#Alastor I see you
allastoredeer · 6 months
The way I've always seen radioapple is that inevitably Alastor would mellow out around Lucifer, because unlike every other sinner that would see him fall to take his place, Lucifer is already beyond him. It's the difference between having to worry about everyone and only having to worry about the biggest predator in the room. By definition Lucifer is so much scarier than anything that would dare attack the Radio Demon that he makes him (feel) safe.
And if his insecure ass would just accept that, he'd be much happier. :)
But alas, he's so used to being attacked and noticed that he can't begin to imagine a world where he's not a target. I think on some level he's convinced himself that he likes being in that constant state of justified anxiety.
Alastor has so many issues and I want to study them all under a microscope. I think, even in a developing relationship with Lucifer, it would take a long, long time, full of emotional turmoil and coming to terms with his insecurities, before he even begins to allow Lucifer to "protect" him. In any way.
As someone who also hates being vulnerable, or weaker than anyone I'm around, I project so much onto Alastor its not even funny. To give that bit of vulnerability to someone--to open yourself up enough to allow someone to take care of you, to PROTECT you (which can feel so degrading in some circumstances, in my experience), is super fucking hard, and I think Alastor would have to go through massive amounts of character development before he got there LMAO.
But I want him to feel comfortable and safe around Lucifer. I want him to feel like he can trust him. I want good things for Alastor if only he would open himself up and allow that vulnerability T.T
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thethoriumreactor · 2 months
The colorblind Alastor headcanon is so fun to think about I made an entire comic page about it pls be proud of me guys
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He chose the more vibrant one lol (if image quality is bad pls click on it)
Bonus doods (Alastor admitted the truth):
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notherpuppet · 8 months
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How the old timey prick got his pet
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
stayed gone but you're the sinners watching/listening
(AKA I spend an unnecessary amount of time editing)
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fmayyy · 6 months
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Lucifer is so Michael Scott coded…..
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say-sike · 6 months
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greykolla-art · 6 months
Alastor: If I ever express a single moment of weakness, I will simply die. I will expire. I will collapse in on myself like a dying star or a flan in a cupboard. I am the most brittle man who ever lived and the moment someone realizes that, I'll never recover. My whole sense of being relies on everyone having the exact opinion about me that I want them to have, all the time.
Charlie: ............. a really good investment for the hotel would be a therapist, I think.
That monologue is so perfect!😂😂😂
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spyroforlife · 8 months
Alastor: And then she called me an 'ace in the hole', whatever that means
Angel: It was a joke, she's saying you're asexual
Alastor: A sexual what? I'm not sexual for ANYTHING
Angel: Yeah, I mean asexual, all one word. As in, without sexuality. You don't feel sexual attraction. We call it asexual, often shortened to ace. Ergo, you're an 'ace in the hole'
Alastor: There's actually a word for that?? Ridiculous. But points to Rosie for the cute wordplay, I suppose.
Angel: I know you aren't but if you WERE a sex-favorable asexual, well. You could be an ace in MY hole-
Alastor: (immediately bonks him with his mic)
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creepypso · 5 months
This animation took me so long,,, but after a few weeks the little scary face contest is finally done <3
To be fair it was the first time I used clip studio paint and actually lined and colored something in a different program than Sai. I learned quite a lot soo I'm excited for future projects!
Also have a gif version of it because now I can do gifs!! :D
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_ I do not give you my consent to repost my drawings, without asking me first
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OH!!! OH!!!
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Oh mah gawd. He doesn't let anyone touch him unless they're his friends.
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If they aren't his friends, he'll either lean away or wipe off his hand. He hates being touched if he's not the one initiating it, to the point of wiping his sleeve off when Lucifer's hat just BARELY grazed against it.
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He didn't wipe his shoulder off when Charlie stopped touching him either.
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Before You Say 'He did lean away', or 'She wasnt actually touching him, her hand was just near him', Take A Look At This!!
Look closely at how he moves when she splits them up. He doesn't lean away, she SHOVED him. She actively MOVED him. That wasn't an 'oh she's making contact with me, guess I should lean away', it was a 'well she's shoving me now, I'll shut up for a minute'.
