#fuck you pamela...die in a hole
lizrd-breath · 2 years
Lady at the apartment leasing office has been dicking me around and making me jump through hoops for the last month, only to just now tell me im not eligible for the low income housing bc they dont actually base it off of my actual year-end income, they predict what my next year's income might be based on my current wage. I would apparently make $300 too much next year to qualify.
Great! Im glad the raise i just got a few months ago has been so helpful to my quality of life!
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hi! I've been thinking about this for awhile but how would slashers survive an zombie apocalypse with or without a s/o?
Slashers in a zombie apocalypse
Omg I had sm fun writing this!!
Michael Rz
•Terrified. Undoubtedly. Terrified. But! Would do remarkably well! He’d dig a hole somewhere and call it home.
•he’s a big man so food is an issue. But he manages.
•would have constant adrenaline if he has a s/o. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. If you die, especially if it’s because of him, he’ll…. He’ll walk unarmed into a swarm of zombies and fight them with his bare hands. Once he is inevitably turned, his body will wreak havoc while his mind is finally put to rest.
Michael Og
•lil man would be fine. He’d pick a house to make a base in and board it up.
•if the zombies are drawn to noise he’ll be totally okay. Dude doesn’t speak and is so quiet walking around. There’s no way he’d gain their attention…. Unless his unbathed stench brought them…
•I think he’d kill a bunch of zombies…. and eat them. Therefore turning into one. Unlike someone else on this list, he wasn’t trying to fuck around, he just needed food and went nom nom.
•Now this one’s interesting! Are we talking about zombie Jason? Or living?
•Zombie Jason is a fucking unit and would turn the most people. The only drawback is he kills extremely violently, he rips his victims apart, aka he makes a lot of crawlers or immobile zombinos.
•Living Jason I think would get very overwhelmed. He’d use his machete and or some sort of long ranged weapon that isn’t a gun.
•He’d do well for a long time, but Pamela would call to him from the other side, but only if he was alone or if y/n had been infected/died. He’d cradle his mom's head and possibly his s/o or a belonging of theirs and bury himself in the earth.
Hewitt Family
•Thomas goes into sheer panic. But less panic when he remembers how far from civilization they live.
•Thomas, Hoyt, and Monty if it’s before that even cut Thomas gave him will work together to make huge scrap metal and wood walls on the perimeter of their property.
•Luda Mae goes up into the attic to find scraps of cloth, old guns, and other helpful stuff. She’ll be handling the house and cooking as she normally does, while Thomas, Hoyt and again, maybe Monty, will patrol the perimeter.
•The tea lady moves into the Hewitt estate, and Henrietta brings her trailer into the encased property.
•they’re very stressed about how they’ll be able to provide food for everyone. They’ll turn one or more of the fields into crop land. Luda Mae, Thomas, Monty, and Henrietta will work the fields as well. Not Hoyt. Never Hoyt. I think he’s worried about breaking a nail.
•Long story short, I think they’ll do very well for themselves.
Sawyer Family (-choptop)
•Almost a complete disaster. Nubbins has a zombie chained up outside, he’s been calling it his gross dog. Drayton and Bubba tried to build a wall around the house, but couldn't do it by themselves. Bubbas panicking because they’ll have to eat his pet chicken. Drayton is taking his stress out on everyone. Grandpa is god knows where, no one’s remembered to check on him.
•Yeah they don’t make it.
•he would either do amazing or instantly get turned, no in between.
•I think he’d bite a zombie- “how ya like that bitch” and then turn…. Like an idiot.
•Undead Freddy is far more nightmarish than living Freddy. Yuck!
•or on the other hand would kick some undead ass.
•his powers wouldn’t really help him? If my memory serves me well, the more people fear him, the more power he has. Zombies can’t feel fear, there’s only one thing they think about nom nom. Hence he’d have to use his claws or another weapon.
•100% fine. Out of all of the boys, he’s good. Like- he’s going to be completely fine. Bruh doesn’t even live on this planet.
•He’ll make sure there’s not a scratch on his s/o, and gods forbid you get infected he can easily cure you with yautja technology.
•they can’t infect him, cus he’s, ya know, a fucking alien. So even if they do bite him, he’ll just be more pissed off then anything.
•He’s not worried about it, he can hop in his ship and just leave. Depending on your mate, he might let you bring family or close friends with you both. He’s not going to be happy about it. But he’ll allow it. Will also allow pets…..hesitantly….
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easays · 1 year
ravening war, ep. 4
writing about actual play is infinitely easier with show notes, but live tweeting feels much more stressful than just continually editing a Tumblr post
so spoilers for episode 4 of the ravening war below the line
Okay, going into this episode, I'm hoping for more revelations regarding Colin Provolone's place in all of the mess, in particular his connection to Deli. I'm also tracking Karna and Amangeaux's relationship--their dynamic feels interwoven but not in a typical straightforward way.
Episode time: 2h30min
Narrative time: five years!
Already starting off with an impressive time coverage in one episode, tracking five years in game time.
Directly after the battle where Pamela Rocks falls, Amangeaux is so shaken, she takes her child and flees. She encounters Karna, who reminds her that war has always been there, even if she, the Queen, has not been in it.
Aabria's portrayal of Karna's betrayed emotions is powerful.
K: "You wanted to stay queen. And I put my life on the line to give you that shot...I won't spend my life chasing you, hoping that you make enough right choices to keep me safe, happy. This is a transaction, and you're welching on your end."
Karna threatens to reveal the child's existence, showing that she's known all along that the child exists.
A: "There's nothing special about the royalty!"
K: "I'm glad you finally fucking caught up."
BRUTAL. Just...absolute brutal roleplaying going on here.
K: "I'm going to lose everything."
A: "You're not going to lose me."
Karna leaves, parting ways with Amangeaux, and A leaves with her child to Uvano, the place of her family home (though no family to speak of). She spends her next five years learning everything she can about the enemy, to try and figure a way out of this alive.
Karna is ruined. She has to start over, and she heads to Ceresia to see what she can do there. She corresponds with Deli and Raphaniel.
While in Ceresia, we learn that Karna has become a True Believer in the Hungry One, and she spends five years trying to figure out how to serve the Sanctus Putris in her new place. She catches the smell from the Sanctus Putris meeting and follows it to Senator Ariana Gemilli, a kept Senator of the Imperator (?).
The description of the succulent fruit and feet rubbing is oddly sensual and sexual, the players fanning themselves (and the break providing a moment of relief in what has been an incredibly tense game already so far). Karna (or Aabria? can't tell) almost has a hard time looking Ariana in the face, Matt taking on this fluid, femme voice and body styling that I (as a studier of all things femme) find fucking fascinating.
Tomate falls, and King Belvedere Cabbage ascends and joins forces with Ceresia, creating a truly terrifying force.
The Bishop is unwell, physically. Immediately after the battle, as Amangeaux and the child flee, Karna explodes at Raphaniel and tells him about the child and Amangeaux's flight. A true unnerving exchange between Karna and Raphaniel, as they each are trying to send the other off but both are inherently suspicious of the other. In a hug, Raphaniel realizes that there are literal rot-holes in Karna's body.
R: "It is a cruel thing, I think, to discover that our gifts are capable of devouring us."
K: "It's weird to be afraid to die when that's already happened."
Cabbage's rise to power has a rallying effect, and Raphaniel struggles to get face time with the Archbishop. Finally, Raphaniel gets face time with her Archbishop Camille Colliflower. She looks frail but also, on closer inspection, healthy and in almost a casual stance for those within the Bulbian clerical hierarchy.
Raphaniel is coming unravelled in front of the Archbishop.
R: "I cannot maintain this mask, Your Grace. We were there, under the pyramid together, in the light of blueberries, under the great pyramid of food...I spent years, years, searching for any sign of the fellowship only to discover this is a ruse! The Sanctus Putris, all of this, does it further the cause of the church to see Queen Rocks killed? I cannot imagine how. serve the church?...Help me see. We have spoken for years of service, about the profligacy of licentiousness and heresy. A wicked, Godless Calorum! If there was a plan, why did you not trust me as your servant?...Please. Please. Let me into the light."
Her response is disconcerting and chilling on the deepest level.
ACC: "The Church exists amongst the necessity of politics. And it is utilized like a tool. For the great will of the Bulb. But we do not bow to the politics of the land. We are greater than the ambitions of these godless, heathenistic entities than fill these lands. We who have been given the truth, the truth long hidden, 'tis dangerous to expose our intent to the light of others. And so, without enough time to trust, and knowing you and all of yours years, your patience, it wasn't right yet to show you this true intent. And you've proven quite useful, Raphaniel. And I'm ever thankful. However, there are things that exist beyond the shadows where the light cannot reach. You are not ready. You'll never be ready, Raphaniel. We do what we must to present the mask to the world, to do the true work. Perhaps in time, should you live long enough, I can show you. But you're not ready."
Raphaniel verbally commits to pursuing this path, but in his heart of hearts, he commits himself to use every breath to destroy this woman and burn every bit of her and her companions from Calorum. That night, Raphaniel burns every bit of his notes on the Fellowship. He uses Heroism on himself to put his hand directly into the fire and fully commits himself into a monomania for years, needing to trigger the apocalypse. He must bring the great conflict between the Bulb and the Hungry One must happen so the Blender of the Void can cleanse all.
Raphaniel goes fuuuuuuull conspiracy mania. He is digging up dead bodies and uses their bodies (with the help of magic) to create a network of the dead to better understand those running the Sanctus Putris. He calls in favors that he's held onto for years, but on a failed contested roll (Brennan's 22 to Matt's 25), the Archbishop cottons on to what he's doing. He is demoted to the Archdeacon and leaves to the Glucian Road.
Annnnnnd we cut to Colin Provolone, who is going into a conversation with Deli. Deli insists that war is about to come. The Meat Lands will be united, and will fight, and Deli demands Colin to be with him. Colin's response is to take off his belt and dagger and drop them at Deli's feet.
C: "At one point, I promised the Chieftess that I would watch your back... She thought you would make a great leader. I think in some ways you're good at whatever this is. I don't know that I agree that that is the kind of leader that I want to be with."
D: "If you are unsure, then I am not the kind of leader that needs you. If you want to turn your back on whatever this is, then I don't need you. In fact, I'm better without you."
C: "My grandfather tried to - tried to lead the people of the Dairy Islands against some -some royals who were putting their boot on the neck of the people. For a while it seemed like he might actually make a difference, but then everyone turned on him. In the middle of Place, he was melted down, screaming in front of everyone. Then, no one knew that he had a secret child, who was my father, and he raised me in the streets of Place without anything. I had to steal, cheat and do everything that my horrible father wanted me to. And then one day, he let everyone -- all of his drinking buddies-- know that he was Fontina's son, and then the same thing happened to him. I've been scared this whole time that people would know that that was the truth of me. And I just don't care anymore. You can keep your skald. I hope you find what you're looking for, but I don't think I can be a part of it."
Deli kicks Colin's dagger hard, turns, and tells Colin to leave. The smartest person he knows in this situation is, unfortunately, Raphaniel, so the join up right at the moment that Raphaniel is at his lowest becoming the Archdeacon.
This is true an unparalleled level of storytelling and playing. Brennan's religious fervor is uncomfortably palpable at certain points. The man casts Shatter with no defense! He bloodies his little radish man fists just hitting the rocks! Brennan simulates sobbing in a fetal position and I am....truly unwell.
Colin has an adorable interaction with the banana boy, gifting him gold (very Robin Hood vibes).
Deli is fucking losing it. He's alone, truly without family, and it's freeing: he is the tool of destiny, so it's him who must be taken care of, there can be no consideration of other people. Lou active seeks out Basha Myaso, a warlord of the Beef and opponent of his mothers for the Meatlands, and he throws his lot in with Basha. It is a deadly move, but not for Deli: as he becomes head of his own clan, his mother takes her leave to the north, never to be seen again.
Karla comes to Deli's side as he calls, but as years have passed, they both come back together in their hot bitch shit. They're both incredibly hot. He's a full Meatlander now, and she's rocking lotion and red hair and deadly beauty. Deli admits so quickly that he's trying to kill Sapphria? Like, damn, he just came out with it!
Worth noting that at this point, Aabria has adopted a bit of a sultrier voice for Karna; she assents, without hesitation, to aid Deli in assassinating Sapphria. Karna is beyond successful.
Karna's scenes, particularly her assassinations, really do drip with sensuality in ways I gotta explore more deeply at some point.
Basha takes his place as War Lord; Cirtrina is martyred in the streets; peace talks between Fructera and Vegetania begin, ending the war between Fructera and Vegetania. Cirtina's death leads Vegetania not only to withdraw from the Fructeran conflict, but from the conflict entirely. Candia raises and pushes more, seizing the Vegetanian withdrawal as a moment to move against Ceresia. We are now fully five years from the last episode, and the Fructerans, Candia, the Meat Lands, as well as the Dairy Islands, move against Ceresia, surrounding Pangranos for the final assault to end this Ravening War.
Here's where our Scrumptious Scoundrels are now, five years hence:
Amangeaux realizes she (and the child) cannot hide in the castle forever. She throws herself at the mercies of the Uvanos, claiming to have fled Vegetania with no friends or allies. She admits to Uvano that a one-night stand with a mutual friend led to her child, who looks far more like an Uvano, and asks the Uvanos to raise him as a child of the family. She becomes, in the meantime, quite the warrior. She marches under the Uvano banner.
Karna stays with Deli; he is the "first thing she has desired beyond her own survival." She's fully ripened, bright red with red curly hair and sacrificed her eye to the Hungry One in an attempt to keep the Hungry One from consuming a battle-injured Deli.
Deli is in the vanguard from the Meat Lands to Pangranos. Deli is so imbued in war, and only war, for months, if not years, at this point.
Colin has risen in the ranks of the Bulbian order of Knights, which means less than nothing to him as it's a means to an end. He is mostly following Raphaniel. He tries to communicate to Raphaniel that there's such a thing as being too ambitious; there's a benefit to patience.
Raphaniel, however, is mostly following Colin. He realized his obsession with the Sanctus Putris and the devotion of the end-times cannot happen quickly. It may not happen in his lifetime. He writes, obsessively, saving his theological treatises for the right time to widen disseminate them. He hitches himself to Colin and the Uvanos: "the church is here to help!"
Raphaniel warns Deli about needing something to hold people together, which he believes Basha is ill-suited to do. Raphaniel proposes the church, but Karna proposes Deli as the unifying factor: "Be bold."
Amangeaux encounters Colin and Raphaniel on the road, and she's panicking; but catching Raphaniel looking smaller and frailer brings back Amangeaux's fond remembrances of Raphaniel's comfort after her husband's death. Their exchange feels very loaded; Amangeaux feels guilty for leaving Raphaniel, and Raphaniel lets her feel guilty, wallows in it. Was it for her protection or his that she never wrote, in all these long five years?
