#french revolting
sam-blackbird · 2 years
Hi! If you’re a foreigner looking at France right now (march 2023), you could wonder: “WTF is happening there?!”
I’m French, so let me explain (from what I understood, thanks to friends’ explanation and researches on my own, the government things are not very clear, perhaps on purpose).
If you have no clues, there are currently a lot of demonstrations (and some riots) and strikes. Some are violents and some are peaceful, depending, but I’ll come to that later. First of all: why? Because of a reform on the retirement, basically.
You may think, well, going from 62 to 64 years old don’t seem excessive, right? But that’s only the visible part of the iceberg actually. First, that move was explain by the government by saying it will avoid the collapsing of the system (of retirement). HOWEVER, the minimal age of retirement, 64, can only be 64 if you have: -- a full career (without any unemployed time, and/or part-time work) -- began to work early (like 16/18 years old) -- your 43 annuities (basically, it means that you have to work 43 years, if I understood clearly)
With all being wrote, it means that for a majority of French ppl, counts don’t had up: most of the ppl will have to work until around their 65-67 years.
Moreover, if you leave before the minimal age of retirement (which will be 64), you will not receive entirely your retirement money.
We were told that that reform will allow to save the French pension system --as it will allow to augment the retirement money up to 1200€ (euros). But the money can be took somewhere else, like in the super riches pockets for example, by taking them up to something like 2%, for the system to be fiable. Furthermore, only a minority of French people will obtain these 1200€, as you need a full career without any stop in it to gain it. So that reform penalizes everybody, especially precarious people and women.
That’s why a lot of people are angry right now in France.
On top of that, Elizabeth Born, the French Prime Minister (she is just under the French president in the power ladder in France), pass that reform against the Parlement agreement, using the 49th article of the constitution, paragraph 3 (we call it “49.3″).
That’s why we are angry. That’s why we demonstrate. That’s why there are strikes.
Most of them are non-violent, or at least, the violence don’t come from the demonstrators, but rather from the police officers --who seems to think they have all the rights because they wear the uniform. There are some police brutality (and if some French see that and needs some advices in case of police arrestations, I can provide them). There are also some riots and some thugs who breaks windows and/or stole things and/or deteriorates things / urban furnitures, but it’s not the majority of it (despite what BFM TV claims) (btw, be careful of what you’re watching, some images show the demonstrations as riots).
A lot of young people participates in these demonstrations, because it’s our future that’s at stake. We’re angry. We’ve had enough. All our life (I take my case as an example, for context, I’ll be 20 this year), we’ve been told our planet is dying, that we won’t be able to own a house (after the 2008 economic crisis), and now that we’ll have to work until our old age? We say: that’s enough. So we’re revolting. (some of us even say it’s time to guillotine Macron, to do a remake of 1789)
Some of us use the energy of the desperation, because they have nothing to lose, which make them unpredictable (and maybe dangerous). That’s what’s happening, basically.
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simpleellegance · 1 year
With both Donald Trump and UK politics trending here on the same day- it begs the question. Is the rebel child country AND its parentage having a “let them eat cake” moment? Should I sharpen the guillotine? Do you hear the people sing???
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ragnarssons · 5 months
so huh. after watching all these youtubers (you know, people who do know how youtube works and how much money you can get off youtube and patreon and sponsorships etc) analyze watcher's numbers and statistics and all... can we finally say it's all for capitalism's sake? thanks.
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 5 days
mordred through time (movies, tv shows, opera and musicals)
Part 4: From 2014 to 2017
Other Parts: Part 1: From 1949 to 1981 -> here Part 2: From 1982 to 2002 -> here Part 3: From 2002 to 2010 -> here Part 5: From 2018 to 2023
For this part I just wanted to talk a bit about sympathetic Mordred.
Through time we started to see a more sympathetic Mordred. I think the first iteration in audio/movies/tv was the the Blind Guardian's song in 1995. For the first time we have Mordred as a protagonist, mainly lamenting of regret, pain and lonliness. While I do not know why they decided to focus on Mordred, it is also notable that writing a more sympathetic Mordred was already happening in novels, around the same time. I used the arthurian list of novels I made so I might have missed any, but at this time we have 1956 "The Great Captains" by Henry Treece, "Sword at Sunset" by Sutcliff, "The Wicked Day" (the first novel focusing on Mordred as protagonist) by Mary Stewart, 1982 "The Idylls of the Queen" (Phyllis Ann Karr), 1983 "The Mists of Avalon" (Marion Zimmer Bradley), Persia Wolley's 1987 Guinevere trilogy, 1988 "The road to Avalon" by Joan Wolf and 1988 "The Book of Mordred" by Hanratty all depicting Mordred as a more round character, as someone the reader can feel sympathy too or even enjoy or relate to.
