait partie du groupe Roots, qui regroupait d’autres saxophonistes émérites comme Nathan Davis, Benny Golson, Sam Rivers, Arthur Blythe. La section rythmique était composée de Don Pullen au piano, de Buster Williams à la contrebasse et de Winard Harper à la batterie. Le groupe avait enregistré quatre albums: Salutes the Saxophone, un hommage à John Coltrane, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins et Lester Young (octobre 1991), Stablemates (décembre 1992), Say Something (1995) et For Diz & Bird (2000). Le meilleur album de Freeman dans les années 1990 était probablement Focus (mai 1994), qui avait été enregistré avec un quintet composé de George Cables au piano et d’Arthur Blythe au saxophone alto.
En 1998, Freeman avait également entrepris une carrière de producteur en collaborant à la publication de l’album NightSong d’Arthur Blythe. Il avait aussi travaillé sur des pièces de théâtre avec le dramaturge Ntozake Shange et le danseur de claquettes Savion Glover.
Au début des années 2000, Freeman s’était installé en Europe et avait commencé à expérimenter avec différents musiciens et avec différentes cultures. Comme Freeman l’avait expliqué lui-même: “As much as I’ve travelled and on the road playing with such masters as McCoy Tyner, Elvin Jones, Jack DeJohnette, Sam Rivers, Sun Ra, Dizzy Gillespie and so many jazz greats, as well as leading my own groups including founding “The Leaders” and the group “Roots,” an inner voice was telling me, you need to go to another level both musically and personally. You need to work with other musicians from different cultures and create new avenues of expression.’’
En 2002, Freeman avait été choisi parmi plus de deux cents candidats et était devenu un des vingt artistes à participer à la création d’une installation multimédia à Engine 27, une salle de concert expérimentale de  New York. Durant la même période, Freeman avait également formé le groupe Guataca, un ensemble afro-cubain qui jouait une musique influencée par les rythmes latins, les traditions africaines et le  hip-hop. Le groupe était composé de Hilton Ruiz au piano, de Ruben Rodriguez à la basse, de Yoron Israel à la batterie et de Giovanni Hidalgo aux congas et aux percussions. Le groupe avait publié l’album Oh, By the Way en 2001. Comme on pouvait le lire sur le site officiel de Freeman, "What I did with this album is utilize elements of jazz, R&B, and hip-hop on an Afro-Cuban basis, with a flamenco and middle-eastern flavor.’’
Après avoir passé près de douze ans en Europe, Freeman était retourné à New York anxieux de reprendre sa collaboration avec des musiciens américains. Il expliquait:
‘’I lived in Europe approximately twelve years––went to Greece then moved to Switzerland. Even though I am back in the States and living in New York, I still have my place in Switzerland, but my main focus is being in New York. I moved back because I wanted to bring all of the playing and traveling experiences I’ve had over the years back to the States with me and get back to my roots and incorporate it all together into my playing again. I also miss playing with American musicians. I really wanted to play again with American drummers, bass players, rhythm sections and wanted to reconnect with the blues and some of the other cultural staples music here has given to the world. I felt it was time to come back to my roots again. Since I’ve been back, the changes I’ve noticed in the music scene are good, particularly with the musicians themselves. I’ve noticed there are more females in music that can really play. I’ve also noticed musicians are more inclusive in general—black and white players are playing together much more than they did before I left. I also see so many gifted young players. We’ve lost a lot of great musicians and I just find it unfortunate because some of the young musicians won’t have the opportunity to apprentice from the bandstand like I was able to do with Elvin Jones, McCoy Tyner, Art Blakey and others. I hope I can supply some part of that by being back home.’’
En 2010, Freeman avait publié l’album The Essence of Silence, qui avait été suivi en 2012 d’une collaboration avec le batteur Elvin Jones intitulée Elvin: The Elvin Jones Project. Ce dernier album avait été enregistré avec une section rythmique composée de George Cables au piano, de Lonnie Plaxico à la contrebasse et de Winard Harper à la batterie. Le saxophoniste Joe Lovano avait également participé à deux pièces de l’album. Le groupe interprétait un répertoire souvent associé à Jones. Le batteur avait commencé à collaborer avec Freeman peu après qu’il se soit installé à New York en 1976. En 1978, Jones avait également produit le troisième album de Freeman comme leader, Beyond The Rain sur étiquette Contemporary Records. 
