#jiheon fluff
erospandemos · 1 year
Last minute birthday
Jiheon x Reader
Length: 2.2k
Tags: birthday, fluff, first kiss, dancing, low-key, late night
I really wrote this last minute because I had no time and for that reason, it’s unedited so it’s kind of rough, sorry guys.
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It was 00:34 and everyone was sleeping. Everyone but Jiheon. She was on her phone, trying to call her boyfriend who wasn’t answering at all. It was her birthday today. So why weren’t you answering any of her calls? It’s been 24 hours, she started calling you in the morning—deciding that waking you up at 3 AM was acceptable since it was her day—but you didn’t answer, and it was understandable, the problem was that you did not answer even one of the 29 following calls. 
To be honest, Jiheon didn’t know if she should’ve been mad or worried but when it was her phone that rang, and you were calling now, she settled with mad. Jiheon sighs angrily and rolls her eyes, she snuggles into her bedsheets and answers the phone.
“What?” she says drily.
“30 missed calls? Were you trying to set a record?” you softly chuckle on the other end.
Jiheon did not find it funny. You were wholeheartedly laughing while she was worried sick and just fuming mad. Jiheon scoffs. Unbelievable. “Are you serious right now?” she asks, glaring at her phone. If your face was on the screen she would’ve slapped it.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” you reply.
“What’s wrong?” Jiheon slowly repeats emphasizing every letter. “What’s wrong is that you barely spoke to me for the past week—which I can understand—but now, when you do, it’s so dry as if I’m actually bothering you. That’s right? I am a bother.”
“Jiheon, no, no,” you rush to correct her. “It’s just that I’ve been so busy all week.”
“No. It isn’t that. I know you’re always busy but when you’d reply late, you’d do it with a long-ass message but now—now, you can’t even reply with three letters.” 
“Honie, not now,” you groan.
“And yesterday, you ghosted me! You didn’t even read my messages. We talked about this already. That’s wrong. I don’t care how big your problem is, just tell me, dump it on me,” she says with frustration. 
“I know, I know… Heonie, please, just—”
“No.” Jiheon ignores you. “And don’t tell me you actually forgot what day it is today.”
“Uhh, Monday,” you say. “Jiheon, please. I’m sorry. Whatever it is, I’m sorry. I—It’s just… It’s not a good day today, okay?”
Jiheon huffs and lets her head fall into the bed. She couldn’t help it. “Today’s the worst,” she agrees with you for once. “So tell me…” she starts, “What are you mad about today?”
You sigh and slump against the cold plastic wall of the station. “My bus got delayed and now, my girlfriend’s mad at me,” you uttered. Jiheon, at those words, softens.
“Bus?” Jiheon asks and you hum. “To where?”
“To my girlfriend,” you answer. “It’s her birthday.”
Jiheon jumps out of her bed. She doesn’t even change clothes and just grabs her coat. “Where are you?” she asks as she rushes to the living room to grab her keys and purse. She runs down the stairs and out to the cold. Her breath fogs the air while she confirms your location. To her, and your, luck, you’re just twenty minutes away from her.
She drives and quickly finds you in a lonely bus station under a semi-broken lamp. There you were, with a cake box between your arm and chest while you were holding your phone between your neck. You smile when you recognize her behind the car window.
Jiheon parks in front of the cubicle and runs to you.
You smile and put your phone away. Jiheon smiles as well but tears stream down her face while she hugs you tight. You hug her back and clean her tears with your thumbs. You chuckle softly. “What has gotten into you?”
“I’m so sorry,” Jiheon says, pulling you in tighter, and wrapping her arms around your shoulders and back. She was still in her pajamas and slippers, her coat was half open, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t even cold. She missed you more than anything and was waiting this exact moment for the whole week.
“Happy birthday, love,” you barely mumble with her coat muffling your voice. Jiheon squeezes you one last time and pulls away. In a flick, you catch the box that was sliding down until now and put it on the seat.
“Phew…” you sigh. “As I was saying,” you start again, “Happy birthday to my sweetest baby.” You cup her cheeks, creased for her wide smile and look into her humid eyes, reddened but happy. “I love you. I know I couldn’t express it well this past week, you deserved more than that, but today and for the next couple days I have all my time for you. I really appreciate you. It’s been hard but you kept my spirit high and I am extremely grateful for you.”
Jiheon tries her hardest to hold it in. She bites her lips and sniffs, contracting her face in a frown in discomfort. You were going to laugh but she busted in tears. “Darling…” she pleaded between hiccups. “I wuv you sho much, ish my fault sorwy…”
“It’s okay, it’s my fault too,” you laugh. “Don’t be crying now.” You get some tissues from your pocket and wipe her tears away. Jiheon continues to cry, with her arms dangling, while you frantically wipe it down. After a minute she stops and blows her nose with the remaining tissues.
“Let’s go home,” Jiheon says. You make to grab your bag but Jiheon takes it for you and puts it inside. You hold the cake and seat in the passenger seat beside her. You take the time of the ride home to catch up with her. Some fun things happened at work and you had to let her know. You also told her about every chance you had to boast about your girlfriend, who was the best in the world and everyone had to know it.
Once home, you set up the cake, putting the candles on and the little plate with her age. 20 years old. It’s been almost a year since you two started dating. Time sure flies. You look at Jiheon. She wasn’t the immature girl you knew back then anymore. She was mature now, in her features and mannerism but deep inside nothing changed. Her heart was still as kind as always, as joyful and happy. Her smile was still as bright and her eyes still as beautiful. You swore the day when you gave yourself to her that you’d protect that innocence everyday.
You remember everything and chuckle.
“You have to make a wish,” you tell Jiheon.
Jiheon nods, holds her breath and, “Iwishthatmyparentswillbealwayshealthymyboyfriendtooandthathelovesmealwaysandneverleavemeformyfriendstobebymysideandforustobesuccesfuland—”
“Wait! Only one,” you laugh in disbelief. “Also you don’t have to say it, but think it.”
“Oh, okay…” 
Jiheon looks at the cake, brings her hands together, closes her eyes and blows the candle. She tears again a little. You smile and look at her. You cup her cheeks once again, a habit you two developed together, and softly whisper to her, “Again, I’m sorry, Heonie.”
She shakes her, smiling happily. “It’s just that I’m very happy darling,” she says and you hum, kissing her nose. 
“Oh, wait, I remember I have the present,” you say, eyeing at the paper bag wrapped up in tape. 
“What did you get me?” Jiheon asked you.
“Not telling you.”
“Awww, come on! I’ve been waiting all dayyyy,” she pouted. She always gave you that look when you didn’t want to buy her something. But this time she was especially annoyed because she was kicking her legs up and down like a little kid throwing a tantrum. She continued until you finally gave in. 
“Okay! Okay, I will get it jeez…”
You ripped the little bag open to reveal a square box, a cd case and a notebook. The cd case said on the front "songs that remind me of you" and a little heart next to it. You and Jiheon had similar taste in music and you had this conversation before, love songs that are perfect for both of you. On the notebook, instead, there was written “reasons why I love you” because Jiheon has always been a little bit insecure, with being an idol and everything. You thought it could help her.
You then handed her the box and left the other things on the table.
“Open it,” you said with a smile. 
As Jiheon opened the box her face seemed to be going through twenty different emotions in three seconds. Then she finally looked at you with teary eyes. Saerom would definitely tell Jiheon has cried many times that night and kill you tomorrow when she finds out.
It was a gold necklace with your and her first initials engraved on a gold plate. It was something you wanted to get for a while now. She said a while back that she wanted to have something to keep that would represent your relationship. You only started to work recently part-time to pay for it. You were glad she liked it.
Next thing you know Jiheon is on top of you tackling you in hugs and kisses, pretty much suffocating you. “Thank you so much, baby! I love it! I love it!” You let her do it and laughed, then in that position, you put your hands behind her back. Closing your eyes, you started swaying, Jiheon chuckled and followed you. 
Laughing, you pulled Jiheon into the kitchen along the side of the wall. “Loosen up, Heonie! You know how to dance, don’t you? Imagine it’s raining… wouldn’t it be amazing?”
Jiheon raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Amazing? You wanna play in the rain? What are you? A kid?”
“Wouldn’t it be romantic?” you ask, continuing to sway together. “Us together, alone, away from every distraction, every needless sadness and problem. Under the rain, that’d clean us of everything, the dirt of everyday city life, leaving us wet and anew. We’d dance like nothing exists, not a care in the world. My arms on your waist, your hands on my shoulders, my eyes into yours.”
Jiheon lifted both of her hands and rested them near your neck and tilted her head towards Sanemi to briefly rest it on your shoulder. “Yes, that would be romantic. It’d be amazing… I really do have the best boyfriend in the world,” Jiheon says honestly. 
Even under the cold temperature of the weather, you could feel your cheeks heat up. And when she gave you a peck on the cheek, you realized that you didn’t feel so cold anymore.
Your arm fell from Jiheon’s waist, and you took her hand into yours. For a moment, you walked hand in hand around the rainy room. Neither of you said anything; they just enjoyed being in each other’s presence. 
For a moment, there were dark clouds in those ceilings. Having you by her side, having Jiheon with you, was enough to make you forget you were even in an apartment. The rain showering down onto your body was more real than anything.
“There’s no music,” said Jiheon quietly.
“We make our own music.”
Jiheon let out a soft laugh. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right.”
So, you and Jiheon slow-danced under the rain. You didn’t care, you just didn’t. All that mattered right now was how happy Jiheon looked while dancing with you. You were glad that even if they couldn’t have a grand event for her birthday, at least she was able to make Jiheon happy with this.
You didn’t know for how long they danced under the rain. They danced for so long that their slow dance had evolved into a frolic, and they were now laughing heartily together as they danced. You had lost track of time. 
“We should get some sleep now—you still have work tomorrow,” you told Jiheon quietly. “You don’t want to walk like a zombie during practice, right?”
“It was fun, though,” said Jiheon, gazing at you with a soft expression.
“Yeah, it was,” you agreed. Despite the fact that your ignorance did piss Jiheon off a little and darken her mood in the beginning, she had to admit that you were able to improve her mood considerably. It had been a difficult week for her as well.
You let go of each other.  “I have to admit, even if it wasn’t the real thing, it was still romantic. You always see this in movies and dramas. I didn’t think I’d actually ever do it.” 
You chuckled to yourself. “Well you always watch dramas, you must have got a couple of ideas every once in a while, right?”
“Well, do you know what else they do in the dramas in the rain?” she asked, sending you a small hopeful glance. 
You smiled, answering, “They kiss” 
“Then do you wanna—” 
“Yes.” She was a little stunned to hear you answer so fast, but nonetheless, she couldn’t hide her cheeky smile when you leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her lips. Nothing crazy, just a short peck, but it left you both a blushing mess.
“You were always scared to hug me in the beginning, I remember,” she started. “It really took almost a year for you to kiss me.”
“Sorry,” you replied. “I’ll try harder.” She just laughed.
“Thank you for dancing with me, Darling,” Jiheon said, smiling.
