#fuji sen
fuji-sen · 23 days
SaWuWa Headcanon pt. 1 .ೃ࿔*:・
part 1; Entering as a new player.
apologies, i was trying to change the text color and a chunk got deleted.
Self Aware Wuthering Waves (WuWa)
I don't think SAGAU WuWa is the correct term since SAGAU means self aware genshin au. I think SAWuWaAu is too long, ick.
ᯓ★ For you, you had simply started your gaming journey in WuWa. You made your account, stressed over choosing which rover to play as and entered the world.
ᯓ★ Ah but it was a very different case for the inhabitants of WuWa. Ever since you created your account and first set foot albeit in the Rover's body, there was a sort of sound, a vibration or a frequency that could be heard all over the land, the seas and the skies. Something the inhabitants almost glossed over and the resonators find themselves straining their ears and using their gadgets/gourd to hear.
ᯓ★ It was muffled at first, barely audibly or translatable. Perhaps it was because you were still but a weak human? god? a monster? they have no title for you, yet.
ᯓ★ Of course over time as Rover got stronger, and your union level rose, the frequency they could hear was much clearer. It was a sort of frequency that seemed to come from your mood, your voice, and your area.
ᯓ★ Sometimes they could hear music or disgruntle sounds, and a word clicky noise (keyboard/mouse for laptop players). Sometimes they could hear foreign music, sometimes with rather.. colorful language.
ᯓ★ but sometimes they could hear you, your voice.. Mostly during the times you had something to say, to comment or complain-
"Shit, Rover no!"
or to compliment..
"Lord Scar is just *lip bites*"
ᯓ★ Your frequency is familiar yet strange all together for the sentinels of the world, your sound is familiar to a friend long ago, but again it was different.
This was the start of your journey with Wuthering Waves.
Wrote and Edited on: May 25, 2024 🖌
No rewrites, no translations, no posting or copying the text and posting on here or any platforms please ( • ᴖ • 。)
I'm new here so be nice.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 4 months
Not really a theory, I suppose, it could be just a one-off reference, but you know Sanji's nickname from Zeff being "little eggplant" (chibinasu)?
I was reminded of this saying in Japan, that goes 一富士二鷹三茄子 (ichi Fuji, ni taka, san nasubi - one, Fuji; two, hawk; three, eggplant)
Sometimes the 123 is followed by 456: 四扇五煙草六座頭 (shi sen, go tabako, roku zatou - four, folding fan; five, tobacco; six, the blind men's guild)
These are "lucky things" that supposedly indicates good fortune to come if you see them in your first dream in the New Year. It doesn't have to be all of them, but to my knowledge, supposedly the more items you see the bigger your luck will be.
Eggplant is "number three", so Sanji you know? Plus "five" being tobacco and Sanji is identified as "the fifth crew member"...
I don't think the rest of it is relevant, though. Unless there's really something to the Wano conspiracy theory that I have been having, haha.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 months
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Still in a Harvest Moon mood, I decided to give all of the characters in HM64 full names (except the sprites).
Also decided to challenge myself to use pick one for each alpabeth. Well, tried, but then divided into major and minor character. So, none have the same beginning letter in their surname except when they're one family.
Meanings under the cut (in alphabetic order; bold for major character, italic for minor character):
Akana (Hawaiian): A common Hawaiian last name and the meaning of the name is "bright".
Amito 網戸 (Japanese): Means "doorway with an insect net" in Japanese.
Bakhuizen (Dutch): Means "bakery" from Dutch bak "bake" and huis "house", an occupational name for a baker.
Bouvier (French): Means "cowherd" in French, from Latin boviarus, a derivative of bos "cow".
Chevalier (French): From a nickname derived from French chevalier meaning "knight", from Late Latin caballarius "horseman", Latin caballus "horse".
Chigusa 千種 (Japanese): From 千 (sen, chi) meaning "thousand"and 種 (shu, -gusa, tane) meaning "class, kind, seed, species, variety"
Desrosiers (French): Means "from the rose bushes", from French rosier "rose bush". It probably referred to a person who lived close to, or cared for a rose garden.
Dufour (French): Occupational name for a baker, from French four "oven".
Eccleston (English): Denoted a person from any of the various places named Eccleston in England, derived from Latin ecclesia "church" (via Briton) and Old English tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Fils-Aimé (Haitian Creole): Means "beloved son" from French fils meaning "son" and aimé "love".
Gagnon (French): Derived from old French gagnon "guard dog". The name most likely originated as a nickname for an aggressive or cruel person.
Gallagher (Irish): Anglicized form of the Irish Ó Gallchobhair meaning "descendant of Gallchobhar".
Hickey (Irish): Anglicized form of Irish Ó hÍcidhe meaning "descendant of the healer".
Jernigan (English): Possibly derived from the old Breton name Iarnogon meaning "iron famous".
Kaufmann (German, Jewish): Means "trader, merchant" in German.
Keller (German): Means "cellar" in German, an occupational name for one in charge of the food and drink.
Langenberg (German, Dutch): From various place names meaning "long mountain" in German and Dutch.
Morifuji 森藤 (Japanese): From 森 (mori) meaning "forest" and 藤 (fuji) meaning "wisteria".
Munakata 宗像, (Japanese): From Japanese 宗 (mune) meaning "religion, doctrine, creed" and 像 (kata) meaning "figure, image, form".
Nussbaum (German, Jewish): Means "nut tree", derived from the German Nuss "nut" and Baum "tree".
Ophir אוֹפִיר (Hebrew): From the given name Ophir. Ophir (or Ofir) is originally a biblical place name. In the days of King Solomon, Ophir was metioned as the name of a land, full of abudant natural treasures such as gold, silver, etc.
Pellegrino (Italian): Means "pilgrim, traveller" in Italian, ultimately from Latin peregrinus.
Rye (English): Topographic name. It could be a misdivision of the Middle English phrases atter ye meaning "at the island" or atter eye meaning "at the river". In some cases it merely indicated a person who lived where rye was grown or worked with rye (from Old English ryge).
Seaver (English): From the unattested Old English given name Sæfaru, derived from the Old English elements sæ "sea, ocean" and faru "journey".