Freeman a enregistré une douzaine d’albums sous son nom au cours de sa carrière, dont Morning Prayer (1976), The Outside Within (1978), Spirit Sensitive (1979), No Time Left (1979), Peaceful Heart Gentle Spirit (1980), Freeman & Freeman (enregistré avec son père Von en 1981), Destiny's Dance (1981), Tradition in Transition (1982) et The Search (1982). Le dernier album de Freeman intitulé Spoken Into Existence (2015) explorait différents styles musicaux du hip hop au funk en passant par le  le bebop, le blues et intégrait même des mélodies d’origine africaine et asiatique. Il expliquait:
“First comes expression, and when you find yourself in need of being able to express more, you develop the technique in order to accomplish that objective.” Très influencé par le saxophoniste ténor Gene Ammons, Freeman avait ajouté: ‘’One of my favorite saxophone players is Gene Ammons. Boy, he can play a slow blues. Everybody could play slow blues in Chicago back then, and so could I, but I had never recorded a slow blues. I thought, Wow. I can’t believe I never did that. I didn’t realize this at first. So, all the other things were kind of personal things I wanted to do and say with Spoken Into Existence. That’s kind of the significance of the title.’’
Musicien polyvalent et très éclectique, Freeman s’est produit et a enregistré dans une grande variété de styles, de la musique latine au jazz traditionnel en passant par le bebop, le hard bop, le free jazz, le R & B, le jazz-fusion et le blues. Comme Freeman l’avait expliqué sur son internet: "My goal is to explore new worlds, and I don't want to be limited by categories. I don't want to be told that I can't go into other categories. The only limitations I place on myself are the limitations I place on my own imagination. And within that realm, there are none." Éternel explorateur, Freeman avait aussi fait plusieurs tournéesen Europe, au Japon, en Australie, au Moyen-Orient et en Extrême-Orient. Toujours prêt à découvrir de nouvelles réalités et à de nouvelles musiques, Freeman avait précisé:
‘’I wanted to see what it was like to live in a place and see how people are when they don’t know you— when you are a part of the landscape. Sometimes we get special treatment, which is nice and I enjoy it, but I wanted to see what it was like if they don’t know you. I also wanted to experience other kinds of music. I went to Spain and played with gypsy musicians and had the opportunity to play with Paco de Lucia, the great Spanish guitarist. I got to play with Andrea Bocelli and went to North Africa, Morocco and Algeria. In Morocco, I played with Ghanaian musicians and also participated in a festival where everybody played with everybody. I played in Hungary with this great Hungarian gypsy musician, Miklos Lukacs, who played this instrument I had never heard of, the cimbalom, which is incredible. I went to the Baltic countries and heard some of the clarinet players and their folk music. I went to Australia and met some aboriginal musicians.’’
Multi-instrumentiste, Freeman jouait à la fois des saxophones ténor et soprano, de la flûte et de la clarinette basse.
Au cours de sa carrière, Freeman avait enregistré et joué avec les plus grands noms du jazz comme Wynton et Branford Marsalis, Hank Jones, Bobby Hutcherson, Charles Mingus, Dizzy Gillespie, Cecil McBee, Lester Bowie, Kirk Lightsey, John Hicks, Mal Waldron, Famadou Don Moye, Arthur Blythe, Billy Hart, Chucho Valdes, Freddie Cole, Joe Henderson, Chaka Khan, Tomasz Stanko, Art Blakey, Celia Cruz, Paquito D'Rivera, Roy Haynes, Kevin Eubanks, Paco de Lucia, Jack DeJohnette, McCoy Tyner, Elvin Jones, Bobby McFerrin, son père Von Freeman, Anthony Davis, Sun Ra, Sam Rivers, Don Pullen, Arturo Sandoval, Machito, Celia Cruz, Giovanni Hidalgo, Paulinho DaCosta, Nana Vasconcelos, Ray Barretto, Eddie Palmieri, Paquito D’Rivera et Tito Puente. Il avait aussi accompagné de grandes vedettes de la musique pop comme Earth, Wind & Fire, The Eurythmics, Michael Jackson, Jackie Wilson, The Temptations, The Isley Brothers, The Four Tops et Sting.
