#fuck HP
samijami · 11 months
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man-with-a-fan · 1 year
Not Jewish, but I'm reposting the capybara with
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I'm repeating multiple times on several accounts for optimal results.
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corvusissotired · 1 year
Bro, stop declaring to yourself and the internet that you want the upcoming Harry Potter series to bomb. Have you seen how successful Hogwarts Legacy was? Joanne Rowling and her franchise are not going to dwindle down in popularity anytime soon. Stop harassing people and let them enjoy a series they love. Just chill :)
I have not once talked about or even mentioned the series. This is a copy pasta. That is how pathetically angry you are at the minorities and allies who are rightfully against HP. We live in your head rent free. You think about us so much. We have so much power over you it's funny.
Have fun with that anger. Don't let us k!ll you from the inside out :)
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fem-blade-adept · 3 months
Everything Wrong with the Bigotry Wizard Series (HP) Because This Transfem Feels Like Throwing Hands
(Yes, I grew up with this shit and I know these books back and forth. It’s knowledge I really wish I could forget, but if it’s in there, I might as well use it for a good cause. And that good cause is rallying people against its terribly bigoted and racist author. Also, know that this is a way of weeding out followers and potentially hateful people so I never have to see them again, so choose wisely if you intend to argue these points.)
House choices are split between Bravery, Ambition, Smart, and Everyone Else, which is Tracking and is very ineffective as a teaching system and also forcing kids into a lane. These houses compete every year for who’s better at what? Following orders? Being obedient? Which is a system HIGHLY susceptible to bias and imbalanced competition considering Snape’s unfair treatment of every house that isn’t his and the overwhelmingly unfair come-from-behind victory the Hero house had at the end of their first year because they what? Saved the world?! What kind of precedent are you setting by saying you can win in school by being a hero when there is a house based on bravery? Favoritism anyone?
No one in an entire castle has ever questioned their gender or discovered their sexual orientation? Not the twins? Or Hermione? Or Tonks? Wild. (And no, I do not count JK’s off-the-cuff tweets “clarifying lore”. If it was actually true, you would fully and unabashedly address it in the books, ya bigot.)
Ah yes, rumors of a haunted house out in a village on school grounds when actual fucking ghosts wander the halls of the school, a poltergeist is constantly causing mayhem, a sad girl haunts the girls bathroom, and a LIVE FUCKING BASILISK SITS IN THE SEWAGE SYSTEM. And those sounds in the Shrieking Shack were the product of a kid sent there because he was dealing with lycanthropy. Yeah, sounds like a healthy way to deal with a kid with a physical disability…
Wizards in EVERY OTHER part of fantasy are thousands of years ahead of everyone else. Yudala in Critical Role was investigating pocket planes, the Astral Sea, and OTHER WIZARDS THAT WERE HUNDREDS OF YEARS AHEAD OF SOCIETY ALREADY. Essek was attempting to understand his own society’s god and had cracked the secrets behind TIME AND GRAVITY MAGIC. Caleb Widogast was a transmutation master and had, not only helped Essek discover the secrets of time travel, but had the ability to alter LIFE AND DEATH. Ayda Aguefort’s library was an educational beacon in a pirate town where people refused to learn to read and was creating new spells for herself and her friends. HP wizards live like they just discovered indoor plumbing and don’t know how cars work even though they already have time travel down. WHAT?! The MOST inconsistent.
Magic system. Everyone has unlimited free access to just three phrases that can control, torture, or kill people?!? And they teach that? To students???? in MIDDLE SCHOOL?!?! WHERE THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT ARE SORTED INTO A HOUSE BRANDED AS AMBITIOUS?!?!!! Bud, D&D spells are CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. And not only that, but spells like Power Word: Kill and True Resurrection are both 9th level spells and require not only the physical knowledge of the spell, but YEARS, even DECADES of practice for normal people to learn. Even Dominate Person is 5th level and a solid overwhelming majority of the population doesn’t even know the Friends cantrip. And most people aren’t adventuring murder hobos that go on adventures for months on end to level up super fast to get to 17th level to learn 9th level spells mechanically.
Voldemort would get fucking merked by a full line of people with firearms. Dude couldn’t even take over a school of middle schoolers without working at it for 6 years.
Did they not have therapists in Hogwarts? Pretty sure everyone at that school could have used a trained therapist or a guidance counselor with a degree.
We make jokes, but they did not have access to contraceptives. And they had High Schoolers in a giant think tank sleeping in the SAME TOWER. If you think there weren’t unplanned pregnancies in that giant bowl of hormones, you’re crazy.
The hero and his friends standing up for the giant on the school grounds? Hermione being the only one standing up for the house elves? Common courtesy isn’t a heroic trait. That’s why it’s called COMMON courtesy. And why include house elves anyway? Slavery and writing house elves as “wanting to be enslaved” IS A SHITTY MESSAGE TO PUT OUT INTO THE WORLD.
