#frick what's my tag for that anymore?
jenesaispourquoi · 2 years
hiiii I've missed you, good to see you back. I've been following crossings con stuff on twitter, but i always love seeing the lore and content you reblog for young wizards.
omg!!! thank you <3
i hope i find a good balance between falling out of brickspace and falling out of cyberspace...
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hiii, first of all I love your works soooo much you're such a good writer.
I'm craving some ansgt (with happy ending) so I was thinking of a 2 part scenario with ateez : 1. You've have a big fight 2. You're making up . Or just one of the two if you're too busy . Or anything ansgty if fine . Sorry I talk too much . Have a good day /night <3<3<3<3
ateez in an argument with their s/o (part 1)
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genre: ANGST, hurt, drama 😩
word count: 2.6k
warnings: cursing, general toxicity, obviously loads of angst
a/n: sorry this took me so fricking long to do, i wanted it to be perfect for you 🙏 let me know what you thought and send a request in the askbox for part 2 of this so you can be notified when i post it. anyone else who wants to be tagged in part to let me know~ hope you all enjoy <3
edit: here is part 2
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"why are you so angry about all this?"
"you gave me a reason to be angry, y/n. a very good reason."
this is what it was like on the way home. constant bickering and arguing and shouting at each other. now that you had ripped the door open to your apartment and marched into your shared bedroom, you knew the arguments were only going to continue.
"and what reason was that?" you looked him dead in the eye now. your faces were edging closer and closer to his, a defiant glare sparkling in your eyes. hongjoong glared back. his eyes were just as powerful as ever. calculative. observant. deadly.
"you knew what you were doing," his tone was lower than usual, venomous to the ears. "you knew i hated him in the first place. but you just had to have your fun."
"i was just talking to him!" your voice had an extra kick of volume now, trying to dominate and squash his intimidating presence. this was a task that proved very challenging.
"it's not my fault your jealous of every other person i speak to," you defended
"but he's not every other person though!" you could see the vein in his neck show from the intensity of his emotions. "it was him. that's the point of all this. you just wanted to get back at me for the little argument we had earlier. so you did what you thought would hurt me the most. well, there you have it. well done, you hurt me."
"wow know what, if you think i would ever intentionally hurt you, that hurts me more than anything. and maybe if we're arguing all the time, maybe we shouldn't be together at all," the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
what hurt the most was that he didn't stop you.
seonghwa could barely look you in the eyes right now.
"look, i don't want to argue," his tone was soft, but there was a twinge of urgency that came with it. he didn't know what to do anymore. he was exhausted. he was worried. he was everything but happy.
"i don't want to argue either, hwa" you gazed over at him, looking dejected and uncomfortable. you weren't sure why you kept calling him by his little pet name because you were far from being playful at this moment. you crossed your arms over your chest as you spoke up, "but it's either we talk about this or we don't talk at all."
"why do you have to make everything so difficult?" seonghwa snapped, now looking at you with eyes of cruelty. your heart dropped.
"why does everything have to be such a big deal? why can't you just let things go?" seonghwa's voice seemed to be getting louder and louder with each question. or maybe that's just how it felt.
"you're in this relationship too, hwa" you did decide to hold onto that pet name after all; it felt like the only endearing thing you had left to say. your voice grew quiet. you didn't want to argue. you just wanted to fix this. but it felt like you were the only one.
"do you not want to fight for us? why can't you just accept that we haven't been okay for a long time," your breath heaved quickly, but your slumped posture looked like you'd been defeated. "and the only way to sort this out is by talking about it."
seonghwa scanned your face and shook his head, looking away once more. his prior outburst had settled down and now he just wanted to be alone.
"i'm done talking now," seonghwa muttered, closing his eyes. he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, but the hopelessness took over. "i'm done fighting for this."
you'd have never thought your boyfriend to give up so easily on something. but your relationship? you? that was something that you'd always figured he'd stick by for.
yunho had unlocked the door to your shared apartment at 2:37 in the morning. on coming home before this, he made sure to tiptoe around the apartment, hop in the shower as quietly as possible, get ready for bed as silent as anything, before making his way to the bedroom.
"oh," he muttered in mild surprise, not expecting to see you awake. you had a book in your hands that you were scarcely reading, and the lamp to your side shining bright against the darkness. "you're awake?"
"i am actually," you say in a short, sarcastic tone. your jaw tightened as you carefully placed your bookmark between the pages and set the book aside, turning off the lamp in the same movement.
yunho stood there for a moment. the room felt still and cold. he looked at you, curled up with your back to him now. he could feel the sadness fizzle in the air. he knew he messed up but he was so tired. so, so tired.
crawling into his side of the bed, he gently tugged the covers over him, not saying a word. he didn't want to speak, but he felt he owed you at least something.
"i'm sorry" he murmured, eyes flashing closed as he breathed a shaky breath out.
"how many times have you said that this week?" you replied, weakly. you were tired too. tired of his excuses, his empty promises, his apologies. they felt like nothing anymore. he had let you down too many times.
he replied with nothing. he had nothing else to say. he thought it would be wise not to say anything at all. just sleep will do. sleep for a clearer mind. even being as tired as he was, he couldn't for the life of him drift off. and neither could you.
it was a long night for both of you. and while you were inches away from each other, you could have never felt farther away.
you had been trying to get your boyfriend to talk to you for about 15 minutes now. it was a chore. it was exhausting. but you knew something was wrong and you weren't going to let him suffer alone.
"you really like pushing people to the limits, don't you?" yeosang snapped in response to your persistence. he glared at you with watery eyes, his lips pressed in a firm, straight line.
