#gabe is as safe from those injuries as he can.... but gabe already has some scars from david of his own that javi couldn't prevent...
Chapter 20: Bottomless World
July 17th, continued
I’m almost too shocked to speak.  Here he is.  He’s been trying to kill me.
He looks at me, wide-eyed.  He pants.  He whimpers.  He mutters.  His face has been scarred, more than I remember it being.  It looks like someone spent a lot of time working him over, torturing him.  I hesitantly approach him.
“Stay back!  Stay back, you monster!”
My eyes start watering up.  “Dad, what are you saying?  It’s me, it’s Alanna.  Remember?”
The look I see in his eyes is fear.  He sheathes the Sabre and backs off further.  As he slowly stands up, I’m desperately looking for a control chip scar.
There isn’t one.
“What are you?  How can you do that?”
He’s still frightened.  He’s still Scolar, but he’s Dad too.  My mind is full of conflicting emotions.  I feel the tears starting to fall …
“Daddy, please, I’m still your little girl …”
He screams and runs.  Without thinking, I break into a run after him, trying to catch him, though I have no idea what to do when I catch up.  He runs too fast, though, and I can’t keep up, not with the kinds of injuries I have; it’s going to hurt too much to fly that fast.
He’s gone …
I drop to my knees, resigned to the facts.  My dad’s gone.  Cole Sharpe is no more.  Tyrelius Scolar is who the man is now, through and through.  My shoulders shake with sobs, this pain that I’ve never known, even more than my physical injuries.
Ultimate betrayal …
I’m barely cognizant of Michi’s voice as she runs up behind me.  I feel her arms clasp around me, hear the relief in her voice.
“Oh God, Alanna, we thought you were a goner … what happened?”
I don’t answer her.  I can’t.  I can’t speak.
“Alanna?  What’s wrong?”
More tears are coming … though this time not from sadness.  I hear William and Gabe running up behind us.
“Alanna!  Thank the Creator!”  William’s voice should be soothing right now, but I’m too numb.  Too much rage …
I finally stand up, loosing Michi’s arms from around me as I do.  I turn very slowly and find that Gabe is right there.
“Oh good, Alanna, you’re safe.  I was worried there, but it looks like Durga’s training has paid off.  Come on, we need to get back to the Ranch … Fahaian came back for us.”
He starts walking, motioning for us to follow.  William and Michi start to.
I’ve finally found my voice again.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Gabe?”
He stops short, turning his head questioningly.  “I don’t think this is the proper time or place, Alanna …”
“I don’t give a damn.  Why didn’t you tell me?”
Michi looks between me and Gabe quizzically.  “What?  Tell her what?”
Gabe still won’t answer.  Talk to me.  Please!
My voice comes out as a dragon roar, shaking the ground. 
This finally gets the reaction I want out of Gabe.  He winces and turns to face me, as he should have when I first asked him.
“Alanna, I warned you at the start that there were things you would need to find out for yourself.  This was one of those things.”
I’m growling.  “And that means you get to hide information like this?  Jesus, what if I’d killed him?  What if I’d run him through, disemboweled him, and when the Invader armor shrank away only then found out he was Dad?”  My voice lowers.  “Don’t you care about him?  You were his friend.”
“It’s a calculated risk, Alanna.  He would understand, he was a military man, he knew tactics and strategy …”
My growl interrupts the agent.  I’ve heard enough of his words.  “I don’t care!  This is Dad … MY Dad we’re talking about, not some random soldier!”  The tears are pouring out now.
Gabe has no expression on his face.  “He might already be a casualty …”
That’s it.  It erupts out of me, before I can even think.  A fire stream that feels like it comes from the bowels of my soul, which looks to completely consume Gabe.  He stands in the fire, motionless.
I spew flames until I’m coughing, until I can find some satisfaction.  Unfortunately, it’s not enough.  He’s still standing there, unhurt, his bottomless cup of coffee still in his hand.  His clothes aren’t even burnt.
“Feel better, Alanna?”
I have nothing left but to spit at him. 
I storm my way past Michi and William, who have remained motionless throughout this exchange.  They don’t want to cross me.  Good strategy.
I don’t even want to cross me right now.
Before long, I’m running through the ruined SSA facility, my body giving in to the new transformation that I’m slowly starting to control.  My wings unfurl.  It hurts like hell, but I flap them and force myself into the air.
Pain is my only companion, the only one I can trust right now.  I can’t be around them anymore, not right now.  I need time, I need distance …
I need Mom and Dad.
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7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
"Thanks a million..." 🙊
"You're welcome a million!" 😊
I don't think you're paying attention besties I don't think you're paying attention to how much Gabe's praise means to Javi I don't think anyone is paying enough attention to how accurate their familial relationship is......
#lindsay speaks#twdg#gabe just wanted to share his sincere thanks for raising him ;; and javi is so awkward bec he doesn't want to be an uncool uncle#plus based on the dialogue javi doesn't think he deserves gabe's praise which;; you do king...#gabe: *pours his heart put* | javi: wow... buddy... 🧍 I. well.#thanks to david it's hard for javi to articulate his love in a non-joking manner -- not just for gabe but everyone n everything#it's just. the perfect depiction of javier still harboring the scars of his childhood with david while doing his best to make sure#gabe is as safe from those injuries as he can.... but gabe already has some scars from david of his own that javi couldn't prevent...#that he feels guilty he couldn't prevent... even though gabe isn't his son... he kind of is now.#and for gabe to open up and gush about how amazing he thinks javi is -- that he would be honored to be a man like him...#javi's soft ''thanks a million''.... gabe's enthusiastic ''you're welcome a million!''#I'm just... IS ANYONE ELSE JUST PEELING THROUGH THE LAYERS AND LAYERS EMOTIONAL REPRESSION IN THIS INTERACTION#WE'RE SEEING IN REAL TIME THAT GABE CAN ARTICULATE HIS GENUINE FEELINGS. WITHOUT FEELING INMASCULINE.#SOMETHING BOTH DAVID AND JAVI STRUGGLE WITH IN DIFFERENT WAYS.#WE GET TO SEE IN REAL TIME HOW JAVI WAS ABLE TO PUT A HUGE DENT THE CYCLE OF TRAUMA. WHILE STILL STRUGGLING WITH HIS OWN.#''You may not... be my father Javi but you were a great dad.''#BRB SOBBING FUCKING SCREAMING RN
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samwinchestersgf · 4 years
guardian angel
requested by: anonymous
request: Could you write something with Gabriel being the guardian angel of Sam and Dean's little sister?
summary: sam and dean’s younger sister is a klutz. after cracking under the pressure of living up to her brothers’ reputation, gabriel, her guardian archangel, makes her feel better.
warnings: mild language. angst. gabriel being a turd bucket, and then being a sweetheart. fluff.
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i sit around the big map table in the bunker with sam and dean. with my arms crossed, i lean back in my chair. damn, they’re insufferable at times, but, this time is worse than ever before.
“what do you mean i can’t come on the hunt with you?” i ask, outraged.
“i mean exactly what i said, y/n.” dean’s voice raises, daring me to top it.
i match his volume. “why can’t i come?!”
“because i said so, okay?” he gets up to his feet. he’s louder than me, and bigger than me. he always has been.
“this is some misogynistic bullshit.” i bring my tone up the slightest.
this really pisses him off. “i am not a misogynist for wanting to keep my little sister safe. sorry, that’s not how it works.”
“i’d be safe on the hunt!” i look over at sam for back up. he’s always been the more reasonable one.
he shrugs his shoulders and mouths the word, ‘sorry.’
“when have i ever not been safe on a hunt?!” i retry my approach.
“just about every damn time!” his voice booms through the bunker, ricocheting off the walls.
“i’ve never gotten hurt!” i look back over to sam, my eyes begging him to stand up for me.
“maybe you’ve never gotten that hurt... but you are super clumsy.” his voice is low and quiet compared to mine and dean’s.
“see, i’ve never gotten that hurt, just like, scratches and stuff.” i give him a smug look.
“you fall around so much, there’s a chance that this time could be the time that you get seriously hurt.” sam’s sympathetic with me, trying to get me to calm down.
sam has always been the level-headed sibling. he’s always the mediator. even when we were younger, the only person he’d argue with was dad, and he didn’t get the balls to do that until he was older. still, he’s 6 years older than me and has made it his personal duty to protect me. he enjoys playing the role that dean always got to play when we were little.
dean and i, though, are always at each other’s throats. it not that we don’t get along, because we do, but we both inherited our father’s stubbornness, whereas sam was blessed with mary’s mediating abilities. dean’s a whole decade older than me, so he thinks he’s all tough.
“i can take care of myself,” i reroute the conversation. i find myself saying that line a lot.
“when dad died, he made it my responsibility to take care of you and i’m not gonna let you go out and get hurt.” dean spits.
when dean brings up dad, out of respect, he knows that i’ll do what he says. that’s why he doesn’t bring him up very often. i lean backwards in my chair quickly, but too harshly. the chair goes flying down to the ground.
i close my eyes and prepare for impact, but it never comes. i feel myself being pushed up and back to the chair’s neutral position. my brothers look confused, and so do i.
“did you...?” my voice trails off, looking at dean.
“my reflexes are quick, but not that quick.” he shakes his head. “but, see? you’re clumsy.”
“dean, can i at least pr-“
“you’re not coming. i’m serious.” he says sternly.
“sam?” i turn to him, pleading with my eyes.
“sorry, y/n.”
i huff and push my hair away from the table, standing up. “fine. i’ll go to my room and be useless.”
as i whip around, my elbow bumps into the chair, which goes tumbling to the ground, charting course to land right on my feet. but, i’m yanked backwards, away from the chair.
“ow!” i yelp at the grip on my waist. “dean!”
“that’s wasn’t me.” he throws his hands up.
“seriously? i’m not stupid.” i gripe.
“it really wasn’t him.” sam confirms.
irked, i shrug it off. “whatever.”
i walk to my room and flop on the bed. what a lousy day. apparently i’m too clumsy for anything. frustration bubbles up in me. when are they gonna stop treating me like a little kid? i’m 25 years old.
i grip my pillow in my hands. stupid brothers. stupid hunting monsters. stupid clumsy feet. stupid everything. it’s not fun being the weakest link.
i groan and chuck my pillow across the room, but it stops midair. i blink, “what the fuck.”
i grab the gun from my bed side table, and when i turn back around, the pillow is gone. i stand up at the foot of my bed, holding the gun ready. something weird is going on.
something that feels a lot like my pillow smacks me in the back of the head. i turn around and point the gun at the wall. there’s nothing there. i let out a deep, shaky breath.
suddenly, my pillow is being held to my face from someone behind me. i let out a scream, and the pillow immediately falls to the ground. i turn around and with a sweep of my feet, knock the intruder to the ground. i stomp on their leg and cock my gun, pointing it at their head.
“who the hell- gabriel?”
footsteps pound down the hallway. it’s no doubt sam and dean, alerted by my scream. i look at him, absolutely confused.
“call off your attack dogs and then we’ll talk.” he says before disappearing again.
sam and dean burst through the door. dean is the first to speak, “what happened?!”
“there was a snake!” i lie. “he slithered back into the wall.”
“you scared us, y/n.” sam relaxed.
“well, the snake scared me.” i half-apologize.
they roll their eyes and leave. i shut the door behind them and cross my arms at gabriel, who has reappeared, but this time on his feet.
“why did you try to suffocate me with my pillow?” i whisper.
“just having some fun, darlin.” he smiles.
i’m not amused. “why are you here?”
“well, if you haven’t noticed, you’re a little clumsy.” he teases.
“if you’re just gonna bash me for it, you can leave.” i warn, aggravated.
“that’s not why i’m here. although, it is super funny.” he smirks.
“i will scream.”
“fine, fine. i’m your guardian angel, or whatever.” gabriel admits.
“my what?” i raise an eyebrow.
“all those times you should’ve gotten hurt out there, but didn’t? that was me.” he comes clean.
“so, you’re the prick that bruised my waist from grabbing me so hard.” i roll my eyes.
“i’m the prick that stopped you from breaking your toe.” he sasses. “let see the bruises.”
“gabriel, no-“
“seriously, let me see. i’m not supposed to let you get hurt.” he demands.
“it’s just some bruises.” i counter.
“that’s still an injury.” he points out.
i reluctantly lift my shirt up to my ribcage and hold it there, allowing him to look at the purple bruises he left. it’s an awkward moment, for sure. his eyes linger there for what seems like forever. i clear my throat, and he snaps out of it and walks toward me.
i let my shirt drop to it’s neutral position and back up, “what are you doing?”
“healing you.” he states.
“gabriel, it’s literally just a few bruises.” i screw up my face.
“it’s bruised down to the bone.” he informs me.
“what the hell?!” i lift my shirt up slightly and look at the bruises again. “all you did was grab me!”
“i’m an archangel, sweetie. we’re rough.” he winks.
“ew.” i throw my pillow at him.
“seriously, c’mere.” he beckons me toward him.
i roll my eyes and walk toward him, holding my shirt up. his large hands grip my waist, sending jolts of butterflies through my stomach. light radiates from his fingertips, and when he pulls away, the bruises are gone.
i gingerly press on my side, and there’s no pain at all. i look back up at gabriel, who is inches away from me. my face flushes red and i clear my throat, taking a step back.
“thank you.” i swallow.
“you’re welcome.” he nods.
dean’s shouts echo through the bunker. “we’re leaving now! remember to stay inside and call jody is you need anything.”
“gabriel?” i smirk.
“you might have to protect me from my brother’s fists.” i grin.
“what? kid, don’t make my job harder. y/n-“
i take off towards the garage, taking a short cut, and hop in one of our spare cars. it’s a pickup truck. i sink low into the seat so the boys won’t see me. i hear them as they walk into the garage.
“i kind of feel bad, dean.” i hear sam say as they approach their car. “she really wanted to come.”
“so? she’ll be fine.” he shrugs.
“she’s upset.” sam reasons.
“and she’ll get over it. should we take the truck?” he asks. my body tenses up. oh god, please don’t take the truck.
“it’s too cramped in there.” sam shakes his head.
“you’re right.”
the door to the impala closes and i watch as they drive off. gabriel pops into the passenger’s seat beside me.
“this is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. they’re gonna kill you.” he tells me.
“good thing i have a guardian angel.” i smile cheesily.
i speed off after them and follow them through the twisting roads. i wonder if they’re suspicious of me. they probably are. they’ve probably already recognized the car.
my phone rings, making me jump. i pick up. “hello?”
“is everything okay at home?” sam’s voice asks through the phone.
“yep. hey, where you guys even going?” i ask.
he sighs, “a vampire hunt. it’s not too far, but stay home. we should be back soon.”
“fine. bye, sam.” i hang up the phone. “ready to watch me kill some bloodsuckers, gabe?”
“y/n, you should go home.” he leans back in the seat.
“if you say that again i’ll make your job even harder by crashing the car.” i joke.
he scoffs. “seriously, go home.”
“listen, i don’t even need a guardian angel in the first place, much less another person bossing me around.” my tone becomes serious.
“you do need a guardian angel.” he rolls his eyes. “you’d be dead by now without me.”
“bullshit. i don’t need- or want a guardian angel. so, go away.” i huff.
“y/n, c’mon-“
“go away and stop guarding me, gabriel.” i demand.
he sighs. “fine.”
he disappears and i slam on my steering wheel. i watch as sam and dean pull into a warehouse. i wait until they walk into the building to park and get out. i walk up behind them and tap them on the shoulder with a shit-eating grin on my face.
“y/n, what the hell?” dean whisper shouts. “get out!”
“i’m here to help, there’s no reason in sending me home now.” i smile.
“i’m killing you when we get home.” he groans as vampires come running towards us.
i take my machete and start slinging, one by one demolishing the nest by cutting their heads off. i get carried away. i’m doing really good!
a pair of fangs plunge into my neck and start sucking. a sharp pain coarses through my body. i scream and writhe under their touch. i feel the blood flowing out of my neck and into their mouth, but i’m utterly helpless.
i’m pushed to the ground, away from the vampire. i look up and watch as gabriel decapitates him. he looks down at me, his face saying all i need to know. if he were to speak right now, he would say- “i told you so.”
he quickly leans down and presses two fingers to my neck, healing my injury, and then vanishes into thin air. sam and dean come running over to my side.
“are you okay?” sam asks.
“did it hurt you?” his voice is threatening.
“no, i killed him.” i lie. “i just fell.”
dean is furious with me, so he drives home alone, while sam accompanies me in the truck. after a few minutes of driving, he turns to me with a smile on his face.
“you faired pretty well.” he’s full of pride.
i know i really didn’t, and i’d probably be dead if it weren’t for gabriel. “i know.”
back at the bunker, i sit on my bed, hugging mh pillow. i was raised by one of the best hunters ever, and i suck at hunting. i’ve had every resource i could imagine to get better, and all the experience i could have, and i still suck.
i cry. the hot tears stream down my face. i’m really not good at anything, am i? i’m the worst winchester. i can’t do anything. i need a guardian angel to save my life because i can’t even handle myself with a dumb vampires nest. sam and dean were right; gabriel was right; everyone was right about me.
the bed dips a little in the corner. i look up and see gabriel sitting there, watching me. i sniff and wipe the tears away, trying (and failing) to cover up the fact that i’m upset.
“you’ve gotten stop surprising me like that.” i force a laugh.
“i’m always watching, y/n. i know you’re crying.” he’s sympathetic, but i don’t want him to be.
i deflect. “always watching? that’s creepy.”
“a little, but enjoy the show.” he laughs.
“ew, gabe.” i crinkle up my nose.
“why are you crying?” he asks, getting back on topic.
“do we really have to talk about this?” i groan.
“well, i am your guardian angel.” he shrugs.
“i’m not hurt.”
he adds, “physically.”
“it’s a story for another time,” i sniff.
“no, no. now.” he corrects.
i roll my eyes and hesitate. “i’m the worst winchester.”
“you’re all pretty insufferable, and stubborn.” he waves a dismissive hand.
“gee, thanks, but, thats not what i mean.” i press my lips into a grimace. “i can’t hunt. i need a stupid guardian angel to watch over me so i don’t die. i’m not good at anything.”
“i bet you’re good at something.” he reasons.
“nope.” i shake my head.
“hm...” his eyes flicker down to my mouth. my breath hitches.
he leans in, before i could even protest (if i wanted to), and kisses me. gabriel, the archangel, kisses me. my hands work through his hair momentarily before he pulls away.
he breaths, “you’re good at that.”
my face flushes red. maybe i do need a guardian angel.
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There’s never a quiet day in the state of Calamity. 
And if there is. 
It’s the quiet before the storm. 
The mortals have suffered catastrophic loss already, Bram Mackie; a formerly prestigious hunter has fallen in with the wolves in order to strengthen himself and increase his chance of protecting his family. His friend Michael “Mike” Fothergill is offering his house for refuge whilst the newly turned wolf adjusts to his new self. This information is only known to those closest to him, and those who have been told via word of mouth from said people.Sabrina Mackie, Lucky Jones Adams and the rest of the Mackie clan seem supportive of his choice, though Cardelle Mackie would express the opposite. Begs the question, is the sacrifice worth it in the long run?
The former Commander Damien Alanis is another tragic loss for the Hideout ranks; attacked by rogue vampires, and only discovered in his last moments by his lover Malcolm “Mal” Davenport who acted against Damien’s will be transformed into one of the very creatures he used to hunt. 
The news broke out in waves, and chances of alliances across the westside remain to look slim. Malcolm and Damien have both been contained in the basement of Kazimir Mikhailov’s manor for their own protection, and the protection of others. It had been adjustment after adjustment. Jessie Davenport, Axel Reyes and Kazimir have been between diplomatic meetings in order to damage control and repair the human and vampire relations. 
Malcolm will be punished severely for the murder of one of his own via Jessie, Demitri & Jakoris “Jack” Davenport’s will. 
Axel Reyes, former Second in Command in the Hideout, has stepped up to Commander role and is heading the human relations, tightening security and doing everything he can in order to protect his people where it appears his predecessor failed. There has been a private meeting between the Commander and the Overlord after the rather large indiscretion; to prevent a Westside war that would be more blood than anything else. 
The former Second also took it upon himself to hunt down the former Commander, as the two of them had a long lived agreement that they’d not let one another turn into another species. With this in mind, Axel managed to convince Damien to meet him in neutral territory. He brought Lucky with him, wanting to make sure that the deed would be done, whether Axel finished the job or her. Unfortunately for the two of them, Kazimir found them and stopped it before either of them could do damage to one another.
They have come to a shaky agreement that Axel will donate blood to Damien for training purposes, in exchange for the vampires providing supplies that would be too difficult to acquire safely on their own, or risky. However, a miscommunication between the two leaders may mean that it doesn’t hold for all that long, because the Commander wants a guarantee that the humans in his ranks would not be touched, which the Overlord seems to agree to at first, despite the orders given. For an entire hierarchy of vampires to go against their nature, it seems like a dream that would only go on so long...
Outside of the Darklands ranks, Claude Jones has become a vampire once more, Scarlett Jane Grey her maker in a reversal of roles. Due to her lack of memory, she cannot remember much of her first maker Fox Crathorne. This transformation has left little reflection of Claudette and she is using her practice to lure unsuspecting humans and fae in for counselling and entertain her newly unhinged mannerisms. SJ has been at the reigns of handling the reprimands for Lydia Cragore and her misdeeds that pitted her as disloyal to the vampires. This led her to also become aware of Daniel Wright’s involvement in regards to trying to help Lydia with an escape, or at least attempting to encourage her to try and leave. Meanwhile, not long after this - and with incredibly poor timing as a diplomatic member - Scarlett has left Calamity on a temporary hiatus from the state. Few know of this (Claude and Jessie), and her absence is noticed but unquestioned when those might pester Jessie Davenport for answers about her Bite Club’s second lady. 
