#fuzzclaw the cat
marmotish · 10 months
Rowan looking cute with a more puffy hair!
can I see Rowan helping Barnaby study but he gets distracted by her cat?
Glad you ok
(thanks! I really like drawing fluffy hair and it was unfair for Rowan to miss out on 80s hair on top of everything else 🥲)
Rowan is the best choice for helping to study History of Magic but Fuzzclaw is a major distraction.
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(and at last I see the light)
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the-al-chemist · 5 months
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Not Alone At Last
A/N: I know, I’ve gone a little off the rails from the original prompt @drinkyoursoupbitch gave me.
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However, the idea it sparked was too much fun to not run with it. So, here we are again. Also, I’ve missed Rowan. Haven’t we all?
Warnings: potentially triggering for mothers of toddlers prone to tantrums…
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The Khanna family tended to keep themselves to themselves. It wasn’t often that they ventured far from their farm, let alone as far as London. Every time that they did, Rowan Khanna was struck by how different the city felt from the countryside. She was used to peace and quiet, to rolling green fields, acres of trees, to birdsong echoing in the otherwise silent air.
Diagon Alley was not quiet or peaceful at all. It was always busy and bustling, filled with noise and colour and people. Today, it was busier than Rowan had ever seen it; it was not just bustling, it was heaving. To think, she had been looking forward to coming and buying all her school supplies. Now, several hours into shopping, she couldn’t wait to go home, back to her solitary comfort zone.
It seemed like she wasn’t the only one. Her two younger siblings had also grown tired of the whole experience. Baby Ela had been grizzling for the past hour, and little Ashok was well past the point of being bribed with the prospect of an ice cream from Florian Fortescue’s. When they both started to cry simultaneously in Potage’s Cauldron Shop, even Rowan’s mother looked like she might join in with their collective chorus of tears.
“How much do we have left to do?” she asked Rowan, balancing Ela on her hip and bouncing her gently in one arm, whilst running the fingers of her other hand through Ashok’s hair. Neither of them was soothed by these gestures.
Rowan pulled out the list of school supplies. “There isn’t much more we need. Just my uniform and the books.” She tried not to look disappointed as she realised that they would have to rush their visit to the bookshop, the thing she had most been looking forward to. “It shouldn’t take too long.”
“No, you’re right. Right.”
Mrs Khanna nodded decisively, and put baby Ela back into her pram. Ela immediately redoubled her efforts at screaming, and Ashok, apparently encouraged by his younger sister, threw himself down onto the ground and started to thrash with all four of his limbs. Rowan’s mother closed her eyes and sighed loudly, deeply.
More than ever, Rowan wished that she was in her bedroom with Fuzzclaw the cat and her books. She could hardly bear to look at her mother and two siblings, and yet, she felt as if everyone else in the shop was looking at them. She took a moment to glance over her shoulder at the other customers, hoping that none of them were too annoyed by the scene her family was making.
Her eye was caught by a girl waiting in the queue to buy a school-regulation pewter cauldron. The girl must have been around the same age as Rowan, to have been buying school equipment, but she looked younger. She was tiny, far shorter than Rowan, and skinny, too, but she did not look at all intimidated by the size of the crowd around her. She was wearing Muggle trousers that were too big for her and a t-shirt that was too small for her, and she fidgeted incessantly as she waited for her turn to approach the shopkeeper. With her scrawny frame, her tangled hair, and her wide eyes, she had a wild, rangey sort of look that reminded Rowan of one of J.M. Barrie’s Lost Boys, or Rudyard Kipling’s Mowgli.
But, it wasn’t the girl’s scruffy appearance or her similarity to any beloved book character that had drawn Rowan’s attention. The reason she had noticed this particular girl in the crowd was due to one thing, and one thing only: the girl was alone.
Rowan was used to being alone, she spent most of her time alone, and yet she had never considered that she might be able to go to Diagon Alley without anyone else. But, if the girl in the queue could do it, why couldn’t she?
“Maybe you should take Ashok and Ela home, Mum,” she said. “I can get the rest and Floo back after.”
Her mother blinked. “And leave you here all by yourself?” She did not look convinced.
“I’ll be going to school all by myself in a few weeks,” Rowan reasoned. “I’m sure that I’ll be able to manage getting some uniform and going into a bookshop without any help.”
“It’s not help you need in a bookshop, sweetpea, it’s supervision. Especially with my Galleons.”
Even Rowan had to admit that her mother had a point. She felt her cheeks grow slightly warm at the truth in her words. Mrs Khanna still looked dubious, but more of the other customers were now looking at the still-screaming Ashok and Ela, and that was probably why she agreed to Rowan’s idea. With Rowan’s shopping bags loaded on the back of Ela’s pram, and the rest of the shopping money safely hidden in Rowan’s pocket, Mrs Khanna left with her two youngest children.
And, just like that, Rowan was alone.
Rowan had always enjoyed her own company. She had spent most of her childhood as an only child, living in the countryside with only her parents and her cat. She had never had any real friends of her own, only the characters from her books. And she hadn’t minded that one bit.
Still, it was different to be alone and friendless in one’s own room than it was to be alone and friendless in the real world. It was for that reason that Rowan went to Flourish and Blotts before anywhere else. Nothing that bad could result from spending time surrounded by books.
Flourish and Blotts was the biggest bookshop that Rowan had ever seen, far bigger than the largest bookshop in Bales-On-Wye. There were several levels, with balconies overlooking the main shop floor and bookshelves that extended all the way up into the rafters. It would have been heavenly, were it not for the crowds. Unfortunately, the sheer number of people filling the space with their bodies and their noise made it more stressful than any bookshop should have been.
But, of course, Rowan was alone. That meant that she could do whatever she wanted. So, she slipped into a corner of the bookshop that was empty, tucked away behind a stack of acid green books bearing the title: Cursed By Name, Cursed By Nature. Hidden amongst the shelves, she sat down on the floor, reached into her pocket and took out her own book, the one she had been reading for the past few days, and was already over halfway through.
She didn’t know how long she had been reading for, but by the time she was nearly at the end of her chapter, she became aware that she was no longer alone. Someone else had joined her in her not-so-secret hiding place. Rowan recognised the newcomer almost immediately; it was the fidgety, feral-looking girl who had been standing in the queue at the cauldron shop. However, the girl no longer looked so indomitably independent as she had when Rowan had spotted her earlier.
The girl was flicking through one of the lurid green books, her lips silently mouthing words as she read, and her eyebrows furrowing deeper with each page. After a few minutes, she slammed the book closed with such force that dust billowed into the air above it, and screwed her eyes closed as if she were in pain.
Rowan eyed her cautiously. She had always been shy - or she had presumed herself to be shy, as she had never had much opportunity to tell if she was shy or not - but the girl was clearly distressed. And, she was alone. If Rowan didn’t offer her some help, who would?
“Are you okay?” Rowan asked. Her voice came out quieter than she had thought it would, but the girl must have heard her, because she opened her eyes. She looked surprised at the sight of Rowan looking at her, as if she wouldn’t have thought anyone would notice her being there.
“I’m…” The girl paused. “I think I am. Yeah.”
She may have thought that she was okay, but she did not look okay. She was still frowning, and her hands trembled slightly. Rowan tilted her head to one side.
“It’s so busy and noisy, isn’t it? I had to come and get some quiet, too. Are you here by yourself?”
Rowan knew that the girl was there by herself, but she hadn’t answered any of her other questions, and she didn’t know what else to ask. At least this got a response. The girl nodded, so quickly it was almost like she was twitching.
“Yeah, my mum hates crowds. I thought I’d be fine buying everything by myself, but…”
The girl’s voice tailed off, and she looked down at her feet, the toes of which could be seen wriggling against the ends of her trainers. Even with her eyes cast downwards, Rowan could see the colours in them. They were hazel, with mingled shades of olive and brown, like the bark and moss of the trees at home, and a distinct ring of green around the pupil, like a cat. Rowan had always felt at ease in her family’s orchards, and she had always adored cats. She couldn’t help but like this girl, as unforthcoming as she was. She couldn’t help but feel that this girl might just be the friend she had never had, the friend that she hadn’t even known that she wanted until this very moment.
“I’ve just finished this chapter,” Rowan told the girl. “I could help you pick out your books, if you like. And I’ve still got my robes to buy, if you wanted to do that together, too? I’m guessing your a first year like me.”
It was nerve-wracking, trying to get someone to be your friend. Rowan wasn’t sure she was doing it right. But then, the girl smiled. She had a nice smile, friendly and somehow full of mischief.
“I am. And I would,” she said. “Thanks.”
Rowan smiled back at her, before realising that she hadn’t even told the girl her name yet.
“I’m Rowan, by the way. Rowan Khanna.”
“I’m Artemis. Artemis Hexley.”
Should Rowan shake her hand? Probably not. She rose to her feet, and Artemis rose to meet her. They stood facing one another, each matching the other’s postures as if they were in a mirror, as if they were friends already.
And, just like that, Rowan was no longer alone.
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
RSA- Penny’s kid is named Bianca (yes that’s from the pjo books). Winter kid is a dhampyr named Mara. Her birthday is in early December and she can turn into a fruit bat bc of that she’s also a frugivore meaning she primarily eats fruit (I had to look up the word for it. They’re both roommates in Cherry’s dorm. The other three roommates are different types of monsters. Mara started dating Mina around their mid to late teens. Cherry was the first person to find out thanks to Mina.
BIANCA AND MARA i love THEM !!! OOOOO MINA AND MARA . . . . . 👀👀 thats gay . . .
RSA- Cherry’s friends helping her with baking 🥺. Mina helps every time except if the recipe contains peanuts (allergy) in which case Finn steps in. That did not stop her from stealing a peanut butter cookie one type and promptly giving both Cherry and Finn a heart attack. She wanted to know how they tasted. Does Cherry have any allergies herself? Speaking of baking, home economics class and the school offering magical and non-magical versions. Different teachers pitch in for that one.
OOOO THATS SO CUTE🥺🥺 HDHDHDHD mina no dont eat the peanut butter cookie !!! 😭😭 and hmm idk abt cherrys allergies i actually will have to think ab that later anon LMAOO. OOOO they definitrly teach that yes god bless
RSA- Mina was not a very social child when she was little so it makes perfect sense that her parents would encourage her to spend time with Cherry. Cherry was probs her first human friend, before that it was mainly her family’s pets and a stuffed otter (Yes that’s the same one that she said was sick once. That was after she befriended Cherry). Also Cherry and Rowan Jr. !!! 🥺. Does she have any pets of her own? She seems like a dog person tbh.
YEAHH🥺🥺 cherry is luckily a pretty social person she could jus walk up to mina like hi !!!! friends ? 🥺 also mina is SO VALID SJNS😭😭 and idk if she’ll have another pet of her own qhshsjshd basically adel and rowans pets are already her own !! fuzzclaw the cat, rowan jr the crup, and yopi the puffskein !