"i'm concerned for you," you retorted back, "what, am i not allowed to care about my boyfriend anymore?"
yeosang looked away from you. he was usually quiet but this was different. it was a painful type of quiet. you knew your boyfriend all too well to know he wasn't alright. and you didn't want him to be alone and wallow in his feelings.
you took in a deeper sigh and tried a softer approach. "you can tell me anything, yeo" you slid an arm around him, but his head leaned away from you.
"you care too much, it's suffocating" yeosang closed his eyes and shook his head, "i just want to be left alone, what don't you understand about that?" his tone was harsh. you had never seen him like this, which confirmed that he wasn't himself at all.
but his brutality got to you, and before you knew it, you started tearing up. you knew you should be supportive and just accept his wishes to leave him be, but it was hard to go on when you knew he was upset. you felt so torn.
"i'm sorry," your voice cracked underneath the pressure of emotion as you began to leave the room. there was nothing more you could say to him.
yeosang finally lifted his head, his eyes following your figure as you walked away from him. there was a distinct lonely feeling that filled his heart, making it ache. the absence of you weighed heavier on him than anticipated, and he missed you. god, he missed you.
maybe he didn't want to be alone after all...
you had come over to spend time with your boyfriend... initially...
it wasn't your fault. you just got a bit side-tracked. yunho and wooyoung were there and it had been a while since you had spoken to them. it was such a pleasure seeing them again since you got on so well.
but san's mood was depleted. his energy zapped. he phased out of reality as you continued to chatter away to his friends, staring at the wall with a glaze over his eyes. he hadn't said a word all night.
it was only until the others left that you actually gave him attention. and that was when you realised you hadn't spoken to him all night.
"you okay, sweetie?" you placed a hand on his bicep, getting him to look into your eyes defiantly.
"don't call me that" he grumbled and pushed your hand away, his arms crossing over his chest.
"what's the matter with you?"
"i invited you round so you could spend the night with me. but you were so much more interested in wooyoung and yunho." san glared at the floor. he realised how pathetic he sounded. how desperate his tone was. but he didn't care at this point.
"i hadn't seen them in a while, san. if you wanted it to just be me in you then you could've dismissed them," you held your ground, shaking your head at his childishness. "besides, you could've joined in the conversation instead of moping about by yourself, my god."
you rolled your eyes and moved away from him in a huff. san sighed and didn't move from his position. he couldn't tell if he was being unreasonable or totally justified. all he could tell was that he was hurt and angry, so the tears stung his eyes.
"i don't get a lot of time with you, y/n," he sniffed, "but by the looks of it you were having more fun talking to them than we've had in a long time."
his jaw clenched as he felt your presence stand there, taking in his thoughts, before leaving the room altogether.
"it was just a performance, y/n. it's not a big deal."
it was a big deal. at least, to you it was. you've been supporting mingi for as long as you can remember. from the moment he debuted, you were always behind him, encouraging him from the sidelines. and his career flourished. it amazed you just how quickly it did. and with his talents came more opportunities and privileges at award shows.
you didn't realise one of those 'privileges' would be to sexy dance with another idol.
"not a big deal?" you stared at him, wide-eyed and amazed by his words. at first you wondered if you were just overreacting. but his careless brush-offs turned the alarm bells off in your head. "mingi, you have got to be kidding me. she was practically grinding all over you. i had to watch that happen, among all the other thousands of people watching."
"and so what if they watched?" mingi's voice rose in volume, causing you to flinch at the sudden severity of his voice. despite having a deep voice all the time, mingi never used such a harsh tone towards you. it made your heart drop. "it's my job. they watch me do performances all the time. just because this performance happened to be with another idol doesn't mean anything."
his words hurt you more than you could say. but your hurt was spat out in anger, something you couldn't control beyond this point.
"everyone is saying how good you look together," your voice lowered in defeat, "how you should be together. even other idols are saying that."
"is that what this is about?" mingi breathed out a laugh of disbelief before his eyes turned serious, "you're just insecure."
you would have never thought he, of all people, would say that. you lowered your head and stared at your feet.
he only realised how much he hurt you when a tear trickled down your cheek. but by that point, it was too late.
"y/n, i'm not in the mood."
this was a phrase you were hearing all too frequently from your boyfriend. it was enough to drive you crazy. but you had kept silent, up until now. now was the last straw.
it was like he hated you. every time you touched him he would withdraw. even light touches like holding hands or linking arms; he wanted none of it. this was so unlike him. he was the one that usually initiated the physical affection. cuddles were his speciality and he couldn't go seven minutes without holding you. and you love that. but now, everything was one-sided.
"you're not in the mood a lot these days," you commented. your intent was to sound harsh, it really was. but all he could hear was the hurt and pain in your voice, and that tugged at his heart a little. "have i done something, woo?"
"don't be like that," wooyoung sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"no but seriously. are you not attracted to me anymore? has something happened between us? what am i missing?" you pleaded for him to answer you.
"shut up, you sound ridiculous" he snapped, a firm glare shooting into your eyes. there was too much swirling around in his mind for him to take everything in. to take in how he sounded and what he said to you. you could see the unbothered, thoughtlessness in his gaze and saw that he had just given up.
"not even gonna dignify me with an answer, huh?" you sniffed back your tears as you got up from your seat, grabbing the coat you had only recently left on the chair, and making your way for the door. you needed to get away.
if he wasn't going to dignify you with an answer, you weren't going to dignify him with your presence.
you let an exasperated laugh out, but things were far from funny. in fact, you genuinely couldn't believe what you were hearing right now.
"let me get this fucking straight," the increase in volume of your voice told jongho to run, but he was no coward. he stood his ground and stared at you expectantly. "you think that your job is more important than mine? is that what i'm hearing?"
"i never ever said that," jongho immediately shot back, not missing a beat, "but my job is more physically, psychologically and emotionally demanding. that's just a fact."