A slighty sympathetic but still villanous potrayal can then be found in 2001 ("The Mists of Avalon" miniseries) but we have to wait till 2008 ("Merlin", BBC) to have a tv Mordred who is actually shown trying to do the right thing (at least for a bit), and working with Arthur. I think this is more due to the fact that "Merlin" often tries to depict villains' origins and motivations than a real conscious attempt to redeem Mordred or make him less villanous.
Other following examples are the kid movie 2010 "Merlin and Arthur the Lion King" and the album 2014 "High Noon Over Camelot" that positions Mordred in a co-protagonist role and fully allows the listeners to empathyze with him. The Fate franchise (the introduction of Mordred should be around 2012 in the novels) continues on this trajectory, making Mordred a main sympathetic and beloved protagonist in many of the adaptations.
2014 High Noon Over Camelot album by The Mechanisms: The song I used is "Peacemaker". The album has multiple arthurian characters sung by different artists, and Mordred is interpreted by Ashes O'Reilly. This is also the first time we have an explicitly queer Mordred (outside of novels), as Mordred is a trans man in this retelling. The story is a Western reimagining of arthuriana, and another case of a sympathetic Mordred - this time Mordred is more overtly sympathetic and even reconcile with his father Arthur at the end.
2011 recording of Albeniz's "Merlin": Piotr Prochera plays Mordred. This is another recording (no dvd, this has been shared by Piotr Prochera acor himself on youtube) of the "Merlin" opera.
2015 recording of "Le Roi Arthus": This opera is probably my favorite arthurian opera. It was created by Ernest Chausson between 1886 and 1895 and it is sung in French. Mordred is a bass and a classic villain, here jealous of Lancelot and the attention Guinevere gives Lancelot. This 2015 version was a modernized edition, with the knights depicted as modern soldiers. Mordred here is played by Alexandre Duhamel.
2016 Rex, youtube webseries: This series is on Severe Chill Studios' Youtube channel, with 48 short episodes. The series is a vlog of arthurian characters living in modern times (no reincarnations, just reimaginings). It follows Rex (Arthur) a student who is dealing with his abusive family and the brothers Merlin and Lancelot. Moore (Mordred) is Arthur's spoiled and arrogant friend (played by Daniel O’Sullivan). He lets Rex crash at his place for a bit, and is often depicted insulting his mother and calling her slurs. If you decide to watch this just know the series has some pretty heavy themes (a part from domestic abuse it also touches on terminal illness). Youtube link.
2017 Fate/Apocrypha: This is one of the many anime adaptation of the Fate franchise. Mordred is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro. The Fate franchise is massive and deals with numerous spin-offs or even alternative realities to tell the tales of wars/battles for the Holy Grail mainly fought by Servants who are personification of historical/legendary figures. Fate/Apocrypha is based on a series of novel and is an alternative timeline to the previous Fate/Stay Night anime and also the first time we have Mordred in the anime. Mordred is here a Servant, they are the cloned-son of Saber (Arthur/Arturia, who is a woman) and Morgana. Their story is massive so let me just say I am using they/them for Mordred because the Fate series is very ambigous regarding theri gender. They are born as the close of a woman (Saber) and often referred with female pronouns through the series, they hate being called "a girl", and also hate being called "a boy". While I do not think the series was making an effort to actually depict a non-binary character, I do believe Mordred can easily be read as one.
2017 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table: 2017 was a wild year for arthuriana but nothing was as wild as this movie. The movie follows the life of some arthurian characters' descendant living in Thailand. Morgana and Mordred (banished in arthurian times) ended up in space, working with aliens, and are now back to destroy the descendants. The movie is full over dramatic close up, Morgana turning into a mecha, fighting scenes and more. Interestingly, given how ridiculous the movie is, Mordred is depicted as a sympathetic (almost) villain. He is played by Russell Geoffrey Banks.