RSA- the kids looking for formal wear together and their different styles. Mina goes for the same thing everytime. A pink/magenta dress with no sleeves and matching shoes. Her friends keep an extra jacket on hand in case she gets cold. Finn picks out the tackiest suits available, the kind that would give Andre a heart attack. Bianca and Mara usually wear pantsuits and dresses respectively. I have no idea what Cherry’s sense of style is but she seems like a tux person.
KAJDKAJKA YESSS SHOPPING. OOO MINA LOOKING LIKE A QUEEN !!! 😩✨ hdjdZjdjksjd i support finn and his silly suit !!! bianca and mara are so valid YES ! and ur right cherry is a tux person !! she likes pantsuits and jumpsuits as well tho😌
RSA- Cherry and Finn bonding over the sports they play. Finn is an only child and Bianca is too until she’s eleven as that’s when Penny adopted a baby. The different friends helping out with the kids. Merula isn’t very good with children so she usually only watches them when everyone else is busy. Ben helps her out. Now I just realized that Merula not knowing how to take care of kids is likely because of her parents’ neglect, besides her general disinterest (she teaches older kids.)
OOOOO YES !! what kind of sports does finn play tho . . would he play quidditch ? not sports but cherry liked skateboarding when she was younger HDJSKDJ merula and ben babysitting the children is so great. and yea id say ur right on merula tho
RSA- Winter on the island. JT and Diego teaching kids how to figure skate. Badeea painting the walls of her classroom to look like snowfall. Cherry and her friends baking winter foods. Mina brings peppermint desserts to her mom. Both her and JT get cold easily so besides figure skating, they stay indoors. Finn loves the snow. When he’s younger, he sneaks out on full moons to play in the snow before Chiara finds him and brings him back inside. The visual of her carrying him like cats with kittens
YEEEEESSSS THESE ARE ALL SO CUTE. HDHDHDHDHD OMG finn u can play in the snow After the full moon😩 hdhdhhd chiara caring for finn tho ,, i live for it
RSA- the rest of the roommates. Frankie a half-human half-mermaid demigirl (she/they). Her last name is Fishman bc I have no sense of subtlety. Dian(He/She) a ghost who drowned when he was fourteen. He died before the school was built so he’s the only student that doesn’t wear a uniform. Thea (she/her) a swan maiden (for clarification, they’re like selkies except they’re swans instead of seals). She’s a trans girl and the oldest of the roommates (besides Dian) though she’s only a year older.
KSHDKAJDJ UR SO VALID ooo ive always wondered what half human half mermaids are like. would that mean theyre like ,, 3/4 human ?? ooohh poor baby dian no who drowned her i😭😭 OHHH thea i love her !!!! hdhdhhd thinking of adel and thea bonding over their experiences w being a trans girl djjdd🥺
RSA-okay I just pictured Tall Rowan and had a lesbian moment. Wait how tall is Adel bc height differences 💘. Apparently tall people are really common at Khanna Academy, rip to the short kids.
KSJDKAHKFHDKJS UR SO VALID😭😭 adel is stuck between 5’2” ( school years ) and 5’4” ( adult ) LMAOOOO. and rowan in my hc is 5’10” - 6’00” !! and YA UR RIGHT FHFHFH rip short kids
RSA- cultural backgrounds: JT and Ismelda are both partially German. They both speak the language and maybe teach it as well. Finn is welsh. Chiara is apparently an Italian name so her parents could be Italian immigrants. Unless the game specifically refers to them as being from England, they are not english.
ohhhh part german ismelda and jt !! 🥺 i think hogwarts only accepts students from scotland and england but yea ofc they can live in england / scotland and still have other cultural backgrounds !! i love italian chiara tho !!!
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gayandvibin · 4 years
May I request Rowan, perhaps with Fuzzclaw (their cat) if you feel so inclined?
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missnight0wl · 5 years
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Pretty much from the moment pets were introduced to the game, I headcanon that my toad is actually Tulip’s Dennis, and the cat is... Rowan’s Fuzzclaw. Obviously, in-game Rowan can’t acknowledge that it’s supposed to be her cat.
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hphmmatthewluther · 2 years
Back to School Challenge: Day 1
Here we are with day of @cursebreakerfarrier​ ‘s Back to School challenge! Today, we see everyone’s favourite poor little meow meow Matthew Luther try to contend with making new friends on the trip to hogwarts! This story also features @stupendousbookworm​ ‘s Ara Black!
𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑: 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑱𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑵𝑬𝒀 — is this your OCs first time at Hogwarts? Or their last? Or maybe it’s just the beginning of another eventful year. Create something that tells the story of your OC’s magical trip to Hogwarts!
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Matthew Luther had thought the scariest thing about his trip to Hogwarts was going to be that trick wall he’d been told about, that he’d had to run through in order to get through. Then he saw the amount of people, the amount of kids and teenagers who were also getting on the train, and promptly decided that this was scarier. It wasn’t that they looked scary, it was just the looming fact that he would get to know all of these people, or, rather, all these people would get to know him. They probably knew about his brother. He’d had enough of that in Diagon Alley. He pushed the hair out of his face and slowly moved towards the train, his suitcases rolling along the platform behind him. He saw that many of the others had pets, some with cats, a lot of them with owls. This made Matthew feel slightly worse, seeing as there was no way they would have been able to afford a pet. His stomachache grew slightly worse. It had been there since he’d got up that morning.
He got onto the train, more stomach pangs happening as he did, apologising as he almost bumped into several people as he moved down the train, including a girl with snow-white hair and a kid with face paint on. At some point, he did bump into a person, a girl with far more luggage than he did. “Gah!” she yelled, moving to the side in shock. “S-Sorry…” he began, but the girl shook her head. “Nah, uh, I had more stuff, ‘smy fault. Just…watch where you’re walking, yeah?” she said, a Scottish accent breaking through as she moved past him, muttering to herself. Matthew walked on, relieved she hadn’t been too mad at him . He’d never met anyone with a stripe of orange hair before.
Eventually, something happened that reduced the gnawing feeling in his torso. In a compartment that was half full was Rowan Khanna, who Matthew had met a few weeks ago back in Diagon Alley, who had helped him with getting everything he needed. Matt waved through the window, and Rowan beckoned him in. He slid open the compartment door and moved past the other kid in the compartment, apologising as he did so.
“It’s good to see you, Matt!” Rowan said, smiling as brightly as they had when he’d first met them. “How was getting up here?” “I-It was ok, um…” Matt replied, shrugging, “I didn’t have to go that far.” This was true, he’d been to London many times (and he’d been able to do it on his own since he was 6). “H-How are you doing?”
“Great!” Rowan exclaimed, gesturing for him to sit down as the train pulled out of the station, “I said goodbye to Fuzzclaw, our pet cat, and we used Floo Powder to head into the Leaky Cauldron, and from there we got to the station! The Muggle world is crackers, though! I knew there’d be cars, but I wasn’t expecting so many!”
As they passed by green fields, the other kid shuffled in his seat. Rowan turned to him, then back to Matthew. “Oh, right, Matthew Luther, this is Victor Ketsueki. He’s starting at Hogwarts too!”
Victor smiled at Matthew softly. He had his black hair up in a bun, and was wearing a purple turtleneck jumper. Matthew smiled in return.
“Nice to meet you.” he said, nodding. “You too.” Victor smiled, before pausing. “Wait, Luther…you mean-” “Yeah, yeah…I’m his brother.” Matt suddenly found the floor very interesting and proceeded to stare down at it. “Ah, right…sorry about your brother, mate. I hope he’s ok.” That was a surprise. Matthew looked back up, unsure what to say before finally managing a “...thank you.”
Eventually, an old lady appeared outside their compartment, sliding open the door. “Anything off the trolley, dears?” Ah. Here was that “lack of money” problem again. Matthew only had a couple of Galleons in his pocket, but Rowan and Victor were paying for things, and the chocolates there looked incredibly delicious. Matthew got up and decided to get something small. Didn’t want to go too far. On the other side, just by the opposite compartment, was a girl around Matt’s height with long black hair, who was negotiating with the trolley lady. “Oh, please! Just one freebie! I’m your best customer, like you said!” she pleaded. Matthew saw that she had bought a grand amount of chocolate, enough to last a normal person a week or two (though Matthew suspected he would get through it in a couple of days.)
The girl then noticed him. “Oh! Were you buying something?”
“S-Sorry, yeah, I just wanted a chocolate frog, um…”
“Why are you apologising?” she asked, looking at him quizzically. “Uh…um…” “Look, don’t worry, I’ll just…” the girl moved all her stuff over to his side of the carriage, dropping it in the compartment in the empty seat next to Matt’s. “I’ll go here, and you can get what you want! I’ll even share some with you!” “Th-that’s…” Matthew couldn’t force her to share her chocolate, but felt like he was holding up the trolley lady, so bought a chocolate frog and sat back down in the carriage.
“That’s all you’re getting?” Victor asked, innocently.
“I-I didn’t want to waste too much money…” Matthew sighed.
The girl looked at him, and proceeded to push several chocolate-looking items towards him. “It’s not a waste of money if you enjoy it, that’s what I say! I’m Ara. Ara Black.”
Rowan and Victor looked at each other, but Matthew, having no idea about what the Black family were, simply smiled. “N-Nice to meet you. My name’s Matthew. Matthew Luther.” “So you’re-” “His brother, yeah.” Matt nodded, opening his chocolate frog. “Hmm. Ptolemy.” Rowan’s eyes widened. “No way! That’s a really rare one! You must have amazing luck!” Matthew shrugged. Judging from how his life had panned out so far, it certainly didn’t seem that way to him.
But then something else occurred to him. He looked around, at three other kids his age, his friends, all of them enjoying chocolates together. Matt had been expecting to spend the entire trip in silence, being ignored, and sure, that probably wasn’t going to last, not with his luck, but right now, at least, things seemed to be going ok. So far, so good, Matthew thought, as he, Ara and Victor listened to Rowan explain just how much of a brilliant wizard Ptolmey was. Matthew found it fascinating, his stomachache now gone. Mostly.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
[All of the elements of Carewyn’s plan to get into the mysterious locked room in the upstairs corridor came together in early May. She and Rowan deliberately missed dinner that night so they could meet Penny at the end of the corridor. The blond Hufflepuff was eager -- almost too eager, from where Carewyn stood, considering that what they were doing wasn’t really safe. But as the three girls stopped at the end of the corridor, Carewyn tried to calm her racing heart and put as confident and unflappable of a face as she could.]
You’re the only one that should be doing anything particularly dangerous or against the rules...and well, you’ve prepared yourself for this. You’re as ready as you’ll ever be, right? And well, even if things are scary in there, even if it is dangerous...
[The memory of Jacob’s shaky voice once again floated over her mind.
Carewyn. Carewyn.]
...I have to know -- I have to find out why I heard Jacob’s voice, sounding like that...
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[Penny looked beside herself with excitement as she took a brightly colored bottle out of the inside of her robes.]
Penny: “Yep! Here’s the Sleeping Draught, for Mrs. Norris...I reckon a sip of this should put her to sleep for a good five hours...if we can get her to drink it, that is.”
Rowan: “I already sorted that out.”
[Rowan extended a hand to take the bottle from Penny. Then, crouching down on the ground, she took out a half-full bottle of milk, poured some of Penny’s potion into it, stoppered the bottle of milk, and gave it a good shake to mix the two liquids well.]
