#fumio shimizu
enoshima-division · 10 months
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Ah, what a scorching hot round that was~ Now, as we wait for our handsome contestants to prepare their voices for their next round, please take the time to relax and enjoy the performance given by our shy yet endearingly awkward flower, ‘Dissector’ of Enoshima Division! Held og lykke, Vidar~!
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“Fuuee, it’s my turn already huh…? We went by a lot quicker than I thought we would! But, hey, what better way to close off the Beach Round than to have a beach division perform, yeah? Ehehe…Heh…S-Sorry. Um, this song might not fit the vibe of this contest but I think that’s okay, right…? A-anyway, bring the beat in, please!”
Performed by:
Fumio ‘Dissector’ Shimizu.
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niigata-division · 9 months
Who could possibly be knocking at this hour?
Seiji Tsukimoto opened the door to find no one on the other side, much to his suspicion. The only thing left beneath his feet were a large package, but it didn’t look like anything that could be particularly dangerous. Not with that red and green Christmas wrapping.
He didn’t know who would give him a present outside of his daughter and team, but that didn’t matter. What type of person would he be to ignore someone’s good intentions? Taking it inside, he opened the package to see a letter and multiple different gifts.
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Sorry if these gifts are not to your taste, admittedly I didn’t really know what to get you, but I think these somewhat suffices…?
I’ve heard you’re a pretty busy man, so I got the journal for you to help you out. You know, to plan stuff…? Yeah.
I hope you like the tea stuff! A lot of the plants in the tea bags are ones that I created myself, so I’m not sure how they would taste…Oh, maybe I should’ve given these to a taste tester first before sending them to you.
Uh, regardless, I’d really appreciate it if you gave me your opinion! And if there’s anything that I need to improve…I’ve never used my plants for tea before now, so that’d be great.
Merry Christmas!
- Shimizu F. / Enoshima Division.’
Seiji took a sip of the hot tea he had made and was mildly surprised that for someone’s first time making tea bags it tasted quite good. He was also mildly surprised that someone decided to send him tea instead of coffee. Almost everyone assumed that he was a coffee drinker considering the hours he worked as Chief of Police. So it always shocked everyone when they learned he preferred to drink tea more than any sort of coffee. Of course, Seiji would never say it, but he always associated drinking tea with his mother. She had always loved to drink it.
Seiji leaned back into his chair. The few precious memories he had of his mother swirling in his mind. Once, he remembered that she had let him try some of her tea as a child, and Seiji had nearly spat it out because he thought it tasted gross. Of course, his mother had only laughed at the face he made. “It’s an acquired taste, dear.” had been what she had told him.
“Papa?” Yaeka questioned, bringing her father out of his memoires.
“Yes, dear?”
“What are you drinking?”
“Just some tea someone sent me.”
“Can I try some?” Yaeka asked, curious as to what her father was drinking tasted like.
Seiji brought the cup down Yaeka’s face and held it as the little girl took a sip from it. Yaeka's face twisted in disgust as she swallowed the tea down.
“Bleh. It tastes funny.” Yaeka flicked her tongue out, not at all liking the taste.
Seiji could only let out a laugh at the look on Yaeka's face. Seems like she didn’t enjoy the taste of tea much like he did all those years ago.
“It’s an acquired taste, dear. It took me a while to like it.”
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kanazawa-division · 10 months
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Special Thanks!
We can’t have done this without all the talented and amazing people within our own Divisions so let’s give a proper thanks to everyone who’s helped put in the effort to make possible! Starting with our…
Kureha Koizumi — Camerawoman
Alexis Ward — Photographer
Kaoru Shinozaki — Videographer
Reiaki Suzubayashi — Makeup Artist
Kaiji Sano, Ramuda Amemura, Touya Kisaragi, Shuu Edogawa — Outfit/Costume Designers
Musical Performances
“Fleuret Oshiro”
“Fumio Shimizu”
“Sayaka Miyuki & Yuriko Kuromiya”
And finally, Security..