You grinned back at her. “Not a problem at all. It always warms my heart and delights me to see you happy.”
Jiheon chuckled softly. “I am always happy with you. You make me happy,” she told you. “I love you.”
Written, 16 April 2023 (It’s already 17 of April in Korea)
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russett-pots · 2 years
Time for Quatro?
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“Well, how was it?” You look at your girlfriend with a shot glass in your hand.
She looks at you, smiles then raise her glass in the air. “Time for a quatro?”
Both of you smile as you take your shot. The bitter taste of the soju is going to make you forget about the past week. You fill Jiheon’s shot glass.
“Hey, are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Not really. I just want to celebrate! Woooo Hooooo!” You scream. The five beers and two bottles already made you who you are right now.
Jiheon swiftly takes the shot again. She raises it and then slams it on the table.
You smile as you look at her laugh. She is and has always been a blessing to you. The way she laughs, the way she looks at you, and the way she makes you happy. You are the luckiest guy in the world since you are with Jiheon.
“Woooooooo!” Jiheon already took her tenth shot as you start to reminisce about why you started dating her.
You look down at the table. There are a few pieces left of fries. “Want more?”
Jiheon smiles at you with her Asian glow already on her cheeks. She is barely drunk but is definitely on her way to being. “Sure, just make sure it is cheese flavored.”
You raise your hand to call the waitress and look at the menu that you are given. “Can I have fries?”
“Sure anything else?”
“Ummm, one—”
Jiheon glares at you.
“Two more bottles of beer and one bottle of soju. Thank you.”
Jiheon smiles at you. The same smile that you have always loved about her and it is something you would always want to see.
Soon the waitress comes back with your drinks and fries.
“Ya! Oppa! I said no ketchup!”
“Jiheon, you love ketchup.”
“Oh yeah.” *Hiccup* “I do love ketchup.” She stands up and pulls you closer to her. “Like how I love you.”
You freeze for a second. As much as you have been dating for five months, Jiheon hasn’t said I love you, or at least until now.
She falls down back to her chair and grabs some fries and drips them in the ketchup and eats some. You sit there shocked.
Jiheon loves me?
“Jiheon-ah, are you drunk?”
“Maybe.” *hiccup*
“Okay, let’s go.”
You pick her up and bring her with you. She leans on your side as she struggles to get her two feet planted on the ground. Her entire body almost falls to the floor as you try to place her on the bench so you can wait for a taxi.
“Yes, Jiheon?”
“Do you love me?”
“I said I love you.”
“I love you Jiheon…with all my heart.”
Jiheon leans for a kiss and a brief moment your lips collide. But you have to push her away as her breath stinks of alcohol. Fortunately, the taxi arrives. You try your best to stuff Jiheon inside the taxi then after you get inside. You put on her seatbelt so she can be safe, then you put on yours.
The taxi driver looks at you. “Need this?”
“Thank you.”
You prepare it just in case for Jiheon. But she seems stable, so instead, you look out at the window.
I do love you Jiheon with all my heart.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Monday of Appreciation: Part 56
Hello everyone, Smite here!
We are now at a time where a lot of my first fics turn 1 year old. Yay! I think this is a perfect time for an ad, an ad about my new, official AO3 account. Because of Tumblr’s new policy (ew) and for other reasons, I have decided to gradually move my works to AO3 as well. 
THIS DOES NOT MEAN that I’ll move away from Tumblr. This will continue to be my main site for the forseable future, so you don’t have to move lmao. My fics will first be posted here and someday to AO3.
Update: Will there be a fic this week? Maybe, probably, but tbh, no clue.
Enough talk about me. After all, this post is dedicated to these amazing writers and wonderful people that are on here WELL DESERVED! Give love to these cuties:
@withcreamandsugar​: Stray ft. Seola
The Isa fic (with the VERY accurate name Feral) was already insane, and this checks the box of heart warming and... other-places warming. I really enjoyed this, easily my favorite Seola character and fuck... I’m craving meat rn lmao
Also: Jazz pog
@erospandemos​: Her little kisses ft. Jiheon (fluff)
This is adorable. For all fluff and Jiheon enjoyers, this is the way. I can feel myself getting warmer reading this siiigh
@falsesubmission​: Kinktober: Spanking ft. Ahn Yujin
M A D L A D! Attempting Kinktober, having a full outline and then choosing an excellent kink for our Puppy? Yep, you’re on the map now! I’m excited to see how it’ll go.
@capslocked​: Vanity ft. Chaewon
I heard someone say that this is perfect in every way. What can I say...
Damn it, the tease alone is Oscar Worthy, the actual fucking will blow your mind and ahhhhhhh, I can’t get rid of Chaewon, she is just too hot.
@writerpeach​: Classroom Copulation ft. Arin
The man. The myth. The legend. The thing’s Arins ass does to you hehe, we need more MORE M O R E. This is just so good!
@co-reborn​: No Words ft. Tzuyu
I wanted to do some Tzuyu research and what better writer to look for than our adorable C.O. Keep it up, buddy, and you, dear reader, keep your heads up: Something is cumming coming ;)
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What makes my eyes go wide is this:
10,7 followers per day over the last month!
W.O.W, you’ll are amazing!
See you later, byeeee :)
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leafostuff · 3 months
Insecurities [Ft. Fromis_9 Jiheon]
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Tags: Fluff, Monologue-ish, Girlfriend!Jiheon, Established relationship
Author Notes: no notes we ballin, random idea
Insecurities are something everyone deals with in their daily life, from looks to social life to achievements, everyone has their own stuff that they dont feel good about themselves
And you are not any different, yours however come from a different source then others: Baek Jiheon, your best friend since highschool, your personal sunshine and...your girlfriend.
Who knew that you would actually have the balls to ask out your best friends on the last day of your senior year, and who knew that she will actually say yes instead of putting you in the dreaded "friend zone".
Comparing yourself and Jiheon is like comparing the burning sun to the cold moon, like an elegant ballet dancer to a bouncy hip-hop dancer, like- OK OK you get, you both are completely different from each other
Jiheon is the sun, always talkative, very sweet, always excited to be with people (especially being with you), as your classmate she was one of the popular girls in school while also being one of the top students, while you...
Well...you were nothing like her, nothing compared to her.
You are not the smartest
(another refresh, probably for Like the 1000th time, adrenaline is an all time high as you were waiting for your college professor to finally send the scores to your computer science exam.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity the scores are finally updated and well...while 60 wasn't too bad, you ended up passing but...it wasn't far from failing.
It honestly sucked, especially since you were working extra hard to get a high score in this exam only to get a 60 which will definitely lower your avarage
A sigh comes from your mouth as you let your head rest on your table, hands on your temple trying to relax yourself from that abysmal score...)
Not the prettiest
{"Are you sure that is necessary Jiheon? I look so stupid in this" you say, the embarrassment is clearly felt from the other side of the isle
"Have i ever told you to do something that isn't?" You can think of a couple moments, a lot actually but it's not like you could ever say no when she gives you her pleading smile. "Now come here and let me see it".
You swipe , revealing yourself to your best friend, on your head now a headband of wolf ears, your cheeks now fully red from embarrassment, Jiheon covers her mouth and her eyes widen in surprise.
"What?" you ask in an annoyed, monotonous voice.
"oh n-nothing" she answers, now looking away however second by second she breaks down, first a giggle, then a small chuckle and in the end she cant contain herself any longer, now fully laughing, almost falling to the floor from how you look.
"SEE?! I TOLD YOU IT WAS STUPID" you respond, even more embarrassed than before as you now turn away from your best friend}
["ahhh finally, the weekend is here" Jiheon says, stretching herself while both of you getting out of your last class of the day, moving toward the exit as your best friend walking backward, facing you with a bright as usual smile
And not the most social person
"wow, I never thought you would be happy about going home from school" you reply, occasionally checking to see that she doesnt stumble into someone that she doesnt see.
"just because i enjoy studying doesn't mean i don't want the week to be over" she exclaims, doing a 180° turn to now face the same direction as you, now walking forward.
"Like seriously, who in the staff let Professor Park teach in the last class of the day, of the WEEK?" She asks rethorically
"maybe they want to make you enjoy the weekend even more?" You jokingly say which makes both of you laugh, as both you head toward your lockers a familiar group waits there.
"Oh, Yuna, Yujin, Sungho" Jiheon says, giving both the girls a quick hug, and a high five to Sungho as you could feel yourself getting nervous
"Were heading to the Arcade, Yujin THINKS she can beat me at Air Hockey" Sungho says, looking at Yujin with an excited look.
"im not saying i think i could beat you, i WILL" she corrected him before turning toward Jiheon again, "Wanna Join?" She asks
"Sure, sounds like fun" she answers, now turning herself toward you "you're' coming?" She asks, however as you were about to answer Yuna starts to speak over you
"Oh sorry, don't get me wrong but...he isn't really our friend, he is kind of like...your +1" Yuna says, not even turning to look as if you were invisible, you were now looking at your locker, trying to hide your embarrassment.]
Those moments always come to your mind whenever you look at yourself in the mirror after you take a shower, or at night when you lay on your bed, thinking about if you made the right decisions in your life to get where you are now.
However, as you look back at those moments in a clearer mind, you realise that with a person that loves you
(You suddenly feel a hand on your hair, lightly patting it, looking up and see its Jiheon, now in her sleeping attire as her smile beams at you.
"I know how hard you worked for it..." she says, before leaning downward as you can feel her lips giving your right cheek a quick peck before continuing to talk
"im proud of you" she adds, as you stand up she opens her arms, signaling you to come and hug her, with a happy face you happily oblige)
Cares about you
{"No no no you don't look stupid" she says, trying to calm her laughter.
"It's just that you look so...cute with those wolf ears" your cheeks turn rosy pink as Jiheon's hand finds itself on your shoulder, "I really mean it" you could feel your face turned from embarrassed to now happy, "Omg wait i have an idea"
She walks toward another box of costumes, pulling out a pair of fox ears, "We HAVE to take selfies with those" she grabs her phone with one hand while her other hand goes behind you back, letting herself side hug you
"Smileeee" she cheerfully says while raising her phone camera}
And lets you be the best version of youself
["I see" Jiheon says, her voice sounds disappointed her eyes tries to find yours that hide behind the locker door.
"Well, if my '+1' isn't coming..." she says to her friends as suddenly her hands grab yours, pulling you toward her before continuing to speak
"Then i am also not coming" Jiheon exclaims, you could see her face getting annoyed as she looks at them, but not before turning her gaze at you, now giving you a warm smile, her eyes giving you a look that says 'I got you']
You realise how those thoughts about yourself are not real, that even with those insecurities. And as you turn your gaze to Jiheon, your sunshine with her asleep while her right cheek lays on your chest while her arms wrap themselves around your waist, you can't help yourself but smile while thinking...
Maybe those insecurities never existed at all
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As of today i am 20 years old so birthday fic i guess
Dedicated to @erospandemos
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mechaknight-98 · 27 days
Faewild FT Jiheon
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Author's note: A collaboration between @slowlydifferentbluebird and I doing some experimentation. I was given Fairy Jiheon as my prompt.
