#fun fact! all the classes in this game have designated portraits!
hog-zone · 1 year
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so i started playing obscure Sony PSP RPG 7th dragon 2020 recently, and i'm very charmed by how you can straight up just pick your character's voices by VA. Did you know that Aoi Yuki did voicework for this game?? You know, Aoi yuki. She probably voiced like, ten of your big faves.
Anyway, I wanted to get screens of all of them so that i'd be able to go look up my blorbo's VA's later LMAO
haha uh oh idiot you've entered the BRIEF LORE ZONE. time for some FUN FACTS.
So my plan for the seventh dragon games was always to play them after I was done with EO, but I kinda got. very bored of nexus. and will probably come back to it in. 2024. that's not important tho, what IS important is that the way I had my fucked up little canon going, nexus would've resulted in the universe having been stretched so thin from having to compress all the timelines together so that all my guilds could meet that it'd cause sort of a hard reset situation where various new worlds were created, and one of them of course, would have been the 7D games.
All that explanation is to explain that I reused names from my old EO guilds for my party members LMAO. They're not so much capital R Reincarnations so much as they're echoes of the idea of those characters, carried thru time and space :>
... well except for G-KNIGHT over there. He's working as a proxy of sorts for Gawain, who was from EOV, and thus is Complicated.
Anyway if you stuck around and read all that rambling you deserve a kiss on the forehead. 💋💋💋💋
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felikatze · 6 months
What are some Marth facts
I DONT ACTUALLY HAVE MARTH FACTS... i'm at like. chapter 8 of shadow dragon. outside of my realization of "holy shit, this guy is the autism creature" i dont have many more character thoughts
okay yeah yesterday i discovered that after mystery of the emblem the fucker apparently untied SEVEN countries into a super state somehow. because all the rulers were either a) dead or b) decided that they want out of this shit so marth can have it
very funny to finally have context on why an awakening lore event was called "the schism" because the people of that super country got into a religious spat and split in three.
uhhh. marth has a sister who looks identical to him and it's SUPER hard to tell apart elice (marth's sister) and caeda (marth's wife) in official art. wild. i think this speaks more about FE character design than about marth though.
UM. in all of his mainline games, marth can't actually promote. his unique promoted class, lodestar, was actually created specifically for fire emblem warriors, which requires all units to be promotable. despite lodestar being his associated title and class ever since (most notable in fire emblem engage's "lodestar rush", which is emblem marth's engage attack) there is no main game where marth actually has that class!
warriors is really fun marth has a neat moveset in it.
maybe it's interesting that in shadow dragon, a vast majority of characters aren't actually recruited by marth? they're recruited by caeda, which is really funny. caeda rolls up to someone like "hey. join me or stab me. i know you fucking won't, pussy," and the person goes "dang. guess i'll join you" and then they go talk to marth like "hey so i uh-" "you're joining us. cool." "kay! thanks!"
it's fantastic
really he is in fact the blandest sword boy ever but something about the resting bitch face of his SD portrait combined with the sheer unflappable bluntness of his dialogue has captivated me. like yeah. yeah.
salem ana and I have concluded that motivational speeches are just his default social script. he figured out that this makes people happy and always works so whenever he doesn't know how to deal with a situation he starts talking about the power of friendship, and that's why all his extra canon appearances are Like That.
like. okay that's absolutely not the intent, but it's way funnier to read him this way.
alear: "marth, i'm sad." marth: (oh shit. fuck.) "alear have you considered your bonds." alear: "marth, you're right! there's no need to be sad if you're here with me :)" marth: (SUCCESS.)
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crapmagak · 2 years
Engage Drip Marketing: Lythos, Lumiere, and Vail
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They just won’t stop coming.
First, get an official intro for Lythos. I kind of dig the disney castle esc look of the place, honestly.
The tweet…
The Holy Land of Lythos is ruled by Alear's mother Lumiere, the Divine Dragon King. At the center of Elyos, it's a peaceful area, where refreshing winds blow in the plateaus, and light and grass interweave. Alear has spent a thousand years sleeping on a floating island on Lithos.
Lythos gives me Path of Radiance Crimea designs. We start out there, and have our tutorial fun. Then it gets invaded and the party has to travel across the world and junk. Then during the final act of the came, our heroes reconquer their home land with a big final battle in the castle. Part of why I think this is the big cutscene of our heroes fighting through the pillar bridge, and where Alear and Marth dramatically open that door.
In regards to the floating island part, I think they’re talking about that stone pillar we can’t see the bottom of, connected to the castle by a bridge. We see similar structures in Somniel, so maybe they’re just a part of Lythos. It’d be cool if we got like a floating island map like in Fates, but with bridges instead of weird gimmicks.
Also, I feel like we’ll get some more characters from Lythos besides the dragon guardians. Such as the blue haired armor knight, and those two white guys we saw in Solm.
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We get another look at Lumiere, this time actually giving her a profile, and another intro tweet…
Lumiere is the King of Divine Dragons who rules the Holy Land Lithos, and is Alear's mother. She is a hero of Elyos, who helped humans in the war against the Fell Dragon a thousand years ago.
Again, they really went that hard on a design for a character that dies so early. They’re really gonna design a beautiful woman like that then make her your mom. Speaking of design, though, this portrait made me realize something. Lumiere’s hair isn’t silver, it’s blue. This squarely puts my “The token dragon loli is her diminished form” theory to rest. However, her hair is blue and she has blue eyes… and Sombron’s hair is kind of red, and he has red eyes… Oh shit, the plot twist is gonna be that Sombron is Alear’s dad, making them half fell dragon, isn’t it.
Assuming this is true, that would be an interesting twist to make, certainly. It’d also explain the whole evil Alear thing a bit. Makes me wonder why she presumably banged Sombrom at some point. Considering this is Fire Emblem, I assume it’s gonna be that he was a good guy until he got possessed by some ancient evil force. If so, perhaps said evil force will be the true final boss of the game. Again, assuming this theory is true.
Also, I know I said a lack of a portrait was a smoking gun on this character not being playable. However, the fact that her background is pale white and gray instead of gold, and her class isn’t listed still make me think she won’t be. Besides, as Fates and Rhea proved, Intsys isn’t gonna let you recruit a character you can’t marry unless they’re a dad. And despite the incest ouroboros that is Rhea, those details a buried in lore. I doubt Intsys will really let you go full on Oedipus Complex in this game. And if they did… honestly, after throwing up, a part of me would respect the sheer balls that would take, if nothing else. 
Finally, it says Lumiere fought in the back story war a thousand years ago. Considering the possibility of Alear going apeshit and evil in the back story war, I’m curious what her role in all of that was. My best guess is she somehow snapped Alear of out of it, or maybe was the one who put them to sleep for so long they’d calm down.
We then get a cutscene tweet, shedding light on clips we’ve seen in past trailers…
Lumiere has waited for Alear to wake up for a thousand long years. To defend Alear from the strange soldiers, she defeats them in her Divine Dragon form.
Alear: "There's still so many?
Now there's a dragon too?!"
Lumiere: "Finally, you're awake..."
Seems to take place after chapter 1, and this is how we’re first introduced to the character. A solid intro, for sure. Also nice to get a full look at the design. Considering all the effort put into the dragon forms design, and it being on the box art, I’m curious. Either Lumiere doesn’t die, is a surprise villain, or this design is used for the Dragon form of Alear or Vail. The earlier two would explain why so much work was put into Lumiere’s design, and why she’s on the special edition box art (And possibly normal box art). Considering how plot important these details are, though, we definitely arne’t knowing until the game comes out. And by that, I mean a week before the game comes out and all the details are leaked. I’m not strong enough to ignore them, but fear not, I don’t plan to post on them either.
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Next up, we finally get a name for our mysterious token dragon loli character…
Vail is a mysterious girl who suddenly appeared when Alear was assaulted by strange soldiers, saving them. It seems she's traveling to find someone.
Well, looks like she finally has a name. Also, now that we have a good look at her, Vail doesn’t quite seem to be a toddler, and instead around the same age Celine and Etie are. You know, a decent half a foot above the bar. It’s… something…
I think her hair looks neat, with the monochrome stripes and all. The outfit also has a very pretty swan lake vibe. The faded out strips of red and blue also indicate a clear connection to Alear. I’d guess long lost siblings, but let's be real, Intsys 100% designed this character knowing certain people would s support her. Cousin maybe, since in Japan marrying cousins is legal. I don't know how normal it’s considered there, but in most anime I’ve seen, the kind Fire Emblem takes inspiration from, it seems to be considered normal. Yeah, I think it’s gonna turn out she’s somewhere on the divine dragon family tree.
As for what she’s looking for… Maybe the one person who knows how to purify Sombron, if my theory’s right? Maybe she’s a secret antagonist. I can’t think of who else the little cloaked girl was, and they can both use magic. Having the token dragon loli be the main villain would be a neat twist, but honestly, I don’t think that’ll happen. If you’ve seen enough anime, you know exactly why this character exists after all.
If her dragon form isn’t the same as Lumieres, then I wonder what it’ll look like. Hopefully it’ll share her unique color scheme. Speaking of which, all this monochrome makes me positive she’ll have some connection to Corrin’s emblem ring in some way, maybe being its original holder.
Next, we have the cutscene tweet…
Vail used magic to easily send the strange soldier packing. Why did she appear on the battlefield?
Vail: "...That was close. Are you okay?"
So, I’m confident she’ll be a playable unit late in the game. In fact, I think she’ll have her own special version of the dragon child class that can also use tomes, and maybe staves. Guessing they want to make her dragon form some kind of surprise after all. 
This is probably the first time we see her too. Back when the first trailer came out, and we saw the shot of Vail next to the tree, Alear said “She asked us to find the rings”. This made me think Vail was the one sending the heroes out on their questions. Instead, I think she’s a character we’ll bump into from time to time, giving cryptic foreshadowing until she’s actually important to the plot.
All in all, this week has been a pretty busy press cycle, all things considered. I’m curious how fast it’ll stay, considering what’s left to show. We’ve got all the remaining emblem rings, the Brodian characters, and the Solmian characters, who I feel have good shots at getting full bios. At the same time, I think some Elusian characters, along with the Four Hounds, and other major characters like the Brodian king, along with the other countries will also get small profiles in batches like we got today. If we go back to one profile a week, it won’t nearly be enough. But I can’t see them increasing the amount they show so much all of a sudden. We got a new trailer, so I feel like this week was special, after all. Likewise, I think we’ll get two days of news a week if we’re lucky. Maybe we’ll get extra batches of characters if another trailer or two comes out. Still, I doubt there's enough time for the marketing to show us every playable like in Three Houses this time around. 
Again, we’ll find out next week just how much things will slow down. Either way, I’m fairly confident we’ll get to see Diamante and maybe Alcryst next week. As long as we get a decent look at characters from each country, and those on the special edition box art, I’ll be satisfied.
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not-xpr-art · 3 years
Art Deep Dives #2 - The History of Fanart
Hi everyone!
This post is part of my Art Deep Dives tag, where I ramble about art-y things, often with some relation to art history in some way. 
just so you know, these essays aren’t formal in anyway lol! I just do them for fun & to hopefully be interesting in some way to someone!
This week I’ll be talking about the history and importance of fanart! It’s not the entire history of fanart, just some key moments and points in it that I feel are important!
(this essay is about 2500 words long btw!)
Part 1 - What even is fanart?
I think when a lot of people hear about ‘fanart’, they often think of it as a new thing, something that came along at some point in the last century when media begun to be mass circulated around the world.
But, of course, fanart has existed long before media like Star Wars or Doctor Who were created, and even long before photography was invented, even if it wasn’t necessarily referred to as ‘fanart’ at that time since the concept of ‘intellectual property’ hadn’t been introduced at that point. 
So I think at first we need to define what we even mean when we refer to ‘fanart’... 
Put simply, it’s artwork made by people who are interested in something created by someone else, such as a TV show, film, book, podcast, video game etc. However, by this definition, where do original characters created by the fans as part of franchises fit into the picture? Or celebrity fanart? Or artists who use famous people’s appearances as the base for their own characters? Or what of artworks of media that have long since passed copyright laws (such as Shakespeare works, Austen works, etc)? And where do illustrations of books fit into this?
So perhaps a wider description would be, artworks made by fans of and inspired by something “belonging” to someone else (either a piece of media or... themselves). The issue of this description is that most portraiture would fit into this. So... are we about to call Thomas Gainsborough or Joshua Reynolds, two of the most famous British portrait painters of the 18th century, fanartists? 
I think a lot of people in the art world would scoff at this concept, because even now the feelings surrounding fanart are pretty negative. They see it as less of a valid form of art and instead as ‘derivative’ and ‘unoriginal’. I’ve heard both non-artists and artists alike talk about fanart as ‘not real art’, and then in the next breath they’re praising portraits made by Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent Van Gogh. 
I also think it’s important to note that fanart isn’t exclusively portraiture too. Often artists will draw landscapes, still life works or even abstract pieces based on their favourite media. And as previously mention, a lot of artists and writers create their own characters within a world created by another person. So, for all intents and purposes, that is a form of original art, but it is often still put down in comparison to people who make up an entirely new story and world for their characters. 
Part 2 - Renaissance artists and Bible fanart!?
One of the most common defences I’ve seen for fanart is that Renaissance artists’ basically did Bible and Mythology fanart, and their artwork is considered ‘masterpieces’ so... that’s that!
Well, if we’re sticking with the definition of fanart being something based on a series of characters or concepts owned by someone else, then Religious or Mythological based art would definitely fit into this. 
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(Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Virgin of the Rocks’, currently being held in the National Gallery in London).
But I think it’s important to note that the art world was a very different place in Renaissance Europe. Concepts and characters didn’t belong to any one person or group of people, instead everything was a lot more homogenised. There’s a reason why when we think of figures like Jesus or the Virgin Mary, we have a very particular idea of what they look like (a very white-washed idea, I might add). The same thing goes for portrayals of figures from Greek or Roman mythology. There were often motifs associated with these deities that dated back to Antiquity, and Renaissance artists looked back to this for their inspiration. But there was no one specific point of reference for these ‘characters’ other than the Bible, which didn’t actually ‘belong’ to anyone, not even the church.  
So, I think it’s valid to bring up Renaissance artists and how the modern concept of ‘originality’ in art was less important to artists or patrons, and much of the art they did was exclusively works based on something the artist did not come up with. In my first Art Deep Dive, I talked about how History paintings (which were often Religious or Mythology based) were valued for being the product of an ‘artistic genius’ and their connection to spirituality in comparison to portraits or landscapes that depicted the real contemporary world. 
But do I think it was actually fanart? 
... Probably not... Although I wouldn’t begrudge anyone believing it is, because in a way it does somewhat fit into the definition of fanart. Instead this was to look at how society’s relationship to art has changed drastically in the hundreds of years since that era, as has the purpose of art itself.
And I think it does bring up some interesting discussions of why we are so obsessed with ‘originality’ in art at the moment when it’s not something that was really important before, though! 
Part 3 - What about portraiture? 
So... What about portraiture huh? 
Now, portraiture has existed for as long as art has, essentially, but it took until the Renaissance era and beyond for it to be associated with patrons. Portraiture was more than just ‘old-timey photography’, since it was linked distinctively to a sign of wealth. I mentioned Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds earlier, who were two very influential portrait artists of the 18th century, who both fed into a market of middle and upper class patrons wanting their portraits done in this era. 
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(This is a piece by Reynolds of the Actress Mrs Siddons as the Tragic Muse).
And in a way this makes portraiture probably the earliest example of fanart as we see it today. 
Except, a part of fanart that people who do it (including myself) often bring up is how it’s connected to a sense of passion and love for something. In a way, portraits done purely as commissions for an aristocrat for profit doesn’t necessarily fit into our modern notion of fanart. 
This brings us back to that darn description of fanart again. Because in our current world fanart can be defined as work of celebrities done as commissions. Except, perhaps, if you’re a known portrait painter (no one says the designer of the postage stamp did fanart of Queen Elizabeth, despite the fact that it... kind of is?). 
So, why is it that a portrait of the Queen is simply a portrait, but one of Billie Eilish is ‘fanart’? Who decides these parameters? And also who decides which one is more ‘worthy’ or ‘valuable’?
Places like the National Portrait Gallery are filled with portraits of famous people from history. But it’s never referred to as the ‘National Fanart Gallery’. I think in a way this boils down to who is doing the art, who the art is of and why they’re painting it. It is funny, though, that the distinction between fanart and portraiture of famous people is so similar that it requires such detailed specifications as to which is which.  
So, I think it’s clear to see that where portraiture fits in the history of fanart is a contentious one... 
Part 4 - Shakespeare, Fairy Paintings and other 18th/19th Century Curiosities...
From the late 18th until the late 19th century essentially saw the birth to what we now know as ‘fanart’, in a way. The growth of middle-class audiences in the early part of the 1800′s meant that there was a new found desire for landscape, genre and portrait art. And coupled with the growth of secularism, history paintings in their traditional sense had lost appeal. 
There was also the small matter of media being so much more accessible and wide spread to bigger audiences due to the industrial revolution. Books were being printed more easily and sold and a reasonable price, not to mention that a significant portion of the population could now actually read, or at the very least were given some form of education. More travel and trade (and also colonialism) also lead to an increase of new kinds of media being explored. Birth of the Gothic genre, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etc, all forms of fiction that we’re very familiar with now were only just entering the public’s consciousness at this point.
Much like now, technological advances were both a blessing and curse to the people of this era. And also like now, art was used as a way to express what was happening in the world. A great example of this is JMW Turner’s Flying ,,, which shows an old ship being transported into harbour by a steamboat, something that was very new to this era. It spoke of the new technologies overpowering the old, and the fears a lot of people had because of this.
This lead to the development of Fairy Paintings, to move to a new time of history painting that was more based on folktales and works of fiction by writers like Shakespeare, and were often used as a form of escapism. William Blake is a prominent figure in this type of painting, along with some Pre-Raphaelite painters. 
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This is a piece directly based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Henry Fuseli and is completely undoubtedly fanart in essentially every way. Many of his works, and the works of his contemporaries, were based on the works of writers like Shakespeare. 
This piece, along with most of his other works, was also exhibited in the Tate Gallery way back in the early 19th century. Fanart like this was openly welcomed into galleries in this era, something that’s a far cry from my art teachers in school and college actively discouraging us from doing any kind of fanart for our projects. 
The mass appeal of these kinds of art lasted well into the 20th century and even after the advent of photography, which created an entirely new kind of media to be consumed. 
I actually think that a lot of this animosity towards fanart stems from a lot of fanart being born from drawing from photos as references, which is why I think artworks that are fanart from an pre-photography era are valued above artworks done now.
Part 5 - The Beginnings of Intellectual Property and Copyright Hell... 
Earlier I mentioned how fanart could be defined as work done inspired by media belonging to someone else. However, this begs the question whether a single person or company can actually own such things as characters and story concepts.
Copyright as we know it today essentially originated in the 18th century. Now, I’m not going to go into all the history of copyright here (partly because it’s confusing af), but essentially throughout the 18th and 19th century all across the world, intellectual property laws were brought in for books & later extended to other media types. They basically prevented any other person or publisher being able to copy, distribute or adapt the piece of media. As many may know, copyright laws run out after a certain amount of time (I believe either between 70 or 100 years), by which time they enter the Public Domain and are free to be used in anyway by anyone. 
Copyright laws can be a real detriment to fanartists, however, particularly when large companies like Disney cracking down on any small hint of one of their characters in the last few years. This feels particularly insidious to me given how most Disney films are based on old fairy-tales and legends. But in using these centuries old stories and giving them the ‘Disney flavour’, they have been able to essentially repackage the original story for their own profit. Disney of course aren’t the only company to do this, but given how Disney own basically everything media-wise now, they are the biggest perpetrator of this at the moment. 
It’s important to note that to this day, copyright doesn’t extend to ideas or themes. As well as this, copyrighted media can be used by people who don’t own it either by asking for permission or via ‘fair use’. But as a lot of Youtubers would tell you, this is often something that is ignored by large companies in favour of holding monopoly over the entire thing. 
This is of course not to say that copyright can’t be a good thing. I believe that artists and creators deserve to have the rights to their individual works. The issue is surrounding big conglomerate companies using copyright not as a way of protecting and supporting their in-house artists, but as a way of boosting profits. 
My thoughts are that copyright laws should exist to prevent other people or companies from stealing or overtly copying/adapting a work made by someone else, not preventing a small freelance artist from selling a couple prints of a drawing from a film Disney made 20+ years ago based on a stories written hundreds of years ago. 
(I know it’s not as simple as this, but you get what I mean lol)
In a big way, copyright laws were what created our modern notion of fanart, since prior to that no-one really had ownership of their works in the same way that copyright allows you. So, even thought I’ve been quite pessimistic about it, fanart really wouldn’t exist without it so... it’s not all bad lol?
Part 6 - Why is any of this important??
I realise that this is a strange question to ask at the end of this essay, but I really wanted to leave my true personal thoughts until the end in order to keep at least a vague sense of being objective through this lol...
To me, fanart is something that made me fall in love with art in the first place, particularly digital art. I was able to find communities of like minded people and make some really good friends, all because of fanart. 
I’ve also spoken to other artists who say how fanart allows them to connect to their favourite shows or characters or celebrities, and a way of expressing their love for something! It’s also often a gateway for artists to get into art as children, and some have said how fanart has allowed them to be more creative in general! 
Fanart is something so intrinsic to fandom culture, so much so that it has existed for as long as people have loved things (even long before the internet). And I know that a lot of public figures who receive fanart, either of themselves or of works they’ve created, often express genuine happiness of being the inspiration for someone else... 
So, fanart is important to us because it’s escapism, it’s freedom, and it brings us together in such a genuine way! 
I wrote this essay because I wanted to truly explore where fanart actually came from, and what I ended up discovering is that the artworld has never been clean-cut separated into ‘original art’ and ‘fanart’! 
The history of fanart is messy, confusing, but one thing is very clear to me: it doesn’t just run parallel to the history of art as a lot of people assume, it is instead interwoven into the fabric of all art! 
So for my fellow fanartists, keep on doing what you’re doing, because your passion and love is palpable in your work, and really isn’t that what fanart is all about anyway??
Phew... Can you believe I actually did try and keep this short lol?
Anyway, thank you for reaching the end! And a special thank you to the people over at Artfolapp (my username is dangerliesbeforeyou over there btw!) who gave me their thoughts on fanart! 
As always, my ask box is open for anyone who’s interested in discussing this further, and I also have an Art Advice Tag if you need help on improving your art!
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kiivg · 4 years
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.This is such a belated answer, but I’m not impressed by the Grail Knight :| There’s more under the cut if you want some ramblings because I never get to talk about Vermintide on here because where’s the fandom??? :).
.I did all the challenges (apart from the 100 missions) because it’s very difficult to quickplay and get Kruber nowadays, and I play a lot with people who main Markus. And I’m a slutty slutty Saltzpyre main. Which still shocks me to this day, because I was a terrible Vicky in V1, and I only recently (a few months ago?) started playing Saltzpyre because... I actually don’t know why. And I spent a lot of time complaining about the Zealot because I couldn’t figure out a good build for him, because the advice I got was ‘build him for criticals’ which is terrible advice. But look at me now, max stacks and thrilled about it. I love him :).
.The Grail Knight is fun to play, and he’s pretty good considering you’re generally going to look like a massive arsehole if you’re the last man standing because your severe lack of gun meant everyone got grabbed and you can’t save anyone because you’re only range is about a meter radius around yourself. He’s squidgy as hell, you’re like two hits and down, and you’re fucked if you don’t have someone with good aim and long range on your team. But then again, trying to get other people to take out the specials before they’re licking out your soul by highlighting and using the social wheel is hellish in itself. Please, it’s a team game, please.
.The new weapons are alright, I hate shields entirely so, you know, but the longsword is pretty fancy with the riposte. And realistically, you’re kind of bound to having to have a shield as a second weapon if you want to be able to reliably take out Rattlings and Flamethrowers without having to backtrack and hide until they come to you. Without knockback or a dash he’s sort of really risky to use a slow weapon with too, especially if you’re crowded or staggered; it’s not like you can block and use his special either. 
.He kind of makes the Shade even more redundant though, specifically with his double special thing and a little tasty purple in his hand. Ah those were the days; the ineffable panic when a monster turned up and nobody was the Shade so you had to slog out a monster battle with a unavoidable horde rocking up once or twice. Granted that was like the beta days... And now pretty much everyone has a monster killing tactic. Which is better, I guess? Less teamwork, less kiting, more competitiveness on who can kill the boss fastest.
