#fundie youtube
spurgie-cousin · 6 months
I was watching back to back spooky like, Appalachian folk tales on youtube and scared tf out of myself so I turned on Jessa's pregnancy Q&A as a palette cleanser. Here are the things I found interesting (cw miscarriage mentions):
- she found out she lost the last baby on Dec 22 and that's also this new baby's due date. She says she gets a lot of comfort from that.
- she's planning another hospital birth (thank GOD) and doubles down on her love for epidurals. She says she even inquired about getting one for post partum cramps
- she says she toyed with the idea of having a gender reveal this time but decided her tradition of waiting to tell people was better (I agree)
- she says Ben had told her he's not concerned with having more kids as much as he is with her health and mental well being as a stay at home mom to lots of them.
- Jessa adds to that and says while she still believes kids are a blessing, she doesn't believe that "accumulating" a "maximum quantity" of blessings should trump giving the kids you have a good quality of life. She believes the Bible communicates that as well so that is her primary intention. She also doesn't believe it's a sin to "manage" your blessings (aka pregnancies I'm assuming) and says that's something she's considered for the future (pleasantly surprised by all of it).
- She says she sometimes struggles with the fear that she "has all these kids" and they won't grow up to follow The Lord, but that she doesn't let that particular fear keep her from having them (she said all that good stuff before and then lost me again).
- She says the number of kids she and Ben have envisioned having has gotten smaller and smaller as the years go on. She doesn't want to make a definitive decision while she's pregnant and uncomfy, but she said her idea of a "big family" has gone from like 8 kids to maybe 5 max.
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Baby C sighting!
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steelstreqq · 5 months
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pov i revive an old project from 2021 because i watched one sorry boys video
this is the 'rustout au', its a combination of TWD, fallout 4, and rust but i shoved silly block men (and ted nivison) in it. essentially its a zombie apocalypse au that takes place at some time in the 80s or 90s following a nuclear fallout that occurred due to undisclosed government activities with foreign global superpowers. none of the normal civilians really know why the nukes went off and only a few of the most wealthy in the community really were able to get down to the bunkers in time
there are a ton of characters i want to include in this au, but considering i made this in the peak of the dsmp fandom i have to be kinda careful to not pick out any ccs who are still a part of dream's posse.. :pensive:
so far, the other characters in this au who aren't displayed here are fundy, techno, philza, bizly, grizly, condi, connor, jack, eret, and a few others i cant think of rn >_<
some character information below ^-^
WILBUR G. SOOT - the widowed father to fundy. wilbur lived in a house in a suburban neighborhood with his teen aged son before the nukes went off. once the initial fallout occurred, will and fundy had an argument about where they should shelter. the day after the argument, wilbur awoke to find fundy had completely disappeared. grief stricken at the loss of another family member (under the impression that he was the reason fundy had 'ran off'), wilbur risked his safety to search for his son, traveling from settlement to settlement. he hated himself and blamed himself for his son's disappearance. by this point, he wanted to lie in the dirt and rot with the corpse of the land below him
TOMMY ZA - the adoptive son of phil, a single child. tommy was at school during the blasts, thus he was separated from his father. he and the rest of his school were ushered to the basement following the explosions to protect them from fallout. when given the all clear, tommy ran down barren streets to find his way home, and never did. too frantic and unable to navigate his way properly, he became stranded and lost. the crushing anxiety of being alone seemed to summon a taller man with a guitar case from a local town. he had found himself wandering into tommy's neighborhood. and therein, an alliance was formed.
"RANBOO" - ranboo is a mysterious creature who doesn't really appreciate questions about his history. tommy and wilbur found him a month or two into constructing their own settlement. ranboo was found uncomfortably asleep in a cramped car not far off from Dome. he was rudely awakened with a violent mugging from tommy. wilbur caught up to the shorter brit and apologized for his actions, suggesting that ranboo could stay at their camp as compensation for the troubles that tommy had brought to ranboo. ranboo reluctantly agreed and now is a part of the dome's settlement. tommy speculates ranboo is secretly a mentally mutated creature-freak-thing and must be put down immediately, ranboo just wants to eat dinner in peace.