The story of Archfey The Honey Queen is super weird. Allow me to explain. Jiheon (the human name of The Honey Queen) was originally part of an all-girl bard group called Fromis. As an aristocrat and noble woman she was highly sought out like each of her members. To keep them safe their guardian (A rogue’s guild named Pledis) learned of the many magic towers of the Archfey Tasha. Seeing an opportunity they locked each member in a magic tower outside of time and space while they waited for the perfect time to utilize them. There was one exception a half-elf fighter bard named Gyuri who escaped. Jiheon however being the studious student she was turned this into an opportunity. She studied the many magic teachings and magic of the Archfey Tasha and over time she began to learn and refine her magical skills. Due to the influence of using and learning fey magic her timid nature was replaced with one more of amusement and trickery that led to her becoming a powerful Archfey in her own right. Eventually, she abandoned the name Jiheon for The Honey Queen, as her magic became synonymous with the sweet scent it left. After that, she just kept learning and gaining power and knowledge. In between her intense studies, she would explore other realms in the hopes of finding something to entertain her. Usually, though these distractions lasted longer than a year and the already longed-lived Fey grew tired of such pursuits…until she got bored again
The Honey Queen the Archfey sat bored in her tower. it had been decades since she had seen anyone else in her little section of the Feywild so she decided to venture into the mortal realm.
Her infiltration point was a small rift that led into Waterdeep. She decided to go to the Yawning Portal which would provide some entertainment. She looked around the bar for the most audacious and vibrant individual. Eventually, she found it in a warrior who was covered in head-to-toe metal armor she didn't recognize. Jiheon approaches them with a dazzling eye smile that people have started wars to possess even if for a fleeting night.
“What’s your name?” Jiheon asks.
The person in armor looked up at the young fey girl and said, “Theo”
“Oh, that's nice well Theo. Would you like to play a game?” Jiheon asked her eye smile blazed with a curious intensity that let Theo know he could be playing with fire with her but their competitive spirit beat out their rational mind.
“That depends… what's the prize?” Theo replies.
“Your firstborn?” Jiheon asks,
“It's always the same with you fey. Always the firstborn with you fey. why is that?” Theo replies
“Maybe I think you're cute,” Jiheon replies.
Theo looks up at her confused, “huh?” they say
Jiheon fakes an innocent confused face “Huh?” she repeats. Theo stares at the fey confused.
Then they ask, “Okay what's the game?”
“Fairy Chess,” Jiheon says with a smile. “Only the best, and most interactive game in the multiverse.”
“No that game is Magic the Gathering by the Combotronics Wizard Sir Richard Garfield,” Theo asserted Jiheon rolled her eyes before smiling and laughing with her disarming eye smile
The armored man stares at her sighs then gets up and follows Jiheon who smiles.
"So how do you play fairy Chess?" Theo asks.
Jiheon smiles.
"It's simple it's like regular chess except there are four additional and it is customary to remove one piece of armor as this is usually played after a Fey wedding."
Theo's eyes narrowed.
"Excuse me?" he said Jiheon smiled and said
'Did I missspeak?" Theo looks at her confused and she says
"Excuse me" theo roll your eyes annoyed at being drawn into a weird proposal.
"Okay, enough talk let's play. Jiheon says as she snaps taking Theo and her to her tower.
Theo blinked as they found themselves standing in a lavish tower filled with ornate furniture and shelves lined with various knick-knacks from different realms. They turned to Jiheon, who was already setting up an elaborate chessboard with an extra four rows and some very unconventional pieces, including a tiny dragon and what looked like a dancing mushroom.
"So, about that armor…" Jiheon teased, her eye smile even more dazzling as she gestured to Theo’s heavy metal suit.
Theo sighed, clearly unamused but resigned. "Let’s get one thing straight—I’m not removing anything."
Jiheon pouted playfully. "Not even a gauntlet? How disappointing. You really know how to spoil the fun, don’t you?"
"Fun is subjective," Theo replied dryly, watching as she made the first move, sliding a fairy-shaped piece across the board.
Jiheon leaned in closer, her voice a playful whisper. "Well then, let's see how you handle a game where the rules might just change on a whim. After all, it wouldn’t be 'Fairy Chess' if it was too predictable."
Theo raised an eyebrow, clearly bracing for whatever chaotic nonsense Jiheon had in store. "Let’s just get this over with."
As the game began, Jiheon’s mischievous smile hinted that this would be anything but a straightforward match.
The first move was simple Jiheon opened with "The Ruy Lopez"
Unaware of how the game was being played Theo went to move one of the pieces they didn't recognize forward hoping Jiheon would explain if he couldn't move it that way or not.
They did a zig-zag to move the piece out of the back row. Jiheon smiled, at thier intuitive knowledge of the game, but latent talent was nothing against skill. Jiheon captured Theo’s first piece. She smiled and whisked her fingers causing his helmet to fly off.
"Oh you are cute," Jiheon says with an enthusiastic stare at the young Aasimar . Their silvery skin is flawless, except for a singular scar across their left eye.
"Oh, what happened there?" Jiheon asks as Theo makes another move and captures one of Jiheon's pieces, they barely has enough time to dodge as one of her vambraces flies at them.
"My sister was practicing a blade barrage spell and I got hit by it."
Jiheon smiles interested as she makes another move. "Oh, are your sisters' casters."
"Yep in fact my younger sister is Princess Illuna's magic teacher" Jiheon's eyes widened at that
"So how did you become this armored titan?" Jiheon asks as she watches Theo Make another move, and capture another piece. She smiled as she took the bait. Now she would take the next two pieces. What she didn't know was that Theo was hoping to play a draw.
As the game continued, Jiheon’s smile widened, recognizing the subtlety in Theo's strategy. They played cautiously, trying to lure her into overextending, even if it meant sacrificing a few pieces along the way.
Jiheon, not one to be easily outmaneuvered, made her next move with grace and precision, capturing another of Theo's pieces. With a flick of her wrist, their breastplate unbuckled itself and clattered to the floor.
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octoberautumnbox · 4 months
fromis as your girlfriend?
ok :DDDD
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You wrap your coat around Saerom and plant a kiss on her hair once you get the chance.
"I was kidding," she giggles, "I'm not that cold." Despite her words, she snuggles your coat a little bit more before she tries taking it off. However, the moment the skin of her hands are exposed to the frigid air, she shivers and rubs them together.
"There's no point in lying, Rommie. You're about as hard to read as a children's vocabulary book." Your hands meet her cheeks, a miscalculation on your part, and she shivers at how cold you are. Her eyes fill with a sort of shy sadness, but her quick thinking saves you both.
"Uhh, my legs are tired too. Carry me?" she asks bashfully, knowing you can't refuse her. Of course you oblige, and as you pick her up in a piggyback ride, she wraps both your and her coat around you to keep you warm too.
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The bowl clatters to the table, spilling its contents all over the surface. Your yelp is loud and sharp, reflecting the pain that covers four of your fingers in the hot soup.
"Fucking idiot," Hayoung grunts. She rushes to wipe your hand free of the liquid, while simultaneously righting and filling the bowl your dropped with cold water. She places it in front of you and dips your fingers inside.
"Be more careful next time." Her voice is stern like it always is when you get hurt. "I can't always be around to look after you and keep you safe. It's like you're doing all this on purpose, honestly."
Behind the scolding, you know her words come from a place of genuine worry and care. Of course they do; her heart can't bear seeing you in pain. Hayoung's gaze never leaves your hand, her fingers never leave your wrist. She has to make sure you're okay.
"It was just an accident, my beloved bread loaf. It wouldn't kill me." The worry in her eyes balloon more, as if she's near tears.
Ease her worries, pull her in and plant a kiss on her exposed forehead. "But okay, I'll be careful. I'm sorry."
Her gaze softens as she finally meets your eyes. A small smile forms at the corners of her mouth before her attention returns to your healing hand.
She fishes your fingers out of the bowl and carefully kisses each one after every word: "I love you too."
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You find Jiwon outside the laundry room with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a finger between her teeth, evidently lost in thought. As you approach her, the smell of detergent overpowers you, and the sound of bubbles popping vigorously out of sight grows louder and louder.
She finally notices you getting closer, and she holds out her hand to stop you. "Okay, before you get mad, know that I did everything right. Something's broken."
"What did you-" you grunt, but as you round the corner and peer into the laundry room, you find the floor covered in suds and the washing machine whirring like it never whirred before.
"See? Broken." Jiwon places her hands on her hips proudly, proud to show none of this was her fault.
Your gaze flies to her in disbelief, and her features drop in disappointment. Her eyes meet the floor between her feet and her voice lowers in volume.
"You're mad," she mutters ashamedly, "I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what happened."
The washing machine finally stops whirring, but the lights all throughout your apartment flicker. You frantically rush for the circuit breaker and flip the master switch off, nearly slipping as you do, and darkness falls all around the two of you.
"It's alright," you sigh. You pat her on the shoulder and pull her in for a snuggle. "You're not hurt, honey?" Stroke her hair and comfort her, still wary that she might be keeping something else about the situation from you.
"Nope, I'm fine, but I have to own up to something: I maaaaybe forgot to read the instructions." Her laugh cuts through the tension of the situation, and you find yourself laughing with her. It'll be a headache tomorrow to get all this fixed, but for now, it's a welcome slow dance with your girlfriend in the dark.
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The two of you head off to a nearby shade as Jisun hums happily at the sweet flavor of her ice cream. She's the type to take bites out of it, and while you found that a bit weird, it takes nothing away from how much you love her.
"What flavor is that again?" you ask while licking your lips free of your own ice cream. She takes a second before meeting your eyes, evidently really enjoying her cold treat.
"It's- Ahahaha, look at you!" She points to your chin while bellowing a hearty laugh. She nearly folds in half as her joy consumes her; each time she rises and takes in the sight of you, she laughs again.
Confused, you fish our your phone and inspect yourself in the screen. In your reflection you find a dab of your rocky road on your nose and a line of it from your lower lip to your chin. It suddenly connects what Jisun was laughing so hard about:
"I'm sorry, love, you a bit look like a clown!" She struggles to get her laughter under control, but loses it when you pull a funny face for her. She pounds your chest weakly, announces her sides are starting to hurt, and yet, her laughter never lets up.
There's no shame nor judgment in her reactions, and you know full well that she's only overflowing with joy to be spending a perfect day like this out with you. There's no harm in laughing at yourself once in a while, especially when you get to hear Jisun's as well.
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You shut the door behind you and walk over carefully to Seoyeon's bed. She lifts up the covers and hurries you in despite you trying your hardest not to spill the ramyeon you cooked for her.
"Thaaank you, sweetheart," she cheers, taking the bowl and chopsticks from you and placing it carefully on her lap over the blanket. She cuddles up to you happily before taking her first bite of your cooking, and she shakes in contentment once the savory taste of the food washes over her tongue.