Demitri Davenport remains to be unlike himself after his own punishment a couple months ago after he acted off orders and tortured Malcolm. He is attempting to be better in his role and stay out of the firing line of Jessie Davenport because of it. Unknown to him, Jessie is considering him among the names she might suggest to Kazimir about filling their Consul position - believing that with the diplomatic relations as they are, the more voices offering a partial democracy would benefit them all. The vizier also managed to recruit Rosalie Winters into accumulating blood for Kazimir. But will she follow through? There are whispers of Rosalie and Fox Crathorne co-hosting a dinner party. 
Giselle Stoneheart has also been in contact with the Diplomat in order to discuss terms of a potential alliance, as has Josiah Maxwell as representing the Mer Kingdom, so the vampire has been attempting to fortify relations across the entire state in order to secure the continued survival of her race. Giselle, before this has been keeping a relatively low profile with the absence of an acting High Court among the fae, and has been acting on her own ideals for the benefit of her people. 
And in a hit to the vampires themselves, Teddy Byrne has taken a silveriron bullet to the shoulder by a rogue mortal and has been spending some time recovering. His old flame, and former pet (perhaps?) Matias “Matty” Desoto has been helping aid in his healing process, and both men trea thin water, considering Matty’s position at the Overlord’s side as a private feeder and companion. A secondary concern, one thinks to the diplomatic mess that Kaz has been busy with - slipped beneath his nose for a smidge longer than it usually would, maybe? Matty has also been pursuing Kaz to turn him into a vampire, but has been grossly denied until he has levelled his own personal deep seated issues, in order to make the transition easier. His brother Ace Remington, continues to antagonise him - and he persists to try and help the psychopath.
Under Axel’s new leadership, Cardelle Mackie approached him about the potential to be Second, pending a trial period that would be to prove himself as a leader. Daniel Wright has been tasked with hunting additional medical supplies for Sabrina Mackie, Aiden Kinsey, Ellie May and Diego Garcia to potentially use to develop and synthesis new medicine. Sabrina has been also developing her own skills in research development, including such things as vampire repellant, haemotology in order to further the knowlegde they have on how it works (species), hybridising plants and a multitude of salves that would be for the betterment of her people; friends and family. Her other half, Lorelai Mackie still remains to be missing, and her family are refusing to give up any hope. 
Unbeknowst to them, Lorelai Mackie is under the name Mackenzie and has been abducted to be a feeder between the two rivalling clubs on the Westside, BC and Voci. There has been the briefest of revelations in her search when Bram Mackie nearly slaughtered Jakoris “Jack” Davenport in the SRS where there was an information exchange that somehow, salvaged the vampire’s life but offered an in for the Mackie about the woman he was searching for. Jack now suspects a connection based on the two somwhat tense interactions they have shared, whilst Bram has a likely lead about Lorelai’s whereabouts. 
Along with Daniel’s orders to bring supplies into the Hideout, he’s also secretly helping the far, Cordelia Darkwood with a baby; picking up small trinkets and baby things that he delivers to her in private. He plans to inform the Hideout of this little secret in due time; when tensions have lessened. Daniel broke Gabriel Fothergill’s nose, brushed his scent onto him and may have put himself in danger by crossing paths with Michael “Mike” Fothergill, who is experiencing the backend of Liliana Solar’s punishment of being trapped in a silveriron cage that left him even madder than usual. Gabe has made it his life’s mission to press Mike’s buttons and the mad wolf sports the burns for all to see his injuries. And despite common knowledge of being enemies, he is tangled in leige with the Vociferous Owner, Oberyn Cortez and there’s something more than just unlikely flings between them. Though, it isn’t public. 
The very same vampire has been manipulating Aiden Kinsey and fabricating the mortal’s memories with compulsion. With the help of Avery Arden, a troublesome fae, they have gradually been uncovering the vampire’s handiwork to the discovery of Oberyn using Aiden as a blood source for his own personal gain. He has acquired a magical necklace that allows Avery and he to communicate telepathically, and has been self-questioning a route to elongate his lifespan to spend longer with the fae; perhaps taking the same route as Bram Mackie? 
On the less volatile side of the wolves, the oldest pack have been running amok on the Southside, troubled in their own ways - the usual pack warfare. Alpha of the Syndico’s Enzo Sinclair has been dealing with difficult family and lovers drama, Jaxon Reed has admitted the truth of Sinclair’s heritage and revealed that he is the Alpha’s father which has proven to be difficult for Enzo. With this, Jax has also confessed to having intimate relations with a member of a rival pack and the exchange of secrets has only made the Alpha make his Beta keep it hush. The only other person who knows of this familial truth is Izyk Vissar, the Alpha’s husband and formerly Exiled wolf. They are all trying to keep the inter-family drama outside of pack business, and Jaxon has found himself engaging with those he may want to avoid to cope with having to keep his confessions secret. 
Adding to Enzo Sinclair’s family carnage, his mother is heading back into town to scorn the man’s choice in husband; express her absolute disapproval. Izyk’s dealing with that, alongside his new position within the Syndico pack, and gaining acceptance as a valued member. 
Aslyn Bishop remains to be wavering with her loyalties to the wolves, and ongoing relations with Logan Crest Cree, of the vampires. Jaxon Reed has been attempting to keep her out of this trouble. 
To add to the wolves despair, Max Roper remains to be cursed to wolf form, and Phoebe Gallagher has been doing her best to cope and help with this, and has been searching for magical remedies to reverse the curse. Though, she’s not the only one trying to help the wolf. Haylee Dubois seems to think she might have a cure for the spell that is plaguing Max, while Esme is also doing her best to help. With all of this help, Max may be appear human once again.
In the ocean, the Mer kingdom remains to be recovering from their stroke of constant bad luck, death after death amongst the royal family implies they would be overdue something good. Andrew and Saylor Zander as reigning monarchs oversee their people and continue to attempt to keep them safe given past events. King Andrew and Katya Tilki have both recently returned from their travels to neighbouring kingdoms in order to recruit allies to aid in the silent war that threatens the Forgotten. Andrew is angry since his father ran his twin out of town and just as motivated by that, as he is the near assassination on him at his own wedding. Queen Saylor, privately, acted on her own in retaliation to that by targeting the demons at the latest Party of the Century, and dropped numerous with her potent concoction The Exitus. Nobody knows who was responsible for the toxic drink, but Azarius and Jahi of the Dominion have opened up their own investigations, and began dropping their own suspects across the state of Calamity in a hunt for the culprit, each pointing fingers in other directions. Azarius suspects his assassination attempt with Azagi Rabaz at the royal wedding might have something to do with the targeting. 
A silent war of the East remains under the radar, for now. 
In the diplomacy side of the underwater kingdom, Advisor, Josiah Maxwell has been reaching out for allies, whilst balancing his own personal interests in the Queen and the contract they drew up months ago that vowed the royal circle, himself and Kondor Tarren to secrecy in regards to inter-personal relationships that may jeopradise the integrity of vows, and hierarchial traditions. Greyson Zander has expressed his upset in conversation with his sister, but they all signed themselves to silence. Love is pain, no? Kondor Tarren caught between Greyson and Andrew whilst Saylor has her head turned by her Advisor. 
Saylor continues to plan for a war, has recently secured an alliance with the Syndico Pack and with her Advisor’s help, is working on allying with more. Dayanara “Daya” Lighcrest, in the background is hellbent on her pursuit for the throne, and has taken a private leave under a false guise where she was instead attempting to recruit her own people from neighbouring kingdoms to her cause, and has been planting seeds in her compatriots that antagonise the Zander’s, the potential that Azarius and Azagi may be part of her recruitment after the demon’s lazy attack on them may pose a different degree of threat. She is greatening her force, making no moves but is a reckoning force in the rear view of  the Zander’s gaze.
Among the demons, post-attack on them, and an absence of any particular unit of force, few care to act on it, others, want to terrorize the state as a result. Azagi Rabiaz is caught in a triangle of carnage, Jack Davenport, Lan Darquen and Azarius all have varying interests in the demon, but never as first choice. A complicated turmoil and mixture of monsters that serve as entertainment, toxicity and terror in one package. Lan remains unaware that Azagi and Jack have been more than just passing acquaintances, and both Jack and Azagi have learned during their jibes that they share a common partner in crime; they aren’t looking forward to letting that slip to the Invidias; the demon of envy. Nor is the little secrets of Azagi taking impromptu naps in the Davenport’s bed particularly eager knowledge they want broadcasted. 
Jakoris “Jack” Davenport in amongst the diplomatic trouble of the Darklands, is growing to put it on the back burner; disagrees with some decisions made and it might jeopradise his standing. Evanora Bile, his best friend and witch, admits to her magic waning (due to age) and that her lifespan is being reduced to that of a mortals - much to the vampire’s distaste and is currently in the pursuit (and somehow, pushing down rage) of some magical cure that might stop the mortal process of aging as he gradually wars with denial and truth. But his likely bloody chase for answers, might put himself in predicaments that derail all diplomacies on the Westside.
Ezekiel “Zeki” Amari has founded and opened his own bistro by the name of Polaris, and its a welcome reprieve for a lot of patrons of Calamity, Izara “Kit” Levine among one of its first customers on opening night and unaware that its founder had been one of her oldest companions from when they were both affiliated with the Hideout. This goes before Kit has crossed paths with her long time ex fiance, Axel Reyes and they balance a love, hate relationship amongst the diplomatic stress the Commander is dealing with. 
The state’s local good source of all things tasty, Zane Saxena has been manufacturing his own supplies of drugs and poisons in order of the growing demand. War? Brings about something with a little more potency, Pixie still a big first choice for most of the users, Ace Remington and Harley Xhanthi among his best customers, if not best friends - if it would be called such a thing. He is taking orders directly through Havelowe’s in the black market. The same Harley that has transformed species more than once, first a fallen, later a mortal via the powerful concoction at the Winter Ball, before Luella Edwards turned him into her protege and has been training him through fledgling hood. Her maker, Elias Reyes is still as insane as ever. 
Northside, the witches are as divided as ever, Esmeray Black alongside Esme Darcy are both heading the sorcerers and Black, newly given the position is still learning of the secrets that are bestowed upon the Arch Conduits. There is plans to potentially steal a child to fulfill missing gaps in her soul and assist Rhysand Darkwood in murdering Andrew’s father. Freyja Carter, without knowledge of witchcraft or the magic in her blood, is on the cusp of connecting with Luca Whitmore to help her realise what she is, but reluctantly. Aurora Lightwood, a ticking time bomb if there ever was one, the Tamperer with more power than any moertal body could handle, is trying to get a grasp of what her past has left her with. 
The High Sage keeps the Naturals in order, except her own Shaman, Haylee Dubois who appears to have wavering loyalties and rushes of impulsive behaviours, perhaps from being on such a tight leash til now? Atemu Elmasry, a poor choice in companion, dealing with his own past haunting him in the form of lost love - pitted against a complicated back and forth with the Shaman on the opposite side of the civil war of the witches, and on the brink of losing one of his oldest allies in Evanora Bile. He finds comfort in Valdana Romanov and cannot work out why he keeps finding himself in life and death, back and forths with Haylee; stops her from plummeting into dark magic and yet tolerates it. Daphne Groves is one of Haylee’s closest, and is defending all her choices, but quietly hopes she will remain on the side of light, and repel darkness. Daph is also getting a little too close to Yara Clementine, the vampire that stands as the only link left back to the witch’s mother and begins to question the High Sage’s values; instead stands to believe all species should be helped; anti-war. Still a believer, even after Azagi Rabaz presented the eyes of a loyalist in a terrifying act to coax information out of the witch?
A grand opening Southside, Coveted offers something new, founded by Adonis Romero he has found that it benefits him beyond the obvious. In some complicated thing with Teddy Byrne that seems mutually beneficial, Adonis is attempting to get the vampire addicted to his fae blood in order to manipulate the vampire to do what he wants. The trickery of the fae knows no bounds, it seems. The fae of Myre Grove seem relatively tame, Jasper Dalton’s step-brother Samuel Dalton has strode into town again to cause all kinds of trouble. Already found his long time companions in the Davenports, and Jessie has warned him off leaving messes that could caue diplomatic problems. 
Jasper has however antagonised Quentin Miles’ boyfriend when in The Bloom anda fight broke out, Kane Harrison bit Jasper and the situation grew extreme - Malakiah’s arrival worsened the situation, and the flower shop became a warzone that ended only when Quentin agreed to assist in Jasper’s injuries. What was said about how love hurts? Fortunately, an isolated indiscretion between the fae, fallen and the wolf was nothing more that lovers’ spats. 
Speaking of Jasper... He also seems to have caught the eye of his Manager and supposed friend, Amos De Leon. The man, usually seen surrounded by luck, seems to have a couple of people wrapped around his finger. Giselle, darling, are you having fun? It’s unknown if some of his games are for shits and giggles, or if he intends to blackmail those around him. All that luck is bound to run out at some point... 
Under the noses of the rest of the fae, Avery Arden plans to help conduit the human and vampire alliance in a negative direction, possibly with the assistance of Dalton and this would be detrimental to stopping a war of the West. 
Dojermaur “Dodger” Dros has been getting increasingly closer to Lennell Moore, but a Letharger’s interest in a mortal seems suspicious, no? Nira has been trying to assist in wakening the Unawakened and helping them blossom into their true potential, and Jack Riley seems to be a perfect candidate - on the road to recovery from his substance abuse, and trying to help his new Commander, and Hideout with supply runs and being support. 
Alexander remains to be under the thrall of the demons in the Dominion, continues to work as a bartender at Hypnos and is irrefutably flirting with his best friend. He’s gained custody of his child within the confines of the tunnels. The same tunnels that Atemu Elmasry and Teddy Byrne almost fought in when they reuinted for the first time in a decade and spurred the hundred year old feud that runs deep between them - Fallon Knight the only reason that the two only part ways with new scars, and their lives. 
This is the briefest of reference materials we could compile together based on what we know, and what the muns of Calamitous have sent us. If there is anything incorrect, or misinterpreted - or you lovelies want something added/included, let us know! 
We didn’t receive updates for everyone, but we’re happy to add something in, we hope this runover of the latest events helps you guys who don’t have the time to follow everything on the dash! 
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To all MariBat Writers/Fans!
On A03, my username is Chewandy, and I have posted these requests for any Courageous Writer to see if they are willing to take my ideas, and bring them to life. Here are 3 ideas I've written down.
*Warning! The first idea is more a Batsalt fic instead of the usual sugar with just a pinch of salt in the beginning before everyone in the Batfam treats Marinette like an actual being*
Chapter 1:
So I have a crazy idea for a story, but for the life of me, I can't write crap.
So here is an idea that I had that anyone can take. It can go 2 ways. Batfam are good ppl or bad ppl (so Bat salt with Alfred salt as well). Like some fantastic fics, Marinette gets sent to the Waynes as a problematic child. In the salt fic, just like Paris, the believe her to be a bully, etc... It's like that, intil Diana and Arthur and the Sups family comes over. Diana and Arthur takes Marinette a side and bow to her in recognizing the Miraculous. At the same time Clark reports all her injuries to the Waynes and practically screams at them because they thought the injuries were fake. They also thought Jagged, Adrian, Kagami, Chloé and Luka (maybe also Style Queen herself) were testing them in what they thought was the Truth vs Lies that the 5 against the rest of Paris says about the Bluenette. At some point between the screaming going on at Wayne Manors, an Akuma alert goes off and Diana and Arthur lends a helping hand, and she reluctantly says yes. She also refuses the Bats coming along. Lois high Jack's the portal to Paris to get a video of the fight. When Marinette and Co returns, she's badly injured and still refuses the Bats help. Diana takes her to the tower to help her heal while contacting her mother (can't spell her mother's name) for help. In the end, the Amazons teach Marinette a lost Guardian Technique to finding Hawkmoth and to also help her heal. Meanwhile, the Lane-Kents do everything the can to help take down the Liar and her Kingdom of Sheep's. The Batfam wants to help, but are told no. They than try to adopt Marinette, and all hell breaks lose as the 3 other members are already trying the same thing. I can go on, but I'll leave it to the Brave Soul who wants to take up this challenge. Bug Out.
Chapter 2:
Thank you soooooooooooooo much SleepyNov for taking up my request for a this idea of mine 😊.
SleepyNov has started this new series called "I'm Not An Angel" with a beautiful poem to kick start the her adaptation of my request.
Millions of Kudos SleepyNov 👏
- Chewandy
Chapter 3:
So I had another requested fic in my head. This can be seen as a 1 shot or have several chapters.
Now this fic can be in either Gothem, or Metropolis or both. Now before or after Marinette gets the notification that they won the trip to the 🇺🇲, she talks to the School Board about some extra safety measures, like small cameras with mics like from a spy movie, so both the school board and the parents can watch the children to make sure they're safe. When she wins the contest, she asks either Bruce/Tim or lets say Lex Luther for permission. The only time the cameras stop working, is if they are taking a tour of some or even their buildings, but the 🎤 will still be on.
In one of the locations, let's say a few parents, aka the DC's (they can be either salt or sugar), M. ROSSI, Mr. Ceasàr (a zoo conference???), M. Agrest, etc... and they all see and hear what the class and teacher does to Marinette.
At the Gala hosted by either powerful men or one where the gala is sponsored by both (yikes), the parents shows themselves to the class... and I'll let you decide from there. Maybe even have Gabe as part of the class being yelled at??? Akumatization??? Or no more Hawkmoth???
As for friends and maybe love interest, up to writer.
That's all I have for now. If anyone thinks there should be more add, just add to comments and I'll add to this not a chapter chapter 🙂
As the lovely lady says,
Bug Out
Chapter 4:
Page is empty as I have it left to let readers know who the next courageous writer will be plus the title for the story.
Chapter 5:
Ok, so here's another possible 1 shot that can be either just ML or can be alternate universe.
So here's the next next silly request. What if Jagged Stone gave Marinette a crocodile 🐊 egg as either her Birthday present or for something else. Marinette says no, but Jagged is saying that Fang choose this egg for her as Fang had just finished his yearly mating (do crocodiles even mate every year?). Marinette takes the egg and thanks Fang with trusting her with 1 of his own child ( or it could be one of those rare were there are 2 embryos inside 😉).
Now Marinette also lives in Fu's old place for whatever reason the writer decides (salt or no salt for her parents. No salt...oh because the crocodiles are a health code violation or when egg hatch and there are 2 instead of 1???. Let's also say that the parents knew about Marinette helping Fu, and that Fu left everything in her name for the non-salt version)
MPS will include Chloe, Nino, Kim, Kagami, Luka, Sabrina, Juleka, Alix. Max is a maybe. Markov is a yes to being part of the MPS (in salt, he lives with Marinette and acts like her personal security lol) As for Adrian, that is also up to the writer.
Now this can also have Lila in here or not.
Happy ending?????
I'm just going to end my request here.
🐞 out
That is all I have for MLB
🐞 out
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percabeth4life · 4 years
I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter (coming soon) || AO3
And we’ve reached canon timeline!
Ms. Dodds clearly has something out for me.
I can tell.
She watches me with narrow eyes, a dangerous look on her face.
I can feel the magic that clings to her, it feels like the strange itch of a curse, but not quite.
There’s an almost buzz with her, cloudy and indistinct.
I really don’t like her either.
Thankfully I’m good enough at Math to do alright in her class, or I really fear what she would do to me.
But as it is, I’m very worried.
“There’s been a theft.”
Triton was worried, he hasn’t contacted me since that letter.
“Keep your head down.”
I miss him, is he okay?
“Stay away from the ocean.”
I’m worried and scared, what’s going on?
“Don’t contact me.”
I need to tell someone about Ms. Dodds, I need to do something.
“Stay safe.”
What am I supposed to do?
Ms. Dodds almost seems to follow me around, I don’t dare use my waterbending outside of my room nowadays.
I haven’t used it much outside of my room anyways, but I played with the water in my cups and spilled some people’s drinks when they were rude.
They deserved it.
Nancy is more than happy to try to get me in trouble with Ms. Dodds though, it’s annoying. I’m not sure how to keep off her radar when Nancy tries to blame everything on me.
I’m just really glad for all of Triton’s lessons now. Triton might not be here, but his lessons still help me.
“There will be enemies you cannot match. They will be stronger than you, you will lose in a fair fight.”
Triton taught me a lot.
“There are two main paths to take. They depend on the situation.”
I don’t know if I’m treating the situation right, but I’m going to do my best.
“If you have no choice but to fight, anger them. Make them angry, mock them, tease them, attack their pride, their honor, their hair. Do whatever it takes to throw them off. An angry enemy is a dumb enemy.”
I smiled in the face of Nancy’s accusations and did my best to always be around at least two other people. I will have an alibi this year. There won’t be a repeat of previous year’s situations.
“If you can though, try to defuse the situation. Manners, sweet smiles, agreeing with them in everything they say. Don’t antagonize them, be the kindest, sweetest, most well-behaved person you can be. Make it so they don’t want to fight you.”
Ms. Dodds is scary, and I want Triton, I want the sea, I want home.
But I have to stay here, so I smile and nod and say yes ma’am and I hide my power.
I acted as ordinary as I possibly could.
I don’t think it’s working.
I tried to read the ex-cursed book from first semester. It’s all in Latin though? I can’t read it very well, just picking out certain words here and there. How annoying.
The paper felt old, but it doesn’t look it? It doesn’t seem to have any power in it anymore, at least I don’t feel anything other than the constant buzz around me.
Oh well, I’ll have to get better at reading Latin to read this book I guess.
I talked with Carl the fish a lot, while researching how to make him human again.
At this point I think I just need more power, the person that cursed him is stronger than me, so I have two options for undoing the curse. I could pull the curse apart at its base, but that would require me understanding how the curse was laid, and what the exact nature of the curse is, and so many details.
