#fuckit and chuck it
You're a fucking hero and I love you
12/10 for commitment to the bitment
The rocks first motto is "love yourself wholly because you are amazing and enough, and anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot"
the second one is "commit to the bit, forever"
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scientia-rex · 11 months
reading your posts the past few days has been absolutely delightful. your snarky/matter of fact style is fun to read. I get pitched the mediterranian diet every time i go to the dr for anything at all -- massively irritating. i used to care so much about it, but now i'm tipping into my late thirties it's like. fuckit. never was thin, never gonna be .only avoided disordered eating out of spite (all the women in my family had eds at some point and i took not like other girls to minor adolescent extremes). your posts have nudged me back into exercising so thank you. (i truly don't care that i'm fat because i plan to be nanny ogg when i grow up but i DO care that i'm not a strong af farmgirl anymore. fuckin desk jobs, man, they're a trap. i used to chuck bales of hay and now i can carry like... a bag of cat food maybe. tragic.) tldr cool blog hope you keep posting thumbs up goodbye
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Good Morning! What’s your go to breakfast
It depends on what we have in the house.
Sometimes it's yogurt.
Sometimes it's cottage cheese.
Sometimes it's an English muffin with some kind of spread.
If I'm in a hurry, it's a fig bar.
If it's the weekend, and someone in the house wants to chuck it in the fuckit buckit, it's breakfast sandwiches from the local delicious bagel place, or if we're all feeling SUPER flush, it's brunch time at one of the good brunch spots.
Today it was a whole wheat English Muffin with some chive and onion cream cheese and a banana.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
There once was a man from Chun-fuckit. He picked up a rock and chucked it. Out of his hand and into air, and then we went along his merry way, all without a single care...
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synchlora · 4 years
not knowing how to communicate anger to my father is just like. staring him down- despite my deep hatred of eye contact- and hoping he gets the fuckin hint
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Just so you know, Anti WILL be back at Halloween.  I’m calling it now.
How I do know? 
Because I’ll be in a fuCKING HOTEL!!
Aug 3rd, where was I?  You guessed it.  Sept 30th, where was I? You guessed it.
I’m in Brighton over Halloween.  I S2G if you upload Anti imma find you and bop you on the nose with a sodding flip flop.
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themurlocsrollingon · 7 years
how do i make a playlist for a friend that doesnt like music
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mairatyaron · 5 years
⚔️- A memory about war
After spending the greater part of four hundred years livingthere it was almost surreal watching Ost-in-Edhil burn. It was a shame, he’dgrown to like the city during his centuries spent within its walls. If only theGwaith-i-Mírdain hadn’t been so unreasonable as to deny him the return of hisrings Mairon would have been content to leave the city largely intact. Of coursethere would have been some damage when he came to claim it but there would havebeen no need to raze the entire thing to the ground.  It was the Gwaith’s fault the city wasburning, really, they would have hadto have known that Mairon would be obliged to respond with such extremes thisto their defiance. He wondered if they had the wisdom to regret that decision. Perhapshe’d ask that as well when he went to question them for the rings. His hordeshad managed to capture a handful of them, the rest were either amongst the brokenbodies choking the city’s streets or among the scant few of the populace whohad managed to flee in the chaos.
He’d defeated Telperinquar himself, both out of respect forthe great smith as well as his own pleasure. The betrayal in his eyes was just exquisite. Tyelpe’s fëa blazed as onlya descendant of the mighty Fëanáro’s truly could, the magnitude of his rage andgrief swirling within him and granting him strength beyond what most of theFirstborn left in Middle Earth had the ability to summon. Mairon had indulgedhim for a while and gave him the clashing of blades he sought. Using his fullpower to smite the elf to the ground straight off the bat was just too anticlimacticfor his tastes, far too disappointing an end after his years and years of preparation.
Alas, he could not dance with Tyelpe like this forever. Theelf’s enraged strikes began to give way to desperation as the cries of thedying petered out, gradually replaced instead by the harrowing wails of thosewho had not been so lucky.  With a burstof power Mairon cleaved the elf’s sword at the hilt in a single shattering blowand knocked him to the ground with a lightning-fast backhanded strike that leftthe Firstborn stunned and sprawled across the pavers. At a gesture from themaia two of the Uruk-hai broke away from the cheering audience that had formedaround them and swiftly bound Telperinquar’s arms while the elf was still reelingfrom the force of the blow.
