brokenbitchesclub · 4 years
How do I tell them the reason I’m like this is because I lost the light in my life?
How do I tell them my reason to smile doesn’t want to stay?
I can’t handle their questions.
I was bad before but I’m worse now.
But it’s no problem if you’re happier.
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kaputt-herzlos-leer · 2 years
Immer dasselbe
Du hörst mir nicht zu
Und wenn du dich meldest
Hast du nix zu tun
Ich lieb' deine Kälte (Ice)
Ich bin auf Entzug
Wollt alles vergessen
Doch dann kamst du
Uh, uh
Uh, uh
Dafür, dass du scheiße bist, find ich dich ziemlich cool
Uh, uh
Fuck you
Tausend red Flags, aber ich krieg' nicht genug
Ich hab ein Dilemma und es trägt dein' Namen
Ich kann es nicht ändern, dass ich dich einfach mag
Fuck you
Tausend red Flags, aber ich krieg' nicht genug
Ziehst mich in den Abgrund
Und ich komm mit dir
Du bist ein Tagtraum
Mein Serotonin
Wenn du mich anschaust
Als wärst du verliebt
Du bist ein Segen
Baby, du bist ein Fluch
Ich hatt' andere Pläne
Doch dann kamst du
Uh, uh
Uh, uh
Dafür, dass du scheiße bist, find ich dich ziemlich cool
Uh, uh
Fuck you
Tausend red Flags, aber ich krieg' nicht genug
Ich hab ein Dilemma und es trägt dein' Namen
Ich kann es nicht ändern, dass ich dich einfach mag
Uh, uh
F-Fuck you
Tausend red Flags, aber ich krieg' nicht genug
Fuck you
Tausend red Flags, aber ich krieg' nicht genug
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poe1012 · 7 years
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Nuff said #realtalk💯👊 #andsoitgoes #fuckedupfeeling #canyourelate #doyouunderstand #timeisprecious #oldesoul #doyoumeanwhatyousay #canyoukeepit100 #orlandoliving☀️🌴
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imbeggingyoudaddy · 6 years
That feeling
That feeling when you really want to fuck someone but at the same time feel like your breaking inside. I want someone to use me. But at the same time feel like hiding in a dark room for a few hours so no one has to deal with me. This is a very confusing feeling and I don’t like when this happens. 
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brokenbitchesclub · 4 years
I’m standing on the edge
You’re holding a pistol to my head
Telling me to jump or you’d shoot
Be the person you expect of me
Anything else is wrong
Is that any life to lead?
You tell me.
You allow me to do what I desire
Only if it’s within the confinement of what you deem as acceptable.
Almost like tying a thread to the bird’s leg
Then opening the cage, with the assumption to “fly free”
How is that real?
When I fly off course I’m tugged back in.
How am I supposed to figure out the “real me”?
When all Ill ever be, is a version of you.
Maybe the one you never got to be.
These thoughts sickens me.
For it just screams an ungrateful child
Who wants to be free
But free from what?
A home with stability?
A family who loves me?
Isn’t that in itself something along the lines of being free.
And so I conceal these feelings of conflict within me.
I bury it deep.
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dollevis · 9 years
Why is everyone a fucking liar in this world, why is nobody open to each other. And why won't you tell the fucking truth? It's better to hear the truth then to find out all the lies.. I really hate everything and everyone. Just tell me what you want and what you feel.
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taylenswifty13 · 9 years
I'm sick and tired of sulking and burying my head in the pillow while sobbing hysterically.. I'm sick and tired of these thoughts playing endlessly in my mind like a broken record.. I'm sick and tired of these feelings hurting me everytime I see you.. I'm sick and tired of loving you and knowing I can never get you back. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS DRAMA. I NEED TO BREAKFREE. CAN YOU JUST GET OUT OUT OF MY HEAD? PLEASE.
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brokenbitchesclub · 4 years
I hate being ignored,
Do I make you feel bored
Is this what we came to?
You just go about your day?
Is a message too much?
What happened to my messages exciting you?
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tofurkey69 · 10 years
A few too many..
Tonight seems like any other night. Just me. A bottle of wine. A few pills.. Not sure what kind though. But they can help. Right? Idk anymore.. I knew it would come down to this. No one left is out there who cares for little old me. And, I stopped caring too long ago. Nothing. Thats how I feel these days. I haven't found a reason in the past few months to stay. So why not go. I've burned all bridges with people I loved or cared for. So it will be easier to leave. Something keeps beating in my chest. My question is how much longer?...
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fwyt-yolo · 11 years
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brokenbitchesclub · 4 years
I’m silencing myself again.
You forced the truth out of me.
But now, you’re nowhere to be seen,
Respectfully, you won’t be hearing from me,
At least not about the issues my head feels,
I’ll always have a smile,
Cuz I’ll forever be grateful I can call you mine.
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brokenbitchesclub · 7 years
I was really close to texting you. Hoping you’d care. I had another attack. Everything was crushing me and I couldn’t breathe, then I remembered I can’t run to you anymore. I have to learn to save myself.
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brokenbitchesclub · 7 years
I still listen to our songs,
My heart still remembers the way your face would light up at the sound and lyrical genius of it.
I miss those moments,
I miss calling you mine,
Come back to me.
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brokenbitchesclub · 7 years
You texted again,
You’re just acting as though we didn’t love each other.
How is it so simple for you to just change?
You were ready see the world with me,
Now you just text occasionally.
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brokenbitchesclub · 7 years
I got you stuck in my head,
Am I even a thought?
I got you living in my heart,
Come on baby, come let’s make a start.
You don’t spare me a thought, I’m sure.
So I’m not going to house you within me anymore.
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brokenbitchesclub · 7 years
Go on take a look, they all did and left
Pull back the curtains and reveal the truth, trust me you’ll be running to.
You can leave it’s okay, I won’t hate you for it, I’m used to it anyway.
If you still choose to stay that’s great, but I’m sure after a while you’ll end up leaving anyways.
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