Saji Buranka
Vito Koi
Ted Bridges
We thank you for your hard work and services!
@saitama-division @arakawa-division @edogawa-division @minato-division03 @kobedivision @katsushika-division @suginami-division @minato-division01 @taito-division @enoshima-division @megurodivision @hakodate-division
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gion-division · 1 year
With the COVID numbers slowly rising again (unfortunately), that's got me thinking of a question I wanted to ask...
If COVID took place in the HypMic universe, how would your OC's handle it? Would they slowly go insane from being trapped indoors? Would they develop an unhealthy drinking/smoking habit? Or would they be perfectly fine?
Koyumi herself is fine. She considers herself someone who can adapt to things pretty well, even if she is rather shaky at first. She’ll follow the regulations done to a T, will watch over Moriko and Honoka as usual, etc. She’ll be the one to go shopping for whatever the team needs to too. As expected of the Division leader, she’s got it all held together!
But what she is worried about is her profession. Her entire job centers around people; engaging in conversations, pouring tea and performing for them, etc. If she can’t do any of that, then what happens to her? Geishas are already becoming pretty scarce in the modern day because of a lack of interest, this is just making it worse…Sure she can take on some other jobs in the meantime to make income, but she definitely won’t enjoy it as much…
Honoka wouldn’t care that much to be honest. In fact, she’s the most unaffected about the pandemic. Yes, concepts such as ‘wear a mask when going outside’ and ‘social distancing’ are new and confusing to her when Koyumi first tells her about it, but considering the fact that she never went outside that much anyway, does she really need to worry?? All of Honoka’s hobbies are indoors too, so she’ll just be chilling honestly. Hana No Joō all live in the same home as well, so all of the important people in her life is right next to her. It’s not that bad!
Knowing this terminally ill child though, she’s probably gonna get COVID anyway despite all of this. Someone help her. When will she be free of this curse?
Moriko would’ve definitely had a harder time adjusting to the pandemic if she was still an actress, but now? Considering how many hours she needs to spend on drawing panels, she can’t really complain! At least she might be able to actually complete things before the deadline now since she can’t go outside much anymore; she keeps finishing her manga at the last minute because of how much she spends her time doing things outdoors. Besides, it’s not like she’ll be completely bored and only working! She can do some video game streams too whenever she’s on break, and her teammates can join in!
I guess the only thing she’s gonna miss is the in-person interactions between her and her fans…Seriously, those are so fun! She’s quite an affectionate person too, so the ‘social distancing’ thing is dreadful for her.
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Yudai is DYING. Seriously, this is the most terrible situation he could imagine! He understands why these rules are established but he will continue to complain endlessly about it until his teammates distract him with something else—like gaming. He’s unintentionally the worst one out of everyone here due to his natural extroverted-ness; he gets all touchy/affectionate when greeting aka he doesn’t do social distancing, sometimes he pulls the mask below the nose, he sneaks outside anyway, etc. Get Fumio to whack him.
And you know what’s worse? You know what he hates the most? He can’t go to the fucking beaches. That’s literally what made him famous, his love for water and being a swimmer—And you’re telling me he can’t do it anymore?! Yeah his house in Enoshima has a pool that he can swim in but it’s not enough! Not enough at all!! Even the backyard lake he has back in Hokkaido is not enough for him and that’s significantly bigger! Fuck you Coronavirus! …….Maybe he should actually go into that pool to cool his head for now. Time to get mopey again.
…Well shit. Asuka is slightly distraught at the fact that he needs to stay inside. Being outside is literally his job, the whole point of archaeology is to discover ancient things, so this…sucks. It really does. He’s fine with the whole ‘online’ thing, he can definitely still teach people who are training to become archaeologists or just wants to learn history/culture in general, and he can still do part-time jobs online too but…He just doesn’t get the same energy.