As the TV drones on in the background, you wrap her in a warm embrace. You have half a mind to scold her, wanting to tell her off for not getting up all day, but with a sight like this, you really hate to break the peace.
Instead, you watch as she devours the ramyeon bite by bite, her eyes never leaving the TV, and her head never lifting off your shoulder. The scent of her hair fills your nose, and the warmth of her body calms you down and releases tension you didn't even know you had.
"Say aaahhhhh." Seoyeon lifts up a bite of her ramyeon and blows on it, then brings it over to your mouth. She stares expectantly as she waits for you to open up, and who are you to decline?
She thoughtfully offers you the bite of her food, her food, and you eat it gratefully. Her eyes turn into crescents as her smile takes over her features, and for a moment you take in the beauty of Lee Seoyeon.
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You snap what might be the millionth picture of her today, probably not even she knows how many you've taken for her so far, and hand your phone back to her for inspection.
"Hmm, no, still not it. Take a few more." She walks back to the wall and strikes another hot pose. Her finger flies towards the stairs, and you understand that she wants you at a higher vantage point for a better angle.
You take a number of steps up the flight, and point your lens at her once more. "Chae, please, we've been here for hours. Can't you just pick the best one?" you whine, but you still fulfill your duty of snapping pictures of her. The light from the flash washes over her features and figure, and you're once again reminded that she's gorgeous. Why even whine about merely taking pictures when this is your muse?
She swipes back your phone and scrolls through your gallery, carefully scrutinizing each photo. She settles on one, and favorites it. "Hehe, thank you, baby. Send all those to me except that one with the heart. "
You take back your phone and find the photo she's talking about, and you notice that by her standards it's the best one out of them all. She flashes a beautiful smile at you, no more pictures, as she wraps you in a warm and grateful embrace.
"Why not this one? I thought you'd like it the most."
"It is! And that one you keep for yourself. Only for your eyes." She kisses you playfully on the lips before smiling again, "For being the best boyfriend ever."
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The live band fills the room with a sophisticated symphony, all the while pieces of silverware clink against plates and hushed, faraway voices of the snooty and rich reach your ears. You try your best to ignore the atmosphere of this fancy dinner, with the only thing in the world making it semi-bearable having a terrible time as well.
"I can't believe I let you drag me all the way out here." Nagyung's knife clacks against the fine porcelain making up her plate, most probably leaving scratch marks on the priceless dinnerware. She retrieves a poorly-cut bite of the tough steak, sighs, and eats it anyway. Nagyung spends a bit more time than usual trying to chew the meat before ultimately swallowing with a grimace. "My mouth isn't made for food like this. I need pizza and Yakult."
"If I recall correctly," you retort, your voice unexpectedly harboring a harsh tone, "it's your fault we're here. You weren't satisfied with suffering alone and you just had to bring me along as a plus-one." The fish's pepper overwhelms your taste buds and you make for your glass of water again. Just one gulp is enough to wash it down, but the sheer amount of fish left on your plate disheartens you.
"Look, I'm sorry. I knew it'd be boring, but I didn't think it would be this bad," Nagyung sighs, shuffling her peas and corn around the plate. You can tell with how she sounds that she means it, and by the way that she acts that she regrets ever mentioning this to you.
Feeling guilty at losing your temper, you attempt to reassure her. It's the least you could do, once you realize how utterly disrespectful what you just said to her was, and try to make up for embarrassing her like that. "This ends at 11, right? Just enough time to get to that Italian place by the park before it closes?"
She looks up at you with a face riddled with shock, but then is quickly replaced with a shining grin. Her teeth gleam in the candlelight as her adorable giggles reach your ears.
"We can just about make it if we break four speeding laws on the way." Her tone is now filled with an unmatched excitement, like the first shot of espresso on a dull morning.
"Awesome. Pick up the pizza, stock up on Yakult, get the hell home. Perfect crime."
Nagyung laughs out loud, attracting the attention of a few others near your table. She covers her mouth, but the smile never leaves her eyes as she whispers: "Are we stealing the pizza too? What do you mean 'crime?!'"
"Figure of speech, dummy," you declare as you twirl your fork in the air like a wizard, "But not completely off the table."
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Jiheon flips the leaf over and over, examining every vein it has. Her eyes rake over the stalk to try and find any defining features at all, but her search evidently turns up nothing of value.
"What type of tree is this?" Her question is innocent, and she's so engrossed in the specimen that she even forgets to look at you.
"Damned if I knew. What am I, a tree-ologist?" Your joke steals her attention, but she responds with only a blank stare.
"Arborist," she says in passing, her attention turning back to the leaf. "They're called arborists."
"Right..." you mutter, shame rising to your cheeks at your apparently immature attempt at humor. Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect.
She picks a leaf off the branch and walks over to you. Your girlfriend drops it onto your palm and says "Keep, please. Wanna look up when we get home."
You nod and put the leaf away in your jacket pocket, and she watches as you expertly stow her specimen in a secure place on your person. Once the both of you are sure the leaf is safe, she clings to your arm and snuggles, the image of pure joy.
"What's gotten into you?" Your question is innocent and maybe a little bit dense, but it only serves to make her smile grow wider.
Jiheon snuggles more into your arm and even plants a kiss on your shoulder. She looks up at you with adoration, but something tells you she has one teeny bit of mischief up her sleeve.
"Nothing, you're just cute, that's all. Thank you." She kisses you on the cheek and refuses to explain any further. Her eyes look ahead as the two of you continue your stroll through her neighborhood.
Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect. In the rare times that you do, it feels like the world is right. But in the times that you don't, like now, it only reminds you how much more of her you're looking forward to seeing.
a/n: that was fun! thank you for the great ask anon :DDDD
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defrosted69 · 2 years
My Roomate Bestie
  Jiheon x reader fluff
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You exhaled a heavy sigh. You were staring at the Verenda of your apartment as your eyes observe the busy night street.
It was always peaceful whenever the night arrives in the city and your view of your apartment dorm was perfect.
Well it was almost perfect because another person would fill the room. At first you were shocked by this fact because you applied for a single room dorm but because of the lack of funding and the sudden demand for a room, the landlord had no other choice but to make the single dorm room a shared dorm.
You tried to look for another dorm to apply too but because of a new school year, everything was booked and no single dorm was available for you.
In the end you had to accept it that you'll have a new roommate by force.
"Fuck.. I just hope that person isn't someone I hate the most.."
You took a sip from your tea as you continued to watch the night street.
You were Y/n Park. A 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student. Your cozy apartment will be invaded tomorrow and you didn't like it but you have to accept it.
With a sigh, you decided to rest for tomorrow's the weekends and it means its your rest day. Also, the weekends you were pertaining too was just sunday.
You headed to your room and closed your eyes as sleep took over.
It really feel like it was only 5 minutes of shut eye as the sun peaked through your window and it didn't help that someone was already knocking on your door.
You woke yourself up first as you put on some cologne just in case the new tenant is a woman. You can never known.
Once you look tidy and neat, You took a deep breath before opening the door and your eyes widen when the person infront of you looked....cute.
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"Oh... Umm.. H-Hello.. I'm Baek Jiheon. Umm.. I'm moving in?"
The first thing you saw was her bright smile which was brighter than the sun itself. She was also quite tall but you were visibly taller than her.
You saw a few boxes near her and was surprised she carried all that by herself.
"Ah, You must be my new Roomate. Well the monthly pay is 150$."
Her eyes widen as she was visibly shocked.
You chuckled seeing her reaction.
"I'm just joking."
She calmed down upon hearing your words as you carried her boxes which surprised her.
"Woah, these are heavy boxes. You carried all of them?"
"Ah, No.. My.. My brother helped me up."
You entered your dorm with her box as you gently placed them on the spare room next to your own room.
Jiheon was slowly feeling comfortable with you as she wasn't expecting a good guy like you to be her roommate.
She was also a bit anxious from the start because she was an Idol and very known too. She was afraid that her roommate would just be an annoyance or would do something weird to her.
But seeing you upclose and witnessing you carry her stuff, her worry slowly dissappeared but there was still one question that lingered around her brain.
"Does he know me?"
Once you were done carrying her boxes you stretched your arms out as you didn't expect that you had to do an exercise first thing in the morning.
You looked over at her as she inspect her room.
"This room isn't much used. If you find andy dent on the wall or find anything wrong with your room. Just tell me and I'll speak with the landlord. He's an old rich man but can't fix shit..."
You sighted as Jiheon laughed softly at your joke.
"Come on, give him a break. He's an old man after all."
"Well I guess your right. Ah, I'm Y/N Park by the way. Nice to meet you Jiheon."
You offered a handshake to her which she happily accepted. Maybe it was because you just woke up as her hand was soft as a baby's skin and this made your heart skip a beat.
For the entirety of the day, you helped her with her stuff and along the way, you got to know her more as she got to know you as well.
Though she left out the part where she was an Idol as she wasn't that confident about it sharing with you.
"So you're gonna be a teacher huh?"
She enthusiastically nodded her head.
"Sounds nice to be honest. My dream is preety boring. Just fixing cars and all that."
Jiheon shook her head at you. She placed her hands on her hips and said
"It's good that you have dream you know. Even if its boring, it's still a dream."
Her pose towards you Almost looked like a mother scolding her son for misbehaving.
"Not many people at our age know what they want once they reach our age. It's a good thing you have goal in life you know."
"Uhuh, well I'm already 20 anyway so I guess that's normal."
Jiheon was quiet as she looked at you like she has seen a ghost. This made you look confused at her.
"You're 20?"
"Yeah. I just turned 20 a few months ago."
She immediately bowed her head at you as this suprised you.
"I'm so sorry Oppa, I didn't know you were older than me."
"Uhh It's alright Jiheon. Just call me Y/n. No need to be formal though."
You laughed whole heartedly as it felt nice that someone called you an Oppa. You never got a girl say that to you unless they were asking for directions.
This time, a cute girl like Jiheon called you that word which skyrocketed your confidence.
Jiheon blushed from embarrassment but smiled nonetheless as you were cool with her calling you by your name.
Some people Jiheon encountered would often like them being called Oppa just because. Jiheon of course has no problem about it but she would be lying when she said she's not getting tired of it.
Luckily for her, she didn't have to formal with you as you were a cool person.
"Oh yeah, we haven't had dinner yet. Let me see if we have ingredients for-"
"Ah no it's okay Y/n. I actually ordered us some Pizza and drinks. It's my way of saying thanks for welcoming me. Hehehe~"
She shyly chuckled as a small tint of red appeared on her face. Seeing a flustered Jiheon was making you melt as Jiheon was starting to have a soft spot for you in your heart.
"I.. I couldn't be more happy meeting such a thoughtful junior. Huhuhu"
You faked your crying as Jiheon's shy demeanor immediately dissappeared and changed to a laughing mess.
It's been a few weeks since Jiheon moved and it was actually quite fun with her around.
You remember the times when you returned to your dorm and you were greeted with a quiet ambiance which wasn't that bad at all. Back then, You had all the time for yourself but now with Jiheon around. It was actually quite fun.
