#fucking mooooood
asterdust · 1 year
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thefirebull · 2 years
When I tell you that I was out of spoons BEFORE my partner went into the ER a week and a half ago, and then I found and spent an extra resource of spoons that I did not know that I had which means that I now have to replenish my spoons AND somehow hope that I can reload the extra secret resource spoons, you might start to understand what it's like to be a Taurus.
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obiwan · 7 months
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rebouks · 3 months
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[cupboard slams] Robin: Stop trying to make me feel better-.. I don’t want asthma! Oscar: Well.. I don’t want arthritis either, but I’m getting it. Robin: But you’re old. Courtney: Honey-… Robin: I don’t wanna be comforted right now! Wren: OooOOooh, Robin’s in a moOoOOod. Oscar: Wren, shut-… [knocking] Oscar: Make yourself useful n’ answer the door. Byrd: ‘Cause your crippled fingers can’t open it anymore? Courtney: The lot of you are on thin ice. … Levi: Nice skirt, squirt. Wren: Shut the fuck up. Courtney: WREN! Wren: SORRY-.. not sorry. Levi: You should be. Wren: I said what I said, pizza face. Levi: Wow, okay. Wren: Robin’s sulking in his room. Levi: He’ll put you out of a job if you’re not careful.
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seancekitsch · 1 year
i am still simping for adrian chase like this bitch just will NOT leave my brain
and my wild thoughts about him are that i want him to fuck my brains out. like i wanna have the kind of intense rough sex where i'm covered marks the next day (which adrian would find hot cause he's possessive like that)
but also i think that after being rough in bad adrian would give the sweetest aftercare ever
omg responding to this late but MOOOOOOD BESTIE SO TRUE BESTIE
i can sooo see that, like, hes laying there in the morning pointing at the marks like
"hey babe, this one almost looks like a smiley face!"
"no it doesn't adrian its a bruise" lmfao
hes so cuddly and warm afterwards ugh its so nice
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asherloki · 2 years
Her shield
Marc Spector x reader
Request :- hi!!! I saw ur requests are open for moon night! could I maybe request my fav trope, protective!marc Spector where Marc saves/helps the reader from any number of issues from creepy guy at bar, bad family, car accident or whatever, with some soft!smut after?! thank you!! <3 - @romanarose
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You have always been a soft person. Soft at heart soft by nature. Even when your sibling takes your top and never returns you're the rare species who doesn't yells.
You weren't sure how you became marc Spector's girlfriend. Maybe because he did the thing you always wanted, saved you, saved you from everything that bothered you. You found an assurance of safety when he wrapped his arms around you.
When your strict father didn't accepted your relationship with Marc. He was the one you found your home in, when you moved in with him.
Anyway so it was a fine evening when you got a bit tipsy with your friends. As you knew you can't drive yourself home, you were more than tipsy, you were drunk. You called Marc,
"Yes darling" he said on the phone.
"Hi Marc, I was wondering..." You said but he interrupted.
"Are you that drunk?"
"Yes, I fucking am, now pick me up pleaaaasssseee". You said absolutely drunken.
"Okay tell me where you are And I'll pick you".
"Okaaaayyyyy" you said and your friend typed the bar's name.
Both of you were drunk but she was little less. Fifteen minutes later you wondered where your boyfriend might be. You picked up your phone and your purse fell. It was thick with money. And eventually a guy had his eyes on it .
He sneaked slowly and grabbed it, while he was about to put it in his pocket someone caught his arm, a man, he looked and saw a man with furious expression.
"Put it down" he said, to which everyone one looked. So did you and tipsily said,
"ohhhhh maaaarrc".
"You, I'll Talk to you on our way home" marc said to you. "I need to see him first ".
"I... I... Wasn't stealing " said the guy.
"Right, but was being nice enough to hand it over to y/n?" Crosstalked Marc. He held him tightly and said, "Give it back and I'll spare your life".
He got so scared that he almost sweat. He handed him the purse and marc left him. He turned to you and your friend saying, "you both are fucked up, I'll get you two home."
Your friend and you followed him to the car and he turned to you, "what on earth you thought you were doing?"
"What?" Was your drunken reply. To which he kissed you suddenly and deeply.
"Ooooo my baby is in mooooood". You said.
He giggled at your drunken stage and whispered in your ears, "let's go home to get mooooorrrrreee".
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bengesko · 1 year
venting; sister in law being a bitch.
Prefacing this with- I love my partner. I adore them. I don't want to leave them....
...but... Sometimes, I wish I had the means/income to get my own place, because I canNOT stand my partner's sister, and I'm reaching my breaking point with how she treats me.
My room is next to hers. I rarely leave my room, because either I'm bedbound due to fatigue, or I'm at my desk writing/drawing etc.
When I'm awake during the night, I am so quiet- I walk on my toes, I have memorized where the creaky floorboards are, I know how far to open/shut doors so they don't squeak. I have earbuds that I put UNDER my headphones so the noise isn't heard.
I take SO MANY precautions to be quiet at night so I don't wake anyone else up.
Meanwhile, Annie stomps like an elephant doing clog dancing down the hall. She loudly calls out "HELLO???" at my partner's door to wake them up. She shrieks with laughter, she has LOUD spirited conversations with my partner about frivolous stuff, and she's LOUD AF in the kitchen.
I don't expect anyone to be quiet during the day. I'm used to this. But if she had ANY common courtesy, she would take her yelling, shrieking, laughing, etc somewhere else in the house- and wouldn't stomp and slam doors when going past my room. She doesn't.
My partner is a teacher, so it's rare when they have time off- and when they do, it rarely overlaps when I'm awake during the day.
