#fuck the 2 party system
lastcatghost · 10 months
The absurdity of having to fight for the right to exist as a trans person while the climate increases the significance with how the weather's changing everywhere, the cost of everything except wages just keeps going up, people still suffering to death from poverty, how does anybody not see this as a desperate attempt to distract us
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xxdrowninglessonsxx · 4 months
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the-kestrels-feather · 3 months
This debate is proving that we need a maximum age a person wanting to run for president can be and it needs to be like. 55, 60 at the absolute MAX.
EDITING TO ADD: I keep getting people re logging this saying "no make it like 70 or whatever, my (insert family members here) is in their 70s/80s/90s and they function better than these two!" Okay, cool. But I'm suggesting 55-60 as the limit to keep people who function like these two OUT of the White House I do not care if your great grandma is in her 90s and fully functional, I care that these two are going in to their 80s and clearly not, and that there are SO many other politicians who also aren't.
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Reminder that liberals aren't leftists and are in fact closer to being centrists and conservatives. Leftists are people like socialists.
Leftists want everyone's needs met. Healthcare, housing, food, etc and within the USA where the GDP is 23 trillion those things should be provided by the government. Workers should equally own the businesses they run and distribute profit equally as well.
Being a leftist can look like a lot of things- like calling for the straight up destruction of a government- but most can agree that until that happens then everyone's human rights and basic needs should be provided at the very least. Lots of leftists work towards this.
Remember that when leftists ask you to vote for 3rd parties with platforms that include universal healthcare, housing, and police reform.
Because liberals who stopped their political growth in 7th grade will try to make leftists out to be "Russian psyops" or white supremacists because we vote with principles and values and that don't allow us to vote for people who commit genocide, let single moms and their kids starve, and/or call environmental protests terrorists.
They'll reduce all this nuance to us "being immature and splitting the vote"
Quite frankly, I refuse to fall for this narrative in 2024.
We are ALL exercising our right to vote for the person who represents us. No, my beliefs don't line up with Democrats so I don't vote for Democrats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not "splitting a vote" because I can't split my own fucking vote and I'm not a member of your party. I don't owe your shitty genocidal party any of my loyalty, quite frankly idk why You even vote for them since you say you care about human lives but I digress.
If your guy loses that means your views aren't the majority.
It does NOT mean I'm a Russian Psyop. And because I've already seen a post floating around about how The-Russian-Tumblr-Bots-Were-Real-And-Pretending-To-Be-Black I'm asking y'all to use your brains and critical thinking skills this election.
There's a REASON why they specifically wanted to undermine your trust in BIPOC. So let's think about this for a second.
Why would anyone want to undermine your trust in BIPOC? What kind of things do BIPOC say about the government and it's history? What are the political leanings of BIPOC? What would happen if everyone started to agree with those politics? Which party would those views harm most?
It's crazy to me y'all think those bots were there to help Trump when it's obvious as fuck to me that the Real concern is that BIPOC would make y'all more left which would only be trouble for Biden/Clinton. The only people that would lose votes if y'all voted more left like BIPOC bots told you to would be Democrats. We want Republicans to vote more left, remember? That would be a good thing.
They were on the site to keep liberals from going left and voting for someone like Sanders or Claudia de La Cruz instead of Clinton/Biden. They weren't helping Trump. They were helping Democrats. Republicans aren't the people listening to BIPOC Tumblr bloggers, are they?