Being roughly pulled to his feet may not have been enough tobreak the elf out of his daze but the feeling of his former friend’s hand suddenlycupping his cheek certainly did. He began struggling in earnest at the contactbut could not break from the iron grip of the orcs’ hands around his biceps andhe was quickly stilled by the maia’s pointed nails piercing his cheek, threateningto rip to tear the skin away. Once the elf had quietened he removed them and thehand returned to the previous position, his thumb rubbing the blood now runningdown his face in quasi-soothing circles.
“Hush, Tyelpe, hush,” Mairon’s honeyed voice was soft,similar in tone to calming a frightened child. “It’s done, it’s over. There’s no need to continue tohurt yourself like this. There was no need for any of this, all I want is what is rightfully mine. It’s not toolate, meldo,” (Oh how his captiveshuddered delightfully under his hand at that,).“Return that which belongs to me, and you can take your place at my side.”
The colourful deluge of curses that was the elf’s responsewas honestly somewhat impressive in their creativity. That long with the fireraging behind his eyes made Mairon momentarily nostalgic for Maitimo. Hewondered if his nephew’s screams would sound similar.
Mairon sighed and shook his head in only half-feigneddisappointment as his hand returned to his side. “I offered you clemency,Tyelpe. Remember that. What comes next is done entirely by your own choice.”Turning to the orcs framing the elf he continued. “Take him to the vaults below the stronghold,secure the fool there. I’ll deal with him later.”
Whatever retorted the elf tried to snarl was cut off in a startledyelp as his arms were wrenched in his sockets at the force with which he was abruptlydragged away. Mairon had turned away once he had given the order but from the recedingsounds of scuffling he surmised the stubborn elf had resumed his ineffectualstruggles. No matter, there was hardly a risk of him managing to break free,and the more he exhausted himself now the less fight he would have in him whenMairon finally went to interrogate him.
It was really a shame. He’d genuinely liked Telperinquar onsome level. He would have made a useful addition to Mairon’s court (with theright assurances of his continued loyalty, of course) and his death here wouldbe a waste of true talent. How disappointing it was he had inherited such a self-destructivenature from his Fëanorian blood.
Breaking from his musing Mairon returned his gaze to the crumbling citiscape sprawled out beneath him. In spite of his mild irritation at having to destroy such a well-built city he had to admit the glow of the dancing flames were truly beautiful against the darkening sky. 
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elfyourmother · 4 years
reading a lot of ppl’s thoughts and feelings on making chromatic characters like them in the wake of upcoming WoL of color week is really taking me back to coming up as a Black girl obsessed with sf/f and Final Fantasy games, media where I never, ever saw myself and the damage it did to my self-esteem
just from a relative outsider’s perspective (in the sense that I’m still pretty new to reaching out to fandom—in large part because of what I talk about here—and only started playing the game during Prelude in Violet and don’t RP), it feels like FFXIV as a community is full of poc struggling re: race in the way Bioware fandoms used to be years ago, a lot of suffering in silence and pressure to conform to the prevailing. a lot of drowning in whiteness, of the sort to reinforce internalized self-hatred, because characters like us (canon or OCs) are either invisible or fetishized. and jesus it breaks my heart bc I was there!! Good gods I was there!!!!
I mean you can’t be an adult of color of A Certain Age growing up on RPGs and sf/f period without being forced to cope with this. I was literally in my fucking 20s before I read a fantasy novel with anyone who looked like me in it, and she was the worst kind of magical negress stereotype. Black women’s role in fantasy was non existent but for mysterious voodoo witches; games were no exception. Dynaheir was the first I can remember who even tried to break a little out of that mold, and she was unceremoniously killed offscreen between the first and second games. As PCs go, all we had were fantasy art portraits because every model was pixels, and lord help you if you wanted a character who didn’t look like the most demeaning kind of caricature because modders were no help. (I lost count of how many had bones-thru-nose portraits I saw). KOTOR was the first game I ever played with a CC that let me roll a Black lady, and it was a revelation...until years later when I had the rug yanked from under me and told my bisexual Black woman heroine was wiped from Canon(tm), an illegitimate pretender, because Revan is a Cishet White Man, Actually.
