Happy Storyteller Saturday! What's your method to writing so much? (Tell me the secret hnghhhhh I always have such a low word count) - @fruzsiwrites
@fruzsiwrites !! is this a general question or specific for me / people who write a lot? because i don't feel like i write a whole ton, but i guess it might seem that way from my posts lmaooo. anyway....
the idea of "a lot of words" can differ from person to person, but for me it's more than 1.5k words in one day. my average is about 1000, so that might give you an idea on your goal.
but how do you end up writing a lot? well...
1. be motivated
it's true that nobody is always motivated, but it certainly helps with writing a lot! there are a lot of ways you can be motivated, but here are a few i thought of.
talk about your wip with others! your friends, your mutuals, rant about it in a post! whatever it is, it's definitely going to get you excited to continue to work on it.
create moodboards and aesthetics! don't forget about actually writing, though.
edit the previous parts of that WIP! it's a little strange, yes, but it definitely helped me when my motivation was 0.
art, if you do that?
2. get into the groove
it's kind of similar to being motivated, but there are some slight differences.
i'm not talking about the actual writing part, but more the preparation. by that i mean: playing (instrumental) music, grabbing some snacks, water, whatever you need to be able to write for a while! it also helps with motivation.
this can prevent you from pausing your session to grab something to eat, which obviously isn't a good thing. you might become distracted, or you might just forget about writing altogether. and plus, you'll probably lose at least some of your motivation to write for that session!
so - prepare, and get into the groove!
3. set your schedule and make goals
let's face it: writing is a task. it's exhausting, it takes up a lot of time, and there's not much payoff until the end. that's why we need to set our schedule for writing!
everyone writes for a different amount of time, but we can all agree that it's painstakingly slow. i don't need to worry much about a schedule, as i'm still in school. i come home in the afternoon, finish my homework, chill for a bit, and start writing! this gives me at least a few hours to write, if i want to.
but for people with busy schedules, finding the time to write can be very difficult! so, if you're working on something you want to finish quickly, i suggest setting aside at least two hours to write, twice a week. this way, you'll grow at a steady pace!
and goals - listen, everyone needs goals to be motivated. maybe this session you want to finish this scene, or reach a certain number of words!
don't deprive yourself of something until you finish, though. rather, reward yourself when you're done!
and finally...
4. just write!
i know, i know, it's over said, people get it, whatever. but i think the real trick is to just focus on writing, not editing. which can be very hard - i fall into editing all the time!
it's the first draft - it doesn't need to be perfect, by any means. so don't edit.
just write.
as always, be sure to take this with a grain of salt, and feel free to add on to the list!
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thearchangelwrites · 5 years
Happy STS! Who is the author you look up to the most and how did they influence you? - @fruzsiwrites
@wildswrites. She’s my older sister. She taught me how to write and inspires to me to write every single day, all the time, and she influences my writing in a thousand, tiny and gigantic ways. 
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baguettewriter · 5 years
Happy STS! What are your writing goals for 2020? And do you have goals set out for this new decade? - @fruzsiwrites
Happy STS! Thank you for asking!
Tagging: @fruzsiwrites
My writing goals for 2020 would be writing more and posting it online more. Not only that, but I also wanted to improve my writing. 
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mayvinwrites · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! How could you describe Mizona's aesthetic? - @fruzsiwrites
Hi @fruzsiwrites thank you for the ask.
Oh, I’m not sure If I’m doing this right (I just googled aesthetic for this :D) But here it is.
Worn leather books, old ribbons, sunflowers, hurricanes, the colour purple and strawberry shortcake.
(Let me know if I did this wrong)
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puffyswritings · 5 years
Girl, best friend, darling child sent from the bright universe--
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isanyonetoknow · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! What do you want people to feel when they read your writing? - @fruzsiwrites
Thanks for the ask, @fruzsiwrites. 