2017 King Arthur: Excalibur Rising: The scene I used in the video is right at the start, as the movie is set after Arthur's death. While Mordred might seem sympathetic there he is actually a pretty violent villain for the rest of the movie. The story is focused on Owain (Arthur's illegitimate son) trying to take back the crown from Mordred and Morgana. Here Mordred (played by Gavin Swift) is Arthur's incestuous son with Morgana.
2017 Legend, youtube webseries: A webseries you can watch on Tufts University Television's channel (link here). The series has 7 episodes and an epilogue and is set in a university. Each student is an arthurian character, with Mordred (Morty) as the overly joking, friendly guy who is hiding some deep hatred and jealousy towards Arthur. Unfortunately I do not remember if Mordred is Arthur's half-brother or just a friend. Mordred is played by Yuval Ben-Hayun. The story and production were pretty good, so I recommend it!
2017 Mordred La Revolte: I cheated a bit as this movie is the end of a long webseries. The series started in 2013 and run till 2018 with two season and can still be found here on youtube. The series was created by Tommy-Lee Baïk (who also played Mordred) and is in French. Unfortunately I cannot really tell how arthurian the series is, but the plot does not mention other arthurian characters. If I am not wrong, la Revolte is simply S2 turned into a movie.
2017 Fate/Grand Order The stage - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot: Part of the Fate saga but in the Grand Order timeline, this is a stage adaptation of one of the events in the videogame Fate/Grand Order. In particular, it should be the same story shown in the later movie Camelot part 1 as the full title is Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot Replica; Agateram. I will explain more about it in the next part of this Mordred series. Chihiro Kai plays Mordred.
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dylanlila · 1 month
the thing that makes you you is simultaneously the worst and the best thing about you and it's up to you to find the right balance
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lilithism1848 · 5 months
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eluneth · 7 months
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I'll see you in the cypress grove. [IG link]
Becca O'Mara from Tana French's mystery novel The Secret Place. Shout-out to A. for plunging me into a devastating obsession with the Dublin Murder Squad series (luscious Irish psychodramas with lashings of Gothic and folk horror), and shout-out to Tana French for her service in representation of flat-chested maladaptive-daydreaming teen witches...
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Jacquerie (1358) by Henri Grobet
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claraameliapond · 7 months
Well I'm genuinely speechless with disgust. Disbeleif. Revolting. How dare they. What a breach of ethics, morality, Humanity
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Serpico (1973) by Sidney Lumet
Book title: The Rebel (L'Homme révolté in French; 1951) by Albert Camus
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do you accept foreigners fleeing their monarch ridden countries to come and just vibe in france or are they automatically suspected of being spies?
We're not really supposed to? Because of the potential spies, and also the desire to not repeat what happened with Citizen Paine (any of it). Anyways individual instances of such cases are generally outside of our jurisdiction, so take that how you will.
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guckies · 1 year
It would be fun to see the most hopeful egg parents break but also bbh going ham would be amazing
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empirearchives · 1 year
The historian Solomon explains that Beethoven’s break with Napoleon was due to the outbreak of war. Beethoven lived in Austria and could not afford to be seen taking Revolutionary France’s side.
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Source: Beethoven, by Maynard Solomon
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matyas-ss · 1 year
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Execution of Marie Antoinette, unknown artist.
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littlefankingdom · 1 year
I was having such a good time, getting hyped as the trailer went on, and then... Sanji spoke.
Hollywood has been doing it for a while, taking British actors to play French characters, and it’s annoying. If you cannot find a french actor (first of all, rude), everything but a brit is better. BUT A COOK??? WE ARE THE COUNTRY OF GOURMET CUISINE, CULINARY ARTS AND DINING ETIQUETTE, WHEN BRITAIN IS THE WORST! IT'S AN INSULT!
Why, Oda, why did you do this to me? After everything, why? After those 50 years of France being a huge fan/consumer of manga and anime, why? Is this because Macron was rude and racist when you met him? We don't support him at all, we hate him, pls, we're sorry.
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Signed, a French who is half-joking
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violet-yimlat · 7 months
Fo you like anarchy?
Do you like Angels/Demons?
Do you like France in the year 1914?
Do you like anarchy?
Do you like when Satan is a protagonist and a good person?
Do you just want to read a really good book?
I got you.
And an audio version:
Disclaimers: the start is a bit slow and only really gets good after about chapter nine and, being pretty old, (pre World War One), it’s a teeny tiny bit anti semetic but is otherwise a pretty much perfect book.
Also: Anarchy and Satan.
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