…I mean, he was never a complete stickler for the rules anyway. As long as you stay away from people and wear your mask then you can be outside, right? Sooooo he can definitely go explore as long as he’s not near anybody, yeah? Yeeaahhh? :)
Fumio is hands-down the only sane person in the entire Solar Siren team when it comes this pandemic, he’s perfectly fine just being inside the household with his plants. Peace and quiet, his beloved. However, he’s looking at his teammates with the most scared look because of their feral ‘I-need-to-be-out-in-the-world’ aura. Unfortunately for his ass, he is still gonna get dragged around by Yudai whenever the olympic swimmer wants to leave anyway so someone pray for him please—Fumio doesn’t get as easily sick as Honoka does but he’s still the physically weakest out of the team so!
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okinawa-division · 2 years
Ace's Thoughts on Enoshima Division
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Yudai Toya
"This guy seems to be a frequent customer of the Eagle's Nest. I don't know if he drinks, but he always seems to stop by the bar to get some juice or water or something after he's done swimming around on the beach. Rashaad tells me his goal is to explore all of the oceans in the world. It's a noble or worthy goal, but I highly doubt he'll find any... "sea monsters". If he's planning to search for the Leviathan or something, he's got his work cut out for him..."
Asuka Koizumi
"I don't really know much about this guy. He rarely ever comes here to Okinawa, or the Eagle's Nest. If he does come here, it's cause he was dragged here by that Yudai guy. Rashaad says he doesn't always stay in one place, traveling from one city to the next. He reminds me of that YouTube girl from Akihabara who goes ghost-hunting or something. Apparently, he's an... 'ex-archologist'? Does that mean he's currently 'unemployed' if that's the case? If so, why doesn't he just call himself that?"
Fumio Shimizu
"I knew a guy like this back in high school. He was shy and withdrawn, but if you mentioned anything about plants or plant life, he'd become an entirely different person. No real surprise since I think his goal was to become a botanist. Anyway, like I said, this kid reminds me of him a lot. He seems like an okay guy, though. I have to wonder why he's in this tournament, though. If he's trying to become more fearless, trust me, kid, there are plenty of easier and less painful ways..."
Solar Siren
"I have to wonder how all three of these guys met and how they formed a rap team together. I mean, we have a wild guy who loves the sea, a cocky guy who loves bouncing from place to place, and a cowardly guy who loves to garden. Not exactly the ideal team, if you ask me. But then again, I have been wrong before. Who knows? Maybe they'll have some tricks up their sleeves to show all of us. I'll be watching them to see if that's the case."
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uenodivision · 10 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 3) (Cont.)
Chinen Sisters
Kira "Huntress" Chinen
Taria "Misfit" Chinen
Murder in Ōta City Tonight
Unbearable Hotheads
Oki "ATLAS" Teagan
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
You Can't Touch Us (Don't Try)
Dirty Hands
Asuka "TREA$URE" Koizumi
Fumio "Dissector" Shimizu
Win or Lose? (You Decide)
Dog & Cat
Tasuku "Katame" Kawanoe
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Headaches of the Police
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Why So Serious?
Contagious Energy!
Ryūnosuke "Fist N Fury" Sekiguchi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Get Up and Do Something!
Dream a Little Dream... (Rush Hour Solo)
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Move Your Body or You Die! (Yuriko Kuromiya's Training Camp from Hell) (Black Dalhia Solo)
Hip-Hop, Eat Your Heart Out (Ride or Die Solo)
You All Are Just Toys (Cinder Solo)
@ota-division @ginza-division @suginami-division @enoshima-division @fukuokadivision1 @toyama-division @kanazawa-division @niigata-division @naha-division @naradivision @akihabara-division03 @shinagawa-division @edogawa-division @katsushika-division
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Mariko Kaga in Pleasures of the Flesh (Nagisa Oshima, 1965)
Cast: Katsuo Nakamura, Mariko Kaga, Yumiko Nagawa, Masako Yagi, Toshiko Higuchi, Hiroko Shimizu, Shoichi Ozawa, Kei Sato, Rokko Toura, Fumio Watanabe, Hosei Kamatsu, Akiji Kobayashi. Screenplay: Nagisa Oshima, based on a novel by Futaro Yamada. Cinematography: Akira Takada. Art direction: Yasutaro Kon. Music: Joji Yuasa.
