#fuck i was so excited for this series
ketzwrites · 11 months
I’m having a really hard time because I’m listening to Legendborn on audible and the story seems so cool but I can’t stand the narrator.
I cannot stand her. Well, her narration.
She makes Bree sound like the whiniest most annoying person in the world. And I just know she is not supposed to be that.
I’m gonna have to physically read this, right?
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nothatsmi · 7 months
On my computer I titled this Neil's sanity.
Don't you hate it when your reflection tries to murder you.
Anyway here's an animation I spent the day doing, it's Millport Neil and his Guilt :)
Also thank you so much for all the replies for the animatic! It means so much!! Tbh I would draw and animate more but each time I do so I gotta catch on the school work and I'm getting behind already.. But yeah today I was like meh what's work anyway.
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wikitpowers · 5 months
just a reminder that we have officially, finally entered the wicked powers era😈
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i am ready and waiting for the last king of faerie release date... this era is gonna be WILD...
artists: @cassandrajean, @toka-sketch, @charliebowater, @thorndale, @lariablog, @arudrawing, @ghostjesse, @polartss, @artsbylys, @battii-art, @juliacthefangirl, @spooky-drusilla, @nairafeather + @ekbelsher
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not-equippedforthis · 3 months
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kirk in the corbomite manoeuvre,,, save me,,
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laurenkmyers · 9 days
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spacechild85 · 9 months
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soup-scope · 1 year
i really hope that when alexis is introduced she’s introduced in a very. neutral manner
i don’t want her to be this cliche villainous that causes conflict between sam and darlin
alexis has been avoiding sam for 15+ years after she turned him. she doesn’t want conflict with him it seems
i lowkey hope that alexis has a small ‘talk’ with darlin. maybe just asking if sam is happy or smth like that. i just don’t want her to be a two dimensional villain when erik has clearly shown he likes to deal with his characters in shades ya know (example:vega)
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anxiety-problem · 2 years
Ena has come to cartoon network!
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[Likes are appreciated, but do nothing. Reblogs help spread artwork!]
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I was talking this morning about how the og Titans were so off balance that they had to keep removing Donna and Wally from the narrative just to make it work because those two were WAY too overpowered for the typical Titan mission.
And do you wanna know what they did in today's Nightwing? Huh? Do ya? They, you guessed it, removed Wally and Donna from the narrative. But that's not all folks! Nope! Starfire got removed as well!
Honestly, I'm surprised Raven managed to still be in this thing. Cause it'd go Wally, Raven, Kori, Donna in terms of firepower.
Man... They weren't even clever about it. Wally was gone the entire issue with no explanation. He checked the perimeter of a jail once. That was it.
Donna and Kori got relegated to babysitting duty while the other Titans (sans Wally for no explainable reason) did the actual plot and went on a Heist in Hell.
This is concerning because this man is writing the new Titans series. The og series suffered because Donna and Wally were on a different level and the writers didn't know how to compensate for that so they kept knocking them out at the start of every issue. And now the same thing is happening.
Taylor doesn't know how to power balance. The best Justice League runs deal with assorted power levels by having different roles for the heroes to play. Ollie isn't on the front lines fighting General Zod with Clark and Diana. Hal doesn't tag along on stealth missions with Dinah and Bruce. Different heroes have different power levels and different abilities. Narratively, you have to juggle that.
And it's hard! I get that. It isn't easy. But I'm going to be honest, if a writer can't power balance then I don't want them writing the Titans series.
Because having half the cast drop out of the plot for no reason other than 'they would solve the plot too fast' is not good writing.
And I'm sorry. I'm going to say it. It's because Taylor is power scaling everything back for Nightwing. It doesn't take the entire goddamn Titans team to take out Blockbuster or to take out a single shape shifter. For some reason Taylor has this fascination with Grayson being the best and smartest Titan who can be the only one who solves issues, so every bad guy is difficult but doable for Nightwing to defeat.
It's incredibly annoying and it makes Nightwing seem super unlikable which is... I'm flabbergasted at that because it's Nightwing. How the hell do you make him unlikable?? But this is it. I've found it. This is the limit . Mary Sue Nightwing has no place in my heart.
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bonebabbles · 3 months
I remember when I was reading DOTC when I was around 10, and ever since Misty died I had been waiting for the moment where Birch and Alder learned about her murder, how everyone in their lives has kept it a secret. And then it just didn't happen.
I also remember obsessively re-reading the part where Quiet Rain blows up at Clear Sky.
Birch and Alder are two characters that are just so...
I WANT to say they were forgotten about, but that word doesn't feel right for how they're constantly showing up on the screen. Clear Sky occasionally feels guilty about how he murdered their mother, but for the vast majority of the time, that's described in passive voice. So you're not reminded of just HOW cruel he was, and still very much is.
It's like they're not allowed to be characters.
Like, how does Alder feel about Clear Sky, who seemed to be acting as an adoptive father until he beat her as a child? How did Birch respond later, when Clear Sky was so busy thrashing his sister that he was threatened by a dog? How do they feel about the man who took their mother away from them?
They keep getting cited as "Good Examples Of Non-Campborn Cats," dodging around the fact they were stolen and raised by Petal. Like a lot of the other "adoptions" in the series, she quietly stops mattering to them. But even this fact... like, they're being OTHERED when they were functionally raised SkyClan.
How do they feel about THAT? That their earliest memory is SkyClan, and yet, they'll never be considered truly, fully "clanborn."
Their whole life taken from them, by Clear Sky's cruelty, their formative years spent in his violent shadow, and the narrative is just not interested in that.