I learned a lot about curses, I’m so glad I had these books before whatever happened on the solstice.
The curses can be of different natures, woven ones where the curse is weaved almost like making a cloth, layered ones where it’s parts are all laid on top of the other, overwhelming ones where they just force their will on the subject, and twisting ones where they shift the nature of the object, that one is usually done for objects already enchanted though.
If you know the nature of the curse you can pick it apart, pull at woven ones until the fabric of the curse comes undone, peel the layers up one by one for layered ones, slip underneath and yank the overwhelming ones off (though it’s recommended to be sure of your skill to counter those), or just re-twist the twisting ones back to their original nature.
I thinks this one is either twisting or woven, but if I mess up doing the careful way of unwinding it then I could make it worse. Twisting a woven curse tightens it and makes it harder to undo and pulling a twisting one does the same.
So, I was probably going to do the second way, which is just plain overpowering it. But that requires a lot of power, especially if it’s twisting or woven. Those two are the hardest to undo through sheer power.
But Carl was at least nice to talk to, he helped me stay calm even though I have no idea what’s going on.
I should figure out how to make a bubble of water to bring him with me. That would be easier then leaving him with Gabe. I doubt it’s safe for him there. It was only safe last summer because Gabe didn’t find out about him till the very end of the summer.
Yeah, I’ll look into making a way to carry Carl.
I frowned over the book on healing, and the medical kit spread out in front of me. I want to get better at healing, unfortunately I need to figure out the tools.
I picked up one of the tools, this is just the basic set but it’s so varied.
Okay, so this is treated seaweed, for binding the wounds that you can’t heal all at once. This is purification stone to cleanse the wound to make it easier to heal. The slim shell knife is for working with the wound? And for cutting the seaweed to the right length. There’s an antibacterial mix, made from… something. I don’t know how this is made, I should probably learn.
The shell paste that hardens into a cast is cool though. And the spider crab thread is cool. I didn’t know the spider crabs made thread but looking through the manual it says that’s what the thread is from. Maybe there’s a mythical one I don’t know about? There’s also a jar of enchanted fish, enchanted to sleep until you open the jar, to eat dead skin.
There are also the basics, like in any land first aid kit. Tweezers, scissors, painkillers (though these are made from a fish with paralytic abilities that cuts off pain, it’s cool), and a thermometer (though again, it’s a type of coral that’s very sensitive to changes in temperature and enchanted to live).
Then there’s some stuff I’m not sure about? I don’t know if land kits have them, the one at home doesn’t.
There’s a large soft blanket made of woven sea grasses (so soft) that has one side woven with coral shielding, the kind that keeps in heat, a type of woven mix of sea grass stuffed with anemone puff that cools rapidly when exposed to water.
The manual shows how to use it all and one of my extra books shows how to combine them with healing. It’s interesting, I just wish I had someone to practice it on. I’ll just have to try it with minor injuries that I get?
I sighed, oh well. It’ll come in handy some day I’m sure.
Mr. Brunner is acting strangely as well.
I saw Mr. Brunner and Ms. Dodds talking, well, actually it sounded more like threatening each other from where I was standing.
I still don’t know if Mr. Brunner is safe, but he doesn’t have the itch of a curse on him. So maybe he’s okay.
He certainly seems safer than Ms. Dodds.
Mr. Brunner has started teaching us how to hold swords during lessons.
I don’t like any of the swords, they don’t feel right.
But some of them have that feel to them, a buzz in my head. They aren’t normal, they definitely have magic of some kind.
The one Mr. Brunner uses has the most powerful feeling, and it reminds me of Elei’s trident, made in the ocean of her power. Made of her.
I’m pretty sure that sword is of the ocean.
I pretend I don’t know that Mr. Brunner has what’s likely the essence of a being of the sea, even though it makes me ache. It’s just like Elei’s, what if there’s a being out there missing their essence?
I smile and nod again, hiding my fear, my worry, my anger.
Triton will be upset if I fall apart just because I can’t see Triton.
I stood at the edge of the pit again. This time there was someone else there, though I can’t see them.
I could feel something I hadn’t noticed before, sliding sand, soft and soothing, prickling over my hands, pinpricks of warmth and a feeling of numbness. The feelings together are strange, a bit uncomfortable, but they don’t bother me too much.
“-rry Master. I couldn’t get it to you, but I won’t fail again! I will find a way to let it reach you, I swear it.”
“Your failure has put back our plans by quite a bit, I now must expend energy to keep the wayward god under my control, I do not have the power to spare yet.”
“I know, I- I have no excuse. I failed you because of my own arrogance.”
The voice murmured something, I think it’s the Thalozan language, which is really, really, old but Triton knows a few words and taught me them.
I have no idea what the voice is saying though, I just recognize the sounds.
“I will make arrangements, return to your sleep.”
“Yes Master.”
There was a faint whisper, then the other presence was gone.
There were more faint murmurs in the other language, possibly Thalozan? Before it suddenly went silent.
“Ah, I see you’ve returned little Half-blood.”
“It’s Percy,” I reminded.
The low chuckle returned, “Indeed.”
I heard a faint murmur, “Fainter, less than before, not sure,” before he hummed, “How-“
I woke up.
I hate the stupid detention I’m stuck in.
I didn’t do anything! But Nancy Bobfit decided to blame me for stealing something, and my alibi didn’t work.
I have to clean the classroom for this detention, I’m pretty sure I’m just supposed to sit quietly in a room and listen to a lecture for an hour, but Ms. Dodds doesn’t go by normal rules.
So, I’m stuck in that room, with a rag and a spray bottle, reluctantly cleaning the room.
I’m staying polite though, I’m not going to let Nancy ruin all my hard work at making Ms. Dodds not kick me out at the first opportunity.
I sprayed the desk and wiped it down, this is nowhere near as hard as cleaning the river. I’ll be fine.
“Now honey,” Ms. Dodds started, “You know why you’re here yes?”
Ms. Dodds was apparently an expert at torture.
A faint buzz nudged at my senses.
The next hour was spent with her subtle implications that I’m a horrible thief, shouldn’t be in the school, brings shame to everyone, am a horrible person, and am probably cheating and she just couldn’t prove it yet.
It was getting harder and harder to resist the urge to lash out. But I need to keep my temper.
I blinked in the room I’m in, looking around.
I’m back in the undersea palace, Oceanus’s palace.
I’m in my probable dad’s palace.
I should look around.
For… research… yeah.
I promptly left the room to explore more.
It’s pretty, I like the walls, covered with glittering murals. I passed an opening and stared in awe at the dark waters filled with lantern fish and other glowing beings.
I decided I like it, it’s comfortable in a different way than the places I’ve been with Triton.
“Back again I see.”
I whipped around to see Oceanus there once more.
“Er… Hi.”
Dumb, stupid, idiot, don’t just say hi!
I quickly twisted my hand into the proper motion of respect.
Oceanus’s lips twitched.
“Perhaps introduce yourself first this time little half-blood, you have the unfortunate habit of disappearing before you can.”
“Ah, yeah… sorry.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking at me expectantly.
“Oh uh, I’m Percy Ja-“
“Oceanus! Who is that presence? Where does it keep coming from!?”
I decided I should resign myself to being entirely unable to ever introduce myself to my probable dad.
Maybe he just hasn’t gotten a chance to see me in a while? So, he doesn’t know what I looked like?
I hope so.
“Tethys, my love, that presence would be this young Half-Blood.” Oceanus motioned to me.
I bit my lip but ignored the pang in my chest at Oceanus calling Tethys his love, of course he would! Tethys is his wife, even if my mom is amazing and incredible and deserves the whole world, Oceanus wouldn’t have married his wife if he didn’t love her.
The Titans didn’t do that nonsense like the gods did.
The mermaid that approached was familiar, it’s the one I saw in my first dream to the undersea palace. A feeling of just general clean washed over me, curling currents swaying over my skin, interrupting the cold deep currents that I hadn’t even realized I felt.
Her tail the flowiest of any, glittering brilliantly in silvers and blues.
“Oh? The little half-blood from a few months ago.”
I quickly gave her the proper motion of respect.
Her lips twitched like Oceanus’s, “And who might you be little Half-Blood?”
“I’m Percy Ja-“
I woke up.
Why me.
We’re going on a fieldtrip!
I hate fieldtrips!
I sat next to Grover, resisting the urge to drown Nancy.
Murder is bad, murder is bad, murder is ba-
Another sandwich piece in Grover’s hair…
Maybe murder wasn’t so bad.
“Don’t, you don’t need to get in trouble with Ms. Dodds here, she has it out for you.”
Grover was holding my arm.
He clearly could tell that I’m ready to fight Nancy.
I scowled but stayed seated.
“She needs to get some taste, peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches in your hair? She might as well just toss her lunch in the trash.”
“Ha just stay calm and hope Ms. Dodds doesn’t see anything.”
I sighed, “Fine.”
It’s probably for the best that Grover stopped me, Triton would be disappointed in me if I let my temper win over in a fight that I can’t win with it.
You’re not supposed to get angry, you’re supposed to make your opponent angry.
I sighed and forced myself to not snap and drown Nancy with the water from my waterskin when she threw another piece of her sandwich at Grover.
This was going to be a long fieldtrip.
See, I like fieldtrips, in theory.
They could be really fun! But things keep happening on them and well… I’m extremely wary of fieldtrips now.
I tried to not be worried, Mr. Brunner is running this trip after all.
I’m still not sure if he’s trustworthy, but he still doesn’t seem to mean me any harm. Grover nervously wrung his hands now that we were out of the bus.
Ms. Dodds walked right behind the two of us, I worked very hard to keep a happy expression on my face. Don’t need her getting on us about being suspicious or something. That would be bad.
We walked through the museum, Mr. Brunner leading us.
I smiled as I studied the different displays. It wasn’t as cool as what’s under the sea, but it was still pretty impressive.
Oceanus’s palace was cooler though.
My eye twitched as annoying students kept talking and interrupting Mr. Brunner. I was having a hard time hearing his explanation.
I resisted the urge to tell them to shut up, that would get a look from Ms. Dodds, and I did not need that.
Mr. Brunner moved on to talking about some funeral art, explaining the significance and-
“It’s just a naked guy on a wall,” snickered Nancy.
I sighed, “It’s not just a naked guy on a wall, it’s a stele, as Mr. Brunner said it’s a column of stone that has the image of the god that the girl that it once served as the gravestone for worshipped. Honestly if your brain wasn’t the same size as a jellyfish’s then you’d know that Nancy.”
The group laughed as Nancy flushed, glaring at me.  Mr. Brunner paused in his story.
“Did you have a comment Mr. Jackson?”
“No sir, sorry for interrupting.” I flushed slightly, whoops.
He nodded then pointed to one of the pictures on the stele, “Perhaps you’ll tell us what this picture represents?”
I brightened, “That would be the Titan King Kronos, the Titan of Time and Agriculture, eating his kids the gods.”
Mr. Brunner nodded, but made a motion with his hand, “And he did this because…”
I bounced on my feet, resisting the urge to smile, “He got a prophecy that said his child would overthrow him, so he ate his children to prevent it. But then his wife, Rhea the Titaness of motherhood, gave him a rock instead of feeding him his youngest, Zeus. Then Zeus grew up, raised in secret by some nymphs, and he tricked Kronos into throwing up-“
“Gross!” A few kids muttered.
“-his other kids by feeding him a mustard and wine mix. Then the gods got together and ended up over throwing him. They cut him into a lot of tiny pieces and threw the pieces into Tartarus.”
Behind me, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend, “Like we’re going to use this in real life. Like it’s going to say on our job applications, ‘Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.’”
“And why, Mr. Jackson,” Mr. Brunner started, “to paraphrase Miss Bobofit’s excellent question, does this matter in real life?”
Grover snickered softly, “Busted.”
“Shut up,” Nancy hissed, her face even brighter red than her hair.
Just more proof to me that Mr. Brunner wasn’t human, I could barely hear her, and I was right next to her.
“Because we can learn from the mistakes of the past to improve ourselves in the present, and it’s also just very interesting.”
Mr. Brunner nodded, though he didn’t seem fully pleased, “That’s very nearly correct Mr. Jackson. Full credit. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course, being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan’s stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld. On that happy note, it’s time for lunch. Ms. Dodds, would you lead us back outside?”
The class drifted off to follow Ms. Dodds. Some of the girls were holding their stomachs, most of the guys were shoving each other and acting like doofuses.
“Mr. Jackson,” Mr. Brunner’s call stopped me from going too.
I paused, turning to him, nudging Grover onward.
Mr. Brunner looked at me solemnly from an ancient gaze, another point towards him not being human.
“You must learn the answer to my question,” he said seriously.
I chewed my lip, I know what it means, but I also can’t know more until Triton says so. He said it’s dangerous, so I would listen.
“Yes sir.”
“What you learn from me,” he continued, “is vitally important. I expect you to treat it as such. I will accept only the best from you, Percy Jackson.”
I wanted to get angry, it’s unreasonable of him to hold me to higher standards than the rest of the students. It’s frustrating! I tried as hard as I could, and he was a better teacher than many I’d had, but…
I glared at the ground as I nodded, I tried so hard to learn all the names and match them to the proper facts and make sure it was spelled right. It’s so hard to do in English!
I don’t know who he is, if he’s safe or a threat, but I’m so frustrated that he’s holding me to these standards and no one else.
He told me to go outside and eat my lunch as he stared at the stele mournfully.
I wonder if he killed the girl?
I stepped outside to see Grover waiting for me right by the door.
I idly noticed Nancy and her friends (I know it’s shocking that she has any) standing nearby too. A storm was forming outside.
We started walking past the fountain, right next to the stairs.
“Detention?” Grover asked as we reached the stairs.
I put my hand on the fountain as I took the first step, “Nah, not-“
And Grover was falling.
Nancy laughed, her hand out.
Grover was falling.
My vision went red, roaring in my ears as I yanked.
A scream from Nancy, a cry from Grover.
When I could see again Grover was alright, if soaked.
Nancy was gasping for breath in the fountain, looking like a drowned rat.
The other students were gaping.
“The water-“
“It just reached out-“
“Did you see that?”
“Percy pushed me!” Nancy finally gets the air to speak.
I ignored her, moving to check on Grover.
He coughed, rubbing his butt, but otherwise seemed okay.
My chest loosened. Thank goodness.
“Now honey-“ Ms. Dodds had appeared.
I glared up at her, did she not see what just happened.
“Come with me,” She said.
“Wait!” Grover yelped, “He was just trying to help me!”
Ms. Dodds looked down at him, “Violence is never the answer Mr. Underwood.”
“You – will – stay – here.”
I shook my head when Grover looked at me worriedly, pulling my waterskin out of my bag and fingering my trident charm.
“Hold my bag? I’ll be back soon.”
Ms. Dodds turned and walked back up the stairs, “Honey, Now.”
I swallowed and followed, shooting my deluxe I’ll-kill-you-later stare that Triton helped me master at Nancy.
I looked back to Ms. Dodds and was unsurprised to see her at the top of the steps.
The buzz around her was weakening, and the itch of the not-curse was getting stronger. She’s going to attack me.
I walked up the steps regardless, better away from everyone.
She kept going deeper into the museum. When I finally caught up we were back in the Greek and Roman section.
She stood with her arms crossed in from of a big marble frieze of the Greek gods. She was also growling low in her throat.
I swallowed.
“You’ve been giving us problems, honey,” She snarled.
The buzzing was fading, the itch making me want to scratch my arms.
I raised my chin, slid my “princely” face on, and responded, “I’m sorry for any problems I’ve caused Ms. Dodds.”
I held the waterskin tightly, one finger pressed on the lid.
“Did you really think you would get away with it? Or that a simple apology would pardon the crime?”
She looked angry, furious. Her face was creased, I could almost see the change that was starting, the buzz was almost non-existent.
“I don’t understand Ms. Dodds, what crime am I being accused of?”
Thunder boomed as the storm that had been brewing outside broke.
“We are not fools Percy Jackson,” Ms. Dodds continued. “It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain.”
I frowned, there was only one thing I know that has happened lately that she could be accusing me of.
A theft.
Of what, I don’t know, but she seems to be blaming me for it.
My heart sank.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, I- I don’t think I did whatever you’re accusing me of.”
“Is that your final answer?”
I twisted the lid, “Yes ma’am.”
Then the buzz was gone, and the itch grew almost unbearable.
Her eyes began to glow and then her fingers stretched, turning into talons. Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings.
She turned into a fury!
Uh oh.
I flicked the lid off in one quick move, but before I could call the water, Mr. Brunner wheeled through the doorway of the gallery, holding a pen that positively sung with magic.
“What ho, Percy!” he shouted, and tossed the pen through the air.
Ms. Dodds lunged at me.
I dodged, snatching the ballpoint pen out of the air. I know this tone of magic.
The sword of the sea was in my hand.
Ms. Dodds spun towards me with a snarl and murder in her eyes, “Die honey!”
I went by the instincts that Triton had drilled into me, letting one hand flick out to send a water whip snapping around Ms. Dodds and yanking her to the side the other bringing the sword down right into her shoulder.
It passed clean through her body with a hiss.
She exploded into yellow powder, vaporized on the spot.
All that remained was a claw.
I walked towards the entrance of the museum again, a buzz was itching at my senses, the same buzz that surrounded Mr. Brunner and Ms. Dodds. Only much louder and much more spread out.
The pen that was a sword that was a pen that was of the sea was clutched in my hand.
I was shaking.
That was the first monster I’d actually fought, the empousai from before doesn’t count.
Triton was going to be furious.
I paused before opening the doors, taking a moment to choke back the sob that wanted to break out.
I want to go home, I want Triton, I want my mom.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.
I closed my eyes and pulled the “princely” face on.
I can break down later, to Carl. He won’t judge.
I swallowed once more and took a step forward, opening the doors.
Grover was sitting by the fountain, still wet from me using the water to slow his fall.
Nancy Bobofit was standing soaked from her swim in the fountain, grumbling to her ‘friends’. When she saw me, she gave me an ugly grin.
“I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt.”
I frowned, “Who?”
The buzz grew worse.
“Our teacher. Duh!”
I frowned, is this a spell? Because I killed Ms. Dodds they replaced her with a spell?
The buzz had settled across all the students, but it was still itching at me. I really wanted to cover my ears, it wasn’t quite a sound by it was extremely disconcerting.
I turned away from Nancy, I was too angry with her anyways.
If I stay near her I might try to recreate turning Carl from a guinea pig to a fish.
I focused on Grover, who sucks at lying and who didn’t have an irritating buzz about him.
“Where’s Ms. Dodds.”
He faltered, looking away.
I held back the urge to roll my eyes or scream or cry.
I snatched up my bag and slipped the pen into it. It’s of the sea, and Mr. Brunner gave it to me willingly. If he wants it back, he can ask. Then he can answer my questions.
I sat down on the fountain and pulled out my lunch.
This year is a trainwreck.