With a burst of bluesy music, Pleasures of the Flesh starts out like a film noir, and the plot setup follows suit. The young tutor to a pretty teenager kills a man who has molested her, but the act has been witnessed by a man who has embezzled funds from his place of work. In an attempt to blackmail the tutor, the embezzler says he won't tell the police if the young man will hide 30 million yen of the loot. The embezzler expects to be arrested, he says, but he'll return for the money after serving his prison sentence. If the tutor has spent any of it, he'll tell the police about the murder. The tutor reluctantly agrees, but then the plot not unexpectedly begins to tangle. The tutor, Atsushi (Katsuo Nakamura), is in love with the teenager, Shoko (Mariko Kaga), but too poor to win her parents' approval. He's so devastated when she marries that he begins to lose his mind. The embezzler has in fact gone to prison, and Atsushi decides to live it up on the 30 million yen, then kill himself when the embezzler has served his term. And so begins a series of flings with four women, each of whom he pays to live with him. There's a showgirl with a gangster boyfriend, a married woman whose husband is desperately in debt, a doctor who insists on remaining a virgin, and a mute prostitute with a thuggish pimp. None of these attempts to wallow in the titular pleasures of the flesh ends well, and then, just as Atsushi spends the last of the money, he learns that the embezzler has died in prison. As if that outcome weren't ironic enough, the embezzler also told a fellow inmate about the 30 million yen he had stashed with Atsushi and when he's released he comes in search of the money. It's a moral tale straight out of Boccaccio or Chaucer, but writer-director Nagisa Oshima is faced with modernizing it and doesn't quite succeed. There's a bit too much fancy camerawork as Oshima interpolates Atsushi's obsessive visions of Shoko and paranoid ones of the embezzler into the narrative. The moral tale still feels heavyhanded. But Pleasures of the Flesh is the work of a major filmmaker at the outset of his career, and as such rewards watching.
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organisationskoval · 2 years
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323) Yūzonsha (猶存社, Society of Those Who Yet Remain, Towarzystwo Tych, którzy jeszcze pozostali) - radykalna japońska nacjonalistyczna organizacja panazjatycka założona w sierpniu 1919 roku. Grupa wyrosła z istniejącego wcześniej stowarzyszenia dyskusyjnego, Rōsōkai (Społeczeństwo Starych i Młodych), które zostało założone w październiku 1918 roku przez Mitsukawę Kametaro, redaktora Dai Nihon (Wielka Japonia). Chociaż Rōsōkai nie skupiał się wyraźnie na panazjatyźmie ani polityce, jego członkami było wielu czołowych panazjatów i komentatorów politycznych. Niezadowoleni z nadmiernie apolitycznego charakteru Rōsōkai, Ōkawa Shūmei i Mitsukawa Kametaro wybrali 8 sierpnia 1919 r. na utworzenie Yūzonsha. Ta organizacja miała wyraźny panaazjatycki program reformatorski i obejmowała wybitnych członków, takich jak Kanokogi Kazunobu, Nunami Takeo, Kasagi Yoshiaki, Shimonaka Yasaburō, Kanauchi Ryōsuke, Ayakawa Takeji, Yasuoka Masahiro, Shimizu Kōnosuke, Iwata Fumio i Nishida Mitsugi. Wkrótce po utworzeniu stowarzyszenia, Mitsukawa i Ōkawa poprosili radykalnego pan-azjatę Kitę Ikki, autora quasi-totalitarnego Kokka Kaizō Hōan Daikō (Plan odbudowy narodowej), o zapewnienie ideologicznego przywództwa. Chociaż zgodził się to zrobić, przenosząc się do siedziby organizacji, w dużej mierze trzymał się z dala od organizacji; która przejęła część jego ideologii i była zamieszana w nielegalny obieg kopii jego zakazanej pracy. Chociaż Yūzonsha planowała szerzyć swoje radykalne panaazjatyckie i nacjonalistyczne przesłanie wśród studentów uniwersytetów, jako przeciwieństwo poglądów głoszonych przez Yoshino Sakuzō, odniosło to niewielki sukces. Organizacja uruchomiła miesięcznik Otakebi (Okrzyk wojenny) w sierpniu 1920 r., ale opublikowała tylko trzy numery przed zaprzestaniem publikacji; równie nieudane były jego próby publikowania książek i wydano tylko kilka broszur. Była zaangażowana w kilka kampanii politycznych, w szczególności udaną, mającą na celu zapobieżenie anulowaniu zaręczyn Hirohito z księżniczką Kuni Nagako, oraz nieudaną kampanię mającą na celu zapobieżenie podróży Hirohito po Europie w 1921 roku. Grupa ostatecznie rozwiązała się w 1923 roku wraz z Rōsōkai po nieporozumieniach między Kitą i Ōkawą, zwłaszcza w stosunkach rosyjsko-japońskich.