.The design seems out of place as well, not that I know much about Warhammer lore, but everyone else seems kind of... Ah I don’t know the word for it, but they all fit together and then the Grail Knight is all bright and shiny, even the portrait for him seems something extra. I suppose it’s meant to be like that, but it just looks like he’s the main character in the anime kind of thing, haha. Maybe that’s just because I’m wearing headgear that means Vicky has mud smudged all over his face :).
.Aside from that, the dialogue? Every time he whips out peasant I want to scream. I don’t understand why Markus, a man who deeply respects Victor, has started calling him that and has absolutely no issue with anyone else. It stresses me out so much. I hate it :). I don’t care if he drank some stinky ass pond juice, that boy needs to learn some respect. I suppose it’s fitting that I’m a Saltzpyre main and I’m salty as fuck about this :).
.It’s also the fact that Markus was a farmer, and he was a peasant, he was very poor and this new entitlement is making him act like a dick. Sure he’s fancy and he likes his coin and feathered caps, but he’s still a bloody farm boy, doesn’t matter how many gilded cups he shoves up his arse.
.Last time I was in Bretonnia, shut up, Markus.
.However, it does fit quite nicely into that classic Heir/Servant sort of trope for my own little Kruberzpyre HCs and AUs, maybe there’s some redemption in the end.
.Also he’s a heretic, sorry, Sigmar and them lot only for my boys thank you.
.I played a few more days after writing this and I’ve decided I don’t actually like the Grail Knight at all. He’s really not the kind of character I play, he’s slow with no range, he’s strong but there’s hardly any point in all that power if all the enemies are dead before you get there (which brings up the conundrum of, do I stick with my team to help them (risking being overwhelmed by a horde) or do I run to kill the horde before they’re even close (risking a teammate being grabbed and way too far away to save)?) and who needs that heavy of a special attack when monsters aren’t even that big of a deal anymore?.
.In comparison to the other three classes Kruber has, I’d say it’s third out of four, and the only reason he’s not fourth is because Fatshark have butchered the Huntsman so much that I can’t stand to play him, and I can remember the days where I would clock two- if not three- times as many kills as everyone else with ease, and now it’s a struggle to survive as him. Mercenary will always be the best Kruber, and the Foot Knight takes second just because he’s fun as fuck to play, even if he’s not viable for cataclysm. (Granted I can’t play Kruber or Bardin in Cataclysm lmao.).
.In essence, I’m disappointed, and I‘m worried about what the next classes are going to be for the other characters, (but I am intrigued to see how they match the Grail Knight’s boon system) and, if it’s turning into one of those games that’s kind of, not pay to win, but pay to get stronger stuff. (Eg. the weapons you receive in DLCs are marginally better than those in the base game, which, has that been sorted now? I’m still just using Vicky’s great sword.) Because though I dislike the Grail Knight, I can see why people might grasp for the boons he gets that can give health regeneration, power increases, and damage taken decreased etc. 
.TL:DR: I don’t like the Grail Knight and doing 100 missions as him is going to kill me :).
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Survey #462
i am way too tired to mentally flip through lyrics to put here, rip
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) I have zero idea. When did you last travel alone? Where were you going? The last time I visited Sara in Illinois. Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? Yes. What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? I think I got purple highlights? What was the first social media site you ever used? MySpace. Do you have any exes you really regret dating? One. Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home? Sara's house is lovely. Have you ever been catcalled? No. Are you allergic to any dogs? I might be. Have you ever touched a plant and had hives shoot up your arm? No. Do you think dragonflies are cool? Absolutely! What’s your favorite thing to draw? Meerkats!! Did you toss your hat in the air at graduation? Not high. I wanted to keep it. Do you like fudge? I CAN FUCKING DESTROY SOME FUDGE. Are you an affectionate person? Very. Name something you have to do today: Girt and I are hangin', making fun of bad Netflix anime and going to Buffalo Wild Wings. :^) Would you ever write to a death row inmate? No. People don't get on death row for no reason. I ain't got shit to say to them. Do you reckon online friendships are real? No fucking shit. Most of my most genuine friendships began online. Do you like Slipknot? Yep. Can we talk about how fuckin BADASS Corey's new mask is btw?????????? What do you think of Gorillaz? I like "Feel Good Inc." and one other song I can't remember the name of. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? BOTH!!!!! :') What is the cutest Halloween costume for a baby to wear? GUYS I recently saw a picture of a little baby dressed up as a Little Oogie Boogie and it made my ovaries cry. Which of your friends is the tallest? Which of them is the shortest? Jesus, Girt is a giant. I don't know about my shortest... If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you choose? Pastel pink. :') What has been the best night of your life so far? Why? Probably something sexual so let's keep it on the down low lmfaooo Would you ever even think about taking part in a wet t-shirt contest? Uh, no. Even if I WAS confident in my body. Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby? No. It was dirty blonde. Have you ever been in trouble for being too loud? Ha, yeah, at school with friends. Not big trouble or anything, we were just hushed. Did you ever attend a wedding that was a complete disaster? No. What is something that you were surprised you were able to do? Hm. What is the most bullshit-sounding true fact that you know? Male cats have spiked penises lkasdjfal;kje;kjwr it's something to do with preventing other tomcats from mating with her. What Oreo flavor is your favorite? Gimme that Double Stuffed, friend. Sour gummy worms or plain gummy worms? SOUR. Ever been in a talent show? How many times? What did you do? Nope. Ever try out for the talent show and not make it? Did you cry? Nope. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? Y'all when I was a very little kid, during my older sister's b-day party, I sobbed because I couldn't pin the tail properly on the donkey lmaoooo How do you feel about the use of nuclear weapons? Absolutely fucking barbaric. What song has the most meaning to you? "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne. What is your favourite dinosaur? Spinosaurus!!!! :') Have you ever made bread? No. Has anything ever fallen asleep on you? Pets, a baby I was watching after, and Jason. Ever been dominated in a game you were/are really good at? yep alskdjfla;jwej Have you ever decided to set fire to something out of anger? No. Would you rather be a house pet or a wild animal? Wild animal, I guess? Have you ever listened to a group of chanting monks? I haven't. If you had to get a portrait tattoo, who would it be of? Probably of Teddy. I've still yet to decide on the total design of his tribute tat I'm getting. Do you like the smell of men’s colognes better than woman’s perfumes? I think so, yeah. How mad would you be if someone copied your original work (story, poem)? I'd be pretty fuckin pissed. Have you ever blown something up in science class? Ha, no. Have you ever gotten a serious wound from shaving? Not serious, no. Have you invented anything, only to find out it actually exists? I feel like I have? Ever realize you never truly LOVED your first love? Absolutely not. I loved him. Would you want a Bachelor/Bachelorette party before you get married? Sure, sounds fun. Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else? As of very recently, I returned to using pads. I used tampons for most of my maturity, but I got annoyed with them for TMI reasons and resorted back to pads, even though I don't like them either. Have you ever dated a model? No. What is your ultimate goal in life? To die happy with my life and what I (hopefully) accomplished. What colour are the socks you’re wearing today? I’m not wearing any. Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? Girt. It was something regarding how I once considered doing the suicide mission at BWW where you eat a select number of their hottest wings, but I didn't wanna die via chicken. :^) Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? I'm average in height. I wouldn't change it, nah. Especially now that Girt and I are together the ridiculous height difference is hilarious but also cute lmao. Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? Like, while I was there? No. Have you ever had casual sex? Nahhhh. What’s your favourite flavour of frosting? Chocolate. @_@ When you think of your childhood, are the memories mostly happy or sad? Mostly happy, I guess. What is it like being you? Is it enjoyable? It's very boring with few sources of joy. What are your thoughts on the cause of homosexuality? I would *assume* it's a genetic mutation. Reason being, having a romantic partnership without the ability to reproduce defies the motives of science. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, wrong with said (and hypothetical) genetic mutation, though. Mutations are just another part of science. They occur naturally. What subjects did you find most interesting in school? Least? Most interesting: literature/English (especially reading like, old mythology and epics and stuff like that), LOTS of branches of science (but primarily genetics), art, and I looooved my four semesters of German. Least: ANY and ALL math, history, economics, social studies... that kind of stuff. Which do you enjoy more–hot or cold beverages? Cold, for sure. What were some of your favorite bands from childhood? Green Day was one. Would you be more afraid of drowning or being buried alive? Buried alive, for sure. It would be much, much slower. Should you really be doing something more productive right now? Well, I SHOULD be sleeping. Today's going to be a long day, because when Girt comes over, he has a tendency to not leave until like fuckin midnight or later alksdjfl;waje Have you ever lived out of your car? No. Does your family own more than two houses? HUNNY we r poor. A relative just committed a very serious crime, do you turn them in? It depends on the exact crime, but odds are, yes. If you're endangering others, byyyyeeee. You’re in the woods, alone, at night…are you honestly not afraid? Bitch I'm terrified. I have zero survival skills. You are on life support, what would you want a loved one to do about it? For the love of god, please kill me. Your child has only a while to live, do you still enroll them in school? That would be up to them. Also, define "a while." How would you feel if you met your idol and they ended up being rude? WELP I have a tattoo in his honor so that would suck ass lmao According to the tale, was Eve wrong for eating and sharing the apple? "God was wrong for even setting up an apple tree and making up rules in the first place." <<<< There ya go. And the punishment was fucking ludicrously extreme. Are you working on any goals? Yes. I'm currently going to the gym regularly to try and better my physical health and then find a job. I know that being connected sounds odd, but trust me: I can barely carry out very simple tasks just because I have absolutely ZERO stamina to do almost anything. I need energy and endurance. I'm also working towards developing some self-love. Which parent named you? I wanna say my mom. Are you currently frustrated with someone? I mean, myself. Aforementioned self-love is hard. I'm just annoyed my head is so reluctant to accept that I'm not a piece of shit for a million reasons. Why have most of your past relationships ended? They all ended for different reasons, really. Are you having any online conversations, currently? I'm not. What’s on your mind? I'm just tired and going back to bed real soon. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? No.
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lastbluetardis · 4 years
Chemical Reaction (17/22)
Summary: Though their chemistry class is now over, the chemistry between James and Rose is just getting started. Together, they navigate the highs of new love and the lows of coping with past trauma to forge deep and unbreakable bonds of love and commitment. Part 2 in the Catalysis series. Tagging @doctorroseprompts
This chapter: ~8400 words, explicit (for one small scene). Here we are folks! The culmination of the feels of the last several chapters. Enjoy xo.
If you like my stories, consider leaving me a tip? I know these are trying times, but if you are able, I would really appreciate it xoxo. And as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated as well.
AO3 | FF | TSP
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 | Ch17 | Ch18 | Ch19 | Ch20 | Ch21 | epilogue
April was usually one of James’s least favorite months. The weather was wet and cold, and with it being the last month of the semester, it was always busy with exams and projects. This year, however, he had the pleasure of knowing it was his beloved’s birth month; even though he didn’t know the precise date, that made it all the more fun as, day after day, he greeted Rose with a “Happy Birthday” snog.
Yet every day, she giggled and said, “Not today.” He wasn’t sure what he would do on the morning she kissed him and replied instead with, “Thank you.” Despite his brilliant, magnificent brain, he was stumped on a way to make an ordinary day extraordinary for her.
Though she said she didn’t want anything for her birthday, he couldn’t help but preemptively get her a simple gift: a silver necklace with an infinity heart pendant. The heart was studded with blue zircon—one of his birthstones—while the infinity loop was studded with small diamonds, her birthstone. Cliché, he knew, but the design had caught his attention. He hoped Rose would like it.
James had been carrying it around with him since the start of the month to be presented to her on her date of birth. Whenever the hell that was.
The weeks seemed to fly by, and still it wasn’t her birthday. He had several chilling moments of panic that maybe he somehow missed it, but then resigned himself to the fact it must be at the end of the month. Her so-called hint to him had told him it wasn’t the first or last day of the month… Rose would be cheeky enough to call that a hint if it turned out her birthday was the second to last day of the month. Nevertheless, James was having fun with their little game and worked to make the month special for Rose.
Though he knew she had been teasing when she’d suggested they make love every day so that she would wake up to birthday sex, they nearly met that goal, thanks to Rose staying overnight at his house more often than not. They were both growing to love the routine of cohabitating; James would drive them into the university in the morning, they would attend their respective classes, then they would meet up at the end of the day for him to drive them home again. Even on the days when one of them started earlier than the other, they drove in together, regardless.
While James’s main goal was to make April particularly special for Rose, he found himself realizing that even if it wasn’t her birthday month, he wouldn’t have done anything differently. It was a happy coincidence that the month happened to be filled with a multitude of romantic date night opportunities.
He had surprised her with tickets to the play put on by the university’s theater program, and had told her they would make an entire night out of it. He had dressed in a suit and tie; she had donned a gorgeous evening dress. Reminiscent of their Valentine’s Day plans, they’d had an early dinner out at a nice restaurant before driving to the university for the show. And when they’d gotten home, they peeled the other out of their nice clothes and made sweet love until midnight.
And when he took her to the cherry blossom festival in Washington, D.C., it wasn’t a birthday surprise, either. He would have wanted to tour the capital with Rose and bask in the beauty of the cherry trees no matter the month. There was nothing more romantic than walking hand-in-hand with Rose beneath the pink and white trees while the soft petals floated down around them. Nothing made him happier than seeing her face light up with awe as she took photograph after photograph of the scenery. Though the cherry blossoms weren’t as stunning as typical years, thanks to a warm snap in February followed by an arctic blast that killed some buds in mid-March, the scenery was stunning nevertheless.
They’d had fun exploring the various museums and historic sites in the city as well, but James’s favorite part was watching Rose scribble furiously in her sketchbook when they got back to their hotel room each night. She filled over a dozen pages during their four-day trip; she shared every single one with him, including the portrait of him she’d drawn one morning when she had awoken before him, and had occupied herself with sketching him asleep in the nude. Unlike her previous nude sketches of him, she did not cover his nether regions with a sheet, or simply not draw them at all. No, she had drawn every naked inch of him, down to the morning erection he had been sporting (which had also prompted her to draw a caricature of that very piece of his anatomy, making him howl with laughter when she eventually showed him the picture of a very prominent, very erect penis on a teeny tiny little person). 
Playing tourist with Rose was one of James’s favorite things to do, so even if it had not been Rose’s birth month, he would not have changed a thing. It was a mere bonus, pure happenstance, that they managed to go on so many romantic dates that month.
As the month plowed on, bringing him ever-closer to Rose’s elusive birthday and to the end of the semester, another date idea came to him. And this time, he intended to make it double as a birthday gift.
With only a week and a half left to go in the month, and Rose’s birthday falling somewhere in that time frame, James woke up one morning to an email from the student life office at the university. They were advertising discounted tickets to a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game at the end of the month. Perfect! He loved showing Rose more of the state she lived in, as well as the culture of America. And honestly, what was more American than a baseball game?
Rose was still asleep as James read the details of the email, though their alarm was due to go off in a few minutes. He silenced it on his phone and instead gently woke Rose up with a series of kisses to any part of her face not smooshed into her pillow. She grunted and buried her face completely into the pillow.
Chuckling, he tried again, this time pressing the long expanse of his body into hers. He shivered when his hips rubbed into her upper thigh; he woke up hard nearly every morning, and today was no exception. Some mornings, he didn’t feel a pressing need to do anything with it; others, when he snuggled up against Rose, his heartbeat concentrated into a dull, throbbing, insistent pulse between his legs. He was experiencing the latter, and hoped she would be in the mood to make love with him.
“Rose,” he murmured, nuzzling his nose into her hair. He wriggled down a few inches and tucked his nose into the join of her neck and shoulder. He kissed her there and smiled when she shuddered. “Rooooose.”
“M’sleepin’,” she mumbled, but she tilted her head to free up her neck for him.
“Oh? Well, I guess we can’t partake in any morning activities I might’ve had planned,” he lamented, though he pressed slow, open-mouthed kisses to her neck. Goosebumps spread across her skin and he could hear her breathing going ragged the longer he kissed her.
She moaned softly when he scraped his teeth across her ear lobe. Finally, she stopped pretending. Turning her face out of her pillow, Rose slung her arm around his shoulders, hauling him closer for a proper kiss.
“Got another date idea,” he breathed between kisses.
“Don’t care,” she answered, chasing his lips.
“I’d like for it to double as your birthday gift.”
“Don’t care,” she repeated. His head emptied of all coherent thought when she reached down between them and took him in her hand, pumping him firmly. His nerves sparked with pleasure as desire settled heavily in his lower belly.
“But I… oh, blimey… I care… God…”
She nipped at his bottom lip and gave him a small squeeze on the upstroke that made stars burst behind his eyes. “You care more about that than what we’re doing?”
He could hardly draw in breath, so focused was he on the addictive rhythm of her hand. Each drag of her fist up and down his length heightened his need for her until he was certain nothing in the world was more important than being inside her.
But the smirk on her face brought out his competitive nature.
“Well, I’m quite cl-clever,” he choked out, trembling when she tightened her hold around him and picked up the pace. “I can walk and chew gum… talk and have se-ex shit!”
Rose guided him between her legs, nudging the tip of him into her wet heat. God, he’d barely paid any attention to her and yet she was so ready. He swallowed down his impatient whimper when she merely teased him, rubbing him through her folds rather than guiding him in.
“Hmm, I clearly am not doing a good enough job,” she mused, her voice frustratingly steady while he could hardly contain his gasps and sighs.
His brain nearly short-circuited. Not doing a good enough job? It was taking every ounce of concentration and restraint he had to try to hold this conversation with her; he would be done for if she tried any harder.
“The university is sponsoring another trip to Phillies… er, Philadelphia,” he squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut to think past the desperate need throbbing through him.
“Oh?” she asked, voice breathless as she stimulated herself with the head of his erection.
“Yeah, yep.” He cleared his throat, hoping it would stop cracking. “A trip to a Phillies game. Professional base-ball!”
Rose slung her leg over his hip and took him inside of her in one smooth, deep movement. Her momentum sent him to his back. Taking full advantage and giving him no reprieve, she sat astride him and began a brutal rhythm that stole his breath, stole his thoughts.
“Shit!” he rasped when the burning pressure in his belly bottomed out. Don’t come, oh God, please don’t come… Baseball. Think of baseball. Phillies, Philadelphia, bus trip, baseball game, showing Rose the stadium, teaching Rose the game… Rose… Rose… 
Rose was squeezing him from the inside, giving him such delicious friction as she arched her hips hard into his.
Fighting a losing battle, he choked out, “Sorry… gonna come… sorry… shit!”
Rose caught his lips in a searing kiss as he grunted and panted and moaned his way through his release, trying not to be mortified and to instead enjoy the pleasure and love flooding through him.
He was trembling when his ears stopped roaring. Cheek burning, he groaned and covered his face with his hands.
“That was delightful,” Rose said, a grin in her voice as she lightly tugged at his fingers.
“That was embarrassing,” he countered, moving his hands to her hips. “Sorry.”
She slowly pulled off of him and collapsed onto her back beside him. “You do realize I was trying to do that, right? You’re always so damn considerate and attentive. It was my turn to focus solely on you and getting you off.”
“I feel selfish for coming first,” he complained.
Rose shrugged and pecked a kiss to his temple. “How do you think I feel when you pleasure me more than once before you get off?”
“Hopefully extremely satisfied,” he drawled, winking at her.
She rolled her eyes, but kissed him soundly. “I enjoyed doing that very much for you, so shut up about it.”
He zipped his fingers across his lips, though a grin stretched across them. He caught her lips in another kiss as he let his fingers walk down her body, between her legs. She must have woken up as randy as he had been, because it hardly took any time at all before she arched her back and cried her pleasure into their quiet bedroom.
As she panted and trembled beside him, he stroked her hips, her belly, her thighs, any part of her he could reach, and tried his initial conversation again.
“The university is sponsoring a trip to a Phillies baseball game,” he said. “Have you watched baseball? It’s a fun sport. One of my favorites, actually. I probably ought to get my UK citizenship revoked for that, but I can’t get into the football matches. Though plenty of people find baseball to be boring too. To each their own. Anyways, tickets are twenty dollars, and it covers admission to the game and transportation to and from the stadium. It’s on April twenty-sixth. It’s a night game… 7:05 start time. I would like to make this your birthday gift. Well. One of your birthday gifts, since, really, I want to go to the game anyway, to hell whether it’s your birthday or not. But since I’ve only got about ten days left to choose from, I figure that’s a close enough window to claim it as a birthday gift for you. What do you think? April twenty-sixth… does that sound like a birthday gift to you?”
Rose giggled and pinched his side, drawling, “Very subtle, love.”
James pouted. “Seriously? You’re still not gonna give me your birth date? I’ve been patient all month long!”
Rose cackled. “You liar! You have not at all been patient. At least once a day you beg me to tell you when my birthday is.”
“That is me being patient,” he grumbled, though he grinned when Rose laughed at him again. Even though they would need to get up soon, he tightened his hold around her and snuggled closer to her soft, warm body. “Wanna go to the Phillies game?”
“Sounds like fun,” she replied, running her fingers through his hair. His scalp prickled pleasantly, and he could have easily fallen asleep. But alas…
“We need to get up,” he groaned, burying his face farther into her neck. Rose heaved out a sigh, clearly as reluctant to move as he was. “Wanna share a shower?”
“How could I say no to that?”
With a parting kiss, they rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom.
“You know, I’ve never been to a professional sports stadium before,” Rose said as they strolled, hand in hand, away from the packed parking lot towards Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team. “Wasn’t much into sports back home, and didn’t really have the money for it.”
James gave her hand a squeeze and watched her out of the corner of his eye. Something was… off. She’d been agitated when he’d picked her up from her flat that morning to drive her to the university. She was short and snippy with him, but insisted she was fine even though she obviously wasn’t, which had only annoyed him in return.
He had nearly called off their date to Philly, since she obviously wasn’t having a good day and he didn’t think he could stomach an entire night of forced joviality. However, after classes, she had met him in the library as planned and was decked out in a red Phillies sweatshirt and matching lipstick, greeting him as though their tense morning hadn’t happened.
“Where did you get that?” he’d asked, fluttering his hands at her top.
“The internet. Turns out everything exists on the internet,” she’d teased, bumping her hip into his.
He had been thrown by her chipper mood, and Rose must have sensed that. She reached up for a hug and squeezed him so tightly, it was as if all the tension that had been settled over his body was suddenly gone. She lightly kissed his cheek and whispered, “Sorry for this morning.”
“What was the matter?” he asked, keeping her in his arms for several more seconds.
“I’ll explain later,” she said. “I don’t really wanna talk about it now. I wanna go watch some baseball!”
It had taken everything he had to not snap at her to just bloody talk to him. Instead, he promised himself he would check in with Rose after the game, or perhaps tomorrow, since it would be late by the time they got home. But he wanted to know what was bothering her, and what had been intermittently troubling her these past few weeks.
That dark day she had had nearly a month ago still niggled at the back of his mind. He wanted to ask her what had happened, but so long had passed that he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.
Hey Rose! Remember that day you yelled at me in the food court then started crying? What happened?
No, that wouldn’t do. Because what if she didn’t remember? What if nothing at all had happened and she’d had a breakdown over a bunch of little things that didn’t matter anymore? He had been hoping she would tell him on her own time, because he didn’t want to press. And it wasn’t as though he had forgotten about the episode, but he often got too caught up in the present with Rose that he wouldn’t think of it until he was alone again. Part of his brain admonished him, telling him that he could easily have that conversation with Rose through text.
Presently, they scanned their admission tickets at the front gate and stepped through the turnstile into the stadium. James inhaled deeply, catching a whiff of cigarette smoke, fresh air, grass, and greasy food. There was a unique and distinct scent of a baseball stadium that he loved.
Rose let go of his hand and darted forward, her gaze locked on the field in front of them. James followed, smiling to himself. He stood behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist as Rose drank in the sight of the enormous baseball friend in front of them. The grass was lush and verdant, neatly trimmed in the familiar crisscross pattern most baseball diamonds favored. The dirt of the infield looked soft and dry, though the grounds crew were in the middle of hosing it down. The late evening sun cast long shadows across the field while the stadium lights, already switched on in preparation for the night game, created a multi-shadow effect as well.