It seems like every time these things overlap, and we try to have a long conversation, Annie screams at me for it. She works from home, she has noise cancelling headphones, but she won't wear them when we're trying to have a conversation that's longer than a few exchanged sentences.
I RARELY leave my room anymore because I swear, if there's conversation going on, and Annie isn't involved, she gets snippy.
Either she yells about taking it somewhere else (Which isn't possible, she yells if we take it outside because we're too close to her work space; if we take it somewhere else in the house, she can still hear bc the house has connected vents); or she changes the subject repeatedly/derails until the convo is focused on her and my partner.
She also usually finds passive aggressive ways to mock me when I'm involved in the convo, because she knows I'll get upset and just leave instead of standing up for myself.
Prime example: talking about food, and she says something like "Our family is higher class, so I guess we never thought to try something like that" or "That explains a lot"; or she gets up in arms about my opinion of something, and I have to backpedal and stomp on my own beliefs/opinions to avoid her being nasty and sullen for hours.
(She also has said to my partner she doesn't want me wearing tank tops anymore bc she can see my top surgery scars under my armpits and they gross her out and she doesn't want to see them, but I told my partner Good Fucking Luck changing that because I'll be damned if I'm gonna let her poor feelings change my wardrobe, especially since she bullies me into staying in my room 99% of the time ANYWAY.)
Today was a rare overlap day and I was TRYING to have a conversation with my partner about cooking, groceries and shit because we're both looking into starting the keto diet to lose weight, get in shape, and shit, and Annie just LOSES it and screams at us to take it to another room.
So I just shut up and go back to my room as I hear her say in this sugary sweet baby voice "Sorrryyyy I'm workiiiiiiing and I'm in a bad mooooood" and I just ignore her and SLAM my door and she screams that I'm an asshole and a child.
And now I'm back in my room, alone, and she and my partner are having a conversation, and Annie's laughing loudly. She just wanted me out of the way.
(She's also trying to convince my partner NOT to do the diet because "I'll be the only one eating carbs" and she doesn't want to eat what my partner will be cooking because it isn't what she wants.)
I knew she was part of the package deal when I moved in. I knew going into this relationship that my partner came with two kids- their literal child, and their infantilized sister.
But honestly, if I had the means, I'd move out. I'd stay in a relationship with my partner, but I am losing my mind with the bullying and disrespect from the SIL.
I'm so tired of it.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
I just wanna sit on the floor of mine and Harry’s new home eating takeout with me sitting in between his legs and be watching an episode of our sitcom on his laptop and he’ll be pressing occasional kisses on the top of my head, and then going to sleep all cuddled together on a mattress on the floor with our legs tangled together to keep warm 🥰🥰
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polyamorouspunk · 6 months
Stressed. Separation anxiety. Regular anxiety. Cant focus. Noise hurts. People are irritating. Oh fuck maybe the *disorder* is acting up again. Where is the ibuprofen??
Mooooood being alive is exhausting and sucks
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one of the interesting things about falling into the Phandom backasswards is how the fics (and headcanons and crossovers) make me feel both really fucking smart and really fucking dumb
like, things i've figured out:
the 'hazmat' part of 'hazmat suit' is short for hazardous materials. yeah i don't know why i never figured that out earlier either
'lex' as in lex fucking luthor is short for 'alex' as in 'alexander'. which i didn't figure out until i asked myself "huh, i wonder if lex is short for something else?" and then suddenly my brain was like "ah yes you have framed it as a jeopardy question and now you may know the answer"
there is more than one robin, and their characterizations are a lot more consistent than i'd gotten the impression of. yes, i was under the impression there was only ONE robin and his characterization was all over the place and not, ya'know, four separate people with DIFFERENT NAMES and backstories and specialties.
there are SO MANY MORE BATKIDS, goddamn, all the batkids. brucie you have PROBLEMS. get therapy, not more adoption papers.
people i thought were millionaires might actually be billionaires instead
some of the ghosts are actually based on like...real ghostly/supernatural creatures. like realworld lore not just in-universe lore. yeah i'm the moron that didn't realize ember's a freaking siren, or danny is pretty much a banshee and not just has some similar abilities
just how many goddamn 1980s ghostbuster references there are (~mooooood ~ ~juuuuuuuice~)
i just about had a goddamn heart attack the first time i saw the term "ectobiology" and realized i wasn't reading a homestuck fic
no one is quite sure what counts as a 'meta' or not. as in 'metahuman'. it feels an awful lot like the difference between scientific classification and legal classification. which, ya'know, fair. still confusing as shit
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madeforunkownpurpose · 9 months
I'm finally watching Bocchi The Rock. Six and a half minutes into the first episode and I just yelled "THAT'S A FUCKING MOOOOOOD!!!!!" because the "BEGONE!!! BEGONE FILTHY MEMORIES!!!!!" resonated so perfectly with me.
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blueboi30 · 2 years
Live reaction of my turtlesona reacting to science .
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mooooood fucking hate science.
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drsp00n · 1 year
I accidentally blocked my fucking wife and now we can't message each other anymore.
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landopeaches · 2 years
it’s a closed group i’m afraid, we share a lot of personal things in there as well as thirsting over various sportsmen 😭😭 more than happy to share slutty thoughts with new friends on here though!! :D
I want mason and kepa to ruin me! Slut me tf out! Thats the fucking threesome i want!!!!!!!!!!
MOOOOOOD that is so valid 😭😭 idk who i’d be able to focus on more tbh id just be a complete mess in the middle of them 🧎🏼‍♀️🫠 well thanks for giving me inspiration for my daydreams today anon x
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bonecouch · 2 years
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waxcat · 2 years
Terrible! Fucking! MOOOOOOD!
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