Strickland (English): From the name of a town in Cumbria, derived from Old English stirc "calf, young bullock" and land "cultivated land".
Van de Vliert (Dutch): Means "from the elderberry" in Dutch.
Wakabayashi 若林 (Japanese): From Japanese 若 (waka) meaning "young" and 林 (hayashi) meaning "forest".
Yoxall (English): Originally indicated a person from the town of Yoxall in Staffordshire, itself derived from Old English geoc "oxen yoke" and halh "nook, recess".
Yukiyama 幸山 (Japanese): This surname combines 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, shiawa.se, yuki) meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness," with 山 (san, sen, yama) meaning "mountain."
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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I love the light this time of day :D Today we have two names with lovely calligraphy (and one kanji that I really love). The left name, 安藤, is usually Andō but also potentially Antō, Adō, Atō, or Yasufuji. The right name, 影山, is read Kageyama.
安 (yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, or an) means relax, rest, content, peaceful, quiet, cheap, or low. It's made up of two components: 宀 roof and 女 woman.
藤 (fuji, tō, or dō) means wisteria. See the grass radical 艹? That's how you know it's a plant.
影 (kage or ei) means shadow, silhouette, phantom, or to project (an image). It has several small components, but it easier to remember by breaking it down into smaller ones.
(1) 京 (= 亠 kettle lid + 口 mouth + 小 small) means capital (city). (2) 京 capital + 日 sun = 景, meaning scenery or view. Mnenomic: the beautiful scenery of the sun rising or setting over the capital. (3) 景 scenery + 彡 beard/bristle = 影.
And, of course, 山 (yama, san, or sen) means mountain.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
All of the Luffy's slowly realizing that Akainu Luffy desperately needs therapy.
Sen! Lu: We will help you out of this situation if you let us.
Ki! Lu: Yeah! Stop being a wimp, just ask for help, idiot
Fuji! Lu: You're a person, people need people
Ku! Lu: You've got to take your own freedom, we're not gonna give it to you unless you're willing to fight for it yourself.
Akainu: They're traitors, they're weak. They have their own lives, you think they won't leave you if you abandon the order of the world? Pathetic.
Akainu's Luffy: Oh.
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adito-lang · 1 year
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皆さん、明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year everyone! 健康、平和と喜びをお祈りします!I wish you all good health, peace and joy!
初夢 (はつゆめ・hatsuyume) is the first dream one has in the new year, and superstition says that the contents of the dream foretell the luck the dreamer will have in the upcoming year. 
Since the early Edo period, it is considered lucky if one dreams of:
🗻 Mt. Fuji (富士・ふじ・fuji)
🦅 a hawk (鷹・たか・taka)
🍆 an eggplant (茄子・なす・nasu)
This superstition is ingrained in a proverb: 一富士二鷹三茄子 (ichi-fuji ni-taka san-nasubi). A few theories exist as to why this is. Mt. Fuji is Japan’s highest mountain, a hawk is a clever bird that soars high (高い・takai - similar pronunciation to taka) above, and the pronunciation of the word eggplant (茄子, nasu or nasubi) suggests achieving something great (成す nasu) - eggplants also have “no hair” (毛がない, ke ga nai), which sounds sound identical to kega-nai (怪我ない) which means “to be injury-free.” If you're less into homophones, another theory suggests that these three things were simply favorites of the shougun Tokugawa Ieyasu (I’m imagining him singing “These are a few of my favourite things…”). Either way, you can buy 一富士二鷹三茄子 themed sets such as these:
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The list of auspicious subjects of hatsuyume actually continues: 四扇五煙草六座頭 (yon-sen, go-tabako, roku-zatō).
Fan (扇・せん・sen)
Cigarette (煙草・たばこ・tabako)
Zatou (座頭・ざとう・zatou) - this was a historical occupation. During the Edo Period, the shogunate permitted only certain professions for people with disabilities. Zatou was a class of occupations blind individuals were allowed to have.
The three additions of 四扇五煙草六座頭 correspond to 一富士二鷹三茄子. Mt. Fuji and fans represent prosperity because they spread out, hawks and cigarette (smoke) rise up, and eggplants and zatou have "no hair" which we saw earlier is a homophone for "injury-free."
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gfxced · 2 years
Bonjour, quel serait pour toi le meilleur appareil photo de voyage pour le poids/qualité photo (sachant que j'aime bien le 50 mm en objectif) ? Je laisse souvent mon Canon parce qu'il alourdit/prend de la place dans mon sac :(
Hahaha je ne m'attendais pas à faire ce genre de trucs ici, mais oui j'ai des réponses. Première question : est-ce que le canon en question est full-frame? C'est important pour les recommandations, mais je vais détailler les deux possibilités.
Moi j'aime beaucoup Fuji (capteur de taille APS-C) pour le côté rétro et portable. En plus pour les gens qui ont envie d'avoir des JPEGs directement sous la main, Fuji a plein de simulations de films qui envoient du pâté.
Leurs optiques sont vraiment très bien, (même les zooms des kits). Il y a un appareil, le XE4 qui est vendu avec un objectif pancake 27mm (qui donne un champ de vision comparable à un 40mm en full frame). Le piqué de cette optique est vraiment très net et sa petite taille fait en sorte que l'appareil puisse se loger dans une poche sans problème, même lorsqu'elle est fixée à des appareils plus gros tels que les XT3-4 ou Xpro2-3
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Sinon un XT30, c'est un peu plus évolué qu'un XE4 comme appareil, mais toujours très petit!
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Si tu as vraiment besoin du champ de vision d'un 50mm en full frame, alors l'objectif 35mm F2 est parfait et relativement compact. Si ton canon est également APSC alors un 50mm F2 existe aussi, c'est une optique remarquable, très clinique.
Une autre possibilité, un peu plus niche serait de trouver un Xpro-2 d'occasion. Le xpro 2 possède un viseur hybride qui est soit un OVF et à l'activation d'un levier, un petit écran monte pour en faire un EVF.
Il y a un plaisir tout particulier à utiliser ce type d'appareil hors du commun.