My current WIP, To Win A Prince, is pretty character driven, so naturally, I want the characters to be relatable and I want readers being able to see a piece of themselves in the characters. So going off of that, I think I would want the readers to experience the aching pains my characters experience, the slow and not always obvious path of getting better, and the nostalgia for a life that could have been. But most of all, I want them to feel love, because a lot of the WIP is centered around relationships, and a sense of belonging and understanding because the relationships revolve around both of those things. 
Have a nice day!
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poppycat-writes · 5 years
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Here’s the PowerPoint I said I’d make! Idk what to call the WIP yet so those are the options. Y’all can give feedback/thoughts/opinions/ideas/whatever if you’d like!
I’ve never actually looked for face claims for any of my WIPs before but I can now say that shit is HARD.
I hope y’all enjoy!
Taglist: @thewritertiffany @ea-writing @puffyswritings @fruzsiwrites @dahladahlabills @waterfallofinkandpages
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dam-those-words · 5 years
Guess who's bored again and is starting a tag game?
Yeah, me. :D
Anyway, point of this tag game is to use this super cool picrew to make your lady OCs!
My 5 OCs, left to right are: Mattea, Lucy, Mayson, Jexi, and Dani!
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I'll be tagging 5 people for my 5 OCs: @fruzsiwrites @bartlebyboys @heavenlybursts @lovebenders and @azawrites
As always, don't feel pressured to do this if you dont want to, and if I didnt tag you ur totally welcome to do this anyway! 💕💕
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mischiefiswritten · 5 years
I know it may be a bit late, but I hope you have/had a wonderful Story Teller Saturday, anyways. My question for you is what animal(s) are the most important to the culture(s) of your worlds and for what reasons?
Never too late, Ren! I did have a great STS, and I hope you did as well.
I’m so glad you ask this because I love the overbearing animal motifs I’ve worked up for The Calm Before. Let’s go one by one, shall we?
Wolves: This one is the most obvious because of the whole War Wolf aspect, which is a large chunk of the story’s premise. Rys is asked to step into the role of the War Wolf, an urban legend spun and made flesh by Queen Thirza Borswick as part of her play to become the First Kaiserin through victory in a Unity War. The thing that makes Rys so perfect for the role, which is designed for fearmongering, essentially, to entice allies and make those who would resist cow to Thirza, is that she’s Norsk, as the role was designed to be. The motivation here is threefold. 
1)    The Norlanders are the go-to enemy for the whole of the empire and have been for a couple centuries now. The details of the schism have been largely forgotten to the annals of history and myth, but centuries back, the peaceful coexistence and mixing of the Norlanders and the imperial people ended very suddenly. The Norlanders withdrew beyond the mountain range known as the Gardr, back to their ancestral lands in the north, and instilled a policy of isolation, no longer conducting trade nor politics nor communicating outside their borders. Very few Norlanders elected to still dwell south of the Gardr, leading to a lasting – though dwindling – revenant that faced increasing distaste with every generation. Whatever the reason for the Norlanders’ and imperials’ sudden mutual ire, it smoldered over centuries of animosity which eventually turned to recurrent raids and border skirmishes. The Norsk people took on the role of boogeyman and scapegoat for the people of the empire. This ease of blame and belief in their collective amoral character makes the War Wolf less of a hero figure – that would give Rys too much power – and more subject to suspicion and derision as a fiend.
2)    The imperial people historically feared the Norlanders. They were always renowned as powerful, talented, and relentless warriors, and what was worse – they had magic in their blood. In ancient days, long before magic had been ripped from the world, the Norsk people were so favored by one of the spirit races indigenous to the Norlands that the spirits blessed them, bestowing a portion of their magic on their very being. Legend says a faint hum of that magic is still inside them, perhaps the only magic left to the human race, though they aren’t able to make it manifest. It does however seem to account for the slightly above average strength and resilience of the Norsk people – if you believe that sort of thing. Of course, this only stokes the fear and mistrust the imperials feel. During The Calm Before, Hale remarks that although people point to Norlanders as savages and say it’s their eyes or hair or cheekbones that mark them, he knows it’s really something deeper and intangible. Something that elicits prey instinct.