“Selfie?” James asked, fishing his phone from his pocket.
“Need some help?”
James glanced over and saw a young couple approaching them. The woman held her hand out for his phone, which he handed over. He then wrapped his arm around Rose’s middle. She turned into his side and linked her arms loosely around his hips.
The young woman took several photographs for them, all of them beautiful. James thanked her, then reciprocated the gesture, snapping a photograph of the couple with the baseball field behind them.
When the couple had departed, James took Rose’s hand again and they leisurely strolled around the concourse of the stadium. There was a beer stand every dozen paces, it seemed, and though it was ridiculously overpriced, James forked over the money and bought them a beer apiece. They sipped it as they walked, inspecting the various food stands and merchandise on display.
“What the bloody hell is that?”
James laughed when Rose picked up a plush toy of a furry green creature with a plump belly and elongated snout.
“He’s the team’s mascot,” James answered. “The Phillie Phanatic.”
“What is it?”
James shrugged. “The Phanatic. He’s not really anything, I suppose. He’s his own creature. Don’t knock him, though; the fans love him.”
Rose glanced dubiously up at him, but replaced the toy. James made a mental note to order one for her as a gag gift. 
As they continued walking, James’s belly rumbled with hunger when he smelled the intoxicating aroma of bread, beef, and cheese. 
“If I get a cheesesteak, will you eat half of it?” he asked. “‘Cos I wanna get crab fries too, but I can’t eat both of those by myself. Actually, the crab fries are right over there.” He took Rose’s shoulders in his hands and pivoted her gently, pointing to a concession stand with a giant logo that read Chickie’s & Pete’s. He rooted in his pocket for a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. “Will you get us an order of fries? With cheese.”
“Er… okay,” Rose said, blinking. “What the hell is a crab fry?”
James snorted. “French fries—chips—with old bay seasoning. They’re really good, I promise.”
Rose leaned up and pecked a kiss to his cheek. “You’re lucky I trust your taste in food.”
She left him to go get their crab fries, while he stood in the Tony Luke’s line for a cheesesteak. Though the line was nearly thirty-people deep, it moved very quickly. Ten minutes later, he spotted Rose waiting for him in a secluded corner near the ramp they would need to take to go to their second-deck seats.
The university had bought out an entire section in right field, and James recognized many of the students lounging in the seats. He had managed to procure front-row end seats for him and Rose. He allowed her to take the end seat, then plopped unceremoniously onto the hard blue chair beside her.
“Beautiful, innit?” he asked, nudging his elbow into her ribs.
“It’s a gorgeous night,” she agreed. “Look at that sunset.”
“View’s nice too,” James said, leaning forward in his seat to look down at the field. Apart from losing a little bit of vision of the right field playing area directly beneath them, they could see the entire ballfield very well.
There was a half hour to go before game time, so they ate their dinner and chatted mindlessly with each other and with their fellow schoolmates who had come on the trip as well. They posed for a giant group photo that was then shared to all of the university’s social media pages.
James was full and content by the time the Phillies players took the field, and he draped his arm around Rose’s shoulders as he explained the rules of baseball to her.
The game was fairly straightforward, with no tricky calls he had to break down for her. There was a ton of action in the first few innings, with both team getting a few home runs, including a grand slam by one of the Phillies’ stars. The stadium erupted with cheers and the LED Liberty Bell began to ring as the Phillie trotted his way around the bases. Rose appeared to be caught up in the atmosphere, jumping and cheering along with the crowd.
It was fun, James thought, to be sharing this with Rose. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for other discounted ticket specials, even if it wasn’t for the Phillies. A minor league team was based close to the university, and he imagined he could get tickets fairly cheaply, if it would be something Rose was interested in.
During one of the inning breaks, Rose had turned to him, flushed and beaming. She looked breathtaking, with the lights from the stadium glowing behind her and casting her hair in a golden halo around her head. He felt his mouth go dry and his heart kick up a notch.
Rose frowned at him. “What? You all right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I…” He swallowed thickly, then smiled at her. “You’re beautiful.”
Her cheeks flushed a deeper red and a shy smile crossed her face. He reached over to brush a stray wisp of hair from her face, but then kept his hand on her cheek. “Love you.”
They moved at the same time, leaning closer until their noses brushed, then their lips pressed together. The noises of the stadium disappeared, lost in the heavy pounding of his heart as he kissed Rose. Her mouth was warm and soft, though felt a little funny with the slightly waxy texture of her lipstick.
He had meant for it to be a quick little kiss, though he should have known better; how often was he able to give Rose only one kiss? Angling his head slightly to the side, James lost himself in her, in the warmth of her hands. One of them was on the nape of his neck, the other at his waist, clinging to his sweatshirt as he devoured her lips. His tongue swept along hers, then trailed across the roof of her mouth. He delighted in her full-body shiver.
Before he could do it again, there was an explosion of noise around them.
“Hey, you’re not making a porno here!”
James wrenched away from Rose, blinking dazedly at the person who had interrupted them. It was one of their fellow students. He nudged James’s shoulder, then pointed towards the giant screen above left-center field.
His own dazed face looked back at him.
Kiss Cam. Oh, dear…
He grinned sheepishly at the camera, then pecked a chaste kiss to Rose’s temple. She looked equally abashed. Blessedly, the camera panned away from them, though the crowd of university students around them continued jeering and teasing.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he murmured to Rose.
“S’not your fault. I wasn’t exactly beating you off of me.” He snorted and kissed her cheek. “You’ve got lipstick on you.”
James licked his swollen, tingling lips. A moment later, Rose cradled his jaw in her palm and rubbed a damp napkin across his mouth. It came away stained red. Her own mouth was smudged with lipstick, and he helped her clear it off, too.
“You are too enticing,” he concluded when they were lipstick free. “How am I supposed to restrain myself from kissing you?”
“Maybe you shouldn't,” Rose drawled, and she leaned up to plant a hard kiss to his mouth again.
Of course, the Kiss Cam found them once again, to the delight of the stadium, and to their fellow students, who didn’t let them live it down for the rest of the night.
The last few innings passed without much excitement and ended with the Phillies winning seven to four over the Miami Marlins. They were exhausted as they traipsed to the charter bus that would take them back to the school.
It was just after eleven o’clock when the bus returned to campus, and almost midnight by the time James pulled up in front of Rose’s flat. For once, he was staying overnight with her, per her request. The climb up to her fifth-floor flat was exhausting, and James wanted to curl up with Rose and go directly to sleep.
“What time is it?” Rose muttered to herself when she unlocked her front door and stepped into her dark flat. She flipped on the lights and glanced in the direction of the stove; 11:42 glowed green from the digital display. “Ooof, gotta wee. Stay here!”
She sprinted down the hall and slammed the bathroom door behind her. James was left laughing and shaking his head at her.
He set his keys and wallet down on the kitchen table, but as he was about to toe off his shoes, an open, hand-written letter caught his eye. He didn’t mean to snoop, but his eyes and brain worked independently of each other and before he knew it, he’d glanced at the end of the letter, where the name Jimmy was printed in a messy scribble.
His ears rang hollowly and his head swam. Jimmy. Jimmy? As in, Jimmy Stone? Jimmy Stone, Rose’s wanker of an ex-boyfriend?
A righteous anger welled up in James; what the hell did Jimmy want with Rose? And how dare he contact her out of the blue after all this time.
Before he was entirely aware of his actions, James plucked up the piece of paper, eyes frantically scanning across the words.
I’ve started this letter half a dozen times now, and I’m no closer to knowing how to say exactly what I want to say. It seems surreal that we’ve been talking again. I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea. It’s like I’ve found a piece of myself I didn’t know was lost. I’m not complete without you, and I hate the person I am without you.
This past month has been the happiest of my life because I’ve been able to talk to you again. I am thankful that you let me apologize, because there is nothing more I’ve wanted to do for the last six months. Getting sober has made me realize a lot of things, but it especially showed me that I missed you and that I want you. The worst mistake I ever made was how I treated you, and I will spend the rest of my life hating myself for it. I will spend the rest of my life (our life?) making it up to you.
I love you, Rosie. I love you so fucking much. You make me feel like I can do anything, and I love how I feel when I’m with you. We were the best thing to ever happen to me, and I’m such an idiot for destroying the perfect, wonderful life we had made together. I think I was scared. I was scared of not being able to support the both of us with my music, and I was scared about how much I needed you. You were a comfort to me, something I knew would always be there for me, something reliable, and it was scary for me to need anything that much. But I’m not scared anymore, and I know I can make it work this time. As you said, we were young, stupid kids and we made young, stupid mistakes. Now we can start fresh and build something even better than before.
I know you’re at school in America (which I always knew you could do! I always knew you were smart enough for school, despite what you said about yourself). I’m happy you’re enjoying your time in America. I want you to enjoy your time there, while you can. I’ll be here waiting for you when you come home. I’ll wait forever for you because you’re worth it. You’re so worth it, Rosie. I would wait a thousand years for you if I needed to. I hope I don’t have to though.
This time we can work harder together to make us work. I know you might not be ready to trust me yet, but I promise I will show you how serious I am. How committed I am. I will do whatever it takes to make this work between us, because I hate the thought of my life without you in it.
In the meantime, texting you will hold me over. I cherish every day, every moment that I can talk to you.
All my love,
James could barely think, could barely breathe. Something was squeezing his chest tighter and tighter until he thought he might suffocate as he read and reread the words of the letter. The love letter. The love letter that Rose’s ex-boyfriend wrote to her after a month—a month?!—of them having texted back and forth.
Acid churned in the pit of his stomach, eating away at his guts and making him certain he was about to vomit all over Rose’s floor. And worst of all, his chest was collapsing in on itself and his heart was breaking into more pieces than he thought possible. An entire month, Rose had been texting her ex-boyfriend—the ex-boyfriend she had supposedly written off and hadn’t deigned to contact in three and a half years.
And she hadn’t told him. A month, and she hadn’t said a single word.
His pulse thundered in his ringing ears so loudly that he didn’t hear the approaching footsteps until the sheet of paper was abruptly yanked out of his hands.
It was a relief to empty her bladder after holding it for most of the trip home. She had been tempted to use the toilets at the stadium, but the lines had been impossibly long.
With that need dealt with, Rose washed her hands and then her face. She felt greasy and grimy, and would have preferred to get a shower, but she only had a couple minutes before midnight, and she could finally tell James it was her birthday. She deserved a damn medal for not spilling the beans early—though there had been a few close calls—but she couldn’t deny it had been fun to play with James all month. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought to simply look at her identification card, where her birthday was plainly printed in bold. But that was her James, wasn’t it? The smartest idiot in the room.
She rushed to brush her teeth and comb out her hair before she left the bathroom and skipped to her kitchen/dining/living room.
James stood by the kitchen table, a sheet of paper in his hands and a stricken expression on his pale face.
Oh. Oh, no… Her stomach dropped. He was reading the disgusting letter that had arrived from Jimmy out of the blue yesterday afternoon.
She didn’t know whether she was more embarrassed, considering the content of the letter James was reading, or angry that he had snooped through her things and read her mail. The former won, but fueled the latter.
Rushing up to him, Rose yanked the letter harshly out of his fingers. He flinched as though she had struck him.
“What are you doing?” she snapped, folding up the paper and setting it on the kitchen table beneath one of her class notebooks.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? You’ve been chatting with your ex-boyfriend for an entire month?!” 
There was an awful combination of accusation and hurt in his voice that simultaneously grated against her nerves and broke her heart. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to find out about Jimmy like this. He wasn’t supposed to read that letter until she had explained the past couple weeks to him.
No, not merely a couple weeks. A month. It had been an entire month (and a little extra) since Jimmy first contacted her, and Rose hadn’t said a single word about it to James. Shit.
“I was going to tell you,” she said weakly. “I just…”
“Just hid it from me by accident, did you?” he said, condescension dripping from his every word.
Rose clenched her fists and her jaw before coldly replying, “I didn’t realize I needed your permission to talk to anybody, or that I needed to tell you about every person I talk to. Sorry, d’you want to know about the bloke I chatted to while I was waiting for you in the library today? Wanna know about the girl I met at work ‘cos she’d recently broken up with her girlfriend and needed to talk to someone? Wanna know about…”
She knew she was being ridiculous but she couldn’t make herself stop until James interrupted her.
“Of course you don’t need to tell me about everyone you talk to.” Two pink stains spread across his cheeks. “But I would have hoped you would have trusted me enough to tell me when your ex-boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend you claimed to despise, contacts you!”
Rose crossed her arms in front of herself, gripping the fabric of her sweatshirt so tightly that her fingertips began to ache. “This isn’t about trust, James.”
“No? Well, it sure seems like it is. Because you don’t actually trust me, do you? Not nearly to the extent that I trust you. I’ve shared everything with you, Rose. Everything! I told you about the worst night of my life. How it still haunts me and gives me nightmares like I’m a child again rather than a grown man. But you…”
He flapped his arms wildly before letting them fall limply to his sides, clearly out of words. But he didn’t need any more words; the ones he’d hurled at her hit their mark, cracking her heart wide open. He didn’t think she trusted him?
Suddenly wanting him to hurt as much as she did, she met his eye and said, “I didn’t make you share any of that with me. You did that on your own. You opening up to me doesn’t mean I’m obligated to do the same to you.”
It happened almost in slow motion, the way his face crumpled. The way his chin wobbled and his lips parted slightly with a soft, nearly inaudible, “Oh.” The way a crinkle formed between his brows, and beneath them, his eyes grew shiny with moisture. 
Shit. Shit shit shit!
“James, I…” I’m sorry… I didn’t mean that… 
His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, then his face smoothed into a mask of a person she didn’t recognize. Even before they became friends, when he was the random cute bloke sitting in front of her in their chemistry class, he exuded more warmth than he did right now.
“How silly of me to expect some level of reciprocity in this relationship,” he said coolly.
“I didn’t mean that, James,” she muttered, wringing her hands in front of herself. “Really. I didn’t. I’m sorry. I just… I didn’t want you to find out like this. I wanted to tell you the whole thing. I was going to tell you all about it, I swear.”
He barked out a laugh, and it was one of the worst noises she’d ever heard. “Oh, yeah? When were you gonna drop that one? When we’re old and gray in rocking chairs in a nursing home? ‘Darling, remember when we were first dating? Remember that horrible ex-boyfriend I had? He texted me—ha! Remember when texting was all the rage?’ Exactly when were you planning to tell me?”
Any sympathy she had for him had evaporated and her rage returned with a vengeance. 
“Obviously if you’re acting like this, I was right to not tell you! Why are you being so unreasonable?”
“Unreasonable? Unreasonable?! My girlfriend has been texting the bloke she used to be in love with, and I’m being unreasonable?”
“Yes, you are! So what if I was texting him? What does it matter who I text on my own bloody phone?”
“You’re missing the entire bloody point!” he shouted, his voice cracking. “I’m not angry that you’re texting him…”
“Clearly,” she grumbled, grinding her teeth together.
“…I’m angry that you felt the need to keep it a secret,” he continued as though she hadn’t interrupted. “And I’m upset because why did you keep it a secret? And what on earth could you two have been talking about if he sent you this… this…” James flapped his hands uselessly to the table and the notebook under which Jimmy’s letter sat. “...this love letter?! For all I bloody know, you could be wanting to get back together with him and…”
“No, don’t you dare,” Rose hissed, voice trembling. Tears of fury and heartbreak burned behind her eyes, blurring her vision. “Don’t you fucking dare accuse me of that. After everything I told you about Jimmy—and don’t tell me I haven’t told you anything. Just because you seem to have selective memory doesn't mean I never told you about his drinking and partying, and how he stopped paying his half of the bills, and how he manipulated me to always feel badly about myself. After everything I told you, how could you even think I would want to go back to him?”
A flash of guilt appeared in James’s eyes. He blinked and lowered his gaze, staying silent.
“Even if he hadn’t treated me like shit, how could you take away everything you and I have done together? Everything we’ve built together? How could you think I would leave us behind for someone I fell out of love with years ago?” She sniffled as her tears finally fell, streaking down her cheeks in hot, wet rivulets of grief and misery. “Do you think that little of me? That I would willingly go back to a relationship like that when what we have is so wonderful? Do you think so little of us?”
James scrubbed his fingers through his hair, making a tousled mess of the limp and somewhat greasy strands; they were in dire need of a wash.
“No. No, of course I don’t…”
“You just said so,” she argued, impatiently wiping her face dry. “You just said…”
“I didn’t really mean it. But you have to understand… relationships are so new to me. You’re the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, and we’ve only been dating for four months. Christ, teenagers in school manage to have longer relationships than this. How pathetic am I for being so illiterate when it comes to love and romance? I barely know what I’m doing half the time, and God knows if I’ve been mucking this all up but you’re too nice to tell me…”
Rose’s head was spinning as her heart fought to beat its way out of her chest. She’d heard this before… she’d heard this all far too many times.
I didn’t mean it; I just drank too much…
You’re remembering wrong, I didn’t say it like that…
You’re being ridiculous. Calm down and maybe we can talk like normal people…
I was so drunk I don’t remember doing that…
I’m the worst piece of shit, Rosie, and I’m sorry, please forgive me… 
She shook her head as though she could physically shake Jimmy’s voice out of her ears. Instead, she tried to focus on James’s words rather than map them on top of Jimmy’s.
“This is me telling you now that you are mucking this up…”
But James continued on as though she hadn’t spoken. And with how dry her mouth had become, she wasn’t sure if her words had been audible.
“...And you could be wanting to be in a relationship with someone who’s got a bloody clue as to what they’re doing. Why wouldn’t you prefer to be in a relationship with someone else…?”
“Because I love you, you stupid fucking arsehole!” Rose yelled, which caught his attention. He met her eyes and blinked slowly, as though confused. As though she were revealing a secret he’d never been privy to. “Yes, I love you, but you knew this! At least, I thought you did. I love you so much but you are breaking my heart, James. Haven’t you believed me these last four months?”
His mouth worked wordlessly for a few long and agonizing seconds.
“I… yeah.” His tone suggested otherwise, though, and she nearly began crying with frustration. All this time… all these months… Had none of it been real? Had he been pretending this whole time?
“Thanks for that vote of confidence.” She pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes until bright lights burst behind her closed lids. “Thanks a lot, James.”
“I just…” He groaned, sounding as miserable as she felt. Good. “I’m so bloody new at this! I’m making it all up as I go and I’m worried I haven’t been doing a good job. I get nervous that one day you’re going to wake up and realize how rubbish I am at this. That you’ll get sick of holding my hand through all of this as I learn. I’m terrified you’re going to decide you’re done wasting your time with me, because you’re wonderful, and you deserve the best and I…”
“Stop!” Rose cried, a sob stealing the air from her lungs. “I don’t want to hear this. You have just… broken everything we’ve been building, James.” She hiccupped on another sob and impatiently sucked in a lungful of air. “We were supposed to be partners… I wanted us to be partners… I thought we were partners. We were supposed to be equals in this relationship. I don’t want you to put me up on a bloody pedestal, or for you to talk down about yourself or make excuses for yourself. I don’t want there to be this… this inequality between us for the rest of our lives. But if that’s always how it’s gonna be… if that’s how you’re always going to see us, as you being somehow lesser than me…” The force of her tears made her entire body shake. It felt like someone had blown a hole through her chest; she couldn’t breathe. “…then I don’t think we can make this work.”
The tears that had been threatening in James’s eyes fell down his pale cheeks. “What? Rose…?”
She buried her face in her hands, willing herself to calm down. But how could she be calm when it felt like the world was spinning too fast? James had been her tether, her anchor, keeping her grounded to the surface. But he’d let go, or maybe she had, and now she was crashing alone through the void. Lost. Adrift.
“You… are you breaking up with me?” His voice was so hoarse that she could hardly hear it. Though that might have been because her pulse was thudding in her ears instead.
Was she breaking up with him?
“I don’t… no… yes? I don’t know. I don’t want to. God, I don’t want to.” She swallowed the thick lump in her throat. “I love you more than I’ve loved anyone. And right now, that really bloody scares me. I fought so hard, put up with so much, to make things with Jimmy work when I should have called it quits long before it all ended. And I didn’t love him nearly as much as I love you. I’m terrified about what I’ll let happen… what I’ll excuse… I can’t do that again, James. I won’t do that again.”
He reached out for her, but she couldn’t let him touch her. She couldn’t feel his fingers on any part of her body. Not right now. 
She raised her hands in front of herself and retreated a pace, nearly tripping over her shoes from where she’d kicked them off at the door.
The door.
With trembling fingers, Rose undid the deadbolt. “I- I want you to leave now.”
“No, wait,” he pleaded, raw urgency in his voice. But he didn’t come any closer to her. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean anything… I didn’t mean… I didn’t… Please…” 
She’d never heard James, her eloquent, loquacious James, struggle this much for words. His eyes grew wild the longer he went without managing a sentence.
“Please,” he repeated, frantic. “Please, Rose. Don’t do this.”
She drew in a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. It was late, and she was so bloody exhausted. She didn’t want to be having this conversation anymore, but she knew it was far from over.
“I need a break,” she said wearily. “I’m tired, James. I’m so tired.”
“We can’t leave it like this,” he rasped through a stifled sob. “Please.”
Rose met his gaze. Everything was written on his face, his grief and terror and heartbreak. He looked impossibly young.
“We’re taking a break for the night,” she repeated. She paused for a beat, then, scrambling for some sort of comic relief, quipped, “Not Ross and Rachel’s version of a break, mind. A time out, more like.”
James either didn’t process the joke or didn’t find it funny, because he was still staring at her with that stricken expression that made her want to wrap him in her arms and apologize for everything that had been said that night.
But she couldn’t make herself move.
“I love you, Rose,” he whispered.
“I know.” That’s why this is so damn painful. “I love you too.” Maybe too much.
Rose had always thought of their love as a fire. A soft, cozy fire, and together they basked in its light and warmth. But maybe they’d gotten too comfortable, gotten too confident, gotten too close; now they were burning, and oh, God, did it hurt.
“Goodnight James,” she murmured, opening the door for him.
He numbly walked towards it, completely forgetting about his phone, keys, and wallet on her table until she went and picked them up. His hands were cold and sweating as she handed him his things.
“Drive safe,” she said. “Text me when you make it home.”
He made a wordless noise she thought was assent, then he was gone, walking silently down the many flights of steps they’d cheerfully bounded up mere moments earlier.
God, how long had it even been? It felt like an entire lifetime had passed. Rose glanced at the clock. 11:58. Sixteen minutes. Sixteen horrible, heartbreaking minutes was all it had taken for Rose’s world to come crashing down around her feet.
She went to her window and peered down at the dark street, waiting. Half a minute later, James stepped out from beneath the front porch of her building and ambled slowly to his car. He moved as though through treacle, as though he were tugging an invisible weight behind himself.
She continued watching him, but James simply sat there in his car in the dark. The clock switched over to 12:00, ringing in April twenty-seventh. She’d planned to kiss him at midnight, as though it were New Year’s Eve, and tell him that he could finally wish her a Happy Birthday.
All of a sudden, her game of keeping her birthday a secret wasn’t fun anymore, and twenty-two didn’t look as optimistic as it had been.
The distant purr of an engine drew her attention to the street below. James had started his car and was pulling away from the curb, taking off down the empty street.
Rose fully gave in to the sorrow she had been fighting back for the past quarter of an hour. Sinking down onto her couch, she bent double over her knees and sobbed her heart out, grieving for all that had shattered that night, and for the unanswerable question of whether broken things could be ever mended.
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darkhymns-fic · 4 years
Heroes & Thieves
Whether rich or poor, everyone has heard of the pair of dual-wielding masked thieves that roam both countries of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla - the Red Phantom and the Blue Angel. And of course, their frightening hound that would whisk them away into the middle of the night, leaving no trace behind. (Well, almost any trace, if one ignored the person-shaped holes that would decorated a ransacked mansion or vault).
But after breaking into a mansion with its overabundance of unopened presents, the famous thieves may have just met their match. Who was this weird ninja?
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairing: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Sheena Fujibayashi, Zelos Wilder, Noishe Rating: G Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: Colette has her item thief arte, while Lloyd knows how to lockpick. Obviously, they should work together as thieves! This is basically that fic. 
Around 8k of silliness and dastardly thievery (kinda). Let me know if you enjoyed!