The very obvious racist naming scheme JK shamelessly put forward: Kingsley Shacklebolt (Black Character), Cho Chang (Asian Character), Parvati and Padma Patil (Middle Eastern Characters), Dean Thomas (Black Character), Seamus Finnegan (Irish Character), Fleur Delacour (French Character), and more.
Lycanthropy was confirmed by JK herself to be about HIV/AIDS, which makes how they treated Remus Lupin (another terrible name) even worse.
Rita Skeeter was a character she created to resemble and, as such, harmfully and falsely stereotype and misrepresent transpeople and how she perceives them to be. She makes an active point to describe her as unattractive, having manly features, and in the fashion similar to that of a drag queen. She also spares no expense describing her as duplicitous, dishonest, and having a habit of “changing her body to spy on children”. Even her name insinuates she’s a mosquito. And that’s not even mentioning her actual trans character in the video game, Sirona Ryan. Sir(obvious) ona(woman in Japanese). You named her Sir Woman Ryan. You fucking cunts.
Goblins. Here we go. One of the most obvious problems. Described in book as being greedy, short, intelligent, hook-nosed debt collectors that wear special hats and run all of the banks and speak their own language. And as of the most recent video game, apparently also steal children. Sounds like an awfully racist and stereotypical description of what the hateful side of the world perceives Jews to be.
Even the heroes are perpetually being shallow, reductive, and downright awful people on a regular basis. Basing people on looks, degrading a female character for standing up for mistreated people, judging people based on how quirky, different, or off normal they are. All things that really fall in basic decency if you really think about it.
Attempting a redemption arc for the Dursleys, the Malfoys, and Snape, all parties being aggressively and shamelessly abusive characters for YEARS. Dursleys sticking the MC in a closet to live, refusing him food, shutting him in from the outside world, and generally just treating him with a truly overwhelming amount of disdain IS CHILD ABUSE. Attempting to bring any measure of redemption to their relationship after 14 years of that is irreproachable and irresponsible. Snape berates, abuses, and treats the MC like shit for years because he loves the MC’s dead mother, kills one of the MC’s main mentors, and then when the MC finds all of that out, he names his kid after the guy? Nice message, bruh. And I really shouldn’t have to explain the Malfoys.
The truly insane amount of coincidences and favoritism that stems from a kid’s relatives, pure dumb fucking luck, and a life experience that just happened by chance is fucking uncanny. The world thinks its story is about love and friendship and some shit, but continues to reinforce the ideal that this kid is special because of his mother and father and all of the things that he is capable of to defend against his mortal enemy stems from that. He corrodes Quirrell’s face, he blocks a death spell with a spiritual aura that summons the ghosts of the dead, he summons a patronus that was his dad’s, the wand he picks up from the store is just NATURALLY bitter rivals with his enemy’s, a magical cup just so HAPPENS to ignore its primary function ONE FUCKING TIME to allow for the MC, A PROPHECY mentions this fucking kid and the book even tries to bring in the forcibly branded Kicked Dog™ character that none of us gave a second thought to.
Quidditch is a truly stupid fucking sport. Who wrote the rules? Let me get this correct. Seven players on each team play on a field on brooms where two ANIMATED STEEL BALLS THAT BY THEMSELVES COULD SHATTER BONE AND CAUSE DEEPLY TRAUMATIC INJURY ACTIVELY HUNT PLAYERS while people play a rousing game of handball only two have one player on each team, completely separate from everyone else, are playing the world’s most difficult game of I Spy with a ball that truly would be the hardest thing in the world to see, no matter the lighting, and if they do somehow manage to catch this sentient ball that could really just leave if it wanted to, it counts for like 9x the usual points, usually rendering the entire rest of the game invalid or forcing the other team to be so far ahead that it doesn’t even matter. Nightmarish.
Harry pretending to dose Ron’s drink to improve his performance puts forward a terrible message of “as long as it’s to help, it’s ok to dose someone’s drink with suspicious liquid”. Even if he didn’t do it, you gotta understand how that looks, right?
The ethics of love potions in society in general are incredibly loose in the books for what they should be (especially considering a student actually dosed cupcakes with them at either age 14 or 15? Either way, it’s INCREDIBLY disgusting) and the fact that they actually taught love potions to a group of middle to high schoolers and put the ability to bypass consent in their hormonal claws should go incredibly high on the shelf with death spells, torture spells, and absolute control “bend your will to my own” spells and that entire shelf should be locked away in a safe and never touched.
You’re not supposed to go into the Forbidden Forest except on the occasion that we send you as 11-year-olds in there as punishment for wrongdoing.