Deli is called to Basha's side, bringing SKALD Karna with him. Skald! Like fuck, Deli, are you just giving that shit out to anyone you have a crush on? I'm already preparing for the triad shippers to get in on some Deli-Karna-Colin action. What would the ship name be? Spicy Meat 'n Cheese? DeKarnLin?
Side note: all these mother fuckers are at level 9 now. This is going to get buck wild.
The night stretches before battle the next day, and Raphaniel is high key losing it. His sleep brings on the teeth and tearing, the blender effect from earlier in the episode returning. A name tries to eek through the sounds and images, but Colin disrupts before Raphaniel can fully grasp onto it.
R: "Do you think someone ever made a smoothie with cheese and radish in it?"
Are we going...full Donnie Darko here? Just absolute nonsensical energy that will possibly make sense only after the entire season is over.
Uvano goes full Theoden in his inspiration of the troops pre-battle. He brings Amangeaux to the war tents, meeting up with Deli.
K: "Chief."
D: "Skald."
K: "Ah, damn."
Anjali continues to be my favorite for her Devil Wears Prada reference.
Uvano brings Amangeaux to the war tents and greets Deli as if the two have never met. Karna forces a re-roll for Amangeaux with Silvery Barbs. This is the beginning of an incredibly odd reunion.
Telepathic communication begins! This such a useful trick in this series, tbh.
Raphaniel fucking...takes off? He has CUNNING ACTION? Everyone is now booking it towards this fucking cave. Raphaniel is fully transcendent from the world and has convinced himself that now the cave will know him, it took time, but now it will recognize him.
The opposed athletic checks between Raphaniel and Amangeaux go poorly. Raphaniel has moved so fast he comes out of his cloak, and he is apparently...naked under the cloak? The hi jinks here are wild.
There are three fungal creatures Raphaniel encounters in the cave, but when Raphaniel casts Detect Thoughts, he gets nothing but emotions. No actual thoughts. One releases spores directly in front of Raphaniel, and as he ingests them, the emotions begin to become actual words.
FC: "You touch the heart of the world. You touch the mycelium?"
Cue Raphaniel losing his shit.
D: "I think they're trying to protect us from something we should not have."
R: "I must have it!"
FC: "Saprophus must be protected."
The Sanctus Putris mother fuckers round the corner, crashing this party, and as Raphaniel casts shatter, we cut for next week.
WOO. A heavy episode!
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thequietmanno1 · 9 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 95, Replies Part 2
1) “Ah, detective boytoy, I see. Now, who are you talking to, is it Makoto? That seems like a sibling conversation if I ever saw one.”- With Pop down and out of commission, it’s time for best girl to save the day. Even from halfway around the world. 2) “IT’S PAMELA AND CAPTAIN FUCKBOI
BEST CHAPTER ALREADY, 10/10”- It gets better as the arc continues. Trust me. 3) “you’re telling me that, even though a bomb exploded right on this fucking face, he didn’t die? are you telling me that McBee failed killing him with a fucking bomb at point-blank”- Ok, I admit I’d forgotten all about what happened with Tanuma and whatever happens to him after the bomb explosion, but in this case, I can’t blame Nomua and his own efforts. In situations where a manga character faces actual lethal circumstances and still comes out alive, I’d put the blame on the author instead, for deciding that they didn’t actually die, but instead are just barely alive and perhaps missing a few pieces. Heck, I’ve seen a situation wherein a character carried the equivalent of a nuclear bomb straight up from a city, flying it up like it was in a helicopter to get it to a safe distance, it went off as he carried it, and he still survived. They played it straight at the time that he’d genuinely died, lots of characters mourning him, but in the aftermath of the arc it was revealed he’d been patched up by a doctor on the outskirts of town. No explanation for how the blast didn’t actually kill him, he just. Didn’t. Die. After seeing that, I’ve become much more willing to accept unbelievable survivals in manga, to the point that it’s kinda a shock sometimes when a lethal attack actually is lethal. That’s something I’ve appreciated about Horikoshi’s writing, because he actually tends not to do this. If somebody gets injured that badly, they die, no sudden reveals or miraculous revivals. In Nighteye’s case, a lesser writer might have had him survive the impalement and simply be confined to a wheelchair and with constant life-support equipment to survive, but nope, getting stabbed in the gut that badly is a no-way back lethal wound. It’s why All For one’s survival of his head-smashing is so shocking to everybody – because whatever method he used to survive the attack, it’s blatantly “cheating” to cowardly avoid death when it should have actually worked. And in Tanuma’s case, since nobody can ever learn about All For One, that means he won’t wake up from this coma, which means he honestly should have died, because keeping him alive just opens up a plot hole. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, Tanuma genuinely did die in the blast, and it’s only Furuhashi’s writing trying to claim otherwise. 4) “you know I don’t fucking care I hope it is McBee, we already saw that he has the killing potential of a wet piece of toilet paper, fuck it”- It’s a weird feeling, but I’m feeling compelled to defend Nomura’s character on this basis, because he honestly tried his best, the end result is still gonna be the same, and it’s really only Furuhashi’s decision going “nuh uh, he didn’t actually die, this doesn’t count”. Like, I can’t accept his actions, but I feel compelled to defend his efficiency- it’s not his fault Furuhashi backed out at the last moment. 5) “Wrong person to give that to, Phelps already showed his hands and how he’s all bark no bite, that one we got after the whole “all vigilantes are criminals” speech after which he completely ignored the vigilantes running around.”- Well, final arc, time to raise the stakes. It’s biting time. 6) “you know what, now that I mentioned a pussying-out that the author did, I just recalled that back when Tamao was the Queen she turned one of her schoolmates into a puppet using her bees, and controled her around like an actual person, and we never saw anything about that useful ability the parasite had ever since
what was that”- Yeah….honestly, it does feel like half-way through the story, somebody was trying to dial things down a lot to avoid it getting too graphic and serious. Which is hilarious if you look at how MHA’s going right now, which was about concurrent with events in Vigilantes at the time of publication. 7) “wait did I just realized that knuckles never even was a vigilante, technically speaking? He was a licensed pro hero, it was less than a year ever since he lost his powers, even if they have to renovate it, wouldn’t that mean he wasn’t even a real vigilante
oh my god I feel like my head is gonna blow”- So, the whole time, Koichi was the only real Vigilante…unless we go with the angle that as O’Clock was apparently dead and Knuckle discarded his old identity, he also discarded any protection from the law it might have provided him. 8) “pffft- yeah right, I so believe you in that one phelps. Ah, I think it was nice to end this chapter with a joke, humor was exactly what we needed after such a tense and… insightful… chapter.”- Stare any further into the abyss, your head’s gonna turn inside-out from all the revelations. 9) “Now can we make our bets on what’s gonna be Pop’s fate? I honestly cannot for the life of me even decide which one it’s going to be because honestly I have no fucking idea what’s going on anymore. Tanuma is not dead, Knuckles is back, it’s all just, yeah, sure.”- Hey, you’ve only got a little further to go. Stick through to the finish line, it’ll be like taking a breath of fresh air after an underwater swim. Though I am interested in seeing your retrospective on the whole series once we’re done. @thelreads
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glitchstoxicwaste · 3 years
Can we get slashers with a small goth s/o mayhaps 👁👁
Slashers x small! goth! reader
I got asked this before but my dumb ass posted it instead of putting it in my drafts, so you, anon, are a LIFE SAVER!
I was excited to write about it too, so when I had to delete the post and the ask I was pissed at myself for being so damn dumb lmao!
So I apologize to whoever sent a post similar to this! I was going to write it but I did a dumb and had to delete it...
Not proof read, slashers aren't linked to their specific masterlists, I'm too lazy lmao, sorry for any/all bad spelling and mistakes
TW: cursing (not new), G/N Reader, reader is the "stereotypical goth" in this but that doesn't mean all goths are like that! the word "Fleshlight" was used once, slightly suggestive, blood and death, reader threatened with knife. It gets weird-
Side note, in Michaels headcanons there is mention of him raising his knife to reader and reader yells "Do it", insinuating that he kill them, this is a running joke within my friend group, Something happened to me that my friends witnessed and I just yelled "then fucking Do it", since then my friends and I joke about it. The reader saying it is meant to show lack of fear, not the want to die.
Continue under the cut!
Michael Myers!
You’re… interesting.
You didn’t flinch or scream when he killed your friends.
Legit shocked him when he rose his knife to kill you and you just smiled and said “Do it!”… are you okay?
You like his outfit? It’s just a mask and coveralls… you think he’s… cool? He’s a Murderer!
Okay but like, really, you actually surprise him, a lot. You aren’t scared of him, you actually think his job and who he is as a person is awesome and he feels… pride for it.
Paint his nails black and he will demand you re-paint them when they chip when he’s working. Don’t judge him, you said it makes him look cooler and he took it to heart!
No you can’t dye his hair, and no he won’t do shit with yours. Go get it done yourself.
Will bring you something he thinks you’ll like from a victim.
If you get clothes that don't have holes and want holes, ask him, he will rip it a little and cut it a bit to help you out, if he nicks you a bit he will smirk under his mask.
If you wear lipstick and you leave kiss marks on his scar over his eye he will become vulnerable around you more often.
Loves when you sass others, but not when you sass him.
You being tiny means he can tower over you more, but if he doesn't intimidate you then pretend, he knows you're faking, but appreciates the thought.
will have you sit on one of his legs, just to show how small you are compared to him.
Wraps one arm around you when sleeping, he doesn't move much at night.
Will happily get any white clothes you have bloody if you like the look of blood splatter.
Will go out into public with you at night, he can't be seen as well, and you enjoy it, its spooky, hell yeah.
Adores when you decorate outside for Halloween, you go all out, he loves you so fucking much for that.
Jason Voorhees!
He almost didn't see you sitting on the doc, but the flicker of candle light caught his attention.
He saw you just sitting there, a candle burning next to you, thankfully you had an ash tray under it so the wax wouldn't get into the water.
He was gonna kill you until he saw Pamela turn to him and put a finger up to her mouth, telling him to be quiet, she then motioned him to stand next to her behind the tree she was at.
He was confused, until he heard you talk, you were talking to the water, what you said made them both emotional.
"Jason Voorhees, I know what they did to you, the counselors and other kids that were here when you died. You didn't deserve it, you were, and still are, innocent. Just because you weren't "Normal" didn't give them a right to end your life. I apologize on their behalf, may you rest in peace."
The way you said the word "Normal" was in a mocking tone, altering your voice to make it sound weird and distorted.
Ever since then Pamela had you both meet, and soon, you were a couple.
You being goth doesn't bother them, are you hurting anyone? No, are you a demon? -sadly- no, are you minding your own damn business and being true to who you are? Yes!
But Jason does worry over your size, you're so much smaller than him, well, everyone is, but you're smaller than Pamela! You're bound to get hurt!
Y/N! Get back in the cabin! You aren't safe outside!
When you all heard that some old counselors and kids from when he was alive came back to the camp, you stepped right up and went to give them a piece of your damn mind!
Jason was against it but Pamela wanted to know what you were gonna do.
When you told them all of Jason was seconds away from crying, but then you got grabbed by one of the bigger guys.
Lets just say he wont be making kids ever again, and Jason and Pamela didn't even leave the cabin to help you yet!
Proud is what they are!
You're tiny but bad ass!
Pamela will paint your nails for you, if you have other colors she would love if you painted her nails a bright color, and Jason would like both black and bright colors, he's a happy boy.
If you wear lipstick and kiss Jason's face when he doesn't have on the mask, the second his mom sees the kiss marks and Jason tells her of all the sweet things you said in between kisses, she is determined to get you both rings.
Loves holding you, you will sit on his non dominant arm, hands on his chest, knees closed and pressed into his lower ribs a little, as his dominant hand swings beside him with his hatchet.
If you don't mind the murders, don't mind the blood splatter on you, or hearing the gruesome details, then he is holding you on his forearm as he kills, feeding your interest in his "work"
He loves when you lay on him when you sleep, you're so small you fit perfectly on his form, and seeing you so relaxed fills him with pride because only he can see this side of you.
Norman Bates!
At first he thought you were a demon coming to take him to hell for the sins mother forced him to commit.
You need to tell him about the Gothic community.
Mother does not approve at. all.
He loves the height difference, your small figure engulfed in his whenever he stands in front of or behind you, his heart skips a beat.
If a customer is being a bitch, and you sass them back, his face gets red hot.
He can't fix your hair for you, but he will make you a hair appointment with the best hair dresser in town.
kiss his cheek if you wear lipstick, leave a mark, and he will get "Uncomfortable" in his jeans. -wink wink-
loves holding your hands, they fit in his perfectly, his heart can't take it.
He is big time in love with you, you take on a domestic role and he can't help but fall so hard in love that he may just marry you now.
Is glad you don't force the house or the motel to have a more "Gothic" look to it, even around Halloween you don't over do it because you know it'll make him uncomfortable.
He isn't comfortable with you painting his nails, mother told him that boys don't do that, you can, you can wear makeup and all that if you want to, he just doesn't wanna do it himself.
He tells you about what mother made him do to other people at the motel, he cries when you accept him for who he is.
Purely the big spoon, loves holding you against him.
Brahms Heelshire!
Skeptical at first, but even more interested at the same time.
Decides he wants to watch you longer than he did with the failed nanny's.
The sass you gave Malcom when he INSISTED he help you and you leave the house made Brahms trust you more.
When he showed himself to you, he was shocked at the disappointed face you made, did you not like him?
When you tell him you were excited about living in a huge haunted house by yourself, he stares at you, completely perplexed, all the other nanny's got scared at the thought of his Ghost Child self, and even more terrified when he emerges from the walls, but you were disappointed he wasn't a ghost...
When you sass him for the first time is when he's throwing a tantrum.
He stops the child act within a few weeks, and learns its much more rewarding.
If you kiss his mask and you have on lipstick, if it leaves a mark, he will remove the mask and kiss you.
The mask won't get washed, the kiss mark is smudged and gross now but he loves it still.
Demands he gets his nails painted with you, but then ruins it from impatience.
Loves to pick you up and carry you around, he's strong and 6'3, you're tiny as fuck, perfect!
Worries about you when you go to climb the counters in order to get to the top shelves, just call him next time and he will get it for you, just kiss him in return.
Billy Lenz!
It's not super new to him, goths that is, he's moved from attic to attic and has seen a fair share of things, but your height is new to him.
It shocked him when he called the phone and you were sassy as hell towards him.
Does he like you, little Piggy? No, he's obsessed!
Dude shows himself sooner than he has in the past, escaping the attic and sneaking into your room when he thinks you're sleeping.
Y'all started dating when you were up late still removing everything you were wearing and he suddenly came into your room.
He loves standing full height next to you when you don't have on shoes, you're tiny, his tiny little Piggy.
Paint his nails and he will ruin it by being in the attic, or because he will peel the paint off his nails before or directly after they are fully dry.
If you have hair and it's dyed, he will play with it a lot.
Will try to re-dye your hair for you, but will make a large mess on accident.