"why is this a fucking competition?"
"it's not" jongho practically growled his words back. he couldn't believe that you were both caught in an argument that was so trivial. "i just get exhausted when your moaning about the struggles of your job when there's so much going on with mine."
you shook your head, arms crossing over your chest as you gritted your teeth. "am i not allowed to express myself to you? to tell you my worries? that's what boyfriends are supposed to be there for. if you're not willing to do that then-"
"then what? then i shouldn't be your boyfriend?" jongho spoke before he could think, a tendency he never had. he was losing his head to the heat of the argument; he let his emotions get the better of him.
raising your eyebrows in surprise, you stepped back from the one you loved most. you couldn't read his expression, but you sincerely hoped he regretted those words.
"if that's how you feel, then maybe you shouldn't be" your voice was soft now, weak and without sustenance. shoulders lowering, you gazed at the floor, feeling your cheeks heat up tremendously.
a hopelessness fell upon you both. the atmosphere felt so thick it was suffocating. it felt as if the light that was once between you had been extinguished.
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realhumanithink · 3 months
it's so crazy how fanon the marauders era is lmao. canon things we have arent even really canon anymore, like:
everyone's houses (dorcas and mary don't have a confirmed house and most ppl (including myself) hc barty to be slytherin although I'm pretty sure he's canonically a ravenclaw)
ppl's names??? (what is pandora's maiden name even its annoying to have to tag 3 different names just for 1 pandora (i'll do it anyways cuz i love her))
jily and xenodora (jegulus and pandalily, anyone?)
personalities (this is fair bc the fandom will always make more in depth character analysises and accurate characterisation than canon) (examples include james (arrogant bastard TM turned to sunshine of our lives), remus ('responsible guy' turned to unhinged smoker who likes sweaters, chocolate and david bowie), mary, ev, reg, everyone who wasn't in the canon content basically
no hate tho i fricking love that nothing is canon cuz so what if i hc streetstyle evan??? can u say im wrong??? no bitch u cant my man has been dead for like 40 years
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krikeymate · 1 year
So I've had this idea for a while and wanted to share it with you, but I'm kind of a noob when it comes to tumblr lol. Feel free to ignore this if it's bad or if I sent this to the wrong place 😅
I've had this headcanon since I've started obsessing over the Scream franchise that the Carpenter household was a Spanish-speaking one. I mean, Melissa speaks Spanish and Jenna's Mexican/Puerto Rican I think, so this could be canon if they decided to expand more on Christina and Dad Carpenter (now DC if I ever return to your asks lol I'm kind of embarrassed).
Growing up, the Carpenter sisters were taught Spanish by both DC and their mom. They didn't want them to grow up not knowing Spanish, what they both speak, so they strictly spoken Spanish while Sam and Tara would learn English at school.
While Sam succeeded quickly in learning English, Tara was stumped because "why the frick does the letter J make that sound in English? What the heck are elongated vowels? Why does Sam laugh whenever I pronounce certain things?"
All in all, Tara had a rough time.
Sam tried to help wherever she could, but they would end up play fighting and forgetting about Tara's homework.
When DC left, Tara was left all alone to work on her English. Sam stayed out later and later, and Tara thinks she's avoiding her. Christina barely gives her the time of day anymore, only going off in her mother tongue when Tara finally annoys her too much.
All alone in this journey, Tara suffers through her learning. It didn't help that she became the butt of the joke for a long time in school for muttering to herself before shouting out the answers in class.
She just feels left out. Even more when Sam ups and leaves, and Christina finally falls into a bottle.
Post 5 & 6 headcanons to tag onto this one lol:
Tara used to call Sam her guerrera fuerte (strong warrior), but now she sticks with either Sam or Sammy. Sam still has a lot of nicknames for Tara in Spanish, but the ones she regularly uses are chiquita (little one), corazón (heart), and cielo (sky, or it means they're your "whole world")
When she's exhausted, Sam will slip and speak in Spanish
Tara, being the pent-up and angry bean she is, yells in Spanish whenever she's frustrated. She doesn't notice sometimes after she's forgotten what she's angry about, but Sam is always willing to communicate with her excited sister
(Some of Sam's eagerness to talk to Tara is to prove they're the better sibling pair. Mindy and Chad have an advantage to the bet by being twins, but they're no match for Sam and Tara. Tara has no idea this bet is going on. Kirby is the referee.)
Sometimes Tara crawls into Sam's bed and tucks herself into her side. Sam, even if she was dead asleep, will always turn and wrap her sister in a tight hug. She sings Tara to sleep using a Spanish lullaby DC used to sing whenever Tara had a nightmare or became fussy
Sam and Tara talk smack about Gale to her face in Spanish. Gale learns Spanish to spite them
(They refused to admit they panicked when Gale all of a sudden knew Spanish and ran away laughing. Gale wants to adopt those two kids.)
Tara is a HEAVY Spanglish user because she's lazy, and she still never really bothered to properly learn English. That's why whenever she's talking to someone in English, she'll trail of and eventually go silent. She forgot the word she wanted to say in English...
Sam finds it hilarious and teases Tara whenever that happens, which is often
Sam and Tara are forced to listen to Chad and Mindy absolutely butcher their first language while trying to learn it. They stop trying
Sorry if this was too long haha, I got excited while writing this!!
I really really really love this!!!! More of an exploration of their roots both in and out of canon is something I would love to see. I've thought about trying to add some Spanish language into my work previously, but I decided against it because I know I would only butcher it, as it's not a language or culture I'm familiar with.
I hope you do return to my inbox, you've clearly got some awesome ideas to share!! I LOVE ALL OF THIS.