3)    Since the Norlanders are the empire’s longest standing enemy, having one – especially one portrayed as a kind of murderous demon that strikes fear into the people – on a leash is a statement of Thirza’s power. Despite the Norlanders’ apparent retreat, the imperials have never managed a defining victory over them. Subjugating someone as powerful and dreaded as the War Wolf is tantamount to conquering the Norlands themselves as a political statement. As an added bonus, the ‘monster on a leash’ character maintains an image of a Norsk villain, which distracts from any distasteful acts Thirza herself may commit for her ambitions.
Now, all of that to answer the question, why ‘War Wolf’? Wolves are a symbol of the Norlands, so to suit her purposes, Thirza had to choose a wolf. The Norsk people trace their most ancient history to a continent an ocean away to the north which they refer to as the Direlands. It was such an unforgiving environment that they led a mass exodus and discovered the Norlands. There they quickly forged a mutual respect for the native wolves and began adopting them into their lives. The Norlanders formed deep and spiritual bonds with wolves, and when it came to waging war, some wolves even went into battle with their chosen masters. These were, of course, the war wolves.
This was the image that burned itself into history and legend alike. This phenomenon and the fearful picture it struck on the battlefield became synonymous with the Norlands.
Bears: Though wolves are the image that stuck with the people of the empire, bears are also valued by the Norsk people. Wolves are of course a vital part of their history and culture – though there are relatively few relationships between wolves and Norlanders compared to in the past. Wolves represent their spirit in several ways, and they feel a kinship with them still. Bears, on the other hand, are a symbol of hearth and home for them. They represent family and quiet resilience, love and comfort. Idioms relating to bears have given rise to terms of endearment used in a romantic context.
Rooks: Rooks are the symbol of the kingdom of Evors. The monarch is even known as the Rook. The birds are known for being intelligent, able to work together and creatively solve problems, and for always returning home to their rookeries. Perhaps this is part of why they were chosen to grace the flags of the kingdom… or perhaps it was just that a lot of them live there.
Snakes: The Empire of Ouroboros – a land forever locked in an endless cycle of joining and breaking apart, never completely achieving either. The ouroboros is itself a symbol for eternal cycles, a snake devouring its own tail, so it was no surprise when it emerged as the emblem and namesake of the fractured empire. It is typically depicted in bronze, so when the Unity War is declared, it is embroidered around uniform sleeves in bronze.
These are the more prominent emblematic animals of TCB, but cultures rely on different animals for infrastructure and trade as well. Evors evolved from a fishing town which sprung up around the lake. A significant portion of the population of Hale’s home region is comprised of sheep farmers. In Qa’zura, a breed of smaller cattle are a primary beast of burden and family pet alike. (They’re definitely getting an animal symbol as well, with origins in a myth I just haven’t quite worked out yet…)
Thanks so much for the ask! It turned into such a long worldbuilding post, I decided to go ahead and tag my taglist for TCB. Just drop me a line if you’d like to be added or removed from said list!
@drowsy-quill / @thewritertiffany / @ephemeralseraph / @uccelletto-di-kokuyo / @ashesconstellation / @maliyagi / @kainablue / @fruzsiwrites / @landofsky / @els-writes / @awrenthatwrites
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dear-space-cadet · 5 years
10 Questions Tag
thanks @musicofglassandwords for the tag!
1. Do you conciously take inspiration from authors or books you love, or from your genres? Or do you actively try to avoid it?
Honestly, yeah, I do. Considering my ventures into sports journalism, I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from Jon Bois and the SB Nation gang, most prominently the Tim Tebow CFL Chronicles. It has that exact level of surrealist realism that I aim for in my writing and that and 17776 kind of been the holy grail of inspiration for my recent writing. I kind of feel like I’m plagiarizing because Jon Bois is the only writer in the game doing surrealist sports writing, but hey, he’s a football guy and I’m a basketball guy, and he’s never written about a mascot that is out to kill the players it represents, and I don’t think he’s ever written Ersan Ilyasova as a monster hunter, either. But still. Holy grail of inspiration.
