#fuck jun wu
oldanimefan · 23 days
I was just reading back through the notes and thoughts I had as I was reading volume 6 and the situations that happen with Mu Qing, Feng Xin, and Xie Lian's parents are still what sticks out to me the most from this book and not the 100 stabbings.
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I understand where Mu Qing is coming from. He wanted to do what he thought was going to help everyone the most, and let's be honest it was probably the best option they had. Did he go about doing it the wrong way? Yes. Can I fault him for it? No.
The situation with the heavenly officials in the cultivation cave was also a fucked situation from the get go. Should Xie Lian just be the bigger person and leave? Yeah probably, but I don't blame him for not leaving. Mu Qing leaving isn't what made me cry, it was Mu Qing staying silent and then running after Xie Lian that made me cry. My heart was broken for XL. In his eyes, not only did one of his oldest friends leave him when he was at his worst, the friend then comes back with new friends and sides with them.
Then on the flip side, we've got Feng Xin who I'm 100% sure would have done absolutely ANYTHING Xie Lian would ask of him (I mean obviously, he left when XL ordered him to). Loyal to a fault Feng Xin. He was essentially trying to do the same exact thing as Mu Qing, just in a different way.
It's so glaringly obvious how much those two care about Xie Lian and how they are just trying to do everything in their power to help him and his parents.
To be honest, I really need to reread Feng Xin being told to leave and then the queen and kings deaths. I was crying so badly, I could barely read some parts.
The queen and king hit me like a fucking truck. I know that they both felt so horribly guilty for the way things ended up and for Xie Lian being banished. I can unfortunately relate to this. I was at my lowest and homeless with my child and for a while I really did think that he would be better off if I wasn't around.
The fact that it happens within such a short amount of time after Feng Xin leaves is what makes it even worse. They knew Xie Lian, their only child, would be completely alone afterwards. Maybe they thought Feng Xin was going to come back? Who knows.
The most heart breaking part of this book to me though was that Hua Cheng is literally the only person that never left Xie Lian willingly. Every time he left, he was made to do so forcefully.
All 3 of them were in their early 20s when they went through all this trauma. None of them knew how to cope so they all did what they thought would be best.
Anyways this series is one of my absolute favorites now. I am always down to talk about this series so please comment or message me.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
“GoDs CaN’t InTeRfErE iN mOrTaL lIvEs”
Ok, so you rescuing Lang Ying was...? You funding the Yong’an refugees was...? You creating the main catalyst that made Xianle and Yong’an irreconcilable was...? You bringing DEMONS AND CURSES into the kingdom was…??????
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puq1-shrine · 7 months
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He doesn’t deserve a nose.
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jonathankai · 17 days
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I have no idea why I laughed out loudly when I thought about it, but I did, so now it's your turn
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raeneism · 2 months
Trying to figure out why i get so attached and feel so much because of fictional characters and situations to the point it’s genuinely overwhelming so i searched it up and. No. you don’t understand I do not imagine myself being friends with characters or being in a relationship with them or merely existing in that world i think about them and their relationships and their gut wrenching world ending trauma obsessively to the point it is unbearable. to the point it is PAINFUL. i don’t want to be them, I don’t WANT them, i simply need to comfort them in a way that is not humanly possible and it pains me i cannot cope with it
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yea-baiyi · 7 months
people on twitter are discoursing about whether xie lian’s chastity-based cultivation is a form of abuse (?????) which is so backward to me like huh???? yes jun wu’s thing about xie lian being a virgin is fucking creepy and weird and part of his overall obsession and desire to control him. but did they just completely miss the part where xie lian chose this method of cultivation bc the abstinence wasn’t an issue for him? he got hit by sex pollen and never once thought of sex? he didn’t even cultivate for 700 years and just never had sex because he never wanted to and as soon as he found a guy he wanted to fuck he just went for it? literally didn’t even pause to consider the cultivation thing at any point. if this were any other character it might have been used against him but the whole point is xie lian once again perfectly dodging jun wu’s manipulation attacks by just being a weird little guy with autism
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powwidge · 10 months
Thinking about how my man jun wu never stopped. Ltkerally never. Kept going on and on about how everyone leaves and dies and betrays people. Projecting that onto xianle trio on high-speed. Thinking about how he NEVER calculated Hua cheng to be in thr equation because he was left by his own most devoted believer.