Père de cinq filles, Freeman avait composé une chanson pour chacune d’entre elles.
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique.
‘’Chico Freeman.’’ All About Jazz, 2023.
‘’Chico Freeman.’’ Wikipedia, 2023.
‘’Chico Freeman Biography.’’ Net Industries, 2023.
‘’Chico Freeman in his own words.’’ Chicago Jazz Magazine, 2023.
SCARUFFI, Piero. ‘’Chico Freeman.’’ Piero Scaruffi, 2006.
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notshelbyuwu · 1 year
HC TIME! (+small casual au i made in 5 minutes)
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Gordon Freeman (He/Him, Bisexual)
-Older than Felix by 56 minutes and 45 seconds
-Mom passed away when he was 5
-Was left with his dad and his brother, and his dad wasn't the most loving guy
-Despite being twins, Gordon always had more responsibility put on him by his dad than Felix, (even as an adult, which is why he's a substance abuser especially during work hours)
-Now as an adult, he works at Black Mesa where he was picked to help with a major secret test
-Having to deal with all the responsibility, bailing Felix out of trouble and being trusted with a shit load of work, he copes by having a massive ego, "I can handle whatever people decide to drop on me, I'm better and smarter than all of you" then breaks down at night
-Gordon has connections at Black Mesa and is chummy with the higher ups, no matter how snobby he thinks they are
-Realized he was bi a little before his 27th birthday, but he was raised with... A very old fashion way of thinking. (Hes over it now, he doesn't care who dates who except for himself, because... Guilt.)
-his dads death was a mixed bag of emotions, including guilt about who he is, but he doesn't like to talk about it
-Despite feeling guilt, it didn't stop him from dating a guy for a week before backing out and ghosting him.
-although Gordon cannot stand Felix sometimes, he still bails him out of trouble and he hangs out with him after work cause that's really the only person he has at this point (they watch movies or go out for beers)
-has mild paranoia
-Loves pirates, legit has a pirate costume he wears for fun
-sometimes he'll speak like a pirate to annoy Felix
-Gordon likes turtles for some reason, but he doesn't have time for pets right now
-loves sour food/candy, not much of a sweets person
(Causal AU)
The test went without really anything too bad, at the last second, someone turned the machine from 105% back to 100%, the portal didnt malfunction, however it still teleported Gordon to the area with the Vortigaunts and one attacked him, going straight for the face, knocking him over and damaging his eye and parts of his ear, once he teleports back he gets sent to the infirmary and Black Mesa is thrilled at the results Freeman was able to bring back, despite the cost of it.
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Felix Freeman (He/Him, Demisexual, Pansexual)
-da younger twin
-has lived in Gordon's shadow basically his whole life (his dad paying more attention to Gordon, even if it was for negative reasons)
-this causes him to act out, even as an adult, getting in trouble at work (the job Gordon got him) by touching stuff he wasnt supposed to or taking things from work
-this, makes him look very childish
-his first week he met Barney and would have lunch with him, not telling him about his brother right away, not wanting to deal with comparisons
-Felix isn't much of a drinker but will go out for drinks with Barney or Gordon once in a while
-Felix is absolutely shit at video games shooter, but he still plays em with Barney sometimes
-is really into conspiracy theories, and especially loves aliens and the idea of alien life in space, he shares this love with Chell
-not much of a pet person but he thinks dogs are cool, mostly Chihuahua's cause Gordon hates them
-he almost set his kitchen on fire once
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Barney Calhoun (He/Him, Transmasc, Bisexual)
-Grew up in a Latino household but he still doesn't know Spanish.
-came out as trans at 16, his dad was accepting, his mom not so much. His dad is still learning so he gets stuff wrong sometimes
-he loves planes, he trained to be a pilot but Black Mesa rejected the position and instead offered him a job as a security guard, he half-heartedly accepted but he makes the most outta it.
-he thinks ninjas are really cool and used to have a ninja costume when he was 10
-he was diagnosed with ADHD when he turned 20
-when he was little he had a slight tooth gap, it was barely noticeable so he didn't think he needed braces and refused em, but as he got older the gap got worse and he hates the idea of braced
-he once snuck his switch into work. He got caught instantly.
