#fundy introject
art4mcytrojects · 5 months
hi!! if requests are open, could you do one for a c!fundy introject? i'm humanoid with fox ears and tail :) the bottom half of my hair is white, and it comes down to my shoulders! i would also SUPER love if i could be wearing a nonbinary pride pin, other than that i pretty much look like fanon!
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hope this looks okay!! i havent drawn a fundy in a couple years
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eternalbastards · 2 years
fundy's intro
ello chat i'm Fundy o/ i use he/they/kit pronouns and I'm a fucktive/mixtive of c! and cc! Fundy
i'm a trans guy which i think is pretty cool and I'm a fox hybrid
i'm a protector and painholder and i use hearing aids innerworld because my hearing is so fucked up I can't hear myself think /coping joke
uhhhh i'll sign with my name or with —🦊
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Dear Fundy,
Im sorry. Im sorry I was a shit dad, im sorry for putting you through all the shit in lmanburg, im sorry for putting you through a fucking war, im sorry for everything, im sorry I was never there.
Do you remember, you may not, you were only eight and we went to the forest and climbed tree's together? We sat at the top of one tree and I told you [if I recall correctly] "One day I wont be here with you and it'll be you up here. You at the top where you belong. One day you wont need me anymore but I'll always be a thought away. Look down, you're above everyone and everything else. You'll rise up above those who bring you down. You know why? Because you're my champion."
You used to be so happy, so full of life. I miss you so much and I love you more than anything, kiddo. I couldn't be more proud of the man you became.
You're my champion. And you always will be.
From Dad, Wilbur S.
[Revivebur alter, don't tag as kin.]
[Letter sent!]
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emorys-memories · 2 years
Kinda tempted to draw Carrie, Tubbo, and I all on our bench. Fundy is also allowed if he wants.
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radical-sourcecalls · 2 months
this is kinda weird, basically it's two calls in one! thought that was better than submitting two calls
we have a lot of dsmp and homestuck introjects! in particular we have: -quackity subsys of 6 different quackitys! (mix of fictives and factives) -several wilburs of varying timelines and mixed sources -the full benchtrio (plus a fem tommy) -also have bbh, foolish, dream, fundy, george, schlatt, and techno -homestuckers include (vriska), aranea, davepetasprite, dirk, eridan, feferi, jade, june, and roxy!!
bodily 20! various ages amongst headmates
anyone from the dsmp or homestuck really!! spec looking for sapnap, karl, charlie/slime, and philza as far as dsmp goes and looking for rose, jake, terezi, meenah, caliborn, calliope, and lil hal as far as homestuck goes
16+ please!! 18+ even more preferred
mostly looking for friends/family but open to other relationships depending on body age.
send us a dm or interact w this and we'll contact you
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dissociativlyours · 2 months
[PT 1]
Our “Weird” Source Relations!
Alters are not their source.
This is just for fun!
This post is only highlighting our Introjected alters! This is not all of our alters, but we are introject heavy.
Our partners have okay-ed this post!! Dw!! (They will be tagged if they wish to be, however, if they don’t want to be tagged, they won’t be 💜)
Now! Onto the fun!
This post series highlights platonic, romantic and family relations! You can check out all the posts on this series by using the tag #DissociativlyOurShips
Adam & Alas (Our system only)
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These two are best friends, Adam has taught Alas a bunch of different technology based things. While Alas has helped Adam be more of a “defined” gentleman as they put it.
Anthro & Juno (Our sys x 🌧️)
The only not odd thing about these two is they are based around C!Karl & C!Quackity from the DSMP
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These two formed around the same time, on the same day. They have very odd sources, Anthro formed based around Quackity (C! & CC!) but then also a compilation of all of our Minecraft faves + Bedwars. Where as Juno formed based around C!Karl, maybe some Cc!Karl, and Bedwars.
Seven & Ej (Us x 💉 )
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A 707 introject and an &Team introject. These two are really good friends! They talked a bunch when Seven was a host!
And finally, to end off this post. Here are these four. 3/4 of them impulsively got together on the same day they met before getting together with the fourth one who quizzed 2 of them.
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Jasper (us; C!Dream fictive), Apollo (💉: CC!Ranboo), Griffin & Quora (🌧️: Fundy, Quackity)
Jasper talked to Griffin because Griffin was missing sourcemates, then 4-6 hours later, Jasper said Griffin and him were dating. 1 ish hours later, griffin and Apollo were playing Minecraft on call together and started flirting. Once griffin joined, Jasper said all of them should date. Finally, Quora is the only sane one in this relationship and quizzed Jasper & Apollo before getting together with them.
4 impulsive DSMP/CC Based alters fronted 1-3 times and ended up dating.
I really hope this comes off as funny as I want it to be! At least I hope some got a laugh out of it, a big part of this is just relationship tracking 😂!