Meltokio usually didn’t get quiet until late into the night. Nor did it get dark enough either, with the lampposts, powered by magitechnology, lighting up the cobblestone streets. Every lone passerby, usually a high noble that had stayed over at a gala party far too late, was illuminated by the soft glow on their path. Sometimes it would also be a merchant rushing back home after finally closing up shop, or a beggar trying to find a soft place to rest now that local guards of the upper level patrolled a bit less.
Still, even with night owls roaming the streets, there were pockets of shadows just out of the light’s reach. Perfect for hiding those who wished to stay hidden, who wished to be as stealthy as they could…
“I think this is the wrong street,” spoke a voice that broke the night’s stillness.
If one could hear the soft padding to the right of the pathway, they’d only catch the fleeting image of a creature on all fours, with two figures riding atop it. But when Noishe really, really tried, he could be as silent as he could, the pads on his feet minimizing all sound. Although, when his claws were too long, they tended to clack against stone…
Lloyd, hearing both Colette’s concerns and Noishe’s click-clacks , tried to problem-solve this in the span of a minute. He already had a map out, which he couldn’t see much because, well, it was really dark here when they were out of the light like this… “Are you sure? This place looks pretty fancy…”
“I think this is the shop district? Not the residential area!” Colette sounded apologetic, even as Lloyd was slowly realizing that she was very right, and that he was very wrong… The potion shop that they had just passed was a bit of a dead give-away.
“Argh, dammit… Okay, new plan!” Lloyd patted Noishe on the head, getting his attention. “Go up the stairs over here, okay boy?”
“I always worry we’re too heavy for him…” spoke Colette, even as Noishe followed instructions obediently (but not without a whine), loping across some bushes to get to the giant stone stairway, still keeping to the shadows as much as he could.
“Don’t worry, Noishe is strong! And he can run like the wind even with double us on top! I just… forgot to clip his nails earlier…”
Of course, the constant click-clack kept making Lloyd wince, but luckily, the guards were not really outside tonight. As they reached the top of the stairs, Lloyd noticed one castle guard standing by the great doors ahead, leaning on his pike, his snoring echoing inside his helmet.
Colette must have noticed Lloyd’s look, poking at his shoulder just then. “Lloyd…”
“Huh?” Lloyd started in guilt. “Ah I know… We’re not going to go to the castle… Not tonight at least…”
Colette nodded, her smile bright enough for him to see in the dark. Or it was probably just because his eyes had adjusted by now. It was really only that smile, along with the lower part of her face, that he could see clearly, everything else covered by a dark mask. Although, he could see how the moonlight reflected off her eyes. “Yeah, but we can next time!”
“Hehe, definitely.” Despite the fact that he and Colette were talking in normal-volume conversation, very few people were outside, so it was much easier to be sneaky now anyway. Facing once again into the night, Lloyd adjusted his own mask, keeping it more firmly in place. The night would mute the bright red he had insisted for its shade.
Noishe rushed faster down the street, past rows of what Lloyd could only describe as mansions, with their three-story heights, their marble balconies, their stucco designs and overflowing gardens that decorated what seemed to be a mini-plaza within what seemed to be a high-class cul-de-sac.
The people here were ridiculously wealthy, even more so than the other cities they had visited. It only further strengthened Lloyd’s resolve. He knew he was doing the right thing, even if…
“That’s the one,” Lloyd pointed a gloved hand towards one mansion in particular, more grand (Grander? Was that the right word?) than the rest. It’s salmon-pink walls seemed to gleam within the moonlight. The color was a weird choice, but it wasn’t like Lloyd understood rich people very well. “Er, or is it, Colette?”
“Um…” Colette perused through the map they had brought, finger angling down the paper. “I think so! Just before the end of Regal Street.”
“Alright, let’s go!” He winced again. “Sorry, I keep shouting…” They were supposed to be sneaky!
Lloyd also tried to move extra carefully as his swords strapped to his waist rattled, just a little bit at least. Maybe these swords were usually too big to sneak around with, but they were his trusty set, also having both of them would make him stronger anyway! Holding onto one of the hilts, he tried to tiptoe towards the home, his boots barely making a sound across the pavement.
Colette had less of an issue with her own weapons, her double chakrams strapped behind her back, hidden away so that no gleam could be seen off their surface. Lloyd had his own swords in his scabbards but they still weren’t exactly light…
She was also the first to slide off Noishe’s back but was the last to leave him. Lovingly petting his long ears and shushing his whines, she calmed him down enough to lay near a rosebush, hidden well-away from the lights on the road. “It’s okay, Noishe. We’ll be back.”
But once she rejoined Lloyd, he could see her own determination in her eyes, reflecting his. She was as serious about this as he was, her unbound hair slightly shifting with the breeze. “Ready.”
Lloyd nodded. “Okay.” From his pockets, he pulled out something small but sharp, grinning at Colette with a bit of excitement. “Wanna bet how long this will take me?”
“Hm,” Colette visibly pondered on the question, her face still half-shadowed from the dark. “6 minutes?”
“Way too long! I’ll get this done in 30 seconds flat!”
“Wow, good job, Lloyd! That’s amazing.”
“Congratulate me after I lockpick it first!”
But he was already motivated by Colette’s belief in him, already kneeling in front of the ornate door and looking over its way too fanciful lock. Lloyd ignored its gaudy color, already setting himself to work inserting both pin and pick to fiddle at its mechanisms.
No one could lockpick better than a blacksmith apprentice like himself after all!
“And…got it! Too easy!” Lloyd nearly punched his fist in the air victoriously before realizing that maybe now was not the best time. “Heh, sorry. So how long was that?”
Colette, looking just as excited as he with the released lock, stared off into space for a moment. “Um… oops. I forgot to count while you were doing it!”
Lloyd’s pride suddenly fell flat at that. “Aw, I really wanted to know if I beat my record.”
“Maybe you could try again?”
Lloyd, very much considering the option to lock himself out of the mansion, shook his head. “Nah, just remember for me next time, okay?”
While it was fun to play these games, they had some work to do! Games could wait!
Lloyd carefully pushed open the door, peering inside to find only darkness. He leaned in even more, and promptly bumped his head against what seemed to be coat hanger next to the door. “Ow. Why’s that there?”
But he got ahead of himself, once again quieting his voice to a near whisper as he turned to Colette. “Do you hear anyone?”
It was one of Colette’s many talents; few had as sensitive of hearing as she did and could put it to good use. So when she moved past the doorway, angling her head to detect any stray sound, Lloyd did his best to hold his breath so that she didn’t pick any noises from him instead.
After a moment, she shook her head. “Mm, I think the coast is clear!”
Lloyd could barely contain himself. With a grin, he rushed in (while carefully closing the door and also quieting his swords) to finally get a look at the place they were going to do work in tonight.
…And it was much, much bigger than he had anticipated.
“Wow…” Lloyd whispered, looking around the main lobby with the plush couches, the grand piano off in the corner, and a fancy portrait of a woman hanging off the right corner, as if wanting to be hidden from view. Both him and Colette softly tread across the tiled floors onto plush carpets. Barely a hush to their movements, the air so still. No nighttime servants or guards that hung around, which surprised Lloyd, but he took it as a positive sign.
Still, he couldn’t help but be a little shocked when he kept finding new things every time he turned his head. The fireplace to his left was massive, dwarfing his own back home! And it was made of expensive material too, with etchings in its stonework. This didn’t even compare to when he looked ahead and saw glass doors that led to even more rooms.
“This guy must be loaded!” Lloyd had to say, then once again winced. He really wasn’t good at being quiet… “Though I guess everyone on this street is technically…”
But at least he wasn’t the only one shocked. Colette looked around as well, blue eyes wide beneath her mask. “We might need to make several trips…” she suggested, already heading towards an ornate dresser, its drawer handles seeming to be made of gold. “Since there’s an upstairs too.”
“Agh, that’s gonna be annoying. Let’s just try to get everything we can in one go! Noishe can help carry the rest.”
With that, Lloyd unhooked a satchel he carried at his belt – and proceeded to loot every expensive item in sight!
“I call the living room!” he half-yelled, half-whispered as he rushed towards the left side of the room.
“Ah! No fair…” Colette whined but he could see her already rushing away to another part of the house to do her own job as well.
When it came to stealing, there were no better thieves than he and Colette! But only for high-class places like this, even though this place was probably the fanciest they had hit just yet.
 A place like this has to have jewels…. Or vaults full of Gald! Lloyd passed by a table placed in the middle of the room, overflowing with what looked to be wrapped presents. Hm, was it okay for him to look through these? Some of them hadn’t even been opened, and presents felt somewhat different… Wait, why am I worried about that?
Lloyd didn’t find any vaults so far, but there was no lack of Gald in this house regardless. Some of it just seemed to be laying around the furniture, including the plush sofas (which he made sure to check in-between the couch cushions for!) and even some were inside the presents? Not a very creative gift, but at least he could take it easy…
By the time Lloyd decided to pick up some items, he heard Colette from behind him. “I’m all set!”
“Huh? Already?” Lloyd turned to Colette, clutching a few expensive-looking hairbrushes in both hands. The fact that he had found more than one hanging around the living room was already kind of odd. “I don’t get how you do it so fast!”
Colette had her own satchel filled with taken goods. Though he couldn’t see, he could hear the soft clink of porcelain, along with what must have been the clatter of Gald. “Hehe. I’m a pro at item thief, remember?”
“Yeah, that’s-“ Lloyd stopped, narrowing his eyes at Colette, then sighed when he noticed the bruise on her forehead. “Did you trip earlier?”
“Did you trip yourself on purpose?!” Lloyd moved to see if she had any more injuries, hands reaching out and, well, still holding onto the hairbrushes and may or may not have brushed her hair in the process. “Colette, you don’t need to hurt yourself just to pick up stuff!”
“But it’s much faster this way! And I’m more likely to succeed at getting stuff if I use it!”
“I don’t…really get that…” But then again, she was right. He had witnessed that plenty of times! He just wished she didn’t have to hurt herself in the process.
Colette adjusted her bag of stolen goods one more time, but he knew it wasn’t heavy for her at all. Already his back was aching at just looking at the weight of her satchel. “Ready to go, Lloyd?”
Lloyd looked around the room. Nothing much else except some of the presents, and the rest had been filled with spoiled fish. Rich people had weird tastes in gifts. “Yeah, but uh, you think you can take one of these brushes…?”
Lloyd didn’t even get to finish his sentence. He saw Colette’s eyes widen, saw her turn around. He knew what that meant.
“Someone’s here!” she whispered, setting her bag down to retrieve her weapons.
Lloyd finally had the thought to just drop the brushes and reach for his own swords – but not before several objects surrounded them both. They were small, just the size of his palm. They looked like paper cards…?
“Show yourselves!” shouted a voice. Suddenly, a light erupted from those floating cards around them.
“Gah!” Both Lloyd and Colette shielded their faces from the brightness, but it wasn’t enough to hide them away for long.
The voice had come from the stairway railing up above (they hadn’t even gotten to explore the second floor!) and there stood a black-haired woman in strange attire – but she looked on them both as if what they wore was even stranger!
“So… you’re the infamous thieves that’s been targeting all of Tethe’alla!” She held up another of those strange cards between her fingers. “Gotta say, surprised you didn’t get caught sooner with that get-up.”
“Huh?!” Lloyd looked back down at his outfit, not understanding what the problem was. “Hey, red is a good color!” he shouted back.
Indeed it was! Though Lloyd and Colette wore masks over their faces to keep their identities a secret, this red jacket, with its arrays of silver buttons and collar strips that flowed out of his collar, was the most comfortable he had ever worn. And it looked cool too!
…That said, it was pretty awesome that they were famous apparently! With pride, he stood up tall, one hand on his hip while the other held out both his thumb and forefinger, trying out his new pose that he’d been working on. “I mean, what else do you expect the Red Phantom Thief to wear?”
“Phantom?” The woman raised an eyebrow. “Wait, I thought you were the Red Robin.”
His cool pose instantly faltered. “What?! Why do people keep calling me that!?” What part of his cool persona had anything to do with a bird?!
“Look, it doesn’t matter! Both the Red Robin and the Blue Angel’s thieving days are over!”
“Oh, she got my name right though!” Colette waved at the lady, not as worried about hiding herself anymore. Though her outfit only had some accents of blue, the name still fit her well, along with the mask that more or less resembled wings, filigreed with azure in comparison to Lloyd’s crimson one. “It’s nice to meet you!”
“Colette, she’s trying to put us in jail…”
“Ah, I just thought we should still be nice, since she must only be doing her job…”
Sheena stomped on the railing, making it creak. “Stop whispering to each other, you criminals! You’re going to give back what you stole!”
“Oh… but we didn’t technically steal anything yet!” Colette piped in helpfully.
“Don’t admit it!” Lloyd whined.
“Sorry! Unless she means the other things we stole… but we don’t have them anymore…”
“Huh, that’s right… Are we supposed to carry all that stuff around?” Lloyd scratched at his head, thinking hard on the concept. “It’d be too heavy and Noishe wouldn’t be able to carry all that and us too…”
“Why do you guys keep ignoring me?!”
“Uh, sorry about that,” Lloyd said, voice a little subdued.
Colette bowed her head. “I’m sorry too!”
“That’s not- argh!”
With that, the lady clearly had enough. She leapt off the railing, flipping numerous times through the air which made the pink sash of her outfit flow along with her body. Lloyd and Colette watched in awe as she gracefully landed a few feet in front of them, feet just past an elegantly detailed carpet that was behind her. In all her motions, she barely missed a beat.
Colette clapped. “Wow, that was really good!”
Lloyd couldn’t disagree. “Yeah, no kidding! That was cool!”
The lady stumbled slightly, losing her graceful composure, even for just a second. “W-What? You guys are the strangest thieves I’ve come across.” She shook her head, staring hard at them once more. With how quiet she had moved, so quiet that not even Colette had heard her at first, Lloyd wondered if she would make a good thief too… That would be competition!
“The name’s Sheena Fujibayashi. I’ve been tracking you two down for quite some time. Going all over both Sylvarant and Tethe’alla territory. Heard you took a fortune from Palmacosta’s coffers, but you bit off more than you can chew by coming here.” She narrowed her eyes at them, sharp in her gaze. “Your thieving days are about to end.”
That had caught Lloyd off guard. “Huh? You’ve been spying on us? That’s rude!”
“Criminals don’t get a say in that! And it’s not rude!” Sheena scoffed a bit. “It doesn’t take a genius to know you’d try to rob this place out of all of them.”
Lloyd groaned. “But that was our secret plan!”
“I guess it’s not a secret anymore…” Colette said sadly.
“However…” Sheena said carefully. “What I don’t get is how you guys even got past Meltokio’s walls? All the gates are closed. Including the sewer!”
“Sewer?” Lloyd asked, but he was careful to not slip up on his and Colette’s escape route! A thief never revealed his secrets after all! Well, unless she somehow spied on that too… “You’re gonna have keep guessing on that!”
“Oh, I just tripped is all!”
Lloyd nearly fell on his face at Colette’s admission.
Sheena raised an eyebrow. “Tripped? What does that have to do with anything?”
“Nothing! It has to do with nothing!” Lloyd tried to subtly signal to Colette. “We don’t know how we got here at all! Right, Colette?”
“…Oh, right! Hehe, messed up.” She laughed and stuck out her tongue playfully. “We don’t know anything!”
Seeing Sheena’s initial confusion, Lloyd saw this as a good opportunity to try and escape. Giving a tiny nod to Colette to catch her attention, he tried to see if they could rush to the door quick enough…
“Not so fast!”
That was when Sheena made a quick motion with her hands – looking almost like a prayer except for the rapid succession of signals she did – and the same cards that hovered around them suddenly glowed red. Lloyd felt a strange weight on his body, as if someone had just dumped luggage right onto his shoulders.
“H-Hey!” he shouted. He tried to turn to Colette, but could barely do it! “Let us go!”
“With my seals, you’re not getting away. I was sent to stop you and that’s just what I’m doing.” Sheena looked a bit smug as she spoke, a smirk on her lips. “So don’t blame your fate on me.”
“I can do exactly that!” But even as Lloyd struggled, he couldn’t seem to break free. Whatever powerful bindings were in these paper cards, they were more than he could handle. Who knew paper could even be considered a threat!!
“And…why do you keep calling us thieves?” he threw out during his struggles. He felt he was loosening his foot a bit! Just a little bit though.
Sheena said nothing at all at first, practically speechless in her shock until she sputtered. “Because… that’s what you are?!”
Colette shook her head politely, from what Lloyd could tell. Actually, she didn’t seem to be as restricted as he was… “But we’re not thieves. We’re heroes for the less fortunate! Right, Lloyd?”
“Yeah!” he said, trying to nod and instead just… stretching a little. Good enough. “We don’t take the money for ourselves, but for those who need it most!”
“…That’s still stealing,” Sheena intoned. “You’re taking stuff from other people to do that. That’s still being a thief.”
“It’s way more than that!” Lloyd argued, never stopping in his struggle. “The Red Robin doesn’t steal for himself… Wait, I meant Red Phantom!” Dammit, now that dumb name was stuck in his head too!
“Even if that was the case, it doesn’t change what you’re doing right now.” Sheena stared at the bags of stolen goods that were on the floor, all gathered from Lloyd and Colette’s wandering hands. “Things like this… they can’t go unpunished. And if you’re stealing from this place, then I definitely have to stop you.”
Lloyd blinked. “Is this your home? Is that why you keep bringing it up?”
“Huh?! Who said anything about that! Don’t be stupid!”
What was up with that reaction? Lloyd only felt more confused now! “Okay, sorry…I was just saying stuff…”
“I see.” Colette’s voice was tranquil, moreso than Lloyd had expected. She really wasn’t worried they were basically trapped right now… “This home is important to you, because it belongs to someone you care about. I’m sorry. If we knew that, we wouldn’t have come here.”
“W-What the heck do you mean? I never said that!” Any smugness Sheena had now completely left her face, now replaced by confusion. “And how would you not coming here if you knew make any sense?!”
“She’s got a point, Colette… We didn’t even know her until now.”
“Oh, that’s right!” In her blue, angel-wing shaped mask, Colette scratched the back of her head, giggling. “But, if we did know each other before, I bet we would have been great friends!”
Sometimes Colette went off-tangent on a conversation so fast, that even Lloyd couldn’t keep up. “Have you been thinking about being friends with her this whole time?”
“Is that weird?”
“Not really, just… maybe not the best time-”
“You two seriously need to stop messing with me! Ugh.” With a groan, Sheena pulled out an array of cards from her sleeve, holding them up to her face as if she had her own deck of aces.
“Hold on! Back up a sec, it’s true what Colette said. We’re giving all the money we take to give to those who need the help.” Lloyd tightened his hold on his swords, bringing the blades close, or as close as he could. “Haven’t you seen this city? People just have all…all this …” He tried, but mainly failed, at gesturing to the display of wealth; to the fancy velvet drapes along the windows, to the tiled marble floors, to all those fancy presents on the table. “Yet they don’t worry or help those who are living in poverty right beneath them!”
Sheena hesitated, even if for only a moment. Did she think the same thing too? She must have known of those slums just within the city, of the multitude of poor villages where so many starved during the harsher seasons…
Lloyd had felt that even in Iselia, always hearing of the far-off city of Meltokio and its vast treasure trove of wealth. But knowing that even here, where some people dined in golden houses, there were others living in the mud. “You have to see that isn’t right at all!”
“Lloyd…” Colette’s soft voice tugged at his chest. He had let his emotions run off again, but it was true what he believed. Every word of it.
“I understand what you mean…” Sheena said – and then her voice grew hard, ruthless. “But that’s not for you to decide. You can’t know every person’s intentions with what they own. You can’t know how the owner here plans to use what he has…” She got into a stance, one that Lloyd had never seen before.
“And a thief is still a thief! But if you want, you can talk all about your grievances with the king.”
He really had no idea what to expect from her, especially from someone who fought with cards. Lloyd tried once again to move, but he felt like he was stuck in quicksand. His feet just stayed rooted to the floor. Aw man, and he thought he had been moving his left foot before! “Stop!” he called out as Sheena moved forward.
And then Colette moved forward too. Wait, she wasn’t trapped?
Sheena was just as shocked as Lloyd was. “H-How did you get out?!”
Colette stood in front of Lloyd, holding out her double chakrams in front of her. She blinked, and it seemed she would join with the others in their confusion. “Ah, was that supposed to happen? I’m sorry. I think your cards must’ve missed me!”
Oh goddess, sometimes Lloyd really couldn’t believe Colette’s luck! (And his own unluckiness when it came to these situations.)
Sheena seemed to be on the same page there. “I missed?! Well… I won’t this time!” Sheena’s cards in her hand began to glow. “You can have a taste of one of my Guardians if you-!”
“Ah, whoops!”
Really, Lloyd should have expected what would happen next.
Colette tried to move to the side as much as she could, while also still covering for Lloyd who stayed frozen in time. Clearly she didn’t want to hurt Sheena at all, but also wanted to protect Lloyd. The brief conflict of indecision made the tip of her boot catch the edge of one of the many plush rugs that covered the first floor of the mansion.
“Watch out!” She tried to warn her enemy (or friend?), but Colette was already tackling right into Sheena who, by the force of the push, practically flew back down to the rug-covered floor.
That was when the rug seemed to pull right into the center where Sheena fell, further and further until-
“How did you know about my back-up trap NOOOOOO!!” But Sheena’s words were replaced by screams as she fell right into a strange makeshift pit that seemed to have been dug right into the mansion’s tiled floors.
“Oh.. I messed up…” Colette said, realizing what she’d done.
By then, the cards hovering around Lloyd drifted down to the floor, releasing him from their invisible binds. Lloyd wobbled on his feet, his previous struggling nearly making him kick out wildly in the air before he regained balance. “Whoa…” He shook his head, never wanting to be put in that weird situation. “Uh, did she just…fall…?” He leaned over to what looked like to be a giant hole in the ground, right in front of him. “And how is this even here?” He had so, so many questions. Maybe he wasn’t as unlucky as some people…
Colette was kneeling on the edge of the floor, her face so full of worry, clearly seen even through her mask. “Is she okay? I didn’t mean to do that at all…”
Lloyd shook out the previous stiffness from his limbs, sheathing his swords before walking towards Colette, kneeling with her. “Well, I mean she was going to arrest us. And she was going to fight you too!”
Colette pouted, hands clasped before her, still staring into that dark pit that seemed to have no bottom. But really, how did they even make a pit inside this mansion in the first place?! Maybe it was another rich people thing…
As she kept staring down, Lloyd gently placed his hand on her shoulder, getting her attention. “Lloyd, should we call for help?”
He sighed. “That’s…going to be kinda hard with what we were doing.”
Colette, lover of puppies and doggies, was able to pull off the look of the animal she so adored. Lloyd could barely resist that gaze.
“Agh, alright, alright! Maybe we can leave a note for the guards nearby or-”
“Hunnyyyy~!” called a voice from upstairs, freezing Lloyd’s words right in his throat, as if he had just been imprisoned again. “You there? What’s all the noise about?” The voice yawned in mid-sentence, its tone so casual and airy.
Lloyd stood up quickly, grabbing Colette’s arms to bring her up with him. “See? Help is on the way! Now let’s get out of here!”
“Ah, if you’re sure-” but Colette barely got to finish her sentence before footsteps echoed from above. Both of them grabbing their satchels of stolen goods (Lloyd with one, Colette with about five), they rushed through the door, as stealthily as they could!
…Until Colette dropped a few expensive plates from her satchel onto the floor. “Ah!” Crash crash kerplow!
The casual voice from upstairs shifted gears then. “What the hell-”
“Colette, leave those!” Lloyd grabbed Colette by her free… er, overcoat flaps on her back, since both her hands were a bit occupied carrying things. They made it out to the doorsteps, the night sky still dark. “We just gotta find Noishe and-”
…And their dog was nowhere to be found in the bushes they had left him in.
Lloyd sighed even more this time, the action pulling out his very soul from the pit of his stomach. “He ran away again!”
Colette’s tone held a bit of a reprimand in it, rare as it was. “You know he gets scared by himself, Lloyd.”
“But he whines too loudly to bring him inside houses!” Another sigh, but smaller this time. He adjusted the satchel easier on his shoulder. “Guess we’re hoofin it.”
“Okay,” Colette nodded. She piled on her bags onto her shoulders as if they were just a bunch of stuffed animals she carried around. “Where to first?”
Lloyd shot her a grin. “To where we can make all this flashy stuff finally useful.”