Their first language being Spanish and only learning English through school is such a really cool idea. Especially if you combine it with my idea that Tara ends up starting school a year later than she should, it could help explain why she struggles even more in that initial period. It would probably be quite hard for Sam to relate to Tara's struggles as well, because she'll end up having 6 or so years of learning English over her sister, and by then she's fluent and has forgotten how hard it is in the beginning. And if Tara's got learning difficulties? Oof. God knows I was never capable of learning a second language - not everybody can! Sam sees Tara getting frustrated when she speaks to her in English, and always quickly gives in, switching back to Spanish and distracting her instead.
I have no comments on the rest because it's all so so so perfect. A thousand kisses for you.
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autumn-may · 8 months
21, 10, 8
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate __ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I never talk about him and probably never will but we need more love for xaldin he’s way too interesting of a concept for canon to do one thing with him and then shelve him. Like this whole thing with love? And how he doesn’t want it, he WANTS to be a nobody!! And I’m really Interested in seeing how he might be portrayed in kh4+ also he’s cool as frick he has like 12 spears and they float around him in the wind with his hair like that’s sooo cool he’s sooooo cool looking. I want his lore I want to know why he hates love and I want people to think about him outside of ‘lexeaus pt2’ 
10. A blog ( mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter!
First of all I LOVE MY MUTUALS 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 YOU ARE ALL SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INCLUDING YOU OKARU!! 🫵🫵🫵
For people I follow though I need to take a second to hype up lightandfellowship (don’t know if it’s ok to tag lol) they ALWAYS have the best tags on all my Khdr stuff they reblog like they GET it. I always feel so excited when I see a paragraph of tags by fellowship they alwaysss get the things I’m trying to depict and the symbols and stuff. Like the #1 understander ever. also their independent analysis of Khdr and  bbs is always fantastic 
21. A fandom you’re not really active in anymore but you still really like.
Idk if this counts because I’m kinda neutral on it, but outside of the fandoms I mentioned in previous asks i still have a soft spot for some of the genshin impact characters 😅 I don’t really know much about the new things that go on in the game (I think they’re in the France place now? Fontaine?) but chongyun xingqiu ningguang and Ayaka I miss you soo much, (I think my team from what I can remember was ayaka, xingqiu, Mona, and Bennett, I was doing pretty good and was f2p but got bored of the story structure after progressing past the inazuma stuff) 
Thanks for the asks!!!!!! 💛💛
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
Tagged by @schumi-nadal and @fisherkings thank u for tagging me guys it's always an honour, love youuu😘😘
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort mfovies then tag 10 people.
1. X Men movie series. Definitely, absolutely, undoubtedly, comfort movie. X Men. I remember watching the prequels with my brother as a kid when it's only the two of us at home. It's not just a comfort movie it's literally a fricking nostalgia for me. Then continued watching the whole timeline when I had my own computer.
2. STAR WARS MOVIES!!! Been a fan since I was a literal toddler and grew up with this. All sorts of nostalgia will come rushing to me and I will immediately feel hugged everytime I listen to the theme and just, see a familiar character. hey I don't know any lore cause I don't watch the cartoons but I watch enough to know what's going on🤷
3. Mean Girls. Yes, I watch Mean Girls on repeat everytime I eat lunch, it helps me eat cause I get distracted by all the drama going on, it's not nostalgic or anything cause I first watched it like two years ago but it is definitely a favourite and an absolute comfort movie.
4. Any Ghibli movies, I mean cmon, Ghibli!!! All my childhood anime movies are made from Ghibli. I love every single one of themm
5. Any Barbie movies (especially the Mariposa one, and the Princess Academy one and OMG THE MERMAID ONE!!) wait the mermaid one definitely needs its own like thing but I'm just putting it here. THE MERMAID BARBIE IS SO ICONIC I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO SO MUCH omg I have to rewatch
6. Twilight Series. Don't- actually. yes. I don't care anymore, I will not keep denying the fact that I LOVE this movie. It's part of my childhood and this movie really gave me alot of memories, I always watch the series whenever I'm sad or stressed about school..which is, all the time.
7. GOTG trilogy. Ugh, I mean I'm a Marvel fan in general (but I lean more to X Men), but Guardians Of The Galaxy will always be special to me. And the trilogy ended this year too and lemme tell you i CRIED. I remember begging my brother to lend me his USB so I can watch the first movie, and I did (took me a few weeks) and then BAM! Found comfort characters, all their songs became my comfort songs and immediately became a comfort movie, seriously the whole movie feels like home to me, god I love them.
8. Brokeback Mountain. I don't need to say anything about this, explains alot already.
9. Interstellar. Loved that movie to the CORE. watched it on the cinema and this movie made me fall in love with Nolan.
10. mmm I can't think of anything anymore but uhhh 2001: A Space Oddysey. Love it forever and always, the beginning of time and all that, loved the book it's one of my favourite books. And then the movie was just out of this world (literally) soundtrack? Top. Acting? Absolutely fantastic. Cinematography? yES. Perfection. I have an interest in the topic which is why I just feel so happy when I rewatch it..
Tagging...uhhh: @yoellglia @swaggypsyduck @tam-is-blogging @thefrootloopman @hubillusion @jcferrero @bluespring864 @raulsevyn @soronya @janesurlife (I'd love to tag all of you, yes the one who is reading this, but it says 10, I love you all very much tho😘)
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Hello! You reblogged that post about commenting/reblogging content to foster an engaging community ! And that's like, my shit! Writing long ass comments on ff I mean! Btw, I'm pretty new to tumblr n yeah, are comments ik the asks ok? Or should they be DMd ? Or like, the comment section? Anyway! So far I've only seen your nice!futureAU and the batpodcast and I LOVE THEM !!!! Especially the Podcast! Reading it I can hear them and that's so cool! They all have these incredible distinct character voices and how you inserted the laughing and screaming and stuff feels so fricking natural! Absolutely insane man, you can really tell how much work you must have put into writing as a skill! Sometimes I even forget Im reading at all, it's so engaging! Hope you have a nice day! (Does one need to end an ask with a question? If so, whats your prefered channel of getting comments, comment section, DMs or asks?)