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foxymuses · 5 years
an incomplete list of headcanons for sirius black:
there was a period of about 6-8 months between running away/being disowned and receiving his uncle’s inheritance when sirius had absolutely nothing to his name but the misc junk he’d shoved in a bag when he left the house to go to james. the potters, ignoring sirius’ claims they didn’t have to, bought him a moderate amount of items including but not limited to clothes, school materials, and various items for the room he’d already claimed at their house. when his inheritance kicked in, he tried to pay them back. they refused.
sirius was always more afraid of his father than his mother (which is the opposite of regulus). the reason is that his mother was more concerned with appearances outside the family, but was content to simply act as if sirius didn’t exist when they were at home, which was fine for both of them (and on some occasions, the worst that would happen is she’d scream and yell and be generally unpleasant, and true she’d be the one to force a hair cut or destroy his ‘revolting’ muggle/gryffindor items). however his father was the disciplinarian. his father rarely raised his voice, but was the first to raise a hand or wand to correct behaviors or punish misbehaviors, and though sirius would stand up for himself and was not scared into silence, there were many instances where he would show up to the potters in the middle of the night, or return from mandatory holidays during the school year, with signs of magically induced injury.
following that, sirius is always the first to jump to the defense of others, completely disregarding his own safety or the danger of the situation, and has been known to laugh in the face of those that think they can fight him, and generally doesn’t react to anyone who rises to attack him either verbally or physically, but whenever his father even shifted slightly, sirius would tense and brace, and there were several instances in public where a disagreement would start and though often the marauder’s were nearby and out of ear shot, they’d know things were going poorly because sirius, who never ever shows fear to anyone, would flinch
it’s clear from prisoner of azkaban that sirius could have escaped at any point. all he did was become padfoot and get past the dementors who weren’t looking for or caring about animals (literally his words). there is no true reason he had to wait twelve years except for dramatic story telling. that being said, the shock of the situation prevented any of this from logically settling in his mind for the first few weeks, and then after that, the dementors and their constant soulsucking presence did make it easier for sirius to blame himself for james and lily dying. he convinced them to make their secret keeper peter instead of him, he didn’t try hard enough to keep them safe, he should’ve actually killed peter, fuck what’s happening to harry, where is he, does anyone care about him, is he being taken care of, what’s remus doing, does remus think sirius did it, does remus hate him, is remus okay, it’s another full moon please let remus be okay, fuck if he gets out he’s going to strangle peter --- on and on, and it definitely gave him a huge amount of guilt on his shoulders, and regret, and despair, and while i personally don’t think it would have taken him 12 years to finally fucking decide to leave, it definitely did take several, especially since telling time within the walls of azkaban is near impossible
ON THAT NOTE, HOWEVER, it is this very guilt and anger that allowed him to muster the determination to finally fucking escape. even amidst all this guilt and fear and sorrow, sirius was strong enough to stay sane under the influence of the dementors and his own perceived failure, that he consciously made the decision to trick his way out. it was this very fury he felt towards peter and the injustice that he suffered because of his coward of a supposed best friend that fueled sirius’ ability to withstand the trails of being a prisoner at the worst wizarding prison. once his guilt subsisded enough for pure unadulterated hate to seep in, it was just a matter of deciding the best time to stage an escape
I REPEAT, I DO NOT BELIEVE IT TOOK HIM 12 YEARS at most, i would figure, personally, it happened in four or five. which, while following my canon divergent main verse, would still allow time for sirius to clear his name and fight for custody of harry, which he does successfully, by my canon, when harry is about seven. SO EVEN IF sirius isn’t instantly cleared as my main verse would like, he still winds up a single dad.
he has horrible nightmares after azkaban, regardless of when he gets out or how long he was there or whether he ends up raising harry. i personally would have it so that he and remus end up living together, both because sirius has his inheritance to support them, and because they’re the last two marauders and trusting others is hard for sirius to come by after everything, so living with remus is Safe and Easy, and he does everything he fucking can to make up for all the full moons he missed, but regardless of how Hard he tries to get back to some semblance of a normal life, he has severe ptsd from prison and he doesn’t sleep well and he doesn’t eat much and he drinks more (in verses where he doesn’t have custody) and he smokes a shit ton more and he spends more time as padfoot than he does as a human because being a dog is just so much simpler and he has fewer worries, and remus is fucking worried as shit about him because sirius was always the strongest of the four of them (fight me on this i dare you) and to see the confident, arrogant, and generally easy-going carefree rebel that was sirius black in school turned into a jumpy, irritable, shattered shell of himself is hard and sirius never truly recovers from that damage, he just gets better at hiding it, and he does a hell of a lot better at healing when he does have custody of harry because harry gives him purpose in a way that remus can’t.
when sirius inevitably comes across peter again, he does try to kill him. whether he genuinely fails or subconsciously stops himself because peter, as much as sirius resents and hates and would love to grind him into little rat pieces, was a friend and was someone sirius trusted and cherished and would have protected with his life, and no matter how much he very much wants to kill the bastard, he can’t
shifting gears a bit, but sirius had never and still doesn’t really see himself ever getting married. he never even wanted kids until harry came around, and even then, the only kid he’ll ever have is in my canon divergency where he raises harry himself. in that verse he is more open to a co-parenting relationship (re: when he’s with @gavrele‘s gabe, or if he were to be with remus or another marauder’s era character who survived either by au or in canon), which can be considered romantic or merely a mutual desire to raise this orphaned child, but in that instance, he still probably wouldn’t want marriage, because it makes him seriously uncomfortable just thinking about it, and at the very most he would just agree to mutually wear signifying rings but not actually make it official, so that way if at any point he does feel weird about it he won’t feel bad about taking the ring off for a few days until the feeling passes
he learns of regulus’ dying while he’s in azkaban and listen canon sirius was very ‘meh’ about the whole deal, which really pisses me off, so my sirius was very torn. and it doesn’t help that most people just write reggie off as disappearing, they don’t know the story, they just assume he died in the war or voldemort disposed of him or something, doesn’t matter, he learns that regulus is gone, and his father is gone, and his mother ends up dying shortly before he gets out, and sirius is alone really and truly, and when he returns home for the first time in years, he manages to convince kreacher to explain the situation because even if he doesn’t particularly like kreacher, they both loved regulus, and sirius crafts a makeshift grave for his brother which he visits reguluarly, and though he doesn’t usually say much except “hey reg”, the first time he broke down sobbing because he tried so hard to get regulus to see the right side of the war, but he didn’t try hard enough, and he should’ve worked harder to keep reg safe, what an awful brother he was, he only ever thought of himself, if he just took regulus with him when he ran away maybe they could’ve avoided this, fuck he’s sorry he fucked up, he’s so proud that regulus stood up to voldemort in the end, he doesn’t care if it was for selfishness or fear or whatever, he’s so proud, he wishes regulus would know how proud he is
he actively keeps harry as safe as possible, doesn’t let half the shit that happens happen to him, fully supports and listens to him whenever the kid says ‘something is going on”, talks with him through it, tells him all the stories of james and lily that he can, never treats harry as less than his own blooded son because to him harry is his son, but he also never tries to replace james with himself, and harry knows how much sirius loved james and lily and how sirius only wants harry to be safe and happy, and merlin did he cry the first time harry called him dad and told him that he knows sirius isn’t his real dad but its okay to have more than one dad, he still loves james too he just loves sirius as much, and when he saw sirius almost crying, he asked if that was okay, and sirius could not express how absolutely perfect that was and later when talking to remus, remus had to hold a conflicted sirius for at least half an hour because he adored the idea but god he misses james so much, he wishes this wasnt the situation but it is and fuck it hurts (remus is uncle, by the way)
he literally stands between snape and harry, and dumbledore and harry, and does not let lucius anywhere near harry (and only allows cissa after a tentative no-children meeting, where they agree to not be enemies but rather awkward cousins like they are, and sometimes even let draco and harry play together) and harry is raised knowing about the prophecy, and since he’s raised in the wizarding world he’s not a commodity, by the time he starts hogwarts, everyone has kind of gotten over the hype so he can be mostly normal, and yeah strange things keep happening but the second harry tells sirius (because harry is raised in an open and loving environment where talking about things is encouraged), sirius does shit about it, and yeah voldemort wasn’t vanquished, he is still waiting, and sirius can’t be everywhere, but when harry says voldemort is back, sirius fucking rallies and essentially one-man-armies the ministry into fucking doing something about it because he lived through that hell in his last few years of hogwarts, he lost friends to it, he is not going to watch it happen again and nothing is going to hurt harry period
naturally, this means he doesn’t die in the department of mysteries because when the dreams start happening, harry talks about them with him, and they work it out together.
sirius doesn’t get a job because he doesn’t need one, and all of harry’s inheritance from james is purely harry’s, sirius doesn’t touch an ounce of it, and in fact regularly adds to it of his own inheritance, but sirius is seen roaming random places offering assistance, usually in regards to muggle nonsense (think hands on mechanics stuff) because he’s good at it and he doesn’t know what to do with his time, but he never lets them pay
he helps fund the weasley’s prank store. ron is a little odd, and hermione is sometimes annoying, and boy does he have a soft spot for neville because sirius knows about his parents, and you can bet that rather than lifting the map from filch, sirius straight up gave it to fred and george, and remus later confiscated it from his now-permanent DADA position (or whatever position remus wants, tbh) and sirius got an earful before telling remus he knew the other would give it back to them, which he did
i could continue but i should probably start another post to do so SO THERE YOU ARE
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fangirlfiction · 6 years
Out of Time [9]
ix. knock em dead, red
Pairing: Stucky x reader
Word Count: 2.1k (they just keep getting longer)
Description: No one is safe in war. No one. 
Warnings: Injuries, blood, explosions, cursing, war, some angst. It’s WWII, you know the drill. Allusions to smut. 
A/N: Hi okay, so, this is partially based off a drabble I wrote many moons ago when I used to write daily drabbles, so some of you may recognize bits and pieces, but there are lots of new parts added. I hope you enjoy! also, I love you all very much and I hope life is treating you well. 
eta. the series masterlist will be linked in the notes until tumblr fixes the link problem!
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November 17, 1944, somewhere in France
You sit on the ledge of the jeep behind Bucky, peering over his shoulder at the map Steve has spread over a wooden crate. You watch the two men work: debating over the best maneuvers for the terrain, deciding who will move where, where to position the additional troops allotted for this raid.
The movement of men with cameras isn’t foreign to you anymore. After months of successful raids against Hydra, the government sent cameramen every few months, eager to get their hands on good news for those back home. Bucky is relaxed in front of you, leaning comfortably into you, fingers laced through yours, eyes never once moving to the cameramen around you. Steve is tense; back rigid, eyes flicking from the cameramen to the map every few seconds. As one of the men steps closer, attempting to zoom in on the small photo wedged into the lid of Steve’s compass, Steve snaps the lid shut, flashing a look of annoyance at the camera. You bite back a smile as the cameraman moves away from the jeep and over to the other Commandos to film them instead.
Bucky lets out a snort of laughter. “Always so shy around the cameras, Stevie.”
You lean forward, a wicked smile on your face. “He’s never shy any other time.” You glance over at Bucky and give him a smirk. “He certainly wasn’t shy last night when he was screamin’ our names.”
Bucky laughs and Steve blushes, before throwing a glare at you. “That’s different. Being with both of you is...different.”
“Aw, we love you too, Stevie.”
Your statement hangs heavy in the air, the months of unspoken feelings bubbling just under the surface. Steve mutters, “Are we…are we ever gonna talk about it?”
Bucky sighs. “And ruin a good thing? No need. Besides, there’ll be plenty of time to talk about it after the war is over.”
Steve nods and Bucky glances at you, and you nod too. You all sit in silence for a minute before Steve breaks it. “I’ll go fill everyone in on their objectives.”
Bucky tips his head in acknowledgement and answers, “I’ll get her suited up.”
You look at Bucky in confusion. “Suited up? What are you talking about?”
“We need a nurse on the ground today. Intel says this base is heavily fortified, so we could be seeing a lot of injuries out there.”
“When was this decided?”
Bucky smiles, “Last night, when you were sleeping. We just…we lost so many people at that base in Greece. So many people that could have been saved if we let you down there with us. Maybe you can prevent that from happening today.”
You nod, “Okay.”
Bucky smiles and reaches behind him to grab something, before settling a helmet on your head. “You’re gonna be near the back of the group, away from the heaviest fire.”
“I’m assuming you and Steve will be up front.”
Bucky digs in a crate in the jeep, pulling out ammo and small weapons. “Yes,” He hears the shaky breath you let out, and he turns to you with a smile. “Hey, we’ll be okay. We always are.”
You look at Bucky with a look of annoyance and confusion. “Buck, you got shot in March. And there’s no way you’ve already forgotten about all the shrapnel I pulled from Steve in August.”
Bucky gives you a reassuring smile, before pressing a small pistol into your hand. “Yeah, but you’ll be on the ground with us today. If anything happens, I know you’ll be the first person to reach us.”
Bucky hands you a jacket and a different pair of boots. “It’ll be better if you blend in. I heard they target medics in the field.”
You shudder slightly and change, just as Steve returns from talking to the others. He looks down at you with a smile, “Ready?”
“Yes.” You glance at the A on his cowl, a reassuring habit you’ve picked up over the last few months of missions. As long as you were looking up at it and giving Steve his good luck kiss, it meant he was alive. It meant you were alive. You kiss your finger and press it to the A, leaving the good luck smudge behind.
Steve smiles in thanks and offers your hand an affectionate squeeze. “You know, the only mission you didn’t give me a good luck kiss was the day I got shrapnel in my neck.” He gives you a bright smile and starts to back away from you, towards the front of the group. “There really is witchcraft in your lips.”
You laugh and turn away from him and back to Bucky, who’s giving you a similar bright smile. He kisses you and whispers on your lips, “Knock em dead, Red.”
You smile as he pulls away and joins Steve at the front, leaving you to blend in with the soldiers as you all march towards another Hydra facility.
“Medic! I need a medic!”
The soldier’s voice is cracking, desperate. You peek around the corner of the hall, only to quickly pull back again, 3 bullets lodging in the wall where your head was moments before. Taking a deep breath, you pull out your pistol and hold it in front of you, before glancing across the open hallway to the wall on the other side. 12 feet. 12 feet between you and the other wall of the hallway, with the soldier on the ground further down the wall.
You pop out from around the corner again, firing blindly down the hall as you move from one side of the hall to the other. You’re halfway to the other side when you feel the force of a bullet as it hits your side, but you continue moving until you are safely hidden behind the opposite wall. You collapse on the ground, staring down at the blood staining your jacket, waiting for the pain to come. The injured soldier’s desperate cries are growing weaker as he yells, “Medic!”
You crawl over to the man, scanning his bodies for injuries. Finding none, you ask him, “Where are you hurt?’
He weakly mutters, “Back.”
You pull him forward and suppress a gasp at the sight of his back, blood leaking from 5 different bullet holes. The blood is pooling beneath him and you know he’s bleeding out. You lean him back carefully and give him a shot of morphine, listening as his breaths grow more labored before finally stopping. You pull a set of tags from his neck before standing and glancing down the empty hall.
A series of explosions begins echoing in the distance, and you recognize it as the tell tale signs of the destruction of the base. You jump to your feet and run down the hall turning and weaving through the building as you navigate its maze like structure. The explosions grow louder and louder as you run through the empty halls, and through the sounds of destruction, you hear a chorus of people calling your name. As you round the corner, you see Bucky, Gabe, and Dugan all yelling your name, gesturing for you to run faster.
You all make it out of the building and across the grounds before the last bomb detonates, sending the rest of the building up in flames. Bucky’s hand is securely gripping your own, and he’s yelling at you as you continue to flee the base. “What happened? Where were you?”
“I got pinned down in a hallway. I thought I had more time.”
Bucky lets out a bitter laugh. “You were supposed to. They had an unmarked escape route, and they started fleeing from the building and into the woods. We had to set the bombs off before they all escaped.”
You look around the woods suspiciously. “So, there’s Hydra in these woods?”
“All over it. Steve is up ahead making sure the path is clear, and Dugan and Gabe are bringing up the rear, making sure we don’t lead em straight to us.” Bucky glances up ahead, eyes searching the trees. “I need to find Steve and let him know we’re all accounted for. Are you okay?”
You nod and Bucky flashes you a smile before running ahead of you. Your adrenaline rush from the building wears off quickly, bringing your attention to the burning in your legs, the result of running so long. You press your palm to the growing pain in your side, gritting your teeth as you push through it and continue running. The sun is beneath the trees before Steve finally lets the group approach the base, everyone still tense and on guard. You practically drag yourself into camp, exhaustion creeping into every inch of your body. Up ahead, you see the shadows of Steve and Bucky moving around in your shared tent, but you lack the strength to join them. Instead, you collapse near a small fire the other Commandos were making, just large enough to keep warm and still stay out of sight.
You pull your hand from your side and wince at the blood coating it, before gathering enough strength to croak, “Dugan, help.”
Laughing at something Jones said, Dugan turns to you with a smile, instantly sobering up when he sees the blood staining your hand and jacket. He jumps up and immediately launches into action, “Falsworth, Morita, grab her, she’s been shot!”
You feel your body being lifted and shifted as you watch Dugan run to the tent to find Steve and Bucky. The tent swims in and out of your vision, your head falling to the side, lacking any strength to hold it up. You’re halfway there when Bucky bursts from the tent, your name falling from his lips in a panicked gasp. Steve emerges from the tent immediately after, and they are at your side in a flash, relieving Falsworth and Morita.
They carry you inside and settle you onto the pile of blankets, and Steve looks at Bucky, eyes full of panic. “What do we do?”
Bucky takes a deep breath, his voice calmer when he answers. “Dugan, keep an eye on the perimeter, I’ll take care of this.” Dugan nods and Bucky turns to Steve, “Find her field kit.”
Bucky lifts you into a sitting position, carefully removing your jacket from your body. His face swims in and out of your vision, your eyes having a hard time focusing. He whispers to you as he works, “Why didn’t you tell me you were shot?”
Your reply is a mumble, “Didn’t think it was ‘mportant.”
Bucky pulls back to look at you, reaching up to push some hair off your sweaty forehead. He places his hands on your cheeks and kisses your nose before whispering to you with a serious tone. “Of course it’s important. Do you remember me saying that the woods are crawling with Hydra soldiers?”
You nod, and he continues, “It’s also important that you’re very quiet for me.”
You see the anxiety weaved into his features as he whispers, “There’s no exit wound, so I’m gonna have to dig the bullet out. It’s gonna hurt, but I’m gonna need you to stay still and stay quiet, okay?”
You nod, just as Steve returns, field kit in his hands. Bucky lays you back on the blankets before cutting open your shirt, exposing the bullet hole. He grabs a bottle of antiseptic, and you whine at the sight of it. His eyes flash to you and he says, “Steve, hold her still.”
Steve laces his fingers through yours and places his other arm across your side, holding you still. Bucky locks eyes with you and asks, “You ready?”
You nod and he doesn’t hesitate in dumping some of the antiseptic right onto the injury, clearing the blood away. You cry out as soon as the antiseptic touches your skin, lighting the injury on fire. Bucky looks at you with tearful eyes and whispers, “Shh, I know, I know. But they’re gonna find us if you aren’t quiet.”
Tears fall down your cheeks and Steve lowers himself beside you, nudging your head to the side so you’re looking at him. Your eyes lock with his ocean blue ones, a reassuring smile on his face. Bucky pulls out a pair of tweezers and you turn at the sound, whimpering at the sight. Steve turns your head back to look at him again. “Hey, look at me, okay? Only me.”
You nod and you watch as Steve nods at Bucky, signaling for him to start. You scream as soon as the metal tweezers push into the wound, lighting the nerves on fire there. Steve lifts your joined hands, bringing his wrist into view. “Bite on my wrist, okay? You won’t hurt me.”
You clamp your teeth down onto his arm as Bucky digs around for the bullet, the pain intensifying with each passing second. It only takes a few seconds for black spots to gather at the edge of your vision, growing larger until all you see is black.
endnote: howling commandos montage, minute mark 1:16-1:24.
and of course, thank you to @evanstar for sending me @end-o-the-line‘s brilliant timeline. I used (5. another Hydra base raid, #5) as my reference.
taglist (open): @slender--spirit ⋆ @amoonagedaydreamer ⋆ @honeylbear ⋆ @kypriot ⋆ @stiles-is-my-only-defense ⋆ @misplacedorphan ⋆ @thetimidsarcasticcat ⋆ @kaylaphantomhive ⋆ @mcu-owns-my-ass ⋆ @americasmarauders ⋆ @supernaturallover2002 ⋆ @thequirkypeach ⋆ @ilovethewayyourheartbeats ⋆ @ailynalonso15 ⋆ @littlelunaticfringe ⋆ @pandabearisaunicorn ⋆ @lokilvrr ⋆ @maddie-laufeyson ⋆ @gloriousbanananana ⋆ @zoayyy ⋆ @mrsdeanwinchester19 ⋆ @aesthetic-avaline ⋆ @grimmlytimelord ⋆ @kat-lives ⋆ @scarlettsoldier ⋆ @slytherinqueenie ⋆ @annielovebug22 ⋆ @sergeantliz ⋆ @sweetlydecaf ⋆ @thewaythewildthingslive ⋆ @mxgicmoonz ⋆ @softthanos ⋆ @sthorkronstrangy ⋆ @kiss-the-baguette ⋆ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 ⋆ @part-time-patronus ⋆ @csigeoblue ⋆ @stargeek727 ⋆ @capandbuck ⋆ @silverconduit ⋆ @unapologeticallymimi ⋆ @cptnrogerssteve ⋆ @darkblueeyedperson ⋆ @spidey-babe-parker ⋆ @waterfeenix137 
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confusedunit · 6 years
The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same - Chapter Fourteen
Gabriel needs to know.
He knows he does. He needs to know what happened in the past, what he can’t remember. He decides on Sombra’s room as his place of research. It’s likely the most secure room on base. Or...one of them, at least.
He asks Sombra to help him. While he doesn’t need her help to get into his own files, he knows he needs...the emotional support. He’d have asked Gerard as well, but with the man always running off on his own self decided ‘missions’, he doesn’t exactly have the option.
“Guess it’s just the two of us, huh?” Sombra looks over at him. “...Are you sure you want to open these, Gabe?”
“They’re my files. I might as know what the hell they are.”
She’s quiet for a bit, watching him settle on his beanbag. “...Okay. Opening files...now.” She taps a few of her holo-keys, before she looks at him. “Which one to start?”
“Might as well start with the earliest. Password’s-”
“7-3-2-7-3-7, I know.” She smirks. “You’re not subtle. How has no one realized who you are?”
“First of all, I took my codename literally because I wanted those close to me to know who I am. Secondly, I wasn’t ‘Reaper’ before now, so no one had any hint at my password. Third of all, shut the fuck up and open it already.”
She chuckles and opens the file. “Yeah yeah, hold your horses.”
The holoscreen lights up in front of them, Gabriel’s face coming into view.
He panics, slamming his hands on the keys, pausing it.
She looks over at him, quickly. “Gabe?”
“...” He can’t help but stare. “...It’s been...A long time.”
She blinks, confused, before her eyes widen. “...Oh. You don’t look different because you’re hurt. You...look different because you forgot what you look like.”
His eyes are wrong: red and black, several smaller ones surrounding his left eye today. His face is ashen, facial hair too dense, bruises under his eyes and along his cheekbones.
“We can stop, if you-”
“Just...give me a minute.”
It takes him almost ten minutes, but his face is closer to how it had been. His eyes are back to two, and brown. His facial hair is closer, but still not quite right. The bruises are gone. But the ashen skin remains.
“...You could talk to her about that, you know. She’ll help you.”
“...It’s unimportant.”
“No, it isn’t-”
“Sombra. Drop it.”
She sighs, shaking her head slightly.
“Play the file.”
She taps a few keys.
The Gabriel on the screen looks amused. Recorded in his office, from what can be seen of the background. Nothing broken, no injuries, so before a mission it seems like. “Well, I know I haven’t had much to document for the last while, but that’s because everything else is either classified, which means documented somewhere else, or Jack’s problem, which also means documented somewhere else. Future me’s gonna hate that, but that’s a problem for him to deal with.”
His voice isn’t right, anymore. God, has it really been so long since he heard his own voice that he...forgot that too? What else has he forgotten?
“Buuut, we got a new team member. Not like the kids, either. Joining of her own volition, which is a refreshing change of pace. Pretty sure if we had people join in any shadier ways, I would literally disappear.”
He was so happy, at the time. So pleased that they were finally following rules. What a fucking fool. Rules were never safe, for him. He should have known.