Tries on your accessories when you aren't home, he's skinny enough to wear some of the bracelets, but got a ring stuck on his finger, you had to got to the hospital and have it removed with a saw.
Kiss him if you wear lipstick, please, he will be happy to have the mark on his yellow skin.
loves playing with your tiny fingers, they're so freaking cute!
Loves being big spoon, he can wrap himself around you and hold you flesh against him, it's like holding a teddy bear to him!
If he's little spoon he will be scared to sleep, the fear of crushing you and killing you swarming his thoughts.
But at the same time, feeling your face pressed against his back because you can't reach his shoulder makes him laugh a little, so tiny!
Thomas Hewitt!
How the fuck are you not dead just by the heat of Texas?!
Boy worries about you 24/7!
You wear so much black in the heat of Texas he's scared you'll have a heatstroke.
Calm him down when he fusses by putting your tiny hand on his, look up at him, and smile. His heart will squeeze at the reminder of your major height difference.
Loves holding your hand, its so small, it barely fills his palm.
If you wear makeup and you kiss his scarred face he will flush red and when he looks at you and sees the genuine love in your eyes he wanted to cry from the joy.
Luda Mae was weary about you at first, she's witnessed goths berating others and causing pain before.
But when she comes back to the house from having to help Hoyt with an emergency, and she sees you cleaning the house for her, her opinion starts to change about you, maybe you aren't so bad.
But then, when it was just you and Thomas at home for the day, she walked through the door to see you laying on your back, Thomas' head on your stomach, large arms wrapped protectively around you as you played with his hair, him fast asleep as you both engulfed the couch, her mind was set, you and Thomas were meant to be.
Hoyt gives you a hard time about you being tiny, saying you can't do anything for the benefit of the family, just sass his ass back and clean up the house to shut him up.
Luda Mae will paint your nails for you.
Thomas and Luda Mae will take care of your hair for you.
Make Thomas a new leather mask! It'll mean the world to him!
Bo Sinclair!
When he first saw you was when you came to the Gas Station, he looked up at you, your hip popped out to the side, a hand on said hip, other arm dangling on your other side, one knee bent slightly yes guys do this pose too, I've seen it many times-, he was smitten.
Star struck, never had he felt this before, legit was in love.
Ever since then you both have been together, you couldn't care any less about your friends being dead.
Dude loves the sassy attitude when you get pissed, especially when handling the other visitors and their just making you more agitated by the second, the sass is legit sexy af.
You're style is different from his, he loves it a lot, but will never admit it.
Thinks about how his parents wouldn't approve of the relationship, he couldn't care less.
If you put him in his place when he's cranky or drunk he will try to cool off before coming back home, boy don't wanna have a spiked boot chucked at him again.
He's relentless with the teasing about your height, just remind him that the smaller you are the better you can deal major damage to his package.
Don't even attempt to paint his nails, he will throw the nail polish across the house and break it, then have you clean it even if you can't reach.
Is soft for you.
Massage his scalp when he takes off his hat before bed and the man will pass the fuck out.
Gently touch his wrists and show his scars some soft love and he will show genuine vulnerability around you.
If you ever get hurt for any reason he will never forgive himself, will legit be more kind and affectionate towards you.
Doesn't take you for granted, you aren't an object, yes you're as small as one, but you aren't a walking fleshlight, you're his partner, his s/o.
Easily jealous when other people talk to you, give him cuddles later on and all will be forgotten.
Vincent Sinclair!
Art, you are art.
When you were put in his art room by Bo he legit bandaged your wound and ran to tell Bo that you aren't being made into a wax figure.
Bo was fuming 'cause he worked HARD on getting you where you are now, the struggle was REAL for once, you managed to kick his "testosterone storage unit" with your spiked leather shoes!
Man had to take a few minutes to calm the ache in his groin. Even now, hours later, his voice is still a little squeaky from the impact.
Vin lets you free, and tries his hardest to get the glue off your lips without hurting you and fixes your clothes.
When you stand up without your shoes on for the first time he is in awe, hoe can someone so tiny be so fierce? Are you the embodiment of a chihuahua? A Pomeranian?
Won't let you paint his nails that often, unless its when there hasn't been people coming to Ambrose for a few days and wont ruin the polish or get chips of the polish in the wax.
If you wear lipstick, put on your tall boots, and kiss the lips of the mask leaving behind lipstick markings he will become the most flustered person on the planet, boy covers the mask face with his hands and stands there for a while.
If you have hair he will take care of it, re-dying it if its dyed, trimming it when it gets too long, trimming off the split ends for you, trimming your bangs out of your eyes, styling it for you, you just gotta ask and he's on it in .02 seconds.
Take care of his hair for him and he will get so fucking flustered instantly.
Stick up for him when Bo is being a douche, Vin will try not to laugh due to the height difference, but he appreciates the effort anyway.
Watches you do your makeup if you wear any, will put a cool design on your face with eyeliner if you ask.
Makes you new jewelry with whatever he finds around Ambrose, you're one of a kind to him, you deserve one of a kind, hand crafted, meaningful things.
If you have piercings he will make you new ones because then they will be as unique as you are! But you should clean them before putting them in...
If Bo get's too out of hand with his angry rants and Vin can sense that Bo actually got to you, whether it be verbally or physically, then Vin will get ANGRY.
Stands up full height, fists clenched, and glares at Bo with a look resembling what their father used to do to Bo to get him to shut up and behave.
Vin will draw you a lot, your style is amazing to him and he admires the bravery you show when you aren't afraid to be yourself.
Lester Sinclair!
Woah, you're so cool!
When you first saw you he was stunned, he never saw someone as cool as you before!
When you're sassy to Bo it's hard for Les to contain his laughter, both because you're so much smaller than the three brothers are, and because you out sass Bo.
When you looked up at him and smiled, showing him genuine kindness and affection, his heart went fucking doki-doki -note to self, never say "doki-doki" again- I swear!
You have him wrapped around your finger.
Dude makes you jewelry out of bones he finds, and ones he liked the most out of his collection
Will let you help him with collecting roadkill and is stunned at how you haven't passed out from the heat, or complained about it, although you're wearing more black than anything else.
If you wear lipstick and cover his face with kisses while it's fresh, leaving clear kiss marks, he will saunter around Ambrose, flaunting to Bo and the visitors that YOU chose HIM out of everyone else.
Seeing you and Jonesy playing makes him happy, both his S/O and his puppy like each other! He's gonna die a happy man!
If you buy, or even better, MAKE Jonesy a new collar that has black leather and small, dull, spikes around it with a tag that says "Lester and Y/N's Hell-Hound" he will squeal like a fangirl.
He will let you pain his nails, but he can't stop using his hands for things and thus the still drying polish will have lines and sometimes gets removed by him being a busy body 24/7. Be patient with him with this please-
When you show Bo major sass, it makes Les puff his chest up with pride, in his mind he's like: "That's right Bo! That's Mah S/O! Ya just put yer tail 'tween yer legs an' run off!"
Vincent and Lester appreciat e when you stick up for them too, but at the same time when both you and Bo are just arguing and mouthing off to one another it makes them uncomfortable, but hot dayum does it make Lester feel loved!
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redorich · 4 years
(Hermit Canyon AU)
Eventually, the Hermit seems to get attached to Puffy. It makes sense- it's been trading gifts with her for months now, and has even shown itself to her a few times, albeit while invisible.
The other SMPers don't think much of it at first. The more curious members ask Puffy questions about The Hermit sometimes, but she knows little, so they quickly give up. Occasionally someone will try to explore the ridiculously trapped town, but they give up once it's obvious they're not getting in.
The trades grow more and more valuable, and one day Puffy opens her barrel to find a beacon, and enough iron to fully power it. She's stunned, naturally. To think the Hermit is so capable it can kill a Wither just to give a beacon away- she can barely believe it.
(In actuality, they cheesed it on the Nether roof, but she doesn't know that)
She does try to hide it, but word gets around, and after another few failed raids on the town (and some rumours that the Hermit can teleport), things settle down again, as much as they can on the SMP.
Then someone steals Puffy's beacon. {You decide who, because I. don't actually watch DSMP, admittedly.}
Puffy, naturally, is devestated- she can't imagine the work the Hermit put into getting it for her in the first place (the most time-consuming thing was getting the Wither skulls, and it wasn't even that bad). But there's not really much she can do, so she carries on.
Except, the next day, the thief wakes up to find their house full of chickens, Puffy's beacon missing, and every single empty space in their chests filled with strategically renamed light grey stained glass panes.
They go outside to find the entire contents of a cave spider spawner on their front lawn. Alongside a ravager. With speed potions. Renamed Pamela's Revenge.
(Cue half the SMP trying to find out who Pamela is)
Puffy, meanwhile, wakes to find her beacon back in its rightful place, and a beautifully terraformed garden outside her house (Scar accidentally detonated a creeper and naturally had to fix the hole...and then went a little overboard. But it's fine.)
op i want you to know that i considered just posting your ask, because it’s already So Good and practically a fic on its own, but i really wanted even more content so i wrote it myself. ANYWAY here’s sapnap’s terrible horrible no good very bad day xD
It’s risky, doing anything on the wide open Nether roof where anyone can see. Hell, using a beacon at all is risky for the Hermits. Still, they’ve got all sorts of farms and copious amounts of materials at their fingertips. They’re past early game, stuck in mid-game while they wait for Etho to scope out more locations, while they build the second Upside Down (which Grian has named the Upside-ier Down), while they build their joint bases miles out from civilization. 
Having a beacon would make the process faster, they reason to themselves. They certainly aren’t risking being discovered just because they’re bored and getting a beacon is an excuse to do something. And hell, Tango made that giant, super-efficient wither skeleton skull farm right next to his double blaze spawner farm, so they might as well mass-produce Nether stars by killing multiple Withers. It’s not that difficult.
On another note, it’s after they gift Puffy one of their many beacons, in addition to a kit of iron blocks for powering the beacon that the Hermits realize that while their gifts are increasing in expense, Puffy’s are... not. So, if Puffy’s around average in the Dream SMP economy, they’ve figured out where most players meet their limit. She hasn’t stopped dropping by, though, which is nice. Her gifts become increasingly handmade, in lieu of upping the ante on material wealth. The Hermits suppose that hand-crafted items have a value that extends past money. Each and every one of them has something that she’s made for them, whether it be a shawl, a blanket, a set of earrings, a bracelet, or a pair of socks.
Apparently the beacon is more of a Big Deal than the Hermits thought. After all, the rainbow castle has several. However, the Hermits realize that they’ve been shortsighted. While it is true that the rainbow castle has several beacons, the castle is the only place that they’ve seen any beacons.
Sapnap steals the beacon. He doesn’t particularly need it, but he wants it, and stealing is fun. Maybe if he’s lucky, he’ll even start another minor war over it. He hasn’t fought Puffy very much. He wonders if she can put up a good fight.
Puffy’s-- not distraught, but she’s upset. That was a gift from the Hermit, a friend who she’s been pulling out of its shell. She doesn’t have much use for a beacon, but then again, neither does Sapnap; he’s just a dick. Just in case, Puffy leaves a note with the rest of the items she leaves in her barrel:
Dear Hermit,
I’m very sorry for losing the beacon you gave me. I made the mistake of keeping it in a normal chest instead of an Ender chest, so Sapnap stole it. I should have seen that coming. I’ll try to get it back, but if I don’t, please know that I didn’t throw it away.
Thank you,
Sapnap wakes up in the middle of a lake. His mattress is floating, and when he tries to paddle back to shore (once he’s done screaming), the mattress tips over and he receives an unpleasant fishy wakeup call. He trudges into his house for a shower, and finds that the showerhead, as well as all his faucets, have been stuffed with ramen noodle seasoning. 
He looks in his chests for a bucket of water. The first chest he checks is not only full of light gray glass, but also trapped. When he opens it, pufferfish fall out of the ceiling and bounce around. He dies to their poison twice before they finally die. The next chest he opens also has light gray glass, no water buckets, and a trap. This one, though, only releases a metric fuckton of chickens into his house. It’s fine. This is fine.
As he looks through his chests, he realizes something. They’ve got glass in them, sure, and they’ve been raided of water buckets, but... the beacon is gone. None of his other items, like enchanted netherite tools or literal diamond blocks, have been stolen. Just Puffy’s beacon.
Whoever pranked him missed a bucket, so he promptly dumps it over his head in an effort to smell less like pond scum and spicy chicken noodles. It takes the whole day to get his base back in order: he’s got to clean out all the faucets, empty all the glass from his chests, throw out all the dead pufferfish, and slaughter chickens by the dozens.
He can’t sleep. Are you fucking kidding. He can’t sleep. A soft hiss catches his attention, only audible now that the quiet of night has fallen. Is there somehow an unlit cave under his base?
Nope. As he steps outside onto his front lawn, he sees a daylight detector near the door that he missed when he came inside this morning. The daylight detector seems to have released approximately fifteen bajillion cave spiders onto his lawn, and they’re all angry, so he shuts the front door in their faces and goes back inside. That’s a problem for tomorrow’s him.
Horns spear the wall right next to where Sapnap was standing five seconds ago. He yelps. What the fuck is a ravager doing on his front porch? And why the FUCK does it have speed potion particles?!
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Pamela’s Revenge>
<Sapnap was slain by Cave Spider>
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> who is pamela’s revenge
<Sapnap> ;RVAER
<Sapnap> HELP
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> good night sapnap :)
<Sapnap was slain by Pamela’s Revenge>
<Georgenotfound> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Puffy sees a whole lot of nonsense in the chat when she wakes up in the morning, and promptly decides to ignore it. She goes about her morning as usual, heading out to her front porch to sip a cup of coffee in peace. 
She... has a garden now. Hm. That wasn’t there before. And come to think of it, neither was the beacon she lost.
“Thanks, Hermit,” she says with a smile.
Stress sips a cup of tea, having breakfast in Grian’s rustic sitting room with a few of her fellow Hermits.
“D’ya think we went overboard?” she says.
“...Nah,” Cub says.
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imagine-docx · 4 years
colour spectrum.
Tumblr media
Summary: You can only see in black and white, but the moment you meet your soulmate you can see colour. What happens when you’ve been able to see colour all your life and can’t recall who’s your soulmate? [bestfriend!soulmate!au]
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: i’m back with yet another fic, hope everyone is doing well! I also hope everyone is doing their share by signing petitions and contributing to the black lives matters movement - Amanda 💛
»»————- ➴ ————-««
The concept of soulmates has existed since the dawn of time. You only see black and white until you meet your soulmate. After your 16th birthday, you could see the entire colour spectrum once you met your soulmate, but if you didn’t keep in contact with your soulmate, you would lose your ability to see colour until you met again. 
Your problem was that you could see the entire colour spectrum, since the moment you turned 16. Your parents explained the colour spectrum the night before your 16th birthday, and when you woke up the next day, your life was filled with vivid colours. 
Anytime anyone would ask if you could see colours, you passed it off as you couldn’t and were waiting until you met the right person. But in reality, you were now 25, and you were trying to figure out who your soulmate could possibly be.