And like two thieves in the night – which they were not! – both Lloyd and Colette rushed off, past sleeping guards that never knew what happened.
Zelos had only just heard the commotion a little bit ago. Usually, he was a bit of a night-owl, but not this time when he had to just wait instead of having any fun…
So he might have slept through his time, for a little while, and he might have an angry Sheena on his hands because of that… But it couldn’t have gone that bad, right?
That was answered for him when he finally leaned over the banister and saw the giant, carved-up hole in the middle of his downstairs floor. “Uh,” he uttered, trying to remember if this had been part of the plan Sheena had detailed to him earlier. “Hunny?”
A brief pause before the voice of what sounded like a haunted spirit floated up from that pit. “Where the hell have you been?”
Zelos grinned, quickly leaping over the banister to land expertly on his slippers. (He forgot to put on his shoes). He was just a few feet away from the hole. “Catching up on my beauty sleep, what else?”
“You were supposed to stand by and back me up! You idiot! I-” But the ghostly voice was interrupted by a strangled screech. Zelos straightened up immediately, the hint of any smiles completely erased from his face.
He reached down, grabbing Sheena’s hand before she fell, fingers gripping tightly over his wrist. He had seen her hanging onto an outcropping in whatever pit she had made before she lost her hold. With sudden adrenaline, Zelos pulled her out, kneeling beside her as she finally made it to safe ground.
Sheena panted, one hand pressed against the floor while the other stayed locked with Zelos’. After a moment, she raised her head, staring hard at him.
The saucy grin came back to him so easily. “Thought you said you wouldn’t fall for me,” he teased.
She ripped her hand from his grip to curl it into a fist and give him a deserved smack against his shoulder. “Are you serious?!”
“Ow! Well if you’re going to be rough with me…”
“You call that rough?” Sheena got to her feet, face completely red, and already Zelos could tell she was stuck in several shades of embarrassment now. “You don’t even ask me how it went! ”
Zelos shrugged, knowing that would only anger Sheena further, knowing that would only make her feel like she failed even when she hadn’t at all. But it was the best action he had right now. The downstairs also looked a bit… empty, for lack of a better word. Certain knick-knacks seemed to be missing from their shelves, and he might have been missing a few presents actually?
“What’s there to know?” he asked, also standing up, face as serene as water. Most nobles of Meltokio were generally laid back, but Zelos had such a relaxed nature at times that he knew others found unsettling.
With Sheena though, she just got more annoyed. “Do you even care?! Months of tracking them down and planning and this is what happens… We could have avoided this if you were actually nearby like I said to be!”
Zelos held up his hands to her. “Whoa, whoa! Calm down, babe. It’s not the end of the world! I mean… maybe the pit wasn’t the best idea, just throwing that out there.”
“You think I don’t know that?!” Sheena ran her hands through her hair, groaning and looking ready to fall right back into that pit. “Of all the times I had to trip!”
When she yelled, he knew it was mostly aimed at herself then at him, most of the time anyway. So he didn’t take it to heart, watching the words prick herself. “But you still got them tracked, don’t you?”
Sheena let down her hands and sighed. “Yeah… Corrine is still following them. They don’t sense him at least.”
“See now? Gotta keep things on the bright side!” Zelos deftly walked around the pit, eyeing again the empty tables. Most of the stuff was replaceable anyway, though his eyes strayed to a certain painting hidden away in a corner. Interesting. Maybe they didn’t think it was valuable enough to take? Or maybe it was just too big to carry? Zelos wasn’t sure how to feel on that at least.
“Besides,” he said, turning back to Sheena with a flourish. “Not like we were actually going to arrest them anyway.”
Sheena frowned, but she didn’t deny it. Instead, she only looked more and more frustrated, her right eyebrow twitching. “I know that. But they didn’t.” Sheena paused, also noting the stolen items, leaving the lower floor of the mansion nearly barebones except for the furniture. “I still don’t understand.”
“Understand what?” Zelos asked, purposefully acting the fool and knowing that she knew.
“What you’re aiming for. We had orders from the Pope… You’re really sure he won’t find out?”
“Hey, if I was sure of anything, I probably wouldn’t even be here.” He winked at her. “But that’s why you wanted to be part of my master plan, right? Gets you excited.”
“I’m excited to kick you right in the kneecaps if that’s what you’re aiming for.”
Zelos laughed, the sound echoing even more harshly in the open room without all the clutter in the way. “See? You have so much energy!”
“I’m only going along with this because I don’t trust the Pope… Even less than I trust you.” Sheena scuffed the bottom of her heels against the floor, truly getting the ‘disgruntled bodyguard to a carefree playboy’ right down to the details. “But we’re going to have keep tracking them so you can finally get to have that talk you want.”
“Perfect! Then we just need a do-over, how hard is that?”
Sheena rolled her eyes. “But now they’re onto us. And why would they talk to us now when they think we’re enemies?”
“Trust me, we can’t have it any other way.”
He knew Sheena was trying so hard to make sense of his logic. “And this is why I still can’t understand you.”
“Then it’s all going according to plan then.”
And Zelos was ready to get his plan into action, but there was, maybe, just one tiny hurdle they had to deal with right now.
“Seriously though, how did you even manage to dig a hole in my floor?” And also, was she covering this? But he didn’t ask that.
“I have my ways of doing things, and you have yours,” she said in a huff. “It’s not even that deep of a hole…”
“…You certainly made it sound like it was.”
“I was just flustered, alright?!” She groaned. “This hole was supposed to be a backup plan… These guys must have known somehow! That’s why they tripped me…”
Zelos nodded, but if truth to be told, he only half-believed her. Sheena was so clumsy, but only at the worst times. Life was tough on the girl.
“Okay, but uh, we’ll need to have this fixed pronto. Don’t want ol’ Sebastian to fall in while he takes care of the place while I’m away.”
Sheena swerved on him immediately. Yes, he could already tell what his plan was. And why she didn’t like this at all. “No, you don’t mean…”
With an ecstatic smile, Zelos wrapped Sheena up in his arms, scooping her off her feet. “That’s right! I’m coming along to chase them down right with ya, hunny~!”
Honestly, even with the bone-crunching punch he received just after, it was worth it.
Sometimes you need to sacrifice a little comfort to go and help change the world, after all.
There was something about the Meltokio slums that reminded Lloyd of home, even as he and Colette’s boots would get stuck to the muck of the roads occasionally, or when they’d nearly slipped down the stone steps because it was damaged, city never sending in workers for repairs. (Okay, it was Colette who had slipped, and Lloyd had to quickly catch her, along with the numerous satchels she carried).
The air was quiet as any other part of the city, but the atmosphere of it was on edge, a bit frenzied. Lloyd saw a few eyes peek through the slats of a much too small window. The roof was caved-in, the boards rotted from mildew and infestation most likely.
Once they made it down one road, where it was too squared in by the buildings on either side, the mud building up even more around here – Lloyd signaled for Colette to stop.
“This is as good a place as any,” he said, putting down his own satchel to the muddy ground. Some of it splashed on his cool red jacket. He sighed, but now was not the time to be worried about that stuff.
Colette nodded, putting down her own multiple bags with barely any trouble. “You still think it’s not enough?”
Lloyd looked through the opening of his bag, took a moment, and shrugged. “Maybe for a little bit… I need to step up my own game to catch up to you.”
“It’s okay, Lloyd! I was following your lead the whole time.” Her mask reflected the moonlight, shining both azure and pink. It almost looked like she was ready to go to a fancy costume party with it on – and he wondered if he seemed the same way.
He cleared his throat, opened the bag more, then called out to one of the raggedly-dressed children he could see hiding behind the corner of a building. “Hey! Can you get everyone to come here?”
The child was speechless at first, looking ready to flee. But then they stopped, moving a bit into the light when they saw just who the pair was. “Who… Wait, you’re the Red Phantom?” A turn of their head, gazing at Colette. “And the Blue Angel!”
Ha! They got my name right! Just one other reason why the ruling rich class was no good if they couldn’t even remember the right titles.
Lloyd stood with a flourish, hand up in his signature gesture, with thumb out and pointer finger aligned towards the sky. He flashed a grin at the child. “That’s right! We came here to help.” And with that, he reached into the bag, pulling out what looked like a fistful of pure light to the child.
The child’s eyes widened, more pronounced on their weathered, somewhat pale face. Perhaps from so many nights of hunger and cold temperatures. It only hardened Lloyd’s resolve.
“I’ve… never seen so much Gald!” they breathed. Lloyd could barely tell their face in the dark, but the wonder in their eyes was all too recognizable, too familiar. There was sudden life in the face, compared to before. “Who is that for?”
He didn’t make a show of it this time. Lloyd said it seriously, remembering what he was here for.
“They’re for everyone in the slums. So you don’t go hungry.”
The child gawked at Lloyd, then back the precious coins he held in his hand. “But…this is too much. And the shops are closed anyway…”
Colette piped in, kneeling beside the child. “There should be a few open tonight! Especially the one nearby the inn. Do you know that one?”
One could almost hear a stomach grumble in the night at the mention of food. “The place with the Wonderchef?! We could eat there…?”
Lloyd nodded, carefully taking the child’s hand and giving him the money. “Show your family this if they’re doubting. But we should have enough for everyone in the slums.”
Maybe it was the way the kid’s eyes welled up at that moment, or maybe when he saw more and more people start to gather later, getting up from their beds to see if the rumors of charitable not-thieves were true – but Lloyd felt every burden lift up from his heart as he and Colette gave all that they could sell, all that they could gather.
And all while the rich up top continued to slumber away the night.
They didn’t stay long, as some residents would say later that the masked duo whisked away into the shadows the moment they dropped the very last Gald into an outstretched hand. Lloyd and Colette didn’t give any more words or speeches, this time moving just as silently as they did when they had been up on the higher levels.
… No one would notice them both now in the quieter part of the great city, both seating themselves on one of the many marble arches, watching the sky with its familiar patterns.
“It’s amazing we could sell what we could on the same night thanks to Professor Sage,” Colette commented, her voice a little winded from moving so much tonight. But there was something proud in her tone too, something that Lloyd could relate to right now.
It really was surprising just how much Raine knew of a few connections, like certain dealers that could take a few treasures and exchange them for Gald. Lloyd and Colette couldn’t always estimate just how valuable their goods were, so it was helpful their old teacher knew just how much…
“As long as we get her those relics while we’re out doing this, huh?” Lloyd said aloud, inwardly groaning at the idea of going to another stuffy ruin next. “Maybe we should just look for lost treasure in those places ourselves and sell them. Last time she got so scary when we gave her stuff, I thought she was going to steal us next!”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.” Colette winked. “We’d never be late to classes!”
“Colette, this is like my worst nightmare, please.”
Even a small tease felt too real, even as he couldn’t stop grinning from what they had accomplished tonight. Lloyd leaned back on his hands, looking up at the sky. It stretched out, so long and dark, its wide array of stars taking over everything.
Still, he had to wonder.
“Colette… do you think what we’re doing is right?”
Colette moved to seat herself closer to him (or tripped, he couldn’t really tell), her expression thoughtful. “I’ve always believed in what you were doing, Lloyd… That you wanted to help people. And you are!”
“I know, I guess somehow.” The little nagging voice in his head kept repeating itself – and it sounded exactly like that strange lady they had met at the mansion before she fell into her own pit. “But maybe there is a better way to do it. And I know dad wasn’t a big fan of the idea of us doing all this either.” With that, he puffed out his chest, clenched both fists, and did the best impression of his dwarven father that he knew how. “Dwarven vow number eleven! Lying is the first step down the path to thievery! Also, eat your tomatoes, lad!”
“Wow, you sounded exactly like him, Lloyd!”
“Heh, thanks. I’ve been practicing a lot.” The trick was getting the gentle raspiness of his father’s voice just right! No easy feat.
But even that brief little ego boost couldn’t last, remembering the meaning of what he just said. “I guess I haven’t exactly been following those vows. Although… I didn’t really lie! Er, that much, I mean.”
“Hm.” Colette tapped a finger against her chin, thinking on his statement so much, and so seriously, that it was kinda worrying Lloyd a bit?
“Hey, you don’t have to think about it that much…”
“Oh! But I just wanted to find a way to help you.”
“Yeah, but now I’m thinking I definitely did something wrong here if it’s got you worried.”
She shook her head. They were both no longer wearing their masks now after their delivery to the poor of Meltokio, and now Lloyd could see the fullness of her eyes. It was a blue of a lighter shade, like a water’s surface during a sunrise. When she wore her mask, he couldn’t see that as much. Maybe they didn’t need to wear their masks all the time…
“I’m not really worried,” she was saying, her breath held rhythmically. She was choosing carefully what she would say next. “It’s just… In this world, there’s not much we can do otherwise, you know? So many people are suffering, and yet, those who have the power to change it, they just… don’t do it. Or they don’t care to. We can’t rely on them.”
From Colette’s words, Lloyd heard his own thoughts echo back. Some people, like his dad, could depend on himself, from building his own home to even taking in a human child that he barely knew. But not everyone could do that, he knew.
“There’s another vow your dad says all the time.”
“Huh? Oh, you mean…” He sighed, but the smile on his face was full of gratitude. “Never abandon someone in need.”
“Yep. And, I think we’ve been doing that the best that we can.” She grinned, a lock of her hair falling across her cheek. “Even if we’re using money from those higher up to do so!”
“Not like that money is being used for anything else! All that Gald was literally just sitting there!”
“Yeah! Though I guess we don’t know if they were going to use it on something good… Maybe they were going to donate that same money!”
“What?! Aw man, now you’re making me question it, Colette!”
But she simply laughed, the sound traveling through his chest and somehow making his heart feel a little less heavy. He smiled, laughing with her.
“Fine, let’s just say we did it faster for them,” Lloyd reasoned. “So now that family can eat tonight.”
“Yeah. Maybe…someday we can do it differently. But I like doing it your way!”
“Honestly, this wouldn’t have turned out so well without that item thief move of yours. I can lockpick but that’s kind of it…”
“And you’re the best at it! You beat your whole record by ten seconds!”
“Hey, I thought you didn’t count it last time!”
“Hm… maybe I just wanted to tease you.”
“Mean, Colette!”
But their continued laughter finally brought back someone familiar; the soft padding of feet along the pavement below them, with a whine that echoed throughout the night. Lloyd wouldn’t even chide Noishe this time, his mood lightening up much more than since when they left that mansion.
“Come on, boy,” he called out gently, and Noishe loped forward, putting his great head against Lloyd’s outstretched hands. A few scratches here and there and the dog’s fluffy tail began wagging, even as his whines continued. “It’s okay. Just bring us home, alright?”
“Will Dirk be awake now?” Colette asked, also patting Noishe along his back, fingers digging through the green fur. Colette would never pass up an opportunity to pet the whining animal.
“Probably… Let’s just sneak inside, we’re good at that! Uh, maybe we are.”
Colette already climbed atop Noishe’s back, the action as natural to her as tripping. “We can get him something from here, like a souvenir!”
Lloyd climbed on too, giving one last scratch behind Noishe’s left ear. “It’ll have to be something we bought and not stole, and I forgot to buy things… I’ll just make him something on the way!”
Meltokio’s walls were high, but there were many hidden cracks in their foundations. Some brought on by the ravages of time, some from disrepair or a lack of maintenance…
… and then some made from a person plainly tripping into a wall. Already as Noishe was rushing along the city, they saw it – that tell-tale Colette-shaped hole, from when she had tripped across an upturned grass tuft and tumbled right into stone like it was nothing.
At the sight, he could hear Colette make a sound full of embarrassment. “I hope I didn’t ruin this wall…”
“No way, it’s fine! Besides, this turned out for the best!” Lloyd would have to squeeze through it himself, as the hole wasn’t exactly his height, but even in Colette’s tumble, she had made sure to make her accident luckier than most.
And just as they finally made it out of the city, and were once again on open plains, with the stars so much brighter without the constant lights from below, so much wider that one could see the silhouette of the Fooji Mountains up ahead, Lloyd turned to Colette.
“Thanks, Colette.”
He knew the words had caught her off guard. Without her mask on, the flush on her cheeks was so much more obvious. Her eyes were bright from the two moons overhead. “Ah, for what?”
“For reminding me of what we’re really doing. I started questioning everything but, I know that we’re doing good. Especially having you with me.”
And maybe, it was kind of cute, her blush, and the way she looked at him just now. “I really do help you, Lloyd?”
“Yeah, of course! I’d have gotten caught on my first job if you weren’t there to tell me that people were still inside that one house.”
“Ah, right. You were just about to barge right in there!”
“It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
Colette’s hands reached out to grasp Lloyd by the shoulders, balancing herself as Noishe walked. She did this all the time, but it felt different now, like the sky overhead, and the air so brisk against their skin. “But… thank you too, Lloyd. You gave me a way to help people.”
He grinned. “Then let’s keep doing it then.”
And they would, on another night, at another place. But for now, they let Noishe lead them on, past the mountains and for the trees far off in the horizon. Her hands on his shoulders kept him steady until the morning came.
...Yet in all that time, neither noticed the little shadow that trailed after them, its normally colorful fur of azure and orange now muted within the shadows it hid inside. 
Sheena is counting on me, thought Corrine, his soft pads making no sound at all as he leapt after the thieves and their dog. It may have been fast, but Corrine could catch up, sensing them from way further behind.
Still, he followed, a small ringing in the dark.
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amratsu · 5 years
alright these girls have haunted me for about a whole month now time to break it all down for anyone vaguely interested in them
hololive/vtuber 101 below the read more
THE FUCK IS HOLOLIVE?: An idol agency except all of its roughly 20 or so girls are youtube streamers who have their identity protected by a live2d avatar. They recently had a very fun live concert and all of them have or will have 3d models, but the majority of content is just them streaming whatever's their fancy at the time. (As of 2/17/2020 a lot of them play a lot of ARK, thank Coco for that) Therefore, they're part of the new form of niche culture called Vtuber.
THE FUCK IS A VTUBER?: Virtual youtubers. Like a normal streamer but, again, live2d portrait instead of their actual face. That's basically it. Content is about as varied as any other youtuber.
ALRIGHT, WHO WE GOT?: Hololive's split into OG Tokino Sora, the girls alongside her who are also primarily 3d, and then 'generations'. Just plug in their names and you'll find their channel easy. Again, variety differs between all the girls, but expect a lot of Nintendo games, chat streams, karaoke, and Minecraft across the board.
-Tokino Sora OG mom slash idol, debuted all the way back in 2017. Probably the only proper idol in all of Hololive. Warm, friendly, relaxing. She mostly does 3d variety streams and song debuts so she's hard to follow without advanced japanese.
-Roboco(-san) Pose happy killer robo with a notably smokey voice and calming demeanor. Plays a large amount of minecraft and first-person games in general; recent streams include ARK, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon remaster, Apex, and Fortnite.
-Sakura Miko ELIIIITE MLG miko idol with a tendency to swear a bit. High energy, fully embraced 'press f', gives herself sunglasses during streams, great friends with Pekora. Also notably into eroge. Did a full playthrough of Papers Please lately and is one of the most addicted to ARK (21 streams at around 4-5 hours each.)
1st Generation -Yozora Mel Sleepy vampire with the occasional killer instinct. Soothing, gentle, kind of lewd. Very much into nintendo games with Smash, Ring Fit, SwoSh, and Mario Kart being her latest content, but she's a little slower with the output. Part of the lewd blonde club with Aki, Haato, and Choco, who were demonetized until recently.
-Aki Rosenthal Cyber elf with detachable twin tails. Pretty similar to Mel in disposition, though less sleepy and more...I want to say 'fantastical'. Recently gained popularity due to her buck naked superhuman beefcake character in ARK, with Kerbal, Go Home, and some ASMR rounding out the rest of her content.
-Natsuiro Matsuri Eternal 17 year old cheerleader from the class next door, Matsuri is a high energy raging lesbian who's also a complete sweetie. Her infamous bandaid clip is what got a lot of western fans into Hololive. Plays a wide variety of games but also twitcasts at random times of the day like when she's in bed or in the bath, just to chat with her viewers about what's on her mind. Well loved.
-Akai Haato The ESL transfer student, girl next door, Haato is, well, exactly that. Commonly traveling for studies, Haato is a bubbly girl with a fine sense for aesthetics; you'll catch her making elaborate builds in Minecraft or playing visual novels during streams, along with a smattering of other games. Notable in that she's the only girl that'll do purely English streams, likely to help with her own education. Also kind of a baka.
2nd Generation -Minato Aqua Disaster masochist maid who's actually stupidly good at video games sometimes. She's both mischievous and hard working, massively popular in China, and, again, stupidly good at games. Soulsborne speedruns, PUBG, ARK (also one of the most addicted), Minecraft (seeing a pattern?), League if you catch her bilibili streams...but she's also the one who will spend a stream calling the other girls and asking them to bully her. Wild card gremlin.
-Murasaki Shion Genius mage who doesn't do a lot with her magic. Pretty well known for her 'neeeeeee', with a distinctly smug avatar/voice. Pretty good at games too, with a variety of Pokemon, retro games, Minecraft, Smash, horror, Mario Kart, etc. Excellent singing voice too, would recommend her covers.
-Yuzuki Choco The totally-not-a-succubus demon nurse at your highschool, Choco embodies :sweating:. Obviously she's lewd, but there's also a silly and petulant side to her that's fun to watch too. ASMR is her specialty. She's also, surprisingly, really into Dead By Daylight, so if that combination sounds fun to you hit her up.
-Oozora Subaru If Haato is the girl next door, Subaru's the bro next door. A very down to earth but energetic and sporty tomgirl, she recently spent three streams and sixteen hours on trying to take down Sans. Other recent things include Live A Live, The Witch's House, and GTA. Refreshingly easy to relate to compared to the other girls sometimes.
-Nakiri Ayame Hello, honored humans~ Hololive's millenium old oni. Has a peculiar way of speaking, especially in her pronouns, which lends a certain charm if you can got on board with it; happy go lucky, easy to like, and really cute on top of all that. Recently recovered from sickness (as of 2/26) so was the last to get on the Ark craze, she's actually very fond of multiplayer games as a way of 'getting to know mortals'. Apex Legends, Mario Kart, Splatoon, etc.
GAMERS: A sort of generation on its own, and also a kind of weird designation when all the girls game so frequently. Oh well!
-Shirakami Fubuki Fox. Not a cat. Super cheerful, makes a lot of weird noises that people turn into youtube poops (that she encourages), and also a helluva gamer. Plays plenty of battle royales, ARK, and of course Nintendo/Minecraft stuff. Infamous for her absolute feral hunter instincts in Project Winter, where she commonly massacres the entire map on her lonesome when she's the traitor.
-Ookami Mio Mom wolf who has to play tsukkomi (straightman) to basically all of Hololive sometimes. Which makes it all the more hilarious during her semi-common charisma breaks, like during Haato's recent English Exam stream. Has been into EDF, Pokemon, Ghost Trick, and Splatoon lately.
-Nekomata Okayu The sleepy smug cat with the most chill personality. Notably very, VERY close with Korone, and in general kind of a playboy in general. Never denies it or any of her myriad transgressions though. Her Mother 2 run has been fun recently, but really you could just tune into her frequent chat streams and relax that way.
-Inugami Korone Dog. An oddball who kind of just goes at her own pace, playing all sorts of weird games like Nyanpo (the pokemon prototype) and weird PS1 retro games. Shows a disturbingly violent side sometimes; her ongoing Blasphemous run and recent RE4 runs have shown how much she's into that kind of stuff. But also she's still a dog, so really don't worry.
Inonaka Music: -AZKi AZKi is closely associated with Hololive but is really more of her own thing, being even more idol than Sora is. Doesn't stream much if at all, has her own album out, does music collabs more than anything else, etc. Helluva singer though.
-Hoshimachi Suisei The vtuber idol who's totally not a psychopath, and totally a goddess at tetris. Like Fubuki, made a name for herself with her psychotic rampages in Project Winter, and also very much unfazed by horror games. Really fucking good at tetris too, doing 98v1 streams lately in Tetris 99, and a godly songstress too. Her karaoke streams are to die for.