Rowan: “My cat Fuzzclaw loves milk. My parents don’t want him to have it too much, since drinking a lot of it isn’t good for a cat’s digestive system -- so it’s always a big treat for him, whenever he can get it. I reckon with how much Filch loves Mrs. Norris, he probably doesn’t give her milk that much either.”
Carewyn: “(agreeing) So Mrs. Norris will probably go straight for it.”
[Penny beamed from ear to ear.]
Penny: “That’s brilliant, Rowan! Maybe you should give the potion to Mrs. Norris -- then I can stand watch at the end of the corridor, to ward off Filch if he comes back too soon! I’ve never been in trouble with him or the teachers before, so he wouldn’t have any reason to suspect I’m lying.”
[Carewyn frowned.]
Carewyn: “You don’t need to do that. If you stick around too long, and I get caught, then you might too. You and Rowan can go, once I get in that room -- I already said I’d take responsibility for this...”
[Rowan clearly didn’t approve of this.]
Rowan: “You shouldn’t take all the responsibility, Carewyn...”
Carewyn: “(with a wry smile) Hey, I can’t let you get blamed for it -- you still need to become the youngest Professor in Hogwarts history, remember? Can’t very well do that if you get expelled...”
[Rowan faltered, her black eyes rippling with conflict and hesitance, but before she could summon up a proper response, Carewyn had already turned on her heel so as to face the corridor.]
Carewyn: “Come on -- let’s get in position...”
[Once Carewyn was sure Filch was heading toward his office several floors down, she dashed off down the corridor, being careful to stay as quiet as she could. Then Rowan poured some of her Sleeping-Draught-laced milk onto the floor, darting out of sight just in time behind the same pillar Carewyn had hidden behind, just before Mrs. Norris appeared. As hoped, the cat immediately took an interest in the sweet-smelling milk on the floor and began to lap at it. Not long after doing so, however, she swayed slightly before falling with a light, sleepy flump to the floor.
Rowan and Carewyn both exhaled in relief.]
Rowan: “(whispers excitedly) It worked!”
[Carewyn beamed at her friend and gave her a light pat to the back of the shoulder.]
Carewyn: “I’d better get in there before Filch comes back -- see you back at the dorm!”
[She darted out from behind the pillar and right down the long corridor, ignorant of the way Rowan wordlessly reached out as if to grab her, only to falter when Carewyn was too fast for her.
Carewyn darted over to the door, whipping out her wand. She felt herself instantly being repelled, almost as if she was a magnet being pushed back by another of the same charge. She also felt this queasy, sick, scared feeling in her stomach -- something unnatural, compared to what she’d had before, one that made her want to run and hide.]
These must be the wards McGonagall put up...
Carewyn: “(hisses) “Finite Incantem! Finite Incantem!”
[Two little bursts of yellow light burst open against the invisible barriers and then dissolved away into the air. 
Once the warding sensations wore off, Carewyn was able to get closer to the door and she pointed her wand right at the lock.]
Carewyn: “Alohomora!”
[The door’s knob rattled and gave a loud click.]
[Before Carewyn could grab the knob and open the door, though, a familiar, unpleasant voice cut through the air.]
???: “Flipendo!”
[Carewyn was knocked right off her feet and slammed to the floor a foot away from the door.
She looked up at who had attacked her, to come face to face with Merula Snyde.]
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Merula: “Thanks for doing all the legwork for me, though! And just to make sure you can’t use that same legwork to catch up with me right away -- Locomotor Mortis!”
[Carewyn felt her legs snap together of their own accord, unable to come apart. She struggled to try to get up, but with her legs stuck together, it was a challenge.]
Merula: “(laughs) Smell you later, Cromwell!”
[She darted right past Carewyn, opening the door and slamming it shut behind her.]
Carewyn: “(fuming) Merula, you rotten -- !”
[She pointed her wand down at her own legs.]
Carewyn: “Finite Incantem!”
[Her legs snapped apart and Carewyn hobbled back to her feet, trying to ignore the pain in her back and shoulders and the callouses on her hands from where she’d collided with the floor. Her first instinct was immediately to run to open the door, but when she did, Carewyn found it locked. Merula had clearly locked it behind her. 
That short hesitation that came with Carewyn having to raise her wand and prepare to open the door again, though, was enough time to let Merula’s words sink in.
“Only an idiot would invite a Hufflepuff to keep watch.” 
Penny. Merula had found Penny first. What if she’d also found Rowan? What if she’d used the Leg Locker Curse on them too? They hadn’t practiced Finite Incantem with Ben like she had -- if Filch came back, there’d be no way for them to get away -- 
Carewyn. Carewyn.
Carewyn’s heart ached at the thought of Jacob’s voice.]
...I’m sorry, Jacob...but...what sort of terrible person would I be, if I left them to get in trouble, because of me? 
[Just because Merula didn’t care about who might get hurt didn’t mean she didn’t...
And so, her eyes narrowing to try to contain her frustration and pain, Carewyn whirled on her heel and ran back up the hall, her wand high.]
Carewyn: “(hisses) Rowan! Penny!”
Rowan: “Carewyn! Over here!”
[She found Penny and Rowan together, at the end of the hall. Penny, it turned out, had hobbled her way over to Rowan to try to warn her and Carewyn, even if her legs were locked together, so the two girls had just barely gotten to their feet.
Carewyn dashed over to help.]
Carewyn: “Hold on -- Finite Incantem! Finite Incantem!”
[Both Penny and Rowan’s legs came apart, and the two relaxed visibly.]
Rowan: “Ugh...”
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Carewyn: “Are you both okay?”
Penny: “Ow...yeah, I’ll be fine. Here -- I brought some Wiggenweld Potion: take a sip.”
[She offered it to Rowan, who took a swig before handing it to Carewyn so she could too. Once they both had had their share, Penny finished it off.]
Penny: “What should we do, Carewyn?”
[Carewyn’s eyes narrowed, flashing with righteous fire.]
Carewyn: “That room might be my only chance to find out what happened to Jacob -- I am not going to let Merula get in my way.”
Rowan: “(determinedly) Then we’re coming with you.”
[Before Carewyn could argue, Rowan cut her off.]
Rowan: “Merula overpowered us one at a time, but she won’t be able to fend off all three of us. And if that room is a Cursed Vault, Merula might end up finding the Vaults’ treasure -- what if it’s an all-powerful magical object like some of the stories say? Can you imagine an all-powerful Merula?”
Penny: “(nodding) We’re with you, Carewyn. Merula better be as good at Potions as she is at hexes, because there won’t be enough healing potions in all of Hogwarts to heal what I could do to her!”
[Carewyn hadn’t wanted any of them involved at the start -- but in this moment, when things were so urgent and her heart was so on fire, she didn’t turn them away. There was no time for it.]
Carewyn: “Let’s go, then -- stay close to me -- ”
[The three girls were off like a shot down the hall, right back to the room. Carewyn didn’t even break her stride as she pointed her wand at the door.]
Carewyn: “Alohomora!”
[The door gave another click -- Carewyn seized the door handle and yanked it open so she, Rowan, and Penny could run inside. 
When they got there, though, none of them were quite ready for what they saw.]
Penny: “Merula? What the -- ?”
Rowan: “(grinning) Oh, this is just too good...”
Merula: “(trying to sound fierce, but really not succeeding) Don’t you sn-snigger at me, Khanna!”
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Merula: “D-do something!”
[Carewyn’s eyes were very, very wide as she stared around at the room.
The ice is here. The Vault will open.]
Just like Jacob said...
[All humor left Rowan’s face when she noticed how pale her best friend had become. Within a moment, she realized why, and her black eyes widened.]
Rowan: “(whispers) ...Your vision...”
[Carewyn shot a quick, anxious look at Rowan out the side of her eye.]
Merula: “D-don’t just stand there -- it’s spreading over the door! Get m-me out of this ice b-before I jinx you -- !”
Penny: “(alarmed) Carewyn!”
[Carewyn whirled around. Sure enough, the ice had encapsulated the door they’d just entered through.]
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[Penny ran forward, grabbing the doorknob and pulling with all her might.]
Penny: “It’s -- it’s frozen shut!”
Rowan: “Carewyn!”
[Carewyn gave a horrified start. The ice on the floor had grabbed onto Rowan and had encased her foot.]
Penny: “Ahh!”
[Penny had gotten her hand encased in the ice from the door. She tried to pull free, to no avail.]
Rowan: “Don’t touch the ice! It grabs you, if you touch it!”
[Carewyn sidestepped the ice spreading across the floor, raising her wand.]
Carewyn: “Hold on -- I’m going to break it open! Flipendo!”
[The ice on Rowan’s feet broke apart with a small smash. Rowan nearly fell off her feet, but Carewyn quickly rushed to grab her arms, so that she didn’t land on more of the ice.]
Carewyn: “Are you okay, Rowan?”
Rowan: “Ouch -- yeah, I’m fine -- hurry, help Penny -- ”
[Carewyn rushed over to Penny’s side, pointing her wand at her ice-encrusted wrist.]
Carewyn: “Sit still -- Flipendo!”
[Smash. Penny was free. She wobbled slightly, but she was just barely able to catch herself.]
Penny: “(attempting a weak smile) Thanks, Carewyn -- for a minute there, I was scared I’d end up a human popsicle -- ”
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As if you’d do the same for us, if our positions were switched...
[Carewyn scowled at Merula, but she nonetheless raised her wand with an irritable sigh.]
...Even so...we can’t just leave her here to freeze to death. No truly great witch, or decent person, would do that...
Carewyn: “Flipendo!”
[The ice encasing Merula was smashed open with a bit more violence than the other two, simply because Carewyn didn’t feel like being quite so concentrated and careful. Merula landed with a thud on the floor, wincing noticeably.]
Merula: “Owwww...”
[Rowan regarded Merula with a very sardonic eye.]
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Rowan: “Be glad Carewyn used it on the ice more than on you.”
[Carewyn strode over and grabbed onto Merula’s arm so as to yank her back up onto her feet.]
Carewyn: “(coldly) Now that you’re free, you can help us break open the ice on the door -- there’s a lot more than what was on you, so you’ll have to help too, if you want out of here.”
[Merula shot Carewyn a dirty look, but the redhead ignored her as she faced the door again.]
Carewyn: “All together -- FLIPENDO!”
[All four girls used the Knockback Jinx on the door. They did it several times, but it was taking way too long to smash through the ice -- even after nearly five attempts each, they’d only managed to unearth the door handle, and when Rowan tugged on it, it was stuck fast. She even propped a foot up on the wall beside the door and tried to push off from it to give herself more leverage, but it didn’t budge.]
Rowan: “Urgh -- it’s -- no use! The ice is too strong!”
[Rowan let go of the door. Penny looked very white as she looked from Rowan to Carewyn.]
Penny: “Too strong for you, maybe...but...”
[She hesitantly took out another bottle from the inside of her robes, this one full of a light blue colored potion. 
Carewyn’s eyes widened.]
Carewyn: “The Strengthening Solution!”