“Are you sure you can’t see colour?” Arthur poked at your side.
“I swear to god, the amount of times you’ve asked me this question is astronomical. The answer will remain the same, which is no,” you lied. Over the years you’ve perfected the acting and no one could tell you were lying.
Arthur laid down on the couch behind you, as you sat on the floor overlooking a file for work. “I came to spend time with my best friend, yet you’re paying more attention to that stupid file,” he whined.
Best friend. How you hated that word to describe your relationship with Arthur Curry. You two had been friends since you met in a playground when you were five, and here you were twenty years later, but with the fattest crush you could ever have on someone. Someone who has a soulmate, might you add. 
“Are you paying the bills?” You asked, adding notes to the margin.
“Then you aren’t allowed to talk,” you said, underlining something in the document.
You pulled your hair up into a bun to get it out of your face, and got back to work. You suddenly felt a shiver down your spine as Arthur’s fingertips trace the back of your neck. “That’s a nice shade of red,” he murmured, tracing the petals of the rose that was tattooed on the back of your neck.
Your face was laced with confusion, until you finally understood what he said, “Wait,” you spun around, “You can see colour? Arthur since when?”
“God knows how long. Wait, did you not know this?” He asked.
“No, Art, what the fuck?” You looked him dead in the eye, “Why did you not tell me?”
“I thought it was common knowledge,” he rebuttal.
You turned back around, “How did you survive this long?”
“Alcohol. Do you know how pretty this rose is with all its colour? How did you pick it out?” He asked.
You bit your lip, I went to an artist who had met his soulmate and we worked out the colours together because we can both agree and disagree what would look good, is what you wanted to say, but ultimately a, “I went to an artist who met his soulmate and he worked with the colours and I trusted him,” slipped out of your mouth.
“You got a man to tattoo on you?” He asked.
“Yeah, not a big deal you know.” You responded.
“Anything could have happened, he could have-” 
You cut him off before he went even further, “Art, I was in a shop with like ten different people, I had a shirt and pants on. I was fine. Plus I asked someone to come, but they were busy.”
“Nope, we’re done,” you stated, ending the conversation as you made notes on the file in front of you.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“He got mad that you got tattooed by a man?” Harley asked.
It was a usual Friday night you spent surrounded by your friends Harley, Dinah, Diana and Pamela. Usually these nights consisted of getting wasted on someone’s floor in their living room, these weeks happened to be in Dinah’s living room.
“Yeah, for fucking what? I asked him if he wanted to come, he was busy with Mera.” You spat, looking at the cup of Smirnoff that was in your hands. 
“And he still thinks you can’t see colour?” Dinah asked.
“Yeah,” you said, “It’s whatever.”
Pamela reached over and smacked your back, “You dumbass, what if he’s your soulmate?”
“He can’t be. He sees colour with Mera. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, I am not Mera.”
“She might have a point, if he sees colour with Mera, they can’t be soulmates,” Diana stated.
“Finally someone with a brain cell,” you joked.
“Din, I need paper and a ton of markers,” Harley said.
And that’s how you were dragged into a life chart of people you’ve met and possible soulmate suspects.
“If you could see it the moment you turned sixteen, that means you knew them before. Which means you would have had literally anyone from elementary school.” Harley started, “The moment you turned sixteen, you would have been around literally anyone in high school.” Harley crossed off high school, “Post high school, you kept in contact with Arthur, Hal, Thom, Kalel, and Bruce. Kalel has Diana, which means Kalel is off.” Harley crossed off Kalel, “Hal is not even in Gotham, meaning you can’t be able to see without constant contact from him,” Hal joined the crossed out group. “Bruce is with Talia, so off the list. “Thom is in San Fran doing god knows what, so you wouldn’t be able to see,” Thom joined the crossed off list. Only Arthur was left. Harley scratched her head looking at it. “He’s soulmates with Mera?”
“Yeah,” you said, you’ve come to the same conclusion several thousand times.
“Stranger?” Pamela proposed.
“The chances of seeing the same fucking person every once in a while just for you to see colours doesn’t make fuckin’ sense.” Harley stated.
You stretched out and laid back onto the floor. “It’s fine, I’ll die alone.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Before you left work you swung Arthur a text asking him if he wanted to have a movie night once he got off work.
You were pulling down your sweater dress with one hand and phone in the other and were making your way to the doors until you heard your name. 
Spinning on your heel, you looked in the direction you heard your name called from. Lucas Trent. 
You two were close during history classes during your years in university, mostly because the two of you sat at the back of the lecture hall with snacks and were self educating because the prof was actual trash. 
“Lucas? Hi,” you said, engulfing him in a hug.
He wrapped his arms around you, “God it’s been so long.”
“How’d you know I’m here?” You asked, releasing him.
“I saw Dinah this morning, and she told me. I was hoping we can catch up?” He asked.
You checked your phone and saw that Arthur still didn’t message you back. “Yeah, I’m game.”
»»————- ➴ ————-««
“No. Fucking. Way.” You said, in absolute shock.
“I. Fucking. Know.” Lucas responded.
The two of you were sitting at a coffee shop near your work place, and you were still anticipating Arthur’s text, but to no avail he didn’t answer.
“I never would have thought your soulmate was a dude,” you said.
Lucas found his soulmate while he was swimming at the beach. He showed you pictures of him and Apollo on vacation, and other cute Instagram worthy couple pictures.
“I fucking know man, it’s such a strange turn of events.” He took a sip of his coffee, “How’s Arthur by the way? You still attached by the hip?” 
“Same old pain in the ass,” you chuckled.
“Did you meet your soulmate yet?” Lucas asked.
“I’ve met them. I can see colour. They’re a constant force in my life, but I don’t know who the fuck it is,” you stated nonchalantly.
“I bet it’s Arthur,” he said, in a matter of fact tone.
“Yeah? Join the party. It’s not.” You said, leaning back into your chair.
“What do you mean he’s not your soulmate?” Lucas asked.
“You mean the redhead girl that was all over him and Selina almost fought the both of them because she thought the two of you were dating and he was cheating?”
“Bingo,” you said, sipping your coffee.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You were unlocking your door and checking yet again if Arthur ever texted you back. You pulled the key out of the hole and paused. No response yet.
You were about to push your door in until you felt a familiar grasp push your door open and pull you in. 
Tossing the keys into your bowl, you pulled off the knee high heeled boots you were wearing and followed him into the living room. You leaned against the bar, watching Arthur pace in front of you.
“So when were you gonna tell me you found your soulmate?” He spat.
“I saw you and pretty boy getting coffee earlier, when were you gonna tell me that you met your soulmate?” Anger evident in his voice.
“Why the fuck are you mad? You have Mera.” You retaliated.
“I have the right to be mad,” he said, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Why? Why the fuck could you possibly be mad? Just because I see colour you’re pissed?” You spat back at him.
“So you can see colour now,” he grumbled, pissed off to the max. 
You didn’t retaliate, you watched him pace around even more. He eventually sat down on the couch, looking at the ground, he ran his hands through his hair. 
“Mera wasn’t my soulmate.”
Your demeanor softened, “Art, what?”
“She lied. Her soulmate was Orm fucking Marius,” he said, on the brink of tears. Orm Marius, the man that Arthur hated since the dawn of time. The two of them had ongoing beef since elementary school, you really anticipated them to stop talking, but here they were, still at each other’s throat.
You walked over to him and kneeled in front of him stroking hairs out of his face. 
“Mera met Orm while we were together, and she suddenly saw colour. I thought we were soulmates, but apparently not. I’ve known her for so long, when I turned 16, I saw colours and she was constantly around. I thought she was it. Then I thought about you, but you could see colour after going out with what’s his face.”
You gently stroked his cheek, “Art, I could always see colour.”
“What?” He looked up at you.
“Since I was 16-” He cut you off by pulling you forward and into a kiss. You broke apart when you needed air, he rested his forehead against yours before peppering your face with kisses, which resulted in giggles erupting from you.
“He found his soulmate,” you reassured him, “Plus he’s gay.”
His face lit up like a Christmas tree. While getting up, he pulled your body to him. Once fully up he tossed you over his shoulder, “More for me then,” he said, before making his way to your bedroom.
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thelordstears · 4 years
I present, more fick fack fookin’ writing. Enjoy you gremlins
"I wish my mind wasn't an abuser. But here I am allowing abuse of self. My mind is a den of wolves, tearing into every good memory I ever had, making a feast out of misery, how could I ever be whole when the world's broken me down to dust?” - Pamela Northutt
“ You wouldn't believe the things I've seen, the hell I've been through, you would say I stole it straight from a fictitious novel, but no, reality is often darker then fiction ever could be.” - Pamela Northutt
“ I'm nothing but barebones and thoughts of self harm, I'd walk into a den of lions if it meant I could find peace. The lions could tear into me, and still it'd be better than what my thoughts do to me. Because maybe, finally I'd be able to rest.” - Pamela Northutt
“ I don't need a metaphor to explain this pain, but it seems it's all people understand these days. You could say, "I'm hurting, and I don't know how to fix it." And yet people wouldn't believe you, they say you're crying wolf, you have every reason to be happy, so be happy.” - Pamela Northutt
"The truth stings as a bullet wound would. Because often, it's what'll kill a man. Ya know, I heard of this plant, once, the Gympie-Gympie, it's sting is so bad, that it leads horses to leap off of cliffsides, now the only thing that has that affect on humanity, is the truth.” - Ewan Hanstammer
“ I've watched men pull the trigger because they learned the truth, they learned their wives were having affairs, or a family secret that lead them down a rabbit hole, but they were never Alice, and this was never Wonderland, it was simply reality, and isn't that what makes it oh so frightening?” - Ewan Hanstammer
“ All it takes to unravel a life is a single bullet, and all it takes to kill a man is a single word.” - Ewan Hanstammer
“ Man kind is doomed to swallow lies, because they just know the truth is just as lethal as the electric chair.” - Ewan Hanstammer
“ I'd plead to the Heavens, but all that ever got me was a coupl'a thoughts from my own damn skull.” - Joey Broker
“ They say it's all apart of God's plan, then what is the end goal of all this pain? Is it supposed to make me stronger? Cause all I feel is weakness trickling through my damn veins.” - Joey Broker
“ If I was given a gun, and was told to shoot the man who undid me, I'd cock my pistol and go forth into the unknown with the intent of pulling the trigger twice. Once against his skull, once against mine.” - Joey Broker
"My heart bares as many tragedies as the night owns stars.” - Connie Averfollow
“ All I can do is lay here and remember, by God do I wish I could forget them but I can't, by God I fucking can't.” - Connie Averfollow
“ I suppose I had Rosita for a wonderful twenty three years, but these fifteen years without her is what hurts.” - Connie Averfollow
"I'll say sorry for all I've done, if only it would change a damn thing." - Connie Averfollow
"I am missing, because who you knew is just another portrait slapped onto a carton of milk and forgotten the next day.” - Harry Downsworth
“ I gave the devil her dance, twirled underneath the flames of my childhood innocence, and now here I am helpless and left for dead in my own damn skin.” - Harry Downsworth
“ I'm a haunted memory of what's forgotten by the world, but always remembered by me.” - Harry Downsworth
“ Where once the sun shone bright and I could see every color my eyes could perceive, now I see the world in black and white. Because I suppose I'm the absence of light, because all I can feel is darkness.” - Harry Downsworth
"My heart is ruled by a blood thirsty wolf whom prowls underneath the moon and asks only one question. How doth I hunt in a world where hunters are condemned?” - Oskirrith Boncoat
“ I find the world works in strange and mysterious ways, one can kill to survive, and yet find damnation, but another man can kill to protect his family, his country, and be called honorable. There's no in-between.” - Oskirrith Boncoat
“ I bare bloodstained fangs and howl at the crimson moon, because that's all a wolf can do, really. He can deny his instincts, his inner nature, but all he'll do is starve.” - Oskirrith Boncoat
“ This world was made for those with ill intentions and unholy desires. I'll send you to your God howling, but I'll go to mine bloodstained.” - Oskirrith Boncoat
"Can't claim you're fighting for peace when you load your rifle with death. But that's all the world ever does, forces us into impossible situations and expects us to choose.” - Santos Valos
“ I've got my scars on this battered heart of mine, I hold them close, because they're what keeps me going. I won't go down without a fight, if I'm to go down, it'll be spitting my blood and baring my fangs. If I'm to die, it's to protect my damn sister.” - Santos Valos
"I'm a bloodstained lullaby flyin' on crimson wings. All I got left these days, is the thought'a revenge, and I ask da question, does that make me cruel or broken?” - Adelaide Debbens
“ He was me guidin' light, 'e gave me the world with the smile 'e'd give me, and now dat I don't 'ave 'im, I don't have the world, mate. I have nothin' but me damn gun and a sin on me fuckin' mind.” - Adelaide Debbens
“ 'E had no reason ta kill my love, but I 'ave plenty'a damn reason ta kill him.” - Adelaide Debbens
“ I don't need a gun ta take back what's mine, just a dagger and me damn wit.” - Adelaide Debbens
"These days, being yourself is a damnable offense.” - Charlie Holyman
“ I could hold onto my faith in God, but is that the crucifix I carry on this scarred back of mine? I'm whipped and bloody from this world's abuse, been through things no woman should have to see and tried to hold onto this faith I got, but holding onto something that's already lost is a dangerous game. It's just like playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun, you're doomed to lose.” - Charlie Holyman
“ You're the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden and still I would take you. It might be a sin to love that woman, but I've lived a life of it and I imagine one more sin doesn't change my destination.” - Charlie Holyman
“ I could run from all this pain, but it'll always catch up to me. No matter what way I put it, I'm doomed to this sorrow, because it's a piece of me. Perhaps I'm bad natured or just looking for a way to cope, but I'm sorry. Cause I suppose losing oneself is the human condition, and I'm coughing up myself." - Charlie Holyman
"The world shoved a blade in my hands and told me to fight when I was only a child. And so I went to war, fought in a quaint little ghost town filled with secrets and unheard prayers, I suppose when the Lord can't hear you scream, all you can do is go hoarse.” - Eliskira Waters
“ I brandish my blade with pride, I've bared the markings of battle since I was twelve. I speak a foreign language of violence, my accent is a tangy iron, and my vowels are the clashing of metal.” - Eliskira Waters
"The sirens sing a bloodshot lullaby, I've followed them time after time, because when the one you love's life is on the line, you'd steer your ship into jagged rocks and capsize your own boat. And so I have drowned for her, not in the sense that I am dead, just in the sense that I'm not the same woman she married.” - Dove Patchens
“ I'm surrounded by love, but I fear if my darkest secrets tore their way out of my throat, they would choke on the darkness I keep inside of me.” - Dove Patchens
“ I couldn't possibly be my namesake, my father named me Dove, because he believed I would fly free. But here I am, in a little birdcage, believing this is what it's like to be free. As a man once said, a bird born in captivity will think flight is a crime. But alas, alas, it's freedom, and the key is nothing but an illusion I can't reach. I'm a dove trapped in a cage of misery, believing it to be peace." - Dove Patchens
"Despite da daggers in me back and da scars on me 'eart, I stand tall through da bleedin' if only ta protect me damn family. I 'ave spent me whole life protectin' what I got, I dun't fink aboot wot I dun't 'ave, because dat'll only distract me from da present.” - Pearl Joy
“ I dun't knu wot happened ta 'im, but I can only 'ope 'e finds peace, in 'is mind, in 'is life, and hopefully death isn't da only cure ta 'is pain.” - Pearl Joy
“ Me family is da only reason I'm 'ere, dey love me, dey support me and I'll always brandish a spear and me fangs when push comes ta fookin' shove.” - Pearl Joy
"I've been ashes before. How could I ever remain the same after I burned in the fire of who I am? The way I howled and shrieked as I was damned rings in my mind, and perhaps, I should've stayed in the dark abyss.” - Eldridge Wolfmoon
“ Somedays I wish I was still dead because at least I didn't have to deal with life. By God, isn't it so much easier to be dead than alive? I was a floating nothing in an abyss, for I would always choose nothing, over something.” - Eldridge Wolfmoon
“ This world is wicked in nature, no wonder the roses have thorns and the berries are poisonous.” - Eldridge Wolfmoon
“ I fall asleep and see only flame, my death haunts me. I am my own ghost, haunting the halls of my own mind I am the fly amongst spiders and always wonder why it is I caught in the web. I'm standing stagnant, because I'm so stuck in the past, I can't live with my death, it was supposed to be the end, so why am I still here?” - Eldridge Wolfmoon
“ You may never right your wrongs, only accept them.” - Eldridge Wolfmoon
“ "'Eavy is da burden 'a my sins, but 'ere I lay, crushed by da damn weight.” - Arnold Schull