And that psyop is STILL working cuz now liberal goons put in overtime to accuse anyone who criticizes the 2 party system of being a Russian bot 🥴🥴
Yeah. I'm sure the two parties who rely on that system definitely didn't expect or want that outcome at all. And I bet they really didn't want you to refuse to vote for anyone outside those 2 parties either. I'm sure they hate how this psyop ended with you having more trust in a corrupted 2 party system and less trust in 3rd parties that challenge the corruption of the system. How awful it must be for them, that the Russian Bots Ordeal ended with MORE trust in the current government and people being less willing to change it :(
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sir-adamus · 29 days
the FFXIII trilogy ends with Claire "Lightning" Farron taking the collective souls of humanity and shaping them into a massive sword with which she kills God,
but now because of the whining of internet dipshits, 16 gave us mardy Clive and his girlfriend who might as well not be there for how fucking little she contributes
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nohkalikai · 4 months
i should never answer any questions mainlanders have about NE politics
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#so my mom's wake thing was today and that was a lot. not in an emotional sense but in a im standing here talking for 3hrs#to ppl i dont kno or barely kno. ya kno? but it was good bc so many ppl showed up to talk abt her#so many people. my mom made a huge impact on the school system. so many ppl relied on her. she encouraged at least 2 ppl to get their#master. for one person to specilize in helping the dyslexic after her experience advocating for 3 dyslexic daughters. she wrote and was#awarded a 10000 dollar grant for special needs and intervention curriculum. which will affect so many lives.#everyone loved her. she's gonna get a track meet named after her and a scholarship created in her honor.#she was an amazing person and she affected a lot of lives and im glad she was my mom. and she raised at least one jem in my littlest#sister who is so sweet and is a great teacher. god but there was some weird stuff too. were pretty sure her old boss was in love with her.#and there were some weird comments abt her being a strong woman or this woman doing so much and its like hm y do i detect a note of sexism#y not say she was an amazing person? y the surprise? weird comments about how pretty i looked. which yes i looked great lol. my funeral fit#was cute. we did bright colors bc it was a celebration not a dower event. and im sure it was ment well but it was a lil weird. and then#everyone was telling my grandma what a great job she did raising my mom and like god fuck off she didn't do jack. my mom was great despite#her terrible mother. ugh. but altogether it was good that everyone was able to express their love for her. it was def a day that was for#them mostly. i mean partly for us but mostly for them. none of us even cried. ay but we have 2 more parties in her honor#bc everyone loved her so much we have to do one in her hometown too. plus a personal friends get together. ugh. im so tired#i wish i wasnt the most awkward. eye contact avoidant person in the room but like ya kno. what can ya do?#unrelated
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saturngalore · 3 months
just seen the most infuriating post ever in a long time oh my fucking god
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janeway-lover · 24 days
stop fucking telling people to not vote
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lastcatghost · 1 month
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xxdrowninglessonsxx · 2 months
The switch up of y’all is so funny. I understand now why other communists like me say they can’t stand libs. You libs were so against the Biden/Harris campaign until Joe dropped out, and suddenly y’all want to vote for her even when she’s complicit in a literal genocide. Make that make sense.
“She’ll keep our government from reverting!” Okay? Our government has been reverting, and it wasn’t good to begin with. This is a country built on the backs of black and brown people. This is a country that was stolen from indigenous communities. She’s not the savior you prayed for. She’s a human being with flaws, and we shouldn’t ignore those flaws.
The caste system will continue to be enforced, and the people who live paycheck to paycheck will continue to struggle to survive. Also, what about Palestinian lives? Do they suddenly not matter? Not saying I’m not going to vote for her, but you can’t just sit there and ignore the fact that she’s a warmonger like every other US president. (I honestly don’t know if I will vote, but I was intending on voting 3rd party as I did in the primaries.) Nothing is going to change until the people actually step up, and if you think this system can be “fixed,” it won’t be until it’s torn apart and rebuilt by the poor.
It’s like what Malcom X said, “If something is yours by right, fight for it or shut up.” Until you people start rioting and get fed up with what the government is doing, you won’t see change. I’m not talking about peaceful protests. I’m talking about riots. Riots and protests are the only thing that have changed the outcome of anything in this country because the people outnumber the 1%. They’re so scared that they have to send the pigs out to handle it. Yes, I said pigs. It’s time to wake the fuck up and take the power into your own hands.
Not to mention prisons are legal slavery, but I don’t see any president or senator taking about how they’re going to change that. You know why? Because our government officials benefit from it. Not to mention, black people have the highest incarceration rate, but I don’t see that as a talking point. The right to abortion is already threatened if not totally banned in many US states. Not to mention the Project 2025 bullshit.