He smirks at the camera. “She’s some kinda doctor, I think Jack said. He seemed kinda unsettled by her, but I gotta admit, she definitely gets results. I’ll do my best to keep an eye on her, make sure that it’s all on the up and up. But having our own in squad doc? That’s gonna take tons of pressure off of Angie. She’ll probably be pretty happy she’s here. Maybe now, the kid can finally take a breather, I swear, she’s gonna work herself half to death someday.”
He’s so stupid. Keep an eye out, and he saw nothing. Did he really see nothing? Or did she trick him? Was he corrupt? Can he even be trusted? Can he trust-
“Anyway, I better go check in with her. She should be landing in a few minutes, and I don’t want to be late. She seems pretty punctual. Maybe we’ll get along.”
Gabriel can’t take anymore. He reaches out and slams his hands on the keyboard, closing the file entirely. He’s shaking.
Sombra startles. “Shit-” She’s almost instantly up and at his side. “Are you okay?”
He hunches over, wrapping his arms around his knees. How could he not have known? She’d been off since they met, and he’d done nothing...
He looks up at her. “...I should have known.”
“I should have known not to play this for you, not with next month coming up.” She sits next to him, wrapping an arm over his shoulders. “...Do you want some tea?”
“Lemon.” He looks away.
“Please.” He pretends that his voice didn’t just sound strained.
She sighs, slowly pushing herself to her feet and leaving the room.
Jack grumbles as he wakes, pressing at his face. He slowly sits up, looking around the room.
He’s still in his old office, but it looks...different. It takes him a few more moments to realize why: The empty booze bottles are gone.
He grunts once, reaching for a half filled bottle on the floor. He brings it to his lips for a sip.
There’s a knock on the door, before it opens.
He startles badly, dropping the bottle to the floor and scrambling for his mask.
The door clicks shut. There’s a tired, long suffering sigh. “Jack.”
He tenses, mask halfway to his face. He slowly looks over. “...Wilhelm.”
Reinhardt smiles at him, sadly. “Are we not on first name terms, anymore?”
He lets his mask fall to the floor, grimacing when it lands in the puddle of whiskey. He sighs. “...Ana send you, then?” He looks away, rubbing at his temples.
“No. I sent myself.” He takes a few steps closer. “It wasn’t hard to realize what you were doing.”
“Save it. I don’t need, or want, your concern.”
“I know you don’t. That’s why I’m here.”
He blinks slowly, looking over at him. “...Huh?”
“You don’t want help. That’s why I’m here. Because you need it.”
“I’m not your charity case, Wilhelm.”
“No, you’re not. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to have us lose you.”
He huffs. “We’re soldiers. I’m gonna-”
Reinhardt rests a hand on his shoulder. “That is not what I meant. I meant the drinking, Jack.”
He’s quiet for a bit. “...I have my reasons.”
“I know. I am...familiar, with them.” He looks over at him as he sits next to him on the couch. “...Do you remember when you first met me? How I used to make jokes about why I drank more beer than water?”
“You used to say your German beer tasted better than our filtered water.”
“Yes. I was lying. Attempting to cover up a problem with a joke. But someone caught me.”
Jack closes his eyes. “...Gabriel.”
“He confronted me. Do you know why I joined Overwatch, Jack?”
“It was his death I was mourning. Wondering what would have changed. Hoping that if it was a little bit easier to get through the day, maybe I could do half of what he did. Being with all of you helped me. By the end of the Crisis, with Ana’s help, I had stopped drinking.”
He opens his eyes, looking over. “...You started, again. After Ana.”
“...For a bit. McCree set me straight, though I doubt he remembers it.”
“...How did you know I was here?” He changes the subject, uncomfortable with thinking about the implications.
“I noticed your office was getting a lot of use. Athena wouldn’t, couldn’t, tell me. So I used my codes.” He makes a face. “I don’t like doing that, but it was the only option I was left with.”
“...” He sighs. “...After Zurich fell. I...was the fourth in line to take over your position. You, Ana, Gabriel, and myself. And I was the last one left.” He looks off. “We were all grieving, and I had to try to pick up the pieces.” He’s quiet for a bit. “...Attempt to contact last of kin.”
“...Oh.” Jack closes his eyes. “...Well, guess you know, then.”
“We’re still here, Jack. We’re still your family.”
“I know. And that’s why I can’t be. It will only put you all in more danger. I’m keeping secret for a reason.”
“You’re keeping secret because you want to die, Jack.” Reinhardt’s tone is a bit more sharp.
Jack blinks, looking over at him.
“...I do not mean to sound harsh. But it is the truth.”
“...You’re not wrong.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“I know you are scared. But you don’t have to be alone. Not anymore.” He pulls Jack into his arms.
Jack barely keeps from trembling. “...”
“...He wouldn’t want to have done this to you.”
He feels a string he’s held tight for years, since the explosion, since he’s lost everything, suddenly snap. He collapses against Reinhardt.
“We are here for you.” Reinhardt holds him close. “We are here for you, Jack...”
Angela is about to regret even speaking, she can already tell.
She’s pushed through her crying, and her breaths have calmed somewhat. She knows what’s coming.
Zenyatta gently runs his fingers through her hair. “...If I may ask...”
She slowly sits up, pulling a bit away from him as she rubs at her face. “...We were working together, doing research, before...Before I joined with Overwatch. I was trying to work on the Caduceus, mainly the wings and my staff, at that point. She...had been working on genetic mutation, and attempting to develop a strong healing spray/salve. The amount of good that could have done for the world...”
“Easy...” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“We were...close. But she was too driven, at times. Her empathy, even then, was slim. The greater good was more important, always.” She quiets, looking down at her hands. “...Almost always.”
“...Did she ever-”
“No. Not on me. ...Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use some of her research.”
“...You got self experimentation from her, then.”
“Do not credit her with what she doesn’t deserve.” She speaks with disgust. “It is illegal to do certain tests on others. It is not illegal to do those tests on yourself. We followed the same book. That does not make us the same.”
“I...did not mean to imply...”
She calms, slumping slightly forward. “I know. ...I know.” She lets out a soft breath. “...She had been doing tests on herself for a while. One day...” She rubs at her eyes. “...She went too far. I tried, but...”
“...” He gently takes her hands. “I’m here.”
“I panicked. There had to be something I could do. I tore through her research, and mine, looking for an answer. And I found one. ...Two.” She looks up at him. “I had been coming up with a series of nano machines, designed to be administered after muscle loss, so that they could take a patient’s genetic code and rebuild new muscle, perhaps in the future even bone. Meanwhile, she had started development of a serum that was supposed to push the body’s own electrical signals to cause function enough that even dormant nerves could be revived. I...” She pulls her hands away, rubbing at her eyes again. “I combined the two.”
“And it worked?”
“I tested it on myself, first. You tell me.”
“...Oh. That’s why you...haven’t changed.”
“...I will discuss that at a later time. But I...used those both to revive her. She was...the happiest I ever saw her.” She’s quiet for a bit. “...But after that...she changed. I don’t know if it was a side effect of her self experimentation, if I was just too late, or if she had pretended the whole time, but...her empathy was gone. We parted ways shortly after.”
“...I’m so sorry, Angela.”
“I was young, and stupid. It never meant as much to her as it did to me.” She takes a rough breath. “...I never knew she would go this far. If I had known...” She covers her mouth. “If only I had known...”
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takadasaiko · 6 years
Home from the War Chapter Two: Monsters
Summary: The Hargraves prove they're bad at retirement while the Keens find themselves with Tom's very angry ex girlfriend in their home.
Chapter Two: Monsters
Tourists filled the streets of Paris, leaving an already hot afternoon suffocated under the heavy blanket of thousands of people that didn't know the city or the language trying to find their way. It was, in Scottie Hargrave's opinion, the worst time to visit.
Or it would be if they were there for pleasure.
Dark eyes flickered up from behind her large sunglasses and focused on a man approaching. "Gabriel," she greeted, the corners of her mouth turning up. His own expression didn't lighten. Gabriel Moreau had been a sour man as long as the Hargraves has known him, but he was the best damn tracker this side of the world or the other. Irritable, brooding, and snappish, it took a special approach to get anything from him, but once they did he was gold.
"I thought it would be Howard," Moreau grumbled in perfect English.
"He was detained. You get me today," she answered in French. "Have a seat. Order something. It's been ages."
"The Hargraves never reach out without wanting something."
She shifted in her seat and pushed the chair opposite of her out with the tip of her red-soled pump. "But we pay generously."
Moreau looked at the chair suspiciously as Scottie took a bite out of her muffin, an innocent expression plastered across her face.
"That might fool anyone else," he grumbled as he took a seat.
"I'm not here to fool you, Gabriel. You know what I want."
"What is it you say? A needle in a haystack? This is a very large haystack, Scottie."
"I have faith in your abilities." He didn't look sold and Scottie loosed a breath. "Alright, Gabe. Money isn't what you're after. If it was we'd already have a deal. Name your price."
"This isn't about the price."
"It's always about the price."
"The people they worked for-"
"Are in prison. Or dead. Quite a few of them are dead. Alan, Peter, Laurel…. Patricia Morris took a bullet to the head about six months ago."
"From Raymond Reddington. I heard. He's dead too. Aligned with you."
Scottie tilted her head a little. "That was unfortunate, but had nothing to do with his alignment with us. Red made his own choice in the end."
"Saved your son's life I hear."
"See. You're already caught up. I'm not asking for anything more than a location. Howard and I will do the rest."
"You're digging your own grave," Moreau warned. "Your government will put Davis in prison whether you link him to your son's kidnapping or not. Why risk it?"
"Call it closure."
Moreau sighed. "I'll see what I can find. When I do, I'll send you the bill." He stood. "Whatever you expect, it will be more."
Scottie watched him leave. They had spent the last six months digging up anything and everything that they could about the people responsible for Tom's kidnapping as a child. They had uncovered multiple aliases that his adoptive parents had worked under - several with clear ties to the Cabal - but the trail had run dry. That's why they needed Moreau. He could find anyone, and despite his protests, haystacks were his specialty.
Tom was squatted down in front of his daughter's bookshelf and offering options for a bedtime story when he heard Liz call his name from the living room. Every instinct kicked into overdrive through his own exhaustion as he stood, motioning to Agnes. "Stay there, baby girl."
She didn't move and Tom regretted the fact that his sidearm was still in his bag. They had a spare in the lockbox in their room, but if Liz was in trouble he wasn't sure he could risk the thirty seconds it would take to duck into the room, open the safe, and get back to the front. He didn't risk it, instead moving carefully down the hall towards the front.
He stopped, blinking hard at what he found. Gina Zanetakos stood just inside their door and Liz stood next to her, having apparently let her in. She didn't look happy about it though. His wife looked pissed.
"Gina, what the hell-?" Tom tried, but she was already moving. He thought he heard Liz shout, startled by the switch, but it was nothing he hadn't seen from the blonde operative.
Tom got his arms up to deflect the first swing, the second coming at him fast and it connected hard with his right side in a way that told him she had done her homework about his injuries a couple of years before. The muscles protested the blow and Tom felt the breath leave his lungs as he stumbled a little, narrowly missing the next raging strike. He lashed out, the kick driving her back and he straightened in time to see Liz leveling her gun at Gina.
"Hey! Unless you want to take a trip to the hospital tonight, don't take another step."
To her credit, Gina didn't come at him again, but she locked a glare on him he hadn't seen in years. "Need to have the ball and chain fight your battles?" she snarled.
"You break into our home and one of us is going for a gun," Tom answered with a shrug. He opened his mouth to repeat the question he had tried to ask when she had jumped him when a little voice sounded from the hallway.
Tom whipped around to see Agnes in her princess pj's, book in hand, and a terrified look etched into her round face. Tears were building as her dark blue gaze shifted to Liz who still had her gun drawn and they were within seconds of a four-year-old meltdown. Even as he turned a look on Gina - one she would know well. One she would know better than to question - he could hear Agnes' sobs starting. "Don't," he snapped dangerously at Gina and saw her give the barest nods as she stared at the little girl.
Liz lowered the gun, tucking it away and out of sight and Tom scooped Agnes up, holding her close as he collapsed against his shoulder. Hot, wet tears were already soaking through his shirt and he bounced her. "Hey, kiddo. It's alright. Everything's alright." His calm voice didn't do much and she tightened her grip. She was saying something. He knew she was saying something, but between the sobs and the hiccups that were starting it was impossible to tell what.
Tom tried to keep his movements smooth so he wouldn't startle her more when he felt a hand on the small if his back and he saw Liz had covered the distance and was circling so that she could stand with them. She reached out, her touch finally calming Agnes a little and she was piling into her mother's arms without warning. Liz looked up and Tom offered a thin smile. "I've got this."
"I'll be right back."
She wanted to be involved in the conversation. Even if she hadn't said it in so many words, her tone was loud and clear. Tom nodded and grimaced as Liz took Agnes to the back. She would be asleep before Liz put her down, no matter how much the display had frightened her.
"She looks like you."
Tom turned and saw some of the rage had faded from Gina's eyes. Some. Not all of it. He swallowed. She knew. That had to be why she was there. She knew. "Yeah."
"I never could have imagined," she said softly. "You. This."
"I like my life."
"You were always good at lying to yourself," she murmured.
Tom reached a hesitant hand to his side that was beginning to ache as the adrenaline faded. "Liz and Agnes are everything to me."
Brown eyes watched him. "I believe that, more or less."
"What you believe doesn't really matter."
She hummed and looked around. He saw her study the little details of the new home. "It does," she said slowly and her gaze flickered back to meet his, That anger smoldering dangerously. "Because if I trust you or not will decide if I kill you and your little FBI bitch tonight."
Tom felt his own temper flare. "You so much as look at them wrong and-"
"You'll what?" She stepped closer. "That's your problem, Jacob. When it comes to me, you've never been able to pull the trigger." She was in his face now and he didn't budge. "You know I can. And I will. To protect what's mine."
"I don't have any problem putting you six feet under," Liz warned and Tom saw Gina's gaze flicker over his shoulder to where his wife had reemerged.
Gina snorted and made a show of stepping back. "Why have you been digging through our financials?"
Yep. She knew. Tom sighed and ran his hand through his dark hair, standing it on end. Liz moved past him and he nodded towards the couch and chairs. "You asked about Asia."
Gina Zanetakos made herself at home in the chair opposite of the couch with a beer in hand and an expected look. Tom's expression was closed off. Focused. Those expressive eyes were cold and shut off. Typically Liz could read the underlying subtleties that played out just behind the mask, but there was nothing that night. It reminded her of the day that the Pavlovich brothers had delivered him to their townhome after everything had come out. She hated it.
Gina locked her glare on Tom. "How the hell did you find Cecil?"
He shrugged. "Didn't take a lot. He's still in touch with Zhou. You'd be surprised to know how many people don't know I'm gone."
"Who's Cecil?"
Both Tom and Gina turned, almost like they had forgotten that Liz was there. Tom blinked hard and she recognized an intentional reset of sort. "He's moved money for St Regis for…. years." He turned to Gina. "He was there before I came in."
She shrugged. "I still haven't found anybody that was there before him."
Liz nodded, sitting back on the couch. So Tom had been in Asia to track down St Regis' money man. As much as she wanted to know why, she didn't dare flaunt it in front of Gina they Tom had left her out of the loop. They had to play this smart.
"You still haven't told me why you reached out to Cecil."
Liz watched her husband's gaze harden a little again. "I needed to make sure."
"I think we're past the point of vagueness, Jacob," Gina grumbled. "What do you want?"
Liz saw the barest clench in her husband's jaw before he answered. "St Regis."
There was a hush that fell over the room and no one moved. Gina was the first one to loose an audible breath. "You left." The two words escaped her lips with a venom that sounded like betrayal, and with the way she was seated Liz was half ready for her to come swinging at Tom again.
Her husband grimaced. "Halcyon's looking for ways to overhaul our training methods. Bud's program -"
"You told me it drowned people."
"It does. As it is, it does, but the core training's solid. It's the fact that we got dumped in as kids that..." Tom's lips twitched down. "I know it's not going the way you planned, Gina. You've had four years and you'rer bleeding money."
"You want to buy St Regis," Liz breathed.
"No," Gina bit out immediately as she stood, slamming her beer down on the coffee table between them. "You had your chance. You chose her over everything."
"My guess is they've given you this long because of who you are, but you and I both know it won't last. They'll clean up. You know how this goes."
"I do, and I don't need your help. Stay away from my people. If I catch you near them again I'll put you down myself." With that she turned and stormed out of the apartment, the threat hanging heavily in the air. Neither Keen moved for a long moment.
Finally, Tom drew a breath. "I was gonna tell you," he murmured. "I just… didn't know if it was even plausible."
Liz swallowed hard, half a dozen starts to her question spinning in her mind and being replaced by another before it ever left her lips. After a few failed triest she forced herself to look at him. "Help me understand this, because right now al I'm seeing is a reallystupid move to open up all sorts of terrible things from your past that put the three of us in in the crosshairs of a dangerous organization that you had managed to slip away from."
"Your ex was in our home and threatening to kill us. Why, Tom? What the hell could possibly-"
"Keep your voice down," he snapped, dark gaze sliding back towards Agnes' room.
She tried to steady herself and held his gaze as it returned to her. "I understand that you might feel the need to take control of some aspect of your past to try to balance out the fact that Scottie and Howard have been-"
"Do not try to shrink me, Liz." He squeezed his eyes shut, resetting himself, and he fell back against the couch. "Will you let me explain without trying to turn me into a patient?"
It was Liz's turn to grimace. He hated that. He'd told her before that he had had one too many social service therapists convinced that they could figure him out and that they thought they had. They slapped every useless label on him they could and it did nothing but isolate him further. He hated it, and she couldn't blame him for that. "Sorry."
He offered a thin smile, accepting the apology. "I knew something was off when she showed up in Costa Rica. If she trusted me she wouldn't have shown up herself, but she still took the job."
"So you started looking into the organization?"
"When I got the chance, yeah." He leaned back and Liz reached out, her hand brushing his leg and he dropped his own to hold on. Long fingers wrapped around hers. "I know the contenders that'll try to push her out. Bud screwed kids up, even I know that, but these guys…"
Pieces fell into place. Tom had always had more conflicted views than Liz did about his time with St Regis, both feeling like he had been saved and twisted up all at once when he had accepted McCready's offer. He saw what the man had done, at least in a way, and what happened to the kids growing up in the organization now. It was an emotionally charged conversation if they ever broached it and Liz was always hesitant to push him on it.
But here, now, he was the one poking at it.
"What if you handed it to the Task Force?"
Tom turned to look at her. "Liz-"
"Just hear me out. St Regis is huge. You have intel that could bring them down. It's well within the arrangement you have between Halcyon and the Task Force. Ressler won't fight you on the intel you need for them and we can stop them from turning kids into-"
The word cut through her argument and Liz caught his gaze. "You're not a monster," she said firmly.
"Because of you." His fingers tightened around hers again and she saw the struggle to put his feelings into words that made sense. "You…. Not everyone gets the chance you gave me, Liz."
"We'll make sure they're taken care of, Tom."
"How? Turn them back over to social services? How do you think they ended up in St Regis to start with?"
She pursed her lips together. "What would you do differently?"
"I was thinking about setting up some kind of program through Halcyon. The board loves charity projects and it'll keep them off the streets and out of the system. Give them a chance. The ones in now, if they wanted, would have the choice to get hired on at Halcyon at eighteen. Maybe later. If they wanted out they're free to leave."
They sat in silence for a long moment and she leaned into him. "You've been thinking about this for a while."
"Yeah," he breathed after a beat.
"I wish you'd told me."
"Doesn't matter now. All of that was balanced on Gina being willing to turn it over."
"Wouldn't the people you said would be after her fight you on it?"
She saw a small smile tilt his lips. "You think I wasn't going to offer Ressler something in all of that?"
Liz laughed and turned to kiss his shoulder. "Let's talk to him. Maybe we can still find a way."
"I just don't want those kids going from bad to worse. Least where they are now they can fight back."
"Hey." She waited until he looked at her, those eyes meeting hers. "McCready was the monster, not you."
Tom gave her a thin smile and she leaned up, her lips against his. "I know you, Tom Keen," she murmured. "Better than anyone."
There was a small sound of acknowledgement and pulled her into the kiss a little deeper. She sank in and she felt his his hands moving down her back, toying at the zipper on her dress that she still wore from the party, and she fought the frustrated sigh as she pulled away. "Agnes is in our room," she warned.
He loosed a breath and nodded, kissing her lightly. "We should be there if she wakes up," he acknowledged softly.
"After tonight, yeah."
She stood and he caught her hand, pulling her attention back around to him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away," he said, and there was a sincerity there that she believed.
Liz squeezed his hand. "We'll figure it out."
He stood, his arms circling her waist and he pulled her a little closer. "I don't deserve you."
Her smile was real as she leaned in, her cheek pressed against his chest as he pulled her close. She stood there for a long moment just listening to the sound of his heart beating steadily in his chest. She had him, and she wasn't going to let him go. "I'm glad you're home."
"Me too," he answered softly, kissing the side of her head. "C'mon. We'll figure out how to read the Task Force in tomorrow."
Liz nodded, letting her hand drop down into his and she followed him back to their bedroom. Agnes was snoring, sprawled in the middle of their bed, and the exhausted little girl didn't even stir as they changed and crawled in on either side of her. Liz pulled the covers up and she finally turned, cuddling close to her mother, and a sense of peace settled in despite the evening's events. They were there and they would fight to be safe. No one - not Gina, or St Regis, or any other of the real monster's from Tom's past - would take her family from her.
Notes: I will forever be sad that we didn't dive further into St Regis in canon. It seemed like such a perfect opportunity for the task force to take on. So here we go. If they won't I will lol
Next Time: Tom talks to Ressler, Howard gets himself into some trouble, and Liz tries to convince her therapist to sign off on her reinstatement.