Which also proves she WAS touching him. She couldn't have shoved him if she wasn't making contact.
He didn't lean away from it, he didn't retaliate. The ONLY people he lets touch him are people he cares for. And not only did she put her hand on his shoulder, she actively pushed him back, and he showed no sign of discomfort towards it. So why am I screaming about this?
Because he DOES care! It proves he cares for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think saying he's her 'dad' is a bit of a strech, but he does care enough to let her touch him. He doesn't dislike or even have a neutral opinion on her. She's his friend, even if just a little bit.
Just an edit to clarify; I know 'friends' is probably also not the best word to use, but it's just the easiest way for me to describe it.
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ohbother2 · 8 months
Alastor lost his cool and flipped his shit immensely when Lucifer showed up - why would that be? and why wedge himself between Lucifer and Charlie? Why would he react so viscerally when his literal main-competitor for retaining his rank and respect is Vox, and Vox openly antagonises him first, trying to drag Alastor's reputation through the mud in his broadcasts
Alastor remains cool, calm, collected, and in doing so completely surpasses Vox's attempts
in many ways, Alastor is unflappable. Always smiling, always a step ahead, always the most powerful and domineering in a room
and then- Lucifer shows up. This short statured, rosy-cheeked, rather pathetic excuse of a man
he waltzes in to the hotel, a fumbling over-excited mess, the least threatening a person could possibly look in hell, barely reaching Alastor's waist
and yet, he outranks Alastor, he could over-power him easily, he is the predator
and Alastor simply cannot handle that
Alastor may be furious that such a week-minded, emotionally unguarded man ranks so far above him with no way for Alastor to even attempt to gain the same status
so what does Lucifer lack? what is the one thing Alastor can have that he can't?
a relationship with Charlie
his anger is calculated, he finds what hurts Lucifer, he finds his weakness, he grips onto it with both claws, and he drags it in front of him, mocking the fact that, yeah, sure Lucifer may outrank him, but in his daughters mind? one of the few things Lucifer can't control? Alastor has the power, has the lead - in all manners of 'power' and 'influence' that Lucifer cannot control, Alastor makes sure he knows he is on top - he is Charlie's favourite, he succeeds where Lucifer has failed her
regardless of his motives, he has been there for Charlie, and Lucifer hasn't, and that's all that matters
but why does he have this deep-rooted need to prove himself? why can he not accept that he is still the second most powerful in that hotel?
his need for power, for dominance, for control is shown again when Husk confronts him in the hallway
'big talk for someone who's also on a leash'
this time, Alastor doesn't even bother targeting Husker's, insecurities, his weaknesses
he drags him down the hallway chained at his neck, teeth gnashing and positively enraged
there's no typical Alastor intelligence or cunning behind this action - it is pure unadulterated rage, it's a: I can kill you, and I will
killing husk would be useless - Alastor obviously has a purpose for him, that's why he's been kept alive and the other overlords haven't, killing him would get rid of any leverage Alastor had, it would get rid of Husk full stop
Alastor has been gone for 7 years, and now he's back, supporting a cause he doesn't believe, forced to wander around the hotel halls and haunting its residents instead of freely roaming Hell
Lilith has also been gone 7 years - and she isn't yet back
Alastor just so happens to appear at the hotel mere moments after Charlie tries to talk to Lilith, marching into the foyer and wedging himself into the project with a showman's flair
he is chained, he is chained to that infernal hotel where he doesn't belong - he cannot be redeemed, he doesn't want to be redeemed
he is chained to Lilith, and by extension he is chained to Charlie
and in his eyes, he is powerless, so utterly and infuriatingly at the mercy of those above him, and that simply won't do
so what can he do? what can a man, whose greatest desire is power, who's biggest insecurity is the power and status he wields over others, do to reclaim some semblance of that power? how can he usurp Lilith? how can be make this soul-bond beneficial to him?