2. Do you write fanfiction, do roleplaying, or other kinds of fan activity? How do these things influence the way you create original work? Do you feel they’ve given you valuable “tools” in your “creative toolbox?”
Yes, I write fanfiction. And I’m proud of it. I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was eleven years old writing a Warrior Cats spin-off series. Nothing has helped me in the writing world more than writing fanfiction, because the world building and development is done, so you can just screw around and do basically whatever you want with it. Most of my fanfictions end up being somewhere in the realm of surrealism, realistic sci-fi/fantasy, or just straight up, old fashioned realistic fiction with some wacky variable pulled in, like, they’re all suddenly in art school *cough* itao. Fanfiction is so much fun to write, too, and it helps you learn things like plot structure, character arcs/development, and how to write an original story, especially while working in the world of something already established.
Even for nonfiction writing, fanfiction helps you figure out things like sentence structure and narrative while playing around in a completely inconsequential world. I think fanfiction might be the most valuable tool you can have as any kind of writer.
3. Do you use WorldAnvil (or something like it) for worldbuilding purposes, or do you prefer to use your own methods/systems for worldbuilding?
Nah. Most of my worldbuilding is adapted from the real world when I worldbuild anyway, because even when I delve into sci-fi/fantasy I like to keep it mostly realistic to the standards set on earth.
4. How do you choose your characters’ appearences? Do you use generators, choose face claims, make sketches, or something else?
I usually just look around on Pinterest for someone who vaguely matches the depiction I already have in my head. My characterizations can change on a whim, though, like if I see a tiktok of someone with a character’s very specific energy sometimes I can change their appearance just based on that.
5. What are your favorite tropes to read about or watch? Are they the same as the tropes you yourself most like to use in your writing?
I love whump and hurt/comfort. Even if I don’t mean to, my stories ALWAYS incorporate aspects of whump and hurt/comfort. There’s basically no escape. I love reading it, and I love writing it so I can read it later, and it’s such a habit to write it that it always just ends up being a plot point. I always have sort of a designated whumpee as well and they’re always the exact same archetype of character: that caring but silly romantic-comic relief character. Whether it’s Constantine in Forever and Ever, Amen or Andy in Sleep It Off, it’s always the exact same archetype. I’d like to switch it up but it’s always about liking what I’m writing, and I’m just not tired of this yet. Yes, most of my fics are this way as well and you can definitely pick out the archetype, but considering the vast majority of my fics are real person fanfiction, I’m not going to name names or anything.
6. Do you have a network of writer friends offline, such as a school club, writing workshop partners, etc.?
No, sadly. I have a couple writer friends and an English teacher I’m close with and I harass people for feedback but that’s really it. I’m hoping to find a community in college, though.
7. When looking for inspiration for a story, are you more likely to be drawn to visual or auditory elements? (Ex: would you browse through picture prompts, listen to music, seek out a written prompt, or something else?)
Music, always. Forever and Ever, Amen was inspired by a daydream I had while listening to Franz Ferdinand’s “Outsiders” one day on my way to school in my junior year of high school. You can listen to Caldwell and Constantine’s playlist here, if you want, because it was such an integral part of their story design.
8. Are the names of your characters and the places in your world important to you? How do you choose them?
My characters’ names usually just sort of pop up. When I was first making characters I always used sites like NameBerry to perfectly calculate a name: Polaris and Juneau and their whole little squad are total examples of this. When I introduced the Sideline Warriors, their names were all sort of randomly picked from wherever. Jacy just sort of came to me, Veridis and Voyager were Daft Punk songs, I’m an Aries, so screw it, there’s Aries. Most of the characters from Sleep It Off were either adapted in some way from real life, Kira being a slight misspelling of her inspiration’s name, Axel being named after the emo kid living in my head, Chuck being sort of a hint at my old crush, or they were adapted from songs, like Khalil (Khalil Gibran - STRFKR), Valencia (O, Valencia! - The Decemberists), and Andy (San Andreas - CVLTRALIGHT). Their names are always important, though, and I try not to reuse names as best as I can.