Merula: “(sideswiped) What -- you can brew one of those?”
Rowan: “(impressed) That’s supposed to be an OWL level potion!”
[Penny gave a weak laugh.]
Penny: “Well, uh...I’ve never exactly made one before...so I certainly hope so!”
[She held up the potion bottle in something of a “toast.”]
Penny: “Wish me luck!”
[Before Carewyn could urge any caution, Penny had gulped down the potion. Then, shaking her head slightly like a dog trying to get water out of their ears, she approached the door and, grabbing onto the door handle with both hands, pulled with all of her might.
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[Ice fragments were flung haphazardly through the air as the door was ripped open. The violent action nearly yanked the door off its hinges -- but nonetheless, the bright, natural torchlight of the exterior corridor beckoned them outward.]
Rowan: “You did it! Come on, let’s get out of here!”
[Just as they were about to run out, though, something caught Carewyn’s attention. Under the ice that had just been flung off the door frame, just to the top left corner of the door...]
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Penny: “(squinting) What are those? They’re not letters...”
Rowan: “(realizing) It’s some sort of code! Someone left a coded message in the ice...”
[Carewyn’s heart leapt. Could it have been Jacob? Jacob had always loved puzzles and codes -- she remembered her mother had once gifted Jacob a book about the Muggle codebreaker Alan Turing for Christmas one year...]
Oh, if only I had something to write it down with --
Rowan: “(decisively) Okay, I have it memorized -- let’s go, before the ice grabs us again -- ”
[Thanking the stars for Rowan’s photographic memory, Carewyn didn’t hesitate. She dashed after the others as they ran out of the room and back into the warm torchlight of the outside corridor. They ran a good way before stopping, just to get far enough away from the cold to feel halfway human again.]
Merula: “Hmph -- what a waste of time. I should have known better than to follow you idiots...”
Carewyn: “(coldly) Believe me, we would’ve much preferred it if you hadn’t either.”
[Merula shot an unpleasant smirk over her shoulder at the other three.]
Merula: “Heh -- well, keep playing around all you like with your little buddies, Cromwell. I’ll find the real Cursed Vaults, and I’ll do it by myself.”
[Carewyn’s eyes flashed angrily at Merula’s retreating back.]
Like Hell I’d let you keep me from finding out what happened to Jacob...
Carewyn: “(calling after her) Don’t get in my way again, Merula, or I promise you, you will regret it!”
[Rowan brought a hand onto Carewyn’s shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze, glaring just as fiercely after Merula. Penny had her arms crossed, her mouth twisted into a miffed frown.]
Penny: “Merula really is a nasty sort, isn’t she? Didn’t even show proper gratitude, for you having helped her...”
Carewyn: “(dully) I didn’t expect her to. But never mind that...you two should get out of here, before anyone catches you...I’ll go lock up the door again...”
Penny: “(smiles weakly) Okay, Carewyn. I’ll wait for these Strengthening effects to wear off back in my dormroom. I’ll just have to try not to handle anything too fragile. (gives a laugh) Be careful getting back to your dorm too, okay?”
[Carewyn nodded as Penny darted off.]
Rowan: “You go ahead and relock the door, Carewyn -- I’ll wait at the end to the corridor and try to ward off Filch if he comes back too soon.”
[Carewyn nodded.]
Carewyn: “I’ll be right there.”
[Unfortunately she was not right there. 
Penny ripping the door open had broken the door’s hinges, so a simple Colloportus was not enough to fix the damage. The door was relocked, but it was haphazardly done, with the ice-trimmed door looking visible malformed and off-center inside the doorframe. Carewyn wished beyond reason that she knew how to use Reparo, but that was a spell neither she nor any of her friends had learned yet. And so, her shoulders low with shame, she had to leave the door as is, as she dashed back to find Rowan so the two could head back to their dorm.]
Carewyn: “(lowly) I did everything I could...but the teachers will know someone broke in. With how the ice was spreading around the door too...”
Rowan: “...it might not stay just in that room either.” 
[Carewyn nodded gloomily.]
I never should’ve gone in there. The wards McGonagall put up had to have been keeping the ice trapped inside -- what if me messing with it makes the cursed ice spread?
[Rowan could see how dark her friend’s eyes had become as they drifted away. She thought for a moment, before asking,]
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[Carewyn looked up, startled.]
Carewyn: “...No, I reckon not.”
Rowan: “Well, then...if that room’s not a Vault, but it’s full of cursed ice...I reckon the ice must’ve still come from a Cursed Vault. You heard your brother say as much, right? ‘The ice is here. The Vault will open.’ That can only mean that that cursed ice is from one of the Vaults, but it got out somehow -- like it’s spreading. And if this all happened before, when your brother was at school...well, then, that means the cursed ice came out of that Vault back then too. It probably would’ve come out whether we went into that room or not, sooner or later...”
[Carewyn considered Rowan for a moment, before glancing away toward the floor.]
Carewyn: “...I guess...”
[Rowan looked at Carewyn seriously.]
Rowan: “I don’t get this whole thing at all, Carewyn...but I think it’s clear by now that whatever you saw in the Artifact Room...it had to be some kind of prophecy. If the ice is spreading...well, I don’t reckon Flipendo and a bottle of Strengthening Solution will be enough to stop it for long.”
[Carewyn nodded grimly.]
Carewyn: “You said you memorized those symbols on the wall, right? Deciphering that message might give us a clue.”
Rowan: “(nodding too) Mm-hmm...I’m sure I saw that kind of runes in a book I borrowed from the library about Arithmancy, before winter break. I’ll go back to the library first thing in the morning and see if I can find it...”
Carewyn: “Okay. For now, though, let’s get back to the Slytherin Common Room, before we get caught.”
Hopefully there’ll be a nice warm, raging fire there waiting for us...
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blubxtch · 4 years
Some More HPHM Headcanons
Here’s a wee handful of headcanons I’ve thought up over the months:
Barnaby: -Likes classical and/or wizard music -Takes part in the Duelling Club (he really loves duelling, so it makes sense) and has become friends/rivals with Diego because of it -I can definitely picture him helping out the younger students with things he's good at, and becoming a Prefect for it (although there probably could be a more competitive Slytherin boy who takes the spot instead). Just picture Barnaby explaining how to care for a Niffler with the creature in his lap to these starry-eyed first years, and you'll get my point. ;) -He took up knitting during his Renaissance Wizard phase. Or before. Or after. Point is: he's taken up knitting and aspires to knit sweaters for his friends.
Badeea: -Fascinated by insects, and has painted at least one insect -Her favourite sweets are meringues, and she loves anything with them -She likes to gift small, personal paintings to her friends for their birthdays and/or Christmas. -She's good friends with Tulip and they enjoy working on lil projects together. -Whenever she travels, she loves to bring back little trinkets from the places she went to, like a particularly cool stone from a beach. -You CANNOT tell me she didn't discover Bob Ross (maybe thanks to a Muggle friend?) and watch the Joy of Painting AT LEAST at some point. And you KNOW she followed along. -Her cat is named Athena
Chiara: -Arachnophobic -I like to think she does and enjoys Arithmancy -DEFINITELY takes Muggle Studies and you can't convince me otherwise -I don't know if she was talking about roller skates/blades, or heelys in her TLSQ, but she DEFINITELY bought them, and almost never takes them off during summer break. -She tries to create her own potions and spells (she wants to discover something better than the Wolfsbane Potion, remember?), perhaps with the help of Snape and Flitwick, or even Penny and Badeea if she trusts them enough.
Penny: -Has a denim jacket with patches (whether it's from/inspired by Skye,or unrelated is up to you, though I believe she had it beforehand, and it just started reminding her of Skye once she met her)
Talbott: -He's sneaked off-grounds a couple times in his animagus form for some true alone time -He seems like the writer type, and I can picture him writing short stories -I love the headcanon that his Patronus is a swan (like his mother's Animagus form) so I must include this here
Ben: -Lowkey likes dirty humour, but hates dark humour -Loves apples (don't ask me why) -He likes to sit in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room to study, as the warmth makes him feel safe, and he tries to ignore this habit after year six, but ultimately can't.
Tulip: -Likes arts and crafts and makes her own puzzles (i.e jigsaw puzzles) -Despite the fact she's a bad singer, she really likes musicals, and hey, maybe that's why she sings in the shower so much :)
Rowan: -Tea person, and loves green tea in particular -They practice lectures in the mirror, dorms or infront of any pet that will listen. They also have plenty of clothes that they're saving for when they're a professor. Yes, I do know what happens. Yes, I am ignoring it. -They know how to crochet, and they've crocheted a mini sweater for their cat, Fuzzclaw.  -They love Muggle music,especially the Beatles, and they collect records
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Apparently we’re getting a “mini quest” (whatever that means) in Quidditch where we try & get the snitch back from Murphy’s kneazel so they can use it for the Quidditch cup final. I don’t get it though cause apparently we aren’t getting a ch 9 TLSQ this time but we’re getting a “mini quest”???
Okay I have like...so many feelings about this. Anon, you need to know, you truly do, that I squeaked when I read this message. I quite literally squeaked and I am not proud of it entirely, but even so, it has to be said: This is the cutest freaking idea ever. I haven't even read any data-mined dialogue, I haven't seen any footage, and this is already my favorite quest ever, accept no substitutes. What can I say, I love cats, I've been wanting to meet Kneil (Good job JC! Now if we could just meet Fuzzclaw...) and having lived with cats my whole life just...agh, this is the cutest thing ever, I can't even, I don't know where to begin. That said I am wondering what this means for Snitches and how their flesh memories work...isn't that snitch like, useless now? It's already been touched without covering. Then again, maybe kitty paws "don't count" but how are we going to retrieve it? Will we be wearing gloves? Here's another question - is the snitch, like, active? It's got to be dormant, right? If so, it wouldn't make for the most ideal cat toy, but if not, I don't see Kneil being able to hold onto it long term, y'know? In any case, I'm not sure how a "mini quest" would work in comparison to a TLSQ because the normal side-quests aren't timed. Maybe Quidditch just won't progress until it's finished? Hell if I know.
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imagitory · 5 years
3 through 5?
3) Opinion on Rowan?
I like Rowan! Not discussing spoilers, I think they are the best possible character to be MC’s first friend, given their knowledge base, but they also have a relatable dream and can be a good voice of reason for MC on their journey. I just wish Rowan could’ve brought their cat Fuzzclaw to Hogwarts! I love kitties!!
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4) Favorite character so far and why?
Honestly? I gotta tip my hat to Barnaby Lee! It’s about time we had an indisputably kind Slytherin, and it’s been so cool to see a character who at first could’ve been compared to Crabbe and Goyle develop into such an adorable, loyal, tough, sweet friend. 
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5) Who did you take with you on your first adventure to discover what’s behind the door?
Penny. At that point, Carewyn thought the situation she was in was too dangerous for Ben and, since he was the first person at Hogwarts she went all “Mama Bear” on, decided to enlist Penny instead. Carewyn did enlist Ben’s help in second year, though.
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Hogwarts Mystery Ask!