3rd Generation: Also known as Hololive Fantasy. These girls are particularly close to each other. If you can find translated clips, I definitely recommend their host club streams where they compete in seducing other Vtubers. (Yes. That's serious)
-Usada Pekora AH^HA^HA^. You'd think she was a cute rabbit, but no! It's a Tewi level shitposter combined with some legit video game skills. She likes playing the heel deliberately just for shits and giggles, like when she nearly walked off with Miko's Nether Star. She's in fact very close to Miko, their relationship being both great friends and great rivals. Definitely one of the most addicted to ARK too; she's been making headway in conquering the ocean.
-Shiranui Flare Handsome half-elf archer, Flare's the designated tsukkomi of the third generation. She's definitely the most down to earth of them, charismatic to boot, and does as she pleases with a relaxed personality and husky, smokey voice. Very very VERY close to Noel. You'll find some really fun playthroughs of various action games like Dark Souls, Bayonetta, and Sekiro on her channel, and thanks to her picking up game mechanics fast they're fun to watch for anyone.
-Shirogane Noel Knight Captain of the Shirogane Knights, Noel's...kind of an airhead, actually. But she's definitely a pleasant, softspoken sort of person who's incredibly relaxing to listen to. Also a big eater, you'll hear her talk about beef bowls and muscles a lot. Just try not to stare too much at her 'pectorals.' As mentioned, VERY close to Flare (they just had a two day long date to a ryokan). Plays whatever with no focus in particular.
-Uruha Rushia The cute, soft, innocent apprentice necromancer, Rushia occasionally comes out of the gates roaring with rage filled screams before chilling out. An absolute cutie though, who loves her fans very much (though really every Hololive member does), her attempts to be cool and reliable lend to some great comedy. She's got a great singing voice if you can find one of her bilibili streams, and otherwise plays a wide variety of things.
-Houshou Marine A~hoy~. The completely safe for work, modern, not-cosplay eternal 17 pirate...and everything I just said was a lie. Most of it anyways. Marine's a riot of a lady with an incredibly dirty mind and dirtier motor mouth, great voice acting ability, and knack for art that she'll happily show off (among other things). Definitely one of my favorites, you'll find plenty of chat and art content on her channel, along with some of the most Ark addiction and a full array of Touhou game playthroughs.
4th Generation: Hololive's newest five girls, it's been a month and change since they debuted. They're notable for working together on some of the most wild content Hololive's put out so far, all helmed by a certain dragon. But we'll get to that.
-Tokoyami Towa The little devil that does whatever she wants, Towa's known for a couple of other things at this point: refreshingly honest personality, Pokemon playthroughs with an eclectic choice in team comp, and her charmingly atypical tomboy voice (though her mic's not amazing). Great singer, super funny if you can find the rare translated clip of her, and was an absolute menace at the recent Hololive werewolf/mafia game. How she managed to fake being a Seer from day one and nearly win, I'll never know.
-Tsunomaki Watame Hololive's bouncy sheep. Ram? Something like that. A very girly, friendly, lightly ara-ara personality, she's an honest and open with her feelings sort of girl. Earnest laughter at chat and games, real emotional tears while watching the live concert with her generation mates, Watame's a total sweetheart who streams a bit of music everyday as the pre-show to Coco's Morning Shitposts (official name). She's also gotten very close to her senpais in some regards...but above all she likes singing, chilling out in Minecraft, and recently playing through a couple Kirby games.
-Himemori Luna If you want to see a completely innocent cinnamon roll looking character say things like 'ass' and 'don't f*cking take crystal m*th', Luna's your gal. Her high pitched, almost childlike voice takes a bit of getting used to but she's a sweetheart that just has fun no matter what she's doing. But she'll also say a bunch of really funny shit while doing it just from sheer juxtaposition of her voice/appearance and the vocabulary. Surprisingly good at video games too.
-Amane Kanata PP Tenshi. Perfect Pitch, Powerpoint...Kanata's a bit of a sheltered honor student sort of girl who has an incredible vocal range, so much you'd be forgiven for thinking she was a professional voice actor or singer. She loves playing along with jokes even if she doesn't get them some times, and is really close with Coco. If not for said dragon she'd be the biggest memelord in the 4th generation, but alas; her channel has lots of collabs with fellow members and a series of cute 'research' videos on the various generations of Hololive. Unfortunately untranslated though.
-Kiryuu Coco The one, the only, the President of Nishinari herself, Coco has been a force of nature since she debuted. Her vulgar sense of humor, rapid fire jokester nature, fluent English speaking, and complete conversion of Hololive to the wonders of dinosaur taming in Ark has made her one of the most subscribed girls in a matter of weeks. Every day at 6am JST or 1pm PST, she does a quick 20 minute gig called Coco News (officially translated as Coco's Morning Shitpost) where she reports on the various ongoings in Hololive. This ingeniously brings attention to the silly crap everyone's been up to, really fostering a sense of community between the girls you don't see elsewhere, while also being a riot to watch as she roasts everyone for their silliness (with full permission). Other notable memes include her stalwart boycotting of Nintendo Switches, her desire to fund a Hololive house, and her recent Hitman 2 run.
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msfcatlover · 5 years
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So, this is somewhere between 60 and 180hrs of my life (depending on how you count) from last semester. I had a digital design course, and one of the running assignments was designing and refining a poster of some type. The teacher refused to give any specifications or limitations, so I thought it’d be fun to make a fake move poster for one of my favorite Choice games.
I regretted that choice, but I’m pretty pleased with the final product.
Anyway, if anyone’s interested, the official blog is @the-passenger-if​, and you can play the game HERE. It’s great, give it more attention.
Roach (bottom right), with this gold in their irises (you can’t see it anymore under the glow, but it’s there.)
Eris Newman (center figure) is cobbled together from several pictures (1, 2 , 3, 4) and actually is a full figure all the way down. Here are the now cut-off shoes.
Hands kneading dough (bottom left)
Hooded cultists (top left) are a mix of several of faestock’s and AilinStock’s hooded portraits. (I did make the cloaks yellow, it’s just been desaturated and put under a color filter to match the aesthetic of the rest of the poster.)
The forest the cultists are walking through.
Luna Ridge sunset was made from these mountains.
The crashed motorcycle (upper right), though it’s been roughed up a little further using these textures.
The corner the motorcycle is on, and the tire tracks it left as it crashed.
There’s also an underlay of jellyfish tentacles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), because I wanted that classic eldritch horror motif but in a different way than it’s normally seen.
The fonts are Beauty School Dropout, Hello Denver, and (I believe)  Constantia. (That last one came with Adobe, so I didn’t spend hours looking for it and don’t have a separate file to double-check... and I forgot to write down the name.)
I used wanted to try and represent both sides of Newman’s life ---the otherworldly and the human--- in both threatening and comforting aspects. So Roach and the cultists (a new friend, and a potentially overwhelming idea) have been put through cold/blue filters, while the bakery and the bike crash (the family business and the threat of mortality) have been put through red/pink filters. Since those are the colors associated with those aspects in the game.
The neon reflects the time period (early 90s), as does Newman’s outfit, and I whited out both of Newman’s eyes to keep the poster balanced.
Fun fact: When I went to get this printed to take to class, I had to get several different versions done so I could see which contrast/brightness combo looked best; my printer doesn’t print at the size needed, and every other one I tries was printing it weirdly dark and muted. Anyway, the clerk actually thought I was making real posters for a real movie, and started to explain that they had special fees for advertising? I don’t think I’ve been that genuinely flattered in my art skills in a long time!
Also fun fact: In the planning stages for this poster, I got in a huge fight with my teacher, because I was trying to get stronger guidelines for what we were supposed to do and asked if we were allowed to use stock photos as an example. She told me I should limit how many stock photos I used because, and I quote: “The point of this class is to learn editing techniques, and stock photos are too perfect. You won’t really get to learn to edit if your pictures are perfect!”
Yeah. *grimaces* Showed her, didn’t I? Anyway, here’s that full-body Newman, just so it doesn’t go to waste:
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(”Don’t need editing,” my arse...)
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woo-san-shine · 5 years
Our Way
ateez college au
Premise: You and your best friend from high school move away to a university 3 hours away from your small hometown. You find yourself meeting a strange cast of characters along the way that will help you find your way throughout your freshman year.    
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Slight swearing 
Author’s Note: A work in progress!!! Mostly just for fun.  Kind of a filler chapter, sorry if it’s boring 
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Chapter 7 
A dull buzzing sound awakens me from my deep sleep.  I feel around for my phone in the darkness.  The clock reads 7:30 am.   I wanted to make sure to give myself plenty of time to shower and get ready due to the fact that I was way too tired to do anything last night after we had gotten back from 'the cleanse'.  I see that I have some new messages.
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As we were walking back from the fountain last night Hongjoong had noticed me yawning and insisted on making sure I was awake in time for our first class by giving me his number.
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I pull up a picture of my class schedule and glance through it for probably the hundredth time.
Intro to Drawing- Monday Wednesday Friday 9 am - 10:30 am
Freshman English- Monday Wednesday Friday 12 pm - 1:30 pm
Art History- Tuesday Thursday 10 am - 12 pm
Foundations in 2D and 3D Design-  Tuesday Thursday  12:30 - 2:30
Computer Graphic Applications- Wednesday 6 pm - 9 pm
I was pretty pleased with how my schedule had turned out, except for that one night class on Wednesdays that I was already dreading.  
I quietly climb down from my bed, grab all of my shower supplies, and head to the bathroom.  Sooyoung classes all started after mine did, so I would have to get used to either getting ready in the bathroom or in the total darkness of our room.
After a nice hot shower, I get dressed and apply some light makeup.  I am wearing one of my favorite oversized vintage band t-shirts that I tie in a knot at the hem, another pair of high-waisted shorts, and some worn-out converse.  If I was a character in a video game, this would be the outfit that my character would always be wearing.  I pack everything I need for the day in my backpack, grab my travel mug full of coffee I had just made, and make my way down to the lobby to meet Hongjoong.
When the elevator door opens I see him sitting on one of the couches looking at his phone.  When he sees me coming, he immediately starts waving eagerly.
"How do you already have this much energy?" I ask as I walk over to him.
"Ah, I'm the type of person who doesn't need a lot of sleep to function," he replies, getting up from the couch.
"I brought you this," I say to him, pulling my hand from behind my back to reveal an extra muffin that I had grabbed from my stash in my dorm.
He places a hand to his heart. "Really? For me?"
"Yeah, as a thanks for making sure I was awake," I say.
Hongjoong smiles and takes the muffin as we exit the dorm and start walking towards the College of Arts building. He starts telling me about how he has three other classes today, not including the one we're heading to now.
"Damn, you're going to be busy," I say, impressed at his schedule load.
"I like being busy! Keeps my mind occupied."
There are already a lot of students walking around campus even though it's still pretty early. There's a buzz of excited chatter in the air.
"Are you nervous?" He asks me.
"Honestly, a little bit," I say after a sip of coffee. "I just don't know what to expect, ya know?"
"Yeah, I just wonder what that class will be like."
The Arts building is very distinguishable amongst other others due to it being the only building on campus that had a full mural painted on the front. We walk in and after consulting some signs, we walk in the direction of the classroom. There is artwork everywhere; paintings on the wall, statues, displays, visual screens, anything that you could think of. Even the students looked like works of art.
Once we arrive at the designated room, Hongjoong pokes his head in through the doorway and then motions for me to follow him inside. The room itself has a very sleek, industrial look to it with high ceilings and exposed brick. There are long tables with four chairs at each scattered around the room. At one of the tables towards the middle of the room sits Yeosang.
"Mind if we join you?" Hongjoong teases as he makes his way over to Yeosang.
"Hey Joong, Jaemin," he nods to both of us.
We join him at the table, Hongjoong next to him and me next to Hongjoong. The room starts to fill up with more and more students, some looking nervous, others looking downright terrified.
"You would think everyone just walked into the gallows or something," I say to the pair as I glance around the room.
"Apparently this professor is pretty tough," Yeosang says to me.
"Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" A voice says from behind me.
I turn to see a small girl with short hair and glasses nervously standing next to the open seat next to me.
"No, please, have a seat," I say nodding to the chair.
She looks grateful and she sets her bag down and takes a seat.
"I'm Jaemin, and this is Hongjoong and Yeosang," I say to the girl while I point to each of the boys. Hongjoong excitedly waves and Yeosang nods.
She smiles. "Chaewon, nice to meet you."
"What are you studying?" I ask her, trying to make polite conversation.
"Fine Arts, for now. I'm hoping to find my specialty soon and then focus on that."
Before we can talk further, a tall woman wearing long, billowing clothes enters the room and strides toward the front of the class. Her jet black hair is pulled up into a tight bun and she is wearing a lot of ornate jewelry. She stops at the front of the class and surveys the room.
"Class, my name is Ms. Lee, and I will be your Intro to Drawing professor this semester." She says all this with a very low, stern tone. "I only have a few rules in this classroom. One, you must arrive for class on time and bring all of your supplies every day. Two, no loud voices. And three,” she pauses, survey the room. “No food or drink on the drawing tables."
It's a few seconds before I realize that Ms. Lee is staring directly at our table. I glance at Hongjoong's half-eaten muffin that I had given him sitting in front of him and then at my coffee mug in front of me.
"Oh I'm so sorry," Hongjoong says hurriedly as he grabs the muffin off the table.
I quickly grab my mug and try and stuff it into the side pocket of my bookbag. At a surprising speed, Ms. Lee grabs the trash can that was sitting next to her desk, walks over to our table, and hold it in front of Hongjoong. He tosses the half-eaten muffin inside. Then she holds it in front of me.
I stare up her, a little dumbstruck. I start to unscrew the lid of my mug to dump out my coffee into the trash can.
"Nope, the whole thing," she says, nodding toward my mug. She pushes the trash can closer to me.
"What?" I can hear Hongjoong whisper.
I can feel the entire classroom looking at me. Hongjoong looks like he's going to start yelling and Chaewon looks like she could start crying. I sadly drop my mug into the trash can and stare down at the table. She turns away and heads back up to the front of the room, setting the trash can next to her desk.
"For your first assignment, you will be drawing portraits of the person sitting next to you. Realistic, pencil only, to be turned in on Wednesday." With this, she takes a seat at her desk, pulls out a book, and starts reading.
The class stares around aimlessly for a few minutes. Ms. Lee looks up from her book.
"Well, you better get working," she says with her eyebrows raised.
The class immediately starts pulling out sketchbooks and pencils.
"What the hell just happened?" Hongjoong whispers to the table.
"I'm kinda scared," Chaewon said nervously.
"We can talk after class," Yeosang whispered to us. "We should probably get working." He swivels in his seat to intently stare at Hongjoong and begins sketching.
"Are you okay, Jaemin?" Hongjoong asks me.
I was silently fiddling with my pencils. "Yeah, I'm fine." I turn to Chaewon. "Do you mind if I draw you?"
"Oh, of course not!" she says eagerly.
We spend the remainder of the class doing rough sketches of each other's faces. The second the clock strikes 10:30, Ms. Lee gets up from her desk. She glances around the classroom one more time, pausing at our table. Leaning over she grabs the trash bag containing my mug and Hongjoon's half-eaten muffing and strides out of the room.
“Well, there goes my mug,” I say while staring at the doorway Ms. Lee had just walked out of.
"I guess that means the class is over," Chaewon says looking around the room.
"Class, right." Hongjoong huffs. "She didn't even teach anything! No guidelines on how she wants these portraits done? She sat up there on her ass the whole time reading that goddamn book. And then that whole stunt with your mug, Jae! What was that about?"
"I did some research on some of the professor here," Yeosang says, interrupting Hongjoong's ranting. "Apparently she pulls stuff like this every year to try and intimidate students. No one knows why."
"I guess I just happened to be the unlucky target this year," I say.
"I didn't even get to finish my muffin!" Hongjoong is basically yelling at this point.
"If you're so hungry, let's go get some lunch," Yeosang says, pulling Hongjoong towards the door.
"Do you want to come with us?" I ask Chaewon.
"Really?" she says.
"Yeah," Hongjoong adds. "We're table friends now."
She giggles, and the four of us leave the classroom and head towards the nearest dining hall.
After lunch, I bid Hongjoong, Chaewon, and Yeosang goodbye and walk in the direction of my next class. I secretly pray that it goes better than the trainwreck that was this morning.
Campus is much busier now that it is almost noon. Students are everywhere, and I fall into the natural flow of traffic as we all make our way to our various destinations. My English class is located in one of the oldest buildings on campus. The inside looks like something straight out of a classic 80s college movie. It was a drastic change from the modern feeling the Arts building had. I walk into the classroom and am pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face.
"Fancy seeing you here," I say to Mingi, who immediately looks up from his phone as I approach his desk.
"Jaemin?! What are you doing here?" He looks happy to see me.
"I'm in this class," I say a little jokingly
"Oh, yeah I guess that would make sense," He says while running his hand through his hair. "Here, take a seat," he says while patting the desk next to him.
"What are the odds that would actually have a class together?" I ask him as a set down my bag and take a seat.
"Honestly, way too large to calculate right now. My brain is already fried from my class this morning," he says, rubbing his temples.
"Oh, how was it?"
"It was alright, I'm already just a little overwhelmed."
"Tell me about it, at least one of your professors isn't out to get you."
I tell him the whole story about Ms. Lee and the coffee mug.
"You're kidding," he says after I finish.
"Nope. RIP to one of my favorite mugs."
"That really sucks though, like she was way out of line as a professor."
"I guess.." I pause. "Did you have a class with Sooyoung already? She was still asleep when I left this morning."
"Oh yeah," Mingi says, fidgeting in his seat a little. I could tell even just the mention of Sooyoung's name made him blush. It was really cute. "This is the only class I actually don't have with her."
"Well, I guess you have to settle for me then," I joke.
He laughs a little. "Oh psssh I like you too, Jae."
This class did go much smoother than Intro to Drawing had. The professor seemed nice and normal, the workload seemed manageable, and I had Mingi there to keep me entertained me the whole time. Even though I had basically spent the last two days with him, I hadn't really talked to him personally since he was preoccupied with Sooyoung most of the time. He's actually a really goofy guy.  He kept imitating the professor in different accents under his breath while I had to stifle my laughter multiple times.
As Mingi and I exit the building and walk towards our dorm, I can't help but be thankful that he was there to cheer me up.  
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morika · 6 years
X & V Class Popularity Vote
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Provided a really rough translation of the latest article regarding the ranked popularity of Etrian Odyssey’s classes from EO1-5 that will be featured within the X & V art book. Not to be confused with the popularity rankings for Nexus’s featured classes. These classes in the article were voted upon appearance and skill flexibility.
These were the comments and specifics regarding the top ten popular classes. Please note that the commentary does have mild spoilers for EO1-5.
Popular Class Placements:
Zodiac (10th Place) Hexer (9th Place) Harbinger (8th Place) Medic (7th Place) Protector (6th Place) Ronin (5th Place) Sovereign (4th Place) Landsknecht (3rd Place) Imperial (2nd Place) Nightseeker (1st Place)
ZODIAC (10th place | 50 votes)
The magic-based class featured in EO3. From here on out, there will be spoilers regarding characters so watch out! But this class was at the top for being the best elemental class.
Commentary: "Really loved the cool motif of astrology and having to manipulate the stars. The use of magic being incorporated into the design, the flexibility, and overall appearance of the Zodiac made them really likable!" - AkiUsagi
"Casting meteor shower during the half-way point through the game was so much fun!" - Nue
"The satisfaction of hitting enemy weaknesses with their elemental skills is the best feeling! Also if there was a remake of the game, it would be nice to have that girl [Hypatia] be added as an ally." - JukaiNoYoubun
Misc: - Meteor and the extra Search skills used out of battle were voted as the best skills by many players and thus boosted the class's popularity.
HEXER (9th place | 52 votes)
The ailment and binding class featured in EO1. This class and Zodiac were very close in their vote placements by just two votes! Just what do people think of the dark-themed Hexers who give off an antagonistic impression towards RPG fans?
Commentary: "It always makes me excited to know that their skills of spreading status ailments hit well. These Hexers sure have a shady role (in battle)." - Rororock
"I don't see how people can't use them because they have such good skill names, good team flexibility, and a good design! (And with lines like "Be in fear, for we...", oh but that's sort of like spoilers [Tlachtga]) . There should be no reason to leave them out of anything." - Ruki
"Though they were difficult to work with as a party member, their skill Life Trade really made them one of my favorite classes." - Leaf
Misc: - Life Trade was mentioned by many fans as being their favorite skill. Seems as though this class has been a central favorite of long-time fans of the series!
HARBINGER (8th place | 54 votes)
The scythe-wielding class of EOV makes it up the ranks! Their appearance seems to be praised due to the series' shift in art style and focus. They have placed as 8th in this popularity vote!
Commentary: "With the gothic punk and Grim Reaper motifs, I really think the design for all the portraits give off a good Chuunibyou vibe!" - Suiyo
"I really enjoyed the design of the goth girls especially the twin-tailed girl (lol). I ended up giving them Name Titles with lots of drama like "Icy Ash Scythe Firepower". I won't ever forget that moment during my play through.." - MacaronTower
“The scythe and Grim Reaper motifs had made me excited because I also thought about them [Harbinger portraits] acting like Chuunibyous. I think out of all the EOV classes, they strike as the solid example of what a Chuuni looks like and it’s the best LOL. The Harbinger mascot featured in the promotional art works is my favorite!” - Remori
Misc: - The striking appearance of the class and the flashy weaponry made this class very popular among the fans. Many players seem to have concluded that the class’s impression of being very Chuunibyou-like is also what made it extremely popular. Another factor that made them even more popular is that in Nexus, their skill and flexibility have been written entirely different than from EO5, making them more reliable as back-lined party members who can recover easily in battle.
MEDIC (7th place | 59 votes)
The obligatory healing class from the series! We have put in the total votes of EO1, EO2, and EO4 to make this voting more simple due to the similarities of them all in their respective games. Many find it hard to remove them from their party because of their healing skills and aid with recovery!
Commentary: “I fell in love with the good damage outputs when using skills like Heavy Strike on an enemy. The idea of having a medicinal worker use brute force in battle is really rare in other games so it’s interesting to have that option of an offensive healer who doesn’t prioritize just healing skills.” - Nerujera
“I really liked the pose of the female portraits! I feel like just having them be in the series brings a good balance.” - TamagoKayu
“They’re all just really cute and I felt like seeing them was a good opportunity to get into the series.” - Nanakamado
Misc: - Many players were in awe that the class’s design with a traditional lab coat and sneakers was put in a fantasy game. Though with skills like “Heavy Strike”, it broke the stereotypical healing role of the class to which many fans enjoy as there is more to a healer than just recovery skills.
PROTECTOR (6th place | 60 votes)
The strong-footed tanks of the series. Among early fans of the series, many have taken a liking to the strong impression the mascot “Teach” gives off. She has been a strong favorite since her extra content had been introduced in series’ character designer, Yuji Himukai’s promotional works for the series.
Commentary: “I was enamored with Teach’s design. Eventually, I ended up picking up the rest of the series as well..” - Kitomiya Ryu
“I won’t ever forget the fearless Protector who fought as my party’s shield until the very end!! Especially during the 3 Elemental Dragon fights!” - Awara
“I know that the Protector is usually the one who has to defend everyone but I was surprised to find out that they can do tons of damage--even more than my other party members!” - Raidenjuu
Misc: - Fans have concluded that having a Protector during the Elemental Dragon fights made them extremely reliable. Also with the popularity of just the blonde mascot, many found themselves leaving her name as “Teach” in their games to commemorate the official side-content where she is referred as such.
RONIN (5th place | 65 votes)
The high and mighty offensive class from EO1-2. This class was the first eastern representation for the series as they study the Bushido arts and attack using katanas. This has lead them to become very popular among players!
Commentary: “I loved using a Ronin to fight in the first game so when I found out they were featured in Nexus, I thought ‘Wow, they’re even more easier to use’!” - Sink
“They’re pretty reliable as they’re a sturdy offensive unit. Having a good attack is key to having a good defense for your team.” - Echika
“You would think they could be labelled as the Samurai class but somehow the name Ronin fits best for the series...” - Furunosuke
Misc: The high performance that urges many to want to be experimental with this class was brought on as a popular point among players. Also, those who were great fans of the first game have concluded that they think very fondly of the interactions with the ronin, Ren, with this class.
SOVEREIGN (4th place | 72 votes)
The royal class made it in at 4th place for being the best support class. They are a primary support unit for Nexus with tons of powerful ally-buffing skills!