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Le xpro2 est plus vieux donc il faut passer par l'occasion, mais sérieusement je recommande de passer par le marché de seconde main de toute façon, quel que soit l'appareil que tu choisiras.
Ce qu'il faut savoir avec Fuji, c'est que les capteurs sont souvent les mêmes au sein d'une même génération d'appareils et ce qui change ça va être l'ergonomie et quelques options. Au niveau des images produites, tous vont fournir grosso modo les mêmes capacités, sauf dans les modèles haut-de-gamme qui eux répondent à des besoins professionnels spécifiques.
Pour ma part j'ai deux Fuji, un XT3 (grand frère du XT30) et un Xpro2 et je les utilise énormément. L'appareil que je prends le plus lorsque je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire, c'est le Xpro-2 et deux objectifs à focale fixe. En général le 27mm monté et j'ai le 90F2 et/ou le 50F2 dans le sac.
Sinon, histoire de donner une autre piste, Sony avec ses A6400 et A6600 offre aussi des options en petit format apsc, mais les optiques (d'un niveau correct) sont bien plus chères, et l'appareil moins fun à utiliser que les fuji, à mon sens.
Dernière possibilité : le format de capteur M43 avec les appareils Olympus et Panasonic. Pour de la photographie de tous les jours, c'est nickel, mais je ne suis pas très au courant de leurs modèles.
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MARDI 16 JANVIER 2024 (Billet 1 / 3)
« L’INNOCENCE » (2h 06min)
Un film de Hirokazu Kore-eda, avec Sakura Andô, Eita Nagayama, Soya Kurokawa…
Kore-Eda déplace sa caméra du foyer familial à l’école pour raconter une amitié entre deux pré-ados dans un Japon fermé aux sentiments. Un film subtil.
Ne jamais baisser la garde ! S’il y a un conseil à donner aux spectateurs, c’est bien celui-ci, tant « L’Innocence » regorge de nuances et de détails qui ne prennent sens qu’en avançant dans le récit. Sur l’affiche du film, le visage de deux enfants maculés de boue interroge. Que leur est-il arrivé ? Quel est le lien avec cette première séquence qui voit les pompiers débouler, toutes sirènes hurlantes, pour éteindre l’incendie survenu dans un bar à hôtesses ? Une rumeur se propage : le professeur de Minato et de Yori fréquentait le lieu.
Et voilà que le jeune Minato, qui est élevé par sa mère seule, se met à lui raconter que ce professeur lui a dit qu’il avait un cerveau de porc. La mère furibarde débarque à l’école, demande l’équipe éducative. Il faut les voir faire des courbettes devant elle en s’excusant. Elle aimerait juste avoir des explications. Elle ne les aura jamais. Un questionnaire sera distribué aux enfants pour juger le prof qui sera soumis à une séance d’autocritique devant les parents avant d’être mis à pied. La Chine sous Mao ? Non, le Japon contemporain.
C’est ce Japon-là, qui cache une violence sourde sous une placidité apparente, que le cinéaste veut nous montrer. Il y a donc dans toute une première partie du film un aspect rugueux qui ébranle.
Une structure en trois temps
La mère de Minato pense que son fils est harcelé mais c’est le jeune Yori, dans la même classe, qui est le bouc émissaire des autres enfants. Le professeur de plus en plus désespéré se détend en débusquant les coquilles dans les livres publiés. Sa copine va finir par le quitter. Peu à peu, le suspense se lève comme le brouillard sur le mont Fuji.
Sur un scénario qui fut primé au dernier Festival de Cannes, Kore-eda renouvelle sa manière de faire un thriller. Il adopte une structure en trois temps. L’histoire est racontée successivement par la mère de Minato, par le professeur puis par l’enfant lui-même (*). Cette partie-là est la plus belle. De sombre, le film devient lumineux. Il gagne en douceur pour finir dans la lumière éclatante d’un lendemain d’orage. 
A la fin, dans une séquence renversante, Minato apprendra à souffler dans un trombone pour se délester de ce qu’il ne peut révéler.
(Source : « lefigaro.fr »)
(*) A l’attention des cinéphiles : ce procédé s’appelle « l’effet Rashōmon ». Il tire son nom du classique d'Akira Kurosawa, il consiste à raconter la même histoire avec plusieurs points de vue successifs. NDLR du Blog
Marina ayant un début de rhume, il était plus prudent qu’elle reste au chaud, JM est donc allé tout seul voir hier en matinée ce film au Cinéma Convention. Situé à 25 min à pied de la rue St-Christophe, c’était aussi une occasion de pratiquer un peu de « marche sportive », il lui reste encore 3 grosses parts de Galette des Rois à éliminer !!!
Pour être tout à fait franc, à plusieurs reprises il a failli quitter la projection. Et ce n’est pas du tout à cause du principe narratif du film (le fameux « effet Rashōmon ») duquel il était prévenu et qui ne l’a absolument pas perturbé. Le film « Dunkerque » de Christopher Nolan qu’il a vu avec Marina et qu’ils ont beaucoup apprécié était basé sur ce même principe…
Non, ce qui l’a gêné, c’est l’interprétation des acteurs adultes, sûrement très bons au demeurant mais qui ne correspond pas du tout aux critères auxquels il est habitué. Les mimiques et la gestuelle sont souvent très appuyées et certaines scènes, voire des aspects du scénario, lui ont même semblé ridicules.
C’est la troisième partie du film qui lui a fait ne pas regretter d’être parti tôt de la maison, dans un froid glacial et, surtout, d’être resté jusqu’à la fin du film.
Malgré tout, il ne lui donne que ❤️❤️❤️ sur 5. Dans la filmographie de Kore-eda, il préfère nettement quelques-uns de ses films précédents et estime qu’il n’a jamais dépassé ou même égalé son quatrième film, « Nobody Knows »... sans la moindre réserve, un pur chef-d’œuvre !