There was no dull moment with Jiheon around as she would immediately talk to you the moment you return home.
Her school was very close to yours but the problem is that it was an all girls school and they are very strict when it comes to boys.
You have no problems there since there was no way you would go to her school-
"Hey, Y/n? Can you do me a favor? I..forgot to bring my handout which I needed today but I can't leave school cause my schedule is packed. Is it okay for you to bring it to my school and give me my handout? I'll buy you  Dinner later.
Welp, I guess you jinxed yourself.
"Sure why not? Where is it anyway?
"It's just around my study table. You'll see it cause it has a label on it.
"Alright. Bring it to you
"Thank you so much Y/n. I'll treat you to Dinner tonight.
You just chuckled at her and ended the call. Finding her handout was easy as her room was very organized. She was after all, a very organized compared to you who fixes their room whenever they want too.
Getting her papers was the easy part. The real journey was just starting as you walked to her university.
Her university was Seoul Women's university. It was prestigious school for the best young women in the country. So it was normal to see some prestigious looking people there.
Their attire was completely different from you but that didn't bother you as you entered the campus not knowing what kind of den you entered.
Once you entered the campus, You noticed the stares they were giving you as this made you a little tense but shrugged it off as you looked for Jiheon.
"Oh shit, I forgot to ask her where her class is."
You were about to call her when a girl approached you.
"Hello~ are you looking for something?"
"Ah, Do you know Jiheon? I need to give her something."
"Ah, Baek Jiheon? The princess of the school."
You smirked at her comment as you find her nickname childish and funny.
"Ah yeah, her. Do you know what her class is Miss?"
"I think she has class in that building."
"Oh okay, Thank you."
You smiled at her as you walked away and headed to the building she pointed out. Even though it was just a few seconds of conversation, the girl's heart was beating so fast and her cheeks were red.
"Well, their building looks more cleaner than my school so I give them that."
You thought as you eyed each classroom looking for a cute smiling girl. Some girls in class began murmuring to themselves as they discuss how a handsome guy was eyeing their class.
You on the other hand wasn't able to find Jiheon and was about to wait for her when Jiheon came running towards you.
"Oh, Jiheon."
"Y/n..you…have it..?"
She asked you as her words were cut off with her heavy breathing. This made you sigh as you pulled out your water bottle and gave it to her.
"Drink first. You're dehydrated as fuck."
Jiheon blushed a little as she accepted your offer. Though she hesitated at first as her mind was conflicted with her own thoughts.
"Aish those 2 girls really. If they didn't say those words maybe I didn't have to make this a big deal. Besides, It's not like were kissing....it's just... An.. Inderect kiss..."
Once again Jiheon blushed as this confuses you. Jiheon looked redder than normal as a small sense of worry started to fill your thought.
"Hey you alright?"
"H-Huh? Y-yeah I'm fine."
"Hmm…you sure?"
"I'm sure-"
Your hand touched her forehead as this only made her blush even more.
"Sheesh, You're burning up. Keep my water bottle for now. You should rest after today. Don't worry about dinner. I'll buy you some soup later alright?"
"It's alright. It's not like I have no money you know? Hahaha."
You have no money.
You were broke. Well not technically but you were saving money just for keepsake. But you didn't mind spending a few for Jiheon.
You handed her the papers and left leaving a very confused Jiheon.
Her heart was racing and her breath started to feel heavy. Her cheeks were also turning pink rather than red.
"What's this feeling?"
It was a new feeling for her. She felt like there was a knot on her stomach for some reason. And when you were away from her vision, that knot feeling dissappeared immediately. It was a mix of anxiety and joy and a little of excitement.
She couldn't figure out what it was but she was also curious about it. This was something that intrigue her and who's better to ask than her members.
"You're in love Jiheon."
"Yup, Totally."
Saerom and Hayoung said as this made Jiheon shocked. She didn't expect those words to come out from the 2 eldest in the group.
"Wait! That sounds impossible though. How can I fall in love with him when it's only a few days of meeting him?"
"Well has he always been there for you?"
Jiheon began to think about that question, were you always there for her?
She looked back at the beginning where you welcomed her warmly. You helped her move in and both of you enjoy each other's presence.
Next, she looked back when you were always there whenever she had a problem. The latest was a few days ago when you gave her assignment papers. Even though she offered you dinner, you declined it and even made you soup which she enjoyed by the way.
Last is how much she started seeking you whenever you arrive home. Her life has always been an idol and a student but being with you made her feel like she was just an ordinary girl. She can have fun like a normal person and even be sad like a normal person.
Maybe it was because you didn't know she was an Idol that you didn't react to her at all. Or it could be you were just hiding the fact that you know that she is an Idol.
Either way, it all pointed to you leaving a positive impact on her which in turn made her feel like this.
The feeling of love.
Jiheon blushed as she realized what has happened to her. Hayoung smirked at their Maknae as Saerom looked a little troubled.
"Guys! Jiheon has a crush on someone!"
Her voice alerted everyone as they all rushed towards her. Some smiling while the others with a stern look.
Chaeyoung, Hayoung and Nagyung were the ones smiling while Saerom, Jiwon, Jisun and Seoyeon were the ones with a stern look.
"Ohh our Maknae is all grown up. All in love uwu"
Chaeyoung teased her as this only made her embarrassed even more.
"Yah, who's the guy? Is he nice? Does he have a hobby? Does he drink? Smoke?"
Saerom was straight up intirogating the Maknae of the group as Hayoung had to pull her away.
"Ah, No I'm going home. See you guys tomorrow."
Jiheon avoided all their question as she stood up and grabbed her bag and zoomed away from their practice room. Her action made them chuckle at her.
"Ah, she's so cute when she's flustered."
Saerom smiled proudly but that didn't last long.
"Now I wanna have a nice talk with the guy."
Saerom's cold stare could kill someone as Hayoung calmed her down.
"Unnie, I think talking doesn't require a bat. Where did you even get that?"
"Oh? This? I don't know. Maybe it magical appeared here"
Jiheon returned to your dorm as she quietly made her way to her bed not wanting to wake you up.
She knew that if she faced you now, her soft fragile heart can’t handle it. You already killed the lights off the place and since Jiheon didn't want to make any noise, she walked to the dark and unfortunately for her, she tripped and made a huge loud sound.
"Shit! I better-"
"Jiheon! Are you okay!"
That voice. Your voice alone send butterflies to her stomach as she could feel her heart beating so fast.
You hurriedly made your way to help her up as Jiheon was Quiet. Unknown to her she got an ankle sprain as she immediately winced in pain when she put weight on her feet. Once again, you were their to catch her as your face was full of worry.
"Hold on tight."
With one scoop, You were carrying her princess style. If you think Jiheon wasn't red enough, think again.
She was redder than a Tomato now but she also liked how your strong arms carried her with no effort.
You gently placed her on her bed as you left and returned immediately with some ointment and something to patch her ankle.
"Sheesh Ji, just tell me if it hurt alright?"
She could only nod her head as she was embarrassed that the person she liked was tending to her injury.
You gently applied the ointment and gently massaged her ankle. Jiheon was surprised and shocked that you were actually preety good when it comes to massaging her ankle.
She felt so relaxed and at peace but once she felt the patch wrap around her ankle, she knows you were already leaving.
"If you can't walk, just call me alright. I'll help you out."
Jiheon now was more tempted to say something to you.
"Why are you so nice to me?"
You stayed silent for a few seconds before you smiled at her.
"Because kindness is the best thing to do."
Jiheon widen her eyes as she looked suprised at you.
"I believe being kind to others is the best way of showing someone you appreciate them."
"You appriciate me?"
"Of course. Being with you made it more fun for me. Not only that, but I actually like it when you smile. It also make me smile you know. It's very preety too."
Jiheon couldn't help it. Her heart was racing to the max and she was slowly falling deeper and deeper for you. Then it hit her. This was now or never. She needed to get this out of his system. So with all the courage she had left, she decided to say it.
"I wanna apologize to you for not telling you this."
This confused you as your eyebrows raised a little.
"What do you mean?"
Nervousness was starting to eat her up but she clenched her fist as there was no turning back now. She has already started it and she needed to go and finish it right. 
With one deep breath, she said
"I'm actually an Idol. Fromis_9 to be exact."
"Oh your an idol.….........wait an Idol?!"
It took you a few seconds to realize what she said as your shocked expression turned into a smiling one.
"That's so cool!!"
Your eyes were bright and full of excitement as Jiheon couldn't help but smile. This in turn only added more confidence in her.
"What do you think of me dating someone?"
"Ohhh, Do you like someone?"
You got closer to her as this only made her blush as her cheeks turned redder.
"I.. I do.."
"Oh? Who?"
"Well... For starters, he's very kind. Like he is always ready to help anyone. Also he likes to make me smile all the time."
"Damn, he's a lucky bastard."
You grumbled those words as you couldn't believe an Idol like Jiheon actually like someone. In your perspective he was a really lucky bastard because he was able to capture the cute smiling preety girl Jiheon.
But you were her friend,so in some sort of way you won something.
Jiheon on the other hand chuckled as she describe you, the person she likes....
The person she fell in love with.
"He also tends to my needs even though he doesn't have too. He also was my Roommate bestie when I first moved to my dorm."
At this point, your eyes widen as you immediately looked at Jiheon. Jiheon looked so calm and happy towards you. Her smile was something you never saw before.
It has that same shine you always see but this time, it had another flavor mixed in.
 It was love.
"Right now he tended my ankle and is staring at me surprised. And I'm about to tell him..."
Jiheon slowly made her way towards you as she closes the gap between you.
"That I..."
She was leaning closer to you.
Jiheon stopped as both of you were close to each other's gazes.
"I love you."
Jiheon finally said 3 words that she wanted to say. She has never expected to say those 3 words in her life to someone other than her family and members but here you are, making her say it.
Your heart was racing as you could swear you can hear your own heartbeat. Your cheeks were turning red as well.
Because you didn't expect the girl you fell in love the moment you met her, was confessing to you.
You held your emotion away as you felt that you manage to build a friendly bond with her. Besides, you realized that Jiheon's beauty was waaaay beyond your league. There was no way she will give you a chance.
But fate sure knows how to play with your feelings.
"I'm..sorry Jiheon."
Jiheon already knew what those words means. She looked down defeated knowing you dissmised he-
"I also liked you the moment I saw you but was afraid to confess because we became good friends. I'm sorry I'm a cowa-"
Jiheon didn't want to hear your pathetic words anymore as she shut your mouth with hers. Her soft plump lips tasted so sweet.
Her strawberry flavored lips was what your brain was processing. Her stomach who was filled with butterflies was removed and was replaced with passion and excitement.
A few seconds passed by as Jiheon pulled away as both you managed to wake yourself up from the euphoric experience.
"You didn't have to apologize Y/n. Why do you need to apologize? I love you and you love me. Isn't that what matter right now?"
You adjusted a stray of hair behind her ear and gave her the sweetest smile you could give her. In your arms was the most beautiful and preetiest girl in the world.