Our partner systems accounts:
@hidtobeheard (🌧️)
@a-b3autiful-trag3dy (💉)
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demnianthro · 7 months
hi i’m a fundy introject n i’m trying to find a pfp BUT ALL OF THEM ARE SO GOOD AND I CANT CHOOSE!!!! help me please thank you ahdksbfm
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artist of first two photos is fettuccinemyst and i can’t for the life of me find the artist of the last photo so sorry!!!
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lmanburgseulogy · 4 months
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dsmpkincalls · 2 years
HELLO i am aware this ask is being sent very soon after the last, however i have found some canonmates and i would hope to find more perhaps!! my name is tommy or thor but i did not go by thor until recently because i needed a name to differentiate myself you see. i am an introject in the ghost town system!! since my last ask it has been solidified that i have four sourcemates in other systems- i have found my tubbo, my ranboo, my wilbur, and my technoblade! likewise in my system we have our philza, our dream, and perhaps our big q. these are all very wonderful developments, however we are still missing many people from our source, especially our fundy, our niki, our jack, and others. our source is very similar to "canon" and here is how some of us look!
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(pennepasta is technoblade...... tis an inside joke you see)
additional to this we also know that our wilbur and quackity look similar to @/appaeve's art, our ranboo looks similar to @/especdreamy's ranboo, and our dream looks similar to sad-ist's dream!!
OKAY THAT IS A LOT OF INFORMATION but if you guys are out there WE MISS YOU OKAY??
So my discord is ghosttown#4800 and you can dm us here @tubboandtommy !!!!! OKAY THANK YOU
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rusted-blade · 2 years
from the pit to the skies, i will
come home to you.
main blog || mcyt sideblog || c!tommy || redza || c!niki || fundy || o!techno || skeppy
headcanon!technoblade ask and rp blog! this is not a kin or introject blog. this is just for fun! this blog is part of the resetverse, but will not solely interact within it! character is an adult, and so is the mun! techno uses he/him (and maybe some neopronouns) and mun uses they/them. icon art by metrixnos!
at times heavy themes will be discussed. those themes may include torture, death, child harm, and manipulation. these will all be tagged- see the taglist below.
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#nav; gilded blackstone: any in-character post!
#nav; birch wood: for any ooc posts!
#nav; bloodstone: for any post discussing heavy topics
#nav; warped vine: for all asks!
#rb; gold ore: any in-character reblog that's not a thread!
#anon; [name]: for named anons/frequent askers!
#cw [trigger]: for any posts that might need a trigger warning. please let me know if you want a trigger added!
#era; [time]: for posts that take place during a certain era/arc of the c!smp!
#arc; [arc]: for rp that takes place during a certain (typically planned) arc!
anon list!
future frequent anons will go here
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forest-the-oddball · 3 months
Im Casually Kinning on Discord, a polyfragmented system of about equally introjects and brain-made system members
There are three main hosts, Wren (me), Hex, and Fundy. Seven more hosts but ill be happy to introduce people on discord :3
(I also have a system and singlet open server on discord so dm me if you want the link)
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cassiopeacollective · 8 months
Not funny shit that happened this week, Cedric (a fundy introject) got stabbed in the shoulder by lydia (brainmade) and now we have a prsion for lydia :v (In headspace)
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Dsmp introject culture is how am i supposed to «move on» or «heal from source trauma» when half these fuckers are also in the brain. So much for running away and starting a new life
– Fundy 🎴👾
Man I'm so sorry hope you find a way to heal
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“-and then he stole his crown!” Tommy cackled, dodging a swipe from Tubbo. Izuku grinned as Tommy began teasing Tubbo, who only grinned as the brunette got even more flustered. Fundy, who was being piggybacked by Tommy, was giggling at their shenanigans.
They had finally arrived back at the little camper, mud all over their shoes and a little winded. But their spirits were high amongst each other’s company.
By now it was starting to get dark, enough so that the pale yellow light cast from the inside of the van gave it a nearly homey appearance.
Which, in Izuku’s opinion, was beyond strange. How could a drug van be homey? Yet, as he walked with his new friends, he couldn’t help but feel at ease.
It’s only been a day and he’s already far happier than he ever was in his world.
“ Can you get the door Tubbo?” Izuku glanced over, noting Tommy’s strained voice. Of course, the source was Fundy, who had decided it would be a good idea to crawl on-top of Fundy’s head.
Tubbo, in leu of answering, veered away from their group to sprint towards the door. With little prompting he opened it, darting inside.
Tommy and Fundy quickly followed, but Izuku hesitated outside for a moment. Now that the fear of being teleported to an unknown had faded slightly, he had come to a new dilemma.
His shoes.
Was he supposed to take them off? None of the boys had, and he was fairly certain Wilbur hadn’t earlier. There wasn’t a place outside to put them either, and he didn’t remember seeing anywhere inside the van either.