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missjosie27 · 5 years
Year 2 Part 1- Coming Back
Hey, guys! Year 2 of David Grant’s adventures at Hogwarts have begun! Not really much to say except thank you for your patience and I hope you all enjoy! Any feedback is welcome:)
David Grant stared outside of the window almost precisely three months after his last trip on the Hogwarts express, witnessing . The summer passed slowly, too slow for his own liking, but the time had come to return to the gargantuan institution once more and he could not have been more excited.
To be sure, he had not spoken of his adventures to his parents. Evidently, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall felt it wasn’t important to inform them of the majority of his misdeed and run ins, something for which he was extremely grateful. His mother was overbearing and cautious as it was, and dad didn’t do much to counteract it. Other than family meals, or an occasional excursion into London to visit relatives, there wasn’t much to report from the Grant household. It also went without saying that he had also not mentioned being on Jacob’s trail. Though they only had one clue at the moment, it was enough and more than ever, David believed he was alive. Before his first year, he wouldn’t have even entertained the possibility. Now, he was determined to find the break through that would lead him to his long lost sibling and the vaults were the key.
His thought process brought him back to earth with Rowan prattling endlessly about his summer within their compartment.
“…she’s such a cute cat. Fuzzclaw is the real brains of the family I always say. Also my parents started growing another kind of wood made for a batch of wands. Ollivander just ordered a whole bunch.”
When David didn’t respond immediately, his friend waved a hand to grab his attention.
“Hello? Earth to David? Are you going to say something? I feel like I’ve been talking for over ten minutes.”
“That’s because you have.”
Rowan appraised him.
“You’re distracted and that usually means you’re thinking about your brother, the vaults, or both.”
“Good guess,” David replied. “Sorry, Rowan, I don’t mean to be rude. But my summer was…forgetful let’s just put it that way. Going back to Hogwarts, I have a lot on my mind.”
“Forgetful? Did anything bad happen?”
“More like it was just incredibly boring,” he shrugged. “Mum had us visit our relatives and my little cousins but I rarely had the opportunity to do, well, anything. The sooner we get back to Hogwarts, the happier I’ll be.”
“Too right. I’ve been running through our coursework this year. It should be slightly busier and more challenging than last year,” Rowan said excitedly. “I hope we get to learn more about giants.”
“If Binns doesn’t put me to sleep first, I’d share that sentiment.”
Laughing, Rowan chucked him a chocolate frog, which David began munching on before the spell could take effect.
“That reminds me, did you find anything more about those Aramaic ciphers?” he said through a mouthful of chocolate. “I couldn’t do much with my mum hovering about all the time.”
“As a matter of fact, I did,” his best friend answered. “I wish I had the book on me right now, but I can show it to you when we get to our dorms. But the basic gist is that the language was used by a sect of wizards back in the early Middle Ages, including Merlin. It’s enchantments and power were apparently greater than that of Latin, even though that’s what most wizards used around the time Hogwarts was founded.”
“That’s interesting,” David said genuinely. “Did it say anything about the vaults?”
Rowan shook his head.
“No, but there’s a lot of interesting history there and what the vaults could have or rather be hiding. Aramaic was also inscribed on ancient relics, including one that King Arthur personally searched for: The Holy Grail.”
David thought back a minute, the name sounding vaguely familiar.
“Hold on, isn’t that part of some muggle fairy tale?”
“It’s more than just a muggle fairy tale, Dave. Remember who advised King Arthur at the Court of Camelot? Merlin, arguably the greatest wizard who ever lived. I’ve read that story a million times and I love the adventures they go on. Especially their quest for the Grail.”
“You keep mentioning some sort of Grail.”
“King Arthur and his knights were Christian, which is the majority muggle religion in Britain,” Rowan explained. “The Grail was an important part of their faith.”
David had to admit, Rowan’s encyclopedic knowledge of these kinds of things came in handy and provided entertaining stories. But he failed to make the connection.
“That sounds brilliant and all, but what does a Christian relic have to do with the cursed vaults?”
“Everything,” Rowan said becoming more excited. “Because the Grail wasn’t some religious piece. It was real and created by Merlin himself! Supposedly it had all sorts of powers, and anyone who drank from it would be granted immortality. As I said, it was probably inscribed with ancient Aramaic like we found on the door. It could be one of the treasures hidden inside the vaults.”
This was all well and good, but believe it or not, the now second year Gryffindor held no interest in the concept of living forever. This ‘Holy Grail’ was actually quite fascinating, but it was not quite enough to go off of in terms of actually finding the vault or his brother.
“The treasure is irrelevant, Rowan,” he said firmly. “We need to discover the location of these stairs first and foremost before doing anything else. Jacob is the number one priority.”
“Of course,” the Indian preteen nodded. “Still, doesn’t mean it’s not fun to think about.”
“You read too much, Rowan.”
“And you don’t read enough,” his best friend chuckled.
David chucked the wrapper at him in jest. He peered around idly curious as to where some of their other friends were.
“Did you see Ben on the train, by the way? He should be sitting with us.”
“I caught a glimpse of him,” Rowan told him. “Last I saw he was talking with Bill Weasley about something.”
Well at least he’s in good hands
David was comforted knowing he was probably among those who would treat him well. While Ben had made great strides the previous year, he still didn’t like the idea of him running into any of the Slytherins on his own. Honing his full potential as a wizard would still take some time.
“Maybe we should say hello-”
At that moment, a crash and a muffled yelp could be heard outside the door. The two boys wasted no time in peeking out of the compartment to see what the ruckus was about, only for a blur of orange to stumble into them.
“Quick, shut the door!”
Only then did David realize that the blur was Charlie Weasley, who was grimacing and grabbing his shoulder.
“Charlie are you alright?”
“Never mind that, is the door shut?”
Rowan double checked that it was secure and gave a thumbs up.
“Good. Merlin, that freaked me out.”
“Slow down,” David said, pulling him up off the seat. “Just what the bloody hell happened?”
“I’m not sure, exactly,” Charlie said, still grabbing his shoulder. “I was just reading an article about Chinese Fireballs as I walked down the hallway. Must not have watched where I was going because I accidentally bumped into this Slytherin girl. Next thing I know, she’s firing hexes at me.”
“What did she hit you with?” Rowan pressed him urgently. “Maybe we should find a nurse.”
Charlie gave a wave of his wand.
“Nah, I’m fine. Worst she did was a stinging hex on my back. Though no doubt she was using deadlier stuff than that.”
“Any idea what she looked like?”
“Yeah, actually I do. Pale girl, recognized her from last year. Black hair covering half her face, a little freckly, with giant boots.”
David and Rowan looked at each other, gaging whether or not they were on the same page.
“Does that ring a bell, David?”
“Somewhat,” he said racking his memories. “She’s a Slytherin in our year. Real quiet, never says anything. I think her name is Ismelda.”
“That’s it,” Rowan confirmed. “I remember overhearing Professor McGonagall talk about her hexing a whole bunch of Gryffindors last year. Said she used spells that someone her age isn’t supposed to know.”
David raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, somehow I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Sounds like another Death Eater in training to me.”
Charlie shrugged as he grabbed a frog from the pile they had collected.
“Lots of Slytherins are gits, but I can’t imagine all of them are.”
“Trust me, the less of their presence I have to deal with, the better,” David frowned. “One in particular.”
“Merula,” Rowan answered for him. “I’m hoping a summer away from Hogwarts mellowed her out a bit.”
“That’s about as likely as a giant’s ass fitting through a straw.”
Charlie snorted as he laid back down on the seat.
“We’re not even halfway to Hogwarts and you both are carrying on about rubbish we don’t need to worry about just yet. Let’s relax and play some exploding snap or something.”
Charlie had a way of putting things into perspective and in the end David and Rowan acquiesced, putting aside the vaults, Merula and everything else. During the course of the game, they discovered their red headed friend’s desire to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which was not surprising given his natural talent for flying.
“So you have a broom and everything?”
“Yeah,” Charlie said plainly. “But it’s not very good. Mum and Dad really couldn’t really afford a decent one. It’s a cleansweep seven.”
Cleansweeps were serviceable, but it was common knowledge that they couldn’t go as fast as the comet and nimbus series.
“Maybe you’ll get another at some point?” Rowan encouraged. “My family could help make one for you at a discount with one of the better makers.”
“It’s okay, I appreciate that, Rowan,” Charlie said, going pink slightly at the generous offer. “But I’ll make do. It’s the talent after all, not the broom.”
“Well I hope you make it, mate. We can’t be any worse than we were last year. Haven’t had a real team since James Potter was seeker back in the seventies,” David said shaking his head. “The father of the boy who lived himself.”
“He was a legend. If I can be as half as good as him, I’d be more than happy.”
They discussed Quidditch for the better part of the next few hours before the light slowly gave way to dark and the Express was minutes away from pulling into the station.
A knock on their compartment and Bill appeared in the doorway, looking as cool as ever even in his uniform.
“Hey, you all might want to get changed into your robes, we’ll be arriving soon.”
“Time flies when you’re talking about Quidditch,” David yawned, stretching out his arms. “Didn’t even realize it was so dark. Thanks, Bill.”
“No problem. By the way, have any of you seen, Ben?”
That perked up eyebrows.
“We thought he was with you,” David said, a note of anxiety in his voice.
“Wasn’t he sharing a compartment with you earlier?” Charlie asked.
“He was. But then he left, and I haven’t seen him since. I figured he went and found you guys.”
“Well he isn’t here, Bill,” the younger Weasley replied. “Haven’t even caught wind of him.”
An uncomfortable silence followed at the revelation that their friend was missing. Rowan gave a sideways glance to David, who in turn looked at Charlie. It appeared that the mysteries to solve this year had grown by one more.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Bill reassured them. “I’ll keep an eye out for him. In the meantime, make sure you’re in your robes by the time the train pulls in.”
He exited the compartment leaving the three second years in a state of puzzlement. Rowan looked especially anxious.
“Rowan, relax. We’ll find Ben, okay?”
“It’s not that,” he replied, and now he sounded excited. “I mean I’m worried about him of course, but Bill Weasley actually talked to me!”
“He was talking to all of us,” David pointed out, trying not to laugh.
“I know! But still, no one that cool even acknowledges my existence usually!”
Charlie silently rolled his eyes, while David couldn’t help but give a nervous chuckle. Amidst the positive emotions about returning to Hogwarts, the fact that one of his friends was nowhere to be found was an ominous welcome back greeting.
Given that they were no longer first years, this time around they rode the carriages, which were pulled by some kind of invisible horse, into the front entrance of the school as opposed to crossing the lake with Hagrid (the big man still waved his usual massive hand, cheerfully at them). Privately, David was thankful for this step up in seniority, however minor it might be. His sorting the previous year had been quite the spectacle and he was more than content with being among the general crowd this year.
Still, his brother was out there somewhere and he would continue to pursue that avenue. He didn’t care about the vaults as much as he did Jacob. After a tumultuous first year in which he had risked expulsion (and worse), the last thing he wanted to was to incur the ire of Filch or Snape.
Or Merula for that matter…but in that case I have no choice, he mused.
