#gah I love him so much
allastoredeer · 6 months
The way I've always seen radioapple is that inevitably Alastor would mellow out around Lucifer, because unlike every other sinner that would see him fall to take his place, Lucifer is already beyond him. It's the difference between having to worry about everyone and only having to worry about the biggest predator in the room. By definition Lucifer is so much scarier than anything that would dare attack the Radio Demon that he makes him (feel) safe.
And if his insecure ass would just accept that, he'd be much happier. :)
But alas, he's so used to being attacked and noticed that he can't begin to imagine a world where he's not a target. I think on some level he's convinced himself that he likes being in that constant state of justified anxiety.
Alastor has so many issues and I want to study them all under a microscope. I think, even in a developing relationship with Lucifer, it would take a long, long time, full of emotional turmoil and coming to terms with his insecurities, before he even begins to allow Lucifer to "protect" him. In any way.
As someone who also hates being vulnerable, or weaker than anyone I'm around, I project so much onto Alastor its not even funny. To give that bit of vulnerability to someone--to open yourself up enough to allow someone to take care of you, to PROTECT you (which can feel so degrading in some circumstances, in my experience), is super fucking hard, and I think Alastor would have to go through massive amounts of character development before he got there LMAO.
But I want him to feel comfortable and safe around Lucifer. I want him to feel like he can trust him. I want good things for Alastor if only he would open himself up and allow that vulnerability T.T
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wickedval · 7 months
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📸 Ryan Loco 🔥
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compressedrage · 5 months
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Lemme just out myself for a moment here– This is for The Chosen One :]
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hollow-keys · 7 months
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Instinctively calling for Jamie FOUR regenerations later.
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favlie · 6 months
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I'm rewatchig atla again and, as expected, i'm full of zutara feelings. Forever hopeful that this time they will be canon. ♥ -- Please do not repost/use without asking first! ♥
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are you really besties if you can't share a joint
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Pac: Fit. Where are you, Fit? Where are you, Fit? Where is my official gossip???
It's always very funny hearing Pac and Fit complaining when the other person hasn't logged onto the server yet, lmao.
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desceros · 7 months
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ok this one's better. ignore any previous villain donnie's left in your inbox oooo
[meteorologist voice] well folks if you look to your night sky you'll have a chance of catching a special treat tonight! looks like tumblr user desceros has fucking exploded and will be ascending to become a star in our cosmos. wow, what an opportunity to see spontaneous human combustion in real time. truly something special. anyway, back to you, janice
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somethingintheforest · 2 months
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clownsuu · 1 year
I wonder what Frank's reaction would be to Howdy's visiting cousin... especially since Howdy would talk about his family, but now the rest of the neighbors get to see a relative? I can only imagine the antics bwaha!
(A silly thing, for you!)
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AWEEE MY BB BOYO ;;;;; more for frank to absolutely obsess over got d a m-
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crimsomcrystal · 9 months
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"This must be what love would have felt like!"
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keekszer0 · 7 months
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The way his body looks in this lighting 😩😩😩😩
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winds-of-zephyr416 · 2 days
*Looks at clock* ooh! it’s time to cry about Beleg Cúthalion again!
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Oh mi gosh! Raphie with stickers Ahhh I can't. I love it so much. Raphie is such a comfort charactor for me. He's so loving and sweet. I would love just a *Big* hug from him. Like lifting me off the ground type hug and like pats from a hard day for being overwhelmed and stuff like that. We love Raphie must protect him at all cost!
*thank you for taking the time to read this love you so much 💜💜. And inknow me and other peiple are very proud of you. Your doing so great!*
Yes!! Raphie deserves all the stickers his big ol' heart desires 🤗❤️✨
I mean...just look at this precious lovely baby 🥺
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He deserves all the love 🙌❤️✨
Thank you so much for your ask! It made me smile quite a bit 🤗
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delyth88 · 11 months
Loki - season 2, episode 6 series finale -immediate reaction
Okay, so this time I’m gonna have to split this into two posts.  This one is my reaction after just watching the finale, but this time it’s going to be mostly my emotional response, and the more considered post with images will have to wait till later.  I don’t have the heart for it right now.
So yeah, spoilers ahead.
Well that tore out my heart and stamped on it!
I mean it was an utterly perfect story for a character like Loki, but I’m still devastated. I love it. And I hate it.
I love it on a story level.  The whole season was beautifully done! Loki developed so much over the six episodes, and really won my heart back. I fell in love with the gang from the TVA, particularly OB and Mobius, and I warmed to Sylvie and just wanted her to be able to live the quiet life she’s wanted for so long.
I loved that they really went into the depth I had assumed I’d only get in a fic about the different attempts Loki made to fix things by going back in time. They didn’t just gloss over things, they really showed him trying.  I was shocked when after he asked OB how long it would take him to learn everything, he went and spent CENTURIES doing it!  My stomach dropped.  Because can you imagine what that means for someone?  Even someone as long lived as Loki?  What that has to do to your mind? And that should have been the first clue things weren’t going to turn up roses.
Then he finally succeeds! But they don’t show it to us like we’re experiencing that moment, but more as though we’re an observer, rushing through it because it’s yet another repeat. And for one brief moment Loki is happy because he thinks they’ve done it. But no, it turns out to have been an impossible task!
And then he finds out that HWR basically gave him his newfound powers, and that he still had a lot to learn, and then we see THAT HE ALREADY HAD LEARNED! The way they kept dropping the sense of time on us, that sense of dread and urgency. And inevitability. *shivers*
How he tries, and tries, and tries to convince Sylvie, but can’t get through to her, and how he has to contemplate whether he’s the sort of man who could kill her. I loved how he visited Mobius to ask for his advice. My god. What a horrible conversation to have to have.  But what trust he places in Mobius! 
And I loved how he kept refusing to take the easy path. How he decided he couldn’t kill Sylvie, and how he realised there was another way. But OMG at what price!? I can’t….
But I hated how much this hurt Loki, what this took from him.  When the gold from the rock trickles upwards to create a mockery of a throne, which is more a prison… just…. 😭 The look on his face once he knows what he has to do. He had to make the impossible choice, and he chose the impossible.
I love that it kept the tone of tragedy that has haunted Loki all through the MCU.  I love how they were true to his character in that way, but AT THE SAME TIME allowed him to retain his new sense of self, all that growth we’ve shared through this series but also the change that he’s experienced while he’s been isolated during centuries trying to find a way to defeat HWR and keep the people on the branched timelines safe. His desperate act to do the right thing.  And finally it is the right thing in the eyes of the universe and the audience, and yet he still loses. My heart just can’t bear it!
It’s perfect and it hurts.
Tagging @woodelf68 @pinkpondofasgard @projectprotectloki @scintillatingshortgirl19 @juliabohemian @galaxythreads @makerofrunevests @ladyofthestayingpower @thelightofthingshopedfor @sparklegemstone @iamanartichoke
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