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discopomp · 5 months
0000 Warbunton Shrine | 0001 Doroshi Hachimangu | 0002 Hamamura Shrine
0003 Katakana Shrine | 0004 Mishima Shrine | 0005 Bazumitama-sha
0006 pomponne Shrine | 0007 Eifuku Shrine | 0008 Eifuku Temple
0009 Cue Gri Jinja | 0010 Princess Shrine | 0011 Tonarino Shrine
0012 Laem Shrine | 0013 Para Shrine | 0014 Kuroneko Jinja
0015 Yasaka Jinja | 0016 Tenmangu Jinja | 0017 Itame Ham Shrine
0018 Japonica Shrine じゃぽにか神社:
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Japonica Shrine is only open while Japonica events are being held- the Shrine will be closed to the public after the morning (SLT) of the 21st. Each round of Japonica is built around the Shrine- this time it towers above all, in front of colorful graphics of waves and Mount Fuji- walk through the venue and up the stone stairs to its dais. While you are there, check out Japonica, of course- an event dedicated to Japanese culture (shameless plug: find my booth at the foot of the stairs, and pick up a free dragon daruma doll to celebrate the New Year on your way). Also venture around the rest of the region, it is always decorated with lots of areas to see and perhaps photograph.
Goshuin Project 2024
0019 Neochi Shrine | 0020 Okinawa Shrine | 0021 Kokuryu Shrine
0022 Ni Jinja | 0023 Piyopiyo Shrine | 0024 Noha Shrine
0025 Saihate Inari Shrine | 0026 Koyagi Shrine | 0027 Hamstar Shrine
0028 Haiku Shrine | 0029 Sen-Cat-Shrine | 0030 Venezia Shrine
0031 Hinamizawa Shrine | 0032 Kanaru Shrine | 0033 Mr. Louis Shrine
0034 Susukino-Inari Jinja | 0035 Shiki-Shinto Shrine | 0036 Apo Hachimangu
0037 Salmaru Grand Shrine | 0038 Il Micio Shrine | 0039 Son Clave Shrine
0040 Drobak Shrine | 0041 SnowPastel Shrine | 0042 Nadeko Shrine
0043 Katsudon Shrine | 0044 Mambo Shrine | 0045 Sessha Mambo Shrine
0046 Umigami Shrine | 0047 Yozakura Shrine Ocean | 0048 Sakura Shrine
0049 Akiba Inari Shrine | 0050 Lazy Shrine | 0051 Honpou Inari Jinja
0052 Togetsu Jinja | 0053 Neko Jinja | 0054 Kusanagi Shrine
0055 Ouse Jinja | 0056 Nekoma Shrine | 0057 Lion Temple
0058 Usagi Shrine | 0059 Kiyomizu Temple | 0060 Kingyo Jinju
0061 Azuki Shrine | 0062 Megumi Jinja | 0063 Sea Butterfly Shrine
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fuji-sen · 23 days
SaWuWa Headcanon pt. 2 .ೃ࿔*:・
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scar-centric headcanon!
(mostly for the readers who are simping or genuinely like his characters)
warning: since i posted this in the first patch, he might seem ooc in the future.
ᯓ★ in headcanon pt#1 in this series, there's a short line where you practically simp for him, this continues on here- plus im biased for him at the moment ehehehehhe
ᯓ★ So they can hear you now, through your frequency, your voice is a bit garbled still but it's understandable. So it was very awkward and a bit annoying for scar when he first made his grand entrance to the rover!
"Guess you won't need need my self introduction-"
and you're probably like "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"
and he nearly messed up shuffling his deck of cards when you squeal and dote over him.
"it's scar!" (a line for those who were already aware of his existence through leaks and being updated in the fandom)
"he's so attractive!" you'd dote on his hair, his scars, and his voice.
"what the fuck-?" he looks at Rover who looks dead inside as you continued to gush.
ᯓ★ and again, he's bothered how chatty you are when he fights.
ᯓ★ butttt he gets used to it, and plus the compliments and the doting? he couldn't really complain.
he basically ate those shit up!
ᯓ★ and then in the future he gets so smugged about it, he's sure he is one of your favorites.
ᯓ★ but its a dang shame your frequency is attached to the rover, and he could only hear it clearly when he's nearby.
ᯓ★ Your affection towards him simply proves he was just that charismatic to get a disembodied voice to like him!
ᯓ★ He'll take your positive opinions of him as a sign that his and his group's plan is totally right! and he becomes even more confident!
ᯓ★ He'll probably be more interested and stalky with the rover when scar realizes that the frequency was strongest when he is near the rover!
ᯓ★ its a dang shame your frequency is attached to the rover, and he could only hear it clearly when he's nearby. it's even more a shame when Rover rejects to join him/them.
ᯓ★ So yeah, Rover kinda wishes you were physically there, with your own body ofc, to get that predator off their back!
ᯓ★ speaking of Rover, Scar probably uses the fact that you're so smitten with him to try and coax the Rover to join him.
"don't you want to make them happy?" Scar asked with a smile.
But Rover immediately shuts down that idea, "I want them to shut up about you honestly."
Wrote and Edited on: May 25, 2024 🖌
No rewrites, no translations, no posting or copying the text and posting on here or any platforms please ( • ᴖ • 。)
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February 4
I feel sick.
Apparently, my roof-camping days are over.
Oh sigh.
I’m in bed right now, trying my hardest to taste something in my grandmother’s famous lemon-honey tea as she talks with the town’s herbalist downstairs.
But I’m strong enough to walk around, don’t worry! In fact, If I were there in front of you, I’d be flexing my muscles.
(Not that I have big ones. I’m a sad noodle arm guy. Oh sigh.)
Enough about my woe; I have a Viewfinder!
It was my stepdad’s new years’ present to me, along with a box of reels. It came in today!
My favourite ones are the space ones, the sea ones, and the ones with flower fields- I think from Amsterdam? 
It’s like I’m really there, floating through space or swimming with the tropical fishes.
“Saki-kun, someone’s here to see you! They’ll be coming up in a minute!”
My heart jumped a bit as your face formed in my mind. Good thing I was already red in the face, thanks to my fever, because if you walked in on a blushing, red-faced Ichigatsu, I would die.
Shrrr. You peek your head in the room. “hey, Ichigo-san. I heard you were sick. Uh… I brought you some food that my aunt said would be good for you...”