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aurorasilverthorne · 3 years
Night Terrors Part #5
Disclaimer: Elena of Avalor and all its characters belong to Disney.
The day after Queen Shuriki married her chancellor, Rico and Gabe were assigned to to act as the leads of Isabel's personal guard detail. They'd been told to protect Isa at all times and to do whatever she demanded so long as her orders didn't go against Shuriki's own commands.
Isabel didn't have much to say about the matter. Or any say in it. The child was healing-albeit slowly, from what Shuriki had done the night she'd first returned to Avalor and took back the throne.
Isa herself seemed to have little or no memory of what'd happened. All she remembered was turning in for the evening and then hearing a strange tapping upon her balcony door. The girl had gotten up thinking the noise might be Luna or some other jaquin looking for a safe, dry place to wait out the upcoming storm, but it had been Shuriki. The rest was a blur.
Whatever the witch had done, it seemed that Isa was content to forget. Gabe quit asking after Isa had insisted she couldn't remember.
Shuriki insisted on caring for Isa while she recovered. This made Gabe uneasy. He'd lived in Avalor all his life. Not once had the witch cared for or about anyone or anything, except herself, of course. It was disconcerting.
He kept a close eye on the witch when she was around Isa. Not that he could've stopped her if she'd wanted to harm the princess. His sword was no match for a wand. He, Rico, and the rest of the royal guards watched her every move praying she'd let Isa be and not hurt the child.
One afternoon Gabe poked his head into Isa's room and what he saw shocked and nauseated him. The witch had curled up around the sleeping princess almost as if cuddling the young princess while they slept. Blood stained Isa's lips bright red. It looked as though Shuriki had bitten into her own wrist.
The wound, though closed, still seemed raw, as if it had just begun to heal. Had the witch really bit into her own wrist? Was she forcing Isa to drink her blood? Isa didn't have any injuries from what Gabe could see, so why would Shuriki, who'd never shown any sort of maternal instinct toward any living creature ever, suddenly become so protective of a child that wasn't even her own? And one sired by her eldest enemy no less? It made no sense.
Rico joined him in the doorway. They exchanged worried looks. What in the name of Maru was going on?
"Do you think the rumors are true?" Villalobos asked quietly after they returned to their posts at Isa's door.
"I don't know," Gabe admitted. "Shuriki's actions match some of the stories we've been told, but none I've heard mention a vampiresa being capable of maternal instinct or genuine romantic affection."
"She could be faking to make herself look better in the eyes of the people."
"Yeah, but why even bother pretending? Everyone in Avalor already knows how she really is."
Shuriki yanked the door open to scowl at them. "I can hear you." She folded her arms and continued to glare. "Has it ever occured to either of you that I might not actually be the cruel dictator your people make me out to be? Contrary to popular belief, I am a living, breathing person. I have feelings."
Gabe frowned. "You kill people."
"I have reasons for doing so," Shuriki replied, giving the nails of one hand a nonchalant once over.
Gabe's frown only deepened. "What are you?"
There it was. The one question that everyone was too afraid to ask.
Shuriki bristled. "I am Avalor's queen, and those who dare to stand against me will suffer fates far worse than death at my hands. You'd do well to remember that in the future, Lieutenant Nuñez."
She spat his rank as if the position itself was meant to be an insult, like the very word alone had left an unsavory taste in her mouth.
Rico stood frozen in place terrified Gabe would retaliate and end up getting them both killed. Much to his credit, Gabe was smarter than others realized. He hit one knee and bowed his head, apologized to the witch, and tried to reassure her that he'd never meant to offend her with his inquiry or question her authority. They both knew it was a lie, an act to placate the witch, and keep them away from the executioner's block. It worked.
Shuriki's demeanor shifted. She allowed Nuñez to flatter her for a moment or so before telling them to get back to their post.
Shuriki paused to ensure everything was indeed to her liking, then turned, and went back into Isabel's apartment closing both doors behind her.
Rico lowered his voice to a whisper. "What are we going to do?"
"There's nothing we really can do," Gabe replied. "At least for now. We protect Isa. That's our job. She's the rightful heir."
Rico nodded in agreement.
Esteban was in his office looking over the accounts when Shuriki seemingly appeared right out of nowhere beside his desk. He yelped, but his fear quickly turned to irritation, and he slammed his fist on his desk hard enough to rattle the contents on top and inside the drawers.
"Will you stop doing that?"
"I didn't mean to sneak up on you, Esteban. I'll make sure your guards inform you of my arrival next time."
"Please do. I'm too old for you to just pop up like that. I could have a heart attack then what?"
Shuriki reached over and ran her fingers through his hair. "We can't have that. I'd be a widow, Isabel will have lost her only remaining cousin, and Avalor would be without a chancellor. We can't allow that...now can we, husband?"
Esteban tried not to shiver or step away when she traced the curve of his jawline with her fingertip.
"Certainly not."
It had been over a month since their wedding, yet they still hadn't "sealed the deal" as Shuriki called it.
Esteban was torn. Part of him feared the consummation. The other still held a glimmer of desire for the woman he'd met so long ago.
I must be sick in the head to still love her despite all the things she's said and done, he thought. What is wrong with me?
"You need to eat," Shuriki said as if reading his mind.
Esteban tensed. No. Surely she couldn't do that. The power to read minds was an ability that even the greatest master sorcerers had failed to achieve. He didn't believe Shuriki was an exception to this rule. She had talent, but such a feat was still far beyond her capabilities.
Esteban fought the sudden urge to sigh in relief. Thank the spirit tree for small mercies. 
Esteban was so lost in his own thoughts he failed to see how close Shuriki was to him until he felt her lips on his pulse. He started to panic and retreat, but she dug her almond shaped nails so deep in his shoulders he swore they scraped bone.
"Don't..." she warned.
He stood stock still as the witch trailed kisses along his jaw and gently nuzzled his quickened pulse before burying her face in the crook of his neck. He heard a soft, contented sigh escape her lips and wondered why she was even showing him such affection.
After she'd become queen the first time, Shuriki had stopped showing any sort of love or affection. It had upset and hurt Esteban at first, but he'd grown used to her cold demeanor over the following four decades. Now here she was, being affectionate to him again-something he had once hoped and yearned for, and all Esteban could think about was how to distance himself from her.
Shuriki cupped his face and made him look her in the eye. "You will come to me, Esteban. If the love that you once had for me hasn't turned to loathing or resentment by now then it's still there. I want it. I want you. And I'll have you. One way or another."
She kissed him and left his office. After several failed tries, Esteban succeeded in swallowing the lump of emotion in his throat.
There was no doubt Shuriki would make good on her threats. She'd done so in the past multiple times. Esteban kept telling himself that he had no choice. He had to go through with the consummation.
The witch wouldn't have any reason to harm his cousin as long as he gave her what she wanted. His body for Isa's life. It was a fair trade, one he was willing to make.
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Another Gabe x reader idea, before i go to bed (its 5:38 am, fuck): Reader is a medium and has a bunny (or cat) named Gabriel. Every time she talks to him she accidentally prays to the archangel without her knowledge. Gabe gets intrigued by the strong psychic draw he feels from her and starts watching over her, eventually he saves het from something and reveals himself to her.
(this one was fun, but it got away from me a little bit. Stop talking already, characters! I like it tho. I ended up changing it a bit, but it still works. I am slowly but surely working my way through all these amazing prompts! But i am so slow at this.)
It was raining on a Monday.
You liked the rain. You always had. The noise a light rainstorm made calmed you like nothing else could.
So as you left your job on this particular Monday afternoon, you decided not to take a taxi and enjoy the rain with a walk back to your apartment. It was a horrible day in the office, and you were sure that by the end of the week you would be unemployed, and probably because you set your boss’ desk on fire and stole all the candy out of the vending machine.
The sound of the rain tip tapping on your clear plastic umbrella lulled you as you walked, watching the rivulets of water trail down the sides distracted your thrumming mind from your shitty day.
You were only walking a few blocks before you could feel the bad mood lift from your shoulders, and the thought of a hot bath and a glass of wine to entertain yourself this evening lifted your spirits further.
As you were just about to reach your building, a small kitten bound out of the alley, playfully chasing the raindrops as they hit the ground. It was soaked to the bone, and you thought it must have been freezing, but the little cat simply looked happy chasing the rain and investigating the puddles.
You knew your apartment didn’t allow pets, but you certainly weren’t going to leave this kitten out on the street, in the rain. So you scooped up the kitten and placed it gently into your shoulder bag, not caring if your work papers got wet. You snuck past the security guard, coughing loudly so the tiny meows from your bag couldn’t be heard.
“Well, it looks like my plans have changed a bit.” you said as you entered your apartment, closing the door behind you. The kitten was trying to climb out of your bag, finding a new place to explore, but you grabbed it before it could tumble out to the floor. “Looks like your getting a bath tonight, not me.” you said holding the kitten up to gently touch noses with it.
As you washed the kitten in your small kitchen sink, you took a few minutes to look it over. It was a boy, the eyes were clear, you couldn’t seem to find any injuries, he was just a healthy kitten. As you dried him with a kitchen towel you tried to put your finger on what color he was. He had pronounced tabby stripes but the color was hard to put a word to. He wasn’t ginger, and the only word you could think of was gold.
“I think I’ll call you Gabriel,” you said to the wrapped up cat burrito in your hands, not sure where you pulled the name from, “and you’re definitely staying here with me.”
It took a little bit of sneaking around, but you managed to keep little Gabriel a secret for a lot longer than you would have thought possible. The tiny kitten was a far memory from the large cat that he had become over the years.
He tended to “patrol” the apartment, as you liked to call it. He’d walk the perimeter of all the rooms, sniffing the walls. Always looking out the windows, but never at the birds or squirrels. He was a people watcher, apparently, which was weird since you were on the third floor. You have lots of pictures of him pressing his forehead to the window looking down to the people walking below. The way he would press his forehead to the glass so he could see down to the sidewalk below always made you laugh. When you went to bed he always went with you, sitting either at the foot of your bed or directly on your ribs.
But he was different from other cats. He never slept. At least, you never caught him sleeping. He never ate the cat food you got for him, no matter which brand you got. He would eat people food sometimes, so you tended just to share the plate at meal time. And when you talked to him - telling him to get down off the furniture or just talking about another terrible day at work - he listened. He would look you in the eyes and do a funny chittering or meowing that you could have sworn was a response. But not feeling alone was nice, and you never questioned your weird meowing/talking conversations with your cat.
It was another Monday that changed your life again.
You and Gabriel were relaxing on the couch after a small dinner, you stroking the fur on his back while you read a magazine. When Gabriel stood out of your lap and stalked towards the window, you didn’t pay attention. When he let out an angry growl, a sound you had never heard from him before, you took notice.
Before you could ask him what was wrong, the window shattered, glass flying into your apartment with a crash and a gust of wind that almost knocked you to the floor.
When the noise died down, you lowered your arms from protecting your face, intending to find Gabriel and scoop him up so he couldn’t jump out the window or get hurt by the glass. But when you looked up, you were greeted with the sight of three men standing in the mess by the window.
“Come with us,” one of them said angrily, holding out a long blade.
“What?” You asked, stunned. “Who are you?”
“You’re coming with us! His voice boomed through your tiny apartment with an otherworldly echo, and when the inky blackness enveloped their eyes, you let out a horrified shriek and shuffled back until you felt the wall behind you. Your eyes were wide and wild, not daring to look away from the dangerous things in front of you.
But you could still hear Gabriel, hissing angrily and yowling at the intruders. Looking down, you saw him a few feet in front of you, his fur puffed up and ears pinned back.
One of the intruders glanced over his shoulder to address the others. “Grab the prophet.” More blades were unsheathed from their jackets and the two advanced on you menacingly. But before they could cross the room, you noticed the floor below you glowing, soft and golden. You looked down and saw the light emanating from Gabriel, even as he continued to hiss and paw at the air in your defence.
The black eyed men stopped, staring at your glowing cat. “The hell?” one quipped. “Is it a familiar?” the other asked back.
“Who cares what it is!” the leader yelled. “Just grab the pr-”
His words were cut off by a loud pop, and a new man was standing in your living room, his back to you. There was a slight shimmer around him, slowly fading as he turned to face you. “Don’t worry, sweets, I got this.” He flashed a smile that was altogether dangerous as he turned back to face the dumbfounded intruders. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked in a too casual tone.
“We are collecting the prophet,” the leader said in a commanding voice as the other two fell back behind him.
The man in front of you let out a dry laugh. “Who would send you on a suicide mission like that?” He raised his hand up, ready to snap. “You do know what happens when a prophet is threatened, right?”
The men went wide eyed and tried to protest, but you saw him snap, and the three men that crashed through your window vanished with a cut off shout, the only thing left of them a black mist that drifted out the window.
Your rescuer sighed happily, wiping his hands on his jacket, then turned sharply to you.
“Well,” he started, “that takes care of them, but I bet Crowley will send more demons after you. We should relocate.”
You tried to speak, but when you opened your mouth, the only thing that you could muster was a high pitched squeak.
“I know, I know, this handsome face has rendered more than one person speechless,” he said as he twirled a finger around his face, golden eyes sparkling with amusement, “but we may have a short time before they come back.”
“D-demons?” you asked weakly.
“Mmm hmm,” he nodded. “And there are a lot more of them, so we need to go, get you to a safe place.”
“What? Who even are you?!” You were starting to get frantic now.
He stepped a little closer, a hand placed on your arm to sooth you as he looked into your eyes, that golden color so familiar.
“I’m Gabriel.” he said.
“Wha-” your brain struggled to think. You thought of your cat in front of you, the glow and pop, the way this man appeared in front of you so suddenly. “That’s, no, there’s no way. Not possible.”
“‘Fraid so, sugar.” Gabriel said as he propped you up, your legs starting to go weak beneath you. “I was sent to protect you. And I needed a disguise.”
“What are you?” your voice was a ragged whisper, your head leaning back into the wall. When no answer came you looked into his eyes, doing your best to put some strength behind your voice. “Who are you?”
“Your guardian angel,” he said as he caressed your cheek. “Literally, too. I’m an Archangel.”
You could feel your face crumble, and for some reason you couldn’t place, you wanted to cry. “…Gabriel,” you muttered.
“That’s the one, cupcake.” Those beautiful eyes reflected with sympathy, sadness seeping into his voice. “Look, I know a place we can go. It’s totally safe, and I can explain everything when we get there. Do you trust me?”
You paused, trying to clear your head. Did you trust him? You thought back to all the time you had spent with him, from a kitten playing in the rain to a member of your tiny family, you and your weird, beautiful cat.
Your trembling hand rose to cover his, still caressing your face. “Yes, I trust you.”
His smile returned, and his free hand came up to snap again.
“You ever been to Kansas?”
And with a click of his fingers, you were both gone.
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wlwidow · 7 years
Shamsi (Ch. 1)
A Pharmercy fic with bonus Mercymaker, Gabe Angst, and the Talon Trio
Summary: Captured by Talon, Mercy reluctantly cooperates and shares her knowledge with them to keep Pharah safe. But there’s more than one familiar face hidden in the shadows, and old loyalties collide with new motives as they try to figure out who they can trust, and how they can get out alive.
Or, Angela tries to save Fareeha, Gabe, and Amélie but forgets to save herself.
Read on AO3
HUGE thanks to @superbibliophile and @ebrieta for beta reading and being my overwatch senseis
“Mercy – ”
“On my way.” She stepped back from Genji and shot into the air, drifting to a halt next to Pharah and pulling out her staff. She frowned at the chunk of exposed, bleeding flesh on Pharah’s side. It wouldn’t be there for long, but it was still worrisome, especially out here in the cold; exposed skin wasn’t far off from frostbitten skin. “What happened?”
“Rocket grazed me. I would not have asked for you, except for the weather.”
“Well, I would’ve come regardless,” she said with the slightest playful smile. “And anyways, Winston has everyone shielded down there. They seem more focused on you.”
“They are exposed from above,” said Pharah. She looked like she was going to say something more, but she grabbed Mercy’s free hand and pulled her to the side, just moments before a rocket shot past. She squeezed Mercy’s hand. “You’re too exposed here. I can take their fire, but you – ”
“You still need healing,” Mercy rebutted. She was unfazed by the explosions around them, her attention focused on Pharah’s wound. While she was, of course, listening to the comms for calls for help, the ground team did have things considerably well-handled. It was Pharah who was getting the brunt of the damage. “I’m surprised this is the only major injury you have.”
Pharah’s face was hard to see given the visor and the wind whipping dust and snow around them, but Mercy could tell she had an eyebrow raised just from hearing her voice. “That is because I am nimble. You, on the other hand, are slow.”
“Not that slow!”
“You, Dr. Ziegler, are slow.”
“Perhaps,” she allowed.
Winston’s voice on the comms interrupted them. “Pharah. Can you go in closer and draw more of their fire? We’re going on the offensive down here. Mercy?”
“On my way…one moment. Pharah still needs me.”
“Mercy, you can’t sustain the kind of damage she’s about to take.”
“Neither can she in her condition.” That was…maybe a stretch, but she’d feel more comfortable sending the love of her life to get all manner of explosives shot at her if she was a little bit closer to full health.
Silence for a moment, then a quick but sure, “I will be fine.”
“Mercy, disengage.”
She knew what Pharah was doing; she’d done it so many times, putting herself at risk to keep Mercy safe. But keeping her team safe was Mercy’s job. Aside from shooting nearly useless little pellets, all she could do for the people she cared about was watch their backs and heal them, and yet, they wouldn’t let her. Mercy closed her eyes and exhaled. This wasn’t about her. This was about her team. This was about the world. If they thought this was best, she had to trust them. “Heading to you, Winston.”
When she opened her eyes, she saw a flash of light and then sudden nothingness.
Pharah was watching Mercy make up her mind and getting ready to throw the healer to the ground if that was what it took. She wasn’t watching the ground. She didn’t see the missile until just before it struck.
It hit Mercy’s right side, blowing off her wing, knocking the staff from her hand, her arm – she plummeted. Pharah dove, scooping the unconscious woman from the air. An immense pressure hit her back and she screamed as she fell, but her grip on the woman in her arms only tightened as she curled her armored body around Mercy’s small, limp form. Her tattered wings slowed the fall but not enough, not enough to control where they were falling or to see where they would land.
The snow saved them. Thick and untouched and almost muffling the shouting in her ear.
“Pharah, report! Mercy, report! Report!”
“Alive,” she croaked. “One…moment.”
She was alive, saved by her armor and the strength of her wings, but was Mercy? Mercy, who had neither? Gingerly, almost afraid, she pulled her body away from Mercy’s. Her right wing was completely gone, there was blood on the side of her head and her arm…too much blood to see. But her chest…the rise and fall was still there. Shallow, but there.
Pharah choked back a sob. “Mercy is alive, but unconscious and injured…my suit is damaged.”
Silence. “Can you hold out?”
“How long?”
“Until we take the point.” A beat. “We need this, Pharah.”
“I know.”
“We signed up for this. Do what needs to be done. Worry about us after.”
“Understood.” But she didn’t want to agree to sit here like helpless, injured, freezing targets. If it were just her, she would demand they push forward and leave her behind. She wouldn’t let them even think of coming back for her until their mission was complete. But it wasn’t just her.
Gently, gently, she scooped her back into her arms and pressed her face into Angela’s. Her tears were cold and she felt terrible for making Mercy even the tiniest bit less warm. She was already so cold. Was this the first time Mercy had been injured? Of course not. But it was the first time it was on Pharah’s watch. It was the first time she could look at her love and know that each and every wound was her fault. She shouldn’t have asked for healing. She shouldn’t have let Mercy argue. She should’ve been paying attention.
“Angela,” she murmured, holding the woman close. “Shamsi. Do not leave me now. Do not leave me now.”
Angela woke up, and she was warm. No, her face was warm. She was cold. She was in pain. A deep moan escaped her body.
Then she felt arms tighten around her and lips brush her forehead. She knew those lips. “Fareeha?” her voice was faint and pained.
“Yes, shamsi, yes, I am here.”
Sun. No, Fareeha was her sun, warm brown face and brightly glowing eyes. “You saved me.”
Now Fareeha looked as pained as Angela felt. “I am sorry,” she said, finally. “I should have seen it coming. I should have protected you.”
“You did protect me.” She smiled, half-reassuring, half a wince at the pain in her arm. She almost didn’t want to look. “You caught me. That is the only reason all of me doesn’t feel like my arm does…how bad is it.”
“You should have never been struck, though,” she murmured. “I was distracted. I shouldn’t have been distracted.”
“You were trying to keep me safe.”
Fareeha shook her head slightly. She couldn’t disagree with that, but that didn’t change the situation they were in right now. Angela wasn’t going to let her blame herself, even though she deserved that blame, so she shifted the conversation. Angela would see through that, but at least her arm was something that needed talking about. “Your arm is…it is shredded, Angela. It is too bloody for me to see much.”
Ah. Maybe that accounted for some of the pain, but it felt the same way it had the last time she’d broken it. That was not good. “What supplies do we have?”
“…none. Angela, what can I do? No, do not talk. It sounds like it hurts.”
“It does hurt,” she said with a little laugh. “But…I’ve had worse. That time in Numbani?”
She saw the blood drain from Fareeha’s face. “I thought you were dead.”
“I did too. Brain contusions, stomach lacerations, multiple bullet wounds in the chest area, a shattered knee, 3 broken ribs, a broken arm…”
“Do you have to do that?”
“Talk about being hurt. I cannot stand it.”
“The injuries?” Angela’s voice was almost playful.
“No, you with the injuries. You know that.”
“Fareeha…it’s not your fault.”
“This time it is.”
“And last time we could blame Winston, time before that Lena, if I blamed whoever was next to me when I got hurt everyone on the team would be responsible.”