“ I've been a bloody rippa' since da age'a fifteen, covered in the blood of boys doomed ta early graves. I'm a bloodstained wolf, me claws covered in crimson and me 'eart a pitch black lagoon'a sins yet ta be committed.” - Arnold Schull
“ I don't want redemption, I don't want forgiveness nor love, nor anythin'a the damn sort. I just want some damn rest, mate. But 'ere I am, fightin' for me life and sinnin' as if there were no damn tomorrow. And if I continue on dis path, there won't be.” - Arnold Schull
“ I'm a broken commandment, God said thou shalt not kill, and so I killed the good man I were. God said thou shalt not steal and so I ripped me still beatin' heart from my chest and watched it drip the darkest shade'a black.” - Arnold Schull
“ I seek guidance, but alas I am given a candle with no flame, the wax already dripping down my fingers, and I must tread forward with no light to guide my way.” - Salvatore Broker
“ All my life I have read from the words of God, but it's often I ponder on if I read all the wrong words, perhaps I've always been in the Devil's trap and just never once knew of it. Do you think rats in mazes know they're an experiment? I would be no different, I could be chasing dead ends and think I'm free.” - Salvatore Broker
“ I spit what I believe to be the truth to those in the pews, not realizing all that came from my lips was venom.” - Salvatore Broker
“ I've been scarred, pushed down and made ta put down those I called brotha'. But I stand tall despite that, I can't let the past be a burden, I can't let the future be a tragedy.” - Alejandro Schull
“ My son 'as fallen far, but I think, if he only realized his heart was never black, just broken, he could get back up.” - Alejandro Schull
“ I'm a soldier, I've got me daggers on stand by, but my heart will never be cast aside so I may get something done. If I am to kill a man, I deserve ta feel the after affects.” - Alejandro Schull
"I am a prison warden watching over his own cell. It seems no matter how hard I try I can not escape this prison of myself, because a man who doesn't have hope can't escape a situation he put himself in.” - Christian Holden
“ I suppose I have to raise my pistol and fight, because this new world is a war even if my whole life's been a battlefield. So I'll raise a glass to the broken world, down my poison of choice and head right into battle.” - Christian Holden
"I'm a wayfaring stranger of my own heart and soul. Because nowadays, I don't even know myself.” - Andrea Maywill
“ How am I to hold onto my past when it's the very thing that breaks me down to tears?” - Andrea Maywill
“ Don't trust a survivor until you know what they had to do to become one. I wouldn't trust myself if I was a stranger, and isn't that the saddest thing, to not trust yourself?” - Andrea Maywill
“ I'd say I regret my actions, but I'm alive, aren't I? If I hadn't killed those men, I would be dead, my sister would be dead and my promise would be broken.” - Andrea Maywill
"Knowledge is a weapon. And so I use it as a bullet. I can make truths into lies and lies into truth, I am a man of many tricks, I'm a puppeteer cutting strings to marionettes that no longer hold any use to me. Life is invaluable when faced against the grand scheme of things, you're one cog in my catastrophic master plan. You're one piece on my board of pawns, everyone I hold power over is a Queen's Gambit. You could cry out "Stalemate! Stalemate!" But I'd watch you charge recklessly into battle and die for a cause you never once believed in.” - Remington Burlwitz
“ I have no care for who you are, just what you can do for me.” - Remington Burlwitz
“ Every cold case has one thing in common, someone knows the truth. Would you like me to know the truth of yours?” - Remington Burlwitz
“ I'm everything people warn you about, the boogeyman, the tall dark stranger your mother tells you to stray away from. I'm an urban legend come to life, beware the myth based in reality." - Remington Burlwitz
"They've always said night time is when the soul is at the most peace. I find this untrue, how else do you think monsters come to be?" - Remington Burlwitz
"I'm the ghost of Evergreen's Bay, where I go, cold shadows follow and death coils around the surrounding area like a creeper vine snaking up a mansion of former riches." - Remington Burlwitz
“ I've asked for forgiveness a thousand times, and I'll ask a thousand more, because perhaps one day, someone will hear my sorrowful tale and say, "You poor soul, you are forgiven for all you've done." - Joshua Schanahost
“ I've never been a devil, no one really is, we're all humans, you could come up with a hundred metaphors to describe the actions of people, but all it ever does is make a story out of murder.” - Joshua Schanahost
“ How could we ever be perfect if we never knew the definition?” - Joshua Schanahost
“ I am not the victim here, but I am not the one who should be blamed for this bloodshed. There's a snake in the garden and he's pitting us against each other, if only we could see the decisions of one man can lead to catastrophe.” - Joshua Schanahost
“ I got sins on my mind and revenge on my got damn agenda.” - Chase North
“ We all got a breakin' point, and life found mine.” - Chase North
“ I can tell you I'm a good man lookin' for a reason ta cling on, but I'm not. I'm just a bad hombre with a pistol and a death wish.” - Chase North
"Isn't it a strange feeling, to miss yourself? I've tried hard to find who I am, but all I find is the past, I suppose I'm just a memory, these days.” - Karrassa Diabaso
“ My scars shall never bleed golden, they'll never make me stronger.. they'll only ever break me down and force me to remember, I haven't lived, not truly.” - Karrassa Diabaso
“ I'm a cruel being, living off of the dying cries of other's, I've hunted people down in forests where they'd be buried, ripped into young women with a dagger and cruel intent, how could you possibly call me anything other than a wolf?” - Mason Miedan
“ Life is a cruel game of choices, and it just so happens we're all victims of it. There are no losers or winners, all we can do is play until our life flashes before our eyes.” - Mason Miedan
“ My father has always said life is a series of choices, and if I'm still alive I must've made all the right ones.” - Mason Miedan
“ My blood lust is unparalleled, some may compare me to Jack the Ripper or the Zodiac, but they're dead and buried, and I'm here. Isn't that what scares you?” - Mason Miedan
“ How am I ta march forward when all I do is look back?” - Weron Jameson
“ Bessie was everythin' I had, her smile lit up my world and made me forget 'bout all the pain and the scars engraved in my mind. But now, I'm gon' have ta get used to livin' without her.” - Weron Jameson
 “I see it in my nightmares, Saul's bloodstained bat and Bessie layin' on the ground, her heartbeat still.” - Weron Jameson
“ He thinks he can just bat us around like yarnballs, but he's gonna learn he's in a wolfs den and he's just a little kitten who's curiosity brought him too death's god damn gates.” - Weron Jameson
“ I got a bullet with Saul's name on it, and I'm sure he's got one with mine. But we'll just have ta see who draws quicker.” - Weron Jameson
"You can romanticize life all you want, in all it's bloodshed and tranquility. There's a certain beauty in the way nothing can come of peace if it wasn't fought for. Nothing can be if there was no violence, and I suppose I'm a fine example of that.” - Olympus Woods
“ I've altered many's state of self, twisted their perception of wrong and right and let them lose their minds. I'm a cruel deity, making experiments out of people. But this is for science, sacrifice is required.” - Olympus Woods
“ I've bound up Heaven's steps and found myself in God's throne, after all, I oppose even the simplest of rules. Time opposes all, but it doesn't oppose me.” - Olympus Woods
“ I'm a black rose in a garden of withered daisies and daffodils.” - Olympus Woods
“ I wish to wipe emotion from my slate, but thus far all I've done is clear other's shelves and arranged it with shiny new anger and soft spoken regrets.” - Olympus Woods
“ My wings are shaded black and my heart a shade even darker then the nebula. And so I stare into the abyss, and perhaps I stared too long, because I hath become death." - Olympus Woods
"When life's got you beat, take a deep breath and remember the worst days don't reflect your life, the best days are the ones you'll reminisce over when all seems lost.” - Chris Shaw
“ Love is the glue that holds people together, so in a world filled with hate, drown it out with the sound of your heart beating for another.” - Chris Shaw
“ You don't have to pull triggers and watch men die to be strong, all you have to do is get out of bed and take care of yourself.” - Chris Shaw
"Dese days I'm just a souvenir, a reminder dat good fings end, just a relic 'a Rome. Rome were conquered and burnt ta ash in one day, and I must ask da question, when will I be ash? All I do is fight fo' me life, but do I really got a purpose?” - McCannon Bowitsend
“ I'm followin' da paf' 'a a sinna', so me destination must be Hell. But isn't hell pain repeated ova' and ova' again? And 'ere I am, livin' a life'a pain and nuthin' else.” - McCannon Bowitsend
“ I 'ear the crowd chant me name, once upon a time dat would'a filled me wif' glee, because I'd just earned meself a spot in the championships. But now me name is a death omen ta all who hear it.” - McCannon Bowitsend
“ Uncle McCannon is comin' home, broken or not. I've broken a thousand bones, and I spose I'll break a thousand more. Because me heart beats for me family, and I can't just let em go.” - McCannon Bowitsend
“ I am beautiful with all my battle wounds and heartbreaks.” - Sherine Skidmore
“ I know people think God's abandoned us, but do you not think he weeps for our fates? Do you not think he furrows his brow as the Devil tempts thousands upon thousands of lost souls. There is no Messiah of a broken human race, because we are not broken we are survivors.” - Sherine Skidmore
"I can't find myself if I can't even meet me in the middle. I yearn for a day I can mediate with myself and come to terms with who I am, but all I ever was is a girl hiding from the spotlight.” - Hermione Vallwing
“ The stage rotted beneath me and I fell beneath the planks and boards, I climbed to the scenery and swung from the noose tied upon the painted sun. The crowd whoops and cheers for the girl who swung, because to them it's all part of the act.” - Hermione Vallwing
“ I wanna burn this theater down, get rid of these haunted memories, but all I hear is lights, camera! Action! And then my traumas play on repeat, and all I can do is stand behind the camera, watching as the horror unfolds in the screen that resides within my shattered mind.” - Hermione Vallwing
“ Death was never beautiful, and yet the poets wrote of such splendorous scenes and beautiful prose.” - Hermione Vallwing
"My memory is a blank state haze, I can think, but I don't remember. I suppose that's the tragedy of living.” - Pam Maywood
“ All I know is the name I found on a torn yellowed sheet of paper, Pam Maywood, the lost girl, traveling through her own mind finding nothing. I imagine I'm a ghost of my own mind, wandering the halls, trying to find more about this mysterious home I roam.” - Pam Maywood
“ If this is a Labyrinth, I fear the beast inside. Might he have bloodstained fangs and crimson claws? Will he be made up of sorrows I don't remember, or will she be in the mirror with a foggy mind and regret for something she doesn't remember?” - Pam Maywood
“ I see things, and hear whispers in my head, are they perhaps clues to this mystery? Are the things I see a glimpse into who I am? I've seen men fighting to the death that disappear the moment I reach them, I've heard howling on the wind and cackles from the sky. Is my past so demented that I'm only allowed snippets of it?” - Pam Maywood
“ People seem to forget even faked strength is strength, you don't gotta be strong, you just gotta act strong.” - Caldio Pastel
I've been shown the darker side of life, but I'll be damned if the credits roll.” - Caldio Pastel
“ You can't kill me, because I have the one thing you don't have, hope.” - Caldio Pastel
“ I met a beautiful woman who holds my heart, Hermione is strong, even if she doesn't think so. She's everything I ever imagined the woman I'd dance with would be, sometimes she's scared, and that's okay, the world is scary but I'm here for her whenever she needs me. Her traumas play in the screen of her mind on repeat, but whenever a nightmare strikes her down my arms are hers to crawl into.” - Caldio Pastel
“Here I am, fighting in a world that wants to kill me off and roll the credits without a second thought. But the audience claps and cheers for an encore, so I raise my fists and give it my all. Give me a standing ovation for all my efforts to live because I'm here to survive and you won't draw the curtains on me just yet." - Caldio Pastel
"If I had a dollar for everyone I've failed, I'd have thousands in my pockets." - Morston Framstein
"How sad, to be scared of your own thoughts." - Morston Framstein
"I'm a shadow of my father, these days." - Chloe Perwitz
"You can not poison a dream, you're only creating a nightmare." - Treydus Elron
"Your dreams are the world, and there's no limit to what you can do." - Treydus Elron
"I looked for guidance, but all I found was empty bullet casings." - Cormen
"You know. Through all this harsh pain I've been through, I've found even the snow can bring joy." - Ella Leopard
"The world never needed super heroes, just people willing to fight." - Mike Pennington
"My whole world crumbled before me, and all I could say, was goodbye." - Cora Eltivere
  "I stared death in the eye, and I'd say I won, but ain't I in the coffin 'a myself?" - Denzel Thievesmire
"The wolf does not cower from the sheep. So why do you stare me down with a pistol and expect me to quiver?" - Vivientos Hallows
 "I'm not much a man these days, just'a dog barking at his own tail wishing he could catch what he can never hold." - Cadencia Malrosa
"I am both the rabbit and the wolf, vying for somewhere to burrow, and yearning for bloodstained fang of the man who ruined me." - Wolfetta
"Time flows endlessly as a river, and unfortunately for you, so will your blood." - Morias Doorvensteil
"You know, the world is full of men who want to watch it burn. I suppose I have to be the blizzard that snuffs out the blaze." - Delaura Presha
"I can feel the shadows of my doubt creepin' up my skin." - Dusk Showtella
"I played whimsical tricks to amuse the crowds, and yet I fell victim to a trick of dark intent." - Medora Domeel
"I found as many monsters in the light as I did the dark." - Jerry Winstead
"Am I the vulture who picks from the bones of the dead or the one who hovers around death, and is a warning of things to come?" - Jeremy Vultures
"Seems trouble follows wherever I roam, either I'm death or very unlucky." - Franco Jonwitz
"I watched angels fall from the sky on burning wings and learned what's holy may become damned." - Demalliosa Vanberg
"Be the hero, they say, be the hero. Give me a reason, and I'll burn my cape before your eyes." - Caldwell Ramirez
"They say death before dishonor. So be honorable." - Caldwell Ramirez
"I always knew the dark, brother. It was only a matter of time before even the angler fish in the abyss of my soul's lights blinked out." - Caldwell Ramirez
"I wear a dress of shadows and own a heart the color of the nebula." - Clementine Ashburnum
"The future don't look to promising, guess all I have is hope." - Grifold Hangers
"I've been running from death for so long I'm afraid I became it." - Nathaniel Wessonlock
"I'd say my destination is Hell's gates, but ain't I already there?" - Cal Dunbar
"All it ever took ta make a good man wicked is a little bit of pressure. And I've cracked, sadly enough." - Cormelo Rivendell
"You have to fight for the future if you want to see it. Somedays it's tough, but you just gotta brave through it, after all, if you can survive your past, you can survive your future." - Don Bellzfort
"I've seen what it is war does to men, it makes the best of men wicked and the wickedest of men weep. War breaks all, it would seem, no matter the color'a your heart, it'll break ya." - Valkrane Pernotte
"In a world filled with shadows, one has to learn to become one to survive." - Fox Rivendell
"I've learned to fear everything, because most days it's my fear that keeps my heart beating. I can't be proud, because fear is what left other's hearts still." - Markalos Callenwoods
"I'm a walkin' tragedy, these days." - Julie Forkroad
"I'm up against the world, spose I gotta be a meteor to survive these days." - Garret Crane
"My brother's shadow swallows my light." - Ozzie Ramirez
"The Heavens and Hell are one in the same when faced with a man half Devil half God." - Lazarus Occult
"The world ain't never needed perfect, just doable." - Granville Van Steenburg
"Out of all the things you should hold onto, hold onto your heart the tightest. Because losing your heart will only result in the same cycle that caused yours to stop beating red." - Ted Axel
"The world won't break me down, I have my heart and hope. I suppose in a world filled with shadows, I have to be the light that swallows it." - Veronica Crowell
"I'm too old to cry these days, and too young to die. So what am I to do but run into the war we've waged with nothing but my sins on my tattered sleeve?" - Logan Orencia
"People say the world needs men willing to kill for a righteous cause. But I don't think the world needs killers, it needs fighters, because a soldier knows the word mercy, a killer does not." - Jolt Netz
"Can't find any peace of mind in a world that shows you chaos and chaos only. Suppose the only peace I have is the quiet after an explosion." - Arello Vendesto
"Da world shows ya wot it is ta die while yer still good and breathin'. Spose I can only eva' lower meself inta'a coffin'a me own fear." - Sheamus Soderstrom
"I'll keep runnin' down this path'a broken bones and spilt blood, cause the beast behind me is myself, and I spose I can never escape." - Finn Desandra
"I'm alone with my thoughts, plagued by the wicked touch of my past. I breathe in toxins, and I suppose I'm choking on my own doubts." - Keith Desandra 
"My heartbeat is cold, I fear. After all, the world froze and all I'm left with is ice to shovel into my soul." - Darwin Crocker
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What the Rain Can’t Wash Away-Chapter 18
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Sixteen years after Lucifer rose and Dean lost his wife, he finds himself with a teenager, a Nephilim, an angel, and his brother living out a Full House rerun with some seriously dark undertones. How will he be able to raise his daughter, fight monsters, and deal with the loss of the love of his life? Sometimes moving on is the hardest part, but with the Winchester’s there’s always something harder around the corner. Isn’t there?