I turn my head towards the sliding door, and up at you. 
“Hai…” I croaked, then coughed a bit. You got down on your knees, and levelled your face with mine.
The fact that we were so close our noses could touch had my fever go up a degree. And i don’t think it was because I was getting sicker.
“You…have really nice eyes…” You whispered, more to yourself than to me.
+1 degree. Boy, you trying to fry my brains?
“U-uh… well, are you hungry?” 
Ha! Your cheeks were dusted pink too! Small victories are better than none.
You ran down the stairs, and I heard murmuring somewhere in the house. Soon I heard your quick footsteps ascend the stairs, and you had SO many containers of food. I can not emphasise just how many you had.
“I made as much as I could, cuz y’know, tastes are different.”
“Tank yoo.” ugh, it was a bother just to even talk.
Soon it smelled like a buffet. There was just so much to choose from. 
I groaned and covered my face. Not only was I sick, but my stomach had to make minecraft zombie sounds. In front of you.
“Here, I’ll feed you. Pay me back with something cool, okay? Thats two things you aught to compensate me for.” You reach for me and try to situate my languid body in your lap.
I’m dead. Dead. Thats it, you’ve killed me. 
In hindsight, I must’ve been a pretty lucky guy, getting a cute neighbour to make me all these foods and then feeding me while saying (very cutely) “pay me back with something cool, okay?”
If this were an anime I’d have spirals for eyes and steam rising out of my head. You sure you don’t have a criminal record?
“Aaaahn….” I take whatever it was you were offering me. Warm, pungent flavours penetrated my useless tongue, and I could finally taste things again.
“Mmmmmnnnn. Isho goo…” munch munch munch. The texture reminded me of cold soba, or those really thick noodles my mom made once.
I wanted more, It was really, really good.
We went through about three big cartons of the mystery food.
While we were eating, you told me about more cool places, like the Boardwalk, where most kids crowd with there nets and buckets. You also told me that Fuji park always hosts a big new years feast, since the town was founded on New Year’s Day. 
There was also the Library (“the librarian always gushes about you.” “weeawy?”), Sen-Bun Cafe (“the only interesting cafe here, their melonpan is the best.”) and Our Spot. (Was it just me, or did you flush a little while saying that?)
I showed you my Viewfinder, and with the way your face lit up, I was so tempted to check and see if the sun was still in the sky.
“Mmm…tank yu for comingh..” I laid back on your chest, full of the food you brought.
“U-um.. y-yeah, you’re welcome…I gotta make sure my neighbour’s okay, right?”
Outside the window, snow started to fall, lightly, as if it were just taking its time, enjoying its descent until i joined with the rest below. I rested my eyes on that sight, and it felt like I was dreaming, the warm fuzziness of slipping away.
But I felt your head rest on mine, and you hugged my waist. I was instantly dragged back to the real world. And Honestly? Reality doesn’t seem so bad right now.
“It’s so peaceful, the way snow flurries just fall.. Like they don’t have a care in the world.” you whisper to me.  “You know, I always imagine that the snow holds the essence of our ancestors, coming down to visit and showering us with comfort…and sometimes…” you set me back down on my futon, and opened the window, holding out your hand briefly. You bring it back in, watching the flurries melt in in the warmth of your hand.
“Sometimes I think about becoming snow, too…. Then I’ll get to be everywhere, all the time, forever and ever. I’d evaporate, turn into rain…” you close the window. “And be part of the world…”
I don’t know if I was imagining it, but…
It looked like there were tears in your eyes.
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jubaer01 · 7 months
FOR FINLAND CITIZENS - NEW ZEALAND Government of New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority NZeTA - Official NZ Visa Online
Uuden-Seelannin sähköinen matkaviranomainen, Uuden-Seelannin virallinen online-viisumihakemus Uuden-Seelannin hallitus
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Address: Itäinen Puistotie 17, 00140 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 9 22865100
Website: https://www.new-zealand-visa.org/fi/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Millie Drake  Fuji
Description: Yksinkertaisin ja kätevin tapa viimeistellä New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority tai NZeTA-verkkohakemus on ottaa muutama minuutti ja täyttää verkkosivustolla. Vain vähän perustietoja tarvitaan, kuten nimesi, passitiedot, terveys ja saapumispäivät. Voit joko lähettää meille sähköpostia tai ladata uusimman kasvokuvasi. Voit ottaa valokuvan omalla tai perheesi matkapuhelimella. Valokuvan ei tarvitse olla kovin tarkka, sillä me huolehdimme valokuvasi muokkaamisesta niin, että maahanmuuttoviranomaiset hyväksyvät sen. Uuden-Seelannin hallitus haluaa, että haet Uuden-Seelannin viisumia verkossa NZeTA-hakemuslomakkeella. Sinun on suoritettava maksu pankki- tai luottokortilla verkossa täytettyäsi lyhyen hakulomakkeen verkossa. Kun maksat Uuteen-Seelantiin pääsyn maksut, maksat jo kansainvälisen vierailijamaksun, joka sisältyy jo hintaan. Kuinka saisit Uuden-Seelannin hyväksytyn NZ Electronic Travel Authorityn tai NZeTA:n? Aina kun olet suorittanut NZeTA-verkkohakemuksen, fila-hyväksyntä välitetään sinulle sähköpostitse 72 tunnin kuluessa tai vähemmän. Joskus se voi kestää kauemmin taustatarkistusten vuoksi. NZeTA tai New Zealand Visa Online yhdistetään passin numeroon, jota käytetään NZETA-hakemuslomakkeen täyttämiseen. Kun viisumi tarkastetaan maahanmuutto- ja rajatarkastuksessa lentoasemalla, virkailija tarkastaa viisumin hyväksynnän. On välttämätöntä, että otat hyväksyntäsähköpostin tai tulostat paperille. Suurlähetystössä ei tarvitse käydä missään vaiheessa tai saada fyysistä leimaa passiin. 191 maata voi tulla meriteitse ja 60 maata lentoteitse. Kaikki maat ovat oikeutettuja Aucklandin kansainvälisen lentokentän kauttakulkuun. Seuraavat maat ovat oikeutettuja saapumaan Uuteen-Seelantiin lentoteitse NZeTA- tai NZ Visa Online -menetelmällä: Ranska, Viro, Kreikka, Saksa, Ruotsi, Portugali, Iso-Britannia, Slovenia, Tanska, Latvia, Malta, Unkari, Liettua, Espanja, Irlanti , Luxemburg, Slovakia, Italia, Kroatia, Puola, Alankomaat, Bulgaria, Belgia, Kypros, Tšekki, Itävalta, Suomi ja Romania kansalaiset.  The most simple and convenient method to finish the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority or NZeTA online applicationis to take out a couple of minutes and fill on the website. Only a little bit of basic information is required like your name, passport details, health and arrival dates. You can either email us or upload your latest face photo.