You kissed her forehead as Jiheon wrapped her arms around you.
"Yeah, I love you too my roommate bestie."
She giggled as both of you snuggled in her bed. You gave her head a pat and said
"I should probably meet your members first. To get their approval you know?."
"Ah, you might want to avoid my leader if you value your life."
"But isn't the leader the first one I should meet first? Don't worry I-"
"She'll kill you on sight."
"So how long were you in a idol group?"
Jiheon wholeheartedly laughed at how fast you changed the topic. This was one of the many reasons why she fell for you.
"Well I first started at...."
The entirety of the night, both of you just admired each other's presence and eventually fell asleep in each other's embrace. Both of your hearts were at calm and peace as they felt safe and loved.
Because their hearts was with their roommate bestie.
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mode-lfy · 2 years
Jiheon - Warm
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This story idea originated when I saw a clip of Jiheon saying her bucket list, and saying that she wants to try drinking alcohol with her friends and all the members were like 'No!', 'drink with them in the dorm'
"First thing on my bucket list is.... I want to drink alcohol with my friends!!!" Jiheon excitedly say.
"Huh!?!?!" Some of the members reacted.
Jiwon and Nagyung then suggested, "bring them to the dorm and drink there, we will supervise."
Jiheon looks at them, bewildered.
Jisun then added, "We can cook fried dumplings and some side dishes for you guys to accompany the drinks.
The rest of Fromis_9 then continued talking about the maknae's wish list and treating her like a little kid.
After the finish of promotions for their comeback, most members went back home to spend some time with their family and take a break/rest.
Jiheon decided to go home to her parents for some days and spend the New Years with them.
At the same time, she want to visit Y/n, her childhood friend, whose family is close with hers due to their close friendship since young.
The next day, she came into Y/n's family restaurant, which sells gukbap mainly.
"Hey!" Jiheon greeted him, smiling.
"Hey! You are here!" Y/n greeted back happily.
"Take a seat, I'm almost done helping out, have you had lunch yet?" He asked.
"Not yet... I'm not hungry." She answered.
Jiheon takes a seat while Y/n himself takes a bowl of hot gukbap and sits down across her.
Y/n starts eating deliciously, making Jiheon smile. "Are you that hungry?" She asked, laughing.
"Sorry. Ever since, I started helping out my parents during my university term breaks, I realised how tiring it is." He replied.
"You eat gukbap everyday. Isn't it tiring sometimes." Jiheon asked curiously, putting her head on her hand while asking.
"Nope! Warm food is always the best! Especially during the cold winter like right now." Y/n said, while filling his mouth with gukbap.
"By the way... You know I'm turning into an adult right!" She said excitingly.
"Congratulations! I am already one before you." Y/n said, teasingly.
Making use of the fact that Y/n was born 6 months older than her, which as a result makes him born in the year before her, which makes him officially one year older than her. (Korean Age)
"Aish!" Jiheon frowned and stared at him.
"Just joking, so what do you want to do?" He asked.
"Have you seen this video of me? Where I talked about my bucket list?" Jiheon asked cutely.
Y/n still putting food into his mouth, nodded, "You want to try drinking with your friends right."
"Yes!" She excitedly nodded.
"Your Unnies also said, bring your friends to the dorm." He said, looking at her.
"But there's no fun then..." Jiheon pouted.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked
"Gather up all our childhood friends, then we try drinking once together!" Jiheon suggested excitedly.
"Are you crazy!" Y/n pointed his spoon at her.
"Your first time should be with your family. Go try with your family before you try it with friends." He continued.
"Why?" Asked Jiheon.
"First time drinking should be with family, that's what my father taught me." Y/n said, looking at her.
"How was your first experience of drinking alcohol!?!?" She asked, excited and curious about his experience.
"It was fine. I was with my father, we tried drinking at home. My mother was less enthusiastic about it however." Y/n said, laughing slightly as he muttered the last sentence.
"What about the taste?" Jiheon continue asking.
"It was bitter, but you will get used to it later on. You have to drink with side dishes to make it better." Y/n said.
"Wow! Becoming an adult makes me feels like I'm really grown up now." Jiheon said, smiling.
One night before Jiheon is about to go back to her dorm, she went to visit him again and have a nice moment with him.
"Hi!" Jiheon entered the shop, wearing warm fluffy clothes around her. She greeted Y/n who was closing up the restaurant.
"Hey, what brings you here?" Y/n asked as he was surprised to see her.
"Are you closed for business already!" Jiheon asked shyly, looking down lightly and moving her hair around.
"Yeah, I told my parents that I will tidy up the place and told them to rest earlier. What's up?" Y/n asked her.
"Are you gonna be free?" Jiheon asked.
"I'm planning to watch football with my friends. Why?" Y/n ask, sitting down as he finished cleaning up.
"Do you want to have a drink with me?" Jiheon asked, sitting down on a random seat.
"Hey! There are a few big matches today. I have to watch it with my friends."
Jiheon thought for awhile and then stand up and says, "Then maybe I should ask someone else to drink with me."
This triggered a response from Y/n.
"Who's that someone? Is it a guy?" He asked worriedly and a light hint of jealous in his voice.
"Why should you care. Aren't you too busy for me." Jiheon said, smiling and sticking out her tongue.
"*tsk* Stay here, let's drink in the restaurant. It's more comfortable here than other places." Y/n smiled at her antics.
"I brought some alcohol drinks from my house!" Jiheon happily said, taking out some drinks from a bag.
"I will take some stuff out. Wait for me." Y/n went into the kitchen.
He took out some side dishes to accompany the drinks and then they started drinking together.
Jiheon excitedly opened a bottle of soju and passed it to Y/n, who is bewildered but happy, smiling at how excited she is when opening the bottle.
"Is it really that fun to open the bottle?" Y/n asked, looking at her.
"Of course! When I was younger, I always see adults doing it and it looks cool."
Y/n then poured the drink into two glass and passed one to her. They cheers and Jiheon started drinking it, then letting out an exaggerated expression.
Y/n smile and laughed slightly at her cute actions.
"I had my first drink with my father. He had even taught me about some manners that I should observe." Jiheon said.
"That's good. Did you like the taste of alcohol?" Y/n asked.
Jiheon shook her head.
"Then why did you ask to drink with me?" Y/n asked, confused.
"Cause I want to drink with you. I feel
comfortable with you." Jiheon confessed.
"And I also haven't been able to spend much time with you too. I want to spend some time with you before I go back to the dorm tonight." She continued.
Y/n smiled warmly. "Those words are heartwarming. Well I hope you are enjoying this moment now with me." He said.
"Have some side dishes too. You are gonna get sick later at the dorm if you don't eat while drinking." Y/n nagged at her.
"But I don't feel like eating, I will be fine." Jiheon assured him.
"You are gonna get very very uncomfortable later if you don't eat, you know..." Y/n looked at her worryingly.
"Are you worried for me?" Jiheon looked at him cutely, putting on her cute smile and putting her head on her hands.
"Of course! *Slight hesitation* Well... my parents would scold me for not taking care of you!" Y/n said, making Jiheon chuckle.
"Well I will be going now. I will be missing you. I will try to come more often to see you." Jiheon stood up, preparing to leave.
"Goodbye, now I can watch my football!" Y/n pretend to cheer infront of her.
Both laughed and waved goodbye at each other.
Few hours later, around midnight, Jiheon started feeling sick and uncomfortable after she returned to the dorm.
Gyuri, being her roommate, decided to stay up and take care of her and accompany her. Then she felt like eating something hot and warm, she thought of Y/n and his family's gukbap.
So she took her phone and called him, hoping he is still awake.
"Hello?" Y/n answered.
"Oppa..." Jiheon said with a weak voice, alerting Y/n as she doesn't usually call him that.
"Jiheon? Are you okay? You sound sick." Y/n said with a slight worry in his tone.
"I'm sick.... Can you deliver me gukbap? I'm cold and craving your gukbap... please??? I'm at my dorm now." Jiheon said lethargically.
"Hey! The restaurant is closed right now and there is no more gukbap! I would need to cook it and deliver it to your dorm!?!? Your dorm is at least half an hour away? You want me to deliver it to you in the middle of this cold winter night!?!!" Y/n said with an angry tone.
He then continued. "I'm also watching football right now! Don't disturb me!"
"But oppa..." Jiheon said sadly.
Then the call hangs up.
Jiheon then turned grumpy and sad. This made Gyuri who was beside her asked, "Are you okay?"
Jiheon nodded slowly, albeit with a sad face.
Gyuri then pulled her for a hug and patted the maknae.
One hour later, while Gyuri and Jiheon were having some personal moments, talking about personal things.
The doorbell to their dorm rang, and they both came to the door to see who it was.
Jiheon peeked through the door hole and sees Y/n carrying a metal deliver box and wrapped in winter clothing.
"Oh? Y/n...." Jiheon said in surprise after she opened the door.
"I thought there's no more gukbap and you were busy watching football...." Jiheon muttered.
Y/n then brought the metal container over into the house.
"That is true, I had to spend some time cooking gukbap and as for the football part... I could always watch it another time... You are more important." Y/n said, looking at Jiheon, flashing a small gentle smile at her before taking out the food he prepared for her.
Y/n took out a bowl gukbap and warm side dishes that can help Jiheon feel better.
They both sat down along a table in the living room while Gyuri sits from a distance and observes them.
Jiheon starts slowly eating the gukbap and side dishes, making both Y/n and Gyuri smile.
"Is it delicious?" Y/n asked, as he sees her eating continuously.
Jiheon nodded, smiling brightly.
"Is this how you two always interact?" Gyuri asked curiously from a small distance.
Y/n turns over and sees Gyuri, he stands up and greets her. "Hello! Well, I am Jiheon's friend."
"Jiheon told me about you before. I see that you two are very close." Gyuri said.
"Well, Y/n.. accompany her. I will be heading back to the room to sleep. No funny ideas in this dorm, understood." She looks at them both.
"We are just friends..." Both of them said.
Gyuri chuckled and went back to the room.
Y/n sits back down and looks at Jiheon as she awkwardly eats it slowly after what Gyuri said.
"Do you feel better?" Y/n asked her.
"I'm still sick but I feel better now. The food that you prepared makes me feel warm." Jiheon smiled.
"I brought some medicine over for you. Take it before you go to sleep later on." Y/n said as he took out some medicine pills from his pocket.
Jiheon grabbed some kimchi with her chopsticks but the kimchi fell before it entered her mouth.
"Aish, so clumsy. Let me feed you." Y/n said, laughing at her.
He then picked up a pair of chopsticks and fed some kimchi to her.
They both looked at each other in the eye as Y/n feeds Jiheon.
"Is it tasty?" Y/n asked.
"Mm. The food you prepared for me is more effective than any other medicine." Jiheon said.
After eating the food, Y/n put the dishes back into the container and accompanies her.
Jiheon laid down on the couch and looks at Y/n who was sitting on the floor and looking at her.