-he carries his phone and earpods with him everywhere
-his playlist is mostly video games OST and fanmade songs
-definitely has a thing for Gordon (for some reason)
-Barney has interacted with Gordon many times and is under the impression they're on good terms, however, he just so happened to catch Gordon when he was either drunk or high, so Gordon has no idea who Barney is
-Loves lost media, he finds comfort in it no matter how dark it is
-looooves snacks, his favorite is spicy cheese popcorn
-Drinks monsters like it's water (someone help this man)
-hes saving up to adopt a cat
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Chell Nanako (She/Her They/Them, Pansexual) (NOT CHELLS MIND, this is my own version of her)
-was in and out in a lot of foster homes until she was 18
-They didn't get the best education but saw an ad for paid test subjects for a science facility called Aperture Science.
-She met Felix who was applying for the same job, they talked and exchanged numbers in the waiting room. Felix wasn't willing to sign the contract that said Aperture couldn't be held accountable for any injury so the job went to Chell
-Chell moved in with Felix, and they dated for a 2 and a half weeks before Chell realized she wasn't ready for a relationship and Felix realized he barely knew Chell and didn't like them that way
-Chell still lives with Felix and they grow closer everyday
-She knows Aperture and Black Mesa are rivals and they finds it funny how she's not allowed in Black Mesa
-Due to the way she grew up, they have extreme paranoia and intrusive thoughts about other people, she's only really comfortable around Barney, Felix, and rarely Gordon.
-Chell doesn't really get along with Gordon
-Chell loves strawberry flavor sweets
-loves Mountain Dew and drinks it when she needs an energy boost
-They doesn't really like chocolate
-She loves sea creatures, her favorite is angel fish
(Casual AU)
Chell signed up for Aperture Science's test subjects, she was asleep for around 2 months and then the events of Portal 1 happened, but instead, Doug Rattman was able to save Chell from being dragged back into Aperture by the part escort bots and he took her to a nearby hospital, leaving before she woke up.
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Eddie Marlowe (He/Him, Transmasc, Gay)
-Gordon's ex
-he is the "I know a guy" guy
-used to just have a business relationship with Gordon (selling him stuff, and somehow, a human skull) but they hung out and became friends... And then...
-Gordon one day broke up with Eddie after a week of dating and ghosted him, he got played dirty and he never found out why
-he's a college drop out and lives in an apartment
-frequently dyes his hair but his favorite color is green
-he has a hard drive full of pirated shows and movies
-he has a pet bird named Dazzy
-his parents don't know about his... "Job" and think he's a salesman, which is somewhat true
-Eddie isn't a snack person, he prefers big meals
-Eddie is a great cook
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Heights, current age, and birthdays! I wrote the birthdays weird my bad, it was 1 am
Barney: July 19th - Gordon & Felix: October 23rd - Eddie: May 11th - Chell: December 15th
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apazwtsn · 8 months
Ok. Hear me out. This is an AU.
If you like this, then it'll probably become a fanfic. Probably. I can't promise.
it's all the same. The canon, the characters, everything. It's exactly the same. "but but, if everything is the same, dear Apaz", you may be wondering, "what is Alternative about this Universe?"
This is where the interesting part begins. We go back to post s4. John wakes up one morning and looks in the mirror. Sees a lot of red and green boxes and a lot of data through his eyes and oh surprise, John is a robot.
It's a bug in his operating system and interface. But John doesn't know. He's been a robot this whole time and needs answers. So he says to himself, "I don't know what's going on and I don't know what I am, but Sherlock won't believe me if i tell him". And he thinks that the one who knows the most about secrets is Mycroft. So he sends a message to Mycroft to meet. Mycroft, of course, sends him a car.
He meets Mycroft in an abandoned shed. John doesn't think Mycroft will be able to answer him, but at the very least, maybe it will help him keep it from Sherlock. How great will be his surprise when Mycroft begins to talk to him about his creation...
Mycroft wanted to take close care of his brother. Since he himself couldn't, he wanted to send someone to take care of him and/or spy on him. The problem was that no one was available 24/7 to look after Sherlock. A group of scientists working for the government give him the idea. They would create a robot especially to take care of Sherlock. everyone would win, since Mycroft would have someone to take care of his brother and the scientists would have complete freedom to do so.