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spyskrapbook · 4 years
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“The Master’s House: A Place For Tai-Chi”_ Architect: George Antanassiu.
Akahira, K. (ed.) (1993). Contemporary British Architectural Drawings, London: Academy Group Ltd., pp. 22-23.
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stue1967 · 5 years
Kankyo Ongaku: A Brief History of Japanese Ambient Music
Happy Easter everyone. The @lightintheattic compilation Kankyo Ongaku is a wonderful primer for Japanese ambient music. Read about it here:
 It transpires that I was ahead of the curve. Well, there’s a first time for everything.
Two years after my trip of a lifetime to Japan in 2017, all manner of Japanese music and culture is bubbling to the surface. It’s sakura time in the UK and my other half has a matching handbag. Every time I go into the old Foyles book shop in London, there’s a new display of featured Japanese literature. The…
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enoshima-division · 2 years
Before and After (Solar Siren ver.)
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yurimother · 5 years
Yuri Visual Novel Series ‘FLOWERS’ to be Continued in New Drama CD
On February 1, 2020, Fumio “Sugina Miki” Aoki, the director of the popular Yuri visual novel series Flowers and CEO of the studio that produced it, Innocent Grey, announced that a new Flowers drama CD series would be released this April.
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The new drama CD, entitled Flowers -Langue des Fleurs Strelitzia, is a four-disc set. The first two discs contain the main story, the third includes a  mise en abyme story, and the fourth a free talk (stylized as Flower talk). The main story of the drama CDs will take place two years after the end of the game series. -Langue des Fleurs Strelitzia will be released in Japan in April 2020.
Although the cast for the drama CD has not been officially announced, Okamoto Rei Tweeted that she would be reprising her role as Kousaka Mayuri, one of the series main characters, for the drama CD.
Flowers is a Yuri visual novel series developed by Innocent Grey. The series is directed and illustrated by Sugina Miki and written by Shimizu Hatsumi. Four games were released between 2014 and 2017, Le Volume sur Printemps,  Le Volume sur Été, Le Volume sur Automne, and Le Volume sur Hiver for Windows pc. Over the years, the games have been ported to various decides, including the PlayStation 4, Playstation Vita, Android, and Nintendo Switch. A collection of all four games Les Quatre Saisons was released for Playstation 4. Additionally, special editions of the games came with six drama CDs.
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The first two games in the Flowers series have been published in English by JAST USA. JSAT USA announced that they would be adapting the third game into English, but have not yet confirmed a release date.