Oh my god thank you so much for this ask!
I'm ok with comments in the asks as am ok with general asks as well, so if you (or anyone who's reading that) felt held back about doing it so, don't worry about it. I am more than welcome to answer those in here too.
About the Batkids podcast and the Nicefuture!au, thank you for your kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed :D
As I said here before, I am a sucker for dialogue and do try to make it sound more natural in order to give the podcast vibe so it's a joy every time I hear people saying it's a thing they like about it. Thank you so much for noticing :')
As an answer to the question,I absolutely fucking love comments and reblogs and tags, it's my favorite thing to receive special on the posts I put my writing on. And as much as I don't always respond, I do make sure to read each one and keep it close to my heart. People can be so fucking clever and funny with these features that it's kind of a bummer that it isn't as popular anymore (And not only in my posts but Tumblr in general).
Asks are also very much welcomed, since the silly and playful ones until most elaborate about characters or my writing process, I always like to get them and sometimes I precisely postpone the answer because I want to give the person a proper reply.
On the other hand I'm not much of a DM person, I generally don't check them and prefer to interact by reblogs and posts.
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lukael · 1 year
A thingie that @frickatives tagged me in! thanks for that, kat~
Last Song: listen these days I'm almost exclusively listening to Magdalena Bay, so probably my last song was that, yeah I think it was Money Lover one of my favs
Favorite Color: all my life I've said red but idk anymore, all my channel branding is blue cause it's easier on the eyes... I think my favorite color is the way oranges contrast against blues, yknow? that's good shit
Currently Watching: just finished watching Arrested Development, was pretty damn funny until Season 4 which was absolute dog shit so we gave that up. Now we're watching Kaguya Sama: Love is War, and I never usually watch animes but that shit is really funny lol amazing english dub. Oh and also we're watching the new season of WWDITS which we fucking love (tho I'd say the season is just ok so far)
Last Movie: uhhhhhhh damn, what was it again? I think the last one I saw in theaters was Guardians 3, and that was really good. I watched the new Ant-Man by myself a while ago, and that one was pretty meh I don't really watch a lot of movies tbh
Currently Reading: I never read any books (even though I probably should), right one the only one in my list is As We Fall, the historical fantasy romance novel that was entirely written AND published by my good and talented friend @anyawildt (I feel bad about how slow I have been reading it, I've just been caught up in a lot of other stuff) but please check it out!!!!!!!!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Got a huge sweet tooth, I'm always snacking on sweets
Relationship Status: Quite happily taken, been with my fartner for something like 7 years now and it's goin great!
Current Obsession: well most of my focus for months now has been on my gaming channel, so that's kind of it? lately like most everyone I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3, and it's really good, and I'm also playing some Cult of the Lamb, which is also very good!
Last Thing I Googled: gf sent me 🧿 👄 🧿 on discord, and i noticed the eyes showed up as ":nazar_amulet:" and I was like wtf does that even mean, so I googled it and I guess it's like something to do with protection againt the evil eye?? i dont really know but yeah
Currently Working On: as always, commissions, I'm also working on the art for a board game, which is taking a lot of my time (and energy), and I'm also always working on new videos for my channel! kinda working on getting back to a regular job again sometime soon probably maybe idk it's all just up in the air right now
No-pressure Tagging:
well I don't really know that many people on here tbh but eeeee I guess @neoxie @roboticbiotic @dat-soldier @anyawildt if yall bored lmao
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Literally my mental stability is so fragile I just had to block the tag "mental health" because I can't handle that stuff anymore
What the frick is wrong with me
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koopalings4life · 2 years
Suits that should come back in Love Nikki
Here is a list of suits that I would literally kill somebody for them to be in Starlight Store or Time Diary:
-Cerise’s Gift. I can or stress this one enough. This suit is absolutely gorgeous and we need it to return for crafting. Idc what anyone else says. In this account, we stan Queen Cerise.
-Dream of Phantom. Not all of us could finish that event, and there’s barely any Ruin suits available for crafting. Plus, the pose is EPIC. Seriously, it is such a dynamic suit.
-The Magical Mirai suits. It’s been years since the last Magical Mirai suit came to LN. They’re not coming back, Elex, time doesn’t go backwards. The last one was in 2018. Just bring the suits for crafting and everyone’s happy.
-Final Song/Tornado Rhapsody. They could be the sort of suits where you have to craft one (Final Song) before you make the other one (Tornado Rhapsody). Please. I miss Final Song.
-Nightmare Lullaby. If nothing else, it has some of the coolest wings in the game, plus I love the style. And it has a load of BG pieces. That’s it. I don’t need to justify myself anymore.
-Red Shoes. Seriously. This suit is in the fricking STORE in one of the other Nikki games/servers (I forget which) AND it has 2 separate poses. WE need this suit as well, Elex.
-Dark Butterfly. We need more Dancer suits, and Dark Butterfly is just beautiful. Most of the other Dancer suits are pretty light, but Dark Butterfly almost deserved a Gothic tag and I love it.
-ROSE ELEGY. I am BEGGING you, Elex. PLEASE bring Rose Elegy for crafting. It is so beautiful, and it hasn’t had an event for ages. If it’s not coming back for an event, bring it back as a crafting suit. I would kill for Rose Elegy.