You can take photo with your or your family members mobile phone. Photo doesn't have to be very specific because we will take care of adjusting your photo for it to be acceptable by the immigration officers.New Zealand Government prefers you to apply New Zealand Visa Online using NZeTA Application form. You need to make payment using a debit or credit card online after completing a short application form online. When you pay the fees to enter New Zealand, you are already paying for International Visitor Levy which is already included. How would you received an approved NZ Electronic Travel Authority or NZeTA for New Zealand. Whenever you have finished the NZeTA online application, the fila approval will be conveyed to you by email in 72 hours or less. Sometimes it can take longer due to background checks.The NZeTA or New Zealand Visa Online will be connected to the passport number used to fill the NZETA Application Form. At the point when the visa is checked at immigration and border control at the airport, the visa approval will be reviewed by the officer. It is imperative that you take the email of approval or print in paper. There is no need to visit Embassy at any stage or get physical stamp on the passport. 191 countries are eligible to come by Seas and 60 countries are eligible to come by Air. All countries are eligible to Transit by Auckland International Airport. The following countries are Eligible for coming to New Zealand by Air using NZeTA or NZ Visa Online method, France, Estonia, Greece, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Denmark, Latvia, Malta, Hungary, Lithuania, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech, Austria, Finland and Romania Citizens.
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dentalfindsca · 7 months
The Future of Dental Cement: Trends and Innovations on the Horizon
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In the ever-evolving world of dentistry, one area that has seen significant advancements and improvements is dental cement. From its initial use as a simple adhesive, dental cement has now become a crucial component in a wide range of dental procedures, including restorative, cosmetic, and orthodontic treatments. As technology and materials continue to advance, the future of dental cement holds immense potential for enhanced clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction. In this article, we will delve into the latest trends and innovations on the horizon for dental cement, discussing how they are poised to revolutionize the field and shape the future of dentistry. From improved bond strength to increased esthetics, join us as we explore the exciting developments in dental cement and their potential impact on the dental industry. Whether you are a dentist, dental professional, or simply interested in the field, this article will provide valuable insights into the future of dental cement and its role in shaping the landscape of modern dentistry.
Increasing demand for durable materials
The dental industry has witnessed a significant increase in the demand for durable materials in recent years. Dentists and dental professionals are increasingly seeking long-lasting solutions in their practices to provide patients with reliable restorations. The choice of dental impression material and cement plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and stability of dental restorations. Products like Maxcem Elite, RelyX Unicem, Fuji Cem II, and IRM dental are now in high demand due to their exceptional durability and reliability. These advanced materials not only offer superior bond strength but also provide excellent marginal integrity, minimizing the risk of restoration failure. As patients become more aware of the importance of long-lasting dental restorations, the demand for durable materials is expected to continue growing in the foreseeable future. Dental professionals need to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the field to meet the evolving needs of patients and provide them with the highest quality of care.
Advancements in adhesive technology
Advancements in adhesive technology have revolutionized the field of dentistry, providing dental professionals with improved bonding solutions for various restorative procedures. These innovations have greatly enhanced the success and longevity of dental cement, such as maxcem elite, RelyX Unicem, Fuji Cem II, and IRM dental. The development of stronger and more reliable adhesive agents has significantly increased bond strength, ensuring secure and long-lasting restorations. Additionally, advancements in adhesive technology have improved the ease of use and simplified the application process, allowing for greater efficiency and accuracy during dental procedures. As the dental industry continues to evolve, these advancements in adhesive technology will continue to play a vital role in achieving optimal patient outcomes and satisfaction. Dental professionals must stay informed about these advancements to provide the highest standard of care and meet patients' ever-increasing demands for durable and reliable dental restorations.
Biocompatible options for sensitive patients
When it comes to sensitive patients, selecting biocompatible dental impression materials is crucial for ensuring their comfort and overall oral health. Biocompatible options, such as Maxcem Elite, relyx unicem, Fuji Cem II, and IRM dental, have been specifically formulated to minimize any potential adverse reactions or irritation that sensitive patients may experience. These materials are designed to be gentle on the tissues, reducing the risk of inflammation or allergic responses. In addition to their biocompatibility, these dental cement options offer excellent bond strength and durability, ensuring reliable and long-lasting restorations for sensitive patients. By incorporating biocompatible materials into their practice, dental professionals can provide optimal care for sensitive patients while maintaining the highest standard of safety and effectiveness.
Rising popularity of self-adhesive cements
The dental industry is witnessing a growing trend in the use of self-adhesive cements. These innovative dental materials offer numerous advantages, making them increasingly popular among clinicians and patients alike. Self-adhesive cements, such as Maxcem Elite, RelyX Unicem, and fuji cem ii, eliminate the need for separate bonding agents, simplifying the cementation process and saving valuable chair time. Their unique formulation allows for excellent bond strength to both enamel and dentin surfaces, ensuring reliable adhesion of restorations. Furthermore, self-adhesive cements provide enhanced marginal seal and resistance to microleakage, reducing the risk of secondary caries and improving the longevity of restorations. With their ease of use, strong bond strength, and superior sealing properties, self-adhesive cements are revolutionizing the field of dental cementation and are expected to continue their upward trajectory in the foreseeable future.