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After studying welding, Fumio Steve Shimizu got a job working on a secret, underground fuel-storage facility at Pearl Harbor. His quest to better himself would result in having a front-row seat to one of the most infamous events in history. Steve and the men of his dayshift crew were waiting for the elevator to come up at 8:00 am, standing along a mountain ridge overlooking the harbor. “From where we stood you could see all the ships lined up,” he recalled as he spoke of the planes breaking formation to sweep down on their targets. “The first one was the Arizona, which took a direct hit.” The pilot had crashed his plane into the smokestacks, resulting in a huge explosion and causing the ship to capsize. The speed at which all this occurred is why so many sailors were trapped inside and many others died instantly. Of the 2,400-plus military and civilians who died during the attack, 1,177 were from the USS Arizona. Steve said that the USS Oklahoma was attacked in the same way. . Seeing an attack of this magnitude would either inspire patriotism in you or make you never want anything to do with a battle. For Steve, the choice was clear but the ability to volunteer would not be afforded to him, as he would soon be reclassified as an Enemy Alien. Steve lost his job at Pearl Harbor because of his Japanese heritage, yet his skills as a welder were in high demand, especially now that the US was in a state of war. Steve’s opportunity to join the 442nd came along in 1943 and he went to the mainland for training.
Read the rest in Shane Sato’s The Go For Broke Spirit.
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yohan04-blog1 · 4 years
6 curiosites de Yukio Mishima
L'artiste Todo, comme la plupart d'entre nous, a un certain nombre de caracteristiques personnelles et professionnelles qui ne sont pas toujours connues du grand public. Ce sont des curiosites qui le rendent plus attractif et enrichissent sa silhouette, mais qui restent dans bien des cas voilees pour ceux qui ne sont pas specialistes de son travail.
Puisque nous aimons vraiment les curiosites et les bizarreries de nos ecrivains preferes, nous voulions faire venir l'un des conteurs japonais les plus importants du XXe siecle, Yukio Mishima. Vous les avez peut-etre deja rencontres, mais peut-etre aurions-nous pu contribuer a decouvrir quelque chose que vous ne saviez pas sur l'auteur de Confessions d'un masque . Continue de lire!
#une. Le vrai nom de Mishima etait Kimitake Hiraoka
Il existe de nombreuses anecdotes qui circulent sur l'origine du pseudonyme Yukio Mishima. Celui qui est le plus souvent cite est celui qui fait reference a Fumio Shimizu, l'enseignant et mentor qui a ouvert les portes du monde des lettres. C'est lui qui a suggere au jeune Kimitake Hiraoka de choisir un nom litteraire pour proteger sa famille preeminente.
Apparemment , Shimizu est devenu le pseudonyme litteraire lors d'un voyage en  train: au passage a travers la ville de Mishima (situee pres de Tokyo, a l'est de la prefecture de Shizuoka et au pied du mont Fuji), et regardez le Snowy Fuji ( yuki veux dire "neige" en japonais), a decide que ce serait un pseudonyme que son eleve prendrait pour se consacrer aux lettres. Cependant, la famille de Yukio Mishima a soutenu que l'ecrivain avait trouve son nom de scene en choisissant au hasard le nom dans un annuaire telephonique.
#deux. Il etait un auteur prolifique qui a aborde divers genres
Au cours de ses 45 annees de vie, Yukio Mishima a ete l'auteur de pas moins de 257 pieces - dont des romans, des histoires, 18 pieces et un film. Cela nous fait nous demander ou l’ecrivain japonais serait alle s’il n’avait pas s'est suicide a un si jeune age.
# 3. Il s'est debarrasse de l'armee par un mensonge
Lorsque la Seconde Guerre mondiale a commence, Yukio Mishima, comme tant de jeunes de sa generation, a recu l'ordre de se presenter a la marine imperiale japonaise. Lorsqu'il s'est presente, l'ecrivain aurait eu des signes de maladie et aurait menti a des medecins disant qu'il etait atteint de tuberculose.
# 4. Il etait un grand adepte de la musculation
Yukio Mishima etait un homme voue au culte du corps. Vers 1955, il commenca a s'entrainer avec des poids afin de transformer son corps, de constitution faible et mince, en celui d'un homme fort, portant desormais des regimes hebdomadaires rigoureux qu'il maintint jusqu'a la fin de ses jours. Il etait egalement un adepte des disciplines des arts martiaux comme kendo .