9. Do you utilize any personality types or tests to determine your characters’ personality, like Meyers-Briggs, enegrams, character archetypes, the four temperaments, alignment charts, the elements, Hogwarts houses, or even various types of astrology (Western Zodiac, Celtic tree, Chinese zodiac, etc.?)
I really don’t, but I definitely think about zodiac signs when choosing birthdays. Claudia is such a Taurus. Kira is a Virgo. Axel is an Aries. Andy’s a Capricorn because January 23rd came to me in a dream. Constantine is such a Leo, and Caldwell’s obviously a Pisces. You can kind of see this in each character’s personality so it’s always decided after their initial creation as a character. Make sense?
10. What is your favorite part of worldbuilding? (Ex: building cultures, mapmaking, history and timeline work, making conlangs, religion and mythology, plant and animal making, magic and technology systems…)
Most of my worldbuilding is meant to fit into the “real world,” so my favorite part of worldbuilding is probably odd quirks, like in Shitty Sixers Fanfiction, for example, Furkan Korkmaz freezing up whenever you make direct eye contact with him, or the fact that the team lives in Wells Fargo Center and lines up for Arby’s every morning, or the new NBA team called the Omaha Gophers featuring Jeremy Lin and Jimmer Fredette. It’s fun to give the story’s world its own little quirks and things specific to that universe, even if it’s fanfiction.
tagging @kindofwriter @klywrites @kiraawrites @fruzsiwrites @baconkat02 @h-faith-marr-writeblr @necros-writings @mercutioswriting ! use the same questions bc they’re lots of fun
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baguettewriter · 5 years
Happy STS! Tell me a bit about the main character of one of your WIPs please! - @fruzsiwrites
Happy STS! 
Thank you for asking!! 
Tagging: @fruzsiwrites
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Well, one of my WIPs is fanfiction. So, I’m not sure if that counts. But I’m doing it anyway? XD Elizabeth Lombardi is an Italian-American woman, who used to be a big part of a mafia. Now she just does heists, though she tries to keep a low profile while doing so. Not easy when she doesn’t have a lot of money. She doesn’t want to rely on her adoptive father too much, despite him wanting to help her as much as he can. She is considered as the calm and voice of reason in the group. At the same time, she has that mischievous side to her. It does go up against her being calm from time to time. It takes a lot to get her angry though.
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puffyswritings · 5 years
You have the same energy as Tsubaki from Soul Eater. Idk if you've seen that anime but for me you're absolutely like her: very cool and a cinnamon roll at the same time
You have warmed my heart with this. I haven't seen the anime but Tsubaki sounds familiar. Thank you 😊😊😊
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poppycat-writes · 5 years
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I made Cruz so I might as well make The Boys™️! From top to bottom we have Soren, Piers, Ferris, and Zeus!
Soren Bell VI is a rebellious rule-breaker who is known to do whatever the hell he wants. At least, that’s how the media sees him. As the heir to the Bell fortune, all eyes are on him and his actions. Soren is trying his best to stay out of trouble and regain his parents’ approval and trust. He’s really trying! Unfortunately, Soren is now roommates with the first girl attending Cavell Academy, so keeping a clean record is looking a little harder than he thought it would.
His Highness Prince Piers Malet is revered by all. As the future king of Gallica, no one wants to get on his bad side. Truth be told, Piers doesn’t really have a bad side. He wishes that everyone around him would see him as another student and not a royal. Though he has Soren, Ferris, and Zeus, he just wants a friend. When Cruz begins attending Cavell, she proves to be just that. Unfortunately, Piers knows that his parents are watching him. He knows better than to mingle with a witch.
Ferris Holt is considered the smartest student at Cavell. Some say he might be the smartest in Gallica, too. His parents are incredibly proud of him and have high expectations for him. They have one rule for Ferris: no girls. Ferris finds that rule very easy to follow. After all, he’s attended an all-boys school since he was 11. But then there’s Cruz... just kidding! I mean she’s there but Ferris only sees her as a friend. He finds it a little hard to be attracted to her when he’s gay, a secret he holds so closely to his chest. Ferris knows that if anyone found out, he and the Holt name would be ruined.