Thinking about how all it took to stop him in the end was Mei nianqing telling him to stop. Simple as that. Just told him it's enough. N there he went. Cuz all he wanted was for someone to just... stay.
(I'm sorry im going insane over jun wu today he's my poor little meow meow)
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sweepingboy · 7 months
jun wu has a thing for unfaithful friends so sometimes he casually drops dead clones of mu qing and feng xin with their limbs disintegrated, guts out, for xie lian to find along with notes like "the unfaithful servant has learned his lesson - he will not go far again without his feet", "cowardly dog should know his place", "cannot talk back without a tongue, he will behave now"
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rainyatw · 3 months
Jun Wu might be one of my favorite villains of all time. His origin story is tragic, which gives him lots of depth as a villain, but there is also no excuse for what he did to Xie Lian.
Jun Wu was done. He had made it and he could have left Xie Lian alone. There was no crisis that made him choose a necessary evil, no bad situation he tried to resolve in the wrong way. There was nothing to be gained for him, no money, no power, no revenge.
In lots of media today we see villains that see something wrong and try to fix it and do so in an evil way. That's what happened with Thanos, that's what happened with Darth Vader.
Jun Wu is also an incredibly smart villain, having kept up the new heaven for 1500 years and only revealing himself when he deemed it time. Yes there was the situation with the sword but he could have easily explained it away. Had he not reacted in the way he did, Xie Lian might have found out, but he could be dealt with. Jun Wu didn't have to bring the whole court down.
Jun Wu actively chose to be the villain of Xie Lians story because he was bitter and jaded and after hundreds of years, nearly a millennia, he still couldn't let go of what happened to him and his country. And he couldn't bear seeing anyone else succeeding.
He also manipulated Xie Lian expertly. You cannot tell me that the whole Mu Qing situation was just a coincidence.
And his villainy (is that a word?) doesn't just affect Xie Lian, it affects everyone around him. He was the first Ghost King (at least that we know of) and his meddling brought at least two (one) more Calamities forth, Hua Cheng and Qi Rong. And while I'm of course grateful that Hua Cheng exists, he is a calamity.
Which brings me to my next point, which is how Jun Wu inadvertently brought himself and the social order he constructed from heaven down. He was his own downfall, in believing Xie Lian couldn't possibly do better than him, in creating Hua Cheng in the process and thus creating an enemy that makes everything the heavenly officials thought they knew crumble. Because this is a ghost king, a calamity and a fallen, exiled god of misfortune and scrap collecting. They are at the bottom of the heavenly hierarchy and still without them, all of this would have continued. And by the end everyone knows that. The other Officials refer back to Xie Lian, accept Hua Cheng as a given. Even the common people start to depict Hualian in their shrines.
He was a villain that succeeded, but because of his character - not because he wanted more power or anything - but because he was a villain he was driven to destroy himself and everything he built.
(That's also very Tolkien-esque but I won't get into that, this post is long enough)
And narratively that is just incredibly satisfying.
You cannot succeed if you are without noble intentions.
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parthenosvenus · 14 days
i love you kindness i love you characters who do their best to save as many people as they can i love you finding ways to not hurt others i love you tgcf xie lian and FUCK YOU jun wu
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backpackingspace · 4 months
omg xie lian's teacher literally said kid look in front of you white no face is right in front of you.
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average-hua-cheng-fan · 8 months
it's actually so important to me that in the memory loss extras xie lian finds out he doesn't have spiritual power anymore (because he's been having sex). it means
he feels comfortable relying on hua cheng
he's able to be 'selfish', and choose what he wants rather than what other people think is correct
he's free from the responsibility of being the most powerful martial god in heaven
he's getting thoroughly dicked down
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illuminatedferret · 7 months
Im having feelings about Jun Wu being behind both Hualian being forced into a state of unsuppressed desires that causes the observing party to recognize their feelings for the other. Because on one hand its poetic, but on the other hand jesus FUCKING christ, Jun Wu
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brainrots-and-stuff · 2 years
I was reading some tgcf dialogue between Hua Hua and Xie lian at the beginning and
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shadowgale96 · 5 months
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