A loud squeal made that decision for him. He was sprinting inside before he could blink, only to stop short as he saw someone new.
It was a man, with brown hair braided into twin French braids and a pair sunglasses hiding his eyes. He held a giggling Fundy in his arms, tickling his ribs with a mischievous expression. The other three were eagerly conversing among one another, completely at ease with the mysterious person among them.
It hadn’t taken long for the man to notice him, shaded lens turning in his direction only for him to stop short. Midoriya watched as his lips tugged into a frown as he asked,” Who are you?”
Tommy perked up like an excited dog, excitedly stumbling over with too long limbs saying,” Eret, meet Midori, Midori, Eret. He’s our newest member of L’Mangburg!”
Midoriya felt his heart begin to beat out of his chest, the declaration both warming his heart and drenching his very being in ice. It felt so much more real when he said that. How he was in an unknown place, with unknown people who obviously didn’t know he was quirkless. He could hardly bear to imagine their reactions but it was all too easy. Wilbur, snarling at him to leave. Tubbo, looking at him as if he were an ant to either stomp on or an interesting specimen to dissect. And Tommy, god he could imagine Tommy’s reaction all too well. He had the same fire in his as Kacchan, and he dreaded the moment it would explode in his face.
Eret, unknowing of his panic, relaxed and smiled warmly at him.” Well it’s nice to meet you Midori, welcome to L’Manburg.”
“ I-uh- thank you!” Midori squeaked, drawing back slightly into the doorway. An odd tension fell over the room, and a quick glance showed Tubbo and Wilbur watching him oddly.
He tugged at his collar pitifully, which seemed to be some sort of trigger for Tommy. The boy jumped into action, startling Midori as the blond trotted over.” We need to get you some clothes! You’d probably fit in Tubbo’s and my clothes well enough, and that outfit can’t be comfortable.” Tommy’s face screwed up, as if he found the uniform to be an atrocity to nature.
Wilbur calmly introjected” you four can pick out an outfit for him to wear and we’ll grab him some new clothes tomorrow.”
“ You really don’t have to do that!” Midori reassured, only for Tommy to sling an arm over his shoulder and chime” ‘course we have to Big Man! Come on, I’ve been wanting to show you my house anyway!” He was led away by the chattery blond, quickly followed by a peppy Tubbo and a curious Fundy.
When the group had finally left, Wilbur turned towards Eret with a serious depression on his face.” You noticed it too, right?”
The other’s solemn expression told him all he needed to know.” Damn, how is it we always find the broken ones?” Wilbur’s laugh was bitter and tired, but Eret’s cool words cut through it effortlessly” he’s not broken Wilbur. We aren’t broken.”
“ Those marks Eret. You know kids shouldn’t have those marks.” His voice wobbled dangerously, recalling the starburst scars that he had been able to glimpse through burnt clothing. He would have said they were from a blaze, or even a ghast, if they hadn’t been so precise. Not to mention those types of marks usually didn’t last long- mostly because the person would be dead by the sheer amount of them.
But here was Midori, with starbursts coving his body and a terrified look in his eyes.
“ I suppose Phil doesn’t know about this one either?” Wilbur gave them a withering look, which had about as much of an effect on them as he thought it would. That being none of course- Eret was all too used to Wilbur’s scathing glares.
In the end Eret sighed, giving him a final searching look before collapsing in one of the armchairs.” I’m going to sleep, wake me up when the others get back and I’ll help you set up the bed.”
The musician hesitated, hearing the exhaustion that lined his friend’s voice before he offered “I can take care of that tonight, it’s alright.”
But by that time Eret had already fall asleep, small even breaths being the only thing that indicated they had fallen asleep.
“…Goodnight Eret.” He sighed, tugging a blanket out of a cupboard before tucking them in.
He basked in the soft moment for only a second longer before he turned to the front seat with determination burning in his expression.
He had some more work to do. After all, he had more than a few questions in regards to the mysterious boy, and he knew a few people who may have an answer.
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thefox-hideout · 2 years
mandatory introduction post to clear up any questions
this isn't the base account. follows/likes/etc come from @/sc0rpi0const which is our collective base acc
im Fundy. im an introject of c!Fundy from dsmp. i don't care how you feel about my source but if you're gonna be a dick about it i'll just block you
actually, if you're gonna be a dick about anything at all i'll block you
here's some stuff about me:
age: around 26
pronouns: he/him
system role: trauma holder
don't be weird. don't ask me weird shit. don't pretend you know me personally if you're a sourcemate. other than that i really don't care who you are or where you stand. iwc if you're a c!Wilbur introject and are connected to source.
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lmanburgseulogy · 4 months
Wilbur introject and Fundy introject talking here STOP CALLING US OUT IN YOUR POSTS/lh/j
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