Potential for customizable formulations
The advancement in dental material science has paved the way for the potential development of customizable formulations in dental cement. Customizable formulations allow for tailored properties and characteristics based on specific clinical needs, such as the type of restoration, the substrate being bonded, and the desired outcome. This can be particularly beneficial in cases where traditional cement options may not meet the required specifications. By incorporating advanced additives and modifiers into dental impression materials and cements like Maxcem Elite, RelyX Unicem, and irm dental, clinicians can optimize properties such as viscosity, setting time, bond strength, and aesthetics, ensuring precise and reliable performance for each unique case. Furthermore, the potential for customizable formulations opens doors for further innovation and the development of specialized cements catering to specific applications, such as high-strength cements for implant-supported restorations or moisture-tolerant cements for challenging clinical conditions. As the dental industry continues to embrace advancements in material science, the potential for customizable formulations in dental cement holds promise for enhancing clinical outcomes and improving patient satisfaction.
As we have explored the current trends and potential innovations in the field of dental cement, it is clear that the future of this essential dental material is bright. With advancements in technology and materials, we can expect to see improved strength, durability, and aesthetics in dental cement, making it an even more valuable tool for dentists and patients alike. It is an exciting time to be in the field of dentistry, and we can look forward to the continued evolution of dental cement in the years to come. By staying informed and embracing new developments, we can continue to provide the highest quality care to our patients and enhance their overall dental experience. You may learn more at www.dentalfinds.com.
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nnjzz · 8 months
JEUDI 02.11
20:00 portes 20:45 action
P.A.F. 6€
à LES NAUTES 1, Quai des Célestins 75004 M° Sully-Morland
WAMEI /jp osaka Jeune musicien prolifique et très versatile, il est la moitié du duo " psych-drone- pop" Sarry ( avec la chanteuse Fuji Yuki ) et également membre de plusieurs groupes de la région de Kansai dont le groupe psyche/rock Hibushibure, le combo techno/noise Nasca Car ou le groupe post-punk Jacob’s Ladder. Solo, il construit de plus en plus sa musique dans une accumulation de strates de drones saturés, même si - à l'opposé de ce spectre - il excelle à concocter des vignettes électroniques compactes et mystérieuses, des mini-capsules sous forme de pop-ups délétères, comme des mini-bulles de soundtracks éphémères, tantôt lymphatiques tantôt agités, qui peuvent faire penser ( ou pas ) à, pêle-mêle, Conrad Schnitzler, Cosmic Jokers, Mort Garson, Matsuo Ono, Edward Artemiev, Gil Mellé, Coil, classiques d'early electronica ( Herbert Eimert, Otto Luening, Vladimir Ussachevsky... ), Kid Baltan & Tom Dissevelt, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram et autres ciseleurs de la vintage electronica de l'âge d'or du BBC Radiophonic Workshop.  " Avec un style d'expression totalement abstrait basé sur le drone (performance avec son soutenu), ses performances s'intéressent aux « sons qui mènent à d'autres mondes », qui affectent directement les sens de l'auditeur plutôt que sa sensibilité musicale. Le style d'interprétation, qui utilise un minimum de synthétiseurs et de pédales, vise à faire entendre à l'auditeur la musique du plus profond de sa mémoire, et supprime en profondeur les éléments musicaux tels que la mélodie et le rythme, et, à la limite du bruit, détruit la pensée et crée des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur les sens qui s'y trouvent. Le groupe joue des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur ses sens les plus intimes. " Dans le passé, il a participé à des groupes et unités de divers genres, y compris l'unité que Sarry a formée avec la chanteuse Fuji-Yuki, et a également produit et publié de nombreuses œuvres sur des labels en Europe et dans d'autres pays, ainsi que des tournées en Europe, Australie et Taïwan. Il a également effectué des tournées en Europe, en Australie et à Taiwan et a collaboré avec des musiciens d'autres pays pour produire des œuvres
ABYSMO / fr paris bruxelles Mealbient, hypnagogic dance music
Nonmei9227 + C Folle : duo créant de la musique visqueuse inspirée des parcs à thème, des marécages et états hypnagogiques au travers de synthèses de vocalisation et de patterns flasques.
OCTAVE MAGESCAS / fr paris Parisien de toujours, musicien et chercheur ( Sound Art Museum de Rome, EHESS ), Octave nourrit sa musique de  field recordings, crépitements synthétiques, clicks_+_cuts à la mode de Frankfurt, tout le langage sonore de l'ambigu et du contemplatif post-digital.
Incursions parfois harsh noise, parfois sleek lush ambient, parfois sound art-ish seront ( ou pas ) de mise, qui verra, verra.
UNNECESSARY ATHLETICS ar / it paris +ou-
des sons qui parcourent les quatre coins du tableau comme des pièces d’échecs des jeux d’avance et retours
Et ça sautille, et ça percute!
UA est un duo composé de : Luca Ventimiglia - électronique  + Joaquin Ortega - électronique.
Les deux font par ailleurs partie d'innombrables permutations entre d'innombrables membres du collectif 2035. 
Fly - Mehdi Hercberg aka SHOBOSHOBO
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Akainu Luffy, slowly getting better.
Kuzan Luffy: holy shit he finally accepted help
Aka! Luffy: *realizes his situation will never get better*
Luffy collective: oH?
Aka! Luffy: *realizes he can ask for help*
The collective: OH?!
Aka! Luffy: *asks for help from people outside his tight-knit toxic circle*
The collective: yes..!
Aka! Luffy: *Gets a reliable suppost system*
The collective: YES!
Aka! Luffy: *allows himself to be visibly happy, depends on his crew mates and expands on his hobbies*
The collective: YES YES YES!!!! FINALLY!!!!
Aka! Luffy: Uh,,, sorry for being a huge jerk, I should have been self-aware--!
Kuzan! Luffy: *holding him up like simba* He Is Healed!!!
Sen! Luffy: Another for the council of Luffies!
Kizaru! Luffy: Huzzah! I'm not splitting my portion of the meat.
Sen! Lu: *smacks Kizaru! Lu upside the head*
Kizaru! Lu: Oi!
Fuji! Luffy: I didn't see anything.