Chapter Eighteen, If I Could See You One More Time
I could never forget the first day I saw my daughter. 
"Normally I'm really good at talking to women," I said, trying to be smooth. "You are so beautiful. So much more than I could've dreamed."
She was better than I ever could’ve imagined. El was the dream that I didn’t know I was allowed to have. When Ave died I was broken, but I wasn’t surprised. I never expected to have a good life, a full life. Marriage and kids were never a possibility until they were. I got spoiled,  safe, but in the midst of everything I never considered that I’d never see my kid again, that I’d lose her. I thought I shielded her from everything, from the supernatural and the pain of hunting, but I was wrong. There was nothing like seeing Michael take over her. I knew what that was like, and I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy. 
There were times over the years that things looked pretty fucking grim, but I guess I never really expected it to be this bad. Or maybe I just didn’t expect that I’d still be conscious enough to understand how bad I fucked up. I wasn’t supposed to ruin her life, I was supposed to be a good dad, fuck, I failed. 
I failed once and then I kept on failing. 
I’d never forget the sight of my little girl staring at me chained up in the chair when I was a demon. She wasn’t supposed to be there, and I knew that, but she didn’t even look afraid. “I miss you, Dad.” Cas drug her away, but she was still reaching for me. She never asked for much, and I still failed. I’ll never forgive myself for any of it.  
In my head, I always knew that this was a possibility, an end so final that not even Chuck would bother to rewrite it. 
Everything was dark when I came to. I’d seen blackness before, the night sky, Ava’s hair, the paint on the Impala, but nothing was quite this black, this dark. It was a void, like how Cas described the Empty. It was lacking of everything, not static, or outlines, or hope, or fucking anything. It was just dark. 
My ears were ringing, and my skin felt tight. I groaned instinctively, barely hearing myself over the heavy fog that surrounded me. It was pressing, holding me down. My mouth felt dry, my skin burned, and something smelled different. 
If this is my heaven I’m going to be so fucking pissed. 
I remembered, then, what Billie said, and I suddenly didn’t feel so good about my shots at Heaven. Not after everything I’d done. Michael burned my ass out, and he did it wearing my baby girl. Poor Ava had to watch me die, and the fact that I was all alone gave me hope that maybe, just maybe she was still okay somewhere. That maybe she was still alive, maybe she made it out okay.
I heard something then, a beeping noise, a dripping sound. I was growing more and more aware of everything around me. My hand stung, but under my palm I could feel fabric. It was stiff and a little scratchy. 
The sounds were muffled, but it sounded faintly like talking. My fingers twitched as I felt something cool brush my skin. I willed my eyes to open. I was either in some weird afterlife, or Michael didn’t burn me out after all. All I remembered was a white hot light and then blackness. I was drowsy, and I felt out of it as hell, but the more I seemed to wake up, the more clear everything became. Fuck my eyes are so heavy. 
The voice was clear now. Ava, you’re alive. Thank fucking Chuck. I cleared my throat, because it was so damn dry. 
“Shit, he’s waking up. Hey, it’s me… do you need a drink?” 
I nodded slightly, everything aching. Where the fuck am I? I recognized the scent suddenly, it was sterile, alcohol swabs, and cotton. It was a hospital. I hated damn hospitals. 
I felt a straw against my lips, and I took it in, taking large sips of cool water. Nothing had ever tasted so good. Maybe I’d been in Hell after all, because the last time water was that good was after I clawed out of my grave. I cleared my throat, and moved my hand up to my face to check my eyes, because it was still dark and if my face was paralyzed I’d be pissed. I could feel fabric along my temple, and I frowned. Did I hit my head?
“Hey, don’t,” Ava said quietly, her fingers touching mine and bringing them back away from my face. 
“Yeah, hey it’s me.” 
“Hey back,” I said with a cough, my voice was still pretty raw, and I wondered how long I’d been out. “What happened?”
“Oh Dean,” she whispered.
That didn’t sound good. 
“Ava what’s going on? It’s…” I didn’t need her answer. The blackness, the burning, and pain. I could see her face in my mind, Pamela. I didn’t want to ask it. I didn’t want to fucking hear it. “Cas can’t… Cas can’t heal it?” 
She was silent, but her hand squeezed mine. 
“Ave? Talk to me. I can’t… I can’t fucking see you if you’re nodding.” 
“Sorry,” she squeaked. “No. He was able to keep you stable, but he couldn’t…” 
“He couldn’t make me see,” I said finally, pained. I was fucking blind. Goddamnit! “Help me sit up.” 
“Just be careful, okay?” 
I could feel her hands on my arms as I scooted up. The morphine, or whatever drugs they had me on, had my limbs feeling heavy. I could feel her adjusting pillows behind me, and I rested against the backboard. “How are you? Are you okay?” 
She wasn’t touching me anymore, but she still felt close, like a vibration to the right of me. I always said I could find her in the darkness, so I reached out my hand and brushed her. It felt like jeans, hard, and round. Her knee, I decided. I rubbed it gently, and I heard a few sniffles, she sucked her breath in before letting out a shaking one. “I’m fine. I’m… I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.” I frowned, wincing from the burns that rubbed under my bandage. “Talk to me.” 
“It’s not me.” She was crying. I knew that sound. 
“Where’s Sam?” I asked quickly. Surely he’d be there if I was in the hospital. 
“Sams at home…” 
“He’s okay?”
“Yes.” Ava’s voice cracked, and I could feel her body shaking with sobs.
“What is it? What the fuck happened, Ave? How’d you guys get rid of Micheal… how…” I froze in place. The morphine had my mind foggy, like I didn’t know what year it was, like I didn’t know what life I was in. Sam would be here, but so would Eleanor. “Where is she?”
Ava was crying harder, and I felt so sick to my stomach like I could hurl. My fingers curled into a fist. If she was in the hospital Ava would be with her and not me. Was Micheal still in her? He couldn’t be, because then we would all be dead. 
I could feel her stand, causing my hand to drop back to the bed. The bed groaned as she sat next to me, and took both of my hands in hers. She was sniffling, and trying to get it together enough to say whatever it was that I didn’t want her to say, that I couldn’t fucking hear. “Micheal was going to kill you, he almost did.” Tear drops were falling on the backs of my hands like rain. “And Jack stopped him. He used the spell that was burning his soul to use his powers. He stopped Micheal before he could kill you.”
“And?” I prompted through a tight jaw. I could feel the pain growing and twisting in my gut. That wasn’t it, it couldn’t be. 
“He burned out Micheal, sucking his grace out, but the attack was too powerful.”  
“Micheal's dead,” I repeated, my voice hollow. 
“Yes,” Ava’s voice broke, and she brought our hands to her face, burying her eyes into the backs of my hands. 
“And El?”
I didn’t want to know. It hurt so goddamn bad. Worse than a broken bone, worse than my eyes burning out of my body, worse than the torture in Hell, worse than holding Ava as she died. It was the most painful thing I’d ever felt, but I had to ask it. I had to know, even if it killed me. 
“He didn’t mean to. He was trying to save us, to save you …”
“Tell me.”
“She didn’t make it, Dean. We lost her.” 
There was no escape. There was no running from it. I was staring into a black hole and now I had to do the worst thing, I had to live without my kid. I never signed up for that. I never expected it. It was never an option. 
Ava cried, and I just sat there, because I didn’t know how to live in a world without El. I was already thinking of options. Spells. Transactions. Rituals. I was counting down the seconds until I was alone so I could get the fuck out of there and make a deal. She was sixteen, weeks away from her birthday, and she’s gone. 
“Mr. Winchester?” It was a voice I didn’t recognize. “His heart rate is much too high, I’m going to give him something I to relax.” 
I didn’t want to relax, but I couldn’t speak, and after a rush of heat through my arm I felt the weight pressing down on me again, until I was drifting beyond the plane and into another world altogether. 
  I had no fucking clue how long I’d been asleep, but without any light coming into my vision, it was hard to tell day from night, let alone sleep from awake. Maybe it was all a nightmare. 
“Hey, how’re you feeling?” 
“Sammy,” I grunted. “You take babysitting duty?” 
“Ava needed to get some sleep in a real bed. I had Cas take her home and watch out for her.” 
My jaw was tight, and I turned my head to him, sitting up. I wasn’t sure what the point of looking at him was, since I couldn’t see him, but it was a habit. ”What about Jack?”
“We don’t know where he is,” Sam admitted. “When he saw what happened… he just sort of disappeared.”
“He’s hiding. He should, because the second I get out of here I’m going for him.”  
“Dean, no…” 
“Yes, Sam. He killed her. She’s dead .” I didn’t even get to say goodbye . My chest tightened at the thought, but I tried to control my breathing so the nurse didn’t rush right in and put my ass back to sleep again. 
“He was trying to save us. He did save you.”
“Doesn’t make a difference.”
“He’s our son.”
“No,” I said through clenched teeth. “He isn’t. He’s Lucifer’s son, and he’s a killer. We have tried it your way, Sammy, but I’m fucking done. He isn’t our kid, but she was my kid. She was our blood.” I didn't realize I was crying until I felt wetness on my cheeks. Couldn’t be good for my burnt out eyeballs, but I didn’t bother to care. 
I could feel Sams fucking puppy dog eyes. “Quit with that look,” I snapped.
“What look?”
“That one.” I gestured blindly and hoped I got his face in the general area. “I knew the kid was bad news. Sorry, Sam, but some people just can’t fight their nature.”
“They thought that about me, too.”
 This shit again? 
 “It’s not the same thing and you know it.”
 “I miss her too, Dean. Cas is working on finding Jack, and Rownea is looking for a way to bring El back as we speak. Just don’t do anything crazy.”
“We are so beyond crazy, Sam,” I said seriously. I was out of the damn game. What kind of a hunter is blind ? My daughter was dead in the dirt. My life was fucking over. 
“Cas will pull through, he always does.” 
“What’s he gonna do, Sam? Go into Heaven and pull her out?” 
“He did with Jack.” 
“But Jack is part angel. She’s human. You can’t just bring humans back like that.” I was being a pessimist, but things didn’t exactly seem hopeful.
“We can try to call Chuck.”
 “Because he’s answered us before? You’re delusional.”
“And you’re being a dick,” Sam snapped angrily. “You’re just gonna give up on her like that? On her ? I’m sorry about your eyes, Dean, I am,  but since when do you quit? Always keep fighting, that's our mantra. I believe in us, and I believe in her. We will get her back. I don’t see any other option.” 
 “And I don’t see anything at all.” 
  A few days later
  “I’ve got all of your stuff, are you ready?”
 “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, my feet planted on the floor. My bandages were gone, and I was sporting a cool pair of sunglasses. At least Ava insisted that they were cool, and I hoped she was a good judge. Cas had come by and healed up the rest of my wounds, but there was no hope for my vision. Eventually I’d be able to get some glass eyes if I wanted, but I wasn’t sure what the point was. I didn’t know what the point of anything was. 