“But this time –”
“Fareeha. Please.” Her voice was firm. “Stop. The only time it could be yours or anyone’s fault is if you turned around and shot me yourself. I’m a field medic. I signed up for this. I know what the job entails.”
“Still…” She sounded like she wanted to argue, but didn’t, thankfully. “I just do not like to see you in pain. Because, there is nothing I can do. I am helpless.”
“You are not helpless. Your beautiful face is distracting me.” She giggled. “It’s better than staring at Reinhardt’s grizzled old mug.”
“He did not look so bad when he was younger,” Fareeha mused.
“You were a child!”
“Children have eyes.”
“You were a lesbian child!”
“And you were a lesbian teenager, but we both know he was a looker.”
“Fair,” Angela admitted. “Though, if I had to pick a guy from the original team, it would be Gabe.”
“Really. Not Jack?”
She stuck out her tongue. “He’s too pretty.”
“Are you saying I’m not pretty?” Fareeha said with a raised eyebrow.
“No, you’re beautiful. He was a pretty boy. And gay. Gabe reminds me of you, though.”
“You thought he was beautiful?”
“No…I think he was strong, and tough, and determined, like someone else I know.”
Fareeha leaned down to kiss her forehead, lips somehow still warm despite the icy air. Angela knew it was because she herself was so much colder in comparison, but she’d like to think it was Fareeha’s natural fire seeping through. “Are you talking about yourself?”
“Hardly. That would be awfully self-centered, wouldn’t it.”
“I know Lena would agree with me.”
Angela blushed slightly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know she is in love with you.”
“‘In love’ isn’t the phrase I would use.”
“Infatuated, then. You just have that effect on people.”
“What, I seduce them?”
“No, you are just…you are hard not to love.”
“Is that how I got you?” Angela smiled sweetly. “It was just impossible for you to not love me so much you’d crash land in the snow to save my life?”
“Mmm, you could say that.” She bit her lip, and Angela saw her glance at her arm. The bleeding had slowed, but it still looked like a disaster.
“It’s okay,” she murmured. “You just called me strong, didn’t you? It’s not that bad. It’s better in your arms and talking to you. When’s the last time we had more than a few minutes alone?”
Fareeha was silent, visibly thinking hard.
“Exactly,” Angela laughed. “See, this is actually a good thing.”
“If you ignore the mangled arm.”
“Which I’m actively trying to do.”
“Of course.” But she couldn’t quite hide the worry on her face. Fareeha spoke into the comm, putting it on speaker so they could both hear. “Mission status?”
There was silence, but someone was breathing. “This is Pharah. Mission status?”
Laughter that could only be described as dark filled the silent air. The voice that spoke was likewise dark and gravelly and unmistakable. “Mission failed. Coordinates obtained. Extraction team incoming.”
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overdrivels · 7 years
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W-why did you do this to me, anon? /reaches for salvation
This wasn’t supposed to turn into such a long thing. It somehow turned into a 4k fic. What the hell? Why must you inspire me with such good prompts? (Thank you, I really enjoyed writing this one.) Also, if you have Blackwatch thoughts or any thoughts at all, JUST SHOUT THEM AT ME. I LIKE HEARING PEOPLE’S THOUGHTS ON STUFF. I LOVE IT. 
Very rarely does Blackwatch ask for medic accompaniment, and for good reasons. Firstly, they have no need for it–a majority of their missions are solo endeavors, covert, and without the need to directly engage in combat (just because they have no need to doesn't mean they won’t). Secondly, they have a standing casualty record of 67% for all medics who are unfortunate enough to join Blackwatch on a mission. The 30% is alone held by Doctor Angela Zielger who actually volunteers her services and comes back relatively unscathed. How she does it is anyone’s guess, but it easily earns her the instant respect of all those who cross her path–Blackwatch, her staff, or otherwise.
And the final 3%? Well...
"I'm sorry, Gabriel, but I can't accompany your group on this mission."
"Come on, doc. They need you on this one."
You backtrack when you hear the voices in your boss's office. Was that Commander Reyes? Curiosity has your hand on the button already.
"Gabriel, I have already been assigned to spearhead and effort in--oh, hello there."
You wave minutely as you enter her office, mouth too occupied with a bagel to say your greetings.
"Well, doc. If you're too busy," the Blackwatch Commander says loudly, "maybe you could spare one of your staff." You don't like the way he eyes you, the growing grin on his face spelling nothing but bad news. Maybe you should've minded your own business.
McCree plays with his lighter, barely listening to the mission brief. ‘Infiltration’, ‘expect resistance’, ‘destroy’, ‘get out alive’. It’s the same old, except it’s a team mission this time--apparently the target is too big to be taken out by a single person. What bull. The only thing that really catches his (and the other people on the room’s) attention is you when you step in, the white lab coat a stark contrast to the black gear that everyone in the room wears. It almost symbolic. Jesse lifts a thumb under his hat and leans forward in his chair, incredulous. 
‘Y’serious, Gabe? Y’sendin’ in a no name medic with us? Where’s Angela?” He says ‘medic’ like it’s a curse and the rest of the room (four others) murmur various noises of agreement. Reyes does not seem amused or particularly bothered for that matter. This is definitely not the first time he’s had to hear of this complaint (and he suspects it won’t be the last). You, on the other hand, look irritated.
“Doctor Zielger is occupied. I have a name, and I will be looking after you on this mission.”  When you give your name, McCree does not even bother to remember it. He doesn’t expect to ever see you again anyway. Just like all the others.
“Y’hit yer head or somethin’? Y’ain’t no Angela.” No one willingly looks after Blackwatch unless they’re one of them or is being coerced to do so. There are too many dangers involved, and he sees the way people especially medics look at them, like they’re a plague. “Jus’ t’set the record straight, this ain’t no babysittin’ job. We ain’t gonna be takin’ care of you.” 
Jesse ignores the hiss of “McCree!” from his boss and stares you down from his seat. You cross your arms and he does the same, a steady standoff between the two of you. 
“I know. I already said I’m taking care of you guys.” 
“An’ I said we ain’t gonna be takin’ care o’ you.” 
Someone else sighs. “What he means is that in Blackwatch, everyone for themselves!”
“It’s fine if you’re a medic and all, we’re thankful that you’re here--”Someone shouts, ‘Speak for yourself’--“hey, shut up! But just try not to get in our way. Or killed.” Another says exasperatedly, waving a hand around. 
“Enough, all of you.” Gabriel’s voice is laden with something akin to disappointment and a sense of finality that has everyone straightening themselves in their seats. “Save your whining for Morrison. For now, I want you all back. Alive. Do I make myself clear?”
Everyone responds affirmatively, including you. 
“Don’t worry about them. They’re not bad people.” Gabriel says to you quietly. 
Jesse rolls his eyes, knowing that they’ll all return alive. The real question is: will they all return unharmed?
“Good. The mission begins at 2200. Get moving.” 
And like that, you’re all dismissed. 
However, Gabriel catches Jesse by the door with a heavy clap on the shoulder. There is a menacing grin on his boss’s face sends chills up and down his spine. 
“Did I see you roll your eyes at me just now, Jesse McCree?” 
You’ve heard the rumors from your colleagues. ‘They don’t care about medics.’ ‘They’ll just leave you to die’, and countless stories and recollections of injuries that they’ve received while working with them. Judging by the exchange during the mission brief, the rumors held some semblance of truth to them. 
But one thing struck you about all their stories: none of them died. As a matter of fact, you’ve never heard of anyone dying when they’re with Blackwatch. (There were a few hostage situations and close calls, but the medics would always return alive even if the rest of the team didn’t.) Though Commander Reyes had already informed you of the dangers associated with this mission, he personally assured you that no matter what, his men will return you safely--regardless the cost. You weren’t quite sure what drove him to say such things, but he was clearly sincere. You thanked him for his encouragement, but it isn’t the first time you’d be stepping on a battlefield as active support. You just hoped that you haven’t gotten too dull. 
All five of you are whisked away in a camouflaged truck in the dead of night. The trip was a mix of tense and nonchalant strangely enough. There is some small talk between yourself and a few of the agents, but no one makes any mention of this mission. 
When the truck stops, they all scatter in different directions, leaving you awkwardly in the open until the driver tells you to get the hell out.
It speaks volumes of how they are all unused to teamwork.
You try to hide yourself away quickly in between the darkened alleys of two buildings. The mission’s outline is to scope out an anti-omnic center and take out some data that could be helpful to Blackwatch. That’s only on the surface, however. The reality is that these forces are actually run by pro-omnic activists who are attempting to trap every anti-omnic force in the area and destroy them in one go with a bomb at the center of the building. The bomb itself is said to be an anti-omnic weapon that will force everything in the area of short-circuit, giving the humans a method of override their programming and shut them all down in one go. But that’s far from the truth. 
If the bomb goes off, the damage could be immeasurable to human life. Blackwatch’s job is to dismantle the thing and find the design plans to the bomb, make copies of it, and then destroy it. There is expectation of a firefight. 
Your orders were to assist the team, but not get too close to the actual site. This is technically a covert mission--in and out--if the agents get injured, they need to come to you. Once the mission is over, you all call for the truck to get the team out of here. None of you can afford to go big or get caught. Technically, the omnics can’t have themselves move too careless either. This entire city is anti-omnic. If they’re also caught here, there’s no telling what could happen. It’s a battle of stealth and speed. The one who can fulfill their mission first, wins.
You wait, the anxiety of not knowing gnaws at you. Every moving shadow seems like it could be an enemy, and the stillness of the night hints at something bigger to come. Hours seem to drag on by.
Your earpiece crackling to life makes you jump out of your skin. It seems like they’ve made it. “Shit. There are others connected to this thing. I think this whole city is rigged.” Your heart plunges into your stomach and leaves you feeling numb. The whole city? 
There is quick back and forth chatter over the communication device. So quick, you can barely follow. They use code words and jargon that you do not recognize. The only thing you can follow is the clipped southern accent that seems to grate just a little on your nerves accompanied by sounds of a scuffle. 
Everything goes silent again. 
“Oh shit. We’re found.” 
It’s the only warning you get before you hear it: gunfire. And it’s not from your earpiece. You stick your head out and catch the sight of glowing red piercing through the darkness of the night and the quiet sounds of running and...spinning spurs? 
Something rolls in the corner of your eye, and you turn to see Jesse McCree on the other side of the alley. He’s heaving, one arm pressed against his side, leaning heavily against the stone like it’s the only thing supporting him, and the other arm holds a gun up to his face. Where were the others? You didn’t know, but you didn’t really have time to care about that right now. 
“Hey McJesse! Get over here!” You hiss loudly, a syringe of glowing serum already in hand.
He just gives you a look of annoyance before he reloads his gun and charges—away from you. “Hey! Get back her-hey!”
He doesn’t look back.
You abandon your hiding spot, and chase after the fool. You can tell his injuries are not light. That only means that you have to get to him before they get any worse. 
The injuries don’t let McCree get very far, and you see him hiding behind some other building. He sees you and tries to get up and make a break for it. For what reason, you don’t know. You breath in sharply, and grab him by the arm. He tries to wrestle himself out of your grip, but the combined pain in his shoulder and ribs doesn’t let him get very far. 
“Let go!”
“Hold still,” you growl, holding up the glowing syringe to the site of injury. At this distance, you can see he’s been hit on his temple, blood running down his face and into his eye. His visibility must be crap right now. What happened in the facility? If you looked closer, you could see the places where his clothes were torn by gunfire. 
“Make it quick. I gotta job t’do. And the name’s ‘McCree’, get it right.” You both didn’t have time to spare. The omnics were nearby and can fire faster than you both can run. Staying in one place is not safe--especially if there are two of you. He hisses when you inject him, the medicine making its course through his veins. 
“Okay, you’re good. Should stop the pain..ah, wait!.” Before he can get up, you quickly wipe his face with your sleeve. He yanks his face and hand away from you like it burns and looks at you like you’re insane. Time stands still for a moment, and not another word is shared between you two before an explosion sends you ducking into each other for cover. Another one rocks the earth, and this one is much closer than the last. 
The explosion leaves your ears and even limbs ringing, shaking you to the core. You could even feel the heat of it through your gear. Several more go off, and for a moment, you fear for you life and that of the man who covers you with his own body. Your fingers tremble and it makes it way to your stomach, and suddenly, you want to vomit. It’s been too long, you don’t think you can actually handle this. 
The communicator in your ear spouts something--you vaguely realize that you can’t hear anything. Or at least, you can’t make any sense of the noises that come at you. There is only sharp ringing that seems to resonate in your brain. 
Large hands haul you up by the underside of your arms and you’re forcibly dragged out of the steadily burning site. You try to run and keep up with McCree’s pace, but your knees are shaking. You stumble more than you actually walk. Why won’t they move? You’ve been on battlefields before, you shouldn’t be acting like this. Some faraway part of you thinks it must be the complacency of the office, it’s made you dull. 
The extraction does not take long, the other agents already gathered inside the truck. They all haul you inside the truck when McCree shoves you in there. He does a quick sweep of the vicinity and yells something at the driver, who takes off into the night, leaving behind the scenery that slowly goes up in smoke. 
Mission failed, you supposed. 
The truck ride is silent. You are silent. Jesse watches you sit there, shivering even with another agent’s jacket draped over your shoulders. Any attempts by someone else at small talk was ignored, you seemed to be in your own head, unaware of the world. 
Shock, huh? 
He’s not very surprised. It's the natural result for some academic who’s spent their entire life in school and hospitals and normal places. The warzone is no place for bleeding hearts of the figurative kind. Just like all the others, you weren’t able to make much of a difference. 
‘Well, end of th’ line for you’, he thinks to himself callously as he puts a cigarette to his lips, only to get his lighter snatched away. 
“Not during transport,” another agent says. He grumbles his displeasure.  
When the truck arrives back at base, you still do not show any sign of responding. Jesse strides past you without a word of thanks or goodbye. He stubbornly ignores the nagging feeling of something inside him that tells him to turn around and at least say something to you for your efforts. 
Blackwatch does not need medics on the field. There is no place for them.
You go about your days quietly, your colleagues all inquiring about your well being after hearing of the mission with Blackwatch. You had been just short of disgraceful, unable to do a thing when it came down to it. On top of that, the tinnitus persisted as a constant reminder of your short-comings. 
Gabriel Reyes himself comes down to the medical bay to thank you for your service. You notice the wary looks that your co-workers give the man, and think that he must notice it too by the way he never quite has his back fully to the room. 
“It’s not a problem, sir. I was just...lacking.” 
“No, you did a fine job in supporting my men. I just hoped it didn’t traumatize you too much.” The unspoken ‘Because Angela would kill me’ hangs in the air. 
You sigh. “The truth is, I’ve done things like this before. I just--wasn’t as mentally prepared this time. But next time!” You meet his eyes boldly. “Next time, I’ll be better and show that McJesse guy.”
Gabriel raises an eyebrow at you in interest. “Next time?”
When Reyes announces another team mission several weeks later, he did not expect to see you again, healthier and brighter than the last time--clammy and unresponsive. You even have a bagel in your mouth. Ballsy, especially in front of Reyes who does not tolerate any sort of disrespect. 
The luck of the draw, he assumes. He tells himself that no one voluntarily joins Blackwatch if they have better choices (not saying that Blackwatch is a bad choice, per se--there were worst ways to go about life, and Reyes, despite his bravado, is a pretty decent boss). But with all the dangers involved, you’d have to have a few screws loose to actually want to join up with them.
“Haven’t ch’learned your lesson yet?” He asks dryly when you’re introduced again. 
You lift an eyebrow at him and grin from behind the bagel. He just wants to snatch the stupid thing out of your mouth. Don’t you know breakfast time is over? Gabriel fixes him with a glare before he goes on with the mission plan. 
This time, it goes much better. (The fiasco last time led to some pretty nasty words to be exchanged between Commander Reyes and Strike Commander Morrison who had to clean up the mess that was made as a result of the botched mission.) It’s a four man mission to disable the last of some lingering omnic forces and possibly get information out of them.
This time, you stick right by them, keeping silent and only acting when necessary. Jesse didn’t want to admit it, but you seemed to be keeping up pretty well with them. It is an improved look from last time. You seemed calmer, more focused. You were able to heal them and patch up their wounds on the go, timing it properly to minimize any delays during the mission. Maybe it’s because this was a smaller scale mission or maybe it’s because it’s not your first anymore, but the way you handle yourself this time around is worthy of acknowledgement. 
Not that he gives it. 
But the other members heap it on you like rain in a monsoon. 
You laugh easily as you administer aid to them during transport, brushing it off like it’s not an amazing feat that you’re able to keep up in a Blackwatch mission. The laughter suits you, Jesse thinks. It’s much better than the stunned silence from the first mission. You looked dead, even. His stomach twists minutely at the thought. No, you were alive and fine. He doesn’t need to worry about you. Babysitting you isn’t his job. 
“Hey, McJesse, your turn.” 
“It’s McCree,” he snaps all too quickly. He sees you grin at him, and pretends that it’s not a good look for you. 
“Where does it hurt?” 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, doc.” 
You kneel in front of him. He can smell something pleasant from you, and turns his head, refusing to think on it. 
“I saw--when you jumped out in front of me. You got hit, right?” He had run up to unload all his bullets into one particular omnic that had spotted you weaving through the pillars of the building. Before he was able to finish doing so, it had gotten a hit in on his ribs. He was lucky to have deflected most of it with his elbow, but it still hurt. 
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You press a hand into his ribs and his hisses, smacking your hand instinctively. No, he doesn’t feel guilty when you recoil in pain or when his teammate give him looks that could kill. It’s your fault for being nosy. You glare at him, holding out your hand. 
He gives it. Not because he feels bad or anything, but just to get you off his back. He feels a prick of a needle and sees you inject him with healing serum. He can feel it coursing through his veins, soothing the pain that had overtaken his torso and arm. 
“Better?” You ask. 
He grunts noncommittally and pulls down his hat so you don’t have to see just how well you’ve done. “’s fine.”
He doesn’t miss the way you smile, however, and has to fight to suppress a smile of his own.
“Okay, men. This is another group mission. We’ll be having medical assistance with us on this one, so everyone better behave.” 
Jesse lifts his head from his hand quickly and turns to the door when it slides open to reveal a white labcoat, but he quickly puts his head back on his palm when he realizes it’s not you. It’s some shmuck who looks around the room nervously like they got thrown into the lion’s den rather than a meeting room. The rest of the briefing goes on, and McCree doesn’t bother to know this person’s name. 
When Gabriel dismissed them, he approaches Jesse with a strange look of amusement and...pity? "What do you want, boss?"
"Disappointed with the line-up?"
"Why should I be?”
Reyes shrugs, a knowing smirk growing on his face. ”No particular reason.”  Irritation burns in his chest. He doesn’t know anything, and whatever he’s assuming, he’s wrong. 
Jesse curses when he returns to base, slamming on the control pads of each door as he passes through them and shoves everyone out of his way (not that they don’t jump to the other side of the hall when they see him already). He stands by everything he said about medics. They don’t belong on the battlefield.  
The mission was going as expected, but it was difficult for all the wrong reasons. 
The medic Gabriel assigned to this mission has no idea what he’s doing, looking around and making a giant target (read: nuisance) of themselves. He wished you were there instead. He nearly got shot through his head when he paused, realizing what he had just thought.
He had to rush at the medic, barrel-rolling him out of danger and knocking himself out in his haste. (If anyone asks, it’s not because he saw your image overlap with this medic’s for a second. It’s just him fulfilling Gabriel’s order of having everyone return alive. That’s all.)
He woke up with a pounding headache and with no idea of where he is (it wouldn’t have been the first time). The yelling from the communicator in his ear reminds him that he is in the middle of a battlefield and he needs to haul ass. The damn medic got himself knocked out, too, making this mission even worse when he had to haul this guy to safety amidst his own injuries and the danger. 
Long story short, it was the worst mission ever, and he never wants another meidc on the filed with them ever again unless it’s Angela. 
Or you. 
He shoves that traitorous thought out of his head as he ambles down the halls, determined to give his boss some lip about his choice of medical accompaniment. 
"I don't know how you do it."
"Do what?"
"Work with those Blackwatch guys! I almost died and you're planning on going on another mission with them?"
Jesse presses himself against the wall when he hears your voice, and wonders what the hell he's doing. Half an hour ago, he heard that you were going to be joining them on another mission. He's supposed to be telling you to stay away from Blackwatch and that it had no place for people like you, that Blackwatch has no need for medics (and not because he doesn’t want to see that look you had when you went on your first mission with them). Instead, he's hiding like a coward, waiting for your voice to come again.
"Yeah, what's the problem with that?"
Your companion splutters."'What's the pro--', are you insane? Those guys have no sense of teamwork! They just run off wherever they like and leave you to die! I got shot at! Shot! At! Overwatch agents would never let that happen to me."
Jesse almost steps out of the shadows to give this fool--it’s the quack from the last team mission several weeks ago, he realizes with no small amount of annoyance--a piece of his mind.
"'course not." Your mouth is stuffed with something again. Why could he imagine a bagel hanging out of your mouth so clearly?  "Blackwatch isn't used to having support. They're lone wolves, the lot of them. You just have to keep up with them and work around them."
He stops, holds his breath and slinks back into the shadows. Did you just defend them? Blackwatch? Don’t you know what that could do to you and your career? 
The other medic huffs. “I shouldn’t have to keep up with them. They’re the ones getting recklessly injured. They deserve half the injuries they get.”
"Even if they do it to themselves, it doesn’t mean I'm not going to help them."
"You could die if you keep getting involved! Your life as a doctor is way more valuable than those of criminals lik--" The rest of the sentence drops into a muffled yell. Alarmed and curious, McCree dares stick his head out to see what stopped the guy from speaking the final nails on the proverbial coffin. What he didn’t expect to see is the medic held by the collar and a bagel forcibly pressed into his mouth like a gag. You looked downright annoyed. The urge to whistle made its way onto his tongue.