"Do you like me?" Jiheon asked, not blinking as she gazed at him.
"Of course I do... You have always been so kind and pretty. It always make me happy whenever you come to spend time with me." Y/n said, as he caressed her cheeks.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend...?" Jiheon ask shyly, blushing red as she say out the words.
Y/n nodded as they both gently smiled at each other happily.
Thanks for reading to the end, this story honestly felt a little hard to execute and this might or might not feel rushed. But I hope you enjoy this oneshot story.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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taking care of injured s.o
with first gf!
for real?
gf! hayoung
gf! seoyeon
gf! chaeyoung
i just gotta do my job
gf! jisun
you couldn’t ruin anything
i just gotta do my job
gf! nakyeong
gf! nakyung
makes you happy
gf! saerom
soulmate au
gf! gyuri
gf! jiwon
gf! jiheon
you’ve always been the one for me
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kkulgings · 2 years
❈° ≫ sweet | baek jiheon
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═══════ SWEET !
pairing ⇢ baek jiheon x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ fluff, college!au
warnings ⇢ mentions of food & eating, very sweet (literally)
word count ⇢ 2063
synopsis ⇢ as a student, jiheon knows what it’s like to be stressed during final exams, so she decides to come over with a sweet surprise. 
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you slammed your head on the table, a loud thump spreading through your empty apartment. your roommates were out partying late at night again, both of them being business majors who rarely had to worry as much as you on their final exams. whenever you tried to talk to them about your stress and worries for the future, they would try to convince you to pursue something different where your mind would not always be occupied with studying for the exam you had in a week or the lab homework you had to finish before your 8 a.m. lab. 
despite how much you complained about your coursework, you never listened to them. you loved spending time in the lab, studying the latest specimen the professor had laid out under the microscope. you were so interested in what life in a lab coat had in store for you from the experiences you had already been granted. 
though, during these times, you wished your younger self never found so much interest in science and all of its mysteries. you swore if you had to learn about another bacteria present in everyday life, the pain in your brain would grow to be worse than the one growing on your forehead from your defeated faceplant on the table. rubbing the spot as you lifted your head up, your eyes focused back on the screen in front of you. you tried to decipher the words on the screen, eyes moving to the notecard in front of you when you couldn’t comprehend the words. it seemed the hit to your head hindered your ability to understand what you had written, not that you could make sense of it before. 
you closed your laptop before you pushed your chair away from your desk, deciding that you deserved a break after using up all the strength your brain had studying for this final. now your problem was about what exactly you could do. more times than not, you used this break time with your roommates, either playing mario kart on the nintendo switch or watching a couple episodes of the tv show you three were currently watching together. 
with nothing else to do, you wound up in the kitchen, rummaging through the refrigerator and cupboards for anything you could eat before you returned to your studies. unfortunately, there were limited items in the pantry. one of your roommates probably forgot to buy groceries, so now you had to face the repercussions while they were probably enjoying some food. delicious or not, you were sure the alcohol would make anything they consume astronomically better. you debated having some yourself, knowing that your roommates often stored liquor in the apartment. however, when you remembered the copious amount of material you still had to go over, you decided against it, opting for a cup of coffee instead. 
as you put the pod inside the keurig, you heard the doorbell ring. raising an eyebrow, you  made your way over to the door, wondering who could be there at this time. it was past normal visiting hours, but it was still far too early for either of your roommates to be home. peeking out of the peephole, you spied on the person who was waiting patiently at your door. recognizing the person, you immediately pulled open the door, causing the person behind it to jump. 
“jiheon,” you breathed, not believing that she was right there in front of you, backpack slung over her shoulder and holding a mysterious box. 
“surprise!” she greeted, pushing her way into your apartment. 
you watched as she set the box in her hands onto the counter before opening her hands up for a hug. you sighed, knowing that you could never deny your girlfriend of her wants, even if you were a little disappointed in her at the moment. 
“you shouldn’t have came. it’s dangerous coming over here at night,” you scolded as you wrapped your arms around her, holding her as if you had almost lost her to whoever may be lurking in your shady neighborhood. 
“you’re always worried for no reason. i didn’t come alone!” she defended, “chaeyoung and nagyung came with me, and they have each other going back. no one’s getting hurt around here.” 
you shook her head at her explanation. you were just glad she was safe. if something happened to her while she was trying to come to you, you didn’t know what you would do. you would probably fail your final though as you would be worried too much about her to even study. seeing how the keurig’s stream of coffee had stopped, you retrieved your french roast. 
“coffee?” you offered her, already beginning to shuffle through the random assortment of pods stored in the drawer. 
she clapped her hands together in excitement. “ooh! that’s actually perfect! do you have the one i drank last time i was here? that one was really good!” 
you tried to remember the last time she had come over to your apartment when your roommates were around. they had offered her one of their flavored lattes, so you figured that was what she had drinken. you knew she wasn’t much of a plain roast person. neither were you, but it helped keep you up better than your roommates’ lattes. 
“caramel mocha latte?” you read from the pod you picked up, “is this the one?” 
she nodded in response, so you put it into the keurig, replacing yours that was soon thrown in the trash. you went through the cupboards to find her cup, the cup that was meant for her because it perfectly matched yours. a year ago, you had gotten it as a gift at a secret santa you attended, not thinking the cups would ever be put to good use, but here they were. 
“so…why did you decide to come over,” you asked as you leaned on the counter. you took a sip of your coffee, seemingly forgetting about all the laws of temperature while trying to start a casual conversation. turning your head and sticking your tongue out, you attempted to let the cool air reach the tastebuds you may have burnt off. 
she shrugged. “thought you could use some company. i saw your roommates earlier, and they said you were stuck at home studying for an exam, so i figured i could study with you.” 
jiheon was as studious as ever. you knew from experience she preferred to study alone, however. both of you did, opting to stay away from each other until exams were over to prevent any distractions. you were quite surprised by her response, but you weren’t about to complain about having some company. you loved hearing things in the background to reassure you weren’t alone, even if the only sound you would hear was her soft breathing. 
“then i guess you really need this coffee,” you joked as you pulled the mug off its spot, handing the freshly made cup of caffeine to her. 
“thank you.” 
she took the cup into her hands, the warmth beginning to spread through her hands. it was much needed on a cold night like this where any sane person would rather be curled up in their blankets watching a movie instead of catching up on the different classes of antibiotics and which infections they can help recover.  
jiheon followed your gaze onto the box she had set on the counter, realizing those eyes of yours were asking a question of their own. “i baked cupcakes for us,” she explained, opening the box to reveal an array of amateurly iced desserts, “they look kind of ugly since i don’t bake often, but i can assure you they taste great!” 
though the cupcakes could never compare to ones found in the high-end bakeries surrounding the campus, they had a special beauty to them. this special beauty originated from the one who made them with such care and love, rubbing off her own beauty onto them. 
nothing could be more beautiful to you than the things jiheon made with her delicate hands. you’ve kept every single present jiheon had ever made for you. from the portrait she made when you two were in middle school to the teddy bear she tried to sew last christmas. you cherished everything your girlfriend made, for every piece would have her tender love tucked away into it. 
“no,” you asserted, “they look great.” 
you never missed the way her eyes lit up whenever you reassured her the projects she deemed failures were never actually failures. she appreciated knowing that if no one appreciated her works, you would. 
you picked up one of the cupcakes. the pink frosting hung over the sides, marking your fingers with the sweet cream. peeling back the wrapper, you attempted to take a bite of both the cake and frosting for the perfect bite. however, your nose dipped into the frosting, creating a dollop as you pulled away. 
this elicited a giggle from jiheon, who tried her best to hide how she was laughing at you by placing her right hand over her mouth. it wasn’t very effective though, considering how over the years you studied the way her eyes would crinkle into an eye smile every time she felt remotely happy. you gave her a joking glare with your arms crossed after you placed the cupcake down. she pulled her hand away and placed her cup down to grab a napkin from the side, revealing her wide smile that showed off her gums. 
“sorry,” she apologized as she brought the paper towel to your nose, pinching it to wipe off the frosting completely. “so, did the cupcake taste alright?” 
you were about to open your mouth to give your genuine answer, but something else came to mind. “why don’t you find out?” 
confused by your strange response, jiheon reached over for another cupcake to have a taste herself. however, before she was able to do so, you held her face and pulled her to look at you. her expression began to mix between the confusion of your answer and love as she stared into your eyes. without another thought, you pulled her into a kiss, hoping the reminiscence of the cupcake’s taste would transfer as your lips molded together. 
you two stayed like that for a moment, taking in the affection both of you were deprived of while studying for exams. this was exactly why you two never wanted to see each other through your important exams. once it began, you two never seemed to want to pull away from each other, as if the other would disappear the moment you disconnected. 
as you placed your hand on her back, prepared to continue for a while longer, a loud sound came from your phone. both of you pulled away. you cursed at your habit of always setting alarms for your breaks to make sure you never strayed away from your studies for too long. you sighed as you pressed the button to grant the room with silence again. 
“i guess that’s our cue to begin our studying.” jiheon remarked as she gathered her bag from the chair, “if we finish early, we can continue.”  
she was right. both of you had a long night ahead, so it was in your best interest to begin your session as soon as possible. you still had yet to process what you had been unable to comprehend on your notecard earlier. 
“i suppose you have a point,” you surrendered before picking up the cupcake to finish. in another two bites, it was gone, and you felt the energy coming back to you in the form of caffeine and sugar. 
both of you grabbed onto your cups from the counter, bringing them back to your room. you cleared half of your large desk, which had been scattered with countless papers filled with notes, and pulled another chair to it. jiheon sat down comfortably, setting her backpack to the side before pulling out her ipad and textbook. after you two cracked your knuckles in unison, you both were ready to conquer a couple long hours of studying. 
before you did though, there was something on your mind. 
“so, how did the cupcake taste?” 
“it was sweet, but i can’t tell if that was the cupcake, or if that was just you.” 
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member is babysat by Fromis_9
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr from one of my besties on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty bae! :D
The request: yo lady I got a request and you prob know who its from even if its a anon lol anyways back when y/n was a minor, but like younger like 14 idk the members wanted to go out drinking but the didn't want y/n to be alone all night so they left Y/n with Jiwon Jisun and Jiheon from fromis_9 and at first y/n didn't wanna go because she didn't know them well but after seeing that Jisun was comforting and motherly like Jihyo Jiheon was calm and funny like Tzuyu and Jiwon was playful and loud like Dahyun and Nayeon y/n begged to stay longer then just one night..(Jihyo said no) (A/N: Yes, I do know it's you boo lmao ily)
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
It was a Friday evening, and the members of TWICE were excitedly discussing their plans for the night. They had been working hard, promoting their latest comeback, and they were looking forward to some well-deserved relaxation. However, the thought of leaving Y/N alone for the entire night didn't sit well with them. The girl was the youngest member of TWICE, still just 14 years old, and they wanted to ensure her safety and make sure she had a good time too. With that, Jihyo, as the leader and mother number 1 (lmao), came up with a brilliant idea. She knew the members of fromis_9 and believed they would be the perfect company for their kid. She called up Jiwon, Jisun, and Jiheon and explained the situation. The fromis_9 members were more than happy to help out, seeing it as a chance to bond with TWICE and take care of their cute maknae.