CHARLIE SICKLE - charlie is the latest member to join the settlement. the former front man for the hit pop group Roll With You. during an england tour, the nukes went off and front man charlie had been stranded during his burger lunch break. separated from the rest of his band mates. charlie has faced deterioration in his mental state due to the stress of surviving during such a gruesome time period. by the time wilbur finds himself at the receiving end of charlie's gun, he is already unhinged. wilbur manages to talk charlie into submission carefully, and decides to see if he can form a fragile alliance with charlie for some sort of twisted protection. charlie agrees, as he is so *sick* of being alone. charlie simply insists he is just a silly billy, everybody else thinks hes clinically insane
DOME- dome is a passive settlement founded by wilbur soot to bring in local survivors and give them a small and safe community to rebuild humanity. although this is a large goal in such a hostile and dangerous situation, tommy gives wilbur hope to keep going. who knows, maybe while scouting for survivors, they could stumble across phil or fundy
TED - ted is a serial killer, plain and simple. hired by schlatt to be a bodyguard after the fallout, ted had escaped his cinder block hell to essentially be a guard dog thanks to the nukes. it turns out prisons arent explosion-proof. ted is silent, he doesnt speak much, but he has a clear cut focus on what he wants. when he does speak, he talks clearly and normally. mostly, about his travels with his good buddy 'eddie nine pins', whom he apparently did everything with before getting caught
J. SCHLATT - schlatt is a larger than life business mogul, the ceo of a handful of companies that produce clothes, products, music, etc. hes an incredibly creative and intuitive man who knows how to get what he wants. he is the forefront leader of his settlement in the bunker. schlatt is falsely married to quackity, both of them agreeing to commit marriage fraud when they initially entered the world of entrepreneurship as it looks better and improves both of their charisma in social situations. their 'marriage' is entirely superficial and loveless, purely for aesthetics
A. QUACKITY - you might say quackity is a strange last name, he'd tell you to mind your own business and call you poor in two different languages. quackity runs a small 'medicine' dealing business on the surface. in exchange for fancy goods and food, quackity will give out medicine to needy survivors with no real idea of what any of it does. indirectly, quackity has killed 15+ people with his medication and harmed countless others. he doesnt feel bad, as long as he gets something out of it. he's been spoiled by his previously lavish life and just can't stand to let it all go
TOBY "TUBBO" SCHLATT - tubbo is the adoptive son of schlatt. while schlatt opted to adopt tubbo purely for aesthetics, just as he did with his marriage, he ended up getting somewhat attached to the little guy (and so did quackity). adopted at the age of 13, tubbo was quickly exposed to the inside mechanisms of business, the lying and cheating that goes on behind the retina and he has no interest in becoming a mogul like his father. rather, he opts for weapon studies and collecting a massive arsenal of different types of guns and bombs. tubbo sees the fallout as more of a playground than anything, being able to collect and test as many 'toys' as he wants. tubbo and tommy have crossed paths on several occasions, wherein they both will have a bit of a scuffle until theyre tired, then sit and talk. they consider each other friends, and neither of them know of the conflict between schlatt and wilbur
THE BUNKER - the bunker was once a safe haven for the one percent in england, but only a week into shelter, everybody was slaughtered. quackity and schlatt performed a hostile takeover of the bunker for no greater reason than the fact they wanted more space and more liberties. theyve now claimed the entire bunker as their home, and they want to see how far they can expand their power and control.
if youve made it this far, thx so much for reading it means the WORLD to me.. ill be posting abt this au alongside my other projects like claymore hills and the sanatorium au (which also was a 2021 thing!!)
heres a playlist i made for the rustout au if anybody is as interested in music as i am
thanks sm again, likes and reblogs are both appreciated ^-^ asks are open and heavily encouraged if you wanna know more :DD i know dsmpblr is a little dead but maybe mcytblr might like this, u never know if u dont try so ill take shot in the dark ^-^
note: NONE of these characters should be confused with the CCs. they are loosely based off of real interactions and projects but are entirely FICTIONAL in this universe. i do not support the actions of content creators such as dream, george, sapnap, punz, and many others associated with dream thus they will NOT be in this project. thank you.
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xpoolboy · 7 months
fundy is so interesting to me. he started off as a regular minecraft youtuber with the schtick of adding funny mods to minecraft. then he became friends with dteam, joined the dsmp, got heavily involved in intense minecraft roleplay, joined MCC, got banned from MCC, and gained millions of followers on twitch and twitter. then a year ago he just?? goes completely silent on twitch and twitter and goes right back to his ONLY content being the occasional but consistent youtube video upload. like. he had all the success of any of the early dsmp members and then just. poofs. goes right back to where he was at the start content-wise (with an extra few million subscribers).