Commentary: “I subclassed my Princess as a Shogun so I just went all out with using as much HP and TP skills to do tons of status ailment damage.” - Bosodo
“They’re a balanced class with a lot of flexibility and the idea of a royal exploring is pretty intense. I actually started to come up with backstories for my party members when I subclassed them as Sovereigns and wrote that they had been royalty all along...” -Honey Oolong
“Princess Arianna (EO2U) is just really cute!!” - Meshitero
Misc: - Lots of players found them to be quite charming due to the idea of having someone of a royal status be exploring the labyrinth. The popularity for this class also spiked due to the fact that Princess Arianna Caledonia from EO2U, was featured as the main heroine of the game. Now onto the top three placements...
Landsknecht (3rd place | 94 votes) 
The masterful class that uses links as their strength in battle. They have the most flexibility and are usually quick on their feet to strike with tons of strength against enemies. Much like the Medic class, we accumulated the votes from EO1, EO2, and EO4 for their placement.
Commentary: “When I first picked them, I was really nervous because they seemed like they couldn’t be a reliable offensive unit. Though their TP expenses were really little for doing so much damage! I also thought that the models for the Mystery Dungeon crossover game were very cute for this class..” - Tokoha
“Even though they’re just a Landy, it was real interesting to have even an enemy [Logre] have these skills. But, their skills really are powerful!” - Coffee
“The raw damage they do is insane!” - R-chan
“No matter how I look at it, the best design is the blonde girl with the hood! I also think that the link skills and the skill Sword Tempest are real easy to use.” - SakuraAme
“Because of the nature of their link skills, I love fighting with a full party!” - A.A.
Misc: - Many players thought that the Landsknechts in the first two entries gave off a decent impression but as they returned for the fourth entry, lots of people picked them for their spotlight on the game’s cover!
IMPERIAL (2nd place | 110 votes)
Right behind first place is the powerful Imperial class! Their drive skills can take out tons of difficult enemies with just a few slashes at the cost of having great strains onto the blade.
Commentary: “Something about the design of a gun-blade is real simple and real cool. Also Logre is really handsome...” - Baado
“They have a pretty rustic design with all that armor but their mechanical swords are what made me really interested in them.“ - Akina Yuki
“So flashy! So cool! So beautiful! Epic! Fire power! Heavy armor!!” - Tony Man+
“I love the bespectacled portrait with the cool weapon design~” - Levanthin
“Because I became really indecisive with my party, I figured strong attack skills were the best so I picked them. Also, I found the drive blades to be quite charming!” - Yutaro
Misc: - As mentioned by many above, the concept of the Imperials’ drive blade was a charm point for the class. Also, the primary reason as to why fans chose this class as their favorite was due to the fact that players favored Logre for his role as a boss, ally, and for his sportiness!
NIGHTSEEKER (1st place | 112 votes)
The class that wins first place is the famous Nightseeker class from EO4! They have overwhelming power and great flexibility with inflicting status ailments on enemies. They had previously won as the best class in the Best Job vote prior to Nexus’s release so they have been crowned the top class twice!
Commentary: “I can’t stop loving the dark visuals of this class! Also, their offensive skills are extremely handy and I loved using them!” - Forest Rat
“When I first bought EO4, I was just really amazed by their skills. Their defense ain’t all that great but their explosive damage outputs is crazy! Though, they also give off a Chuuni-like vibe!“ - EngeiNobyou
“First off, they’re really cute and super cool!! The sort of give off this dark aura but they’re still pretty strong! Their damage towards the end-game boss is something else with all that damage output..” - Berukanto
“The damage output if you subclass the Nightseekers as Imperials blew me away..” - Miitatsu
“It’s such a unique class when compared to other RPGs. It really stands out as being a strong offensive class for a series like EO.” - Beibeikani
Misc: - Seems as though Nightseeker is very popular for its high damage outputs as well as cool, dark appearance much like the Hexer and Harbinger classes. Who is to say that with the power of the player’s imagination, they may also be Chuunibyous with how their designs are?
Special Shout-Out Placements for those who didn’t make the top ten are:
11. Fencer 12. Gunner 13. Dragoon 14. Masurao 15. Survivalist 16. Dark Hunter 17. Dancer 18. Shogun 19. Arcanist 20. Ninja 21. Highlander 22. Rover 23. Alchemist 24. Fortress 25. Rune Master 26. War Magus 27. Hero 28. Warlock 29. Necromancer 30. Troubadour 31. Bushi 32. Farmer 33. Hoplite 34. Buccaneer 35. Sniper 36. Monk 37. Wildling 38. Arbalist 39. Shaman 40. Pugilist 41. Botanist 42. Beast 43. Yggdroid 44. Gladiator
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kpopfanfictrash · 6 years
Drawing Darcy
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Rating: PG (part of the scenario ask game)
Word Count: 3,071
Summary:  Tae loves taking random photos of you secretly, and one day when you're looking through his phone you find out
Taehyung’s hair is slightly fuzzy on the back of his neck. 
The cut is messy, blending into the peach of his skin but you cannot tell him this, because then he would know you were staring. Right now, you are supposed to be looking at the professor’s slide deck, not at Taehyung but, sneaking another glance, you confirm this fact to yourself. Yes, definitely fuzzy.
Slouching lower, you drum your pen against the paper and pretend to be paying attention to the board when really, all you cant think about is him.
Him, meaning Taehyung. Your best friend, Taehyung, with the too-long fringe in the back. Taehyung, who is squinting up at the slides because he forgot his glasses in the dorm and cannot be bothered to grab them. Your best friend, Taehyung, who has no idea you are looking at him because your best friend, Taehyung, has no idea you like him.
It started out innocently enough, as most things do. He was the friend of a friend, the boy who roomed with the boy you crushed on freshman year. Each time you went over he would be present, hanging off the edge of his bunk bed and throwing out suggestive comments with the arrogance of someone who knows they will get away with it. When you and Taehyung’s roommate began to date, you wound up spending more time with Taehyung than anyone else. His roommate worked out a lot, was captain of the crew team and spent most of his free time in various states of gym clothes.
While you waited for your boyfriend to come home from practice (or ‘bulking up,’ as he called it), you would be in his room, sprawled out on their futon, eating their chips and inevitably watching Taehyung play video games out of boredom. He was fun to be around because you could pretty much tell him anything and he would just grunt and agree. You ended up telling him more than you meant to – and one day, you realized he was listening.
“It’s just...” Sighing, you dug around in the bag for that perfect crinkle-cut. “I feel like I have to filter everything I say around him. Anytime I give my actual opinion, he looks at me like I’m crazy – which drives me crazy. I have opinions!” you declared, waving the chip. “I have a lot of them and true, not all of them are winners, but I wish he didn’t make me feel so –”
“Y/N,” Taehyung interrupted, tossing his controller aside.
You blinked. You had never seen Taehyung stop playing like that. The game was still happening, his character getting pulverized onscreen but he turned roughly to face you. 
“Taehyung, what are you doing?”
“Break up with him,” he demanded, completely serious.
“I – what?” you gaped. Taehyung was your boyfriend’s roommate, his friend – the turn of events was startling, to say the least.
Taehyung flicked the hair from his eyes. “I’ve been sitting here for months, listening to everything wrong about your relationship and while, yeah, everyone bitches about their significant other – not this much,” he informed, slightly red in the face. “It sounds like he’s a real dick, most of the time. Even if he’s my friend, that doesn’t give him a free pass and you deserve better.”
That was it. 
Taehyung picked up the remote, sunk back into his game and you sat there, staring at him on the couch. Even after you and his roommate did break up (Taehyung was right, he was a prick), the two of you remained friends. 
Which brings you full-circle to today’s state of affairs. You are completely, totally in love with your best friend and he has no idea.
It is not your fault, honestly. It is Taehyung’s fault, with his stupid, square smile and that stupid, high brow and his stupid, smooth skin. He has this way of making you feel at ease with just a look or a word, or a weird quirk of his eyebrows. It is his fault you like him, because Taehyung is perfect. Okay, maybe not perfect. Perfect is a dangerous word, as Taehyung likes to say. He laughs at your books and TV shows, since you tend you slot yourself with the hopeless romantics of the world – the ones who sit waiting for their perfect white knight, an ideal which Taehyung continuously scoffs at.
“None of those guys are real,” he chided you once, poking your sketchbook with his big toe. “You’re so obsessed with drawing that one guy – what’s his name, again?”
“Mr. Darcy,” you responded, automatic. “The Colin Firth version, not the reboot.”
“Right.” Taehyung arched a brow. “He’s not real, Y/N.”
“Oh?” Ignoring this, you continued to sketch – that was your major, after all. A graphic designer, always half-in and out of reality. “No shit, he’s a fictional character. He’s one I happen to like, though.”
“A romantic, idealistic character who urges the female population to buy into this notion that hey! That guy’s an ass but maybe he’s just misunderstood and maybe he likes me and how romantic,” Taehyung batted his eyelashes in your direction, “that all is!”
“Shut up,” you grunted, continuing to sketch. “Until I can find a normal guy who makes my heart flutter like he does, I’m going to continue to draw Darcy.”
Glancing down at your notebook, you quickly shut it, since it is all filled with Taehyung.
Taehyung stands from his seat, stretching both arms overhead and it seems almost on purpose – the bottom of his shirt rides up to reveal a tan, flat strip of stomach. You look quickly away. Taehyung is not perfect. He is better. He is real and solid and entirely human. He is different from you, always keeping you on your toes and making you discover things about yourself you did not think possible. 
Taehyung is a business major of some sort, with a minor in Photography and while you always carry a sketchbook and pencils, he is continually lugging around a giant camera for ‘spontaneous brilliance.’
Like now. Taehyung finishes stretching, lowering his camera over the panes of his chest. He looks at you, quirking a brow. “That was boring,” Taehyung complains, watching students stream by. “Probably the worst lecture of the past three months, what do you think?”
Trying not to smile, you follow him up the steps of the lecture hall. “Oh, I don’t know. The one on endocrinology was stranger.”
“Really?” Taehyung pushes open the door. “I thought that one was interesting.”
“Well, sure.” You nod, tucking your sketchbook away. “What was weird is that it took place in Theology 101.”
“Ah, true.” Taehyung grins, spinning when you exit the quad. “Smile,” he instructs, snapping a pic. “Fuck, blurry.”
“Taehyung,” you groan, shoving both hands in between you. “Stop! I barely put on make-up this morning.”
“And still.” Taehyung snaps another pic. “You look ravishing. Oh – damn. Blurry again.”
“Lord,” you laugh, pushing past him. “I have to get to Anthro – see you later! We’re still on for dinner, right?” you ask, turning around as you walk.
“Yeah,” Taehyung nods, still observing his camera. “Meet at my dorm room, okay?”
“See you then!”
Walking away from him, you clutch your drawings tighter. You are not sure when the drawings began turning to Taehyung. There was a night last year, when you woke around 3:00 AM but, instead of doodling Darcy as usual, found the head shape you drew to be oddly familiar. Still half asleep, you squinted at the lines flowing forth until the portrait was complete and you sat frozen in shock.
It was Taehyung. Your favorite Taehyung, with his hair messy and shirt misbuttoned – which brought on another wave of shock, realizing you had a favorite Taehyung to draw. Fingers trembling, you set down your pencils and burrowed deep in your pillows. Sleep did not come easily that night, since although the sketch came out in perfect clarity, your thoughts certainly were not. You liked Kim Taehyung, but he was your best friend.
That was the first sketch you made of him, but it was not the last.
Taehyung’s dorm room is on the fourth floor of Sorin dorm, all the way at the end after three flights of stairs. He chose this room on purpose, since it is a turret and despite Taehyung’s hatred of romantic heroes, he certainly likes to act like one. The first time you visited, he sat hunched in his chair, all the blinds drawn while he stared at his table.
“Y/N,” he declared as you entered. A thin smile stretched his lips, nodding to himself. “Excellent, excellent. I knew it was you.”
“No shit, Taehyung.” Rolling your eyes, you closed his door. “Who else visits you?”
“Ladies,” he drawled, swirling a photo in the chemicals before him. Taehyung did not do that often, but occasionally he went for the darkroom effect. It explained all the blinds at least, which was a small relief. “I’m incredibly popular with the ladies.”
Thinking about this now, you push open the door to his room. It is empty, but you know on Wednesdays and Fridays Taehyung has a class which sometimes runs late. It is not concerning for you to be alone in his room; the two of you are close enough by now, that this hardly matters. Lowering your bag to his floor, you plop down on his bed and place your sketchbook before you.  
Starting to shade in his jaw, you lose track in your work. It might be risky, working on a drawing of your best friend when he could walk in any moment – but Taehyung is smart enough not to look at your sketchbook. He learned this lesson firsthand when he tried to steal your notebook freshman year and you jabbed a pencil into his side. 
Eraser first, yeah, but he got the point (ha).
There are just a few features left you find hard to draw – his eyes, for one. Taehyung’s eyes are crescent-like when he smiles, scrunched in when he laughs but always alive, always expressive. It can be hard to capture on the page and – oh, shit. A muffled thud hits the floor, caused by your foot lashing out. Leaning over the comforter, you see Taehyung’s phone on the ground.
Frick. Sitting up and forgetting your work, you glance at his door, which is closed. Taehyung must have forgotten his phone before class – lord knows he would forget his head if it was not screwed on straight. Bending to grab the device, you flip it over in your palm – only to freeze, seeing the wallpaper before you. 
Curious, you swipe right on his phone. Taehyung really needs to update his passwords, you think, keying in the birthday of his mom. The intrusion is worth it though, when his phone is open and you can see clearly the face of his background.
It is you. Or – it is you, but not a photo you remember him taking. It is none of the ones from the quad, nor of the cheesy shots he forces you to take in the classrooms. You sit in your room, it seems – yes, that is the corner of your dresser, there – and are immersed in your drawing, lower lip held between teeth. Your expression seems softer, as it is one you have never seen on yourself. Then again, you have never seen yourself drawing before.
Without understanding why, your thumb hovers over the album icon on his phone. This is wrong, it is a complete invasion of privacy but for some reason, you click anyways. Unsure what you are looking for, you flick through his photos – until you find an album that stops you, staring down at the title.
Y/N, Candid.
Slowly, you press on the square and photos fill the screen, leaving you speechless. You dazedly swipe right, one after the other. There is one of you sitting, brow furrowed while attempting to play Taehyung’s video games. There is one of you in a park, bent over with laughter while Taehyung makes fun of your stride. So many photos, each one unique, each one different and none of them – none of them you can remember him taking.
“Oh, fuck.”
Head jerking up, his phone slips through your grasp. It clatters aimlessly against the floor while Taehyung stands framed in the doorway. 
“Uh. Hey, Taehyung!”
He does not move, gaze traveling from your hand to his phone. “Is that…” He halts, shaking his head. “Is that my phone?”
“What, this?” you blurt, bending to scoop it up from the ground. “No – this is just a square, silvery mobile device. That… you use as a phone.”
Taehyung blinks. He adjusts the strap of his camera. “Were you… were you looking through my phone, Y/N?”
You hesitate because on the one hand, Taehyung saw you. On the other hand, blind denial is always good. “No.”
Slowly removing his camera, Taehyung places this down on his desk. He stares for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh,” he exhales, glancing at you. “I don’t know how to put this. I have a lot of photos on my phone, a lot of ongoing projects and well, some of them are… personal.”
Managing a nod, you push to your feet. “Right.” Swallowing hard, you shove your sketchpad into your bag. “Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything. I – uh, Taehyung I want to stay for dinner, but I actually just stopped by to say –”
When you attempt to leave, his hand closes over your upper arm. “Hey,” Taehyung breathes, effectively stopping you.
Freezing, you stare at the wood wall of his dorm. “What,” you mutter, still trying to make sense of it all. Taehyung has photos of you on his phone. An entire album of photos, ones taken when you were not looking and you do not understand why he would do that.
Slowly – gently – Taehyung turns you to face him. “I know you saw the album.”
Looking up, you cannot respond because yes, you saw but you still do not understand. “I saw,” you admit, meeting his gaze.
Taehyung’s eyes widen. Quickly, he lets go of your arm and steps backwards. “You saw?” 
“You – what?” you respond, suddenly confused. “You said that you knew!”
“Well, yeah, I said that, but...” Taehyung trails off, stunned. “I wasn’t sure. I was trying to find out!”
“Well,” you sputter, crossing your arms over your chest. “You should have just asked!”
“I did! You lied!”
“Oh, right!” you yell back, the room falling silent between you.
Taehyung stares, slightly wild-eyed. “I,” he hesitates. “I can explain.”
The image of you sleeping sprawled on his couch comes to mind and you blush, remembering the drool hanging from the corner of your mouth. “Those moments were private,” you complain. “Taehyung, there are photos of me sleeping! There are photos of me at the gym, doing drunk karaoke, stuffing my face with burgers! Private moments,” you hiss, “between you and me! Those weren’t meant for your photography class, or whatever.”
“I know,” Taehyung nods, expression wretched. “Those pictures weren’t for my class, I swear it! No one has ever seen them but me.”
“No one has ever seen them but you,” you repeat, shaking your head. “What are you talking about? If no one has ever seen them, what were they for?”
“Me!” Taehyung yells – wincing, he lowers his voice. “They were for me,” he repeats, softer.
Staring back at him, it feels as though all the wind has been punched from your chest. “I – what?”
“They were for me,” he admits, flushing. “God.” Taehyung groans, burying his face in his hands. “This is so embarrassing. I like you, okay? I like you, Y/N,” he mumbles in-between fingertips. “I took all those photos because I like you, Y/N and you inspire me, and I just like all the ways that you look.”
“You…” This does not make any sense. It is ridiculous because Taehyung, your best friend, does not think of you like that. You would have known, somehow. You would have seen. “You... like me.”
“Yes.” Taehyung groans, face still covered by his hands. “I liked you from the minute I saw you but you were dating my roommate, and then we were just friends and now we’re still just friends – which is okay! It’s cool, it’s just... I also want to hold your hand and shit. I don’t know,” he exhales, dropping his hands to look at you. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Y/N. You shouldn’t have found out like that.”
“No,” you repeat, stunned. You want to move closer, but seem to be rooted to the carpet. “I shouldn’t have found out like that... I should have told you I liked you a long time ago.”
Now it is Taehyung’s turn to be confused. “You… what?”
“I like you,” you breathe, dropping your bag to the ground. Yanking free your notebook, you thrust this into his arms. “Look,” you nod, bracing yourself for the motion. “Look at my drawings, all of them. I won’t stop you.”
Taehyung frowns, not understanding until he flips open your notebook. Then he pauses, eyes wide as he stares down at his face – and flipping the page, he sees the panes of his back. The curves of his shoulders, the white fabric of his shirt. Taehyung quickly inhales in amazement.
“You,” he blinks, hand splayed on the page. “You draw… me?”
Taehyung looks up in shock. “These are beautiful.”
“Well,” you stutter, glancing away. “That’s debatable. I do think you’re beautiful though, so... there’s that.”
“You... do?”
When you look up, Taehyung has set your sketchbook aside. Gently – lovingly, because he knows how much it means to you – but right now you do not care, because the way he looks at you means more.
“Well, yeah,” you stumble. “I think everything you do is amazing, and –”
Taehyung steps forward and kisses you. His lips are soft, open and you feel yourself melting. You feel yourself falling, even though you have already fallen. Hands rising to wrap around his neck, you pull him close and Taehyung lets out a groan. He walks you back towards the wall, body curving over yours, mouth opening while his tongue flicks to find yours.
There is always that kiss in your life. That one which defines all others, makes you realize you have never been truly kissed and for you, this is that kiss. Just the way Taehyung breathes, a sound hiccuped between movement, or the way he touches you, as though afraid you might fall through his grasp. It makes you want more, makes you want him and by the time he pulls back, you feel drunk on his lips.
“Taehyung,” you exhale, forehead bent to his own.
Taehyung’s lips brush your brow, then your nose. “Y/N,” he whispers. “You have no fucking idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
“Oh?” you return, tightening your hands on his neck. “About as long as I have, I’d imagine.”
“You wish.”
He kisses you again.
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 6 years
Etrian Odyssey Nexus - Overall Thoughts
Amidst all of the plotting and playing of Nexus, I never done a legit review of a game, so I figured I’d give it a try with the recent entry in the EO series, Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
The following will contain spoilers for the game, so if you have not played it, you have been warned.
The favorite thing I’ve recently played the thought with, ever since I touched EOIV was creating a party that felt attached to the world they lived in, and can develop more to the plot than being nameless members who merely want to clear Yggdrasil for fame or fortune. And with a grand total of nineteen classes, along with the pseudo-class of Vampires, and it’s a combination of characters you’d never thought would happen to meet up unless told through stories.
EOV sort of felt that way to me, but even the two remakes of the first two Etrian Odyssey games have a more balanced party that makes you feel attached to them than your own in some cases.
If you wanted to recreate the Hexer, there’s a way. If you wanted to use a few of EO3′s classes even if you have not played the original game, you can do so. You can even replicate the Hoplite class if you subclass the Protector with the Highlander! The amount of classes can make almost any class combinations possible, given you set things up correctly. Heck, the Vampire can even be of use against the Dinogator, given you know what you’re doing.
The fact that this game also has NPC’s that interact with you reminds me of EOIV greatly. Sure, only one really joins you for the first floor, and for the boss of that labyrinth if you allow her to, but there’s enough interaction that makes them feel more noteworthy, even if they merely travel beside you and give you small benefits.
The story is quite interesting as well- two sides (the Seafarers and the Maginians) wanting to find the ultimate treasure that supposedly grants ‘eternal prosperity’. Only to find out said eternal prosperity may not be all that it may seem. There were legitimate moments where I thought things were going to go wrong if I didn’t do something to stop it.
Apart from a few times I gotten a game over, I had an enjoyable playthrough of the main story, especially with my first attempt at defeating the final boss after things seemed to go badly.
Heck, even Makiri and the Forest Folk were such a cool thing to have in Lemuria. And hearing the Lost Shinjuku music in their village is giving me such major EOU flashbacks, I honestly wish we can have an EO game where Forest Folk can be an actual race that can be used for classes.
Now, with every good thing, there’s always a few things I hated. Not that I have to like everything, coming from a gamer/author’s perspective, but there were things that legit bugged me a bit.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Rob when he actually opened up more, but honestly, seeing him telling my characters to just end themselves was really making me want to just put down the game and despise him for all that he stands for. It just irks me whenever a character, or anyone really, tells another to end their life because things would be better for this particular person. That line will always bug me whenever I see him, but I persevered and enjoyed him for what he is.
Kvasir, Kvasir, Kvasir... Even with his hard to pronounce name, he turned out to be waaaaay different when I first met him. His voice is alright, but I really wish he didn’t have to have this creepy personality, and the fact that he admits a few times that he stripped his clothes and getting banned for being nude. I never hated a barkeeper before, but Kvasir takes the number one place in my characters to never mention list. If there was an option to head to a different barkeep/quest giver in game, I would’ve been MORE than content with Kirtida or Cass than listening to this lame excuse of a bartender!
Also the lack of EOV content, aside from two classes and a plethora of enemies and one boss from the game, kinda hurts me a bit, but there’s always DLC portraits to remedy the good old times of EOV. Hell, maybe even the only remaining Arken could’ve been a much more better fit for Lemuria’s Yggdrasil Tree resident, considering the almost out of nowhere reveal of the “Yggdrasil Girl” that was name dropped on ya in the credits, and only appears for the info-dump and True Jormungandr segment.
I know the Arken are considered aliens and are the most plot-confusing things ever since the revelation thrown at you after the Eternal Tyrant boss, but honestly, I find Arken to be more pleasing in terms of design, instead of having to look at a physical-almost-nude-representation of the Yggdrasil Tree itself. In fact, I don’t think it’s ever mentioned how the tree even MANAGED to make a physical form of it’s conscious. It’s just irritating to think of, and I had always wondered when she’ll physically appear whenever her voice clips played. Guess that’s another change to my Nexus series. Just change Arken to be the resident of the Yggdrasil Tree in Lemuria, and you’d have at least one character that isn’t stupid to try and explain what happened in the not-originating-from-EO3-dungeon, the Abyssal Shrine, instead of saving it all for the freaking 5th floor, like what EOV did in its sixth labyrinth. >_>
Hell, even the Abyssal Shrine IS a basic copy-paste of the Empyreal Bridge! No actual plot dump until you reach the final floor! Seriously, this dungeon could’ve been better. Even as someone who has not seen the original Abyssal Shrine, I would’ve loved to see it remodeled. Given the boss theme and the Abyssal Princess’ naming alone, that was such a missed opportunity...