I think it’s worse with FF, inherently. I’ve talked a lot about the colorism in the franchise and how it affected me growing up but I just need to reiterate how it feels to love a thing with all your heart and never have that love returned. The only Black women we ever had in this franchise were wholesale whitewashed to the point there are players who legitimately don’t realize there were no white Viera for the most part until this game introduced a whole clan of them to give folk the out they needed to not have to roll a Black girl. (Yes i know Rev Wings and Tactics A2, but they were still a distinct minority, and the Ur example of the race—who we even met in this game—is Black).
It absolutely affected me. I know it’s affected other Black and brown women. If you’re bored and crazy enough to go all the way back to the beginning of Gisele’s tag, to see her earliest incarnation way back on PS3 DA:O, she was whiter than wallpaper paste. I justified it by laughably claiming she had albinism, because the vanilla CC was so heinously awful with dark skin, but the truth is all I saw were white women Wardens, the message was quite clear that no one else was welcome, and after the absolute hell I experienced from my abuser with fandom as the primary vehicle for that abuse, I was a certified people pleaser desperate to fit in. Ofc I still didn’t, which made me chuck it in the fuckit bukkit pretty quick and remade her as Black, albeit light skinned (bc MS Paint dark skin). But even Marisol began life on PS3 as a standard issue Sassy White Redhead(tm), and I don’t think it’s an accident that I never connected with her or felt inspired until I picked up DA2 on Mac and was able to mod her (and the Hawke family) properly as Black.
Thing is, i didn’t begin to heal until Mass Effect and Imani. Imani healed so much in me!! Writing her, making graphics with her, even cosplaying her...it healed me and not just from a fannish standpoint, it legitimately helped me work through so much lingering horseshit from my childhood. And judging by the response she got, all the wonderful messages and comments I got about how she inspired folk, it helped a lot of other poc too.
this is such a common trajectory. I don’t say this to put myself forth as superior or uniquely enlightened, like I don’t still struggle with this to some degree, but only to say that it hurts my heart in the worst way that it’s so tragically fucking common, and people are still struggling with feeling Othered and pressured to conform to spaces where Black and Brown folk are not especially valued except as “spice” to flavor whiteness.
I know a lot of you followed me for Imani and Marisol adventures, and sometimes I feel guilty about not really writing about them anymore, but sticking Gisele in Final Fantasy really felt like coming full circle in the best possible way, continuing the journey that started with Skye Cordana the Jedi Consular and culminated in Commander Imani Shepard. We are told in a million subtle and not so subtle ways that Black women, particularly dark skinned Black women, are inherently disqualified from what it means to be beautiful and desirable. We are not the heroes of these stories. I have a burning, almost lizard brain primordial need to push back on this kind of thing, and never so much as with this franchise I loved so dearly, that made me want to write and create in the first place when I was a 12 year old kid doing moogle RP on AOL and writing script fic about Cecil and Rosa, that has never embraced me the way I embraced it. It’s important to me that Gisele—an unapologetic Black woman, this OC that represents every magical girl sword n sorcery wish fulfillment flight of fantasy I’ve had since I was 9 years old and imagining every white boy with a sword that I read about as a Black girl with braids like mine, starting with Taran Wanderer—is the Warrior of Light, in the pantheon I grew up idolizing and writing about, with Cecil and Terra and Cloud et al.