Mycroft keeps the project in total secret. He didn't want his superiors to find out that he was using government resources for his own benefit. Of course, no one questioned it.
They made a lot of prototypes. None worked. Except the last one, Z-45. AKA, John H. Watson.
Now he explains how the process of his creation was like. They wanted the robot not to know that it was, in fact, a robot. So they invented a story, a name and a life for him. They gave him the face of an actor Sherlock didn't know (Martin Freeman), so he couldn't recognize him. They needed him to know how to defend and use weapons, what better than a former soldier? They needed him to act in case Sherlock got hurt. Well, then he will be a doctor! They needed him to follow Sherlock everywhere, but for it to feel natural. Add a fake adrenaline addiction and a couple of commands. Now he will obey Sherlock in absolutely everything, even if he doesn't want to. He will need to guide Sherlock through life, since his sociopathy, autism and intelligence prevent him from understanding references, understand people and know basic things. A shot of Pop Culture and a slightly outgoing personality for our friend! He has to contrast with Sherlock, he has to make him feel superior. A little more average intelligence, a taste for ugly sweaters and a couple of things for Sherlock to deduce (sister, drink, phone)
Something is missing. Of course! He can't fall in love with Sherlock. That would be catastrophic. Obviously we will give him human feelings, but he will not be able to fall in love. Much less with Sherlock.
We almost forgot! we need to be able to reschedule him any time we want. Lest something goes wrong and Sherlock finds out. Let's add a button for it to him. But it must be very hidden, so that he doesn't activate it himself. Let's camouflage it with a gunshot wound. That way no one will want to touch it and he will feel so insecure about it that he won't even want to see it. Perfect! Add a password, in case it is pressed by accident.
And last but not least, we must make his meeting with Sherlock seem like a coincidence. Let's hire a man to pretend to be an ex-colleague to introduce him to Sherlock. Mike Stamford will do. He is Sherlock's mate at Bart's and is easy to convince with a little money. We will also add a "psychosomatic" limp, so Sherlock will "cure" him and he will feel like he owes him something.
He's ready. Now we'll program him to wake up and meet Mike. Oh, right, first he has to go to his therapist, who is also hired by us. Splendid!
At this point, John gives no more.
Anyway, Mycroft continues explaining.
The problem begins when John starts to seem very human. He himself would never suspect that he is a robot. Usually, that wouldn't be a problem. Except when Sherlock falls in love with him and he John's feelings want to reciprocate, but he can't because of how he is programmed. And everything gets worse when Sherlock fakes his death, because now John is so sad that he wants to shoot himself. But he can't die, so if he shoots himself, it will ruin the charade.
Let's hire a woman. Someone who reminds him of Sherlock. A former assassin who wants to redeem herself? perfect. It will only be temporary, until Sherlock returns.
Uh-oh. Something went wrong. John is angry at Sherlock. It doesn't matter, his program doesn't let him walk away even if he gets angry. WAIT, HIS PROGRAM WON'T LET HIM HURT SHERLOCK, WHAT'S GOING ON? oh, just a little bug. Fixed. Now he doesn't want to be separated from Mary... Good. The plan did not go as planned. It doesn't matter. We will improvise. They will get married. That will also make Sherlock give up his feelings.
Shit, now Mary is pregnant by her actual husband? That ruins everything. Let's pretend that it is John's baby.
Once again Mary's past gets in the way of our plans. We will have to...
NOW JOHN IS DEPRESSED. BRILLIANT. AGAIN, EVERYTHING RUINED. Plus, he's even angrier at Sherlock, which is bad. Sherlock is getting high again. John has walked away. Although he's not scheduled to be away for long. The problem is getting worse. Because John is not responding to his commands...
Now Eurus?? Really??
Anyway, Mycroft finally finishes speaking. John has a knot in his stomach, if he really has a stomach...
John is having a lot of existential crises.
He doesn't want to listen anymore, so he leaves. Before, Mycroft tells him that if he wants, he would like to take him to the scientists who created him. So that they fix it, improve it. Obviously, John says no.