 Ava touched my elbow, lacing her arm with mine. I stood up and held onto her arm firmly. “Do you want the walking stick?” 
 “No,” I grunted. I didn’t know how to use the damn thing yet. I had all kinds of therapy coming up, and I wasn’t looking forward to it, I just wanted to curl up and sleep. 
 According to Ave, they didn’t have a funeral for El yet. I wasn’t looking forward to that either. Cas kept trying to talk to me about a plan, and I didn’t have any. I was all out of plans. There was nothing left to be done. 
 “Alright let’s go,” Ava said tightly. I felt bad. I was being a shitty husband. Maybe she should find another one. 
 Walking around felt foreign, wrong, honestly a little intimidating. I didn’t like not knowing my surroundings. 
 “There’s two steps down,” Ava instructed. 
 I took the steps cautiously. I wasn’t used to needing help. We walked for a few minutes before she stopped. She took my hand and I felt cool metal against my fingers. Baby . I felt something bubble inside of my chest. I hadn’t even thought about my car. I’d never be able to drive her again.
 “Hey, are you okay?” Ava asked gently. 
 I cleared my throat and grunted a response before pulling the door open and lowering myself into the passenger seat. The familiar smells of leather filled my nose, but the sense of calm that usually washed over me when I got in my car was gone. All I could see was learning how to drive, teaching Sammy, our years on the road, Ava’s body in the back seat, Eleanor's car seat, teaching her how to drive… There were so many memories inside of that car. 
I heard Ava sit down next to me and start the car with the hum that I loved so much. It felt foreign now. I turned my face away from her, to hopefully hide the distaste that was surely painted on it.
We were driving, moving forward, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was standing still, that I’d never make any progress again. Everything had changed in a flash of white light, but suddenly I was stranded in a place that I could never leave no matter how hard I tried. It felt cold, lonely, and unbelievably hopeless, like I may not live through the rest of the day, or even worse, that I will. 
Chapter Nineteen, How Will We Survive This?
Get caught up!
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lfthinkerwrites · 6 years
High School AU: Superintendent al Ghul
Superintendent al Ghul arrives and the author shamelessly rips off The Simpsons.
On Wednesday morning, at 8 AM on the dot, Strange and Gordon had the faculty and senior staff of Gotham Academy lined up outside the school's front gates. The two principals marched in front of the faculty, much like generals inspecting their troops. In the center of the line, Edward stood next to Penelope. "So that's the plan?" he asked her. "Just be our charming selves for the day?"
"That's what Pamela, Harley, and Jonathan decided," Penelope said. "I think they talked to Dent and Selina. Well, at least Harley and Pamela did."
"Yes, I notice that Jonathan is conspicuously absent. What did you do to him at the 'conference' last night?"
"He won a bottle of red wine."
"And he overindulged. Typical Jonathan." Edward looked at Penelope and noticed that she was fidgeting with her hands. "Nervous? I didn't think anything rattled you."
"Yes-no-well," Penelope took a breath. "There's something I needed to talk to you about."
Edward rolled his eyes. "I am aware that joining in Jonathan's plan was a bad idea. I had the concussion to prove it, thank you very much."
Penelope let out an irritated sigh. "That wasn't what I wanted to talk about! God, why are you so-"
"Impossible," Penelope finished. "You're impossible."
Edward looked again and realized just how flustered the normally cool as a cucumber counselor was. "Sorry," he said. "What did you want to talk about?"
Penelope flushed a bit. "Meet me in my office at lunch."
Edward cocked his head, then nodded. "Alright."
Strange's booming voice interrupted their moment. "Now that we are all assembled-" he paused, then his face darkened when he realized Jonathan's absence. "Where is Crane!?"
Jervis stepped forward, trembling a bit in the face of Strange's fury. "March Hare-excuse me, Jonathan, said that he would be a bit late. He's feeling under the weather."
Strange took a deep breath. "Fine," he said. "As long as he actually arrives. As for the rest of you," he raised his voice. "I don't think I need to remind you of the consequences should you decide to misbehave today."
A shudder ran through half of the staff. The other half, Kerr, Dent, and the Sirens included stared back at Strange defiantly. "We're well aware," Pamela said. "Now, is there a purpose to us being lined up here other than a power trip for you, Strange?"
Strange chuckled lowly. "Of course, Dr. Isley. When the Superintendent and the school board arrive, they'll see for themselves just how orderly you can be, given the correct incentive."
"Principal Strange," Kristen tapped him on the shoulder. "The Superintendent is here!"
Strange, for the first time anyone could remember looked, flustered. "He's here! My God! All of you behave or so help me-" A large black limousine pulled up to the front entrance of the school, followed closely by what Harvey and Selina recognized as Bruce's car. A large man popped out of the driver's seat and opened the rear passenger door. Out emerged a tall, well-built man with a neatly trimmed grey beard and striking green eyes. A black cape billowed around him as he made his way up to the assembled faculty. This was Superintendent al Ghul. And he looked less than impressed.
"Oh geez," Harley gulped. "He's wearin' the cape! We really are in trouble!"
Strange and Gordon stepped forward to greet al Ghul. "Good morning, Superintendent al Ghul," Strange spoke in an almost servile tone.
"Good morning indeed," al Ghul huffed. "I have important matters to attend to! This visit had better not be a waste of my and the board's time!"
"I can assure you, it isn't," Bruce said, walking up to join them. He and al Ghul shared a brief glare before he spoke again. "I have serious concerns about how the faculty behaves at this school."
Selina nudged Harvey's side. "Bruce and al Ghul don't get along?"
"al Ghul never forgave Bruce for not marrying Talia," Harvey explained. "They can't stand each other."
Selina rubbed her chin in thought. Bad blood between Bruce and al Ghul. They could exploit that somehow. Sorry, Bruce, but Selina liked being gym teacher here.
"Very well," al Ghul sighed. He began to walk down the line. "Most of you I've met before. Dent. Kyle. Isley. Quinzel," his face curdled in displeasure. "Kerr. Fries. Langstrom, Harris. Dorrance. Tetch," his eyes narrowed. "Nashton." Edward gave him a jaunty wave. al Ghul rolled his eyes, then paused when he saw Penelope. "Ms-"
"Dr. Young," she said matter of fact. "I'm a guidance counselor."
"Oh yes," al Ghul said with a nod. "You replaced Kellerman when he retired. Hopefully, your tenure won't involve getting into a fistfight with another member of faculty over a bag of corn chips." He turned to Strange and Gordon. "Speaking of which, where is Crane?"
Tetch let out a squeak and pointed towards the parking lot. All eyes followed. Penelope let out a gasp. Edward had to stop himself from laughing. Gordon wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Walking up to the entrance, or rather, swaying, wearing a hideous, ill-fitting brown suit and singing an old gospel song, was Jonathan Crane. Selina quickly turned and gave Pamela and Harley a look. "That game was last night, how can he still be this drunk?"
Pamela shrugged. "He only drank half the wine last night. He probably drank the other half this morning."
Selina pinched the bridge of her nose. "Terrific."
Jonathan stopped when he reached al Ghul, Strange, Gordon, and Bruce. He cocked his head to both sides as if considering the men before him. Then he gave al Ghul an awkward salute. "Mornin' Supernintendo al Ghul!" Jonathan then leaned over and puked, narrowly missing al Ghul's alligator leather shoes.
"Good God!" al Ghul shouted, leaping back. He took one smell and his face curdled. "You reek of liquor!"
Jonathan ignored him, instead giving a wave to the gathered faculty. "Mornin' children! How're Y'all?"
"Nice to see his southern drawl is in full force," Edward muttered. "He really is three sheets to the wind."
"Dormouse," Jervis whined. "He'll hurt himself!"
"Fine," Edward sighed. He and Jervis stepped forward and each man took one of Jonathan's arms. "Come on, Jon. Time to sober up."
"We'll have him right as rain," Jervis said, tipping his hat to al Ghul. "Right as rain!" He and Edward practically dragged Jonathan into the building. al Ghul then glared at Gordon and Strange.
"Beautiful," Harvey groused. "The school board hasn't even gotten here and we're fucked."
"Do you normally allow your faculty to show up drunk?" al Ghul demanded.
"Absolutely not," Gordon answered.
"My children have frequently told me that Crane brings whiskey to school grounds," Bruce stated.
al Ghul took a deep breath. "I see," he said. "I see. Are there any more surprises I should be aware of?"
Strange spoke again, holding his hands up in supplication. "None, Superintendent. Crane will be appropriately disciplined, but everyone else will be well-behaved." He turned his rictus grin to the remaining faculty. "Correct?"
Pamela smirked. "Of course, Principal Strange. We'll be as professional as we always are, right Harley?"
"Right a Roonie!"
Gordon felt sick to his stomach. Five more years until retirement. Five more years until retirement...The hell with that, actually. As soon as Barbara graduated next May, he was gone.
"Very well," al Ghul said. "The rest of the school board will be arriving by 9 am. At that time, we will be conducting a tour of the school grounds. We will be dropping in on classes to observe you at work. Anyone else who chooses to behave in as disgraceful a manner as Crane will be sharing his fate. Any questions?"
Kerr immediately raised his hand. "Yoo-hoo! I've got one!"
al Ghul grimaced. "What is it, Kerr?"
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
al Ghul's left eyebrow began to twitch. "What relevance does that question have here!?"
"You asked for any questions, Superintendent! You didn't say they had to be relevant!" Kerr threw his head back and laughed.
It was only 8:15 AM.
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redheadshenanigans · 6 years
(This is what happens when I don't have my laptop)
This is the original article. Please read for their explanations.
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Isn't really a thing. His was still talking to one angel. Joshua. In dark side of the moon, he confirms it. Who says the direct order didn't come from Chuck?
Dean wasn't suspicious of Cas, Dean was suspicious, period. He's a Winchester, and if you remember the first person he accused was Sam.
Correction, Castiel was in his celestial form. He spoke to Dean 10 minutes out of his grave, not hiding. Just not in a human vessel and able to communicate. Also, Pamela's eyes were burned out because she was trying to see Cas' true form. He warned her, both Pamela and Cas say that he warned her. Again, no Cas wasn't in his vessel yet. He was still convincing Jimmy to say yes. Otherwise, he would have appeared.
The only people who can hear angels are prophets and people who are part celestial being aka Jack. So Dean being human and all, not really surprising that Cas nearly fried his brain. This is my personal theory. Cas made the assumption that because Dean felt special to him and because he was the vessel that he could or should be able to hear him. However, the Winchester are simply men and Cas realised his mistake and went to get himself a vessel.
Woah woah woah
Hold your horses.
Cas was being hunted. He literally had every Angel and his dog looking for his ass. He was not going to bring that shit to the Winchesters door. There is nothing he loves more than those boys, nothing. Dean was aware of this once Cas made the call. No abandonment simply Cas protecting Dean and Dean protecting Sam.
*coughs* I will explain human relationships to you because you're missing the point. When people totally fuck up, in a biblical sense, those things don't simply go away. Sometimes people need space and perspective. Spending all day, every day in a high-stress environment with someone who is pretty much your opposite in every way is hard on the most balanced of individuals. The Winchesters are not the most balanced of individuals and occasionally they need distance. Cas, like a good friend, fills the space until the boys are back on track.
Wait. So you're acknowledging that Cas was protecting Dean by leaving. Dean who can hold his own against vampires, demons, wraiths etc but will get munched by leviathans. Additionally, Cas would probably get his own ass munched because he'd be so worried about Dean he would become a leviathan snack. So maybe the best plan is to leave Dean (who is super capable at saving his own ass) and take the larger threat away. Yes, good plan Cas.  Very well done.
Sidebar-Cas isn't spiteful. Not sure specifically what refusal to return you're on about but Cas was hunting Metatron for most of season 9 so yeah he felt responsible and yeah he'd be dealing alone because the boys have other shit on.
Love dude. Love.
You know Dean is human right? He's not Chuck. Sam was (as you menationed) going through a rough patch. Then there's family coming back from the dead, Eve, Cas having to go into hiding, alternate realities, time traveling but yeah he's got a second to notice that Cas is heading towards a bad choice with Crowley tugging his sleeve. Dude, what is wrong with you?
You acknowledge that Claire has had a shitty life and now you're denying her a family because you think it's weird. Tell me how is this whole assessment not a) homophobic and b) mean as fuck. Let the girl have a safe place for the love of Chuck. Even if it started out as guilt, they love her and she's family now. She's got a family of people who get her and have her back.
Every time one if them dies is acts as a catalyst, a reminder that they can die. Coming back isn't the point although Dean is kinda hilarious in dark side of the moon 'when I get back, I'm going to be pissed.' When they die, they don't take it for granted. It always feels final and those of us who worship this show feel every death as if its the first. Except for DSOTM which was just funny.
Love dude. Love.
Just to clarify, Cas chooses Dean over and over. To Dean, Cas is the only person that chooses him above everyone, that's reason one why he lets things go. Then you have Cas hitting Dean's radar as innocent. Cas has this child-like quality that means he ducks under many of dean's trust issues (don't be gross) what I mean is when Dean meets a child he regresses. He becomes the person he wanted his dad to be. He is kind and forgiving and lenient. Adults usually don't get this side of Dean but Cas does. Hence forgiveness, always.  Dean forgives Cas because his intention is always pure. He is always trying to do his best.
Please see every Destiel article in existance. Thank you.
*deep breath*
Cas is different. He has always been different, it is mentioned throughout Canon that Cas has always been emotional. Maybe one day they will address why, my personal theory is that Chuck made him that way, just a little bit more feeling than the others and when Cas touched dean's soul in Hell, it lit up his feelings like a Christmas tree. Additionally, Cas sees the Winchesters fighting, they fight and the for humanity, for each other and with them as his role models his moral compass stays slightly truer north than his siblings. Other nice angels include Balthazar, Joshua, Hannah.
I hate to correct you (nah I dont, I love it) but there is no finite, no limitation on their forgivness and its predominantly because of their base personalities. Both Dean and Cas punish themselves more than anyone else ever could. So even when someone else hurts them its never as bad as what they do to themselves. In a way the physical beat downs they give eachother actually strengthen the bond. Every time they fight, one of them stops or walks away. They break the momentum because they love eachother. The love is what stops it, love is the forgivness and they  will always forgive eachother because no-one can punish them more than they do. They are eachothers mirror, they see it. It's another reason why Dean forgives Cas so quickly because Dean knows how bad the angel punishes himself, Dean feels that because he does the same. So he forgives and will continue to do so.
This is simply not true. Dean Winchester doesn't expect anyone to help him ever. He assumes that he is always alone. Exceptions include when Sam is hurt, he asks Cas. Also, if something is bigger and harder than him. If some mystical shit is going down or if angels are involved. If you have a magical being to hand who has aeons of experience then why wouldn't you ask, use, involve them? That's just making your life hard for no reason.
It's called guilt. Google it.