Zeus Kontos is your stereotypical popular kid— star athelete, lots of friends, and all the girls. He is Cavell’s Golden Boy. Some people see him as a douchebag, but he really doesn’t care. He’s just here to have fun. Except his new roommate Cruz isn’t. Zeus soon realizes that Cruz is going to try her hardest to keep him in line. Of course, she’s nothing to Zeus except another angry girl. She can’t change him... right?
Taglist (ask if you want to be added/removed!): @dahladahlabills @fruzsiwrites @thewritertiffany @puffyswritings @ea-writing
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aziz-writes · 5 years
Last line tag!
Rules: Share the last line in your WIP and tag as many people as the words in your last sentence.
Tagged by: @dustylovelyrun
Am I dead?” Crystal asked, at once realizing it would be okay if she was. As long as she could stay here with Rebekah forever.
@yuriyawrites @kentwrites
@emdop @gingerly-writing
@compulsionsnovel @fruzsiwrites
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glasklang · 5 years
Last Line Tag
I was tagged by @fruzsiwrites thank you for that!
Rules: post the last line you have written and tag as many people as there are words in that line
My last line is:
Like bleached out rainbows, drained of all their beauty.
Which has 9 words, so I'm tagging: @sapphospouse @rachelswritings @raiswanson @soul-write @jade-island-lives @thewrittenpost @owl-writes @spellboundinks
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Happy STS! I'm new to your blog so could you tell me about your main writing project(s)? - @fruzsiwrites
Hi @fruzsiwrites! So I’m working on a lot of things right now, in various different stages. Usually I work by completing a draft, completing the draft of a different project while the first one sits, going to another draft while the first two sit, and so on. But due to deadlines and such, I’m doing a lot!
Highest on the list in terms of finished is Where The Lost Boys Go To Play, a retelling of Peter Pan where Wendy is an imaginary friend from 1888 trying to take down Neverland which, in actuality, is a trap set up by Tinkerbell (an UnSeelie Fae) to catch and keep the human souls she wants to eat. Peter Pan is deeply out of it, he’s been her broken pet for centuries now. She loves him, but in a twisted way. I got to do some research on a sadly now gone Native American tribe which was wonderful; the Calusa tribe who I set Tiger Lily in, I love writing about things I know nothing about because then I get to research. That one is being queried to agents!A Hand Extended is currently kind of being worked on, I’m trying to stay on track with a different story but it keeps drawing me back to write the first draft. In a fantasy world a pediatric doctor goes to treat a sick girl, the only child in her particular village in decades. While the doctor is there she falls in love with the girl’s mom, but something dark in the mountain’s woods keeps drawing her in.The story I’m trying to focus on doesn’t have a name yet, it’s for a Holocaust Memorial contest that my college does every year. A Romani woman in 1938 is desperately keeping her family safe during the Night Of Broken Glass, hating that she’s glad how for once it’s not her people being assaulted. Until the next day’s newspaper hits, with a decree that all Romani, at the moment shoved away into slums on the outskirts of the city, are now illegal in Germany. And then the gunfire starts. It’s just barely in the first draft’s stage but the deadline is March so I gotta get moving on it.My first draft that’s resting right now is for an anthology @crankygryphon told me about that I’m very excited for; a princess in a fantasy country moves to another for an arranged marriage, thinking she’s coming to a place that isn’t wretchedly bound by hierarchy and she won’t need to wear weighted clothing to slow her down because she’s a woman. Except her new husband likes the old ways, the complete lack of privacy and use of public shame to keep people in line. So she and her girlfriend-bodyguard are gonna tear the whole government down. They’re so cute together. I really like her girlfriend’s religion, she’s a bodyguard who’s bound by faith to never kill. But she does. For her girlfriend-queen.I’m also working in the mental realm on a sequel to my published novella Perfect World; unfortunately my publisher shut down, so I can only sell ebook copies right now. My dad really wants a sequel to learn more about Mary 1308, so even if it’s only for him I’m gonna write it.
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