From there, John feels like shit. He doesn't want to eat or sleep or anything (after all, he doesn't need it) and acts like a jerk to everyone around him. Sherlock sees something strange, but assumes it's his way of coping with grief. Until one day John decides cut his wrist with a knife. After all, he is a robot, it won't hurt.
Oh, but it fucking hurts. So bad.
At that moment he realizes that, although he is not a real person, all the suffering is real. The pain and grief and anger and everything that torments him is real.
Sherlock enters at that precise moment and sees him, and determined, he takes the knife from him. John explains everything to him. At first he doesn't believe me but John asks him to press the button and nothing happens. But John tells him to say the password (Mycroft told it to him), which is the full name of Sherlock. And Sherlock says it and there is John, covered in white synthetic skin, with blueish lines and hexagons. And it's not John anymore.
Sherlock gets angry at Mycroft and tells him a lot of bad things. He doesn't want to see him again.
Some time passes and John thinks better of it. If he lets himself be fixed by those scientists, maybe it will be better for him and Sherlock. He doesn't know what to do with Rosie. After all, she is not his daughter. "To hell!", says, "I raised her, she's my daughter. But maybe she's better off with Sherlock."
So he calls Mycroft and tells him that he agrees to take him to the scientists.
Sherlock can't find him at home and is suspicious. He knows that Mycroft put a GPS on John's cell phone. She checks it and goes there. Earlier, he leaves Rosie with Mrs. Hudson.
At the laboratory, John is already unconscious. They shut him down for renovations and the scientist in charge wants to make a new, improved one, with parts from Z-45, because she says it is "too human."
Sherlock bursts in. Mycroft too. He regrets it very much because he only wanted to take care of his brother, and he didn't want everything else to happen.
In this part, nothing comes to mind. Maybe Sherlock and Mycroft convince the scientist to leave John, or maybe they do it by force. Don't know. I ask for suggestions.
After all, back to Baker Street.
Rosie is worried because her father has been distant. She asks John if she doesn't love her anymore and he explains everything about her to her. Well, not everything, because it's too much for a 5-year-old girl. He just tells her that actually he is not her biological father, but that does not mean that he does not love her.
John tells Sherlock that maybe they should try it, the two of them. Even though he is a robot and Sherlock "doesn't has a heart."
Sherlock agrees, and the end.
Or maybe you want to add something else?
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krikeymate · 1 year
dredge au (me AGAIN):
fr ur giving me dredge au brainrot and i need to finish this fic but this THIS is the best au:
Richie makes it to the islands, and makes his way to the Collectors house, following the directions given to him by Amber. He knocks on the door and—wait… he knows this man, has seen him in articles that his family kept around their archives.
This is the man that made Christina Carpenter’s family fall into disrepair, this is the man that she slept with, unwedded, cheating on the man she was betrothed to. He senses something… off, but it only draws him further into the allure of this place.
What are the odds, really? That Sam and his Prize have made it to the same place that this Collector, that had so readily ruined the reputation of a formerly reputable house? That they’ve made it to the same place that Sam’s FATHER is?
There’s something off about this place, as he goes around, asking for information on this new fisherman and her sister. He receives several warnings, ‘Don’t go after them. There’s something wrong with the older one, almost as if the sea has a soft spot for her.’ ‘she’ll kill you for even trying to get close to her little sister’ ‘the sea doesn’t take kindly to those that would harm it’s Chosen.’
He ignores it, of course, his greed blinds him, his lust for power. The Collector offers to help him, in exchange for the location of one Sidney Prescott. He gets close to finding her, before the night falls, and he sees a boat in the distance. And is that? No, surely it couldnt be THAT easy? But Sam and Tara are on their way back from Blackwell island, and he thinks of the warnings, ‘never stay out at night, otherwise you wont make it back in the morning, beware of the fog’
But here they are, sailing without a care in the world, expertly avoiding— wait are those rocks just appearing in front of them??? what??? But Sam avoids them, expertly weaves her way through a maze that only she can see.
He forgets about Sidney (i wonder how the collector will feel about that) and pursues them to the dock of greater Woodsboro.
and then— oh. this got a little long, didnt it? apologies. you have ruined me with this au.
DON'T STOP, you're spoiling me. I genuinely made that first post for only myself and thought no one else would be interested lmao. You're the one ruining me. You're literally writing it for me at this point, my beloved.