Moving on... I knew Blót was going to be the antagonist the moment I connected the little bell with a class that appeared in EO1 and EO2. But the twin plot twist was something I certainly didn’t expect, and it’s a shame we only see him so much without the Hexer robes and he tries so hard to be so secretive that there’s barely any opportunities to know him or his twin brother that well (who I’m also assuming may be named Blót, considering the Hexer twin Blót dies to Jormungandr, while the Hero Blót gets thrown into the Abyssal Shrine).
Honestly, with this twin plot twist in mind, this certainly makes one idea for a saga of Yggdrasil’s Nexus to be a fun trip to write, given I am given time to do so. Blót is one of those characters that had a missed opportunity to be more explained, both in terms of his twin brother, and for the thought of reviving Jormungandr to begin with. The inner author within me is going to have a little fun with Blót, in hopes of explaining more than what the game tried to convey to its best. (Also missed an opportunity for a Hero/Hexer fight with Blót and his twin brother, like, come on, how can you play Towering Pair and NOT borrow the Ren/Thlatchga fight to make it more interesting?)
Also, Artelinde. Why was she here? I ignored her the first time I saw her and thought “Hey, that’s a nice character, I wonder who she is”. Having gotten around to playing EO2U sometime later in my life, I found myself questioning why she was even here. The game could’ve shed some light on what happened between EO2/EO2U to justify her being here, but it doesn’t... And it just begs why she had to be here other than representation for EO2.
Murdered tons of people all to protect a former guild member turned monster thanks to the Overlord? NOPE, no extending redemption arc/back story for you! You get relegated to being a martyr like character! Ugh... I really wanted to hear her struggles of redeeming herself for what she did, but I guess that idea never made it into the plot draft of Nexus... <_>
Things I disliked aside, the only thing I found myself being neutral on was Enrica.
Despite the massive flashbacks to Camilla from Fire Emblem If/Fates with her fan service boob appeal, I felt she really could’ve been different and not act like a child upon first meeting her. Heck, she’s even a freaking Farmer in-game, if her luck with finding items is any indication. How the heck does a character that has the coding of a Farmer LOOK like that, let alone have plot relevance? I was expecting a Sovereign at least because she mentions ‘becoming a queen’ once she goes back to her homeland, but nope. A freaking FARMER.
I don’t hate her that much, she’s just one of those “meh, I can deal with this” type of character.
My overall thoughts are that there’s a strange balance of good and bad things I don’t like in this game. Sure, I wish there could’ve been more classes, some more things explained/justified, and an actual English dub to boot, but the need to get this out before the 3DS era of games come to a close is rather understandable. Even without Mystery Dungeon 2 being able to make it over to the West, this is a great dedication to the series Etrian Odyssey has made itself out to be, and I am personally glad to have bought the game and gotten myself into the series.
This is one game that sends off the EO series on a good note, and though I’ll miss mapping out the maps when the next installment arrives, I’ll be glad to see, make, and enjoy the story of the lore that goes into the Etrian Odyssey series.
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samsevenwrites · 6 years
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Rachel had waited a few minutes, just enough time for Peter to pack his things. Now, she wanted an answer.
Earlier in the week, as a new student at Blackwell Academy, Peter had asked for her help to catch up September classes he had missed, and Rachel gladly accepted before realizing that the new one was smarter than most of the students. No, in fact, he was smarter than any other student.
Peter Parker was good at photography, was an accomplished scientist, and when he did not excel in a subject, he was good anyway. Everyone expected him to fail at least on the basketball court, but he had surprised the whole class, including the teacher, by scoring several baskets effortlessly.
In fact, it would not take much for Peter to help his classmates himself.
Rachel had finally concluded that his request maybe disguised a classic, but sometimes effective, attempt at flirtation: after all, it was an approach like any other. Yet, instead of being the teacher or the courting girl, Rachel just had the role of the observer, watching Peter while he was completing the exercises, without hearing any questions.
What was the point of learning in silence what was already known? Why lock yourself in an empty classroom instead of enjoying the end of the day?
So Rachel had the idea to play.
After he had stuck his notepad between two textbooks in his bag, Peter lifted his face to his classmate, noting how the tired sun’s rays were sketching her silhouette.
The golden hour had the power to make the shadows immense without becoming terrifying, to transform the colors of fire into peaceful shades, to accentuate the mystery that enveloped Rachel, this girl full of life.
Peter quickly dismissed this painful thought.
His approach did disguised an intention, and unfortunately, it was not romantic: Peter was interested in Rachel not as Peter Parker, but as Spider-man.
“OK, explain your game.”
Despite Peter’s hardly convincing sigh, Rachel smiled radiantly.
When neither of them spoke, they could hear the students’ discussions outside, and under the screams and laughter, if they gave enough attention, they could even hear the murmur of wind and water from the fountain where was perched Jeremiah Blackwell.
Behind her back, Rachel felt the melancholy heat of the end of the day. She did not notice the soft blaze colors that were unfolding on the horizon, yet she guessed them in the eyes of her classmate, in the hazel pupils that were at that moment as the same hue as honey.
“This is a game I learned in theater class. It's all about improvisation,” she got up and went off to sit on the edge of one of the windows, “we’ve to spy on people from far away and imagine stories from what we see. The best would be to choose two people to engage in a dialogue.”
“So we observe other students and we make them talk, huh? A preference for the register?”
“Comic or dramatic, I let you choose.”
She suspected that he would understand the rules quickly, but it was about interpretation through an imagination influenced by feelings: it was a game that could say a lot about the player, even a smart one.
“I’m curious to see what you think, Peter. What a New Yorker can say about high school students in Arcadia Bay?”
A brief, guilty grin showed that the new student was sorry to be so distant. It had been three weeks since Peter Parker joined Blackwell and he stubbornly remained at the back of the stage even though he had attracted attention: his New York accent had invoked dreams of the great a city for those who had never walked down the Broadway’s sidewalks, and for Rachel, this city dweller was an enigma. Why did this boy leave the big city to get lost on this little coast? Worse, for the Californian, this exile was as serious as crime.
“Then my participation is an honor?”
“May you satisfy my curiosity,” joked Rachel, bowing.
As he laughed, Peter leaned on the edge too and watched the grassy ground where everything was so calm, so easy. Different groups of teenagers illustrated the many facets of youth: geeks who played a board game to escape the real world, footballers who drew in infinite energy, popular girls who composed their brilliant image, rebels who did not even hide to smoke, defying the simplest authority—
Peter Parker almost envied them for their common worries.
With a reflex, he rubbed his wrists that were too often clasped by his web-shooters.
The teenager would have liked time to be suspended, then the sun would never cross the horizon and that the problems of this school would resume to weed and unprotected sex.
With a heavy heart, Peter tried not to look at Rachel: although he was seeing her for real with her colorful face, he was haunted by the black and white portrait he had seen.
“You can choose anyone,” said Rachel with a wave of her hand. “You won’t hurt anyone, this game will stay between us, promised.”
Concentrate on this game, Peter. Enjoy this quiet moment, they’re so rare—
He studied several samples, moving from one individual to another, to finally stop on this girl with blond short hair, both elegant and cold. He did not know what her name was, and he was certain that this oversight would have been an affront to this diva.
With his finger, he pointed to the schoolgirl who, chin pretentiously erect, was chatting with a friend. After clearing his throat, Peter started:
“What will I do after high school? Invent sunproof makeup, I can’t stand this sun anymore!”
“Oh my god, Victoria,” Rachel exclaimed, agreeing with Taylor's surprised expression in the distance, “you’re so smart! Waterproof is so overrated nowadays! I’ll be your first client.”
They tried to compose the continuation of the dialogue, watching the faces, the gestures, the movements. Their comedy sounded so good that it was hardly spoiled by some contradictions.
Suddenly Rachel laughed, pulling herself out of Taylor's role:
“I didn’t know you had so much humor!”
“Because I didn’t have a public worthy yet.”
“Oh, my humble person is enough for your one-man show?”
“Absolutely. I’ve always loved mischievous audiences.”
“Seduction by words is the only weapon that matters.”
Haloed by the sunset that served as a projector, the two teenagers gave themselves great airs from their perch that became a secret scene. Both actors betrayed themselves with laughter and smiles, making their game adorably bad.
Now that they were discussing, Peter understood the Rachel Amber’s popularity.
He first thought that it was her beauty that attracted people: the profile of the future model was well designed and, endowed with the calm that seemed untouchable, she had a smile that looked like the Mona Lisa’s one who challenged anyone to impress her.
Now, he knew that her success exceeded the image: Rachel knew how to direct the conversations thanks to an always witty repartee. If she respected the silences, the timid ones, however, could become talkative in her presence as she was lively and friendly.
Some might have said she had too many dreams to accomplish, but Rachel had enough energy to make them all come true.
Peter hoped for her a promising future.
Stop thinking about it. Stop looking at her this way or she’ll have doubts.
To silence his anguish, the unsuspected hero turned away to find another subject of inspiration. He then observed one of the skaters on the lawn who was tightening the screws on his board. For a moment, he wondered if he was also a student of Blackwell since he had never seen him in class.
After a few moments, Peter says:
“I wonder if there is enough room on my skateboard to engrave the full periodic table? Would people notice it?”
“The nerd who isn’t at easy, good one! It works with Justin, too.”
Rachel leaned in, visibly taken in the game.
She was really having fun with Peter and was even tempted to suggest that he join the theater class. What she had imagined to be shyness was only prudence.
Head bent to the side, Rachel looked at him with great attention.
Modest, Peter answered:
“Well, it’s pretty classic actually, but thank you.”
“That’s true, but I’ve a weakness for stories where appearances are misleading.”
A weakness for the mysteries, therefore.
In a reflex, Peter looked down, pretending to look for other topics to improvise a new dialogue. His research was interrupted by a rather surprising question:
“Peter, what would you say if you see Spider-man?”
He was so surprised he wondered if he had heard correctly.
“Yes. Imagine: all of a sudden, Spider-man web swings to cross the campus, greeting students just below him. That would be a perfect subject, right? What would you invent?”
“Uh— Gotta go fast?”
They burst out laughing.
“But really, Rachel, I doubt that Spider-man goes through Blackwell one day. Everything’s so calm here.”
“Who knows? Even he might need rest.”
She did not imagine how hurtful it could be for the spider-man to hear this: every time someone showed compassion, Peter Parker had to pretend to be indifferent and hide an moved pride.
“Spider-man has been seen in Oregon twice since the beginning of the month, after a long absence—”
“It may be another Spider-man.”
“He had the same blue and red suit as the one from New York.”
The conversation was beginning to make him uneasy, especially because of Rachel’s posture: her hands were on her hips and she was looking at him with her head tilted to the left, as if to watch his reactions.
She can’t know.
Peter pulled out his phone, preparing the excuse of the late hour to leave Rachel and take refuge in the dormitory.
“If Spider-man was swinging in front of us,” continued the student, “I would say he’s in a hurry to go back to his lab.”
“His laboratory? Why a laboratory?”
She shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’m convinced that the one who hides under this mask is a scientist, a good scientist, and like any self-respecting good scientist, he has his own laboratory.”
Peter was unable to decipher that cat’s gaze that was scrutinizing him, that barely hemmed smile.
Would she remain so calm if he told her, right there, right now, that he was the man who hides under the costume covered with webs?
Or had she already guessed?
“It’s funny,” the plainclothes hero muttered, “you’re one of the few people to imagine that Spider-man can have a life on the ground, far from fighting.”
“There’s a difference between a superhero and an everyday hero.”
“The first one has super powers and not the other?”
“No, it’s a matter of costume. Just like Spider-man and the one wearing the suit.”
Peter nodded, looking distracted.
He could not contradict this logic when he had set himself the goal of protecting Rachel without his costume.
Peter kept his lips closed, calculating the years before that corridor would be wallpapered with “Missing Person” posters. Three years to understand what was going to happen to Rachel Amber. Three years in any universe, but not this one, he promised.
And to succeed, he should become a discreet hero, an everyday hero.
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Video Game Year in Review: The Top 10
As with any year-end list, this one probably isn’t complete. Last year, I fell in love with Nioh over winter break after I had already made my top 10, and just a few days ago, I started playing Hollow Knight. As I made clear in my previous lists, Metroidvanias can be hit or miss for me. I can get fed up with wandering around without a clear destination, and Hollow Knight has a bit of that so far, but it also has one of the most atmospherically welcoming settings for a video game in recent memory, and so far I’ve been pretty damn enraptured by it. I’m not too worried about it making the list at this point; it didn’t even technically come out this year anyway, but its Switch release earlier this year gave it somewhat of a second debut, for all the earned attention it finally got. At least I got a little shout-out here before publishing.
Anyway, here’s ten games I loved the shit out of in 2018. This was one year with a handful of games that I absolutely adored, none of which necessarily immediately jumped out to me as hands down the best one of the bunch, and honestly, that’s the way I’d prefer it, but it did make ranking them a bit tough. Really, from number five onward, the ranking gets pretty interchangeable. I didn’t plan on the game in my number one spot being the one that it is until I actually wrote out my feelings for it and decided that out of all them it was the easiest for me to just gush about. Alright, no further ado:
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10. Donut County - Overall, it’s probably a good thing that Donut County isn’t longer than it is, but for as mechanically simple as sucking objects into an ever-expanding void is, it’s something that I felt I would’ve been perfectly entertained doing for a lot longer than the game lasted. Donut County has a wildly inspired and novel central gameplay hook, a relatably goofy sense of humor that might border on obnoxious if it weren’t so sincerely delivered, and an anti-gentrification, anti-capitalist message that mostly works without beating you over the head too hard with it. Ben Esposito and his team have created one of the most charming and original games I’ve played in years here.
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9. Paratopic - “Cinematic” is a grossly overused and frequently inappropriate word to use in games criticism, but this game often had me coming back to the word, observing how many ways it feels like it authentically takes inspiration from creative methods seen more often in film, particularly art films, than in games, much more so than say, Red Dead Redemption 2, which typically embarrassingly pales in comparison to any movies it’s obviously aping from. There’s its willingness to not explain to you what’s going on, letting you pick up on clues from scenery and incidental dialogue. Its multiple switching perspectives, laced together to draw meaningful narrative connections. Its tendency to sit in the atmosphere of a scene. Its ability to tell a succinct story intended to be experienced in one sitting. And most of all, those jump cuts. I know Paratopic isn’t the first game to employ this technique, but as far as I can remember, it’s the first that I’ve played to utilize them for purposeful artistic effect, and every time it happened, it was oddly thrilling. I loved when I’d switch from walking to suddenly driving, and had a moment of panic, as if I suddenly just woke up at the wheel. The cliffhangers scenes would occasionally end on made me desperate to get back to that thread. Hell, even just the fact that there clearly were scenes, that lasted a few minutes at a time, then moved on to the next one, felt weirdly refreshing at a time when AAA design is becoming so absurdly bloated. Paratopic excited me, not in its desire to emulate a separate art medium, but in its casual realization of how many underutilized narrative techniques work genuinely effectively in this medium.
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8. Dusk - I really can’t imagine a game that more perfectly matches my Platonic ideal of “video game comfort food” than Dusk, aside from, maybe, the game in the number one spot of this list. I was raised on 90’s PC FPS games like Doom and, as is much more relevant to this game, Quake. Yeah, for the most part, it’s nice that games have moved on, both in depth of gameplay and artistry, but goddamn does a back-to-basics twitchy shooter with inspired level design and creepy atmosphere just feel good sometimes. The grainy, chunky polygons of this game encapsulate everything I love about the rudimentary but remarkably evocative minimalism of early 3D graphics. The movement feels absurdly fast by modern standards, and the effect is thrilling - every projectile is dodgeable, as long as your reflexes are sharp enough. Undoubtedly the most impressive thing about this game is its ambitious level design, so much of which rivals even John Romero’s. The longer this game goes on, the more sprawling and labyrinthine it becomes. The map shapes become increasingly wacky. The gothic architecture becomes more foreboding and awe-inspiring. Dusk does a lot with a little, and in the process, makes so much more than a tribute to game design and aesthetics of the past - for me, it stands right alongside its obvious inspirations as one of the very best of its ilk.
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7. Into the Breach - An absolute masterclass of game design. Into the Breach leaves nothing about its mechanics obscured, making sure you understand how every move is going to go down just as well as it does, and the fact that the result is still compellingly challenging is a sure sign we’re in the hands of remarkably skilled and intelligent developers. The narrative in this game is sparse - you assume the role of time-looping soldiers attempting over and over again to save your world from alien invasion (think Edge of Tomorrow), and that’s pretty much all you get for the plot, aside from some effective but minimal character beats and dialogue one-liners. And yet, every battlefield, a small grid with its own arrangement of sprites (giant creepy-crawlies, various creative mech classes, structures full of terrified denizens given a modicum of hope at the arrival of their ragged potential saviors) offers a playground for drama to unfold, as gripping and epic as any great mecha anime battle. As I mentioned in my previous list with Dead Cells, I have trouble sticking with run-based games, and this game wasn’t quite an exception - honestly, if it had something resembling a more traditional narrative campaign, I could see it potentially filling my number one spot. But that a game of its style nevertheless stuck with me as well as it did proves what a tremendous achievement I found it to be.
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6. Astro Bot Rescue Mission - This was both the first game I’ve played fully in VR and the first game I’ve ever platinumed. I guess that might say something about how thoroughly I fell for it. For some reason, one of the questions that my brain kept posing while playing this game is, “would you like this game as much if it weren’t in VR?” I would like to pose that first off, if this wasn’t a VR game, it would be quite a different game, but yes, probably a perfectly delightful 3D platformer in its own right. But most of all, this game helped me realize what a bullshit question that is in the first place. By virtue of its VR nature, this game is just fundamentally different, just as the jump from 2D to 3D resulted in games that were just fundamentally different. The perspective you’re given watching over your little robot playable character allows to look in 360 degrees, and often you need to, if you’re seeking out every level’s secrets, and yet, while it moves forward, it doesn’t follow you vertically, so sometimes you’re looking up or down as well. It’s difficult to describe exactly how this perspective is so much more than a gimmick or something, outside of the cliched exaggeration of “it feels like you’re really there, man,” but honestly, this statement isn’t wrong. I truly did feel immersed in these levels in a way that I wouldn’t have if this weren’t a VR game, and while it’s not exactly a feeling I now desire from every game, it does stand out as one of the singular gaming experiences I had in 2018 as a result.
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5. Thonebreaker: The Witcher Tales - I gushed plenty about this game in my review. How its approach to Gwent-based combat is both welcoming to newcomers and remarkably varied, offering new ways to approach and think about the game with nearly every encounter. How its sizable story is filled with fascinating characters and genuinely distressing choices, forcing you to grapple with the inherent injustices of your position. How its vivid art style and wonderfully moody Marcin Przybyłowicz score sell The Witcher feel of this game, despite how differently it plays from the mainline entries of the game. And maybe most of all, how criminally overlooked this game has been. So I’ll make the same claim I did before - if The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt did something for you, it’s likely this game will too. Don’t worry about the card game - I did too, and trust me, it’s fun. It’s the new Witcher game; that really ought to be all you need to know.
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4. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - There’s...a lot about the Yakuza games that I’ve come to adore, but one of the biggest ones that kept sticking out to me while playing The Song of Life is how they build a sense of place. After playing Yakuza 0, set in 1988, and Yakuza Kiwami, set in 2005, I played this one, set in 2016. Each time, same Kiryu, but older, same Kamurocho, but era appropriate. Setting every Yakuza game in the same map has to be one of the quietly boldest experiments in video games, forgoing fresh new vistas to explore in favor of the same familiar boulevards, alleys, and parks of the iconic red-light district, painting an exquisitely detailed and loving portrait of a neighborhood changing with the decades. While Kiryu’s exasperation at once again walking into the all-too-familiar crowded streets of Kamurocho, brighter and louder than ever, hardly matched my eagerness to see how it had changed, it felt appropriate. Though he’s still the hottest dad (grandpa?) in town, he is kinda old now, and he’s certainly earned the right to just be over it a little. Even the silliest of the era-relevant sub stories (one of which delightfully features Kiryu putting a selfie-stick wielding, obnoxious-stunt pulling, wanna-be influencer shithead in his place) serve to underscore how out of place he now is in his old stomping grounds.
By contrast, the other setting of Yakuza 6, the quaint seaside town of Onomichi, very quickly begins to feel like an idyllic retirement destination. The introduction to this part of the game has to be my favorite video game moment of 2018 - Kiryu trying to calm a hungry baby, while walking the deserted streets after dark in search of one store that still happens to be open. The faint sound of ocean in the distance effectively evokes the freshness, the bitterness, of the air. The emptiness and darkness of the space is almost shocking, compared to the sensory overload of Kamurocho. And there’s Haruto. Kiryu took Haruka in when she was 9, so he’s never had to deal with a baby before. He’s out of his element, but hardly unwilling. The help he gets from Kiyomi and his other new friends is the kind of comfort Kiryu needs at this point in his life. Likewise, the events in Onomichi play out like a retirement fantasy - building an amateur baseball team out of local talent, building relationships with the denizens of a bar in an incredible Japanese version of Cheers, hanging out with the town’s Yakuza, who are so small potatoes they seem to barely fit the definitions of organized or crime. It all works beautifully as a touching send-off to my favorite video game character.
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3. Tetris Effect - There was a long time where I was contemplating putting this as my number one game. I went through some strange conflicts in the consideration - next to all these original, thoughtful games, am I really going to say that fucking Tetris is best one of them? Is that even fair? Is this game really anything more than just regular-ass Tetris but with some pretty lights and sounds and a 90’s rave kinda vibe? The answer to all of these, is, of course, yes, but also no. I’d defend my choice any day, though. This is the first game to actually get me into Tetris. I always appreciated it; it’s a classic, but it was never a game I had actually put much time or thought into before. This game not only sold me on Tetris, but got me obsessed with it, to the point where the name feels remarkably appropriate: ever since I began playing, I’ve been seeing tetriminos falling - in my sleep, in daydreams, any time I see any type of blocky shape in real life I’m fitting them together in my mind. The idea that all Tetris pieces, despite their differences, need each other and complement each other and can all fit together in perfect harmony, and that this is a metaphor for humanity, has to be some of the cheesiest bullshit I’ve ever heard, and yet, the game fully sold me on it from the first damn level. It’s all connected. We’re all together in this life. Don’t you forget it.
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2. Celeste - This is a damn near perfect game, both as refreshing and demanding as a climb up a beautiful but treacherous mountain ought to be. I died many, many times (2424, to be exact), but the game explicitly encouraged me to be proud of that, acting as a friendly little cheerleader in between deaths, assuring me that I could do it. It’s both a welcome break from the smug, sneering attitude so many “difficult” games tend to traffic in, and absolutely central to its themes involving mental health. As the shockingly good plot starts making it increasingly clear that it’s about Madeline’s quest to conquer (or, at least, understand) her inner demons, the gameplay itself offers a simple but effective metaphor for struggling with mental illness - yes, it’s hard, and yes, you’re going to suffer and struggle, but you can make it, and you will make it, because you’re so much better than you think you are. Oh, and also, it’s not all bad, because at least you get to listen to some absolutely rippin’ tunes while you do it.
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1. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - (Another one I reviewed!) This is my ideal JRPG. In my mind it stands next to childhood treasures like Final Fantasy IX. Unlike some recent Square projects that specifically try to clone their late 90’s output, this game hardly feels beholden to the game design of the past, and yet, feels of a piece with that era in a respectably non-cloying way. It has a bright, colorful, inviting world full of charming characters, an all-time great soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi, and an exciting, deep combat system with an emphasis on action. Building my kingdom of Evermore was remarkably satisfying, down to all the little dumb tasks my citizens would ask of me, none of which my very good boy King Evan was too busy or too proud to refuse. There’s very little grinding. It’s a long game by most standards, but at 40-something hours, it feels lean by JRPG standards. And for as much of a storybook fantasy as the plot is, as much as it reduces woefully complicated socio-political issues into neat, resolvable tasks for Evan to solve, it always came across as perfectly genuine, and sometimes surprisingly affecting. It’s the game that I’ve wanted to play since the PS1 Final Fantasy games stole my heart as a kid. That’s hardly what I expected it to be as I started into it, and what a joy it was to discover that it was.
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