I understand why voting for her is appealing, as if there’s no other option. Do you really think she will win though? Let’s be real. When has this country ever elected a woman, let alone a woman of color? She’s entered the race very late, and Biden already wasn’t going to win, and if you thought he’d win, you’re very stupid. Why would his Vice President win when everyone hated him? The vote is already going to be divided, and as we all know the electoral college loves to take liberties. I believe you democrats are getting your hopes up. Do you forget that Trump already went against a woman before, and many (stupid) people are going to want him in office purely because of gas being cheaper when he was in office? (It was mostly due to Covid and the stay at home order, which is why it was cheaper.)
The fact that we have pick and choose a “lesser evil” is just one example of how fucked up this country is. We are not a true democracy. Kamala Harris is not going to wave a magic wand and help you keep your rights. She will probably sit idle in the Oval Office and do nothing because the president doesn’t care about you. No government official cares about you. Bernie Sanders, a millionaire does not care about you. (This one’s for the republicans!) Donald Trump, as well, does not care about you. They care about power.
What we need to focus on is community because if she doesn’t get elected, and Trump wins, which is still entirely possible because of the shooting. We need to focus on actually organizing and demanding change. Not asking politely. Demanding. He’s already stacked the Supreme Court with people of his choosing which caused the overturn of Roe V. Wade. Even with Kamala possibly becoming a president, we need to organize to stand an actual chance against this tyrannical government. Our rights in West Virginia are already been threatened due to incompetent politicians, but I’m sure none of y’all voted in the primaries, right?
Also, if you libs suddenly decide not to care about the genocides that the US continually funds just because a woman is in charge, it will just show how performative you people are.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on for hours if I had to, but I’ll stop here.
Here’s some books you should read if you agreed with anything I just said:
Capital by Karl Marx
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis
On Palestine by Noam Chomsky
The Trial by Franz Kafka
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcom X
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Night by Elie Wiesel
The Autobiography of Malcom X by Malcom X
Here’s a link to The Marxist Internet Archive
Also, I’m still learning about communism and anarchism, so if any comrades want to correct me on anything I said, feel free. Idc what libs have to say.
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disneydatass · 11 months
They literally cut off the power so the world wouldn’t see the genocide they are about to commit…fully backed by the US government meanwhile said government also does nothing to the people who continue to get killed by the regular mass shootings
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ceasarslegion · 9 months
The leftism leaving peoples bodies when you tell them that literal terrorist organizations arent the good guys just because theyre against a bad guy
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chaos-in-one · 2 months
This election is going to make me lose my fucking mind, some of y'all are not using your brains at all and it shows
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fuck politics btw <3
#why is the most horrible political party expected to get so many votes???#like they want to take away people's rights#they are racist#they actively and publically hate on everyone who isnt a straight white christian conservative cis man#they hate our neighbouring country and would love to start an actual war#they claim that “the homogeneity of our nation is our biggest strength”#just say youre a racist nationalist and shut up#yes we have been having more immigrants#yes we are becoming waaaay more racially diverse#nobody cared about the immigrants until they werent white#racial diversity is a GOOD THING#sharing out culture is a GOOD THING#people from around the world moving here is a GOOD THING!!!!!#and yes women and lgbtqa+ people DESERVE FUCKING EQUAL RIGHTS#its 2024 and gay people still cant have families here!!! thats outrageous#how are thes people getting SO MANY VOTES???#wtf is up with my country and why is everyone so extremely conservative#the election is in 2. days.#im so terrified#gotta start learning german and just fucking run#like im genuinely terrified of loosing my basic human rights#we have the highest rent/household prices in the EU#78% of people are MIDDLE AGED when they can finally afford to move out of their parents house#we have huge inflation#our food prices are higher than germany and belgium but our min wage is around €600 a MONTH#the amount of violence on women has gotten up#we have the worst corruption and worst justice system in the EU#our education system is starting to fail#the medical system is horrible and we have the 2nd highest mortality rates in the EU#theres men protesting for the “submission of women” EVERY WEEK. AND THEY'RE PLANNING TO SPREAD THE PROTESTS TO MORE CITIES
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Doctor/ pharmacy: this patient needs this medication
Insurance: ummmm we need a prior authorization
Doctor: here's the prior authorization
Insurance: ummmm okaayyy... but ummmm... we don't like that kind of that medication,,, use a different type
Doctor: the other form of the medication is not a viable option at this time
Insurance: Well... we need more paperwork to prove that. In the meantime, the patient gets nothing
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