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
new upload
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boygirlctommy · 4 months
jack mani byeeeee
reminder my commissions are open :D
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theshoesofatiredman · 9 months
So much of Christian teaching around thought crime is dependent on the idea that we are fully in control of every thought we have. And when it interfaces with mental health it becomes extremely dangerous. Like the below:
"Anxiety is a sign you're not trusting God's plan for your life."
"If you're depressed that means you're not relying on God to be your joy."
Neither of these things are true and they don't reflect how either anxiety or depression actually work. Illnesses have been used for hundreds of years by religion to demonize people. If you would scoff at someone saying a person's cancer is because of specific sin in their life, you should hold the above statements in similar contempt.
There are real treatments for depression and anxiety that help people. It's not a matter of a person's faith and claiming so IS HARMFUL TO PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM THOSE ILLNESSES! Judging people as sinful or of little faith for their illnesses makes it harder for them to receive real life bringing care from professionals trained to provide it.
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colon-tf-colon · 3 months
A few months ago, a little fox from the interwebs put a $1000 bounty on the fastest person to beat his "Annoying Difficulty".
Here's how I beat it.
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bleue-flora · 7 months
This man is the villain, everyone…
yeah…… makes sense.
(When they wonder why you’re a Dream apologist… - Oh, my apologies, that’s right, I’m supposed to root for the scammer, who’s the hero of the story…)
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siddoesstuffig · 10 months
i dont miss the dream smp in the sense that i wish it kept going, but i miss it in the sense that i wish i could love something as dearly as i loved it. i know there’s the qsmp if i wanted or plenty of other content on youtube but its not going to be the same. i was obsessed with it. i wasn’t into it in it’s prime, but when i got into it i got into it and it was impossible to even fathom getting out of it. i know we have the sorry boys but i miss the tom simons vlogs. i know we have generation loss but i miss origins smp. i know technoblade never dies but i miss him.
no matter what happens now it will never be the same, and while change is important and necessary - god knows what wouldve happened if they did decide to draw out a season two - i still miss it. i can’t tell if it’s because i miss being 14 instead of 17, or if i miss the stories and streams themselves, but i miss it.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
speaking of Gloriavale, i found an ex-FLDS couple on youtube that talks about cult stuff and they did an episode talking about how similar the two groups are, and that feels obvious now lol but I'd never really thought about that in depth before.....Gloriavale is really just a non-mormon FLDS minus the polygamy
it's so wild how these power hungry deviants on opposite sides of the world came to all the same conclusions and were able to get total control over so many people, over literally less than a generation. human behavioral patterns are just so INTERESTING
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tooinvestedinfundies · 2 months
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Just minding my own business scrolling on my home page on the YT app and what do I spy? Zach Bates has started a cooking YouTube channel?!
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fundy-updates · 1 year
Fundy uploaded a video!
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little blender exercise since i stopped using it for a while. fish egg fundy 2.0 this time in 3 dimensions . mega humongolous shoutout to levi magony on youtube for tutorials on how to do Wacky Distortion Affect and also the backface culling thing 💃
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How do accents work in SMPs? Because I'll read fanfictions where it's like, "He spoke with a distinctly British accent," or "Her words sounded vaguely German," or even fanfics where another character starts speaking in a different language and they're saying things like 'Chiquito' or 'Me como caca', that kind of stuff, but it's like. This is Last Life. Or Quesadilla Island. Or L'Manberg. Britain and Germany and Spain don't exist in these worlds?? Your cubito busts out Dutch pleasantries which implies the existence of the Netherlands and it's like. Is L'Manberg just some random island in the middle of the Pacific that nobody is touching with a ten foot pole or...?
Don't think about it too hard, though it's kind of funny to imagine these people are fighting for their lives and the lives of the people they love and somewhere out there there's just. Spain. Having elections or promoting tourism or trying to keep people from peeing in its oceans or something. I just find it kind of fun to think about.
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fundyarchives · 3 months
[20240313] Fundy is in Tommy's new video on TommyOutit! Go check it out!
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