The returning students made their way to the Great Hall, taking their seats at their respective tables. As the crowd continued to shuffle in, David took his seat next to Rowan and Charlie, Jae trailing in behind them.
“Any sign of him?” David asked.
Rowan scanned around, briefly.
“No, not yet. Honestly I’m starting to seriously worry now…”
“Who are you guys referring to?” Jae cut in.
“Ben. You haven’t seen him have you?”
“Yes, actually.”
Rowan eyes nearly popped up out of his glasses.
“What?! Where?!”
“Just now. Two rows down from you actually.”
The two boys quickly turned their heads to find the blond boy sitting in his seek looking perfectly normal, which in itself was a contradiction.
“Psst,” Rowan whispered trying to get his attention. “Ben!”
“Huh? What?”
He angled to see them better.
“Ben, where the hell were you today on the train?”
“I was with Bill,” he said simply.
“Yeah, but where were you before that?” Rowan pressed. “Or after you left his compartment.”
In David’s opinion, there was something off about their friend. Though he otherwise appeared fine, the non chantant way in which he was talking and the half glazed look in his eye was odd to say the least. But before he had a chance to dig further, they were interrupted by the sound of the Great Hall doors swinging open, Professor McGonagall and the new first years in tow.
Though only second years, David already felt like a veteran from a war compared to the fresh, young curious faces that now entered their presence.
“Did we really look that way when we were sorted?” Charlie whispered, evidently thinking of the same thing.
“Nah, no way.”
Soon enough, Professor McGonagall explained the rules to the young students, the hat sung its song, and the sorting was on its way. Unlike last year, however, it seemed to take forever. Time flew when your stomach was empty and the prospect of food salivating. The young Gryffindors tried to cheer their fellow inductees as best they could but by the time the sorting reached the letter ‘R’ most, including the older students were pretty burned out.
“Is it supposed to take this long?” David grumbled.
“Probably how everyone else felt when we were sorted,” Rowan said.
Though it felt like agony, at long last the last of the first years were sorted and up Dumbledore came to the podium, his midnight robes shimmering, his old, but penetrating blue eyes twinkling at them.
“Welcome to all, once more, to a new year at Hogwarts!” he announced. “To our first years, I give my warmest welcome and I’m sure that our returning students can forgive an old man so he may explain a few rules and boundaries,” he said with a wink.
A few quietly groaned, but that was all the protest one would hear. One did not complain openly to the Headmaster when making a speech, even someone as eccentric as Dumbledore.
“First, I would like to reiterate to all that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds to all students and there will be severe consequences straying its borders. Second, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to inform you that the list of banned items has been increased to one hundred and thirty six. Anyone wishing to know more may see the visit outside of his office door. For those of you know old enough to try out for your respective house Quidditch teams, Madam Hooch will be posting the dates within the next couple of weeks, so do be on the lookout.”
Dumbledore took a pause, his eyes becoming more searching than twinkling, as though he were gazing into the soul of each student in his presence.
“Lastly, I would like to add one thing, Hogwarts is a place of education and growth. Please, focus on your studies and spend time with your friends, but above all else, be careful as you journey about the castle. If you see anything odd that isn’t the Hogwarts sort of ‘oddity’, do not hesitate to tell a professor. Every year is an interesting one, but something tells me this year holds more surprises than most.”
The smile returned to the centenarian’s face.
“But enough of my ominous warnings and grand proclamations. Enjoy the feast.”
Immediately, food popped out of nowhere and David couldn’t help but grin at Rowan at the reaction of the first years. Only a year ago they had done the same thing at their first feast. Now, it was simply time to enjoy.
“Turkey?” a Gryffindor girl in their year offered.
“Don’t mind if I do,” David thanked her. “I’m starving.”
Rowan, however, gave him a small nudge.
“Dumbledore’s speech was especially cryptic. Do you think it means anything?”
Privately, the now second year never put anything past the Headmaster. The man was something of an enigma, even if he was also brilliant. Last year had taught him that much.
“I’m not too concerned with it, really,” he shrugged. “Let’s just eat. Pass the potatoes, will you?”
And so they feasted, stuffing themselves senseless, drinking gallons of pumpkin juice, laughing the night away with old friends in the hope perhaps that new ones would be made as well. Summer vacations were discussed, Quidditch matches polled, old companions reunited, and Jae even mentioned off handedly he was going to take a first hand look at Filch’s list in order to update his buyers. All in all, it was a night to remember, so much so that amidst the merriment, David forgot about Ben’s odd behavior. However, that was only temporary.
The feast ended and Dumbledore ordered them to bed. Being second years, they no longer were required to hang back and wait for the guidance of a prefect. It was truly amazing what a one year difference could make. There would be no Angelica to lecture them this time, though no doubt she would have her eye on him and his friends this year.
Climbing up the last staircase that led to the Fat Lady, David attempted to make conversation with his muggle born friend.
“Hey, mate. Haven’t had a real chance to say hello yet. How was your summer?” he asked, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Hey, Dave. It was good. Not much to report, though. Took a holiday to Ireland.”
“Sounds fun. Wish I had gone out of the country. Mum won’t let me do much.”
“It was actually nice not to think about magic for a bit,” Ben admitted. “For my parents, this is still pretty new. Takes some getting used to, you know?”
David silently appraised him, trying his best not to act suspicious.
He seems perfectly fine. So why do I get the feeling that he’s not?
Instincts aside, he simply let the conversation peter out as they took over the second year dormitories and settled in for the night. But even trying to sleep through Charlie’s snores and Jae’s personal tinkering with an object he claimed off a Hufflepuff, David could not put away the combination of excitement and anxiety that rattled around in his mind.
He was back at Hogwarts, but as Dumbledore had hinted, they were in for more than a few surprises.
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
Artemis Hexley and the Mystery at Hogwarts
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Chapter 6: Combat
A/N: Artemis returns for her second term at Hogwarts, armed with a kitten and some duelling spells. Warnings: mild violence of the magical variety, use of the M word.
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Artemis’ Aunt Tina and Uncle Newt had returned from their travels in Norway just in time for Christmas, and Artemis had spent the holidays with them, only returning to Lovelace Crescent the night before the train back to school in early January.
“It’s a shame Sally has to work this year,” Artemis’ Uncle had said as she helped him decorate the Christmas tree, taking care not to disturb the Bowtruckle that had made its nest amongst the branches. Artemis made a noncommittal noise. She knew that her mother had chosen to stay at home rather than spend Christmas with her. She was just grateful that she’d remembered to get her a present this year.
Her Uncle and Aunt had gotten her the best present she’d ever received: a tiny kitten with bottle green eyes and fur the colour of marmalade.
“It was your Uncle’s idea,” Aunt Tina said, between Artemis’ expressions of gratitude. “He’s wanted to get you a pet since you got your letter. I had to talk him out of getting you a Niffler. Can you imagine the ruckus that would cause in a dorm room?”
Rowan, who adored cats, was delighted to meet Artemis’ new pet when they and Ben once again boarded the Hogwarts Express at the end of the holidays.
“What’s his name?” She asked Artemis, as the kitten sat on the floor of the train compartment, fighting with her shoelace.
“I’ve called him Fergus,” Artemis told her. “My Uncle bought him for me as a Christmas present.”
“Of course he got you a pet,” Rowan grinned, and she picked Fergus up and tickled his ginger cheek. “I’m so glad that we’ll have a cat in our dormitory, it will help me stop missing Fuzzclaw so much. I hope Penny and Tonks don’t mind, though.”
“Why would they? Fergus is great,” said Artemis. “Besides, it could be worse. Knowing my Uncle I’m surprised he didn’t try to bring me back a baby Ridgeback.”
“A Ridgeback? Like the big dogs?” Ben asked, sitting opposite them.
“What? No,” Artemis laughed. “They’re a kind of dragon.”
“Oh, you mean a Norwegian Ridgeback.”
“Muggles know about Norwegian Ridgebacks?” Rowan’s eyebrows shot up over the top of her glasses.
“No, one of the boys in my dormitory told me about them.”
“Right. Well, you definitely wouldn’t want one of them in your dormitory,” Artemis said, and Fergus climbed up her arm to rest on her shoulder, where he curled up into a ball, nestled against her neck. “How was your Christmas, anyway, Ben?”
“Good,” he replied. “A bit stressful though. Only my parents know about Hogwarts, so I had to make up loads of stuff about school to tell all my other relatives. I was so worried about getting my lies muddled up. And I haven’t been able to practise any magic, so I’m going to be bottom of all my classes, and I’ll be a sitting duck where Merula’s concerned.”
“There was a spell to turn someone into a duck in that book, but I reckon Jane would think that it’s a waste of time,” Artemis said, smiling at Ben. “Don’t worry, Ben. I’ve been practising the shield charm so I can help you with it, and Jane’s promised to help all of us.”
Jane kept her word. The first weekend back, she met Artemis, Rowan and Ben in the empty Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom to coach them in the spells they’d been learning.
“Not bad,” said Jane, after they’d all demonstrated the spells on the practice dummies. “I think you should all practise duelling against each other now.”
The colour drained from Ben’s face instantly.
“Sorry, what?”
“You heard me,” Jane said shortly. “Practising spells on dummies is one thing. Using them against another person, someone who is fighting back, that’s completely different. If you’re worried, why don’t you go against Rowan first? Tickling is hardly going to hurt you.”
Ben muttered something under his breath and walked across the classroom to face Rowan. Artemis thought she heard the words “hate being tickled”, but she wasn’t sure.
It turned out that Ben and Rowan were pretty evenly matched, and Jane praised both of them on their spells. When it was Artemis’ turn to duel, she easily overpowered both of them, but Jane didn’t seem anywhere near as impressed with Artemis as she was with the others.
“Artemis, watch your feet. You’ll trip over if you try to dodge quickly, standing like that,” Jane told her, whilst making her duel Rowan for the second time. “And make sure you look at her wand, not her face.”
By the time Jane said they’d been practising for long enough, Artemis was glad to see the back of her. She’d spent the whole afternoon making Artemis duel Rowan and Ben repeatedly, all the while criticising everything she did, from her posture to her wand movements and her tone of voice.
“Maybe I’m just not a good dueller,” she said to Rowan, gloomily.
“Rubbish. You beat me and Ben easily almost every time,” Rowan replied. “I think she’s just more worried about you doing well, seeing as you’re the one Merula really has a problem with.”
“I suppose so,” Artemis sighed. “She doesn’t have to be so brutal about it though.”
“It’s Jane. She likes telling people what to do and how to do it,” Rowan said. “Besides, I think however brutal Jane is, Merula’s going to be a hundred times worse.”
As the month drew on, Artemis continued practising her duelling at every opportunity she got, expecting Merula to ambush her at any moment.
“You’re becoming as paranoid as Ben,” Rowan said.
Ben, however, although he was worried about Merula, had more pressing issues. This term, the first years would be continuing their flying classes, and would be expected to start flying at greater heights and faster speeds.
By now, most of the class were managing to rise several metres from the ground, and even complete simple obstacle courses, but Ben’s fear of heights kept him, for want of a better word, grounded. He lingered when performing broom maintenance, and dawdled at the back of the line whenever they queued up to get their broomsticks, meaning that he was always the last to take off. Even once he was on his broom, he only felt comfortable hovering a foot or so above the grass.