When TWICE informed Y/N about their plan, she felt a mix of anxiety and curiosity. She didn't know the fromis_9 girls well and wasn't sure if she would be comfortable spending the night with them. She expressed her concerns to her Omma Jihyo, who reassured her that the fromis_9 members that were coming (and the ones that weren't too but that's not the case lol) were kind-hearted and would take good care of her. As the night approached, the maknae found herself at the dorm where fromis_9 stayed, it was nice and cosy. She was greeted by Jiwon, Jisun, and Jiheon, who welcomed her warmly. Jisun, with her gentle smile and caring demeanour, reminded Y/N of Jihyo in some way, maybe the motherly vibe (Jisun is the mom in Fromis_9 so it makes total sense and I love it sm). Jisun sensed TWICE's sunshine's nervousness and immediately went out of her way to make her feel at home.
Jisun - Hey, cutie! Don't worry, we're here to make sure you have a great night. Let's start by ordering some of your favourite food and getting comfortable.
Jisun sat the younger girl down and asked her about her hobbies, interests, and dreams. They discovered their shared love for singing and dancing, and Jisun encouraged Y/N to pursue her passions wholeheartedly.
Jisun - You're so talented, kiddo! Don't be afraid to shine and follow your dreams. We'll always support you. 
TWICE's angel couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and security in Jisun's presence. It was as if she had found an older sister in her, someone she could confide in and look up to. Meanwhile, Jiheon displayed a calm and collected personality that reminded the maknae of her Tzuyu unnie. She was quiet but had a mischievous spark in her eyes. Jiheon had a unique way of making Y/N laugh, her witty comments always made her giggle. As Jiheon began to speak she pulled out her phone.
Jiheon - Hey, sis, let me show you something cool.  
She started playing a funny video, and soon both of them were laughing uncontrollably. Jiheon's fun-loving nature instantly drew Y/N closer to her, as she began to see her as a cool and funny older sister figure. They shared stories, jokes, and silly dance moves, creating a bond that would last beyond that one night. Lastly, there was Jiwon, who had a playful and loud personality that reminded Y/N of Dahyun and Nayeon. Jiwon's energy was infectious, and she had an incredible talent for making any situation fun and exciting. pulling out a colourful game from the shelf Jiwon spoke excitedly.
Jiwon - Honey, let's play a game! I have this board game that I've been dying to try. It's going to be so much fun!
Jiwon initiated various games and challenges throughout the night, ensuring that the youngest was fully entertained. They laughed, cheered, and celebrated each other's victories, creating a lively and upbeat atmosphere. As the night progressed, Y/N started to feel more at ease in the company of Jiwon, Jisun, and Jiheon. They listened to her stories, shared their own experiences, and created memories together. She soon realized that she didn't want this night to end, so she begged Jihyo to let her stay longer, hoping to spend more time with her newfound friends.
Y/N - Please, Jihyo unnie! They're so much fun, and I feel so comfortable around them. *puppy eyes*
Jihyo, being the responsible leader she was, gently declined her child's request. She explained that it was important for Y/N to have a consistent routine and a stable environment. Jihyo promised that there would be more opportunities in the future for the maknae to spend time with Jiwon, Jisun, and Jiheon. Though disappointed, Y/N understood Jihyo's reasoning. She bid her farewell to her fromis_9 sisters, thanking them for their kindness and promising to meet again soon. As Y/N left the dorm, she carried with her a heart full of gratitude and cherished memories from that one unforgettable night. Little did she know that in the years to come, she would cross paths with Jiwon, Jisun, and Jiheon once again. They would all become even closer friends, sharing laughter, tears, and dreams together. But for now, the girl returned home, feeling a sense of growth and gratitude for the precious bond she had formed with the members of fromis_9. And as she remembered everything when she laid in bed, she could only have one thought:
I am proud of our dear family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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maemisnippets · 2 years
Good Night (Baek Jiheon)
Just a lil' heads up: this is all dialogue just cuz I wanna try smthn different, thus the read more line. That's all
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*bzzzzz bzzzzz*
“It’s 1am. Why is she calling? Hello?
“Jiheon-ah, are you okay?”
“Yes, oppa.”
“Why are you calling at 1am?”
“Oppa, I want to tell you something.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“Umm… it’s something that I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time now.”
“Oh okay. What is it?”
“Have you been drinking?”
“How many have you drunk?”
“Oppa, can I say something first?”
“Sorry, sure. Go ahead.”
“Oppa, I, uhh, I like… *exhales* I like you, oppa.”
“I liked you since you took me out to lunch after school. When you walked me home because it was dark and cold. You gave me your jacket which I’m wearing now.”
“Oppa, I liked you for the longest time, but I was too shy to tell you. So I got drunk.”
“Jiheon-ah, can I tell you something?”
“Yes, oppa.”
“I-I like you, too.”
“You’re a sweet girl. Cute, funny, smart. I didn’t tell you because I thought you knew.”
“Sorry, I’m—*yawn* I’m a bit sleepy right now and we’re either tired or drunk. Wanna talk about this tomorrow?”
“Sure. I-I’d love that.”
“Okay, Jiheon-ah. Goodbye.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
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russett-pots · 2 years
College Bar
Baek Jiheon
Tags: Alcohol, Fluff
Words: 0.5k
Yeah some drinking here.
Part 2 of trilogy
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You walk into a pub. Tired from a study week. College has been tough and all you want to do is relax. Then you go to relax at your favorite watering hole with an ice-cold beer and just enjoy the ambiance. The bartender comes up to you and hands you your drink.
“Long day?”
“Yup! Long week even. And it ain't even finals week.”
“With your eye bags, you need to relax.”
You chug down half your drink. “That’s for my paper due on Monday.” You swig once more to finish the drink. “That’s for the same prof giving a paper due today. Another please.”
As soon as you request, the bartender fills another glass and passes it to you. Then as you start to drink your beer, a woman appears, her hair all messed up like she was rushing her way here.
She shouts. “Sir, one shot of soju please.” He quickly places a shot glass and fills it with a bottle of soju.
She raises it in the air. “Fuck you sir!” and as she says it, she drinks it all. Her eyes cringe and her mouth puckers from the drink.
“You failed a test?” The bartender asks.
“Yes.” She almost sobs “I hate the teacher. I hate this subject. I wish I didn’t enroll in it.” She grabs the ID on her neck and slams it on the table and repetitively smacks it with her fist.
“Just let it all out. Better if you do so.” You remark.
“Wait first. Mr bartender another shot and YOU! Mister who are you to say what I should do.”
Another shot arrives and she takes it in. She grins at your face and waits for you to respond.
“Hey,…..” You try to peek over her shoulder at the ID and try to see her name. “Hey….Jiheon, Just calm down. I have been in the same situation as you.”
“What do you mean the same situation as me?! You don’t know what it is like from being a high school honor student to now a failure.”
“I was an honor student. A valedictorian even and now I’m just surviving. It’s just part of college.”
Jiheon turns away and goes back to her third shot of soju. “I guess. I need to accept my fate.” She stretches her arms then takes her shot.
You look at her with pity, a freshman first knowing what’s college like. Then you go to the bartender. “One glass for her.”
He drafts another beer and hands it over to Jiheon. “Thanks…” Jiheon then sits up. “Wait…what year are you?”
“Ah! Sorry.” She stands up from the bar stool and bows to you. “Sorry, Sunbaenim.”
You wave her off. “Just.. don’t call me sunbaenim. Sounds too awkward.”
“So….what do you want me to call you, Sunbae?”
“How about just Oppa?”
“Oppa? Sure. I don’t really have any friends around here.”
“No problem then.” You extend your hand for a handshake.
She takes it. “I’m Jiheon. But you already know that.”
“Now Jiheon, aside from getting drunk and cursing at your professor. Is there anything else you want to do?”
“Ice cream?”
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airaibunny · 1 year
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hoonvrs · 6 months
TRAINEES — l. heeseung smau
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PAIRING heeseung × fmr
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, more to be added
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( fromis9 ) chaeyoung, jiheon, ( txt ) yeonjun, ( newjeans ) minji
WARNINGS swearing, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, sex jokes, loser heeseung ( more will be added if necessary )
STATUS ongoing
S. NOTE new smau and as the queen of loser!enha that means loser heeseung agenda dun dun dunnn ( let’s completely ignore timelines cause if i keep switching between new and old pics don’t clock me.. )
noot hee you will always be famous
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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flower boys | hybestars
01 bang sihyuk count your days.
02 ain’t that ur rank
04 i purple you heh
05 she gagged you omg
06 meeeeee :3
07 u pack of slags
08 Woah, calm down jamal
09 rupaulations 4:20
10 is somebody gonna match my freak
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
12 Donatella VERSACE
13 go train with your other bitch then
14 yare yare heeseung kohai
15 shoulda coulda woulda
17 enemies 2 friends 2 strangers
18 not me I don’t care
19 whys he kinda good….
20 double homicide
21 macbeth hyungnim
22 u send?
23 eat a taki moss
24 u need psychological belp.
25 im gonna hump someone
...more to be added
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copyright © hoonvrs 2024 all rights reserved
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i2sunric · 19 days
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐌𝐄 (hyung line)
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𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮— enhypen’s hyung line has a big, happy family !
welcome to caseyverse 🩷 this is just a small master list so you can understand better who i thought they would have as children and where to find the fics that contain small family interactions.
i also thought that maybe i could write some drabbles on this, lmk! 🫶
JIA is the only daughter of the lee family and she’s around 4 years old. she’s kind but has also a fierce personality, heeseung calls her ‘tin soldier’ while she calls him ‘captain hamster’.
WHERE can you find her? in ‘how i met your mother’ this fluff & crack oneshot is based on heeseung telling her his love story with you.
⟡. 𝐉𝐀𝐘
HANA is the eldest daughter of the park family. she is around eight, she’s smart and has a very lovely personality.
HAILEY is the youngest and she’s around four. despite her young age, she has a sharp tongue and a strong character.
WHERE can you find them? they had a small cameo at the end of ‘still into you’ (fluff and angst) but hana was nameless and hailey was in the womb.
JAMES, korean name jihoon, is the first born of the sim family and he is seven. he has a very playful personality and likes to tease his father. but he’s also protective of his sister.
JANE, korean name jiheon, is the second born and she’s two. we don’t know much about her personality, but she’s very energetic and loves strawberries.
WHERE can you find them? in the sequel of my ‘shameless’ omega verse smut ;)
HANEUL is the twin girl of the park family. she was born around five seconds before her brother and she’ll keep brag about it.
YOHAN is the twin boy. he is shy and quiet, he’d rather be on his own but can’t because his sister won’t leave his side.
WHERE can you find them? in the smut oneshot i wrote called ‘mon amour’, they have a small scene at the beginning.
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