#fuck allistics
gravestone-system · 2 years
fuck being socially acceptable im going to go outside and be violently autistic today
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"Its not a disability, its a different ability" I'm going to rip out your liver by hand and sell it on the dark web for £2
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charlieswebb · 1 year
i will always be protective of sheldon cooper. allistics can eat a can. idc if hes bad rep hes still mine 
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aphel1on · 27 days
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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chthonicpink · 6 months
Imagine... Two onions.
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One for the sauce... One for the borgir...
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wolvierinez · 1 year
Honestly sometimes when reading posts ppl make on here it feels like ppl forget autism is a disability and it. Yknow. Disables you.
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acesofspade · 24 days
is it a prerequisite for librarian candidates to be autistic as fuck, because all four of these bitches are the most autistic fictional characters ever (affectionate)
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bananonbinary · 2 months
as a certified Diagnosed Autist(TM) i cannot stress enough that i am not only pro- self-diagnosis, but also pretty anti- legal medical diagnosis. it is, at best, a cruel hoop we have to jump through so privileged people will deign to give us what we need. don't fucking do that shit unless you have to, it was disgustingly expensive, fucking humiliating, infantilizing, and dehumanizing, and would probably actively cause problems in my life if i didn't have some really good allistic (-passing) people in my corner and also wasn't so fucking disabled that it mostly doesn't matter.
literally get that diagnosis if you need it for job/school accessibility shit or SSI or whatever, and otherwise dont tell the government SHIT about yourself. there is zero good reason for them to want that information. that's between you and the people you want in your life.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Constant wild sex with no strings attached couldn't fix Jason Todd.Lego sets,daily neapolitan food,goth themed noise cancelling headphones and killing authority figures who abuse autistic kids could though
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overchromatic · 4 months
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"All this time, I've felt like my time to go would arrive...That it can't last forever; I've been decaying."
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are there nonautistic ones. come on now
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laceadornedvampire · 6 days
spinning crying oh my god im not normal. im not normal or ordinary i need to grip andrew and hug him and give him a cup of cocoa while we listen to music and play a video game or for the time period i. i dont know. i take him to fredericks concert or something after we hang out in the graveyard. i need him well
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puppyparkmoving · 11 months
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Autistic selfshippers u are amazing and your f/o adores you and they love hearing you infodump and seeing how happy your special interests make you. They love your collections and passions. They love your stims and expressions. The way you talk and the way you are. They love you completely and entirely. You are perfect to them not in spite of your autism and symptoms but just entirely and unconditionally!
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deansmom · 11 months
Everytime I point out that Dean Winchester is autistic, people get mad or look at me like I’ve spontaneously grown a second head, as if this man’s existence isn’t just checking off boxes for the diagnostic criteria
Special interests: westerns, cars, mechanical engineering stuff in general, 1960’s & 70’s music - specifically classic rock, monsters. You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that it’s totally normal for someone who was born in 1979 to have borderline encyclopedic knowledge of two decades of music????? Hundreds of years of monster lore??? — for fuck’s sake, he had a train thing when he was little!!!! Those are special interests!!!!
Restricted diet: it’s mostly for Jokes but dean genuinely doesn’t eat much beyond burgers, diner food and pie.
Dean didn’t speak for months after Mary died and there’s 15 years of canon evidence where he loses his voice during moments of Big Emotions!!! He’s going nonverbal!!!!!!!
Trouble with social cues: literally look at every single instance of Dean trying to interact with strangers, ESPECIALLY in the early seasons. He’s not playing dumb, he just doesn’t get it. Also, watch any scene of this man TRYING to flirt and tell me that he’s any good at it. You know why? That bitch is mimicking the fucking movies and tv shows he grew up watching.
Sensory processing disorder: DO YOU THINK HE WEARS 87 LAYERS FOR FUN???? FOR FASHION????? WHAT DID YOU THINK ALL THE FLANNELS WERE ABOUT. THEY’RE SOFT. Also think about how much he liked the nightgown and the robe. ALSO, ALSO: school!!! It’s loud, it’s smelly, it’s dirty (his germ thing), the lights are too bright, there’s too much sensory input happening at one time. Between being so overwhelmed in school that he couldn’t focus and John pulling him left & right for cases and Sam, no wonder dean dropped out :(
14.04. The comic book episode is an ENTIRE episode about dean and his special interests!!!!!! And his social anxiety, hiding out in his room at the beginning of the episode because of all the strangers in his home 😤
Emotional regulation problems: those angry outbursts?? Destroying the Impala??? LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THATS NOT A MELTDOWN
His whole personality is a mask! He based his whole life and personality around the men he grew up around! John, Bobby, the other hunters - we all know that dean isn’t this rugged manly man he puts on. Sure people can have layers, but my man literally wore his dad’s actual jacket for fucking years
Black & white thinking: this doesn’t need anything else tbh
Strong sense of Justice: “how many people do you have to save?” “All of ‘em. Whole wide world of sports.”
Literal thinking: half the show is about how they both have to learn to look at monsters and not immediately go “monsters bad.” Also literal thinking is hard to explain, but I promise he does this.
Hyperlexic: “what? I read?”
“Too blunt”: all those times you thought “that was kinda harsh Dean” or “wtf that was so mean” - he doesn’t like lying to people when he doesn’t have to!
Hyper empathy: “The baby in the well? My bad.” “I do my best to be brave.” Sacrificing himself for people over and over again. The djinn episode and the speech he makes in front of John’s grave. His whole life he’s been told he cares too much!!!!
As a fellow AuDHD bitch, the most AuDHD thing Dean has ever said was “we know a little about a lot of things. Just enough to make us dangerous.” Also: “I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude, and I’ll figure it out.”
Like I could dive into the nuances of all of these and explain them in great detail and find textual evidence for basically everything, but it’s too early in the morning for that much work when I know that I’m right. Yeah he has adhd, obviously, but I will eat my left hand if that man isn’t autistic.
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starrygatorr · 1 month
y’all don’t understand violetshipping like i do. kaiba doesn’t call jounouchi a dog because he wants him to be his bitch, kaiba calls him a dog because he’s a freak who can’t go 2 seconds without projecting all of his trauma onto whatever opponent is available
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 2 months
hey just a small psa: stop telling autistic folks what symbols they should and shouldn't use.
if an autistic individual wants to use the infinity symbol, let them. if an autistic individual wants to reclaim the puzzle piece, let them. hell, if an autistic individual wants to use both, LET THEM. thank you, and happy autism acceptance month.
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