“Merula’s right,” Ben said miserably to Artemis, joining her and Rowan at the Hufflepuff table for lunch after a particularly abysmal flying lesson, “I don’t belong in Gryffindor. I’m a coward.”
“Plenty of people are scared of heights.”
“It’s not just heights,” Ben shook his head. “I am pretty much scared of everything. Everything at Hogwarts, anyway.”
“Come on, Ben, there must be some things you aren’t afraid of,” Artemis said. “Like... I don’t know, um... sweets.”
“I ate a pepper flavoured Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Bean on the train, remember? I thought it was liquorice.”
“Cats?” Rowan suggested. “Cats aren’t scary.”
“Mr Filch’s cat is.”
“What about Hagrid?”
“He’s got a very loud voice, and he’s so tall.”
“Fine, Professor Flitwick then.”
Ben was quiet for a few moments, before he nodded his head.
“Okay, Professor Flitwick isn’t scary,” he said. “And I actually really like Charms class.”
“That’s it!” Artemis said. “I’ve just had a really good idea. We can use something you aren’t afraid of to help you with the thing that you are afraid of. Come on, let’s go outside. I want to try something.”
The three of them made their way to the Transfiguration Courtyard, which had a large grassy area, still frosty from the winter weather. Artemis pushed the memory of her vision in the library out of her head.
“What’s your great idea?” Rowan asked, looking sceptical.
“I’m going to use the flying charm to help Ben get over his fear of heights,” Artemis said, raising her wand. Ben looked at her as if she’d gone mad.
“I’m not sure about this,” he said, his face white as a sheet.
“Why not? You’re lighter than the tables I’ve been levitating in Charms class,” said Artemis. “I’ll be completely in control of how high you get, and I can bring you back down slowly if you get too scared.”
Ben still looked apprehensive.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Of course I’m sure. Don’t you trust me?”
“More than anyone, Artemis.”
“Then let me try to help. I promise I won’t let you fall!”
Slowly, Ben nodded his head. Artemis smiled and waved her wand. With a swish and a flick, she pointed it at Ben.
“Wingardium Leviosa!”
Gently, Ben was lifted from the ground. Artemis let him hover two feet in the air for a while before asking him if he felt able to go any higher. Still ashen-faced, Ben nodded, his mouth clamped shut. By the time the bell rang for lessons to start, he had gotten almost four feet from the ground.
Every lunchtime for the next week, Artemis spent a few minutes practising the flying charm on Ben, and with her in charge, Ben gradually was able to levitate higher and higher. The day before their next Flying lesson, Ben allowed Artemis to levitate him just over nine feet from the ground, to the great surprise of Hagrid, who walked straight into Ben’s foot face-first as he walked through the courtyard with his new puppy.
Of course, when they got to Flying class the following morning, Ben was still nervous about getting on a broom.
“Ben, you can do this,” Artemis said. “I’ll be flying right beside you, and if you fall, I’ll levitate you so you don’t hurt yourself. Promise.”
Ben did a lot better in the class than he had ever done previously, actually flying a whole length of the training grounds almost eight feet in the air. At the end of the lesson, Madam Hooch, the flying instructor, called both him and Artemis over to talk to them as the rest of the class packed away their broomsticks.
“Mr Copper, your confidence has grown immensely. That was good flying from you today.”
“Thank you, Madam Hooch,” Ben’s face flushed the same scarlet as his robes. “But it’s all thanks to Artemis. She’s been helping me in her spare time to help me with my fear of heights.”
“In which case,” said Hooch, flashing her hawk-like eyes at Artemis, “I think both of you deserve ten house points each. It takes a true Gryffindor’s nerve to face your fears, and a true Hufflepuff’s loyalty to help someone else to face theirs. You should both be very proud of yourselves.”
Ben and Artemis thanked Madam Hooch, who walked back into the castle. Artemis turned to Ben and threw her arms around him.
“You did it,” she exclaimed, laughing. “You flew, Ben!”
“Is that what passes for flying these days?”
Artemis would have recognised that voice anywhere. She turned around, and sure enough, Merula Snyde was glaring at her and Ben.
“Leave us alone,” said Ben, his voice wavering slightly.
“Aren’t you just so brave, Copper? Hiding behind Hexley like a baby,” Merula taunted. “Some Gryffindor you are. You’re a disgrace.”
“Shut up, Merula,” Artemis said, her voice a low growl. Some of the other students had noticed the argument brewing, and were watching the scene unfold.
“Why did you even bother coming back after Christmas?” Merula continued, ignoring Artemis completely. “You should leave the magic to the real wizards, Mudblood.”
“Don’t call him that,” Artemis said, her voice louder now. She took a step forward, in front of Ben. “Don’t you ever call him that.”
“Or what, you’ll tell your prefect and Professor Sprout about mean old Merula again?” Merula sneered at her. “Buzz off, Hexley, or I’ll have to jinx you again.”
“I’m not going to stand here and let you bully my friend, Merula,” Artemis said. By now the whole class was gathered around them. “I’m not scared of you.”
“You might not be, but your little boyfriend is. Look at him shaking. Pathetic!”
“You know, all you ever do is make fun of people to try and make yourself look better than them. That, and let plants do your dirty work for you,” Artemis said. Like Ben, she was trembling too, only she was shaking with rage, not fear. “If anyone here is pathetic, it’s you. So much for being the most powerful witch at Hogwarts.”
“You think you’re better than me, Hexley?” Merula said, and she reached into the pocket of her robes, pulling out her wand. Instinctively, Artemis’ hand closed around her own. “You know what, I’ll duel you right here and now. Then you and everyone else will see just how powerful I am.”
“I’m don’t want to duel you, Merula.”
“You’re just as cowardly as Copper.”
“Ben’s not a coward and neither am I,” said Artemis, keeping her eyes fixed on Merula, watching for a sign that she was about to use her wand. “I just don’t want you to embarrass yourself in front of everyone, that’s all.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Look, why don’t we all just ignore each other? We won’t talk to you, and you can just go away and leave us be.”
“Fine. You’re too much of a mad loser to bother duelling anyway,” Merula said, and she turned away. Artemis heard Ben breathe a sigh of relief behind her, but Artemis didn’t let down her guard. It was just as well that she didn’t, because Merula only walked two steps away before she spun around on her heel, pointed her wand at Artemis, and shouted: “Flipendo!”
Quick as a flash, Artemis drew her own wand before Merula had even finished casting her spell.
“Protego!” Artemis called out, sweeping her wand downwards in a smooth motion.
Although she couldn’t see the shield charm working, it clearly had done something, as Merula’s jinx was deflected in the air mere inches in front of Artemis. Merula glared at her, her expression a mixture of rage and confusion. She raised her wand again, but Artemis was one step ahead of her.
“Titillando,” she called out, and Merula started howling with laughter, bending over and clutching her belly in a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Using the tickling charm as a distraction, Artemis raised her wand once more. “Expelliarmus!”
Merula’s wand flew out of her hand, and spiralled through the air over the heads of the crowd of onlookers. The force of the spell caused Merula to stagger backwards, and she tripped on her cloak, landing on the floor.
The rest of the class had started to make noise. Artemis could hear a few gasps and excited whispers. Tonks whooped and clapped her hands together, whilst her friend Weasley let out a low, soft whistle.
Ignoring everyone else, Artemis ran to Merula’s side and offered her hand to help her back onto her feet. Merula pushed her away and started to clamber onto her knees without Artemis’ help.
“You’ll regret this, Hexley!” Merula snarled as she stood back up, her usually pale face flushed red.
“I’m sorry, Merula, but you can’t go pushing everybody around all the time.”
“I can do whatever I like, dogface!”
It was only as she heard someone clear their throat that Artemis realised the crowd had gone silent. She turned, and saw Professor McGonagall sweeping across the training grounds, looking angrier than Artemis had ever seen her before.
“Both of you. My office. Now.”
“But, Professor -”
“I wasn’t talking to you, Miss Khanna,” McGonagall said, interrupting Rowan, who was presumably about to defend Artemis. “Hexley, Snyde, follow me. As for the rest of you, don’t you have lunch to eat? Move along, all of you.”
“Now look what you’ve done,” Merula hissed at Artemis as they followed Professor McGonagall. “If I get expelled for this it will all be your fault.”
As it turned out, Professor McGonagall did not want to expel either of them. She did, however, give them a very stern dressing down.
“First years, duelling! In front of everyone! I’ve never heard of such a thing,” she said. “Explain yourselves, both of you.”
“It was all Hexley, Professor,” said Merula, before Artemis could say anything to the contrary. “She threatened to duel me the first night back after Christmas, but I refused because I know it’s against the rules. She’s had it in for me since day one, and after I accidentally shut her in that room with the Devil’s Snare, she’s been saying she will get her revenge.”
Artemis was taken aback by Merula’s barefaced lies. Professor McGonagall, apparently, was not.
“Miss Snyde, I beg you not to insult my intelligence,” she said, shortly. “My office overlooks the training grounds, and so I witnessed your and Hexley’s altercation with my own eyes. It was clear that you cast the first spell. I’ll be taking ten house points from Slytherin.”
“Ten points? But -”
“Five points for duelling, and another five for lying about it. No, I think I’ve heard enough from you for today, Miss Snyde,” said McGonagall, as Merula’s mouth opened to argue. She looked at Artemis, sternly. “As for you, Miss Hexley. What do you have to say for your actions?”
“Merula was calling Ben names, Professor,” Artemis told her. “I argued with her, and then when she tried to hex me, I fought back. I know I shouldn’t have, but I just wanted to defend myself, and Ben.”
“As honourable as your intentions may have been, you still broke the rules,” McGonagall said. “Unauthorised duelling on school grounds is a serious misconduct. I’ll take five points from Hufflepuff, and both of you will receive detention every Friday evening until the end of February.”
Artemis went straight to the Great Hall for lunch, where, as usual, she was greeted by the usual murmurs and gaping looks which she had learned to ignore. She took her seat by Rowan, and was piling sandwiches onto her plate when Penny and Tonks sat down across the table from her.
“What do you want?” Artemis asked them, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Charming,” said Tonks, rolling her eyes. “We just wanted to talk to you about your legendary duel.”
“The whole school’s talking about it,” Penny said, looking ecstatic.
“Yeah, well, I’m used to it now,” Artemis said, still glowering at the two girls. “Glad you lot are all getting to have a good laugh at my expense again, though. Good for you.”
“You what?” Tonks said, wrinkling her nose. “No one’s laughing. They all think it was really cool.”
“Right,” Artemis muttered. “Just like they did when I argued with Jane on our first night here. Why don’t you two just go back to laughing at me behind my back with the Gryffindors like you did then?”
“Oh no,” said Penny, her big blue eyes widening. “You don’t think that we’ve been making fun of you, do you?”
“Of course she does,” Rowan replied. “We saw you, Tonks, turning into Artemis and Jane, making it all into this big show and laughing about it.”