The journey is uncomfortable, the sea doesn't agree with him. His crew are seasoned seamen who snicker at him behind his back. His brother, Ethan, joins him on the trip. He'd promised to let him play with Tara once he was finished punishing her himself. Ethan enjoys playing with his leftovers. The fucked up little beast. But he is his brother, and that makes him his. In a way, he can admire Samantha, for her dedication to her sister, for the way she stole her away from under his nose. Such dedication deserves reward, he'll keep her too, she can stay with her sister, patch up the pieces left of her once he's had his fun.
The sea holds no borders, and yet, he knows he's crossed one all the same. The air feels different, it makes the hair on his body stand on end. The sea becomes coated in a thin mist that swirls around the vessel. It creeps aboard the ship, it tugs at his clothes, slithers down his shirt and into his pockets. The ring around his neck becomes warm against his skin where before it had remained ice-cold. The mist recedes, and the journey continues.
He turns to his brother to remark on the event, only to find him passed out with a tankard in his hand. The rest of the crew are seemingly as unbothered. He shrugs it off.
First stop is Little Woodsboro, to reunite with the disgraced Freeman. Ordinarily, you wouldn't find Ritchard Kirsh of the Bailey's obeying the demands of a woman, but Amber Freeman is one of a kind, he finds. Uniquely... ambitious.
She points him in the direction of Blackstone Isle... after some payment, of course. She tells him The Collector will grant him safety in their shores, to pay him respects, to return to him that which was lost. It all sounds like superstitious nonsense to him, but that someone of such intelligence could look so serious and say such a thing, it makes him pause. He remembers the strange occurrence earlier... he decides why not, it's but a mere short sail away, and it will hardly hurt him to investigate.
The man is... unkempt, beard and hair wild and peppered with grey. He holds himself as a man twice his age. Yet his clothes are impeccable and of quality. The crest on his vest draws his eye, it seems so familiar.
The man is looking for a woman. "Aren't we all," he had joked. The Collector had remained stone-faced. "The girl for the woman," he offers. He takes the ring and blesses his boat. "Stay out of the fog," he warns. "It won't protect you from the fog, nothing can protect you from the fog."
It isn't until he's back on the water that recognition comes to him. It makes him laugh, long and hard. The sailors whisper about cursed waters and the madness. Perhaps there was something to Freeman's warnings after all, he considers, for everything to come full circle like this, what else can be at play other than the hands of Gods. The man who began Christina Carpenter's downfall, here. And here Ritchie is, searching for the spawn of such union, and her sister, at his doorstep.
They're on the water for three days when the men fish up their first abnormality. Better to catch their food than store it, the men had told them, so they've been fishing daily for their nourishment. None of the men will touch the creature, they contemplate throwing it back. Ethan, always the more adventurous one, demands it be cooked. He'll eat it, if the rest of the cowards will not. "How is it," Ritchie asks, disgust upon his face. "Slimy... yet satisfying," Ethan replies, dropping a tentacle into his open mouth.
Every hamlet and village they dock at warn him away from his search, warn him away from the sea. Go back home, they tell him. There's only death here. The fisherman? Oh no boy, you best stay away. That one is Chosen. The sea has claimed her, they say. You don't take from the sea. "It's the other girl, I want," he tells them, "she's to be my wife." "Not any more lad, the sea has taken her." "Her sister took her." "Her sister is the sea."
It's all utter nonsense. The fish must make them mad. (He's no clue how close he steers to the rocks of truth).
Sometimes they'll pass smaller islands, uninhabited by all accounts, and in the distance he'll see hooded figures on the rocks, watching him. He sees no eyes, yet they peer into his soul all the same.
A week into their search, the men are ready to turn back for Ingfell as the sun begins to dip in the sky. He tells them to keep going. There's sunlight yet left. He ignores the warnings of the night, or the shapes in the water that circle the islands just out of sight of shore and light. The men protest, it's too dangerous, we'll dash upon the rocks in the dark. A fog descends once the sun falls, they've been told. They'll not see where they're going, and no anchors are reliable in these turbulent waters. Their boat will rock and move and they'll be naught they can do to keep it still. Find yourself at a dock come night, or find yourself on the seabed come morning, they say.