-Desert Jewel. This last had its event when I had my first account. Over 4-5 years ago. It ain’t coming back, and it’s a posted Wasteland suit. We need more like this. Plus, it has a DST pose, and SC goes mad over them.
-Virtual Violinist. Again, I would give anything for this suit to be craftable. The only other violin pose we have is Sky Rhapsody, which maybe be 3D, but also incredibly hard to style. We need more violin poses.
-Death of Data. Imagine the sheer joy this would bring Gothic/Ruin fans if this was craftable. A posed scythe. Separate poses. The claws. The skirt. It’s so amazing, and you are really missing out on a real power move here.
-Arrow of Affection. (I swear this suit got a redesign) Again, it has separate poses and one of them is an archery one. We need more archery ones, the Barren Wastes’ one is so hard to style with makeups. Also, we love wings. Especially angel ones.
What suits do you guys want to return for crafting? I want a load of them to return, but the above ones specifically. Hell Event suits don’t count, because they’ll return to Wish Gate. I just want Cerise’s Gift and Rose Elegy. This isn’t a lot to ask for.
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buckysmith · 2 years
Heya, I saw that you do matchups for the MW2 guys and was wondering if you could do a matchup for me? :]
I'm female (but I use all pronouns), I'm 5'5", and german. I can write and speak pretty good english, but my only problem is sometimes pronouncing words and the grammar. I got black dyed hair with two red dyed streaks. My hair is little longer past my shoulders. I got blue/grayish eyes and I am on the chubbier/curvier side, and i'm kinda insecure about it.
I love to wear band t-shirts and hoodies but also sometimes crop tops but only with a thin cardigan on top of it. When I do my makeup I usually do puppy eyeliner and red/purple eyeshadow.
To my personality, i'm actually quite shy, I actually had a pretty bad social anxiety back then but nowadays its not as bad anymore. But I can also be a cocky/sassy if I want to be. When someone is talking shit about me, they sure can expect to get something back. But besides that i'm quite friendly, caring sweet and a bit lazy but i'm working on it. But I also got some special type of humor, mostly 18+ humor.
When it comes to my hobbies, I love to draw, mostly characters and I shot airrifle in my freetime,
But I hope this isn't too much and I already say thank you!^^
Hmmm I’m not quite sure who I’m gonna match you up with, hmmm, do I match you with some British man or a lovely Austrian….
I guess I’m taking one of the British guys
I guess I’m gonna take John Mc fricking Tavish.
He would love your accent so much and he doesn’t care that you miss pronounce words from time to time, he would definitely ask you to teach him German, but he would fail terrible at it, he wouldn’t understand anything but “Hallo” or “Guten Tag”.
But he’s a Scottish man and sometimes you would have a little problem understanding him, some words are just blabbering mixed with random English words even as someone who’s an native speaker, cause Scottish is something else… something really weird.
He absolutely adores your curves and if you let him he will constantly touch you, just to feel you makes him so incredibly happy (even if it’s just your hand) and expect a LOT LOT of praises. He will make sure to show you how beautiful you are and that everything about you is perfect the way it is, but he would help you if you want to work on yourself, be it on your mental health or your body or just doing something and being productive instead of doing nothing
He also loves your style, and maybe just maybe he would dye some of his hair in the current color of your hair. (He would do it, definitely)
If you ever meet König it would be over for him, he isn’t really a jealous typ of boyfriend but König speaks your language, he has social anxiety as well and somehow your humor and your general personality matches his so…- is this some kind of a German Austrian alliance?
He would definitely stay next to you, trying show König that you’re already taken
You wouldn’t notice what’s happening but the Austrian would, smirking under his mask like a maniac knowing the Scottish doesn’t understand anything if he speaks German so he would tell you to act normal while he spills the tea with you how your boyfriend try’s to intimidate him
After that you should give your boyfriend a little break, maybe tell him some joke maybe even some 18+ one… but tell him anything but something about half a dog, thanks to ghost he’s traumatized
Did I say that he praises you? Well I say it again, seeing the things you made (your art) just impresses him and he wants to show it to everyone (if your comfortable with)
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
Flirting aside, your love for language is admirable. Makes me want to actually apply myself and learn more than English. Until then, google translate (though not nearly as reliable as understanding myself) is my friend.
Might try and take a few classes though, see if being able to speak or write in multiple languages gives me some of that charm you've got. But then again, maybe the charm is entirely your own? I mean, I gotta say, you're oddly... is there even a word for it? I guess the closest would be intriguing. Something to be proud of for someone I've never seen before.
I guess I can't just crush on you in your inbox and not sign off, huh? Especially if I plan to hopefully make you smile with these occasional asks in the future.
-😇 anon, if you haven't got one yet. (😇 because this is the most well behaved I've been in a minute, my self restraint really is umatched)
Am I supposed to be crushing on someone that only exists to me on Tumblr? I dunno.
Will I continue to do it anyway? Yes!
I have loved languages for as long as I could remember. My parents were hideously selfish and self-absorbed, so they didn't care to teach me Spanish (my grandmother's language) or Thai (my mother's language). Ask them why they didn't and they'll make up some excuse or blame it on me, misgendering me in the process ("[Tor] didn't want to learn" is more than likely something my father would say, and I can tell you that that was 1000000000% bullshit, because I loved learning Spanish from my grandmother, aunt, and Sesame Street). Learned plenty of dirty and swear words in Thai from my mother, though. 🙄
Yet I was forced and expected to learn French, Italian, and German on my fucking own at 11 years old bc we were moving to France (and would be visiting Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Spain...ETA: He didn have us learn any Dutch bc we didn't stay too long). Father handed me a pile of travel phrase books and told me to learn them (though in addition to the French, Italian, German, Spanish (for my mother again...always for her) phrase books I made him buy me a Romanian one, because I wanted to learn "Dracula's tongue" 💀 I was a weird ass child).