I want to continue learning and honing gpose. I’m starving for images of romance, of tenderness, of sensuality, with Black women. It’s important to me that Gisele has a constellation of lovers and comrades who cherish her as much as she cherishes them. That she is respected and cared for, as much as she does for others, and her suffering and toil isn’t for naught. In short, that she is seen and her humanity is not up for debate the way it was in her home canon. If y’all aren’t down with that, it’s fine. But I need all of this in the worst way and so I’ll continue to do it, shouting into the void if I have to, because I’m starving and I need nourishment.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
I decided to chuck it in the fuckit bucket and got tinder! -🐬
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condiscum · 5 years
So I know this is super nitpicky for something that doesn’t play into actual game story or mechanics pretty much at all, but as a lore fact it drives me crazy that the sylvari cycles are positioned so strangely in their 6 hour blocks in relation to their clock hours and the name of the cycle??  Like. Wouldn’t it make more sense to shift everything by 3 hours? Placing midnight and noon at the very middle of Night and Noon? So instead of the current system where Dawn is 12am - 6am, Noon is 6am - 12pm, Dusk is 12pm - 6pm, and Night is 6pm - 12am; it could be that Dawn is 3am - 9am, Noon is 9am - 3pm, Dusk is 3pm - 9pm, and Night is 9pm - 3am.  Idk. It just feels like such a weird decision, and subsequently is one of those canon facts I straight up chuck into the fuckit bucket and change in my own stories.
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walking-to-mordor · 6 years
Update 9/2/18
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A battery may not seem like much, but have you ever lifted one of them suckers. Surprisingly heavy. 
Yay!!! I could feel that I had had a whoosh.  I was so tired of being stuck for so long. I added breakfast on the days I went to work. I went over my calorie goals two of the days. And, I had a 2 inch cube of birthday cake on Friday.  Yet, I am down 5 pounds this week. 
I think I might have consumed about 15 eggs this week. One day, I know for sure I had 5 eggs over the course of the day.  Also, filet mignon were on special at Kroger, so I was eating fancy a lot. 
I am glad this happened.  I want to try to stay encouraged, but when I spend every single day having to say no, make separate meals for myself, and not seeing any payoff for all my efforts....it gets so frustrating.  I have come so close to wanting to chuck it in the fuckit bucket. But, then I say no. Because I will regret it. Because I have worked so hard. Because, overall, I feel so good. 
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So, here are the deets.
Weight 295! (-5#)
Neck 16 (0)
Bust 46.5 (-0.5)
L Arm 15.5 (-0.5)  R Arm 15 (-0.75)
Waist 42 (-0.5)
Hips 55 (-1)
L Thigh 30.5 (-0.5)  R Thigh 30.75 (-0.25)
L Calf 19.75 (-0.25) R Calf 20 (0)
Total inches lost 4.25
I made a progression collage since I started.  First photo is June 22. July 29, August 16, when I hit 299 for a day, and today. 
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bam-monsterhospital · 6 years
fuckit, pathfinder story time. Between 2 sessions of playing I had been responsible for initiating 3 battle encounters with enemies by being an obtuse stubborn dwarven shit. So i thought for this week, “y’know what? i’m gonna step back a bit, gonna take a break from kicking down all the doors, just gonna let other peeps do stuff, yeah”.
i uh... well i didn’t manage to do that ;u; keep in mind through all this that i’m a healing-stacked cleric, and the party’s main source of heals.
we were in an aviary and there was someone shooting lightning at us from the other side of this super mega ultra locked door, via conduction from the doorknob.  Our rogue tried multiple times to get through this thing, and a lot of people were continuing to have their health whittled away from zappies.  Most of us were like ‘fuckit, door’s gotta go’ and were trying to chop it away.  Slow progress and the health points were still being zapped.  I only have a limited amount of heals, and even though at the start of a day it’s a lot, I could see myself running out soon.... maybe sooner than we can finish off whatever’s on the other side of this door?
so, i look over at my bedside table and see a jar of erasers... this reminds me of an item i had been carrying with the intent to never use for the purposes i was about to.  I run up to the door, get near one of the many holes we had put in it, and pull out my JAR OF BEES.
(admittedly this plan hinged on the idea there would just be one, easily covered hole... but i decided ‘fuckit’ and thought we could use my sister’s paladin’s shield to cover shit or whatever).
So i violently shake the jar of my precious bee children, stick my arm holding the jar through the door, and aim to chuck it to the opposite end of the room.  I was WELL AWARE of this thing backfiring and i wanted it as far away from us as possible.
The risk i took was calculated, but man am i bad at math.
my throw was good, the jar breaks, the bees emerge super pissed, everything’s fine!   but it’s not fine. it’s so not fine. The person on the other side uses wind and lightning and the bees end up pushed towards us, coming through the door and start stinging my party ;u;
So okay, plan failed, new plan = the door has got to go.