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argonapricot · 9 months
People accusing Shin of having no personality/characterization to dunk on her is so annoying... First of all, it's totally fine and normal to like a Star Wars character who hasn't gotten a canon personality yet (i.e. Darth Maul in Phantom Menace) based on their design / story / performance / vibes. It's normal for mysterious characters to exist, and it's normal for people to like those characters. But we do actually already know some cool stuff about Shin; she does have A Characterization and A Story even when the show is holding back with her.
I agree that for now there are many unknowns about her, and fans are having to speculate about her while we wait for the show to fill in the gaps and give us canon answers. (I agree that it would be nice to know more of what the showrunners undoubtably know but have kept hidden so far, like any information about her backstory at all. I am sure they are planning to explore more backstory in the next season, but it's a huge shame just bc Ray Stevenson can no longer be part of that exploration :( )
However, the information we do have about her is totally sufficient to make her cool and interesting. Imo.
"Baylan Skoll's feral, ruthless apprentice, who has a padawan braid, who is dark side-y enough that she seems eager for violence but still asks 'like me?' when Baylan is talking about Ezra being a Jedi." like yeah sorry that's all I need I'm sold! Sorry!
Seeing her make this facial expression before her first duel/encounter ever with another padawan:
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Is enough for me! That's already something really interesting to work with! Or the dynamic between her and Baylan in this specific moment
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For one moment he just suddenly beams fondness/pride at her and she seems so intense and excited when she bows back, as she goes off to try to murder some people. Then she gets so visibly upset later when Sabine tells Ahsoka to go get the map, thwarting the assignment she was given here of holding off the both of them.
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That's an exciting and interesting master-padawan dynamic! I am going to be interested in Baylan Skoll's padawan who has this dynamic with Baylan Skoll as a foil to Ahsoka's relationship with Anakin and u Cannot Stop Me.
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Sometimes I like to look at an actor's performance and observe what they seem to be feeling. Sometimes I like to wonder about things that have not yet been revealed to the audience, I find that an interesting experience... I am sorry that u cannot appreciate her Sublime & Unique Vibes....
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The way she acts when she fights is part of her characterization! As with everyone in this show, her fighting style is designed and choreographed to be expressive of her character. The way she moves is expressive. She's so aggressive and excited and alive when she fights. That's information about who she is! It's fun information!
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Look at this. Look at how she reacts when Baylan tells her to go up against Ahsoka Tano's ex-apprentice.
I admit I cannot tell u with 100% certainty what she is canonically feeling in this moment, but whatever it is she is feeling it SO INTENSELY. The fact that she reacts like this is interesting information about her character, bc every single conceivable explanation for why she is emoting this way is interesting and cool!
She seems kinda excited. She seems to find it significant and momentous. That's fun. We don't know why she feels this way, but it's too late she is already interesting sorry
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Sorry for observing the facial expressions that a character makes and learning things about them that way
It's annoying that the show hasn't taken the time to reveal more things about her yet I agree but why are you being mean 2 her... Having mysterious characters is normal Star Wars procedure :/
Like yes we all know this is not Andor, the writing is not always brimming with deft characterization, that's a shame, but that doesn't mean the show hasn't given us a lot of interesting canon building blocks to work with.
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tl:dr this is a skill issue and I love her very much
It's honestly kind of funny coming from the silmarillion fandom... some people simply know how to appreciate cool and unique characters based on limited information.
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
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zeb-z · 1 year
why wasn’t bo katan leading the fucking party hm, why didn’t she pull out the darksaber until the last minute huh, why is din pledging his fucking life to her when his character arc set up at the end of tbobf was how he was going to find his own purpose and figure out what being a mandalorian really means to him and thus find his balance in himself and balance with the saber, then finding balance between the warring mandalorian factions, why did paz close the blast doors in a completely unnecessary self sacrifice, why is din saying “he didn’t learn that from me” about grogu’s ability to make peace between fighting factions when it is quite clear that he does get it from din, why
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yerinarelius · 5 months
all the concept art from the cradle animation kickstarter so far!
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
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At this point I’m starting to think Tim Drake is actually an idiot for how long it took him to figure out he’s bi.
#ravenpuff rambles#Tim Drake#conner kent#Kon El#TimKon#Tim had such a fucking crush on Conner and he didn’t even realize it oh my fucking god#why did dc ever try to convince us he was straight again????#twice. he did this twice!! in two separate comics published years apart#Tim thought he was dying and just went ‘I wish I could talk to Conner again’#in YJ (98)#and then in Red Robin he just goes ‘Will I see Conner again? Hope So.’#i adore Tim. i adore their friendship. but oh my god this is gay.#Tim was in the middle of a breakdown because Bruce was dead and he’s more excited to see Conner in the afterlife?#love this fucking disaster what a guy#also I made this meme entirely for my friends who are into dc stuff but haven’t read a lot of Tim comics#they follow other Batfam members and understandable Tim is just the one that stuck in my head first#I’ve been reading the Red Robin comics and this is part of me chronicling my feelings on the series#of which I have so many oh my god Tim what the fuck#the first half is just an extended breakdown.#so far the second half has just been making me question if he has any regard for his life at all#Kid needs fucking therapy oh my god#i mean I’m glad he’s happier but also he is so fucked up#Though shout out to Alfred who continues to sympathetic to Tim punching Damian in the face#Damian isn’t in this a lot but he is such a little shit whenever he is and I love him so much#ngl I really do want to read the Batman and Robin run with Damian and Dick now because seeing pieces of them work together is so#interesting and I want to see more of it it seems fun
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rosalie-starfall · 2 years
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Michelle Yeoh
The Witcher: Blood Origin
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