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hoanhatban · 8 months
Hoa Nhật Bản
Hoa Nhật Bản là một biểu tượng văn hóa đẹp và tinh tế của đất nước này. Với sự đa dạng và sắc màu phong phú, hoa Nhật Bản mang đến một thế giới thơ mộng và tinh tế , xem thêm chi tiết tại đây.
Hoa anh đào (Sakura) là biểu tượng quan trọng nhất của hoa Nhật Bản. Vào mùa xuân, khi những cánh hoa anh đào khoe sắc trên khắp đất nước, người dân Nhật Bản tụ tập dưới những cây anh đào để thưởng thức cảnh quan tuyệt đẹp và tận hưởng mùa hanami (ngắm hoa). Điều đặc biệt về hoa anh đào là sự tạm thời của nó, chỉ tồn tại trong một khoảnh khắc ngắn trong khi nở rộ, nhưng lại mang ý nghĩa sâu sắc về sự tàn ephemeral và vẻ đẹp không thể trụ vững mãi.
Ngoài hoa anh đào, hoa Nhật Bản còn có hoa cúc (Kiku) và hoa sen (Hasu) cũng được coi là biểu tượng quan trọng của đất nước này. Hoa cúc thể hiện sự trang nghiêm và thanh cao, thường được trưng bày trong các lễ hội truyền thống và các sự kiện quan trọng. Trong khi đó, hoa sen mang ý nghĩa về sự tinh khiết và tâm linh, thường được liên kết với đạo Phật và được sử dụng trong các nghi lễ và thiền định.
Hoa Nhật Bản không chỉ là một phần của thiên nhiên mà còn trở thành nguồn cảm hứng cho nghệ thuật và thi ca Nhật Bản. Từ tranh vẽ, nghệ thuật bonsai đến thơ ca Haiku, hoa Nhật Bản luôn là nguồn cảm hứng không tận cho sự sáng tạo và tinh thần nhạy bén của người Nhật Bản.
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Lễ hội hoa Shibazakura - Fuji
Lễ hội hoa Shibazakura ở núi Fuji là một sự kiện nổi tiếng và hấp dẫn tại Nhật Bản. Shibazakura, còn được gọi là "thảm hoa Moss Pink", là loại hoa thủy điệp nhỏ màu hồng, trắng, tím và đỏ, khiến cảnh quan trở nên rực rỡ màu sắc.
Lễ hội hoa Shibazakura diễn ra từ cuối tháng 4 đến đầu tháng 6 hàng năm tại khu vực núi Phú Sĩ ở tỉnh Yamanashi, nằm ở phía tây Tokyo. Đây là thời điểm hoa Shibazakura nở rộ và tạo thành một thảm hoa mênh mông trải dài trên các đồng cỏ. Cảnh quan của lễ hội là một sự kết hợp hài hòa giữa hoa Shibazakura, núi Phú Sĩ và những ngọn núi xung quanh, tạo nên một bức tranh thiên nhiên tuyệt đẹp.
Khi tham gia lễ hội hoa Shibazakura, du khách có thể tản bộ và ngắm nhìn vẻ đẹp của hàng triệu bông hoa trong một không gian rộng lớn. Ngoài ra, lễ hội cũng có cảnh quan tuyệt đẹp từ trên cao, cho phép du khách tận hưởng toàn cảnh của thảm hoa Shibazakura với núi Phú Sĩ làm nền.
Lễ hội hoa Shibazakura cũng đi kèm với các hoạt động giải trí và ẩm thực truyền thống. Du khách có thể thưởng thức các món ăn địa phương như ramen, sushi và mochi, cùng với các màn trình diễn nghệ thuật và văn hóa Nhật Bản.
Với vẻ đẹp tuyệt mỹ của hoa Shibazakura kết hợp với núi Phú Sĩ, lễ hội hoa Shibazakura thu hút hàng ngàn du khách mỗi năm và là một trải nghiệm không thể bỏ qua khi đến Nhật Bản.
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Thời gian , địa điểm diễn ra lễ hội hoa Shibazakura
Lễ hội hoa Shibazakura diễn ra từ cuối tháng 4 đến đầu tháng 6 hàng năm. Thời gian chính xác có thể thay đổi một chút mỗi năm, do phụ thuộc vào thời tiết và mùa nở của hoa Shibazakura.
Địa điểm chính của lễ hội hoa Shibazakura là ở khu vực núi Phú Sĩ (Mount Fuji) ở tỉnh Yamanashi, Nhật Bản. Cụ thể, có hai địa điểm nổi tiếng là chủ đề cho lễ hội này:
Chureito Pagoda: Nằm ở thành phố Fujiyoshida, gần Chợ Kawaguchiko, Chureito Pagoda là một ngôi đền có cấu trúc đẹp mắt nằm trên một đồi nhìn ra núi Phú Sĩ. Xung quanh đền là một khu vực rộng lớn với thảm hoa Shibazakura màu sắc tuyệt đẹp.
Hitsujiyama Park: Tọa lạc ở thành phố Chichibu, tỉnh Saitama, Hitsujiyama Park là một công viên rộng lớn với thảm hoa Shibazakura mênh mông. Cảnh quan tại đây kết hợp hoa Shibazakura với núi Phú Sĩ và các ngọn núi xung quanh tạo nên một bức tranh thiên nhiên tuyệt đẹp.
Cả hai địa điểm trên đều có cơ sở hạ tầng tốt, bao gồm sân bay, ga tàu và các phương tiện giao thông công cộng để du khách có thể dễ dàng đến tham quan lễ hội hoa Shibazakura.
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Hi vọng bài viết giúp bạn hiểu hơn về lễ hội hoa Shibazakura ở nhật bản.
Hoa Nhật Bản
Bỏ túi 10 điểm checkin sống ảo với Hoa Cẩm Tú ở Kyoto 11 Cánh đồng hoa oải hương đẹp nhất Nhật Bản 10 Địa điểm ngắm hoa Đỗ Quyên đẹp nhất Nhật Bản Du lịch Nhật Bản ngắm hoa Lavender mùa Covid-19 Du lịch Nhật Bản ngắm hoa Tử Đằng mùa Covid 2020
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