 I bullrush the door, push through the swarm of bees and end up in the other room.  Our sorcerer also comes in to threaten and scorch the enemy.  This lady doesn’t like it, and zaps us both, KNOCKING US INTO NEGATIVE HEALTH IMMEDIATELY.
“No it’s fine!” my sister’s nervous-wreck of a paladin says as he heals me enough to bring me back up again, so that I can heal everyone.  Because i am stacked to heal.  I still have channel energy, i can heal everyone at once at LEAST 2 points of damage and at most 12, so like it should be fine!
should be.
oh no
i decide ‘hey. i took the healing domain for my cleric. this is THE PERFECT TIME TO USE MY FIRST DOMAIN POWER.  so i cast, on our sorcerer who is like what -3? -4? health? I dunno. I was told, but i don’t remember. So, i’m like ‘i’ll use this power, and then i can save my heals, since this power only works for peeps that drop below 0, it’s fine’  So i cast REBUKE DEATH.
rebuke death... is a ..... hideously specific spell, that is for the most part useless, and i just learned this the hard way through my stubbornness to make use of it.  It heals our gnome sorcerer JUST below 0.   She’s still down.  THEN, the lightning lady zaps me again, and I GO DOWN AGAIN.
kait hit the nail on the head with “... now i have to decide if, after seeing all that happen, would my paladin waste his last heal on her again e_e ?”
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officialsyr3n · 6 years
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I’m not gone tag him cus I kno his insecure ass gonna read every post about himself anyways😒 “If slavery was a choice” next time a dude put a gun to ur wife’s head tell her she got a choice kan dum fuck ye ! So when kids get raped & kidnapped they got a choice? try date Kim back then see how fast ur ass gets lynched, Do u even kno how many of our ancestors were hung beaten, families torn apart & sold separately? Ofcourse u do! All for attention & free publicity but u did it at the sake of ur own people’s well being “4 money”, ur moms def rolling in her grave! All them alleged victims of bill Cosby had more choice than anyone why he getting locked up?! Black people claim they couldn’t dare inslave them now🤔Aaaaahh they have! the same way the house niqqa didn’t stand up for the one in the field is the same way u sit back & watch ur brother & sisters get kilt on video. “Block away instagram I see u killin my feed” i fear no one but god chuck tru yuh bloodclaaaaat self 🤬muah💋 #god1st #kariansang #hate #kanye #fuckit #billcosby #slavery #victims #blacklives #policebrutality #fact #immortalhybrid #lostminds #assassins4lyfe #thesunkenplace #getoutface #ifslaverywasachoice
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thatbitchchuck · 4 years
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Hey Chuck, how's it going? . Well, I'm having an iced sugar cookie with alcohol for my breakfast/lunch combo as I step into the shower. How do you think it's going? . It's time for an intervention. Or an exorcism. Or an asylum. . #OverIt #LosingMyShit #FuckIt — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2FFp2Dg
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tainbocuailnge · 7 years
damnit wheres my welfare cu archer who just chucks rocks at people? (also, i know youve said that berserkers are the, like, 'fuckit' class for characters, but whats the distinction between whether someone's an assassin or not? 'cause im looking at king hassan, and he doesn't look very stealthy, you know?)
king hassan is the origin of the word assassin, the original old man of the mountain who founded the hasashin that formed the concept of an assassin. his task is to kill the hassans that stray from their path and as such he is an assassin not of people, but of other assassins. he fights out in the open with a broadsword rather than by concealing himself as a sign of respect for the hassans, but because you don’t actually see him until he’s here to kill you you can still consider him stealthy in a way. he’s got presence concealment A for a reason.
assassin was originally a class only meant to belong to the hassans but it’s become a bit blurred over time yeah. my favourite qualifier for the class is cleopatra, who despite only being known to assassinate herself, is an assassin because, as the last pharaoh, by ending her own life she also put an end to the concept of pharaohs. she assassinated not just herself but the very existence of ‘ancient egypt’ with her, something that had existed and thrived for centuries before her. her noble phantasm is the snake that represents the end of the world in ancient egypt because she was, in fact, the end of ancient egypt.
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