Son culte du corps etait tel qu'il s'etait lui-meme represente dans des poses frappantes comme un San Sebastián perce de fleches, noye dans des sables mouvants, heurte par un camion ou avec une hache sur la tete.
# 5. Il a ete nomine pour le prix Nobel de litterature jusqu'a trois fois
La chance etait insaisissable avec Yukio Mishima en ce qui concerne le prix Nobel de litterature. Il a ete nomine pour ce prix a trois reprises au cours des annees 1960. Le premier remonte a 1963, l'annee ou il faisait partie d'une liste de six candidats finalistes, bien que le prix ait ete decerne au poete grec Giorgios Seferis.
# 6. Se suicide par rituel traditionnel ou seppuku
Yukio Mishima a ete lie pendant son existence a l'idee de suicide, en particulier au cours des dernieres annees de sa vie. A cette epoque, il fait partie de la  Tatenokai ('Le Shield Society '), une milice privee composee de jeunes etudiants patriotes dedies a l'etude des arts martiaux et des disciplines physiques.
Anime par l'esprit de protestation et la volonte de changer la situation politique dans son pays, le 25 novembre 1970, il se rend avec quatre membres de la «Shield Society» au siege du commandement oriental des Forces d'autodefense  japonaises. a Tokyo. La, ils se sont barricades, ont capture le commandant et ont encourage les soldats a effectuer un coup d'Etat pour ramener l'empereur a sa juste place.
La fin de Yukio Mishima, alors que la defaite approchait, fut terrible. Il a opte pour le rituel de seppuku , appartenant a la bushido ( le code ethique des samourais) pour se suicider. le  seppuku consiste a enfoncer un poignard dans le ventre de gauche a droite pour etre ensuite decapite par un assistant.
La mort de Yukio Mishima ressemblait plus a une boucherie qu'a autre chose. Le partenaire affecte a la decapitation, Masakatsu Morita, n'a pas pu le faire apres plusieurs tentatives infructueuses, avec Hiroyasu Koka en charge de terminer le travail.
Et vous, connaissez-vous plus d'anecdotes ou de curiosites de Yukio Mishima?
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okinawa-division · 2 years
Evelyn's Thoughts on Enoshima Division
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Yudai Toya
"Yudai is, like, a really good swimmer! I often see him on the beach by Eagle's Nest, and he, like, is almost always in the water! From what we talked about, he says he wants to, like, explore the oceans all over the world. That's, like, a lot of swimming! But he didn't seem bothered by it, since he said he loves the water! I wonder though who loves it more: him or Sakuma-kun from Naha?"
Asuka Koizumi
"Like Acey, I don't know much Asuka-chan. Rashaad says he used to, like, work as... one of those people that like to, like, dig in the dirt for stuff. But for some reason, he, like, quit and didn't say why. Rashaad told me not to ask since it'd be rude. But, like, I really want to know!"
Fumio Shimizu
"Fumio-chan is so cute! He reminds me so much of, like, Honoka-chan from Gion. Like Acey mentioned, there was a guy like this in our high school. He was so shy, and it, like, got him made fun of. But his babylike appearance also, like, made him pretty popular! Fumio reminds me so much of him. He's like so cute!!"
Solar Siren
"I really like all of the guys on this team! There are, like, really adorable and cute in their own way! I'm kind of, like, curious why they're all participating, though. I hope they weren't, like, forced into it like so many of the other teams. I also hope that they get themselves hurt. But I'm sure they'll, like, be fine!"
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 years
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Matteo Thun
Designer Monographs 2
edited by Alex Buck and Matthias Vogt
with articles by Nally Bellati, Andrea Branzi, Erich Kuthe, Fumio Shimizu, Kurt Weidemann
Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin 1993, 144 pages
euro 25,00*
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
The second volume in the "Designer Monograph" series reviews the work of Matteo Thun, one of the founders of Sottsass Associati and the Memphis Group. Thun is active in product design, interior architecture, packaging and communication for such companies as AEG, Philips, Campari and Swatch
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