z-o-r-a-k · 4 months
hi tumblypoos
1. The food is good and they sell things by the quart which helps me with food prep (something I struggle with) and I get a good discount
2. Haven't found the next crappy part time job yet and employment gap = money lost
3. I am so broke. And late on rent. And I desperately want to start saving for top surgery (this could also be used as an argument to quit and find a higher paying job)
4. I really do like that chikkin and macking cheese.....
1. I hate our owner he's like a walking microaggression
2. One of my managers is a passive aggressive 19 year old whose mad that everybody there isn't taking their shitty low paying part time job seriously enough
3. Have heard multiple coworkers saying blatantly transphobic shit on a couple separate instances.
4. Even though I get along with some coworkers I haven't made any work friends which makes food service that much more hard to tolerate
5. I keep getting scheduled as host/busboy even though they trained me for other positions, host/bus is literally more work for less pay
6. A lot of cops come in to our store like we have cop regulars and I have to smile and be friendly to cops instead of telling them that, for the safety and hygiene of the public we have a no animal policy and I can't serve pigs in the dining room
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ioletia · 5 months
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Context. Text between me and the boss. Boss got a free paid vacation because the store made enough money things last year; we had to cover his shifts that week because... Capitalism. (He also took a personal vacation a week prior, so it wasn't like he needed the vacation anyway.) In essence, we, the lowly wage slaves, got punished for the store doing so well- all while the boss man got a whole resort vacation (for him and his wife) paid for. Anyway, boss agreed to give me the following Wednesday off for taking on the extra hours. Halfway through his vacation I get sick and have to take a day off work. Feel like hell, couldn't get out of bed. Drag myself back into work the next day because the other wage slaves need help manning the store. And also capitalism. Worked through exhaustion, but still exhausted a few days later. Take a covid test and find out, yep, covid. This is the text conversation we had...
Am I a bitch? Yes. Because I was exhausted and pissed. But also, why is the first question about my ability to work and not like, "Hey, that sucks, I'm sorry. How are you feeling today?" or "According to the CDC, you might still be contagious for a few more days- would you like to use your PTO to take off the rest of the week?" Or like, "Hey, that verbal agreement we had about you taking Wednesday off is still good; did you need more time off?"
It's so convenient how bosses forget about time off agreements or how they undervalue the labor that we provide. Also, the $15/hr I'm paid isn't enough to afford an apartment in the area. The only people at the store that are able to afford to live within the city the store is located in are the boss and, barely, the assistant boss. Everyone else either lives with family or has to commute half an hour or more from out of town.
So. Yes. How else would these corporations be able to pay for all these amenities, boss? If not for literally exploiting my labor. Guess who's going to be working even slower now? Is it me? Because, yes, it's me. Mainly because I can't talk for too long without running out of breath. And also fuck capitalism.
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cryptidafab · 1 year
It’s insane that my number 1 priority has to be keeping my job so I don’t fall into debt when my work is litterily just being held hostage in an office for a certain number of hours
Like why does sittin in an office feel like someone holding a gun to my head, fuck this place
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concretedust · 2 years
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Saturday morning feels
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findmyselfahome · 2 years
Y'know the worst part about my job? Other than the long hours, shitty pay, poor treatment from management and up, no pay rise while they make record sales/profits, abuse from customers and lack of personal time. It's the fact I never get my two days off together.
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saltheartedbarmaid · 2 years
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My team is doing our December staff meeting in the metaverse and I learned it was an option to take to the sea instead
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sonibo1 · 2 years
soni. - it’s fine.
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dragonballet · 2 months
i really need God to take the wheel right now because i dont know wtf im doing anymore
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asbyb · 1 year
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Been finding it hard to disconnect.
Slipping into a web of ceaseless productivity
It’s has become oddly satisfying to work and produce.
This is the new generation of humanity.
Working slaves without the chains
We begin to choose this life
For some, its chosen us
Let go,
It’ll be there tomorrow
and generations afterwards
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trashpitcity · 2 years
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Quit your job. - - - #trashbugs #trashpitcity #quityourjob #quit #fuckwork #thisjobsucks #worksucks #customer #coworkers #gasstation #comic #comics #comix #undergroundcomics #workinprogress (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTsBWtP2D2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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roseunderwater · 2 years
Why, just why?
why do I have to work???? Fuck this life
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mykofanesvlepy · 2 years
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58. "Fuckwork" action  in antifascist action style. Syndicalist wildcat is having a nap.
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tokesterpastry · 2 years
So fucking tediousss
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malanair · 11 months
Mourire en criant ton nom.
Je perd mais mots.
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nando161mando · 11 months
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Your boss is not your friend. #FuckWork #FuckAJob #TheEmpiresMustFall
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Damn workday interfering with my naughty Tumblr time.
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