I took to French easily enough since it was the main one father had us focus on (and I even tagged along to my mother's classes...I did better than her, she got mad and stopped bringing me to them). Ma amavo la lingua italiana e oggi la amo ancora di più, anche se sono più brava in francese. I would much rather have lived in Italy than fricking France. It was about this time that I was also interested in Russian, since I had a huge crush on Maxmillian Schell from Peter the Great:
(You can tell what my tastes were even at 11 and 12 years old... 🫠)
But, Father said it would be too much/too difficult and we weren't going to Russia, so he didn't buy me any of those phrase books. 😓
I've collected several of my favorites in French, but I do have other non-English books as well (particularly the Potter books... I've got the whole series in French but am still collecting the Italian versions, as they were hard to find; I won't put $ in her pocket anymore, so anything I do pick up is second hand, and I have them because it's an easy way to refresh). I also have copies of Lolita in Russian and Hebrew. (Definitely not the same. The gorgeous English that Nabokov used does not necessarily translate well at all.)
Reading is how I learned. Reading the phrase books, then être jeté aux loups en France...et en Italie, en Allemagne, en Suisse, etc. Je devais survivre seule, comme je l'avais fait pendant 12 ans.
You could take a class, or you can start small on your own. Duolingo gets a bad rap, but if you're curious about a language other than English, Duo is a pretty cool toy to start out with. Bored out of my mind, I tried it out a little over ten years ago, starting with dansk. Jeg begyndte at lære dansk, men det var for nemt. At the same time (after zipping through the first few Danish lessons), I tried Irish and took to that somehow (and annoyed the Hell out of my ex, who still lived with me at the time, by speaking nothing but Irish to her...I wanted her gone since she was just using me for the cheap rent and never, ever cleaned up after herself or the dogs/cats that were hers). The speed of my lessons went by real quick bc I seemed to have a natural ability to figure out how a language works (shifting from SVO to VSO wasn't that hard for me...though I had/still have some confusion with SOV languages like Turkish, I still got by okay whilst in Istanbul).
But Duo is really just a starting point. There's also Memrise (which is okay...they recently cut off our access to 'community created courses' on the app...that means I can't refresh my Georgian Alphabet (გამარჯობაjo! LOL That's all I remember of that one, I'm trying to stick with the Latin Alphabet ones, though Russian and Ukrainian Cyrillic is 🔥 and I can read it) or any of the smaller languages that I found on there, I have to go to the website for that). Clozemaster is a really neat little tool too, and as far as I can see, they make up for the Memrise deficits with their rarer languages:
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(Finished the easy reviews, but I have a lot to keep going on some of these, and I need to combine some Duo with this for the alphabets; I'm just a starter in Greek. I love Catalan** since it's the language of my ancestors, but I also love the other regional languages like Occitan and Piemontèis, and they're fairly easy if you already know French and Spanish. Yes, my streak is only a day on this bc I'm BUSY WRITING 😭 but normally I'll go in and play around if I'm bored. Euskara (Basque) can suck my ass, though. (ETA again: The Russian course does have sound, I must've had my sound down LOL) Oo! And the Clozemaster Italian course has dirty phrases. 👹 Lastly, one thing I rlly like about Cloze is its interface and sounds. It's all 8 bit and has 8 bit gaming sounds when you finish your section/review. VERY retro, A+++)
The great thing is that all of these are free, though Duo's free can be annoying if you lose a lot of hearts/make a lot of mistakes. All three are great aids, but if you're just picking up one language, a class is cool too. You can find language classes on YouTube, or on the Open Culture page that lists almost 50 free places where you can learn a language. I also suggest immersion in the language that you want to learn. Watch your favorite shows dubbed in it, so you can learn how to pronounce/inflect things correctly (and so you can have a good laugh at the bad voice actor casting that sometimes happens). Listen to the radio and read newspapers in your target lang. It's all FREE, young Jedi. Free knowledge for the taking. You just gotta pick it up.
I think if I weren't writing, I'd still be immersed in language sharpening/learning (and drawing, probably). I suppose that's part of what incensed me about Teacher Boy's shitty reblog, since the OP's post mentioned languages. One never stops learning about the world and its people/cultures. I may hate people (like Wednesday does), but I do like to know how they think/why. I'm also imperfect, so if/when I have mistakes in the written language part, it's probably me mixing up rules or forgetting accents/where they go.
Christ this is long. 🫠
The charm thing, well...
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I'm just a writer. A weird one, who tends to be the first and only for many people and things. I sure wish I could share my other accomplishments here, but one of my bigger ones has my real name attached to it and through that I can get stalked (not afraid of you per se, but it would be really annoying if those who hate me harassed me...I have senior/elderly dogs that need their peace). I will say that the accomplishment I'm thinking of would change each and every 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ person on this Hellsite's perception of me, regardless of my writing.
Now it's my turn to be mysterious. 🌚
Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Bounjou. Cerea. Ciao. Hola. Bom dia. Hallo. Salut. Hej. HEI! прибет. Halò. Mora duit. გამარჯობაjo. Non lo so. Mi stai già impressionando con la tua eloquenza, ed è piacevole vedere questa positività nella mia Inbox. 🫴🏽🎀💕🫠✨
**ETA 2: Speaking of Catalan, something interesting popped up on my Google feed re: prenatal exposure to multiple languages: Babies in the womb exposed to two languages hear speech differently when born. Maybe I had an advantage, since my mother spoke English and Thai when I was in there.