He pushes them forward, and they sail in the direction of the Stellar Basin. There's a trader there, this week, he's been told. He's yet to meet the Travelling Reed woman, and he would very much like to hear what she has to say, to hear of the knowledge she must have.
Along the way, he sights a ship in the distance. It comes from the direction of Blackstone Isle itself, an island that none local will go to. That can only mean one thing, surely. His spyglass confirms it. In the brightness of the moon and stars above, he sights his very targets, laughing aboard their ship. They're not even steering it, allowing the waves to take it where they will it to go. Tara is leaning overboard, pointing to the water, and Sam stands close behind, a hand on her hip to steady her, and peers over her shoulder.
He's jostled as the boat tilts, the eyeglass goes tumbling overboard and he falls to the deck. They've hit something, the men yell. Standing up, Ritchie peers off in the distance once again, only to find that a fog has rolled in and his targets are nowhere to be found. He stands there, seething, as the crew rush around him, emptying the water draining through a hole in the hull, and hurrying to tar it up.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
I’m so used to calling him Midoriya that I have to consciously check myself whenever I think about the “Bakugou Izuku” au.
Anyways, do the brothers try to crack Shouto’s no fire rule together, or is Katauki looking at Izuku during the sports festival like, “The fuck he doin over there?”
I have similar problems writing When Freeman Shall Stand since he has a different family name in that one too. I largely get around it in this AU by using everyone's first names
The two of them hear his declaration of war and look at each other like "get a load of this clown" and proceed to ignore him because it's time for some good old fashioned Sibling One-Upping Each Other
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 years
Portal AU Idea
Chell and Gordon Freeman, brother and sister, the pride and joy of the Freeman family. Divided by bruised egos and prides. Gordon, a scientist, well-known and settled in life while Chell struggles to get by, her only source of income the payout from Aperture Science Homeless Testing Subject fund.
The Resonance Cascade comes and goes, Chell hidden away underground as Gordon faces the brunt of it, left only with fears of his sister's fate.
But the G-man offers to help fight the Combine, Gordon accepts, wanting to avenge his estranged sister. When the G-man offers Chell community, she accepts, not wanting to be alone.
The G-man thrusts each back into each other's lives as strangers. But strangers don't have similar birthmarks or share the same last name.
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gmanwhore · 1 year
More random Man From The Sky AU things:
- Alyx has a literal dog, named Dog. He’s this huge but really friendly Great Dane and she’s had him since she was very young and she was the one who named him (three-year-olds aren’t the best with names but Azian thought it was cute!). Gordon and Alyx play with him a lot. She also often catches bugs from the forest and keeps them around in jars. Gordon is fascinated by them.
- Douglas (originally Doug Rattman, 18) is Chell’s adoptive older brother (both are adopted, Caroline is their mother but she doesn’t come up much), he’s back in the city Chell was originally from, studying art. Chell misses her brother and writes him letters often, Douglas’s responses often have really pretty drawings attached. When Chell writes to Douglas about G’, he doesn’t exactly make it clear wether he believes her story or just thinks he’s a product of her 12-year-old imagination, but he does draw a beautiful illustration of him based on Chell’s description. When G’ spots it in her room, he loves it!
-G’ is technically still an Overseer, but he doesn’t have Employers, he’s just a wandering miracle worker of sorts in this, appearing before whoever in the Multiverse needs a little wonder in their lives and making little impossible things happen for them.
-Most of the adventures he takes the kids on are lighthearted and low-stakes, he takes them to somewhere in a different universe and lets them explore until they meet a being or group of beings struggling with a usually personal problem and, together with their different perspective and the knowledge they picked up from traveling that world, they solve it together! They do have to save a world here and there, but their cosmic companion makes sure they’re never in any actual danger.
-Mitchell (17) is the stereotypical older brother, the kind with caution tape and hazard symbols on his bedroom door. He can be a bit protective of Adrian at times, but Gordon and Alyx aren’t really scared of him, as much as he thinks otherwise. Gordon will (often accidentally) do something that annoys him on occasion, to which his response is always “I’m gonna hunt you down for this, Freeman!”. Alyx mimics it behind his back constantly, which always gets a laugh out of both Gordon and Adrian.
Oh I love all of it aaaaa!!!
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