“No, you daft dugbogs,” Tonks was shaking her head with disbelief, “I wasn’t taking the mickey! I was telling Charlie and Jae and the others how cool it was that you told Jane off like that.”
“You were?”
“Yes!” said Tonks. “She was being a right cow. She deserved to be shouted at.”
“She was rather horrible and unfair to you that evening,” Penny nodded. “I’d have been really upset if I were you, but I’d never have been brave enough to say anything about it.”
“Oh,” Artemis said. “I thought you were just talking about me behind my back, like everyone else does, because of my brother and that book.”
“Well, we were talking about you behind your back, but we were only saying good things,” Tonks grinned at her. “Why should we care whether or not your brother was a nutter?”
“Tonks!” Penny gasped.
“What?” Tonks shrugged. “I’m just saying, we don’t know what happened, and it doesn’t matter. You can’t judge people by their relatives. I should know,” she lowered her voice and leaned in across the table before continuing, “my aunt was a Death Eater. Like a proper Death Eater, in Azkaban and everything. You’ve probably heard of her, Bellatrix Lestrange?”
“She’s your aunt?” Rowan exclaimed, looking horrified.
“Yeah. Trust me, Artemis’ brother can’t possibly be anywhere near as mad or as evil as her,” Tonks grimaced, “and you don’t see me walking about with a crap tattoo on my arm spouting rubbish about blood purity, do you?”
“That’s not why you two have been avoiding us all year, is it?” Penny asked, her blonde eyebrows furrowing, as Artemis and Rowan shared a sheepish look. “Because we really weren’t being mean, I swear. We like you, both of you. We just want to be friends with you.”
“You do?” Artemis asked.
“‘Course we do, you ninny. Mainly because you have a really cute kitten,” Tonks said, winking at Artemis, who couldn’t help but laugh, “but also because we think you’re both brilliant. I mean, Rowan, you’re probably the smartest person I’ve ever met, and, Artemis, you’ve just smashed Merula Snyde in a duel, which makes you pretty bloody great.”
“Exactly, why wouldn’t we want to be your friends?” Penny beamed at them. “So, can we? Be friends, I mean?”
Artemis and Rowan looked at each other again, before smiling and nodding at Penny and Tonks.
“Oh, that’s just wonderful,” Penny sighed, and she clapped her hands together.
“Yeah, it’s cracking,” said Tonks. “Now, because we’re friends, will you tell us all the gossip about Merula Snyde?”
Artemis grinned at her and Rowan’s new friends.
“Can I at least finish my sandwiches first?” She asked.
“Only if you eat them really quickly.”
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
RSA- I don’t know when Finn became a werewolf (maybe he was born as one, is that a thing in this world?). I’m picturing him as a tiny blonde werewolf cub though he ends up being Mina’s height. Wait how tall is Cherry bc rip to her if she has to deal with two of her friends being taller than her. Off topic but Adel with short hair is so cute!!
hmm im not sure unless his parents are both werewolves ?? idk either tbh DJSKSHD ohhh blond baby ww🥺 HDHDJDJD idk ab cherrys exact height but i dont think shes like TALL tall or too short either. maybe 5’5” by fifth year. and OHHHH THANK YOU SM ,,,, she feels comfortable w short hair god bless
RSA- some details about school dances and such(also wait did I already cover this): Penny leads the decorating committee, Mina wore the same dress to every event until her friends took her with them to go dress shopping (plus she outgrew the dress at that point), JT and Merula were tasked with finding out what music to play at one of the parties and then never again bc they couldn’t decide on anything, they ended up calling Flitwick for suggestions.
penny DEF leads the committee !! OHH PLS the friends going shopping with mina🥺 DHDHDHDH god bless flitwick for helping them
RSA- I mentioned the hufflepuff girls all cut their hair short at some point in their lives and consider: Beatrice shaving her head, probably in her seventh year. I don’t know if she keeps it short or grows it out as an adult. Also maybe she travels with Alanza. I wonder how she would feel about her since Alanza has a similar personality to Penny except she worries less. Also maybe their traveling is how Khanna academy becomes known across the world, or at least one reason.
I LIVE FOR BEA SHAVING HER HEAD YESSSS !! she keeps it shaved HDHDJSJ GOD BLESS I LOVE IT. ohhhh ur right ab alanza being a lot like penny tho ,, and YEA i can agree !!
RSA- I mentioned a film club and consider: Corey Hayden as like the club teacher. I haven’t reached year 7 yet so idk if he would be the type to do that or not. But from what I’ve seen he seems like it (he’s genderfluid too. He/She and possibly They pronouns). Also Cherry being interested in baking is so cute 🥺 What does she like to bake? I’m sure her friends help out but I’m not sure which ones. Mina grows different plant ingredients for her to use. What quidditch role would Cherry play?
SCREAMS YESSSS i haven't reached year 7 either lmao i just know that yess corey enby also good character ( SHE HE THEY PRONOUNS FOR COREY THO ,,,, YES ,,,,, ) and thank u !!! 🥺 she loves to bake anything but she bakes cakes more often !! sheet cake, cupcake, brownies, etc. ohhhh god bless mina and friends !!! imagine the chaos in the kitchen LMAOO. and im thinking she plays chaser or seeker like her mother did !! in my hc rowan later also played as seeker for ravenclaw for a year or two bc yes HDHDKD
RSA- Mina is the only child between her bio parents though her other parents might have kids as well so it’s kinda funny to picture Cherry talking with her about how they’re both only children only for Mina to be like “No, I have siblings”. Or the siblings who are old enough to go the school asking about Mina and her friends wondering why this random kid who’s not in their grade is asking about the somewhat introverted plant girl. I haven’t figured out if Finn is an only child or not.
HDHDHDHD OHH THATS SO COOL LMAO minas friends are jus confused HDJDJD. i think i like finn being either !
RSA- Penny’s family when she’s a teacher . Penny seems like the type to have kids, I think she’d name one of them after Bea or something similar to her name. Beatrice herself is probably the ‘cool aunt’. The kid (she/they pronouns) is a squib which reminds me that I should look more into what Khanna academy is like for non-magical students. I think she’s between Cherry and Mina’s age, similar to Finn, their birthdays were in spring 2003. Now we just need a winter birthday kid.
yes penny would have kids i believe so too !! COOL AUNT BEA !! omggg a squib kid character🥺 HDJDJDJD winter bday kid now pls😩
RSA- headcanons about their parents’ pregnancies and Cherry and Mina’s early childhood. Rowan would be the type to read to Cherry while she was pregnant and after Cherry was born. Her parents give her old stuff from when she was a baby after Rowan and Adel tell them that they’re looking for baby stuff. Mina was tiny when she was little ( don’t worry, she was always okay) and bc of that, JT thought she’d be short. Also baby Mina and the family cats 🥺/ Cherry and Fuzzclaw.
OHHH U ARE RIGHTT rowan would definitely read to cherry a lot !!!!! OMG LITTLE BABY MINA PLEASEEE😭🥺 and THATS SO CUTE ohh the babies and cats🥺 hdhdhdhdh fuzzclaw and cherry would have a love hate kind of relationship tho. baby cherry always loves to cuddle and play with fuzzclaw but the cat is very hostile and scratches her a lot so rowan has to keep her away from the cat LMAOOO. on the other hand tho shes good friends with rowan jr. aka adels pet crup !! rowan jr is very friendly and affectionate with baby cherry🥺
RSA- Cherry and Mina knew each other since they were little but they didn’t fully become friends until they both went to the school bc before that they didn’t live nearby so they only saw each other at get togethers like reunions or weddings. Mina was excited to hear that they would be roommates since she’d at least share a dorm with someone she knew ( I still have to figure out who the rest of the roommates are but I like to think that they’re all friends :))
OHHHH PLS dhdhdh them being a bit shy when they first met at someones wedding or smth and their parents are like go on dont be shyy. and YESSS PLS ofcourse theyre all frens !!!
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wormwood-witch · 5 years
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This little gremlim is my new addition to the fam! I love him so much and I called him owlsome! You go little gremlim!
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And this is the fam! The cat is "Fuzzclaw" 'cause rowan deserves her kitty on the room. The big mamma owl is called "Helena" for the fortune teller Helena Petranova (I just think she rocks and like divination). The spider is called "coraline", the rat is "Desperaux" and the bat "Stellaluna" for their respectives books. The baby kneazle is called "Terror" because he is fierce and he deserves recognition. The baby crub is called "Comet" for the quidditch sidequest incident. The big kneazle is called "Propertina" because barnaby made me cry for his lost kneazle and now he gets to name her (and thought that could be a name he could choose). The puffskein is name "Pom-pom" 'cause... Duh. The Toad is named "Perejil" (Parsely in Spanish, I just like it). That big snail? Obviously she is called "Mary SHELLy". Aaaaaand my lovely big doggo is named "Pizza". I love them guys, love them with me, they deserve that love.
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dia-m-o · 5 years
Look at these cats and pure puppys
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This a cat party ??
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She call her cat fuzzclaw, I love it with my soul
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Yes ben, now Noad fear norris but no fang
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I kew it
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A animal party with cat party complex
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See noad think this to
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Well look more like a party
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Djjfdknkfkw stop you made me shy now
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You to?! I did nothing! Is professor Minerva is the only person who make it happend no me dkgkdkgmfk I only beg for her help only this I don't think Im useful so make Mcgonagall help make me feel a little better for what happend to Noad and the potion
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Hey, uh, you haven't forgetten about me again, right? (the Wattpad anon)
Overall, your fanfic is all right, in my opinion. Although I think you should try to make it more your story. Currently, you’re basically describing what happens in the game to the point when even a lot of the dialogues are literally copied from the game. It’s not an entirely bad thing, especially if you don’t have much experience in writing. But considering that I’m someone who knows those scenes pretty much by heart, it was simply a little boring.
To be fair, there were some nice additions, too. For example, I liked that the fake note from Merula got self-destructed or that Merula used a Dungebomb as an additional distraction later on. It’d be nice to see more spins like that.
Also, you should pay a bit more attention to details. For example, John should be sorted before Rowan because “H” is alphabetically before “K”. I actually thought that it was your plan since Rowan said earlier on the train that he’s gonna ask to be put wherever John is sorted, so I’m not sure what happened there. Another thing: you went with the book's description that the first-years are led to the Common Rooms by their Prefects after the Welcoming Feast. Yet, a little later, John doesn’t know who Angelica is. Why? I know that’s how MC acts in the game, but you should explain it in your story. Was Angelica absent for some reason, so John met another Prefect? It’s kind of similar with Hagrid, too. Here, you made it somewhat better because after Hagrid introduces himself, John suddenly remembers that he met him the night before. Still, Hagrid is a half-giant, so I think it’s rather unlikely anyone wouldn’t recognise him immediately, even after seeing him only once.
So, yeah, I suppose these are my main remarks. To be completely honest, it’s not really my cup of tea, so I don’t think I’ll continue reading next years. But it has potential! So please, don’t get discouraged! And if you’d like to ask whether a specific change to the plot makes sense, feel free to message me.
Good luck moving on!
Oh, and by the way. “Fuzzclaw” is the name of Rowan’s cat from the game, so I didn’t come up with it myself either :)
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