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j3tsabyss · 2 years
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I posted 1,685 times in 2022
327 posts created (19%)
1,358 posts reblogged (81%)
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I tagged 1,465 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#nintendo - 380 posts
#super mario - 308 posts
#gif - 201 posts
#mario - 185 posts
#princess peach - 180 posts
#hollywood undead - 148 posts
#edit - 146 posts
#art - 144 posts
#spiderman - 95 posts
#spider-man - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 101 characters
#and i’m worried about babylon 2022 because there’s tons of implications that his role is only minimal
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Eddie Brock getting his camera broken then just randomly pulling out a new camera is peak comedy
61 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Ok this has been in the back of my mind for like years and I guess I’m finally saying it
I’m so sick and tired of the way people outside of the HU fandom treat Hollywood Undead. They like to act like HU is this horrible 2000s band with “old” band members that haven’t done anything new in the past 10+ years when none of that is true. Like what is it about mentioning HU that makes people react with visceral hatred?
Like first off HU is still doing well, in fact they have a new album coming up possibly this year. They have been releasing music for 10+ years in the music industry and it’s actually amazing they’re still at it for 17 years. They have so much potential, yet they still have been underrated for so many years
But then despite the hatred, sometimes some people like to think that Swan Songs is their best album and disregard their other albums. Like Swan Songs is good but… it’s aged not very well and the HU guys have really changed since that album. And then because of Swan Songs being the most well known among their other albums that’s probably what makes people think they still are like that when, no HU isn’t like that. They aren’t the same twenty something “party all day” haughty guys from the late 2000s. They still have done some party songs and they’re kind of still… the way they are (using constant sarcasm) but they have really changed. They have been maturing so much that they even decided to not use their masks anymore
And speaking of their more recent stuff, the fact that now at least 2 HU guys have done solo albums now is fricking amazing. As someone whose been a fan since 2015, a solo album from one of them felt like a distant dream. But now it’s finally happened. They definitely haven’t stopped their creativity and they definitely have no plans to stop any time soon
Also while I do believe their lyrics are kind of repetitive in recent albums, I still think they have a spark in them. And they should continue on with that spark
Like if you don’t like HU then that’s completely fine everyone has different tastes. But HU definitely isn’t the “worst” band out there and they literally have potential to become bigger but they still haven’t. And people should stop acting like there’s no current HU fans because there’s still an active fanbase, just only on 3 platforms which includes this very site :)
TDLR; I wish people would stop acting like HU is a horrible band and that Swan Songs is their only album. I wish HU would have one of their more newer songs blow up so people can finally stop treating HU like they’re a joke and realize their potential
67 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
I keep forgetting that American Psycho is a real movie and not something that Spencer randomly invented
72 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Venom 2 has ruined me I can just think of Eddie Brock saying “the planet Ming Mong” and I start laughing hysterically
100 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Baby boy baby
111 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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amara-laz · 2 years
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I posted 1,228 times in 2022
That's 1,228 more posts than 2021!
30 posts created (2%)
1,198 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 390 of my posts in 2022
#reblogging to save - 131 posts
#sadiya mortem oc - 21 posts
#writing - 18 posts
#my writing - 14 posts
#bellatrix oc - 7 posts
#anastasius ira oc - 7 posts
#prompt fill - 6 posts
#unreality - 6 posts
#why is this a mood - 5 posts
#callis russet oc - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#and those of you who know me personally know ive said 'anything is food if you try hard enough what happens afterwards is irrelevant'
My Top Posts in 2022:
allos fricking scare me
4 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Writing has ruined my ability to read, because now when I see a character with the same/similar name as one of mine, my brain completes a windows shutdown, and doesn't allow me to read the book. And I have a frick ton of characters.
4 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I love how despite being in the closet, I've decided my first ever tumblr post will be stating that I am aromantic asexual
5 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Writing Prompts (I guess??)
Feel free to use these, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.
Some of these have implied death.
"Take it slowly, one day at a time,"
"Maybe if you listened, then all of this could've been avoided!"
"I want to see them again," | "And what would they say if you did?" "…they'd be disappointed."
"Are you pissed at me, or is that how you just usually look at people?"
"If I made the news, what would you think?" | "'Well, crap, I ain't paying the bail',"
"After we do this, I'm taking some time off. I don't get paid enough for this,"
"I'm no doctor, but I think it's safe to say that doesn't look too great."
"I lost it." | "We can find it together,"
"You're crazy!" | "Yeah, nice of you to notice. Surprised that the hang gliding with monkeys didn't set off any alarm bells."
"I don't expect to be hugely famous. I just want to be remembered."
"You know, for someone who saw the birth of the universe, you're very easily fascinated," | "But-! The Rubiks cube!"
"Last week you brought home a squirrel off the side of the road. At this point, you don't surprise me anymore." | "Are you sure about that?" | "...what did you do this time?"
"Shh, it's okay. You've done enough. You can rest now."
"You've done enough damage, now. I hope you can find some sort of peace with yourself in the afterlife."
"You promised we'd meet in the next life..."
"You promised!" | "Oopsies, looks like I crossed my fingers!"
"Is a circle perfectly round, or is it just a collection of infinite edges?"
"If you're a star, everyone will remember who you are,"
6 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My research has shown that I write more productively when fueled by chocolate and a hard deadline.
6 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bluesinnamonroll · 3 years
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So  uh.... week 7 yeah?
❌Please Do Not repost my Art without Permission or Credit!❌
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randomnameless · 2 years
Friendly remember that the “tw : X or Y” tags  were created for blocking purposes, so people who did not want to see them, or even a “NSFW” tag, wouldn’t see those posts on their dash.
Granted, making those posts makes me remember it’s been 8 years I’ve been on this website, and some traditions are being lost with the passing of time, or the influx of new bloggers coming from other platforms I won’t mention but also starts with a T.
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