There’s just a tree on the grounds that can fucking kill people. And one of our founders left a snake that can petrify and poison people in the pipes. We’re also going to let hell creatures that feed on the misery and woe of the living roam the school grounds for a year hunting a prisoner that really didn’t do anything. We’re also going to bring back a tournament people have died in so that three seventeen-year-olds and a fourteen year old can compete.
If there is any more things I missed, please don’t hesitate to add them in the reblogs. I really would like to know how much more problematic behavior and how many truly distasteful writing choices I’m missing in this extensive list.
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So, Joanne Kathleen Rowling, there's something I noticed in your wonderful flawless books that I haven't seen anyone talk about about.
First off, you are an excellent romance writer. Harry and Ginny? Mm, they didn't talk for the majority of the series and Ginny didn't have a personality until book 6, but they had children so they're a perfect couple. Hermione and Ron? Beautiful relationship! They spent at least 80% of the time fighting, making the other jealous, or making Hermione cry.
However, I've noticed that you put every character into a relationship, even if they had no interest in one before. Even outside the series, everyone got married and had kids.
I mean, the only single characters are either evil (Voldemort, Bellatrix, all of the death eaters) or mourning over a lover because they're forever broken (Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape).
This must have been an accident and not some . . . amatonormative propaganda, correct?
Well, I mean, isn't amatonormativity correct? Unless you're a lonely loser undeserving of such affection, like Voldemort, of course.
It's human nature to breed children! That's what we're put on Earth to do, is repopulate! It's not propaganda, particularly, it's just biblical facts!
So no, it's not amatonormative propaganda! It's straight up facts! Unless you're some alien or AI, in that case, why are you on Earth? Are you Voldemort?
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aroaceofthesea · 5 months
Fucking hp exhibition in barcelona i cant fucking escape it
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rootbeergoddess · 1 year
So here’s my thing.
JK Rowling being problematic is nothing new. This has been well documented. And its not just transphobia but anti-Semitisim, general racism and fatphobia. She also openly supported Johnny Depp and now she has no issues with showing her support for Greg Ellis, a Trump supporter who sent revenge porn of his wife and is banned from seeing his kids. There is also a restraining order out against him.
You don’t have to buy Hogwarts Legacy, no one is forcing you do so. You just don’t care about the impact your actions have. Like that is it. Any money that goes into Harry Potter lines JK Rowling’s pockets and she has openly stated that she’ll continue to use that money to hurt trans people. It’s also obvious that she doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than herself. She doesn’t care about her fans, she cares about spewing hatred.
She’s dangerous and if you buy Hogwarts Legacy, you are no ally. You can say you are but you are not. You honestly don’t care about trans people, Jewish people or any of the other various people JK Rowling has hurt. Your nostalgia is more important to you and you’re an asshole. There’s no way about it
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fiddler-sticks · 11 months
And we like Shostakovich MUCH better than that other guy no one cares about
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dimitrippy · 4 months
don't touch my fucking shit if you're still sucking at jkr's teat
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samijami · 11 months
JK Rowling: Trans people are trying to get rid of what makes us women; our femininity!
Also JK Rowling: *proceeds to bash woman in her writing for being too feminine*
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mitternachtskopfkino · 7 months
I actually don't wanna talk about this any more, but if I continue seeing people defending and praising JKR shit writing, imma take one for the team and reread the whole fucking HP series and write an detailed analysis of why it's not only problematic but also sucks.
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jonathanbrostar · 1 year
The whole “Sirona Ryan” debacle really is silly to me, I first read it as “see-ROH-nah” because it’s obviously not an English name, and it turns out it genuinely is pronounced like that. Also Ryan is sometimes a gender neutral name, but also it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s her surname. It would be like getting upset about a character named Amanda Johnson because it contains “a man” and the name “John” and the word “son.” But it would be stupid to get upset about that name because it is perfectly normal to be named Amanda or to have the last name Johnson without any negative gender implications. Assuming they chose the non-English name Sirona for a trans character with malicious intent is just way too much of a stretch and also makes a regular feminine name seem transphobic when it’s not. I say all this as a closeted trans woman lol. You can be upset about hogwarts legacy and that’s fine and valid, I just think getting upset about this particular thing is misplaced and betrays an American-centric approach to language and pronunciation and also possibly exposes that you have the thinking capacity of an angry teenager, like I did ten years ago.
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it’s so wild to me that people continue to jerk off a literal TERF for the sake of nostalgia when Percy Jackson series is RIGHT THERE
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Hey guys I'm trying to come up with a black guy's name for my new addition of Harry Potter. He's going to be a terrorist, so it needs to be a good name.
All I can think of is Nigero Fag.
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mananabuffins · 1 year
Prof Eleazar Fig dies at the end of all possible endings. Rookwood cursed anne and the goblins were framed for it.
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my brother in christ are you fucking serious
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