"Listen here, you judgmental wuss. At the end of the day, an injured person is still a patient. I don’t care if they’re Blackwatch or Overwatch. They risk their lives to help keep the peace, so the least we can do is offer them recognition and do our jobs. Forget faction. Forget rank. We are doctors and it’s our duty to help people. Don’t you forget that. "
You loosen your grip, and the other man scramble fearfully out of the room, your breakfast still in his mouth. With a huff, you sit back down, immediately pulling out your phone to type out a message to someone that McCree can’t see. 
McCree tugs the brim of his dark hat over his eyes, and slides a hand along his burning face. His heart is racing, for what reason, he’s not very sure. It’s been a long time since he’s heard anyone defend Blackwatch so vehemently. You must know the way everyone looks at them, scorns them, and even so, you’re willing to speak well of them and go on missions together. He heaves a shaky sigh and slides to the floor. 
Any objections he's had against you sits lifelessly in the back of his mind, crushed by your determination and kind words. He needs a moment to process this. Or a drink. 
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fanfiction-writers · 8 years
The Trickster's Mate Ch 5 (GabrielxReader)
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Don't think there are any.
You slam open your door, kicking it shut behind you. Once again, you had a headache and your body felt sluggish. The moment you fling your bag from your shoulders onto the nearby chair, Gabriel pops in behind you and wraps his arms around you snugly. "I missed you, Sweetness," he tells you, kissing at your neck. "How'd the wolf hunt go?"
"Crap," you answer honestly. "I missed you, too. I'm surprised you didn't pop in before now," you smile at him while leaning your head on his. You take a moment and wrap your arms around his that are around you. "Wanna lay down with me?" you ask him. It had been a long trip back. While the trip itself wasn't long, there had been constant construction which made the trip nearly three times as long.
"Always," Gabe answers easily. "Want a massage?" he continues, already starting to rub the muscles in your shoulder blades perfectly. Nodding in bliss, you automatically plop face down onto your bed with Gabe next to you. Everything was perfect.
When you wake, you were in a large t-shirt and no pants, snuggled into layers of blankets and pillows. Gabe was sitting against the headboard next to you, idly running his fingers through your hair.
"Morning," you yawn at him, rolling over to snuggle up to him. "Did you sit there all night?"
"Afternoon, actually," he corrects with a light tap of a finger to your nose. "And of course I did. Your ever watchful Guardian Angel is on duty!" he declared.
You smile at him, even if you found it a bit weird. Usually, Gabriel couldn't stay still for that long, and since he didn't sleep at all, you told him he didn't have to stick around unless he wanted to. You knew he got bored easily, especially sitting in the quiet while you slept. He had only stayed all night a handful of times, but you were fine with it.
"Well, thank you," you tell him while snuggling into his torso. "So what's for breakfast? Or lunch since it's afternoon as you said."
"Whatever you want, of course!" he answers, running his hand through your hair again. "I vote something sweet, and probably bad for your human health in the long run. Then again, self indulgence is kinda my thing." Sitting up, you smile at Gabriel, taking a minute to appreciate him. He always took care of you even if you didn't know you needed it; he made you laugh and smile nearly constantly, and made you happy. Maybe you'd bring up the mating thing again.
Something wasn't right. You fiddled with the elegant looking card in your hand, turning it over and over again. It was from Gabe, declaring an extremely extravagant night for your one year anniversary. The card promised a night of elegance and magic, which meant he was going to spoil you rotten. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the card itself that appeared on the nightstand next to your bed when you had woken up.
It had your whole name. You hadn't told Gabe your middle name yet. At least, you were fairly certain you hadn't. It was also weird that it was your actual name and not some candy related nickname.
Oh well, maybe you had forgotten that you had told him at some point. The card instructed that you open the door to the bathroom first. Upon entering the bathroom, your eyes pop wide open, a gasp leaving your mouth. The really compact, yet sleek bathroom of the bunker was now a large marble bathroom with a large bathtub that was filled already with bubbles and water, sat off to the side. There was a spread of fancy looking soaps next to the tub for you. Looking around you think Gabe hadn't been spoiling you as much as you thought, because you were sure you'd have all this and more every day.
After bathing and getting dressed in a sleek dress that appeared on your bed, Gabe finally showed up and whisked you away to a secluded beach area. You weren't sure what part of the planet you were on, or if this was someplace he created, but it was absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight. An impressive display of fireworks lit up the sky over the endless ocean forming into various shapes and colors thanks to his grace. There was a fancy table set up with candles and trays of food that normally would've cost you hundreds of dollars.
The feeling of something being off came back, though less intense than the first time. You couldn't think of anything that could be wrong. Everything was perfect.
"Something wrong?" Gabe asks from behind you. You were sitting in the sand, your back to his chest, with his legs stretched out next to yours.
"No...yes..." you mumble quietly. "I don't know." You shrug a shoulder when you can't quite put a finger on what you feel.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Distract me," you tell him. "What'd you do before you decided to get caught up in angel business again?"
You feel a nonchalant shrug behind you. "Oh, you know... just traveled," he answers.
That odd paranoid feeling zings through you again. Sometimes Gabe pretended like he was clueless or didn't know what was going on, but he usually never played dumb with you. There were some things he didn't want to tell you, which was fine. Both of you had your own secrets; but if he didn't want to tell you something, he'd tell you upfront. You hadn't seen him try to skirt around the issue since he hadn't wanted to tell you that the two of you were mates, and even then he just stayed away.
"You traveled by yourself for... I don't even know how long? That's it?" you ask, slightly incredulous.
"Well, I didn't do much of anything exciting," he grumbles in defense, leaning back on his hands. "Why's this so important all of a sudden? I think we've got a few better things to focus on, like our year anniversary."
"Has it been that long already?" you wonder out loud. You think back through your memories, and yep; it had been a year.
"Sure has, Sweetness," Gabe says anyway, once again wrapping his arms around you. The two of you sit in comfortable silence as you watch the stars for a while. It wasn't too long though before you began to feel physically drained again. Your eyelids began to droop and keeping them open was taking a lot of effort.
You jolt forward as a new voice screams your name. The voice sounded...like Gabriel? But when you look back at him, he just watches you with an inquiring raise of a brow.
"Y/N..." Gabe's voice calls again, sounding farther away this time.
"Gabe?" you ask quietly, looking around confused, shooting glances back at him behind you.
"...ay yes, Y/N!" he calls again. Before you could ask what was going on, that feeling of something being wrong makes your stomach sink suddenly. The voice sounded panicked and desperate. You notice the area in the distances around you begin to fade into darkness. The stars were the first to go slowly, then the small islands on the horizon, then the moon...
What the hell is going on? you think to yourself, beginning to feel the appropriate panic at watching the world around you vanish.
"Something wrong?" Gabriel asks behind you.
At his question, you stand up and walk a couple steps away to look back down at him. Something really wasn't right, and you weren't sure why you kept forgetting that feeling. "You don't see that?" you ask, throwing your arm out towards the endless darkness that was creeping its way towards you. "You don't feel that?"
"Hey, hey," he soothes you, standing up to cup your face in his hands. You want to push him away and question him, but he was supposed to keep you safe right? That's what mate's were supposed to do.
"Y/N! Dammit-... on... say yes!" Gabe's voice shouts at a distance.
Shoving Gabriel away, you look around to search for the source of the voice. "Gabe?!" you shout back. There was nothing around you except the sandy beach and the romantic set up for your anniversary.
"...say yes!....Please..." Gabe's voice trails off weakly.
Why did he want you to say yes? you wonder, somehow eerily calm again at the world vanishing around you. The other Gabriel stood in front of you, everything around you going dim still. If that wasn't Gabe, what was he? And how long hadn't you realized?
"Yes," you say out loud, looking up at the nothing around you. As soon as the word left your mouth, everything went white.
There had been only a few times where Gabe was too stunned to move or speak or think. If he had a heart like a human, he'd say it had stopped in those few moments. The first time had been when Lucifer had been kicked out of Heaven. Watching his family turn on each other, senselessly killing each other, had been another. Seeing you carelessly dumped in a corner nearly dead, was a third.
He still wanted to wring the Winchester's necks as he fell to his knees next to you. He had nearly killed them on the spot when they told him what happened to you. Then, since you were dying, he couldn't sense exactly where you were. If the two of you had mated he could've, but since you weren't, he was left finding you the harder more old-fashioned way.
The djinn had already fled the room in the old factory, running to safety. Gabriel wanted- he wanted- to go after the creature and kill it slowly a million times over, but you were priority. Immediately, he uses his grace to heal you... except you weren't healing.
No no no no no!
Gabe pushed his grace harder, keeping just shy of being intense enough to hurt you. "Please, please Y/N, wake up!" he begs, his grace burning white as he runs his hands over your body. Panic and fear wash through him as he continues trying to heal you in vain. He could feel your life slipping away quickly. You wouldn't last that much longer in this condition. "Please, Y/N," he nearly growled out of desperation. "Just come back to me, dammit. I'll even eat a damn salad...just...come back..."
You continue to slip away from his grasp, his grace nearly useless. The problem wasn't an injury that he could heal; your soul was already trying to move on. I didn't find her in time, he realized feeling a weight settle in him. You were nearly dead.
An empty chill fills him as his grace still tries to keep you alive. He had failed you. He couldn't even protect his mate, someone that was created for him to protect and be with. Like everything else, he had failed.
"Y/N..." If only he hadn't been late. If only you weren't human. Don't get him wrong, he had learned to love humanity, but he knew that humans weren't very resilient, unlike himself. Wait. If he could-then maybe-
He pushed his grace harder with newfound determination, reaching for the remaining pieces of your soul that was clinging to live. If his grace couldn't save you, maybe he could from the inside. But he needed permission first.
Immediately, Gabe starts talking to you, projecting his thoughts to you; begging and pleading for you to say yes to him. He wasn't even sure you could hear him, but he begged anyway. He even prayed to a father he hadn't seen or heard from in eons. After a few long and tense seconds, he heard a faint affirmation from you, and instantly the area was awash in a pure white light.
"Who are you?!" you demand, feeling like your heart was pounding from your chest.
"No need for hostility," the woman tells you like she was telling a kid to calm down.
"Where did you even come from?" you ask, still on edge for some reason. There was an empty white room around you that had doors on the wall behind you and in front of you. When you had opened you eyes, it almost hurt to look at, but you had soon adjusted. Not long after, this woman appeared out of nowhere in black clothes.
"You wouldn't understand," the woman sighs, pushing her long auburn hair behind her shoulder. "Look, just come with me and make it easier. I don't have a lot of time."
You snort, "Yeah, like that sounds safe." Spinning on your heel, you dart out of the door behind you, only to come back directly into the same room. The woman still looked at you impatiently.
"Just save me the trouble please," she says, holding out her hand towards you with her palm up. "I've got a schedule to keep."
Stepping away from her, you look around the room. You weren't sure where you were, but after the whole world vanishing and the (probably) fake Gabriel, you weren't sure what to trust and what was going on.
"I'm bringing you to Heaven, human," the woman snaps at you. "You've got three seconds before I leave you to become a ghost to haunt some decrepit old building."
Decrepit old building? you wonder. This place didn't look anything like that. What the hell was-
Jumping nearly a foot in the air, you twist quickly to see Gabriel running into the room, nearly slamming into you as he grabs you. An incredible sense of power fills you as Gabe hugs you to him, squeezing tightly. "Listen there isn't much time-" he stops suddenly as he sees the woman standing there. The sense of power around you increases and seems to thicken the very air in the room. "Back off, Reaper. She's mine," he nearly growls, the air around the room nearly vibrating.
Her eyes widen slightly as Gabe's wings unfurl in a blinding light, curling around you protectively. You hear yet another sigh as you cling to Gabriel to shield your eyes from the light. "Fine," she says, "but I'd make a decision quickly. She doesn't have long." Then it went silent.
Gabriel pulls in his wings, the light receding as he pushes you away from him slightly so he can look at you. "Listen to me, Y/N," he tells you, his voice nearly flat and completely serious for once as he frames your face with his hands. "You're dying. I'm preventing that but it won't help forever. You need to make a decision. Do you want to mate with me and stay, or do you want to move on?"
What? How could you make a decision like that immediately? Especially when you weren't exactly sure that whatever was happening was real. Gabe's hand pressed gently against your chest, right over your heart. "You need to decide, Sweetheart," Gabe tells you gently.
Your eyes widen as you realize he was going to try and mate with you and try to save you if that's what you wanted. And he said you were dying? But what was it real? Gabe's eyes begin to glow, his angel form beginning to shine through. "Do you want this?" he repeats, his voice deep and resonating with his power, while pressing a bit more firmly against your chest. "It might not even save you," he reminds you. "But it's the only chance for you to live if that's what you want. If not, I'll take you to Heaven."
It felt like Gabriel, it felt real, but if it was life or death, you'd choose to live regardless. "Go ahead," you answer, looking straight into his whiskey eyes that were nearly shining with his grace.
"I need a yes or no, Y/N."
With a determined nod, you say "Yes."
A searing, sharp pain explodes throughout your body as you throw your head back, feeling a hurricane of power envelope you from head to toe. The last thing you see is solid, pure white again before everything goes black.
A/N: So I've got one more chapter after this that's ready to go in a few days, but I've hit a writing slump, so if there's anything you want to see or any ideas, feel free to share them! You can message me on my writing blog @mycreativeoutlet1 or on here I suppose.​ I've been wracking my brain and...nothing...
Anyway, hope you guys like the chapter! Feedback helps the muses immensely!!
Tag List: @mija-novella @tiarna-spn @ackleholic96 @xpanicatthespnx @negansgrimes @jayde-waza7 @cantchoosejustonefandom @jaspesangriento @lunanightshade @books-netflix-and-pizza
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hammerraptor · 4 years
Have less than one year before Microsoft cuts off Windows 7
When Windows 10 launched in 2015, PC users were confronted with a dilemma. Microsoft had in many enthusiasts eyes been making blunder after blunder in their efforts to turn what we all thought was a perfectly functional operating system into some kind of idiot, friendly, touchscreen fisher-price. Looking nonsense and on top of trying to fix what ain't broke, Microsoft wanted unprecedented access to their users, data and resolved to just force system updates when you're right in the middle of something and all for what DirectX 12. So many power users ended up sticking with Windows 7 and are still using it today, but they have a problem. If you're one of these individuals, you now have less than one year before Microsoft, cuts off Windows 7. 
You may not want to risk an upgrade, but, as Aragorn said, to fit in in the Great Hall of EDS upgrading is upon you whether you would risk it or not. Wait. I don't think that's quite what he said. You know what else is close. I can almost smell it. So close, that's our sponsor! It won't help you with your Windows, 7 problem, but they still G skills. Trident II royal series, ddr4 memory, features a polished, aluminium heat spreader, that's available in both gold or silver and a crystalline light bar that radiates beautiful RGB check it out at the link below [ Music ]. 
Now you might not realize this, but in spite of Microsoft, practically giving away Windows 10 even to those with pirated installations, most users stuck with Windows 7, rather than upgrading, either to eight or ten something that only finally changed late last year in December, net market share Reported that Windows 10 installations rose above Windows 7 for the first time and now account for nearly 41 percent of the user base compared to Windows 7 37 percent. Now, hopefully, that number is going to continue to go down as we get closer to January 14. 2020. 
The day that Windows 7 dies because otherwise we are gon na - have some serious problems because, yes, yes, ok, Windows, 7, it's not gon na die. It'S not like you just turn on your computer and it doesn't turn on anymore. It'S just going to stop receiving feature, updates, bug, fixes and, most importantly, security updates, which are very important if you want to, I don't know, continue Oh safe using the Internet. Now, as it did for previous versions of Windows, Microsoft is offering extended security updates, or, yes, you, ECU for Windows, 7 enterprise and pro additions up until January 2023. But this extended the update service won't come cheap and adding insult to injury. The price will double each year, so three years of support is gon na cost. 
A hundred and seventy-five bucks for enterprise licenses and three hundred and fifty for windows 7 pro og, also, if you're a mega ball or PC gamer thinking, yeah no problem. 350 bucks looks like what mid tier graphics card. Sorry, I've got some bad news for you, too. Esu is only available for volume license subscriptions which are usually held by companies or schools. So business is running Windows, 7 machines on Microsoft's, Azure cloud as part of the Windows virtual desktop program, those folks get ESU for free, but again baller gamers. I would imagine that scenario doesn't apply to you. So then, if you're just a regular Windows, 7 user with a personal license, what can you do well before we get too deep into your options? 
Let'S take a look at why people want to hold on to Windows 7, like that grudge against their brother for stealing the last piece of their birthday cake, even though they told them that they were saving it for later and hid it away way in the back Of the fridge - so you wouldn't know it was there Windows 7 was, is kind of fantastic. It'S mature, stable and reliable and offers a great amount of control over the way it behaves. Its interface is functional, familiar and extremely customizable, and it's got all your settings just the way that you like them. I mean. Furthermore, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone upgrading now has a program or two that would either require a new, not to mention costly license to run on Windows 10 or that isn't available for it at all and there's other little creature comforts typing in the search bar Retrieves results that make sense instead of a Windows setting you weren't, looking for or a web result from big windows, 7. 
Doesn'T incessantly ask you to send more of your personal information to Microsoft or decide on its own when it's time to update whether you like it or not, updates are available? Sorry, you know what I'm actually kind of in the middle of something kind of Roger that updating now, but as awesome as Windows 7 is. There are quite a few cons to staying with it past the end date for extended support. Besides lacking the latest antivirus protections, Windows 7 won't have Windows, 10 features like device guard, UEFI, secure boot and Windows, hello, which offer higher overall security for your system, and while gaming performance is about the same, some things like system boot times are slower in Windows 7. 
Compared to Windows 10, so it turns out Microsoft, software engineers weren't sitting around playing beer pong for the last 78 years. Also, if you're worried about future proofing at all, which you should be at least a little bit. Windows, 7 is not a great bet, as software and even hardware makers eventually do stop providing support for legacy operating systems. So, even if you pay for es, you support only lasts for three years and costs more than a Windows 10 license and you might be able to upgrade for free anyway, yep, even though Microsoft officially ended their offer for a free upgrade to Windows. 10 from Windows. 7 or 8 many users have reported successful, fully activated upgrades by using Microsoft's official upgrade utility, and even if you have to pay bare with me for a moment here, Windows 10 might not be as bad as you think. There are a lot of happy users out there who appreciate its combination of the efficiency and customization of Windows 7 and the modern design of Windows 8 and despite Microsoft's best efforts. 
There is actually a fair bit that you can do to minimize their data collection and postpone system updates until absolutely necessary, or at least until it's convenient, so we're gon na have some resources for you guys for this linked in the video description. But let's say you drop a line at Windows: 10. Fine, you say I'll! Stop using Windows 7, but hashtag, never Windows, 10 whoo tell you guys are serious cuz that hashtag there well, for you guys. There are other options. First up, there's Windows. 8.1. I mean I doubt that you guys have stuck with Windows 7 for this long, just to get into the OS that Gabe Newell called a catastrophe, and it's data, collection and update system are kind of similar to Windows 10, but at least it'll be getting security updates, 
Though, realistically now that Microsoft has learned from their mistake of supporting Windows, XP for like ever that'll, probably only buy you a couple of years. So maybe that's not a great option. So then, what how about Oh Mac OS, while Apple's desktop OS, has come a long way and is obviously used by many tech enthusiasts? The thing is, I don't see many windows, 7 diehards willingly affecting to apples Camp Plus. You would need to either buy a totally new computer or begin the long, arduous process of trying to turn your existing PC into a hackintosh. Now it might be doable, but even most hackintosh enthusiasts are pretty open about what a finicky experience that is leaving Linux. Now, a couple of years ago, 
I would have said that that's madness, but Linux is a more viable option than ever before, even for gamers. Now we're planning another follow-up, video on Valve's proton compatibility software, but for now the main thing you need to know about it is that it makes an ever growing list of Windows. Games run flawlessly on Linux and community reports indicate that thousands more run pretty well. As for the non-gamers popular Linux, distros like Ubuntu work great for productivity, focused views, especially if the majority of your work is done on the web, and there are even distros that borrow heavily from Windows for their interface, like Linux Mint. So your homesickness will at least be saved a little and then, of course, there's the last option. Stick with Windows 7 hold fast as your destruction edges ever closer. 
So you goodbye to hardware or software upgrades and just well just don't browse the internet after January 14th. 2012, with regards to that option, I mean you know what Godspeed you brave bastard, but, needless to say, we don't actually recommend doing that. What we do recommend, though, if you need to build a beautiful website without the hassle, is Squarespace with Squarespace is all in one platform, you just pick a template and turn your text throw in your pictures, design a logo they've got all kinds of amazing tools and Boom, you have a website, it might not be a very good website. It might not have a lot of important information on it, but that's on you, sir or ma'am. It'S not on Squarespace, because they have tons of amazing help that you can leverage they offer webinars. Full series of help guides and you can contact their 24/7 customer support via live chat and email. 
If you're ever having trouble, and if you already have a third party domain, you don't have to give it up, you can just transfer it to Squarespace plus with Squarespace. You get tons of e-commerce features to help you sell merch or services online and easily manage your inventory and orders so head over to Squarespace comm /l tt and get 10 % off your first purchase. We'Re gon na have that linked below. So thanks for watching guys, we just like this video. You can hit that button. I'M sorry! It'S a really bad news. I get it, but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff, we featured Windows 10. I guess at the link in the video description also down, there is our merch store, which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum, which you should totally join. We should have where you can now buy it, a bunch of CD canonical we'll ship. You one if you pay like a couple bucks, I think you can yeah but and don't pay for Linux either way. It'S free. It'S kind of the point.
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