he can win Charlie over - he can replace her father in the process, he can mould her as he sees fit, he can play on her need to view the best in everyone, in the need to create friendships and her insatiable ability to care for those around her
he cannot get to Lilith, he cannot match Lucifer, but he can have Charlie
and he's nearly got her
and when he does? who's to say her naivety, her trust, the relationship he's intentionally crafted with her, leads her to strike a deal with him in a moment of need? when the angels attack, when the hotel begins to crumble, when heaven commands her to stop her efforts? why wouldn't she strike a deal, in her mind, he's as caring as a father figure, and a man who's been there since day one unlike either of her parents
she shakes his hand
he has her soul
he has Charlie, and he has Lilith, and he has Lucifer
there's nothing they can do, and isn't that really what power is? not raw-strength, not magic, not status, but the ability to control those who others may believe to be above your own station?
he's forced to the hotel, he's chained down and unable to grab for more power - if Lilith is preventing him from earning it himself, well, he can always just force her to give it to him
all it takes is one hand shake.
the cherry on top? he get's to show Lilith it's her own desire for him to be at the hotel that has allowed him to ensnare them all
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cringefailvox · 12 days
let's be real. hardly anybody in that fuckass hotel is cooking. charlie can only make cup ramen. vaggie and angel hoard packaged snacks like they're stocking up for apocalypse scenarios; both of them have eating disorders for different reasons. husk eats dry cereal out of the bag with his bare hands and washes it down with everclear. alastor politely eats rotting deer corpses alone in his swamp room while listening to ragtime; the most his lazy ass will do is conjure up food with magic if asked. coincidentally this is also what lucifer does when he remembers to eat at all.
but you know who both knows how to cook and does so frequently, because they enjoy it? sir pentious and niffty. they baked and decorated those cookies for lucifer's visit together. pentious approaches his recipes with the same eccentric creativity he uses for his machines, and prior to his arrival niffty was the ONLY one single-handedly keeping that kitchen free of cobwebs. they whipped up some truly fantastic family dinners for everyone during the months leading up to extermination day.
after pentious dies, niffty stops cooking in the kitchen. she doesn't like to cook alone anymore; doesn't really see the point.
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starkspi · 2 months
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This is very much inspired by chapter 18, 19 and 20 of “Of Saints And Sinners” by @morningstarwrites where Alastor finds his new true love: Heaven ice cream™. (Amount of ice cream only slightly exaggerated in the picture above)
And my really important question is: did they get some more off screen ice cream in chapter 25/26? Will the story end with them opening up an ice cream store?
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hazbingirliexoxo · 6 months
*Reader, Angel, and Husk on a heist together*
Reader: How do you think Angel will distract them?
Husk: He’ll probably, like set off an alarm or throw a rock or something. That’s what I would do
Angel: *moaning loudly and sensually at a nearby distance*
Husk: ….
Reader: ….or he could do that
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tickletails · 7 months
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ticklish pawpads
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eggcats · 3 months
(separating this into its own post bc I need the validation of the radiostatic enjoyers)
Alastor absolutely believes that everyone else ALSO thinks that Vox is the most charming and attractive demon in hell, it's just an objective fact - just like how Vox is an annoying clout-chaser constantly trying to upgrade himself towards more and more validation
Like imagine, for whatever reason, Vox is at the hotel and he's bitching about Valentino, and Alastor is nearby because he doesn't like or trust Vox alone in HIS hotel.
Vox: And then the fucker said that he only sleeps with 10s AND Vox! That absolute bitch, how DARE he?! After everything we've built!
Alastor, confused: The distinction makes sense. I fail to see how THIS is the thing you take fault with, considering everything else lacking in the moth.
Vox, mortally offended that his rival-crush ALSO thinks he's ugly and trying to pretend he doesn't care about it: uh, FUCK YOU?!
Alastor, now both confused and offended: If he included you in the scale, no one else would rate a 10? Although I suppose it is true about what they say about television rotting the brain, if your offense is taken at a rare show of consideration and NOT the publicized and continuous cheating. Ha ha!
Vox is so caught off guard that his screen immediately glitches, and it's not until he does a full system reboot that he can even RESPOND to what Alastor just said.
Alastor is making fun of his flimsy technology when Vox comes to.
Angel is cracking up in the background, watching this entire thing go down.
Vox has no idea where to go from here.
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