When you love someone, you try to protect them you try to do so even when the things they need protecting from is themselves or you. Yes its annoying and the boys do learn after the fact and yes its inherently frustrating when it takes several episodes for them to realise they should have simply told in the first place. However, for the boys of his a life long habbit that is hard to break and for Cas of his something he has picked up from them.
Dean has fabulous control over his temper. See not killing his grandfather when he really really wanted to. Dean vents when the pressure boils up and over and usualky its relatively painless for those involved. He gets mad and then he gets over it. He's actually very quick to process his anger, unlike his guilt which takes much, much longer. Now Sammy, there's some pent up rage. Less so recently though.
The darkness was messing with Dean constantly throughout season 11. There are multiple scenes where Dean gets a confused expression on his face when talking to Casifer but ultimately he's not sure if he's sure. Most of Casifer's interactions with the boys are brief because Lucifer knows they will figure it out. In addition, Cas says yes in episode 10 and Lucifer reveals himself in episode 14. So... really you're punishing Dean for not noticing in several minor interactions over three episodes. Rude.
Yes they are.
@screenrant just fyi
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poisonwonders · 6 years
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                                              POISON IVY.
                                     pamela lillian isley. twenty six.
                                     biochemist / botanist / toxicologist.                                                          MOTHER NATURE.
                             i am not ruined. i am ruination.
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okay so ------- ivy is mostly based on the PAMELA ISLEY we encounter in DC’s prime earth universe, but some influences are also drawn from new earth and DC rebirth. a lot is also just AU / headcanons.
BASICS: ivy is 26, currently working at a lab that works on researching different toxins & poisons. she did not die during the whole thanos ordeal.
obviously no one has to read all this because i got carried away as per usual ! i’ve labeled each section if there is something in particular u want to know ! c:
domestic abuse cw, child abuse cw, parental death cw, murder cw:/
she grew up incredibly sheltered, hidden away from sight. her father locked her away and used threats and fear to force her to stay inside. he also made her believe that if she went outside, into the sun, she would burn. pamela wholeheartedly believed this, because she did have a rare skin condition that made her sensitive to sunlight.
so her mother home schooled her, and tried to protect her the best she could. it was never enough, for either of them.
ivy’s mother emptied her heart of sorrows and poured all her energy into her garden. as a result, it was a beautiful place, filled with carefully tended flowers from all over the world and meticulously trimmed fruit trees and bushes. pamela could see it from her window, and she spent most of her days looking through the blinds and daydreaming about what life outside might be like. she didn’t notice that her mother’s garden grew little by little, every time her father was sorry for yet another unforgivable, unspeakable thing that he had done. but how was pamela to know that her mother’s pain was measured in flowers? that the reason her father showered ( no, drowned ), her mother in the most expensive bouquets, flower arrangements and exotic plants - was to keep her quiet? buy her forgiveness.
every now and then when her father was away for work, her mother would let pamela out into the garden, just as dusk was setting. she’d bask in the day’s last ray of sunshine, taking in the feeling of warmth across her face, stinging her skin ever so lightly. she wouldn’t dare be out there for long. her fear of her father, combined with her fear of her skin igniting, made her careful.
but no matter how careful she and her mother were, disaster eventually struck when ivy was eleven. her father came home from a work trip early ------ and saw his ‘beloved’ daughter outside, flowers in her hair, pale cheeks rosy with laughter. that night, her mother was sent to the ER. she came home the next day, her skin stained black and blue. her mother pretended like nothing had happened, and instead immediately went out to her garden. it had grown, over night. slowly, but certainly, ivy began to see a pattern form. when her mother was trying to hide another bruise, the garden expanded, and a new vase of beautiful flowers stood on the kitchen table. she may have been young, but pamela finally understood that flowers could be used to manipulate, to destroy, to conquer.
but her mother didn’t stop - she refused to let her daughter be cooped up like a beautiful bird in a cage. so she continued to bring a young and frightened pamela outside. she spoke to her in a low voice, about how flowers bound this world together, how they were linked to its very core. she spun tales of girls just like pamela, with flowers in their hair, dancing underneath the starlight, transforming into fairies and witches and elves. she explained that her garden always listened, and if you spoke to flowers, and you kept very very quiet, they’d answer. so pamela was bewitched, and her daydreams of the magical garden continued. she’d sit perched in her bedroom window, her gaze fixed on the roses below, watching them sway in the wind.
daydream turned into yet another nightmare when she was twelve. she saw it all happen, from her window. she saw how her father dragged out a lifeless body, and began to dig up the roses that pamela & her mom loved so much. she saw how careless he was, how flowers were thrown aside, how he barely looked at his wife before tossing her into a hole beneath the garden that she had poured her soul into. now she became part of it.
it took a few weeks of ‘your mother has gone to live with her sister, who is very ill’, before the police came knocking. they took her father away, and a few months later, he was sentenced to a life term in prison. 
pamela’s aunt moved into her house and started taking care of pamela instead, and pamela’s life took a drastic change for the better. she was now allowed to go outside, received treatment for her skin condition, and was enrolled in a private school. all of ivy’s free time went to her mother’s garden. on some level, she thought that through her flowers, she’d be able to keep her mother alive.
end of cw.
teacher / student relationship cw, human experiments / testing cw, abuse cw, ptsd cw.
ivy enrolled in college with a double major - chemistry and botany. she excelled in her course and soon became one of her chemistry teachers’ favorite. they embarked on an erratic relationship, their power balance completely skewed, with a naive pamela completely lost in love, thinking she had met the one. she was willing to do anything to maintain that feeling. so when he asked her to steal some seeds from another lab? there was no way that she would say no. and so it continued - he asked her to steal, from museums, from labs, from botanical gardens.
eventually, he found what he was looking for, and her perfect dream turned into yet another nightmare. he locked her up and experimented on her, injected her with every biochemical poison imaginable, a little at a time. seeing how her body reacted, how she slowly became immune to his tests. how almost succumbing to their effect drove her a little bit mad. what he didn’t count on was that pamela’s body would take to more than the poison [ continued in power section ].
after pamela broke free of his prison, she killed him. no remorse. just anger.
she dropped out of college. accidentally killed her new boyfriend with a kiss, and decided to go on the run.
at first, she had some trouble controlling her powers. the first few months, she didn’t dare touch anyone. too afraid that her touch would be toxic, deadly, disastrous. but a new rage had been ignited within her, and it was a rage that would soon become everything she was afraid of.
what was really nice though was that the sun now made her stronger, instead of weakening her!!! cool cool cool
she had been controlled by men many times by now - with disastrous consequences. people wanted to make her feel like she had been ruined, that she was now rotten. pamela refused to be anything other than their ruination in return. she wanted to prove to herself that she was now in control, that she had the power over men.
suffers PTSD after everything she has been through. it sucks
so maybe she went on a murder spree or two, while on the run. what about it?
also became very involved in environmental activist groups!!! often went to protests and was heavily involved with several pro-environment groups and their leaderships.
eventually.... started taking things waaaaaay across the line of what could be considered decent. became involved with underground groups, and turned to crime as the only answer to get the justice that she thought that she, along with mother nature, deserved.
end of cw.
was eventually caught while trying to take control of los angeles, by threatening to release lethal fungus into the town’s water supply, and equally as lethal spores into the air. she wanted them to meet her environmental demands. they refused, and she was eventually captured.
after that, she was deemed insane, and was sent to an asylum. 
eventually escaped, and returned to her ways of crime.
was caught again, and sent back to serve a year within the asylum’s wall.
decided to be smarter about it, and pretended that she was changed by her stay in the asylum. 
she found a job in new york, at a local lab that researched biochemical toxins. it’s rumored that ivy has created poisons capable of wiping out half of the earth’s population. at that, she just laughs.
ivy has managed to keep her job at the lab. possibly because the boss is a questionable figure, himself. mostly interested in money. 
her motivation is to keep plants safe. she can feel every plant around her, and she can hear their pain. she communicates with them, and through them. they willfully do her bidding, and she can take control of any plant close enough to her. she is mother earth’s protector, first and foremost. any harm to her also hurts ivy.
working closely with both underground environmental groups and larger, public groups. her motivations never change. neither does her anger, or her ambition.
she will do ANYTHING to get what she wants.
pretty girls cloud her morals even further, we love a chaotic bi
murder cw.
that girl that’s always fucking running in high heels
loose morals? yeah
has her own very specific agenda and follows it religiously! 
mood swings? yes. sweet like sugar one minute, sour like venom the next.
can be so cold!!!! literally doesn’t care 98% of the time if it isn’t related to plants or someone she loves.
she’s in a bad mood? probably would be best to hide.
might hate humanity, but she loves children. can be so maternal! will always protect kids and take them under her wing.
has a really nice aesthetic! wears a lot of dungarees, wooden shoes, flowery patterns and pastel colors.
uses her sexuality as a weapon.
so so so smart !!!! 
kinda unstable, too? 
lowkey into the idea of sisterhood. will have girls’ back.
used to be super naive, now she’s more cynical :c
thinks that humanity ain’t shit ( except for her gf, who is The Shit )
lowkey just wants to live on a deserted island with her gfs and her plants but she can’t do that yet because !!!! people !!!!! keep !!!! fucking with her plants. and ivy is also of the belief that someone’s gotta keep this world pure. so that’s what she’s about, really. purity. a peaceful world where plants are safe from harm. by any means necessary.
end of cw.
ivy is completely immune to all toxins + poisons and can also use them as weapons through her skin and lips. the natural oils that her body produce are also laced with biochemical toxins, so her mere touch can be lethal, if she wants it to be. she can also conjure up toxins and manipulate plants into becoming toxic. 
also possesses specialized toxins, such as truth serums & love potions.
ivy can control plants, completely and effortlessly. she can animate them to attack and ensnare her opponents. she can also create new plant hybrids and accelerate a plant’s growth and strength and size. if she has seeds with her, she can also grow new plants quickly.
ivy also has a very special relationship with plants, and treats them as her children and family members. they thus respond to her will and command.
she has also brought back formerly extinct plants to life !!!
she can also feel plants. what they’re feeling. she shares a deep telepathic bond with wildlife, and can communicate with all flowers, trees and other plants. 
she can hear through plants! if she focuses, she can eavesdrop on people through plants. super useful, really.
hmmmmm plants also act as her spies, a lot!
all that poison and it just made her stronger!!!! really though, it’s the sun that makes her strong!!!
anyways she’s more agile than the average human and less prone to injury.
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Clone Wars       Plan of Dissent
             (Season 4)
     Geez are they   
       going to kick this guy?
      Like rule of five doesn’t apply to             generational abusers
          [That guy should be gone              Second you’re done with              your “The Reason                       you Suck,”                         Speech/                         Venting,
“ in vasion      in peril,”
   Not usually something you hear said in any    serious application,
     Ok yeah no that is 100% fake
  The robotic         tone;
   Mimicking       the one        with boss Leoni
       Is it just the technology?
      Rex - seems           Youn-ger-
         Oh yeah that’s not creepy at all telling the person not to contact any outside help or anyone else,
          (Like it toxic situations you’re responsible for yourself 
           but this is assumed authority,
                 Hey there’s some        initiative-
           He didn’t agree with     death-
         But you are smart   enough-
         Dick move
Everyone is a smart as everyone else
   It’s just a matter of accountability             and application..
       Fuck you
      Seriously   gaslighting,
       Also that is the   king of all backhanded comments,
        With a fecking point              (As in pointed                language                not that he              actually has           any good points)
          Rex this is the time to say      feck you,
I will,     boomers don’t give a fuck who dies,
  If it was their own kind       they would stop fighting with them        (Account            ability)
    Their offspring,         They wouldn’t bring him in such a          Crap Shack world,            And Gen            break.
           And definitely not to humanity.     .
             Not sure hitting him was non-       tox,
           Supply                 Ship.
            Co             Marshal
             Again dude          didn’t do shit the first time you did this,
           Ha-       Seriously why is everyone roasting      Hardcase?
    Dude already he has to deal with enough tox.    .     Fighters,
    Whose this        dude,
     Dog         -ma
     Seriously why is everything so     tox?
     You’re part of a         self destructive           tendency to die
        Not independent            of each other
          Yeah because you’re Gen            doesn’t mean you have to be toxic
          You may vibe the same but each person                   has their individual part,
                If you               Support
                Having some                 self-respect                      (Even if                it’s far under         basic human decency )
Clones     Civil      War-
    It’s a crowded bunker,
    Not like Hardcase          Was doing            anything           wrong,
         [also everything comes back to bite    Rex-]   ]
           No dude      he’s told you multiple times    that this is what he plans to do,
 It already      is,
    Do          .       Y-
          Oh by lock it down he meant move it to a more clear location where they have a better path off..
              Of course..
                Wasn’t he already 
               I thought I saw the                Whites?
             Ok seriously what is the deal with being court        martialed?
            Like is it seriously          death?
            Because they’ve relied on                impli              cations up to this point so this thing doesn’t really have that much impact
            Like.            “Oh no we’ll face the justice system,”
          In 6 to 8 months,
         For             common human             sense,
Better than the    abuser
  Lowest    bar to pass,
   Fun     (No one says anything because we know they would     mock Hardcase,       I don’t         Know          Why,
    Nice        Vis-u          -al
    Woah,       Okay,
    Ok, but there are no other ships     that look like that        
    U-         m
        He can’t    do shit    
       Go         -od               Rex don’t be an      ass   -hole-        -         Also anyone noticing that Rex is starting to mimic        Krett’s behav-ior?
     And terms of saying one thing and doing the other            And taking anger out on people who were Literally just doing what he           asked
          /Com                 Mon-                Sense-
           Even Droids get      break time
            Krell-             Officially              more              evil             than         whatever         separatist               is              runn-               ing               this           operation-                  -               How?
       They really have a Red button just for that occasion?
  (Every time I see this bot I can’t tell if it’s the original or not,
    Like the psyche bot
     He apparently       just disappeared    off the face of the earth
    After ditch-         -ing         Ironboar       (What-ever)
    [Him]        [
   Gosh, darn it,      default heavy
   Also you had plenty time to get back in your ship
          Seriously the letter H..   .
        O f f
        Also who the heck is this guy?
        Hard- case
        Clearly,            not with         them,
I mean you could’ve pushed it in and then     ran like hell,
   Like there was a significant      amount of time-
    Screw it,
  So this feels significantly less         sincere       since they spent the whole time      being a dick to him,         Mocking him         And his        flying skills          (Seriously             were              they             groomed                    To                   Do                  That)
Seriously   what’s with the glare?                  .                  Krell
   Them?           Who            is          them?
        Very brave-
          Second                time this evening                 dude,
         Rex isn’t having your un-accountable                 bullshit-
           He directly           reverse psychology-ed               you-
           Ex-                Cuted
Also time to over     throw the fucking monarchy
    Also wow didn’t know          Pamela            (Am-idala            -           Was fucking fine         with that,
        Like I knew they were all           tox but I didn’t know they were that            tox..
         Grea      -t
   That is a “well time to overthrow the monarchy      look,
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